Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704

good evening once again, i'm stephanie ruhle. we begin this broadcast with the rapidly growing legal perils for donald j trump. his codefendants and his closest allies. along with his pending criminal trials, the former president, some of his, kids and his business, they now face a whopping 250 million dollar civil lawsuit from new york attorney general tissue james. that case was going away? no, sir, it is front and center today. in new court documents filed earlier, james alleges that donald trump routinely overstated his personal net worth to financial institutions, in one single year, by as much as 2.2 billion dollars. according to james's lawsuit, the asset inflation went on for ten years in an effort to get better loan agreements. the trial is supposed to begin in early october, ahead of any of trump's criminal cases. meanwhile, a federal judge ruled that former trump lawyer and advisor rudy giuliani defamed georgia election workers, ruby freeman and her daughter, shaye moss. giuliani made repeated false claims about the two of them as he worked to reverse trump's 2020 election loss. >> earlier in the day, really freeman and shaye freeman and one other gentlemen quite obviously surreptitiously passing around usb ports as if there are vials of heroin -- we had at least 18,000 that's on tape. we had them counted very painstakingly, 18,000 voters having to do with ruby friedman and she is a vote scammer. professional vote scammer and hustler. ruby freeman, that is, that was the tape that has been shown all over the world that makes everyone look bad. you, me, and everybody else. >> what was your mom actually handing you on that video? . >> ending one another a ginger mint. as far as looking bad, the person who does tonight's rudy giuliani. he will now have to pay their legal fees, and face a civil trial to determine the extent of the damages. there is also news tonight about two of trump and giuliani's codefendants in the georgia election case. sydney powell and canned chesebro. you have heard a lot about them this week, they have formally asked to separate their cases from the other 17 defendants. powell's lawyers claim, quote, she did not represent president trump or the trump campaign. but here is what rudy giuliani said back in november of 2020. we got the tape. >> good afternoon. and thank you very much for coming. this is representative of our legal team. we are representing president trump and we are present to the trump campaign. there are a lot more lawyers working on this, i guess we are the senior lawyers. >> and that was happening, former trump advisor peter navarro lost his bid to avoid a contempt of congress child. today, a federal judge ruled that navarro failed to prove that trump invoked executive privilege to block testimony in the jan sixth committee. navarro's defied the panel subpoena and guess what happens now. his trial is set for so derivative, threat around the corner. with, that let's get smarter, our lead off panel tonight, and it's a good one. our friend lucas waters, -- congressional reporter for the new york times. those fans spent 25 years of the federal prosecutor. and tim o'brien -- bloomberg opinion and senior executive editor, this man is one of the very few people who actually got a look at trump's tax returns. and he wrote the book on the guy. trump nation, the art of being the donald. tim, you know i am turning to you first. we have been all over this tish james case. because you know donald trump's filings, and you saw what she filed today. what are your take away is? inflating harasses is one thing, inflating them by as much as 2.2 billion dollars a year? that is a whole other level, rather. >> you know, she actually says in the filing that it's between, i think, 812 million and 200 billion every year over the decade from 2011 to 2012. and when i read about trump during the period i spent a lot of time with him, covering a period, you know, looking at his finances, trump say -- that 95,005. there was massive inflation going on back then. i think the difference between reporters looking at donald trump inflating his net worth and a court looking at it is obviously the consequences of that. he spent years inflating his wealth because he is insecure about his own business success. he paid a lot of attention to the pecking order among the wealthiest americans. it was always important to him to be very top of the food chain. he obviously also used that to great consequences with banks, with ensures, and with tax authorities. when he wanted to get's own finances treated favorably by a bank, so he can get loans, or by insurers, so he can get property losses under the potential property losses. and insurance policy -- want to divide the value of his property, slower his tax bill. i think one of the hurdles, however, in tish james's case, is going to be convincing a jury about the extent to which both ensures and banks were acquitted by trump, and were victims of a fraud at his hands. and the primary evidence that they have in a court filing is the statements of financial conditions. that trump routinely prepared to show to the media. to show the demonstrations of his wife. they were never fully audited by his own accountants, the documents themselves. always said they didn't comport with generally accepted accounting practices. and i think the banks themselves often went out on their own to evaluate as well. so to the extent, the banks of the injuries may not ever rely on the documentation that she's presenting her filings. as much as, perhaps, she had her prosecutors believe. but i think it will be up to and a jury to weigh that evidence. and decide whether or not trump in the ultimately flooded the banks. i think another interesting thing that came out today was that in his deposition. in which he said no one should take my savings or financial conditions seriously. i certainly never did. that completely contradicts what he said during our litigation with him when i was at the new york times. and he sued me at that point for defaming him and potentially liable-ing him because he said i lowballed his net worth. and he claims to have shown me the exact same documents, he never did. and in deposition in our court case, he said that those documents should be taken very seriously. because they were accurate assessments of his wife. so he can't have it both ways. and i think that is the dynamic that's gonna get litigated in court if we go there. >> but, tim, it will be a challenge for tish james, right? i worked at deutsche bank when trump trump was a client there. and when he went to the institutional side of the bank and massively overestimated the value of his assets during the time of the apprentice, basically saying that his name, his worth, was significantly more than they computed. he just moved to a different side of the bank, the private side, and they were happy to get on the crazy train. because they wanted to be part of that brand. so she doesn't have a slam dunk case. but as far as trump is doing business going forward? how does he operate? how do banks look at him now? knowing all of this? >> well, reputationally he is a huge risk for anyone at this point. and if he is found guilty, by the way, interchange this case, it's a civil case. but i think he could ultimately effectively put himself out of business in the city of new york. and most, you know, a meaningful portion of his net worth is tied up in a few buildings that are in new york. another one that is on the west coast is his golf course and everything else. but he needs to be doing business in new york. you know, you brought up deutsche bank. his loans through deutsche bank were also central to the litigation that i engaged with. and what shipment did its own diligence after trump prevented presented this inflamed evaluation of his own net worth. he told georgia at the time that i think he was worth five billion. they went out and did their indigenous and said, no, he's actually only worth about 780 million. , again another dynamic that is gonna come into play. but i think, you know, reputationally in the business community, he was always considered a cartoon character. he has never been someone that the most prestigious banks wanted to do business with. everyone who has gotten to bed with donald trump financially has done it because they thought they could get some free publicity. and maybe a free ride off of partnering with him. and ultimately most of them ended up getting burned. >> which is the same reason so many of them, when he became president, gave him the time of day for the first time. steve schwartzman going to saudi arabia with, him sitting next to him at his big birthday party. before donald trump was president, these people didn't even take his call. joyce, what does this mean for trump legally? why would tish james while this now? >> so this lawsuit which has been in the works for a while is about the attorney general in new york's ability to ensure that corporations don't engage in fraudulent practices. it is part of new york's blue sky package of laws that are designed to guarantee corporate integrity. and the allegations that you and tim have been discussing our that trump has two oldest sons, the trump organization, they used these mechanisms of cheating on their financial statements to achieve some financial benefits in insurance, and other loans sorts of areas. and that all of this is in violation of new york law. if she is successful, and this is of course a civil case. she is suing him civilly. she needs only to prove her claims by the hondurans of the evidence, not beyond a reasonable doubt. then it is an essence a corporate death penalty for trump. he will more or less lose his ability to do business in the state of new york. in fact, it is an interesting detailed stuff that shortly after this case was filed, trump in delaware registered a sort of secondary substitute trump organization and. and he gave the appearance of being a sort of adjusted case filing. so that he would have something on board if he did lose his ability to do business in new york. but austin points out, new york is very important to his financial posture. and losing that would be a very difficult sort of penalty for trump. perhaps a more significant penalty