Transcripts For MSNBC The ReidOut 20240708 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The ReidOut 20240708

illegal what he's doing. >> well, he's putting people in jeopardy, and he doesn't need to be doing this. we saw who people would do in the capitol. they came prepared. >> okay, kevin. i mean, sounding more like me than like a republican but there's more. mccarthy expressed concern about republican lawmakers' rhetoric fearing that people would get hurt. >> the tension is too high, the country is too crazy. i do not want to look back and think we caused something or we missed something and someone got hurt. i don't want to play politics with any of that. >> the country is too crazy, the tension is too high. mccarthy and scalise also discussed incendiary comments made by multiple republican lawmakers. they took particular issue with comments from mo brooks who said at the rally that it was the day american patriots start taking down names and kicking ass, referring to brooks. mccarthy said the trump loyalist had behaved even worse on january 6th than trump. >> you think the president deserves to be impeached for his comments? that's almost something that goes further than what -- >> this audio was obtained in reporting for a forthcoming book "this will not pass" and the booing reveals more on what goes on under mitch mcconnell's icy shelf. one of the book's authors "new york times" reporter jonathan martin asked mcconnell about his feelings on the violence and mcconnell said, quote, i feel exhilarated by the fact that this fellow finally totally discredited him investment now, this is according to the book. and the excerpt was obtained by "the washington post." mcconnell also said about trump he put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger. couldn't have happened at a better time. mcconnell also reportedly asked martin what do you hear about the 25th amendment? eager for intel about whether the cabinet and the vice president might remove trump from office. who knew. republicans. they think just like us. but that is where the similarities end because unlike the democrats and their leaders, they did absolutely nothing about it. joining me now is msnbc political an lit former rnc chair michael steele and former u.s. senator from alabama doug jones who is a distinguished senior fellow at the center for american progress. thank you both for being here. it is pretty remarkable, gentlemen, to find out that these men are completely frauds. they talk like maga but behind the scenes they -- i -- i literally could get kevin mccarthy to fill in for me if i wanted to take a night off, like he could be my fill-in because he says all the same things that i say about these -- about the mo brookses and the marjorie taylor greenes, he says he thinks the same thing, michael steele. he thinks the exact same things. >> right. >> the difference is he don't have the cajones to do anything about it. your thoughts? >> i can imagine kevin filling in for your seat for just one night. >> i have the audio, kevin. it couldn't be the slimy phony. >> i got it, i got it the. >> audio kevin could fill in for me tonight. he'd fit right in. >> audio kevin is the joint. i understand that. but here's the point. what your audience would think of audio kevin and you after the fact is really what we see here, right? >> yeah. >> because the reality is i'm not shocked nor surprised about this. we've had this conversation in the past. we knew -- we all had the reporting. you've report on the conversations that republicans have privately, you know, versus what they are saying publicly. now we're actually getting verification of that. now we tier actually hearing them in their own words in private conversations after the fact that about what happened and what they were thinking realtime, but here's the rub for kevin mccarthy, for example. the lie wasn't, you know, oh, kevin didn't say this to the "new york times" or didn't say this in the recording. the lie is what he was saying to his caucus. >> yeah. >> the lie is what he was telling them he was going to do as a leader of the caucus, that he was going to go and confront donald trump. i'm going to go tell him he should resign, and mitch mcconnell asking sheepishly oh, so what did you hear about the 25th amendment, you know? oh, do tell. channel the gossip. but this is not people who were willing to present their fellow caucus with the truth with what they were saying going forward in front of cameras. >> you and i have talked about this before about the tea party because a lot of us missed what the tea party was. the tea party was the beginning of this nightmare, and people wanted to ascribe the tea party as being economic anxiety. it wasn't true. that he had deep-seeded terror about modern modernity and change, and you once said to me the republican leadership, people like kevin, people like mitch, they have a tiring by the terrible and they believe that they can control t. >> yeah. >> they believe -- kevin mccarthy today, nbc reporters caught up with him and asked him do you think this will hurt your chances to become speaker and he said no? the arrogance of these people and maga people don't understand it. these people arrogantly believe when they are on leadership calls they can call these people crazy. we can control them. get their vote, make them vote and then we'll get the tax cuts for our rich donors. >> yeah. >> and they generally think they can control these people and they can't control them. >> that's true, and they know it's true. how do we know? welling they have gone through two speakers before kevin mccarthy's turn is up, right? >> yeah. >> there was a speaker paul ryan. there was a speaker john boehner, and those very same individuals, you know, now in the form of the freedom caucus said buh-bye so they were done with them. kevin recognizes that. what he's been able to do that boehner and ryan were not willing to do because at the end of the day they wanted to keep some semblance of their own, you know, dignity intact, was to go forth and pretend that donald trump wasn't the thing that they say he is and -- but privately sit there and go oh, no, you know, donald trump. we've got to get rid of him, and so he -- kevin is willing to do that. he's willing to go to mar-a-lago and grovel, and that's not something that the others were willing to do, but that tiger by the tail thing, be careful what you think you have in your hand, baby. >> yeah. >> because it bites hard. kevin will find that out. >> yeah. >> from i've heard, just real quick, what i've sheard a lot of caucus members are not happy with being played as punks the way he's played them. >> that's right. they are stupid but they are not dumb. >> right. >> let me add you to this, doug jones. we know that there is a legitimate reason for them to fear these people electorally. i mean, you, sir, a civil rights hero, was replaced by someone who i'm pretty sure i can hear a dial tone every time i see him on tv, like it guy doesn't know the basics of law of american history and they are like i would rather him him. he's maga. good people get replaced all the time but sort lunatics on the right, so there's a reason for them to be afraid, but i wonder about people. you served with chuck grassley. this story keeps coming back to me. i'm obsessed with t.chuck gradually an old-fashioned republican from iowa. the day before the insurrection put out a statement saying that he and in the vice president mike pence will preside over the certification of the electoral college votes because, quote, we don't expect him to be there. if he understood the plot and was willing to go along with it, there is no hope for the other party, for the republicans, right? >> well, you know, look, you can read that that way if you want to. i think that he might be also reading it in a way that pence was part of the trump crowd. pence was going to go along with it, but they are not going to let him do that. i don't think mccomb and those guys at that point really thought that they were going to overturn the eelectric. i think there were too many in that senate who were not going to vote to overturn that election and quite frankly you just don't believe necessarily that chuck grassley was part of the group to do that. but what it does seem to me, and that's the first time i at least remember seeing me, tells me that he thought pence would, that pence wouldn't show up rather than having to certify, you know, his successor, so to speak, but do i think there's a problem