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Transcripts For MSNBCW All 20240704

georgia election workers. the attorney for ruby freeman and shaye moss will join me live. >> my whole life, i never got indicted or thought about it and now they are indicting me every chance they get. >> never mind the criminal trials, white new york city turner general asked for an immediate verdict in the trump fraud case. and, as hurricane idalia continues on its destructive path, the republican claim to undermine climate progress at all cost. all in starts right now. good evening, from new york i'm chris hayes. today, we got some semblance of accountability for one of the darkest chapters of donald trump's attempted -- >> a district judge found rudy giuliani liable for defaming to georgia election workers as part of his effort to spread donald trump's big lie of a stolen 2020 election. the disgraced former mayor will now go on civil trial to determine how much he must pay and damages to ruby freeman and her daughter shaye moss overstatements like this, which giuliani has already admitted in court proceedings were false and defamatory. >> we are going -- look at them taking those ballots out. nobody in the room, hiding around. they look like they are passing out dope, not just ballots. it is quite clear they are stealing votes. there is a tape earlier and the day of ruby freeman and shaye and one other gentlemen surreptitiously passing around usb ports as if they are vials of heroin or cocaine. >> that was a transparently racist lie. obvious and despicable at the time, ruby freeman at the time did absolutely nothing wrong. in fact, they were just two women who wanted to contribute their efforts and labor to the maintenance of american democracy and dispatch their duty with diligence and patriotism. they initially became the target of these conspiracies when a far-right website published blatant lies about the two women committing widespread voter fraud in georgia. that initiated a feedback loop that made its way to giuliani and donald trump, who decided to make these two black women the center of their deranged voter fraud conspiracy. again and again both in public and in private, the two men lied, claiming these two election workers, two women who were doing the glamourless work of making sure an election worked, counting votes, these two women had somehow stolen tens of thousands of votes in the state of georgia. on that infamous call with georgia secretary of state brad raffensperger, the ex president, who has now been indicted for it, mentioned ruby freeman by name nearly 20 times. 18,000 voters having to do with ruby freeman. she's a vote scammer, a professional vote scammer and hustler, ruby freeman. the minimum number is 18,000 for ruby. but they think it's probably about 56,000. but the minimum number is 18,000 on the ruby freeman night where she ran back in there when everybody was gone and stuffed. she stuffed the ballot boxes, let's face it, brad. >> can i say something about that? the votes at that point had been counted three times. i think they had been counted, recounted, and hand recounted. think about how blatantly ludicrous, past even what donald trump could believe, that one woman had stolen 56,000 votes on a usb and no one had figured it out. it's not a delusion. that's passed delusion. after they became the target of this harassment campaign for the most powerful man on earth, ruby freeman and shaye moss had their lives destroyed. as moss told the january six committee last summer. >> this turned my life upside down. i no longer give out my business card. i don't transfer calls. i don't want anyone knowing my name. i don't want to go anywhere with my mom because she might yell my name out over the grocery aisle or something. i don't go to the grocery store at all. i haven't been anywhere at all. >> additionally, ruby freeman was forced to call 9-1-1 multiple times in the weeks after the election over messages containing racial slurs, even death threats, telling one dispatcher, quote, they're staying stuff like we're coming to get you. on at least two occasions, strangers showed up at freeman 's door in the middle of the night. and then came kanye's former publicist. january 4th, 2021, a woman named trevian kutti showed up at ruby freeman's door offering to help her. a terrified freeman, who have been facing threats for months, offered to meet with kutti at a local police station. that's when kutti, working with harrison floyd, tried to threaten freeman into falsely admitting that she did rig the election for biden. >> you are loose end for a party that needs to tidy up? what a nightmare. that woman, trevian kutti, along with harrison floyd, have both been indicted in the georgian rico case. you could see their mugshots there. and of course so too has rudy giuliani. we last saw last week when he was spotted at a second chance bell box in atlanta. the cool lawyers legal headaches don't end there. according to a report in rolling stone, jack smith is probing rudy giuliani's apparent printing problem. specifically smith's investigators want to know, quote, whether donald trump was knowingly relying on any enebriated attorney while trying to overturn a presidential election. giuliani is also