Transcripts For MSNBCW Jose 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW Jose 20240704

i don't think i can stress enough, like, how much help the island needs. and former president donald trump's lawyers propose delaying his federal election interference trial for almost two years after the 2024 election. we begin this morning with breaking news. hurricane hilary has rapidly intensified from a tropical storm into a category 4 hurricane as it barrels toward the southwestern u.s., bringing winds up to 145 miles an hour. right now, the hurricane is located 400 miles south of cabo san lucas. the mexican government says a weakened hilary could hit sunday night in baja, california, and has issued a hurricane warning. it is expected to hit mexico. 24 million people across parts of california and nevada, utah and arizona are under flood watches. hilary could mark the first tropical storm to hit southern california in 84 years. i want to bring in nbc news meteorologist bill karins. bill, good morning. how severe is this hurricane? >> we're going to talk about flooding in areas that have never seen it before. we're talking about the low deserts of southern california, with the chance of getting up to half a foot of rain, which never happened in those areas previously. will this be over populated areas or completely rural will be the depending factor on how much damage we're done and cleaning up from after this weekend. here is the latest from the hurricane center. got this new update in, still a category 4, moving to the northwest at about ten miles per hour. it is the path has remained unchanged. it has been very consistent and we will be watching a weakening storm, as we go through the weekend. how strong it gets when it makes it to southern california is more for the history books. there is a ton of rain heading for the southwest and that will cause about 95% of the damage from the storm. maybe the other 5% will be wind problems. maybe mostly in the mountainous areas of southern california. let me zoom in here and show you the cone still includes los angeles, san diego, palm springs. how certain are we of where the storm is going to go? these are computer models, all within the cone and all focused here over los angeles, san diego. we know the storm is heading for southern california. it is not going to head into arizona. that would be a shocking surprise at this point. all of that heavy rain and whatever is left of the wind will be moving through sunday night and then early monday morning. the heavy rain will begin even this afternoon, monsoonal flow and all that moisture heading northwards. the bulk of the heavy rain, associated with the tropical storm and the center of it will be sunday afternoon, sunday evening and southern portions of california and then spreading to nevada as you go throughout monday. as far as the winds go, it does look like the highest will be in the mountains. mostly concerned with these areas in the mountainous areas of santa rosa mountains, southern portions of san diego. we're going to see what's left of this hurricane and possibly still a tropical storm heading into eight to 10,000 foot peaks. that's a horrible equation. that means terrific amounts of rainfall, mudslides, debris flows, runoffs. if you're familiar with the cleveland national forest, that's the area here to the southeast of san diego. that's areas i'm concerned with. the sunrise highway goes up and through here. we'll probably be hearing stories of highways like that, washed out when this is all done. there is not a lot of population centers in this region. they could, yes, get a foot of rain in the areas that never get that much. but we'll have to see how much damage it can be done. because of that heavy rain threat, palm springs of all places is in a high risk of flash flooding thee days out. it is extremely rare for them to issue a three-day high risk. that's the equation of like when we have tornadoes, and we're into high risk days. we know we're going to get tornadoes. we say we're in a high risk of flash flooding, we're certain there is going to be life threatening, devastating flooding in this region from palm springs southwards and even from san diego, just to the mountains outside of los angeles. we will see areas of flooding in those regions too. this is a storm like none other that we have seen in our lifetimes. last time anything like this happened was in the mid-70s. >> very quickly. it is expected to hit in parts of mexico, but not very populated parts of mexico, right? >> that's true. yeah. cabo san lucas, people familiar with that, the resort in the southern tip, that is going to be totally fine. doesn't look like tropical storm force winds. there is cabo san lucas. then the middle portion of the baja, northern portion, it has some cities and some towns, but nothing like the population to the south. we'll wait and see how strong it is. when you talk about the baja, that area gets hit often by storms like this. and we're dealing with a category 1 or 2. most of the areas there are built for something like that. it is the heavy rainfall in the areas that just never get it, that's what we wait and see what destruction that does. >> bill karins, thank you so very much. appreciate it. turning now to the catastrophic hawaii wildfires that have left 111 people dead and estimated 1300 people missing. yesterday, maui's top emergency management official resigned effective immediately, citing health concerns. it comes one day after he defended his decision not to sound warning sirens as the blazes tore through the island. >> do you regret not sounding the sirens? >> i do not. had we sounded the siren that night, we're afraid that people would have gone into the fire. >> meantime, federal investigators have been dispatched to maui to determine the cause of the fires. and hawaii's attorney general has announced she will tap a third party organization to investigate how officials handled the response. nbc's dana griffin joins us now. what are you hearing from residents today? >> reporter: well, they really want accountability and they want answers. i think that's why having that third party investigator and also having the atf on the ground to determine the cause of the fire is really going to be i don't want to say closure, but will provide answers for people who want to know why did this happen and how did this happen. we already heard from a lot of people, they're blaming hawaiian electric, now facing four lawsuits for allegedly having a downed power line that may have sparked the fire. hawaiian electric responded saying they do not comment on pending litigation. but we have seen several videos that show what appear -- it appears to show downed power lines, smoke and fire. and, you know, and andaya resigning, there could be potentially more people who are held accountable. we heard from the water commissioner who has been reassigned. there are concerns that enough water wasn't released on maui when they needed that water to fight the fire. we heard from several firefighters who say the water pressure from the fire hydrants were very low, so that's another thing that residents also want answers for. i also spoke to a lahaina resident whose home was not burned, but he says he actually wants tourists to come back to maui and spend their money. tourism is a major industry here. it helps keep a lot of families afloat. he lost his job at a restaurant that burned down in lahaina. listen to what he told me. >> we need tourists. i work at a restaurant, serving tourists. that's how we make money. yeah. it is the hotel, they need money too. right now a lot of employee, any lay off, because no more tourists. they always will come. but in a certain area is not recommended, especially lahaina right now. >> reporter: yeah. even the hawaiian tourism authority said lahaina is off limits, but there are other parts of the island that are still open and they want people to visit here and other hawaiian islands to spend that money so that's kind of the latest here and the search continues behind me as this is the road that leads to lahaina. right now the death toll remains at 111. that decimated area we're told about 58% has been searched. the governor hoped to reach 85% searched by the end of the weekend. jose? >> and, dana, plus one week and still about 1300 people missing. >> reporter: yeah. a lot of loved ones, we know that children are also included in that number. a lot of the people that have been officially identified, most of them in their 70s, one person in their 90s, we also heard of a burn victim that has passed away. the governor has said the only way they're able to determine that there are kids involved in the mix is because the bodies are so small. a lot of these bodies are so badly decomposed that sometimes it is hard to make out the remains, so that's why they are using dna samples to try to identify the victims. we have seen several family members show up at the county morgue to try to get answers. everyone here is in a desperate search for answers and closure and they want to know where their loved ones are. jose? >> dana griffin at 5:09 in the morning local time. thank you for being with us this morning. turning now to the fight to contain another major fire this time in spain's canary islands. here's what it looks like on the front lines as the sea plane drops water over an intense blaze. the local leader of the canary islands says the fire is the most complex on the islands in the last 40 years. authorities say over 3,000 people have been evacuated from their homes on thursday. more could come if the flames are not contained. right now, at camp david, president biden is meeting with the leaders of japan and south korea amid rising threats from north korea and china. we'll break down the significance of this historic event next. former president donald trump just one week from today, turning himself in on racketeering charges in georgia. we'll get a live report from atlanta on where things stand. we're back in 60 seconds. thing. we're back in 60 seconds are you tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean? 