Transcripts For MSNBC Way Too Early With Jonathan Lemire 202

Transcripts For MSNBC Way Too Early With Jonathan Lemire 20240708

last night by a man who jumped on stage with a knife. chappelle is okay and we'll tell you what police are saying. and the latest on the war in ukraine. the first civilians evacuated from the mariupol steel plant reached safety as the european union proposes a complete ban of russian oil by the end of the year. ♪♪ good morning and welcome to "way too early" on this wednesday, may 4th. it's a jam-packed show. let's get started. i'm jonathan lemire. we begin with the seismic fallout from the leaked supreme court draft opinion overturning roe v. wade. in an extraordinary step, chief justice john roberts confirmed that the document published by politico is authentic, but he noted that it does not represent the court's final decision. roberts said he has directed the supreme court marshall to investigate how the draft became public. in a statement, roberts wrote in part this, to the extent this betrayal of the confidences of the court was intended to undermine the integrity of our operations, it will not succeed. the work of the court will not be affected in any way. president biden reacted to the leaked draft by calling on elected officials to protect the right to abortion. he urged lawmakers on capitol hill to pass legislation to codify roe v. wade, but he declined to call for a filibuster change that would allow democrats to pass legislation with fewer than 60 votes. biden also called on voters to back candidates who support abortion rights in this upcoming midterm elections. last night in a gala hosted by emily's list, vice president kamala harris went hard after republicans. >> those republican leaders who are trying to weaponize the use of the law against women, what we say, how dare they. how dare they tell a woman what she can do and cannot do with her own body. you know, some republican leaders they want to take us back to a time before roe v. wade, back to a time before o berg feld v hodges, back to a time before griswald v. connecticut, but we're not going back. we are not going back. >> republicans have been much more focussed on the leak than the potential decision. the strategies actually part of a memo of talking points from the senate republican's campaign arm, to be, quote, compassionate on abortion policy. a sample statement reads in part, this is a draft opinion, so we will wait to see what the final decision of the supreme court is in the coming months. the leak of the document is troubling and is indicative of the radical left's mission to undermine the institution of the supreme court. it's wrong and the leaker should be found, fired and potentially prosecuted. we should note, republicans stay away from a victory lap perhaps in part because this polls unpopularly. most americans want to defend abortion rights. the gop for the most part has been on message. >> whoever did this leak should be prosecuted and should go to jail for a very long time. >> overturn roe, you're single handedly responsible for the 6-3 majority, do you take personal credit for abortion rights to likely go away for millions of people in this country? >> i think the story today is effort by someone on the inside to discredit the institution of the senate. >> democrats say that the prospect of roe being overturned in some of the more restrictive trigger laws coming into effect without exemptions for rape and incest will shock the public and motivate voters in november. what is your response to that? how does this change the midterms? >> well, that's not the story for today. the story for today is what i just said. >> if roe is struck down, do you see a need for federal abortion restriction legislation in congress? >> look, all of this puts the cart before the horse. we have three supreme court clerks in my conference. they all explained the procedure. and our entire conversation today was about what i just been talking to you about. and you need -- it seems to me, excuse the lecture, to concentrate on what the news is today, not a leaked draft but the fact that the draft was leaked. >> and with that, senate republican leadership ended their news conference. earlier in the day, senator josh hawley tweeted, it should go without saying that if a justice leaked this, he or she should face impeachment. be careful what you wish for since we don't know what side leaked in. turning now to the war in ukraine where russian forces resume bombardment of that battered steel plant in mariupol where hundreds of civilians and ukrainian fighters are sheltering. according to local officials the russians tried to storm the factory yesterday after a temporary cease fire ended. the deputy commander of the far right group the azov regiment said at least two women were kill and ten others injured in the shelling. he also appealed for another urgent truce to evacuate more civilians. meanwhile, the first batch of evacuees from the besieged factory reached the safety of ukrainian-controlled territory. these evacuees who endured weeks of shelling describe the horrors they face while inside the plant. some of them remain worried about their loved ones who are still trapped inside the sprawling mill. >> it was risk. there was risk, but they wanted to get from mariupol, so we decided that it's worth it. and i have other relatives still in mariupol, perhaps one -- my uncle is in azovstal, he is in the forces. so, i don't know where he is still. so we are waiting. >> local officials say about 200 civilians and more than 1,000 fighters are still wholed up in bunkers below the plant. russian forces stepped up attacks across ukraine yesterday, hitting key infrastructure around the country. local officials say at least six train stations in the central and western parts of the country away from the donbas front were hit. several explosions also rocked the western city of lviv near the polish border, damaging three power stations. that city's mayor said the attacks knocked out power and destructed water supply in some areas. and he also said at least two people were injured in the attacks. lviv has largely been a safe haven for diplomats and tens of thousands of ukrainians fleeing the fighting in the east since the war began at the end of february. it's also a major transfer point for weapons coming in from nato countries. joining us now live from southeastern ukraine, nbc news foreign correspondent matt bradley. matt, great to see you again. the first batch of evacuees arrived where you are and you got a chance to speak to some of them. what sort of tales are you hearing? >> reporter: so, we heard from some people who just arrived yesterday, as you mentioned the first arrivals from that azovstal plant. it was really just horrific to see them getting off the bus. they weren't exactly blinking in the sunlight. they've been aboveground for the past two days, but jonathan, if you can imagine, these are people who have endured months under ground, constant shelling and finally they were out and they had to go two days driving to get here to where we are here in zaporizhzhia, all of their stories were horrific. and we spoke with one young boy who said that his father had to remain in the plant. we also spoke to his mother, whose husband is that man, that soldier, who has to stay and fight. all of these people their families were split. if you're in the plant, it's probably because you have a spouse who is fighting and they had to say their farewells. and for a lot of these people, it's unclear whether their spouses, their husbands, their fathers will ever make it out because russia has just renewed its assault on that plant. and thousands, maybe 1,000 soldiers still there and some 200 civilians who are still under ground. here is what that family had to tell me. >> this must have been tough for you. how are you feeling now that you're free? what was it like down there? can you tell me what it was like not seeing the sun for all that time? >> been there two months. >> what was it like? did you feel -- >> it was very scary. >> reporter: i hope our warriors win, she said. it took away our past lives. it took everything. so, as you can see, the woman we spoke with, the mother, for her this liberation was somewhat bittersweet because, you know, she's free now. she can join a new life, but her husband is still in the plant and her life is now mired in uncertainty. she doesn't know where she's going to go. her family is decided. so for her, this liberation doesn't necessarily mean the freedom that it could entail for the rest of us. jonathan? >> we'll certainly be watching to see if more civilians can be evacuated from that steel plant in the days ahead. nbc's matt bradley, thank you, my friend. stay safe. still ahead, the first major test of former president donald trump's endorsement power. we'll have the results from ohio's primaries. plus, president biden hits the road with a message for congress, those stories and a check on the weather when we come right back. ♪♪ from prom dresses to workouts and new adventures you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. now as you're thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose. tastes great in our iced coffees too. which makes waking up at 5 a.m. to milk the cows a little easier. 