facing a lawsuit from a former employee, accusing him of sexual assault, tirades with homophobic slurs and anti semitic slurs. allegations that giuliani denies. at the very least, rudy freeman and shaye moss have some accountability today. when rudy giuliani and donald trump and the rest of, them what they did to these women was one of the most disgusting aspects of this entire episode. now he's going to have to pay for it. trump and his confederates act like no one will ever hold him accountable. that's how they acted for much of the administration. even after the election, when they tried to destroy these women's lives at a had long run and ending american democracy. it's how they are acting now in many ways. the only thing that will change their behavior is to do the thing they don't think will happen. hold them a-able. and not just once. they have to be shown over and over and over and over again. they cannot just get away with everything the way they have most of their lives. and while giuliani losing a civil defamation case is not the same thing as facing years of prison in georgia, or a federal indictment down the line, it is a down payment on actually count ability. there is a measure of justice. as a re-freeman and shaye moss said in a statement today, the fight to rebuild their reputations and to repair the damage to our lives is not over. but today, or one step closer to and that front we are grateful. >> here is a lawyer representing those election workers and will serve as a council for the nonprofit legal system called something. he joins me now. john, first, you and your clients reaction to the ruling from the federal judge today finding in your favor. >> thanks for having me, chris. i can say that ruby and shaye are thrilled with this decision, as our our team. today is an indication of our system working. if you, like me, are worried about the state of our democracy, today is a signal for help. it is a signal that the people who lied and lied to undermine the results of a presidential election will be held accountable. for that, ruby and shaye in particular are thrilled. they are ready to see mr. giuliani and everyone else who lied about them held accountable. >> i have to say, i feel duty bound to say this. given the line of work i am and and the fact i am a chair in a list and my commitment to the first halves meant meant, i don't take defamation lightly. it should be a very, very high bar. first amendment guarantees a free press and being able to say things about people as part of that free press. this is one of those cases, again, it's sort of similar to the dominion case where these were not public figures. until they were talked about in this way, these were not -- not only what they lied about, but they were chosen at random, their lives turned upside down. it is not like lying about a senator. >> that is exactly right. and these aren't rep misrepresentations, mistakes, these are knowing falsehoods. knowing and reckless falsehoods. ruby and shaye are not senators, they are not presidents, they don't have a secret service detail. it has been said that the most important office of democracy is not of the citizen, and ruby and shaye showed that. they volunteered during to work during a election during a pandemic to make sure that everyone's vote was counted. defamation law in no way prevents people like ruby and shaye, heroes like ruby and shaye, from holding those who knowingly and recklessly lie about them accountable. >> explain to me what happened illegally today. the finding -- this is a judgment of the judge that you have one on the law. that based on the law and the facts, rudy giuliani defamed your clients and the judge did not hold back. i will read one part about how judge howell views giuliani's deflections. rather than simply play by the rules, giuliani has bemoaned plaintiffs efforts to secure his compliance as punishment by process, donning a cloak of victimization may play well on a so, what happens now? >> well, today's ruling is a complete and total victory for ruby and shaye on what is called liability. liability is like guilty in the civil system, and what to the courthouse today is that, based on the innumerable violations of the very basic discovery obligations, every litigant in a civil case has to comply with. mr. giuliani is fully liable to ruby and shaye for defamation, for intentional infliction of emotional distress, and civil conspiracy with donald trump. what will happen now? there will be a narrow trial on the sole remaining issue left in this case, which is exactly how much does mr. truly audio ruby and shaye for what he did to them, knowingly and recklessly. >> how are your clients doing? the testimony from both ruby and shaye in -- one and deposition, one and live testimony, was so powerful -- even watching it right now i got sort of choked up. again, just a complete nightmare. what a surreal nightmare to be visited out of nowhere. suddenly to be taken up in the smell strung and the possibility of recovering what was taken from you. how are they doing? >> as you recall, ruby said i can't imagine the president of the united states who is supposed to represent every american targeting one american with lies like this. the truth, chris, is that