Transcripts For MSNBCW Chris 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW Chris 20240704

also ahead, an alleged assassination attempt against volodymyr zelenskyy thwarted. what we're learning about the apparent informant accused of sharing intelligence with russia, and an unknown road ahead for america's trucking industry, as trucking giant, yellow, declares bankruptcy, after years of financial struggles and growing debt, how this seismic shift could impact you. our nbc news reporters are following all of the latest developments, let's go ahead and start with donald trump's attorneys who have a 5:00 p.m. deadline to respond to the special counsel's concerns over trump disclosing evidence in the election interference case. nbc's vaughn hillyard is tracking it. so what's the latest? >> we are waiting for trump's defense counsel to put forward their own filing. it's important to note they had initially asked for an extension of time over the weekend, but the judge denied their motion, and so 5:00 p.m. is this deadline. let's be clear, this is not a gag order the department of justice is seeking which would mean that donald trump would not be able to talk about the case, essentially at all. what they are seeking is a protective order, which would prevent him from publicly disseminating or talking about the evidence that is gained by the department of justice turning over evidence as part of the discovery process to his defense counsel. this is done in a criminal proceeding so that the defendants, the legal team is able to build their defense case and that they know what the prosecution has on their side. i want to let you look at two social media posts from donald trump here, though. over just these last hours because he has taken on the department of justice head on, writing in part, no, i shouldn't have a protective order placed on me, because it would impinge on my right to free speech, the department of justice should, however, because they are leaking all over the place. another post writing deranged jack smith is going before the number one draft pick, the judge of his dreams that must be recused in an attempt to take away first amendment rights, despite he and the doj and thug prosecutors are leaking anything and everything to the fake news media. of course, donald trump you saw in the first post, talking about his first amendment rights. i have had conversations with key campaign advisers and allies ever since he launched the 2024 presidential bid in november. they said the reason they viewed this campaign team around him as being successful and drama free is because donald trump has brought in people who will allow him to be him, and say what he wants to say, and in this case, we have seen donald trump make the case that he should be able to discuss whatever he desires around his legal peril. of course, now this would come down to whether the judge sides with the department of justice in their request that they be limited to some degree to revealing new evidence that may come to him privately but not be made available to the public at large and evidence that could potentially taint a jury pool. >> vaughn hillyard, thank you. in georgia, a fourth indictment looms for the former president. blayne alexander joins us outside the fulton county courthouse. the area looks different today. what can you tell us? >> reporter: absolutely. that's because there's more security, increased security. we are in the middle of this kind of three-week period that fani willis has strongly indicated that we're going to see their charging decisions. each week of the three-week period, we have seen before. right now, traffic, main traffic is closed in front of this courthouse. the only vehicles that can come down are law enforcement and members of the media. through traffic is closed. we have seen barricades, metal barricades, orange barricades popping up around this courthouse, and that's another indication that we're watching closely and waiting to see when these will come down. the other thing we know is we know the folsom d.a. is preparing the case, presenting to preparing for a grand jury. two grand juries are currently seated. one of them will be hearing her case into alleged election interference in the state of georgia. we also know that a number of subpoenas have gone out. people being asked to be on stand by to testify at some point this month. so all of that certainly points back to what the d.a. has said all along, though she will reveal her charging decisions before the beginning of september, and it's increasingly looking likely we'll see it happen this week or next. >> blayne alexander, thank you for the update. ukrainian authorities say they foiled an assassination plot against president volodymyr zelenskyy catching a woman red handed sharing intel with russia. nbc's matt bradley is following this story. matt, what's the latest? >> well, it's all still a bit murky, and everything we know so far, it all comes entirely from ukraine's intelligence agency, which is the sbu, and nbc has been unable to verify if most of this information, but according to ukrainian intelligence, this woman was a local resident of a small city in the southern region of mykolaiv. one of the most contested regions in the war. according to ukrainian intelligence, she has been seen traveling around mykolaiv, taking photos of potential targets like electronic warfare systems, and the sbu said the suspect had been seen seeking information about president volodymyr zelenskyy's itinerary in mykolaiv. this came last month. all of this was done to prepare for an air strike that would target mykolaiv, its military assets and presumably president zelenskyy himself which is thought to have been the target of russian assassination attempts since the war began in february of 2022. that's why ukrainians are calling this an attempt to kill the president, an assassination, as you mentioned. ukraine's sbu says this woman was caught red handed but not photographing these military installations or asking deined, according to the sbu, while she was passing information that she had collected on to her russian handlers, and again, this is all according to ukrainian intelligence. like i said, there's a lot of questions, a lot of information that is kind of sketchy right now, but another interesting thing here is that ukrainian authorities haven't reported having actually charged this woman with anything. they said that she's only been detained pending an investigation. they added that if found guilty, she faces up to 12 years in prison. >> matt bradley, thank you. trucking giant yellow is now declared chapter eleven bankruptcy after years of financial struggle. cnbc's morgan brennan is following this for us for cnbc on msnbc. how did this happen and what does it mean for consumers? >> years of financial struggles. growing debt after poorly executed acquisitions. chapter eleven bankruptcy was filed on sunday, three years after yellow received $700 million in pandemic era loans from the federal government. while chapter 11 filings are usually used to restructure debt while operations will continue, yellow will liquidate and the u.s. will join other creditor, unlikely to extend funds to other companies. it employs about 30,000 workers. it has been, at least until now, a dominant player, hauling cargo for multiple customers on a single truck, including walmart, home depot, manufacturers, a number of others. in filing for bankruptcy, yellow blamed the teamsters union by hastening its demise by proposing a restructuring plan, saying we face nine months of bullying and deliberately destructive tactics. the union struck back saying the c suite failed to take responsibility for squandering all the cash, adding that quote, they shamelessly pin their corporate incompetence on working people. yellow avoided a strike by teamsters represented workers but there has been a growing expectation between that and all the debt that this company has had that the truck operator would go bankrupt. so now what this means for the framework, yellow customers and shippers may face some disruptions. they may face higher prices, too, as they take their business to competitors. yellow historically offered the cheapest price points in the industry. that's something for consumers to watch as you see another delivery giant, ups go through its own process with a new labor contract with the teamsters reporting now. there is an expectation to see rate increases. in terms of shipping goods, maybe they get a little more expensive. we'll have to see. >> morgan brennan, thank you. of course he lost, florida governor ron desantis making his most forceful comments in the 2020 presidential election. in an all new exclusive nbc interview, our very own dasha burns who spoke to the 2024 presidential candidate joins me in 60 seconds. 4 presidential candidate joins me in 60 sendcos. ever notice how stiff clothes can feel rough on your skin? 