even than the criminal penalties that he faces in some of the criminal cases. >> what if he can just mirror his business and do it in delaware, can't get away with it? >> he might be able to, to some extent. but he will still be prohibited from carrying on much of business activities, if any, in new york. and so it's a very meaningful sanction. in that regard. and what james did today in court, the reason this new information that trump fudged his net worth has come to light is that she is actually filing a motion for what is called summary judgment on part of requirements. she has asked the judge to find that there is no dispute that trump was in fact, you know, playing fast and loose with the books and with evaluations. and that that is no longer an issue for the jury to decide. if the court grants promotion, and that is something that the judge will instruct the jury to take as a given. and to the extent that tim talks about the difficulty that she may face improving some of the other issues, showing that the banks relied on trump's statement, this will more narrowly focusing on the issues there at trial, and give her the opportunity to go straight for the judge or jugular. >> look, donald trump has been out there promoting how much money he has racist indictments, who is writing him these checks? >> well, his, for the most part, it's his supporters. it's people who both believe that donald trump, when there are lawsuits against donald trump, when there are criminal indictments against donald trump, that he is convinced that that these are attacks for them. another need to rally around him and the weaponized federal government, weaponized that from democratic prosecutors are targeting donald trump and thereby targeting average americans who need to donate to him. and lots of you are doing it. so he, in some ways, as much as there are 91 federal felony counts against donald trump. as much as his, there are millions of dollars, or very have to find spending, potentially pending against him. he has used these court cases to try to bolster himself in the republican primary. >> all, right new topic, joyce. ruby freeman, her daughter shayna moss. and rudy giuliani. giuliani says that he is wrongly accused in this defamation lawsuit. and i want to share what he said last week to our colleague, vaughn hillyard. >> mister mayor, do you acknowledge that you made false statements? -- >> >> that is a total lie. why don't you go put yourself away. >> you know, why do you not for that in the court? >> that was a simulation, it's an every lawsuit. not for the purposes of truth. >> you did not pass, it yielded her nietzsche fight that. >> wrong! >> i did not because i had to move on to legal issues. now, let me take another question. >> okay, i'm clearly confused because last month giuliani conceded that he did in fact make false statements and so what happened with today's ruling, joyce? >> right, so what you heard from giuliani in that clip was a month of mumbo jumbo that didn't mean anything. and one earlier this, right judge how rule and the district of columbia confirmed that today. what she said was, rudy giuliani failed to comply with his discovery obligations. turn over information. the miss freeman and to her daughter, response. who were suing for defamation and other claims. and the judge entered a default judgment -- recover on their, claims the only issue that is left and out is the amount of damages giuliani will have to pay -- judge howell said, by the way, i am wondering you to pay the plaintiffs legal fees. so look, nothing will restore to miss moss and miss freeman the damage that was done to them. the fear that they lived in, the years of their lives that they lost. but they will at least receive some conversation. and maybe a little bit more here. the knowledge that rudy giuliani who tried so hard to turn them into something that they were, not that he has been exposed and held accountable for doing that. >> all right, so he is going to have to pay his legal fees. and potentially, luke, trump might help rudy with his. trump is supposed to hold 100,000 dollar ahead fund-raiser next month. 12 giuliani with his bills. what do you think about that? i mean, it has been multiple years now. giuliani thought trump was going to pay him all along, and she didn't. and i thought trump's got all sorts of, money really has all sorts of money. $100,000 i had dinner? what is going on here. >> it's interesting to see who shows up and wants to pay $100,000 to help rudy giuliani with his bills. but he has fallen on hard times financially. according to his lawyer's statements. and he has come to donald trump repeatedly had in hand to try to get paid for all the work that he did trying to overturn the 2020 election for donald trump. i don't point, really giuliani wanted to evade something like $20,000 a month. and trump has never paid him, he has paid other lawyers, millions of dollars, but not giuliani. he, giuliani tried to ask him over dinner. he said his son to ask him. he has tried mobile times. finally, donald trump now that rudy giuliani is potentially going to be coming into court in georgia and who knows what kind of pressures are on him there in that criminal case in georgia. donald trump is now saying he is going to help him out with his legal bills. so you can see now there is more than this set of trump's we have to try to help giuliani there. >> well he's not getting out of his arms set -- potentially asking others to write a check for him. luke, joyce, tim, great to see you. all please come back soon. but you at-home, don't go anywhere! when we come back, a look at how donald trump could cinch the nomination before the gop even knows that he is a convicted felon. simone sanders townsend and charlize -- are here. and later, the dalia makes landfall in florida as a category three hurricane. the damage left behind and the threat the storm still poses for the carolinas. the 11th hour just getting underway on a wednesday night. y night. i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant... clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms... ...better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, as these may be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain, and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. stomach and sleep issues, dizziness, increased appetite, and fatigue are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. i didn't have to change my treatment. i just gave it a lift. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. i will be a travel influencer... hey, i thought you were on vacation? 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if you are the republican party, how do you think this is a safe or responsible move to make? >> well it's obviously not. neither safe nor responsible. i think the odds are quite high that he shows up in my town of waukee to accept the rookie nomination wearing an ankle bracelets. and obviously the new york times story is correct, if you look at the calendar it's very likely that if he wins in iowa and wins in new hampshire and then runs the table on super tuesday, it will all be over before there is a single guilty verdict. but there is no reason to believe that the republicans would not nominate him even if they knew he was a felon. because they basically baked that into the cake. so it is unprecedented, is extraordinary, and i think we need to maintain our capacity to realize just how extraordinarily it is for a political party to even risk the possibility of going into a presidential election with a convicted felon at the top of the ticket. even by the standards of the trump era, this is really amazing, stephanie. >> simon, what about the democrats? are they thinking too much on it being donald trump? are they prepared that it could be someone else? because they certainly would like to see him accept the nomination in milwaukee wearing an ankle bracelet. >> i actually don't think that the democrats are banking too much on it being donald trump. i think that was the folks on television, right, the papers, they will say that it is highly more likely than not that donald trump will be the republican nominee. but the strategists that i have talked to, and folks that are close to the campaign and the white house will tell you that they have got their eye on the competition, they are keeping their eyes on the florida governor, ron desantis. and at the end of the day, it is in fact up to the voters. charlie is 1000 percent right. given the fact that the republican party apparatus does not have proportional representation like the democrats do in their primaries, thanks to reverend jesse jackson, it's a winner take all. so if someone can win 40% of the vote in iowa, if you will, or 40% of the vote in texas, which is a state that post on super tuesday. and get zero delegates or how you become the nominee. >> let's talk about a new topic. senate minority leader mitch mcconnell. he had a scary day today, he appeared to freeze in public while giving remarks for the second time in two months. a spokesperson said that he felt light headed, charlie. what do you think about this? >> i have to, say this is very painful to watch. and you have to hope that he is going to be all right. but these are the risks that we run in the gerontocracy that we find ourselves in. and you would hope that there are people who are around him who love him and care for him who are going to urge him to do the right thing. but, i mean, just these moments, unfortunately, could have absolutely cataclysmic affects on not just the management of the united states senate, but american politics in general. because mitch mcconnell, i, mean it's hard to exaggerate the role that he plays. both in the senate and the republican party. but it's sad, and it is deeply alarming. >> he is one of the most powerful people in the country. i wanted to share, democratic congressman dean phillips, after mitch mcconnell at this episode to. he posted this. quote, for goodness sakes, the family, friends, and staff of senators feinstein and mcconnell are doing them and our country a tremendous disservice. it's time for term limits for congress and the supreme court. and some basic human decency. simon, what do you think about that? >> i have had the pleasure of meeting and speaking