and michael is absolutely right. they do have a tiring by the tail here. it is a problem that they can't really control, and they are trying to control it from within, and the that's why you see mccarthy, mcconnell and others trying to get back into the good graces, to try to get their base back under some kind of control where they can help get good republicans elected, but it's a difficult -- it's a difficult road right now given the fractures within the republican party. we'll see how the primaries turn out >> you know, the problem with that, senator jones, and i have great respect for you, is that -- you know, it i once interviewed a guy from an organization back in the early 2000s who said we're going to go along with republicans for now because they are the vehicle to get what we want. this guy was far christian right, and he said there's going to be a time when we expect them to deliver the things we're actually demanding. the current freshman class of republicans and freshman class of governors and people who are running now, they are promising to actually deliver on many so of the incredibly extreme things being demanded. they don't believe in the whole say that you're going to be maga but when you get there just vote for deep tax cuts for the super rich. they actually want that society retrograde. they want to fun back society, and let me play this for you guys, because one of the things that does irritate me about this conversation, this was back in the terry 2000s that i'm hearing this. we're going to be asked to be paid for our support at some point. here's a mash-up of people who told y'all that trump was not leaving office. people knew this was coming. here's three people who knew it. >> given my experience working for mr. trump, i fear that if he loses the election in 2020 that there will never be a peaceful transition of power. >> that's what worries me the most about trump. i keep saying it to everybody who will listen. he have's not going to go, even when he lose, if he lose in 2020. >> that's my greatest concern, my single greatest concern this. president is going try to steal this election. >> senator jones, that last person is joe biden. it was -- it was -- it should have been common knowledge that donald trump was going to attempt to cling to power. how is it possible that mitch mcconnell works says all these things? he had a gun to his head, he seemed gleeful that he thought he was rid of a political problem. he must have known. how could he not have known that this was going to happen? >> i think, joy, we're saying a lot of the same thing. i agree with you, you know, what was said in the early 2020s by the far right, they are now really controlling all of this, but i still believe mcconnell and others think that they have control when they really don't. we're still saying a lot of the same thing. now, whether or not he thought that -- real thought that there would be violence in the way that they were doing, that's hard for me to believe. i've just got tell you it's hard for me to believe that mitch mcconnell, chuck grassley and a number of those republicans thought that there would be an attack on the capitol the way there was. having said that, they knew that there was going to be aaron u. they knew what was going on out there and there was going to be an effort, but they had enough votes to make sure that this certification was going to go forward. they knew that, by dish think what happened on january 6th was -- caught them completely by surprise in terms of the violence, not that trump was not going to go quietly into the dark. they never -- no one expected that, never expected the violence to turn the way it is. when it happened, they really thought that the tide had turned, that trump had overplayed his hand. he was going to be seen as a pariah. he attacked american democracy in the united states capitol, but all of a sudden 48 hours later they start singing a different tune because they see that that maga nation out there is still in force and they are still in favor, and all of a sudden the narrative starts changing and they go with the flow. that's what's so disappointing about this. >> yeah. >> that is the threat to democracy right there. it wasn't just attack. it's the way it's being treated after the attack that's the threat to democracy. >> senator, that is called cowardice. that is called cowardice. i'll give you the last work on this, michael steele. what harps when the republicans, because donald trump still controls the party, nominate governors and maybe get some elected, nominate senators, maybe get some elected and re-elect some of these absolute far right extremists who then try again, and there's no republican who has the courage to say no, and they let it happen the next time. >> the hellscape is created. you think what we went through the last four years, particularly the post-election period was bad. you're looking at rhett -- a rhett beautive government where heads will roll. the january 6th commission will become the committee to impeach. it will become the committee to investigate hunter biden. it will become, know, the kind of nightmarish political landscape for those who have stood up to fight for our democracy, and it wasn't matter whether you are a democrat or a republican or an independent. fact that you were not sycophantically enamored of donald trump and trumpism, that you were not of a political mind like a kevin mccarthy to bow or bend the knee or just bend over for donald trump, you will look to pay a price, so the question is not so much about what will we do, you know, when it happens. the question is -- to the country is what will you do to prevent it? >> a. >> enbecause in november, nokes this, stuff just doesn't go away because you don't think it's not going happen. >> amen. >> and real quirks i'll go one step further, michael. it won't matter if you're mickey mouse or big bird. >> that's right. >> they are going to come after you. >> they are coming after everybody. that's what people need to wake up and understand. this is not about democrats and republicans. >> it's not. >> it's about people who care about democracy and people who don't. that's why i have a democrat and republican on this set saying the exact same thing. thank you, michael steele. up next on "the reidout," american oligarchy. elon musk taking control of the fundamental aspects of our lives. remember the tea party. this is even worse. the sad trumpian candidates who could be serving in the senate next year unless democrats fight hard. "the reidout" continues after this. "the reidout" continues after this allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! flonase all good. finding the perfect designer isn't easy. but, at upwork, we found her. she's in austin between a fresh bowl of matcha and a fresh batch of wireframes. and you can find her, and millions of other talented pros, right now on when it comes to tech, talented pros, right now everyone wants the next best thing. now with xfi complete from xfinity, you can get updated wifi technology with the new tech upgrade program. plus, protection from cyber threats at home and now on the go. so staying up to date is easier than ever. you look great by the way. right? unbeatable internet. made to do anything so you can do anything. only xfinity will upgrade your tech after 3 years for a more reliable connection. get that and more with xfi complete. upgrade today. as elon musk's deal to take over twit circumstance finalized the end result is more than just control of a social media platform. our nation was found on the idea that it is we the people who hold the power. it is we the people who elect representatives to exercise that power, but this latest news shines a light on the plutocratic republic that we are unfortunately very quickly turning into, where it's not we the people but the ultra wealthy who wield the power, who control so many of the institutions that have become fundamental to our lives. as david atkins, a democratic national committee member from california puts, it elon musk is trying to buy the conversation. pete thiele is trying to buy a dictatorship. jeff bezos is trying to buy the marketplace. mark zuckerberg is trying to buy our minds. taxing the rich isn't about helping the poor. it's about stopping them from owning everything. with me now jason johnson, professor of journalism and politics at morgan state university and host of the slate podcast a word with jason johnson. thanks new york on. it was distressing to a