Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704

president lyndon b. johnson signed the voting rights act into law. removing legal barriers for black voters, johnson not only made a quality at the ballot box of reality for everyone but he also ensured this nation's laws matched its revered ideals. and yeah, it's over the ensuing indicates protections under the act have been chipped away. most notably after the 2013 supreme court decision in shelby v. holder which made it easier for states to pass restrictive voting laws. still, the outcome of our elections and our democracy held firm. until january six 2020 line. an angry red violent mob stormed the capitol driven by one terrified goal. overturn a free and fair election. they were motivated by the lives of one. dan donald j trump. the new twice impeached thrice indicted for now former president of the united states. that dark day expose just how fragile american democracy, our democracy, really is. but, trump is now finally facing accountability for trying to illegally stated. power that indictment includes a significant charge. conspiracy against the right to vote. that's charged isn't portent because trump is still pushing the big lie. just last night in south carolina, they repeat that the 2020 presidential election was quote, raped. and went after special counsel jack smith. he also went after his former vice president mike pence. inflammatory social media post after he was warned that retaliating against a witness is a crime. and because of trump's threatening rhetoric, his legal team has until five pm tomorrow to respond to a protective order request from the special counsel's office. prosecutors filed a request for the protective order with judge tanya chutkan late friday night to bar trump of exposing any evidence in the investigation as a discovery phase begins. in their requests, the special counsel prosecutors cited a post from trump that said quote, if you go after me i am coming after you. that threat only serves to highlight a stirring rebuke of trump and his inaction during the insurrection from congresswoman liz cheney. at the final public hearing of the january 6th select committee. >> no man who would behave that way at that moment in time can ever serve in any position of authority in our nation again. he is unfit for any office. >> joining me now is former florida congresswoman stephanie murphy. also the former member of the january 6th elect committee. charles coleman junior, msnbc legal analysis towards attorney and former brooklyn prosecutor. and douglas brinkley, presidential historian and professor of history at rice university. thank you all very much for coming to the sunday show. douglas, let me start with you. talk about this inflection point in history that we are in. especially on this day. the 58th anniversary of the signing into law of the voting rights act? >> there is nothing more sacred in the united states and the right to vote and one of the biggest moments in my lifetime as the voting rights act. i would predict it's going to sell, will alabama, varied marches way to educate a remind ourselves that voting is a sacred right. and the fact of the matter is that donald trump really has broken that compact with the american people. but their refusal to admit that it was a free and fair election is one thing. but to start creating a conspiracy to deny people the right to vote, to look for slights of fake electors, and to be the first president in u.s. history that did not allow us to have a peaceful transfer of power, is all reprehensible stuff. and it's all boiling in to these indictments of trump and georgia are coming up is going to be just as damning inflammatory as what we have just had coming out of washington, d.c.. >> congresswoman murphy, euro the -- of trump's indictment and the threat on the social media page if you come after me a come after you. >> i am proud to say that the january six select committee laid out the broad conspiracy. i think it's the first time that we unveil the january six was not just a spontaneous riot that happened at the capitol but rather was a culmination of a multi pronged approach to overturning the free and fair election stripping americans of their right to vote. and a half that vote be reflected in the outcome of the presidential election. so, we laid that broadly, the indictment mirror as much of what we put out in that report. in addition we are able to get folks who did seek to our committee who pled the fifth they were able here sure the shulman. they've gotten even more evidence. i would. happens as it, threats everybody was on the select committee and he was part of the impeachment regarding january six had to have protective details. because they thought they were coming in. this is a reflection of how powerful people have control and have the ability to influence others to act on their behalf. we saw that culminated january six but you can see in small ways, to -- as people respond and back of these threats, that the former president makes. >> charles, we spoke to alabama on friday saying marxist prosecutors are what he called racist in reverse. live for us meant. what's your reaction to donald trump trying to use the reverse racism card here? >> here you have a white man who has been privileged his entire life. a multi millionaire who has been the president of the united states. now playing the race card. i think it is beyond rich room to attempt that. especially at this moment. playing the role of somebody who is being persecuted simply because he's being prosecuted. ultimately, i'm not surprised by. this this is very much so donald trump. using a blow on to sunday full signal to his entire base. for the purposes of energizing them and galvanizing them. at the end of the day, let's face, it also raising. money that is a huge part of this strategy. and terms of what he is tapping into with regard to his base and what he will respond to. it's not a surprise, it is ultimately disgusting and inappropriate. but unfortunately, that's what has moved the needle from thus far. the attacks on charges, on prosecutors, and everyone who is involved in this process are going to not only continue but also possibly intensify. >> douglass, trump is gone after judges and prosecutors because also going after witnesses. how unprecedented are these attacks on our legal system among former presidents? >> maybe about 20 years ago. the mafia, new york and chicago might try to pull such stance. we have never seen somebody a week like such a boy, do intimidation, make -- if you bubba you back. it is reprehensible. it's a sign of an hand dictatorial mind. a man with an authoritarian bands. determined to seek revenge and anybody who might be telling the truth. if that truth gets him in any way shape or form, so it is a horrific spectacle. and he is actually a -- citadel of -- ever since donald was not born in america, straight on to charlottesville to the points of him not wanting to have a judge because they were mexican american. there are hundred, thousand the muslim ban try this president. this is next president. who really believes in white power. that is his base and that is what he builds his political party off of. it just makes your stomach turn a lot to think that this person was once a day in the resolute death. same pace that fdr had a deal with. manhattan project with an executive order. john f. kennedy using an executive order to create the peace. we have trump sitting there suing in this kind of regional animosity. aimed at dividing our country. >> i want to talk more about that in the next plot because you raise excellent points in that answer. congresswoman murphy, among the charges that special counsel jack smith leveled against donald trump, incitement to insurrection is not one of them and that's one of the charges, correct me if i'm, wrong that the january 6th select committee says he could be charged. with are you disappointed that insurrection charge is not among the subject smith has levies? >> i have faith that jack smith has identify the charges for which he has the evidence to secure a conviction. i think that's a really important. prosecutors have a really good records. i, think that last year, they were successful in over 90% of the cases that come before them. it is important that this prosecution be very tight. that's why today put forward in the charges, they have the evidence to secure a guilty verdict. and so, well he's not put forward many of the recommendations that we have in our point, i trust his judgment on this. everything i've says, a lot of people average americans lied to by this former president. and acted on that lie. many of them are serving time, they have been charred a is convicted and are in prison. for seditious conspiracy. for violence of the capitol on january six. at the highest level as people were held to account because what kind of justice system do we have of the elites giveaway in the average american. who are pawns in this game. have to sort time. >> don't go anywhere. i will continue this conversation after the break. after the break it means cashbacking every opportunity. did you cashback on this? 