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Underway in a matter of hours and while donald trump himself is not expected to attend, his behavior will be at the center of things, because judge Tanya Chutkan will hear arguments about are opposed protective order that would limit what trump can do with the evidence. The judge will consider those arguments while she is surrounded physically by u. S. Marshals. That new Security Detail was retained after the former president complained about her on his social media site. A sad State Of Affairs to see the judge have to be a full time Security Detail. Nbc news reported this was spotted even if she was inside her own courthouse grabbing coffee in the cafeteria. Thats where we are today, and look, we have to extend the threat concern to of Course Witnesses who are already being targeted by trump and his cohorts in the prosecutors, of course, and the jury, of course, the many jurors, all of this in a high threat environment. Complained about her, more like railed against her and a reminder, she was confirmed to the bench unanimously. Meanwhile, the Special Counsel S Office has proposed january 2nd, 2024, as a trial date in the case, though some experts think that might be a little optimistic. This is the Special Counsel right Out Of The Box saying we are ready on january 2nd, so now when the defense comes back with, well be ready on january 2nd 2025, the judge is going to balance the scale. And then come up with a more reasonable time period. Trumps team has one week to respond, then judge chutkan will set an official trial date before the end of this month. Down in the state of florida trump and his co defendant, walt nauta, pleaded not guilty today to additional charges in the classified documents case. Carlos de oliveira, the other codefendant, was unable to enter a plea. Are you ready for why . Because his lawyer didnt fill out the notice with the court. I have questions about that one. And in michigan, nine alleged big electors were arraigned earlier today. The fake electors plot is a key part of jack smiths d. C. Indictment, the federal one, but these were state charges. All nine defendants entered not guilty pleas. With that, lets get smarter with the help of our leadoff panel this evening. Peter baker is here in a, tai chi fight as correspondent for the New York Times, luke broadwater, more casual, pulitzer prizewinning Congressional Ford for the New York Times and christie greenberg, former fdny Camilla Vision deputy chief joins me here at 30 rock. Im a start with you, kristie. What do you expect from this protective order here tomorrow morning at 10 am sharp . Both sides have versions of the protective order that they want the judge to consider and i expect that the judge is going to lean more in the direction of the governments proposed protective order because really what donald trump and his team want to do is have more that is not protected, that can be public, and you may say to yourself whats wrong with that . The public wants to know what the evidence is in this case. But there are lots of risks involved in that. You can see him cutting and pasting and taking things out of context and having evidence that is in admissible that would taint the jury pool. Evidence of witness transcripts, witness interviews, where you could really be seeking to intimidate witnesses. We have seen him do that on social media, particularly with his former vice president. And just ways to undermine the integrity. When you have one side trying the case in the court of Public Opinion and the other side that is playing by the rules. So for all of those reasons, protective orders are very routine. They are ordered in most Criminal Cases and one that in particular is taking into account the public statements of donald trump and his propensity to intimidate witnesses and have their safety at issue, needs to make sure that is stringent enough to deal with that circumstance. Peter, trump is trying his case in the court of Public Opinion with the hopes of never having to try it in an actual court, so the fact that d. C. Has strict rules about how defendants and their lawyers have to act, trumps just going to blow his nose with that. Hes Gonna Throw It out the window. Absolutely. He has every time before. He basically dares the sy to come do something about it. He did this throughout the mueller case. He did this throughout every other prosecution we have had up until now. He has an ad on the air attacking the Fulton County prosecutor who may indict him for the first time this week. Imagine that. A defendant literally airing an ad attacking the prosecutor whos about to indict him. I dont know whether its wise or not, but certainly not unheard of its pretty unusual, i would say. But he hasnt played by the rules that other people do. He placed by his own rules. He dares the system to do something about it. Look, donald trump is not going to be at tomorrows hearing. Do you think his lawyers are going to keep him out of the courtroom as much as they possibly can . Yeah. I would think so. The last place any lawyer wants to see donald trump is up on a Witness Stand. So keep him as far away from the Witness Stand is probably in their interest. Tomorrow theyre going to argue that these are unprecedented times, that donald trump is a candidate for president , that he should be able to talk as much and as freely about the case as can be allowed, and theyre gonna point out that mike pence, a