lot of people, not least of which the people who work at twitter. >> right. >> works you know in, their internal slacks are wringing their hand, not all of them but a lot of them just worrying about what becomes that i have company. elon musk's companies have a history of open racism, you know. there's been a lawsuit against tes larks and he himself is a troll so his idea of freedom. >> yeah. >> means freedom to be a jerk and to be cruel and to have no one be able to stop you. what do you make of this takeover? >> it's a real concern. joy, i was actual think talking with my students at morgan state about this today and i said look, you know, imagine if the worst most obnoxious person you've ever met had access to all your dms. >> yeah. >> and had the right to put them out whenever they want. that's essentially what people are looking at, and i think, joy, the real concern here, we have the larger questions about multi-billionaires running conversations. we have the larger questions about our political discourse, but what we're really also talking about here is when and how our federal government will recognize that social immediate gentleman is also news, that social media is a public workplace. that social media is something that we have to stop pretending that it's just, you know, teenagers and smart guys out of harvard and silicon valley who don't know what they are doing. you have politically minded people like elon musk who are trying to dominate public discourse around the world and governments need to get involved. >> i mean, elon musk seems to me to keep protesting too much. first he came out tweeting saying i hope my worst critics don't leave because you know if the smart people and the people who criticize you leave, twitter will have no volume without the contempt that you get from free from intelligent people like charles blow and the attacks on people on people like charles blow who particularly like to attack black people on social media. on free speech i simply mean that which matches the law. i'm against censorship. people want less free speech they will ask government to pass laws to that effect. it sounds like a bunch of gibberish. we have a first amendment. twitter is not the government. they are a private company that says you're not allowed to be a nazi on twitter. >> i tweeted this. we all know know elon musk wants to control twitter. we know why the right wants to control twitter. they don't want to go with their own club. they want to go to the club where the cool people are. >> correct. >> and they know they can't get in unless they buy the entire block. >> correct. >> the problem is if they want to come in and hang with everybody it's fine but they want to to come in and dominate everything and push everyone around and frame that as a free speech conversation and you're really being a wondville. >> the bottom line is they don'tant just want to be in the club. they have been described as being on the outside of the culture looking in through the glass, but they don't just want to come in. they want to come in and be table to punch people in the face and walk around and laugh about it and not have anyone be able to stop them. the thing is the enjoyment they get out of being in this town square is being able to a race people, being able to attack people. there was a time when people had the double #s around their name because they were jewish and right leaders were saying get in the oven any time you made a benign comment. they attacked women. the misogyny was crazy on twitter for a while. elon musk, you guess he misses the old south africa in the 508s. he wants that back. >> look. he wants to bring the old crew back together. he wants to bring trump. trump claims he's not coming. he can't resist. all the people will come back. >> all of them. >> the important thing we have to remember is even if he does this it's still incumbent upon the people participating in twitter to decide how they want to react and interwalk this new world. i know there's somebody out there in this audience with a brilliant idea and just like we never thought we would move past myspace we did. we moved to facebook. ing is can follow twitter. i have to say this, joy, about public spaces. again, you can rec leglations. look, if you're running a public space people have to be tweeted. if i go into starbucks people can't throw coffee in my face. you can say hey, look, elon. you can run the social media site but you still have to abide by basic structural walls in society about how people are treated. there are things that can be done but the government doesn't have the will or interest in doing this now. >> here's the irony in this. i have to go on this. the irony is if elon musk makes this a place where elon musk is entirely comfortable with free speech, it will lose value because people will be like i'm done. people won't stay. poem aren't going to be there to be abused by mag, a. i know y'all think that we havinan time to hear you scream at us, but people don't have to stay at that. they can g.anyway, jason johnson, thank you very much my friend. appreciate you. still ahead, russian forces continue to pound eastern and southern ukraine as u.s. officials vow to move heaven and earth to keep the military supplies coming. we'll bring you that next. mility supplies coming. we'll bring you that next. ♪ ♪ bonnie boon i'm calling you out. everybody be cool, alright? 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>> joy, unfortunately, this story with putin and anything that comes out of those meet some things always the same, that people come out of the meeting with one understanding and then very quickly soon after or in the days that follow, whatever that message that was first messaged is undermined and unravels and that's what happened with the secretary-general who thought he was walking away with some kind of agreement in place to begin to evacuate some of those civilians that we know have been sheltering in that steel place in mariupol, and just to remind people, that city has been under absolute bombardment. it's been completely leveled and there's a holdout force saying they are still fighting the russian forces even as russia says they have taken the city. there's civilians there that have been trapped. evacuation buses from tried from the red cross and icrc to previously move people out. i know sources who are linked to mariupol, city officials who aren't there but are in touch with people tell me they have been able to get at private citizens, limited evacuation buses but it's been nothing but brutality from russia and soon after the meeting with the u.n. secretary-general putin was saying that was not the agreement. >> ant other issue, is you know, whenever russia says evacuations will be allowed they simply mean they will put people on buses and send them into russia which has been the history, unfortunately, which amounts to ethnic cleansing and kidnapping. this is reported from nbc news, there's been much more significant intel sharing that we heard about. this is what we heard. that u.s. intelligence helped ukraine protect defenses, shoot down a russian plane carrying hundreds of troops. it was part of a massive intelligence-sharing operation and they have played a crucial role. is there evidence that not just the u.s. but other nato countries are actually doing more to close the skies as ukranian officials have been demanding than they are openly reporting? >> so they will not actually admit that on the record, but i think what's been clear, what we've seen as pattern is that all of the nato nations have seen the longer this goes on, clearly they need to be doing more to make sure not just that they hold off russia, that ukranian forces can defend themselves that the russian forces and russian leaders are incentivized to come to the negotiating table but that ukraine wins and wins decisively, and we have seen that shift in the last few days. as you saw there with secretary defense austin saying they want russia weakened. this is not about just holding them off. they want them to lose so decisively that they will never take this action again. it wouldn't be surprising if they are doing everything they cannot just on the military front and the intelligence front because that's what is zelenskyy has been asking for from the beginning, help us close the skies >> let's talk about moldova. zelenskyy has been also saying if y'all think that they are going to stop, russia will stop with ukraine you're kidding yourself. they will