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>> peter, i think you're muted. can we check that real quick from you? let's make sure. >> how's that? >> there you go. we got you back. thanks. >> my bad. so, i think what you see at camp david today is a sea change in some ways in the relationship between the three powers. the united states had good relations with japan and south korea. only has been frustrated in the efforts to bring the three together because of the grievances between the koreans and the japanese stemming back generations. what you've seen from president youn of south korea and president biden is bringing them to camp david to say let's make this a more lasting alliance, alliance where the three of us, we meet every year, we commit to things like they call a commitment to consult, meaning not quite a nato commitment, but if there was a threat to any one of them, the three would agree to talk about how to respond and some sort of a joint way, to find other ways to enhance security like ballistic missile joint exercises and the like. i think this is a big moment for president biden looking at china throughout his term as a singular challenge to his administration and the united states security. >> it is really important to remember just how difficult relations have been between south korea and japan for decades, for generations. >> absolutely. it is worth noting that relations are still very fragile. there has been movement in positive -- in the right direction between japan and korea and the two countries are also trying to have what is called shuttle diplomacy so that they meet regularly by having this camp david summit and the commitment to institutionalize relations to have annual meetings at the summit leadership level, to have coordinated enhanced military exercises and focus on interoperability of the military and the like, we're hoping to have this really stick. that it can withstand any political or public pushback that may happen in the future. >> this meeting comes as north korea appears to have developed a missile with russia's cooperation. what message are these leaders hoping to send to china, russia and north korea? >> well, sending a strong message. the message is even though the u.s. doesn't like to say this, it is a kind of asian mini nato. and part of the reason that north korea and china and even russia's foreign policy in asia has been successful is because the u.s.' two closest allies in asia, japan and south korea, didn't get along with each other. they got along great with us. but not with each other. the fact that we have achieved this rapprochement, which is something only the u.s. can do, is a real shot in the arm for american diplomacy in asia and a setback to china, which i think is the, you know, one of the goals here. >> and peter, just the fact this is being held at camp david is important. there is a message in that message itself, right? >> absolutely. camp david has historically been used by presidents as a tool of diplomacy. you are somebody important to me, we're going to showcase you in a way i don't showcase every leader. president biden hasn't had any leaders, foreign leaders, to camp david throughout his presidency. so it is meant to send a signal that the japan and south korea are important to the united states, this trilateral relationship is important to the united states and president biden is invested in it. >> and there is a number of reasons why, but we don't see taiwan included in the summit. very much a concern because of china's clear aggression toward that island nation. is there anything here for taiwan in these meetings? >> well, absolutely, of course. taiwan is not officially a country. so there is no expectation of taiwan to take part in any official government to government meeting. but that said, yes, as we talk about the tensions between china and the rest of the region and u.s./china friction, the ongoing tensions across strait relations, china's aggressions toward taiwan, and the fragility that taiwan faces is something that is not just about taiwan's existence, but a threat for the world. so we expect discussions on taiwan to be held in the closed door sessions. it may be mentioned in very briefly in the official statement, but certainly concerns about taiwan is something that is another element that brings these three countries together today at camp david. >> as we're speaking, these are live pictures from camp david, in maryland. there is where the pool area is for the press. and, of course, we're monitoring that. there should be some form of ceremony, et cetera, shortly. we'll be monitoring that. but, rick, curious to your comment on this, this could be seen as an asian mini nato. ambassador to japan rahm emanuel told me yesterday that this will lead to a whole new geostrategic landscape in the indo-pacific region. how do you see that possibly turning out? >> i probably shouldn't have used that phrase. that's the phrase in peter's very good story today that the chinese embassy used to describe what is going on here. but we do want to have a kind of military alliance. we do -- our commitment to taiwan is historic in some ways, even though as it has been said it is not technically a nation anymore. i think that what we want from a military perspective is to have an alliance between japan and south korea as peter mentioned, there are now military relationships that a hot line we have been talking about. that will only fortify american strength in asia, and this is all part of the so-called rebalance to asia that the obama administration started. it is an acknowledgement there has been a sea change in where power on the planet lies and we have to be part of that. we are pacific nation. >> and, just thinking, peter, interesting in your thoughts on this, the fact that it seems as though among other things north korea developed a missile with russia's cooperation, it seems like russia is cooperating and involved with a number of countries, rogue regimes, in many cases. we have been hearing that north korea was actually sending ammunition to russia for their invasion of ukraine. what is the endgame, i think, for not only this summit, but just for how does the united states continue to be a power that is able to deal with russia, its aggression in ukraine. i'm thinking of also china and its sights on taiwan, but also the involvement that china and russia have in latin america? >> yeah, look, the russian invasion of -- and the rest of the world isolated has pushed rush closer and closer to china and north korea and rogue states like iran. and i think that's, of course, a concern. you watch a couple of weeks ago the north koreans held a military parade and the first time they had foreigners i think visit since the pandemic, they had a russian delegation, defense minister, and high level chinese delegation, including a member of the politburo. if you see them sharing what looks like a growing bloc, your interest is in making sure you have a friend like the united states to back you up as well. i think that's one of the motivating forces behind this meeting today. >> we're told just a couple of seconds we expect to see some movement out of camp david. i'm wondering about when north korea meets with other delegations, russia or china, anybody else, it is just the dictator of north korea with the other people assembled. is the strength of that regime, you know, is that regime rock solid? >> here's the thing, so we have taken both carrots and sticks to deal with north korea. punitive action, basically and supportive action toward the north korean regime has not changed its trajectory. it has been able to enhance is own military capabilities, including becoming a nuclear power. and this has led to a rethink about how we need to deal with north korea. the endurance of the north korean regime is remarkable. i don't think sanctions or secondary sanctions is going to be able to topple it. especially when we have this change in the geographic landscape of the region when we have a more assertive china and cooperation between russia, that is going to be supportive of north korea because it is -- they do not want a u.s. foot hold into north korea. so that's the motivating factor for china and russia to continue to support north korea. and i don't expect any significant change in the actual regime of north korea. the north koreans don't care if their people die. they are willing to invest, continually in their military. and they are going to continue to invest and take away money from the people so they can continue to flourish. >> those are the hall martmarks dictatorial regime, complete disregard of the people and a utilization of the people's resources for their own personal gain. how do you in a big picture deal with regimes like that that are having because of the different geographic and geopolitical realities we're living in, having some access to other countries, other governments and in a certain way getting lifelines. >> i want to comment on another matter, how great the landscaping looks at camp david. >> fantastic. >> years and years ago, look at the pictures of camp david accords and jimmy carter. it really was a bit of a mess. it is -- all of camp david looks better now. i don't know if peter has been there recently. compared to what it looked like in the old days. your larger and important and existential question, i mean, joe biden has said we're at an inflection point around the globe between democracies and autocracies. and that is what we are dealing with in a most macro way with our foreign policy and part of what is happening here today in camp david is -- >> oh, look. take a look. here it is. let's listen in. >> thank you. >> all right. ready to get some lunch? okay. [ inaudible ] >> ready? >> that was pretty clearly what is normally called a photo-op. saw the three leaders saying hello in front of that camp david sign that you see coming into your screens right now. and all i was able to hear was shake hands, guys and let's go to lunch. peter baker, thank you so much for being with us today. really been interesting to have you on. i very much appreciate your time. up next, new security measures are going into place after threats against the grand jury who indicted donald trump in georgia. plus, why republican presidential hopeful chris christie is calling trump a coward. bad news if you're on the market to buy a house. mortgage rates are at their highest level in more than 20 years. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. the citi custom cash℠ card automatically adjusts to earn you more cash back in your top eligible spend category. hi. ♪♪ you don't have to keep tabs on rotating categories... this is the only rotating i care about. ... or activate anything to earn. your cash back automatically adjusts for you. can i get a cucumber water? earn 5% cash back that automatically adjusts to your top eligible spend category, up to $500 spent each billing cycle with the citi custom cash℠ card. i love it... 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(vo) learn more. it's your vision, it's your verizon. and we go right to camp david. president biden speaking now. >> -- and renew -- an honor to welcome you both here today to inaugurate the camp david trilateral between our three nations. among our three nations. it is not only the first summit i hosted at camp david. it is the first ever stand alone summit between leaders of japan and republic of korea and the united states. and i can think of no better way, no better way to mark our new chapter of our trilateral cooperation than meeting here at camp david. and so strengthening the ties between our democracies has long been a priority for me. dating back to when i was vice president of the united states. that's because our countries are stronger, and the world is safer. let me say that again. our countries are stronger and the world will be safer as we stand together. and i know this is a belief we all three share. i want to thank you both for your political courage that brought you here and looking forward to us having a great meeting, but continuing these meetings. you stepped up to do the hard work, historic work, to forge a foundation from which we can face the future together, the three of us together. and i'm deeply grateful for your leadership and i look forward to working with both of you as we begin this new era of cooperation. and renew our resolve to serve as a force of good across the indo-pacific and quite frankly around the world as well. president yoon, let me turn this over to you. >> translator: i would like to extend my gratitude to president biden for his warm hospitality. last july we met for the nato summit and i'm pleased to be reunited in about a month. at this symbolic venue of camp david and the history of modern