Transcripts For MSNBCW Alex 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW Alex 20240704

property, no doubt. what else are they doing? how nervous are californians about this, guam? >> alex, today is the day to prepare for people here in southern california. , so you have a mix of people who are concerned, and others that aren't really preparing, because they say they live in an area that doesn't flood. others don't really know what to do. so, possible flooding. california is an area that has a lot of hills of not. and so, people who live in low areas understands what can happen when they get a lot of rain. but people that i've spoken to tell me they have no idea what a tropical storm means in terms of that rain. some of received say they might gets about a year's worth of rain in just a few hours. so, they just know it might be an overwhelming amount of water. you see some of the people who are collecting sandbags. there's locations like this set up all over san diego county for people in those low areas who, months ago, experienced a lot of rain in california and now the properties can't flood. here's part of the conversation i had with a resident about the way she is preparing. >> we are just making sure to prepare for the worst, because we don't know what the hurricane can cause. it could cause, you, no our electricity to go out. it can cause it to happen for him who knows how long? so we're going to be stocking up on food, extra water, just so in case that this happen, we're going to be prepared. this is something you hear going on in florida, not california! so, i don't think anybody is really prepared for the hurricane. >> and, of course, another concern for authorities in southern california are the people who live on the streets. california has an issue with the homeless population, both in san diego county and los angeles county. so, authorities are trying to move people, especially those that camp in the river banks are in lower areas, move them to other areas, where they could be protected from this possible flooding. meanwhile, the message for individuals that are trying to prepare as best as possible is to get sandbags. it's locations like this to protect the property from that flooding. also, by water, buy food, enough for a few days, and then have your alerts set up on your phone, something we've been discussing. make sure that if you live in an area effective, make sure you know where to go on your phone to get the latest information, which, by the way, the latest news indicates the storm is moving a little faster. so some of that rain and those possible floods could begin earlier on sunday, at least here, in the san diego area. at that, we just learned, by looking at our phones and getting those alerts. so, it's very important that everyone use their phone to get those alerts for the next few days, as these warnings remain in effect, alex. >> you know, quote? can i ask you to take a quick check of the skies there? i want to tell our viewers on here in los angeles, a bit north of where you are. crystal clear skies. absolutely beautiful. i was pulling into the studio here, and i thought, what tropical storm? but you are closer there. are the skies cloudy? i mean, is it showing evidence that it's on its way? >> it is cloudy here today. but alex, i was here yesterday, i started speaking to residents and it was hot. it was 82 degrees. i was sweating. it was a beautiful summer day here. hard to believe the storm is on its. way we do have a lot of clouds here today, san diego is known for having what they call the marine layer. so, it often gets cloudy like this. so, this is common in san diego but it is a beautiful day. you know, temperatures in the 70s, if feels no likes to be outside. you wouldn't think that the storm is on the way. but yeah, it is, and by tomorrow, we be seeing the rain. we have a conversation with a lot of individuals. that's exactly what they're telling me. there is no way it can be that bad. look how nice it is outside. and some of the people have told me, they are going to stick to their weekend plans until they see that rain. but again, it's the fact that people here have never experienced a tropical storm. , so you really don't know what's coming. >> yeah. i want to thank joe, our director, he put up a really beautiful shot of mission bay, but you can see it's definitely cloudier. it's that kind of june gloom, except here we are in august. that is very typical down there. okay, guad. thank you so much for keeping an eye on things. we appreciate. that we're going to go from there now to the big political stories of the day, with a new report which says the fbi is now investigating threats against georgia grand jurors after their addresses were leaked online. we're going to have a report on that for you in, just a moment. nbc news is reporting that trump will surrender to atlanta's rice street jail by the end of next week. the deadline to do so is friday, august 25th. also new today, trump says he will skip the first gop debate. that's according to two sources familiar with his thinking. that decision is already drawing criticism from his rivals -- >> voters in new hampshire -- >> -- >> we live in a monarchy, and he's -- okay? >> -- >> -- you've got some issues -- -- he's hiding. >> and all, the [interpreter] weekend, it is -- fight over the 2020 election could help president biden in 2024. here's what new hampshire governor, chris sununu said earlier about it today. >> the fact that his entire campaign is based on trying to read a litigate what happened years ago, to bring an opportunities of how working to change the country going forward. so, it's successful, playing the victims, that victim card, more indicted and all of that. >> we've got reporters and analysts in place covering all these new developments for you. so, right now, we are going to be with nbc's ali vitale, in atlanta. ali, my friends, welcome, give me the latest on the great latest trajectory look investigation. how did this happen? >> well, look. certainly a lot of concern about this, alex. because the jurors names were on the form that were put out last week, one reason that man's first went out. but of course, their personal information was not a part of that. that's why when this fringe website initially posted their information, there was a lot of concern. it's why we're seeing the fbi here in atlanta put out a statement that reads, in part, they are looking into this. there is a high degree of concern about it, and each and every potential threat, they say, that is brought to their attention is being taken seriously. of course, any individuals found responsible for making threats in violation of state and or federal laws will be prosecuted. certainly, that is something we are going to continue seeing, and look into us the week progresses. you mentioned the fact that the former president, one of the 19 people total who were indicted as part of the fulton county d.a.'s investigation last week, you mentioned that they have until friday to come forward. our sources telling us that trump probably won't do that until the latter part of this coming week. but of course, it doesn't mean that is not still an active conversation here on the ground in fulton county. specifically including the governor of this state, brian kemp, who regularly found himself in trump's crosshairs. the aftermath of the 2020 election loss, and now, speaking out again about it now. watch. >> during the whole 2020 election, there was a lot of things, i said a lot of things done, and i follow the law and the constitution. i was subpoenaed for the special grand jury, so, i'm sure i will be a witness in whatever goes forward. i really can't say much about the indictment. one thing is certain about these indictments, and in my mind, in my opinion, this trial, despite what they, to, my asking for, it is not going to happen. before the election. >> now, we know that the dea, in this case, fani willis asked for this case to start in early march. right before super tuesday elections. of course, we have watched other prosecutors, alex. because this is the fourth of that meant of the former president. we watched them try to lay out their ideal calendar, and then, we've watched the trump legal team continued to push back on that, trying to speed the timeline later into the primary or even into the general election season of next year. it means it could be a very busy year, not just on a nominating schedule, but also in terms of the ways the former president will be out on the campaign trail and back in the courtroom, all of the states floating around. the only ones that are for certain are the days voters are going to be voting and what is increasingly looking like, voters will have voted in many of these places while these cases are still actively ongoing. or, for the trials have even kicked off. >> oh, so they are trying to use the traffic legal tactic of delay, delay, delay? yeah, okay. ali, appreciate that. just that of, course. a different one, though, we have to talk about, mark meadows did it in that the former president and rudy giuliani are reportedly considering it. what's behind a new move in the georgia rico case, plus, what is fueling this headline about donald trump testing the tolerance of justice and his little lawyers. we're back in 60 seconds. ck in 60 seconds .. behind the team. the coach. the manager. and the snack dad. all using chase to keep up with their finances. the coach helps save goals here, because she saved for soccer camp there. anddd check this out... the manager deposited a check. magic. and the snack dad? he's getting paid back. orange slicesss. because this team all has chase. smart bankers. convenient tools. one bank with the power of both. chase. make more of what's yours. 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(vo) for a limited time get nfl sunday ticket from youtubetv on us. a $449 value. plus, get a free samsung galaxy z flip5. only on verizon. >> one pressing question following the new georgia rico indictment is whether any of trump's trials will happen before the november 2024 election. trump's very crowded calendar of key gop nomination dates and other civil and criminal trials next year highlights the challenges and complicating matters, the supreme court could weigh in with reports trump will try to move his case to federal court. the georgia one, that. is following former chief of staff, mark meadows, who is simultaneously pushing for an outright dismissal. joining me now, christie greenberg, former deputy chief of the southern district of new york's criminal division, and hugo lowell, political investigations reporter with the guardian. it's good to see you both. kristie, a former federal prosecutor, what is your best read on timing here? which trial should go first, and which one do you think prosecutors could wrap up the festus? >> so, i think the first trial can and should be jack smith's january 6th case. i think that will go in the first half of 2024. obviously, there's been briefing on those sides with very different trial dates for post for that one. with jack smith's team proposed in january of 2024, which seems like an aggressive schedule. that's the discovery is only going to be substantially complete at the end of august, that would give the trump team really about a month or so to review what is the luminous discovery. so, that seems a little ambitious. but trump proposing april of 2026 also was just complete delay strategy and posturing. looking at the schedule he proposed, there