Transcripts For MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Reports 20240708 : com

Transcripts For MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Reports 20240708

in washington where president biden is calling on congress to agree to an unprecedented new financial commitment of aid to ukraine. the fight to repel russian forces enters a critical phase in donbas. the white house is seeking $33 billion over a five-month period with $20 billion going toward military aid, $8.5 billion for economic assistance, $3 billion for humanitarian assistance. the remaining $500 million to help with food production. >> the cost of this fight, it's not cheap. it's critical this funding gets approved and approved as quickly as possible. >> the president was asked by reporters about recent comments from russia's foreign minister about potential nuclear threats and the war in ukraine becoming a proxy war between the u.s. and russia. >> they're not true. they do concern me, because it shows the desperation that russia is feeling about their abject failure. it's more of a reflection not of the truth but of their failure. number one, it's an excuse for their failure. number two, it's also, if they really mean it, it's -- no one should be making idle comments about the use of nuclear weapons or the possibility to use that. it's irresponsible. >> there's growing concern for tens of thousands of civilians trapped in war zones. leaders say their communities are running out of water. mariupol city council warns of mortal danger due to unsanitary conditions throughout the city. trevor reed is back home in texas. the marine veteran held for nearly three years in russian custody, landed at an air field just after midnight. another detained american, paul whelan, releases a statement asking why he was left behind. white house officials say reed is receiving care for urgent health needs stemming from his imprisonment. i will be joined by dr. peter hotez to discuss the breaking news from moderna that the company is filing for emergency use authorization on their covid vaccine for children from 6 months through age 5. we begin with white house correspondent peter alexander and matt bradley in ukraine. peter, is the white house confident this amount of money is going to be authorized? there's been bipartisan support until now, but this is a lot of dough. >> reporter: that's right. this is more than twice the amount that was approved last month. that was just shy of $14 billion. this number, $33 billion is significant. one of the holdouts would have been if this was tied to covid relief. $22 billion the president was asking for. he wrote a letter to nancy pelosi that said he wanted them tied together. in his public comments, he said they could be done separately. given the fact that 68 senators, republicans and democrats supported that package of aid to ukraine last month, it's highly likely you will see lawmakers support this in large numbers once again. senior administration officials at the white house are saying that this $33 billion is what's needed in their words to help ensure ukraine's success over the course of the next five months. that gets them through the fiscal year, through the end of september. really, it sends a couple of messages. it sends the message to russia that the u.s. is in this for the long haul, a message to the world community as well, to america's allies and partners the u.s. will put more money to maintain that pace of spending on military and humanitarian aide. it sends a message the u.s. isn't in this for a stalemate with russia. to defeat russia in this fight against what we have witnessed taking place over the last many months now, the numbers continuing to grow. aggression that takes lives in the country. >> peter, thanks so much. matt, leaders throughout eastern ukraine are sounding the alarm over the humanitarian crisis. shelling continues. what kind of relief? no negotiations have worked with russia for humanitarian corridors. >> reporter: yeah. this is a major crisis. this has been going on time and time again. the humanitarian corridors are getting slapped down by the russians, according to the ukrainian side. i have been speaking with some children today and yesterday right here. they had come from mariupol. their situation is dire. they were laughing and talking and hugging us and playing. but it was heartbreaking, because the stories they told us were just -- something you should never hear from the mouths of a child. it was just terrible to see these kids having go through this, even if they are smiling. you know these children, their childhood is a casualty of war. on the eastern front, near to where i am now in the donbas region, we started to see that offensive, that anticipated assault that russia telegraphed they would be doing. it's gone from what we talked about earlier, this assault with artillery and with cruise missiles and air strikes to now we are starting to see some movement on the ground. it does look as though the russians have started to learn their lesson from their abject failures in the western part of the country, in the middle of the country around the capital of kyiv. according to military analysts that i have been hearing, they say that the russians are advancing their artillery not on single tracks, on paved roads, but in parallel to each other. on several different tracks so that they can kind of work between different lines of artillery and lines of infantry. that allows them to get around some of the ukrainian defenders. this is a pretty modest but significant step forward for the russians. it means they are going to be able to actually -- it shows they are learning lessons from their failures. this doesn't mean that they have taken any significant ground in the eastern part of the country still. every step they have taken, again, has been modest. a few villages. they took a city in the eastern part of the country. it looks as though for thebogge the same problems as before, cl which is bad logistics and low moral. with the west before iing so much weaponry to ukraine, it looks like we are going to see that ukrainian resistant holding up. >> maybe that's why we hear so much rhetoric out of the kremlin. joining us now, retired lieutenant colonel alexander vinman, "washington post" foreign affairs columnist david ignatius, ido dolder and "new york times" chief white house correspondent peter bakker. welcome. peter bakker, this is a staggering amount of olympian for the white house to be asking for. what are the politics behind this? is this the military need? they have to keep up with what is happening on the ground. they are using ammo and weapons. >> yeah. exactly. you are exactly right. it's an enormous amount of money. more than twice the $13 billion approved recently. the administration said this is supposed to last for five months. they want to have at least a steady stream of fund going forward now for a while. the real question is, does it get caught up in partisan politics? there's a bipartisan consensus in favor of more help. more or less, people agree on that, even if some think biden hasn't gone far enough. the question is whether it gets tied up in immigration and health. there are other issues that could slow it down. the question becomes, how does the imperative that both parties feel to stop russia here or to punish russia here get past that normal gridlock that we have been seeing congress on so many other issues. >> how much of a difference is this going to make, alexander, on the ground? especially as we face this big effort -- push to the east as well as to the south by russia. >> it's going to make a significant difference. the fact is that this is the scale of assistance that ukraine needed probably from months back. it's now starting to come into place. it's going to sustain ukraine's economy, which is now under enormous pressure. there are $5 billion shortfalls