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>> jonathan, let's throw down even further for our friend douglass is beautiful explanation of what's going on right now. it is not just white power that we are talking about. it is specifically white nationalism. and the difference there is white nationalism refers to the idea that only white people at the once you are allowed to and supposed to participate and run those democratic institutions. which are at the core of how our country operates. when you talk about who has access to the vote you're talking about who has access to be prosecuted and be a judge that all of these are people in positions that sit at the helm of democracy. so what donald trump and others like him who shares beliefs of ideologies, it white ash, unless believe that we do not have to respect within these positions. because these people are not even supposed to be able to participate in the systems that make america america. it's very much so in line with the same ideology is very much so of the vote that says and things that other people who are not white are not american enough to participate in those institutions that we understand america to be. >> congresswoman murphy given everything we have been talking about donald trump still has allies in congress who are defending him. speaker mccarthy's chief among them and even hinting at the possibility of the harris -- trumps in impeachments. that will allow you to speak really freely about your reaction to that. >> our democracy is stronger this healthy political party and for the republican party is a bit ill at this moment and they have lost their sense of principle on conservative policies that used to drive their party and i think when you see that shameless heads long supports for very little respect for the law the constitution. it would be great if that republican party could return to the party. iron for the days of the reagan republicans, we could argue and debate the policies that can lead this country forward as opposed to being website by their blind loyalty to prostitution to the united states? >> it's incredible that i tim longing for the days of the republican party under ronald reagan, which is pretty incredible. i'm gonna switch gears charles, and talk about what could be the fourth indictment of the former president that is coming out of fulton county, georgia. bringing this question to you because you have been the indictment whisperer. fani willis has told folks about a road closures. the sheriff's office has an asteroid pleasures near the courthouse in fulton county, georgia, from tomorrow until august 18th. when do you think the fulton county grand jury making a decision. but this decision being the fourth indictment of donald trump? >> jonathan, you have made a habit of putting me in this position and i have accepted the challenge every time. i'm going to, gas obviously, this will be within the next few. weeks but i anticipate it will come not this week but next week. the question is whether donald trump was going to be needed that indictments. i know the government sees it as a foregone conclusion. i do see it is more likely than not. are you think that we do have to prepare ourselves it is possible that there is star-studded names on that indictments and donald trump might not be one of them. i do think that as i said, it is more likely than not but i do not want to approach this as donald trump being the only name it is going to be in the indictments. i think that fani willis is going to lay as a very sprawling, very intricate and detailed rico case against the number of different conspiracies. and donald trump may not be one of. them but prepare for us to see this, like us, that pulling up this week. but by next week. >> you won't make a prediction, but then you say something they got my ears to perk up. one, don't be surprised if donald trump is not indicted by fani willis. the fulton county d.a.. but, too there could be other as you say star-studded games. iverson in the jumped at it, me not for the giuliani but senator lindsey graham, is that he or hinting at? >> that's exactly one painting. asked when i say this is not that no anything more than anyone else. but the foreperson for the grandeur investigation testified, or rather talking went on her media tour shortly after the grand during vestal geisha. including, she did mention there were a number of very recognizable things. even if some of their graham was not a part of that. i think there will be other recognizable names electrocuting number one who we know to be ready giuliani. but there are also others who were interviewed and put on the stand in front of the grand jury investigation. i don't necessarily know that it will be limited in that way. let me be clear, again, i think it is more likely than not that donald trump's name is on that indictments even if it isn't, that i am firmly convinced that there is going to be some very very recognizable names as part of indictments. that is one interesting. read >> douglass, one question of squeezing a bit of extra time here, they said that trump should expect to get the mugshot taken if and when he is indicted. how would something like that spirit membered in history? real quick? >> it is a media collectible. don't throw the, way gather the one posture of trump's an atlanta president, does not belong with any of the other presidents. he said that becomes occupant or dillinger are really the king. jesse james. best posters and t-shirts of donald trump and tennessee and tucson, arizona. he represents the middle finger to the federal government. he was seen as a dark outline here in america and good governance and our constitution and our federal institutions. a poster will speak of a billion words of the sky is really not fit for office. and instead bottom a real criminal. >> they are already selling fake mugshots of donald trump. so maybe in georgia he will get a real. one douglass, frankly, former congresswoman stephanie murphy, thank you all very much for coming to the sunday show. and coming, up trump's unyielding strengthen the republican primary, despite his mounting legal jeopardy. which only highlights a warning from former president obama that cannot be ignored. that is next. at is next >> woman: why did we choose safelite? 