Transcripts For MSNBCW Katy 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW Katy 20240704

they just think the government's ask is too broad. both parties have until 3:00 p.m. today, right now, to agree on a date this week to show up in d.c. for a hearing on the order and while jack smith gave tomorrow, thursday, and friday, donald trump's team is asking for another extension. this time in the next week. the judge has said she wanted the matter settled before this weekend. so how does she respond on the day? how does she respond to the arguments as well? both for and against the order? and what does she do if donald trump refuses to comply with her order? her ultimate order. jail time is normally an option for contempt of court. could that really be on the table? if not, what else could be done to keep an antagonistic defendant in line? we have news on the grand jury that indicted trump next week. they've met again today. what does bernie carrick have to do with it? he just met with the special counsel's team. what was he asked? joining me now is nbc news justice and intelligence correspondent, ken dilanian and in new hampshire, where donald trump is campaigning, nbc news correspondent, vaughn hillyard. let's start with ken and this back and forth between donald trump's team and the special counsel's team. this judge already denied an extension for donald trump this week. is she likely to say okay to a hearing next week? >> she's in a difficult spot because this is how delays are made. defense counsel has other cases. in this case, they have another case in florida involving the same defendant with scheduling conflicts. the special counsel's position is hey, this is our only case. we'll be there whenever you want us there. judges have to some extent respect the schedules of defense counsel and in this case, the trump folks are just pushing and pushing and pushing for the delays. she has shown a desire in moving this along but it was interesting she decided to have this hearing in the first place because in last night's filing, the special counsel urged her to just grant their order. they said look, there's nothing really to argue about here. the law is on our side. you can do this without oral arguments but she decided not to do that so now we're in for what looks like another delay. >> the special counsel say he can't be trusted, he could use this information to intimidate. his team came back with their response yesterday. can you tell me what they were arguing and why it wasn't against a protective order entirely. >> they can't be against a protective order. it's a standard thing in every criminal case because the government's going to give them very sensitive information in discovery. whether it's seizing people's phones or interviewing confidential witnesses, but what trump's team is saying is that some of that stuff should be fair game for them to talk about and disclose in the media. the special counsel is saying absolutely not. that's not what it's for. they said even the full ginsburg round robin that john lauro did over the weekend on the sunday shows, even that was pushing the bounds of the d.c. local rule that says that lawyers from either side really aren't supposed to talk about the evidence in a case that's pending because it could taint the jury pool. and what special counsel is saying what trump wants to do is try this case in the media and they fear he wants to use this evidence to do that and they want that to be not aloud. whatever happens with this protective order, the next fight along these lines is going to be how much longer will a judge tolerate trump attacking prosecutors, the judge herself, witnesses. willy-nilly on social media. >> we're going to ask chuck rosenberg about the contingencies in a moment. ken, i want to ask you about what else is happening in d.c. today. the grand jury that handed donald trump the indictment last week met again today. what could they be talking about now? >> it's anybody's guess. they're still investigating this election suppression issue and potential obstruction of justice and other things. and they're allowed to do that. as long as they are in pursuit of another case. they can't keep investigating the case that's been indicted. so what that tells you is that there are still people liable to be criminally charged in these related matters. >> that's really interesting. all right, vaughn, so donald trump is on the trail talking about trying his case in the court of public opinion. has he been talking about it? saying anything to voters? >> yeah, just in about the last five minutes as ken was speaking there, he was, made a direct mention alluding to what could very well come over the next ten days. we are looking at a window by next week's end which the district attorney has laid out that she would announce charges either against donald trump or a litany of his allies. from the stage here in new jersey, he just said if i'm indicted for a fourth time, this election is over. the election being over though, it's that he has won the election. as you said, the court of public opinion is the one area that donald trump has. it's going to be up to his legal counsel and each of these cases to go and represent him before a jury that will determine whether he is guilty or not. but here in the stanl, he is making the case to that in his words, this is turning into a third world country. there's a family on the other side of the family that is operating with the intent to undermine donald trump's political influence. and that is the case that we should expect him to continue to make around this country and frankly, the department of justice, they're not in the business of going and making their case out in the media. donald trump has long taken his case to the press and the people. this is the first time where it's actually been of criminal proceedings and for donald trump, the place where he feels like he has control is on stages like this across america. >> there have been other first world countries that have been criminally investigating leaders or potential leaders as they've been campaigning. let's talk about benjamin netanyahu. it's happened in italy. all over the world. france as well. thank you very much. joining me now is former u.s. attorney and senior fbi official, msnbc contributor, chuck rosenberg. the smartest guy i know. thanks for being here. let's talk about the delays. should we expect every time the judge asks donald trump's team to respond to something or show up for something that they're going to ask for a delay? is that going to be part of the strategy? >> seems like it's part of the strategy, katy. delay to the benefit of defendants normally and politically, it also emerges to mr. trump's benefit. if he can get this trial or trials moved until after the election and certainly if he can regain the presidency as a way to help him significantly. so yes, i think we could expect to see lots of things that are normally not disputed, disputed in these cases. >> on the issue of a protective order, donald trump's team is saying the tweet used on friday, if you go after me, i'm coming after you, was in regards to something else. it wasn't about these cases. it was about a special interest group going after him. they're arguing that a special counsel can't even use something not even about this case to try and argue that he's going to do something he shouldn't be doing with this material. that frankly they should be allowed to make their case in the court of public opinion. how do you expect a d.c. judge is going to take that argument? >> this is hard because what mr. trump posted was just vague enough to give him that argument. when we spoke to juries as federal prosecutors, we always told them at the end of the day, use your common sense. what does your common sense tell you? because you, the jury, have to decide this case. we can't decide it for you. what does your common sense tell you about what he was doing and who it was aimed at? of course it was aimed at the prosecutors. that said, this is tricky territory for a judge because every time he does something like this and there will be more, she has to try and crawl inside his mind, an uncomfortable place to be and try to figure out an appropriate response. there's really not playbook for this. it's a tough one. >> it is. and donald trump is not something that has shown in the past that he's willing to abide by the normal process. so even if she does issue a protective order and maybe that doesn't mean that he's going to abide by it. if he steps out of line, how likely is it that the judge is going to punish him for that and what are really, what are her options with somebody like donald trump who has the microphone he has and is currently running for president with millions of people who believe that the criminal justice system is stacked against him? >> right. so she does have options if he fails to abide her orders. whether it's a protective order or some other order. she has options. so does the government by the way. let me take the government's options. if mr. trump is harassing or threatening witnesses, that's a separate federal crime. you saw that the government didn't hesitate to supersede its indictment in the southern district of florida and add an obstruction charge. that could happen here, too. what are the judge's options? well, there is, there are two types of contempt, civil contempt, criminal contempt. civil contempt is designed to force someone to comply with an order. it might be a fine that doubles every day until you come into compliance. criminal contempt would permit someone to be put in prison after they're convicted of course for flouting a court order. so there are options. but again, this is hard because this man is running for president as a candidate. he has the