is just fears of time or they're just having stands us conference with nothing being done. and i don't think the judge is going to tolerate it. really, i do think the first half of 2024 is realistic to get that trial done. because not only is it in the defendants interest to have a speedy trial, even if this particular defendant doesn't want one, more importantly, it's in the public interest. this is a former president at the current presidential candidate who is being charged with trying to steal an election and overturn the results of the election. it's in the public interest to have that trial, have a resolution, before the election. >> okay, you make your case very well there, kristy. what about this with meadows being first to file, notice of removal of his case to federal court. a judge has granted him a hearing on august 28th. has georgia christy, lost the meadows case and does he get to escape booking and arraignment there? or can georgia make its case to get it back and on what grounds does he asked for his case to be dismissed outright? i know it's a lot of questions, but just half at. it >> sure, so, as of now, he is still a defendant in the case before the georgia state court. so, he will need to be arraigned on the indictment, and processed to justice any of the other defendants would. as to his motion to remove his case to a federal court, he would have to be able to show and what he's argument in his motion, all of his conduct that is charged in the indictment was all part of his official duties as chief of staff to the president. and i think that is a very challenging argument for him to make. if you look at the acts that are in the indictment, meadows is saying, well i was doing was setting up meetings. i was participating in phone, calls i was setting things up for the president in my role as chief of staff. but when you look at what he's doing, he's doing a lot more than that. he is you know, -- and trump requested a memo from an individual that had a disrupt and delayed the certification of the count. that is not an accident that our chief of staff is engaged in. that is an act of the campaign. he sent the text to the georgia secretary of state chief investigator about ways the campaign could assist financially in speeding up the fulton county signature verification process. again, nothing to do with his role as the chief of staff. that is squarely in the role of someone assisting with the campaign. and then you have his participation on the so-called perfect call on january 1st. the georgia secretary of state. where, he moves, he was seeking on that call to get information for data that would support their claims of election fraud. again, none of that relates to his official duties, so i think he will lose this notion, and i think it will remain in state court. >> wow, what are, you some kind of prosecutor? and listening to this going, she just made the whole case. let me just ask a quick question to you, who go. trump giuliani have indicated they want to do the same thing, try to bounce this from the state court in georgia to federal court. will that happen? >> well, giuliani at that point was acting as trump's personal lawyer. so, i'm not sure how he is going to make an argument that he was acting in some official capacity that would yield you know, federal jurisdiction here. , so i would be curious to see what that motion looks like. it doesn't seem like a has legs to me, and as to the president again, i think it's the same argument. what he was doing, you, know in trying to stop the count of the electoral votes, that was not anything he was doing in his official duties as president. those are all things that he was doing to try to campaign and extend his campaign as a candidate. so again, i don't see any of us getting removed to federal courts. >> you go, you tweeted about trump canceling his big events where he promised to show evidence of election fraud. are you learning why he changed his mind? did he actually take legal advice or was this another example of similar promises to show proof of something that he didn't keep in the past? >> yeah, the way that's been described to me in the last few days, was one of the members on the campaign's communications team kind of free arms and ideas to trump without telling the rest of the campaign about holding this press conference like he did in kind of the previous indictments at bedminster. and the proposal from its harrington was to kind of present evidence or research that she had compiled about supposed election fraud in georgia. when lawyers heard about it, it was a terrible idea, because it caused problems in court down the road, especially if trump is now the one espousing it or giving his voice to some of these claims, but then also his own campaign thought it was a crazy idea, because they would have to start prepping for that, and there's no real upside. of the combination of the lawyers and the campaign staff didn't know about it, and were opposed to it, kind of ultimately killed that. >> kristie, is trump testing will limits of not just judges, but even his own legal team? if so, what are the dangers of him doing that? >> well, i think trump lawyers know what they've gotten into with this particular client. maybe not listening. so certainly, having any kind of a conference you know, press conference as a criminal defendant is something any good defense attorney is going to tell their client not to do. because anything you say there can be used against you. we know there is no proof that he won the election, and if he have that proof, we would've seen it already. he had over 60 lawsuits where he presented no such evidence. he had an opportunity. his lawyers had an opportunity to meet with the special counsel's office before he was charged in that case. if they had really solid evidence that would've exonerated him, surely, they would've brought that to the special counsel's office and attention. he also had an opportunity to go to the grand jury under oath and plead his case. he did none of those things. the reason he didn't do any of those things because there is no proof. and so going in a press conference and sort of spouting out more lives? that is just ammunition for prosecutors. so, any lawyer is going to tell him not to do that, it's a good sign that he cancels it, maybe he is finally listening. >> okay. you go, nbc news is reporting that trump will turn himself in though sooner than next thursday. what are you hearing from his inner circle about the plans for his arraignment? and do you know if it will be televised? >> yes, so, there was some discussion immediately after the indictment about him potentially surrendering at the fulton county jail on wednesday evening, because that, of course, is the night of the first republican primary debate, and they -- but that has been shot down from what we understand. for various reasons, including trump of invest in the guided self, but it sounds like trump is going to basically turn himself in, either thursday or friday, you know, you noted earlier that house until friday at noon. they definitely want to do that. they don't want to be in the situation room they missed the deadline and trump actually gets arrested. i think that will be a terrible look, so, we should expect to see something maybe thursday morning, though, by some sort of press conference after. i think that is still being decided, exactly what trump wants to do. but he it's going to want to turn this into a spectacle, as much of a circus as much as he can. >> and you say c, does that mean on tv? will we see this? >> well, it's difficult to know how long he is going to spend in the fulton county jail. it's an actual jail. it's like, you know, it's a complex or you have cameras outside, not clear how close or what kind of combinations what might be made. the fulton county sheriff has said that he wants to treat trump like any other criminal defendant, and so, it's probably unlikely, i think, that we're going to get cameras in the complex. but i think we should expect to see him arriving, with the secret service detail, you know, maybe the weight of cameras. it's donald trump, and he's going to find a way as much as he can to get it on tv. >> one more quick question, to, hugo, about the fact that you have been keeping an eye on the federal classified documents case in florida. his lawyers, as you know, are making a new request to judge aileen cannon. she wants to order the special counsel to explain scheduling in the d.c. case. how likely is she to get involved in that? >> it's a good question. we don't. now you are supposed to have or they were supposed to be a public conference with the judge, amy cannon, and in appeals with the special counsel's team and the trump team to discuss kind of various discovery motions. that's been canceled. it's been now held on sale because it pertains to how trump is going to handle classified discovery. we had thought that other issues might come up in that hearing, but now that is under seal, we won't know for sure. i think it's an interesting question they raised, because the time tabling it's starting to get very, very crowded. >> oh, yeah. >> and the special counsel has suggested conflicting gates, though, i should mention that the dates suggested in the latest filing were kind of just an estimate or a road map that the judge is going to set her own timing herself. ultimately, -- >> okay. kristy and hugo, it's good to see you both. many thanks. coming up next, the story of help and hope on that. we i go to spin classes with my coworkers. good for you, shingles doesn't care. because no matter how healthy you feel, your risk of shingles sharply increases after age 50. but shingrix protects. proven over 90% effective, shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, 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community must be based on the needs of the people. not the interest of developers. >> we are facing a lot of families, the law. we're still grieving. we need that time. to find closure. before we look at where we go from here. >> and they do. nbc's steve patterson is in that way with the very latest. >> yeah, alex. the governor addressing the people of hawaii last night, saying he wants to quote, get to the bottom of what happens as the fires were breaking out, looking at the preparedness anthem urgency response at the time of the fires. also saying that now, about 60% of -- that total search area has been scoured over by workers combing through the wreckage in what is a heartbreaking, painstaking process, especially for families looking for answers. about 470 workers, 40 cadaver dogs on the ground as well, trying to do all they can to search that area, meanwhile, there is more questions about investigation into what happened. the emergency manager, the top emergency management official in maui, stepping down a few days ago, citing health reasons. but there have been mounting criticism against the response, specifically why those emergency sirens were not wrong at the time the fires broke out. the emergency manager defended his decision not to bring the sirens, saying they are typically used for tsunami. she was worried that people would actually head up into the hills, towards the fires, is the reason why. now stepping down, of course. meanwhile, new lawsuits against hawaiian electric, the top energy power provider here in the state, with allegations that their equipment may have sparked the fires. there has been a whole lot of video evidence supporting that, but