on a monthly basis. this will plug some of the holes as well as international donors. on the military front, the scale of this is going to start to fill in the gaps are ward to major items. we haven't seen some of the major items flow in. we have seen heavy weapons such as artillery coming in with an appropriate number of munitions and support. same thing with air power, something on the order of gray eagles or reaper drones that have attack capabilities and really could punish the ukrainian -- or punish the russian military and give the ukrainian military the means to fill in some of the big gaps between russian capabilities and ukraine capabilities. russia's advantages remain. these are the -- the scale of support that will allow them to start plugging in and filling in some of the gaps as well as replenish systems lost. the dollar amount is supposed to signal something bigger, that the u.s. is in for the long haul. russia should not have wishful thinking about the u.s. going away. the u.s. is invested into a strategic defeat of russia over this unprovoked attack against ukraine. >> david, let's play a little bit more of that. what we heard from the president in the last hour answering some questions in the roosevelt room. >> despite the disturbing rhetoric coming out of the kremlin, the facts are plain for everybody to see. we're not attacking russia. russia is the aggressor. the world must and will hold russia accountable. as long as the assaults and atrocities continue, we will continue to supply military assistance. >> david, is this partly a reaction to some criticism that lloyd austin, the defense secretary, had overstated it this week when he said that our goal was to weaken russia? even though the administration points out they have been saying that all along, they don't want to have russia able to attack again. it sounded as though we were expanding the mission. >> i think in terms of numbers, this is clear dollars and cents evidence that we are expanding our support for ukraine. the $33 billion package is extraordinary. it reminds me of the berlin airlift. it's an all out attempt to assist an ally in danger. i think colonel vindman is right we are sending a signal we are with ukraine for the long haul. if the russians were worried about the u.s. using ukraine as a proxy in a proxy war against russia, they will be more worried about that. i noted president biden said that he was concerned about russian rhetoric increasingly speaking about the risks that this could escalate into a nuclear conflict. u.s. actions suggest that in the end, there's a strong belief in the pentagon that the russians won't take that risk, that they are recognizing nato's superiority and this won't escalate. we are moving more and more toward a hardening, i think, on both sides. this is going to be a real slug fest for the next few weeks, maybe next few months. >> in fact, there's considerable concern in washington and also in europe that we're now really in it for the long haul. this could be a frozen war with grave impacts on the economy globally. a global recession would be the likely result. >> clearly, something has shifted in a pretty significant way. i think it came in the immediate aftermath of the pictures from bucha when we saw with our own eyes what a brutal war looks like. i think there's now a sense not just in the united states but, frankly, among our european allies and others that we need to be in this for the long haul. that russia cannot afford to weak -- we cannot afford for russia to win. a remarkable meeting on tuesday with secretary lloyd austin chaired with 40 other countries in which they committed themselves to support ukraine for the long haul. this $33 billion package the president announced today is what the u.s. is going to contribute. our allies are going to contribute significant capabilities and continue to do so in the days ahead, just today the german parliament overwhelmingly voted to send heavy weapons to ukraine. this is really not just a fight between russia and ukraine. it's increasingly a fight with ukraine backed up with the capabilities that nato and others have to make sure that russia does not succeed. ultimately, that it fails. as i think secretary austin said, it's so weakened, it won't be able to do this for a very, very, very long time. >> alexander vindman, i want to ask you about this prisoner swap, getting hostage trevor reed back, a former marine, who had been jailed in russia unfairly. trumped up charges. his family worried about his health. now the president has commuted the sentence. there he is arriving back at an air strip near san antonio. the president commuted the sentence of a convicted russian pilot on a drug conviction and sent him back. the fact that this kind of trade could be done, despite the hostility, as adversarial as we have been since the cold war with russia. give us the back story of how this worked out. >> this is something that's been in discussion for years, actually, since my tenure at the nse. both of these names have been in play. russia has a habit of taking hostages to trade away for folks that the u.s. has rightfully imprisoned after a lawful conviction. it takes hostages to try to trade them away. this is somebody the russians have been trying to get back for some time. the fact that eventually some of the deals get done isn't entirely shocking. it's unclear what's driving the immediate timing. again, both of the names have been in play. russia has additional hostages it has taken to extract other russian criminals being held in the west. these things will continue to occur. there's an element of de-linking because these things happen to occur in -- governments are vast, they occur in different pipelines. whatever the requirements were from both sides happened to be met now i think to a certain extent. we didn't have that necessarily get tied to the broader geopolitical issues. these transactional things are likely to continue to occur. >> paul whelan, a businessman and another former marine, also illegally held as a hostage is asking, why was he left behind. you also have brittney griner, the basketball star, superstar. we have had very little communication from anyone about what's going on there. >> that's very true. i think to me it seems that -- paul whelan has been a topic of discussion for some time. brittney griner is a new hostage that the russians have taken. these things play out -- it's a criminal regime. they take -- they look at these individuals as hostages. they are going to try to do horse swapping. the u.s. is not going to be held hostage. if there's an opportunity to free a u.s. citizen, i think we are going to do the best we can to do that. >> you think there's a chance to get paul whelan and brittney griner out, even as we are in this terrible face-off with russia making nuclear threats against the u.s.? >> clearly, freeing trevor is an indicator we can continue to do that. i don't think that these are meaningfully different circumstances, whether it's a fabricated drug offense or the claims of espionage whelan has been convicted of. all these things are kind of immaterial to somebody like vladimir putin or other senior leaders. it's all about kind of extracting an exchange of prisoners. when the conditions are met, the deals will occur. fortunately for our side but unfortunately the russians operate in this way. >> thank you so much. shot in the arm. welcome news today for parents with small children. a covid vaccine could be available for those under 5. what you need to know, that's coming up on "andrea mitchel report." this is msnbc. msnbc. 