diplomacy, our trilateral partnership is opening a new chapter which carries great significant in my view. president roosevelt once stated, freedom is not a given, but something you fight to win. to make sure that each of our freedoms is neither threatened or damaged, our three nations must tighten our solidarity. such is also our promise and mandate towards our future generations. a stronger coordination between korea, the u.s. and japan requires more robust institutional foundations. moreover, challenges that threaten regional security must be addressed by us building up stronger commitment to working together. today will be remembered as a historic day, where we establish a firm institutional basis and commitment to the trilateral partnership. today i hope we will explore together ways to elevate cooperation between korea, the u.s. and japan to a new plain, through in depth discussions. >> translator: first of all, i would like to express my sympathy once again for the devastating damages caused by the wildfires in maui, hawaii. in order to provide relief to the affected people, japan has decided to offer a total of around $2 million of support. i offer my heart felt prayer for the earliest possible recovery of the affected areas. may i also once again convey my condolences for the passing away of president yoon's father. now i would like to thank joe for your kind invitation to the two of us to camp david, a place with history. president yoon, i have been meeting you almost on a monthly basis since march of this year. but the fact that we, the three leaders, have got together in this way, i believe it means that we are indeed making a new history as of today. the international community is at a turning point in history. in order to allow the potential of a trilateral strategic collaboration to bloom and blossom, i wish to take this moment to raise the security coordination between japan and the u.s. to new heights while strengthening the coordination between the japan, u.s. and the u.s. rok alliances as we deepen our cooperation in the response to north korea i wish to expand and deepen our collaboration and extensive areas including economic security, such as critical and emerging technology cooperation and supply chains resilience. today i look forward to engaging in a frank discussions amongst ourselves in order to declare a new era of partnership. i once again express my gratitude for joe's initiative. thank you. >> thank you. politely ask the press to leave. thank you for coming in. >> thank you, everybody. >> thank you, guys. all right, guys, thank you so much. >> okay. >> so as the press was trying to get some questions in, there you see the wrap-up of the public reception of the leaders of japan, south korea, the president of the united states at camp david and, of course, now a lot of the work will begin. but, i want to turn now to new developments in the federal case against former president donald trump in which he is accused of trying to halt the peaceful transfer of power for the 2020 election. the former president's legal team has proposed an april 2026 start date, 16 months after the next election. that date is also two years after the special counsel's proposed start date. meanwhile, a concerning security situation unfolding in georgia after the recent grand jury indictment there of trump and 18 other co-defendants. the fulton county sheriff's office told nbc news it is taking new safety measures after personal information of the grand jurors was circulated online. joining us now, nbc news correspondent blayne alexander in atlanta for us this morning, and nbc news justice and intelligence correspondent ken dilanian and la doris kordell, retired judge of the superior court of california, a former independent police auditor and author of "her honor: my life on the bench, what works, what's broken and how to change it." ken, first, now that both sides made their proposals, what happens next? >> judge tanya chutkan set a status conference and will rule at that time and set a trial date. that date may not hold for various reasons, but we'll get an idea of where she sees the reality of this between two proposals that as you mentioned are quite far apart and neither of them are realistic. the idea of having this trial begin in january of next year with this volume of discovery and investigation strikes most legal experts as a little bit absurd. and, of course, having it not next year, not 2025, but april of 2026 just appears like a ridiculous attempt by the trump team to just draw it out. in their brief, the trump team did make a fair point, which is that they're getting 11.5 million documents in discovery from jack smith's team on this case. and it is an extraordinary amount of that evidence, much larger volume of stuff than the typical criminal trial, and they made a lot of colorful illusions and metaphors to how much stuff we're talking about. if you stack the pages, i forget, like nine washington monuments to the sky and tolstoy's war and peace every day. the reality is they don't have to look at every document. jack smith's team is going to give them a road map for the important documents. but they do are to do their due diligence and the judge will give them some leeway to do that. the question is whether she will schedule a trial date before the november 2024 election. >> 11.5 million documents. la doris, what is your reaction to the proposed trial dates on both sides? >> i think the point has been made and a good point being made that both sides have to be accorded due process. while there is a rush that the trial judge doesn't want to be seen as someone who is lax and really not involved in it, i understand all of that. i understand why one side wants to delay. the key here is just due process. there has to be ample time for everyone to review the documents and not just go on the word of what prosecutors say are relevant documents. it is a monumental task. it is doable. but it is likely that the trial date, the earlier date is not realistic. but then again, going to 2026, come on, that's absurd as well. i think things will as they do in trial courts, they will play out. the judge will keep track and the judge, i hope, will set periodic dates for review, where the parties come in and she's able to assess where everyone is at that time. >> what would be a consensus period between what one side is asking for and the other? >> well, there isn't. that's the point. this is something that has to be decided in real time. and you have to add in another factor and it is that as things go on, donald trump continues to say things that threaten people, that he's really sending out not so subtle dog whistle messages to his followers that there are people on his radar he doesn't like, that are standing in the way in terms of there being witnesses and also potential jurors. so all of that has to be taken into consideration as well. and that's really in the hands of the trial judge. >> and, ken, the former president canceled his scheduled new jersey press conference where he said he was going to release his own report about the election in georgia. what happened? >> we can't be in the room with trump and his lawyers. i think we would have heard them say it is insane to follow through with that plan. what prosecutors would say is you're perpetuating a fraud. the exact things he's been charged with doing, he would be continuing to do in public, lying to the public about bogus allegations of fraud and the election, things that have been unsute to be true in dozens and dozens of court cases and his lawyers told him no doubt that would be a terrible idea. and it is one of the few times we have seen where trump has really been forced to listen to the sound advice of his lawyers when it comes to making public statements. the next big question is if he listened to them in terms of making statements that threaten judges and witnesses and prosecutors. that may be the next confrontation point in this case. >> the fact that this information was released on the jurors in georgia. blayne, what can you tell us about new security measures officials in fulton county are taking in light of the recent threats? >> yeah, jose, a couple of important things to point out. because of georgia law, georgia is one of the rare states that does this. grand jurors names are listed in the indictment. once it is unsealed, that becomes public, the list of names becomes public. what is not included in the indictment are public information, pieces of public information, home addresses. that is what our reporting shows has been posted on at least one kind of fringe website. the sheriff's office says they're looking at any threats, they're working with the fbi, we heard from a spokesperson who said they're looking into that as well. and they're working with a number of other jurisdictions and they're also kind of trying to make sure that if there are any threats, any information, they're able to track that down, whether it originates here or elsewhere. but security has long been top of mind for the district attorneys. certainly, when you consider the fact the investigation has been going for more than two years. we know in the weeks leading up to the indictment, her staff was working from home. she wrote to the fbi last year asking for them to perform a risk assessment of the courthouse and shore up security here and she hasn't been shy in sharing the number of threats that she receives. telephone calls, emails, all sorts of things, many of them with racist undertones. when i spoke with her last year, i asked her about security, she was very up-front with it. here is what she had to say. have you had to up your security because of those threats related to the investigation? >> absolutely. i signed up to be the district attorney but i have a lot of life in front of me and i want to lead it. >> reporter: they're not commenting on the names and the addresses of grand jurors being posted. but when i've spoken with a couple of legal experts about this, jose, even though this is what is standard in georgia, certainly the question can be raised that with an indictment of this magnitude, should there not have been discussions to omit or redact the names in this situation. certainly now in light of what is being posted. >> former attorney general bill barr responded to what could be one of trump's legal defenses. take a listen. >> the fact he didn't drop things could lead some to believe and his people who defend him say that he genuinely did feel he was robbed and this was the good fight and the proper fight. >> well, even if he did, i'm dubious about that, even if he believed that, that doesn't mean you can use illegal means to rectify it. if you think bank is unfairly keeping your money, there are many things you can do to get it back. you can't go and rob the bank. >> what do you make of that in. >> for once, barr is making some sense. it is absolutely true. if he believed, genuinely believed, i think there is no credibility at all behind that, if he genuinely believed this was taken from me, then, yes, there are lawful means to get back and if there are any at all, that's his obligation. what he did and what he's at least accused of doing is resorting to illegal means, including now making threats to intimidate potential jurors. it is like the mob boss. the person that doesn't pull the trigger. but the person at the top doesn't do the dirty work, sends other people out to do it. i just do not believe that there is any really credibility to his argument that, oh, this was why i legitimately believe the election was stolen. was told repeatedly by people in positions to know this did not happen and that's why he's facing all of these indictments. >> thank you so much for being it us this morning. up next, mortgage rates soar to their highest level in more than 20 years. what this means for sellers and for buyers. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. yoreu' watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. th 85% more tide in every pod. who needs that much more tide? 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>> it all depends on which part of the housing and real estate market you are looking at. this has put a damper on mortgage demands. rates are higher than they were at the historic lows that you mentioned in 2021. that's only part of the story. mortgages are there for purchases, for homes, right? those who want to refinance as well. to get into more attractive rates and terms. that refinancing demand has dried up. a lot of folks have mortgages at lower rates. the purchase demand is more nuanced. demand has dropped off, but there are signs that they are getting more accustom to this idea of relatively higher interest rates. demand for new home construction continues to be robust. investors have been pouring money into buying the stocks of home building companies. there's this tug-of-war going on in the market for existing homes and that of newly built homes. ult ultimately, it's a big problem with housing affordability. according to a recent survey, 72% of americans do not feel financially secure giving their current circumstances. data from the u.s. bureau of labor statistics shows the typical american worker takes home a little over $3,300 per month after taxes and benefits. if you put those numbers together, housing takes up a bigger chunk out of every american's paycheck. >> thank you very much. to the latest on the 2024 presidential race with just five days before the first republican primary debate, former new jersey governor chris christie joined msnbc this morning in outlining why he thought former president trump should joint the debate stage. >> if he believes he should be the nominee, if he believes that he has such a great record, if he believes he is the best person to go against joe biden, then show up on wednesday night and stop being such a coward. >> joining us now with nikki and jonathan. what are you keeping an eye out for? >> i am keeping an eye on these documentsed a -- advising the desantis campaign how to prepare. we got information about what tactics he was going to implement. now with five days to go, they are going to have to reset the campaign strategy. i think these documents show that desantis has missed the mark on what his campaign needs to do to recalibrate, as reported by my colleagues at "rolling stone." donors are angry. they are tird of the squabbles. they are tired of him picking fights with second tier candidates. they need to see him close the gap with trump. in the memo, they advise desantis to defend trump, pick a fight with chris christie. donors want to see him close the gap will not see that if desantis isn't willing to take on the leader of this primary and is just carrying water for him in a national debate. >> it's interesting. there are so many pitfalls for taking one side or the other. jonathan, politico reports that mike pence is relishing the opportunity to draw contrast with trump. how important could this debate be? i guess it's important for all of them, whether trump shows up or not. but for pence, what does he have to do? >> he will have to start convincing republicans that donald trump was wrong and that he was right. he has been trying to do that on the campaign trail. there's a huge persuasion effort that goes into that. his argument is the contrast that he wants to draw is that he is traditionally conservative. the most traditionally conservative of the candidates, including donald trump. that he is the adult in the room, which is effectively the argument he is making about january 6th and the lead-up to it, where he told donald trump he wasn't going to do things he thought violated the constitution. that's his argument. so far it's not working with the vast majority of republicans. i think you will hear him, as he often does, make that argument with a pretty full throat. >> this morning, republican nominees are speaking at an event in atlanta with erick erickson. they are not addressing trump and his legal troubles. trying to focus on policy issues. is this something that could maybe work for these candidates going forward when the entire oxygen is about donald trump in the republican world? >> i mean, i think these candidates would hope so. i think the reality is that trump is going to be a factor in this debate whether or not he shows up. we have heard reporting from cnn that trump is gaming out ways to steal the thunder for that. there's a possibility he tries to show up last minute. some suggested he could coordinate his surrender to authorities to coincide with the debate, which would sweep headlines. candidates need to be prepared to address the issue of donald trump. as "the wall street journal" reported earlier this week, fox anchors are going to ask questions about him. it's not an issue they can avoid. >> jonathan, i'm wondering, when you see the players that so far have been able to get to that debate, what do you think are the biggest pitfalls for whom and why? >> i think the biggest pitfalls for the entire field are that none of them are really hammering donald trump. i guess at some level chris christie is. if you want to beat the man, you gotta be the man. that's just not something that these candidates have really embraced. in fact, what you see in the advice to desantis is to defend donald trump. there's no way they will make up the 40-point ground that they have unless they start going after him in a serious way. i'm not sure that that would work. certainly, defending trump and being on his team and attacking each other isn't going to make any one of them a clear alternative to him. >> thank you both so much for being with us. >> thank you. >> thank you. that wraps up the hour for me. i will see you tomorrow night on "nbc nightly news" saturday. you can reach me on social media. you can watch highlights from today's show online. thank you so much for the privilege of your time. andrea mitchell picks up with more news right now. right now on "andrea mitchell reports," the first summit meeting between the u.s., south korea and japan. president biden's first camp david gathering with foreign leaders. a strong signal that the allies are gearing up against military and economic threats. amidst warning of a possible north korean missile test this weekend after it successfully tested a new long range ballistic missile in july that can reach all the way to washington, d.c., likely with help from vladimir putin. >> our countries are stronger, and the world is safer -- let me say that again. our countries are stronger, and the world will be safer, as we stand together. this hour, donald trump's attorneys in his d.c. election case asking the judge to delay the trial to a year and a half

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, Challenge , Generations , South Korea And Japan , Countries , Movement , Shuttle Diplomacy , Direction , Positive , Level , Military Exercises , Summit Leadership , Camp David Summit , Public , Military , Pushback , Interoperability , Message , Cooperation , Part , Reason , Each Other , Allies , Didn T , Is , Foreign Policy In Asia , Fact , Setback , Shot , Rapprochement , Goals , Arm , Presidents , Tool , Itself , Biden Hasn T , Signal , Diplomacy , Presidency , Somebody , Reasons , We Don T See Taiwan , Taiwan , Course , Concern , Aggression , Island Nation , Country , Government Meeting , Expectation , Tensions , Rest , Aggressions , China Friction , World , Discussions , Fragility , Existence , Statement , Element , Sessions , Press , Pictures , Form , Ceremony , Maryland , Et Cetera , Landscape , Rahm Emanuel , Comment , To Japan , Phrase , Embassy , Nation , Military Alliance , Military Perspective , Line , Relationships , Power , Strength , Rebalance To Asia , Planet , Acknowledgement , Obama , Thoughts , Pacific Nation , Hearing , Cases , Rogue Regimes , Invasion , Endgame , Ammunition , Ukraine , Sights , Rush , States , Latin America , Involvement , Couple , Defense Minister , Delegation , Foreigners , Pandemic , Military Parade , High Level , Iran , Politburo , Member , Bloc , Interest , Forces , Friend , Regime , Delegations , Dictator , Anybody Else , Regime Rock Solid , Carrots , Action , Capabilities , Trajectory , Endurance , Rethink , Led , Change , Sanctions , Don T , Care , Hall Martmarks Dictatorial Regime , Deal , Regimes , Realities , Resources , Picture , Geographic , Gain , Utilization , Disregard , Living In , Governments , Lifelines , Landscaping , Access , Matter , Mess , Bit , Camp David Accords , Jimmy Carter , Question , Joe Biden , Democracies , Inflection Point , Foreign Policy , Take A Look , Autocracies , Macro , Camp David Is , Lunch , Inaudible , Front , Photo Op , Guys , Screens , Let S Go , Chris Christie , Place , Grand Jury , Up Next , Security Measures , Plus , Mortgage Rates , Cash , Market , Coward , Jose Diaz Balart Reports , Spend Category , Msnbc , House , Sm Card , Bad News , Cucumber Water , Categories , Tabs , Card , Billing Cycle , Voice , Citi Custom , 00 , 500 , Skin , Eczema , Itch , Rinvoq , Rash , Steroid , Injection , Pill , Topical , Relief , Infections , Ability , Saw , Fast , Blood Clots , Rinvoq Relief , Tb , 100 , Doctor , Reactions , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Risks , Intestines , Death , Cancers , Skin Cancer , Tears , Heart Attack , Stroke , Lymphoma , Stomach , Abbvie , Innovation Refunds , Cpa , Tax Refund , Erc , Team , Tools , Charting , Power E Trade , Company , Tax Attorneys , Small Business , Step , Sound , Trading , Powerful , Feel , Opportunities , Analysis , Scans , Sentiment , Morgan Stanley , Opportunity , React , Markets , Orders , Setting Trends , Futures Ladder , Fashion , Ella , Business , 5g Network , Control , Customer , Real Time , Operations , Efficiencies , Production , Verizon , Jen , Marquis , Customers , Enterprise Intelligence , Network , Vision , Agility , Vo , Honor , Camp David Trilateral , Nations , Chapter , Priority , Ties , Safer , President Of The United States , Dating , Courage , Belief , Share , Work , Foundation , Leadership , Both , Yoon , Force , Resolve , Good , Translator , Gratitude , Hospitality , Over , Partnership , History , Venue , Nato Summit , Freedom , Given , Significant , View , Freedoms , President Roosevelt , Coordination , Promise , Solidarity , Mandate , Foundations , Basis , Depth Discussions , Trilateral Partnership , Plain , Order , Damages , Sympathy , Total , 2 Million , Million , Heart , Support , Recovery , Prayer , Two Of Us , Passing Away , Condolences , Father , Have , Community , Turning Point , Collaboration , Potential , Blossom , Alliances , Security Coordination , Rok , Technology Cooperation , Supply Chains Resilience , Initiative , Joe S , Everybody , Questions , Right , Wrap Up , Reception , Case , Developments , Special Counsel , Transfer , April 2026 , 2020 , 2026 , Trump , Indictment , Security Situation , Safety Measures , Co Defendants , Fulton