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>> severe weather once again in the central and southern plains, though. the focus is back on to this area, 9 million people at risk today. we're looking at damaging winds. also some hail up to 2 inches. that's big hail. we can see winds gusting to 70 miles per hour. also the chance for a few tornadoes. rain fall forecast, that's a big one today. we could see up to six inches of rain in some spots. will be isolated. but that's going to lead to some flash flooding. we have a flood watch where you can see in the green parts of missouri, oklahoma, arkansas and kansas. thursday, even friday morning. so today's forecast, there are the storms in the central and southern plains, the southwest we are watching fire danger once again. critical levels to the southeast and also along the east coast you need the umbrella, we will be wet at times throughout the day. thursday, we'll see these storms moving off to the east and now the severe threat moves to missouri to texas. back to you. >> thank you so much, michelle. >> sure. and still ahead, president biden tours a missile factory in alabama. we'll tell you what he has to say about the on going effort to aid ukrainian fighters. plus, how the leaked supreme court draft opinion on abortion could change the tide of the midterm elections. i'll talk to a key democratic lawmaker about that. 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>> that's right, john. what's holding up the president's $33 billion request is there's lawmakers who are upset that the administration wants to lift what is known as title 42, which is the public health initiative that was put in place during the trump administration that kept migrants out of the united states, coming into the united states from the southern border because of the pandemic. and there's also some lawmakers who might want to tie that funding request to the administration's request for additional money to battle the pandemic, to buy vaccines and therapeutics and those kinds of issues. so, all of those seemingly unrelated issues are getting caught up in the president's request to send more money to ukraine. >> sadly that's how washington works, much to the frustration of many observers, president has made clear that he wants that funding through no matter what. darlene, also shifting gears, obviously the major story line not just in d.c. but across the country, is this leaked draft document that suggests that roe v. wade is in danger. we heard from the president yesterday talking about it. he's also pleading for fundraising support to elect more lawmakers who support abortion rights. the hope here would be to successfully codify roe v. wade into law. within just hours of the draft leak, democrats had already raised $7 million. the party is trying to use this issue to boost voter enthusiasm. democrats, you know, facing head winds this fall. we all know the reasons why. but there's a real sense that this issue, this decision were to come down as expected now in june could really change the landscape. what's your sense of it? people you talked to, how big of an impact will this have come midterms? >> well, they're certainly hoping it will have a big impact come midterms. this is an emotional issue for many voters in the united states. and it's an issue that many voters use to decide who to vote for. they're called single issue voters. abortion is one of those issues that can get people out to the polls in november. and so, fundraising off of this, just trying to beat the drum and sounding the alarm about potential roll back of roe v. wade, of women's reproductive rights and potentially the other argument that a lot of democrats are making and we heard the president say this yesterday, the court can start with reproductive rights and then go down the line with taking back other rights, the right for gay marriage, other rights to privacy, so on and so forth. so, they are certainly hoping to turn up the rhetoric and in turn help that -- cause people to open up their pocketbooks and donate more money so they can get people to the polls in november. >> yeah. that's a key point, not just an abortion rights are in danger, but what other rights could be taken away if this court were to continue in this path. the a.p.'s darlene superville, one of the co-authors of a new book entitled "jill" a biography of the first lady. check that out. it's on sale now. darlene superville, thank you for joining us. still ahead, we're live with cnbc a highly anticipated decision from the fed early today. 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italian food. subway keeps refreshing and refres- time now for business, and for that let's bring in cnbc's julianna tatelbaum who joins us live from london. juliana, big day today. federal reserve will make a decision on interest rates. the u.s. stocks rose yesterday ahead of it. what do you think we're going to get? >> well, the day is finally here, john. a lot of buildup to today's federal reserve decision. the expectation firmly that we will get a 50 basis point or half a percentage point rate hike from the federal reserve. we're also expecting the central bank to formalize its plans to shrink its $9 trillion balance sheet. all of this as the fed looks to take on a more aggressive stance when it comes to policy. and i've been having a lot of conversations with investors in the lead-up to this decision. and there is this thought floating in the market that while we could see stocks sink and sell off on the back of a more aggressive jerome powell, it could be interpreted as positive in the long run because it would signal that the fed is willing to do what it takes to get ahead of the curve and stop inflation from spiraling out of control, which at this point is seen as a bigger risk than the negative impact on growth from higher interest rates. u.s. futures point to a steady start in the lead-up to this decision. >> juliana, as you well know, it's first quarter earnings season. and we got numbers after the bell yesterday from lyft and airbnb. tell us what they are and how are investors reacting. >> well, john, this earning season a lot of the most interesting results have come after hours. so yesterday we heard from lyft. lyft plummeted in after hours, after the company said that effectively they're going to have to invest more in the business. and that means more incentives for drivers, more costs. investors did not like what they heard. and it wasn't just lyft that took a hit. uber also took a hit. shares moved more than 4% lower in afterhours. and then we heard from uber that today they are going to update the market earlier than expected. so some messaging from uber before the market today and then we heard from airbnb in contrast to lyft, we saw airbnb shares move higher in extended trade after the company beat expectations and raised guidance. airbnb had positive about summer booking. covid restrictions ease around the world. >> we got some pretty significant breaking news overnight. the european union has said they will indeed propose a ban on oil imports from russia by the end of the year. tell us more about that and what it could mean. >> this is fresh news. just a few hours ago we heard from ursala van der lie yen that the eu has come together and proposed a sixth package of sanctions. the toughest yet when it comes to russia. the main elements a ban on all russian oil imports by the end of the year, removal of the financial payments system from s.w.i.f.t. they want to ban russian state owned broadcasters from eu air waves. of the measures proposed in this package, that ban on oil is getting the most focus. the next question is could natural gas come next, which is arguably more important and more difficult for the eu to substitute and then of course how does the kremlin respond. >> we'll be watching for potentially rising prices, some even warned a move like this could trigger a recession down the road. julianna tatelbaum live from london. thank you. great stuff today. still ahead, we'll have more fallout from the leaked supreme court opinion on abortion rights. what top democrats had to say about it and the possible impact on the midterms. i'll have a lawmaker with me next. from prom dresses to workouts and new adventures you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. now as you're thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. the road. on the midterms. with plaque the road on the midterms. hritis, are rethinking the choices they make. like the splash they create. the way they exaggerate. or the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats differently. for psoriasis, you can achieve clearer skin with otezla. for psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. otezla can cause serious allergic reactions. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. the possible reversal of roe v. wade is sending shock waves through the democratic party. it comes just months before what has been historically a difficult midterm election for the party in control of the white house. many predicted the democrats to lose control of the house of representatives and possibly the senate, too, but yesterday's leak could serve as a galvanizing issue for the party in power. >> when i went to get my abortion, i didn't go to a gas station. i didn't enter a fast food restaurant. i didn't go to a bank. i went to a healthcare facility because abortion care is health care. >> i am here because i am angry and i am here because the united states congress can change all of this. angry but committed. understand this, understand this, i have seen the world where abortion is illegal. and we are not going back. not ever. >> we will vote to protect a woman's right to choose. every american is going to see where every senator stands, which side are they on. women's health. women's rights. a mainstream america that protects liberty. or on the side of darkness, retro grade, history. >> democrats made the first move yesterday to consider a bill to codify roe v. wade. though it's expected to fail, the procedural vote would put each senator on the record for where they stand on this issue. joining us now, democratic congresswoman from wisconsin, gwen moore. she has been an outspoken opponent of efforts to limit women's reproductive rights and care. congress woman, great to see you this morning. thanks for being here. there's been a lot of speculation as to the source of this leak and the motivation behind it, but we'll set that aside. if the opinion becomes final and the supreme court rules to eliminate roe v. wade, what do you think will happen to democrats ahead of november's midterm elections? >> thanks for having me, jonathan. i'm one of those people, so grateful for all of the people who anticipated this. i was one of those very naive people thinking oh my god, there's no way they could possibly take us back into the dark caverns of pre-roe v. wade. i lived long enough to see people ruin their reproductive health with self abortions. i have seen -- i've been two, three degrees away from people who have died from botched abortions. i've seen people die because they needed an abortion because they had bad heart and gave birth any way and succumb and left 11 children orphaned. and i personally, you know, have had to hustle up as a poor black woman, hustle up money, seeking money to travel to new york to get abortion care. this is not funny. this is -- brings back all the nightmares of i ever had of the body snatcher, of big brother. people need to understand that it won't stop with eviscerating a woman's right to choose. it will impinge on every other sort of unenumerated right. so interesting that justice alito could just ignore the ninth amendment that says that the -- that unenumerated rights, you know, should not be abridge. so that just puts on the chopping block gay marriage, birth control, numbers of other rights that we have -- that have been decided. people better wake up. so i think ahead of november, we ought to put target on every single -- especially in that senate because they're holding up our bill that we passed. >> well, congresswoman -- >> yeah. >> let me ask you about that. you took me right there. let me ask about that right now, the women's health protection act has stalled in the senate, even after it pass in the house last year before any of this was put into the public consciousness because of this decision. we heard from majority leader schumer will call for a vote, but it's not likely that he has those votes. so what would it mean if this bill fails in the senate right now? >> the people are coming. we need to come and vote these people out. we need a nonviolent revolution. not any kind of january 6. we need a november 8. we need to put people on notice that the time is up. if they breach this basic human right of not only women, but men, too. forced parenthood. it is chilling to think about going back 50 years. and i agree with senator warren. we're not going back. we're not going back. it is time to rise up. >> all right. democratic congresswoman from wisconsin gwen moore. we certainly appreciate your passion on this issue. and thank you for being with us today. up next, the cdc renews its covid masking recommendations. we're going to have more on that. and coming up on "morning joe," the latest from the ground in ukraine as russia resumes its attacks at that steel plant in mariupol after a brief truce allowed the evacuation of some civilians trapped inside. plus, we're going to hear from members of the armed services committee in both the house and senate. and as i mentioned the democratic nominee for congress in ohio, congressman tim ryan will be a request. moments away, "way too early" is coming right back. coming right back. ooks! i don't cook. wait, what? it's a good thing he's so handsome. subway keeps refreshing and refre- staying up half the night searching for savings on your prescriptions? just ask your cvs pharmacist. we search for savings for you. from coupons to lower costs options. plus, earn up to $50 extra bucks rewards each year just for filling at cvs pharmacy. this is a game changer who dares to be fearless even when her bladder leaks. our softest, smoothest fabric keeping her comfortable, protected and undeniably sleek. depend. the only thing stronger than us, is you. 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(vo) with 5g ultra wideband in many more cities, you get up to 10 times the speed at no extra cost. verizon is going ultra, so your business can get more. if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks... choose stelara® from the start... and move toward relief after the first dose... with injections every two months. stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. feel unstoppable. ask your doctor how lasting remission can start with stelara®. janssen can help you explore cost support options. health officials announced yesterday that the consideration infections in new york city have reached a medium risk threat level which means you have to go from not wearing a mask to wearing it below your nose. the cdc is reiterating its recommendation that people aged 2 and older wear masks on transportation. the cdc says masks continue to be an important tool for stopping the spread of covid-19. the court struck down the mandate on planes, trains and other public transit. the doj is appealing the rule but did not seek an injunction to keep the mandate in place while it awaits the decision. this is about preserving power to do so again down the road. authorities in beijing, meanwhile, have announced new measures to contain a growing outbreak of covid-19. officials in the city have banned dining in restaurants and have ordered entertainment venues to close. residents must also show proof of a negative covid test before entering the public spaces. beijing yesterday reported 53 new cases that's a relatively low number compared to shanghai which has reported more than 5,000 new cases and is now in its fifth week of total lockdown. >> joining us now to talk all things pandemic infeck shuz diseases physician founding director at the university center for emerging infectious disease policies and research. doctor, that's quite a title. we're glad you're here with us today. let's talk first on masks. the cdc is not alone in its push for mask regulations. and in recent days, there have been dozens of universities that have reinstated mask mandates. but at the same time, there are a number of cities like new york city which we just heard could trigger, if officials wanted a restoration of masks and vaccine mandates. at least so far, it doesn't seem like that's happening but covid cases are picking up everywhere, fueled by subvariants. give us your 30-000 foot take on where we are in terms of this pam. >> well, jnl, i do think we're entering a perilous area. we have to see where that lies with hospitalizations and deaths and just as you said, 30,000-foot foot view is that we are not out of the pandemic, but we do find ourselves in the new phase of the pandemic. over the last years, as the mortality, the chances you might die from the disease, if you get the two vaccinations through the ability to get tested quickly so you can link that to treatment. what remains, though, there's still a lot of inequity in all of those resources. the ability to access, those treatments quickly in all parts of the country or the number of people who have gotten their booster. by the way, which you got three doses your protected against all the new variants, the jury is out on ba4 and 5 remains at 80% against hospitalization. and paxlovid can decrease your chances for