potential key witness in this case, is also a president ial candidate, and these things will likely be discussed on the trail. Theyre going to ask for as much as possible to have as a lenient a protective order, because they know that trump, honestly, cannot be controlled and is going to act though donald trump acts. And so they will likely try to seize as much away from the judge as possible. Reminder, donald trump can behave. He chooses not to. As long as we are talking unprecedented, kristy, this judge, when she goes to get a coffee, is now flanked by u. S. Marshals. How rare is that . Extremely. And sad. Extremely rare. Sad and infuriating. I mean, ab some point align needs to be drawn here, where, look, donald trump can vigorously maintained his innocence. He should vigorously defending his case. But he should not be able to threaten people. He shouldnt be able to incite violence. He shouldnt be able to just threaten it and intimidate witnesses. The judge, potential juror jurors. Theres a Chilling Effect that happens to potential jurors and witnesses. I would hope that among the things that comes up tomorrows a stern warning from the judge. Not asking nicely it like judge marchand did in manhattan, but a stern warning that if you continue this behavior, threatening inciting violence, there will be consequences to that and it will be a potential gag order and penalties. Look, lets stay on infuriating. This certainly if youre yates. Me carlos de oliveira, trumps codefendant, this guys freedom is on the line in the documents case, but his lawyer apparently didnt bother to fill out the necessary paperwork. Are you freaking kidding me . And what planet could we think this is anything but a delay tactic . Yeah, i mean, i cant speak to the competency or lack of excellence displayed by the attorney to trumps current defendant there. Time and time again, donald trump and his allies attempt to delay and delay and delay. I dont know if thats the case in this situation. It could be. An honest mistake. I do not know that. But it would be in keeping with their general pattern. Peter, jack smith wants to try the election case on january 2nd, which will certainly make for an interesting maralago new years eve party. If this date actually holds, how is this going to play out in the 2024 Campaign Schedule . January 2nd, lets roll into court . Yeah, generally second you roll into court but this trial lets a go six weeks, maybe eight weeks, guess what . You have a court date, a trial in new york on the Hush Money Case that alvin bragg has brought. That then rolls into may, when you have a trial with classified documents case in florida the jack smith has brought. If this general seconding were to hold in this every reason to think it might not, but if it were you could just see, month after month after month of sequential trials. Its awfully hard to campaign if youre in a courtroom. Obviously he wont be there as often is other defendants might be, if he can find a way to get out of it. But its just not what any president ial campaign has been like. One day a trial, when they are rally. It boggles the mind. Three trials enroll, and then dont forget he has a couple of other civil trials already scheduled coming up and hes got this georgia case. If that leads to an indictment that could be yet another trial scheduled as well. All right, new topic, kristy, these fake electors in michigan, what exactly was their scheme . How is it supposed to work . Theres a version of this that is not the criminal. That is not problematic. You have alternate electors that, in theory, if there was a litigation, where trump was successful in showing some kind of election fraud, where these electors are essentially preserving their options. But that is not what ended up happening. What ended up happening was, donald trump is losing all of these lawsuits. There was no election fraud. He knew those were baseless. You had these fake electors, where they were looking to use that as a pretext to delay and stop the count. And that is what was going on not only in michigan but on various battleground states. That is where you get into the part of, this is a corrupt plan with a purpose to delay the certification of the count. New topic, the former president has repeated one argument a lot lately, and i want you to watch this. So this is going on for a long time, the same stuff. Why didnt they do it two and a half years ago . Why, if they were going to do, it why did they do it two and a half years ago, before the election . They waited till the election. Well, for facts sake, it takes time to investigate and gather evidence, especially when trump and his allies werent aggressively to delay and obstruct the whole thing. Plus, and this is really important, lets look at the timeline. Donald trump declared he was running after, i repeat, after the investigations began. Luke, what i just did was mid busted, walk to how donald trump is staring out into the audience and lying. Do they actually care about actual facts . Or at this point does his base, just like they drank from the Misinformation Rosen and sent him a donation . I thought it was interesting because he was making the argument a lot of americans were saying right after january six, why dont they charge him right now . We saw what he did. But the truth is, a federal Criminal Case takes a long time to build. And the department had to go through so many defendants first. Youve got to remember, they charged 