no cause has been given. the atf now on the ground investigating that cause as more and more families are getting more desperate to find out exactly what's happening, with more than 1000 people still missing here on the island of maui. alex? >> excruciating time. okay, steve patterson, thank you. coming up next, peter baker, chief new york times white house correspondent and irregular, of course, on this show, something he wrote in his latest article about donald trump and the camp david summit caught my eye. it probably caught yours, too. so, i'm going to ask him about it, next. it, next an all-in-one cleaning tool with a 360-degree swivel head that goes places a regular mop just can't. mop smarter with the new swiffer powermop. subway's slicing their turkey fresh like on the titan turkey. piled high with double the cheese and more meat. i proffer freshly sliced turkey. it's my favorite mouth guard flavor. mmmm. now available at subway. the sub, not the mouth guard. businesses need 5g solutions today. that's why they choose t-mobile for business. mlb partners with t-mobile to not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. aaa relies on t-mobile's network to stay connected nationwide, so they can help get their members back on the road. and we're 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was trump's possible white house return explicitly brought up by any of the leaders, and do they really think that is possible, with everything trump faces right now? i'm so curious about the big picture perspective from outside the united states. >> yeah, no, they never mention trump by name until a reporter asked about it, of course. but if you listen to what they were saying, what they were trying to say is they wanted this newfound, emboldened, strengthens alliance, three way alliance, to be lasting. to be entering. to be something that goes beyond simply this administration and the next one. in effect, they are trying to lock in, you, now a partnership that was challenged deeply by president trump when he was in office. remember, of, course president trump with a very paul double player in asia. he threatened to pull america out of south korea. he canceled military exercises at the behest of north korea. i want, when he threatened to pull out of the neutral defense treaty with japan. so, the leaders in asia have been very nervous about the idea that trump could come back and, once again, throw instability and volatility into the relationships they value. >> yeah. the other big mind i mentioned, peter, that trump skipping first gop debates, what goes into that calculation? it see worried about being attacked by people like chris christie? would anyone else take him on directly? >> well, you now, you have to think of course, if he gets up on that stage, you know, his legal issues become front and center of the conversation, at, least to some extent. certainly, chris christie will do it again to make it that way. whereas, i think you have a feeling with tucker carlson, he's not going to have to worry about any hostile questions. which, of course, is remarkable if you look at those emails released when dr. carlson making clear privately, he doesn't particular care much for donald. trump probably, he's been very supportive. at this is way of controlling his message, controlling, you know, how you convey them self. , so you don't elevate the other candidates who are white, wave a hind. him by putting him on the steam stage, it's his way of basically dominating the conversation that we always have. >> and you know he's got six days to surrender in georgia. do you have insight, peter, on when that will happen, exactly? will trump used the spectacle of his to rest to defer attention from the debate? i know that was a possibility for wednesday night. at one point. >> it was a possibility. that latest report i've seen, i don't have any personal reporting on the latest reporting. epstein suggested might wait after the debate, thursday and friday of next week. you know, i have to say in the political class as i've remember taking at school, i don't remember the handbooks that turn yourself in for arrested arraignment is a good way to counter the bay opponents. so, who knows. he does like to make a show out of things. he does like to sort of be the center of attention. , somehow find a way to do that as best as he can. >> yeah, that's the handbook that you study from. i think they're going to have to rewrite the handbook, because apparently, this is par for the course. but let me ask you about what he did with canceling the news conference already promised to show proof that disputes then new charges. , peter is somewhat unusual, the points you've been making, that he would declined the chance to air his grievances publicly. so, what derailed this event? did he just not half the facts he promised? >> there is no evidence of that, ? right for some reason, two and a half years later, there was some secret evidence nobody has seen, and suddenly, it would change every by the everybody understands about the election? seems very hard to imagine. so, i think canceling it allows him to pretend or say there is proof that nobody thinks that there is. and he's able to say well, my lawyers told me not to do it. i should save it for court. and that way, he is telling his base, no, really, the election really was stolen, i was justified to what i did. they're just really coming after me because they are trying to cover up the truth. even though as we all know, there is no evidence whatsoever that george or any of the other state elections where, in any way, you know, fraudulent enough to change the outcome. multiple states are different required to change as president. >> and as you know, there's a couple of new polls out that for the majority of americans don't view trump or his legal troubles favorably. 53% are saying they were definitely not support trump if he is the nominee. another poll, in which 50% think that trump should suspend his campaign, do you think the general public is feeling these georgia charges as particularly damning, peter, or do you think it's the stream, this constant drip, these four indictments that have come his way in the last four months? >> let's remember, of course, donald trump is never for a single day in political life had the support of the majority of americans. even when he won in 2016, he won without winning the popular vote. he didn't get a majority in any gallup poll asking for approval ratings for a single day of his presidency. no other president in history of the polling has ever been as unpopular. he of course, did not win the 2020 election. so, he's never actually had the support of the majority of the public. it doesn't mean you can't win, and that is, of course, the challenge for democrats. you can't be somebody but nobody, but that assumption is, as weak as president biden is in the polls, and he is still historically, week, the public at me and still does not want donald trump. that will be the saving grace in 2024, no matter how much trouble the presidency to be. >> all right, we'll keep talking about this, no doubt, my friend. thank you, peter. have a good saturday. so, what is trump going to do next week, surprise us all and show up last-minute at the debate? my next guest, might know better than those two what to expect. stephanie grisham, former press secretary for the trump white house, straight ahead. t ahead. mr. clean magic eraser powers through tough messes. so it makes it look like i spent hours cleaning! and you know i didn't. it makes my running shoe look like new. it's amazing! wow, it makes it look like... i don't have kids at all. it's so good, it makes it look like i have magical powers! with 80% less scrubbing, mr. clean magic eraser makes cleaning easy. also available in sheets! 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on top of the worlddddd!!! before advil. advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. when pain comes for you, come back fast with advil liqui-gels. >> we have this breaking the news, offering life except for mexico, where hurricane hilary it's already lashing baja, california. the category three storm is racing up the pacific coast. it is closing in on the u.s.. winds are topping 115 miles an hour, but california and parts of the southwest are making final preparations for torrential rain. and floating a series tomorrow. state officials will give an update at noon pacific, three eastern, on this rare tropical system. in the meantime, new questions on how, exactly, of its might unfold for donald trump next week. two sources familiar with trump thinking tell nbc news the former president that decided not to attend the gop debate and slated to sit down instead with ex fox news host, tucker carlson. but trump spokesperson tells nbc news they, quote, haven't confirmed anything on their end. so, while trump has until friday to turn himself in for booking on charges in georgia, rather, a new nbc news article asks whether he could time his arrest to coincide with the debate. this, as law enforcement officials expect trump to surrender no earlier than thursday, and that's according to three senior law enforcement officials familiar with the plan. but again, who distrust nothing is official yet. joining me now is stephanie grisham, former white house press secretary and communications director under president trump, and author of all take your questions now, what i saw at the trump white house. it's good to have you here. i want to know what you see him doing next week. mighty turned himself in on debate night? keep the focus on, him instead of his competitors? i know it says he's not going to debate, but do you think there is any chance he shows up and gets in it? >> so, i've been thinking this whole time that he would turn himself in on debate night i mean, that would be eight move, right? it's exactly what you said. they would suck all the oxygen out of the room, out of the air, on that day. i don't know if he'll do that. that's if i had to bet, i think that i would put a little money down on that. i know he has to decide and tell the rnc by monday if he's going to do the debate. again, it wouldn't surprise me at all if he, at the very last minute, you know, couldn't stand all the attention these other candidates are going to get and decided to show up. it's hard for him to turn down any kind of high tv ratings or potential. and i know he has agreed to some kind of online interview with tucker carlson, people are pretty excited about the debate. so, it wouldn't surprise me, i don't have a crystal ball, i can't say yes or no, but that's so trump, again, to show up and suck the air out of the room, and to make this big, grand appearance. >> yeah, and to your point, and that used to tell the rnc monday what the rnc is going to tell them, if he tells him was that afternoon, not gonna be there tonight, no, can't be, they're of course they will let him there. so, let's talk about when he does surrender in georgia. he is expected to be treated like any other defendant. former watergate special prosecutor jon sale spoke to msnbc about what that could mean for trump, take a listen to what he said. >> i believe chris christie is right when he says donald trump is afraid to go to prison. and if he's going to be booked like everyone else in atlanta, he's going to spend hours actually locked up, and he might entertain a possible plea bargain. >> can you even imagine donald trump in jail? is that possibility so abhorrence to him that he might take a