Transcripts For MSNBCW Symone 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW Symone 20240704

rollins, who hosts hopes to represent california's 31st district, after nearly losing in 2022. i'm symone sanders-townsend, and i have something to say. >> another weekend in america, another tragic story of senseless gun violence. another racist act of hate. police say saturday afternoon, a 21-year-old white man captured on security video, went to $1 general store in jacksonville florida, and opened fire. he allowed some white people to leave the store before killing three black people, and shooting himself with an ar-15 style rifle, and a clock handgun. both guns have swastikas drawn on them. just before the shooting, police say this gunman went to the campus of the oldest historically black university in florida, -- where he was asked to identify himself. he would not, and then he was asked to leave. this afternoon, local authorities released the names of and ages of the victims. angela michel car was 52. jared dishon galleon was 29. and unaltered joseph la garry junior was just 19. again, all were black. jacksonville sheriff kiké waters gave a detailed timeline of the shooting, including this. >> at 1:18, the suspect's his father says, use a screwdriver to get into my room. the father enters the room, and finds a last will and testament, of the suspect, along with a suicide note on this laptop. at 1:19 and 21 seconds, officers entered the building, and begin to clear. just 11 minutes after this whole ordeal, the manifesto is quite frankly, the diary of a mad man. he was, i mean, he was just completely irrational. but, what these when they were rational thoughts, he knew what he was doing. in this situation in this case, there was nothing saying, there is nothing illegal about him owning firearms. >> police had already confirmed that the attack was, quote, racially motivated, with the sheriff added that the shooter quote, hated black people. racially motivated. this is a turn you've probably heard before. racially-motivated is a loaded term, folks, a word salad. we need to be clear about what happened. this was a racist attack. so i propose we replace the phrase racially motivated with the word, racist. because this is a clear, more accurate description. today, another community is reeling from racist violence. >> the people in this community, they are hurting. and they have every right to. you know, this makes no sense. i am very, very angry right now. but i'm [crying] emotional. >> -- i've never seen like this -- you see it on tv -- >> today, we are talking about $1 general in jacksonville florida. but according to the gun violence archive, is there have already been 473 mass shootings in communities across our country, this year. and for context, there have only been 239 days in the year. and the latest fbi reports on hate crimes, from 2021, shows there's been an uptick in reported instances. those statistics show that the majority of hate crimes were motivated by race or ethnicity. and 31% of of those were anti black, or african american. that includes all types of reported crimes from intimidation to aggravated assault. again, motivated by race, we are talking about racist attacks, racist violence. you know, it's not lost on me that this latest heinous act of violence to place in jacksonville, just as activists and civil rights leaders took the podium in washington d.c., on the 16th anniversary of the march on washington. and yesterday, many speakers were calling for more action, on gun safety. >> we must and gun violence! i [applause] and then, maybe one day, we will be a great nation. we are not personifying a greatness right now. >> gun violence has come for our places of worship. our schools, and our shopping centers. and that's not the only problem, that earlier generations didn't expect, but my generation cannot escape. >> students are being gunned down, racial tension is on the rise, and young people are being silenced. and time, is running out. >> how many people have to die, how many times do we have to have this conversation? when will enough be enough? something has to give. joining me now is councilman rahman johnson. he represents jacksonville city council district 14, and he is a professor of journalism at edward waters university, the university where the shooter went, prior to the dollar general. councilman, thank you for being here today. first, our hearts go out to you, and the people of the jacksonville community. i know that there were two prayer vigils that took place today. additional ones are planned. what is just, how are people feeling? >> the mood is sadness, and heaviness. i will, say it's not anger yesterday, while i was in the community. i went over, and i spent time, and i went over instantly, because i am a fifth generation edward watters university graduate. and now as a professor, that is home. as a journalist to travel the world doing this journalism work, i come with a unique perspective. and, just to the stories that were there, and for us to be a part of it. we stood together in the middle of the street, holding a prayer vigil, holding hands. it's heaviness, and it's not even anger, as i hugged and as we prayed and talked. we've got to do more than just send thoughts and prayers and talk and pray. we have got to find ways to create action, that is positive and sustainable. but it's just a heavy, sad mood, simone. and, even our students. i talked to a couple of my students through text messages this morning, who said they were a they weren't even sad or afraid to come all of their dorm rooms. and that's no way for students to. >> no way at all. your governor, ron desantis, addressed the shooting earlier today. i want you to take a listen. >> florida state and its people condemn the horrific, racially motivated murders, perpetrated by a deranged scumbag, in jacksonville at the dollar general store. perpetrating violence of this kind is unacceptable. and targeting people due to their race, has no place in the state of florida. >> councilman, do you feel like enough is being done in florida, to prevent this kind of racist violence? >> absolutely not. and we've actually done more to perpetuate it. we have set the scene for these kinds of things to happen. i mean, when you look at the facts that we now have. you look at the fact that we are targeting african american education in schools. look at the fact that we are trying to keep diversity education out, and diversity ek -- come against the trans community. we are setting the tone for these kinds of stuff, and it has to stop. equity, and equality means understanding that we can communicate. we may not all worship together, or do the same, thing be in the same place. but what we can do is learn from each other. and when we have this kind of divisive rhetoric, this is exactly what happens. >> you know councilman, some people would say that some of that divisive rhetoric comes directly, and has come directly from the governor of florida, ron desantis. do you think that the actions of the governor has taken since he has won reelection, have potentially contributed to the climate in florida today, that led to this racist attack? >> i believe that it is a culmination of all kinds of efforts. i'm not going to say that it's only out of the governor. while some of the things that the governor has done, in the administration has done, when it comes to education, even union busting, in this climate, has caused temperatures to flare. but, i am saying that it takes people from all sides of the equation. while the governor has done some things that i personally don't agree with, what we need to do is look at all facets of this. what are local communities doing, why are our school board members being? targeted we need to make sure that we are putting people in elected office who are using emotional telegrams to make decisions, and not some aspirational to a higher office. we've got work to do, but if we sit there and take our heels in the, sand and go to our corners, absolutely nothing gets done. so, it's coming from the highest offices, but these are seeds that implanted not by now, seats have been planned for a while. but now we see what happens, when those seeds bear fruit. >> you know and, let's talk about the gunman. we will not be using his name on this program today. but the gunman in the shooting appears to have purchased his weapons legally. he did have a criminal record, he was held on the baker act for 72 hours, for mental evaluation back in 2017. now the sheriff says even though his racist manifesto read like the diary of a mad men, the gunman definitely knew what he was doing. i want to play this for you. >> we have to stop people that have bad intentions. wiggins, the story is always about guns. people are bad, this guy's a bad guy. if i could take my gun off right now, and late on this counter, nothing will happen. it will sit there. but as soon as a wicked person grabs ahold of that hand gun and start shooting people with it, there is a problem. the problem is the individual. guns are tool that people used to do horrible things. >> councilman, how do you see the sheriff's comments there? because some could argue that this isn't just about mental health, this is also about hate. and yes, it is still also about guns. >> absolutely, it's about hate. and, i have to, in that space, agree with the sheriff. guns don't kill people, stupid people with guns kill people. but when you gifts to people access to guns, people die. so, while one is not exactly moving and motivating for the other, we still have to look at the space of what's happening. and florida literally just weeks ago, instituted a permit -less carry law. which means that people can have no permit, and get a gun. which essentially makes every gun you have legal. that's an issue, we have got too many people with access to weapons of mass destruction. with guns, these kinds of -- aren't used for hunting, they are literally used to