try with other countries, too. moldova is experiencing this. ukraine's ministry of defense described the recent attacks on moldova at false flag operations to spark panic and provide a potential pretext for mobilizing troops in the region to attack ukraine. it seems to me that russia is so spread thin and doing such a poor job of occupying the parts of the country that they have, that they wouldn't have enough defense capability to attack another country and yet that's what we're hearing that there is activity in moldova. how much activity and how bad? >> well, we can't verify some of these reports but we know that the false flag operations are part of the russian playbook. we saw them even leading up to the war in ukraine which is now reaching two months old. we shouldn't be surprised by those kinds of things because nato allies and russian officials have been talking about the broadening of this war is exactly what they have been most concerned about. it's not about russia launching unprovoked false flag operations, the fact that the supply line going into ukranian forces concentrated on largely fighting in the eastern part of the country those have to make in. they are going in via from the western border from nato allied territories but they have to make their way all the way across the country and there's growing concern among many of the officials that i talked to that will be do something to interdict the supply lines and the logistic supply lines. that could broaden the war hand that's one of the worst case areas and the long they are goes on that heightens the concern about that. >> thanks for that. always appreciate you being here. >> y'all remember the tea party, i remember that the colonial era costumes and the gross and often misspelled racism. who could have predict that had that movement would have evolved into an effort to end american democracy. stay with us. an effort to end n democracy. stay with us smile to shine. now, she uses a capful of therabreath healthy smile oral rinse to give her the healthy, sparkly smile she always wanted. 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>> when it gets into, is if you decide that restaurants are publicly, not privately owned, does the owner of the restaurant on his restaurant? where does the government on his restaurant? these are important philosophical debates, but not very black nickel discussions. >> joining me, now charles booker. democratic candidates for u.s. senate in kentucky, an author of the brand-new book from the hood to holler. a story of separate worlds, shared dreams, and the fight america's future. enough title today, charles booker, thank you so much. let's talk about rand paul. let's start with the mexico -- i mean, let's start with the ukraine comments that he made. because, saying that ukraine is not a real country, and that he used to be the united states used to be part of mexico, because a big old chunk of abuse to. so if mexico decided to invade texas in california, and new mexico, well you will say, it used to be part of mexico. >> first of, all we do in the country with their grandpa. he's a joke in every sense of the world. but he showed us the latest example of him opposing democracy, and choosing to side with vladimir putin over the lives of innocent people who are seeking, striving to find and realize democracy. i can't rock my mind rounded, but we need to get him out of the way. he is stoking these divides, he's finding hate. he's making a mockery of kentucky, well we struggle with generational poverty and fighting to survive. this is why we're on the campaign to beat him and building the movement to build infrastructure so that we don't have around balls again in offices and state, or the federal level. >> can you think, of when you talk to constituents in kentucky, would do republicans who talk to you say that rand paul is delivered for the state? >> when i talk to people across kentucky, demographic republican, and i mentioned the name around paul, what's follows as laughter. people seem as a joke, and the same as an impeachment. and he is. but the reality, as most people don't know what he does. so last going out the fact that he is actually crush so many of us in kentucky, he is saying burn your mask. norrie about vaccines, while his family is getting stopped. he was telling us out. the story down lifting up is how we build a coalition to make sure that we get clowns like rand paul out of office? and pick up our fight. because of this work, of over 20,000 volunteers, a lot of them still have the maga hat. because the issue is a bigger problem. >> let me read a little bit, this is an excerpt from your book. it's, says this is about running from the senate. when you ran against mitch mcconnell. you, are of course, mcconnell's won in kentucky like an old school political boss, wouldn't be as much of a problem of mitch mcconnell we're still demanding that himself ought to be at the start of his career. our, junior senator, rand paul, is the worst kind of believer. you mentioned that he's two people. he's the person who was exhilarated, i felt exhilarated by the fact that this fellow, trump, donie discredited themself, he told jonathan martin. he asked about the 25th amendment. he said trump finally pulled a gun does that pull the trigger. he seems to be such a pure political animal, with no sole inside of him. we will see when you first ran? you are continuing dating in your book that it was always like that? >> you are right, mitch mcconnell did novel soul. but in the beginning of his career, he supported organizations like me. he supported women's rights. in a lot of, ways he would condemn himself now. but it just shows that democracy in the pursuit of power at all costs. and, look, as a kentucky, and we have mitch mcconnell and rand paul. on a do my bite to get one of them, and get mitch gong of the majority seat. and ask everybody, go to charles bullet wearing and novels of this effort, because the people in kentucky are not being represented by qualms like mitch mcconnell and rand paul. >> there are a lot of people, who talk to me about this, race when you ran against mitch mcconnell. at the national democratic party paid attention and not sort of lean in favor of your than primary opponent. -- your state has a democratic governor, and he won real narrowly. he got half the vote. that means that it is possible to win for democrats. would you say back to people who aren't gonna pay attention to the kentucky race? to the rand paul reelect? because they say, well, that's kentucky, let's republican state. >> lead nor places like kentucky tar deterrent. does the type of place to give rice donald trump. i don't join in this campaign, when i'm fighting for now, is not just about being his artful politician, but it's about him. so what i posted the democracy. it's to try to make sure that everyone can fight for life. but i'm asking for is to look again. look at the infrastructure and the work that we're building. the movement that we're building. taking a page and not taking our own chapter. if we make a vision and inspire people to believe, things will be different. if we believe people, and quit playing political games, we can build a coalition and build our future. we're gonna blot rand paul, and i'm asking about to join me. >> i should note that the current governor beshear, his second order. he's on the first democratic governor in the hundred years. it's kentucky policy name based or issue based? >> it's a shoe based. if you look at the map, a lot of them who voted for donald, trump also voted for donald bernie sanders. >> giles booker, good luck, thank you very much. author from the head to the hall are, and that is a nice read up. all in starts now. all in starts now. tonight on all in. >> tension is too high, but countries do crazy. i do not want to look back and think we call something or we missed something and someone got hurt. >> you recordings of republican leadership after the insurrection worry their own members were going to get people hurt. >> it's potentially illegal, what he's doing. >> well, he's putting people in jeopardy. >> tonight, the explosive new tapes, and how mccarthy went from fearing this edition caucus, defending liz cheney out of power, i'm trying to kill the january six investigation. and, more

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Transcripts For MSNBC The ReidOut 20240708 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The ReidOut 20240708

