Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704

years after the march on washington, he estimated 75,000 people are expected events commemorating a turning point of the civil rights movement. we are live in washington d.c. with a look at what the fight for racial equality stance today. and later, pleading for progress, covenant school parents begging their elected tennessee lawmakers to do something about the gun violence crisis in tennessee. a lawmaker who was recently reinstated at the state house takes us inside that special session on safety. all of that and more is coming up. >> and a good saturday morning to you all. i am katie phang. he was born as donald john trump. it has been a self professed real estate mogul, oh reality tv star, and even the president of the united states for one term, of course, but this morning the fulton county jail recognizes him with the identification number p01135809 after her surrender and booking in the georgia 2020 election interference case. the now twice impeached quadruple indicted former president and his fellow 18 codefendant in that case are now staring down the barrel of a possible arraignment the week of september 5th and imposed trial for at least two of those defendants on october 23rd. trump's team is predictably opposing that october 23rd trial date for himself as he faces almost 100 felony counts across four different jurisdictions, and those cases are moving full steam ahead. and on monday, judge tanya chutkan is expected to set a trial date and that federal election subversion case in washington d.c.. the newer trial over trump's hush money payments to a porn star is scheduled for march 24, in the trial in the federal case is looking at his mishandling of classified documents it is alleged cover-up, we'll have against just two months later in may of 2024. right as the race for the white house heats up even more. msnbc news correspondent julie tsirkin joins us now live from atlanta. julie, it is good to see you this morning. now that everyone has surrendered by that deadline like they were supposed to yesterday, what is next? can we reasonably expect to see arraignments take place that week of september 5th that was the proposed date of arraignment by fani willis? >> hey katie, good morning. that is the big question. we are spending some time now outside of the fulton county courthouse where you will spend a lot of time as well in the last couple of weeks, and katie, as you know, we are seeing the complicated effects of what happens when you have such an expansive case like this one. so many defendants that are all filing individual motions in a attempt to delay this case. of course when you talk about october 23rd proposed start date for the trial, fani willis, a district attorney here, so that is the date for all the defendants because two defendants like chesebro and sidney powell, to lawyers that worked for the former president, advising them on the fake electors scheme, trying to overturn the results of the 2020 elections as well, they requested a speedy trial, and that request has to be granted within four months, or otherwise they can push to dismiss the case altogether. and so fani willis has proposed, because all of these cases are blinded for now, none of them have been severed, that the october 23rd start date we'll see if chesebro and polymers are the guys start to make motions like this as well, and are able to separate their former president, who's already getting back. say he's not gonna do anything, and that all four indictments are going to start after the 2024 election. one where he is still eight front runner and in terms of the republican party, but look. president biden yesterday reacted to that mugshot that we saw of the former president, the first for any u.s. president. take a listen to what he said. ident. >> have you seen donald trump's mugshot yet? [laughter] >> i did see it on television. >> what do you think? >> handsome guy, wonderful guy. [interpreter] >> so the president on vacation and talk about making a lighthearted joke there, calling that former presidents mugshot, quote, handsome. let's look at some the other defense on that case. former chief of staff mark meadows for example along with a handful of other codefendants trying to have their case dismissed altogether. that first evidentiary hearing is going to happen monday in federal court. meadows arguing that because he was a federal official at the time of the election, he's able to move his case, excuse, me to federal court in an attempt to have it dismissed altogether. we will see if it happens there, but when you come back to capitol hill, and what's happening in washington with the former presidents allies, they are trailing behind him, and in fact, jim jordan, the chair of the judiciary committee vowing to probe aggressively investigation of fani willis, similar to what they did in new york in the case of alvin bragg. >> julie tsirkin, thank you for getting us started at this 80 am hour on msnbc. i appreciate you. and joining me now for a deeper dive is glenn kershner, msnbc legal analyst, former federal prosecutor, and host of the justice matters process. hugo lowell, political investigations reporter at the guardian. gentlemen, what a way to end the week. i would say that we could take a break, but obviously we can't, because monday we are going to get geared up. hugo, let me start with you. let's start at the chart comparing that is going to happen on monday. you're going to be in court with a judge chutkan. and so we know that the doj wants to go to trial in january of 2024. trump responds, i want to go to trial in april of 2026. never the twain shall meet? what are we going to expect to see on monday? >> i think you will see the special counsel say that the way that the trump team came up with that 2026 trial date is ludicrous. and in some, ways it is, because of the way the trump team came up with that date. the median time it took four other cases during the pandemic when the courts were backlogged to say, well, 30 months between the start of the trial, to sentencing. that is not the start of trial. that is through the trial and, to get a verdict, that should be the operating timeline that they should be considering. and i think the doj will come back and say, you know, that is a patently long and lucas timeline. i think the judge is going to agree. >> you know glenn, we've seen this judge. she has been handling a lot of the 16 relayed cases. she has been a very i would say very strong person in terms of sentencing for some of the defendants that have gone to jerry charlo's. we know that she is a straight shooter, she is all business. glenn, you and i have tried cases in federal court asking for a trial date as far out as april 26 is not only laughable, but ludicrous. and what do you expect to see on monday with judge chutkan? >> katie, it was not a reasonable ask, and frankly i think that that will make judge chutkan's decision it little bit easier. this is not a legitimate lawyering that's going on but donald trump's criminal defense attorneys. it feels more like they're acting as assistant campaign chairman to donald trump. and so listen, if the most reasonable voice in the room is checked smith and his team of federal prosecutors and they believe that those are the reasonable voices, the judge chutkan is likely going to go with their recommendation. i suspect you are going to see tanya chutkan set a trial date for sometime in early 2024. so that this case can be resolved well in advance of the november 2024 presidential election. >> glenn, i want to stay with you, because i asked this question to this really smart legal analysts who are on this network all the time, because i'm still trying to figure out how we practically and logistically resolve it. so you have unindicted coconspirators in that jack smith won six case that is in front of judge chutkan. but then you also have defendants that have been prosecuted by fani willis in fulton county. for example, religiously ali, and jeffrey clark. and so having those examples in front of you, glenn, how does that feel for jack smith? how does he put on a case, let's say it does go to trial in january of 2024 in washington. how does it work vis-à-vis the fact that some of those unindicted coconspirators that could be witnesses and that trial are actually defendants their fifth amendment rights against self incrimination in georgia. r fifth amendm>> so i think thar is that if jack smith wants to sponsor the testimony of that is put on the witness stand in a trial against donald trump, witnesses who have a fifth amendment right against self incrimination either because they are unindicted coconspirators in the d.c. case, or indicted coconspirators and the georgia rico case, jack smith will need to address the privilege. so when you address the privilege is ordinarily you negotiate some kind of a global plea agreement with them that would have them resolve their case in georgia. and of course that would have to be done and cooperation with the georgia state authority. fani willis and her team was off the criminal exposure in d.c. and frankly in any jurisdiction. that is how we ordinarily handle witnesses that we want to put on the stand, but you have criminal exposure across multiple jurisdictions. some may say, well why can't jack smith just grant them immunity? well that may deal with the criminal exposure in d.c. federally, but it wouldn't deal with their criminal exposure down in georgia. it's all of this is going to be a delicate dance. they should certainly be communication across jurisdictional lines between the feds and the states that is not improper. indeed, it is necessary, and they are going to have to wrestle with some of these difficult tactical issues. >> hugo, you have your finger on the pulse of all things trump legal, especially trump legal world. donald trump likes to basically staff his cases with different lawyers. you have a little bit of overlap with todd blanche, for example, but how does it work then when you have this many lawyers on this many cases with this many trial dates within such a short period of time? >> you know, i think even the campaign, the trump campaign will tell you that there is no clear line whether lawyers in the legal team starts and ends and where the campaign starts and ends. and that is been the strategy all along. if you think back to november when trump launches, it was, he puts on the campaign because he thinks it's going to insulate him from prosecution. he thinks that if he runs as a candidate, the doj might not be so inclined as to prosecute him. and i think that this is the strategy that runs through here as well. if they can keep as many of the witnesses on save america pact payroll, they think they can keep these guys close to them and