Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704

mugshot. they didn't teach me that at the wharton school of finance. went through an experience today i never thould i'd have to. >> the arraignment for trump's codefendants is set for next wednesday, september 6th trump filing a motion to sever his case from the other defendants. the lawyers saying he won't have enough time to prepare for the october 23rd trial date, which was set after his former lawyer asked for a speedy trial. three of trump's codefendants pleaded not guilty and waved their appearance. to date, more than 1,000 people have been charged for crimes stemming from the insurrection on january 6th. most of those in federal court in washington. a proud boys lieutenant joseph biggs was sentenced to 17 years in prison today for ze decision conspiracy. that's the second longest sentence to date. it's short of what the doj requested. they wanted 33 years. enrique tarrio's sentencing will take place next tuesday. this is not a full accountability. there are still member of congresss and other official who is may have played a role in january 6th, but we can say it's a start. trump continues to violate the law and threaten public officials for simply doing their job, telling conservative media host glenn beck he would lock up his opponents if he got re-elected. >> if you're president again, will you lock people up? >> well, i'll give you an example, the answer is you have no choice because they're doing it to us. >> joining me now is christy greenberg, former sdny prosecutor and kurt barella. thank you very much for joining us today. i'll start with this. kristy, i keep pointing this out because i think it's a part of actual accountability -- we have this twice-impeached now multiple times indicted president going on air repeatedly saying that he will exact retribution against people doing their job should he take power in the white house. is there anything legal that can be done about this? seems like somebody who's continuously threatening lawyers judges and potential jurors should be facing consequences right now. >> well, you have judge chucken who said in probably the most stark terms, there is an order now by that judge that you cannot intimidate and threaten witnesses in the case and you can't do other things to really taint the jury pool in the way that you're speaking, in a threatening and intimidating way about the case. so just chutkin means business. if he crosses that line in her estimation, i think she will call him in, and there will be warnings, but ultimately i think that she would be in a position to hold him in contempt of her order. the penalties could range. there could be monetary sanctions but if he's flagrant in his violations, she could also penalize him with jail. i don't think it would get there any time soon, but i do think she's means business and she's going to enforce her order, her order will have teeth. >> kurt, it looks obvious trump is in a point where he can not wiggle out of any of these trials. i loathe comparing this to horse race or sport, but i think it's important since he is still basically leader of the republican organization, how do you think his current bluster is playing out amongst the rank and file? how do you think it's playing out with state senators and representatives in georgia? how long it's playing out in congress? they're watching their guy i guess go down swinging, but at the same time the mounting legal costs and problems around him seem to make him toxic right now, right? >> i think that the broader concern that republicans across the board should really have is if donald trump is spending the bulk of 2024 fighting for his freedom, how in the world is she supposed to be the leader of a party? how is she supposed to do the things the traditional republican nominee for president is expected to do on the campaign trail, be out there campaigning, elevating the rest of the ticket, talking about those mayors' races, the state assembly races, the downballot initiatives. the party apparatuses rely on the top of the ticket to lift even up. well, if donald trump is spending a third or a quarter of even half of his time fighting his legal battles and not doing those party-building things, that leaves the republican party in an incredibly vulnerable state in 2024. if i were a member of congress in a contested race, if i were a member of the state legislature in a contested state i would be very, very worried about next year. >> so, what we also have right here -- this is massive to me -- new york a.g. says trump inflated his net worth by billions. here's my first thought -- one, the average sort of penalty for tax fraud is three to five years. what do you think could be the real consequences for this particular case? because we've got sort of political malfeasance on trump's behalf, national security malfeasance, but i think the financial crimes is one that quite frankly is just as likely to put him in jail as anything political. >> well, this is a civil fraud case, so it's unclear if jail would be really the penalty for that case. but it could certainly affect his ability to have the trump organization operate in new york, and that would certainly be a hit to his pocketbook there. so i think there's that business aspect, that financial penalty, to not only him, to the organization, to the employees of that organization, and to his children, where he could take a substantial hit there. >> so, i want to ask this, because this is something that i think a lot of common people wouldn't know, wouldn't necessarily understand. how common is what trump did in new york? we operate under the assumption that wealthy people inflate their wealth all the time, that they always kind of play at the margins. they say he increased his net worth by $200 billion. is that one of the reasons he true attention to himself? or is that in line with what we've seen in the past with money people who play games with the system? >> it's certainly a very large amount, but i do think part of what you will see at the trial is looking at, in particular, real estate practices and how different properties in new york are -- how those valuations happen. and when you're looking at financial statements -- i know the new york a.g. said this is a documents case, but when you're talk about fraud, you are going to -- knowledge, who knew about the financial statements? who knew about the valuations? and who was involved in making those valuations? you know, what conversations were had? u going to have witness testimony. i think you'll see a trial in october where witnesses will speak to those things. who relied or didn't rely on financial statements in order to have him obtain those loans? all of those things are fact-based questions. i don't think they're purely legal. i don't necessarily see summary judgment being granted here in full. i do think these are factual issues that we'll see at a trial, in particular understanding how those valuations work in new york. again, these were very large numbers, but the properties are also valued highly. so i think a lot of that, we'll have to wait and see how the testimony comes in at trial. >> so, kurt, we're looking at massive trial in new york, trials in d.c., trials in georgia. trials aren't cheap. trump is spending a lot of money. he's raising a lot of money in order to pay for all the legal bills he has, all the lawyers that keep leaving him, all the people he's not giving assistance to. i think this is a part of it, again, that i think is practical. it's not just horse race. but when you are running for president, 99% a your job at this point is to go out and raise money, and as you mentioned before, as the head of your party or assumed head of your party you're also supposed to be raising money for other people. what is the impact on the money spigot right now? i know there are people out there who will always manage to find -- give money to, say, clarence thomas. but other mega donors are they say, i have to give my money to tim scott? or keep dumping money into donald trump even though we know he may be using to money to protect himself from prosecution? >> that was one of the more, i think, devastating pieces of reporting that came out in the last month or so, is the detail that trump spent a lot of money, tens of millions of dollars he raised on his defense. if you're a big gop donor that usually invests in presidential cycles, i think you need to ask yourself, is giving million os dollars to donald trump and the rnc, having that go towards his legal bills instead of the targeted races, building infrastructure, hiring the field teams that you usually hire to execute elections, is this really the right investment, or are we going to see some apparatus develop that's going to try to funnel money away from trump's control to try to do the party building infrastructure that you usually see in presidential elections? as this goes on and every financial disclosure period come out, everybody's going to be looking to see how much he spent on legal fees versus how much he raised, and it's going to have a major turnoff for gop voters. why am i keeping him out of jail when the issue wes care about are not being tended to at all. >> it's like a parent with a kid in college sending them money nor books and but it's used on library and parking fees. andrew weissman points out trump admits he was acting on behalf of the trump campaign. we have more documentation. people saying look, i wasn't just coming up with the fake elector schemes and everything like that. i was doing it at the direct behest campaign. people saying, look, i was being told to do this. does this help them get out of potential trouble or does it make it easier for prosecutors to say, all lines go back to donald trump in. >> not necessarily, just the fact that you were taking direction from somebody else to, as part of a conspiracy to commit a crime doesn't absolve you of guilt. make us less culpable but not not culpable at all. you see three in the georgia case who were serving as electors said, we did this at the direction of donald trump. i think in this case when you have 19 defendants you're going to see a lot of people looking to cast the blame at each other. what that leads to is, you know, each defendant has to have a right to be able to confront witnesses, and when certain statements like that are being used against that witness but they're not necessarily taking the stand, it may mean you're going to have more and more of these motions that we're seeing to sever. if they're pointing the finger at donald trump but not taking the stand, donald trump wouldn't have the