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>> it's potentially promising. here is what we know. for every mrna vaccine we have had so far, it turns out we need to use three or four doses. this has been true of the adults. earlier this week, you had pfizer announce they will look at a third dose for the 5 to 11-year-old age group. the question is, do we move forward with the moderna pediatric vaccines or do we wait for the third dose data? if you look at the press release, they are looking at three doses as well. the level of protection in terms of protection against omicron is modest. it's in the 30% to 50% range against infection. there weren't enough cases in the study to welcome at protection against serious illness. do you wait for that third dose data in a month or so or do you move forward now with the first two doses? >> one question would be from a non-scientist perspective, what would be the harm in proceeding with two doses, especially if families are concerned about travel and other things that they would have done had there been masks on public transportation with their toddlers? add another dose later on? >> potentially, you could do that. there's some policy and advocacy considerations. only about 28% of parents are giving the 5 to 11-year-old group the vaccine. uptake has been really low nationally for even the 5 to 11-year-olds, they are at 28%. you have to assume it's going to be lower than that. some parents are clearly clamoring for it, many aren't. you have to have a conversation with your pediatrician about the fact that at two doses it's protecting modestly. we know if we give the third dose, the level of antibody will go way up. there's probably greater likely spillover for protecting against omicron. i think what's going to happen is the fda will look at this. they are going to make recommendations. i think for this one, it's especially important to bring in the fda advisory committee. there's a lot of pediatric infectious disease expertise on that fda advisory committee. i think their input is going to be extremely important. in this case, it's not a slam dunk at all. we will have to -- in terms of whether we move forward with two doses or hang on for a bit longer and wait for a third dose data, which is what pfizer is doing. >> dr. fauci said we are entering a transitional phase in our fight against covid at home. how do you assess where we are as a country right now? >> you know, through this whole pandemic, we have seen this pattern of peaks and valleys. it's hard to know. we failed to vaccine the world's low and middle income countries. i'm worried about the summer. once we get past this bump, i'm worried about yet another wave coming across texas and the southern united states just like we saw in 2020 and 2021. i think as long as we continue to fail to vaccinate the world's low and middle income countries, which is the source of our latest variants of concern, delta and omicron now ba.2, we have to be careful about not spiking the ball on the 20 yard line, to use the football analogy. not that tony is doing that. whether we say we are in a transition phase, it's still really hard to know, i think. we will have to see what happens this summer. even after the summer, there's some models that predict seasonal spikes in january and february. there's still a ways to go. remember, we have underperformed in terms of vaccinating the country, especially here in the southern part of the united states and in texas and across other regions as well. a lot to consider. i think we just have to recognize that we're going to go through peaks and valleys. while we are in a valley, we can have a good quality of life in terms of going without masks and resuming normal -- relatively normal life. but recognize the peaks are going to come back. >> good advice. thank you very much. always good to see you. >> great seeing you. the waiting game as the november midterms and a potential gop takeover of the house looms, the january 6th committee says it's being stonewalled by donald trump's fourth and final white house chief of staff. you are watching "andrea mitchell reports." more on that coming up. reports" mov more on that coming up trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ (coughing) ♪ breeze driftin' on by ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ copd may have gotten you here, but you decide what's next. start a new day with trelegy. ♪ ...feelin' good ♪ no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. take a stand and start a new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy. and save at mission control, we are go for launch. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy. um, she's eating the rocket. ♪♪ lunchables! built to be eaten. the committee investigating the attack on the capitol is ramping up the pressure on mark meadows. lawmakers telling a court that meadows is refusing to cooperate with their investigation with only eight months left in this congress. this as the justice department is being criticized for acting too slowly on a contempt ruling. joining us now, phil rucker and former u.s. attorney and law professor barbara maquaid. time is running out. they see the midterms and what's looming over the horizon. why is the court taking so long to act on the civil case while the justice department is to some respect dragging its feet on the criminal case? >> it was just last week that the committee filed a motion for summary judgment. what that means is, we don't need to have a trial. we know all of the facts. the issues really are purely legal. one by one, it knocks down the legal bases that mark meadows put up. now that the court has the briefs, i would imagine it will set a hearing in short order and issue a decision after that. i'm hopeful it will go quickly. there's been frustration with inaction. the policy requires it not file charges if there is an adequate alternative remedy. it seem s alternative remedy. iteems if the court orders him to testify, it might be better. then he retains his value as a witness. the alternative is the route of steve bannon. he will have a criminal trial. he will be useless as a witness. i think perhaps learning from that experience, they decided to try a different strategy with mark meadows. >> phil, we have seen this private texts he got in the lead-up to january 6. how central was meadows to the efforts to overturn the election? it's interesting that what we see are texts -- the incoming but not outgoing. >> that's right. we are seeing a partial window into the communications meadows had, because he had initially cooperated with the committee and given them some of the text messages. clearly, the committee would like more information from him. he has since stopped cooperating with the investigators. what the messages we have seen show is that meadows was a key figure in the heart of the trump operation in these efforts to try to overturn the election. he was not only taking advice from people like rudy giuliani and other lawyers, john eastman and others who were laying out a strategy, a plan for trump to try to steal the election from biden, but meadows was the conduit. he was the person connecting people with trump. also, we learned in these text messages that on january 6, during the attack on the capitol, meadows was the one getting pleas from members of congress, from allies of the president, from the president's son, donald trump junior, to convince president trump to come forward publically and tell his supporters to stop the violence. it took a long time, of course, for trump to ultimately do that. >> regarding the leaked audiotapes, just yesterday on the hill, we had the first republican caucus since the tapes came out. trump ally matt gaetz blasting kevin mccarthy and steve scalise, saying they are not fit for leadership, calling them weak. scalise supposedly apologizing yesterday for the trouble that has come. yet, they gave kevin mccarthy a standing ovation, sealing him -- his road to speakerdom if that's what the voters decide. >> it looks like mccarthy survived this for the moment. one thing to keep in mind is the overall power dynamic. that rests with former president trump. trump is standing by mccarthy for now. trump