plea deal? >> no. i don't think he would ever take a plea deal. that is just not in his nature. he will never admit that he's wrong. i think that his plan if he will win the presidency, and try to get out of it. i know this is a state charge in georgia. is a little bit different. but he will never take a plea deal in my opinion. now, i do think and have to thinking this all week, the fact that he has to go to the jail to get booked and they are talking about a mugshot and fingerprints and having to actually sit there for hours, that is going to upset him. but i think it will be more of an ego if you rather than fear. , not get me wrong, he has got to be terrified of a thought of going to jail. i just think his ego is such, and people around him are telling him it will be fine. it will be fine. you did nothing wrong. that he hasn't quite gotten there yet. >> so, trump and the analyze in terms of doing nothing wrong, yet, they are charge with racketeering in georgia. it's a sweeping 41 count indictment that names rudy giuliani, john eastman, mark meadows, among others. who do you know, stephanie, who do you not know in this group? how might trump world be reacting? is there legit concern that someone, or many people, could flip? >> yeah, i think there's always going to be, i think with all four cases, there's going to be an issue or a possibility that somebody could flip. i know trump world are still concerned about mark meadows. i know him quite well, and i've known him to do what's best for mark. i can see him flipping for sure. i know jen ellis, i know rudy, i don't think rudy has shown he's going to be loyal to the end, unfortunately. because trump is not reciprocating that. that poor man's going broke over that. so, i think some of the lower level people, especially in georgia, they will probably flip. they probably don't have the means, the resources, to pay for the attorneys that this is going to take. so, i think people should be really worried about that in trump world. i personally don't know those people. but those are the people i would be concerned about. and again, i know mark meadows is a big piece of suspicion right now for them for a few of the different cases. he hasn't been indicted in anything with georgia, but i would keep my eye on him, for sure. >> you know that he canceled his news conference replanted this credit the georgia case. trump said his lawyers convinced him to places evidence of so-called election fraud into legal filings. what do you think happens? is that the full explanation? >> i don't mean to laugh, i just have pictured. i think yes. i do think his attorney says this is a bad idea, and if i know, i, mean there are so many times in the white house with our white house counsel threatens acquit sometimes. like, if you do this, i won't represent you, sir. i could see something like this happening here, because i'm sure he very much wanted to have this press conference. i understand liz harrington, one of his spokespeople, has been working on this report as a pet project. i'm sure that he thought that he is going to show everybody up. but i'm sure people said no, and maybe even threats in the. because i can't imagine who for any other reason. >> do you think trump wants cameras in the courtroom? >> i do. i imagine, again, his ego can't understand right now that he might look bad. he knows that by and large, his base we'll just say they're line, they're lying, they're lying, and he will take great pride and happiness, having their arms crossed and him blaring at that council et cetera. i think he always wants cameras around. he wants cameras around when they shouldn't be around. [laughter] >> yeah. let me ask you, finally, about the -- exclusive that says melania trump is carrying on after the georgia indictment, calling it another problem for her husband, not her. you worked closely with melania. is it that simple for her? >> i think it's that simple in terms of, you know, showing public displays of support. it's just not in her nature. i'm sure she is supporting him the best that she can in private. she's a very private woman. i do think she has the mentality of this is his problem, but not in a cold, heartless way. she just thinks he is a strong enough man that she doesn't need her to prop him up. that's something that saved with me quite a bit. i know she's probably really concerned about their son as well, and keeping him sheltered from this as much as possible, if that's possible. so, i'm sure she's going about doing exactly what she wants to do. but i'm sure she's also supporting him in whatever ways she can behind the scenes. >> okay, stephanie grisham, thank you for your conversation in supporting the show. it's always good to see you, my friend. thank you. >> you too. >> the important guests heading to hawaii and the impact that his visit might have. until i found some information. birth certificate. wow. and then you add it to the tree. it's like you discover a new family member. discover even more at ♪ ♪ ♪♪ voltaren. the joy of movement. ♪♪ age is just a number, and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at meet the future. a chef. a designer. and, ooh, an engineer. all learning to save and spend their money with chase. the chef's cooking up firsts with her new debit card. hungry? 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um, it's called commitment. could you turn down the volume? here, you can try. get way more into what your into when you stream on the xfinity 10g network. >> right now, president biden and the first lady are preparing to serve in the devastation in maui, as the death toll rose again overnight. nbc's karina jackson is in washington for us. pre-, welcome. what does the president and what do state officials hope to accomplish during his trip? which, by the way, he will have to be wearing his mantle that he's well known for as consoler and chief. >> that's right, good afternoon, alex. so, president biden and the first lady will travel to maui on monday to meet with state and local officials. first responders and survivors, who will also get a firsthand look at the aftermath of the deadly wildfires, which, as you mentioned, have killed more than 100 people and the death toll continues to rise. now, during his trip to maui, president biden is also expected to discuss the next step in recovery efforts. the white house says, it has more than 1000 federal personnel on the ground and are encouraging survivors to apply for federal aid. so far, fema will approve more than five point $6 million in assistance. meanwhile, the presidents trip on monday. it does follow his historic summit at camp david on friday. now, that was the first time that president biden hosted foreign leaders at his presidential retreat, sending a strong message about the importance of this trilateral summit. while both countries are strong individual allies at the u.s., they do have a long history of disputes with each other. so, friday's meeting signaled a dramatic improvement in their relations. the three nations uniting over mutual concerns, including north korea's nuclear provocations and rising tensions with china. during friday's summit, president biden unveiled various economic and security agreements, including a new crisis hotline for the nations to consult each other in the face of a crisis. here's more from president biden. >> doubling down on information sharing, including on the dprk 's missile launches and cyber activities. strengthening our ballistic missile defense cooperation and critically, critically, we've all committed to swiftly consult with each other in response to threats to any one of our countries or whatever source it occurs. >> and even before it began, the summit drew harsh criticism from china. a chinese foreign ministry spokesperson, calling it a click and saying, the meeting will spark vigilance. the white house pushed back saying, the partnership is not at nato for the pacific. president biden says, he does have to meet with chinese president xi jinping later this year, but no so far, no date has been set, alex. >> okay, brie jackson there in d.c., thank you, brie. that's going to do it for me on this edition of alex witt reports. i will see you again from l.a. tomorrow at one pm eastern. my friend, yasmin vossoughian, continues our coverage right now. n, continues our coverage right now. >> hi everybody, it's good to see you, i'm yasmin vossoughian. on a very busy saturday afternoon, we are going to start with hurricane hilary. category three heading for the california coast. i'm going to get the very latest track, just out from the national hurricane center in just a moment. also, that's happening as millions of people in hillary's path get ready for what could be a catastrophic storm. we've also got new reporting. on failures that may have contributed to the high death toll in hawaii's wildfires. plus, we are following the latest with the former president. we now know he's not planning to turn himself into georgia authorities before

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Polling , Popular Vote , Approval Ratings , Americans , 2016 , Somebody , It Doesn T , Assumption , Challenge , Win , Democrats , Trouble , Saving Grace , Right , Stephanie Grisham , Peter , Saturday , Guest , Mr , Magic Eraser , Messes , Running Shoe , Kids , Cleaning , Powers , Scrubbing , 80 , Sheets , My Heart Doesn T , Heart Failure Diagnosis , Priorities , Me Farxiga , Heart , Stop Taking Farxiga , Job , Yeast Infections , Hospital , Urinary Tract , Dehydration , Men , Women , Heart Failure , Ketoacidosis , Infection , Side Effect , Death , Reaction , Skin , Perineum , Farxiga , Astrazeneca , Medication , Sounds Good To Me , Need , Most , Underwear , Purchase , At Bombas , Socks , Visit Bombas Com , Feel Good , T Shirts , Children , Causes , Surgery , Hospitals , Thousands , Narrator , Surgeries , Suffering , Mercy Ships , Five Billion , Healing , Mission , Love , Give Today , Advil , Worlddddd , Inflammation , Gels , Advil Liqui , For Mexico , Category , Baja , State Officials , 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Problem , Husband , Exclusive , Woman , Displays , Bit , Mentality , Cold , Scenes , Okay , Visit , Guests , Birth Certificate , Family Member , Tree , Ancestry Com Voltaren , Movement , Joy , Engineer , Chef , Designer , Learning , Boost Com Tv Meet The Future , Ooh , Mom , Control , Firsts , Debit Card , College , Futures , Cooking , Sequins , Plaid , Spending , Account , Uhuh , Nice , Jade , Freedom , Parents , Dog , Farmer , Adventures , Betterforthem Com , Tourists , Scientists , Researchers , Ai , Life Underwater Flourish , Stuff , To Die For , Commitment , Volume , Out Didn T You , Um , Xfinity 10g Network , Death Toll , First Lady , Devastation , Karina Jackson , Washington , Pre , Responders , Trip , Mantle , Consoler , Survivors , 100 , Step , Recovery Efforts , Aid , Fema , 6 Million , Million , Five , Summit , Time , Presidents , Assistance , Importance , Camp David , Each Other , Meeting , Disputes , Relations , Nations , Allies , Improvement , Trilateral Summit , Provocations , Tensions , Security , Agreements , Crisis Hotline , China , Missile , Crisis , Activities , Face , Ballistic Missile Defense Cooperation , Information Sharing , Whatever , Foreign Ministry , Click , Vigilance , Pacific , Chinese , Nato , Xi Jinping , Yasmin Vossoughian , Coverage , Brie Jackson , Set , Edition , Brie , L A , Hi , N , Track , Heading , Path , National Hurricane Center , Hillary , California Coast , Failures , Latest ,

