Transcripts For MSNBC The Beat With Ari Melber 20240708 : co

Transcripts For MSNBC The Beat With Ari Melber 20240708

political story that also affects your life, maybe your safety. it's the republican slide into extremism which ranges from the cartoonish to the very serious. this is "the beat," so we'll begin on the cartoonish side. republican senators are pushing what they call warning labels that they want to go up on tv in case you might see, run into or meet, say, a gay character or an lgbtq character. normally you might remember what these warnings were used for: violence, swearing, nudity that wouldn't be appropriate to show on tv below a certain age. but now they're saying if someone has a certain identity, that requires a warning for kids. and they point to shows like netflix, "she-ra and the princesses of power," or "danger force" on nickelodeon, and i'll just mention they do have some lgbtq characters or themes. >> the sword has chosen you. the time has come for your destiny. >> hey, sam. >> hi, muna. hi! >> let's try that -- >> that's right. >> my cool face. >> now, you decide whether that is the kind of thing that you have to get a warning about up front. of course, you also have to figure out when you look at stories like this and this kind of politics whether this is serious or just descent into triggering and trolling. what next? is there a worry that characters don't fit the maga dream to get america going again? what about when donald trump lost? do they need a warning about him being a loser? that's the cartoonish and maybe not taken so seriously. on the other end there is the politically grave fallout of a supreme court that according to a confirmed draft is about to overturn roe v. wade. look what's happening in louisiana. this is about actual legislation, not labels. days after that leak, republicans are pushing a formal bill, they want it to become law, that would make abortion treated under the law like homicide. >> we cannot wait on the supreme court to confirm that babies have a right to life in louisiana. the active abortion ends the life of a human being. the taking of a life is murder and it is illegal. >> that is a direct line from overturning roe to people, in this case, what you just heard from, men in government, in power saying they will treat fertilization as life and anything in that process as murder. you go down the road from there and you're way past it. you have men or women or potentially doctors or somebody selling birth control under this type of bill going on trial for murder, for homicide. i want to talk to two guys who understand both the ridiculousness we started with and the seriousness we end with. simone sanders who is now the new host "simone." she is also a democratic strategist. she recently worked for vice president harris and mike. we go from the ridiculous to the seriousness. >> i'm glad you talked about that louisiana bill. i have been saying since last week this is about the criminalization of women, of people who aid those women in getting the health care that they need that is the form of an abortion, the doctors that administer that. this is extreme. not even people who don't personally believe in abortion think that this is okay. and that is exactly what we should be exposing and what we should be discussing. it's not just louisiana. there are trigger laws currently on the books right now that would jail women and doctors and people who aid them, who would fine them if roe is overturned. i'm talking wisconsin, idaho, georgia, alabama. the list goes on. >> michael, when you look at 49 years of history in a row, and we just got back from being in front of the court for a couple days, seeing the reactions pouring out, what do you see in history unfolding in what many people we heard from in front of the court felt was us going backwards? then the line to louisiana, the draft hasn't even come down yet. we'll see what the final ruling is. but you already have this rush to treat women as murderers for something they may do within their own body. >> they're telling us in advance, and may a say welcome, symone, to msnbc. people can't wait to watch at 4:00 tomorrow, can they? >> yes, thank you. >> my pleasure. much of american history has been an effort to marginalize everyone who is not white and male and protestant and straight, and it looks as though it's going back that way again. oftentimes we ever repressive periods in american history and we don't have warnings. what you just showed us, ari, every american should take a warning of the way things are going to be unless we act. it reminds me so much of the speech that ted kennedy gave in 1987 when ronald reagan had nominated robert burke to the supreme court, a nomination that failed in part, because kennedy said, if robert is confirmed, america will be full of back alley abortions by butchers, examine it will be a country where people are not allowed to learn about evolution, and writers are told what to write, and there will be a rogue police going wild. kendi was considered really extreme around that time, but strogingly it's looking as if its predictions are coming to pass unless we act. >> i hear a little bit of that. i want to play a little coming out of minnesota. this is a state that's poor. this is a state that has the highest -- i don't see houfl anyone can call themtsz pro life and put themtsz in this predicament. >> she cited the proclamation for women. latino women, native american women. the numbers nationally in this country. i've seen this tweet a couples times and in this -- people are struggling to put food in their mouths andly aly table are pages. >> many of this is a gateway drug. this is bigger. first they're making a decision for women to prior tie which invariably means you spernlt spends up by os moez some of the other things, you can't just pull out one block and then claim everything else is fine. if there isn't a right to privacy, if there isn't what the court sometimes calls a clumsy phrase, intimate sexual decision making, then you go back to bans on racial marriage, bans on who can marry, which was seen by many as a form of progress in this country which, by the way, included some republican appointees. theyful, what makes anyone that some plamsz take them to other countries. that's what sproemplt to meeting. it's a very high bar to kick someone off the ballot, but she argued that they failed to prove their case with the preponderance. it