hospitalization. so we have all of that stuff, people say, that's it, we're done. there's not. it's unknown. since we only have 45% of the people who received a booster the concern is you seeing the more transmissible variant will you now see an uptake in hospitalizations again. i do think it's a time of vigilance. yes, we're in a better place but it's definitely a time of vigilance where we should reach for those efforts that have made a difference, such as the masks that you talked about. and to make sure that we not let funding the most important, funding for this covid response go away. we still have not seen action from congress to make sure there's enough funding starting this summer for treatment, testing and all of other things that have helped us. >> right, we've known for a couple weeks cases starting to rise. we're seeing in some states hospitalizations as well predictably, a lot of positive cases stemming from the white house correspondents' dinner week in washington. you just mentioned a couple new subvariants that have been detected. i wanted to get your sense of risk of reinfection for someone who has had covid before. could they get it again from one of these new subvariants? >> so, the jury is still out on ba.4 and 5, the new subvariants in terms of immunities, in emergency rooms it of risk of reinfection. i think it's complicated because that risk of reinfection is not just tied essentially to the new variants. but also, you know, you need to get your booster. those who are vulnerable, by the way, there's a fourth dose, the update is recommended for. so the combination of waning immunity might contribute to potentially people getting infected. the good thing here, if you've had the three doses like i said, you still see very good protection against hospitalization even if you were to get reinfected. and i will tie this -- this is the other unknown, this is why we maintain vigilance in the pandemic, we don't know the cost of infection itself. there's a lot research going on with covid. there's a percentage of covid for people who do end up suffering an infection. >> thank you there. doctor, we feel like we just got started. we'd love to have you back soon to talk about the pandemic. thank you for joining us today. thanks for all of for getting up "way too early" on this wednesday morning. "morning joe" starts right now. i do not believe that brett kavanaugh will overturn -- >> president will overturn -- >> you have obviously full confidence? >> i do. >> and now other things that susan collins believes. hot dogs are made with only the finest ingredients. >> i do believe. >> her childhood dog chumley is fine and living on a farm upstate. >> absolutely. >> charlie manson will be remembered more for his music than anything else. >> yes. >> that guy calling and asking for her social security number is really from the irs. >> hello, this is susan

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Stockpiles , Munitions , Lockheed Martin , Funding Request , Aid , Ally , 33 Billion , 3 Billion , Investment , Security Assistance , Allies , Billion , Dictators , Democracy , Appetite , Budget , Front Line , Assistance , Aid Package , Associated Press , Request , Passage , John , Snag , Place , Health , Administration , Initiative , Title , Migrants , 42 , Pandemic , Issues , Therapeutics , Kinds , Funding , Frustration , Observers , Washington Works , No Matter What , Draft Document , Danger , Story Line , Gears , D C , Draft Leak , Hope , 7 Million , Million , Issue , Sense , Head , Voter Enthusiasm , Reasons , Impact , Landscape , Single Issue Voters , This , Alarm , Drum , Supreme Court Opinion On Abortion Rights , Down The Line , Argument , Gay Marriage , Privacy , Rhetoric , Pocketbooks , Key Point , Book , Path , Biography , Co Authors , First Lady , Jill , Fed , Early Today , Cnbc A , Type 2 Diabetes , Oh Ozempic , A1c , Oh , Adults , Weight , Heart Attack , Heart Disease , Events , Isn T , Stroke , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Don T Take Ozempic , Type 1 Diabetes , Lump , Share , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Needles , Stop Ozempic , Don T , Reuse , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Nausea , Blood Sugar Risk , Changes , Vision Problems , Stomach Pain , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Insulin , Dehydration , Provider , Kidney Problems , Health Care Provider , 25 , Prescription , My Name Is Douglas , Kind , Director , Line , Somewhere , Writer , Subway , Refresh , Game Changer , Memory , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Meats , Italian Food , Smell , Italians , Italy , Mozza Meat , Julianna Tatelbaum , Interest Rates , Refres , Cnbc , Big Day Today , Juliana , London , Stocks , Basis Point , Expectation , Buildup , Central Bank , Plans , Looks , Policy , Stance , Percentage Point Rate , Balance Sheet , 9 Trillion , Trillion , Thought , Investors , Market , Jerome Powell , Back , Conversations , Positive , Out Of Control , Futures , Growth , Inflation , Run , Curve , Numbers , Lyft , Airbnb , Season , Start , Earnings , Company , Wasn T Just Lyft , Shares , Costs , Incentives , Drivers , Lower , Afterhours , Uber , Contrast , Messaging , Trade , World , Covid , Restrictions , Beat Expectations , Summer Booking , Guidance , Breaking News , Ursala Van Der Lie Yen , Oil Imports , Has , Package , Sanctions , Elements , Measures , Estate , Payments System , Air Waves , Removal , Broadcasters , Swift , Move , Natural Gas , Course , Difficult , Prices , Kremlin , Stuff , Recession , Otezla , Choices , Plaque , Splash , Hritis , Pill , Joint Swelling , Choice , Prescribing Information , Psoriasis , Cream , Tenderness , Psoriatic Arthritis , Depression , Requirement , Routine Lab Monitoring , Treatment , Feelings , Weight Loss , Thoughts , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Planning , Shock Waves , Reversal , Control , Election , House Of Representatives , Gas Station , Galvanizing Issue , Fast Food Restaurant , Bank , Abortion Care , Health Care , Healthcare Facility , Women S Health , America , Women S Rights , Liberty , Vote , Darkness , Retro Grade , Bill To Codify , Gwen Moore , Efforts , Rights , Record , Opponent , Wisconsin , Opinion , Source , Aside , Motivation , Speculation , Supreme Court Rules , Jonathan , November , Caverns , Oh My God , Self Abortions , Abortions , Have , Heart , Birth , Children , Nightmares , Body Snatcher , Eviscerating A Woman S , Big Brother , Amendment , Unenumerated Right , Sort , Alito , Birth Control , Abridge , Chopping Block , Target , Single , Bill , House , Women S Health Protection Act , Majority Leader Schumer , Consciousness , Nonviolent Revolution , January 6 , Notice , Men , Human , November 8 , 8 , Parenthood , Senator Warren , Cdc , Up Next , Congresswoman , Passion , Covid Masking Recommendations , Evacuation , Members , Armed Services Committee , Thing , I Don T Cook , Refre , Wait , Ooks , Smoothest , Bladder Leaks , Customer , Softest , Reading , Depend , Farmers , Something , Bum , Policies , Home , Auto , Average , Burke , Pa Dum , Seven Hundred And Thirty , Seven Hundred And Thirty Dollars , Verizon , Cost , Ultra , Cities , Speed , Event Planning , Plan , Vo , 5g Ultra Wideband , Business Unlimited , Manny , Dose , More , Crohn S Disease , Injections , Tracks , Moderate , Ulcerative Colitis , Relief , Stelara , Infection , Cancer , Serious , Infections , Pres , Skin Growths , Vaccine , Sores , Tb , Brain Condition , Remission , Lung Inflammation , Janssen , Cost Support Options , Health Officials , Mask , Consideration Infections , Nose , Masks , Mandate , Planes , Wear Masks , Transportation , Recommendation , Tool , Spread , Transit , Rule , Doj , Injunction , Authorities In Beijing , Restaurants , Covid Test , Outbreak , Dining , Entertainment Venues , Residents , Beijing , Public Spaces , Proof , Cases , Things , Lockdown , Shanghai , Infeck Shuz Diseases Physician Founding , 5000 , 53 , Research , University Center For Emerging Infectious Disease Policies , Dozens , Mask Mandates , Universities , Push , Mask Regulations , Subvariants , Everywhere , Restoration , Vaccine Mandates , Terms , Pam , Jnl , 000 , Hospitalizations , Deaths , View , Phase , 30000 , Chances , Ability , Vaccinations , Disease , Mortality , Booster , Treatments , Resources , Inequity , Access , Hospitalization , Jury , Variants , Remains , Paxlovid , Against , 80 , Transmissible Variant , Concern , 45 , Vigilance , Difference , Uptake , Important , Testing , Summer , Action , Covid Response Go Away , Dinner , White House Correspondents , Reinfection , Immunities , Emergency Rooms , Combination , Immunity , Update , Unknown , Reinfected , Doses , Percentage , Way Too Early , Brett Kavanaugh , Ingredients , Hot Dogs , Susan Collins , Guy Calling , Charlie Manson , Social Security Number , Childhood , Music , Hello , Dog Chumley , Farm Upstate , Anything Else , Irs ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC Way Too Early With Jonathan Lemire 20240708 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Way Too Early With Jonathan Lemire 20240708