right to speak including to his supporters. and to his detractors. and a judge has to try and define which things cross the line and which do not. >> regards to the grand jury meeting in d.c. right now, the special grand jury that we know is related to jack smith. as ken laid out, they can't be investigating something they've already indicted but could they be potentially adding more charges? could there be a superseding indictment for donald trump or are you looking at all of those unnamed coconspirators listed in the indictment of donald trump last week? >> so ken not surprisingly got the law right. if you're a special counsel and you charge me with committing crime a, you can keep your grand jury up and running and continue to investigate me for crimes b, c, d, e, and f. you're not permitted to continue to investigate me for the crime you charged me. crime a. so if that grand jury is up and running, it's because they have an a active investigation. does that mean conclusively that anyone else would be charged? no. does it mean they can bring additional charges including against those who have been listed an unindicted coconspirators. yes. the grand jury's not running an investigation for fun, because they're bored. they're doing it because they believe there are other federal crimes that have been committed and now they have to make a determination about whether or not to charge someone with that. >> just because i have you and i wasn't here last week and we have more information about the strategy from trump's team, what is your best guest on when this potentially goes to trial? >> well, so i'm biased because i come out of the eastern district of virginia which was known as the rocket docket where cases move dispatch. we are 14, 15 months from the november election. can a trial be held before then in that time span? absolutely. will it? harder question. you have other matters already set for trial. as ken mentioned, you have the same defense counsel in these cases. they can't be in two places at once and we see now that the strategy of the trump team seems to be delayed. not a shocking strategy. so can it happen? yes. it can, katy. i believe it can in the eastern district of virginia, i believe it would, but this judge has to set her own timetable and she has to keep the parties sort of in line and on schedule. that's not an easy thing to do. >> and also be fair to them given the time constraints that are out there. chuck, thank you. always good to have you. >> my pleasure. >> coming up next, changing the rules. what ohio republicans are trying to do to the state's constitution ahead of a big abortion vote. plus, another one. what more than 11,000 los angeles city workers are demanding as they walk off the job today. and what nationally backed conservative groups are doing in southern california to prevent lgbtq topics from being taught in public schools. we are back in 60 seconds. c sch. we are back in 60 seconds. businesses need 5g solutions today. that's why they choose t-mobile for business. mlb partners with t-mobile to not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. aaa relies on t-mobile's network to stay connected nationwide, so they can help get their members back on the road. and we're helping pano ai innovate, to stop the spread of wildfires. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. shingles. the rash can feel like an intense burning sensation and last for weeks. it can make your workday feel impossible. the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside of you. 50 years or older? ask your doctor about shingles. my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. ohio republicans are looking to change the state's institution ahead of a big vote on abortion and special election held today, voters are being asked to change the threshold for amendments. right now, it is a simple majority voters. issue one as the measure is called is asking ohioans to raise that threshold to 60%. why that number and why now? joining me now from columbus, ohio is ali vitali. so, why that number? and why now? >> reporter: it's a great question. i think the timing is the thing that's the most important in the conversations i've been having with people on both sides of issue one. it seems to be a clear and direct reminder that there is going to be come november an attempt to enshrine abortion protections into the ohio constitution. now republicans are coming back around after having gotten rid of august special elections, putting this one on the ballot to try and raise the threshold of what it takes to raise the question. those who say this is the right move, say it's an attempt to keep outside money outside of ohio politics, advocates of abortion and other freedoms say this is an attempt to roll back what voters votes count as in the middle of the game. what's so important is the way republicans are sort of saying the quiet part out loud including the secretary of state saying this is in his words, quote, 100% about abortion and keeping people from being able to enshrine those protections come november. that's going to potentially create some backlash and even republicans that i talked to on the ground are bracing for that, including this one republican legislature from here in ohio. watch. >> what's the lesson for your party if come tuesday night or wednesday morning the ballot initiative fails? >>. >> maybe we should spend more time thinking through things before taking this step. >> maybe less red meat from the base? more thoughtfulness? >> there is a way to provide the red meat and do things in a thoughtful way. i'm afraid this was rushed a little bit. because we had to make a certain deadline to be able to get it done. and i think it could have been gone a little more debate. i'm not sure if i would have voted to put it on the ballot if it wasn't in that rushed format. if it wasn't a special election. if it didn't seem pretty hypocritical based on what we had done a few months ago by eliminating august special elections. >> so you're hearing even from republicans there, calling this a move that's hypocritical. saying that it's rushed and i have to tell you, i haven't heard from many republicans here who are optimistic that this is going to work. you have to look at the turnout numbers alone. this is getting much more attention than other special elections have gotten in recent years here in ohio. nearly 700,000 people had voted as of yesterday's count. that's through vote by mail and early voting measures. that's a sizable difference from what we saw in last year's primary elections. it shows there's an energy here on the ground. we'll see in the results what that yields. >> we'll see what it does to sherrod brown's chances for re-election next fall. ali, thank you very much. coming up, from traffic cop to sanitation workers, what forced thousands of l.a. city workers to go on strike today? what is being denied los angeles residents because of it? first up though, breaking news. police issue arrest warrants for men in this massive montgomery, alabama river front brawl. we'll tell you who they want in the jailhouse and what happens next. ho they want in the jailhouse and what happens next my dad was a hard worker. he used to do side jobs installing windows, charging something like a hundred bucks a window when other guys were charging four to five-hundred bucks. he just didn't wanna do that. he was proud of the price he was charging. ♪♪ my dad instilled in me, always put the people before the money. be proud of offering a good product at a fair price. i think he'd be extremely proud of me, yeah. ♪♪ ♪ i gotta good feeling about this, yeah ♪ i think he'd be extremely p♪ i'm with it ♪h. ♪ i gotta good feeling about this ♪ ♪ yeah, ♪ ♪ so let's get it ♪ ♪ i'm feeling good vibes ♪ my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. at typical insurance, you're just another senior. that's the third health insurance commercial with seniors at a farmers market. right? don't get me wrong i love a fresh heirloom, but it's like those companies think we're all the same. that's why i chose humana. before i signed up, i spoke to someone who actually listened to what i needed. she told me about benefits that were right for me, like vision and dental... all in my budget. i finally feel in control. what are you doing? taking control. humana. a more human way to healthcare. the big brawl on the waterfront in alabama. it started when the owners of a boat refused to move. police say workers at the ferry untied the boat to move it forward and in response, the private boaters began throwing punches. led to this giant brawl. last hour, montgomery police held a news conference and announced arrest warrants. joining me now is sam brock. so, sam, who are they looking for? who do they want to turn themselves in? >> sure. it should be noted that they said this was a very swift legal action in the sense police did not have all these videos to work with at the time. they've since come in. but now they have three people facing assault charges. one we're told is already behind bars. the other two are expected to turn themselves in at some point today, probably soon. those are misdemeanor charges. all three of those men are between the ages of 23 and 48 years old and white. the racial component of this matter has been so closely examined. the other aspect of this is as of right now, montgomery police say they are not looking to file hate crime charges. that it doesn't meet the threshold right now for the fbi standard, but they are consulting with the fbi. we know there's a back story to all of this that apparently, the cocaptain, the man being punched, black, damian picket, tried for about 45 minutes over the pa system to reach the owners of the boat, who are white. he is unsuccessful. he was taken to the dock