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property, no doubt. what else are they doing? how nervous are californians about this, guam? >> alex, today is the day to prepare for people here in southern california. , so you have a mix of people who are concerned, and others that aren't really preparing, because they say they live in an area that doesn't flood. others don't really know what to do. so, possible flooding. california is an area that has a lot of hills of not. and so, people who live in low areas understands what can happen when they get a lot of rain. but people that i've spoken to tell me they have no idea what a tropical storm means in terms of that rain. some of received say they might gets about a year's worth of rain in just a few hours. so, they just know it might be an overwhelming amount of water. you see some of the people who are collecting sandbags. there's locations like this set up all over san diego county for people in those low areas who, months ago, experienced a lot of rain in california and now the properties can't flood. here's part of the conversation i had with a resident about the way she is preparing. >> we are just making sure to prepare for the worst, because we don't know what the hurricane can cause. it could cause, you, no our electricity to go out. it can cause it to happen for him who knows how long? so we're going to be stocking up on food, extra water, just so in case that this happen, we're going to be prepared. this is something you hear going on in florida, not california! so, i don't think anybody is really prepared for the hurricane. >> and, of course, another concern for authorities in southern california are the people who live on the streets. california has an issue with the homeless population, both in san diego county and los angeles county. so, authorities are trying to move people, especially those that camp in the river banks are in lower areas, move them to other areas, where they could be protected from this possible flooding. meanwhile, the message for individuals that are trying to prepare as best as possible is to get sandbags. it's locations like this to protect the property from that flooding. also, by water, buy food, enough for a few days, and then have your alerts set up on your phone, something we've been discussing. make sure that if you live in an area effective, make sure you know where to go on your phone to get the latest information, which, by the way, the latest news indicates the storm is moving a little faster. so some of that rain and those possible floods could begin earlier on sunday, at least here, in the san diego area. at that, we just learned, by looking at our phones and getting those alerts. so, it's very important that everyone use their phone to get those alerts for the next few days, as these warnings remain in effect, alex. >> you know, quote? can i ask you to take a quick check of the skies there? i want to tell our viewers on here in los angeles, a bit north of where you are. crystal clear skies. absolutely beautiful. i was pulling into the studio here, and i thought, what tropical storm? but you are closer there. are the skies cloudy? i mean, is it showing evidence that it's on its way? >> it is cloudy here today. but alex, i was here yesterday, i started speaking to residents and it was hot. it was 82 degrees. i was sweating. it was a beautiful summer day here. hard to believe the storm is on its. way we do have a lot of clouds here today, san diego is known for having what they call the marine layer. so, it often gets cloudy like this. so, this is common in san diego but it is a beautiful day. you know, temperatures in the 70s, if feels no likes to be outside. you wouldn't think that the storm is on the way. but yeah, it is, and by tomorrow, we be seeing the rain. we have a conversation with a lot of individuals. that's exactly what they're telling me. there is no way it can be that bad. look how nice it is outside. and some of the people have told me, they are going to stick to their weekend plans until they see that rain. but again, it's the fact that people here have never experienced a tropical storm. , so you really don't know what's coming. >> yeah. i want to thank joe, our director, he put up a really beautiful shot of mission bay, but you can see it's definitely cloudier. it's that kind of june gloom, except here we are in august. that is very typical down there. okay, guad. thank you so much for keeping an eye on things. we appreciate. that we're going to go from there now to the big political stories of the day, with a new report which says the fbi is now investigating threats against georgia grand jurors after their addresses were leaked online. we're going to have a report on that for you in, just a moment. nbc news is reporting that trump will surrender to atlanta's rice street jail by the end of next week. the deadline to do so is friday, august 25th. also new today, trump says he will skip the first gop debate. that's according to two sources familiar with his thinking. that decision is already drawing criticism from his rivals -- >> voters in new hampshire -- >> -- >> we live in a monarchy, and he's -- okay? >> -- >> -- you've got some issues -- -- he's hiding. >> and all, the [interpreter] weekend, it is -- fight over the 2020 election could help president biden in 2024. here's what new hampshire governor, chris sununu said earlier about it today. >> the fact that his entire campaign is based on trying to read a litigate what happened years ago, to bring an opportunities of how working to change the country going forward. so, it's successful, playing the victims, that victim card, more indicted and all of that. >> we've got reporters and analysts in place covering all these new developments for you. so, right now, we are going to be with nbc's ali vitale, in atlanta. ali, my friends, welcome, give me the latest on the great latest trajectory look investigation. how did this happen? >> well, look. certainly a lot of concern about this, alex. because the jurors names were on the form that were put out last week, one reason that man's first went out. but of course, their personal information was not a part of that. that's why when this fringe website initially posted their information, there was a lot of concern. it's why we're seeing the fbi here in atlanta put out a statement that reads, in part, they are looking into this. there is a high degree of concern about it, and each and every potential threat, they say, that is brought to their attention is being taken seriously. of course, any individuals found responsible for making threats in violation of state and or federal laws will be prosecuted. certainly, that is something we are going to continue seeing, and look into us the week progresses. you mentioned the fact that the former president, one of the 19 people total who were indicted as part of the fulton county d.a.'s investigation last week, you mentioned that they have until friday to come forward. our sources telling us that trump probably won't do that until the latter part of this coming week. but of course, it doesn't mean that is not still an active conversation here on the ground in fulton county. specifically including the governor of this state, brian kemp, who regularly found himself in trump's crosshairs. the aftermath of the 2020 election loss, and now, speaking out again about it now. watch. >> during the whole 2020 election, there was a lot of things, i said a lot of things done, and i follow the law and the constitution. i was subpoenaed for the special grand jury, so, i'm sure i will be a witness in whatever goes forward. i really can't say much about the indictment. one thing is certain about these indictments, and in my mind, in my opinion, this trial, despite what they, to, my asking for, it is not going to happen. before the election. >> now, we know that the dea, in this case, fani willis asked for this case to start in early march. right before super tuesday elections. of course, we have watched other prosecutors, alex. because this is the fourth of that meant of the former president. we watched them try to lay out their ideal calendar, and then, we've watched the trump legal team continued to push back on that, trying to speed the timeline later into the primary or even into the general election season of next year. it means it could be a very busy year, not just on a nominating schedule, but also in terms of the ways the former president will be out on the campaign trail and back in the courtroom, all of the states floating around. the only ones that are for certain are the days voters are going to be voting and what is increasingly looking like, voters will have voted in many of these places while these cases are still actively ongoing. or, for the trials have even kicked off. >> oh, so they are trying to use the traffic legal tactic of delay, delay, delay? yeah, okay. ali, appreciate that. just that of, course. a different one, though, we have to talk about, mark meadows did it in that the former president and rudy giuliani are reportedly considering it. what's behind a new move in the georgia rico case, plus, what is fueling this headline about donald trump testing the tolerance of justice and his little lawyers. we're back in 60 seconds. ck in 60 seconds .. behind the team. the coach. the manager. and the snack dad. all using chase to keep up with their finances. the coach helps save goals here, because she saved for soccer camp there. anddd check this out... the manager deposited a check. magic. and the snack dad? he's getting paid back. orange slicesss. because this team all has chase. smart bankers. convenient tools. one bank with the power of both. chase. make more of what's yours. 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(vo) for a limited time get nfl sunday ticket from youtubetv on us. a $449 value. plus, get a free samsung galaxy z flip5. only on verizon. >> one pressing question following the new georgia rico indictment is whether any of trump's trials will happen before the november 2024 election. trump's very crowded calendar of key gop nomination dates and other civil and criminal trials next year highlights the challenges and complicating matters, the supreme court could weigh in with reports trump will try to move his case to federal court. the georgia one, that. is following former chief of staff, mark meadows, who is simultaneously pushing for an outright dismissal. joining me now, christie greenberg, former deputy chief of the southern district of new york's criminal division, and hugo lowell, political investigations reporter with the guardian. it's good to see you both. kristie, a former federal prosecutor, what is your best read on timing here? which trial should go first, and which one do you think prosecutors could wrap up the festus? >> so, i think the first trial can and should be jack smith's january 6th case. i think that will go in the first half of 2024. obviously, there's been briefing on those sides with very different trial dates for post for that one. with jack smith's team proposed in january of 2024, which seems like an aggressive schedule. that's the discovery is only going to be substantially complete at the end of august, that would give the trump team really about a month or so to review what is the luminous discovery. so, that seems a little ambitious. but trump proposing april of 2026 also was just complete delay strategy and posturing. looking at the schedule he proposed, there is just fears of time or they're just having