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political reports the democrats are taking him more seriously. but is it enough? >> it is not enough and we at the lincoln project have been warning about this for quite some time. we explain to democrats that the best offense is going to go straight asked donald trump and straight at maga and what you're doing is you cannot sit back and go through the traditional timeline of campaigns. just earning the staff up now. the other side is when momentum. they're mobilizing their well financed and trying to message the hell of donald trump's lies. there is a direct threat to our democracy that lives within the republican party's now is not at lyra mains of stream. let's say all the time that in politics you have to have a good offense if you're going to win your election. offense wins elections. i'm glad to see that there are luminaries within the democratic party such as president obama. which recognize the threat that is needling the biden ministration a little bit and people not realize how closely last election really was. it's gonna come down to the handful of states, we need to make sure that our folks are motivated and recognize what's at stake, which is the future of the marcy. >> i would hear your thoughts on this. >> just because the stakes are so incredibly, high i don't have enough time to scare your viewers about what the second trump term could mean. one of the things i see is i see regular focus groups with to chime trump voters and swing weathers. recently i've seen some real backsliding among the swing of others. for trump -- and biden 20, 20 and a lot of these graves they say i consider trump again. a lot of it is they are worried about joe biden's age and they don't like kamala harris. and a very negative feelings about the economy. i think the biden administration, they started doing this and there is more positive messages around the economy because that is what trump is really pushing. he's trying to the back row as president, it was so much, better of course he skips over the middle of the pandemic part and that is what he's trying to control i do hear about it from voters especially trump base voters. there's a fervent nature of trump's support, how deep it runs is really true. you should diamond it comes down makes people rally around trump more, his support stronger. convinces voters that the reason that they keep going after trump's season most dangerous. the deep state into the establishment. his support remains strong, remains incomprehensible, but nobody should overlook the chance that he could become president again. >> that probably explains why, tara, trump's been up early this morning posting about his social media accounts. look, with really wacky posts which attack indigenous the washing can d.c. calling the city filthy, let me cannot get a fair trial. he is once again attacking the special counsel and calling him highly partisan. and corrupt. and yet he seems -- he doesn't seem to, be but is, playing a two track strategy. jack smith has got him tied up in knots. in the court of law. and yet donald trump's play to the court of public opinion no matter how much danger it puts him in legally. am i reading that right? >> you are 100 percent. right you know it's going to happen. donald trump is about to f around and. find out jacks mitt does not play around. another does judge chutkan. this is not florida or fox news or any of the other fox media sites that we go on our his rallies and there is a court of law in the united states are still a country of law on the matter how much donald trump and his republican enablers try to turn this country into a banana republic. if donald trump wants to keep doing this, he's pushing the line. feel like they're coming closer to accountability. the greatest threat to american freedom is a government that does not respect the constitution. thomas jefferson high school at that. we have a conservative is irreparably going after our institutions and our democratic norms. and. ideals they're letting donald trump do. this entire slate of republican primary candidates that are afraid to go after trump collectively for what he is doing. he has broken the law is a national security threats. and a reelection for him we changed the construct of our democracy irreparably in my opinion. this of course is that what donald trump is doing. it all we have is the court of public opinion opinion and his followers to keep him. going cars out is all he has. he is in big trouble and he knows. >> so, sarah we've got less than a minute left. but picking up for what tara is, can any of the republican candidates running against trump stop him? or is it too late? >> i'm not sure if it's too late it's amount of luck of political talents that was the focus group the other day and there asking who people voted for. and nobody even mentioned desantis. they mentioned people like -- and there was a little bit of support for tim scott. there is just nobody that people are coalescing around. and then one person who really had an opportunity to take on trump, rod desantis, there is a death spiral. running a terrible campaign trying to wrestle trump. for his cult following. rather than trying to consolidate the group a republican voters who want to move on from trump. >> thank you both very much for coming to the sunday show. and up next, a spotlight on. michigan one of several states mentioned donald trump's indictment. how is democratic governing majority will be powering to get things done. lieutenant governor garlin's -- drives me next to discuss. es me next to discuss. mlb chooses t-mobile for business for 5g solutions... not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. to 50 years with my best friend. 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>> well the alleged criminality of all of these actors up to and including the former presidents is unprecedented in discussing it's on looking forward to the legal system playing out both in our state as well as federally because people don't need to answer for the damage and the threats that they pose to our democracy. and in michigan, we're doing everything we can with the power that the rioters gave us to make sure that voting against democracy are easily accessible to every person in michigan. because we believe that more people participating in the process is better than fewer and that's what you're going to see a michigan we hope to be a model for the rest of the country. >> speaking of being a model for the rest of the country, your party the democratic party is mabel to secure some key progressive wins in the state on education and protecting lgbtq rights. the question, is how have you've been able to keep the party on board and stay in lockstep to pass these measures. >> it's because we're being responsive to what we have heard from every community in the state of michigan. governor gretchen whitmer and i. michigan is a really big. states have to go and meet people where they are and we talk with them about what it takes to create generational economic opportunity. with that starts with education. that's why we have now put our state on a path to universal pre-k education. we are ending hunger in our schools by providing free breakfast and free lunch for every child in a spacesuit. michigan and into making sure that kids can focus on learning an author, ballets is going to save families $150 a year in the process. will increase funding more than 20% since we've been in office for the last five years. highs in suburban and michigan's history. or providing pathways to opportunity. everyone can along with that and based on these budgets on a bipartisan basis, even some of the elected republicans understand it's better for the district better for their constituents. >> what lessons should national democrats learn from your success in michigan? >> to be unafraid to go and meet people and deliver them. when they say to have their full retirement, they're ending a tax on retirement think of the republicans pose on them 12 years ago. so they can cut taxes for rich people, and when you heard people say they want their state to be more competitive, then you need to deliver on. that make it a competitiveness fund to win more federal dollars never other states. when you hear that we need to have a revolutionary approach to ending poverty, taking big steps like we did in the city of flint in this project. with an r s kid's program. providing for the first time ever in a nation. 