does clear her to be on the ballot and it's a finding by the judge -- i want to make sure people know it was in the news the other day -- they did not prove she was active enough in an insurrection to be kicked off the constitutional requirement. walk us through your reaction, what this means. i should say, by the way f -- if you're a candidate by office, that is bad. but it is a legal victory for her, michael. >> it is for her and our system goes all sorts of ways. that's the way our process operates. you're the last person i need to mention that to. here's a situation where it's like 1865. did you want people who conspired against the government of the united states to join the confederacy, made war against the north, made the even participated and plans to assassinate abraham lincoln and others, did you want those people running for office and sitting in the congress and being active in political life? we had to make a decision. we have to make a decision the same way in 2022, and at least ask the question, as was asked of marjorie taylor greene, is this someone who may have assisted or conspired or been involved in a coup d'etat, an insurrection against the governor of the united states, which is prohibited by the constitution? >> absolutely. we want to let folks know because we covered that case. i want to thank michael beschloss and symone saunders. she is talking tomorrow with dr. jill biden. we recommend it. corporate executives caught on tape bragging about exploiting inflation. we have that at the end of the hour. but first, why is rudy giuliani faced with contempt? and the moment of someone stepping up to talk truth in power. coming up. tal power. coming up. ♪ ♪ ♪i'm so defensive,♪ ♪i got bongos thumping in my chest♪ ♪and something tells me they don't beat me♪ ♪ ♪ ♪he'd better not take the ring from me.♪ better hearing leads to a better life. ♪ ♪ and that better life... ...starts at miracle-ear. it all begins with the most innovative technology... the new miracle-earmini™. available exclusively at miracle-ear. so small, no one will see it. but you'll notice the difference. and now, miracle-ear is offering a 30-day risk-free trial. you can experience better hearing with no obligation. call 1-800-miracle right now and experience a better life. i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. with skyrizi 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months, after just 2 doses. skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms such as fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches or coughs, or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. ♪ nothing is everything ♪ talk to your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. among my patients, i often see them have teeth sensitivity as well as gum issues. does it worry me? 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[ in unison ] that's powerful. couldn't have said it better myself. and with three times the bandwidth, the gaming never has to end. slaying is our business. and business is good. unbeatable internet from xfinity. made to do anything so you can do anything. former trump lawyer rudy giuliani facing possible contempt charges. that's new and a dramatic shift from his initially claimed opinion with congress. just hours out, giuliani making an unusual cancellation, and he picked a fight over a desire to tape the interview. now, that's something that was never agreed to, so it looks like a last-minute effort just to find an excuse to bail. the committee standing strong, saying if he refuses to comply, they'll figure all enforcement options. giuliani denies president trump tried to steal the election. he said he was claiming election fraud on behalf of trump and was in contact with him about how to overturn the election. everybody remembers some of the unhinged and false claims that he made. what's easy to forget is at the time it looked like a joke. very few people were taking seriously those press conferences. they didn't seem directed, for example, at the courts. they were only directed at an extra legal or possibly criminal effort to overturn the elections and try to get republicans in the house and senate on board, not the courts. which makes it all sound a little different. as for the idea that you could overturn the election by sending in your own electors, which sound dumb, anyone could do that at any time. but that was on the table. we learned from another lawyer for trump who reported directly to giuliani, boris epstein, that giuliani did indeed lead the plot to install fraudulent electors. >> everything that was done was done illegally by the trump legal team according to the rules by rudy giuliani. we fought for the truth. >> there you have it. giuliani also worked with another lawyer, john eastman, and they were seen together at the infamous rally on june 6. that's when giuliani said this. >>over the next ten days we get to see the machines that are crooked, the ballots that are fraudulent. if we're wrong we'll be made a fool of. but if we're right, a lot of them will go to jail. so let's have trial by combat! >> there you have an individual talking about sending their opponents to jail if they hold onto power that we now know they were illegally trying to hold onto power. they tried to stage a coup and talked about combat and went and staged combat against police and called for the assassination of mike pence and others. trump's exception to all this is well documented. now giuliani has found a reason at the last minute to bail today. instead of this witness testifying, he's been busy, of course, maintaining his desire to get on tv any which way. that includes taping these online cameo videos like this. >> this is rudy giuliani, and the message you want me to deliver is the employees in the field staff of associates want to thank you for your honesty and devotion, that you have fought for them for years, and that you're very, very exceptionally dedicated. >> all righty, then. the committee also could try other, more ingenious ways to get him involved, for example, if they converted this to the type of reality shows that are so popular in trump world, maybe giuliani would be more likely to participate if they made those prime time heroes more akin to something like "the masked singer." ♪♪ >> he spoke up and said leave this one alone. >> oh, my goodness! former new york attorney general, rudy giuliani! >> former associate attorney general! it just