ability to confront them. they may not be in the same trial as donald trump. so i think you're going to start to see, as each of these defendants are coming up with their defenses, how they implicate one another, what kind of evidence would be admissible, whether or not they can actually be part of the same trial. >> kristy greenberg and kurt bardella, thank you for starting us off on the show today. coming up, how a gop attorney general wants to prosecute abortion rights activist as part of a, quote, criminal conspiracy. and stunning news about how ron desantis, governor of florida, and his officials wanted history classes to teach the other side of slavery. first, the clarence thomas ethics scandal get worse as we get a first look at his financial forms. we're back in just 60 seconds. s. when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. it's hard to find the proper words to explain the relationship between justice clarence thomas and gop mega donor harlen crow. to paraphrase t.i., hunting trips private jets you want it i got it. one can assume crow got something back from him. thomas never admitted a thing until now. in his 2022 tax filings, thomas is now disclosing three trips paid for my gop mega attorney harlan crow. he tries to explain one saying he only flew, quote, private on a return trip due to aunexpected ice storm, but turned out he flew private on all three of those trips. private flights to dallas due to the increased security risk following the dobbs abortion opinion leak. then, quote, flights to the adrianax due to a -- thomas disclosing a real estate sale, crow buying properties from he and his wife for $133,000. thomas claiming he's making these disclosures now due to new guidance, ie scrutiny. but they have long reported gifts valued at more than $415. propublica first reporting on hundred of thousands of dollars in travel, gifts paid for by harlan crow. joining me now, the lewis black of politics, one of my favorite people. ellie, let u.s. start with this. it would seem to me that all of the pressure from propublica and members of congress and members of the press have finally gotten to clarence thomas. is the fact that he has released some financial disclosure a sign of progress or is it really almost a flex, because he's only giving a little bit of information, he's still going to keep his job? >> you mean you don't believe that clarence thomas just misremembered getting $133,000 for his mother's house? you don't believe he just willfully forgot that? no, of course this is in direct response to the excellent, hopefully pulitzer prize winning reporting from propublica. but where does that leave us? thomas told us nothing that propublica didn't already know about, right? so where does that leave us? where does the accountability for this graft? again you have to go back to congress. thomas says that the new guidance that he is responding to, which is, again, not a credible explanation, but he says the new guidance is coming from the judicial conference, which clarified that when a nazi enthusiast collector buys your mother's house, you actually do have to disclose it. okay, that's the judicial conference. that is a nonpartisan collection of retired judges kind of doing their best. where's congress? where's dick durbin? where's the judiciary committee? where's the actual ethics rules representative hank johnson in georgia? has the bill on the floor right now. where is congressional action to make these ethics violations a problem as opposed to something that thomas can kind of disclose when the pressure gets too hot? >> so, it's interesting -- you know, clarence thomas received a lot of attention in the last year. propublica, slow burn on slate. there's a lot of things coming out revealing what kind of fraud he is, at least by the brand and image he put out there. i want to you play you this sound and get your thoughts on the other side. >> i prefer the rv parks, i prefer the walmart parking lots to the beaches and things like that. there's something normal to me about it. i come from regular stock, and i prefer that. i prefer being around that. >> by regular stocks does he mean like amazon and apple? seems like he spends more time on private jets than rv parks. ellie, when we see stuff like this, it's not just that it's disingenuous, but what role does that play in the public's level of trust when you see him lying there about how he really spends his time? >> the rv that thomas was in in that video was paid for by a republican donor. of course that means the public has less confidence, but from where i sit, that confidence is still too high. the supreme court is 40% approval rating. that should be in the 20s. that should be the lowest historically ever, because if you have these people who are not only lying about where they're getting their money from, but are specifically getting their money from people who have an interest in things going on at the supreme court -- doesn't just matter if, like, they're the name on the v in the document. upcoming this term, the supreme court is going to rule whether or not the 16th amendment applies to corporate taxation. you think harlan crow doesn't have an opinion on that? where do you think crow's been spending his money this summer talking to clarence thomas about it? the other big issue here is one of thomas' things, i think you mentioned, is that he needed to do this for private security. the security in the upcoming budget has requested $783 million in extra security funds because people have noticed how ridiculous they are, right? so if thomas is saying he needs to take private planes to have increased security, my question so thomas is, can we have that money back then? because securely -- surely $783 million, we can use that money to provide, i don't know, student debt relief to people who don't have rich republican donors buying their mother's house and paying tuition for their secret sons, right? the republicans believe in privatization, right? if harlan crow is willing to do this for clarence thomas surely he'd be willing to extend security to all america's fine supreme court justices and not just his pets, right? so at some point, the public who's investing money in keeping these people in the manner which they're accustomed to, need to demand that money back if they can engross themselves through republican donors. and again, that comes back to congress and that comes back to congress pulling their funding until the supreme court submits to basic ethics reform. >> i think you might be the first defound the supreme court person i've heard on air. thank you so much for joining us on "the beat." up next, we'll introduce you to the man who wants to prosecute some abortion rights activists as part of a criminal conspiracy. and later, some disturbing revelations about how florida officials wanted to teach black history or not teach black history. is there really another side to slavery? 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were you already on the ground when you knew this was going to happen? were you brought in, you know, around the time that this a.g. got more aggressive? tell us more about how you got involved with the case. >> sure, jason. thank you so much for having me, by the way. we became involved because we have longstanding clients in alabama who formerly provided care in alabama prior to the near total abortion ban taking effect, and these clients are still providing comprehensive reproductive health care to alabamians in the state. and over the course of the past year, since dobbs, since alabama's ban took effect, and since attorney general marshall issued the threat that we just listened to, they have been afraid for fear of prosecution to provide information and support to their pregnant patient who is come to them asking for help in where and how to access legal out of state abortion because of these threats. and so they have been -- it's devastating for them as health-care provider not to be able to provide truthful, accurate information about legal out of state medical care to their patients, and so they came to us to fight back against attorney general marshall and challenge his threat to prosecute them for their constitutionally protected conduct. >> so, megan, is this similar to have more egregious than what we saw in texas about a year and a half ago? texas sort of initiated this idea of almost, like, abortion bounty hunters. is this copy and pasted from that, or is it more egregious because he's saying it's part of a criminal conspiracy, the a.g. in alabama? >> yes, i think this is different. what we're seeing here, jason, and just kind of, you know, one of the facets to the new frontier of the abortion fight, is attempts by anti-abortion politicians in states that have already banned abortions to effectively project their abortion bans outside their borders. what the attorney general is trying to do here by threatening prosecution for anyone who assists a pregnant person seeking to access legal out of state abortion care is to basically impose a national ban on abortion for alabama residents by depriving them of the assistance many need and may depend upon to effectuate their travel across state lines and access care where it's legal. so because they're unable to ban abortion nationally, this is a next step to transpose their ban across the nation on to states that have banned abortion and force their residents to effectively carry the laws of alabama, including this ban, on their backs with them when they leave. >> so, here's one of the things that i think is important. i was doing research. it's so disturbing -- alabama's dead last in the country for maternal mortality. they average 64 deaths per 100,000 births, which is twice the national average. the national average is only 34. there's literally a human rights crisis in the state of alabama. so when you're talking about the impact of these kind of abortion laws, talk about what the damage has been. you represent these organizations. what are some of the crises that women and families are facing in alabama on top of what was already an inadequate health-care system? >> that's exactly right -- what we're seeing here is an attempt by the state to both, through ban that is now in effect in alabama on abortion and through attorney general marshall's threats to prevent alabama people who want abortion from obtaining it in states where it's legal, to force people to continue pregnancies against their will and to give birth in a state that, as you noted, has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the nation, also has ma tern care deserts where people are unable to access the reproductive