with congressman dean phillips, and he is a lovely gentlemen. but i do think that there are things that we say on the internet that we would not dare say in the presence of the people with whom we are discussing. the reality is this, i watched that video about two times today of senator mcconnell. and my heart broke for him and for his family, for the people that know him very well, he is a father and a grandfather and i do hope that he is absolutely okay. i have said the same thing about senator feinstein here. but, you know, to try to capitalize on a moment and boost yourself up in this moment? saying things that are just never going to come to fruition in order for term limits to happen in congress, the people who would be terminated need to vote for that. that's not gonna happen. okay, so if you want some term limits, there is maybe some state based ways to go about it, potentially, i don't, know i haven't looked into the law. but what he is talking about is not based on facts. >> well, we wish him the very best of help watching, that it was definitely tough today. sending good wishes. simone sanders townsend, charlie sykes, always good to see you both, love to have you on. >> thank. you >> when we come, back we have got to head to florida and the carolinas. next adalja leaving a path of discretion after slamming into florida's coast and heading for the carolinas next. what is happening on the ground when the 11th hour continues. you need to see this. we have got some shocking images. ♪ i take once-daily jardiance, ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to seee. ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c. ♪ jardiance works 24/7 in your body to flush out some sugar! and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. jardiance may cause serious side effects including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction, and don't take it if you're on dialysis. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell, ♪ ♪ the little pill with a big story to tell. ♪ we always had questions. who do we belong to? 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>> absolutely not. nobody is going to get power for weeks. >> oh my gosh is right, right now adalja is dumping heavy rain over south carolina. my colleague kathy park is covering the storm, there she was supposed to join us live, but she was forced to leave her location because the waters were rising so quickly. she did file this report before she left. watch this. >> that, any good evening, we are here in downtown charleston right now. as you can see, things have got a ton from bad to worse. we are standing in about a foot of water right now. i want to set the scene for you, we are here at the historic battery and beyond my shoulder right there is the seawall. you can see some of the waves crashing over, and that is why we're seeing all of this flooding heading inland. something we are tracking throughout the day today. around 6:30's evening we are standing by that seawall, things weren't too bad. but then within the past hour we had to quickly move our vehicles, get a higher. found a lot of residents today here in downtown charleston closed their shutters, also stacked sandbags and prevented some of the floodwater from getting into their homes. when the parking garages in the areas have been open for folks to move their vehicles to higher ground. as well, the big issue throughout today was the high tide, that it could coincide with these tropical storm conditions. and it looks like we have reached that mark. a lot that will be monitoring throughout the overnight hours, but officials are saying here in the state of south carolina there is a good chance that we watering power outages throughout the evening, as you can see, a lot of cars are trying to go through these flooded roadways. the officials saying that that is probably not a good idea, especially since it is so dark right now. if you can, please stay inside, please stay safe, steph, back to you. >> thank people for kathy's report there, even more thankful from -- nbc's -- she is live in the shore acres area of st. petersburg, florida. marissa, i'm glad to see you are safe where you are. tell us about what you have seen in the last 24 hours. >> it is truly night and day. we have been out here for about 24 hours straight. and the difference could not be more stark, stephanie. it was not even maybe ten hours ago, you wouldn't even be able to walk where i'm standing right now. the water level, if i were to walk to the middle of the street a little further behind the camera where i am right now, it would be about waist deep. so this is an area right here to set the scene for you, sure acres in a bird, st. petersburg, that's peninsula. we are on a peninsula surrounded by the gulf of mexico on one side. you've got the bay on the other. this whole area is flood prone. it wasn't zone a. mandatory evacuation. it's because a lot of it is low lying. it is prone to those surges. and when we talk about the biggest threat to this area we have known for some time that wind was not gonna be a big threat here. we were not in the bag, threat direct path, they comb like some of our colleagues have been reporting further north of us. for us in tampa, and the temper area, this has been a water event. so when we talk about the impact here we saw a lot of flooded streets. if you know bay shore boulevard, that is a main thorough affair throughout downtown. completely submerged and we saw a lot of cars in need of rescuing there and we will talk more about that just a moment. but we talk about st. peter, we've got the fire department and fire rescue has been so busy, they are getting their first breath right now because this has been something that has been keeping them so busy, staff and we know that it is going to take some time to get a sense of the damage when it comes to those flooded streets. but i think the sense here in the tampa bay area is just sort of a sense of relief. because even though there was a lot of flooding, when you look further north, they know it could've been a whole lot of force here. >> for sure, talk to us about what we are covering, recovery efforts will look like? >> so this is something that the fire department, fire rescue here behind me knows a lot about. so first, we saw a lot of stranded cars, one of them on bay shore boulevard. that was somebody who was trying to drive through a flooded street, just like we saw happening behind kathy park in charleston. and those people needed to get rescued outside of their cars. but then we have, we talked about your eight years, this neighborhood, we are here for a reason. that's because they saw a lot of flooding. and so there were streets here. we talked about how it was waist deep for me. there's a lot of people here we, talked to lieutenant here from saint pete virus q and he said they had to do 70, they had to do what he rescues for 75 different people, 30 pets. many of them elderly. we are talking about elderly people who were not able to evacuate as easily. i am going to take you to what he had to say about what those rescue efforts looked like. again, 75 people. take a listen. >> after we tallied reading up and we were in 75 people out of harm's way. through the flood, and also 30 paths. there were definitely doing their best to stay out of the water. they're mostly good. because it is to get to the point where if they did walk out further into their yard, they are going to be close above their heads. there were some people that need walking sustenance using their walkers and wheelchairs, and being on top of those to stay out of the water. >> they were using their walkers to stay out of the water? >> yes. >> so i will just add this, stephanie, when we talk about people who did not evacuate. we are in the zone area. this is mandatory evacuation of course there are some people who just simply did not take the storm seriously, and later regretted that. but then there were people who fell into the category of those who had a harder time evacuating than others. some of them elderly, didn't have someone to help them. so obviously the circumstances are different for everyone. but there is signs of hope here, the water is largely receding if not mostly receded in those areas. and the airport will be fully operational by tomorrow afternoon. stephanie, things are looking up for things here in the tampa bay area. >> well that is certainly positive, marissa, thank you so much for joining us. when we come, back please do not go anywhere. even if you are tired, even if you say, hey, i wanna turn. and not tonight. this next guest, i will say that's the most important person i will speak to today. reporting through a campus shooting, the powerful front page of a student newspaper at the university of north carolina, not going viral. one of those journalist joins us next. us next. ! 