stands us conference with nothing being done. and i don't think the judge is going to tolerate it. really, i do think the first half of 2024 is realistic to get that trial done. because not only is it in the defendants interest to have a speedy trial, even if this particular defendant doesn't want one, more importantly, it's in the public interest. this is a former president at the current presidential candidate who is being charged with trying to steal an election and overturn the results of the election. it's in the public interest to have that trial, have a resolution, before the election. >> okay, you make your case very well there, kristy. what about this with meadows being first to file, notice of removal of his case to federal court. a judge has granted him a hearing on august 28th. has georgia christy, lost the meadows case and does he get to escape booking and arraignment there? or can georgia make its case to get it back and on what grounds does he asked for his case to be dismissed outright? i know it's a lot of questions, but just half at. it >> sure, so, as of now, he is still a defendant in the case before the georgia state court. so, he will need to be arraigned on the indictment, and processed to justice any of the other defendants would. as to his motion to remove his case to a federal court, he would have to be able to show and what he's argument in his motion, all of his conduct that is charged in the indictment was all part of his official duties as chief of staff to the president. and i think that is a very challenging argument for him to make. if you look at the acts that are in the indictment, meadows is saying, well i was doing was setting up meetings. i was participating in phone, calls i was setting things up for the president in my role as chief of staff. but when you look at what he's doing, he's doing a lot more than that. he is you know, -- and trump requested a memo from an individual that had a disrupt and delayed the certification of the count. that is not an accident that our chief of staff is engaged in. that is an act of the campaign. he sent the text to the georgia secretary of state chief investigator about ways the campaign could assist financially in speeding up the fulton county signature verification process. again, nothing to do with his role as the chief of staff. that is squarely in the role of someone assisting with the campaign. and then you have his participation on the so-called perfect call on january 1st. the georgia secretary of state. where, he moves, he was seeking on that call to get information for data that would support their claims of election fraud. again, none of that relates to his official duties, so i think he will lose this notion, and i think it will remain in state court. >> wow, what are, you some kind of prosecutor? and listening to this going, she just made the whole case. let me just ask a quick question to you, who go. trump giuliani have indicated they want to do the same thing, try to bounce this from the state court in georgia to federal court. will that happen? >> well, giuliani at that point was acting as trump's personal lawyer. so, i'm not sure how he is going to make an argument that he was acting in some official capacity that would yield you know, federal jurisdiction here. , so i would be curious to see what that motion looks like. it doesn't seem like a has legs to me, and as to the president again, i think it's the same argument. what he was doing, you, know in trying to stop the count of the electoral votes, that was not anything he was doing in his official duties as president. those are all things that he was doing to try to campaign and extend his campaign as a candidate. so again, i don't see any of us getting removed to federal courts. >> you go, you tweeted about trump canceling his big events where he promised to show evidence of election fraud. are you learning why he changed his mind? did he actually take legal advice or was this another example of similar promises to show proof of something that he didn't keep in the past? >> yeah, the way that's been described to me in the last few days, was one of the members on the campaign's communications team kind of free arms and ideas to trump without telling the rest of the campaign about holding this press conference like he did in kind of the previous indictments at bedminster. and the proposal from its harrington was to kind of present evidence or research that she had compiled about supposed election fraud in georgia. when lawyers heard about it, it was a terrible idea, because it caused problems in court down the road, especially if trump is now the one espousing it or giving his voice to some of these claims, but then also his own campaign thought it was a crazy idea, because they would have to start prepping for that, and there's no real upside. of the combination of the lawyers and the campaign staff didn't know about it, and were opposed to it, kind of ultimately killed that. >> kristie, is trump testing will limits of not just judges, but even his own legal team? if so, what are the dangers of him doing that? >> well, i think trump lawyers know what they've gotten into with this particular client. maybe not listening. so certainly, having any kind of a conference you know, press conference as a criminal defendant is something any good defense attorney is going to tell their client not to do. because anything you say there can be used against you. we know there is no proof that he won the election, and if he have that proof, we would've seen it already. he had over 60 lawsuits where he presented no such evidence. he had an opportunity. his lawyers had an opportunity to meet with the special counsel's office before he was charged in that case. if they had really solid evidence that would've exonerated him, surely, they would've brought that to the special counsel's office and attention. he also had an opportunity to go to the grand jury under oath and plead his case. he did none of those things. the reason he didn't do any of those things because there is no proof. and so going in a press conference and sort of spouting out more lives? that is just ammunition for prosecutors. so, any lawyer is going to tell him not to do that, it's a good sign that he cancels it, maybe he is finally listening. >> okay. you go, nbc news is reporting that trump will turn himself in though sooner than next thursday. what are you hearing from his inner circle about the plans for his arraignment? and do you know if it will be televised? >> yes, so, there was some discussion immediately after the indictment about him potentially surrendering at the fulton county jail on wednesday evening, because that, of course, is the night of the first republican primary debate, and they -- but that has been shot down from what we understand. for various reasons, including trump of invest in the guided self, but it sounds like trump is going to basically turn himself in, either thursday or friday, you know, you noted earlier that house until friday at noon. they definitely want to do that. they don't want to be in the situation room they missed the deadline and trump actually gets arrested. i think that will be a terrible look, so, we should expect to see something maybe thursday morning, though, by some sort of press conference after. i think that is still being decided, exactly what trump wants to do. but he it's going to want to turn this into a spectacle, as much of a circus as much as he can. >> and you say c, does that mean on tv? will we see this? >> well, it's difficult to know how long he is going to spend in the fulton county jail. it's an actual jail. it's like, you know, it's a complex or you have cameras outside, not clear how close or what kind of combinations what might be made. the fulton county sheriff has said that he wants to treat trump like any other criminal defendant, and so, it's probably unlikely, i think, that we're going to get cameras in the complex. but i think we should expect to see him arriving, with the secret service detail, you know, maybe the weight of cameras. it's donald trump, and he's going to find a way as much as he can to get it on tv. >> one more quick question, to, hugo, about the fact that you have been keeping an eye on the federal classified documents case in florida. his lawyers, as you know, are making a new request to judge aileen cannon. she wants to order the special counsel to explain scheduling in the d.c. case. how likely is she to get involved in that? >> it's a good question. we don't. now you are supposed to have or they were supposed to be a public conference with the judge, amy cannon, and in appeals with the special counsel's team and the trump team to discuss kind of various discovery motions. that's been canceled. it's been now held on sale because it pertains to how trump is going to handle classified discovery. we had thought that other issues might come up in that hearing, but now that is under seal, we won't know for sure. i think it's an interesting question they raised, because the time tabling it's starting to get very, very crowded. >> oh, yeah. >> and the special counsel has suggested conflicting gates, though, i should mention that the dates suggested in the latest filing were kind of just an estimate or a road map that the judge is going to set her own timing herself. ultimately, -- >> okay. kristy and hugo, it's good to see you both. many thanks. coming up next, the story of help and hope on that. we i go to spin classes with my coworkers. good for you, shingles doesn't care. because no matter how healthy you feel, your risk of shingles sharply increases after age 50. but shingrix protects. proven over 90% effective, shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, 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community must be based on the needs of the people. not the interest of developers. >> we are facing a lot of families, the law. we're still grieving. we need that time. to find closure. before we look at where we go from here. >> and they do. nbc's steve patterson is in that way with the very latest. >> yeah, alex. the governor addressing the people of hawaii last night, saying he wants to quote, get to the bottom of what happens as the fires were breaking out, looking at the preparedness anthem urgency response at the time of the fires. also saying that now, about 60% of -- that total search area has been scoured over by workers combing through the wreckage in what is a heartbreaking, painstaking process, especially for families looking for answers. about 470 workers, 40 cadaver dogs on the ground as well, trying to do all they can to search that area, meanwhile, there is more questions about investigation into what happened. the emergency manager, the top emergency management official in maui, stepping down a few days ago, citing health reasons. but there have been mounting criticism against the response, specifically why those emergency sirens were not wrong at the time the fires broke out. the emergency manager defended his decision not to bring the sirens, saying they are typically used for tsunami. she was worried that people would actually head up into the hills, towards the fires, is the reason why. now stepping down, of course. meanwhile, new lawsuits against hawaiian electric, the top energy power provider here in the state, with allegations that their equipment may have sparked the fires. there has been a whole lot of video evidence supporting that, but no cause has been given. the atf now on the ground