health care they need to carry their pregnancies to term safely. and another thing is that alabama has not sort of stepped up to the plate in terms of providing comprehensive support and assistance both in term of health care and social support to people who, as a result of this ban, are forced to carry their pregnancy to term and give birth and most often parent a child. and so it's really put its thumb on the scale in favor of continuing pregnancies and preventing abortions but without providing the people who are forced to do so, whose statistics show are most often low-income and already have children, the support that they need to raise a family in a healthy manner that they're entitled to as their right to reproductive freedom. >> megan burrows, thank you so much for the work that you do and joining us tonight on "the beat." still ahead, why officials in desantis' florida wanted kids to learn, quote, on opposing perspective of slavery. and later why the federal government is finally ready to admit marijuana is not like heroin. . a is not like heroin hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management. we really don't want people to think of feeding food like ours is spoiling their dogs. good, real food is simple. it looks like food, it smells like food, it's what dogs are supposed to be eating. no living being should ever eat processed food for every single meal of their life. it's amazing to me how many people write in about their dogs changing for the better. the farmer's dog is just our way to help people take care of them. ♪ your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel- nothing beats it. new pronamel active shield actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a gamechanger for my patients- it really works. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit it's easy to get lost in investment research. introducing j.p. morgan personal advisors. hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management. so, because the woke represents a war on truth, we have no other recourse but to wage a war on woke. we fight the woke in the schools. >> we're now getting an up close view into what desantis' war on education in schools actually looks like. remember earlier this year the desantis regime killed a.p. african american studies in high schools. now thanks to new -- reporting from the miami harold, shout-out to local news reporting, we're getting the autopsy, showing how florida education officials are whitewashing and minimiing not just black history, but american history. for example, posing teaching kiteds about the 1960s black is beautiful movement. they say this type of instruction tends to divide americans. i don't know who those americans would be. don't worry, this is going to get worse. one of the lessons set out to show how slavery setback black peoples' about to build wealth, officials opposed that because it may be promoting critical race theory notions. the state officials also said that teaching about how white people benefitted from slave labor, quote, may lead to a viewpoint of an oppressor versus oppressed based solely on race. i got to ask you, for what other reason were people being enslaved? wasn't because of the wrong tax bracket, wasn't for the -- they were enslaved because of the color of their skin. finally, state officials were afraid the lessons, quote, may only present one side of this issue. and may not offer any opposing viewpoints or other perspectives. joining me now to discuss those perspectives is florida state senator, democrat shervin jones. you're down there. you talk to parents on a regular basis. most regular people are thinking about, i got to get school supplies. i want to make sure my son or daughter has their right classes. how is this playing without with regular people in florida? are they tired of this nonsense? i can't imagine parents want to hear this. >> i think you're absolutely right, the regular floridian is truly looking for leadership in the state of florida. they focus on the asinine cultural wars rather than what fix everyday floridians. while we're being asked to defend the history of america, floridians are struggling to pay rent and buy groceries for their families. we're dealing with a hurricane that just passed through here. we're dealing with three individuals who were just killed senselessly by gun violence in jacksonville. those are the things that we need to be focusing on, but right now we are focusing on things that's not putting money in individual pockets. that's not helping individuals become more safe, and we are consistently moving continually forward in this battle between right and wrong, but the right is only for individuals who look, sound like ron desantis. j i want to point this out because you mention money and the sort of, you know, kitchen table issues that people actually deal with in florida and most other states. how expensive the this? >> all cities, all this research, all these. as to rewrite, abandon, or remove different forms of education, doesn't that put a financial burden on school districts? don't they have to reevaluate in order to avoid being sued? isn't all this desantis is doing costing taxpayers money, too? >> absolutely. we have been dealing with this more longer than just this year. while we're dealing with spending issues, why can't we deal with the mother in miami living in her car with her three children? how do i know that? because just yesterday i went to a rent assistance town hall meeting in miami-dade county with four and five mothers who cannot afford the rent in florida. and so they have to live in their car. yet still taking their children to school every single day. what about the grandmother who can't pay her property insurance because florida don't want to deal with property insurance? these are the type of things that we're not talk about. and while the republicans want to defend woke and while the republicans want to talk about indoctrination, there are people every single day who live inside this state who are just trying to survive. but yet still, they don't care about that. everything is about the war on wokism, and it's the same individual who's running for president right now, who said they want to lead the american people. there's no leadership in leading the american people when you're leaving people behind and stepping on people's neck all the for the sake of you getting more power to do what? continue to beat down on marginalized people? to not show the fact that you are concerned about the everyday american or floridian? we've seen four years of this. we don't need ron desantis as the president of the united states. we need leadership in florida. we need leadership in america. we don't need anymore culture wars. i think everybody, even floridians have seen enough. >> when you're more concerned with culture wars and curriculums than actual hurricanes maybe you shouldn't be governor of florida anymore. thank you for joining us this evening on "the beat." up next, an expert on a disturbing new trend in american cities that's expected to get worse during the election of the presidency next year. and then, why the government's view of reefer madness is finally changing. big news on that tonight. stay with us on "the beat." us o. . introducing j.p. morgan personal advisors. hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management. ♪♪ when you have chronic kidney disease... there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. not so much here. if you have chronic kidney disease, farxiga can help you keep living life. ♪ farxiga ♪ and farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis. farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections in women and men, and low blood sugar. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may lead to death. a rare life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. farxiga can help you keep living life. ask your doctor for farxiga for chronic kidney disease. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ♪ farxiga ♪ your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel- nothing beats it. new pronamel active shield actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a gamechanger for my patients- it really works. 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(dog bark) it's just smarter, healthier pet food. it's amazing what real food can do. it's easy to get lost in investment research. introducing j.p. morgan personal advisors. hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management. fatal shooting of three white people by a black gunman is a brutal remind they are race based hate is still among us. >> a hasidic man struck by a car. >> the police department believe this was intentional. >> hate charges filed against a jefferson park man. on two separate a weighs thomas howard cut rainbow pride flags in happen. >> o'shae sibley's death may have been fueled by hate. >> hate crimes are rampant. there's new studies indicating things are actually getting much, much worse. a forthcoming report showing 7 of the 10 biggest cities reported significant spikes in hate crimes in 2022, an 84% spike in chicago, a 58% increase in austin, 40% in los angeles. i should note, in some large cities like san diego, phoenix, and san antonio, hate crimes went down, but the overall picture isn't good. on average, across 42 major cities, hate crimes went up 10% over the last year. who was targeted the most? black, jewish and gay communities saw the most crimes perpetrated against them, accounted for nearly half of all hate crimes last year. 22% of all hate crimes perpetuated2022 were against the black community, the single most targeted group. joining me now is darryl lamont jenkins, political activist and journalist covering hate crimes and also executive director of the one people's project. thank you for joining me this evening. i want to start with this. we're seeing an increase in hate crimes across america. the statistics are danger, the statistics are staggering and depressing. speak to the fact that a lot of these hate crimes not just are increasing but are being perpetuated by young people. sort of exploding the myth that the younger generation was going oo be more progressive. seems like a lot of people committing these acts of violence are 18, 19, 22, 25 years old. >> absolutely, i would say however, i think it is because younger people are being more progressive. these are the outliers. these are the people, these young people are basically folks who have been sheltering themselves from the rest of society and all they get is things from the internet, from their various social media networks