they still have to live with the consequences of these lies every single day. they could to do to live in a place where it is difficult. on there is good news, like today's decision, and when there is bad news. the inevitable result is that a bunch of false, vital, harassing messages spew out onto the internet because people still believe these lies, for some reason. >> right. >> and so, i would say that ruby and shaye are still and a place that no one should ever have to be, but that said, ruby and shaye are two of the most courageous, most inspirational, most heroic -- they have a level of perseverance that is not normal. when anyone else would have gone away, it would have taken actions to protect their family, to try and shy away, to lie down, they stood up. just like they stood up to -- they stood up for themselves, in 2021, 2022, 2023. when josh powell says today's decision was inexorable, what she is referring to is the inexorable will of two of the strongest women you could ever hope to meet. >> john lang ford, attorney with -- representing sheamus and ruby freeman who won that judgment today and the u.s. district court judge. it will now proceed to a trial on the issue of remuneration. how much money will be given to the folks who were defamed here. thanks so much john. >> thank you. >> coming up, donald trump's no good, very bad legal situation gets even worse. we will show you the ex presidents own words under oath. they are, well, we will show them to you. first, republicans refused to acknowledge climate change even as it devastates the places they live and represent, their states. the latest on hurricane to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> at this hour, idalia is a goli, taste your goals. join the millions of people taking back their privacy tropical storm moving across the coasts of georgia and the carolinas. in the course of the day the storm has weakened, but still brings winds of 70 miles per hour, dangerous storm surge, and heavy rainfall. this morning, just before eight a. m., idalia made landfall on florida's west coast as a category 3 hurricane. winds left behind a trail of destruction as high winds tore off roofs and uprooted trees, including this oak tree that fell on the governor's mansion in tallahassee. ron desantis and his family were not home at the time so thankfully were not injured. the storm brought rapidly rising floodwaters, where residents had to swim out of their homes for safety. and big bangs, the water levels jumped from 1 to 8 feet and just one hour. and the st. petersburg area, more than 75 people had to be rescued from severe flooding. hundreds of thousands of households lost power, more than 400,000 are still in the dark tonight. all of that said, it looks like hurricane adalja did not bring the worst-case scenario, the one tenth chance we were looking at, possibly, last night. at least not this time. last time was catastrophic. remember, almost a year ago hurricane ian hit areas like fort myers beach in south florida as a category four storm, are it flattened homes and businesses, left billions of dollars in damages in the week, causing over 140 deaths. that was superbad. of course, just because it didn't do the worst this time doesn't mean it won't be next time. the next time is the real question, because of course there will be a next time. there will be more storms like adalja and like iain. when the habitants of the peninsula of florida have known that for hundreds and hundreds of years. we have records of a storm and 15 53 that killed 700 people. but something is different. something is also happening. 150 years ago we started pumping carbon into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels. during that time, the average global temperatures increased by over one degrees celsius or two degrees fahrenheit. two thirds of that warming has happened in just the last 50 years, since 1973. we are starting to see the destructive effects of that warning. today, hurricane idalia became the eighth major hurricane category three or above to make landfall in the united states in the past six years. over the past six years, there were zero major hurricanes. the last major storm prior to 17 was hurricane woman in 2005. again, this is complicated when you think about climate modeling and risk and the noise of hurricanes and things like that. you don't have to be a climate scientist to understand what is happening. the basic mechanics here are incredibly simple, incredibly straightforward. as we burn fossil fuels, we pump more carbon into the atmosphere. the carbon causes atmosphere to trap heat from the sun, warming the planet and warming the oceans. those warmer or shuns hold more energy. there is more energy and doubt that fuel storms that get stronger and faster. in fact, the extra heat increase the likelihood of all weather events in all places. now, before all of this, the hundreds of years ago the pre-industrial age, florida was already uniquely exposed to extreme weather. it is a peninsula jutting out into warm waters, directly in the path of hurricanes that form every year. now is the threat of severe weather increases, so just the harm that millions of people co home. extreme weather aside, florida is a lovely place to be. not only that, it is a marvel of human engineering. 