by a 16-year-old. the two victims with picket and the 16-year-old who is white and other members of the boat then disembarked, trying to defend picket and it turns into this brawl. as far as why they're not raising the specter of hate crime charges, here's what the police chief said. >> we did examine if it was enough to file hate crimes charges on this case and again, we rely heavily on advice from the fbi. we've also looked at what it takes to elevate this to a riot, incite a riot. we've worked with our local district attorney and didn't fit the criteria for that. the charges we have pending at this time are appropriate charges. >> i did speak with the naacp local chapter president a few moments ago. he said they want to see the rest of these videos come in. they don't want to draw conclusions until police have finished their work and they said sometimes a fight is simply a fight. but according to the department of justice, i checked also moments ago, as far as the number of hate crimes in the state of alabama in 2021, it's the most recent figure, 137 hate crimes reported. the year prior, it was 22. year before that, it was zero. so there has been an escalation for whatever reason of hate crime charges reported in the state of alabama, but at least at this moment right now, it does not appear those are forthcoming. i should add 13 people were detained and questioned and they've all been released. three are presumably going to be back in police custody but there's a good chance the number of those facing charges is goeng to grow. thousands of los angeles city employees are on strike today. right now. local 721 which represents over 11,000 city employees say they are protesting unfair working conditions. the strike will last 24 hours. it will halt trash pick ups, close public swimming pools and animal shelters and temporarily suspend parking enforcement. joining me now from los angeles is erin mcloughlin. what's going on? >> reporter: hey, katy. this protest outside of l.a. city council hall is well underway and a number of grievances being talked about on how members of that union, the largest union in los angeles. 11,000 strong. joining me now to talk about this strike is raymond. the deputy chief of staff for the union. raymond, this is the first time that your union has been on strike in more than 40 years. why now and what do you hope to accomplish? >> yeah, the last time it was on strike i wasn't even born yet. los angeles is hosting the world cup. the olympics. in a few years. there's a homelessness crisis of national importance in this city and 40% in some city departments. some of those positions are vacant. over 40%. we're trying to address the short staffing in the city of los angeles specifically. the issues of recruitment and retention of city employees. >> reporter: this has been described as the summer of discontent here in los angeles. hotel workers are striking. actors are striking. writers are striking. more than 300,000 workers nationwide have been on strike. collectively, are you guys trying to send a message? >> well, labor unions are more popular than they have ever been before. i think one of the reasons is because of the pandemic. our members out here today were disaster service workers. they were people at parks and other locations checking in people to get tested. checking in people to make sure they got the vaccine. these were essential workers and they come back and can't even address recruitment and retention? that's why they're out here. so i think these other industries that are on strike, it's the same thing. they were all essential workers during the pandemic and now they're just demanding their fair share. >> reporter: thank you so much. the mayor of los angeles has put out a statement saying she is negotiating in good faith and trying to impact the, mitigate rather, the impact of this strike. >> staying in california, there's a battle across the state over what can be taught in schools. it's a lot like what we've seen in florida. and while it may seem like an organic effort from local parents, nbc news has found there's a national organization juicing the fight. joining me now is nbc news correspondent, mara bart. >> there's a lot of anger swirling around parents and school board members but a lot of that is stemming from fear and confusion. my producer and i dug into how these national conservative networks are influencing local school boards one district at a time. it's becoming a familiar scene in southern california. chaos erupting at school board meetings like this across the region. >> they're molesting our kids' minds. >> angry parents showing up to protest what they call gender ideology showing up in schools. protesting curriculum dealing with race and the lgbtq community. this one in response to a new policy that would require teachers to report to parents if their child wants to identify as nonbinary or transgender. >> wed like to see them get the pornography out of the schools. all the books, the curriculum. >> violence has broken out at three separate protests in and around los angeles with proud boys has labeled as a hate group of their affiliates appearing outside at least three meetings. this may look look a grass roots movement but there's a national network fuelling the fire. the proof is in the school boards. in the suburbs, the boards have come to be dominated by conservatives who have vowed to advocate for parental rights. in temecula, the new school board draft the school book in reference to gay icon, harvey milk. the board calling him a pedophile referring to reports that he engaged in a relationship with a teenager. the decision was reversed after the governor got involved. and in glendale, violence led to three arrests at a recent school board meeting over whether to designate the month of june as pride month. sonya shaw is the newly elected school board president in chino unified school district. >> this is a rage against family units. >> shaw also signed an online page for moms for libber the i. since then, she's introduced a newly passed policy around gender identity and one banning any nongovernment flags in the classroom, like pride or black lives matter flags. >> these policies come off as anti lgbtq. what would you say to that? >> it's absolutely incorrect. they're going to debunk anything we're going to fight against sacramento. that is a war on our children. >> they hold trainings for parents and urge groups of activists to show up at school board meetings across the country. >> i think there's a national effort to capitalize on fear and use that against parents. >> christie hurst is a mom of three students in the chino school district and founder of -- which fights candidates she believes are too extreme. >> they travel regionally and create chaos to get community members deterred from showing up. >> here in california, the state is trying to make it clear they're going to push back any efforts in schools where they see these efforts. the attorney general here actually just launched a civil rights investigation claiming there could be enfringements on students' privacy rights. but the parents concern is that if these groups reach success like we're seeing in these school boards and the reaction to them on these specific anti lgbtq issues, that they could just take whatever issue on next and focus on it and that way, they have this playbook they can refer back to. especially as we're leading up to this 2024 presidential election. >> really great reporting from you and your producer. appreciate it. coming up, a woman held captive in a cinder block cell escapes and leads police to an alleged serial rapist. how she got out. first up, what is president biden doing out west today? 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(vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. the kidnapped woman escaped a cinder block cell. she showed up to police bruised and bloody. the man has been linked to four other sexual assault cases in four separate states and now they're wondering if there are more victims out there. back with me with his exclusive reporting is ken dilanian. this is a wild story, ken. give us the details. >> the fbi says the 29-year-old arranged a sexual encounter with a woman in seattle then posed as a police officer and detained her. he then drove her hundreds of miles to his home in portland where he put her in his garage. he lived there by the way with his domestic partner and children. stephanie sharp from the fbi told me what happened next. >> so this woman at some point realized that this was not legitimate and that her life was in danger. she spent upwards of several hours beating down the cell, which you have photos of in the complaint which consisted of obviously the cinder block walls but also some dry wall and a metal gate with screen meshed over that. she just kept beating any piece of that cell that she could until she was able to break free and run for help across the street. >> and sharp said her courage may have saved many other women. >> and they're wondering if more women may be out there. how are they going about investigating that? >> they say as you said, he's now linked to at least three additional violent sexual assaults but they also said he lived in at least ten states from california to new york so they believe there are more victims out there. investigators say he targeted sex workers who may be reluctant to come forward. he went by aliases and they're asking anyone with information to call 1-800-call-fbi. nbc news reached out to his lawyer but didn't hear back. >> a lot of different r residens as we just showed. thank you very much. up next, a shark attack closing new york beaches. the details coming up. beaches the details coming up. t my old , was not letting me run the show. so, we switched to verizon business internet. they have business grade internet, nationwide. 