County Sheriff S Office , 18 , Judge , Ken Dilanian , Jurors , Information , Blayne Alexander In Atlanta , Intelligence , Justice , The Grand , La Doris Kordell , Sides , Proposals , Author , First , Superior Court Of California , Police Auditor , My Life On The Bench , Idea , Tanya Chutkan , Set A Status Conference , Reality , Investigation , Discovery , Experts , Volume , Neither , Attempt , Brief , April Of 2026 , 2025 , Documents , Amount , Stuff , Evidence , Jack Smith , 11 5 Million , Document , Metaphors , Illusions , Sky , Monuments , Pages , Nine Washington , War And Peace , Tolstoy , Nine , Due Diligence , Leeway , Road Map , November 2024 , Doesn T Want , Due Process , Reaction , Side , Someone , Key , Task , Word , Prosecutors , Parties , Review , Trial Courts , Track , Mother , Isn T , Dog Whistle Messages , Add , Terms , Witnesses , Standing , Radar , Followers , Press Conference , New Jersey , Consideration , Hands , Room , Plan , Doing , Fraud , Court Cases , Dozens , Allegations , Unsute , Advice , No Doubt , Statements , Times , Making Statements , Confrontation Point , Judges , Names , Grand Jurors , Light , Fulton County , Law , Reporting , Public Information , List , Home Addresses , Pieces , Office , Fbi , Spokesperson , Sheriff , Website , Fringe , District Attorneys , Elsewhere , Jurisdictions , Mind , Down , Staff , Risk Assessment , Courthouse , Many , Undertones , Sorts , Telephone Calls , Emails , She Hasn T , District Attorney , Life , Jose , Addresses , Magnitude , Situation , Listen , Defenses , Bill Barr , Bank , Credibility , Sense , Means , Obligation , Person , Dirty Work , Trigger , Mob Boss , Argument , Positions , Indictments , Sellers , Tide , Buyers , Pod , Power Pod , Gonna , Crashing Sounds , Yoreu , Th , Trelegy , Copd , On , Baby , Coughing , High , Birds Flyin , Breeze Driftin , Breathing , Medicines , Inhaler , Copd Medicine , Feelin Good , High Blood Pressure , Breathing Problems , Won T , Rescue Inhaler , Heart Condition , Flare Ups , Lung Function , Thrush , 24 , Swelling , Eye , Stand , Vision Changes , Chest Pain , Pain , Osteoporosis , Pneumonia , Mouth , Tongue , Problems Urinating , Fan Experience , 5g Solutions , Game , T Mobile , Trelegy Com Mlb , Chevy Silverado , 13 , Truck , Camera Views , Package , Living , Z71 Off Road , Skyrizi , Joints , Rhythm , Psoriatic Arthritis , Groove , Music , Source , Joint Pain , Inflammation , Stiffness , Fatigue , Starter Doses , Symptoms , Infection , Vaccine , Everything , Flight Attendants , Flight Attendant , Flying , Turbulence , Guide , Housing Market , Estate , 51 , Npr Reports , Payments , Payment , Example , 350000 , 50000 , Interest Rates , Down Payment , House Today , 1880 , 1159 , 880 , 2021 , 159 , Housing , Impacting Demand , Real Estate Market , Dominic Chu , 3 , Rates , Mortgages , Lows , Mortgage Demands , Purchases , Damper , Purchase Demand , Refinancing Demand , Folks , Demand , Signs , Investors , Home Construction , Home Building Companies , Tug Of War Going On , Stocks , Ult , Americans , Bureau Of Labor Statistics , Problem , Survey , Housing Affordability , Circumstances , Data , 72 , Worker , Numbers , Chunk , Taxes , Benefits , Paycheck , 3300 , 300 , Debate , Outlining , Race , Republican , Trump Should Joint The Debate Stage , Five , Nominee , Record , Nikki , Desantis , Campaign , Tactics , Documentsed A , Mark , Campaign Strategy , Donors , Fights , Colleagues , Squabbles , Rolling Stone , Candidates , Gap , Desantis Isn T , Memo , Pitfalls , Water , Contrast , Politico , Mike Pence , Jonathan , Persuasion Effort , Republicans , Pence , Campaign Trail , Adult , Conservative , Constitution , Majority , He Wasn T , January 6th , 6 , Nominees , Throat , Erick Erickson , Oxygen , Troubles , Focus On Policy Issues , Gaming , Cnn , Surrender , Some , Thunder , Possibility , Issue , Wall Street Journal , Anchors , Headlines , Fox , Players , Man , Field , Alternative , Social Media , Privilege , Nbc Nightly News , Summit Meeting , News , Andrea Mitchell Reports , Andrea Mitchell , Warning , Gathering , Missile Test , July , Washington D C , Vladimir Putin , Attorneys , Half ,

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Jose 20240704

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i don't think i can stress enough, like, how much help the island needs. and former president donald trump's lawyers propose delaying his federal election interference trial for almost two years after the 2024 election. we begin this morning with breaking news. hurricane hilary has rapidly intensified from a tropical storm into a category 4 hurricane as it barrels toward the southwestern u.s., bringing winds up to 145 miles an hour. right now, the hurricane is located 400 miles south of cabo san lucas. the mexican government says a weakened hilary could hit sunday night in baja, california, and has issued a hurricane warning. it is expected to hit mexico. 24 million people across parts of california and nevada, utah and arizona are under flood watches. hilary could mark the first tropical storm to hit southern california in 84 years. i want to bring in nbc news meteorologist bill karins. bill, good morning. how severe is this hurricane? >> we're going to talk about flooding in areas that have never seen it before. we're talking about the low deserts of southern california, with the chance of getting up to half a foot of rain, which never happened in those areas previously. will this be over populated areas or completely rural will be the depending factor on how much damage we're done and cleaning up from after this weekend. here is the latest from the hurricane center. got this new update in, still a category 4, moving to the northwest at about ten miles per hour. it is the path has remained unchanged. it has been very consistent and we will be watching a weakening storm, as we go through the weekend. how strong it gets when it makes it to southern california is more for the history books. there is a ton of rain heading for the southwest and that will cause about 95% of the damage from the storm. maybe the other 5% will be wind problems. maybe mostly in the mountainous areas of southern california. let me zoom in here and show you the cone still includes los angeles, san diego, palm springs. how certain are we of where the storm is going to go? these are computer models, all within the cone and all focused here over los angeles, san diego. we know the storm is heading for southern california. it is not going to head into arizona. that would be a shocking surprise at this point. all of that heavy rain and whatever is left of the wind will be moving through sunday night and then early monday morning. the heavy rain will begin even this afternoon, monsoonal flow and all that moisture heading northwards. the bulk of the heavy rain, associated with the tropical storm and the center of it will be sunday afternoon, sunday evening and southern portions of california and then spreading to nevada as you go throughout monday. as far as the winds go, it does look like the highest will be in the mountains. mostly concerned with these areas in the mountainous areas of santa rosa mountains, southern portions of san diego. we're going to see what's left of this hurricane and possibly still a tropical storm heading into eight to 10,000 foot peaks. that's a horrible equation. that means terrific amounts of rainfall, mudslides, debris flows, runoffs. if you're familiar with the cleveland national forest, that's the area here to the southeast of san diego. that's areas i'm concerned with. the sunrise highway goes up and through here. we'll probably be hearing stories of highways like that, washed out when this is all done. there is not a lot of population centers in this region. they could, yes, get a foot of rain in the areas that never get that much. but we'll have to see how much damage it can be done. because of that heavy rain threat, palm springs of all places is in a high risk of flash flooding thee days out. it is extremely rare for them to issue a three-day high risk. that's the equation of like when we have tornadoes, and we're into high risk days. we know we're going to get tornadoes. we say we're in a high risk of flash flooding, we're certain there is going to be life threatening, devastating flooding in this region from palm springs southwards and even from san diego, just to the mountains outside of los angeles. we will see areas of flooding in those regions too. this is a storm like none other that we have seen in our lifetimes. last time anything like this happened was in the mid-70s. >> very quickly. it is expected to hit in parts of mexico, but not very populated parts of mexico, right? >> that's true. yeah. cabo san lucas, people familiar with that, the resort in the southern tip, that is going to be totally fine. doesn't look like tropical storm force winds. there is cabo san lucas. then the middle portion of the baja, northern portion, it has some cities and some towns, but nothing like the population to the south. we'll wait and see how strong it is. when you talk about the baja, that area gets hit often by storms like this. and we're dealing with a category 1 or 2. most of the areas there are built for something like that. it is the heavy rainfall in the areas that just never get it, that's what we wait and see what destruction that does. >> bill karins, thank you so very much. appreciate it. turning now to the catastrophic hawaii wildfires that have left 111 people dead and estimated 1300 people missing. yesterday, maui's top emergency management official resigned effective immediately, citing health concerns. it comes one day after he defended his decision not to sound warning sirens as the blazes tore through the island. >> do you regret not sounding the sirens? >> i do not. had we sounded the siren that night, we're afraid that people would have gone into the fire. >> meantime, federal investigators have been dispatched to maui to determine the cause of the fires. and hawaii's attorney general has announced she will tap a third party organization to investigate how officials handled the response. nbc's dana griffin joins us now. what are you hearing from residents today? >> reporter: well, they really want accountability and they want answers. i think that's why having that third party investigator and also having the atf on the ground to determine the cause of the fire is really going to be i don't want to say closure, but will provide answers for people who want to know why did this happen and how did this happen. we already heard from a lot of people, they're blaming hawaiian electric, now facing four lawsuits for allegedly having a downed power line that may have sparked the fire. hawaiian electric responded saying they do not comment on pending litigation. but we have seen several videos that show what appear -- it appears to show downed power lines, smoke and fire. and, you know, and andaya resigning, there could be potentially more people who are held accountable. we heard from the water commissioner who has been reassigned. there are concerns that enough water wasn't released on maui when they needed that water to fight the fire. we heard from several firefighters who say the water pressure from the fire hydrants were very low, so that's another thing that residents also want answers for. i also spoke to a lahaina resident whose home was not burned, but he says he actually wants tourists to come back to maui and spend their money. tourism