150 years ago, much of florida was an uninhabitable, pestilent shull slump. we try drained and develop millions of acres, turned florida and to disney world. civilizational chief, amendment over nature. it is now at a great risk of being undone by the greatest civilizational threat we have ever faced. given all of that, you would think that the people who represent that uniquely precarious land jutting out into the ocean in the path of increasingly severe storms would be fever and really trying to mitigate the risk and reduce the enormous amounts of energy we are pumping into the atmosphere. the reality is literally the opposite. florida's republican leaders are trying to make it worse, actively. governor ron desantis is refusing to accept 300 and $50 million and energy efficiency incentives that florida is eligible for under the inflation reduction act. he is saying, no thanks to hundreds of billions of dollars. this is not for some weird experimental liberal cause, it would just help people retrofit their homes with energy efficient appliances, which is a very simple, straightforward way to help tackle carbon emissions and climate change. the rejection is insane nihilism. on one level it is hard to even believe that he is doing this, but of course rhonda santas has also turned against the vaccines, which is an equally obvious benefit risk constituents. it is so rare in life and is in policy when you are handed something so simple that provides benefit, like vaccines. ron desantis turned on it for political reasons. i mean, his position on climate change is essentially vaccine denialism at civilizational scale. to run desantis, this existential threat to the pundits like he represents is just another political debate. >> what i found is, people when they start talking about global warming, they typically use that as a pretense to do a bunch of left-wing things that they would want to do anyways, and we are not doing any left-wing stuff. >> cool, okay. don't do any left-wing stuff. it is not just run desantis, he is not an outlier. it is the whole republican party, one half of the two major parties. the conservative strategy put together by the harris strategy, project 2025 for governing in 2025 of the republican wins, calls for quote, regulations that's not even turning against the vaccine, that it's like saying you are going to give everyone covid. like, door to door, coughing on people. that is where we are. they are not in the realm of reasonable policy, this is not a difference of opinion over how quickly or how fast we meet the trade-offs we face. the strategy is literally to just actively hurl ourselves into the fire. let 1000 hurricanes bloom. it is deranged. it is almost hard to understand what it is that it is the reality but that is the consensus of the republican party whose nominee will have a 50/50 chance of winning the presidency next year. >> this isn't that complicated. unlock american energy, drill, frack, burn coal, and let us be honest as republicans. i wasn't bought and paid for so i can say. this -- >> whoa, whoa. >> the climate epidemic is a hoax. the reality is, the anti-carbon agenda is a wet blanket on our economy. and so the reality is, more people are dying of bad climate change policies than they are of actual climate change. >> just endlessly charismatic and likable. that was one of the low points of the republican presidential primary debate, but as much as vivek ramaswamy, the -- that he is, what he said is essentially the main street republican party, look at me, i'm speaking out of turn. that's what they all believe. a bunch of republican policy folks who got together, who would serve in the second trump administration, or want to, they put together this huge document called project 2025. the energy section takes the ramaswamy line. not that we need to manage the green energy transition slowly or certain benchmarks or make sure other countries are also doing it. but we need to go in the exact opposite direction. they have a call to, quote, stop the war on oil and natural gas. no longer allow federal regulators to favor special interests. not only build, more agile, more than one eliminate the green energy corps, by revoking funding. the eliminating positions of all personnel hired under the program. whatever they think, in the end, the results are not just about owning the live, because i have news for you. the policies will have real world consequences that are gonna fall on every single person on this planet. congressman gerry moskowitz, democrat of florida, served as florida's director of emergency management from 2019 to 2021, and he joins me now. congressman, good to have you on. i know that your district was not in the path of the storm, so i suspect your constituents are doing all, right but as someone who did manage emergency response for that state, what is your read on florida in the aftermath of idalia. >> the state of florida has the best emergency management in the country. also quite frankly they have the experience. just a year ago hurricane ian a couple years before that we had hurricane michael. we almost had hurricane dorian, which was the strongest hurricane in the atlantic ocean that almost hit