500 -- expectant mother is in a community for his child's birthday's. leading to poor health outcomes in the city of flint. that's had such big challenges. these are the kind of bets that me and governor whitmer are making on people. michigan other folks in communities across the country will take notes. >> and the minute that we have, last-minute switch gears to the 2024 presidential race. emerson college poll of registered michigan voters showed president biden and trump tie-dye head to head matchup. when you throw in green party candidate cornell west in the mix, trump leads 43 to 41. what do you think of this? >> it just means that there is an opportunity to tell the story of progress and success. have delivering the state of michigan. whether states like bringing supplies, chains homes to the chips and science acts. we're creating jobs in the semiconductor. industry expanding electric vehicle production. which is lead some of the biggest operation projects in the history of this in michigan. this administration has delivered us on higher job participation rates as well as the lowest unemployment rate in 23 years. this is due to coordination with our federal partners, vice president harris, president biden, the. delegation will tell that story across america. >> lieutenant governor, michigan lieutenant governor gilchrist, thank you so much for coming back to the sunday show. >> up, next special elections in ohio. and how it could impact abortion rights battle. we'll explain after the break. explain after the break. i use secret aluminum free. just swipe and it lasts all day. secret helps eliminate odor, instead of just masking it. and hours later, i still smell fresh. secret works! ohhh yesss. ♪♪ my most important kitchen tool? 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hold up - yeeerp? i can't talk right now, i'm at a silent retreat. cashback on everything you buy with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. >> early voting is underway across ohio for special elections in the numbers are already going to a huge voter turnout. on the ballot this tuesday's issue. one and measure backed by ohio republicans that would raise the threshold dome in the states constitution for a civil majority. to 60%. the measure was rushed into an august special election to him another major ohio valley measure coming this november. whether or not to enshrine reproductive rights in a state's constitution. joining me, now is congresswoman chantal brown of ohio. congresswoman, welcome to the sunday show. >> why did it hire republicans push for the special election in august. >> you already know and there is no cheetah playbook. numbers are on our side. we to make our health care decisions that's critically important especially as you come up for the hills of the voting right at the 68th anniversary. issue it won overturning 100 years of precedent has been said in the state of ohio. this is constitutional amendment the opening forward citizen lead initiatives that was devastating to a state like ohio. not only the racing from a subway jordy for supermajority, they're also getting the issue on the ballot. the only of 44 counties to move something on the ballot and it there were all making it -- holding up an entire initiative for the state. i would have robocalls and speaking to some enthusiastic voters on friday. to make people away. or this election was actually happening against the state legislatures and the republicans dominate state legislature's decision to hold august elections. this is the other caveat that was missing. they are special elections were having this election that we hoped fly under the radar of the people of ohio. people are paying attention and jonathan and the voters are showing up and showing out. >> so help me out with something. a ohio is a red state. and the recent u.s. poll, 50% of ohio and was shining abortion access into the states. why do this disconnect between elected republicans and ohio voters? >> you kind of touch and a very important point, raising the threshold to what 16%. they got some tea leaves that actually indicate how they can turn it states like kansas and michigan. with 56 and 15 died persons its numbers no stance. a is a straight word ten-year-old rape victim had to leave the state to get abortion. so this is a very personal issue as a black woman and devastating impacts on our community. they look like yours and mine. very important that we understand because a lot of money has been starting to mislead and missing for the facts of those issues. as we said this is a proxy for women to make their own health care decisions. i want to protect our democracy and our ability to make our own decisions people should vote no on issue one as they maintain one person in one vote majority bra has been working fine for us for the last 100 years. >> they're serving -- the outcome to his election of national implications as abortion rights advocates frequently charming turning to vote in referendum in the face of gerrymandering and radical states legislatures. what would it mean if issue when actually passes? >> the litmus test and the -- test for the nation if you. well it will grow legs and run all over the country early voting is available now and you can actually vote today on election day august eight polls are open from 6:30 am to 7:30 pm. we have been over performing looking at your foot off the gas. we have to push through to tuesday and make sure that every vote is counted. this is going to be like, the nation is watching because again, that when this issue passes it will be repeated throughout the process. we must be this issue to protect our democracy and freedom to have every single vote counted and to protect our majority rule. >> congresswoman chantal brown of ohio, good luck and thank you very much for coming to the sunday show. that will do it for me today and thank you for watching the sunday show i'll be back at -- 9 am eastern and follow us on twitter, instagram, tiktok, using the handle at weekend to keep part. don't go anywhere. my friend ali velshi is next with the latest. with the latest. 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president lyndon b. johnson signed the voting rights act into law. removing legal barriers for black voters, johnson not only made a quality at the ballot box of reality for everyone but he also ensured this nation's laws matched its revered ideals. and yeah, it's over the ensuing indicates protections under the act have been chipped away. most notably after the 2013 supreme court decision in shelby v. holder which made it easier for states to pass restrictive voting laws. still, the outcome of our elections and our democracy held firm. until january six 2020 line. an angry red violent mob stormed the capitol driven by one terrified goal. overturn a free and fair election. they were motivated by the lives of one. dan donald j trump. the new twice impeached thrice indicted for now former president of the united states. that dark day expose just how fragile american democracy, our democracy, really is. but, trump is now finally facing accountability for trying to illegally stated. power that indictment includes a significant charge. conspiracy against the right to vote. that's charged isn't portent because trump is still pushing the big lie. just last night in south carolina, they repeat that the 2020 presidential election was quote, raped. and went after special counsel jack smith. he also went after his former vice president mike pence. inflammatory social media post after he was warned that retaliating against a witness is a crime. and because of trump's threatening rhetoric, his legal team has until five pm tomorrow to respond to a protective order request from the special counsel's office. prosecutors filed a request for the protective order with judge tanya chutkan late friday night to bar trump of exposing any evidence in the investigation as a discovery phase