knows that if he ever wanted to get rid of kevin mccarthy, all he would have to do is blow the whistle and so many house republicans would break with mccarthy and follow trump. the power is really with former president trump. the republicans on the hill know this. they gave mccarthy the standing ovation because he is their leader. he is trying to lead them to the majority in the november midterm elections. but he at this point is sort of a pawn to trump because he serves as the pleasure of the former president effectively given the power dynamics in the republican party today. >> they all know he lid publically. there's that. >> yeah. >> phil and barbara, thanks so much. the force multiplier. president biden pledging more american military aid for ukraine. as the war drags on, will it be enough? senator jeanne shaheen is back from a trip to europe. she joins us on that and a lot more. stay with us. st wayith us did you know you can get discounts on your meds even if you don't have a medicare prescription drug plan? it's true. all you have to do is go to type in your prescription, and then present the coupon to your pharmacist. it's that simple. not to mention, it's free. singlecare is accepted by major pharmacies across the country and it works for everyone, whether you have insurance or not. next time you need a prescription filled, go to singlecare to make sure you get the best price. visit and start saving today. as we have been reporting, president biden is asking congress for $33 billion to fund new aid for ukraine. the president saying the cost is worth it. >> caving to aggression is going to be more costly if we allow it to happen. we either back ukrainian people as they defend their country or we stand by as the russians continue their atrocities and aggression in ukraine. every day the ukrainians pay a price and the price is with their lives for this fight. >> joining me now is democratic senator jeanne shaheen. i misspoke you are back from europe. you had been in ukraine in january earlier in the year. thanks for letting me make that clarification. president biden asking for this big new aid package. is congress going to approve it? separately, do you have any concerns if this becomes a frozen war, a stalemate with the fighting that we expect now in the east and moving to the south, will this be enough? >> i hope congress approves it. there's strong bipartisan support for ukraine. obviously, it's not just military aid. it's economic aid which they need. i agree with the president. we just came back from serbia, bosnia and kosovo. my first trip to that region was in 2010. each of those countries was in a worse place politically now than they were in 2010. one of the reasons is because of russian meddling. if putin doesn't do well in ukraine, he may look for other places to meddle. that's one part of europe that is ripe for russian influence. i think if we can diminish vladimir putin and russia's ability to do this someplace else, now with the courageous ukrainians who have been willing to put up this fight, then that's money well spent. >> how worried are you about moldova? >> i think moldova is a concern. any countries that aren't part of nato in europe now are looking over their shoulder at what putin and russia might be doing. moldova, their leadership, their president has just been very courageous in being willing to stand up to the russian influence, being willing to take in refugees at a very high percentage of their population. it's one of the poorest countries in europe. they have been willing to come forward. so i think we need to provide support for them just as we need to watch very closely what's happening in the western balkans. >> a senior defense official has been briefing at the pentagon today saying that the u.s. now believes russian forces have committed war crimes, including executing ukrainian forces. what is your reaction to that? does that jive with what you are hearing as well? >> it does. it's horrific. it's hard to watch the reports at night on the news and all day long, to see the pictures of ukrainians, the bodies that are left in the street, to hear the stories of women who have been raped, to hear officials in ukraine, the mayors talking about the execution of civilian citizens in their communities. that is not what a civilized nation does. that is not what -- according to international norms or military rules. so clearly, i think russia has committed war crimes. >> are you concerned about the economic affects of all this, the drain on the budget? the gdp decreased. if this goes on for a year, longer, years, a decade some have said, some of the military experts with the ukrainian resistance and russia dominating some of these big areas and land locking ukraine, won't it lead to a recession? >> i am very concerned. it's having an impact on the supply chain issues that we are experiencing in the united states and around the world. it's having an impact on the cost of materials. it's having an impact on our ability to operate manufacturing in europe. we know that's one of the challenges with energy production. in the long-term, however, what vladimir putin may be doing is cutting off his nose to spite his face. when he denies poland and bulgaria access to russian energy resources, he speeds europe's move away from russian energy and development of their own and development of new alternative energy sources. it's going to be tough and something that americans, europeans, people around the world are experiencing the negative economic impacts of this unprovoked war in ukraine that vladimir putin continues to pursue. >> you spoke earlier about the nervousness, vulnerability of the balkan countries you visited. what about this expanding to nato countries? what about poland and hungary and some of the other border states? if putin were to win in this next phase and defeat the ukrainian forces moving on? >> i think the ukrainian officials have been very eloquent in talking about the fact that ukrainians are fighting for all of the free world in this battle with russia. you don't have to -- i was just in nato at the end of our trip to the western balkans. we stopped at nato headquarters and met with a number of nato ambassadors from european countries. they were very concerned. you don't have to talk very long to anyone from the baltics, from poland, from the other countries that are on russia's border without hearing their concerns about this war spilling over and affecting them. they have had reasons, concern about russia's interest in taking back some of the eastern europe and former soviet republics to avenge putin's view of trying to recreate a russian empire. >> jeanne shaheen, senator, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> appreciate you being with us today. the spotlight on human rights. activist amal clooney is taking the u.n. to task as war crimes continue inside ukraine. this is "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. n msnbc. 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"meet the press daily" with chuck todd starts right after this. chuck todd starts right after this waxed. natural. sensitive. new dove ultimate antiperspirant. our unique water based formula and 6x more glycerin. helps restore skin to its best condition. new dove ultimate. if it's thursday, president biden asked congress for a massive $33 billion in additional aid to ukraine for the next five months. that is as the u.s. wades deeper into the conflict. we will speak with a special adviser to the white house's national security council ahead. and then addressing the climate crisis and immigration, and we will speak to a couple senators from both sides of the i'll that want