investigating that cause as more and more families are getting more desperate to find out exactly what's happening, with more than 1000 people still missing here on the island of maui. alex? >> excruciating time. okay, steve patterson, thank you. coming up next, peter baker, chief new york times white house correspondent and irregular, of course, on this show, something he wrote in his latest article about donald trump and the camp david summit caught my eye. it probably caught yours, too. so, i'm going to ask him about it, next. it, next an all-in-one cleaning tool with a 360-degree swivel head that goes places a regular mop just can't. mop smarter with the new swiffer powermop. subway's slicing their turkey fresh like on the titan turkey. piled high with double the cheese and more meat. i proffer freshly sliced turkey. it's my favorite mouth guard flavor. mmmm. now available at subway. the sub, not the mouth guard. businesses need 5g solutions today. that's why they choose t-mobile for business. mlb partners with t-mobile to not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. aaa relies on t-mobile's network to stay connected nationwide, so they can help get their members back on the road. and we're 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was trump's possible white house return explicitly brought up by any of the leaders, and do they really think that is possible, with everything trump faces right now? i'm so curious about the big picture perspective from outside the united states. >> yeah, no, they never mention trump by name until a reporter asked about it, of course. but if you listen to what they were saying, what they were trying to say is they wanted this newfound, emboldened, strengthens alliance, three way alliance, to be lasting. to be entering. to be something that goes beyond simply this administration and the next one. in effect, they are trying to lock in, you, now a partnership that was challenged deeply by president trump when he was in office. remember, of, course president trump with a very paul double player in asia. he threatened to pull america out of south korea. he canceled military exercises at the behest of north korea. i want, when he threatened to pull out of the neutral defense treaty with japan. so, the leaders in asia have been very nervous about the idea that trump could come back and, once again, throw instability and volatility into the relationships they value. >> yeah. the other big mind i mentioned, peter, that trump skipping first gop debates, what goes into that calculation? it see worried about being attacked by people like chris christie? would anyone else take him on directly? >> well, you now, you have to think of course, if he gets up on that stage, you know, his legal issues become front and center of the conversation, at, least to some extent. certainly, chris christie will do it again to make it that way. whereas, i think you have a feeling with tucker carlson, he's not going to have to worry about any hostile questions. which, of course, is remarkable if you look at those emails released when dr. carlson making clear privately, he doesn't particular care much for donald. trump probably, he's been very supportive. at this is way of controlling his message, controlling, you know, how you convey them self. , so you don't elevate the other candidates who are white, wave a hind. him by putting him on the steam stage, it's his way of basically dominating the conversation that we always have. >> and you know he's got six days to surrender in georgia. do you have insight, peter, on when that will happen, exactly? will trump used the spectacle of his to rest to defer attention from the debate? i know that was a possibility for wednesday night. at one point. >> it was a possibility. that latest report i've seen, i don't have any personal reporting on the latest reporting. epstein suggested might wait after the debate, thursday and friday of next week. you know, i have to say in the political class as i've remember taking at school, i don't remember the handbooks that turn yourself in for arrested arraignment is a good way to counter the bay opponents. so, who knows. he does like to make a show out of things. he does like to sort of be the center of attention. , somehow find a way to do that as best as he can. >> yeah, that's the handbook that you study from. i think they're going to have to rewrite the handbook, because apparently, this is par for the course. but let me ask you about what he did with canceling the news conference already promised to show proof that disputes then new charges. , peter is somewhat unusual, the points you've been making, that he would declined the chance to air his grievances publicly. so, what derailed this event? did he just not half the facts he promised? >> there is no evidence of that, ? right for some reason, two and a half years later, there was some secret evidence nobody has seen, and suddenly, it would change every by the everybody understands about the election? seems very hard to imagine. so, i think canceling it allows him to pretend or say there is proof that nobody thinks that there is. and he's able to say well, my lawyers told me not to do it. i should save it for court. and that way, he is telling his base, no, really, the election really was stolen, i was justified to what i did. they're just really coming after me because they are trying to cover up the truth. even though as we all know, there is no evidence whatsoever that george or any of the other state elections where, in any way, you know, fraudulent enough to change the outcome. multiple states are different required to change as president. >> and as you know, there's a couple of new polls out that for the majority of americans don't view trump or his legal troubles favorably. 53% are saying they were definitely not support trump if he is the nominee. another poll, in which 50% think that trump should suspend his campaign, do you think the general public is feeling these georgia charges as particularly damning, peter, or do you think it's the stream, this constant drip, these four indictments that have come his way in the last four months? >> let's remember, of course, donald trump is never for a single day in political life had the support of the majority of americans. even when he won in 2016, he won without winning the popular vote. he didn't get a majority in any gallup poll asking for approval ratings for a single day of his presidency. no other president in history of the polling has ever been as unpopular. he of course, did not win the 2020 election. so, he's never actually had the support of the majority of the public. it doesn't mean you can't win, and that is, of course, the challenge for democrats. you can't be somebody but nobody, but that assumption is, as weak as president biden is in the polls, and he is still historically, week, the public at me and still does not want donald trump. that will be the saving grace in 2024, no matter how much trouble the presidency to be. >> all right, we'll keep talking about this, no doubt, my friend. thank you, peter. have a good saturday. so, what is trump going to do next week, surprise us all and show up last-minute at the debate? my next guest, might know better than those two what to expect. stephanie grisham, former press secretary for the trump white house, straight ahead. t ahead. mr. clean magic eraser powers through tough messes. so it makes it look like i spent hours cleaning! and you know i didn't. it makes my running shoe look like new. it's amazing! wow, it makes it look like... i don't have kids at all. it's so good, it makes it look like i have magical powers! with 80% less scrubbing, mr. clean magic eraser makes cleaning easy. also available in sheets! 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on top of the worlddddd!!! before advil. advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. when pain comes for you, come back fast with advil liqui-gels. >> we have this breaking the news, offering life except for mexico, where hurricane hilary it's already lashing baja, california. the category three storm is racing up the pacific coast. it is closing in on the u.s.. winds are topping 115 miles an hour, but california and parts of the southwest are making final preparations for torrential rain. and floating a series tomorrow. state officials will give an update at noon pacific, three eastern, on this rare tropical system. in the meantime, new questions on how, exactly, of its might unfold for donald trump next week. two sources familiar with trump thinking tell nbc news the former president that decided not to attend the gop debate and slated to sit down instead with ex fox news host, tucker carlson. but trump spokesperson tells nbc news they, quote, haven't confirmed anything on their end. so, while trump has until friday to turn himself in for booking on charges in georgia, rather, a new nbc news article asks whether he could time his arrest to coincide with the debate. this, as law enforcement officials expect trump to surrender no earlier than thursday, and that's according to three senior law enforcement officials familiar with the plan. but again, who distrust nothing is official yet. joining me now is stephanie grisham, former white house press secretary and communications director under president trump, and author of all take your questions now, what i saw at the trump white house. it's good to have you here. i want to know what you see him doing next week. mighty turned himself in on debate night? keep the focus on, him instead of his competitors? i know it says he's not going to debate, but do you think there is any chance he shows up and gets in it? >> so, i've been thinking this whole time that he would turn himself in on debate night i mean, that would be eight move, right? it's exactly what you said. they would suck all the oxygen out of the room, out of the air, on that day. i don't know if he'll do that. that's if i had to bet, i think that i would put a little money down on that. i know he has to decide and tell the rnc by monday if he's going to do the debate. again, it wouldn't surprise me at all if he, at the very last minute, you know, couldn't stand all the attention these other candidates are going to get and decided to show up. it's hard for him to turn down any kind of high tv ratings or potential. and i know he has agreed to some kind of online interview with tucker carlson, people are pretty excited about the debate. so, it wouldn't surprise me, i don't have a crystal ball, i can't say yes or no, but that's so trump, again, to show up and suck the air out of the room, and to make this big, grand appearance. >> yeah, and to your point, and that used to tell the rnc monday what the rnc is going to tell them, if he tells him was that afternoon, not gonna be there tonight, no, can't be, they're of course they will let him there. so, let's talk about when he does surrender in georgia. he is expected to be treated like any other defendant. former watergate special prosecutor jon sale spoke to msnbc about what that could mean for trump, take a listen to what he said. >> i believe chris christie is right when he says donald trump is afraid to go to prison. and if he's going to be booked like everyone else in atlanta, he's going to spend hours actually locked up, and he might entertain a possible plea bargain. >> can you even imagine donald trump in jail? is that possibility so abhorrence to him that he might take a plea deal? >> no. i don't think he would ever take