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(vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. this summer, a ton of sharks have been spotted off the waters off the east coast. now, one has attacked a swimmer. multiple beaches in new york are closed after a shark bit a woman's leg last night. joining me now, anne thompson. >> this is scary when you think all you want to do was get out of the heat. she was swimming about 6:00 and she says when she was swimming, something attacked her leg. they think it's a shark bite. it happened at beach 59 at the rockaways. that is closed today to swimmers and surfers because even though officials say this is a really rare incident, no one is taking any chances. >> how is she doing? >> she is actually doing pretty well. stable but serious condition. from the photos you can see looks like the bite was in her left thigh. they expect her to recover but it's certainly frightening for that woman. >> let's watch your tape. >> okay. >> a beach goer is in serious but stable condition this morning after an apparent shark attack in the waters off new york city. the city's department of parks and recreation telling nbc news a woman was bitten monday evening and removed from the water by life guards who administered first aid to the 65-year-old before she was rushed to the hospital. the incident happening along rockaway beach in queens, a popular summer spot. >> the life guards were on duty so they weren't doing anything wrong. just trying to have a nice day. >> afterwards, a nypd using a drone to scan the ocean. monday's apparent attack, the latest in a busy summer of shark sightings and encounters along new york's coast. >> shark attack at kismet beach. rescue's been notified. >> including several around the fourth of july with two attacks occurring just miles apart. >> there's been a lot of shark attacks happening on the beaches. a lot of warnings. >> elsewhere along the east coast, swimmers have been alert and for good reason. in june, paddle borders getting a surprise visit from a hammer head lurking in the water while last month, a man was bitten in the leg in the gulf of mexico. >> they call it shark alley for a reason. >> and a 12-year-old girl suffered a bite to her leg while swimming off cocoa beach. >> really, really painful. >> those recent encounters and more giving beachgoers pause as they try to soak up the last weeks of summer safely. >> scared but to be bitten by a shark is another bitten by a shark is another thing. >> he said it. that sums it up. have we seen -- we've been talking about it a lot. i was just in cape cod. >> prime shark territory. >> are there more sharks now than in years past? >> sharks were overfished in the '80s. they've come back. certainly in cape cod, one of the things that makes the fishermen crazy there is seals are also protected species, and wherever the seals are sharks come because they eat seals. so that draws them there. it's the same thing here in the northeast. this is the time of year you would expect to see sharks in our waters because of the water temperature and also because this is where the fish that they eat come to spend the summer as well. so the sharks follow the fish. >> we talk about how this one woman getting bit is rare, but is it becoming more common for them to attack humans? >> a couple of things to keep in mind. first of all, we don't know -- these are suspected shark bite which is the first thing. the second thing is in new york waters alone there are 13 different species of sharks. this isn't all "jaws" to keep in mind. these sharks range in size from 4 feet long to 40 feet long. so you don't know. i think we pay more attention to it today than we have in the past. certainly it is something we're at tuned to in the media. i don't know of any evidence that suggests we're seeing a rash of shark bites. >> got it. anne thompson, thank you very much. >> you're welcome. >> the more you know. up next, what president biden is doing taking a victory lap or trying to out west. havi. -amazing -expensive. so, we switched to the bargain detergent, but we ended up using three times as much and the clothes still weren't as clean as with tide. so we're back with tide, and the clothes are clean again. do 3x the laundry and get a tide clean. it's got to be tide. wayfair has nice prices, so you can have nice things. um kelly? 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"deadline: white house" starts right now. it is 4:00 in new york. i'm alice yeah men mendez in for nicolle wallace. court filings between spouse jack smith and donald trump in the cal case involving trump's efforts to overthrow the 2020

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Katy 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW Katy 20240704

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they just think the government's ask is too broad. both parties have until 3:00 p.m. today, right now, to agree on a date this week to show up in d.c. for a hearing on the order and while jack smith gave tomorrow, thursday, and friday, donald trump's team is asking for another extension. this time in the next week. the judge has said she wanted the matter settled before this weekend. so how does she respond on the day? how does she respond to the arguments as well? both for and against the order? and what does she do if donald trump refuses to comply with her order? her ultimate order. jail time is normally an option for contempt of court. could that really be on the table? if not, what else could be done to keep an antagonistic defendant in line? we have news on the grand jury that indicted trump next week. they've met again today. what does bernie carrick have to do with it? he just met with the special counsel's team. what was he asked? joining me now is nbc news justice and intelligence correspondent, ken dilanian and in new hampshire, where donald trump is campaigning, nbc news correspondent, vaughn hillyard. let's start with ken and this back and forth between donald trump's team and the special counsel's team. this judge already denied an extension for donald trump this week. is she likely to say okay to a hearing next week? >> she's in a difficult spot because this is how delays are made. defense counsel has other cases. in this case, they have another case in florida involving the same defendant with scheduling conflicts. the special counsel's position is hey, this is our only case. we'll be there whenever you want us there. judges have to some extent respect the schedules of defense counsel and in this case, the trump folks are just pushing and pushing and pushing for the delays. she has shown a desire in moving this along but it was interesting she decided to have this hearing in the first place because in last night's filing, the special counsel urged her to just grant their order. they said look, there's nothing really to argue about here. the law is on our side. you can do this without oral arguments but she decided not to do that so now we're in for what looks like another delay. >> the special counsel say he can't be trusted, he could use this information to intimidate. his team came back with their response yesterday. can you tell me what they were arguing and why it wasn't against a protective order entirely. >> they can't be against a protective order. it's a standard thing in every criminal case because the government's going to give them very sensitive information in discovery. whether it's seizing people's phones or interviewing confidential witnesses, but what trump's team is saying is that some of that stuff should be fair game for them to talk about and disclose in the media. the special counsel is saying absolutely not. that's not what it's for. they said even the full ginsburg round robin that john lauro did over the weekend on the sunday shows, even that was pushing the bounds of the d.c. local rule that says that lawyers from either side really aren't supposed to talk about the evidence in a case that's pending because it could taint the jury pool. and what special counsel is saying what trump wants to do is try this case in the media and they fear he wants to use this evidence to do that and they want that to be not aloud. whatever happens with this protective order, the next fight along these lines is going to be how much longer will a judge tolerate trump attacking prosecutors, the judge herself, witnesses. willy-nilly on social media. >> we're going to ask chuck rosenberg about the contingencies in a moment. ken, i want to ask you about what else is happening in d.c. today. the grand jury that handed donald trump the indictment last week met again today. what could they be talking about now? >> it's anybody's guess. they're still investigating this election suppression issue and potential obstruction of justice and other things. and they're allowed to do that. as long as they are in pursuit of another case. they can't keep investigating the case that's been indicted. so what that tells you is that there are still people liable to be criminally charged in these related matters. >> that's really interesting. all right, vaughn, so donald trump is on the trail talking about trying his case in the court of public opinion. has he been talking about it? saying anything to voters? >> yeah, just in about the last five minutes as ken was speaking there, he was, made a direct mention alluding to what could very well come over the next ten days. we are looking at a window by next week's end which the district attorney has laid out that she would announce charges either against donald trump or a litany of his allies. from the stage here in new jersey, he just said if i'm indicted for a fourth time, this election is over. the election being over though, it's