florida the florida prepared for but get stalled over the bahamas. this was an extremely strong hurricane. it went to an area that hasn't been hit in over 100 years. so folks that are affected obviously, their communities are never going to be the same. it takes ten years to recover from a category 5 storm. i'm happy to see the loss of life was down. i think that was probably because it hit a less populated area than ian, but also people heeded the evacuation warnings that were in the zone for manufactured homes. this is the third major storm. it had state of florida in four years. and so the state of florida now seems to be the number one target for massive storms. >> you just said something, a few moments ago, and i think it's instructive and a perfect segue here. you said that it has the best emergency management in the country, and that's because of the investments by the government there. this is one of those things where it would be ludicrous to encounter situation in which emergency response to hurricanes was like a live issue or conservative issue. if someone ran for governor of florida and said i don't believe in emergency management, those are just liberal code words. that's a nonsense. that is not the way politics works in florida, with good reason, right? >> right. >> that should be the way the florida politicians think about climate. what am i not understanding? >> by the way, i don't know if you remember this, but in the scott administration, they refused to say the word climate change. but we are hearing after hearing and people would ask them if climate change was real or not and not only were they not answer they wouldn't even mention the word climate change. and so it's funny to watch the presidential debate the other day, where everyone kind of looked around when the simple answer of yes or no is climate change real, and all of a sudden everyone looked around and then we went to ramaswamy who all of a sudden said it's a hoax, it's the deep state, another nonsense. these are easy questions, by the way. not trick questions. climate change is real. and it's affecting our climate. by the way, these hurricanes that we are seeing in florida, this storm went from a tropical storm to a category four in 24 hours, rapid intensification. hurricane michael went through the same thing, rapid intensification up to a category 5. rapid intensification was never the norm. it was the exception. now every time a hurricane gets into the gulf of mexico, which is basically a hot tub, we have buoys off the coast of florida for 90 degrees. that's why they're so -- and that's why they're intensifying so quickly. >> this is not super complicated stuff. when you're talking about the buoys. we've covered this on the show. the temperature of the water of florida. 98 degrees, all that energy is going to go up in the storm. but is there a universe, i don't even care if, i don't want to convert any warm. no one has to agree. no one has to agree, i just wonder, it's too late for this, but it's not too late in the sense that the urgency is getting more urgent. a way to move climate into the category that emergency management is, like out of the category of, you know, should donald trump face justice and out of the category of, what should abortion policy be, and into the category of yeah, everybody is a florida politician in the same way they're gonna spend money on rebuilding. yeah, we've got to deal with climate change. >> listen, right now in congress, as you have talked, about fema is running out of money. there's a bill in the house to fund fema to -- fireco rubio has. it we can get that bill moving. but by the way, can you imagine if there was a governor in this country who said i'm not gonna take the fema reimbursement? that would be a crazy defense [laughter] >> yes. >> and we have seen this in florida. we are president brighten and governor desantis sitting side by side, in the same team during ian emergency management respond is a biden partisan issue, fema sends money now not just for reimbursement but for mitigation. so does hard. they send mitigation money. that's the main communities more resilient. every government takes that money they. take the mitigation in the resiliency money that they get from fema. and we hudd. >> strange not to take the energy efficiency. money jared moskowitz, i'm glad your folks are doing well and glad it wasn't the worst-case scenario last night. thanks a lot. >> thanks, chris. >> still to come, what have donald trump could be found guilty without even having a trial? that is what the attorney general in new york is asking from the manhattan judge. we'll talk about that breaking news, happened in the last hour and a half or so. that's next. >> we have a new development to add to to donald trump's civil legal trouble. this is not to be confused with the former criminal trials or the second e. jean carroll civil defamation trial in january. this relates to the big new york corruption lawsuit. tonight, new york attorney general letitia james is asking the judge to declare partial summary judgment on her massive civil lawsuit against the ex-president. in september of last year, james filed a lawsuit accusing trump and his four adult children and his business of staggering fraud. she argued that trump overvalued his assets on financial statements to further enrich himself and further cheat the system. tonight she is asking the judge to find the ex-president overvalued his assets, without a trial. in seeking partial summary judgment james's office says trump inflated hisnetwork between -- and 2. 