a plea deal. that is just not in his nature. he will never admit that he's wrong. i think that his plan if he will win the presidency, and try to get out of it. i know this is a state charge in georgia. is a little bit different. but he will never take a plea deal in my opinion. now, i do think and have to thinking this all week, the fact that he has to go to the jail to get booked and they are talking about a mugshot and fingerprints and having to actually sit there for hours, that is going to upset him. but i think it will be more of an ego if you rather than fear. , not get me wrong, he has got to be terrified of a thought of going to jail. i just think his ego is such, and people around him are telling him it will be fine. it will be fine. you did nothing wrong. that he hasn't quite gotten there yet. >> so, trump and the analyze in terms of doing nothing wrong, yet, they are charge with racketeering in georgia. it's a sweeping 41 count indictment that names rudy giuliani, john eastman, mark meadows, among others. who do you know, stephanie, who do you not know in this group? how might trump world be reacting? is there legit concern that someone, or many people, could flip? >> yeah, i think there's always going to be, i think with all four cases, there's going to be an issue or a possibility that somebody could flip. i know trump world are still concerned about mark meadows. i know him quite well, and i've known him to do what's best for mark. i can see him flipping for sure. i know jen ellis, i know rudy, i don't think rudy has shown he's going to be loyal to the end, unfortunately. because trump is not reciprocating that. that poor man's going broke over that. so, i think some of the lower level people, especially in georgia, they will probably flip. they probably don't have the means, the resources, to pay for the attorneys that this is going to take. so, i think people should be really worried about that in trump world. i personally don't know those people. but those are the people i would be concerned about. and again, i know mark meadows is a big piece of suspicion right now for them for a few of the different cases. he hasn't been indicted in anything with georgia, but i would keep my eye on him, for sure. >> you know that he canceled his news conference replanted this credit the georgia case. trump said his lawyers convinced him to places evidence of so-called election fraud into legal filings. what do you think happens? is that the full explanation? >> i don't mean to laugh, i just have pictured. i think yes. i do think his attorney says this is a bad idea, and if i know, i, mean there are so many times in the white house with our white house counsel threatens acquit sometimes. like, if you do this, i won't represent you, sir. i could see something like this happening here, because i'm sure he very much wanted to have this press conference. i understand liz harrington, one of his spokespeople, has been working on this report as a pet project. i'm sure that he thought that he is going to show everybody up. but i'm sure people said no, and maybe even threats in the. because i can't imagine who for any other reason. >> do you think trump wants cameras in the courtroom? >> i do. i imagine, again, his ego can't understand right now that he might look bad. he knows that by and large, his base we'll just say they're line, they're lying, they're lying, and he will take great pride and happiness, having their arms crossed and him blaring at that council et cetera. i think he always wants cameras around. he wants cameras around when they shouldn't be around. [laughter] >> yeah. let me ask you, finally, about the -- exclusive that says melania trump is carrying on after the georgia indictment, calling it another problem for her husband, not her. you worked closely with melania. is it that simple for her? >> i think it's that simple in terms of, you know, showing public displays of support. it's just not in her nature. i'm sure she is supporting him the best that she can in private. she's a very private woman. i do think she has the mentality of this is his problem, but not in a cold, heartless way. she just thinks he is a strong enough man that she doesn't need her to prop him up. that's something that saved with me quite a bit. i know she's probably really concerned about their son as well, and keeping him sheltered from this as much as possible, if that's possible. so, i'm sure she's going about doing exactly what she wants to do. but i'm sure she's also supporting him in whatever ways she can behind the scenes. >> okay, stephanie grisham, thank you for your conversation in supporting the show. it's always good to see you, my friend. thank you. >> you too. >> the important guests heading to hawaii and the impact that his visit might have. until i found some information. birth certificate. wow. and then you add it to the tree. it's like you discover a new family member. discover even more at ♪ ♪ ♪♪ voltaren. the joy of movement. ♪♪ age is just a number, and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at meet the future. a chef. a designer. and, ooh, an engineer. all learning to save and spend their money with chase. the chef's cooking up firsts with her new debit card. hungry? 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um, it's called commitment. could you turn down the volume? here, you can try. get way more into what your into when you stream on the xfinity 10g network. >> right now, president biden and the first lady are preparing to serve in the devastation in maui, as the death toll rose again overnight. nbc's karina jackson is in washington for us. pre-, welcome. what does the president and what do state officials hope to accomplish during his trip? which, by the way, he will have to be wearing his mantle that he's well known for as consoler and chief. >> that's right, good afternoon, alex. so, president biden and the first lady will travel to maui on monday to meet with state and local officials. first responders and survivors, who will also get a firsthand look at the aftermath of the deadly wildfires, which, as you mentioned, have killed more than 100 people and the death toll continues to rise. now, during his trip to maui, president biden is also expected to discuss the next step in recovery efforts. the white house says, it has more than 1000 federal personnel on the ground and are encouraging survivors to apply for federal aid. so far, fema will approve more than five point $6 million in assistance. meanwhile, the presidents trip on monday. it does follow his historic summit at camp david on friday. now, that was the first time that president biden hosted foreign leaders at his presidential retreat, sending a strong message about the importance of this trilateral summit. while both countries are strong individual allies at the u.s., they do have a long history of disputes with each other. so, friday's meeting signaled a dramatic improvement in their relations. the three nations uniting over mutual concerns, including north korea's nuclear provocations and rising tensions with china. during friday's summit, president biden unveiled various economic and security agreements, including a new crisis hotline for the nations to consult each other in the face of a crisis. here's more from president biden. >> doubling down on information sharing, including on the dprk 's missile launches and cyber activities. strengthening our ballistic missile defense cooperation and critically, critically, we've all committed to swiftly consult with each other in response to threats to any one of our countries or whatever source it occurs. >> and even before it began, the summit drew harsh criticism from china. a chinese foreign ministry spokesperson, calling it a click and saying, the meeting will spark vigilance. the white house pushed back saying, the partnership is not at nato for the pacific. president biden says, he does have to meet with chinese president xi jinping later this year, but no so far, no date has been set, alex. >> okay, brie jackson there in d.c., thank you, brie. that's going to do it for me on this edition of alex witt reports. i will see you again from l.a. tomorrow at one pm eastern. my friend, yasmin vossoughian, continues our coverage right now. n, continues our coverage right now. >> hi everybody, it's good to see you, i'm yasmin vossoughian. on a very busy saturday afternoon, we are going to start with hurricane hilary. category three heading for the california coast. i'm going to get the very latest track, just out from the national hurricane center in just a moment. also, that's happening as millions of people in hillary's path get ready for what could be a catastrophic storm. we've also got new reporting. on failures that may have contributed to the high death toll in hawaii's wildfires. plus, we are following the latest with the former president. we now know he's not planning to turn himself into georgia authorities before

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Polling , Popular Vote , Approval Ratings , Americans , 2016 , Somebody , It Doesn T , Assumption , Challenge , Win , Democrats , Trouble , Saving Grace , Right , Stephanie Grisham , Peter , Saturday , Guest , Mr , Magic Eraser , Messes , Running Shoe , Kids , Cleaning , Powers , Scrubbing , 80 , Sheets , My Heart Doesn T , Heart Failure Diagnosis , Priorities , Me Farxiga , Heart , Stop Taking Farxiga , Job , Yeast Infections , Hospital , Urinary Tract , Dehydration , Men , Women , Heart Failure , Ketoacidosis , Infection , Side Effect , Death , Reaction , Skin , Perineum , Farxiga , Astrazeneca , Medication , Sounds Good To Me , Need , Most , Underwear , Purchase , At Bombas , Socks , Visit Bombas Com , Feel Good , T Shirts , Children , Causes , Surgery , Hospitals , Thousands , Narrator , Surgeries , Suffering , Mercy Ships , Five Billion , Healing , Mission , Love , Give Today , Advil , Worlddddd , Inflammation , Gels , Advil Liqui , For Mexico , Category , Baja , State Officials , 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Problem , Husband , Exclusive , Woman , Displays , Bit , Mentality , Cold , Scenes , Okay , Visit , Guests , Birth Certificate , Family Member , Tree , Ancestry Com Voltaren , Movement , Joy , Engineer , Chef , Designer , Learning , Boost Com Tv Meet The Future , Ooh , Mom , Control , Firsts , Debit Card , College , Futures , Cooking , Sequins , Plaid , Spending , Account , Uhuh , Nice , Jade , Freedom , Parents , Dog , Farmer , Adventures , Betterforthem Com , Tourists , Scientists , Researchers , Ai , Life Underwater Flourish , Stuff , To Die For , Commitment , Volume , Out Didn T You , Um , Xfinity 10g Network , Death Toll , First Lady , Devastation , Karina Jackson , Washington , Pre , Responders , Trip , Mantle , Consoler , Survivors , 100 , Step , Recovery Efforts , Aid , Fema , 6 Million , Million , Five , Summit , Time , Presidents , Assistance , Importance , Camp David , Each Other , Meeting , Disputes , Relations , Nations , Allies , Improvement , Trilateral Summit , Provocations , Tensions , Security , Agreements , Crisis Hotline , China , Missile , Crisis , Activities , Face , Ballistic Missile Defense Cooperation , Information Sharing , Whatever , Foreign Ministry , Click , Vigilance , Pacific , Chinese , Nato , Xi Jinping , Yasmin Vossoughian , Coverage , Brie Jackson , Set , Edition , Brie , L A , Hi , N , Track , Heading , Path , National Hurricane Center , Hillary , California Coast , Failures , Latest ,

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