that he has won the election. as you said, the court of public opinion is the one area that donald trump has. it's going to be up to his legal counsel and each of these cases to go and represent him before a jury that will determine whether he is guilty or not. but here in the stanl, he is making the case to that in his words, this is turning into a third world country. there's a family on the other side of the family that is operating with the intent to undermine donald trump's political influence. and that is the case that we should expect him to continue to make around this country and frankly, the department of justice, they're not in the business of going and making their case out in the media. donald trump has long taken his case to the press and the people. this is the first time where it's actually been of criminal proceedings and for donald trump, the place where he feels like he has control is on stages like this across america. >> there have been other first world countries that have been criminally investigating leaders or potential leaders as they've been campaigning. let's talk about benjamin netanyahu. it's happened in italy. all over the world. france as well. thank you very much. joining me now is former u.s. attorney and senior fbi official, msnbc contributor, chuck rosenberg. the smartest guy i know. thanks for being here. let's talk about the delays. should we expect every time the judge asks donald trump's team to respond to something or show up for something that they're going to ask for a delay? is that going to be part of the strategy? >> seems like it's part of the strategy, katy. delay to the benefit of defendants normally and politically, it also emerges to mr. trump's benefit. if he can get this trial or trials moved until after the election and certainly if he can regain the presidency as a way to help him significantly. so yes, i think we could expect to see lots of things that are normally not disputed, disputed in these cases. >> on the issue of a protective order, donald trump's team is saying the tweet used on friday, if you go after me, i'm coming after you, was in regards to something else. it wasn't about these cases. it was about a special interest group going after him. they're arguing that a special counsel can't even use something not even about this case to try and argue that he's going to do something he shouldn't be doing with this material. that frankly they should be allowed to make their case in the court of public opinion. how do you expect a d.c. judge is going to take that argument? >> this is hard because what mr. trump posted was just vague enough to give him that argument. when we spoke to juries as federal prosecutors, we always told them at the end of the day, use your common sense. what does your common sense tell you? because you, the jury, have to decide this case. we can't decide it for you. what does your common sense tell you about what he was doing and who it was aimed at? of course it was aimed at the prosecutors. that said, this is tricky territory for a judge because every time he does something like this and there will be more, she has to try and crawl inside his mind, an uncomfortable place to be and try to figure out an appropriate response. there's really not playbook for this. it's a tough one. >> it is. and donald trump is not something that has shown in the past that he's willing to abide by the normal process. so even if she does issue a protective order and maybe that doesn't mean that he's going to abide by it. if he steps out of line, how likely is it that the judge is going to punish him for that and what are really, what are her options with somebody like donald trump who has the microphone he has and is currently running for president with millions of people who believe that the criminal justice system is stacked against him? >> right. so she does have options if he fails to abide her orders. whether it's a protective order or some other order. she has options. so does the government by the way. let me take the government's options. if mr. trump is harassing or threatening witnesses, that's a separate federal crime. you saw that the government didn't hesitate to supersede its indictment in the southern district of florida and add an obstruction charge. that could happen here, too. what are the judge's options? well, there is, there are two types of contempt, civil contempt, criminal contempt. civil contempt is designed to force someone to comply with an order. it might be a fine that doubles every day until you come into compliance. criminal contempt would permit someone to be put in prison after they're convicted of course for flouting a court order. so there are options. but again, this is hard because this man is running for president as a candidate. he has the right to speak including to his supporters. and to his detractors. and a judge has to try and define which things cross the line and which do not. >> regards to the grand jury meeting in d.c. right now, the special grand jury that we know is related to jack smith. as ken laid out, they can't be investigating something they've already indicted but could they be potentially adding more charges? could there be a superseding indictment for donald trump or are you looking at all of those unnamed coconspirators listed in the indictment of donald trump last week? >> so ken not surprisingly got the law right. if you're a special counsel and you charge me with committing crime a, you can keep your grand jury up and running and continue to investigate me for crimes b, c, d, e, and f. you're not permitted to continue to investigate me for the crime you charged me. crime a. so if that grand jury is up and running, it's because they have an a active investigation. does that mean conclusively that anyone else would be charged? no. does it mean they can bring additional charges including against those who have been listed an unindicted coconspirators. yes. the grand jury's not running an investigation for fun, because they're bored. they're doing it because they believe there are other federal crimes that have been committed and now they have to make a determination about whether or not to charge someone with that. >> just because i have you and i wasn't here last week and we have more information about the strategy from trump's team, what is your best guest on when this potentially goes to trial? >> well, so i'm biased because i come out of the eastern district of virginia which was known as the rocket docket where cases move dispatch. we are 14, 15 months from the november election. can a trial be held before then in that time span? absolutely. will it? harder question. you have other matters already set for trial. as ken mentioned, you have the same defense counsel in these cases. they can't be in two places at once and we see now that the strategy of the trump team seems to be delayed. not a shocking strategy. so can it happen? yes. it can, katy. i believe it can in the eastern district of virginia, i believe it would, but this judge has to set her own timetable and she has to keep the parties sort of in line and on schedule. that's not an easy thing to do. >> and also be fair to them given the time constraints that are out there. chuck, thank you. always good to have you. >> my pleasure. >> coming up next, changing the rules. what ohio republicans are trying to do to the state's constitution ahead of a big abortion vote. plus, another one. what more than 11,000 los angeles city workers are demanding as they walk off the job today. and what nationally backed conservative groups are doing in southern california to prevent lgbtq topics from being taught in public schools. we are back in 60 seconds. c sch. we are back in 60 seconds. businesses need 5g solutions today. that's why they choose t-mobile for business. mlb partners with t-mobile to not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. aaa relies on t-mobile's network to stay connected nationwide, so they can help get their members back on the road. and we're helping pano ai innovate, to stop the spread of wildfires. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. shingles. the rash can feel like an intense burning sensation and last for weeks. it can make your workday feel impossible. the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside of you. 50 years or older? ask your doctor about shingles. my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. ohio republicans are looking to change the state's institution ahead of a big vote on abortion and special election held today, voters are being asked to change the threshold for amendments. right now, it is a simple majority voters. issue one as the measure is called is asking ohioans to raise that threshold to 60%. why that number and why now? joining me now from columbus, ohio is ali vitali. so, why that number? and why now? >> reporter: it's a great question. i think the timing is the thing that's the most important in the conversations i've been having with people on both sides of issue one. it seems to be a clear and direct reminder that there is going to be come november an attempt to enshrine abortion protections into the ohio constitution. now republicans are coming back around after having gotten rid of august special elections, putting this one on the ballot to try and raise the threshold of what it takes to raise the question. those who say this is the right move, say it's an attempt to keep outside money outside of ohio politics, advocates of abortion and other freedoms say this is an attempt to roll back what voters votes count as in the middle of the game. what's so important is the way republicans are sort of saying the quiet part out loud including the secretary of state saying this is in his words, quote, 100% about abortion and keeping people