1000 rioters as they were building the case that started investigating into the political realm. Now you are seeing, and then you saw the oath keepers prosecuted, then you saw the proud boys prosecuted. So its not like the Justice Department has been sitting on their hands here. And it didnt take a long time to build this case. Theres hundreds of people involved in this. Youve got fake electors across seven states. Youve got dozens and dozens of people involved. And so it wasnt the easiest thing in the world to do. But now the charges are there. And it still is quite a while from the election. Its not like the election is next month or something. Weve got some time, 18 months or so, before the election. So, you know, i would respectfully say that he is oversimplifying things there. Lets stay on the fact check. Because tom also is falsely claiming here that his First Amendment rights are being infringed upon. But can you explain, remind our audience, he is not being charged with anything about speech. He is being charged for his conduct. What he did, not what he said. Hes charged with committing three conspiracies its two people entering into an agreement to commit a crime and then taking enough act in the furtherance of the crime. Its not to people talking about something. Its about an agreement and actions in furtherance of criminal conduct. Peter, the election in the indictment said charges several people close to trump including former white house lawyer pat cipollone. Do you think theyre gonna testify . I dont think theyre gonna have much choice. In if they already testified before the grand jury, im not a lawyer but i have to admit, theyve already testified for the grand jury is not gonna be much of a case to avoid testifying in front of a trial. Mike pence is already has already indicated that though he doesnt and i think youre gonna have to reissue these coconspirators, the six unnamed coconspirators, i think we know most of them, through the circumstances are they going to be charged with gonna be witnesses . Are they going to cooperate or not . Weve taught in this program before about mark meadows the former Chief Of Staff, so i think thats an open question who testifies and who doesnt. I think its gonna be hard to avoid testifying most of these instances. Look, donald trump attacks mike pence regularly. Once we start hearing about more witnesses, do you see him putting something together, like nixons enemy list on social media . I wouldnt put anything past donald trump. He attacked mike pence already on social media. Mike pence is a witness in the case against him. The judge told donald trump in court not to intimidate and not to interfere with witnesses i think hes getting a lot of leeway right now. Used to cover federal courts and state courts and city courts. If defendants mess with witnesses they often were arrested, and so i think hes got to be very carefully if he continues to attempt to mess with witnesses, even if its on social media. Its not dosing after mike pence, i saw him on social media go after pences former steve Chief Of Staff donald short. And donald trump loves his belittling nicknames. Now calling him mark long. My question is, what kind of sick burn is that . I would guess marc short would rather have the name mark long. Peter baker, luke broadwater, kristy greenberg, thank you for being here. Coming, up the perks of being in power. The new reporting on luxurious gifts billionaires gave Supreme Court Justice Clarence thomas, and it turns out harlan crow was just the tip of the iceberg. And later, iowa is swarming the u. S. Has sworn in the u. S. Hopefuls, but with a shiny oceanfront manner. 11th hour getting underway on a very important thursday night. 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Tonight we are learning a whole lot more, about all the benefits Supreme Court Justice Clarence thomas has received from multiple billionaires. Propublicas extraordinary new reporting riddled of a laundry list of alter luxury vacations, private jet, Sports Tickets, and resort visits that thomas himself has enjoyed without disclosing. Them the stories based off information for more than 100 eyewitnesses, flight data and other records. Nbc news has reached out to Justice Thomas for comment this morning but has not heard back. In the past, he is said he was advised that such gifts didnt need to be disclosed. I like to know who gave him set advice. Show me now propublica reporter brett murphy one of the journalist who uncovered this information who the hell are your sources, this reporting is bananas, you do not have to answer that. But again bananas. Let me digress. Everything that you looked at, is extraordinary. It is so unethical, so terrible. However, it appears that none of it is illegal. Well, i actually think it might be according to the experts we talk to about this. There is a law on the books, the ethics and Government Act that was passed after watergate, it says that Government Employees including Supreme Court justices, have to disclose when they receive most gifts. There are some exceptions. Things like, private plane rides, yacht cruises expensive Sports Tickets if they dont what is the punishment . Well, there hasnt been a ton of president for that. Were finding out right now that the Enforcement Mechanism around this law is a little squishy. There have been people calling for someone to actually open an investigation, the judicial conference, the side of the judiciary