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where were you? what were you doing? >> yeah, absolutely, thank you for having me. i was very fortunate to not be in a campus building at the time of the lofton. i was at our student newspaper offices which is about a half a mile away from where the shooting occurred. and we have crew smoker student editors in the office. and from the roof of our offices we were just able to see the absolute chaos that was unfolding outside. police cars from every direction, sirens going off from campus. i mean, just terrifying to not know what was happening in that moment. >> i watch that and just thought, unc chapel hill is a dream school. you and your fellow students worked so hard to be there, your parents just brought you to school and no one would ever imagine that this would happen in the second week of school. i know there was a moment of silence earlier today to remember the professor who was killed. what is it like on campus right now? >> yes, campus right now is a lot about togetherness, i think we are feeling a lot of the same emotions as a community. not just the student community but the serling chapel hill one as well. we are feeling a lot of uncertainty. a lot of anger. a lot of grief. and i think we have done a good job of coming together. a vigil was hosted on campus this evening. another rally this afternoon. i am very grateful to be part of a community that is really embracing being together in a time when we really need to come together and heal. >> let's talk about the daily tar heel, because your front page has gone viral. many of the messages are really hard to read. how did you get this idea to make this, to put this in the paper? to show not just your school but the country what it was like for you and your fellow students? >> yes, absolutely, this week's paper was supposed to be our run-of-the-mill preview of our upcoming football season. but after monday, we took a long hard look at the coverage that we were putting out. and we thought, what would best represent it? we didn't know if it would be a picture or a few words. or a story. and after lamenting on it for a few hours, our editor-in-chief texted me with the idea to put text messages sent and received by students while they were all in lockdown for over three hours. so we came into our offices yesterday and just one through submissions sent to us by peers, by classmates, and we highlighted some quotes here, as you see in red. that we felt most salient, and that we felt told this narrative of three hours of confusion and fear. >> how difficult was that as a journalist? right? i have covered all sorts of mass shootings, from my seat. but i was never inside, right? you put it your student newspaper in the wake of the tragedy that you yourself experienced. >> yes, absolutely. i think we couldn't have done it without a team. and we have a team that is just amazing and has been here for each other since monday. and will continue to be here in the coming weeks and months. >> if i like reading text my mom would give me, all those messages on to paper. there's only and that is something along the lines of that was i wish i could come get. you my home says that when i am stuck in my dorm room with a cold, and know she was feeling on monday. so it was just heart-wrenching to see other people's parents responding the way that i was responding. and that my parents were responding. it's just something so human about it that really got me. >> caitlin, you, i am sorry to report, but you know this, our audience does, you are part of a generation that is basically forced into active shooter drills since you are in iran. did you ever think that you would need to use that training? >> you know, i didn't think so, i don't think anyone ever does. no one prepares for it. and it is a bad, dark day when we have to do that. in the coming days i am a solder by the support by we have been able to have for each other. and i think that the conversation that we are able to have because of this front cover, and because of the reporting that our team is putting out, i think we are going to start thinking a lot more critically about, you know, why things like this happen, how they can be provided prevented. and how we move forward from them. >> that front cover isn't just informing your community, giving you comfort, it is the ultimate in speaking truth to power. the entire country is seeing that. our government leaders are forced to read those messages. and potentially reckon with it. what does that tell you and all about the importance of students journalism? >> i hope it tells people that they need to keep reading. and we need to keep engaging. if you felt moved by our friend cover i hope you pick up our paper, check it out online, and keep reading. we are trying to bring light to the pain that is being felt in our community and it is so important that we just are able to keep telling those stories and that people continue to care about these stories. yeah, i am really thankful for everyone who has reached out and said that it have an impact on them. >> caitlin, you are not just shedding light, you are the light. kaitlan giddy, i am grateful, thank you for staying up and joining us tonight. >> thank you. >> when we come back, rioters have been on the picket lines for over 120 days. now, with no end in sight, how some of the funniest guys in late night are helping them out, when the 11th hour continues. ask about vraylar. because you are greater than your bipolar 1, and you can help take control of your symptoms - with vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs. vraylar treats depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar 1 in adults. proven, full-spectrum relief for all bipolar 1 symptoms. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles or confusion which may mean a life-threatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. sleepiness and stomach issues are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. >> woman: why did we choose safelite? 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we've got the power. >> and may, 11,500 rioters went on strike. two months later, sag-aftra, with its over 160,000 actors followed suit, protesting against hollywood's biggest studios. their demands include higher wages and protection over the use of a.i.. it's estimated california's economy has lost over three billion in revenue since the strike began. >> so, really the majority of our members are working people, just trying to put food on the table and pay their rent. and we couldn't make a deal on their behalf. >> throughout the summer, the hosts showing their support. >> americans been forced to read books and occasionally even speak to one another. >> during the last writers strike in 2007, late night tv returned after two months off the air. the hosts at the time growing beards in solidarity, finding unique ways to pass the time. >> that's a good spin, that's a good spin. >> this time around, the comics have committed to at least 12 episodes of the podcast, with casual unscripted conversations providing financial relief to their staff and a few laughs. >> doing good and being funny. their first episode is out today, exclusively on spotify. and on that note, i wish you a very, very good night. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc, thanks for staying up

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Proportions , Strongest , Relentless Sheets Of Rain , Big Bend , Chance , Homes , Gas Station , Gusts , Beach , 125 , Power , Nobody , Winds , Roofs , Anything , Region , Oh My Gosh , Perry , Kathy Park , Location , Heavy Rain , Water , Evening , Scene , Report , Foot , Downtown Charleston , Ton , Flooding , Seawall , Over , Shoulder , Battery , Waves , Residents , Vehicles , Higher , Things Weren T Too Bad , 6 , 30 , Floodwater , Sandbags , Parking Garages , Shutters , Officials , Well , Mark , High Tide , Idea , Cars , Roadways , Power Outages , Safe , Back To You , Steph , Petersburg , Night And Day , Shore Acres Area Of St , Marissa , 24 , Middle , Wouldn T , Stark , Street , Water Level , Camera , Bay , Bird , Waist Deep , Gulf Of Mexico , Mother , Flood , Surges , It Wasn T Zone A Mandatory Evacuation , Reporting , Streets , Colleagues , Temper Area , Water Event , Bag , Tampa , Fire Department And Rescue , About St , Downtown , Affair , Peter , Bay Shore Boulevard , Breath , Sense , Tampa Bay Area , Relief , Recovery Efforts , North , Sure , Somebody , Kathy Park In Charleston , Flooded Street , Neighborhood , Eight , Lieutenant , Pets , Saint Pete Virus Q , 75 , 70 , Rescue Efforts , Listen , Paths , Heads , Yard , Yes , Walkers , Wheelchairs , Walking Sustenance , Didn T , Evacuation , Airport , Signs , Circumstances , Guest , Student Newspaper , Journalist , Josh Allen , Neighbors , Hero Fan , Nfl Sunday Ticket , Verizon , Youtubetv , Yea , Uh , Myplan , Fan , Football Season , Mmhm , Get Nfl Sunday Ticket , Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 , Vo , 449 , 49 , 1 , Towns , Focus , Cities , Uc , Symptom Relief , Remission , Results , Ulcerative Colitis , Urgency , Leave Bathroom , Colon Lining , Gastroenterologist , Trickle , Taxes , Middle Class , Tough Making Ends Meet For Sure , Joe Biden , Families , Cost , Costs , Drugs , Crazy Junk , Student , Students , Professor , Parents , Nightmare , Shooter , Thousands , Classes , Place , Community , Messages , Student Journalists , Tar Heel , Second Storey Windows To Safety , Lockdown , Caitlin K T , Print , Tar Hill , Student Newspaper Offices , Campus Building , Mind , Lofton , Offices , Chaos , Shooting , Office , Crew Smoker Student Editors , Police Cars , Roof , Campus , Direction , Dream School , Sirens , School , Student Community , Emotions , Togetherness , Chapel Hill , Serling , Afternoon , Uncertainty , Anger , Grief , Job , Vigil , Rally , Heal , Paper , Coverage , Words , Preview , We , Picture , Editor In Chief , Text Messages , Quotes , Classmates , Submissions , Peers , Red , Narrative , Salient , Shootings , Seat , Wake , Tragedy , Text , Lines , Dorm Room , Cold , Wrenching , Generation , Training , Audience , Shooter Drills , Iran , No One , Each Other , Cover , Solder , Ultimate , Front Cover Isn T , Government Leaders , Importance , Pain , Reading , Friend Cover , Journalism , Stories , Rioters , Guys , Picket Lines , Back , No End In Sight , Kaitlan , 120 , Bipolar , Take Control , Episodes , Medicines , Highs , Lows , Manic , Sleepiness , Safelite , Suv , Replacement , Service , Woman , Psoriasis , Cosentyx , Singers , Fail , Safelite Repair , Try , Five , Crohn S Disease , Tuberculosis , Vaccine , Mop , Cleaning Tool , Swiffer Powermop , Dermatologist , Bucket , Cleaning Pad , Dirt Away , Scrubbing Strips , Head , Hundreds , Swivel , 360 , Advisors , Investment Research , Investments , Investment Plan , David , Thanks Jen , Advice , Room , Line , Mobile App , Tower , Mona Lisa , Paris , Members , Travel Perks , Room Upgrades , Gold , Writers , Jimmy Fallon , First , Strikeforce Five , Stephen Colbert , Project , Seth Myers , May , Talk Shows , Jon , Show Teams , Strikeforce , Hair , Stars , Return , Tv , Podcast , Jimmy Kimmel , Starting Today , Comedians , Spotify , John Oliver , Jimmy , One More Time , Zoom , Announcement , Jim , Proceeds , Helm , Crowd Chanting , Late Night Hosts , 11500 , Strike , Sag Aftra , Studios , Use , Demands , Actors , Suit , Wages , Protection , Hollywood , A I , California S , 160000 , Behalf , Revenue , Food , Summer , Economy , Rent , Majority , Deal , Three Billion , Hosts , Another , Late Night Tv , Support , 2007 , Spin , Conversations , Beards , Solidarity , Laughs , Comics , Funny , Note , Networks ,

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Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704