rolls off the tongue. but it's not a joke. what is giuliani doing? if he had no fear of this committee and how the law works, which he does know well, he's a former prosecutor, he could just walk off. he took this battle all the way up to today. he wants it on record that he was trying to cooperate. he wants an excuse other than defiance in this tape thing that we'll get into. and that's a reminder that even as he defies, he knows the law may not be on his side. is he worried about being held in contempt as this complicates other investigations into the former president trump? we're back in one minute. >> it doesn't even look like an actual human body. it looks like one of jeff dunham's wind-up puppets. it's like in a goodie bag. a ( ♪♪ ) ♪ it's the most wonderful time of the year ♪ goodie bag. it's spring! claritin provides non-drowsy symptom relief from over 200 indoor and outdoor allergens, day after day. feel the clarity— and make today the most wonderful time of the year. live claritin clear. ♪ ♪ ♪i'm so defensive,♪ ♪i got bongos thumping in my chest♪ ♪and something tells me they don't beat me♪ ♪ ♪ ♪he'd better not take the ring from me.♪ new poligrip power hold and seal. clinically proven to give strongest hold, plus seals out 5x more food particles. fear no food. new poligrip power hold and seal. we're on several stories here on "the beat" tonight, and i mentioned laughlin is it supposed to join us. we're having a little trouble with her recording, so we hope to still have more for you on that coming up. another story is senator lindsey graham getting heated up on capitol hill. you may remember the labor president of amazon who was pushing to have a union there. the first timely amazon has lost to kind of a global effort. now he's facing the senate. senator gram went right after committee chair senator saunders and said the entire physical was dangerous. then this human we're talking about, mr. smalls, went all the way in. take a look. >> you're singling out a topic to -- >> you should listen because it's about your constituents as well. it's the people that make these organizations go, it's not the other way around. >> that's fair. it's rare you see an exchange like that. the senator said this is all about politics, and that may be the premise between people and politics. and a senator with no great title, but someone who by the force of the support of other citizens gets to address the senator, and the nation, if you're hearing from him watching tv, and tells you, hey, this actually isn't one of those blue/red things, anyway, this is about people's right to a fair workplace, one where they can self-organize, one where they can get paid and treated fairly. smalls led that union drive. i mentioned he was here and this is some of what he told us about the working conditions. >> you have to change your whole lifestyle when you work for this company. you lose family time, you lose sleep. we're so disconnected with society, all we know is amazon. in customer support with this company, they have to understand our voices matter, too. >> on that issue, we give mr. smalls the last word tonight. we'll take a break, and we have more coming up with how billy crystal got his nickname. . looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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because its chief at the time said that he would prefer it if american black entertainers did not mention or associate with krystal. this is really true. he was getting shout-out in songs. what can we do? can't forbid people from buyingterm i'm sure dorm pairing, can't forbid black people from buying your champ shane. get out of here. today entrepreneurs are building their own brands and companies instead of coveting french champagne including diddy, rihanna. they have worked with rick ross and lil wayne and many more and that brings to us a figure. when jay-z moved beyond boycotting crystal to competing with his own brand he worked with bearish on his own champagne. he's forged these bonds with artists half his age tapping into what is a rising interest and ownership online and a youth culture and we just down with him for his beat debut on his summit series trying to learn more about his tipsy iconoclasm. >> what did you do that was different say than the old school european mod snell. >> let the brand be past of somebody's culture or personality or part of their life-style or oh, and it works and i just think that you can't overmanage brands. they are like -- i treat them like children. they are kids. >> some of those other groups are almost just trying to have a level of control that doesn't work or that isn't realistic, and you look at it more like if -- if different new folks whoever they want want to play in this sandbox you welcome it. >> 100%, so whether it's -- whether it's currency or wiz or lil wayne or khalid, they are all different. don't run away when people approach you. you've got to embrace the crap out of them because that's a fan. >> that's a lot of the culture side. let's talk about the business side. how do you come into a space like that? that is as old as old can get? >> the hardest part is not listening to everybody because in -- in a normal course your industry, whatever industry you're in, somebody is going to tell you don't do it and for me jesus you're launching rose first. if this was ari, why are you doing rose, i want to do brut. you put it in a black bottle, why did you do it? i want to be different. >> let's pause on that. what type of people were saying don't start with rose? >> everybody. everybody in my industry, the trade, distributors, the retailers. >> most people if they hear from the people with experience and the people with expertise and the people who, again, this is business, who have made money, if they all agree and say don't do it that way, most people say okay. why -- what is it about this that made you do something different? >> it's -- if you -- i'll put it differently. my first six years were complete hell and it's because i listened to everybody i.listened to everybody tell me exactly what to do, and i think it's important for anybody starting a business. if you're going to go do something, you're doing it for your reason. you've got to trust your instincts because it sucks if you make that decision based on somebody else, and -- and why did you do it to begin with? why did you get involved? >> this is part of our summit series where we spend