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illegal what he's doing. >> well, he's putting people in jeopardy, and he doesn't need to be doing this. we saw who people would do in the capitol. they came prepared. >> okay, kevin. i mean, sounding more like me than like a republican but there's more. mccarthy expressed concern about republican lawmakers' rhetoric fearing that people would get hurt. >> the tension is too high, the country is too crazy. i do not want to look back and think we caused something or we missed something and someone got hurt. i don't want to play politics with any of that. >> the country is too crazy, the tension is too high. mccarthy and scalise also discussed incendiary comments made by multiple republican lawmakers. they took particular issue with comments from mo brooks who said at the rally that it was the day american patriots start taking down names and kicking ass, referring to brooks. mccarthy said the trump loyalist had behaved even worse on january 6th than trump. >> you think the president deserves to be impeached for his comments? that's almost something that goes further than what -- >> this audio was obtained in reporting for a forthcoming book "this will not pass" and the booing reveals more on what goes on under mitch mcconnell's icy shelf. one of the book's authors "new york times" reporter jonathan martin asked mcconnell about his feelings on the violence and mcconnell said, quote, i feel exhilarated by the fact that this fellow finally totally discredited him investment now, this is according to the book. and the excerpt was obtained by "the washington post." mcconnell also said about trump he put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger. couldn't have happened at a better time. mcconnell also reportedly asked martin what do you hear about the 25th amendment? eager for intel about whether the cabinet and the vice president might remove trump from office. who knew. republicans. they think just like us. but that is where the similarities end because unlike the democrats and their leaders, they did absolutely nothing about it. joining me now is msnbc political an lit former rnc chair michael steele and former u.s. senator from alabama doug jones who is a distinguished senior fellow at the center for american progress. thank you both for being here. it is pretty remarkable, gentlemen, to find out that these men are completely frauds. they talk like maga but behind the scenes they -- i -- i literally could get kevin mccarthy to fill in for me if i wanted to take a night off, like he could be my fill-in because he says all the same things that i say about these -- about the mo brookses and the marjorie taylor greenes, he says he thinks the same thing, michael steele. he thinks the exact same things. >> right. >> the difference is he don't have the cajones to do anything about it. your thoughts? >> i can imagine kevin filling in for your seat for just one night. >> i have the audio, kevin. it couldn't be the slimy phony. >> i got it, i got it the. >> audio kevin could fill in for me tonight. he'd fit right in. >> audio kevin is the joint. i understand that. but here's the point. what your audience would think of audio kevin and you after the fact is really what we see here, right? >> yeah. >> because the reality is i'm not shocked nor surprised about this. we've had this conversation in the past. we knew -- we all had the reporting. you've report on the conversations that republicans have privately, you know, versus what they are saying publicly. now we're actually getting verification of that. now we tier actually hearing them in their own words in private conversations after the fact that about what happened and what they were thinking realtime, but here's the rub for kevin mccarthy, for example. the lie wasn't, you know, oh, kevin didn't say this to the "new york times" or didn't say this in the recording. the lie is what he was saying to his caucus. >> yeah. >> the lie is what he was telling them he was going to do as a leader of the caucus, that he was going to go and confront donald trump. i'm going to go tell him he should resign, and mitch mcconnell asking sheepishly oh, so what did you hear about the 25th amendment, you know? oh, do tell. channel the gossip. but this is not people who were willing to present their fellow caucus with the truth with what they were saying going forward in front of cameras. >> you and i have talked about this before about the tea party because a lot of us missed what the tea party was. the tea party was the beginning of this nightmare, and people wanted to ascribe the tea party as being economic anxiety. it wasn't true. that he had deep-seeded terror about modern modernity and change, and you once said to me the republican leadership, people like kevin, people like mitch, they have a tiring by the terrible and they believe that they can control t. >> yeah. >> they believe -- kevin mccarthy today, nbc reporters caught up with him and asked him do you think this will hurt your chances to become speaker and he said no? the arrogance of these people and maga people don't understand it. these people arrogantly believe when they are on leadership calls they can call these people crazy. we can control them. get their vote, make them vote and then we'll get the tax cuts for our rich donors. >> yeah. >> and they generally think they can control these people and they can't control them. >> that's true, and they know it's true. how do we know? welling they have gone through two speakers before kevin mccarthy's turn is up, right? >> yeah. >> there was a speaker paul ryan. there was a speaker john boehner, and those very same individuals, you know, now in the form of the freedom caucus said buh-bye so they were done with them. kevin recognizes that. what he's been able to do that boehner and ryan were not willing to do because at the end of the day they wanted to keep some semblance of their own, you know, dignity intact, was to go forth and pretend that donald trump wasn't the thing that they say he is and -- but privately sit there and go oh, no, you know, donald trump. we've got to get rid of him, and so he -- kevin is willing to do that. he's willing to go to mar-a-lago and grovel, and that's not something that the others were willing to do, but that tiger by the tail thing, be careful what you think you have in your hand, baby. >> yeah. >> because it bites hard. kevin will find that out. >> yeah. >> from i've heard, just real quick, what i've sheard a lot of caucus members are not happy with being played as punks the way he's played them. >> that's right. they are stupid but they are not dumb. >> right. >> let me add you to this, doug jones. we know that there is a legitimate reason for them to fear these people electorally. i mean, you, sir, a civil rights hero, was replaced by someone who i'm pretty sure i can hear a dial tone every time i see him on tv, like it guy doesn't know the basics of law of american history and they are like i would rather him him. he's maga. good people get replaced all the time but sort lunatics on the right, so there's a reason for them to be afraid, but i wonder about people. you served with chuck grassley. this story keeps coming back to me. i'm obsessed with t.chuck gradually an old-fashioned republican from iowa. the day before the insurrection put out a statement saying that he and in the vice president mike pence will preside over the certification of the electoral college votes because, quote, we don't expect him to be there. if he understood the plot and was willing to go along with it, there is no hope for the other party, for the republicans, right? >> well, you know, look, you can read that that way if you want to. i think that he might be also reading it in a way that pence was part of the trump crowd. pence was going to go along with it, but they are not going to let him do that. i don't think mccomb and those guys at that point really thought that they were going to overturn the eelectric. i think there were too many in that senate who were not going to vote to overturn that election and quite frankly you just don't believe necessarily that chuck grassley was part of the group to do that. but what it does seem to me, and that's the first time i at least remember seeing me, tells me that he thought pence would, that pence wouldn't show up rather than having to certify, you know, his successor, so to speak, but do i think there's a problem and michael is absolutely right. they do have a tiring by the tail here. it is a problem that they can't