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did you get the sense there's a change in the way he's approaching the campaign? >> reporter: look, i hate to get too meta and do the whole media on the media thing, but i think one example is literally what you just saw on the screen there, which is the florida governor sitting down with us. he has really started to engage with what he often calls a legacy media or corporate media. he's been doing gags at a lot of his stops. he's been sitting down with reporters. he did sit down with me for 30 plus minutes and answered all of my questions to his credit. nothing was off limits, and he gave me answers and illuminated a lot of his positions for us. so that is a major change that we've seen. another change we've seen is that his events have gotten smaller. now, some folks are pointing to smaller crowd sizes as an example of maybe the lack of interest. i would actually say that's a bit of a strategic shift for the campaign. he's trying to engage voters in a more intimate way. i have seen him start to have those conversations, sit down at tables with folks at diners, at the outset, he was doing more so things behind podiums, on stages, sort of bike racks in front of those stages, shaking hands with voters. now he's having those conversations, shaking the hands, answering questions, it is a little bit of a different style these days. the campaign calls it a shift as an incumbent governor to insurgent candidate, whatever you want to call it. i'm getting the sense of that shift. whether or not it will work, that remains to be seen. you've got five months to go until the iowa caucuses in january and a lot of ground to make up if you look at the polls. but iowa is going to be critical, and it is a little bit of anyone's game, if you start digging into some of that polling. a lot of voters are still kicking the tires and are open to alternative candidates with donald trump, according to my conversations and some of the numbers we have seen come out of the state. >> governor, desantis was roughly 30 points behind trump a month ago, now that gap is nearly 40 points. from what you're seeing is what he's doing enough to make any kind of impact on the dynamics of this race. >> i have to tell you, i remember being in new hampshire, going to a town hall, and there were two people that showed up and the guy who would follow me around and help me through the campaign said this is perfect, now you have a chance to convert at least one of the two. so these crowd sizes, they kind of go up, they kind of go down, i can tell you that. there's two issues here. one is can he connect. he's been in a larger setting, kind of wasn't working. now he's in the smaller setting, can he connect, and secondly, i think he's changing his message. i read over the weekend that they want to move away from the whole anti-woke message. that doesn't seem to be connecting with significant numbers of people. so you can see he's beginning to talk about the economy, he's not talking much about florida, which i think is a mistake. he should be talking about the things he did down there. then the other thing you have to keep your eye on is the money, i think part of the reason why he did this interview, part of the reason why he said trump lost is that some of the people who are significant contributors to him think in a way he's gone off the rails. i mean, trump did lose the election. i think what he's trying to do is to get more back into the mainstream so that those people who can help finance his campaign will not leave him. so a cup of things to look at, one, the message, secondly, is he connecting, and thirdly, is he getting the money. those are the things we have to keep our eye on. long way to go. still a very long way to go. >> with that in mind, i want to play part of the exchange from dasha's interview on abortion. >> so would you veto any sort of federal bill that tries to put a nationwide ban in place? >> we will be a pro life president, and we will support pro life policies. i would not allow what a lot of the left wants to do, which is to override pro life protections throughout the country, all the way up really until the moment of birth in some instances, which i think is infanticide. >> i got to push back on that. that's a misrepresentation of what's happening. i mean, that 1.3% of abortions happen at 21 weeks or higher. there's no evidence of democrats pushing for abortions up until -- >> but their view is that all the way up and to that, there should be not be any legal protections. there is no indication of democrats pushing for that. >> yes, they are. they have done it in california. >> they have not instituted that policy. >> yeah, they have. yeah, they have. >> they basically will say if there's some type of -- they'll use like different ways to really have a wide exception for it. >> it's extremely rare. 1.3%, and in those circumstances, they're typically extremely emotional decisions. >> i don't say that's the norm in terms of this. i think the left in this country has moved on from a position that said, you know what, we do want to discourage abortion, it's not something that's a good thing, to now viewing it more as a positive good for society, and i think most americans, regardless of how they feel on legal protections, i don't think most americans think it's a positive good for society. it's obviously a tragic circumstance. >> does that feel like maybe an argument that could win over moderates, which essentially, you're not talking governor about the six-week abortion ban that you passed in your state, basically in the dead of night where you're steering away from that, you're just trying to say, this is what democrats want to do, and you mischaracterize what it is they're trying to do across the country? >> well, look, the abortion issue is pretty well defined by the american people now. they are not for extremes on either side. they are not for extremes in the beginning. they're not for extremes in the end. i think that's a position that the american people kind of, i think that's what they support, and the only thing i pick up in this interview is the left is this, the left is that. you know, kind of take some of that rhetoric out of there. you know, that sort of borders on name calling. that's kind of hip for republicans to keep referring to the left and the hard right, you know, and all of that stuff. i just get a little tired of it, but i think that if you search for sort of where the public is on this, which is, again, not extremes on both sides, that's where i think, look, it depends what you believe, too. not just put my finger in the air and feel it, i think it's a reasonable position for people to take whether the pro life or pro choice, to be honest with you. >> dasha, you spoke to casey desantis, who talked about ron as a husband, one of the knocks have been a struggle to connect to voters, what have you seen and heard from the people around hill, is that dynamic changing at all? >> reporter: well, look, he has often had casey and his three children by his side on the campaign trail. especially lately in iowa and new hampshire as he has been doing these bus tours, and that is a huge element of his pitch to voters that they're a young family that he has skin in the game when he talks about things like education, and i talked to casey about this, and she told me the story of her battle with breast cancer, and how she sees her husband as a husband and a father to her children after going through that battle with him. take a listen. >> he was there for me, and he was there to go pick up my kids when i couldn't. and he did it with humility, and he did it with love. and i tell you what, i can't ask for a better husband than that. >> yeah, you know, so -- >> reporter: how does it feel to hear her say that? i mean. >> well look, you know, in sickness and in health, that's what you sign up for. >> reporter: so it's that kind of vulnerability that we haven't seen a ton yet on the campaign trail. if maybe they could start to open up in that way with voters and make that connection that could potentially start to chip away and make the difference. >> dasha burns and former ohio governor john kasich, thank you both. catch more of dasha's interview with ron desantis tonight on nbc nightly news. arizona cannot catch a break, dealing with historic triple digit temperatures as kids head back into the classroom. how schools are trying to keep students safe and indoors next. plus, we'll speak to one arizona journalist about how historic the conditions are ahead of president biden's arrival there tonight. you're watching "chris jansing reports" only on msnbc. you're watching "chris jansing reports" only on msnbc for muh versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at businesses need 5g solutions today. that's why they choose t-mobile for business. mlb partners with t-mobile to not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. aaa relies on t-mobile's network to stay connected nationwide, so they can help get their members back on the road. and we're helping pano ai innovate, to stop the spread of wildfires. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. ♪ did you know 80% of women are struggling with hair damage? 