more time in these lengthy interviews, more in-depth, really talking to people who have reached a summit in their field. he talk about the pandemic, being authentic, his views on legalizing marijuana and some of the artists he's worked with. before we end here's some final sizzle highlights. >> normal doesn't live here. >> you've also said don't think too big. what do you mean by that? >> i couldn't step into a multi-billion dollar, you know, giant company, you about i can build one from the ground up. having a plan can be the worst possible thing because if you stick to it you're screwed if you are wrong. if you pivot constantly you can be successful. if i run out of ideas i'll stop. >> one word to describe jay-z? >> fan. >> post malone, i crushed him at beer popping. >> lil wayne. >> he's just so cool. no one knows who the lil wayne. >> i have a drink bar at 3:00 a.m. in germany they can't believe that they heard of me. >> i wish i could hit you back with another bar. it's not about money, there's no quick way to get there, just -- just do what you love, be passionate about it. >> do what you love. tap your passion and don't think too big. a lot of interesting stuff in here, i've got to tell you. never heard of bret bearish, you've heard of him now. you can get that full interview. it runs overhalf an hour. or go to youtube. it's up n.o.w. and you can search melber and berish on youtube and watch the whole in-depth interview. got into the a lot of different stuff and it's been a week and i'm going to end with a question. find me @ari melber and the question is this. what drink do you need to end the week? what drink would you have after a week like this? i will tell you mine. it's only fair that bourbon on the rocks. visit me @ari melber or ari and let me know what drink you might want going into this weekend. that does it for us. thanks for spending team with me as always. "the reidout" starts now. good evening, everyone. i'm jason johnson sitting in for joy reed. we begin "the reidout" tonight with the battle for ukraine. russian forces continue their brutal and unrelenting assault on the steel company in mariupol where 200 terrorized civilians remain hunkered down and looking for a way out. united nations is racing to rescue more civilians from the labyrinth of tunnels under the besieged steel works factory. with two busloads leaving today. people who were able to flee describe horrifying conditions with little food, water or medicine. roughly 2,000

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Transcripts For MSNBC The Beat With Ari Melber 20240708 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The Beat With Ari Melber 20240708

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political story that also affects your life, maybe your safety. it's the republican slide into extremism which ranges from the cartoonish to the very serious. this is "the beat," so we'll begin on the cartoonish side. republican senators are pushing what they call warning labels that they want to go up on tv in case you might see, run into or meet, say, a gay character or an lgbtq character. normally you might remember what these warnings were used for: violence, swearing, nudity that wouldn't be appropriate to show on tv below a certain age. but now they're saying if someone has a certain identity, that requires a warning for kids. and they point to shows like netflix, "she-ra and the princesses of power," or "danger force" on nickelodeon, and i'll just mention they do have some lgbtq characters or themes. >> the sword has chosen you. the time has come for your destiny. >> hey, sam. >> hi, muna. hi! >> let's try that -- >> that's right. >> my cool face. >> now, you decide whether that is the kind of thing that you have to get a warning about up front. of course, you also have to figure out when you look at stories like this and this kind of politics whether this is serious or just descent into triggering and trolling. what next? is there a worry that characters don't fit the maga dream to get america going again? what about when donald trump lost? do they need a warning about him being a loser? that's the cartoonish and maybe not taken so seriously. on the other end there is the politically grave fallout of a supreme court that according to a confirmed draft is about to overturn roe v. wade. look what's happening in louisiana. this is about actual legislation, not labels. days after that leak, republicans are pushing a formal bill, they want it to become law, that would make abortion treated under the law like homicide. >> we cannot wait on the supreme court to confirm that babies have a right to life in louisiana. the active abortion ends the life of a human being. the taking of a life is murder and it is illegal. >> that is a direct line from overturning roe to people, in this case, what you just heard from, men in government, in power saying they will treat fertilization as life and anything in that process as murder. you go down the road from there and you're way past it. you have men or women or potentially doctors or somebody selling birth control under this type of bill going on trial for murder, for homicide. i want to talk to two guys who understand both the ridiculousness we started with and the seriousness we end with. simone sanders who is now the new host "simone." she is also a democratic strategist. she recently worked for vice president harris and mike. we go from the ridiculous to the seriousness. >> i'm glad you talked about that louisiana bill. i have been saying since last week this is about the criminalization of women, of people who aid those women in getting the health care that they need that is the form of an abortion, the doctors that administer that. this is extreme. not even people who don't personally believe in abortion think that this is okay. and that is exactly what we should be exposing and what we should be discussing. it's not just louisiana. there are trigger laws currently on the books right now that would jail women and doctors and people who aid them, who would fine them if roe is overturned. i'm talking wisconsin, idaho, georgia, alabama. the list goes on. >> michael, when you look at 49 years of history in a row, and we just got back from being in front of the court for a couple days, seeing the reactions pouring out, what do you see in history unfolding in what many people we heard from in front of the court felt was us going backwards? then