take lives. and so, while i'm not trying to pick a fight with anybody in particular, what i am trying to do is do the work, and use my voice, and whatever platform i have, to protect our communities. our kids are hurting right now. i was on the phone earlier with the national association of black psychologists. i've been reaching out to my friends in academia, who are also academics, who are psychologist, trying to get help for our community. because, you've got kids that don't want to come outside, you've got people that are saying well, we need to go back and retaliate. there are so many things that are happening here. and at the end of the day, it's because we are giving people access, and that is what we have to stop. it's, yes about education, but it's also about limiting access, so when there are people who have mental issues, that we are ensuring that they do not have access. >> so councilman. you know, you make a very good point here. so i guess, my last question for you would be, what is your biggest concern, as the community you moves forward? because many local leaders such as yourself, have been speaking out. you just talked about a number of different things, that can and should be done. what's your biggest concern? >> simone, my biggest concern here is just ensuring that we are talking to each other. we've got to do the work, there is a forum going on right now. but we've got to do more than just hold vigils and forums, we've got to make sure that these people -- . right now in this community, what in the immediate needs we have is that that dollar general was actually a place where people can go and get the groceries, their eggs, their milk, stuff they needed for the week. now, those people don't have access to that in their community. so, i've been trying to work with some grocery providers, and other community service organizations, to ensure those people are eating. but we've got to do what we can do to help each. other than we first got to have conversations, we've got to make sure our mental health is protected. because people just don't know where to go. and when you have that unbridled, enthusiasm, and that move to want to do something different, you don't know how it's going to come about. and let me tell you simone, yesterday former congress woman marcia fudge was help she, help us put together a house party. they've been having. at >> yes yes, marcia -- the current secretary of housing and urban development, yes. >> correct. so secretary fudge help us put this event together. well, this event was supposed to be at edward waters university. unfortunately, there was a pipe that burst, and some air conditioning issues. of course, we were able to get that event moving at about two miles away at the state college. but had not that catastrophe happen at the school, we would have had hundreds of people there, black and brown people, of a unique income circumstances, trying to get home ownership. and, it doesn't run past me, that we've been promoting this event for a while. and not many people, unless you are registered, knew that we were going to be -- so we've got to do better with making sure. >> there is work to be done. >> there is a lot of work. and some of. >> there is work to be done. >> and simone, i am so thankful for you, continuing to do the work. i cannot tell you enough, thank you for all that you do. >> thank you councilman. jacksonville city councilman rahman johnson, we appreciate your time. and we are praying for your community, and we know that you are all looking fraction. coming up later in the show folks, i'm going to break down exactly how extremist racist rhetoric is fueling attacks, just like this one in jacksonville. up next, i've got a question for you. would you ever put your mugshot on your resume, because that's exactly what former president donald trump is doing. and, raising a lot of money in the process. our political panel is here to talk about how that might go over, in a general election. but first, my colleague jessica -- is here with today's other top news stories. jessica, what is going on out there. >> simone, we've got a busy day today. and we start with a tragedy involving members of the u.s. military. -- an aircraft crash on the island of australia's northern coast, killing three marines. it happened during a routine, multi nation training exercise, according to marine officials. five others were taken to a nearby hospital in serious condition. a total of 23 u.s. marines were on board. russian officials now say that she for the mercenary wagner group has officially been confirmed dead, killed in that mysterious plane crash. a russian investigative committee says dna analysis helped it identify all ten people on board. yevgeny prigozhin spearheaded a failed coup attempt against russian president vladimir putin about two months ago. the kremlin though, has denied being involved in this crash whatsoever. and, more than 1000 people are evacuate outside of baton rouge, louisiana, due to a series of wildfires burning in that state. a brutal heat wave, sweeping across the south today, it is fueling the fire. louisiana governor john -- edwards says homes have been lost, but thankfully no lives. i'm jessica layton, more simone coming up, after the break. er the break try killing bugs the worry-free way. not the other way. zevo traps use light to attract and trap flying insects with no odor and no mess. they work continuously, so you don't have to. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. i'm saving with liberty mutual, mom. they customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. you could save $700 dollars just by switching. ooooh, let me put a reminder on my phone. on the top of the pile! oh. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ frustrated by skin tags? 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>> sadly, i worry it does have legs. let's speak clear. everyone listening to us brayden au, my former political party is a cult. say that again. it is a cult. this is not a normal political party. donald trump is a cult leader. he has become a martyr. every indictment and trial, simone. only strengthens him within the republican voters. overwhelmingly, the nomination is his. i worry and i fear that even in a general election, it may help him. imagine if he is acquitted. imagine if there is a hung jury on one of these trials. the possibility is scary. it should scare all of us. >> let's talk about the data, the brand. -- media calm poll found that 46% of iowa public caucus voters described themselves as, quote, maga republican. it's just one number. from your reporting, what do you think this should illuminate for us about republican voters in iowa? >> right, that poll has a lot of different data points that show the strength that donald trump still has with iowa republicans. 45%, excuse, me 65% of likely republican caucus -- people who planted caucus in january say they believe donald trump has not committed any serious crimes and when you look at that mugshot, when you look at the way he's campaigning, these are the people that he's talking to. people who don't believe that he's committed a crime. so, even when you talk to republicans in the state here who are not possibly planning to caucus for donald trump, they might move on, they're looking for someone. else they still believe that these indictments are politically motivated. they believe he is being unfairly attacked. >> there are some members of the conservative media apparatus who have compared donald trump's mugshot to other famous people, claiming that this particular image is going to mobilize donald trump supporters. we want you all to hear what some of the things that have been set out there. >> the mugshot is like the new traeger rarity shirt. the image represents something. you feel something when you see it. >> now he joins frank sinatra, he joins elvis presley, he joins johnny cash and tupac shakur. he didn't only know some of these people, meaning he is now seen by non political folks as our rebel. >> these mugshots which include people like mlk. these projects and a different image. -- an image of defiance. what you're seeing right there is defiance. >> congresswoman, what do you make of these comparisons? >> i mean, johnny cash? listen, johnny cash? what's going on. >> the mugshot represents something. it represents donald trump having been arrested and booked. as a career law enforcement officer, i've seen a lot mugshots in my lifetime. never have i seen even the worst of the worst brag about their mugshots and put it on a t-shirt and raise money from it. look, you know, donald trump might get through the primary. it might work on a reality television show. it will not work with the general electorate. this is america. we cannot forget who we are. shame on us if america like somebody who is trying -- and convicted on multiple felonies. charged with racketeering, i mean, come on. >> you know, donald trump is innocent until proven guilty in the court of law, even though we know the facts are -- >> i did say charged and convicted. >> yeah, charged and convicted. >> the evidence is overwhelming. >> the evidence is there. >> i think this is why so many people are having the conversations that we are having. how are we here at this moment? there is a new national political and ipsos poll. it actually found that americans really don't seem to buy donald trump's claim that he's a victim is a broken system. especially when it comes to the justice department's 2020 election interference case. we will put the numbers up. 59% of those polls actually the justice department's decision to pursue an indictment was based on a fair evaluation of the evidence and the law. and then another 58% have an unfavorable view of trump's actions and behavior surrounding the cases against him. brian, what effect could this have on the general election as the congresswoman was just talking about? not just for donald trump, i'm also thinking about