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>> it's hot. it's hot to the point that people in phoenix are saying it's hot. we're seeing cooling centers overwhelmed, we're seeing people dying, people in hospitals of heat exhaustion, heatstroke, people are getting burned when they fall down on the ground. it's something that you really need to respect and pay attention to. and it's really causing a lot of problems for people every day. >> it's alarming so for people in arizona, what do they hear from the president, what else do they want him in congress to do? >> it's a great question. first of all, you're going to need to get creative. right? so joe biden's coming to arizona with the inflation reduction act, with all the protections it's got. all of the job opportunities it's got. with all of the money in place that's going to be able to help people in the future, but there are the -- a lot of people that can't think about the future. you've got 100 bucks in your pocket, you're not thinking of spending it to go back to school if you're starving. you've got people in survival mode. you've got to address their immediate needs. biden is coming, donald trump's not going away. desantis is not going away, and biden's not going to have the momentum in '24 like he had last time around where he can say, yo, that guy is a problem, vote me in, because i'm the lesser of two evils, that's not going to fly this time, i think. i think he's going to have to excite his base, and i think to excite your base, you've got to be able to speak to their current reality, which is to say we've embedded with people in the community. we know exactly what the problems are and these are the things we're doing right now to fix it, and when i say get creative, listen, i was at the movie theater this weekend with my kids, it was the first time i have been cold in months. why not just give people free movie tickets so they can cool off for a couple of hours. we saw the canopy over the playground, we have that stuff left and right in phoenix. do more of it. there's got to be ways you can open up churches, more schools. there's got to be ways you can get creative to bring people immediate need because the heat is deadly, and again, biden has got good stuff on the horizon. he's talking about uranium mining and putting solar panels over canals, and creating union jobs. i mean, this is stuff that people want to hear but they also need to deal with the reality right now today. >> yeah, they're hot right now. gregory moore, doesn't look like it's going to get any better in the immediate future. so i wish you and your kids as many movie trips as you can in the immediate future, but we're thinking about you, thank you for your time. >> listen, i appreciate it. we're going to hose everybody off in the backyard if we have to. this is something you got to pay attention to, seriously, and again, there's the lot of people who don't have that option, and these are the people biden needs to speak to, excite them, he's got an advantage in '24. >> appreciate it. next, we'll go to fulton county georgia with a potential fourth indictment of former president trump on the way. out of the growing laundry list of cases, which will be the hardest for trump's lawyers to defend. that's next. t for trump's lawyeo defend that's next. 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>> well, i think the most serious is the most recent indictment, the january 6th indictment. this goes to the heart of trying to overturn the results of, you know, an election. and he is a former president and he's running for president. so i think those are the most serious charges. but certainly the classified documents case, we're talking about the nation's secrets, and what he did to not only not protect those, but potentially disseminate information to those who did not have the security clearance. that's incredibly serious as well. not to mention all of the obstruction that went along with that that's charged in that classified documents case. the two federal cases are incredible serious and it remains to be seen what will come out of georgia, but i expect those will likely involve racketeering charges, and those you have to charge a criminal enterprise and other crimes that qualify under law, things like witness tampering, computer trespass, those are the kinds of charges that have been discussed in connection with georgia. also incredibly serious. based on the speaking indictments that we've seen, the evidence is incredibly strong, so i think trump's lawyers really have quite a challenge ahead of them. i think they're going to be looking to install the clock, and play the delay card as much as they can, because their defenses are limited. >> the "wall street journal" spoke to prosecutors who said that jack smith's election interference case doesn't clearly define which specific moments trumps actions became criminal. do you agree, is that a hurdle? >> again, in the january 6th case, you're looking at conspiracy charges, and for conspiracy, you're looking for an agreement. it doesn't have to be explicit, you don't have to say, i agree to commit a crime with you, and here's the moment that happened. no prosecutor does that. you have circumstantial evidence that there were clear understandings and agreements to in furtherance of committing a crime. the crime does not necessarily have to have been accomplished. you made an agreement, you took certain overt steps in furtherance of that agreement. i don't think that is going to be a huge obstacle. there are multiple points in the indictment where it is clear that donald trump is told that there is no election fraud by people that he appointed and that he used this false election fraud as a pretext to be able to further his attempts to try to stop the certification of the votes. >> because we keep hearing from trump attorney, freedom of speech, do prosecutors need to show the point at which the freedom of speech ended and the criminal activity began? >> it's not -- it is not a crime to enter into agreements to commit a crime. you don't have any free speech right to do that. so there are multiple points at which you see donald trump in meetings where he is excludeing his counsel. white house counsel is telling him there's no election fraud from the meeting, and he's engaging in behaviors to try to put pressure on the state officials to try and have these fake electors, not necessarily when there's a contingency but as an alternative. so each of those steps he's taking and then going on the record and telling mike pence, pressuring him to get rid of these electoral counts. each of these seem clearly overt acts that are in furtherance of this objective to make sure that he can overturn the results of the election. >> looking holistically, legal experts in talking about alvin bragg's case in manhattan, essentially a state felony that hinges on the violation of a federal election law. that's considered untested legal theory. the classified documents, we know judge aileen cannon has issued favorable rulings in the past, that's a wild card, but still, "axios" writes, everything will need to go right for trump to avoid a conviction, and three, possibly four courthouses in the next 15 months. why is that? everything needs to go right for trump to avoid a conviction? >> well, i think i would put it a little differently. i think the calendar is going to matter here, and because i think the january 6th case is the most serious, i would anticipate that being the case that will go first to trial and that will happen at some point in the first half of the 2024. because you're right, there are challenges both legal and evident case. expect that to be delayed and kicked from the federal case. the classified documents case, as you point out, not only do we have a judge who may be a bit of a loose cannon in terms of what the rulings may by, no pun intended and a jury pool made up of trump voters. you could have jury nullification, though it's a tight case. expect january 6th to go first. they've got a favorable judge, a favorable jury pool, and they've got a case that has a lot of facts in evidence with massive jury appeal. >> kristy greenberg, thank you. >> thank you. the white house trying to take down devastating attacks, their new plan to tackle it all ahead. but first, the summer block buster "barbie" smashing global ticket sale records officially breaking into the billion dollar club. this is the first film directed by a solo woman, far surpassing "wonder woman," only 53 movies have made more than a billion in modern box office history. barbie's success seems far from finished. we'll be back. m finished we'll be back. 