the line to louisiana, the draft hasn't even come down yet. we'll see what the final ruling is. but you already have this rush to treat women as murderers for something they may do within their own body. >> they're telling us in advance, and may a say welcome, symone, to msnbc. people can't wait to watch at 4:00 tomorrow, can they? >> yes, thank you. >> my pleasure. much of american history has been an effort to marginalize everyone who is not white and male and protestant and straight, and it looks as though it's going back that way again. oftentimes we ever repressive periods in american history and we don't have warnings. what you just showed us, ari, every american should take a warning of the way things are going to be unless we act. it reminds me so much of the speech that ted kennedy gave in 1987 when ronald reagan had nominated robert burke to the supreme court, a nomination that failed in part, because kennedy said, if robert is confirmed, america will be full of back alley abortions by butchers, examine it will be a country where people are not allowed to learn about evolution, and writers are told what to write, and there will be a rogue police going wild. kendi was considered really extreme around that time, but strogingly it's looking as if its predictions are coming to pass unless we act. >> i hear a little bit of that. i want to play a little coming out of minnesota. this is a state that's poor. this is a state that has the highest -- i don't see houfl anyone can call themtsz pro life and put themtsz in this predicament. >> she cited the proclamation for women. latino women, native american women. the numbers nationally in this country. i've seen this tweet a couples times and in this -- people are struggling to put food in their mouths andly aly table are pages. >> many of this is a gateway drug. this is bigger. first they're making a decision for women to prior tie which invariably means you spernlt spends up by os moez some of the other things, you can't just pull out one block and then claim everything else is fine. if there isn't a right to privacy, if there isn't what the court sometimes calls a clumsy phrase, intimate sexual decision making, then you go back to bans on racial marriage, bans on who can marry, which was seen by many as a form of progress in this country which, by the way, included some republican appointees. theyful, what makes anyone that some plamsz take them to other countries. that's what sproemplt to meeting. it's a very high bar to kick someone off the ballot, but she argued that they failed to prove their case with the preponderance. it does clear her to be on the ballot and it's a finding by the judge -- i want to make sure people know it was in the news the other day -- they did not prove she was active enough in an insurrection to be kicked off the constitutional requirement. walk us through your reaction, what this means. i should say, by the way f -- if you're a candidate by office, that is bad. but it is a legal victory for her, michael. >> it is for her and our system goes all sorts of ways. that's the way our process operates. you're the last person i need to mention that to. here's a situation where it's like 1865. did you want people who conspired against the government of the united states to join the confederacy, made war against the north, made the even participated and plans to assassinate abraham lincoln and others, did you want those people running for office and sitting in the congress and being active in political life? we had to make a decision. we have to make a decision the same way in 2022, and at least ask the question, as was asked of marjorie taylor greene, is this someone who may have assisted or conspired or been involved in a coup d'etat, an insurrection against the governor of the united states, which is prohibited by the constitution? >> absolutely. we want to let folks know because we covered that case. i want to thank michael beschloss and symone saunders. she is talking tomorrow with dr. jill biden. we recommend it. corporate executives caught on tape bragging about exploiting inflation. we have that at the end of the hour. but first, why is rudy giuliani faced with contempt? and the moment of someone stepping up to talk truth in power. coming up. tal power. coming up. ♪ ♪ ♪i'm so defensive,♪ ♪i got bongos thumping in my chest♪ ♪and something tells me they don't beat me♪ ♪ ♪ ♪he'd better not take the ring from me.♪ better hearing leads to a better life. ♪ ♪ and that better life... ...starts at miracle-ear. it all begins with the most innovative technology... the new miracle-earmini™. available exclusively at miracle-ear. so small, no one will see it. but you'll notice the difference. and now, miracle-ear is offering a 30-day risk-free trial. you can experience better hearing with no obligation. call 1-800-miracle right now and experience a better life. i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. with skyrizi 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months, after just 2 doses. skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms such as fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches or coughs, or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. ♪ nothing is everything ♪ talk to your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. among my patients, i often see them have teeth sensitivity as well as gum issues. does it worry me? 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[ in unison ] that's powerful. couldn't have said it better myself. and with three times the bandwidth, the gaming never has to end. slaying is our business. and business is good. unbeatable internet from xfinity. made to do anything so you can do anything. former trump lawyer rudy giuliani facing possible contempt charges. that's new and a dramatic shift from his initially claimed opinion with congress. just hours out, giuliani making an unusual cancellation, and he picked a fight over a desire to tape the interview. now, that's something that was never agreed to, so it looks like a last-minute effort just to find an excuse to bail. the committee standing strong, saying if he refuses to comply, they'll figure all enforcement options. giuliani denies president trump tried to steal the election. he said he was claiming election fraud on behalf of trump and was in contact with him about how to overturn the election. everybody remembers some of the unhinged and false claims that