has the power to refer it, people have asked them to refer it to the a. G. Those things havent really materialized much yet. There is a law on the books. There is something there. Tell us what were some of the most egregious things he did, he received . I would say the 7 37, Wayne Huizenga billionaire passed away in 2018, behind blockbuster, Waste Management empire builder, he had a fleet of aircraft, private hangar outside of Fort Lauderdale airport, at least twice, we heard, he would send one of his 737s, he had to, to pick up Justice Thomas and deliver him to florida. We aint talking about a puddle jumper, here as 737ng. Of Justin Thomas in the plane, according to the Flight Attendant whos on board. It was just the two of them talking on the trip to florida. We have seen democrat speak out saying they want an investigation but the end of the day, do you see any actual will, to change the rules . We talk about congressional stock trading, are we gonna change the rules, ive yet to see anyone bring anything to a vote. Do you see something that could go to the floor of congress to change the ethnic rules, the way the Supreme Court can behave . They did put legislative on the books, they are not positive its gonna go very, far the filibuster. Theres been a lot of talk about Ethics Reform broadly. This idea of a code of conduct. A lot of folks want to leave it up to the justices and themselves, up to the judiciary to write their own call to convict. There is one that exists already, it doesnt apply to them apprized to lower courts. They say that they hear to it, and they are bound but it, and they recognize it. But in practice as we found through our reporting, they havent really been following it. At least Justice Thomas anyway. Hes not even responding to you guys. Do you believe that is hes saying, yap let it look bad, all use my people to call you fake media and im gonna keep on trucking and, because technically, he can do it . We dont know why he hasnt chosen to engage, thats his prerogative, were gonna keep going to him for comment, and any other justice we will report on, we will go to them for comment first, we want to know everyones perspective, its important to us in the reporting. He did give us a statement one, my colleagues have reported on his relationship with harlan crow a couple weeks after the reporting, he came up with a Statement Saying as you were mentioning earlier, he was told that he didnt have to disclose this, wed love to know who told him that just like you would love to know as well. Since then we havent heard very much. These billionaires were, not his lifelong friends, he did not know them until he was appointed Supreme Court justice cracked . I think thats a really important point. Yes that is right. By all appearances these people came into his life after hes appointed, and thats when the stream of gifts really began. Are there any direct or dotted lines, into any of their businesses, any Business Interest they had, and cases that were brought before the Supreme Court . I could look at this and say, holy cow, how much does it take in gas miles to flies 737s, that seems like a totally over the top gift. But maybe, if you are that billionaire in for lauderdale that is pennies compared to what kind of cases could go before that court, they could be financial windfalls for these guys. . We talked to some jen companies to get an estimate on that, it was 130,000 for the round trip, including jet fuel. Which is nothing include if you think of loopholes in the law that could hook these people up . Its a fair point i think. We did our best to try to put a number on all of this. It was probably well into the millions the values of everythings hes received. My oh my. Truly extraordinary reporting you deserve all the roads. But not all the gifts as they get in trouble. Brett murphy thank you so much there is more big news i want to share in the world of big money and power loopholes. For years theres been a loophole that allows superrich people to buy luxury homes, anonymously. While lawmakers and advocates have been pushing to fix this for years, saying this pretty much lets criminals and corrupt oligarchs hide what they dont. Well treasury secretary janet yellen between 2015 and 2020, people laundered more than Two Billion Dollars that we know of, through the United States using this very trick. That is why according to reuters, the government will finally propose a rule to close this loophole. Potentially as soon as this month. When and if it happens, you will hear about it right here. Coming up, republicans hit the Campaign Trail in iowa. Trying to win over voters, the culture wars. Is It Backfiring . And how democrats may be trying to capitalize on it . When the 11th hour continues. 11th hour continues or even trouble with recall. 