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good evening once again, i'm stephanie ruhle. we begin this broadcast with the rapidly growing legal perils for donald j trump. his codefendants and his closest allies. along with his pending criminal trials, the former president, some of his, kids and his business, they now face a whopping 250 million dollar civil lawsuit from new york attorney general tissue james. that case was going away? no, sir, it is front and center today. in new court documents filed earlier, james alleges that donald trump routinely overstated his personal net worth to financial institutions, in one single year, by as much as 2.2 billion dollars. according to james's lawsuit, the asset inflation went on for ten years in an effort to get better loan agreements. the trial is supposed to begin in early october, ahead of any of trump's criminal cases. meanwhile, a federal judge ruled that former trump lawyer and advisor rudy giuliani defamed georgia election workers, ruby freeman and her daughter, shaye moss. giuliani made repeated false claims about the two of them as he worked to reverse trump's 2020 election loss. >> earlier in the day, really freeman and shaye freeman and one other gentlemen quite obviously surreptitiously passing around usb ports as if there are vials of heroin -- we had at least 18,000 that's on tape. we had them counted very painstakingly, 18,000 voters having to do with ruby friedman and she is a vote scammer. professional vote scammer and hustler. ruby freeman, that is, that was the tape that has been shown all over the world that makes everyone look bad. you, me, and everybody else. >> what was your mom actually handing you on that video? . >> ending one another a ginger mint. as far as looking bad, the person who does tonight's rudy giuliani. he will now have to pay their legal fees, and face a civil trial to determine the extent of the damages. there is also news tonight about two of trump and giuliani's codefendants in the georgia election case. sydney powell and canned chesebro. you have heard a lot about them this week, they have formally asked to separate their cases from the other 17 defendants. powell's lawyers claim, quote, she did not represent president trump or the trump campaign. but here is what rudy giuliani said back in november of 2020. we got the tape. >> good afternoon. and thank you very much for coming. this is representative of our legal team. we are representing president trump and we are present to the trump campaign. there are a lot more lawyers working on this, i guess we are the senior lawyers. >> and that was happening, former trump advisor peter navarro lost his bid to avoid a contempt of congress child. today, a federal judge ruled that navarro failed to prove that trump invoked executive privilege to block testimony in the jan sixth committee. navarro's defied the panel subpoena and guess what happens now. his trial is set for so derivative, threat around the corner. with, that let's get smarter, our lead off panel tonight, and it's a good one. our friend lucas waters, -- congressional reporter for the new york times. those fans spent 25 years of the federal prosecutor. and tim o'brien -- bloomberg opinion and senior executive editor, this man is one of the very few people who actually got a look at trump's tax returns. and he wrote the book on the guy. trump nation, the art of being the donald. tim, you know i am turning to you first. we have been all over this tish james case. because you know donald trump's filings, and you saw what she filed today. what are your take away is? inflating harasses is one thing, inflating them by as much as 2.2 billion dollars a year? that is a whole other level, rather. >> you know, she actually says in the filing that it's between, i think, 812 million and 200 billion every year over the decade from 2011 to 2012. and when i read about trump during the period i spent a lot of time with him, covering a period, you know, looking at his finances, trump say -- that 95,005. there was massive inflation going on back then. i think the difference between reporters looking at donald trump inflating his net worth and a court looking at it is obviously the consequences of that. he spent years inflating his wealth because he is insecure about his own business success. he paid a lot of attention to the pecking order among the wealthiest americans. it was always important to him to be very top of the food chain. he obviously also used that to great consequences with banks, with ensures, and with tax authorities. when he wanted to get's own finances treated favorably by a bank, so he can get loans, or by insurers, so he can get property losses under the potential property losses. and insurance policy -- want to divide the value of his property, slower his tax bill. i think one of the hurdles, however, in tish james's case, is going to be convincing a jury about the extent to which both ensures and banks were acquitted by trump, and were victims of a fraud at his hands. and the primary evidence that they have in a court filing is the statements of financial conditions. that trump routinely prepared to show to the media. to show the demonstrations of his wife. they were never fully audited by his own accountants, the documents themselves. always said they didn't comport with generally accepted accounting practices. and i think the banks themselves often went out on their own to evaluate as well. so to the extent, the banks of the injuries may not ever rely on the documentation that she's presenting her filings. as much as, perhaps, she had her prosecutors believe. but i think it will be up to and a jury to weigh that evidence. and decide whether or not trump in the ultimately flooded the banks. i think another interesting thing that came out today was that in his deposition. in which he said no one should take my savings or financial conditions seriously. i certainly never did. that completely contradicts what he said during our litigation with him when i was at the new york times. and he sued me at that point for defaming him and potentially liable-ing him because he said i lowballed his net worth. and he claims to have shown me the exact same documents, he never did. and in deposition in our court case, he said that those documents should be taken very seriously. because they were accurate assessments of his wife. so he can't have it both ways. and i think that is the dynamic that's gonna get litigated in court if we go there. >> but, tim, it will be a challenge for tish james, right? i worked at deutsche bank when trump trump was a client there. and when he went to the institutional side of the bank and massively overestimated the value of his assets during the time of the apprentice, basically saying that his name, his worth, was significantly more than they computed. he just moved to a different side of the bank, the private side, and they were happy to get on the crazy train. because they wanted to be part of that brand. so she doesn't have a slam dunk case. but as far as trump is doing business going forward? how does he operate? how do banks look at him now? knowing all of this? >> well, reputationally he is a huge risk for anyone at this point. and if he is found guilty, by the way, interchange this case, it's a civil case. but i think he could ultimately effectively put himself out of business in the city of new york. and most, you know, a meaningful portion of his net worth is tied up in a few buildings that are in new york. another one that is on the west coast is his golf course and everything else. but he needs to be doing business in new york. you know, you brought up deutsche bank. his loans through deutsche bank were also central to the litigation that i engaged with. and what shipment did its own diligence after trump prevented presented this inflamed evaluation of his own net worth. he told georgia at the time that i think he was worth five billion. they went out and did their indigenous and said, no, he's actually only worth about 780 million. , again another dynamic that is gonna come into play. but i think, you know, reputationally in the business community, he was always considered a cartoon character. he has never been someone that the most prestigious banks wanted to do business with. everyone who has gotten to bed with donald trump financially has done it because they thought they could get some free publicity. and maybe a free ride off of partnering with him. and ultimately most of them ended up getting burned. >> which is the same reason so many of them, when he became president, gave him the time of day for the first time. steve schwartzman going to saudi arabia with, him sitting next to him at his big birthday party. before donald trump was president, these people didn't even take his call. joyce, what does this mean for trump legally? why would tish james while this now? >> so this lawsuit which has been in the works for a while is about the attorney general in new york's ability to ensure that corporations don't engage in fraudulent practices. it is part of new york's blue sky package of laws that are designed to guarantee corporate integrity. and the allegations that you and tim have been discussing our that trump has two oldest sons, the trump organization, they used these mechanisms of cheating on their financial statements to achieve some financial benefits in insurance, and other loans sorts of areas. and that all of this is in violation of new york law. if she is successful, and this is of course a civil case. she is suing him civilly. she needs only to prove her claims by the hondurans of the evidence, not beyond a reasonable doubt. then it is an essence a corporate death penalty for trump. he will more or less lose his ability to do business in the state of new york. in fact, it is an interesting detailed stuff that shortly after this case was filed, trump in delaware registered a sort of secondary substitute trump organization and. and he gave the appearance of being a sort of adjusted case filing. so that he would have something on board if he did lose his ability to do business in new york. but austin points out, new york is very important to his financial posture. and losing that would be a very difficult sort of penalty for trump. perhaps a