that are telling them that the world, to be frank, doesn't revolve around them anymore, and all these others are supposed to be taking over and replacing them. so they feel they need to do something about it. and this is the only thing they can come up with. it's really interesting, while one of the reasons that you see a lot of these killers use is that black people are out there committing crimes, black people are violent and such. yet, where did this last shooter go first? an hbcu. where did dylann roof go? a church. where did the buffalo shooter go? a store. no one that they have murdered has a criminal record. they were all productive citizens of our society. so it has nothing to do with that. in the end, it has everything to do with trying to maintain the control that white supremacy has had in this country for generations. >> i want to play some sound from that guy who got fired from another network for various reasons. and get your thoughts on the other side about what these sort of great replacement theory messages are doing, especially to radicalize people online. >> in political terms this policy is called the great replacement. the strategy is to change the demographics of the people. you dissempower the people who live here. the democratic party is trying to replace the current electorate. >> darryl, the weird thing here is, you don't just hear white nationalists and racists saying the great replacement theory that true america is being replaced but an increasing number of asian american and latino americans, enrique tarrio, who is head of the proud boys, buying into white supremacy. where do you think that's coming from? are young people worried they're going to be replaced by other brown people even if they're brown? >> well, i would tell you flat out that when you are becoming a part of this society more and more and more, you're tending to raise a generation that is not connected to the struggles we have had in the past. so they feel as though they are also going to be cheated out of society by the others, even though a lot of people will look at them as being the others. and of course, the so-called dominant culture will tell them that they are different, that they are not the problem, that they are basically just one of them, that's what we got out of the problem, when actually they're just being exploited. in the end, we see what's going to happen to enrique tarrio. we saw what happened to his colleagues today. and that should be the warning we should send out to anyone, especially of color who are silly enough to buy into this nonsense, that this could happen to you. and you should not be a part of this. we're not going to start turning back the clock because you can't get over yourself. that's just to be honest. >> darryl lamont jenkins, thank you for joining us on "the beat." you can catch much more from him on my podcast on slate. we have an extended conversation about the rise of white nationalism and violence in brown communities in this country on slate. check it out, it drops this friday. we'll be right back with a new government move on marijuana. it's decades in the making. we'll be right back on "the beat." it's easy to get lost in investment research. introducing j.p. morgan personal advisors. hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management. 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"the reidout" with joy reid is up next. tonight on "the reidout" -- >> i'm really rich. >> i don't need banks. i have a lot of cash. >> i built an amazing company. i'm a very rich person. >> it turned out i'm much richer than they think. >> i'm smarter than they are, i'm richer than they are. i became president and they didn't. >> are you, though, donny? are you really that rich? according to new york state attorney general tish james, you have been lying about that too. plus, another pair of proud boys find out how much time they'll be spending behind bars for throwing in their lot with serial liar donald trump. and later, supreme court justices file new financial disclosure forms, did clarence remember to list all those fancy trips and vacations paid for by harlan crow this time? stick around to find out. >> but we begin tonight with fact versus fiction.

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Versus , Reason , Slave Labor , Color , Skin , Wasn T , Tax Bracket , State Officials , Perspectives , Viewpoints , Florida State Senator , Parents , School Supplies , Playing , Daughter , Basis , Classes , Son , Democrat , Shervin Jones , Nonsense , Leadership , Everyday Floridians , Wars , Rent , Individuals , History , Gun Violence , Hurricane , Groceries , Battle , Pockets , Safe , Jacksonville , Sound , Wrong , Ji , Kitchen Table , Cities , These , Rewrite , Abandon , Doesn T , Burden , School Districts , Taxpayers , Isn T , Car , Spending , Mothers , Town Hall Meeting , Miami Dade County , Four , Property Insurance , Grandmother , Individual , Indoctrination , Running , Wokism , Sake , Neck , Culture Wars , Expert , Hurricanes , Curriculums , Shouldn T , Presidency , View , Election , Trend , O , Reefer Madness , Chronic Kidney Disease , Stop Taking Farxiga , Places , Ketoacidosis , Side Effect , Yeast Infections , Kidney Failure , Dialysis , Dehydration , Urinary Tract , Men , 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Internet , Social Media Networks , Others , Killers , Shooter , Church , Dylann Roof Go , Hbcu , Buffalo , Citizens , In The End , Store , Record , White Supremacy , Generations , Policy , Great Replacement , Demographics , Strategy , Great Replacement Theory Messages , Doing , Electorate , Nationalists , Replacement Theory , Racists , Boys , Number , Asian American , Dominant Culture , Colleagues , Warning , We Saw , Clock , Nationalism , Conversation , Podcast , Rise , Making , Allergy , Relief , Allergy Sprays , Sneeze , Astepro , 30 , Event , Mobile , Business Internet , Launching Theal , Comcast Business De , Reliability , The Next Generation , 10g , 49 99 , 9 99 , 99 9 , Comcast Business , Big Change Tonight , Powering Possibilities , Drug , Mare Kana , Restrictions , Cannabis , Industry , Health Agency , Biden , 1 , Hhs , Codeine , Fentanyl , Use , Drugs , Tylenol , Legalization , Purpose , The Reidout , Offenses , Dea , Joy Reid , Company , Cash , Need Banks , Tish James , 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Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704

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mugshot. they didn't teach me that at the wharton school of finance. went through an experience today i never thould i'd have to. >> the arraignment for trump's codefendants is set for next wednesday, september 6th trump filing a motion to sever his case from the other defendants. the lawyers saying he won't have enough time to prepare for the october 23rd trial date, which was set after his former lawyer asked for a speedy trial. three of trump's codefendants pleaded not guilty and waved their appearance. to date, more than 1,000 people have been charged for crimes stemming from the insurrection on january 6th. most of those in federal court in washington. a proud boys lieutenant joseph biggs was sentenced to 17 years in prison today for ze decision conspiracy. that's the second longest sentence to date. it's short of what the doj requested. they wanted 33 years. enrique tarrio's sentencing will take place next tuesday. this is not a full accountability. there are still member of congresss and other official who is may have played a role in january 6th, but we can say it's a start. trump continues to violate the law and threaten public officials for simply doing their job, telling conservative media host glenn beck he would lock up his opponents if he got re-elected. >> if you're president again, will you lock people up? >> well, i'll give you an example, the answer is you have no choice because they're doing it to us. >> joining me now is christy greenberg, former sdny prosecutor and kurt barella. thank you very much for joining us today. i'll start with this. kristy, i keep pointing this out because i think it's a part of actual accountability -- we have this twice-impeached now multiple times indicted president going on air repeatedly saying that he will exact retribution against people doing their job should he take power in the white house. is there anything legal that can be done about this? seems like somebody who's continuously threatening lawyers judges and potential jurors should be facing consequences right now. >> well, you have judge chucken who said in probably the most stark terms, there is an order now by that judge that you cannot intimidate and threaten witnesses in the case and you can't do other things to really taint the jury pool in the way that you're speaking, in a threatening and intimidating way about the case. so just chutkin means business. if he crosses that line in her estimation, i think she will call him in, and there will be warnings, but ultimately i think that she would be in a position to hold him in contempt of her order. the penalties could range. there could be monetary sanctions but if he's flagrant in his violations, she could also penalize him with jail. i don't think it would get there any time soon, but i do think she's means business and she's going to enforce her order, her order will have teeth. >> kurt, it looks obvious trump is in a point where he can not wiggle out of any of these trials. i loathe comparing this to horse race or sport, but i think it's important since he is still basically leader of the republican organization, how do you think his current bluster is playing out amongst the rank and file? how do you think it's playing out with state senators and representatives in georgia? how long it's playing out in congress? they're watching their guy i guess go down swinging, but at the same time the mounting legal costs and problems around him seem to make him toxic right now, right? >> i think that the broader concern that republicans across the board should really have is if donald trump is spending the bulk of 2024 fighting for his freedom, how in the world is she supposed to be the leader of a party? how is she supposed to do the things the traditional republican nominee for president is expected to do on the campaign trail, be out there campaigning, elevating the rest of the ticket, talking about those mayors' races, the state assembly races, the downballot initiatives. the party apparatuses rely on the top of the ticket to lift even up. well, if donald trump is spending a third or a quarter of even half of his time fighting his legal battles and not doing those party-building