they will learn about sort of how they might prep for trial, what sort of things they might want to say at trial. it's the trump legal team is very happy with where things are at because, as far as they are concerned, they think that they still have a lot of control with the witnesses. one exception is -- in this case. they now have a conflict issue, and one of the witnesses that he used to represent its now tripped government cooperator, and if there are more instances like that, i think you will see this joint defense agreement umbrella strategy start to collapse. >> yeah, so glen, before i move on to classified documents, i didn't stay on this question that i asked, and i think this is really good because we have seen joint defense agreements in criminal cases where we have been prosecutors, but we have seen when there is a fisher and that line of defense when people don't agree anymore in terms of how to approach this. how often as a federal prosecutor, glenn, have you had to manage the fact that you've had their own significant exposure within their interest online anymore? yes, it happens not infrequently, especially when we handle big rico indictments. and what we try to do as prosecutors quite frankly is drive wedges between codefendants and it's not improper to do that. you always want to play one codefendant against another. you go to the less culpable person who might be inclined to try to protect the markup of a person. and i would have a very stern discussion with them, what their council president. saying that you can go down with the ss trump and that's really what you want but think about it. the decisions that you made to align yourself will land to exactly where you are today. sitting across the, table from a prosecutor who's prepared to take you to trial, convicted, and in president. do you think that you might want to consider making a different decision doing what's right? doing what you have done so much wrong. you now have an opportunity to turn the corner and begin doing what's right. and save yourself some jail time in the process. what's it gonna be? >> you know, i'd love to be a plow on the wall for those conversations between defense council when people start to flip. glenn, hugo, don't go anywhere. we're gonna continue this conversation after a quick break. and still to come, marking a moment that turned into a movement. it's been 60 years since the march on washington change the course of american history. the family of dr. martin luther king junior joins us later with a 60 year struggle to turn his dream of a quality into reality. we've got much more on this extended edition of the katie phang show. so keep it right here. eep it right here. not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. before my doctor and i chose breztri for my copd, i had bad days, (cough, cough) flare-ups that could permanently damage my lungs. with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing. starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my lung function improved. it helped improve my symptoms, and breztri was even proven to reduce flare-ups, including those that could send me to the hospital. so now i look forward to more good days. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. can't afford your medication? 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because i see him fundraising off of that. so talk to me about. that >> ultimately when the mugshot came he decided fundraising would be the way out for him to kind of distract from really the dignity and humidity of having to get a mugshot. but from my reporting, speaking to people it is an inner circle for the days and weeks leading up to this surrender he was trying to get his lawyers to get an exemption so he wouldn't have to take this mugshot. and i think there's been a shift in mindset from him for the -- before the hush money case, he was gung ho he thought that if i can get arrested, but in handcuffs, get a mugshot taken a look to. fine but that has changed through the indictments. and by the time he got to georgia he really did not want an indictment. he really did not want to mugshot. he wanted not of his personal details to be public. then he was pushing his lawyers to negotiate, that for the d's office and the sheriff's office. and he made a very clear he was not gonna get any special treatment. that was when they recalibrated and said, fine, if we have to do this for fund-raise off. it but it was not his preference. >> glenn it is not just donald trump in fulton county, we know that mark meadows has a very important hearing on monday. in federal, court on georgia, an attempt at a hearing to convince a judge not only to move the case to federal court but he's also going to be teeing up part of his defense which is that he can dismiss the case at a federal official under the supremacy clause i get the immunity. some people are calling this a mini trial. we do new people like brad raffensperger have been subpoenaed by the d.a.'s office to be testifying at this. john what do you think about the chances of mark meadows actually succeeding in his attendance to get his case removed from federal court? >> you have a really hard time envisioning a federal judge putting his stamp of approval on the conduct of mark meadows. the chief of staff doing something that i don't think any other chief of staff for president of the united states has done in inserting himself in the interference of the election process and the vote count, and recount in a state. i'll be interested to see. it whether mark meadows presents evidence. it's so clearly within the scope of the duties of a chief of staff. because look at all of these times through history where others have been involved in a phone call with the secretary of state trying to pressure them to find 11,780 fictitious votes. votes that do not exist. so that my president can be reinstalled in the over office. i think it is maybe laughable, minus. one the hearing that is going to play out on monday. i'm interested to see what kind of evidence mark meadows produces in furtherance of his claim. is he going to testify? is he going to put a codefendant on the stand to testify about how all of this was extremely kosher for mark meadows to do? no i think the judges gonna reject this attempt to remove the case from georgia state court, federal. court and i think mark meadows will find himself, eventually, shoulder to shoulder with some of those other 19 rico codefendant. >> you, go i have a minute. left i do want to ask you the following. we do know one candidate chesbrough is going to trial at the end of october. october 20, they're 2020. three that is in two months. the a fani willis is saying, hey, give me two tether bite to work of this recovery. i'm ready to give you this but what does it tell you that fani willis, a state court prosecutor, not a federal court prosecutors like. let's rumble. i'm ready to go. >> i think that ken chesbrough gambled a bit and missed. we were reporting two weeks before the indictment came down that our team was ready to go to trial tomorrow. and the fact that the time that they spend prepping, before the indictment was spent making sure that they be able to counter any sort of pretrial motion that might come down the line, the d.a.'s office has spent years investigating. this and they spent months prepping for anything that might come down the line and when he filed that motion to go to trial immediately, she welcomed. it and she said, you know, what we are ready to go. here's the discovery. let's go. i don't think that's what he was counting on. >> you, go grand kushner. thank you for getting us started. because according to, glenn and i, agree justice matters. appreciate you guys. thanks. >> coming up, next we're going to break down the big winners and the big ludicrous of the first republican parental primary debate in milwaukee. do any of them have what it takes to cake donald trump's front runner status? molly john and rick wilson will join us. that's next right here on msnbc. msnbc. 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(vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. so this, week americans got a chance to watch the top republican candidates battle for the gop nomination for president on the same stage. for the very first time. well, all except one that is. on wednesday night, eight of the republican candidates, not named donald trump took to the stage of milwaukee. despite the far and away front runner skipping the debate, the elephant and his indictments were clearly in the room. in, fact according to the new york times, trump came up as the second most discussed topic of the debate. here the candidates being asked about their allegiance to the former president. >> if former president trump is convicted in a court of law, would you still support him as your party's choice? please raise your hand if you would. >> [applause] the absurdity amounts. yes that was every candidate, except if you saw, their former governor chris christie and asia hutchinson very publicly raising their hands on a pledge of support of the now quadruple indicted expected, and facing the eventual nominee. and if his huge pulling lead continues they will get their chance to ban the need to their supreme leader. joining me now is molly john, fast a special correspondent vanity fair and host of the politics podcast. and rick wilson, cofounder of the project and running against a double. a plot to save america from trump, and democrats from themselves. you've had a few days to digest what happened on wednesday night. it was pretty riveting some of. it what is the thing that stands out the most to you? >> so i would say that the thing that is the scariest is that there is a another charlatan with the name of a fake ramaswamy. and that is a little bit scary that there is a trump is some skill and that there is someone who inherits that mental. and i thought that was a little bit scary. but what i thought was a little bit promising was that nikki haley sort of occupied earth one and she was not completely distorted for it which, you know i have a pretty low estimation of this republican party right. now so i was sort of shocked that they were okay with the more sane nikki haley. >> so rick, from, iran desantis he's been tracking a distant and second to trump debate. but is it that that they just talked about where they got kicked the. most take a listen to some of the attacks that he got. >> we don't need to bring in a rookie. we don't need to bring in people who have experience. >> i had enough already tonight of a guy who sounds like chatgpt standing up. there >> let you want to go and defund israel, you want to go and -- >> he is going to make america not safe. >> you have no foreign policy experience and it shows. >> you know, rick other