really control, and they are trying to control it from within, and the that's why you see mccarthy, mcconnell and others trying to get back into the good graces, to try to get their base back under some kind of control where they can help get good republicans elected, but it's a difficult -- it's a difficult road right now given the fractures within the republican party. we'll see how the primaries turn out >> you know, the problem with that, senator jones, and i have great respect for you, is that -- you know, it i once interviewed a guy from an organization back in the early 2000s who said we're going to go along with republicans for now because they are the vehicle to get what we want. this guy was far christian right, and he said there's going to be a time when we expect them to deliver the things we're actually demanding. the current freshman class of republicans and freshman class of governors and people who are running now, they are promising to actually deliver on many so of the incredibly extreme things being demanded. they don't believe in the whole say that you're going to be maga but when you get there just vote for deep tax cuts for the super rich. they actually want that society retrograde. they want to fun back society, and let me play this for you guys, because one of the things that does irritate me about this conversation, this was back in the terry 2000s that i'm hearing this. we're going to be asked to be paid for our support at some point. here's a mash-up of people who told y'all that trump was not leaving office. people knew this was coming. here's three people who knew it. >> given my experience working for mr. trump, i fear that if he loses the election in 2020 that there will never be a peaceful transition of power. >> that's what worries me the most about trump. i keep saying it to everybody who will listen. he have's not going to go, even when he lose, if he lose in 2020. >> that's my greatest concern, my single greatest concern this. president is going try to steal this election. >> senator jones, that last person is joe biden. it was -- it was -- it should have been common knowledge that donald trump was going to attempt to cling to power. how is it possible that mitch mcconnell works says all these things? he had a gun to his head, he seemed gleeful that he thought he was rid of a political problem. he must have known. how could he not have known that this was going to happen? >> i think, joy, we're saying a lot of the same thing. i agree with you, you know, what was said in the early 2020s by the far right, they are now really controlling all of this, but i still believe mcconnell and others think that they have control when they really don't. we're still saying a lot of the same thing. now, whether or not he thought that -- real thought that there would be violence in the way that they were doing, that's hard for me to believe. i've just got tell you it's hard for me to believe that mitch mcconnell, chuck grassley and a number of those republicans thought that there would be an attack on the capitol the way there was. having said that, they knew that there was going to be aaron u. they knew what was going on out there and there was going to be an effort, but they had enough votes to make sure that this certification was going to go forward. they knew that, by dish think what happened on january 6th was -- caught them completely by surprise in terms of the violence, not that trump was not going to go quietly into the dark. they never -- no one expected that, never expected the violence to turn the way it is. when it happened, they really thought that the tide had turned, that trump had overplayed his hand. he was going to be seen as a pariah. he attacked american democracy in the united states capitol, but all of a sudden 48 hours later they start singing a different tune because they see that that maga nation out there is still in force and they are still in favor, and all of a sudden the narrative starts changing and they go with the flow. that's what's so disappointing about this. >> yeah. >> that is the threat to democracy right there. it wasn't just attack. it's the way it's being treated after the attack that's the threat to democracy. >> senator, that is called cowardice. that is called cowardice. i'll give you the last work on this, michael steele. what harps when the republicans, because donald trump still controls the party, nominate governors and maybe get some elected, nominate senators, maybe get some elected and re-elect some of these absolute far right extremists who then try again, and there's no republican who has the courage to say no, and they let it happen the next time. >> the hellscape is created. you think what we went through the last four years, particularly the post-election period was bad. you're looking at rhett -- a rhett beautive government where heads will roll. the january 6th commission will become the committee to impeach. it will become the committee to investigate hunter biden. it will become, know, the kind of nightmarish political landscape for those who have stood up to fight for our democracy, and it wasn't matter whether you are a democrat or a republican or an independent. fact that you were not sycophantically enamored of donald trump and trumpism, that you were not of a political mind like a kevin mccarthy to bow or bend the knee or just bend over for donald trump, you will look to pay a price, so the question is not so much about what will we do, you know, when it happens. the question is -- to the country is what will you do to prevent it? >> a. >> enbecause in november, nokes this, stuff just doesn't go away because you don't think it's not going happen. >> amen. >> and real quirks i'll go one step further, michael. it won't matter if you're mickey mouse or big bird. >> that's right. >> they are going to come after you. >> they are coming after everybody. that's what people need to wake up and understand. this is not about democrats and republicans. >> it's not. >> it's about people who care about democracy and people who don't. that's why i have a democrat and republican on this set saying the exact same thing. thank you, michael steele. up next on "the reidout," american oligarchy. elon musk taking control of the fundamental aspects of our lives. remember the tea party. this is even worse. the sad trumpian candidates who could be serving in the senate next year unless democrats fight hard. "the reidout" continues after this. "the reidout" continues after this allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! flonase all good. finding the perfect designer isn't easy. but, at upwork, we found her. she's in austin between a fresh bowl of matcha and a fresh batch of wireframes. and you can find her, and millions of other talented pros, right now on when it comes to tech, talented pros, right now everyone wants the next best thing. now with xfi complete from xfinity, you can get updated wifi technology with the new tech upgrade program. plus, protection from cyber threats at home and now on the go. so staying up to date is easier than ever. you look great by the way. right? unbeatable internet. made to do anything so you can do anything. only xfinity will upgrade your tech after 3 years for a more reliable connection. get that and more with xfi complete. upgrade today. as elon musk's deal to take over twit circumstance finalized the end result is more than just control of a social media platform. our nation was found on the idea that it is we the people who hold the power. it is we the people who elect representatives to exercise that power, but this latest news shines a light on the plutocratic republic that we are unfortunately very quickly turning into, where it's not we the people but the ultra wealthy who wield the power, who control so many of the institutions that have become fundamental to our lives. as david atkins, a democratic national committee member from california puts, it elon musk is trying to buy the conversation. pete thiele is trying to buy a dictatorship. jeff bezos is trying to buy the marketplace. mark zuckerberg is trying to buy our minds. taxing the rich isn't about helping the poor. it's about stopping them from owning everything. with me now jason johnson, professor of journalism and politics at morgan state university and host of the slate podcast a word with jason johnson. thanks new york on. it was distressing to a lot of people, not least of which the people who work at twitter. >> right. >> works you know in, their