he made. what's easy to forget is at the time it looked like a joke. very few people were taking seriously those press conferences. they didn't seem directed, for example, at the courts. they were only directed at an extra legal or possibly criminal effort to overturn the elections and try to get republicans in the house and senate on board, not the courts. which makes it all sound a little different. as for the idea that you could overturn the election by sending in your own electors, which sound dumb, anyone could do that at any time. but that was on the table. we learned from another lawyer for trump who reported directly to giuliani, boris epstein, that giuliani did indeed lead the plot to install fraudulent electors. >> everything that was done was done illegally by the trump legal team according to the rules by rudy giuliani. we fought for the truth. >> there you have it. giuliani also worked with another lawyer, john eastman, and they were seen together at the infamous rally on june 6. that's when giuliani said this. >>over the next ten days we get to see the machines that are crooked, the ballots that are fraudulent. if we're wrong we'll be made a fool of. but if we're right, a lot of them will go to jail. so let's have trial by combat! >> there you have an individual talking about sending their opponents to jail if they hold onto power that we now know they were illegally trying to hold onto power. they tried to stage a coup and talked about combat and went and staged combat against police and called for the assassination of mike pence and others. trump's exception to all this is well documented. now giuliani has found a reason at the last minute to bail today. instead of this witness testifying, he's been busy, of course, maintaining his desire to get on tv any which way. that includes taping these online cameo videos like this. >> this is rudy giuliani, and the message you want me to deliver is the employees in the field staff of associates want to thank you for your honesty and devotion, that you have fought for them for years, and that you're very, very exceptionally dedicated. >> all righty, then. the committee also could try other, more ingenious ways to get him involved, for example, if they converted this to the type of reality shows that are so popular in trump world, maybe giuliani would be more likely to participate if they made those prime time heroes more akin to something like "the masked singer." ♪♪ >> he spoke up and said leave this one alone. >> oh, my goodness! former new york attorney general, rudy giuliani! >> former associate attorney general! it just rolls off the tongue. but it's not a joke. what is giuliani doing? if he had no fear of this committee and how the law works, which he does know well, he's a former prosecutor, he could just walk off. he took this battle all the way up to today. he wants it on record that he was trying to cooperate. he wants an excuse other than defiance in this tape thing that we'll get into. and that's a reminder that even as he defies, he knows the law may not be on his side. is he worried about being held in contempt as this complicates other investigations into the former president trump? we're back in one minute. >> it doesn't even look like an actual human body. it looks like one of jeff dunham's wind-up puppets. it's like in a goodie bag. a ( ♪♪ ) ♪ it's the most wonderful time of the year ♪ goodie bag. it's spring! claritin provides non-drowsy symptom relief from over 200 indoor and outdoor allergens, day after day. feel the clarity— and make today the most wonderful time of the year. live claritin clear. ♪ ♪ ♪i'm so defensive,♪ ♪i got bongos thumping in my chest♪ ♪and something tells me they don't beat me♪ ♪ ♪ ♪he'd better not take the ring from me.♪ new poligrip power hold and seal. clinically proven to give strongest hold, plus seals out 5x more food particles. fear no food. new poligrip power hold and seal. we're on several stories here on "the beat" tonight, and i mentioned laughlin is it supposed to join us. we're having a little trouble with her recording, so we hope to still have more for you on that coming up. another story is senator lindsey graham getting heated up on capitol hill. you may remember the labor president of amazon who was pushing to have a union there. the first timely amazon has lost to kind of a global effort. now he's facing the senate. senator gram went right after committee chair senator saunders and said the entire physical was dangerous. then this human we're talking about, mr. smalls, went all the way in. take a look. >> you're singling out a topic to -- >> you should listen because it's about your constituents as well. it's the people that make these organizations go, it's not the other way around. >> that's fair. it's rare you see an exchange like that. the senator said this is all about politics, and that may be the premise between people and politics. and a senator with no great title, but someone who by the force of the support of other citizens gets to address the senator, and the nation, if you're hearing from him watching tv, and tells you, hey, this actually isn't one of those blue/red things, anyway, this is about people's right to a fair workplace, one where they can self-organize, one where they can get paid and treated fairly. smalls led that union drive. i mentioned he was here and this is some of what he told us about the working conditions. >> you have to change your whole lifestyle when you work for this company. you lose family time, you lose sleep. we're so disconnected with society, all we know is amazon. in customer support with this company, they have to understand our voices matter, too. >> on that issue, we give mr. smalls the last word tonight. we'll take a break, and we have more coming up with how billy crystal got his nickname. . looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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because its chief at the time said that he would prefer it if american black entertainers did not mention or associate with krystal. this is really true. he was getting shout-out in songs. what can we do? can't forbid people from buyingterm i'm sure dorm pairing, can't forbid black people from buying your champ shane. get out of here. today entrepreneurs are building their own brands and companies instead of coveting french champagne including diddy, rihanna. they have worked with rick ross and lil wayne and many