than the mansplaining that i think they were trying to flex when he was, there and the fact that this was a red tie convention, what are your thoughts about the fact that ramaswamy is trying to take it, like molly, said take the mental over from donald trump? >> he is not the candidate of chatgpt he is the candidate of 8chan, or fortune he's basically playing to this weird sort of tech, bro slash incel demo that wants to own. it and he's playing with the sort of charlie kirk audience. and, look i get it in some ways he is yard and he wants to try to find a way to get in the vp slot with trump. i understand. it but as molly said, correctly, trumpism has infected the party so they're leave that now you are seeing a candidate with no ties to the traditional republican pat on that stage at all. and as they're trying to go out of, it nikki haley and mike pence and all the rest of them trying to go at him he has got this sort of shield around him of impervious shamelessness that is a very concerning prospect. but it's also that the party is opposed conservative, post ideological party that patrolman schiff about any principle. >> you know what surprises me is nikki haley. i'm not a foreign. i want to be very clear. but it was a fan of some of the stuff she said. let's take a really quick listen to what she said about a possible federal abortion ban. take a listen. >> when you are talking about a federal, ban be honest with the american people. we haven't had 45 pro-life senators in over 100 years so no republican president can't ban abortions anymore than a democrat president can ban all those state laws. don't make women feel like they have to decide on this issue when you know we don't have 60 -- >> 70% of the american people support legislation. >> but 70% of the senate does not. >> i mean more mansplaining going out at this debate, molly, but i heard her. i heard nikki haley. and she said that she was practical about the possibility of federal abortion ban. >> what was impressive about nikki, ali and i, agree i don't agree with anything that she believes in and i would not vote for her -- >> agreed. >> but what was impressive is that she said things that were actually true versus mike pence, 70% of americans won an abortion ban? >> that's not even close to true. it's more like the opposite. so i do think she was occupying earth, one which for this republican party is very unusual. >> yes, rick, you know who didn't show up was ron desantis. he got a real jet bush let's clap, what moment at the debate. and he didn't show up and i think that he got completely out shown by ramaswamy. so we don't have any new polling yet. but do you expect him, as desantis to drop even lower in the polls after that lackluster performance? >> they should've never put him out on the stage before the software update was complete. the guy just came up and had a group of what was happening around him. and then look, he's a candidate that was over prepared, over, schooled over managed but without the national graces and skills of somebody with the ability to perform could've taken advantage of all of that over preparation. the problem for desantis is that he is fundamentally unlikable, alienating, degrading. and he comes out of the box. were fox gave him a beautiful opportunity to. shine right in the very beginning and what did he do? he screamed at the camera. yield. he was, bellowing bullying. the guy is just not ready for the. show and with a punk like ramaswamy can go out there and put him in the shade, it really gives you an idea of how badly invested those of mega donors were around ron desantis. and i want to go back to nikki haley for one second. she wasn't really addressing the republican party. she was addressing the republican donor class because they're heartbroken that the blood with ron desantis. they're heartbroken that they would tim scott and nobody else on that stage is competitive. they want chris christie out there. but they know they can't win the primary or be elected. so they are gambling one more time. yet 3:30 in the morning and they're going to roll the dice one more time on nikki haley. >> i got less than a minute molly. i'm glad that he brought that. up he disappointed me too. why not just let it all out there? you've got nothing to lose. and you can adjust came with, is not even his speaking. >> this whole idea that chris christie is somehow gonna say the republican party is pretty amazing. i mean he got covid from trump. he got covid from trump and then trump was, like you're not gonna tell anyone i gave you covid. i mean this is a bridge gate guy. this is not an honorable guy. this is like an 11th hour rewrite that he's trying. but there's no reason to believe that he's going to do anything positive except try to help himself and get another tv contributor show. >> god, the burn. >> molly john fast, wreaking else in. look at, rick fanning himself. thank you for being here i appreciate it. >> thanks katie. >> and coming up next on this special edition of katie phang show, keeping the dream alive. you are looking at live pictures from washington d.c. where thousands are expected to gather today to mark the 16th anniversary of the march on washington. nbc news is tremaine lee is up next with a look at where the unfinished fight for equality stands today. you're watching the katie phang show, only on msnbc. show, only on msnbc. not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ what do we always say, son? 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>> i will tell you i had it to be -- >> but there are certain kind of interviews that come with folks and they're really talking about the footsteps of history. thousands of people are here at the lincoln memorial where they will hear an amazingly diverse group of speakers. the members from the jewish community, and folks from the -- we will gather here today and they will march here to the docked in martin luther king statue to commemorate again not just a dream. >> there has been an emphasis, by organizers this year that this anniversary is not a commemoration. but a continuation. so what are the major issues that you expect to be highlighted today? >> that's why katie. organizers are very intentional to say that this isn't just a memory of the past, this is pushing the work in the dream forward. unfortunately they say that the issues did, they are between the very famous for its that are 60 years ago. the segregation is at best as it suburban. this is -- as bad as it's ever, been and right now we have the voting rights and the attacks of the bodily autonomy for women. and our hopes are still pushing one of the issues that had. bin but also the near context of the assault on true freedom and sedition ship. >> all, right the -- firmer thinking luther king's right. but, some rightfully so are considering the vote of 1965 to be the crowning achievement of the civil rights movement. but not so much has changed in that fight for voting rights since that bill was signed into law by president johnson. do you expect to hear a lot of thoughts about where we stand today in terms of voting rights? >> with that, question, katie it remained a free of. fight and want the voting rights have passed they continued the assault on the franchise. and then in 2016, the supreme court had a voting rights act that put their places and required history for voting. and they had to get preclearance, before they change the voting. laws and once that was, gutted they saw a way of anti voters, legislation the laws and thinks that actually suppress the franchise even. more and so, since that moment it shaped the entire country is in terms of voting. and certainly there plugging it into the voting rights which was the crowning draw. one of the kremlin jewels. but also so much more work than they had moving forward. sherman thank you so much for joining us and i'm looking forward to what you're gonna be experiencing today. thanks. and later on in the show i'm going to speak to martin luther king and his family before we got to, break i do want to bring some special programming note to. you and remind you to set your dvr. because tomorrow, msnbc films presents the latest installment of the documentary series, the turning. point the film follows the harrowing journey of the young women on a skinny stance national soccer team who fled taliban control after u.s. troops with -- that's tomorrow ten pm eastern, right here on msnbc. and also streaming on peacock. but coming up, next tennessee state representative, justin j. pearson is here to weigh in on tennessee republicans using state troopers to silence voters, pushing for sensible gun legislation at a special session on safety. keep it right here on msnbc. re on msnbc. 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(vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. republican lawmakers are showing their throw a territory and colors. hustling to shut down comments versus taking any action to take their youngest citizens from the crisis of gun violence. during a special session, to address gun violence, crying parents of children massacred in the shooting of the covenant school, that small signs of protests. moments later, republican lawmakers ordered state troopers to swoop in and physically remove them from the hearing. take a look. >> they were denied their first amendment rights. what about the ongoing problem? >> we have right. >> this is not what democracy looks like. >> on that same date, state republicans also advance new procedural rules with extreme penalties for lawmakers deemed too disruptive. while also banning visitors from caring science and limiting public access to state hearings. joining me, now tennessee democratic state representative, who reclaimed his seat in a special election this month. representative pierson, it's an honor to have you on the show. for those of you that have been following along you were expelled out of the state house for expressing your support for reasonable gun control. on monday, some covenant parents kicked out of a hearing for holding signs in the next day protesters showed up to the house chamber, with gun control messages written on their body and on their clothes. in defiance of that sun band. some of those parents, the representative, were republican voters. some that were protesting. are you seeing a growing energy from both sides to hold republicans accountable? >> yes, we are building a multi racial, multi generational and socioeconomic movement of people across the political spectrum who want to see us do something about protecting kids and not guns. and the reality, is the republican party is operating as cowards. they're only following the voices of the national association, tennessee farm association the way that they are operating the destruction of the democracy