begins. in their requests, the special counsel prosecutors cited a post from trump that said quote, if you go after me i am coming after you. that threat only serves to highlight a stirring rebuke of trump and his inaction during the insurrection from congresswoman liz cheney. at the final public hearing of the january 6th select committee. >> no man who would behave that way at that moment in time can ever serve in any position of authority in our nation again. he is unfit for any office. >> joining me now is former florida congresswoman stephanie murphy. also the former member of the january 6th elect committee. charles coleman junior, msnbc legal analysis towards attorney and former brooklyn prosecutor. and douglas brinkley, presidential historian and professor of history at rice university. thank you all very much for coming to the sunday show. douglas, let me start with you. talk about this inflection point in history that we are in. especially on this day. the 58th anniversary of the signing into law of the voting rights act? >> there is nothing more sacred in the united states and the right to vote and one of the biggest moments in my lifetime as the voting rights act. i would predict it's going to sell, will alabama, varied marches way to educate a remind ourselves that voting is a sacred right. and the fact of the matter is that donald trump really has broken that compact with the american people. but their refusal to admit that it was a free and fair election is one thing. but to start creating a conspiracy to deny people the right to vote, to look for slights of fake electors, and to be the first president in u.s. history that did not allow us to have a peaceful transfer of power, is all reprehensible stuff. and it's all boiling in to these indictments of trump and georgia are coming up is going to be just as damning inflammatory as what we have just had coming out of washington, d.c.. >> congresswoman murphy, euro the -- of trump's indictment and the threat on the social media page if you come after me a come after you. >> i am proud to say that the january six select committee laid out the broad conspiracy. i think it's the first time that we unveil the january six was not just a spontaneous riot that happened at the capitol but rather was a culmination of a multi pronged approach to overturning the free and fair election stripping americans of their right to vote. and a half that vote be reflected in the outcome of the presidential election. so, we laid that broadly, the indictment mirror as much of what we put out in that report. in addition we are able to get folks who did seek to our committee who pled the fifth they were able here sure the shulman. they've gotten even more evidence. i would. happens as it, threats everybody was on the select committee and he was part of the impeachment regarding january six had to have protective details. because they thought they were coming in. this is a reflection of how powerful people have control and have the ability to influence others to act on their behalf. we saw that culminated january six but you can see in small ways, to -- as people respond and back of these threats, that the former president makes. >> charles, we spoke to alabama on friday saying marxist prosecutors are what he called racist in reverse. live for us meant. what's your reaction to donald trump trying to use the reverse racism card here? >> here you have a white man who has been privileged his entire life. a multi millionaire who has been the president of the united states. now playing the race card. i think it is beyond rich room to attempt that. especially at this moment. playing the role of somebody who is being persecuted simply because he's being prosecuted. ultimately, i'm not surprised by. this this is very much so donald trump. using a blow on to sunday full signal to his entire base. for the purposes of energizing them and galvanizing them. at the end of the day, let's face, it also raising. money that is a huge part of this strategy. and terms of what he is tapping into with regard to his base and what he will respond to. it's not a surprise, it is ultimately disgusting and inappropriate. but unfortunately, that's what has moved the needle from thus far. the attacks on charges, on prosecutors, and everyone who is involved in this process are going to not only continue but also possibly intensify. >> douglass, trump is gone after judges and prosecutors because also going after witnesses. how unprecedented are these attacks on our legal system among former presidents? >> maybe about 20 years ago. the mafia, new york and chicago might try to pull such stance. we have never seen somebody a week like such a boy, do intimidation, make -- if you bubba you back. it is reprehensible. it's a sign of an hand dictatorial mind. a man with an authoritarian bands. determined to seek revenge and anybody who might be telling the truth. if that truth gets him in any way shape or form, so it is a horrific spectacle. and he is actually a -- citadel of -- ever since donald was not born in america, straight on to charlottesville to the points of him not wanting to have a judge because they were mexican american. there are hundred, thousand the muslim ban try this president. this is next president. who really believes in white power. that is his base and that is what he builds his political party off of. it just makes your stomach turn a lot to think that this person was once a day in the resolute death. same pace that fdr had a deal with. manhattan project with an executive order. john f. kennedy using an executive order to create the peace. we have trump sitting there suing in this kind of regional animosity. aimed at dividing our country. >> i want to talk more about that in the next plot because you raise excellent points in that answer. congresswoman murphy, among the charges that special counsel jack smith leveled against donald trump, incitement to insurrection is not one of them and that's one of the charges, correct me if i'm, wrong that the january 6th select committee says he could be charged. with are you disappointed that insurrection charge is not among the subject smith has levies? >> i have faith that jack smith has identify the charges for which he has the evidence to secure a conviction. i think that's a really important. prosecutors have a really good records. i, think that last year, they were successful in over 90% of the cases that come before them. it is important that this prosecution be very tight. that's why today put forward in the charges, they have the evidence to secure a guilty verdict. and so, well he's not put forward many of the recommendations that we have in our point, i trust his judgment on this. everything i've says, a lot of people average americans lied to by this former president. and acted on that lie. many of them are serving time, they have been charred a is convicted and are in prison. for seditious conspiracy. for violence of the capitol on january six. at the highest level as people were held to account because what kind of justice system do we have of the elites giveaway in the average american. who are pawns in this game. have to sort time. >> don't go anywhere. i will continue this conversation after the break. after the break it means cashbacking every opportunity. did you cashback on this? 