internal slacks are wringing their hand, not all of them but a lot of them just worrying about what becomes that i have company. elon musk's companies have a history of open racism, you know. there's been a lawsuit against tes larks and he himself is a troll so his idea of freedom. >> yeah. >> means freedom to be a jerk and to be cruel and to have no one be able to stop you. what do you make of this takeover? >> it's a real concern. joy, i was actual think talking with my students at morgan state about this today and i said look, you know, imagine if the worst most obnoxious person you've ever met had access to all your dms. >> yeah. >> and had the right to put them out whenever they want. that's essentially what people are looking at, and i think, joy, the real concern here, we have the larger questions about multi-billionaires running conversations. we have the larger questions about our political discourse, but what we're really also talking about here is when and how our federal government will recognize that social immediate gentleman is also news, that social media is a public workplace. that social media is something that we have to stop pretending that it's just, you know, teenagers and smart guys out of harvard and silicon valley who don't know what they are doing. you have politically minded people like elon musk who are trying to dominate public discourse around the world and governments need to get involved. >> i mean, elon musk seems to me to keep protesting too much. first he came out tweeting saying i hope my worst critics don't leave because you know if the smart people and the people who criticize you leave, twitter will have no volume without the contempt that you get from free from intelligent people like charles blow and the attacks on people on people like charles blow who particularly like to attack black people on social media. on free speech i simply mean that which matches the law. i'm against censorship. people want less free speech they will ask government to pass laws to that effect. it sounds like a bunch of gibberish. we have a first amendment. twitter is not the government. they are a private company that says you're not allowed to be a nazi on twitter. >> i tweeted this. we all know know elon musk wants to control twitter. we know why the right wants to control twitter. they don't want to go with their own club. they want to go to the club where the cool people are. >> correct. >> and they know they can't get in unless they buy the entire block. >> correct. >> the problem is if they want to come in and hang with everybody it's fine but they want to to come in and dominate everything and push everyone around and frame that as a free speech conversation and you're really being a wondville. >> the bottom line is they don'tant just want to be in the club. they have been described as being on the outside of the culture looking in through the glass, but they don't just want to come in. they want to come in and be table to punch people in the face and walk around and laugh about it and not have anyone be able to stop them. the thing is the enjoyment they get out of being in this town square is being able to a race people, being able to attack people. there was a time when people had the double #s around their name because they were jewish and right leaders were saying get in the oven any time you made a benign comment. they attacked women. the misogyny was crazy on twitter for a while. elon musk, you guess he misses the old south africa in the 508s. he wants that back. >> look. he wants to bring the old crew back together. he wants to bring trump. trump claims he's not coming. he can't resist. all the people will come back. >> all of them. >> the important thing we have to remember is even if he does this it's still incumbent upon the people participating in twitter to decide how they want to react and interwalk this new world. i know there's somebody out there in this audience with a brilliant idea and just like we never thought we would move past myspace we did. we moved to facebook. ing is can follow twitter. i have to say this, joy, about public spaces. again, you can rec leglations. look, if you're running a public space people have to be tweeted. if i go into starbucks people can't throw coffee in my face. you can say hey, look, elon. you can run the social media site but you still have to abide by basic structural walls in society about how people are treated. there are things that can be done but the government doesn't have the will or interest in doing this now. >> here's the irony in this. i have to go on this. the irony is if elon musk makes this a place where elon musk is entirely comfortable with free speech, it will lose value because people will be like i'm done. people won't stay. poem aren't going to be there to be abused by mag, a. i know y'all think that we havinan time to hear you scream at us, but people don't have to stay at that. they can g.anyway, jason johnson, thank you very much my friend. appreciate you. still ahead, russian forces continue to pound eastern and southern ukraine as u.s. officials vow to move heaven and earth to keep the military supplies coming. we'll bring you that next. mility supplies coming. we'll bring you that next. ♪ ♪ bonnie boon i'm calling you out. everybody be cool, alright? 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>> joy, unfortunately, this story with putin and anything that comes out of those meet some things always the same, that people come out of the meeting with one understanding and then very quickly soon after or in the days that follow, whatever that message that was first messaged is undermined and unravels and that's what happened with the secretary-general who thought he was walking away with some kind of agreement in place to begin to evacuate some of those civilians that we know have been sheltering in that steel place in mariupol, and just to remind people, that city has been under absolute bombardment. it's been completely leveled and there's a holdout force saying they are still fighting the russian forces even as russia says they have taken the city. there's civilians there that have been trapped. evacuation buses from tried from the red cross and icrc to previously move people out. i know sources who are linked to mariupol, city officials who aren't there but are in touch with people tell me they have been able to get at private citizens, limited evacuation buses but it's been nothing but brutality from russia and soon after the meeting with the u.n. secretary-general putin was saying that was not the agreement. >> ant other issue, is you know, whenever russia says evacuations will be allowed they simply mean they will put people on buses and send them into russia which has been the history, unfortunately, which amounts to ethnic cleansing and kidnapping. this is reported from nbc news, there's been much more significant intel sharing that we heard about. this is what we heard. that u.s. intelligence helped ukraine protect defenses, shoot down a russian plane carrying hundreds of troops. it was part of a massive intelligence-sharing operation and they have played a crucial role. is there evidence that not just the u.s. but other nato countries are actually doing more to close the skies as ukranian officials have been demanding than they are openly reporting? >> so they will not actually admit that on the record, but i think what's been clear, what we've seen as pattern is that all of the nato nations have seen the longer this goes on, clearly they need to be doing more to make sure not just that they hold off russia, that ukranian forces can defend themselves that the russian forces and russian leaders are incentivized to come to the negotiating table but that ukraine wins and wins decisively, and we have seen that shift in the last few days. as you saw there with secretary defense austin saying they want russia weakened. this is not about just holding them off. they want them to lose so decisively that they will never take this action again. it wouldn't be surprising if they are doing everything they cannot just on the military front and the intelligence front because that's what is zelenskyy has been asking for from the beginning, help us close the skies >> let's talk about moldova. zelenskyy has been also saying if y'all think that they are going to stop, russia will stop with ukraine you're kidding yourself. they will try with other countries, too. moldova is experiencing this. ukraine's ministry of defense described the