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, Best , Horse Swapping , Individuals , Citizen , Opportunity , Chance , Face Off , Freeing Trevor , Brittney Griner Out , Indicator , Drug Offense , Claims , Espionage Whelan , Circumstances , Vladimir Putin , Prisoners , Met , Exchange , Side , Parents , Covid Vaccine , Shot , Andrea Mitchel Report , Arm , Msnbc , Plan , Woman , Tv , Budget , Colonial Penn , Yes , Aren T You , 995 , We Couldn T Get Coverage , Lifetime Rate Lock , Whole Life Insurance Plan , Guarantees , 50 , 85 , 1 , Guarantee , Life Insurance , Acceptance , Health Reason , Exam , Health Questions , Lifetime Coverage , 9 95 , 95 , Insurance , Rate , Premiums , Information , Soft Music , Internet , Business Internet , Businesses , Security , Fiber Solutions , Network , Choices , Largest , Speeds , Technology , Gigs , Lots , 10 , Price , Price Guarantee , Deal , Business Solutions , Choice , Call Today , Provider , Voice , 24 , 9 99 , 49 99 , Coronavirus , Fda , Protection , Nation , Adults , Co Director , Vaccine 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Transcripts For MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Reports 20240708 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Reports 20240708

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in washington where president biden is calling on congress to agree to an unprecedented new financial commitment of aid to ukraine. the fight to repel russian forces enters a critical phase in donbas. the white house is seeking $33 billion over a five-month period with $20 billion going toward military aid, $8.5 billion for economic assistance, $3 billion for humanitarian assistance. the remaining $500 million to help with food production. >> the cost of this fight, it's not cheap. it's critical this funding gets approved and approved as quickly as possible. >> the president was asked by reporters about recent comments from russia's foreign minister about potential nuclear threats and the war in ukraine becoming a proxy war between the u.s. and russia. >> they're not true. they do concern me, because it shows the desperation that russia is feeling about their abject failure. it's more of a reflection not of the truth but of their failure. number one, it's an excuse for their failure. number two, it's also, if they really mean it, it's -- no one should be making idle comments about the use of nuclear weapons or the possibility to use that. it's irresponsible. >> there's growing concern for tens of thousands of civilians trapped in war zones. leaders say their communities are running out of water. mariupol city council warns of mortal danger due to unsanitary conditions throughout the city. trevor reed is back home in texas. the marine veteran held for nearly three years in russian custody, landed at an air field just after midnight. another detained american, paul whelan, releases a statement asking why he was left behind. white house officials say reed is receiving care for urgent health needs stemming from his imprisonment. i will be joined by dr. peter hotez to discuss the breaking news from moderna that the company is filing for emergency use authorization on their covid vaccine for children from 6 months through age 5. we begin with white house correspondent peter alexander and matt bradley in ukraine. peter, is the white house confident this amount of money is going to be authorized? there's been bipartisan support until now, but this is a lot of dough. >> reporter: that's right. this is more than twice the amount that was approved last month. that was just shy of $14 billion. this number, $33 billion is significant. one of the holdouts would have been if this was tied to covid relief. $22 billion the president was asking for. he wrote a letter to nancy pelosi that said he wanted them tied together. in his public comments, he said they could be done separately. given the fact that 68 senators, republicans and democrats supported that package of aid to ukraine last month, it's highly likely you will see lawmakers support this in large numbers once again. senior administration officials at the white house are saying that this $33 billion is what's needed in their words to help ensure ukraine's success over the course of the next five months. that gets them through the fiscal year, through the end of september. really, it sends a couple of messages. it sends the message to russia that the u.s. is in this for the long haul, a message to the world community as well, to america's allies and partners the u.s. will put more money to maintain that pace of spending on military and humanitarian aide. it sends a message the u.s. isn't in this for a stalemate with russia. to defeat russia in this fight against what we have witnessed taking place over the last many months now, the numbers continuing to grow. aggression that takes lives in the country. >> peter, thanks so much. matt, leaders throughout eastern ukraine are sounding the alarm over the humanitarian crisis. shelling continues. what kind of relief? no negotiations have worked with russia for humanitarian corridors. >> reporter: yeah. this is a major crisis. this has been going on time and time again. the humanitarian corridors are getting slapped down by the russians, according to the ukrainian side. i have been speaking with some children today and yesterday right here. they had come from mariupol. their situation is dire. they were laughing and talking and hugging us and playing. but it was heartbreaking, because the stories they told us were just -- something you should never hear from the mouths of a child. it was just terrible to see these kids having go through this, even if they are smiling. you know these children, their childhood is a casualty of war. on the eastern front, near to where i am now in the donbas region, we started to see that offensive, that anticipated assault that russia telegraphed they would be doing. it's gone from what we talked about earlier, this assault with artillery and with cruise missiles and air strikes to now we are starting to see some movement on the ground. it does look as though the russians have started to learn their lesson from their abject failures in the western part of the country, in the middle of the country around the capital of kyiv. according to military analysts that i have been hearing, they say that the russians are advancing their artillery not on single tracks, on paved roads, but in parallel to each other. on several different tracks so that they can kind of work between different lines of artillery and lines of infantry. that allows them to get around some of the ukrainian defenders. this is a pretty modest but significant step forward for the russians. it means they are going to be able to actually -- it shows they are learning lessons from their failures. this doesn't mean that they have taken any significant ground in the eastern part of the country still. every step they have taken, again, has been modest. a few villages. they took a city in the eastern part of the country. it looks as though for thebogge the same problems as before, cl which is bad logistics and low moral. with the west before iing so much weaponry to ukraine, it looks like we are going to see that ukrainian resistant holding up. >> maybe that's why we hear so much rhetoric out of the kremlin. joining us now, retired lieutenant colonel alexander vinman, "washington post" foreign affairs columnist david ignatius, ido dolder and "new york times" chief white house correspondent peter bakker. welcome. peter bakker, this is a staggering amount of olympian for the white house to be asking for. what are the politics behind this? is this the military need? they have to keep up with what is happening on the ground. they are using ammo and weapons. >> yeah. exactly. you are exactly right. it's an enormous amount of money. more than twice the $13 billion approved recently. the administration said this is supposed to last for five months. they want to have at least a steady stream of fund going forward now for a while. the real question is, does it get caught up in partisan politics? there's a