more and that brings to us a figure. when jay-z moved beyond boycotting crystal to competing with his own brand he worked with bearish on his own champagne. he's forged these bonds with artists half his age tapping into what is a rising interest and ownership online and a youth culture and we just down with him for his beat debut on his summit series trying to learn more about his tipsy iconoclasm. >> what did you do that was different say than the old school european mod snell. >> let the brand be past of somebody's culture or personality or part of their life-style or oh, and it works and i just think that you can't overmanage brands. they are like -- i treat them like children. they are kids. >> some of those other groups are almost just trying to have a level of control that doesn't work or that isn't realistic, and you look at it more like if -- if different new folks whoever they want want to play in this sandbox you welcome it. >> 100%, so whether it's -- whether it's currency or wiz or lil wayne or khalid, they are all different. don't run away when people approach you. you've got to embrace the crap out of them because that's a fan. >> that's a lot of the culture side. let's talk about the business side. how do you come into a space like that? that is as old as old can get? >> the hardest part is not listening to everybody because in -- in a normal course your industry, whatever industry you're in, somebody is going to tell you don't do it and for me jesus you're launching rose first. if this was ari, why are you doing rose, i want to do brut. you put it in a black bottle, why did you do it? i want to be different. >> let's pause on that. what type of people were saying don't start with rose? >> everybody. everybody in my industry, the trade, distributors, the retailers. >> most people if they hear from the people with experience and the people with expertise and the people who, again, this is business, who have made money, if they all agree and say don't do it that way, most people say okay. why -- what is it about this that made you do something different? >> it's -- if you -- i'll put it differently. my first six years were complete hell and it's because i listened to everybody i.listened to everybody tell me exactly what to do, and i think it's important for anybody starting a business. if you're going to go do something, you're doing it for your reason. you've got to trust your instincts because it sucks if you make that decision based on somebody else, and -- and why did you do it to begin with? why did you get involved? >> this is part of our summit series where we spend more time in these lengthy interviews, more in-depth, really talking to people who have reached a summit in their field. he talk about the pandemic, being authentic, his views on legalizing marijuana and some of the artists he's worked with. before we end here's some final sizzle highlights. >> normal doesn't live here. >> you've also said don't think too big. what do you mean by that? >> i couldn't step into a multi-billion dollar, you know, giant company, you about i can build one from the ground up. having a plan can be the worst possible thing because if you stick to it you're screwed if you are wrong. if you pivot constantly you can be successful. if i run out of ideas i'll stop. >> one word to describe jay-z? >> fan. >> post malone, i crushed him at beer popping. >> lil wayne. >> he's just so cool. no one knows who the lil wayne. >> i have a drink bar at 3:00 a.m. in germany they can't believe that they heard of me. >> i wish i could hit you back with another bar. it's not about money, there's no quick way to get there, just -- just do what you love, be passionate about it. >> do what you love. tap your passion and don't think too big. a lot of interesting stuff in here, i've got to tell you. never heard of bret bearish, you've heard of him now. you can get that full interview. it runs overhalf an hour. or go to youtube. it's up n.o.w. and you can search melber and berish on youtube and watch the whole in-depth interview. got into the a lot of different stuff and it's been a week and i'm going to end with a question. find me @ari melber and the question is this. what drink do you need to end the week? what drink would you have after a week like this? i will tell you mine. it's only fair that bourbon on the rocks. visit me @ari melber or ari and let me know what drink you might want going into this weekend. that does it for us. thanks for spending team with me as always. "the reidout" starts now. good evening, everyone. i'm jason johnson sitting in for joy reed. we begin "the reidout" tonight with the battle for ukraine. russian forces continue their brutal and unrelenting assault on the steel company in mariupol where 200 terrorized civilians remain hunkered down and looking for a way out. united nations is racing to rescue more civilians from the labyrinth of tunnels under the besieged steel works factory. with two busloads leaving today. people who were able to flee describe horrifying conditions with little food, water or medicine. roughly 2,000

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Effect , Care , Sensodyne , Phone , Money , Price , Stuff , Groceries , Concert Tickets , Xfinity Mobile , Verizon , Something 5g Network , 5 , Pricing , Customers , Value , Isn T , Couldn T , Wifi , Girl , Devices , Hundreds , Riding A Cheetah Fast , Unison , Business , Internet , Slaying , Gaming , Bandwidth , Three , Contempt Charges , Shift , Cancellation , Opinion , Committee , Interview , Excuse , Desire , Saying , Fight , Standing Strong , Election , Trump , Contact , Behalf , Enforcement Options , Election Fraud , Everybody , Joke , Press Conferences , Claims , Unhinged , Courts , Example , House , Elections , Board , Electors , Idea , Sound A , Table , Plot , Boris Epstein , Team , Rally , John Eastman , June 6 , Ten , 6 , Lot , Ballots , Machines , Jail , Fool Of , Opponents , Talking , Trial By Combat , Coup , Combat , Police , Assassination , Mike Pence , Reason , Witness , Message , Employees , Associates , Field , Staff , Honesty , Devotion , Cameo Videos , Righty , Reality Shows , Prime Time , World , Goodness , Singer , Attorney General , Associate Attorney General , Tongue , New York , Works , Battle All The Way , Fear , Prosecutor , Tape Thing , Side , Record , Reminder , Defiance , President , It Doesn T , Investigations , Goodie , Bag , Human Body , Puppets , Wind Up , Jeff