the republican apparatus defending him. every member of the house representatives is up for reelection. key senate races. >> it's really interesting to see how this is playing out. again here, in iowa, and the primaries, there are certain types of republicans who are looking to a general election and thinking about these numbers. they're concerned that donald trump will not be able to beat joe biden in a general election. so, you're seeing people like ronna santos trying to make that case here and iowa as he's on the campaign trail. he is about halfway through his 99 county tour of the state already. so, it's really a matter of whether these primary voters are open to hearing something like that. y voters >> -- >> they may be growing more open that overtime. i'm talking to some republicans who are starting to feel the weight of these indictments. even though, they may not feel that donald trump has done something wrong, but they see the general election liability for him. >>, you know, joe, we don't have time to play the sound. the former governor of south carolina, nikki haley, a current republican presidential candidate. she was discussing the trump indictments and she basically took the strategy of framing the indictments as a logistics issue rather than critique of donald trump's actions. i'm wondering what you think about that. >> nikki, you can't straddle the fence with trump. that's nikki haley's problem. like so many republicans, they have been trying to have it both ways on trump. they can't. she doesn't have a constituent in the party. she's not going to get the nomination. i hope and pray that every word that val diamonds just set out there, there is no way this country will elect somebody like donald trump again. i hope bell downing's is right. look at, as simone, we are two and a half years removed from this guy trying to lead an effort to violently overthrow the american election. he is still there. he is going to be the nominee. i just think for an uncharted waters, let's not get complacent let's make what val demings just said let's make it happen. >> we will be watching -- especially the iowa caucus voters. they are the first. brianna pfannstiel, former congressman val demings. former congressman joe walsh, i appreciate you all thank you so much. >> federal prosecutors want to take trump to trial over election interference. this coming. generate trump's team, they are asking for a trial in april of 2020. six, so what side is going to win that one, well we expect to find out tomorrow. a highly anticipated hearing right here in washington, d.c.. a former federal prosecutor joins me next to walk us through what exactly we could see unfold. that's why they choose t-mobile for business. mlb partners with t-mobile to not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. aaa relies on t-mobile's network to stay connected nationwide, so they can help get their members back on the road. and we're helping pano ai innovate, to stop the spread of wildfires. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. 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(♪♪) gain flings. seriously good scent. hearings will take place. one right here and washington, d.c.. judge tanya chutkan is expected to set the date for the federal election case against donald trump. jack smith's team has already offered january 2nd 2024. donald trump's lawyers have floated april 2026. that's more than two years later. federal prosecutors say that would deny the public's speedy trial. meanwhile, in georgia, lawyers for the former chief of staff mark meadows will go before a federal judge to argue that the charges against him in fulton county should be moved to a federal court. georgia secretary of state brad raffensperger has been subpoenaed to testify. fulton county just an attorney fani willis has pushed back on the argument. this is what she had to say in a filing. the district attorney's office contended that meadows violated the hatch act which bars employees from engaging in political activity as part of their official roles are fatal friend paul butler joins me a. former federal prosecutor and an msnbc legal analyst. i have some questions for you. before we get to all of that, the horrific racist hate crime and shooting yesterday. the fbi has now opened an investigation. a hate crimes investigation. how could that impact of the local investigation that is currently underway. >> what seems obvious from the evidence that this was a hate crime. the evidence being those manifesto's which were replete with the and word from the shooter. also the fact that he adorned one of his firearms with a swastikas. so, the investigation will look at how the shooter got radicalized. whether there were accomplices or other people who knew about this plan. whether there's any warning sign. if there's any tragedy could've been prevented. we know that the fbi has said that terrorism by white supremacist like the shooter is the nation's number one domestic threat. florida is in the top ten states where right supremacist activity is prevalent. >> i will have something about that later on in the show. okay, let's talk about donald trump in these cases. particularly tomorrow right here. judge chutkan is going to give us the answer we've all been waiting for. when will this federal election interference trial start? what do you think the judge is going to do? >> she's going to consider a couple things. one, jack smith has requested january. donald trump responded with this very dramatic orographic of all the evidence that they've received from the prosecution. 11 million documents. 11 million pages. this graphic said this is like if you stack the documents it would be the equivalent of eight washington monuments. so, this is a time where trump needs to be grateful that judge chutkan was a former public defender before she observed the bench. she's going to be sympathetic to the need to review all of the evidence. the district attorney said they want to go through all those 11 million pages. page by page. jack melissa has some of this is been there for a long time. some of the evidence is stuff like trump's tweets on social media. obviously, he has access to that. so, again, i don't think that accident is going to get his january date. the date that trump lead is three and a half years. >> it's so long. it's so long for -- it seems like a leap. it might come down in the middle. what is that? the defense attorney is undermining the credibility by asking for that date. the judge isn't going to consider the politics. but she will be aware that trump has got three other cases to go. so, that will be part of her consideration. simone, it makes sense for this to be the first case. maybe not in january, but in early 2024 well, before the election. dave bragman. >> what about georgia? tomorrow mark meadows is going to this evidentiary hearing in georgia. he's basically arguing that, i think it's crazy. we will see what happens. i used to be a federal employee. i never thought that we -- sorry if i was acting on behalf of the vice president that it would be official duties and that is what mark meadows is arguing. that's what a number of other codefendants in this case are also arguing. they are acting under the direction. what do you think we will learn in this hearing about potentially getting these cases moved to federal court? >> first of all, the removal makes no difference for how the trial actually goes down. it would be the same prosecutors and same state charges. it's just the venue would be federal court rather than state court. this is really about the poll for federal courts in atlanta. jurors are drawn from all over the city. the suburbs too. it is more. diverse than the fulton county atlanta juries. a lot more white folks and a lot more people from the suburbs. i think a lot of defendants thinks that that's as a friendlier jewelry for them. >> i never thought diversity and white people would be in the same sentence. paul butler, i learn something new every day. thank you very, very much. >> i appreciate your time. >> up, next we are turning back to jacksonville, florida. how hateful racist rhetoric feels attacks just like yesterday shooting. -- stay with us. ay with us an engineer. all learning to save and spend their money with chase. the chef's cooking up firsts with her new debit card. hungry? 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[music playing] interviewer: you can join the battle to save lives by supporting st. jude children's research hospital. families never receive a bill from st. jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live. subject 4: childhood cancer, there's no escaping it. but st. jude is doing the work, continually researching towards cures, giving more than just my child a chance at life. interviewer: please, call or go online right now and become a st. jude partner in hope for only $19 a month. subject 5: those donations really matter because we're not going to give up. and when you see other people not giving up on your child, it makes all the difference in the world. interviewer: when you call or go online with your credit or debit card right now, we'll send you this st. jude t-shirt. you can wear to show your support to help st. jude save the lives of these children. subject 6: st. jude is hope. even today after losing a child, it's still about the hope of tomorrow, because. childhood cancer has to end. interviewer: please, call or go online right now. [music playing] what do we always say, son? liberty mutual customizes your car insurance... so you only pay for what you need. that's my boy. ♪ stay off the freeways! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> 2024 as a presidential election, near shartner. while that race might be the highest profile contests next, year it's not the only one that will have a critical impact on your lives. folks, 34 senate seats and maybe control of the chamber, will be decided next fall. along with every seat in the house of representatives. not to mention, voters in 11 states will also be choosing their governors. so, here on simone, we are unpacking some of these key races with our series on the ballot. we are focusing on california's 41st congressional district. last year's midterms, former federal prosecutor will rollins was less than five points away from unseating 15 term republican congressman ken colbert. collins was attending the new congressional member orientation when he learned that he lost. now, rollins is running to unseat calvert again. after the upcoming primary, voters could be seeing a rematch for the ages. will rollins joins me now. welcome to, you sir. thank you for being. here can you just tell us, what did you learn from your 2022 campaign. how are you doing things different this time around? >> i learned that we built a pretty great coalition. i was the only democratic challenger in california to win independent voters during the midterm. the best performance of any democratic challenger compared to biden in 2020 by house district. we built something pretty unique. there was a lot of republican support. former republican assembly leader when the former republican sheriff in riverside county. i think where people get to know me, people saw this in the election. coachella valley, folks gonna chance to hear the message. we did really well. we've got to roll the sleeves and do more work on the western side of the district. we got a lot of room to grow. i'm really proud of the campaign around. but the first time candidate, pretty great results given the difference in the midterms and the higher turnout. >> i've spoken to some democratic strategists. they told me that you are one of the standout races in the 2022 midterms. you are a candidate that flooded to the top. so, this, go-round you have said that the fight for democracy is your biggest motivator in this race. do you believe that congressman calvert will accept the results of the election if you win? if not, how would you navigate that? >> well he's done nothing to suggest that he will stand up erdogan. you know, this was the first time iran in the midterms. i spent my career in law enforcement. i thought that i was going to spend the rest of my career in law enforcement. i loved working in counterterrorism. it was what ken calvert did while people like me were helping track down the people who attacked the u.s. capitol on january six. that motivated me to get into this race. he was calling for dropping charges against those people. he voted to overturn the election. he voted against a commission to investigate the attack. look, regardless of party, people want someone who's going to stand up for our democracy and to the rule of law. i think that's why we build a bipartisan coalition in the last election. it's why we're going to win this thing and 24. >> after redistricting the 41st congressional district, it now includes palm springs. palm springs has a huge lgbtq+ population. how would you use this house seat if you wind to protect the rights and safety of your lgbtq plus constituents? >> when i was a junior high, school september 11th happened. i thought about enlisting in the military. i was scared of doing its. i was closeted. i didn't want to be out and under go don't ask don't tell. i found a different path into national security. i can't relate very much to the attacks that are going on against our community. that aresome of the hate filled violence that has been both targeting the lgbtq community and of course, the horrible shootings in jacksonville yesterday. so, i want to make sure that we are strengthening our hate crimes legislation. i want to make sure that we are passing laws like the equality act to make sure we are not fired from our jobs just for being gay. i want to make sure that people can thrive based on merit. that's what america is all about. unfortunately, when people like congressman calvert are more focused on banning the pride flag and preventing seniors from eating, the voted to defund the lgbt centers in pennsylvania recently. we can't get that kind of progress that we really all deserve to see in this 21st century. >> we'll rollins, dental granted candidate for congress in california. california's 41st district. thank you very. much we will be seeing you on the campaign trail. thank you out there as well for watching symone on this sunday afternoon. i am symone sanders-townsend. you can catch me right here on msnbc weekends at four pm eastern. anytime over on peacock. if you want a little more of the, show you can also find us on instagram. the site formally known as twitter and tiktok. don't go anywhere, folks. politics nation with the great reverend al sharpton is starting after a short break. hort break businesses need 5g solutions today. that's why they choose t-mobile for business. mlb partners with t-mobile to not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. aaa relies on t-mobile's network to stay connected nationwide, so they can help get their members back on the road. and we're helping pano ai innovate, to stop the spread of wildfires. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. tv: try tide power pods with 85% more tide in every pod. who needs that much more tide? 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Screwdriver , 18 , Manifesto , Officers , Last Will And Testament , Building , Suicide Note , Laptop , Ordeal , 11 , Thoughts , Diary , Situation , Nothing , Attack , Firearms , Shooter Quote , Saying , Quote , Folks , Term , Turn , Word Salad , Phrase , Community , Violence , Word , Clear , Description , Sense , Shootings , Tv , Gun Violence Archive , 473 , Hate Crimes , Communities , Context , Instances , Fbi , Uptick , 2021 , 239 , Race , Crimes , Statistics , Types , African American , Majority , Ethnicity , Black , Intimidation , 31 , Attacks , Leaders , Activists , Rights , Assault , Heinous Act Of Violence , Gun Violence , Action , Podium , Speakers , On Gun Safety , March On Washington , Washington D C , 16th Anniversary , 16 , Nation , Greatness , Applause , One , Problem , Schools , Worship , Cannot Escape , Places , Generations , Shopping Centers , Students , Times , Conversation , Tension , Rise , Down , Rahman Johnson , Professor , Edward Waters University , Journalism , City Council , District 14 , 14 , Place , Prayer Vigils , Hearts , Dollar General , First , Heaviness , Mood , Sadness , Ones , Stories , Journalism Work , World , Home , Journalist , Perspective , Fifth Generation Edward Watters , University Graduate , Part , Middle , Prayer Vigil , Anger , Holding Hands , The Street , Prayers , Ways , Text Messages , Heavy , Couple , Morning , Sad Mood , Ron Desantis , Way , Dorm Rooms , Listen , Kind , Murders , Horrific , Deranged Scumbag , Racist Violence , Enough , Targeting , Things , Kinds , Facts , Education , Scene , Stuff , Tone , Equality , Understanding , Equity , Diversity Ek , Diversity Education Out , Some , Rhetoric , Each Other , Thing , Same , Reelection , Climate , Actions , Florida Today , Culmination , Efforts , Led , Administration , Sides , Equation , Flare , Temperatures , Union Busting , Office , School Board Members , Doing , Telegrams , Facets , Decisions , Work , Seeds , Offices , Sand , Heels , Corners , Talk , Seats , 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, That S My Boy , Freeways , Liberty , Profile Contests , Shartner , Governors , Chamber , 34 , Midterms , Points , California S 41st Congressional District , 41 , Collins , Congressman Calvert , Ken Colbert , Sir , Being , Welcome To , Coalition , Challenger , Midterm , Performance , Assembly Leader , Sheriff , Riverside County , House District , Gonna , Results , Time , Sleeves , Coachella Valley , Strategists , Turnout , Democracy , Motivator , Go Round , Law Enforcement , Career , Rest , Stand Up Erdogan , Iran , Counterterrorism , Track , U S Capitol , Commission , Rule Of Law , House Seat , Palm Springs , Population , Constituents , Lgbtq , Junior High , Military , School September 11th , Its , Closeted , September 11th , Aresome , Go Don T , Path , National Security , Ask Don T Tell , Laws , Hate Crimes Legislation , Jobs , Equality Act , Seniors , Merit , Pride , Flag , Congress , Lgbt Centers , Progress , Pennsylvania , Sunday Afternoon , On Peacock , Four , Break Businesses , 5g Solutions , Reverend Al Sharpton , Instagram , Site , Twitter , Tiktok , Don T Go Anywhere , Tide , Tide Power Pods , 85 , Power Pod , Pod , Crashing Sounds , Supplement , Nature , Vitamin , Shingles , Virus , Rash , Sleeping , Waiting , Lying Dormant , 50 , Prevention , Risk , Dermatologists , Dove , Evening , Beauty Bar , Dermatologist , Cleans , Cream , Bar Dermatologists , 1 4 , Steps , Politicsnation ,

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Symone 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW Symone 20240704