bipartisan consensus in favor of more help. more or less, people agree on that, even if some think biden hasn't gone far enough. the question is whether it gets tied up in immigration and health. there are other issues that could slow it down. the question becomes, how does the imperative that both parties feel to stop russia here or to punish russia here get past that normal gridlock that we have been seeing congress on so many other issues. >> how much of a difference is this going to make, alexander, on the ground? especially as we face this big effort -- push to the east as well as to the south by russia. >> it's going to make a significant difference. the fact is that this is the scale of assistance that ukraine needed probably from months back. it's now starting to come into place. it's going to sustain ukraine's economy, which is now under enormous pressure. there are $5 billion shortfalls on a monthly basis. this will plug some of the holes as well as international donors. on the military front, the scale of this is going to start to fill in the gaps are ward to major items. we haven't seen some of the major items flow in. we have seen heavy weapons such as artillery coming in with an appropriate number of munitions and support. same thing with air power, something on the order of gray eagles or reaper drones that have attack capabilities and really could punish the ukrainian -- or punish the russian military and give the ukrainian military the means to fill in some of the big gaps between russian capabilities and ukraine capabilities. russia's advantages remain. these are the -- the scale of support that will allow them to start plugging in and filling in some of the gaps as well as replenish systems lost. the dollar amount is supposed to signal something bigger, that the u.s. is in for the long haul. russia should not have wishful thinking about the u.s. going away. the u.s. is invested into a strategic defeat of russia over this unprovoked attack against ukraine. >> david, let's play a little bit more of that. what we heard from the president in the last hour answering some questions in the roosevelt room. >> despite the disturbing rhetoric coming out of the kremlin, the facts are plain for everybody to see. we're not attacking russia. russia is the aggressor. the world must and will hold russia accountable. as long as the assaults and atrocities continue, we will continue to supply military assistance. >> david, is this partly a reaction to some criticism that lloyd austin, the defense secretary, had overstated it this week when he said that our goal was to weaken russia? even though the administration points out they have been saying that all along, they don't want to have russia able to attack again. it sounded as though we were expanding the mission. >> i think in terms of numbers, this is clear dollars and cents evidence that we are expanding our support for ukraine. the $33 billion package is extraordinary. it reminds me of the berlin airlift. it's an all out attempt to assist an ally in danger. i think colonel vindman is right we are sending a signal we are with ukraine for the long haul. if the russians were worried about the u.s. using ukraine as a proxy in a proxy war against russia, they will be more worried about that. i noted president biden said that he was concerned about russian rhetoric increasingly speaking about the risks that this could escalate into a nuclear conflict. u.s. actions suggest that in the end, there's a strong belief in the pentagon that the russians won't take that risk, that they are recognizing nato's superiority and this won't escalate. we are moving more and more toward a hardening, i think, on both sides. this is going to be a real slug fest for the next few weeks, maybe next few months. >> in fact, there's considerable concern in washington and also in europe that we're now really in it for the long haul. this could be a frozen war with grave impacts on the economy globally. a global recession would be the likely result. >> clearly, something has shifted in a pretty significant way. i think it came in the immediate aftermath of the pictures from bucha when we saw with our own eyes what a brutal war looks like. i think there's now a sense not just in the united states but, frankly, among our european allies and others that we need to be in this for the long haul. that russia cannot afford to weak -- we cannot afford for russia to win. a remarkable meeting on tuesday with secretary lloyd austin chaired with 40 other countries in which they committed themselves to support ukraine for the long haul. this $33 billion package the president announced today is what the u.s. is going to contribute. our allies are going to contribute significant capabilities and continue to do so in the days ahead, just today the german parliament overwhelmingly voted to send heavy weapons to ukraine. this is really not just a fight between russia and ukraine. it's increasingly a fight with ukraine backed up with the capabilities that nato and others have to make sure that russia does not succeed. ultimately, that it fails. as i think secretary austin said, it's so weakened, it won't be able to do this for a very, very, very long time. >> alexander vindman, i want to ask you about this prisoner swap, getting hostage trevor reed back, a former marine, who had been jailed in russia unfairly. trumped up charges. his family worried about his health. now the president has commuted the sentence. there he is arriving back at an air strip near san antonio. the president commuted the sentence of a convicted russian pilot on a drug conviction and sent him back. the fact that this kind of trade could be done, despite the hostility, as adversarial as we have been since the cold war with russia. give us the back story of how this worked out. >> this is something that's been in discussion for years, actually, since my tenure at the nse. both of these names have been in play. russia has a habit of taking hostages to trade away for folks that the u.s. has rightfully imprisoned after a lawful conviction. it takes hostages to try to trade them away. this is somebody the russians have been trying to get back for some time. the fact that eventually some of the deals get done isn't entirely shocking. it's unclear what's driving the immediate timing. again, both of the names have been in play. russia has additional hostages it has taken to extract other russian criminals being held in the west. these things will continue to occur. there's an element of de-linking because these things happen to occur in -- governments are vast, they occur in different pipelines. whatever the requirements were from both sides happened to be met now i think to a certain extent. we didn't have that necessarily get tied to the broader geopolitical issues. these transactional things are likely to continue to occur. >> paul whelan, a businessman and another former marine, also illegally held as a hostage is asking, why was he left behind. you also have brittney griner, the basketball star, superstar. we have had very little communication from anyone about what's going on there. >> that's very true. i think to me it seems that -- paul whelan has been a topic of discussion for some time. brittney griner is a new hostage that the russians have taken. these things play out -- it's a criminal regime. they take -- they look at these individuals as hostages. they are going to try to do horse swapping. the u.s. is not going to be held hostage. if there's an opportunity to free a u.s. citizen, i think we are going to do the best we can to do that. >> you think there's a chance to get paul whelan and brittney griner out, even as we are in this terrible face-off with russia making nuclear threats against the u.s.? >> clearly, freeing trevor is an indicator we can continue to do that. i don't think that these are meaningfully different circumstances, whether it's a fabricated drug offense or the claims of espionage whelan has been convicted of. all these things are kind of immaterial to somebody like vladimir putin or other senior leaders. it's all about kind of extracting an exchange of prisoners. when the conditions are met, the deals will occur. fortunately for our side but unfortunately the russians operate in this way. >> thank you so much. shot in the arm. welcome news today for parents with small children. a covid vaccine could be available for those under 5. what you need to know, that's coming up on "andrea mitchel report." this is msnbc. msnbc. 