from being able to enshrine those protections come november. that's going to potentially create some backlash and even republicans that i talked to on the ground are bracing for that, including this one republican legislature from here in ohio. watch. >> what's the lesson for your party if come tuesday night or wednesday morning the ballot initiative fails? >>. >> maybe we should spend more time thinking through things before taking this step. >> maybe less red meat from the base? more thoughtfulness? >> there is a way to provide the red meat and do things in a thoughtful way. i'm afraid this was rushed a little bit. because we had to make a certain deadline to be able to get it done. and i think it could have been gone a little more debate. i'm not sure if i would have voted to put it on the ballot if it wasn't in that rushed format. if it wasn't a special election. if it didn't seem pretty hypocritical based on what we had done a few months ago by eliminating august special elections. >> so you're hearing even from republicans there, calling this a move that's hypocritical. saying that it's rushed and i have to tell you, i haven't heard from many republicans here who are optimistic that this is going to work. you have to look at the turnout numbers alone. this is getting much more attention than other special elections have gotten in recent years here in ohio. nearly 700,000 people had voted as of yesterday's count. that's through vote by mail and early voting measures. that's a sizable difference from what we saw in last year's primary elections. it shows there's an energy here on the ground. we'll see in the results what that yields. >> we'll see what it does to sherrod brown's chances for re-election next fall. ali, thank you very much. coming up, from traffic cop to sanitation workers, what forced thousands of l.a. city workers to go on strike today? what is being denied los angeles residents because of it? first up though, breaking news. police issue arrest warrants for men in this massive montgomery, alabama river front brawl. we'll tell you who they want in the jailhouse and what happens next. ho they want in the jailhouse and what happens next my dad was a hard worker. he used to do side jobs installing windows, charging something like a hundred bucks a window when other guys were charging four to five-hundred bucks. he just didn't wanna do that. he was proud of the price he was charging. ♪♪ my dad instilled in me, always put the people before the money. be proud of offering a good product at a fair price. i think he'd be extremely proud of me, yeah. ♪♪ ♪ i gotta good feeling about this, yeah ♪ i think he'd be extremely p♪ i'm with it ♪h. ♪ i gotta good feeling about this ♪ ♪ yeah, ♪ ♪ so let's get it ♪ ♪ i'm feeling good vibes ♪ my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. at typical insurance, you're just another senior. that's the third health insurance commercial with seniors at a farmers market. right? don't get me wrong i love a fresh heirloom, but it's like those companies think we're all the same. that's why i chose humana. before i signed up, i spoke to someone who actually listened to what i needed. she told me about benefits that were right for me, like vision and dental... all in my budget. i finally feel in control. what are you doing? taking control. humana. a more human way to healthcare. the big brawl on the waterfront in alabama. it started when the owners of a boat refused to move. police say workers at the ferry untied the boat to move it forward and in response, the private boaters began throwing punches. led to this giant brawl. last hour, montgomery police held a news conference and announced arrest warrants. joining me now is sam brock. so, sam, who are they looking for? who do they want to turn themselves in? >> sure. it should be noted that they said this was a very swift legal action in the sense police did not have all these videos to work with at the time. they've since come in. but now they have three people facing assault charges. one we're told is already behind bars. the other two are expected to turn themselves in at some point today, probably soon. those are misdemeanor charges. all three of those men are between the ages of 23 and 48 years old and white. the racial component of this matter has been so closely examined. the other aspect of this is as of right now, montgomery police say they are not looking to file hate crime charges. that it doesn't meet the threshold right now for the fbi standard, but they are consulting with the fbi. we know there's a back story to all of this that apparently, the cocaptain, the man being punched, black, damian picket, tried for about 45 minutes over the pa system to reach the owners of the boat, who are white. he is unsuccessful. he was taken to the dock by a 16-year-old. the two victims with picket and the 16-year-old who is white and other members of the boat then disembarked, trying to defend picket and it turns into this brawl. as far as why they're not raising the specter of hate crime charges, here's what the police chief said. >> we did examine if it was enough to file hate crimes charges on this case and again, we rely heavily on advice from the fbi. we've also looked at what it takes to elevate this to a riot, incite a riot. we've worked with our local district attorney and didn't fit the criteria for that. the charges we have pending at this time are appropriate charges. >> i did speak with the naacp local chapter president a few moments ago. he said they want to see the rest of these videos come in. they don't want to draw conclusions until police have finished their work and they said sometimes a fight is simply a fight. but according to the department of justice, i checked also moments ago, as far as the number of hate crimes in the state of alabama in 2021, it's the most recent figure, 137 hate crimes reported. the year prior, it was 22. year before that, it was zero. so there has been an escalation for whatever reason of hate crime charges reported in the state of alabama, but at least at this moment right now, it does not appear those are forthcoming. i should add 13 people were detained and questioned and they've all been released. three are presumably going to be back in police custody but there's a good chance the number of those facing charges is goeng to grow. thousands of los angeles city employees are on strike today. right now. local 721 which represents over 11,000 city employees say they are protesting unfair working conditions. the strike will last 24 hours. it will halt trash pick ups, close public swimming pools and animal shelters and temporarily suspend parking enforcement. joining me now from los angeles is erin mcloughlin. what's going on? >> reporter: hey, katy. this protest outside of l.a. city council hall is well underway and a number of grievances being talked about on how members of that union, the largest union in los angeles. 11,000 strong. joining me now to talk about this strike is raymond. the deputy chief of staff for the union. raymond, this is the first time that your union has been on strike in more than 40 years. why now and what do you hope to accomplish? >> yeah, the last time it was on strike i wasn't even born yet. los angeles is hosting the world cup. the olympics. in a few years. there's a homelessness crisis of national importance in this city and 40% in some city departments. some of those positions are vacant. over 40%. we're trying to address the short staffing in the city of los angeles specifically. the issues of recruitment and retention of city employees. >> reporter: this has been described as the summer of discontent here in los angeles. hotel workers are striking. actors are striking. writers are striking. more than 300,000 workers nationwide have been on strike. collectively, are you guys trying to send a message? >> well, labor unions are more popular than they have ever been before. i think one of the reasons is because of the pandemic. our members out here today were disaster service workers. they were people at parks and other locations checking in people to get tested. checking in people to make sure they got the vaccine. these were essential workers and they come back and can't even address recruitment and retention? that's why they're out here. so i think these other industries that are on strike, it's the same thing. they were all essential workers during the pandemic and now they're just demanding their fair share. >> reporter: thank you so much. the mayor of los angeles has put out a statement saying she is negotiating in good faith and trying to impact the, mitigate rather, the impact of this strike. >> staying in california, there's a battle across the state over what can be taught in schools. it's a lot like what we've seen in florida. and while it may seem like an organic effort from local parents, nbc news has found there's a national organization juicing the fight. joining me now is nbc news correspondent, mara bart. >> there's a lot of anger swirling around parents and school board members but a lot of that is stemming from fear and confusion. my producer and i dug into how these national conservative networks are influencing local school boards one district at a time. it's becoming a familiar scene in southern california. chaos erupting at school board meetings like this across the region. >> they're molesting our kids' minds. >> angry parents showing up to protest what they call gender ideology showing up in schools. protesting curriculum dealing with race and the lgbtq community. this one in response to a new policy that would require teachers to report to parents if their child wants to identify as nonbinary or transgender. >> wed like to see them get the pornography out of the schools. all the books, the curriculum. >> violence has