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>> jonathan, let's throw down even further for our friend douglass is beautiful explanation of what's going on right now. it is not just white power that we are talking about. it is specifically white nationalism. and the difference there is white nationalism refers to the idea that only white people at the once you are allowed to and supposed to participate and run those democratic institutions. which are at the core of how our country operates. when you talk about who has access to the vote you're talking about who has access to be prosecuted and be a judge that all of these are people in positions that sit at the helm of democracy. so what donald trump and others like him who shares beliefs of ideologies, it white ash, unless believe that we do not have to respect within these positions. because these people are not even supposed to be able to participate in the systems that make america america. it's very much so in line with the same ideology is very much so of the vote that says and things that other people who are not white are not american enough to participate in those institutions that we understand america to be. >> congresswoman murphy given everything we have been talking about donald trump still has allies in congress who are defending him. speaker mccarthy's chief among them and even hinting at the possibility of the harris -- trumps in impeachments. that will allow you to speak really freely about your reaction to that. >> our democracy is stronger this healthy political party and for the republican party is a bit ill at this moment and they have lost their sense of principle on conservative policies that used to drive their party and i think when you see that shameless heads long supports for very little respect for the law the constitution. it would be great if that republican party could return to the party. iron for the days of the reagan republicans, we could argue and debate the policies that can lead this country forward as opposed to being website by their blind loyalty to prostitution to the united states? >> it's incredible that i tim longing for the days of the republican party under ronald reagan, which is pretty incredible. i'm gonna switch gears charles, and talk about what could be the fourth indictment of the former president that is coming out of fulton county, georgia. bringing this question to you because you have been the indictment whisperer. fani willis has told folks about a road closures. the sheriff's office has an asteroid pleasures near the courthouse in fulton county, georgia, from tomorrow until august 18th. when do you think the fulton county grand jury making a decision. but this decision being the fourth indictment of donald trump? >> jonathan, you have made a habit of putting me in this position and i have accepted the challenge every time. i'm going to, gas obviously, this will be within the next few. weeks but i anticipate it will come not this week but next week. the question is whether donald trump was going to be needed that indictments. i know the government sees it as a foregone conclusion. i do see it is more likely than not. are you think that we do have to prepare ourselves it is possible that there is star-studded names on that indictments and donald trump might not be one of them. i do think that as i said, it is more likely than not but i do not want to approach this as donald trump being the only name it is going to be in the indictments. i think that fani willis is going to lay as a very sprawling, very intricate and detailed rico case against the number of different conspiracies. and donald trump may not be one of. them but prepare for us to see this, like us, that pulling up this week. but by next week. >> you won't make a prediction, but then you say something they got my ears to perk up. one, don't be surprised if donald trump is not indicted by fani willis. the fulton county d.a.. but, too there could be other as you say star-studded games. iverson in the jumped at it, me not for the giuliani but senator lindsey graham, is that he or hinting at? >> that's exactly one painting. asked when i say this is not that no anything more than anyone else. but the foreperson for the grandeur investigation testified, or rather talking went on her media tour shortly after the grand during vestal geisha. including, she did mention there were a number of very recognizable things. even if some of their graham was not a part of that. i think there will be other recognizable names electrocuting number one who we know to be ready giuliani. but there are also others who were interviewed and put on the stand in front of the grand jury investigation. i don't necessarily know that it will be limited in that way. let me be clear, again, i think it is more likely than not that donald trump's name is on that indictments even if it isn't, that i am firmly convinced that there is going to be some very very recognizable names as part of indictments. that is one interesting. read >> douglass, one question of squeezing a bit of extra time here, they said that trump should expect to get the mugshot taken if and when he is indicted. how would something like that spirit membered in history? real quick? >> it is a media collectible. don't throw the, way gather the one posture of trump's an atlanta president, does not belong with any of the other presidents. he said that becomes occupant or dillinger are really the king. jesse james. best posters and t-shirts of donald trump and tennessee and tucson, arizona. he represents the middle finger to the federal government. he was seen as a dark outline here in america and good governance and our constitution and our federal institutions. a poster will speak of a billion words of the sky is really not fit for office. and instead bottom a real criminal. >> they are already selling fake mugshots of donald trump. so maybe in georgia he will get a real. one douglass, frankly, former congresswoman stephanie murphy, thank you all very much for coming to the sunday show. and coming, up trump's unyielding strengthen the republican primary, despite his mounting legal jeopardy. which only highlights a warning from former president obama that cannot be ignored. that is next. at is next >> woman: why did we choose safelite? 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political reports the democrats are taking him more seriously. but is it enough? >> it is not enough and we at the lincoln project have been warning about this for quite some time. we explain to democrats that the best offense is going to go straight asked donald trump and straight at maga and what you're doing is you cannot sit back and go through the traditional timeline of campaigns. just earning the staff up now. the other side is when momentum. they're mobilizing their well financed and trying to message the hell of donald trump's lies. there is a direct threat to our democracy that lives within the republican party's now is not at lyra mains of stream. let's say all the time that in politics you have to have a good offense if you're going to win your election. offense wins elections. i'm glad to see that there are luminaries within the democratic party such as president obama. which recognize the threat that is needling the biden ministration a little bit and people not realize how closely last election really was. it's gonna come down to the handful of states, we need to make sure that our folks are motivated and recognize what's at stake, which is the future of the marcy. >> i would hear your thoughts on this. >> just because the stakes are so incredibly, high i don't have enough time to scare your viewers about what the second trump term could mean. one of the things i see is i see regular focus groups with to chime trump voters and swing weathers. recently i've seen some real backsliding among the swing of others. for trump -- and biden 20, 20 and a lot of these graves they say i consider trump again. a lot of it is they are worried about joe biden's age and they don't like kamala harris. and a very negative feelings about the economy. i think the biden administration, they started doing this and there is more positive messages around the economy because that is what trump is really pushing. he's trying to the back row as president, it was so much, better of course he skips over the middle of the pandemic part and that is what he's trying to control i do hear about it from voters especially trump base voters. there's a fervent nature of trump's support, how deep it runs is really true. you should diamond it comes down makes people rally around