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>> it's potentially promising. here is what we know. for every mrna vaccine we have had so far, it turns out we need to use three or four doses. this has been true of the adults. earlier this week, you had pfizer announce they will look at a third dose for the 5 to 11-year-old age group. the question is, do we move forward with the moderna pediatric vaccines or do we wait for the third dose data? if you look at the press release, they are looking at three doses as well. the level of protection in terms of protection against omicron is modest. it's in the 30% to 50% range against infection. there weren't enough cases in the study to welcome at protection against serious illness. do you wait for that third dose data in a month or so or do you move forward now with the first two doses? >> one question would be from a non-scientist perspective, what would be the harm in proceeding with two doses, especially if families are concerned about travel and other things that they would have done had there been masks on public transportation with their toddlers? add another dose later on? >> potentially, you could do that. there's some policy and advocacy considerations. only about 28% of parents are giving the 5 to 11-year-old group the vaccine. uptake has been really low nationally for even the 5 to 11-year-olds, they are at 28%. you have to assume it's going to be lower than that. some parents are clearly clamoring for it, many aren't. you have to have a conversation with your pediatrician about the fact that at two doses it's protecting modestly. we know if we give the third dose, the level of antibody will go way up. there's probably greater likely spillover for protecting against omicron. i think what's going to happen is the fda will look at this. they are going to make recommendations. i think for this one, it's especially important to bring in the fda advisory committee. there's a lot of pediatric infectious disease expertise on that fda advisory committee. i think their input is going to be extremely important. in this case, it's not a slam dunk at all. we will have to -- in terms of whether we move forward with two doses or hang on for a bit longer and wait for a third dose data, which is what pfizer is doing. >> dr. fauci said we are entering a transitional phase in our fight against covid at home. how do you assess where we are as a country right now? >> you know, through this whole pandemic, we have seen this pattern of peaks and valleys. it's hard to know. we failed to vaccine the world's low and middle income countries. i'm worried about the summer. once we get past this bump, i'm worried about yet another wave coming across texas and the southern united states just like we saw in 2020 and 2021. i think as long as we continue to fail to vaccinate the world's low and middle income countries, which is the source of our latest variants of concern, delta and omicron now ba.2, we have to be careful about not spiking the ball on the 20 yard line, to use the football analogy. not that tony is doing that. whether we say we are in a transition phase, it's still really hard to know, i think. we will have to see what happens this summer. even after the summer, there's some models that predict seasonal spikes in january and february. there's still a ways to go. remember, we have underperformed in terms of vaccinating the country, especially here in the southern part of the united states and in texas and across other regions as well. a lot to consider. i think we just have to recognize that we're going to go through peaks and valleys. while we are in a valley, we can have a good quality of life in terms of going without masks and resuming normal -- relatively normal life. but recognize the peaks are going to come back. >> good advice. thank you very much. always good to see you. >> great seeing you. the waiting game as the november midterms and a potential gop takeover of the house looms, the january 6th committee says it's being stonewalled by donald trump's fourth and final white house chief of staff. you are watching "andrea mitchell reports." more on that coming up. reports" mov more on that coming up trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ (coughing) ♪ breeze driftin' on by ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ copd may have gotten you here, but you decide what's next. start a new day with trelegy. ♪ ...feelin' good ♪ no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. take a stand and start a new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy. and save at mission control, we are go for launch. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy. um, she's eating the rocket. ♪♪ lunchables! built to be eaten. the committee investigating the attack on the capitol is ramping up the pressure on mark meadows. lawmakers telling a court that meadows is refusing to cooperate with their investigation with only eight months left in this congress. this as the justice department is being criticized for acting too slowly on a contempt ruling. joining us now, phil rucker and former u.s. attorney and law professor barbara maquaid. time is running out. they see the midterms and what's looming over the horizon. why is the court taking so long to act on the civil case while the justice department is to some respect dragging its feet on the criminal case? >> it was just last week that the committee filed a motion for summary judgment. what that means is, we don't need to have a trial. we know all of the facts. the issues really are purely legal. one by one, it knocks down the legal bases that mark meadows put up. now that the court has the briefs, i would imagine it will set a hearing in short order and issue a decision after that. i'm hopeful it will go quickly. there's been frustration with inaction. the policy requires it not file charges if there is an adequate alternative remedy. it seem s alternative remedy. iteems if the court orders him to testify, it might be better. then he retains his value as a witness. the alternative is the route of steve bannon. he will have a criminal trial. he will be useless as a witness. i think perhaps learning from that experience, they decided to try a different strategy with mark meadows. >> phil, we have seen this private texts he got in the lead-up to january 6. how central was meadows to the efforts to overturn the election? it's interesting that what we see are texts -- the incoming but not outgoing. >> that's right. we are seeing a partial window into the communications meadows had, because he had initially cooperated with the committee and given them some of the text messages. clearly, the committee would like more information from him. he has since stopped cooperating with the investigators. what the messages we have seen show is that meadows was a key figure in the heart of the trump operation in these efforts to try to overturn the election. he was not only taking advice from people like rudy giuliani and other lawyers, john eastman and others who were laying out a strategy, a plan for trump to try to steal the election from biden, but meadows was the conduit. he was the person connecting people with trump. also, we learned in these text messages that on january 6, during the attack on the capitol, meadows was the one getting pleas