in tennessee by taking away peoples rights to hold signs, representative rights to speak freely on behalf of those who sent us here is a continuation of that policy and their practices that have been operating in the tennessee general assembly for quite a long time. what is in peril is our democracy. and what we are seeing is a mobocracy replacing our democracy from all boroughs and not the people in our state. >> you're republican governor, billy, he actually called the special session in april shortly after the covenant shooting, and the republican colleagues of this week special session, they are showing blatant disrespect for the memories of those that have been slaved and survived thereafter. what conversations have you had with your colleagues about this level of disregard for just human life? >> i continue to urge my colleagues to do something about preventing gun violence. and instead we are seeing laws being put forward by my colleagues, who instead want to count the number of mass shootings that occur. they want to make sure that we have a lurches stems for when mishitting's have been in our schools. but they don't want to do anything to present assault rifles from getting to the school. hasse they don't want to do anything from preventing people who shouldn't have guns from having access to them. so all the legislations system has become as an opportunity for us to prepare for tragedies instead of preventing. them the same colleagues are gonna be the one who offer thoughts and prayers as a machining. and the district, just a couple of weeks ago instead of preventing the mass tragedy which we can do as legislators were only in a situation that we're preparing for. and, where's still, not only are they not caring about the memories of the children we have lost in our communities and district 86 in across our state but passing laws, the pass was now like blended sentencing which is kids as adults descend them to adult. prison so instead of protecting, kids trying to penalize and the type of legislator that we are. in and this is the type of pain that is being caused by the republican -- here in the state of tennessee. >> after the public was kicked out, one parent one was allowed to return to testify against a bill that allows for more armed teachers in your schools. that parent said the covenant teacher's hands were shaking so badly that day while trying to keep the children quiet, safe, and secure that there's no way that the teachers could've handled the gun. why is this message about how impactful this is? not only are they teachers, the, students the, parents the, kids the families. but people at. large why is that message just not resonating with republicans? >> you have an entire part of people who don't really care about children. they don't care about our communities. their allegiance is not to the constitution we saw. and their allegiances not to the 7 million people in the state and over 70 to 80% of people who want to see gun safety perform legislation. their allegiance is to the gun laws. they're allegiances to the national rifle associations, and arms association. and if you're not to the people to the covenant, the henderson and one of the classmates if you're not, proximate to the people that are crying, and who are asking for us to do something then you continue to legislate from a part of privilege and from a position that is really not paying attention to what is going on to our communities and the tragedies. and the experience of the people who have to, be and, live the survivors of the tragedies in our. state and i believe that's what's happening with the republican party. there's a lack of, courage and moral compass. so we continue to pass more rose elation to do harm to people that are actually going to create change. they're presenting false solutions, instead of solutions that could save kids lives like the removal of -- which is a lot that we passed, and i'm sure that we could have gun safety, storage and universal background checks. >> we have less than a minute. but i do want to ask this last question to you, representative pierson. how do we make it matter? how do we make them care? how do we remove the proximity so that these people that are in the process, in the seats of power that are not listening to what the people want in terms of reasonable gun control. how do we make thinking? >> we must show up anyway. that is our responsibility who want to be civically engaged and want to make this democracy be what it can be. we have to show up even on this adversaries, even as people who do not want to see justice and who do not want to see change and want to kick us up for size. and want to stop our voices from being heard, want to expel. members we show up anyway. we give our best anyway. just as our ancestors did 60 years ago at the state capital. we show, up and we have our voices heard. and we have our voices heard to elevate the issues of our community. just like those 250,000 people did on the march on washington every time that we go to the state capital. it is our march on for democracy and for justice. and so for everybody who gets, tired gets, weary let us not be wary. and let us continue to show up and let them know that our voices will not be silenced. and that you can tweet out a movement. then you can expel one either. >> i've got chills. and i don't think it is enough to say to you. we show up. and that's what we're going to. do tennessee state representative, justin j. pearson, we will show up. thank you for being here. i appreciate you. coming up in our next hour, watching history, you are looking at live pictures of the nation's capital for the 60th anniversary celebration of martin luther king junior march on washington. we'll be joined by his son, martin luther king the third, his wife andrea and daughter yolanda on what is being done to keep the dream alive in 2023. msnbc's ongoing coverage, the, march continues through the afternoon. so don't go anywhere. we've got much more ahead on the special extended edition of the katie phang show only on msnbc. msnbc. ss for 5g solutions... not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. meet the future. a chef. a designer. and, ooh, an engineer. all learning to save and spend their money with chase. the chef's cooking up firsts with her new debit card. hungry? 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Covid , Reason , Bridge Gate Guy , Anyone , 11 , Tv Contributor Show , Try , Wreaking Else , The Burn , God , Molly John Fast , Rick Fanning , Thousands , Pictures , Special Edition , Thanks Katie , Keeping The Dream Alive , Equality Stands Today , Nbc News , Tremaine Lee , Andrea , Limu Emu , That S My Boy , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Huh , Uncle Limu , Shingles , Virus , Freeways , Sleeping , Pay , 50 , 99 , Rash , Stop Waiting , Lying Dormant , Prevention , Streets , Cities , Towns , Communities , Places , Businesses , Move , Goals , Pnc Bank , Down Roots , Crossroads , Return , I Have A Dream Speech , Nation , Backdrop , Junior , Civil Rights Pioneer In The March On Washington For Jobs And Freedom , 1 Million , 1960 , Rights , Voters , Segregation , Words , Inequality , Call To Action , Echoes , Organizers , Participants , Correspondent , Leaders , Isle Sharpton , Interviews , Atmosphere , Mall , Viewers , Members , Folks , Lincoln Memorial , Jewish Community , Footsteps , Speakers , Statue , Emphasis , Continuation , Commemoration , Anniversary , Isn T , Work , Memory , Voting Rights , Assault , Context , Autonomy , Hopes , True Freedom And Sedition Ship , Bodily , Rightfully , Right , Vote , Achievement , Thinking Luther King S , Civil Rights Movement , 1965 , Bill , President Johnson , Voting , Franchise , Supreme Court , Preclearance , 2016 , Laws , Country , Sherman , Draw , Jewels , Kremlin , The Turning , Programming , Dvr , Note , Soccer Team , Troops , Documentary Series , Journey , Film , Taliban , Peacock , Ten , State Troopers , Justin J Pearson , Gun Legislation At A Special Session , Tennessee State Representative , Protein , Number , High Protein , Age , Muscle Health , Flavor , Boost , Cinnabon , Breakthrough , Skin Tags , Scholl S , Fda , Refund , Tax Refund , Marshall , Rosie , Patio , Innovation , Help , Erc , Emily , Innovation Refunds , Facelift , Practice , Wax Museum , Brows , Best Friend , Sfx , Soulmate , Spilling Sound , Family 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Level , Schools , Shootings , School , Assault Rifles , Lurches , Mishitting , Shouldn T Have Guns , Hasse , Gonna , Tragedy , Tragedies , District , Couple , Legislations System , Prayers , Machining , Situation , Legislators , 86 , Type , Legislator , Protecting , Pass , Adult , Prison , Teachers , Parent , Covenant Teacher , Public , Message , Quiet , Gun , Students , Families , Care , Allegiances , Gun Safety Perform Legislation , Gun Laws , Constitution We Saw , 7 Million , Covenant , Rifle Associations , Classmates , Arms Association , Henderson , Attention , Position , Survivors , Solutions , Change , Courage , Lack Of , Harm , Compass , Rose Elation , Our , Gun Safety , Background Checks , Removal , Storage , Seats , Proximity , Responsibility , Adversaries , Capital , Size , Ancestors , March On For Democracy , Everybody , Community , State Capital , 250000 , Chills , Tennessee State , Yolanda On , Coverage , Martin Luther King Junior March On Washington , 60th Anniversary Celebration , The Third , 2023 , March , Afternoon , Don T Go Anywhere , Engineer , Chef , Designer , Money , Learning , Chase , Ooh , Mom , College , Firsts , Futures , Debit Card , Cooking , Sequins , Plaid , Spending , Account , Uhuh , Uh , Nice , Essential School Supplies , Freedom , Millions , Retailers , Ninety Two , Supporter , School Supplies Students , Funding , Subaru Love Promise , Adoptaclassroom Org , Forbes , Cleaning Tool , Swiffer Powermop , Car Company , Impact , Mop , Cleaning Pad , Dirt Away , Head , Bucket , Scrubbing Strips , Swivel , Hundreds , 360 , Home , Smarter , Joy , Voltaren , Wow , To Die For , Out Didn T You , Commitment , Volume , Um , Friend , Xfinity 10g Network , Headquarters , Photo Finish , Co Defendants , Marching On , King , Side , Father Stream , Works , Punchline , Martin Luther , Comedian Jason ,

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Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704