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rollins, who hosts hopes to represent california's 31st district, after nearly losing in 2022. i'm symone sanders-townsend, and i have something to say. >> another weekend in america, another tragic story of senseless gun violence. another racist act of hate. police say saturday afternoon, a 21-year-old white man captured on security video, went to $1 general store in jacksonville florida, and opened fire. he allowed some white people to leave the store before killing three black people, and shooting himself with an ar-15 style rifle, and a clock handgun. both guns have swastikas drawn on them. just before the shooting, police say this gunman went to the campus of the oldest historically black university in florida, -- where he was asked to identify himself. he would not, and then he was asked to leave. this afternoon, local authorities released the names of and ages of the victims. angela michel car was 52. jared dishon galleon was 29. and unaltered joseph la garry junior was just 19. again, all were black. jacksonville sheriff kiké waters gave a detailed timeline of the shooting, including this. >> at 1:18, the suspect's his father says, use a screwdriver to get into my room. the father enters the room, and finds a last will and testament, of the suspect, along with a suicide note on this laptop. at 1:19 and 21 seconds, officers entered the building, and begin to clear. just 11 minutes after this whole ordeal, the manifesto is quite frankly, the diary of a mad man. he was, i mean, he was just completely irrational. but, what these when they were rational thoughts, he knew what he was doing. in this situation in this case, there was nothing saying, there is nothing illegal about him owning firearms. >> police had already confirmed that the attack was, quote, racially motivated, with the sheriff added that the shooter quote, hated black people. racially motivated. this is a turn you've probably heard before. racially-motivated is a loaded term, folks, a word salad. we need to be clear about what happened. this was a racist attack. so i propose we replace the phrase racially motivated with the word, racist. because this is a clear, more accurate description. today, another community is reeling from racist violence. >> the people in this community, they are hurting. and they have every right to. you know, this makes no sense. i am very, very angry right now. but i'm [crying] emotional. >> -- i've never seen like this -- you see it on tv -- >> today, we are talking about $1 general in jacksonville florida. but according to the gun violence archive, is there have already been 473 mass shootings in communities across our country, this year. and for context, there have only been 239 days in the year. and the latest fbi reports on hate crimes, from 2021, shows there's been an uptick in reported instances. those statistics show that the majority of hate crimes were motivated by race or ethnicity. and 31% of of those were anti black, or african american. that includes all types of reported crimes from intimidation to aggravated assault. again, motivated by race, we are talking about racist attacks, racist violence. you know, it's not lost on me that this latest heinous act of violence to place in jacksonville, just as activists and civil rights leaders took the podium in washington d.c., on the 16th anniversary of the march on washington. and yesterday, many speakers were calling for more action, on gun safety. >> we must and gun violence! i [applause] and then, maybe one day, we will be a great nation. we are not personifying a greatness right now. >> gun violence has come for our places of worship. our schools, and our shopping centers. and that's not the only problem, that earlier generations didn't expect, but my generation cannot escape. >> students are being gunned down, racial tension is on the rise, and young people are being silenced. and time, is running out. >> how many people have to die, how many times do we have to have this conversation? when will enough be enough? something has to give. joining me now is councilman rahman johnson. he represents jacksonville city council district 14, and he is a professor of journalism at edward waters university, the university where the shooter went, prior to the dollar general. councilman, thank you for being here today. first, our hearts go out to you, and the people of the jacksonville community. i know that there were two prayer vigils that took place today. additional ones are planned. what is just, how are people feeling? >> the mood is sadness, and heaviness. i will, say it's not anger yesterday, while i was in the community. i went over, and i spent time, and i went over instantly, because i am a fifth generation edward watters university graduate. and now as a professor, that is home. as a journalist to travel the world doing this journalism work, i come with a unique perspective. and, just to the stories that were there, and for us to be a part of it. we stood together in the middle of the street, holding a prayer vigil, holding hands. it's heaviness, and it's not even anger, as i hugged and as we prayed and talked. we've got to do more than just send thoughts and prayers and talk and pray. we have got to find ways to create action, that is positive and sustainable. but it's just a heavy, sad mood, simone. and, even our students. i talked to a couple of my students through text messages this morning, who said they were a they weren't even sad or afraid to come all of their dorm rooms. and that's no way for students to. >> no way at all. your governor, ron desantis, addressed the shooting earlier today. i want you to take a listen. >> florida state and its people condemn the horrific, racially motivated murders, perpetrated by a deranged scumbag, in jacksonville at the dollar general store. perpetrating violence of this kind is unacceptable. and targeting people due to their race, has no place in the state of florida. >> councilman, do you feel like enough is being done in florida, to prevent this kind of racist violence? >> absolutely not. and we've actually done more to perpetuate it. we have set the scene for these kinds of things to happen. i mean, when you look at the facts that we now have. you look at the fact that we are targeting african american education in schools. look at the fact that we are trying to keep diversity education out, and diversity ek -- come against the trans community. we are setting the tone for these kinds of stuff, and it has to stop. equity, and equality means understanding that we can communicate. we may not all worship together, or do the same, thing be in the same place. but what we can do is learn from each other. and when we have this kind of divisive rhetoric, this is exactly what happens. >> you know councilman, some people would say that some of that divisive rhetoric comes directly, and has come directly from the governor of florida, ron desantis. do you think that the actions of the governor has taken since he has won reelection, have potentially contributed to the climate in florida today, that led to this racist attack? >> i believe that it is a culmination of all kinds of efforts. i'm not going to say that it's only out of the governor. while some of the things that the governor has done, in the administration has done, when it comes to education, even union busting, in this climate, has caused temperatures to flare. but, i am saying that it takes people from all sides of the equation. while the governor has done some things that i personally don't agree with, what we need to do is look at all facets of this. what are local communities doing, why are our school board members being? targeted we need to make sure that we are putting people in elected office who are using emotional telegrams to make decisions, and not some aspirational to a higher office. we've got work to do, but if we sit there and take our heels in the, sand and go to our corners, absolutely nothing gets done. so, it's coming from the highest offices, but these are seeds that implanted not by now, seats have been planned for a while. but now we see what happens, when those seeds bear fruit. >> you know and, let's talk about the gunman. we will not be using his name on this program today. but the gunman in the shooting appears to have purchased his weapons legally. he did have a criminal record, he was held on the baker act for 72 hours, for mental evaluation back in 2017. now the sheriff says even though his racist manifesto read like the diary of a mad men, the gunman definitely knew what he was doing. i want to play this for you. >> we have to stop people that have bad intentions. wiggins, the story is always about guns. people are bad, this guy's a bad guy. if i could take my gun off right now, and late on this counter, nothing will happen. it will sit there. but as soon as a wicked person grabs ahold of that hand gun and start shooting people with it, there is a problem. the problem is the individual. guns are tool that people used to do horrible things. >> councilman, how do you see the sheriff's comments there? because some could argue that this isn't just about mental health, this is also about hate. and yes, it is still also about guns. >> absolutely, it's about hate. and, i have to, in that space, agree with the sheriff. guns don't kill people, stupid people with guns kill people. but when you gifts to people access to guns, people die. so, while one is not exactly moving and motivating for the other, we still have to look at the space of what's happening. and florida literally just weeks ago, instituted a permit -less carry law. which means that people can have no permit, and get a gun. which essentially makes every gun you have legal. that's an issue, we have got too many people with access to weapons of mass destruction. with guns, these kinds of -- aren't used for hunting, they are literally used to take lives. and so, while i'm not trying to pick a fight with anybody in particular, what i am trying to do is do the work, and use my voice, and whatever platform i have, to protect our communities. our kids are hurting right now. i was on the phone earlier with the national association of black psychologists. i've been reaching out to my friends in academia, who are also academics, who are psychologist, trying to get help for our community. because, you've got kids that don't want to come outside, you've got people that are saying well, we need to go back and retaliate. there are so many things that are happening here. and at the end of the day, it's because we are giving people access, and that is what we have to stop. it's, yes about education, but it's also about limiting access, so when there are people who have mental issues, that we are ensuring that they do not have access. >> so councilman. you know, you make a very good point here. so i guess, my last question for you would be, what is your biggest concern, as the community you moves forward? because many local leaders such as yourself, have been speaking out. you just talked about a number of different