trump more, his support stronger. convinces voters that the reason that they keep going after trump's season most dangerous. the deep state into the establishment. his support remains strong, remains incomprehensible, but nobody should overlook the chance that he could become president again. >> that probably explains why, tara, trump's been up early this morning posting about his social media accounts. look, with really wacky posts which attack indigenous the washing can d.c. calling the city filthy, let me cannot get a fair trial. he is once again attacking the special counsel and calling him highly partisan. and corrupt. and yet he seems -- he doesn't seem to, be but is, playing a two track strategy. jack smith has got him tied up in knots. in the court of law. and yet donald trump's play to the court of public opinion no matter how much danger it puts him in legally. am i reading that right? >> you are 100 percent. right you know it's going to happen. donald trump is about to f around and. find out jacks mitt does not play around. another does judge chutkan. this is not florida or fox news or any of the other fox media sites that we go on our his rallies and there is a court of law in the united states are still a country of law on the matter how much donald trump and his republican enablers try to turn this country into a banana republic. if donald trump wants to keep doing this, he's pushing the line. feel like they're coming closer to accountability. the greatest threat to american freedom is a government that does not respect the constitution. thomas jefferson high school at that. we have a conservative is irreparably going after our institutions and our democratic norms. and. ideals they're letting donald trump do. this entire slate of republican primary candidates that are afraid to go after trump collectively for what he is doing. he has broken the law is a national security threats. and a reelection for him we changed the construct of our democracy irreparably in my opinion. this of course is that what donald trump is doing. it all we have is the court of public opinion opinion and his followers to keep him. going cars out is all he has. he is in big trouble and he knows. >> so, sarah we've got less than a minute left. but picking up for what tara is, can any of the republican candidates running against trump stop him? or is it too late? >> i'm not sure if it's too late it's amount of luck of political talents that was the focus group the other day and there asking who people voted for. and nobody even mentioned desantis. they mentioned people like -- and there was a little bit of support for tim scott. there is just nobody that people are coalescing around. and then one person who really had an opportunity to take on trump, rod desantis, there is a death spiral. running a terrible campaign trying to wrestle trump. for his cult following. rather than trying to consolidate the group a republican voters who want to move on from trump. >> thank you both very much for coming to the sunday show. and up next, a spotlight on. michigan one of several states mentioned donald trump's indictment. how is democratic governing majority will be powering to get things done. lieutenant governor garlin's -- drives me next to discuss. es me next to discuss. mlb chooses t-mobile for business for 5g solutions... not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. to 50 years with my best friend. 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>> well the alleged criminality of all of these actors up to and including the former presidents is unprecedented in discussing it's on looking forward to the legal system playing out both in our state as well as federally because people don't need to answer for the damage and the threats that they pose to our democracy. and in michigan, we're doing everything we can with the power that the rioters gave us to make sure that voting against democracy are easily accessible to every person in michigan. because we believe that more people participating in the process is better than fewer and that's what you're going to see a michigan we hope to be a model for the rest of the country. >> speaking of being a model for the rest of the country, your party the democratic party is mabel to secure some key progressive wins in the state on education and protecting lgbtq rights. the question, is how have you've been able to keep the party on board and stay in lockstep to pass these measures. >> it's because we're being responsive to what we have heard from every community in the state of michigan. governor gretchen whitmer and i. michigan is a really big. states have to go and meet people where they are and we talk with them about what it takes to create generational economic opportunity. with that starts with education. that's why we have now put our state on a path to universal pre-k education. we are ending hunger in our schools by providing free breakfast and free lunch for every child in a spacesuit. michigan and into making sure that kids can focus on learning an author, ballets is going to save families $150 a year in the process. will increase funding more than 20% since we've been in office for the last five years. highs in suburban and michigan's history. or providing pathways to opportunity. everyone can along with that and based on these budgets on a bipartisan basis, even some of the elected republicans understand it's better for the district better for their constituents. >> what lessons should national democrats learn from your success in michigan? >> to be unafraid to go and meet people and deliver them. when they say to have their full retirement, they're ending a tax on retirement think of the republicans pose on them 12 years ago. so they can cut taxes for rich people, and when you heard people say they want their state to be more competitive, then you need to deliver on. that make it a competitiveness fund to win more federal dollars never other states. when you hear that we need to have a revolutionary approach to ending poverty, taking big steps like we did in the city of flint in this project. with an r s kid's program. providing for the first time ever in a nation. 500 -- expectant mother is in a community for his child's birthday's. leading to poor health outcomes in the city of flint. that's had such big challenges. these are the kind of bets that me and governor whitmer are making on people. michigan other folks in communities across the country will take notes. >> and the minute that we have, last-minute switch gears to the 2024 presidential race. emerson college poll of registered michigan voters showed president biden and trump tie-dye head to head matchup. when you throw in green party candidate cornell west in the mix, trump leads 43 to 41. what do you think of this? >> it just means that there is an opportunity to tell the story of progress and success. have delivering the state of michigan. whether states like bringing supplies, chains homes to the chips and science acts. we're creating jobs in the semiconductor. industry expanding electric vehicle production. which is lead some of the biggest operation projects in the history of this in michigan. this administration has delivered us on higher job participation rates as well as the lowest unemployment rate in 23 years. this is due to coordination with our federal partners, vice president harris, president biden, the. delegation will tell that story across america. >> lieutenant governor, michigan lieutenant governor gilchrist, thank you so much for coming back to the sunday show. >> up, next special elections in ohio. and how it could impact abortion rights battle. we'll explain after the break. explain after the break. i use secret aluminum free. just swipe and it lasts all day. secret helps eliminate odor, instead of just masking it. and hours later, i still smell fresh. secret works! ohhh yesss. ♪♪ my most important kitchen tool? 