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years after the march on washington, he estimated 75,000 people are expected events commemorating a turning point of the civil rights movement. we are live in washington d.c. with a look at what the fight for racial equality stance today. and later, pleading for progress, covenant school parents begging their elected tennessee lawmakers to do something about the gun violence crisis in tennessee. a lawmaker who was recently reinstated at the state house takes us inside that special session on safety. all of that and more is coming up. >> and a good saturday morning to you all. i am katie phang. he was born as donald john trump. it has been a self professed real estate mogul, oh reality tv star, and even the president of the united states for one term, of course, but this morning the fulton county jail recognizes him with the identification number p01135809 after her surrender and booking in the georgia 2020 election interference case. the now twice impeached quadruple indicted former president and his fellow 18 codefendant in that case are now staring down the barrel of a possible arraignment the week of september 5th and imposed trial for at least two of those defendants on october 23rd. trump's team is predictably opposing that october 23rd trial date for himself as he faces almost 100 felony counts across four different jurisdictions, and those cases are moving full steam ahead. and on monday, judge tanya chutkan is expected to set a trial date and that federal election subversion case in washington d.c.. the newer trial over trump's hush money payments to a porn star is scheduled for march 24, in the trial in the federal case is looking at his mishandling of classified documents it is alleged cover-up, we'll have against just two months later in may of 2024. right as the race for the white house heats up even more. msnbc news correspondent julie tsirkin joins us now live from atlanta. julie, it is good to see you this morning. now that everyone has surrendered by that deadline like they were supposed to yesterday, what is next? can we reasonably expect to see arraignments take place that week of september 5th that was the proposed date of arraignment by fani willis? >> hey katie, good morning. that is the big question. we are spending some time now outside of the fulton county courthouse where you will spend a lot of time as well in the last couple of weeks, and katie, as you know, we are seeing the complicated effects of what happens when you have such an expansive case like this one. so many defendants that are all filing individual motions in a attempt to delay this case. of course when you talk about october 23rd proposed start date for the trial, fani willis, a district attorney here, so that is the date for all the defendants because two defendants like chesebro and sidney powell, to lawyers that worked for the former president, advising them on the fake electors scheme, trying to overturn the results of the 2020 elections as well, they requested a speedy trial, and that request has to be granted within four months, or otherwise they can push to dismiss the case altogether. and so fani willis has proposed, because all of these cases are blinded for now, none of them have been severed, that the october 23rd start date we'll see if chesebro and polymers are the guys start to make motions like this as well, and are able to separate their former president, who's already getting back. say he's not gonna do anything, and that all four indictments are going to start after the 2024 election. one where he is still eight front runner and in terms of the republican party, but look. president biden yesterday reacted to that mugshot that we saw of the former president, the first for any u.s. president. take a listen to what he said. ident. >> have you seen donald trump's mugshot yet? [laughter] >> i did see it on television. >> what do you think? >> handsome guy, wonderful guy. [interpreter] >> so the president on vacation and talk about making a lighthearted joke there, calling that former presidents mugshot, quote, handsome. let's look at some the other defense on that case. former chief of staff mark meadows for example along with a handful of other codefendants trying to have their case dismissed altogether. that first evidentiary hearing is going to happen monday in federal court. meadows arguing that because he was a federal official at the time of the election, he's able to move his case, excuse, me to federal court in an attempt to have it dismissed altogether. we will see if it happens there, but when you come back to capitol hill, and what's happening in washington with the former presidents allies, they are trailing behind him, and in fact, jim jordan, the chair of the judiciary committee vowing to probe aggressively investigation of fani willis, similar to what they did in new york in the case of alvin bragg. >> julie tsirkin, thank you for getting us started at this 80 am hour on msnbc. i appreciate you. and joining me now for a deeper dive is glenn kershner, msnbc legal analyst, former federal prosecutor, and host of the justice matters process. hugo lowell, political investigations reporter at the guardian. gentlemen, what a way to end the week. i would say that we could take a break, but obviously we can't, because monday we are going to get geared up. hugo, let me start with you. let's start at the chart comparing that is going to happen on monday. you're going to be in court with a judge chutkan. and so we know that the doj wants to go to trial in january of 2024. trump responds, i want to go to trial in april of 2026. never the twain shall meet? what are we going to expect to see on monday? >> i think you will see the special counsel say that the way that the trump team came up with that 2026 trial date is ludicrous. and in some, ways it is, because of the way the trump team came up with that date. the median time it took four other cases during the pandemic when the courts were backlogged to say, well, 30 months between the start of the trial, to sentencing. that is not the start of trial. that is through the trial and, to get a verdict, that should be the operating timeline that they should be considering. and i think the doj will come back and say, you know, that is a patently long and lucas timeline. i think the judge is going to agree. >> you know glenn, we've seen this judge. she has been handling a lot of the 16 relayed cases. she has been a very i would say very strong person in terms of sentencing for some of the defendants that have gone to jerry charlo's. we know that she is a straight shooter, she is all business. glenn, you and i have tried cases in federal court asking for a trial date as far out as april 26 is not only laughable, but ludicrous. and what do you expect to see on monday with judge chutkan? >> katie, it was not a reasonable ask, and frankly i think that that will make judge chutkan's decision it little bit easier. this is not a legitimate lawyering that's going on but donald trump's criminal defense attorneys. it feels more like they're acting as assistant campaign chairman to donald trump. and so listen, if the most reasonable voice in the room is checked smith and his team of federal prosecutors and they believe that those are the reasonable voices, the judge chutkan is likely going to go with their recommendation. i suspect you are going to see tanya chutkan set a trial date for sometime in early 2024. so that this case can be resolved well in advance of the november 2024 presidential election. >> glenn, i want to stay with you, because i asked this question to this really smart legal analysts who are on this network all the time, because i'm still trying to figure out how we practically and logistically resolve it. so you have unindicted coconspirators in that jack smith won six case that is in front of judge chutkan. but then you also have defendants that have been prosecuted by fani willis in fulton county. for example, religiously ali, and jeffrey clark. and so having those examples in front of you, glenn, how does that feel for jack smith? how does he put on a case, let's say it does go to trial in january of 2024 in washington. how does it work vis-à-vis the fact that some of those unindicted coconspirators that could be witnesses and that trial are actually defendants their fifth amendment rights against self incrimination in georgia. r fifth amendm>> so i think thar is that if jack smith wants to sponsor the testimony of that is put on the witness stand in a trial against donald trump, witnesses who have a fifth amendment right against self incrimination either because they are unindicted coconspirators in the d.c. case, or indicted coconspirators and the georgia rico case, jack smith will need to address the privilege. so when you address the privilege is ordinarily you negotiate some kind of a global plea agreement with them that would have them resolve their case in georgia. and of course that would have to be done and cooperation with the georgia state authority. fani willis and her team was off the criminal exposure in d.c. and frankly in any jurisdiction. that is how we ordinarily handle witnesses that we want to put on the stand, but you have criminal exposure across multiple jurisdictions. some may say, well why can't jack smith just grant them immunity? well that may deal with the criminal exposure in d.c. federally, but it wouldn't deal with their criminal exposure down in georgia. it's all of this is going to be a delicate dance. they should certainly be communication across jurisdictional lines between the feds and the states that is not improper. indeed, it is necessary, and they are going to have to wrestle with some of these difficult tactical issues. >> hugo, you have your finger on the pulse of all things trump legal, especially trump legal world. donald trump likes to basically staff his cases with different lawyers. you have a little bit of overlap with todd blanche, for example, but how does it work then when you have this many lawyers on this many cases with this many trial dates within such a short period of time? >> you know, i think even the campaign, the trump campaign will tell you that there is no clear line whether lawyers in the legal team starts and ends and where the campaign starts and ends. and that is been the strategy all along. if you think back to november when trump launches, it was, he puts on the campaign because he thinks it's going to insulate him from prosecution. he thinks that if he runs as a candidate, the doj might not be so inclined as to prosecute him. and i think that this is the strategy that runs through here as well. if they can keep as many of the witnesses on save america pact payroll, they think they can keep these guys close to them and they will learn about sort of how they might prep for trial, what sort of things they might want to say at trial. it's the trump legal team is very happy with where things are at because, as far as they are concerned, they think that they still have a lot of control with the witnesses. one exception is -- in this case. they now have a conflict issue, and one of the witnesses that he used to represent its now tripped government cooperator, and if