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security in schools and libraries and create a commission to coordinate response. at least 120 schools have been hit by cyber attacks so far this year. according to recorded future, a cyber security company, recovering can take months, it can also cost up to a million dollars, just a staggering some for districts who lack the infrastructure and expertise to protect themselves. nbc's allie raffa joins us now. what do we know about the plan and how the administration is trying to get ahold of the problem that seems to grow every year. >> reporter: we talked about the growing number of cyber attacks targeting, for example, the health care and finance industries, even the federal government dealing with these attacks lately, but today the white house is focusing on these threats to the country's education system. the number of these threats to the education system growing in recent years. as so much of the system went virtual since the start of the covid-19 pandemic. in some case, these hackers have taken the personal, medical and financial information of students, of staff and leaked them online. even leaking school security protocol online, and educators are saying they have been struggling to grapple with the effects of this because of a lack of funding, of resources, in some cases, they're forced to close for days or weeks before they get their systems back on track, and so in about an hour, we're going to see the first lady, of course an educator herself be joined by administration officials, leaders in the tech industry, educators from across the country talk about not only how to prevent these attacks from happening, but how to better equip these k through 12 schools and how to handle them once they do happen. take a look at some of the changes that we're expecting them to announce today. for example, the federal communications commission or fcc will allot $200 million over three years to strengthen school cyber defenses, and work across agencies in order to respond to these attacks. there's moves from the private tech industry, amazon and google, who will be able to better provide guidance and training for how to deal with these attacks once they happen. at this point, it's still unclear whether the white house is planning any official federal legislation to protect the education industry. so far white house officials just saying that this is the first step to some meaningful change because they say that this problem shows no signs of slowing down. >> allie raffa, thank you. now to what police say is a foiled murder for hire plot. a georgia mother of three and former beauty pageant queen has been arrested in the bahamas. law enforcement said she conspired with two men to kill her own husband. nbc's blayne alexander has latest. >> reporter: on social media, they were the perfect picture of a happy couple. >> the polar bear plunge. >> reporter: but in reality, police say lindsay scheiber was plotting to kill her husband of 13 years. she and two other men are facing murder conspiracy charges. >> happy birthday, big guy. >> reporter: according to news reports from the bahamas, police allegedly discovered the plot while investigating a separate crime. while searching for evidence on a cell phone, police say they uncovered the alleged plan to kill 38-year-old robert schiver. >> the key will be what exactly was said in these text messages, and the defense will have to revolve around having some other explanation for what was said in those text messages other than the interpretation that this was a conspiracy to kill her husband. >> reporter: the couple met at auburn university where robert played on the football team. lindsay, a former beauty pageant contestant. the couple later moved georgia where they are raising their three boys. both lindsay and robert would often share happy videos and pictures of their lives on social media. on their anniversary in 2020, lindsay wrote, the key to a perfect marriage is having two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other. but in april, robert filed for divorce. in court filings, robert accused his wife of adulterous conduct saying their marriage is irretrievably broken and requesting primary physical custody of their children. in a response filing not obtained by nbc news, lindsay said any extramarital relationship she had was during the party's separation and was condoned by robert. according to bahamas court news, prosecutors say lindsay had an intimate relationship with one of her accused coconspirators. her lawyer who did not respond to our request for comment told cnn his client was granted a $100,000 bail but will be required to wear an ankle monitoring device and remain in the bahamas. now, a shattered image of their seemingly happy marriage as police try to piece together a motive for the alleged plot. >> nbc's blayne alexander with that report. thank you. the greatest of all time, back on the mat, like she never left. gymnastics icon, simone biles stuns in an epic return after a two-year hiatus. could she be headed to the paris olympics? that's next. ded to the paris olympics that's next. not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. do you struggle with occasional nerve aches now's the time to see in your hands or feet? try nervive nerve relief from the world's number one nerve care company. nervive contains ala to relieve nerve aches, and b-complex vitamins to fortify healthy nerves. try nervive. and, try nervive pain relieving roll-on. the u.s. women's national soccer team is heading home after a disappointing loss to sweden sunday morning. it was a nail biter t 0-0, leading to an intense round of penalty kicks. this loss is the earliest exit for the u.s. in world cup history. this year's women world cup is a testament to the growth of women's soccer on a global scale and their goal remains the same to win. from the soccer field to the mat, the g.o.a.t. is back, simone biles returned to the mat for the first time in two years this weekend, and it was like she never left. biles winning gold, an all around balance beam, and the vault at the core hydration classic. maggie vespa is following this for us. walk us through this incredible comeback. >> it was like, break, what break, she never left. she was gone for two years, and cut to her return to the mat, so triumphant. that was the event during the tokyo olympics two years ago, and she experienced the bout of what we know as the twisties, destroying her ability to judge where she was in the air. and caused her to take the two-year mental hiatus. she has been in therapy, training, to retrain her brain and body to work together, and clearly, lindsay, it paid off. what an incredible show this weekend. >> incredible is the right word. what comes next for simone, any plans for the 2024 olympics? >> i know, we're all thinking like olympics, and everybody had that question for her. she says she wants to stay in the moment, when asked point-blank, are you thinking about paris, this was her answer, take a listen. >> we're still in the working steps. my main goal was this, and then championships, and then after that, we'll look on to worlds and we'll see, but so far, it's heading in the right direction. i still have to work on myself. i'm still going to do my therapy. i'm going to put myself first. >> biles saying she has been in weekly therapy. she will continue that, but one other thing, you know, her coach telling nbc sports, one thing they worked on was trying to remove a lot of the twists from her routine, and putting more rotations. she would do more forward summer assaults while not twisting her body as much. in essence, they took away a key skill from her routines but made it so difficult she was able to blow us all away, which is what we expect from simone biles at this point. >> i'm going to repeat what she said, because it's so important, i'm going to put myself first. may we respect that. that does it for us this hour. so good to be with you. tune in to "chris jansing reports" every weekday from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. eastern. our coverage continues with katy tur reports right now. good to be back with you, i'm katy tur with the third indictment, now in the books. donald trump and his lawyers are arguing with the special counsel over what happens next. the discovery process could get hairy, special counsel jack smith says the government needs a protective order to prevent the former president from intimidating witnesses. they're worried about the evidence they're set to hand over, including, they say, material that contains sensitive and confidential information. what has prosecutors so worried? well, just look

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Chris 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW Chris 20240704