more significant penalty even than the criminal penalties that he faces in some of the criminal cases. >> what if he can just mirror his business and do it in delaware, can't get away with it? >> he might be able to, to some extent. but he will still be prohibited from carrying on much of business activities, if any, in new york. and so it's a very meaningful sanction. in that regard. and what james did today in court, the reason this new information that trump fudged his net worth has come to light is that she is actually filing a motion for what is called summary judgment on part of requirements. she has asked the judge to find that there is no dispute that trump was in fact, you know, playing fast and loose with the books and with evaluations. and that that is no longer an issue for the jury to decide. if the court grants promotion, and that is something that the judge will instruct the jury to take as a given. and to the extent that tim talks about the difficulty that she may face improving some of the other issues, showing that the banks relied on trump's statement, this will more narrowly focusing on the issues there at trial, and give her the opportunity to go straight for the judge or jugular. >> look, donald trump has been out there promoting how much money he has racist indictments, who is writing him these checks? >> well, his, for the most part, it's his supporters. it's people who both believe that donald trump, when there are lawsuits against donald trump, when there are criminal indictments against donald trump, that he is convinced that that these are attacks for them. another need to rally around him and the weaponized federal government, weaponized that from democratic prosecutors are targeting donald trump and thereby targeting average americans who need to donate to him. and lots of you are doing it. so he, in some ways, as much as there are 91 federal felony counts against donald trump. as much as his, there are millions of dollars, or very have to find spending, potentially pending against him. he has used these court cases to try to bolster himself in the republican primary. >> all, right new topic, joyce. ruby freeman, her daughter shayna moss. and rudy giuliani. giuliani says that he is wrongly accused in this defamation lawsuit. and i want to share what he said last week to our colleague, vaughn hillyard. >> mister mayor, do you acknowledge that you made false statements? -- >> >> that is a total lie. why don't you go put yourself away. >> you know, why do you not for that in the court? >> that was a simulation, it's an every lawsuit. not for the purposes of truth. >> you did not pass, it yielded her nietzsche fight that. >> wrong! >> i did not because i had to move on to legal issues. now, let me take another question. >> okay, i'm clearly confused because last month giuliani conceded that he did in fact make false statements and so what happened with today's ruling, joyce? >> right, so what you heard from giuliani in that clip was a month of mumbo jumbo that didn't mean anything. and one earlier this, right judge how rule and the district of columbia confirmed that today. what she said was, rudy giuliani failed to comply with his discovery obligations. turn over information. the miss freeman and to her daughter, response. who were suing for defamation and other claims. and the judge entered a default judgment -- recover on their, claims the only issue that is left and out is the amount of damages giuliani will have to pay -- judge howell said, by the way, i am wondering you to pay the plaintiffs legal fees. so look, nothing will restore to miss moss and miss freeman the damage that was done to them. the fear that they lived in, the years of their lives that they lost. but they will at least receive some conversation. and maybe a little bit more here. the knowledge that rudy giuliani who tried so hard to turn them into something that they were, not that he has been exposed and held accountable for doing that. >> all right, so he is going to have to pay his legal fees. and potentially, luke, trump might help rudy with his. trump is supposed to hold 100,000 dollar ahead fund-raiser next month. 12 giuliani with his bills. what do you think about that? i mean, it has been multiple years now. giuliani thought trump was going to pay him all along, and she didn't. and i thought trump's got all sorts of, money really has all sorts of money. $100,000 i had dinner? what is going on here. >> it's interesting to see who shows up and wants to pay $100,000 to help rudy giuliani with his bills. but he has fallen on hard times financially. according to his lawyer's statements. and he has come to donald trump repeatedly had in hand to try to get paid for all the work that he did trying to overturn the 2020 election for donald trump. i don't point, really giuliani wanted to evade something like $20,000 a month. and trump has never paid him, he has paid other lawyers, millions of dollars, but not giuliani. he, giuliani tried to ask him over dinner. he said his son to ask him. he has tried mobile times. finally, donald trump now that rudy giuliani is potentially going to be coming into court in georgia and who knows what kind of pressures are on him there in that criminal case in georgia. donald trump is now saying he is going to help him out with his legal bills. so you can see now there is more than this set of trump's we have to try to help giuliani there. >> well he's not getting out of his arms set -- potentially asking others to write a check for him. luke, joyce, tim, great to see you. all please come back soon. but you at-home, don't go anywhere! when we come back, a look at how donald trump could cinch the nomination before the gop even knows that he is a convicted felon. simone sanders townsend and charlize -- are here. and later, the dalia makes landfall in florida as a category three hurricane. the damage left behind and the threat the storm still poses for the carolinas. the 11th hour just getting underway on a wednesday night. y night. i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant... clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms... ...better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, as these may be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain, and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. stomach and sleep issues, dizziness, increased appetite, and fatigue are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. i didn't have to change my treatment. i just gave it a lift. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. i will be a travel influencer... hey, i thought you were on vacation? 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if you are the republican party, how do you think this is a safe or responsible move to make? >> well it's obviously not. neither safe nor responsible. i think the odds are quite high that he shows up in my town of waukee to accept the rookie nomination wearing an ankle bracelets. and obviously the new york times story is correct, if you look at the calendar it's very likely that if he wins in iowa and wins in new hampshire and then runs the table on super tuesday, it will all be over before there is a single guilty verdict. but there is no reason to believe that the republicans would not nominate him even if they knew he was a felon. because they basically baked that into the cake. so it is unprecedented, is extraordinary, and i think we need to maintain our capacity to realize just how extraordinarily it is for a political party to even risk the possibility of going into a presidential election with a convicted felon at the top of the ticket. even by the standards of the trump era, this is really amazing, stephanie. >> simon, what about the democrats? are they thinking too much on it being donald trump? are they prepared that it could be someone else? because they certainly would like to see him accept the nomination in milwaukee wearing an ankle bracelet. >> i actually don't think that the democrats are banking too much on it being donald trump. i think that was the folks on television, right, the papers, they will say that it is highly more likely than not that donald trump will be the republican nominee. but the strategists that i have talked to, and folks that are close to the campaign and the white house will tell you that they have got their eye on the competition, they are keeping their eyes on the florida governor, ron desantis. and at the end of the day, it is in fact up to the voters. charlie is 1000 percent right. given the fact that the republican party apparatus does not have proportional representation like the democrats do in their primaries, thanks to reverend jesse jackson, it's a winner take all. so if someone can win 40% of the vote in iowa, if you will, or 40% of the vote in texas, which is a state that post on super tuesday. and get zero delegates or how you become the nominee. >> let's talk about a new topic. senate minority leader mitch mcconnell. he had a scary day today, he appeared to freeze in public while giving remarks for the second time in two months. a spokesperson said that he felt light headed, charlie. what do you think about this? >> i have to, say this is very painful to watch. and you have to hope that he is going to be all right. but these are the risks that we run in the gerontocracy that we find ourselves in. and you would hope that there are people who are around him who love him and care for him who are going to urge him to do the right thing. but, i mean, just these moments, unfortunately, could have absolutely cataclysmic affects on not just the management of the united states senate, but american politics in general. because mitch mcconnell, i, mean it's hard to exaggerate the role that he plays. both in the senate and the republican party. but it's sad, and it is deeply alarming. >> he is one of the most powerful people in the country. i wanted to share, democratic congressman dean phillips, after mitch mcconnell at this episode to. he posted this. quote, for goodness sakes, the family, friends, and staff of senators feinstein and mcconnell are doing them and our country a tremendous disservice. it's time for term limits for congress and the supreme court. and some basic human decency. simon, what do you think about that? >> i have had the pleasure