there are more instances like that, i think you will see this joint defense agreement umbrella strategy start to collapse. >> yeah, so glen, before i move on to classified documents, i didn't stay on this question that i asked, and i think this is really good because we have seen joint defense agreements in criminal cases where we have been prosecutors, but we have seen when there is a fisher and that line of defense when people don't agree anymore in terms of how to approach this. how often as a federal prosecutor, glenn, have you had to manage the fact that you've had their own significant exposure within their interest online anymore? yes, it happens not infrequently, especially when we handle big rico indictments. and what we try to do as prosecutors quite frankly is drive wedges between codefendants and it's not improper to do that. you always want to play one codefendant against another. you go to the less culpable person who might be inclined to try to protect the markup of a person. and i would have a very stern discussion with them, what their council president. saying that you can go down with the ss trump and that's really what you want but think about it. the decisions that you made to align yourself will land to exactly where you are today. sitting across the, table from a prosecutor who's prepared to take you to trial, convicted, and in president. do you think that you might want to consider making a different decision doing what's right? doing what you have done so much wrong. you now have an opportunity to turn the corner and begin doing what's right. and save yourself some jail time in the process. what's it gonna be? >> you know, i'd love to be a plow on the wall for those conversations between defense council when people start to flip. glenn, hugo, don't go anywhere. we're gonna continue this conversation after a quick break. and still to come, marking a moment that turned into a movement. it's been 60 years since the march on washington change the course of american history. the family of dr. martin luther king junior joins us later with a 60 year struggle to turn his dream of a quality into reality. we've got much more on this extended edition of the katie phang show. so keep it right here. eep it right here. not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. before my doctor and i chose breztri for my copd, i had bad days, (cough, cough) flare-ups that could permanently damage my lungs. with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing. starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my lung function improved. it helped improve my symptoms, and breztri was even proven to reduce flare-ups, including those that could send me to the hospital. so now i look forward to more good days. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. can't afford your medication? 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because i see him fundraising off of that. so talk to me about. that >> ultimately when the mugshot came he decided fundraising would be the way out for him to kind of distract from really the dignity and humidity of having to get a mugshot. but from my reporting, speaking to people it is an inner circle for the days and weeks leading up to this surrender he was trying to get his lawyers to get an exemption so he wouldn't have to take this mugshot. and i think there's been a shift in mindset from him for the -- before the hush money case, he was gung ho he thought that if i can get arrested, but in handcuffs, get a mugshot taken a look to. fine but that has changed through the indictments. and by the time he got to georgia he really did not want an indictment. he really did not want to mugshot. he wanted not of his personal details to be public. then he was pushing his lawyers to negotiate, that for the d's office and the sheriff's office. and he made a very clear he was not gonna get any special treatment. that was when they recalibrated and said, fine, if we have to do this for fund-raise off. it but it was not his preference. >> glenn it is not just donald trump in fulton county, we know that mark meadows has a very important hearing on monday. in federal, court on georgia, an attempt at a hearing to convince a judge not only to move the case to federal court but he's also going to be teeing up part of his defense which is that he can dismiss the case at a federal official under the supremacy clause i get the immunity. some people are calling this a mini trial. we do new people like brad raffensperger have been subpoenaed by the d.a.'s office to be testifying at this. john what do you think about the chances of mark meadows actually succeeding in his attendance to get his case removed from federal court? >> you have a really hard time envisioning a federal judge putting his stamp of approval on the conduct of mark meadows. the chief of staff doing something that i don't think any other chief of staff for president of the united states has done in inserting himself in the interference of the election process and the vote count, and recount in a state. i'll be interested to see. it whether mark meadows presents evidence. it's so clearly within the scope of the duties of a chief of staff. because look at all of these times through history where others have been involved in a phone call with the secretary of state trying to pressure them to find 11,780 fictitious votes. votes that do not exist. so that my president can be reinstalled in the over office. i think it is maybe laughable, minus. one the hearing that is going to play out on monday. i'm interested to see what kind of evidence mark meadows produces in furtherance of his claim. is he going to testify? is he going to put a codefendant on the stand to testify about how all of this was extremely kosher for mark meadows to do? no i think the judges gonna reject this attempt to remove the case from georgia state court, federal. court and i think mark meadows will find himself, eventually, shoulder to shoulder with some of those other 19 rico codefendant. >> you, go i have a minute. left i do want to ask you the following. we do know one candidate chesbrough is going to trial at the end of october. october 20, they're 2020. three that is in two months. the a fani willis is saying, hey, give me two tether bite to work of this recovery. i'm ready to give you this but what does it tell you that fani willis, a state court prosecutor, not a federal court prosecutors like. let's rumble. i'm ready to go. >> i think that ken chesbrough gambled a bit and missed. we were reporting two weeks before the indictment came down that our team was ready to go to trial tomorrow. and the fact that the time that they spend prepping, before the indictment was spent making sure that they be able to counter any sort of pretrial motion that might come down the line, the d.a.'s office has spent years investigating. this and they spent months prepping for anything that might come down the line and when he filed that motion to go to trial immediately, she welcomed. it and she said, you know, what we are ready to go. here's the discovery. let's go. i don't think that's what he was counting on. >> you, go grand kushner. thank you for getting us started. because according to, glenn and i, agree justice matters. appreciate you guys. thanks. >> coming up, next we're going to break down the big winners and the big ludicrous of the first republican parental primary debate in milwaukee. do any of them have what it takes to cake donald trump's front runner status? molly john and rick wilson will join us. that's next right here on msnbc. msnbc. 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(vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. so this, week americans got a chance to watch the top republican candidates battle for the gop nomination for president on the same stage. for the very first time. well, all except one that is. on wednesday night, eight of the republican candidates, not named donald trump took to the stage of milwaukee. despite the far and away front runner skipping the debate, the elephant and his indictments were clearly in the room. in, fact according to the new york times, trump came up as the second most discussed topic of the debate. here the candidates being asked about their allegiance to the former president. >> if former president trump is convicted in a court of law, would you still support him as your party's choice? please raise your hand if you would. >> [applause] the absurdity amounts. yes that was every candidate, except if you saw, their former governor chris christie and asia hutchinson very publicly raising their hands on a pledge of support of the now quadruple indicted expected, and facing the eventual nominee. and if his huge pulling lead continues they will get their chance to ban the need to their supreme leader. joining me now is molly john, fast a special correspondent vanity fair and host of the politics podcast. and rick wilson, cofounder of the project and running against a double. a plot to save america from trump, and democrats from themselves. you've had a few days to digest what happened on wednesday night. it was pretty riveting some of. it what is the thing that stands out the most to you? >> so i would say that the thing that is the scariest is that there is a another charlatan with the name of a fake ramaswamy. and that is a little bit scary that there is a trump is some skill and that there is someone who inherits that mental. and i thought that was a little bit scary. but what i thought was a little bit promising was that nikki haley sort of occupied earth one and she was not completely distorted for it which, you know i have a pretty low estimation of this republican party right. now so i was sort of shocked that they were okay with the more sane nikki haley. >> so rick, from, iran desantis he's been tracking a distant and second to trump debate. but is it that that they just talked about where they got kicked the. most take a listen to some of the attacks that he got. >> we don't need to bring in a rookie. we don't need to bring in people who have experience. >> i had enough already tonight of a guy who sounds like chatgpt standing up. there >> let you want to go and defund israel, you want to go and -- >> he is going to make america not safe. >> you have no foreign policy experience and it shows. >> you know, rick other than the mansplaining that i think they were trying to flex when he was, there and the fact that this was a red tie convention, what are your thoughts about the fact that ramaswamy is trying to take it, like molly, said take the mental over from donald trump? >> he is not the candidate of chatgpt he is the candidate of 8chan, or fortune he's basically playing to this weird sort of tech, bro slash incel demo that wants to own. it and he's playing