is a major industry here. it helps keep a lot of families afloat. he lost his job at a restaurant that burned down in lahaina. listen to what he told me. >> we need tourists. i work at a restaurant, serving tourists. that's how we make money. yeah. it is the hotel, they need money too. right now a lot of employee, any lay off, because no more tourists. they always will come. but in a certain area is not recommended, especially lahaina right now. >> reporter: yeah. even the hawaiian tourism authority said lahaina is off limits, but there are other parts of the island that are still open and they want people to visit here and other hawaiian islands to spend that money so that's kind of the latest here and the search continues behind me as this is the road that leads to lahaina. right now the death toll remains at 111. that decimated area we're told about 58% has been searched. the governor hoped to reach 85% searched by the end of the weekend. jose? >> and, dana, plus one week and still about 1300 people missing. >> reporter: yeah. a lot of loved ones, we know that children are also included in that number. a lot of the people that have been officially identified, most of them in their 70s, one person in their 90s, we also heard of a burn victim that has passed away. the governor has said the only way they're able to determine that there are kids involved in the mix is because the bodies are so small. a lot of these bodies are so badly decomposed that sometimes it is hard to make out the remains, so that's why they are using dna samples to try to identify the victims. we have seen several family members show up at the county morgue to try to get answers. everyone here is in a desperate search for answers and closure and they want to know where their loved ones are. jose? >> dana griffin at 5:09 in the morning local time. thank you for being with us this morning. turning now to the fight to contain another major fire this time in spain's canary islands. here's what it looks like on the front lines as the sea plane drops water over an intense blaze. the local leader of the canary islands says the fire is the most complex on the islands in the last 40 years. authorities say over 3,000 people have been evacuated from their homes on thursday. more could come if the flames are not contained. right now, at camp david, president biden is meeting with the leaders of japan and south korea amid rising threats from north korea and china. we'll break down the significance of this historic event next. former president donald trump just one week from today, turning himself in on racketeering charges in georgia. we'll get a live report from atlanta on where things stand. we're back in 60 seconds. thing. we're back in 60 seconds are you tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean? 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>> peter, i think you're muted. can we check that real quick from you? let's make sure. >> how's that? >> there you go. we got you back. thanks. >> my bad. so, i think what you see at camp david today is a sea change in some ways in the relationship between the three powers. the united states had good relations with japan and south korea. only has been frustrated in the efforts to bring the three together because of the grievances between the koreans and the japanese stemming back generations. what you've seen from president youn of south korea and president biden is bringing them to camp david to say let's make this a more lasting alliance, alliance where the three of us, we meet every year, we commit to things like they call a commitment to consult, meaning not quite a nato commitment, but if there was a threat to any one of them, the three would agree to talk about how to respond and some sort of a joint way, to find other ways to enhance security like ballistic missile joint exercises and the like. i think this is a big moment for president biden looking at china throughout his term as a singular challenge to his administration and the united states security. >> it is really important to remember just how difficult relations have been between south korea and japan for decades, for generations. >> absolutely. it is worth noting that relations are still very fragile. there has been movement in positive -- in the right direction between japan and korea and the two countries are also trying to have what is called shuttle diplomacy so that they meet regularly by having this camp david summit and the commitment to institutionalize relations to have annual meetings at the summit leadership level, to have coordinated enhanced military exercises and focus on interoperability of the military and the like, we're hoping to have this really stick. that it can withstand any political or public pushback that may happen in the future. >> this meeting comes as north korea appears to have developed a missile with russia's cooperation. what message are these leaders hoping to send to china, russia and north korea? >> well, sending a strong message. the message is even though the u.s. doesn't like to say this, it is a kind of asian mini nato. and part of the reason that north korea and china and even russia's foreign policy in asia has been successful is because the u.s.' two closest allies in asia, japan and south korea, didn't get along with each other. they got along great with us. but not with each other. the fact that we have achieved this rapprochement, which is something only the u.s. can do, is a real shot in the arm for american diplomacy in asia and a setback to china, which i think is the, you know, one of the goals here. >> and peter, just the fact this is being held at camp david is important. there is a message in that message itself, right? >> absolutely. camp david has historically been used by presidents as a tool of diplomacy. you are somebody important to me, we're going to showcase you in a way i don't showcase every leader. president biden hasn't had any leaders, foreign leaders, to camp david throughout his presidency. so it is meant to send a signal that the japan and south korea are important to the united states, this trilateral relationship is important to the united states and president biden is invested in it. >> and there is a number of reasons why, but we don't see taiwan included in the summit. very much a concern because of china's clear aggression toward that island nation. is there anything here for taiwan in these meetings? >> well, absolutely, of course. taiwan is not officially a country. so there is no expectation of taiwan to take part in any official government to government meeting. but that said, yes, as we talk about the tensions between china and the rest of the region and u.s./china friction, the ongoing tensions across strait relations, china's aggressions toward taiwan, and the fragility that taiwan faces is something that is not just about taiwan's existence, but a threat for the world. so we expect discussions on taiwan to be held in the closed door sessions. it may be mentioned in very briefly in the official statement, but certainly concerns about taiwan is something that is another element that brings these three countries together today at camp david. >> as we're speaking, these are live pictures from camp david, in maryland. there is where the pool area is for the press. and, of course, we're monitoring that. there should be some form of ceremony, et cetera, shortly. we'll be monitoring that. but, rick, curious to your comment on this, this could be seen as an asian mini nato. ambassador to japan rahm emanuel told me yesterday that this will lead to a whole new geostrategic landscape in the indo-pacific region. how do you see that possibly turning out? >> i probably shouldn't have used that phrase. that's the phrase in peter's very good story today that the chinese embassy used to describe what is going on here. but we do want to have a kind of military alliance. we do -- our commitment to taiwan is historic in some ways, even though as it has been said it is not technically a nation anymore. i think that what we want from a military perspective is to have an alliance between japan and south korea as peter mentioned, there are now military relationships that a hot line we have been talking about. that will only fortify american strength in asia, and this is all part of the so-called rebalance to asia that the obama administration started. it is an acknowledgement there has been a sea change in where power on the planet lies and we have to be part of that. we are pacific nation. >> and, just thinking, peter, interesting in your thoughts on this, the fact that it seems as though among other things north korea developed a missile with russia's cooperation, it seems like russia is cooperating and involved with a number of countries, rogue regimes, in many cases. we have been hearing that north korea was actually sending ammunition to russia for their invasion of ukraine. what is the endgame, i think, for not only this summit, but just for how does the united states continue to be a power that is able to deal with russia, its aggression in ukraine. i'm thinking of also china and its sights on taiwan, but also the involvement that china and russia have in latin america? >> yeah, look, the russian invasion of -- and the rest of the world isolated has pushed rush closer and closer to china and north korea and rogue states like iran. and i think that's, of course, a concern. you watch a couple of weeks ago the north koreans held a military parade and the first time they had foreigners i think visit since the pandemic, they had a russian delegation, defense minister, and high level chinese delegation, including a member of the politburo. if you see them sharing what looks like a growing bloc, your interest is in making sure you have a friend like the united states to back you up as well. i think that's one of the motivating forces behind this meeting today. >> we're told just a couple of seconds we expect to see some movement out of camp david. i'm wondering about when north korea meets with other delegations, russia or china, anybody else, it is just the dictator of north korea with the other people assembled. is the strength of that regime, you know, is that regime rock solid? >> here's the thing, so we have taken both carrots and sticks to deal with north korea. punitive action, basically and supportive action toward the north korean regime has not changed its trajectory. it has been able to enhance is own military capabilities, including becoming a nuclear power. and this has led to a rethink about how we need to deal with north korea. the endurance of the north korean regime is remarkable. i don't think sanctions or secondary sanctions is going to be able to topple it. especially when we have this change in the geographic landscape of the region when we have a more assertive china and cooperation between russia, that is going to be supportive of north korea because it is -- they do not want a u.s. foot hold into north korea. so that's the motivating factor for china and russia to continue to support north korea. and i don't expect any significant change in the actual regime of north korea. the north koreans don't care if their people die. they are willing to invest, continually in their military. and they are going to continue to invest and take away money from the people so they can continue to flourish. >> those are the hall martmarks dictatorial regime, complete disregard of the people and a