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Republican president ial hopefuls have officially descended on iowa for the state fair, and they are hungry for the chance to trump for his lead on the state. But the window of opportunity is getting smaller by the minute. Former new York Democratic Congressman Matt Rhodes and stuart stevens, and george w. Bush president campaigns, hes now at the lincoln project. His new book, the conspiracy to end america, five ways my old party is driving our democracy to autocracy. It comes out this fall. Normally i would give my guest on set the home court advantage, but stuart, im putting you in the hot seat because you are actually a republican strategist. Is it now or never for these candidates to stand out against trump . He won in iowa handily, twice. I like seeing these pieces of the iowa state fair. I felt like i spent half my life there. Its not a bad place to spend. Time had a lot of pork chops on his stick there. To win in politics you have to win. You cant just keep coming in second or third. Thats just repeat that. Really important distinction. To win in politics, you have to win. Stuart stevens. You sit in these rooms, lets say, continue to be head to win if you sit in these rooms and where you going to win . Its a very small world. You can win the Iowa Caucuses with 35,000 votes, 32,000 votes. You can win New Hampshire with 55,000. You can win the democratic primary, a lot of independents can vote, so what youre saying is, basically you can win the first two major contests for less votes than it takes to get elected to a congressional seat. So it puts a lot of value on retail politics, and ron desantis is good at that, but ultimately i dont understand what the logic of these candidates are to beat trump, except for christie and isa hutchinson. Theyre running as an alternative to donald trump. I dont know what these others are saying that is different than what you get with donald trump, that you dont get with bigger flavor and color than with trump. Max weve all watched ron desantis on the Campaign Trail over the last two weeks, and its tough to watch. Yet hes putting all of his chips in the iowa basket, doing this hyper local bus tour, visiting all 99 counties. Is he taking a big risk here . Because he is saying, love me locally, here is who i am. If it doesnt work here . The charisma is over powering. The thing about him, over and over again over this past month he said im rebooting my campaign, im firing this Campaign Official and so on and so forth, but he cant reboot his personality. And when youre in his safe space in florida, with tens of millions of people, thats one thing. Theyve cuckoo themselves from any journalists that might ask even the slightest of tough questions. But iowa, New Hampshire, you cant hide, and hes not up to the task what. Ron desantis said from the beginning is, im not find a space to the right of donald trump where i can be so culturally harsh that people wont understand or identify the fact that i have no social capabilities whatsoever. Turns out that political space does not exist, and his poll numbers are falling so fast i dont even think hes going to get to the iowa caucus. Wow. Okay, i want to turn to something that happened on fox news today, when washington correspondent Julian Turner called out republican congressman nick langworthy. Watch this. There has not been produced a smoking gun. Clear cut undeniable proof of the president s involvement with his sons foreign business deals. What do you say to that . We have never claim that we have direct money going to the president. That is precisely the claim that the chairman of your committee, james comer, and also jim jordan, have made many times on public record. Well there you have it. Stuart, we always say it on this show. The truth matters, but only if you hear it. And Julian Turner, right there on fox news, delivered the cold hard truth. Are any republicans listening . Well, look, i think this whole idea that youre going to base a whole campaign on Hunter Bidens laptop, electing the president s dates because of Hunter Bidens laptop. Think of how absurd that is, how little has to do with anybodys life. The problem here is that republicans dont have any policy. Theres really no conservative governing from philosophy on america that they can articulate. You ask Elizabeth Warren how to govern in, and say what you will about it she has a theory thats consistent. You may hate it, you may love, it but you cant argue with. That republicans have just collapsed on that and really what are the ideas . This is what happened in 20 and 22. What are you getting now . Why do you want to be president . Why do they want to lead the country . To investigate Hunter Bidens laptop . I mean, its just sort of a basic absurdity that doesnt resonate with average people that are going about their lives trying to have somebody that helps them live a better life. Some Republican Voters are getting sick and tired of the 24 7 culture war. I almost said nonsense, but culture war prerogative, ill say, from republicans, and now democrats, who have been avoiding culture wars before. The starting to lean into. It i want to show at minnesota governor tim walsh said to iowa voters earlier. Youre not going to find us debating the values of slavery. Youre not going to hear those types of conversations. Youre not gonna hear us talking about reducing personal freedoms. Were not interested in banning books. Were interested in banishing hunger from our schools. Thats whats coming out of the administration. Do you think that messaging is going to work, max . Absolutely. You know whats also gonna work . This president s economic record. And if they actually talk about that, which, for once, democrats actually are and the president s. The president and his cabinet are traveling the country Talking Bidenomics and they have the data to support what theyre doing. What im also enjoying is the fact that they are showing the discipline to repeat themselves, something that my party has not always been extraordinarily good at. D for distraction. Over and over again inflation going