broken out at three separate protests in and around los angeles with proud boys has labeled as a hate group of their affiliates appearing outside at least three meetings. this may look look a grass roots movement but there's a national network fuelling the fire. the proof is in the school boards. in the suburbs, the boards have come to be dominated by conservatives who have vowed to advocate for parental rights. in temecula, the new school board draft the school book in reference to gay icon, harvey milk. the board calling him a pedophile referring to reports that he engaged in a relationship with a teenager. the decision was reversed after the governor got involved. and in glendale, violence led to three arrests at a recent school board meeting over whether to designate the month of june as pride month. sonya shaw is the newly elected school board president in chino unified school district. >> this is a rage against family units. >> shaw also signed an online page for moms for libber the i. since then, she's introduced a newly passed policy around gender identity and one banning any nongovernment flags in the classroom, like pride or black lives matter flags. >> these policies come off as anti lgbtq. what would you say to that? >> it's absolutely incorrect. they're going to debunk anything we're going to fight against sacramento. that is a war on our children. >> they hold trainings for parents and urge groups of activists to show up at school board meetings across the country. >> i think there's a national effort to capitalize on fear and use that against parents. >> christie hurst is a mom of three students in the chino school district and founder of -- which fights candidates she believes are too extreme. >> they travel regionally and create chaos to get community members deterred from showing up. >> here in california, the state is trying to make it clear they're going to push back any efforts in schools where they see these efforts. the attorney general here actually just launched a civil rights investigation claiming there could be enfringements on students' privacy rights. but the parents concern is that if these groups reach success like we're seeing in these school boards and the reaction to them on these specific anti lgbtq issues, that they could just take whatever issue on next and focus on it and that way, they have this playbook they can refer back to. especially as we're leading up to this 2024 presidential election. >> really great reporting from you and your producer. appreciate it. coming up, a woman held captive in a cinder block cell escapes and leads police to an alleged serial rapist. how she got out. first up, what is president biden doing out west today? 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(vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. the kidnapped woman escaped a cinder block cell. she showed up to police bruised and bloody. the man has been linked to four other sexual assault cases in four separate states and now they're wondering if there are more victims out there. back with me with his exclusive reporting is ken dilanian. this is a wild story, ken. give us the details. >> the fbi says the 29-year-old arranged a sexual encounter with a woman in seattle then posed as a police officer and detained her. he then drove her hundreds of miles to his home in portland where he put her in his garage. he lived there by the way with his domestic partner and children. stephanie sharp from the fbi told me what happened next. >> so this woman at some point realized that this was not legitimate and that her life was in danger. she spent upwards of several hours beating down the cell, which you have photos of in the complaint which consisted of obviously the cinder block walls but also some dry wall and a metal gate with screen meshed over that. she just kept beating any piece of that cell that she could until she was able to break free and run for help across the street. >> and sharp said her courage may have saved many other women. >> and they're wondering if more women may be out there. how are they going about investigating that? >> they say as you said, he's now linked to at least three additional violent sexual assaults but they also said he lived in at least ten states from california to new york so they believe there are more victims out there. investigators say he targeted sex workers who may be reluctant to come forward. he went by aliases and they're asking anyone with information to call 1-800-call-fbi. nbc news reached out to his lawyer but didn't hear back. >> a lot of different r residens as we just showed. thank you very much. up next, a shark attack closing new york beaches. the details coming up. beaches the details coming up. t my old , was not letting me run the show. so, we switched to verizon business internet. they have business grade internet, nationwide. 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(vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. this summer, a ton of sharks have been spotted off the waters off the east coast. now, one has attacked a swimmer. multiple beaches in new york are closed after a shark bit a woman's leg last night. joining me now, anne thompson. >> this is scary when you think all you want to do was get out of the heat. she was swimming about 6:00 and she says when she was swimming, something attacked her leg. they think it's a shark bite. it happened at beach 59 at the rockaways. that is closed today to swimmers and surfers because even though officials say this is a really rare incident, no one is taking any chances. >> how is she doing? >> she is actually doing pretty well. stable but serious condition. from the photos you can see looks like the bite was in her left thigh. they expect her to recover but it's certainly frightening for that woman. >> let's watch your tape. >> okay. >> a beach goer is in serious but stable condition this morning after an apparent shark attack in the waters off new york city. the city's department of parks and recreation telling nbc news a woman was bitten monday evening and removed from the water by life guards who administered first aid to the 65-year-old before she was rushed to the hospital. the incident happening along rockaway beach in queens, a popular summer spot. >> the life guards were on duty so they weren't doing anything wrong. just trying to have a nice day. >> afterwards, a nypd using a drone to scan the ocean. monday's apparent attack, the latest in a busy summer of shark sightings and encounters along new york's coast. >> shark attack at kismet beach. rescue's been notified. >> including several around the fourth of july with two attacks occurring just miles apart. >> there's been a lot of shark attacks happening on the beaches. a lot of warnings. >> elsewhere along the east coast, swimmers have been alert and for good reason. in june, paddle borders getting a surprise visit from a hammer head lurking in the water while last month, a man was bitten in the leg in the gulf of mexico. >> they call it shark alley for a reason. >> and a 12-year-old girl suffered a bite to her leg while swimming off cocoa beach. >> really, really painful. >> those recent encounters and more giving beachgoers pause as they try to soak up the last weeks of summer safely. >> scared but to be bitten by a shark is another bitten by a shark is another thing. >> he said it. that sums it up. have we seen -- we've been talking about it a lot. i was just in cape cod. >> prime shark territory. >> are there more sharks now than in years past? >> sharks were overfished in the '80s. they've come back. certainly in cape cod, one of the things that makes the fishermen crazy there is seals are also protected species, and wherever the seals are sharks come because they eat seals. so that draws them there. it's the same thing here in the northeast. this is the time of year you would expect to see sharks in our waters because of the water temperature and also because this is where the fish that they eat come to spend the summer as well. so the sharks follow the fish. >> we talk about how this one woman getting bit is rare, but is it becoming more common for them to attack humans? >> a couple of things to keep in mind. first of all, we don't know -- these are suspected shark bite which is the first thing. the second thing is in new york waters alone there are 13 different species of sharks. this isn't all "jaws" to keep in mind. these sharks range in size from 4 feet long to 40 feet long. so you don't know. i think we pay more attention to it today than we have in the past. certainly it is something we're at tuned to in the media. i don't know of any evidence that suggests we're seeing a rash of shark bites. >> got it. anne thompson, thank you very much. >> you're welcome. >> the more you know. up next, what president biden is doing taking a victory lap or trying to out west. havi. -amazing -expensive. so, we switched to the bargain detergent, but we ended up using three times as much and the clothes still weren't as clean as with tide. so we're back with tide, and the clothes are clean again. do 3x the laundry and get a tide clean. it's got to be tide. wayfair has nice prices, so you can have nice things. um kelly? 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"deadline: white house" starts right now. it is 4:00 in new york. i'm alice yeah men mendez in for nicolle wallace. court filings between spouse jack smith and donald trump in the cal case involving trump's efforts to overthrow the 2020