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also ahead, an alleged assassination attempt against volodymyr zelenskyy thwarted. what we're learning about the apparent informant accused of sharing intelligence with russia, and an unknown road ahead for america's trucking industry, as trucking giant, yellow, declares bankruptcy, after years of financial struggles and growing debt, how this seismic shift could impact you. our nbc news reporters are following all of the latest developments, let's go ahead and start with donald trump's attorneys who have a 5:00 p.m. deadline to respond to the special counsel's concerns over trump disclosing evidence in the election interference case. nbc's vaughn hillyard is tracking it. so what's the latest? >> we are waiting for trump's defense counsel to put forward their own filing. it's important to note they had initially asked for an extension of time over the weekend, but the judge denied their motion, and so 5:00 p.m. is this deadline. let's be clear, this is not a gag order the department of justice is seeking which would mean that donald trump would not be able to talk about the case, essentially at all. what they are seeking is a protective order, which would prevent him from publicly disseminating or talking about the evidence that is gained by the department of justice turning over evidence as part of the discovery process to his defense counsel. this is done in a criminal proceeding so that the defendants, the legal team is able to build their defense case and that they know what the prosecution has on their side. i want to let you look at two social media posts from donald trump here, though. over just these last hours because he has taken on the department of justice head on, writing in part, no, i shouldn't have a protective order placed on me, because it would impinge on my right to free speech, the department of justice should, however, because they are leaking all over the place. another post writing deranged jack smith is going before the number one draft pick, the judge of his dreams that must be recused in an attempt to take away first amendment rights, despite he and the doj and thug prosecutors are leaking anything and everything to the fake news media. of course, donald trump you saw in the first post, talking about his first amendment rights. i have had conversations with key campaign advisers and allies ever since he launched the 2024 presidential bid in november. they said the reason they viewed this campaign team around him as being successful and drama free is because donald trump has brought in people who will allow him to be him, and say what he wants to say, and in this case, we have seen donald trump make the case that he should be able to discuss whatever he desires around his legal peril. of course, now this would come down to whether the judge sides with the department of justice in their request that they be limited to some degree to revealing new evidence that may come to him privately but not be made available to the public at large and evidence that could potentially taint a jury pool. >> vaughn hillyard, thank you. in georgia, a fourth indictment looms for the former president. blayne alexander joins us outside the fulton county courthouse. the area looks different today. what can you tell us? >> reporter: absolutely. that's because there's more security, increased security. we are in the middle of this kind of three-week period that fani willis has strongly indicated that we're going to see their charging decisions. each week of the three-week period, we have seen before. right now, traffic, main traffic is closed in front of this courthouse. the only vehicles that can come down are law enforcement and members of the media. through traffic is closed. we have seen barricades, metal barricades, orange barricades popping up around this courthouse, and that's another indication that we're watching closely and waiting to see when these will come down. the other thing we know is we know the folsom d.a. is preparing the case, presenting to preparing for a grand jury. two grand juries are currently seated. one of them will be hearing her case into alleged election interference in the state of georgia. we also know that a number of subpoenas have gone out. people being asked to be on stand by to testify at some point this month. so all of that certainly points back to what the d.a. has said all along, though she will reveal her charging decisions before the beginning of september, and it's increasingly looking likely we'll see it happen this week or next. >> blayne alexander, thank you for the update. ukrainian authorities say they foiled an assassination plot against president volodymyr zelenskyy catching a woman red handed sharing intel with russia. nbc's matt bradley is following this story. matt, what's the latest? >> well, it's all still a bit murky, and everything we know so far, it all comes entirely from ukraine's intelligence agency, which is the sbu, and nbc has been unable to verify if most of this information, but according to ukrainian intelligence, this woman was a local resident of a small city in the southern region of mykolaiv. one of the most contested regions in the war. according to ukrainian intelligence, she has been seen traveling around mykolaiv, taking photos of potential targets like electronic warfare systems, and the sbu said the suspect had been seen seeking information about president volodymyr zelenskyy's itinerary in mykolaiv. this came last month. all of this was done to prepare for an air strike that would target mykolaiv, its military assets and presumably president zelenskyy himself which is thought to have been the target of russian assassination attempts since the war began in february of 2022. that's why ukrainians are calling this an attempt to kill the president, an assassination, as you mentioned. ukraine's sbu says this woman was caught red handed but not photographing these military installations or asking deined, according to the sbu, while she was passing information that she had collected on to her russian handlers, and again, this is all according to ukrainian intelligence. like i said, there's a lot of questions, a lot of information that is kind of sketchy right now, but another interesting thing here is that ukrainian authorities haven't reported having actually charged this woman with anything. they said that she's only been detained pending an investigation. they added that if found guilty, she faces up to 12 years in prison. >> matt bradley, thank you. trucking giant yellow is now declared chapter eleven bankruptcy after years of financial struggle. cnbc's morgan brennan is following this for us for cnbc on msnbc. how did this happen and what does it mean for consumers? >> years of financial struggles. growing debt after poorly executed acquisitions. chapter eleven bankruptcy was filed on sunday, three years after yellow received $700 million in pandemic era loans from the federal government. while chapter 11 filings are usually used to restructure debt while operations will continue, yellow will liquidate and the u.s. will join other creditor, unlikely to extend funds to other companies. it employs about 30,000 workers. it has been, at least until now, a dominant player, hauling cargo for multiple customers on a single truck, including walmart, home depot, manufacturers, a number of others. in filing for bankruptcy, yellow blamed the teamsters union by hastening its demise by proposing a restructuring plan, saying we face nine months of bullying and deliberately destructive tactics. the union struck back saying the c suite failed to take responsibility for squandering all the cash, adding that quote, they shamelessly pin their corporate incompetence on working people. yellow avoided a strike by teamsters represented workers but there has been a growing expectation between that and all the debt that this company has had that the truck operator would go bankrupt. so now what this means for the framework, yellow customers and shippers may face some disruptions. they may face higher prices, too, as they take their business to competitors. yellow historically offered the cheapest price points in the industry. that's something for consumers to watch as you see another delivery giant, ups go through its own process with a new labor contract with the teamsters reporting now. there is an expectation to see rate increases. in terms of shipping goods, maybe they get a little more expensive. we'll have to see. >> morgan brennan, thank you. of course he lost, florida governor ron desantis making his most forceful comments in the 2020 presidential election. in an all new exclusive nbc interview, our very own dasha burns who spoke to the 2024 presidential candidate joins me in 60 seconds. 4 presidential candidate joins me in 60 sendcos. ever notice how stiff clothes can feel rough on your skin? 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(fan #1) there ya go! that's what i'm talkin' about! (josh allen) is this your plan to watch the game today? (hero fan) uh, yea. i have to watch my neighbors' nfl sunday ticket. (josh allen) it's not your best plan. but you know what is? myplan from verizon. switch now and they'll give you nfl sunday ticket from youtubetv, on them. (hero fan) this plan is amazing! (josh allen) another amazing plan, backing away from here very slowly. (fan #1) that was josh allen. (fan #2) mmhm. (vo) for a limited time get nfl sunday ticket from youtubetv on us. a $449 value. plus, get a free samsung galaxy s23. only on verizon. what do we always say, son? liberty mutual customizes your car insurance... so you only pay for what you need. that's my boy. ♪ stay off the freeways! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ if a picture is worth a thousand words, this image we're about to show you, showing a few dozen people at a ron desantis rally, speaks volumes about the governor's struggles to connect with voters, despite recent attempts to reboot and reignite his campaign. over the weekend, he sat down exclusively with our own dasha burns who pressed him specifically about the lies being told by his opponent donald trump. >> yes or no, did donald trump lose the 2020 election. >> whoever puts their hand on the bible on january 20th every four years is the winner. >> but respectfully, you did not clearly answer that question, and if you can't give a yes or no on whether or not trump lost, then how -- >> of course he lost. >> trump lost the 2020 election. >> of course. joe biden is the president. but the issue is i think what people in the media and elsewhere they want to act like this was just the perfect election. >> you should note there was no widespread voter fraud in the election. dasha burns joins me right now from iowa, along with former ohio republican governor john kasich. governor kasich was an msnbc political analyst. it's been two and a half weeks since you reported exclusively on this campaign reboot. what's your sense on how the governor thinks it's going? did you get the sense there's a change in the way he's approaching the campaign? >> reporter: look, i hate to get too meta and do the whole media on the media thing, but i think one example is literally what you just saw on the screen there, which is the florida governor sitting down with us. he has really started to engage with what he often calls a legacy media or corporate media. he's been doing gags at a lot of his stops. he's been sitting down with reporters. he did sit down with me for 30 plus minutes and answered all of my questions to his credit. nothing was off limits, and he gave me answers and illuminated a lot of his positions for us. so that is a major change that we've seen. another change we've seen is that his events have gotten smaller. now, some folks are pointing to smaller crowd sizes as an example of maybe the lack of interest. i would actually say that's a bit of a strategic shift for the campaign. he's trying to engage voters in a more intimate way. i have seen him start to have those conversations, sit down at tables with folks at diners, at the outset, he was doing more so things behind podiums, on stages, sort of bike racks in front of those stages, shaking hands with voters. now he's having those conversations, shaking the hands, answering questions, it is a little bit of a different style these days. the campaign calls it a shift as an incumbent governor to insurgent candidate, whatever you want to call it. i'm getting the sense of that shift. whether or not it will work, that remains to be seen. you've got five months to go until the iowa caucuses in january and a lot of ground to make up if you look at the polls. but iowa is going to be critical, and it is a little bit of anyone's game, if you start digging into some of that polling. a lot of voters are still kicking the tires and are open to alternative candidates with donald trump, according to my conversations and some of the numbers we have seen come out of the state. >> governor, desantis was roughly 30 points behind trump a month ago, now that gap is nearly 40 points. from what you're seeing is what he's doing enough to make any kind of impact on the dynamics of this race. >> i have to tell you, i remember being in new hampshire, going to a town hall, and there were two people that showed up and the guy who would follow me around and help me through the campaign said this is perfect, now you have a chance to convert at least one of the two. so these crowd sizes, they kind of go up, they kind of go down, i can tell you that. there's two issues here. one is can he connect. he's been in a larger setting, kind of wasn't working. now he's in the smaller setting, can he connect, and secondly, i think he's changing his message. i read over the weekend that they want to move away from the whole anti-woke message. that doesn't seem to be connecting with significant numbers of people. so you can see he's beginning to talk about the economy, he's not talking much about florida, which i think is a mistake. he should be talking about the things he did down there. then the other thing you have to keep your eye on is the money, i think part of the reason why he did this interview, part of the reason why he said trump lost is that some of the people who are significant contributors to him think in a way he's gone off the rails. i mean, trump did lose the election. i think what he's trying to do is to get more back into the mainstream so that those people who can help finance his campaign will not leave him. so a cup of things to look at, one, the message, secondly, is he connecting, and thirdly, is he getting the money. those are the things we have to keep our eye on. long way to go. still a very long way to go. >> with that in mind, i want to play part of the exchange from dasha's interview on abortion. >> so would you veto any sort of federal bill that tries to put a nationwide ban in place? >> we will be a pro life president, and we will support pro life policies. i would not allow what a lot of the left wants to do, which is to override pro life protections throughout the country, all the way up really until the moment of birth in some instances, which i think is infanticide. >> i got to push back on that. that's a misrepresentation of what's happening. i mean, that 1.3% of abortions happen at 21 weeks or higher. there's no evidence of democrats pushing for abortions up until -- >> but their view is that all the way up and to that, there should be not be any legal protections. there is no indication of democrats pushing for that. >> yes, they are. they have done it in california. >> they have not instituted that policy. >> yeah, they have. yeah, they have. >> they basically will say if there's some type of -- they'll use like different ways to really have a wide exception for it. >> it's extremely rare. 1.3%, and in those circumstances, they're typically extremely emotional decisions. >> i don't say that's the norm in terms of this. i think the left in this country has moved on from a position that said, you know what, we do want to discourage abortion, it's not something that's a good thing, to now viewing it more as a positive good for society, and i think most americans, regardless of how they feel on legal protections, i don't think most americans think it's a positive good for society. it's obviously a tragic circumstance. >> does that feel like maybe an argument that could win over moderates, which essentially, you're not talking governor about the six-week abortion ban that you passed in your state, basically in the dead of night where you're steering away from that, you're just trying to say, this is what democrats want to do, and you mischaracterize what it is they're trying to do across the country? >> well, look, the abortion issue is pretty well defined by the american people now. they are not for extremes on either side. they are not for extremes in the beginning. they're not for extremes in the end. i think that's a position that the american people kind of, i think that's what they support, and the only thing i pick up in this interview is the left is this, the left is that. you know, kind of take some of that rhetoric out of there. you know, that sort of borders on name calling. that's kind of hip for republicans to keep referring to the left and the hard right, you know, and all of that stuff. i just get a little tired of it, but i think that if you search for sort of where the public is on this, which is, again, not extremes on both sides, that's where i think, look, it depends what you believe, too. not just put my finger in the air and feel it, i think it's a reasonable position for people to take whether the pro life or pro choice, to be honest with you. >> dasha, you spoke to casey desantis, who talked about ron as a husband, one of the knocks have been a struggle to connect to voters, what have you seen and heard from the people around hill, is that dynamic changing at all? >> reporter: well, look, he has often had casey and his three children by his side on the campaign trail. especially lately in iowa and new hampshire as he has been doing these bus tours, and that is a huge element of his pitch to voters that they're a young family that he has skin in the game when he talks about things like education, and i talked to casey about this, and she told me the story of her battle with breast cancer, and how she sees her husband as a husband and a father to her children after going through that battle with him. take a listen. >> he was there for me, and he was there to go pick up my kids when i couldn't. and he did it with humility, and he did it with love. and i tell you what, i can't ask for a better husband than that. >> yeah, you know, so -- >> reporter: how does it feel to hear her say that? i mean. >> well look, you know, in sickness and in health, that's what you sign up for. >> reporter: so it's that kind of vulnerability that we haven't seen a ton yet on the campaign trail. if maybe they could start to open up in that way with voters and make that connection that could potentially start to chip away and make the difference. >> dasha burns and former ohio governor john kasich, thank you both. catch more of dasha's interview with ron desantis tonight on nbc nightly news. arizona cannot catch a break, dealing with historic triple digit temperatures as kids head back into the classroom. how schools are trying to keep students safe and indoors next. plus, we'll speak to one arizona journalist about how historic the conditions are ahead of president biden's arrival there tonight. you're watching "chris jansing reports" only on msnbc. you're watching "chris jansing reports" only on msnbc for muh versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at businesses need 5g solutions today. that's why they choose t-mobile for business. mlb partners with t-mobile to not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. aaa relies on t-mobile's network to stay connected nationwide, so they can help get their members back on the road. and we're helping pano ai innovate, to stop the spread of wildfires. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. ♪ did you know 80% of women are struggling with hair damage? 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>> it's hot. it's hot to the point that people in phoenix are saying it's hot. we're seeing cooling centers overwhelmed, we're seeing people dying, people in hospitals of heat exhaustion, heatstroke, people are getting burned when they fall down on the ground. it's something that you really need to respect and pay attention to. and it's really causing a lot of problems for people every day. >> it's alarming so for people in arizona, what do they hear from the president, what else do they want him in congress to do? >> it's a great question. first of all, you're going to need to get creative. right? so joe biden's coming to arizona with the inflation reduction act, with all the protections it's got. all of the job opportunities it's got. with all of the money in place that's going to be able to help people in the future, but there are the -- a lot of people that can't think about the future. you've got 100 bucks in your pocket, you're not thinking of spending it to go back to school if you're starving. you've got people in survival mode. you've got to address their immediate needs. biden is coming, donald trump's not going away. desantis is not going away, and biden's not going to have the momentum in '24 like he had last time around where he can say, yo, that guy is a problem, vote me in, because i'm the lesser of two evils, that's not going to fly this time, i think. i think he's going to have to excite his base, and i think to excite your base, you've got to be able to speak to their current reality, which is to say we've embedded with people in the community. we know exactly what the problems are and these are the things we're doing right now to fix it, and when i say get creative, listen, i was at the movie theater this weekend with my kids, it was the first time i have been cold in months. why not just give people free movie tickets so they can cool off for a couple of hours. we saw the canopy over the playground, we have that stuff left and right in phoenix. do more of it. there's got to be ways you can open up churches, more schools. there's got to be ways you can get creative to bring people immediate need because the heat is deadly, and again, biden has got good stuff on the horizon. he's talking about uranium mining and putting solar panels over canals, and creating union jobs. i mean, this is stuff that people want to hear but they also need to deal with the reality right now today. >> yeah, they're hot right now. gregory moore, doesn't look like it's going to get any better in the immediate future. so i wish you and your kids as many movie trips as you can in the immediate future, but we're thinking about you, thank you for your time. >> listen, i appreciate it. we're going to hose everybody off in the backyard if we have to. this is something you got to pay attention to, seriously, and again, there's the lot of people who don't have that option, and these are the people biden needs to speak to, excite them, he's got an advantage in '24. >> appreciate it. next, we'll go to fulton county georgia with a potential fourth indictment of former president trump on the way. out of the growing laundry list of cases, which will be the hardest for trump's lawyers to defend. that's next. t for trump's lawyeo defend that's next. 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>> well, i think the most serious is the most recent indictment, the january 6th indictment. this goes to the heart of trying to overturn the results of, you know, an election. and he is a former president and he's running for president. so i think those are the most serious charges. but certainly the classified documents case, we're talking about the nation's secrets, and what he did to not only not protect those, but potentially disseminate information to those who did not have the security clearance. that's incredibly serious as well. not to mention all of the obstruction that went along with that that's charged in that classified documents case. the two federal cases are incredible serious and it remains to be seen what will come out of georgia, but i expect those will likely involve racketeering charges, and those you have to charge a criminal enterprise and other crimes that qualify under law, things like witness tampering, computer trespass, those are the kinds of charges that have been discussed in connection with georgia. also incredibly serious. based on the speaking indictments that we've seen, the evidence is incredibly strong, so i think trump's lawyers really have quite a challenge ahead of them. i think they're going to be looking to install the clock, and play the delay card as much as they can, because their defenses are limited. >> the "wall street journal" spoke to prosecutors who said that jack smith's election interference case doesn't clearly define which specific moments trumps actions became criminal. do you agree, is that a hurdle? >> again, in the january 6th case, you're looking at conspiracy charges, and for conspiracy, you're looking for an agreement. it doesn't have to be explicit, you don't have to say, i agree to commit a crime with you, and here's the moment that happened. no prosecutor does that. you have circumstantial evidence that there were clear understandings and agreements to in furtherance of committing a crime. the crime does not necessarily have to have been accomplished. you made an agreement, you took certain overt steps in furtherance of that agreement. i don't think that is going to be a huge obstacle. there are multiple points in the indictment where it is clear that donald trump is told that there is no election fraud by people that he appointed and that he used this false election fraud as a pretext to be able to further his attempts to try to stop the certification of the votes. >> because we keep hearing from trump attorney, freedom of speech, do prosecutors need to show the point at which the freedom of speech ended and the criminal activity began? >> it's not -- it is not a crime to enter into agreements to commit a crime. you don't have any free speech right to do that. so there are multiple points at which you see donald trump in meetings where he is excludeing his counsel. white house counsel is telling him there's no election fraud from the meeting, and he's engaging in behaviors to try to put pressure on the state officials to try and have these fake electors, not necessarily when there's a contingency but as an alternative. so each of those steps he's taking and then going on the record and telling mike pence, pressuring him to get rid of these electoral counts. each of these seem clearly overt acts that are in furtherance of this objective to make sure that he can overturn the results of the election. >> looking holistically, legal experts in talking about alvin bragg's case in manhattan, essentially a state felony that hinges on the violation of a federal election law. that's considered untested legal theory. the classified documents, we know judge aileen cannon has issued favorable rulings in the past, that's a wild card, but still, "axios" writes, everything will need to go right for trump to avoid a conviction, and three, possibly four courthouses in the next 15 months. why is that? everything needs to go right for trump to avoid a conviction? >> well, i think i would put it a little differently. i think the calendar is going to matter here, and because i think the january 6th case is the most serious, i would anticipate that being the case that will go first to trial and that will happen at some point in the first half of the 2024. because you're right, there are challenges both legal and evident case. expect that to be delayed and kicked from the federal case. the classified documents case, as you point out, not only do we have a judge who may be a bit of a loose cannon in terms of what the rulings may by, no pun intended and a jury pool made up of trump voters. you could have jury nullification, though it's a tight case. expect january 6th to go first. they've got a favorable judge, a favorable jury pool, and they've got a case that has a lot of facts in evidence with massive jury appeal. >> kristy greenberg, thank you. >> thank you. the white house trying to take down devastating attacks, their new plan to tackle it all ahead. but first, the summer block buster "barbie" smashing global ticket sale records officially breaking into the billion dollar club. this is the first film directed by a solo woman, far surpassing "wonder woman," only 53 movies have made more than a billion in modern box office history. barbie's success seems far from finished. we'll be back. m finished we'll be back. 