utilization of the people's resources for their own personal gain. how do you in a big picture deal with regimes like that that are having because of the different geographic and geopolitical realities we're living in, having some access to other countries, other governments and in a certain way getting lifelines. >> i want to comment on another matter, how great the landscaping looks at camp david. >> fantastic. >> years and years ago, look at the pictures of camp david accords and jimmy carter. it really was a bit of a mess. it is -- all of camp david looks better now. i don't know if peter has been there recently. compared to what it looked like in the old days. your larger and important and existential question, i mean, joe biden has said we're at an inflection point around the globe between democracies and autocracies. and that is what we are dealing with in a most macro way with our foreign policy and part of what is happening here today in camp david is -- >> oh, look. take a look. here it is. let's listen in. >> thank you. >> all right. ready to get some lunch? okay. [ inaudible ] >> ready? >> that was pretty clearly what is normally called a photo-op. saw the three leaders saying hello in front of that camp david sign that you see coming into your screens right now. and all i was able to hear was shake hands, guys and let's go to lunch. peter baker, thank you so much for being with us today. really been interesting to have you on. i very much appreciate your time. up next, new security measures are going into place after threats against the grand jury who indicted donald trump in georgia. plus, why republican presidential hopeful chris christie is calling trump a coward. bad news if you're on the market to buy a house. mortgage rates are at their highest level in more than 20 years. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. the citi custom cash℠ card automatically adjusts to earn you more cash back in your top eligible spend category. hi. ♪♪ you don't have to keep tabs on rotating categories... this is the only rotating i care about. ... or activate anything to earn. your cash back automatically adjusts for you. can i get a cucumber water? earn 5% cash back that automatically adjusts to your top eligible spend category, up to $500 spent each billing cycle with the citi custom cash℠ card. i love it... 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(vo) learn more. it's your vision, it's your verizon. and we go right to camp david. president biden speaking now. >> -- and renew -- an honor to welcome you both here today to inaugurate the camp david trilateral between our three nations. among our three nations. it is not only the first summit i hosted at camp david. it is the first ever stand alone summit between leaders of japan and republic of korea and the united states. and i can think of no better way, no better way to mark our new chapter of our trilateral cooperation than meeting here at camp david. and so strengthening the ties between our democracies has long been a priority for me. dating back to when i was vice president of the united states. that's because our countries are stronger, and the world is safer. let me say that again. our countries are stronger and the world will be safer as we stand together. and i know this is a belief we all three share. i want to thank you both for your political courage that brought you here and looking forward to us having a great meeting, but continuing these meetings. you stepped up to do the hard work, historic work, to forge a foundation from which we can face the future together, the three of us together. and i'm deeply grateful for your leadership and i look forward to working with both of you as we begin this new era of cooperation. and renew our resolve to serve as a force of good across the indo-pacific and quite frankly around the world as well. president yoon, let me turn this over to you. >> translator: i would like to extend my gratitude to president biden for his warm hospitality. last july we met for the nato summit and i'm pleased to be reunited in about a month. at this symbolic venue of camp david and the history of modern diplomacy, our trilateral partnership is opening a new chapter which carries great significant in my view. president roosevelt once stated, freedom is not a given, but something you fight to win. to make sure that each of our freedoms is neither threatened or damaged, our three nations must tighten our solidarity. such is also our promise and mandate towards our future generations. a stronger coordination between korea, the u.s. and japan requires more robust institutional foundations. moreover, challenges that threaten regional security must be addressed by us building up stronger commitment to working together. today will be remembered as a historic day, where we establish a firm institutional basis and commitment to the trilateral partnership. today i hope we will explore together ways to elevate cooperation between korea, the u.s. and japan to a new plain, through in depth discussions. >> translator: first of all, i would like to express my sympathy once again for the devastating damages caused by the wildfires in maui, hawaii. in order to provide relief to the affected people, japan has decided to offer a total of around $2 million of support. i offer my heart felt prayer for the earliest possible recovery of the affected areas. may i also once again convey my condolences for the passing away of president yoon's father. now i would like to thank joe for your kind invitation to the two of us to camp david, a place with history. president yoon, i have been meeting you almost on a monthly basis since march of this year. but the fact that we, the three leaders, have got together in this way, i believe it means that we are indeed making a new history as of today. the international community is at a turning point in history. in order to allow the potential of a trilateral strategic collaboration to bloom and blossom, i wish to take this moment to raise the security coordination between japan and the u.s. to new heights while strengthening the coordination between the japan, u.s. and the u.s. rok alliances as we deepen our cooperation in the response to north korea i wish to expand and deepen our collaboration and extensive areas including economic security, such as critical and emerging technology cooperation and supply chains resilience. today i look forward to engaging in a frank discussions amongst ourselves in order to declare a new era of partnership. i once again express my gratitude for joe's initiative. thank you. >> thank you. politely ask the press to leave. thank you for coming in. >> thank you, everybody. >> thank you, guys. all right, guys, thank you so much. >> okay. >> so as the press was trying to get some questions in, there you see the wrap-up of the public reception of the leaders of japan, south korea, the president of the united states at camp david and, of course, now a lot of the work will begin. but, i want to turn now to new developments in the federal case against former president donald trump in which he is accused of trying to halt the peaceful transfer of power for the 2020 election. the former president's legal team has proposed an april 2026 start date, 16 months after the next election. that date is also two years after the special counsel's proposed start date. meanwhile, a concerning security situation unfolding in georgia after the recent grand jury indictment there of trump and 18 other co-defendants. the fulton county sheriff's office told nbc news it is taking new safety measures after personal information of the grand jurors was circulated online. joining us now, nbc news correspondent blayne alexander in atlanta for us this morning, and nbc news justice and intelligence correspondent ken dilanian and la doris kordell, retired judge of the superior court of california, a former independent police auditor and author of "her honor: my life on the bench, what works, what's broken and how to change it." ken, first, now that both sides made their proposals, what happens next? >> judge tanya chutkan set a status conference and will rule at that time and set a trial date. that date may not hold for various reasons, but we'll get an idea of where she sees the reality of this between two proposals that as you mentioned are quite far apart and neither of them are realistic. the idea of having this trial begin in january of next year with this volume of discovery and investigation strikes most legal experts as a little bit absurd. and, of course, having it not next year, not 2025, but april of 2026 just appears like a ridiculous attempt by the trump team to just draw it out. in their brief, the trump team did make a fair point, which is that they're getting 11.5 million documents in discovery from jack smith's team on this case. and it is an extraordinary amount of that evidence, much larger volume of stuff than the typical criminal trial, and they made a lot of colorful illusions and metaphors to how much stuff we're talking about. if you stack the pages, i forget, like nine washington monuments to the sky and tolstoy's war and peace every day. the reality is they don't have to look at every document. jack smith's team is going to give them a road map for the important documents. but they do are to do their due diligence and the judge will give them some leeway to do that. the question is whether she will schedule a trial date before the november 2024 election. >> 11.5 million documents. la doris, what is your reaction to the proposed trial dates on both sides? >> i think the point has been made and a good point being made that both sides have to be accorded due process. while there is a rush that the trial judge doesn't want to be seen as someone who is lax and really not involved in it, i understand all of that. i understand why one side wants to delay. the key here is just due process. there has to be ample time for everyone to review the documents and not just go on the word of what prosecutors say are relevant documents. it is a monumental task. it is doable. but it is likely that the trial date, the earlier date is not realistic. but then again, going to 2026, come on, that's absurd as well. i think things will as they do in trial courts, they will play out. the judge will keep track and the judge, i hope, will set periodic dates for review, where the parties come in and she's able to assess where everyone is at that time. >> what would be a consensus period between what one side is asking for and the other? >> well, there isn't. that's the point. this is something that has to be decided in real time. and you have to add in another factor and it is that as things go on, donald trump continues to say things that threaten people, that he's really sending out not so subtle dog whistle messages to his followers that there are people on his radar he doesn't like, that are standing in the way in terms of there being witnesses and also potential jurors. so all of that has to be taken into consideration as well. and that's really in the hands of the trial judge. >> and, ken, the former president canceled his scheduled new jersey press conference where he said he was going to release his own report about the election in georgia. what happened? >> we can't be in the room with trump and his lawyers. i think we would have heard them say it is insane to follow through with that plan. what prosecutors would say is you're perpetuating