things, that can and should be done. what's your biggest concern? >> simone, my biggest concern here is just ensuring that we are talking to each other. we've got to do the work, there is a forum going on right now. but we've got to do more than just hold vigils and forums, we've got to make sure that these people -- . right now in this community, what in the immediate needs we have is that that dollar general was actually a place where people can go and get the groceries, their eggs, their milk, stuff they needed for the week. now, those people don't have access to that in their community. so, i've been trying to work with some grocery providers, and other community service organizations, to ensure those people are eating. but we've got to do what we can do to help each. other than we first got to have conversations, we've got to make sure our mental health is protected. because people just don't know where to go. and when you have that unbridled, enthusiasm, and that move to want to do something different, you don't know how it's going to come about. and let me tell you simone, yesterday former congress woman marcia fudge was help she, help us put together a house party. they've been having. at >> yes yes, marcia -- the current secretary of housing and urban development, yes. >> correct. so secretary fudge help us put this event together. well, this event was supposed to be at edward waters university. unfortunately, there was a pipe that burst, and some air conditioning issues. of course, we were able to get that event moving at about two miles away at the state college. but had not that catastrophe happen at the school, we would have had hundreds of people there, black and brown people, of a unique income circumstances, trying to get home ownership. and, it doesn't run past me, that we've been promoting this event for a while. and not many people, unless you are registered, knew that we were going to be -- so we've got to do better with making sure. >> there is work to be done. >> there is a lot of work. and some of. >> there is work to be done. >> and simone, i am so thankful for you, continuing to do the work. i cannot tell you enough, thank you for all that you do. >> thank you councilman. jacksonville city councilman rahman johnson, we appreciate your time. and we are praying for your community, and we know that you are all looking fraction. coming up later in the show folks, i'm going to break down exactly how extremist racist rhetoric is fueling attacks, just like this one in jacksonville. up next, i've got a question for you. would you ever put your mugshot on your resume, because that's exactly what former president donald trump is doing. and, raising a lot of money in the process. our political panel is here to talk about how that might go over, in a general election. but first, my colleague jessica -- is here with today's other top news stories. jessica, what is going on out there. >> simone, we've got a busy day today. and we start with a tragedy involving members of the u.s. military. -- an aircraft crash on the island of australia's northern coast, killing three marines. it happened during a routine, multi nation training exercise, according to marine officials. five others were taken to a nearby hospital in serious condition. a total of 23 u.s. marines were on board. russian officials now say that she for the mercenary wagner group has officially been confirmed dead, killed in that mysterious plane crash. a russian investigative committee says dna analysis helped it identify all ten people on board. yevgeny prigozhin spearheaded a failed coup attempt against russian president vladimir putin about two months ago. the kremlin though, has denied being involved in this crash whatsoever. and, more than 1000 people are evacuate outside of baton rouge, louisiana, due to a series of wildfires burning in that state. a brutal heat wave, sweeping across the south today, it is fueling the fire. louisiana governor john -- edwards says homes have been lost, but thankfully no lives. i'm jessica layton, more simone coming up, after the break. er the break try killing bugs the worry-free way. not the other way. zevo traps use light to attract and trap flying insects with no odor and no mess. they work continuously, so you don't have to. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. i'm saving with liberty mutual, mom. they customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. you could save $700 dollars just by switching. ooooh, let me put a reminder on my phone. on the top of the pile! oh. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ frustrated by skin tags? 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>> sadly, i worry it does have legs. let's speak clear. everyone listening to us brayden au, my former political party is a cult. say that again. it is a cult. this is not a normal political party. donald trump is a cult leader. he has become a martyr. every indictment and trial, simone. only strengthens him within the republican voters. overwhelmingly, the nomination is his. i worry and i fear that even in a general election, it may help him. imagine if he is acquitted. imagine if there is a hung jury on one of these trials. the possibility is scary. it should scare all of us. >> let's talk about the data, the brand. -- media calm poll found that 46% of iowa public caucus voters described themselves as, quote, maga republican. it's just one number. from your reporting, what do you think this should illuminate for us about republican voters in iowa? >> right, that poll has a lot of different data points that show the strength that donald trump still has with iowa republicans. 45%, excuse, me 65% of likely republican caucus -- people who planted caucus in january say they believe donald trump has not committed any serious crimes and when you look at that mugshot, when you look at the way he's campaigning, these are the people that he's talking to. people who don't believe that he's committed a crime. so, even when you talk to republicans in the state here who are not possibly planning to caucus for donald trump, they might move on, they're looking for someone. else they still believe that these indictments are politically motivated. they believe he is being unfairly attacked. >> there are some members of the conservative media apparatus who have compared donald trump's mugshot to other famous people, claiming that this particular image is going to mobilize donald trump supporters. we want you all to hear what some of the things that have been set out there. >> the mugshot is like the new traeger rarity shirt. the image represents something. you feel something when you see it. >> now he joins frank sinatra, he joins elvis presley, he joins johnny cash and tupac shakur. he didn't only know some of these people, meaning he is now seen by non political folks as our rebel. >> these mugshots which include people like mlk. these projects and a different image. -- an image of defiance. what you're seeing right there is defiance. >> congresswoman, what do you make of these comparisons? >> i mean, johnny cash? listen, johnny cash? what's going on. >> the mugshot represents something. it represents donald trump having been arrested and booked. as a career law enforcement officer, i've seen a lot mugshots in my lifetime. never have i seen even the worst of the worst brag about their mugshots and put it on a t-shirt and raise money from it. look, you know, donald trump might get through the primary. it might work on a reality television show. it will not work with the general electorate. this is america. we cannot forget who we are. shame on us if america like somebody who is trying -- and convicted on multiple felonies. charged with racketeering, i mean, come on. >> you know, donald trump is innocent until proven guilty in the court of law, even though we know the facts are -- >> i did say charged and convicted. >> yeah, charged and convicted. >> the evidence is overwhelming. >> the evidence is there. >> i think this is why so many people are having the conversations that we are having. how are we here at this moment? there is a new national political and ipsos poll. it actually found that americans really don't seem to buy donald trump's claim that he's a victim is a broken system. especially when it comes to the justice department's 2020 election interference case. we will put the numbers up. 59% of those polls actually the justice department's decision to pursue an indictment was based on a fair evaluation of the evidence and the law. and then another 58% have an unfavorable view of trump's actions and behavior surrounding the cases against him. brian, what effect could this have on the general election as the congresswoman was just talking about? not just for donald trump, i'm also thinking about the republican apparatus defending him. every member of the house representatives is up for reelection. key senate races. >> it's really interesting to see how this is playing out. again here, in iowa, and the primaries, there are certain types of republicans who are looking to a general election and thinking about these numbers. they're concerned that donald trump will not be able to beat joe biden in a general election. so, you're seeing people like ronna santos trying to make that case here and iowa as he's on the campaign trail. he is about halfway through his 99 county tour of the state already. so, it's really a matter of whether these primary voters are open to hearing something like that. y voters >> -- >> they may be growing more open that overtime. i'm talking to some republicans who are starting to feel the weight of these indictments. even though, they may not feel that donald trump has done something wrong, but they see the general election liability for him. >>, you know, joe, we don't have time to play the sound. the former governor of south carolina, nikki haley, a current republican presidential candidate. she was discussing the trump indictments