things, that leaves the republican party in an incredibly vulnerable state in 2024. if i were a member of congress in a contested race, if i were a member of the state legislature in a contested state i would be very, very worried about next year. >> so, what we also have right here -- this is massive to me -- new york a.g. says trump inflated his net worth by billions. here's my first thought -- one, the average sort of penalty for tax fraud is three to five years. what do you think could be the real consequences for this particular case? because we've got sort of political malfeasance on trump's behalf, national security malfeasance, but i think the financial crimes is one that quite frankly is just as likely to put him in jail as anything political. >> well, this is a civil fraud case, so it's unclear if jail would be really the penalty for that case. but it could certainly affect his ability to have the trump organization operate in new york, and that would certainly be a hit to his pocketbook there. so i think there's that business aspect, that financial penalty, to not only him, to the organization, to the employees of that organization, and to his children, where he could take a substantial hit there. >> so, i want to ask this, because this is something that i think a lot of common people wouldn't know, wouldn't necessarily understand. how common is what trump did in new york? we operate under the assumption that wealthy people inflate their wealth all the time, that they always kind of play at the margins. they say he increased his net worth by $200 billion. is that one of the reasons he true attention to himself? or is that in line with what we've seen in the past with money people who play games with the system? >> it's certainly a very large amount, but i do think part of what you will see at the trial is looking at, in particular, real estate practices and how different properties in new york are -- how those valuations happen. and when you're looking at financial statements -- i know the new york a.g. said this is a documents case, but when you're talk about fraud, you are going to -- knowledge, who knew about the financial statements? who knew about the valuations? and who was involved in making those valuations? you know, what conversations were had? u going to have witness testimony. i think you'll see a trial in october where witnesses will speak to those things. who relied or didn't rely on financial statements in order to have him obtain those loans? all of those things are fact-based questions. i don't think they're purely legal. i don't necessarily see summary judgment being granted here in full. i do think these are factual issues that we'll see at a trial, in particular understanding how those valuations work in new york. again, these were very large numbers, but the properties are also valued highly. so i think a lot of that, we'll have to wait and see how the testimony comes in at trial. >> so, kurt, we're looking at massive trial in new york, trials in d.c., trials in georgia. trials aren't cheap. trump is spending a lot of money. he's raising a lot of money in order to pay for all the legal bills he has, all the lawyers that keep leaving him, all the people he's not giving assistance to. i think this is a part of it, again, that i think is practical. it's not just horse race. but when you are running for president, 99% a your job at this point is to go out and raise money, and as you mentioned before, as the head of your party or assumed head of your party you're also supposed to be raising money for other people. what is the impact on the money spigot right now? i know there are people out there who will always manage to find -- give money to, say, clarence thomas. but other mega donors are they say, i have to give my money to tim scott? or keep dumping money into donald trump even though we know he may be using to money to protect himself from prosecution? >> that was one of the more, i think, devastating pieces of reporting that came out in the last month or so, is the detail that trump spent a lot of money, tens of millions of dollars he raised on his defense. if you're a big gop donor that usually invests in presidential cycles, i think you need to ask yourself, is giving million os dollars to donald trump and the rnc, having that go towards his legal bills instead of the targeted races, building infrastructure, hiring the field teams that you usually hire to execute elections, is this really the right investment, or are we going to see some apparatus develop that's going to try to funnel money away from trump's control to try to do the party building infrastructure that you usually see in presidential elections? as this goes on and every financial disclosure period come out, everybody's going to be looking to see how much he spent on legal fees versus how much he raised, and it's going to have a major turnoff for gop voters. why am i keeping him out of jail when the issue wes care about are not being tended to at all. >> it's like a parent with a kid in college sending them money nor books and but it's used on library and parking fees. andrew weissman points out trump admits he was acting on behalf of the trump campaign. we have more documentation. people saying look, i wasn't just coming up with the fake elector schemes and everything like that. i was doing it at the direct behest campaign. people saying, look, i was being told to do this. does this help them get out of potential trouble or does it make it easier for prosecutors to say, all lines go back to donald trump in. >> not necessarily, just the fact that you were taking direction from somebody else to, as part of a conspiracy to commit a crime doesn't absolve you of guilt. make us less culpable but not not culpable at all. you see three in the georgia case who were serving as electors said, we did this at the direction of donald trump. i think in this case when you have 19 defendants you're going to see a lot of people looking to cast the blame at each other. what that leads to is, you know, each defendant has to have a right to be able to confront witnesses, and when certain statements like that are being used against that witness but they're not necessarily taking the stand, it may mean you're going to have more and more of these motions that we're seeing to sever. if they're pointing the finger at donald trump but not taking the stand, donald trump wouldn't have the ability to confront them. they may not be in the same trial as donald trump. so i think you're going to start to see, as each of these defendants are coming up with their defenses, how they implicate one another, what kind of evidence would be admissible, whether or not they can actually be part of the same trial. >> kristy greenberg and kurt bardella, thank you for starting us off on the show today. coming up, how a gop attorney general wants to prosecute abortion rights activist as part of a, quote, criminal conspiracy. and stunning news about how ron desantis, governor of florida, and his officials wanted history classes to teach the other side of slavery. first, the clarence thomas ethics scandal get worse as we get a first look at his financial forms. we're back in just 60 seconds. s. when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. it's hard to find the proper words to explain the relationship between justice clarence thomas and gop mega donor harlen crow. to paraphrase t.i., hunting trips private jets you want it i got it. one can assume crow got something back from him. thomas never admitted a thing until now. in his 2022 tax filings, thomas is now disclosing three trips paid for my gop mega attorney harlan crow. he tries to explain one saying he only flew, quote, private on a return trip due to aunexpected ice storm, but turned out he flew private on all three of those trips. private flights to dallas due to the increased security risk following the dobbs abortion opinion leak. then, quote, flights to the adrianax due to a -- thomas disclosing a real estate sale, crow buying properties from he and his wife for $133,000. thomas claiming he's making these disclosures now due to new guidance, ie scrutiny. but they have long reported gifts valued at more than $415. propublica first reporting on hundred of thousands of dollars in travel, gifts paid for by harlan crow. joining me now, the lewis black of politics, one of my favorite people. ellie, let u.s. start with this. it would seem to me that all of the pressure from propublica and members of congress and members of the press have finally gotten to clarence thomas. is the fact that he has released some financial disclosure a sign of progress or is it really almost a flex, because he's only giving a little bit of information, he's still going to keep his job? >> you mean you don't believe that clarence thomas just misremembered getting $133,000 for his mother's house? you don't believe he just willfully forgot that? no, of course this is in direct response to the excellent, hopefully pulitzer prize winning reporting from propublica. but where does that leave us? thomas told us nothing that propublica didn't already know about, right? so where does that leave us? where does the accountability for this graft? again you have to go back to congress. thomas says that the new guidance that he is responding to, which is, again, not a credible explanation, but he says the new guidance is coming from the judicial conference, which clarified that when a nazi enthusiast collector buys your mother's house, you actually do have to disclose it. okay, that's the judicial conference. that is a nonpartisan collection of retired judges kind of doing their best. where's congress? where's dick durbin? where's the judiciary committee? where's the actual ethics rules representative hank johnson in georgia? has the bill on the floor right now. where is congressional action to make these ethics violations a problem as opposed to something that thomas can kind of disclose when the pressure gets too hot? >> so, it's interesting -- you know, clarence thomas received a lot of attention in the last year. propublica, slow burn on slate. there's a lot of things coming out revealing what kind of fraud he is, at least by the brand and image he put out there. i want to you play you this sound and get your thoughts on the other side. >> i prefer the rv parks, i prefer the walmart parking lots to the beaches and things like that. there's something normal to me about it. i come from regular stock, and i prefer that. i prefer being around that. >> by regular stocks does he mean like amazon and apple? seems like he spends more time on private jets than rv parks. ellie, when