2 billion dollars over a course of a decade. he would boost his assets by 39%. james wrote tonight in a filing, quote, based on the undisputed evidence, no trial acquired, grossly immaterial inflated asset value. james is asking for penalties of 200 and $50 million to shutter the trump organization from operating in new york. in evidence to support her request, she said in the transcript of the ex president hours long deposition conducted in april. here's how the asked him if he was aware incidences in which encountered identified fraud and the trump organization. trump responded, not often, i don't know, that often. the counselor, following, up asked if mr. trump remembered specifics. the former president replied, not, i mean, not, i can check, but not normally that would not be brought to me. i mean, are you sure about? that are you sure about that? we will wait to hear what the new york judge will have to say about the republican front runner here. we learn more from the deposition coming up, which, like his properties, actually priceless. gives you a break when you need it. yeah, with flexible payment options to keep you covered. so today is your [crash] so today is your for a great low rate, go with the general. attention are you suffering from hearing loss? but can't find affordable hearing aids? 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>> i think summary judgment and a case like this was interesting. the new york a. g. said that it was a documents case because so many fraud cases are going beyond the documents. we are looking at financial statements may be overstated, but how did those come to be? who was responsible? who knew that? how is it brought to donald trump's attention, his children's attention, and how are they used when they were brought to bankers to get loans, were they relied upon? so, summary judgment, it seems like this may not be tailor-made for summary judgment. it seems like you are going to need facts, you are going to need from witnesses, i i'm going to anticipate there will be a trial in october. >> even if they were to find summary judgment on this, which in my reading of this, again, for what it is worth, it is similar to yours. they would still need to go to a trial on the other parts of it and they are likely going to have a trial. >> i think that is right. and what i take from this is, you know, often the investigations with the individual, i think the difficulty that former president trump is going to have is that he will be distracted in a lot of ways. he is really under siege. he has his criminal cases, his civil cases, challenging his finances, so i think you can have a lot of resources, you can have a lot of lawyers, but for anyone at some point, this is going to get challenging to manage going forward. >> what he has that most people do not have is that he can send out emails to get people to give him money to pay for his legal defense. most people i think, even if they have a lot of money, these are my assets. they don't have a money printing machine that he does which is like here, come give me money, that said, it is a lot to manage right now. i want to turn to the georgia situation. so we have got motions now from a few of the rico coconspirators who were indicted, accused, to sever their cases off. i don't want to be tried for the other 19, i'm independent, chesebro was the first to move for that trial who gets a trial date of october 23rd filing the motion, saying the 34 counts for which she is not charged must be severed. they're joined solely for their similarity, seven counts against cheeseborough, it is necessary to promote a fair determination as to each of the seven counts for which he's actually charged. because not everyone is charged with each count. you now also have sydney powell, who also said i want to be severed off of this case, no substantive connection with any other defendant regarding the charges and the indictment. what do you do if you are fani willis's office and dealing with these? >> i think she will oppose all of them. the reason she charged the case the way she did is because she wants that picture of all these defendants up there together, that criminal conspiracy, that visual is going to be incredibly powerful to a jury. that is exactly what these defendants want to avoid. they want to come before a jury as individuals. they want to look small, they don't want to look part of a large conspiracy. what they definitely don't want to be sitting next to a former president at the head of the conspiracy. because that is only going to make them, i think, look more guilty by the jury. >> what is the decision procedure for the judge on these. like, what is the argument good enough of why you should be severed off from the others. >> there are a few things georgia law says you should look at. one, is this going to be too confusing? is a jury going to be able to manage 19 defendants and understanding the