and she basically took the strategy of framing the indictments as a logistics issue rather than critique of donald trump's actions. i'm wondering what you think about that. >> nikki, you can't straddle the fence with trump. that's nikki haley's problem. like so many republicans, they have been trying to have it both ways on trump. they can't. she doesn't have a constituent in the party. she's not going to get the nomination. i hope and pray that every word that val diamonds just set out there, there is no way this country will elect somebody like donald trump again. i hope bell downing's is right. look at, as simone, we are two and a half years removed from this guy trying to lead an effort to violently overthrow the american election. he is still there. he is going to be the nominee. i just think for an uncharted waters, let's not get complacent let's make what val demings just said let's make it happen. >> we will be watching -- especially the iowa caucus voters. they are the first. brianna pfannstiel, former congressman val demings. former congressman joe walsh, i appreciate you all thank you so much. >> federal prosecutors want to take trump to trial over election interference. this coming. generate trump's team, they are asking for a trial in april of 2020. six, so what side is going to win that one, well we expect to find out tomorrow. a highly anticipated hearing right here in washington, d.c.. a former federal prosecutor joins me next to walk us through what exactly we could see unfold. that's why they choose t-mobile for business. mlb partners with t-mobile to not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. aaa relies on t-mobile's network to stay connected nationwide, so they can help get their members back on the road. and we're helping pano ai innovate, to stop the spread of wildfires. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. 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(♪♪) gain flings. seriously good scent. hearings will take place. one right here and washington, d.c.. judge tanya chutkan is expected to set the date for the federal election case against donald trump. jack smith's team has already offered january 2nd 2024. donald trump's lawyers have floated april 2026. that's more than two years later. federal prosecutors say that would deny the public's speedy trial. meanwhile, in georgia, lawyers for the former chief of staff mark meadows will go before a federal judge to argue that the charges against him in fulton county should be moved to a federal court. georgia secretary of state brad raffensperger has been subpoenaed to testify. fulton county just an attorney fani willis has pushed back on the argument. this is what she had to say in a filing. the district attorney's office contended that meadows violated the hatch act which bars employees from engaging in political activity as part of their official roles are fatal friend paul butler joins me a. former federal prosecutor and an msnbc legal analyst. i have some questions for you. before we get to all of that, the horrific racist hate crime and shooting yesterday. the fbi has now opened an investigation. a hate crimes investigation. how could that impact of the local investigation that is currently underway. >> what seems obvious from the evidence that this was a hate crime. the evidence being those manifesto's which were replete with the and word from the shooter. also the fact that he adorned one of his firearms with a swastikas. so, the investigation will look at how the shooter got radicalized. whether there were accomplices or other people who knew about this plan. whether there's any warning sign. if there's any tragedy could've been prevented. we know that the fbi has said that terrorism by white supremacist like the shooter is the nation's number one domestic threat. florida is in the top ten states where right supremacist activity is prevalent. >> i will have something about that later on in the show. okay, let's talk about donald trump in these cases. particularly tomorrow right here. judge chutkan is going to give us the answer we've all been waiting for. when will this federal election interference trial start? what do you think the judge is going to do? >> she's going to consider a couple things. one, jack smith has requested january. donald trump responded with this very dramatic orographic of all the evidence that they've received from the prosecution. 11 million documents. 11 million pages. this graphic said this is like if you stack the documents it would be the equivalent of eight washington monuments. so, this is a time where trump needs to be grateful that judge chutkan was a former public defender before she observed the bench. she's going to be sympathetic to the need to review all of the evidence. the district attorney said they want to go through all those 11 million pages. page by page. jack melissa has some of this is been there for a long time. some of the evidence is stuff like trump's tweets on social media. obviously, he has access to that. so, again, i don't think that accident is going to get his january date. the date that trump lead is three and a half years. >> it's so long. it's so long for -- it seems like a leap. it might come down in the middle. what is that? the defense attorney is undermining the credibility by asking for that date. the judge isn't going to consider the politics. but she will be aware that trump has got three other cases to go. so, that will be part of her consideration. simone, it makes sense for this to be the first case. maybe not in january, but in early 2024 well, before the election. dave bragman. >> what about georgia? tomorrow mark meadows is going to this evidentiary hearing in georgia. he's basically arguing that, i think it's crazy. we will see what happens. i used to be a federal employee. i never thought that we -- sorry if i was acting on behalf of the vice president that it would be official duties and that is what mark meadows is arguing. that's what a number of other codefendants in this case are also arguing. they are acting under the direction. what do you think we will learn in this hearing about potentially getting these cases moved to federal court? >> first of all, the removal makes no difference for how the trial actually goes down. it would be the same prosecutors and same state charges. it's just the venue would be federal court rather than state court. this is really about the poll for federal courts in atlanta. jurors are drawn from all over the city. the suburbs too. it is more. diverse than the fulton county atlanta juries. a lot more white folks and a lot more people from the suburbs. i think a lot of defendants thinks that that's as a friendlier jewelry for them. >> i never thought diversity and white people would be in the same sentence. paul butler, i learn something new every day. thank you very, very much. >> i appreciate your time. >> up, next we are turning back to jacksonville, florida. how hateful racist rhetoric feels attacks just like yesterday shooting. -- stay with us. ay with us an engineer. all learning to save and spend their money with chase. the chef's cooking up firsts with her new debit card. hungry? 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[music playing] subject 1: cancer is a long journey. it's overwhelming, but you just have to put your mind to it and fight. subject 2: it doesn't feel good because you can't play outside with other children. subject 3: as a parent, it is your job to protect your family. but here is something that i cannot do. i cannot fix this. i don't know if my daughter is going to be able to walk. i don't know if she's going to make it till tomorrow. [music playing] interviewer: you can join the battle to save lives by supporting st. jude children's research hospital. families never receive a bill from st. jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live. subject 4: childhood cancer, there's no escaping it. but st. jude is doing the work, continually researching towards cures, giving more than just my child a chance at life. interviewer: please, call or go online right now and become a st. jude partner in hope for only $19 a month. subject 5: those donations really matter because we're not going to give up. and when you see other people not giving up on your child, it makes all the difference in the world. interviewer: when you call or go online with your credit or debit card right now, we'll send you this st. jude t-shirt. you can wear to show your support to help st. jude save the lives of these children. subject 6: st. jude is hope. even today after losing a child, it's still about the hope of tomorrow, because. childhood cancer has to end. interviewer: please, call or go online right now. [music playing] what do we always say, son? liberty mutual customizes your car insurance... so you only pay for what you need. that's my boy. ♪ stay off the freeways! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> 2024 as a presidential election, near shartner. while that race might be the highest profile contests next, year it's not the only one that will have a critical impact on your lives. folks, 34 senate seats and maybe control of the chamber, will be decided next fall. along with every seat in the house of representatives. not to mention, voters in 11 states will also be choosing their governors. so, here on simone, we are unpacking some of these key races with our series on the ballot. we are focusing on california's 41st congressional district. last year's midterms, former federal prosecutor will rollins was less than five points away from unseating 15 term republican congressman ken colbert. collins was attending the new congressional member orientation when he learned that he lost. now, rollins is running to unseat calvert again. after the upcoming primary, voters could be seeing a rematch for the ages. will rollins joins me now. welcome to, you sir. thank you for being. here can you just tell us, what did you learn from your 2022 campaign. how are you doing things different this time around? >> i learned that we built a pretty great coalition. i was the only democratic challenger in california to win independent voters during the midterm. the best performance of any democratic challenger compared to biden in 2020 by house district. we built something pretty unique. there was a lot of republican support. former republican assembly leader when the former republican sheriff in riverside county. i think where people get to know me, people saw this in the election. coachella valley, folks gonna chance to hear the message. we did really well. we've got to roll the sleeves and do more work on the western side of the district. we got a lot of room to grow. i'm really proud of the campaign around. but the first time candidate, pretty great results given the difference in the midterms and the higher turnout. >> i've spoken to some democratic strategists. they told me that you are one of the standout races in the 2022 midterms. you are a candidate that flooded to the top. so, this, go-round you have said that the fight for democracy is your biggest motivator in this race. do you believe that congressman calvert will accept the results of the election if you win? if not, how would you navigate that? >> well he's done nothing to suggest that he will stand up erdogan. you know, this was the first time iran in the midterms. i spent my career in law enforcement. i thought that i was going to spend the rest of my career in law enforcement. i loved working in counterterrorism. it was what ken calvert did while people like me were helping track down the people who attacked the u.s. capitol on january six. that motivated me to get into this race. he was calling for dropping charges against those people. he voted to overturn the election. he voted against a commission to investigate the attack. look, regardless of party, people want someone who's going to stand up for our democracy and to the rule of law. i think that's why we build a bipartisan coalition in the last election. it's why we're going to win this thing and 24. >> after redistricting the 41st congressional district, it now includes palm springs. palm springs has a huge lgbtq+ population. how would you use this house seat if you wind to protect the rights and safety of your lgbtq plus constituents? >> when i was a junior high, school september 11th happened. i thought about enlisting in the military. i was scared of doing its. i was closeted. i didn't want to be out and under go don't ask don't tell. i found a different path into national security. i can't relate very much to the attacks that are going on against our community. that aresome of the hate filled violence that has been both targeting the lgbtq community and of course, the horrible shootings in jacksonville yesterday. so, i want to make sure that we are strengthening our hate crimes legislation. i want to make sure that we are passing laws like the equality act to make sure we are not fired from our jobs just for being gay. i want to make sure that people can thrive based on merit. that's what america is all about. unfortunately, when people like congressman calvert are more focused on banning the pride flag and preventing seniors from eating, the voted to defund the lgbt centers in pennsylvania recently. we can't get that kind of progress that we really all deserve to see in this 21st century. >> we'll rollins, dental granted candidate for congress in california. california's 41st district. thank you very. much we will be seeing you on the campaign trail. thank you out there as well for watching symone on this sunday afternoon. i am symone sanders-townsend. you can catch me right here on msnbc weekends at four pm eastern. anytime over on peacock. if you want a little more of the, show you can also find us on instagram. the site formally known as twitter and tiktok. don't go anywhere, folks. politics nation with the great reverend al sharpton is starting after a short break. hort break businesses need 5g solutions today. that's why they choose t-mobile for business. mlb partners with t-mobile to not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. aaa relies on t-mobile's network to stay connected nationwide, so they can help get their members back on the road. and we're helping pano ai innovate, to stop the spread of wildfires. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. tv: try tide power pods with 85% more tide in every pod. who needs that much more tide? 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Decision , Justice Department , 59 , Cases , Behavior , Effect , View , Brian , 58 , Member , Representatives , Senate , Apparatus , Joe Biden , Primaries , Santos , Campaign Trail , Matter , County Tour , 99 , Liability , Weight , Something Wrong , Candidate , Trump Indictments , Logistics Issue , South Carolina , Nikki Haley , Sound , Critique , Fence , Ways On Trump , Constituent , Effort , Bell Downing S , Make , Uncharted Waters , Team , Prosecutors , Election Interference , Coming , Brianna Pfannstiel , Prosecutor , Side , Six , April Of 2020 , Aaa , Business , Partners , Game , Network , Fan Experience , T Mobile , Mlb , 5g Network , Spread , Back On The Road , Pano Ai Innovate , 5 , Heartburn , Heartburn Relief , Antacid , Zero Heartburn , Prilosec Otc , Zero , Wilderness , Dad , Subaru Forester , Donor , Feel , Subaru , National Park Foundation , Towns , Focus , Cities , Pnc Bank , Pain , Advil , Worlddddd , Inflammation , Source , Advil Liqui , Scent , Gain Flings , Flings , Gels , Love , Laundry Detergent , Steve , Tanya Chutkan , Hearings , Lawyers , Jack Smith , 2026 , January 2nd 2024 , 2024 Donald , April 2026 , Charges , Public , Hatch Act , District Attorney , Georgia Secretary Of State , Argument , Filing , Brad Raffensperger , Employees , Activity , Paul Butler , Questions , Me A Former , Analyst , Roles , Impact , Investigation , Hate Crime , Hate Crimes Investigation , Accomplices , Swastikas , Warning Sign , Supremacist , Terrorism , Has , States , Judge , Threat , Let S Talk , Interference , Answer , Graphic , Pages , Orographic , Documents , 11 Million , Public Defender , Monuments , Equivalent , Washington , Eight , Page , Need , Bench , Jack Melissa , Lead , Accident , Tweets , Social Media , Leap , Defense Attorney , Politics , Consideration , Credibility , Well , Dave Bragman , Employee , Vice President , Behalf , Duties , Codefendants , Direction , Difference , State Charges , Venue , Removal , Suburbs , State Court , Courts , City , Jurors , Atlanta , Diversity , Juries , Jewelry , Sentence , Up , Debit Card , Engineer , Chef , Firsts , Stay , Learning , Cooking , Sequins , Designer , Plaid , Spending , Chase , Ay , Uhuh , More , Control , College , Both , Bank , Account , Freedom , Parents , Futures , Nice , Meet Arexvy , Respiratory Disease , Rsv Vaccine , Rsv , Surprise , Airways , Lungs , 60 , 82 , 94 , Response , Reactions , Health Conditions , Immune Systems , Vaccine , Ingredients , Doctor , Pharmacist , Muscle Pain , Injection Site Pain , Headache , Side Effects , Fatigue , Make It Arexvy , Memory , Tours , Veteran , Todd , Prevagen , Prescription , Stores , Research , Shelves , React , Taste Buds , Restock , Caramel Swirl , Taking , Example , Extremism , Group , Killing , Plate , Coincidence , Basis , March Members , White Supremacist , Npr , Nationalists , Leader , Motive , Attention , Buildings , Laser Projector , Agenda , Accent , President Pence , Tragedies , Pence , Bush , Courage , Supremacy , White Supremacy , Terms , Corner Swami , Act Of Evil , Racism , Fuel , Meet The Press , Ramaswamy , On Friday , In My Life , Exist , Them , Unicorn , Charleston , Many , Emmanuel , Grocery Store , Extremist , New York , Buffalo , Consequences , Terrifying , Statement Today , Sound The Alarm , Families , Color , Complicity , Silence , Where , Shouldn T , Hesitation , Well Rollins , Rematch , Landscape , Shift , Democrat , Kim Caliber , Chance , Appearance , It Rollins , Breathe , Just Sinex , Ahhhh , Ahhhhhh , Vicks , Sinex Saline , Interior , Command Attention , Headlights , Toe , Quiet Refuge , Models , Audi Q8 E Tron , Subject 6 , Music Playing , Journey , Cancer , Children , It Doesn T , Daughter , Parent , Family , 3 , Interviewer , Child , Jude For Treatment , Housing , Bill From St , Travel , Food , Supporting St , Battle , Jude Children S Research Hospital , Childhood Cancer , Cures , Hope , Donations , Partner , St , Life , 9 , Support , Credit , Jude T Shirt , Jude Is Hope , 6 , Son , That S My Boy , Freeways , Liberty , Profile Contests , Shartner , Governors , Chamber , 34 , Midterms , Points , California S 41st Congressional District , 41 , Collins , Congressman Calvert , Ken Colbert , Sir , Being , Welcome To , Coalition , Challenger , Midterm , Performance , Assembly Leader , Sheriff , Riverside County , House District , Gonna , Results , Time , Sleeves , Coachella Valley , Strategists , Turnout , Democracy , Motivator , Go Round , Law Enforcement , Career , Rest , Stand Up Erdogan , Iran , Counterterrorism , Track , U S Capitol , Commission , Rule Of Law , House Seat , Palm Springs , Population , Constituents , Lgbtq , Junior High , Military , School September 11th , Its , Closeted , September 11th , Aresome , Go Don T , Path , National Security , Ask Don T Tell , Laws , Hate Crimes Legislation , Jobs , Equality Act , Seniors , Merit , Pride , Flag , Congress , Lgbt Centers , Progress , Pennsylvania , Sunday Afternoon , On Peacock , Four , Break Businesses , 5g Solutions , Reverend Al Sharpton , Instagram , Site , Twitter , Tiktok , Don T Go Anywhere , Tide , Tide Power Pods , 85 , Power Pod , Pod , Crashing Sounds , Supplement , Nature , Vitamin , Shingles , Virus , Rash , Sleeping , Waiting , Lying Dormant , 50 , Prevention , Risk , Dermatologists , Dove , Evening , Beauty Bar , Dermatologist , Cleans , Cream , Bar Dermatologists , 1 4 , Steps , Politicsnation ,

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