we see stuff like this, it's not just that it's disingenuous, but what role does that play in the public's level of trust when you see him lying there about how he really spends his time? >> the rv that thomas was in in that video was paid for by a republican donor. of course that means the public has less confidence, but from where i sit, that confidence is still too high. the supreme court is 40% approval rating. that should be in the 20s. that should be the lowest historically ever, because if you have these people who are not only lying about where they're getting their money from, but are specifically getting their money from people who have an interest in things going on at the supreme court -- doesn't just matter if, like, they're the name on the v in the document. upcoming this term, the supreme court is going to rule whether or not the 16th amendment applies to corporate taxation. you think harlan crow doesn't have an opinion on that? where do you think crow's been spending his money this summer talking to clarence thomas about it? the other big issue here is one of thomas' things, i think you mentioned, is that he needed to do this for private security. the security in the upcoming budget has requested $783 million in extra security funds because people have noticed how ridiculous they are, right? so if thomas is saying he needs to take private planes to have increased security, my question so thomas is, can we have that money back then? because securely -- surely $783 million, we can use that money to provide, i don't know, student debt relief to people who don't have rich republican donors buying their mother's house and paying tuition for their secret sons, right? the republicans believe in privatization, right? if harlan crow is willing to do this for clarence thomas surely he'd be willing to extend security to all america's fine supreme court justices and not just his pets, right? so at some point, the public who's investing money in keeping these people in the manner which they're accustomed to, need to demand that money back if they can engross themselves through republican donors. and again, that comes back to congress and that comes back to congress pulling their funding until the supreme court submits to basic ethics reform. >> i think you might be the first defound the supreme court person i've heard on air. thank you so much for joining us on "the beat." up next, we'll introduce you to the man who wants to prosecute some abortion rights activists as part of a criminal conspiracy. and later, some disturbing revelations about how florida officials wanted to teach black history or not teach black history. is there really another side to slavery? 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were you already on the ground when you knew this was going to happen? were you brought in, you know, around the time that this a.g. got more aggressive? tell us more about how you got involved with the case. >> sure, jason. thank you so much for having me, by the way. we became involved because we have longstanding clients in alabama who formerly provided care in alabama prior to the near total abortion ban taking effect, and these clients are still providing comprehensive reproductive health care to alabamians in the state. and over the course of the past year, since dobbs, since alabama's ban took effect, and since attorney general marshall issued the threat that we just listened to, they have been afraid for fear of prosecution to provide information and support to their pregnant patient who is come to them asking for help in where and how to access legal out of state abortion because of these threats. and so they have been -- it's devastating for them as health-care provider not to be able to provide truthful, accurate information about legal out of state medical care to their patients, and so they came to us to fight back against attorney general marshall and challenge his threat to prosecute them for their constitutionally protected conduct. >> so, megan, is this similar to have more egregious than what we saw in texas about a year and a half ago? texas sort of initiated this idea of almost, like, abortion bounty hunters. is this copy and pasted from that, or is it more egregious because he's saying it's part of a criminal conspiracy, the a.g. in alabama? >> yes, i think this is different. what we're seeing here, jason, and just kind of, you know, one of the facets to the new frontier of the abortion fight, is attempts by anti-abortion politicians in states that have already banned abortions to effectively project their abortion bans outside their borders. what the attorney general is trying to do here by threatening prosecution for anyone who assists a pregnant person seeking to access legal out of state abortion care is to basically impose a national ban on abortion for alabama residents by depriving them of the assistance many need and may depend upon to effectuate their travel across state lines and access care where it's legal. so because they're unable to ban abortion nationally, this is a next step to transpose their ban across the nation on to states that have banned abortion and force their residents to effectively carry the laws of alabama, including this ban, on their backs with them when they leave. >> so, here's one of the things that i think is important. i was doing research. it's so disturbing -- alabama's dead last in the country for maternal mortality. they average 64 deaths per 100,000 births, which is twice the national average. the national average is only 34. there's literally a human rights crisis in the state of alabama. so when you're talking about the impact of these kind of abortion laws, talk about what the damage has been. you represent these organizations. what are some of the crises that women and families are facing in alabama on top of what was already an inadequate health-care system? >> that's exactly right -- what we're seeing here is an attempt by the state to both, through ban that is now in effect in alabama on abortion and through attorney general marshall's threats to prevent alabama people who want abortion from obtaining it in states where it's legal, to force people to continue pregnancies against their will and to give birth in a state that, as you noted, has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the nation, also has ma tern care deserts where people are unable to access the reproductive health care they need to carry their pregnancies to term safely. and another thing is that alabama has not sort of stepped up to the plate in terms of providing comprehensive support and assistance both in term of health care and social support to people who, as a result of this ban, are forced to carry their pregnancy to term and give birth and most often parent a child. and so it's really put its thumb on the scale in favor of continuing pregnancies and preventing abortions but without providing the people who are forced to do so, whose statistics show are most often low-income and already have children, the support that they need to raise a family in a healthy manner that they're entitled to as their right to reproductive freedom. >> megan burrows, thank you so much for the work that you do and joining us tonight on "the beat." still ahead, why officials in desantis' florida wanted kids to learn, quote, on opposing perspective of slavery. and later why the federal government is finally ready to admit marijuana is not like heroin. . a is not like heroin hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management. we really don't want people to think of feeding food like ours is spoiling their dogs. good, real food is simple. it looks like food, it smells like food, it's what dogs are supposed to be eating. no living being should ever eat processed food for every single meal of their life. it's amazing to me how many people write in about their dogs changing for the better. the farmer's dog is just our way to help people take care of them. ♪ your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel- nothing beats it. new pronamel active shield actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a gamechanger for my patients- it really works. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit it's easy to get lost in investment research. introducing j.p. morgan personal advisors. hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management. so, because the woke represents a war on truth, we have no other recourse but to wage a war on woke. we fight the woke in the schools. >> we're now getting an up close view into what desantis' war on education in schools actually looks like. remember earlier this year the desantis regime killed a.p. african american studies in high schools. now thanks to new -- reporting from the miami harold, shout-out to local news reporting, we're getting the autopsy, showing how florida education officials are whitewashing and minimiing not just black history, but american history. for example, posing teaching kiteds about the 1960s black is beautiful movement. they say this type of instruction tends to divide americans. i don't know who those americans would be. don't worry, this is going to get worse. one of the lessons set out to show how slavery setback black peoples' about to build wealth, officials opposed that because it may be promoting critical race theory notions. the state officials also said that teaching about how white people benefitted from slave labor, quote, may lead to a viewpoint of an oppressor versus oppressed based solely on race. i got to ask you, for what other reason were people being enslaved? wasn't because of the wrong tax bracket, wasn't for the -- they were enslaved because of the color of their skin. finally, state officials were afraid the lessons, quote, may only present one side of this issue. and may not offer any opposing viewpoints or other perspectives. joining me now to discuss those perspectives is florida state senator, democrat shervin jones. you're down there. you talk to parents on a regular basis. most regular people are thinking about, i got to get school supplies. i want to make sure my son or daughter has their right classes. how is this playing without with regular people in florida? are they tired of this nonsense? i can't imagine parents want to hear this. >> i think you're absolutely right, the regular floridian is truly looking for leadership in the state of florida. they focus on the asinine cultural wars rather than what fix everyday floridians. while we're being asked to defend the history of america, floridians are struggling to pay rent and buy groceries for their families. we're dealing with