evidence against each one altogether? when i charged major conspiracies, a lot of times, the judges will break it up into smaller groups of maybe four or five at a time just because it may be overwhelming for a jury to try and track all of the evidence. another issue is, are there defendants who have defenses who are antagonistic to one another. are they going to be pointing the finger. donald trump is saying i relied on my lawyer, the lawyer is saying no, he didn't actually give me all of the information. other information, whether or not there's certain evidence that may come in, a defendant said, for example, mark meadows is saying i was doing all of this on behest of donald trump, or the fake electors saying that donald trump directed me to do these things. then they don't take the stand, and you don't have the ability to come from those witnesses. so, should that evidence come in the trial against donald trump? those are the kinds of things that a judge is going to look like in determining whether or not there should be severance. >> i have to say, this is a bit of an adjacent point of what you are making. but as you are saying this, the right to confront witnesses, i understand that rico has been tested before the supreme court multiple times. it still seems to sit a little uncomfortably next to the defense and the amendment. from where i sit, what do i know, but the supreme court says it is fine. this basic idea of i am part of this conspiracy, i didn't do those things, i did these things. that is the argument that chesebro is making here. in some ways he's making that argument. but the argument on the other side is that we have this recall law that allows us to go after you. >> this law has been on the books a long time, giuliani, when he was in the district had no issue using the federal rico law. we can have debates about whether or not this is appropriate, but it is a law in the books now. and we are a country of laws. so i think it is what it is from this point. >> here is another motion i could file today that i am a little puzzled over. the other ones, i understand why they won separate cases, like your point about how it makes it looks, moe you are also defending a smaller set of facts. like i just did these things, like that is on me, but she's profiles a motion in federal court to disclose the identities of the unindicted, i'm sorry, the georgia court, for the unindicted co conspiracy in the georgia court. that basically is saying that he needs it to adequately challenge. is not a common thing for defendants to do? >> he is trying to figure out what witnesses may have favorable information. also, did any of these witnesses say anything helpful to his defense? he is digging. he is trying to get discovery. the other interesting motion that he made was about trying to challenge the grand jury proceedings in seeking to interview the actual grand jurors. which that is a novel one, i don't think that happens very often. >> is any judge going to grant that? >> they should not grant that. they should leave that one out of court. >> the other big doings in georgia which has to do with the general trajectory in this case is this law that was put on the books, georgia republican state to go after those bad reform progressive prosecutors who refused to prosecute. that some georgia republicans want to turn against fani willis, so that the state appointed commission could remove her from office. the state senate majority leader, steve gucci, said in an interview that republican leaders could hold legislative hearings into whether willis is using the position into a political manner. what do you think? >> there is zero evidence that they're acting in a political manner. i think it is completely inappropriate. we were both prosecutors and we are prosecutors every day. we look at the facts, we look at the law, everything that we have seen says she is doing just that. what they are trying to do is to provide that process. they are trying to insert politics into something that has nothing to do with politics. frankly, this is exactly the failure that we saw with january 6th. as bad conduct went forward, the republicans did it again, they will solve these actions and do nothing. they said nothing before, they said nothing after, and i think that that line is very clear. once again, one day have an opportunity, they stand up for the rule of law, to stand up against president trump here, they don't. >> we will see, this is an interesting place with regards to that. we will see if other georgia politicians get on board with this idea. it is not clear yet which way it will go. williams and christine, thank you both. that is all in on this wednesday, interesting place. thank you both. that is "all in" on this wednesday night. alex wagner tonight starts right now with ali velshi in for alex. >> the expression everything but the kitchen sink or throw spaghetti on the wall, when you listen to chesebro and sydney powell you're wondering is this a legal strategy or about anything i can prosably attempt and trying. >> the lawyers say, yeah, i'd do that if i'm defending them. i want to interview the jurors. >> thank tuesday you at home for joining us tonight.

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