from members of congress, from allies of the president, from the president's son, donald trump junior, to convince president trump to come forward publically and tell his supporters to stop the violence. it took a long time, of course, for trump to ultimately do that. >> regarding the leaked audiotapes, just yesterday on the hill, we had the first republican caucus since the tapes came out. trump ally matt gaetz blasting kevin mccarthy and steve scalise, saying they are not fit for leadership, calling them weak. scalise supposedly apologizing yesterday for the trouble that has come. yet, they gave kevin mccarthy a standing ovation, sealing him -- his road to speakerdom if that's what the voters decide. >> it looks like mccarthy survived this for the moment. one thing to keep in mind is the overall power dynamic. that rests with former president trump. trump is standing by mccarthy for now. trump knows that if he ever wanted to get rid of kevin mccarthy, all he would have to do is blow the whistle and so many house republicans would break with mccarthy and follow trump. the power is really with former president trump. the republicans on the hill know this. they gave mccarthy the standing ovation because he is their leader. he is trying to lead them to the majority in the november midterm elections. but he at this point is sort of a pawn to trump because he serves as the pleasure of the former president effectively given the power dynamics in the republican party today. >> they all know he lid publically. there's that. >> yeah. >> phil and barbara, thanks so much. the force multiplier. president biden pledging more american military aid for ukraine. as the war drags on, will it be enough? senator jeanne shaheen is back from a trip to europe. she joins us on that and a lot more. stay with us. st wayith us did you know you can get discounts on your meds even if you don't have a medicare prescription drug plan? it's true. all you have to do is go to type in your prescription, and then present the coupon to your pharmacist. it's that simple. not to mention, it's free. singlecare is accepted by major pharmacies across the country and it works for everyone, whether you have insurance or not. next time you need a prescription filled, go to singlecare to make sure you get the best price. visit and start saving today. as we have been reporting, president biden is asking congress for $33 billion to fund new aid for ukraine. the president saying the cost is worth it. >> caving to aggression is going to be more costly if we allow it to happen. we either back ukrainian people as they defend their country or we stand by as the russians continue their atrocities and aggression in ukraine. every day the ukrainians pay a price and the price is with their lives for this fight. >> joining me now is democratic senator jeanne shaheen. i misspoke you are back from europe. you had been in ukraine in january earlier in the year. thanks for letting me make that clarification. president biden asking for this big new aid package. is congress going to approve it? separately, do you have any concerns if this becomes a frozen war, a stalemate with the fighting that we expect now in the east and moving to the south, will this be enough? >> i hope congress approves it. there's strong bipartisan support for ukraine. obviously, it's not just military aid. it's economic aid which they need. i agree with the president. we just came back from serbia, bosnia and kosovo. my first trip to that region was in 2010. each of those countries was in a worse place politically now than they were in 2010. one of the reasons is because of russian meddling. if putin doesn't do well in ukraine, he may look for other places to meddle. that's one part of europe that is ripe for russian influence. i think if we can diminish vladimir putin and russia's ability to do this someplace else, now with the courageous ukrainians who have been willing to put up this fight, then that's money well spent. >> how worried are you about moldova? >> i think moldova is a concern. any countries that aren't part of nato in europe now are looking over their shoulder at what putin and russia might be doing. moldova, their leadership, their president has just been very courageous in being willing to stand up to the russian influence, being willing to take in refugees at a very high percentage of their population. it's one of the poorest countries in europe. they have been willing to come forward. so i think we need to provide support for them just as we need to watch very closely what's happening in the western balkans. >> a senior defense official has been briefing at the pentagon today saying that the u.s. now believes russian forces have committed war crimes, including executing ukrainian forces. what is your reaction to that? does that jive with what you are hearing as well? >> it does. it's horrific. it's hard to watch the reports at night on the news and all day long, to see the pictures of ukrainians, the bodies that are left in the street, to hear the stories of women who have been raped, to hear officials in ukraine, the mayors talking about the execution of civilian citizens in their communities. that is not what a civilized nation does. that is not what -- according to international norms or military rules. so clearly, i think russia has committed war crimes. >> are you concerned about the economic affects of all this, the drain on the budget? the gdp decreased. if this goes on for a year, longer, years, a decade some have said, some of the military experts with the ukrainian resistance and russia dominating some of these big areas and land locking ukraine, won't it lead to a recession? >> i am very concerned. it's having an impact on the supply chain issues that we are experiencing in the united states and around the world. it's having an impact on the cost of materials. it's having an impact on our ability to operate manufacturing in europe. we know that's one of the challenges with energy production. in the long-term, however, what vladimir putin may be doing is cutting off his nose to spite his face. when he denies poland and bulgaria access to russian energy resources, he speeds europe's move away from russian energy and development of their own and development of new alternative energy sources. it's going to be tough and something that americans, europeans, people around the world are experiencing the negative economic impacts of this unprovoked war in ukraine that vladimir putin continues to pursue. >> you spoke earlier about the nervousness, vulnerability of the balkan countries you visited. what about this expanding to nato countries? what about poland and hungary and some of the other border states? if putin were to win in this next phase and defeat the ukrainian forces moving on? >> i think the ukrainian officials have been very eloquent in talking about the fact that ukrainians are fighting for all of the free world in this battle with russia. you don't have to -- i was just in nato at the end of our trip to the western balkans. we stopped at nato headquarters and met with a number of nato ambassadors from european countries. they were very concerned. you don't have to talk very long to anyone from the baltics, from poland, from the other countries that are on russia's border without hearing their concerns about this war spilling over and affecting them. they have had reasons, concern about russia's interest in taking back some of the eastern europe and former soviet republics to avenge putin's view of trying to recreate a russian empire. >> jeanne shaheen, senator, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> appreciate you being with us today. the spotlight on human rights. activist amal clooney is taking the u.n. to task as war crimes continue inside ukraine. this is "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. n msnbc. 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