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security in schools and libraries and create a commission to coordinate response. at least 120 schools have been hit by cyber attacks so far this year. according to recorded future, a cyber security company, recovering can take months, it can also cost up to a million dollars, just a staggering some for districts who lack the infrastructure and expertise to protect themselves. nbc's allie raffa joins us now. what do we know about the plan and how the administration is trying to get ahold of the problem that seems to grow every year. >> reporter: we talked about the growing number of cyber attacks targeting, for example, the health care and finance industries, even the federal government dealing with these attacks lately, but today the white house is focusing on these threats to the country's education system. the number of these threats to the education system growing in recent years. as so much of the system went virtual since the start of the covid-19 pandemic. in some case, these hackers have taken the personal, medical and financial information of students, of staff and leaked them online. even leaking school security protocol online, and educators are saying they have been struggling to grapple with the effects of this because of a lack of funding, of resources, in some cases, they're forced to close for days or weeks before they get their systems back on track, and so in about an hour, we're going to see the first lady, of course an educator herself be joined by administration officials, leaders in the tech industry, educators from across the country talk about not only how to prevent these attacks from happening, but how to better equip these k through 12 schools and how to handle them once they do happen. take a look at some of the changes that we're expecting them to announce today. for example, the federal communications commission or fcc will allot $200 million over three years to strengthen school cyber defenses, and work across agencies in order to respond to these attacks. there's moves from the private tech industry, amazon and google, who will be able to better provide guidance and training for how to deal with these attacks once they happen. at this point, it's still unclear whether the white house is planning any official federal legislation to protect the education industry. so far white house officials just saying that this is the first step to some meaningful change because they say that this problem shows no signs of slowing down. >> allie raffa, thank you. now to what police say is a foiled murder for hire plot. a georgia mother of three and former beauty pageant queen has been arrested in the bahamas. law enforcement said she conspired with two men to kill her own husband. nbc's blayne alexander has latest. >> reporter: on social media, they were the perfect picture of a happy couple. >> the polar bear plunge. >> reporter: but in reality, police say lindsay scheiber was plotting to kill her husband of 13 years. she and two other men are facing murder conspiracy charges. >> happy birthday, big guy. >> reporter: according to news reports from the bahamas, police allegedly discovered the plot while investigating a separate crime. while searching for evidence on a cell phone, police say they uncovered the alleged plan to kill 38-year-old robert schiver. >> the key will be what exactly was said in these text messages, and the defense will have to revolve around having some other explanation for what was said in those text messages other than the interpretation that this was a conspiracy to kill her husband. >> reporter: the couple met at auburn university where robert played on the football team. lindsay, a former beauty pageant contestant. the couple later moved georgia where they are raising their three boys. both lindsay and robert would often share happy videos and pictures of their lives on social media. on their anniversary in 2020, lindsay wrote, the key to a perfect marriage is having two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other. but in april, robert filed for divorce. in court filings, robert accused his wife of adulterous conduct saying their marriage is irretrievably broken and requesting primary physical custody of their children. in a response filing not obtained by nbc news, lindsay said any extramarital relationship she had was during the party's separation and was condoned by robert. according to bahamas court news, prosecutors say lindsay had an intimate relationship with one of her accused coconspirators. her lawyer who did not respond to our request for comment told cnn his client was granted a $100,000 bail but will be required to wear an ankle monitoring device and remain in the bahamas. now, a shattered image of their seemingly happy marriage as police try to piece together a motive for the alleged plot. >> nbc's blayne alexander with that report. thank you. the greatest of all time, back on the mat, like she never left. gymnastics icon, simone biles stuns in an epic return after a two-year hiatus. could she be headed to the paris olympics? that's next. ded to the paris olympics that's next. not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. do you struggle with occasional nerve aches now's the time to see in your hands or feet? try nervive nerve relief from the world's number one nerve care company. nervive contains ala to relieve nerve aches, and b-complex vitamins to fortify healthy nerves. try nervive. and, try nervive pain relieving roll-on. the u.s. women's national soccer team is heading home after a disappointing loss to sweden sunday morning. it was a nail biter t 0-0, leading to an intense round of penalty kicks. this loss is the earliest exit for the u.s. in world cup history. this year's women world cup is a testament to the growth of women's soccer on a global scale and their goal remains the same to win. from the soccer field to the mat, the g.o.a.t. is back, simone biles returned to the mat for the first time in two years this weekend, and it was like she never left. biles winning gold, an all around balance beam, and the vault at the core hydration classic. maggie vespa is following this for us. walk us through this incredible comeback. >> it was like, break, what break, she never left. she was gone for two years, and cut to her return to the mat, so triumphant. that was the event during the tokyo olympics two years ago, and she experienced the bout of what we know as the twisties, destroying her ability to judge where she was in the air. and caused her to take the two-year mental hiatus. she has been in therapy, training, to retrain her brain and body to work together, and clearly, lindsay, it paid off. what an incredible show this weekend. >> incredible is the right word. what comes next for simone, any plans for the 2024 olympics? >> i know, we're all thinking like olympics, and everybody had that question for her. she says she wants to stay in the moment, when asked point-blank, are you thinking about paris, this was her answer, take a listen. >> we're still in the working steps. my main goal was this, and then championships, and then after that, we'll look on to worlds and we'll see, but so far, it's heading in the right direction. i still have to work on myself. i'm still going to do my therapy. i'm going to put myself first. >> biles saying she has been in weekly therapy. she will continue that, but one other thing, you know, her coach telling nbc sports, one thing they worked on was trying to remove a lot of the twists from her routine, and putting more rotations. she would do more forward summer assaults while not twisting her body as much. in essence, they took away a key skill from her routines but made it so difficult she was able to blow us all away, which is what we expect from simone biles at this point. >> i'm going to repeat what she said, because it's so important, i'm going to put myself first. may we respect that. that does it for us this hour. so good to be with you. tune in to "chris jansing reports" every weekday from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. eastern. our coverage continues with katy tur reports right now. good to be back with you, i'm katy tur with the third indictment, now in the books. donald trump and his lawyers are arguing with the special counsel over what happens next. the discovery process could get hairy, special counsel jack smith says the government needs a protective order to prevent the former president from intimidating witnesses. they're worried about the evidence they're set to hand over, including, they say, material that contains sensitive and confidential information. what has prosecutors so worried? well, just look

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