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last night by a man who jumped on stage with a knife. chappelle is okay and we'll tell you what police are saying. and the latest on the war in ukraine. the first civilians evacuated from the mariupol steel plant reached safety as the european union proposes a complete ban of russian oil by the end of the year. ♪♪ good morning and welcome to "way too early" on this wednesday, may 4th. it's a jam-packed show. let's get started. i'm jonathan lemire. we begin with the seismic fallout from the leaked supreme court draft opinion overturning roe v. wade. in an extraordinary step, chief justice john roberts confirmed that the document published by politico is authentic, but he noted that it does not represent the court's final decision. roberts said he has directed the supreme court marshall to investigate how the draft became public. in a statement, roberts wrote in part this, to the extent this betrayal of the confidences of the court was intended to undermine the integrity of our operations, it will not succeed. the work of the court will not be affected in any way. president biden reacted to the leaked draft by calling on elected officials to protect the right to abortion. he urged lawmakers on capitol hill to pass legislation to codify roe v. wade, but he declined to call for a filibuster change that would allow democrats to pass legislation with fewer than 60 votes. biden also called on voters to back candidates who support abortion rights in this upcoming midterm elections. last night in a gala hosted by emily's list, vice president kamala harris went hard after republicans. >> those republican leaders who are trying to weaponize the use of the law against women, what we say, how dare they. how dare they tell a woman what she can do and cannot do with her own body. you know, some republican leaders they want to take us back to a time before roe v. wade, back to a time before o berg feld v hodges, back to a time before griswald v. connecticut, but we're not going back. we are not going back. >> republicans have been much more focussed on the leak than the potential decision. the strategies actually part of a memo of talking points from the senate republican's campaign arm, to be, quote, compassionate on abortion policy. a sample statement reads in part, this is a draft opinion, so we will wait to see what the final decision of the supreme court is in the coming months. the leak of the document is troubling and is indicative of the radical left's mission to undermine the institution of the supreme court. it's wrong and the leaker should be found, fired and potentially prosecuted. we should note, republicans stay away from a victory lap perhaps in part because this polls unpopularly. most americans want to defend abortion rights. the gop for the most part has been on message. >> whoever did this leak should be prosecuted and should go to jail for a very long time. >> overturn roe, you're single handedly responsible for the 6-3 majority, do you take personal credit for abortion rights to likely go away for millions of people in this country? >> i think the story today is effort by someone on the inside to discredit the institution of the senate. >> democrats say that the prospect of roe being overturned in some of the more restrictive trigger laws coming into effect without exemptions for rape and incest will shock the public and motivate voters in november. what is your response to that? how does this change the midterms? >> well, that's not the story for today. the story for today is what i just said. >> if roe is struck down, do you see a need for federal abortion restriction legislation in congress? >> look, all of this puts the cart before the horse. we have three supreme court clerks in my conference. they all explained the procedure. and our entire conversation today was about what i just been talking to you about. and you need -- it seems to me, excuse the lecture, to concentrate on what the news is today, not a leaked draft but the fact that the draft was leaked. >> and with that, senate republican leadership ended their news conference. earlier in the day, senator josh hawley tweeted, it should go without saying that if a justice leaked this, he or she should face impeachment. be careful what you wish for since we don't know what side leaked in. turning now to the war in ukraine where russian forces resume bombardment of that battered steel plant in mariupol where hundreds of civilians and ukrainian fighters are sheltering. according to local officials the russians tried to storm the factory yesterday after a temporary cease fire ended. the deputy commander of the far right group the azov regiment said at least two women were kill and ten others injured in the shelling. he also appealed for another urgent truce to evacuate more civilians. meanwhile, the first batch of evacuees from the besieged factory reached the safety of ukrainian-controlled territory. these evacuees who endured weeks of shelling describe the horrors they face while inside the plant. some of them remain worried about their loved ones who are still trapped inside the sprawling mill. >> it was risk. there was risk, but they wanted to get from mariupol, so we decided that it's worth it. and i have other relatives still in mariupol, perhaps one -- my uncle is in azovstal, he is in the forces. so, i don't know where he is still. so we are waiting. >> local officials say about 200 civilians and more than 1,000 fighters are still wholed up in bunkers below the plant. russian forces stepped up attacks across ukraine yesterday, hitting key infrastructure around the country. local officials say at least six train stations in the central and western parts of the country away from the donbas front were hit. several explosions also rocked the western city of lviv near the polish border, damaging three power stations. that city's mayor said the attacks knocked out power and destructed water supply in some areas. and he also said at least two people were injured in the attacks. lviv has largely been a safe haven for diplomats and tens of thousands of ukrainians fleeing the fighting in the east since the war began at the end of february. it's also a major transfer point for weapons coming in from nato countries. joining us now live from southeastern ukraine, nbc news foreign correspondent matt bradley. matt, great to see you again. the first batch of evacuees arrived where you are and you got a chance to speak to some of them. what sort of tales are you hearing? >> reporter: so, we heard from some people who just arrived yesterday, as you mentioned the first arrivals from that azovstal plant. it was really just horrific to see them getting off the bus. they weren't exactly blinking in the sunlight. they've been aboveground for the past two days, but jonathan, if you can imagine, these are people who have endured months under ground, constant shelling and finally they were out and they had to go two days driving to get here to where we are here in zaporizhzhia, all of their stories were horrific. and we spoke with one young boy who said that his father had to remain in the plant. we also spoke to his mother, whose husband is that man, that soldier, who has to stay and fight. all of these people their families were split. if you're in the plant, it's probably because you have a spouse who is fighting and they had to say their farewells. and for a lot of these people, it's unclear whether their spouses, their husbands, their fathers will ever make it out because russia has just renewed its assault on that plant. and thousands, maybe 1,000 soldiers still there and some 200 civilians who are still under ground. here is what that family had to tell me. >> this must have been tough for you. how are you feeling now that you're free? what was it like down there? can you tell me what it was like not seeing the sun for all that time? >> been there two months. >> what was it like? did you feel -- >> it was very scary. >> reporter: i hope our warriors win, she said. it took away our past lives. it took everything. so, as you can see, the woman we spoke with, the mother, for her this liberation was somewhat bittersweet because, you know, she's free now. she can join a new life, but her husband is still in the plant and her life is now mired in uncertainty. she doesn't know where she's going to go. her family is decided. so for her, this liberation doesn't necessarily mean the freedom that it could entail for the rest of us. jonathan? >> we'll certainly be watching to see if more civilians can be evacuated from that steel plant in the days ahead. nbc's matt bradley, thank you, my friend. stay safe. still ahead, the first major test of former president donald trump's endorsement power. we'll have the results from ohio's primaries. plus, president biden hits the road with a message for congress, those stories and a check on the weather when we come right back. ♪♪ from prom dresses to workouts and new adventures you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. now as you're thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose. tastes great in our iced coffees too. which makes waking up at 5 a.m. to milk the cows a little easier. 