Dunham , Claritin , Allergens , Clarity , Make , Wonderful Time Of The Year , Symptom Relief , 200 , Food Particles , Seal , Seals , Hold , Poligrip Power Hold , Trouble , Recording , Congresswoman Laughlin , Lindsey Graham , Amazon , Labor , Capitol Hill , There , Union , Senate , Senator Gram , Mr , Committee Chair , Physical , Take A Look , Human , Topic , Constituents , Organizations , Senator , Exchange , Premise , Isn T One , Support , Force , Nation , Citizens , Title , Smalls Led , Workplace , Union Drive , Red , Blue , Company , Conditions , Wall , Lifestyle , Sleep , Society , Word , Customer Support , Issue , Break , Voices , Billy Crystal , Nickname , Oh Ozempic , Oh , Type 2 Diabetes , Adults , A1c , Weight , Heart Disease , 12 , 7 , Death , Stroke , Don T Take Ozempic , Family , Share , Type 1 Diabetes , Events , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Heart Attack , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Needles , Pens , Reuse , Side Effects , Help , Neck , Lump , Stomach Pain , Vision Problems , Stop Ozempic , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Provider , Changes , Blood Sugar Risk , Insulin , Health Care Provider , Kidney Problems , Sulfonylurea , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Dehydration , Nausea , 25 , Deal , Iphone , Prescription , Vo , Dad Allen , Mom Allen , Brand New , On America , Yep , 13 , Aren T , Customer , 5g Network , Vitamins , B Vitamins , Tasting , Energy , Essential Nutrients , Current , Centrum Multigummies , Love , Look , Witnesses , Understanding , Lawyers , Discussion , Details , Side Talking , Lawyer , Protocol , Cosello , Point Weaver , Smokescreen , Daughter , Son In Law , Questioning , Son , Don T Know Whether , He , Scope , Afraid Of , Chance , Keeping , I Don T Know , Bar Association , Danger , Law License , Terms , Copy , Hearings , Report , Purpose , June , Public , Information , Set , Claurm , Written Report , Thaefd , Interviews , Facts , Picture , Very Letigious Group , Individuals , Resistresisted , Questions , Fuel Report , Answer , White House , Frks Take Rally , Out Of Control , Congresswoman Lofgren , The End , You Bet , Wumlies , My Name Is Cherrie , Ps Hi , On The Beach , Granddaughters , Daughters , Husband , Oregon Coast , Memories , 76 , 53 , Memory , Click , Puzzle Pieces , Taking Prevagen , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Johnny Cash , Man , Everywhere , Travel , Desert S Bare , Mountain Air , Pity , Dodge City , Cedar City , Gravelbourg , Ellensburg , Pittsburgh , Colorado , Parkersburg , Didn T , Restaurant , Grandmother , State Office , Legacy , Ancestry , Field Nurse , Education , Aunt , Union Army , San Francisco , Mary Sawyers , Paralee Wharton Elder , Bogey , Margaret Ross , Lupe Gonzalez , Liberty Mutual , Liberty , Car Insurance , Pay , Six , Limu , Helicopter , Woooooooooooooo , Patches , Muscle Pain , Pain , Data , Salonpas , Agreed , Good , Season , Psst , Thanks , Spraying Flonase , Medicine Allergies , Paul , Watchathon Week , Entertainment , Prime Video , Boys , Access , Starz , Xfinity Rewards , Voice , Freedom , Holiday , Holi , Hbo Max , And Peacock , Nay , Rights , Leaders , Extremist Politicians , States , Abortion Provider , Texas , Seven , Pay Equity , Emily Beach , Market Jitters , Companies , Response , Interest Rates , Cycle , Fed , Economists , Profiteering , What , Matter , Receipts , Places , Factors , Economist , Earnings , Consumers , Sales , Trends , Sales Gains , Pricing Strategies , Environment , Earnings Calls , Inflargs , Prochts , Thood Itly , Group , Article , Big Birls , Gosh , Profits , Fundamentals , Fracture Holder , Supply Chain Issues , Profit , Haven T , Profit Margin , Rlt , Resistance , Demand , You Guys , 75 , Recall , Price Increases , Frlt , Room , Price Fmpl , Zen , Pricing Power , Capitolist , Mice , Amount , Urnlt , Calf Dpreermtd , We Haven T , Fact , Signs , Nurmd Pumt , Consumer Costs , Wous , Like , Eye Try , Roontly , Gojlying Thaechlt , 1980 , Supply Shortages , Supply Chain Disruption , Dlrlt Rlt , Marnld , Inferior , Weekend , Sl , Glg , Space , It , Crystalls , Madness , Electorate , Spraying , Home , Pace , Town , Pods , Lemons , Expedia , Member , Travels , Lemony , Lovely , Aspirin , Stomach , Vazalore 325 , Study , Ulcers , 325 , Driver , Drivers , Farmers , Turn , Appreciation , Bystander , Driver Discount , Driving Record , Bum , Burke , Farmers Policy Perk , Farmers Policy Perks , Pa Dum , Bipolar , Highs , Lows , Ask , Take Control , Medicines , Spirit , Creativity , Vraylar , Relief , Episodes , Depressive , Dementia , Manic , Children , Muscle Movements , Muscles , Cholesterol , Confusion , Behavior , Fever , High Blood Sugar , Weight Gain , Thoughts , Antidepressants , Coma , Abbvie , Issues , Restlessness , Sleepiness , Movement Dysfunction , Gum Health Mouthwash , Gum Health , Bleeding Gums , Shield , Plaque Bacteria , Hello Gumwash , 99 , Lately , Champagne , Industry , Brands , Moet , Brand , Bill Kristol , Source , Joking Nickname , Which , Cristol , Morning Joe , Friendship , Navigator , Bill Krystal , Fat Joe , Him , Jay Z , References , Ice , Bill Banks , Ameshell , Kristols , Kristols Cold , Chief , Entertainers , Kristol Champagne , Associate , Shout Out , Songs , Entrepreneurs , Dorm Pairing , Champ Shane , Rick Ross , More , Lil Wayne , Rihanna , Coveting French Champagne Including Diddy , Boycotting Crystal , Figure , Artists , Interest , Youth Culture , Ownership , Bonds , Summit Series , Iconoclasm , Beat Debut , Mod Snell , Old School European , Personality , Culture , Overmanage Brands , Control , Groups , Sandbox , Level , Doesn T Work , Isn T Realistic , Currency , Khalid , 100 , Crap , Fan , Old , Talk , Culture Side , Business Side , Let , Ari , Rose First , Brut , Bottle , Pause , Distributors , Trade , Rose , Expertise , Experience , Retailers , Hell , Anybody , Instincts , Somebody Else , Summit , Authentic , Normal Doesn T , Sizzle Highlights , Marijuana , Views , Don T Think Too Big , I Couldn T Step , Plan , Ground , Ideas , Dollar , No One , Beer Popping , Post Malone , Drink Bar , Germany , Passion , Bret , Melber , Youtube , Berish , On The Rocks , Spending Team , The Reidout , Ari Melber Com , Battle , Joy Reed , Jason Johnson , Forces , Civilians , Racing , Assault , United Nations , Mariupol , Ukraine , Russian , Medicine , Labyrinth , Tunnels , Water , Steel Works Factory , 2000 ,

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