with the sort of charlie kirk audience. and, look i get it in some ways he is yard and he wants to try to find a way to get in the vp slot with trump. i understand. it but as molly said, correctly, trumpism has infected the party so they're leave that now you are seeing a candidate with no ties to the traditional republican pat on that stage at all. and as they're trying to go out of, it nikki haley and mike pence and all the rest of them trying to go at him he has got this sort of shield around him of impervious shamelessness that is a very concerning prospect. but it's also that the party is opposed conservative, post ideological party that patrolman schiff about any principle. >> you know what surprises me is nikki haley. i'm not a foreign. i want to be very clear. but it was a fan of some of the stuff she said. let's take a really quick listen to what she said about a possible federal abortion ban. take a listen. >> when you are talking about a federal, ban be honest with the american people. we haven't had 45 pro-life senators in over 100 years so no republican president can't ban abortions anymore than a democrat president can ban all those state laws. don't make women feel like they have to decide on this issue when you know we don't have 60 -- >> 70% of the american people support legislation. >> but 70% of the senate does not. >> i mean more mansplaining going out at this debate, molly, but i heard her. i heard nikki haley. and she said that she was practical about the possibility of federal abortion ban. >> what was impressive about nikki, ali and i, agree i don't agree with anything that she believes in and i would not vote for her -- >> agreed. >> but what was impressive is that she said things that were actually true versus mike pence, 70% of americans won an abortion ban? >> that's not even close to true. it's more like the opposite. so i do think she was occupying earth, one which for this republican party is very unusual. >> yes, rick, you know who didn't show up was ron desantis. he got a real jet bush let's clap, what moment at the debate. and he didn't show up and i think that he got completely out shown by ramaswamy. so we don't have any new polling yet. but do you expect him, as desantis to drop even lower in the polls after that lackluster performance? >> they should've never put him out on the stage before the software update was complete. the guy just came up and had a group of what was happening around him. and then look, he's a candidate that was over prepared, over, schooled over managed but without the national graces and skills of somebody with the ability to perform could've taken advantage of all of that over preparation. the problem for desantis is that he is fundamentally unlikable, alienating, degrading. and he comes out of the box. were fox gave him a beautiful opportunity to. shine right in the very beginning and what did he do? he screamed at the camera. yield. he was, bellowing bullying. the guy is just not ready for the. show and with a punk like ramaswamy can go out there and put him in the shade, it really gives you an idea of how badly invested those of mega donors were around ron desantis. and i want to go back to nikki haley for one second. she wasn't really addressing the republican party. she was addressing the republican donor class because they're heartbroken that the blood with ron desantis. they're heartbroken that they would tim scott and nobody else on that stage is competitive. they want chris christie out there. but they know they can't win the primary or be elected. so they are gambling one more time. yet 3:30 in the morning and they're going to roll the dice one more time on nikki haley. >> i got less than a minute molly. i'm glad that he brought that. up he disappointed me too. why not just let it all out there? you've got nothing to lose. and you can adjust came with, is not even his speaking. >> this whole idea that chris christie is somehow gonna say the republican party is pretty amazing. i mean he got covid from trump. he got covid from trump and then trump was, like you're not gonna tell anyone i gave you covid. i mean this is a bridge gate guy. this is not an honorable guy. this is like an 11th hour rewrite that he's trying. but there's no reason to believe that he's going to do anything positive except try to help himself and get another tv contributor show. >> god, the burn. >> molly john fast, wreaking else in. look at, rick fanning himself. thank you for being here i appreciate it. >> thanks katie. >> and coming up next on this special edition of katie phang show, keeping the dream alive. you are looking at live pictures from washington d.c. where thousands are expected to gather today to mark the 16th anniversary of the march on washington. nbc news is tremaine lee is up next with a look at where the unfinished fight for equality stands today. you're watching the katie phang show, only on msnbc. show, only on msnbc. not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ what do we always say, son? 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>> i will tell you i had it to be -- >> but there are certain kind of interviews that come with folks and they're really talking about the footsteps of history. thousands of people are here at the lincoln memorial where they will hear an amazingly diverse group of speakers. the members from the jewish community, and folks from the -- we will gather here today and they will march here to the docked in martin luther king statue to commemorate again not just a dream. >> there has been an emphasis, by organizers this year that this anniversary is not a commemoration. but a continuation. so what are the major issues that you expect to be highlighted today? >> that's why katie. organizers are very intentional to say that this isn't just a memory of the past, this is pushing the work in the dream forward. unfortunately they say that the issues did, they are between the very famous for its that are 60 years ago. the segregation is at best as it suburban. this is -- as bad as it's ever, been and right now we have the voting rights and the attacks of the bodily autonomy for women. and our hopes are still pushing one of the issues that had. bin but also the near context of the assault on true freedom and sedition ship. >> all, right the -- firmer thinking luther king's right. but, some rightfully so are considering the vote of 1965 to be the crowning achievement of the civil rights movement. but not so much has changed in that fight for voting rights since that bill was signed into law by president johnson. do you expect to hear a lot of thoughts about where we stand today in terms of voting rights? >> with that, question, katie it remained a free of. fight and want the voting rights have passed they continued the assault on the franchise. and then in 2016, the supreme court had a voting rights act that put their places and required history for voting. and they had to get preclearance, before they change the voting. laws and once that was, gutted they saw a way of anti voters, legislation the laws and thinks that actually suppress the franchise even. more and so, since that moment it shaped the entire country is in terms of voting. and certainly there plugging it into the voting rights which was the crowning draw. one of the kremlin jewels. but also so much more work than they had moving forward. sherman thank you so much for joining us and i'm looking forward to what you're gonna be experiencing today. thanks. and later on in the show i'm going to speak to martin luther king and his family before we got to, break i do want to bring some special programming note to. you and remind you to set your dvr. because tomorrow, msnbc films presents the latest installment of the documentary series, the turning. point the film follows the harrowing journey of the young women on a skinny stance national soccer team who fled taliban control after u.s. troops with -- that's tomorrow ten pm eastern, right here on msnbc. and also streaming on peacock. but coming up, next tennessee state representative, justin j. pearson is here to weigh in on tennessee republicans using state troopers to silence voters, pushing for sensible gun legislation at a special session on safety. keep it right here on msnbc. re on msnbc. 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(vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. republican lawmakers are showing their throw a territory and colors. hustling to shut down comments versus taking any action to take their youngest citizens from the crisis of gun violence. during a special session, to address gun violence, crying parents of children massacred in the shooting of the covenant school, that small signs of protests. moments later, republican lawmakers ordered state troopers to swoop in and physically remove them from the hearing. take a look. >> they were denied their first amendment rights. what about the ongoing problem? >> we have right. >> this is not what democracy looks like. >> on that same date, state republicans also advance new procedural rules with extreme penalties for lawmakers deemed too disruptive. while also banning visitors from caring science and limiting public access to state hearings. joining me, now tennessee democratic state representative, who reclaimed his seat in a special election this month. representative pierson, it's an honor to have you on the show. for those of you that have been following along you were expelled out of the state house for expressing your support for reasonable gun control. on monday, some covenant parents kicked out of a hearing for holding signs in the next day protesters showed up to the house chamber, with gun control messages written on their body and on their clothes. in defiance of that sun band. some of those parents, the representative, were republican voters. some that were protesting. are you seeing a growing energy from both sides to hold republicans accountable? >> yes, we are building a multi racial, multi generational and socioeconomic movement of people across the political spectrum who want to see us do something about protecting kids and not guns. and the reality, is the republican party is operating as cowards. they're only following the voices of the national association, tennessee farm association the way that they are operating the destruction of the democracy in tennessee by taking away peoples rights to hold signs, representative rights to speak freely on behalf of those who sent us here is a continuation of that policy and their practices that have been operating in the tennessee general assembly for quite a long time. what is in peril is our democracy. and what we are seeing is a mobocracy replacing our democracy from all boroughs and not the people in our state. >> you're republican