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>> severe weather once again in the central and southern plains, though. the focus is back on to this area, 9 million people at risk today. we're looking at damaging winds. also some hail up to 2 inches. that's big hail. we can see winds gusting to 70 miles per hour. also the chance for a few tornadoes. rain fall forecast, that's a big one today. we could see up to six inches of rain in some spots. will be isolated. but that's going to lead to some flash flooding. we have a flood watch where you can see in the green parts of missouri, oklahoma, arkansas and kansas. thursday, even friday morning. so today's forecast, there are the storms in the central and southern plains, the southwest we are watching fire danger once again. critical levels to the southeast and also along the east coast you need the umbrella, we will be wet at times throughout the day. thursday, we'll see these storms moving off to the east and now the severe threat moves to missouri to texas. back to you. >> thank you so much, michelle. >> sure. and still ahead, president biden tours a missile factory in alabama. we'll tell you what he has to say about the on going effort to aid ukrainian fighters. plus, how the leaked supreme court draft opinion on abortion could change the tide of the midterm elections. i'll talk to a key democratic lawmaker about that. 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>> that's right, john. what's holding up the president's $33 billion request is there's lawmakers who are upset that the administration wants to lift what is known as title 42, which is the public health initiative that was put in place during the trump administration that kept migrants out of the united states, coming into the united states from the southern border because of the pandemic. and there's also some lawmakers who might want to tie that funding request to the administration's request for additional money to battle the pandemic, to buy vaccines and therapeutics and those kinds of issues. so, all of those seemingly unrelated issues are getting caught up in the president's request to send more money to ukraine. >> sadly that's how washington works, much to the frustration of many observers, president has made clear that he wants that funding through no matter what. darlene, also shifting gears, obviously the major story line not just in d.c. but across the country, is this leaked draft document that suggests that roe v. wade is in danger. we heard from the president yesterday talking about it. he's also pleading for fundraising support to elect more lawmakers who support abortion rights. the hope here would be to successfully codify roe v. wade into law. within just hours of the draft leak, democrats had already raised $7 million. the party is trying to use this issue to boost voter enthusiasm. democrats, you know, facing head winds this fall. we all know the reasons why. but there's a real sense that this issue, this decision were to come down as expected now in june could really change the landscape. what's your sense of it? people you talked to, how big of an impact will this have come midterms? >> well, they're certainly hoping it will have a big impact come midterms. this is an emotional issue for many voters in the united states. and it's an issue that many voters use to decide who to vote for. they're called single issue voters. abortion is one of those issues that can get people out to the polls in november. and so, fundraising off of this, just trying to beat the drum and sounding the alarm about potential roll back of roe v. wade, of women's reproductive rights and potentially the other argument that a lot of democrats are making and we heard the president say this yesterday, the court can start with reproductive rights and then go down the line with taking back other rights, the right for gay marriage, other rights to privacy, so on and so forth. so, they are certainly hoping to turn up the rhetoric and in turn help that -- cause people to open up their pocketbooks and donate more money so they can get people to the polls in november. >> yeah. that's a key point, not just an abortion rights are in danger, but what other rights could be taken away if this court were to continue in this path. the a.p.'s darlene superville, one of the co-authors of a new book entitled "jill" a biography of the first lady. check that out. it's on sale now. darlene superville, thank you for joining us. still ahead, we're live with cnbc a highly anticipated decision from the fed early today. 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italian food. subway keeps refreshing and refres- time now for business, and for that let's bring in cnbc's julianna tatelbaum who joins us live from london. juliana, big day today. federal reserve will make a decision on interest rates. the u.s. stocks rose yesterday ahead of it. what do you think we're going to get? >> well, the day is finally here, john. a lot of buildup to today's federal reserve decision. the expectation firmly that we will get a 50 basis point or half a percentage point rate hike from the federal reserve. we're also expecting the central bank to formalize its plans to shrink its $9 trillion balance sheet. all of this as the fed looks to take on a more aggressive stance when it comes to policy. and i've been having a lot of conversations with investors in the lead-up to this decision. and there is this thought floating in the market that while we could see stocks sink and sell off on the back of a more aggressive jerome powell, it could be interpreted as positive in the long run because it would signal that the fed is willing to do what it takes to get ahead of the curve and stop inflation from spiraling out of control, which at this point is seen as a bigger risk than the negative impact on growth from higher interest rates. u.s. futures point to a steady start in the lead-up to this decision. >> juliana, as you well know, it's first quarter earnings season. and we got numbers after the bell yesterday from lyft and airbnb. tell us what they are and how are investors reacting. >> well, john, this earning season a lot of the most interesting results have come after hours. so yesterday we heard from lyft. lyft plummeted in after hours, after the company said that effectively they're going to have to invest more in the business. and that means more incentives for drivers, more costs. investors did not like what they heard. and it wasn't just lyft that took a hit. uber also took a hit. shares moved more than 4% lower in afterhours. and then we heard from uber that today they are going to update the market earlier than expected. so some messaging from uber before the market today and then we heard from airbnb in contrast to lyft, we saw airbnb shares move higher in extended trade after the company beat expectations and raised guidance. airbnb had positive about summer booking. covid restrictions ease around the world. >> we got some pretty significant breaking news overnight. the european union has said they will indeed propose a ban on oil imports from russia by the end of the year. tell us more about that and what it could mean. >> this is fresh news. just a few hours ago we heard from ursala van der lie yen that the eu has come together and proposed a sixth package of sanctions. the toughest yet when it comes to russia. the main elements a ban on all russian oil imports by the end of the year, removal of the financial payments system from s.w.i.f.t. they want to ban russian state owned broadcasters from eu air waves. of the measures proposed in this package, that ban on oil is getting the most focus. the next question is could natural gas come next, which is arguably more important and more difficult for the eu to substitute and then of course how does the kremlin respond. >> we'll be watching for potentially rising prices, some even warned a move like this could trigger a recession down the road. julianna tatelbaum live from london. thank you. great stuff today. still ahead, we'll have more fallout from the leaked supreme court opinion on abortion rights. what top democrats had to say about it and the possible impact on the midterms. i'll have a lawmaker with me next. from prom dresses to workouts and new adventures you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. now as you're thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. the road. on the midterms. with plaque the road on the midterms. hritis, are rethinking the choices they make. like the splash they create. the way they exaggerate. or the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats differently. for psoriasis, you can achieve clearer skin with otezla. for psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. otezla can cause serious allergic reactions. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. the possible reversal of roe v. wade is sending shock waves through the democratic party. it comes just months before what has been historically a difficult midterm election for the party in control of the white house. many predicted the democrats to lose control of the house of representatives and possibly the senate, too, but yesterday's leak could serve as a galvanizing issue for the party in power. >> when i went to get my abortion, i didn't go to a gas station. i didn't enter a fast food restaurant. i didn't go to a bank. i went to a healthcare facility because abortion care is health care. >> i am here because i am angry and i am here because the united states congress can change all of this. angry but committed. understand this, understand this, i have seen the world where abortion is illegal. and we are not going back. not ever. >> we will vote to protect a woman's right to choose. every american is going to see where every senator stands, which side are they on. women's health. women's rights. a mainstream america that protects liberty. or on the side of darkness, retro grade, history. >> democrats made the first move yesterday to consider a bill to codify roe v. wade. though it's expected to fail, the procedural vote would put each senator on the record for where they stand on this issue. joining us now, democratic congresswoman from wisconsin, gwen moore. she has been an outspoken opponent of efforts to limit women's reproductive rights and care. congress woman, great to see you this morning. thanks for being here. there's been a lot of speculation as to the source of this leak and the motivation behind it, but we'll set that aside. if the opinion becomes final and the supreme court rules to eliminate roe v. wade, what do you think will happen to democrats ahead of november's midterm elections? >> thanks for having me, jonathan. i'm one of those people, so grateful for all of the people who anticipated this. i was one of those very naive people thinking oh my god, there's no way they could possibly take us back into the dark caverns of pre-roe v. wade. i lived long enough to see people ruin their reproductive health with self abortions. i have seen -- i've been two, three degrees away from people who have died from botched abortions. i've seen people die because they needed an abortion because they had bad heart and gave birth any way and succumb and left 11 children orphaned. and i personally, you know, have had to hustle up as a poor black woman, hustle up money, seeking money to travel to new york to get abortion care. this is not funny. this is -- brings back all the nightmares of i ever had of the body snatcher, of big brother. people need to understand that it won't stop with eviscerating a woman's right to choose. it will impinge on every other sort of unenumerated right. so interesting that justice alito could just ignore the ninth amendment that says that the -- that unenumerated rights, you know, should not be abridge. so that just puts on the chopping block gay marriage, birth control, numbers of other rights that we have -- that have been decided. people better wake up. so i think ahead of november, we ought to put target on every single -- especially in that senate because they're holding up our bill that we passed. >> well, congresswoman -- >> yeah. >> let me ask you about that. you took me right there. let me ask about that right now, the women's health protection act has stalled in the senate, even after it pass in the house last year before any of this was put into the public consciousness because of this decision. we heard from majority leader schumer will call for a vote, but it's not likely that he has those votes. so what would it mean if this bill fails in the senate right now? >> the people are coming. we need to come and vote these people out. we need a nonviolent revolution. not any kind of january 6. we need a november 8. we need to put people on notice that the time is up. if they breach this basic human right of not only women, but men, too. forced parenthood. it is chilling to think about going back 50 years. and i agree with senator warren. we're not going back. we're not going back. it is time to rise up. >> all right. democratic congresswoman from wisconsin gwen moore. we certainly appreciate your passion on this issue. and thank you for being with us today. up next, the cdc renews its covid masking recommendations. we're going to have more on that. and coming up on "morning joe," the latest from the ground in ukraine as russia resumes its attacks at that steel plant in mariupol after a brief truce allowed the evacuation of some civilians trapped inside. plus, we're going to hear from members of the armed services committee in both the house and senate. and as i mentioned the democratic nominee for congress in ohio, congressman tim ryan will be a request. moments away, "way too early" is coming right back. coming right back. ooks! i don't cook. wait, what? it's a good thing he's so handsome. subway keeps refreshing and refre- staying up half the night searching for savings on your prescriptions? just ask your cvs pharmacist. we search for savings for you. from coupons to lower costs options. plus, earn up to $50 extra bucks rewards each year just for filling at cvs pharmacy. this is a game changer who dares to be fearless even when her bladder leaks. our softest, smoothest fabric keeping her comfortable, protected and undeniably sleek. depend. the only thing stronger than us, is you. 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(vo) with 5g ultra wideband in many more cities, you get up to 10 times the speed at no extra cost. verizon is going ultra, so your business can get more. if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks... choose stelara® from the start... and move toward relief after the first dose... with injections every two months. stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. feel unstoppable. ask your doctor how lasting remission can start with stelara®. janssen can help you explore cost support options. health officials announced yesterday that the consideration infections in new york city have reached a medium risk threat level which means you have to go from not wearing a mask to wearing it below your nose. the cdc is reiterating its recommendation that people aged 2 and older wear masks on transportation. the cdc says masks continue to be an important tool for stopping the spread of covid-19. the court struck down the mandate on planes, trains and other public transit. the doj is appealing the rule but did not seek an injunction to keep the mandate in place while it awaits the decision. this is about preserving power to do so again down the road. authorities in beijing, meanwhile, have announced new measures to contain a growing outbreak of covid-19. officials in the city have banned dining in restaurants and have ordered entertainment venues to close. residents must also show proof of a negative covid test before entering the public spaces. beijing yesterday reported 53 new cases that's a relatively low number compared to shanghai which has reported more than 5,000 new cases and is now in its fifth week of total lockdown. >> joining us now to talk all things pandemic infeck shuz diseases physician founding director at the university center for emerging infectious disease policies and research. doctor, that's quite a title. we're glad you're here with us today. let's talk first on masks. the cdc is not alone in its push for mask regulations. and in recent days, there have been dozens of universities that have reinstated mask mandates. but at the same time, there are a number of cities like new york city which we just heard could trigger, if officials wanted a restoration of masks and vaccine mandates. at least so far, it doesn't seem like that's happening but covid cases are picking up everywhere, fueled by subvariants. give us your 30-000 foot take on where we are in terms of this pam. >> well, jnl, i do think we're entering a perilous area. we have to see where that lies with hospitalizations and deaths and just as you said, 30,000-foot foot view is that we are not out of the pandemic, but we do find ourselves in the new phase of the pandemic. over the last years, as the mortality, the chances you might die from the disease, if you get the two vaccinations through the ability to get tested quickly so you can link that to treatment. what remains, though, there's still a lot of inequity in all of those resources. the ability to access, those treatments quickly in all parts of the country or the number of people who have gotten their booster. by the way, which you got three doses your protected against all the new variants, the jury is out on ba4 and 5 remains at 80% against hospitalization. and paxlovid