a fraud. the exact things he's been charged with doing, he would be continuing to do in public, lying to the public about bogus allegations of fraud and the election, things that have been unsute to be true in dozens and dozens of court cases and his lawyers told him no doubt that would be a terrible idea. and it is one of the few times we have seen where trump has really been forced to listen to the sound advice of his lawyers when it comes to making public statements. the next big question is if he listened to them in terms of making statements that threaten judges and witnesses and prosecutors. that may be the next confrontation point in this case. >> the fact that this information was released on the jurors in georgia. blayne, what can you tell us about new security measures officials in fulton county are taking in light of the recent threats? >> yeah, jose, a couple of important things to point out. because of georgia law, georgia is one of the rare states that does this. grand jurors names are listed in the indictment. once it is unsealed, that becomes public, the list of names becomes public. what is not included in the indictment are public information, pieces of public information, home addresses. that is what our reporting shows has been posted on at least one kind of fringe website. the sheriff's office says they're looking at any threats, they're working with the fbi, we heard from a spokesperson who said they're looking into that as well. and they're working with a number of other jurisdictions and they're also kind of trying to make sure that if there are any threats, any information, they're able to track that down, whether it originates here or elsewhere. but security has long been top of mind for the district attorneys. certainly, when you consider the fact the investigation has been going for more than two years. we know in the weeks leading up to the indictment, her staff was working from home. she wrote to the fbi last year asking for them to perform a risk assessment of the courthouse and shore up security here and she hasn't been shy in sharing the number of threats that she receives. telephone calls, emails, all sorts of things, many of them with racist undertones. when i spoke with her last year, i asked her about security, she was very up-front with it. here is what she had to say. have you had to up your security because of those threats related to the investigation? >> absolutely. i signed up to be the district attorney but i have a lot of life in front of me and i want to lead it. >> reporter: they're not commenting on the names and the addresses of grand jurors being posted. but when i've spoken with a couple of legal experts about this, jose, even though this is what is standard in georgia, certainly the question can be raised that with an indictment of this magnitude, should there not have been discussions to omit or redact the names in this situation. certainly now in light of what is being posted. >> former attorney general bill barr responded to what could be one of trump's legal defenses. take a listen. >> the fact he didn't drop things could lead some to believe and his people who defend him say that he genuinely did feel he was robbed and this was the good fight and the proper fight. >> well, even if he did, i'm dubious about that, even if he believed that, that doesn't mean you can use illegal means to rectify it. if you think bank is unfairly keeping your money, there are many things you can do to get it back. you can't go and rob the bank. >> what do you make of that in. >> for once, barr is making some sense. it is absolutely true. if he believed, genuinely believed, i think there is no credibility at all behind that, if he genuinely believed this was taken from me, then, yes, there are lawful means to get back and if there are any at all, that's his obligation. what he did and what he's at least accused of doing is resorting to illegal means, including now making threats to intimidate potential jurors. it is like the mob boss. the person that doesn't pull the trigger. but the person at the top doesn't do the dirty work, sends other people out to do it. i just do not believe that there is any really credibility to his argument that, oh, this was why i legitimately believe the election was stolen. was told repeatedly by people in positions to know this did not happen and that's why he's facing all of these indictments. >> thank you so much for being it us this morning. up next, mortgage rates soar to their highest level in more than 20 years. what this means for sellers and for buyers. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. yoreu' watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. th 85% more tide in every pod. who needs that much more tide? 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>> it all depends on which part of the housing and real estate market you are looking at. this has put a damper on mortgage demands. rates are higher than they were at the historic lows that you mentioned in 2021. that's only part of the story. mortgages are there for purchases, for homes, right? those who want to refinance as well. to get into more attractive rates and terms. that refinancing demand has dried up. a lot of folks have mortgages at lower rates. the purchase demand is more nuanced. demand has dropped off, but there are signs that they are getting more accustom to this idea of relatively higher interest rates. demand for new home construction continues to be robust. investors have been pouring money into buying the stocks of home building companies. there's this tug-of-war going on in the market for existing homes and that of newly built homes. ult ultimately, it's a big problem with housing affordability. according to a recent survey, 72% of americans do not feel financially secure giving their current circumstances. data from the u.s. bureau of labor statistics shows the typical american worker takes home a little over $3,300 per month after taxes and benefits. if you put those numbers together, housing takes up a bigger chunk out of every american's paycheck. >> thank you very much. to the latest on the 2024 presidential race with just five days before the first republican primary debate, former new jersey governor chris christie joined msnbc this morning in outlining why he thought former president trump should joint the debate stage. >> if he believes he should be the nominee, if he believes that he has such a great record, if he believes he is the best person to go against joe biden, then show up on wednesday night and stop being such a coward. >> joining us now with nikki and jonathan. what are you keeping an eye out for? >> i am keeping an eye on these documentsed a -- advising the desantis campaign how to prepare. we got information about what tactics he was going to implement. now with five days to go, they are going to have to reset the campaign strategy. i think these documents show that desantis has missed the mark on what his campaign needs to do to recalibrate, as reported by my colleagues at "rolling stone." donors are angry. they are tird of the squabbles. they are tired of him picking fights with second tier candidates. they need to see him close the gap with trump. in the memo, they advise desantis to defend trump, pick a fight with chris christie. donors want to see him close the gap will not see that if desantis isn't willing to take on the leader of this primary and is just carrying water for him in a national debate. >> it's interesting. there are so many pitfalls for taking one side or the other. jonathan, politico reports that mike pence is relishing the opportunity to draw contrast with trump. how important could this debate be? i guess it's important for all of them, whether trump shows up or not. but for pence, what does he have to do? >> he will have to start convincing republicans that donald trump was wrong and that he was right. he has been trying to do that on the campaign trail. there's a huge persuasion effort that goes into that. his argument is the contrast that he wants to draw is that he is traditionally conservative. the most traditionally conservative of the candidates, including donald trump. that he is the adult in the room, which is effectively the argument he is making about january 6th and the lead-up to it, where he told donald trump he wasn't going to do things he thought violated the constitution. that's his argument. so far it's not working with the vast majority of republicans. i think you will hear him, as he often does, make that argument with a pretty full throat. >> this morning, republican nominees are speaking at an event in atlanta with erick erickson. they are not addressing trump and his legal troubles. trying to focus on policy issues. is this something that could maybe work for these candidates going forward when the entire oxygen is about donald trump in the republican world? >> i mean, i think these candidates would hope so. i think the reality is that trump is going to be a factor in this debate whether or not he shows up. we have heard reporting from cnn that trump is gaming out ways to steal the thunder for that. there's a possibility he tries to show up last minute. some suggested he could coordinate his surrender to authorities to coincide with the debate, which would sweep headlines. candidates need to be prepared to address the issue of donald trump. as "the wall street journal" reported earlier this week, fox anchors are going to ask questions about him. it's not an issue they can avoid. >> jonathan, i'm wondering, when you see the players that so far have been able to get to that debate, what do you think are the biggest pitfalls for whom and why? >> i think the biggest pitfalls for the entire field are that none of them are really hammering donald trump. i guess at some level chris christie is. if you want to beat the man, you gotta be the man. that's just not something that these candidates have really embraced. in fact, what you see in the advice to desantis is to defend donald trump. there's no way they will make up the 40-point ground that they have unless they start going after him in a serious way. i'm not sure that that would work. certainly, defending trump and being on his team and attacking each other isn't going to make any one of them a clear alternative to him. >> thank you both so much for being with us. >> thank you. >> thank you. that wraps up the hour for me. i will see you tomorrow night on "nbc nightly news" saturday. you can reach me on social media. you can watch highlights from today's show online. thank you so much for the privilege of your time. andrea mitchell picks up with more news right now. right now on "andrea mitchell reports," the first summit meeting between the u.s., south korea and japan. president biden's first camp david gathering with foreign leaders. a strong signal that the allies are gearing up against military and economic threats. amidst warning of a possible north korean missile test this weekend after it successfully tested a new long range ballistic missile in july that can reach all the way to washington, d.c., likely with help from vladimir putin. >> our countries are stronger, and the world is safer -- let me say that again. our countries are stronger, and the world will be safer, as we stand together. this hour, donald trump's attorneys in his d.c. election case asking the judge to delay the trial to a year and a half

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