of meeting and speaking with congressman dean phillips, and he is a lovely gentlemen. but i do think that there are things that we say on the internet that we would not dare say in the presence of the people with whom we are discussing. the reality is this, i watched that video about two times today of senator mcconnell. and my heart broke for him and for his family, for the people that know him very well, he is a father and a grandfather and i do hope that he is absolutely okay. i have said the same thing about senator feinstein here. but, you know, to try to capitalize on a moment and boost yourself up in this moment? saying things that are just never going to come to fruition in order for term limits to happen in congress, the people who would be terminated need to vote for that. that's not gonna happen. okay, so if you want some term limits, there is maybe some state based ways to go about it, potentially, i don't, know i haven't looked into the law. but what he is talking about is not based on facts. >> well, we wish him the very best of help watching, that it was definitely tough today. sending good wishes. simone sanders townsend, charlie sykes, always good to see you both, love to have you on. >> thank. you >> when we come, back we have got to head to florida and the carolinas. next adalja leaving a path of discretion after slamming into florida's coast and heading for the carolinas next. what is happening on the ground when the 11th hour continues. you need to see this. we have got some shocking images. ♪ i take once-daily jardiance, ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to seee. ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c. ♪ jardiance works 24/7 in your body to flush out some sugar! and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. jardiance may cause serious side effects including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction, and don't take it if you're on dialysis. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell, ♪ ♪ the little pill with a big story to tell. ♪ we always had questions. who do we belong to? 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>> absolutely not. nobody is going to get power for weeks. >> oh my gosh is right, right now adalja is dumping heavy rain over south carolina. my colleague kathy park is covering the storm, there she was supposed to join us live, but she was forced to leave her location because the waters were rising so quickly. she did file this report before she left. watch this. >> that, any good evening, we are here in downtown charleston right now. as you can see, things have got a ton from bad to worse. we are standing in about a foot of water right now. i want to set the scene for you, we are here at the historic battery and beyond my shoulder right there is the seawall. you can see some of the waves crashing over, and that is why we're seeing all of this flooding heading inland. something we are tracking throughout the day today. around 6:30's evening we are standing by that seawall, things weren't too bad. but then within the past hour we had to quickly move our vehicles, get a higher. found a lot of residents today here in downtown charleston closed their shutters, also stacked sandbags and prevented some of the floodwater from getting into their homes. when the parking garages in the areas have been open for folks to move their vehicles to higher ground. as well, the big issue throughout today was the high tide, that it could coincide with these tropical storm conditions. and it looks like we have reached that mark. a lot that will be monitoring throughout the overnight hours, but officials are saying here in the state of south carolina there is a good chance that we watering power outages throughout the evening, as you can see, a lot of cars are trying to go through these flooded roadways. the officials saying that that is probably not a good idea, especially since it is so dark right now. if you can, please stay inside, please stay safe, steph, back to you. >> thank people for kathy's report there, even more thankful from -- nbc's -- she is live in the shore acres area of st. petersburg, florida. marissa, i'm glad to see you are safe where you are. tell us about what you have seen in the last 24 hours. >> it is truly night and day. we have been out here for about 24 hours straight. and the difference could not be more stark, stephanie. it was not even maybe ten hours ago, you wouldn't even be able to walk where i'm standing right now. the water level, if i were to walk to the middle of the street a little further behind the camera where i am right now, it would be about waist deep. so this is an area right here to set the scene for you, sure acres in a bird, st. petersburg, that's peninsula. we are on a peninsula surrounded by the gulf of mexico on one side. you've got the bay on the other. this whole area is flood prone. it wasn't zone a. mandatory evacuation. it's because a lot of it is low lying. it is prone to those surges. and when we talk about the biggest threat to this area we have known for some time that wind was not gonna be a big threat here. we were not in the bag, threat direct path, they comb like some of our colleagues have been reporting further north of us. for us in tampa, and the temper area, this has been a water event. so when we talk about the impact here we saw a lot of flooded streets. if you know bay shore boulevard, that is a main thorough affair throughout downtown. completely submerged and we saw a lot of cars in need of rescuing there and we will talk more about that just a moment. but we talk about st. peter, we've got the fire department and fire rescue has been so busy, they are getting their first breath right now because this has been something that has been keeping them so busy, staff and we know that it is going to take some time to get a sense of the damage when it comes to those flooded streets. but i think the sense here in the tampa bay area is just sort of a sense of relief. because even though there was a lot of flooding, when you look further north, they know it could've been a whole lot of force here. >> for sure, talk to us about what we are covering, recovery efforts will look like? >> so this is something that the fire department, fire rescue here behind me knows a lot about. so first, we saw a lot of stranded cars, one of them on bay shore boulevard. that was somebody who was trying to drive through a flooded street, just like we saw happening behind kathy park in charleston. and those people needed to get rescued outside of their cars. but then we have, we talked about your eight years, this neighborhood, we are here for a reason. that's because they saw a lot of flooding. and so there were streets here. we talked about how it was waist deep for me. there's a lot of people here we, talked to lieutenant here from saint pete virus q and he said they had to do 70, they had to do what he rescues for 75 different people, 30 pets. many of them elderly. we are talking about elderly people who were not able to evacuate as easily. i am going to take you to what he had to say about what those rescue efforts looked like. again, 75 people. take a listen. >> after we tallied reading up and we were in 75 people out of harm's way. through the flood, and also 30 paths. there were definitely doing their best to stay out of the water. they're mostly good. because it is to get to the point where if they did walk out further into their yard, they are going to be close above their heads. there were some people that need walking sustenance using their walkers and wheelchairs, and being on top of those to stay out of the water. >> they were using their walkers to stay out of the water? >> yes. >> so i will just add this, stephanie, when we talk about people who did not evacuate. we are in the zone area. this is mandatory evacuation of course there are some people who just simply did not take the storm seriously, and later regretted that. but then there were people who fell into the category of those who had a harder time evacuating than others. some of them elderly, didn't have someone to help them. so obviously the circumstances are different for everyone. but there is signs of hope here, the water is largely receding if not mostly receded in those areas. and the airport will be fully operational by tomorrow afternoon. stephanie, things are looking up for things here in the tampa bay area. >> well that is certainly positive, marissa, thank you so much for joining us. when we come, back please do not go anywhere. even if you are tired, even if you say, hey, i wanna turn. and not tonight. this next guest, i will say that's the most important person i will speak to today. reporting through a campus shooting, the powerful front page of a student newspaper at the university of north carolina, not going viral. one of those journalist joins us next. us next. ! 