down, the middle class expanding rapidly, jobs coming home, outcompeting china. And the more that message is combined with a strong bread and butter economic message, i think the democrats need to take this election home and many more to come. All right, max throws, stuart stevens, thank you both so much. Coming up, i dont want you to miss the next segment. This woman story fueled the Antivaccine Movement. Do not shes doing now . Changing her tune. We sit down with reporter who got an exclusive interview with the socalled flu shots cheerleader, when the 11th hour continues. Hou continues. So you can improve your business however you see fit. Rosie used part of her refund to build an outdoor patio. Clink dr. Marshall used part of his refund to give his practice a facelift. Emily used part of her refund to buy. I run a wax museum. Let Innovation Refunds help you get started on your erc tax refund. Stop waiting. Go to innovationrefunds. Com you really got the brows. When i was diagnosed with hiv, i didnt know who i would be. But here i am. Being me. Keep being you. And ask your Healthcare Provider about the number one prescribed hiv treatment, biktarvy. Biktarvy is a complete, onepill, onceaday treatment used for hiv in many people whether youre 18 or 80. With one small pill, biktarvy fights hiv to help you get to undetectable and stay there whether youre just starting or replacing your current treatment. 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Learn how abbvie could help you save on botox®. Sit back take a breath, turn up the volume. You might not know this name, Desiree Jennings but you why remember the flu shoT Cheerleader. That was the title given to jennings by americans anti vax movement. After the Young Healthy cheerleader, was left to pill tainted. Supposedly, by a flu vaccine. Now an exclusive interview with nbc Brandy Zadrozny is she speaking out about the viral video that almost destroyed her life. Watch this. Covid19 wasnt on anybodys mind in 2009, but the country was in the grips of a different pandemic. We have an update tonight on the swine flu virus. Swine flu. So im. Flu death while Health Officials in crew to the public to get at each one and one virus a group of activists led by an actress, for his lead to do the office. Without a died in my Mind Vaccinations triggered my sons autism. I think they need to wake up and stop hurting our kids. Those false about vaccines have been debunked but desiree was making the rounds. A pretty T Cheerleader an ambassador for an nfl team, strangely disabled by a vaccine was ratings gold. And Jenny Mccarthys organization, generation rescue, wanted to use it to bring attention to their cause. A crusade spreading the disproven theories that vaccines caused autism. And unconventional treatments could cure it. I was young, i was 25 and i needed help, and i had these people come to me and say what we will give you that help, but here is the cost. You have to believe but we believe. My dear friend brandy, and one of the most extraordinary reporters here at nbc joins me now, take us back to the beginning. How did this happen . 2009, we were in the midst of a pandemic, it wasnt covid, it was swine flu. People were really nervous about this vaccine, for reasons that you might recall, or sound familiar to you. They thought it was rushed, they thought it hadnt gone through enough testing. They were just unsure of it. About 50 of the country were like we would not want a vaccine. In drops this story, of a girl who got a flu vaccine, and had this crazy depilatory illness, the symptoms just went wild. It was an audience ready to take the story and feel it in their bones, this is what i was talking about c . It just went crazy. Aided in part by a media hungry for a white woman in distress. And hungry for news about the vaccine content. She believed, at the time, she believed it was the vaccine so she was willing to have this narrative out there. She had all these weird symptoms, she was shortness of breath, shaking, she went to several hospitals, three different hospitals and so many weeks. They couldnt figure out what it was. They said it was cycle janet, said its all in her head. She went home and she talked to a friend of hers and said its the flu shot . That friend happened to be a columnist for the local paper, then the local news read the column and said what a story. Three local News Stations around the d. C. Area picked it up. Next day, gianna mccarthys group had seen a news and there was an army of people who said you are not crazy, this is not in your mind you are a victim. But something changed, she then at some point said no, and she turned against this news. How did that happen . It started to happen before she was outed as a fake or. She was going through these crazy treatments with this guy, doctor who died, he died in may hes a conspiracy theorist, he was giving are these crazy treatments. During these treatments she said i am not healed. And they said you are healed congratulations. The Antivaccine Movement as one. Again and she said no i am not better. She continued to see doctors, and then they came out and branded her a fake or. A figure how . Saying she was never sick . They stop there for a couple weeks outside her home, had hidden cameras, and they taped her playing with her dogs outside. They taped her in a parking lot walking fine. And said well you seem to be fine. Humans are interesting creatures, she felt better that day for whatever that