a hurricane that just passed through here. we're dealing with three individuals who were just killed senselessly by gun violence in jacksonville. those are the things that we need to be focusing on, but right now we are focusing on things that's not putting money in individual pockets. that's not helping individuals become more safe, and we are consistently moving continually forward in this battle between right and wrong, but the right is only for individuals who look, sound like ron desantis. j i want to point this out because you mention money and the sort of, you know, kitchen table issues that people actually deal with in florida and most other states. how expensive the this? >> all cities, all this research, all these. as to rewrite, abandon, or remove different forms of education, doesn't that put a financial burden on school districts? don't they have to reevaluate in order to avoid being sued? isn't all this desantis is doing costing taxpayers money, too? >> absolutely. we have been dealing with this more longer than just this year. while we're dealing with spending issues, why can't we deal with the mother in miami living in her car with her three children? how do i know that? because just yesterday i went to a rent assistance town hall meeting in miami-dade county with four and five mothers who cannot afford the rent in florida. and so they have to live in their car. yet still taking their children to school every single day. what about the grandmother who can't pay her property insurance because florida don't want to deal with property insurance? these are the type of things that we're not talk about. and while the republicans want to defend woke and while the republicans want to talk about indoctrination, there are people every single day who live inside this state who are just trying to survive. but yet still, they don't care about that. everything is about the war on wokism, and it's the same individual who's running for president right now, who said they want to lead the american people. there's no leadership in leading the american people when you're leaving people behind and stepping on people's neck all the for the sake of you getting more power to do what? continue to beat down on marginalized people? to not show the fact that you are concerned about the everyday american or floridian? we've seen four years of this. we don't need ron desantis as the president of the united states. we need leadership in florida. we need leadership in america. we don't need anymore culture wars. i think everybody, even floridians have seen enough. >> when you're more concerned with culture wars and curriculums than actual hurricanes maybe you shouldn't be governor of florida anymore. thank you for joining us this evening on "the beat." up next, an expert on a disturbing new trend in american cities that's expected to get worse during the election of the presidency next year. and then, why the government's view of reefer madness is finally changing. big news on that tonight. stay with us on "the beat." us o. . introducing j.p. morgan personal advisors. hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management. ♪♪ when you have chronic kidney disease... there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. not so much here. if you have chronic kidney disease, farxiga can help you keep living life. ♪ farxiga ♪ and farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis. farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections in women and men, and low blood sugar. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may lead to death. a rare life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. farxiga can help you keep living life. ask your doctor for farxiga for chronic kidney disease. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ♪ farxiga ♪ your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel- nothing beats it. new pronamel active shield actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a gamechanger for my patients- it really works. 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(dog bark) it's just smarter, healthier pet food. it's amazing what real food can do. it's easy to get lost in investment research. introducing j.p. morgan personal advisors. hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management. fatal shooting of three white people by a black gunman is a brutal remind they are race based hate is still among us. >> a hasidic man struck by a car. >> the police department believe this was intentional. >> hate charges filed against a jefferson park man. on two separate a weighs thomas howard cut rainbow pride flags in happen. >> o'shae sibley's death may have been fueled by hate. >> hate crimes are rampant. there's new studies indicating things are actually getting much, much worse. a forthcoming report showing 7 of the 10 biggest cities reported significant spikes in hate crimes in 2022, an 84% spike in chicago, a 58% increase in austin, 40% in los angeles. i should note, in some large cities like san diego, phoenix, and san antonio, hate crimes went down, but the overall picture isn't good. on average, across 42 major cities, hate crimes went up 10% over the last year. who was targeted the most? black, jewish and gay communities saw the most crimes perpetrated against them, accounted for nearly half of all hate crimes last year. 22% of all hate crimes perpetuated2022 were against the black community, the single most targeted group. joining me now is darryl lamont jenkins, political activist and journalist covering hate crimes and also executive director of the one people's project. thank you for joining me this evening. i want to start with this. we're seeing an increase in hate crimes across america. the statistics are danger, the statistics are staggering and depressing. speak to the fact that a lot of these hate crimes not just are increasing but are being perpetuated by young people. sort of exploding the myth that the younger generation was going oo be more progressive. seems like a lot of people committing these acts of violence are 18, 19, 22, 25 years old. >> absolutely, i would say however, i think it is because younger people are being more progressive. these are the outliers. these are the people, these young people are basically folks who have been sheltering themselves from the rest of society and all they get is things from the internet, from their various social media networks that are telling them that the world, to be frank, doesn't revolve around them anymore, and all these others are supposed to be taking over and replacing them. so they feel they need to do something about it. and this is the only thing they can come up with. it's really interesting, while one of the reasons that you see a lot of these killers use is that black people are out there committing crimes, black people are violent and such. yet, where did this last shooter go first? an hbcu. where did dylann roof go? a church. where did the buffalo shooter go? a store. no one that they have murdered has a criminal record. they were all productive citizens of our society. so it has nothing to do with that. in the end, it has everything to do with trying to maintain the control that white supremacy has had in this country for generations. >> i want to play some sound from that guy who got fired from another network for various reasons. and get your thoughts on the other side about what these sort of great replacement theory messages are doing, especially to radicalize people online. >> in political terms this policy is called the great replacement. the strategy is to change the demographics of the people. you dissempower the people who live here. the democratic party is trying to replace the current electorate. >> darryl, the weird thing here is, you don't just hear white nationalists and racists saying the great replacement theory that true america is being replaced but an increasing number of asian american and latino americans, enrique tarrio, who is head of the proud boys, buying into white supremacy. where do you think that's coming from? are young people worried they're going to be replaced by other brown people even if they're brown? >> well, i would tell you flat out that when you are becoming a part of this society more and more and more, you're tending to raise a generation that is not connected to the struggles we have had in the past. so they feel as though they are also going to be cheated out of society by the others, even though a lot of people will look at them as being the others. and of course, the so-called dominant culture will tell them that they are different, that they are not the problem, that they are basically just one of them, that's what we got out of the problem, when actually they're just being exploited. in the end, we see what's going to happen to enrique tarrio. we saw what happened to his colleagues today. and that should be the warning we should send out to anyone, especially of color who are silly enough to buy into this nonsense, that this could happen to you. and you should not be a part of this. we're not going to start turning back the clock because you can't get over yourself. that's just to be honest. >> darryl lamont jenkins, thank you for joining us on "the beat." you can catch much more from him on my podcast on slate. we have an extended conversation about the rise of white nationalism and violence in brown communities in this country on slate. check it out, it drops this friday. we'll be right back with a new government move on marijuana. it's decades in the making. we'll be right back on "the beat." it's easy to get lost in investment research. introducing j.p. morgan personal advisors. hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management. 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"the reidout" with joy reid is up next. tonight on "the reidout" -- >> i'm really rich. >> i don't need banks. i have a lot of cash. >> i built an amazing company. i'm a very rich person. >> it turned out i'm much richer than they think. >> i'm smarter than they are, i'm richer than they are. i became president and they didn't. >> are you, though, donny? are you really that rich? according to new york state attorney general tish james, you have been lying about that too. plus, another pair of proud boys find out how much time they'll be spending behind bars for throwing in their lot with serial liar donald trump. and later, supreme court justices file new financial disclosure forms, did clarence remember to list all those fancy trips and vacations paid for by harlan crow this time? stick around to find out. >> but we begin tonight with fact versus fiction.