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where were you? what were you doing? >> yeah, absolutely, thank you for having me. i was very fortunate to not be in a campus building at the time of the lofton. i was at our student newspaper offices which is about a half a mile away from where the shooting occurred. and we have crew smoker student editors in the office. and from the roof of our offices we were just able to see the absolute chaos that was unfolding outside. police cars from every direction, sirens going off from campus. i mean, just terrifying to not know what was happening in that moment. >> i watch that and just thought, unc chapel hill is a dream school. you and your fellow students worked so hard to be there, your parents just brought you to school and no one would ever imagine that this would happen in the second week of school. i know there was a moment of silence earlier today to remember the professor who was killed. what is it like on campus right now? >> yes, campus right now is a lot about togetherness, i think we are feeling a lot of the same emotions as a community. not just the student community but the serling chapel hill one as well. we are feeling a lot of uncertainty. a lot of anger. a lot of grief. and i think we have done a good job of coming together. a vigil was hosted on campus this evening. another rally this afternoon. i am very grateful to be part of a community that is really embracing being together in a time when we really need to come together and heal. >> let's talk about the daily tar heel, because your front page has gone viral. many of the messages are really hard to read. how did you get this idea to make this, to put this in the paper? to show not just your school but the country what it was like for you and your fellow students? >> yes, absolutely, this week's paper was supposed to be our run-of-the-mill preview of our upcoming football season. but after monday, we took a long hard look at the coverage that we were putting out. and we thought, what would best represent it? we didn't know if it would be a picture or a few words. or a story. and after lamenting on it for a few hours, our editor-in-chief texted me with the idea to put text messages sent and received by students while they were all in lockdown for over three hours. so we came into our offices yesterday and just one through submissions sent to us by peers, by classmates, and we highlighted some quotes here, as you see in red. that we felt most salient, and that we felt told this narrative of three hours of confusion and fear. >> how difficult was that as a journalist? right? i have covered all sorts of mass shootings, from my seat. but i was never inside, right? you put it your student newspaper in the wake of the tragedy that you yourself experienced. >> yes, absolutely. i think we couldn't have done it without a team. and we have a team that is just amazing and has been here for each other since monday. and will continue to be here in the coming weeks and months. >> if i like reading text my mom would give me, all those messages on to paper. there's only and that is something along the lines of that was i wish i could come get. you my home says that when i am stuck in my dorm room with a cold, and know she was feeling on monday. so it was just heart-wrenching to see other people's parents responding the way that i was responding. and that my parents were responding. it's just something so human about it that really got me. >> caitlin, you, i am sorry to report, but you know this, our audience does, you are part of a generation that is basically forced into active shooter drills since you are in iran. did you ever think that you would need to use that training? >> you know, i didn't think so, i don't think anyone ever does. no one prepares for it. and it is a bad, dark day when we have to do that. in the coming days i am a solder by the support by we have been able to have for each other. and i think that the conversation that we are able to have because of this front cover, and because of the reporting that our team is putting out, i think we are going to start thinking a lot more critically about, you know, why things like this happen, how they can be provided prevented. and how we move forward from them. >> that front cover isn't just informing your community, giving you comfort, it is the ultimate in speaking truth to power. the entire country is seeing that. our government leaders are forced to read those messages. and potentially reckon with it. what does that tell you and all about the importance of students journalism? >> i hope it tells people that they need to keep reading. and we need to keep engaging. if you felt moved by our friend cover i hope you pick up our paper, check it out online, and keep reading. we are trying to bring light to the pain that is being felt in our community and it is so important that we just are able to keep telling those stories and that people continue to care about these stories. yeah, i am really thankful for everyone who has reached out and said that it have an impact on them. >> caitlin, you are not just shedding light, you are the light. kaitlan giddy, i am grateful, thank you for staying up and joining us tonight. >> thank you. >> when we come back, rioters have been on the picket lines for over 120 days. now, with no end in sight, how some of the funniest guys in late night are helping them out, when the 11th hour continues. ask about vraylar. because you are greater than your bipolar 1, and you can help take control of your symptoms - with vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs. vraylar treats depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar 1 in adults. proven, full-spectrum relief for all bipolar 1 symptoms. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles or confusion which may mean a life-threatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. sleepiness and stomach issues are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. >> woman: why did we choose safelite? 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we've got the power. >> and may, 11,500 rioters went on strike. two months later, sag-aftra, with its over 160,000 actors followed suit, protesting against hollywood's biggest studios. their demands include higher wages and protection over the use of a.i.. it's estimated california's economy has lost over three billion in revenue since the strike began. >> so, really the majority of our members are working people, just trying to put food on the table and pay their rent. and we couldn't make a deal on their behalf. >> throughout the summer, the hosts showing their support. >> americans been forced to read books and occasionally even speak to one another. >> during the last writers strike in 2007, late night tv returned after two months off the air. the hosts at the time growing beards in solidarity, finding unique ways to pass the time. >> that's a good spin, that's a good spin. >> this time around, the comics have committed to at least 12 episodes of the podcast, with casual unscripted conversations providing financial relief to their staff and a few laughs. >> doing good and being funny. their first episode is out today, exclusively on spotify. and on that note, i wish you a very, very good night. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc, thanks for staying up

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Proportions , Strongest , Relentless Sheets Of Rain , Big Bend , Chance , Homes , Gas Station , Gusts , Beach , 125 , Power , Nobody , Winds , Roofs , Anything , Region , Oh My Gosh , Perry , Kathy Park , Location , Heavy Rain , Water , Evening , Scene , Report , Foot , Downtown Charleston , Ton , Flooding , Seawall , Over , Shoulder , Battery , Waves , Residents , Vehicles , Higher , Things Weren T Too Bad , 6 , 30 , Floodwater , Sandbags , Parking Garages , Shutters , Officials , Well , Mark , High Tide , Idea , Cars , Roadways , Power Outages , Safe , Back To You , Steph , Petersburg , Night And Day , Shore Acres Area Of St , Marissa , 24 , Middle , Wouldn T , Stark , Street , Water Level , Camera , Bay , Bird , Waist Deep , Gulf Of Mexico , Mother , Flood , Surges , It Wasn T Zone A Mandatory Evacuation , Reporting , Streets , Colleagues , Temper Area , Water Event , Bag , Tampa , Fire Department And Rescue , About St , Downtown , Affair , Peter , Bay Shore Boulevard , Breath , Sense , Tampa Bay Area , Relief , Recovery Efforts , North , Sure , Somebody , Kathy Park In Charleston , Flooded Street , Neighborhood , Eight , Lieutenant , Pets , Saint Pete Virus Q , 75 , 70 , Rescue Efforts , Listen , Paths , Heads , Yard , Yes , Walkers , Wheelchairs , Walking Sustenance , Didn T , Evacuation , Airport , Signs , Circumstances , Guest , Student Newspaper , Journalist , Josh Allen , Neighbors , Hero Fan , Nfl Sunday Ticket , Verizon , Youtubetv , Yea , Uh , Myplan , Fan , Football Season , Mmhm , Get Nfl Sunday Ticket , Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 , Vo , 449 , 49 , 1 , Towns , Focus , Cities , Uc , Symptom Relief , Remission , Results , Ulcerative Colitis , Urgency , Leave Bathroom , Colon Lining , Gastroenterologist , Trickle , Taxes , Middle Class , Tough Making Ends Meet For Sure , Joe Biden , Families , Cost , Costs , Drugs , Crazy Junk , Student , Students , Professor , Parents , Nightmare , Shooter , Thousands , Classes , Place , Community , Messages , Student Journalists , Tar Heel , Second Storey Windows To Safety , Lockdown , Caitlin K T , Print , Tar Hill , Student Newspaper Offices , Campus Building , Mind , Lofton , Offices , Chaos , Shooting , Office , Crew Smoker Student Editors , Police Cars , Roof , Campus , Direction , Dream School , Sirens , School , Student Community , Emotions , Togetherness , Chapel Hill , Serling , Afternoon , Uncertainty , Anger , Grief , Job , Vigil , Rally , Heal , Paper , Coverage , Words , Preview , We , Picture , Editor In Chief , Text Messages , Quotes , Classmates , Submissions , Peers , Red , Narrative , Salient , Shootings , Seat , Wake , Tragedy , Text , Lines , Dorm Room , Cold , Wrenching , Generation , Training , Audience , Shooter Drills , Iran , No One , Each Other , Cover , Solder , Ultimate , Front Cover Isn T , Government Leaders , Importance , Pain , Reading , Friend Cover , Journalism , Stories , Rioters , Guys , Picket Lines , Back , No End In Sight , Kaitlan , 120 , Bipolar , Take Control , Episodes , Medicines , Highs , Lows , Manic , Sleepiness , Safelite , Suv , Replacement , Service , Woman , Psoriasis , Cosentyx , Singers , Fail , Safelite Repair , Try , Five , Crohn S Disease , Tuberculosis , Vaccine , Mop , Cleaning Tool , Swiffer Powermop , Dermatologist , Bucket , Cleaning Pad , Dirt Away , Scrubbing Strips , Head , Hundreds , Swivel , 360 , Advisors , Investment Research , Investments , Investment Plan , David , Thanks Jen , Advice , Room , Line , Mobile App , Tower , Mona Lisa , Paris , Members , Travel Perks , Room Upgrades , Gold , Writers , Jimmy Fallon , First , Strikeforce Five , Stephen Colbert , Project , Seth Myers , May , Talk Shows , Jon , Show Teams , Strikeforce , Hair , Stars , Return , Tv , Podcast , Jimmy Kimmel , Starting Today , Comedians , Spotify , John Oliver , Jimmy , One More Time , Zoom , Announcement , Jim , Proceeds , Helm , Crowd Chanting , Late Night Hosts , 11500 , Strike , Sag Aftra , Studios , Use , Demands , Actors , Suit , Wages , Protection , Hollywood , A I , California S , 160000 , Behalf , Revenue , Food , Summer , Economy , Rent , Majority , Deal , Three Billion , Hosts , Another , Late Night Tv , Support , 2007 , Spin , Conversations , Beards , Solidarity , Laughs , Comics , Funny , Note , Networks ,

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