can decrease your chances for hospitalization. so we have all of that stuff, people say, that's it, we're done. there's not. it's unknown. since we only have 45% of the people who received a booster the concern is you seeing the more transmissible variant will you now see an uptake in hospitalizations again. i do think it's a time of vigilance. yes, we're in a better place but it's definitely a time of vigilance where we should reach for those efforts that have made a difference, such as the masks that you talked about. and to make sure that we not let funding the most important, funding for this covid response go away. we still have not seen action from congress to make sure there's enough funding starting this summer for treatment, testing and all of other things that have helped us. >> right, we've known for a couple weeks cases starting to rise. we're seeing in some states hospitalizations as well predictably, a lot of positive cases stemming from the white house correspondents' dinner week in washington. you just mentioned a couple new subvariants that have been detected. i wanted to get your sense of risk of reinfection for someone who has had covid before. could they get it again from one of these new subvariants? >> so, the jury is still out on ba.4 and 5, the new subvariants in terms of immunities, in emergency rooms it of risk of reinfection. i think it's complicated because that risk of reinfection is not just tied essentially to the new variants. but also, you know, you need to get your booster. those who are vulnerable, by the way, there's a fourth dose, the update is recommended for. so the combination of waning immunity might contribute to potentially people getting infected. the good thing here, if you've had the three doses like i said, you still see very good protection against hospitalization even if you were to get reinfected. and i will tie this -- this is the other unknown, this is why we maintain vigilance in the pandemic, we don't know the cost of infection itself. there's a lot research going on with covid. there's a percentage of covid for people who do end up suffering an infection. >> thank you there. doctor, we feel like we just got started. we'd love to have you back soon to talk about the pandemic. thank you for joining us today. thanks for all of for getting up "way too early" on this wednesday morning. "morning joe" starts right now. i do not believe that brett kavanaugh will overturn -- >> president will overturn -- >> you have obviously full confidence? >> i do. >> and now other things that susan collins believes. hot dogs are made with only the finest ingredients. >> i do believe. >> her childhood dog chumley is fine and living on a farm upstate. >> absolutely. >> charlie manson will be remembered more for his music than anything else. >> yes. >> that guy calling and asking for her social security number is really from the irs. >> hello, this is susan

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Stockpiles , Munitions , Lockheed Martin , Funding Request , Aid , Ally , 33 Billion , 3 Billion , Investment , Security Assistance , Allies , Billion , Dictators , Democracy , Appetite , Budget , Front Line , Assistance , Aid Package , Associated Press , Request , Passage , John , Snag , Place , Health , Administration , Initiative , Title , Migrants , 42 , Pandemic , Issues , Therapeutics , Kinds , Funding , Frustration , Observers , Washington Works , No Matter What , Draft Document , Danger , Story Line , Gears , D C , Draft Leak , Hope , 7 Million , Million , Issue , Sense , Head , Voter Enthusiasm , Reasons , Impact , Landscape , Single Issue Voters , This , Alarm , Drum , Supreme Court Opinion On Abortion Rights , Down The Line , Argument , Gay Marriage , Privacy , Rhetoric , Pocketbooks , Key Point , Book , Path , Biography , Co Authors , First Lady , Jill , Fed , Early Today , Cnbc A , Type 2 Diabetes , Oh Ozempic , A1c , Oh , Adults , Weight , Heart Attack , Heart Disease , Events , Isn T , Stroke , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Don T Take Ozempic , Type 1 Diabetes , Lump , Share , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Needles , Stop Ozempic , Don T , Reuse , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Nausea , Blood Sugar Risk , Changes , Vision Problems , Stomach Pain , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Insulin , Dehydration , Provider , Kidney Problems , Health Care Provider , 25 , Prescription , My Name Is Douglas , Kind , Director , Line , Somewhere , Writer , Subway , Refresh , Game Changer , Memory , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Meats , Italian Food , Smell , Italians , Italy , Mozza Meat , Julianna Tatelbaum , Interest Rates , Refres , Cnbc , Big Day Today , Juliana , London , Stocks , Basis Point , Expectation , Buildup , Central Bank , Plans , Looks , Policy , Stance , Percentage Point Rate , Balance Sheet , 9 Trillion , Trillion , Thought , Investors , Market , Jerome Powell , Back , Conversations , Positive , Out Of Control , Futures , Growth , Inflation , Run , Curve , Numbers , Lyft , Airbnb , Season , Start , Earnings , Company , Wasn T Just Lyft , Shares , Costs , Incentives , Drivers , Lower , Afterhours , Uber , Contrast , Messaging , Trade , World , Covid , Restrictions , Beat Expectations , Summer Booking , Guidance , Breaking News , Ursala Van Der Lie Yen , Oil Imports , Has , Package , Sanctions , Elements , Measures , Estate , Payments System , Air Waves , Removal , Broadcasters , Swift , Move , Natural Gas , Course , Difficult , Prices , Kremlin , Stuff , Recession , Otezla , Choices , Plaque , Splash , Hritis , Pill , Joint Swelling , Choice , Prescribing Information , Psoriasis , Cream , Tenderness , Psoriatic Arthritis , Depression , Requirement , Routine Lab Monitoring , Treatment , Feelings , Weight Loss , Thoughts , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Planning , Shock Waves , Reversal , Control , Election , House Of Representatives , Gas Station , Galvanizing Issue , Fast Food Restaurant , Bank , Abortion Care , Health Care , Healthcare Facility , Women S Health , America , Women S Rights , Liberty , Vote , Darkness , Retro Grade , Bill To Codify , Gwen Moore , Efforts , Rights , Record , Opponent , Wisconsin , Opinion , Source , Aside , Motivation , Speculation , Supreme Court Rules , Jonathan , November , Caverns , Oh My God , Self Abortions , Abortions , Have , Heart , Birth , Children , Nightmares , Body Snatcher , Eviscerating A Woman S , Big Brother , Amendment , Unenumerated Right , Sort , Alito , Birth Control , Abridge , Chopping Block , Target , Single , Bill , House , Women S Health Protection Act , Majority Leader Schumer , Consciousness , Nonviolent Revolution , January 6 , Notice , Men , Human , November 8 , 8 , Parenthood , Senator Warren , Cdc , Up Next , Congresswoman , Passion , Covid Masking Recommendations , Evacuation , Members , Armed Services Committee , Thing , I Don T Cook , Refre , Wait , Ooks , Smoothest , Bladder Leaks , Customer , Softest , Reading , Depend , Farmers , Something , Bum , Policies , Home , Auto , Average , Burke , Pa Dum , Seven Hundred And Thirty , Seven Hundred And Thirty Dollars , Verizon , Cost , Ultra , Cities , Speed , Event Planning , Plan , Vo , 5g Ultra Wideband , Business Unlimited , Manny , Dose , More , Crohn S Disease , Injections , Tracks , Moderate , Ulcerative Colitis , Relief , Stelara , Infection , Cancer , Serious , Infections , Pres , Skin Growths , Vaccine , Sores , Tb , Brain Condition , Remission , Lung Inflammation , Janssen , Cost Support Options , Health Officials , Mask , Consideration Infections , Nose , Masks , Mandate , Planes , Wear Masks , Transportation , Recommendation , Tool , Spread , Transit , Rule , Doj , Injunction , Authorities In Beijing , Restaurants , Covid Test , Outbreak , Dining , Entertainment Venues , Residents , Beijing , Public Spaces , Proof , Cases , Things , Lockdown , Shanghai , Infeck Shuz Diseases Physician Founding , 5000 , 53 , Research , University Center For Emerging Infectious Disease Policies , Dozens , Mask Mandates , Universities , Push , Mask Regulations , Subvariants , Everywhere , Restoration , Vaccine Mandates , Terms , Pam , Jnl , 000 , Hospitalizations , Deaths , View , Phase , 30000 , Chances , Ability , Vaccinations , Disease , Mortality , Booster , Treatments , Resources , Inequity , Access , Hospitalization , Jury , Variants , Remains , Paxlovid , Against , 80 , Transmissible Variant , Concern , 45 , Vigilance , Difference , Uptake , Important , Testing , Summer , Action , Covid Response Go Away , Dinner , White House Correspondents , Reinfection , Immunities , Emergency Rooms , Combination , Immunity , Update , Unknown , Reinfected , Doses , Percentage , Way Too Early , Brett Kavanaugh , Ingredients , Hot Dogs , Susan Collins , Guy Calling , Charlie Manson , Social Security Number , Childhood , Music , Hello , Dog Chumley , Farm Upstate , Anything Else , Irs ,

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