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Trump , Jury Pool , Prosecutors , Attacking , Lines , Chuck Rosenberg , Willy Nilly On Social Media , Indictment , Contingencies , Things , Issue , It S Anybody Guess , Election Suppression , Pursuit , Obstruction Of Justice , Matters , Trail , Voters , Anything , Mention , Five , Ten , Charges , District Attorney , Election , Litany , Allies , Stage , New Jersey , Jury , Counsel , Area , Stanl , Has , Each , One , Family , Words , Intent , Third World Country , Influence , Business , Country , Department Of Justice , Time , Control , Press , Proceedings , Stages , Leaders , World , Talk , Countries , All Over The World , Let , Benjamin Netanyahu , Italy , France , Msnbc Contributor , Fbi , Attorney , Guy , Thanks , Something , Strategy , Part , Benefit , Katy , Defendants , Way , Trial , Mr , Presidency , Trials , Lots , Tweet , Regards , Special Interest Group , It Wasn T , Something Else , Argument , Doing , Shouldn T , Material , Juries , Common Sense , Mind , Playbook , Course , Territory , Doesn T Mean , Options , Somebody , Orders , Criminal Justice , System , Microphone , Millions , Crime , Didn T , Obstruction Charge , Southern District , Types , Two , Someone , Compliance , Fine , Man , Court Order , Candidate , Supporters , Prison , Detractors , Meeting , Special Grand Jury , Wall , Superseding Indictment , Coconspirators , Crime A , Me For Crimes B , Crime A , D , E , Anyone , Investigation , Running , Unindicted Coconspirators , Yes , Crimes , Fun , Guest , Determination , Eastern District Of Virginia , Rocket Docket , 15 , 14 , Harder Question , Trump Team , Places , Constraints , Timetable , Schedule , Estate , Republicans , Ohio , Rules , Pleasure , Constitution Ahead Of A Big Abortion Vote , Workers , Groups , Los Angeles City , Southern California , Job , 11000 , Schools , Businesses , Partners , Topics , T Mobile , 5g Solutions , C Sch , Mlb , 60 , 5 , Members , Aaa , Game , Back On The Road , Network , Fan Experience , Pano Ai Innovate , Shingles , Rash , Workday , 5g Network , Wildfires , Spread , Burning Sensation , Heartburn , Antacid , Prilosec Otc , Virus , Doctor , 50 , Heartburn Relief , Zero Heartburn , 24 , Zero , Threshold , Vote , Abortion , Amendments , Institution , Number , Ali Vitali , Ohioans , Measure , Majority , Columbus , Question , Sides , Timing , Important , Conversations , Reminder , Elections , Attempt , Ballot , Abortion Protections , Ohio Constitution , Move , Money , Back , Ohio Politics , Freedoms , Secretary Of State , Votes , Middle , Quote , 100 , Ground , Legislature , Protections , Backlash , Keeping , Ballot Initiative , Party , Lesson , Watch , Red Meat , Step , Thoughtfulness , Base , Deadline , Bit , Debate , Wasn T A Special Election , It Didn T , Format , Attention , Turnout Numbers , I Haven T , Count , Measures , Voting , Mail , Difference , 700000 , Results , Chances , Energy , Coming Up , Yields , Re Election , Traffic Cop , Sherrod Brown , Strike , Sanitation Workers , Breaking News , Thousands , L A City Workers , Residents , Arrest Warrants , Men , Jailhouse , Police Issue , Montgomery , Alabama River Front Brawl , Dad , Worker , Side Jobs , Windows , Price , Charging , Guys , Product , Bucks , Four , Five Hundred , A Hundred Bucks , A Hundred , Five Hundred Bucks , Feeling , It H , Vibes , Commercial , Insurance , Health Insurance , Vision , Me Wrong , We Don T , Companies , Same , Benefits , Seniors , Heirloom , Dental , Humana , Farmers Market , Human Way , Healthcare , Budget , Owners , Brawl , On The Waterfront , Alabama , Boat , Police , Boaters , Led , Throwing Punches , News Conference , Sam Brock , Videos , Sense Police , Assault Charges , Action , Bars , Three , Misdemeanor Charges , Component , Aspect , Ages , 48 , 23 , Hate Crime Charges , It Doesn T , Back Story , Cocaptain , Fbi Standard , Pa System , Damian Picket , Black , 45 , Victims , Picket , Dock , 16 , Hate Crimes Charges , Specter , Police Chief , Advice , Riot , Criteria , Work , Rest , Conclusions , Naacp Local Chapter , Hate Crimes , Figure , 137 , 2021 , Reason , Escalation , 22 , Chance , Police Custody , Goeng , 13 , City Employees , Local 721 , Employees , Conditions , 721 , Animal Shelters , Trash Pick Ups , Parking Enforcement , Close Public Swimming Pools , Erin Mcloughlin , Protest , What S Going On , Grievances , Union , L A City Council Hall , Deputy Chief Of Staff , Los Angeles 11000 Strong , Raymond , Olympics , World Cup , 40 , City , Recruitment , Issues , Some , City Departments , Homelessness Crisis , Importance , Positions , Staffing , Summer , Retention , Discontent , Hotel Workers , Actors , Writers , 300000 , Labor Unions , Pandemic , Reasons , Parks , Message , Disaster , Vaccine , Industries , Locations , Statement , Mayor , Share , Essential Workers , Negotiating , Faith , Lot , Effort , Impact , Staying , Battle , Parents , Organization , Anger Swirling , Mara Bart , Fear , Producer , Networks , Confusion , Local School Boards One District , School Board Members , School Board , Meetings , Minds , Scene , Region , Kids , Chaos Erupting , Policy , Curriculum , Gender Ideology , Race , Lgbtq Community , Teachers , Nonbinary , Protests , Books , Pornography , Child , Violence , School Boards , Boys , Hate Group , Proof , Affiliates , Fire , Grass Roots Movement , Rights , Conservatives , Boards , School Book , Suburbs , Draft , Temecula , Pedophile , Governor , Violence Led , Reference , Teenager , Relationship , Decision , Gay Icon , Harvey Milk , Glendale , Sonya Shaw , Pride Month , Arrests , In Chino Unified School District , Page , Rage , Family Units , Moms , Libber The I , Flags , Policies , Pride , Lives , Gender Identity , Classroom , Anti Lgbtq , Children , Trainings , War , Activists , School Board Meetings , Sacramento , Students , Christie Hurst , Mom , Chino School District , Community Members , Chaos , Candidates , Founder , Efforts , Attorney General , Reaction , Concern , Privacy Rights , Reach , Lgbtq , Success , Woman , Reporting , Captive , Focus , 2024 , Business Unlimited , Verizon , Cell , Christina , Is Biden Doing Out West Today , Up , Rapist , Cinder Block , Biden Doing Out West , Vo , Data , Switch , Kitchen , 5g , No Matter What , Have Fun , Hotspot , Clothes , Remover , Category , Shopping , Rewards Card , Cash Back , Cart , Bank Of America , Downy , Subway , Deli Meats , Perfumes , Dyes , Towel , Titan Turkey , Gentle , Feet , Protein , Football Pro , Age , Proferred , Flavor , High Protein , Muscle Health , Cinnabon , Boost , 20 , Interior , Headlights , Quiet Refuge , Mental Health , Movements , Models , Audi Q8 E Tron , Tardive Dyskinesia , Ingrezza , Td Movements , Treatment , Mental Health Meds , Prescription Medicine , Spotlight , Adults , Simple , Dose , 10 , 7 , 1 , 80 , Side Effects , Ingredients , Activities , Sleepiness , Heart Rhythm Problems , Ingrezza May , Operate Heavy Machinery , Don T Drive , Ingrezza Com , Zero Dollars , Skin Tags , Breakthrough , Dr , Scholl S , Design Business , Internet , Store , Exploding , Fda , Bobby , Business Internet , Business Grade Internet , American Swamp , States , Sexual Assault , Details , Story , 29 , Police Officer , Hundreds , Encounter , Home , Garage , Seattle , Portland , Point , Partner , Life , Stephanie Sharp , Danger , Photos , Complaint , Walls , Courage , Sharp , Screen , Metal Gate , Help , Street , Piece , Women , Assaults , New York , Sex Workers , Investigators , Aliases , Up Next , Residens , Lawyer , 800 , 1 800 Call Fbi Nbc , Beaches , Old , Relief , Nerve Aches , Nervive Nerve , Nerves , Nerve Care Company , B Complex Vitamins , Hands , Ala , Flea , Book Report , Ordering , Medicine , Best , Goal , Cool , Chewy , Nervive Pain Relieving Roll , Ashley , A Walk In The Woods , Pets , Sister , Pet Pharmacy , Season , Bailey S , Fastsigns , Visuals , Inspire Pride District , Sharks , Ton , Leg , Waters , Swimmer , Anne Thompson , East Coast , Shark Bite , Swimming , Heat , 6 , 59 , Swimmers , Incident , Officials , Rockaways , Bite , Condition , Looks , Thigh , Tape , Department Of Parks And Recreation , Beach Goer , Water , Life Guards , Rockaway Beach , Hospital , Aid , 65 , Attack , Summer Spot , Drone , Duty , Anything Wrong , Monday , The Ocean , Nypd , Encounters , Attacks , Coast , Kismet Beach , Shark Sightings , Latest , Rescue , Fourth Of July , Shark Attacks , Elsewhere , Warnings , June , Paddle Borders , Girl , Visit , Hammer Head Lurking , Gulf Of Mexico , Shark Alley , 12 , Beachgoers , Swimming Off Cocoa Beach , Giving , Shark , Cape Cod , Prime Shark Territory , Seals , Species , Fishermen , Northeast , Water Temperature , Fish , Humans , Couple , Isn T , Size , 4 , Shark Bites , Biden , Times , More , Victory Lap , Bargain Detergent , Havi , Wayfair , Tide , Prices , Do 3x , Taste , Um Kelly , Salad Plates , Statement Lighting , Hard Seltzer Budget , Kelly Clarkson , Colon Cancer , Ways , Voice , Cologuard , Answer , Choice , Doc , Non Invasive , Risk , Provider , Scientists , Researchers , Psoriatic Arthritis , Psoriasis , Tourists , Ai , Journey , Life Underwater Flourish , Symptoms , Reactions , Cosentyx , Infections , Infection , Ability , Rheumatologist , National Monument , Inflation Reduction Act , Grand Canyon , Climate Change Initiative , Arizona , Red Butte , Americans , Capital , Win , Fact , Mike Memoli , Backdrop , Butte , Bill , Build , Congress , Moderates , Z , Progressives , Legislation , Centrists , Occasions , Joe Manchin , White House , Beauty , Done , Steve Rah Shetty , Location , Finish Line , Economy , Basis , Bills , Itself , Democrats , Ira , Office , Poll , Put A Bet On American People , Terms , American People Aren T Sure , Shape , Messaging , Split Screen , Cabinet , O , Works , Monument Designation , Campaign Trail , Areas , Uranium Mining , Development , A Million , Communities , Campaign , Name , Colorado River , Environment , Living , Hunting , Wildlife , West , Mining , Deal , Source , Land , Effects , Jacob Soboroff , Court , Cal Case Involving Trump , Nicolle Wallace , Alice Yeah Men Mendez , 2020 ,

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