governor, billy, he actually called the special session in april shortly after the covenant shooting, and the republican colleagues of this week special session, they are showing blatant disrespect for the memories of those that have been slaved and survived thereafter. what conversations have you had with your colleagues about this level of disregard for just human life? >> i continue to urge my colleagues to do something about preventing gun violence. and instead we are seeing laws being put forward by my colleagues, who instead want to count the number of mass shootings that occur. they want to make sure that we have a lurches stems for when mishitting's have been in our schools. but they don't want to do anything to present assault rifles from getting to the school. hasse they don't want to do anything from preventing people who shouldn't have guns from having access to them. so all the legislations system has become as an opportunity for us to prepare for tragedies instead of preventing. them the same colleagues are gonna be the one who offer thoughts and prayers as a machining. and the district, just a couple of weeks ago instead of preventing the mass tragedy which we can do as legislators were only in a situation that we're preparing for. and, where's still, not only are they not caring about the memories of the children we have lost in our communities and district 86 in across our state but passing laws, the pass was now like blended sentencing which is kids as adults descend them to adult. prison so instead of protecting, kids trying to penalize and the type of legislator that we are. in and this is the type of pain that is being caused by the republican -- here in the state of tennessee. >> after the public was kicked out, one parent one was allowed to return to testify against a bill that allows for more armed teachers in your schools. that parent said the covenant teacher's hands were shaking so badly that day while trying to keep the children quiet, safe, and secure that there's no way that the teachers could've handled the gun. why is this message about how impactful this is? not only are they teachers, the, students the, parents the, kids the families. but people at. large why is that message just not resonating with republicans? >> you have an entire part of people who don't really care about children. they don't care about our communities. their allegiance is not to the constitution we saw. and their allegiances not to the 7 million people in the state and over 70 to 80% of people who want to see gun safety perform legislation. their allegiance is to the gun laws. they're allegiances to the national rifle associations, and arms association. and if you're not to the people to the covenant, the henderson and one of the classmates if you're not, proximate to the people that are crying, and who are asking for us to do something then you continue to legislate from a part of privilege and from a position that is really not paying attention to what is going on to our communities and the tragedies. and the experience of the people who have to, be and, live the survivors of the tragedies in our. state and i believe that's what's happening with the republican party. there's a lack of, courage and moral compass. so we continue to pass more rose elation to do harm to people that are actually going to create change. they're presenting false solutions, instead of solutions that could save kids lives like the removal of -- which is a lot that we passed, and i'm sure that we could have gun safety, storage and universal background checks. >> we have less than a minute. but i do want to ask this last question to you, representative pierson. how do we make it matter? how do we make them care? how do we remove the proximity so that these people that are in the process, in the seats of power that are not listening to what the people want in terms of reasonable gun control. how do we make thinking? >> we must show up anyway. that is our responsibility who want to be civically engaged and want to make this democracy be what it can be. we have to show up even on this adversaries, even as people who do not want to see justice and who do not want to see change and want to kick us up for size. and want to stop our voices from being heard, want to expel. members we show up anyway. we give our best anyway. just as our ancestors did 60 years ago at the state capital. we show, up and we have our voices heard. and we have our voices heard to elevate the issues of our community. just like those 250,000 people did on the march on washington every time that we go to the state capital. it is our march on for democracy and for justice. and so for everybody who gets, tired gets, weary let us not be wary. and let us continue to show up and let them know that our voices will not be silenced. and that you can tweet out a movement. then you can expel one either. >> i've got chills. and i don't think it is enough to say to you. we show up. and that's what we're going to. do tennessee state representative, justin j. pearson, we will show up. thank you for being here. i appreciate you. coming up in our next hour, watching history, you are looking at live pictures of the nation's capital for the 60th anniversary celebration of martin luther king junior march on washington. we'll be joined by his son, martin luther king the third, his wife andrea and daughter yolanda on what is being done to keep the dream alive in 2023. msnbc's ongoing coverage, the, march continues through the afternoon. so don't go anywhere. we've got much more ahead on the special extended edition of the katie phang show only on msnbc. msnbc. ss for 5g solutions... not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. meet the future. a chef. a designer. and, ooh, an engineer. all learning to save and spend their money with chase. the chef's cooking up firsts with her new debit card. hungry? 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Covid , Reason , Bridge Gate Guy , Anyone , 11 , Tv Contributor Show , Try , Wreaking Else , The Burn , God , Molly John Fast , Rick Fanning , Thousands , Pictures , Special Edition , Thanks Katie , Keeping The Dream Alive , Equality Stands Today , Nbc News , Tremaine Lee , Andrea , Limu Emu , That S My Boy , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Huh , Uncle Limu , Shingles , Virus , Freeways , Sleeping , Pay , 50 , 99 , Rash , Stop Waiting , Lying Dormant , Prevention , Streets , Cities , Towns , Communities , Places , Businesses , Move , Goals , Pnc Bank , Down Roots , Crossroads , Return , I Have A Dream Speech , Nation , Backdrop , Junior , Civil Rights Pioneer In The March On Washington For Jobs And Freedom , 1 Million , 1960 , Rights , Voters , Segregation , Words , Inequality , Call To Action , Echoes , Organizers , Participants , Correspondent , Leaders , Isle Sharpton , Interviews , Atmosphere , Mall , Viewers , Members , Folks , Lincoln Memorial , Jewish Community , Footsteps , Speakers , Statue , Emphasis , Continuation , Commemoration , Anniversary , Isn T , Work , Memory , Voting Rights , Assault , Context , Autonomy , Hopes , True Freedom And Sedition Ship , Bodily , Rightfully , Right , Vote , Achievement , Thinking Luther King S , Civil Rights Movement , 1965 , Bill , President Johnson , Voting , Franchise , Supreme Court , Preclearance , 2016 , Laws , Country , Sherman , Draw , Jewels , Kremlin , The Turning , Programming , Dvr , Note , Soccer Team , Troops , Documentary Series , Journey , Film , Taliban , Peacock , Ten , State Troopers , Justin J Pearson , Gun Legislation At A Special Session , Tennessee State Representative , Protein , Number , High Protein , Age , Muscle Health , Flavor , Boost , Cinnabon , Breakthrough , Skin Tags , Scholl S , Fda , Refund , Tax Refund , Marshall , Rosie , Patio , Innovation , Help , Erc , Emily , Innovation Refunds , Facelift , Practice , Wax Museum , Brows , Best Friend , Sfx , Soulmate , Spilling Sound , Family Gasp Nooo , Bounty , Face , Job , Sponge , Absorbent , Picker Upper , Aya , Music , Light , Carbs , Permission , Serving , Breyers Carbsmart , Granted , 4 , Breyers , Comments , Hustling , Colors , Territory , Children , Signs , Gun Violence , Parents , Shooting , Action , Citizens , Crisis , First Amendment Rights , Protests , Take A Look , Democracy , State Republicans , Rules , Penalties , Democratic State Representative , State Hearings , Visitors , Seat , Science , Covenant Parents , Gun Control , On Monday , Honor , Representative Pierson , Representative , Messages , Body , Clothes , Defiance , Energy , House Chamber , Sun Band , Sides , Spectrum , Multi Generational , Building A Multi Racial , Kids , Cowards , Guns , Tennessee Farm Association , National Association , Peoples , Policy , Practices , Behalf , Tennessee General Assembly , Destruction , Mobocracy , Peril , Boroughs , Billy , Colleagues , Memories , Session , Covenant Shooting , Disrespect , Disregard , Human Life , Level , Schools , Shootings , School , Assault Rifles , Lurches , Mishitting , Shouldn T Have Guns , Hasse , Gonna , Tragedy , Tragedies , District , Couple , Legislations System , Prayers , Machining , Situation , Legislators , 86 , Type , Legislator , Protecting , Pass , Adult , Prison , Teachers , Parent , Covenant Teacher , Public , Message , Quiet , Gun , Students , Families , Care , Allegiances , Gun Safety Perform Legislation , Gun Laws , Constitution We Saw , 7 Million , Covenant , Rifle Associations , Classmates , Arms Association , Henderson , Attention , Position , Survivors , Solutions , Change , Courage , Lack Of , Harm , Compass , Rose Elation , Our , Gun Safety , Background Checks , Removal , Storage , Seats , Proximity , Responsibility , Adversaries , Capital , Size , Ancestors , March On For Democracy , Everybody , Community , State Capital , 250000 , Chills , Tennessee State , Yolanda On , Coverage , Martin Luther King Junior March On Washington , 60th Anniversary Celebration , The Third , 2023 , March , Afternoon , Don T Go Anywhere , Engineer , Chef , Designer , Money , Learning , Chase , Ooh , Mom , College , Firsts , Futures , Debit Card , Cooking , Sequins , Plaid , Spending , Account , Uhuh , Uh , Nice , Essential School Supplies , Freedom , Millions , Retailers , Ninety Two , Supporter , School Supplies Students , Funding , Subaru Love Promise , Adoptaclassroom Org , Forbes , Cleaning Tool , Swiffer Powermop , Car Company , Impact , Mop , Cleaning Pad , Dirt Away , Head , Bucket , Scrubbing Strips , Swivel , Hundreds , 360 , Home , Smarter , Joy , Voltaren , Wow , To Die For , Out Didn T You , Commitment , Volume , Um , Friend , Xfinity 10g Network , Headquarters , Photo Finish , Co Defendants , Marching On , King , Side , Father Stream , Works , Punchline , Martin Luther , Comedian Jason ,

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