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hold up - yeeerp? i can't talk right now, i'm at a silent retreat. cashback on everything you buy with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. >> early voting is underway across ohio for special elections in the numbers are already going to a huge voter turnout. on the ballot this tuesday's issue. one and measure backed by ohio republicans that would raise the threshold dome in the states constitution for a civil majority. to 60%. the measure was rushed into an august special election to him another major ohio valley measure coming this november. whether or not to enshrine reproductive rights in a state's constitution. joining me, now is congresswoman chantal brown of ohio. congresswoman, welcome to the sunday show. >> why did it hire republicans push for the special election in august. >> you already know and there is no cheetah playbook. numbers are on our side. we to make our health care decisions that's critically important especially as you come up for the hills of the voting right at the 68th anniversary. issue it won overturning 100 years of precedent has been said in the state of ohio. this is constitutional amendment the opening forward citizen lead initiatives that was devastating to a state like ohio. not only the racing from a subway jordy for supermajority, they're also getting the issue on the ballot. the only of 44 counties to move something on the ballot and it there were all making it -- holding up an entire initiative for the state. i would have robocalls and speaking to some enthusiastic voters on friday. to make people away. or this election was actually happening against the state legislatures and the republicans dominate state legislature's decision to hold august elections. this is the other caveat that was missing. they are special elections were having this election that we hoped fly under the radar of the people of ohio. people are paying attention and jonathan and the voters are showing up and showing out. >> so help me out with something. a ohio is a red state. and the recent u.s. poll, 50% of ohio and was shining abortion access into the states. why do this disconnect between elected republicans and ohio voters? >> you kind of touch and a very important point, raising the threshold to what 16%. they got some tea leaves that actually indicate how they can turn it states like kansas and michigan. with 56 and 15 died persons its numbers no stance. a is a straight word ten-year-old rape victim had to leave the state to get abortion. so this is a very personal issue as a black woman and devastating impacts on our community. they look like yours and mine. very important that we understand because a lot of money has been starting to mislead and missing for the facts of those issues. as we said this is a proxy for women to make their own health care decisions. i want to protect our democracy and our ability to make our own decisions people should vote no on issue one as they maintain one person in one vote majority bra has been working fine for us for the last 100 years. >> they're serving -- the outcome to his election of national implications as abortion rights advocates frequently charming turning to vote in referendum in the face of gerrymandering and radical states legislatures. what would it mean if issue when actually passes? >> the litmus test and the -- test for the nation if you. well it will grow legs and run all over the country early voting is available now and you can actually vote today on election day august eight polls are open from 6:30 am to 7:30 pm. we have been over performing looking at your foot off the gas. we have to push through to tuesday and make sure that every vote is counted. this is going to be like, the nation is watching because again, that when this issue passes it will be repeated throughout the process. we must be this issue to protect our democracy and freedom to have every single vote counted and to protect our majority rule. >> congresswoman chantal brown of ohio, good luck and thank you very much for coming to the sunday show. that will do it for me today and thank you for watching the sunday show i'll be back at -- 9 am eastern and follow us on twitter, instagram, tiktok, using the handle at weekend to keep part. don't go anywhere. my friend ali velshi is next with the latest. with the latest. 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Opinion , Play , Danger , Track Strategy , 100 , Rallies , Fox Media Sites , Fox News , Banana Republic , Enablers , Freedom , Conservative , Norms , Thomas Jefferson High School , Slate , Security , Reelection , Opinion , Construct , Cars , Followers , Tara , Trouble , Left , Talents , Luck , Amount , Focus Group , Death Spiral , Rod Desantis , Tim Scott , Group , Cult Following , Campaign , Michigan , Majority , Lieutenant Governor , Spotlight On , Garlin S , T Mobile , Business , 5g Solutions , Fan Experience , Es Me Next , Mlb , 5 , 5g Network , Bounty , Best Friend , Sfx , Sponge , Gasp , Picker Upper , Spilling Sound , Aya , 50 , Absorbent , Engineer , Chef , Designer , Debit Card , Learning , Firsts , Cooking , Ooh , Mom , Account , College , Futures , Control , Spending , Sequins , Plaid , Uhuh , Nice , Both , Dial Indictment , Parents , Bank , Ballots , Electoral College , Scheme , Court Last , Governor , Chambers , Voting Machines , Felonies , Connection , Tamper , Gilchrist 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Indicators , Brain Health , Neuriva Plus , Brain , Works , Kitchen Tool , Multitasker , Ohhh Yesss , Spread , Wildfires , Neuriva , Pano Ai , Pano Ai Innovate , Botox , Doctor , Treatment , Adults , Headaches , Migraine , 4 , 15 , Injection , Migraine Treatment , Treatments , Effects , Migraine Patients , May , Eight Hundred And Fifty Thousand , 5 Million , Side Effects , Headache , Breathing , Signs , Eye Problems , Reactions , Muscle Weakness , Speaking , Condition , Pain , Site , Symptoms , Difficulty Swallowing , Fatigue , Skin Infection , Users , Medications , Conditions , Muscle , Nerve , Risk , Botulinum Toxins , Survey , Sooner , 92 , Photos , Tourists , Scientists , Ya , Researchers , Card , Ai , Know , Racking , Crab Cracking , Life Underwater Flourish , Cashback On Flapjacks , Baby Backs , Switch , Tacos , Pack , Book , Silent Retreat , Hold Up , Taco Shack , Yeeerp , Issue , Numbers , Ballot , Threshold , States Constitution For A Civil Majority , Voter Turnout , Dome , Measure , Major , Whether , Congresswoman Chantal Brown , Ohio Valley , 60 , Special Election , Health Care Decisions , Cheetah Playbook , Hills , 68th Anniversary , 68 , Initiatives , Amendment , Overturning , Precedent , Citizen Lead , Forward , Counties , Racing , Supermajority , Subway Jordy , 44 , Initiative , Robocalls , State Legislatures , State Legislature , Caveat , Radar , Fly , Attention , Red State , Disconnect , Touch , Tea Leaves , 16 , Rape Victim , Kansas , 56 , Ten , Women , Issues , Proxy , Facts , Decisions , Bra , Turning , Gerrymandering , Referendum , Implications , Legislatures , Litmus Test , Test , Radical , Polls , Legs , Eight , Foot , 7 , Me , Majority Rule , Ali Velshi , Latest , I Ll Be Back , Handle , Instagram , Tiktok , Twitter , 9 , Ink Business , Orders , Breakthroughs , Products , Premier , Beans , Coffee Grinder , Genius , Smarter , Y S23 , Sam , Who , Cash , Purchases , Ink Business Premier Card , Ideas , Breakthrough Card , Spending Potential , 2 5 , 5000 , 000 , Suv , Service , Replacement , Biktarvy , Healthcare Provider , H I V , Sunday August A , Pill , Research , Liver Problems , Kidney Problems , Transmitting , Sex , Kidney Failure , Lactic Acid , Buildup , Rifampin , Dofetilide , Breastfeeding , Medicines , Kidney , Hepatitis , Nausea , Diarrhea , Hepatitis B , Election Interference Case , Ruling , Attorneys , Attorney , Series , Motions , Succession , Motion , Battles , Information Trump , Protective , Public , Delay , 24 , Statement , Page , Filing , Screenshot , Read Quote ,

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