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Due To A , 133000 , 33000 , Guidance , Gifts , Disclosures , Scrutiny , Ie , 15 , 415 Propublica , 415 , Travel , Propublica First Reporting On Hundred Of Thousands , Politics , Lewis Black , Pressure , Members , Press , Ellie , Information , Flex , Progress , Bit , Course , Mother , Response , Leave , Excellent , House , Propublica Didn T , Nothing , Graft , Conference , Collector , Enthusiast , Explanation , Nazi , Collection , Judiciary Committee , Best , Where S Dick Durbin , Problem , Ethics , Bill , Action , Disclose , Floor , Hank Johnson , Slate , Interesting , Slow Burn , Thoughts , Rv Parks , Brand , Parking Lots , Walmart , Stock , Stocks , Beaches , Level , Public , Parks , Stuff , Apple , Amazon , Rv , Trust , Video , Supreme Court , Confidence , Approval Rating , 40 , 20 , Interest , Document , Matter , Tv , Name , Harlan Crow Doesn T , Term , Crow , Opinion , Taxation , 16th Amendment , 16 , Security , Budget , Planes , Question , 783 Million , 83 Million , Student Debt 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Alabama , Abortions , Women , Steve Marshall , Filing , Arguing , Battle Over Abortion Rights , Conduct , Plaintiffs , Writing , Speech , First Amendment Rights , Threats , No Doubt , Providers , Provider , Lawsuit , Him , A G Marshall , Provisions , Criminal Law , Funder , Applicability , Accessory Liability , Someone , Country , Abortion Laws , Exceptions , Stage , Incest , Rape , Megan Burros , Health Care Providers , Work , Aclu , Ground , Clients , Abortion Ban , Ban , Health Care , Effect , Alabamians , Dobbs , Threat , Support , Patient , Fear , Abortion , Out , State Medical Care , Health Care Provider , Patients , Attorney General Marshall , Copy , Half , Idea , Texas , Bounty Hunters , Attempts , Fight , Facets , Frontier , States , Politicians , Borders , Residents , State Abortion Care , Need , Nation , Step , State Lines , Access , Research , Laws , Backs , Average , Mortality , Deaths , Human Rights Crisis , Last , Births , 100000 , 34 , 64 , Families , Some , Damage , Organizations , Crises , Attempt , Both , Alabama On Abortion , Health Care System , Pregnancies , Birth , Will , Rates , Deserts , Plate , Ma Tern , Pregnancy , Result , Child , Scale , Favor , Thumb , Family , In America , Perspective , Megan Burrows , Wanted Kids , Government , Marijuana , Heroin , Food , Dogs , Feeding Food , Good , Real Food , Dog , Life , Farmer , Eating , Living Being , Meal , Better , Erosion , Cavities , Enamel , Shield , Pronamel , Product , Gamechanger , Indeed Instant Match , Shipping Manager , Candidates , Find Themself , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , War , Truth , Education , Schools , Recourse , War On , Shout Out , High Schools , Autopsy , Miami , Desantis Regime Killed A P African American Studies , Harold , Black Is Beautiful Movement , Type , Teaching Kiteds , Instruction , American History , Minimiing , 1960 , Latino Americans , Lessons , Don T Worry , Peoples , Slavery Setback , Teaching , Race Theory Notions , Viewpoint , Oppressor , Versus , Reason , Slave Labor , Color , Skin , Wasn T , Tax Bracket , State Officials , Perspectives , Viewpoints , Florida State Senator , Parents , School Supplies , Playing , Daughter , Basis , Classes , Son , Democrat , Shervin Jones , Nonsense , Leadership , Everyday Floridians , Wars , Rent , Individuals , History , Gun Violence , Hurricane , Groceries , Battle , Pockets , Safe , Jacksonville , Sound , Wrong , Ji , Kitchen Table , Cities , These , Rewrite , Abandon , Doesn T , Burden , School Districts , Taxpayers , Isn T , Car , Spending , Mothers , Town Hall Meeting , Miami Dade County , Four , Property Insurance , Grandmother , Individual , Indoctrination , Running , Wokism , Sake , Neck , Culture Wars , Expert , Hurricanes , Curriculums , Shouldn T , Presidency , View , Election , Trend , O , Reefer Madness , Chronic Kidney Disease , Stop Taking Farxiga , Places , Ketoacidosis , Side Effect , Yeast Infections , Kidney Failure , Dialysis , Dehydration , Urinary Tract , Men , Blood Sugar , Infection , Death , Perineum , Reaction , Symptoms , Farxiga , Medication , Astrazeneca , Smelling , Gotta , Yeahhhh Downy , Detergent , Guys , Refresh , Toenail , Dad , Nail Fungus Infection , Mom , That , Jublia , Ingrown Toenail , Prescription Medicine , Prescription , Signs , Nail Fungus , Itching , Blisters , Stinging , Coats , Pep , Jubliarx Com , Apma , Copay , 0 , , Magic , Effects , Dog Bark , Pet Food , Hate , Brutal , Shooting , Gunman , Rainbow Pride , Hasidic , A , Jefferson Park , Thomas Howard , Police Department , Two , Hate Crimes , Studies , O Shae Sibley , Increase , Spike , Spikes , Report , Los Angeles , Austin , Chicago , 84 , 7 , 58 , 10 , Isn T Good , San Antonio , Phoenix , San Diego , 42 , Communities , Black , Jewish , 22 , Darryl Lamont Jenkins , Community , Single , Executive Director , Group , Journalist , One People S Project , Depressing , Danger , Progressive , Violence , Generation , Myth , Acts , 25 , 18 , Society , Folks , Outliers , Internet , Social Media Networks , Others , Killers , Shooter , Church , Dylann Roof Go , Hbcu , Buffalo , Citizens , In The End , Store , Record , White Supremacy , Generations , Policy , Great Replacement , Demographics , Strategy , Great Replacement Theory Messages , Doing , Electorate , Nationalists , Replacement Theory , Racists , Boys , Number , Asian American , Dominant Culture , Colleagues , Warning , We Saw , Clock , Nationalism , Conversation , Podcast , Rise , Making , Allergy , Relief , Allergy Sprays , Sneeze , Astepro , 30 , Event , Mobile , Business Internet , Launching Theal , Comcast Business De , Reliability , The Next Generation , 10g , 49 99 , 9 99 , 99 9 , Comcast Business , Big Change Tonight , Powering Possibilities , Drug , Mare Kana , Restrictions , Cannabis , Industry , Health Agency , Biden , 1 , Hhs , Codeine , Fentanyl , Use , Drugs , Tylenol , Legalization , Purpose , The Reidout , Offenses , Dea , Joy Reid , Company , Cash , Need Banks , Tish James , Donny , Disclosure Forms , Plus , Bars , Pair , Serial Liar , Fiction , Vacations ,

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