reason. She looked like she was fine. The point was that inside edition made money off of her, it was a huge story for them. Propelling her to the National Spotlight saying look at this poor woman in the flu shot is to blame. Then again they came out and said actually, she is lying the whole time. What did it turn out to be . Fast forward this whole being the face of the anti vax movement, im guessing on some level its seriously damaged her life . After she was dropped by generation rescue, they wiped out from the website, like she never existed, the Documentary Footage we got was left with desiree to do what she would. She didnt work until about 2016, we saw her vast medical records, youve been seeking care. Long story short, she turned towards science, she got a degree from u c irvine, in chemistry molecular biology. She has an interest in a vaccine after she studied that and studying her own body and going to lots of doctors. She figured she has an auto immune disease. So common today. She has her symptoms and check, she has the scientific degree, and because of the whole thing around covid, and because of the stories like hers around covid, she felt like this was the time verdun come forward and say it actually wasnt the vaccine, and these people who use me to propel their movement were wrong. Taking her life back. Extraordinary. Amazing reporting as always, thank you. Oh my gosh the story when we come back you know we like to say on the show if you need help ask for it. But if you can give help, please give it. Tonight you know who needs it most, the people of maui. How you can help those devastated by the wildfires when 11th hour continues. 1th hour continues and we could see exactly when theyd arrive with a replacement we could trust. Thats service the way we want it. Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. You didnt live this strong, this long to get put on the shelf like a porcelain doll. If you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and are at high risk for fracture, you can build new bone with evenity®. Ask your doctor if you can do more than just slowing down bone loss with evenity®. Want stronger bones . Then build new bone; evenity® can help in just 12 months. Evenity® is proven to reduce Spine Fracture Risk by 73 . Evenity® can increase risk of heart attack, stroke, or death from a cardiovascular problem. Do not take evenity® if you have low blood calcium, or are allergic to it. Serious allergic reactions and low blood calcium have occurred. Tell your doctor about jaw bone problems, as they have been reported with evenity®. 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After thousands were forced to abandon their homes to escape the deadly wildfires. At least 53 people have lost their lives. Our own dana griffin spoke with some survivors from the Historic Town of lahaina earlier today. As daylight exposes the scarred skeleton of a prosperous tourist town all gone, man. The people who thrive off the land are gutted. Its like an apparent apocalypse. Reporter messenger iv has the burns to show he barely escaped. There is disaster ive ever seen. The whole island burned to a crisp. Reporter a paradise turned overnight into an inferno, residents forced to flee in terror. We thought we were okay, but then the wind came, the gas stations blew up. Everything caught fire, and then we just had to evacuate. Reporter some jumped into action, warning others of the rushing flames. The fires on front street, its time to go. Weve been pulling people out since last night. Trying to save peoples lives. And i feel like were not getting the help we need. Reporter downsized evacuated. This was a. Houma reporter was no guarantee theyll have anything to go back to. Pretty much everybody i know lost everything we have. Reporter many left with only their harrowing tales of survival. We just barely got out. They were ashes, embers, everything flying through the air. Please care about this. I know a lot of us here about a place like maui, we think of luxury homes and beaches and surfing and celebrities. But as you saw right there, these are local residents. Ordinary, hardworking americans, who have now lost absolutely everything. If you are in a position that you think you could potentially help, please consider donating to the maui strong fund, set up to assist the evolving needs of people there including shelter, food and basic financial assistance. Or you can please visit high Hawaii Community foundation dot org, slash maui dash strong. The people there are suffering. I know it might be on the other side of the ocean, but we need to care. So if we can help, please, please do so. 53 people already have lost their lives. Countless more have lost all of their possessions. On that note, we take a deep breath. We see a prayer for those people. And i am wishing you a very good night. From all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late with me. Ill see you with the end of tomorrow. End of tomorrow we have new developments in the multiple criminal trials into former president donald trump. Today mr. Trumps alleged coconspirators in the maralago case, that would be walter nauta and carelessly oliveira, they appeared in a florida courtroom to address the new charges brought against them by Special Counsel jack smith. Trumps lawyers were also there representing his interests in this case. The new defendant here, trumps property man,

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