recent attacks on moldova at false flag operations to spark panic and provide a potential pretext for mobilizing troops in the region to attack ukraine. it seems to me that russia is so spread thin and doing such a poor job of occupying the parts of the country that they have, that they wouldn't have enough defense capability to attack another country and yet that's what we're hearing that there is activity in moldova. how much activity and how bad? >> well, we can't verify some of these reports but we know that the false flag operations are part of the russian playbook. we saw them even leading up to the war in ukraine which is now reaching two months old. we shouldn't be surprised by those kinds of things because nato allies and russian officials have been talking about the broadening of this war is exactly what they have been most concerned about. it's not about russia launching unprovoked false flag operations, the fact that the supply line going into ukranian forces concentrated on largely fighting in the eastern part of the country those have to make in. they are going in via from the western border from nato allied territories but they have to make their way all the way across the country and there's growing concern among many of the officials that i talked to that will be do something to interdict the supply lines and the logistic supply lines. that could broaden the war hand that's one of the worst case areas and the long they are goes on that heightens the concern about that. >> thanks for that. always appreciate you being here. >> y'all remember the tea party, i remember that the colonial era costumes and the gross and often misspelled racism. who could have predict that had that movement would have evolved into an effort to end american democracy. stay with us. an effort to end n democracy. stay with us smile to shine. now, she uses a capful of therabreath healthy smile oral rinse to give her the healthy, sparkly smile she always wanted. 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>> when it gets into, is if you decide that restaurants are publicly, not privately owned, does the owner of the restaurant on his restaurant? where does the government on his restaurant? these are important philosophical debates, but not very black nickel discussions. >> joining me, now charles booker. democratic candidates for u.s. senate in kentucky, an author of the brand-new book from the hood to holler. a story of separate worlds, shared dreams, and the fight america's future. enough title today, charles booker, thank you so much. let's talk about rand paul. let's start with the mexico -- i mean, let's start with the ukraine comments that he made. because, saying that ukraine is not a real country, and that he used to be the united states used to be part of mexico, because a big old chunk of abuse to. so if mexico decided to invade texas in california, and new mexico, well you will say, it used to be part of mexico. >> first of, all we do in the country with their grandpa. he's a joke in every sense of the world. but he showed us the latest example of him opposing democracy, and choosing to side with vladimir putin over the lives of innocent people who are seeking, striving to find and realize democracy. i can't rock my mind rounded, but we need to get him out of the way. he is stoking these divides, he's finding hate. he's making a mockery of kentucky, well we struggle with generational poverty and fighting to survive. this is why we're on the campaign to beat him and building the movement to build infrastructure so that we don't have around balls again in offices and state, or the federal level. >> can you think, of when you talk to constituents in kentucky, would do republicans who talk to you say that rand paul is delivered for the state? >> when i talk to people across kentucky, demographic republican, and i mentioned the name around paul, what's follows as laughter. people seem as a joke, and the same as an impeachment. and he is. but the reality, as most people don't know what he does. so last going out the fact that he is actually crush so many of us in kentucky, he is saying burn your mask. norrie about vaccines, while his family is getting stopped. he was telling us out. the story down lifting up is how we build a coalition to make sure that we get clowns like rand paul out of office? and pick up our fight. because of this work, of over 20,000 volunteers, a lot of them still have the maga hat. because the issue is a bigger problem. >> let me read a little bit, this is an excerpt from your book. it's, says this is about running from the senate. when you ran against mitch mcconnell. you, are of course, mcconnell's won in kentucky like an old school political boss, wouldn't be as much of a problem of mitch mcconnell we're still demanding that himself ought to be at the start of his career. our, junior senator, rand paul, is the worst kind of believer. you mentioned that he's two people. he's the person who was exhilarated, i felt exhilarated by the fact that this fellow, trump, donie discredited themself, he told jonathan martin. he asked about the 25th amendment. he said trump finally pulled a gun does that pull the trigger. he seems to be such a pure political animal, with no sole inside of him. we will see when you first ran? you are continuing dating in your book that it was always like that? >> you are right, mitch mcconnell did novel soul. but in the beginning of his career, he supported organizations like me. he supported women's rights. in a lot of, ways he would condemn himself now. but it just shows that democracy in the pursuit of power at all costs. and, look, as a kentucky, and we have mitch mcconnell and rand paul. on a do my bite to get one of them, and get mitch gong of the majority seat. and ask everybody, go to charles bullet wearing and novels of this effort, because the people in kentucky are not being represented by qualms like mitch mcconnell and rand paul. >> there are a lot of people, who talk to me about this, race when you ran against mitch mcconnell. at the national democratic party paid attention and not sort of lean in favor of your than primary opponent. -- your state has a democratic governor, and he won real narrowly. he got half the vote. that means that it is possible to win for democrats. would you say back to people who aren't gonna pay attention to the kentucky race? to the rand paul reelect? because they say, well, that's kentucky, let's republican state. >> lead nor places like kentucky tar deterrent. does the type of place to give rice donald trump. i don't join in this campaign, when i'm fighting for now, is not just about being his artful politician, but it's about him. so what i posted the democracy. it's to try to make sure that everyone can fight for life. but i'm asking for is to look again. look at the infrastructure and the work that we're building. the movement that we're building. taking a page and not taking our own chapter. if we make a vision and inspire people to believe, things will be different. if we believe people, and quit playing political games, we can build a coalition and build our future. we're gonna blot rand paul, and i'm asking about to join me. >> i should note that the current governor beshear, his second order. he's on the first democratic governor in the hundred years. it's kentucky policy name based or issue based? >> it's a shoe based. if you look at the map, a lot of them who voted for donald, trump also voted for donald bernie sanders. >> giles booker, good luck, thank you very much. author from the head to the hall are, and that is a nice read up. all in starts now. all in starts now. tonight on all in. >> tension is too high, but countries do crazy. i do not want to look back and think we call something or we missed something and someone got hurt. >> you recordings of republican leadership after the insurrection worry their own members were going to get people hurt. >> it's potentially illegal, what he's doing. >> well, he's putting people in jeopardy. >> tonight, the explosive new tapes, and how mccarthy went from fearing this edition caucus, defending liz cheney out of power, i'm trying to kill the january six investigation. and, more

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Fan Boy , Mypillow Loan , Mike Lindell , Herschel Walker , Sick , Arizonans , Orange Buffoon , Behavior , Ex Wife , Order , Outburst , Abc News , Eric Greatens , Aered Poof Time In Georgia , Brains , Guns , Hoe , Cause , Charming , Allegations , Accusations , Scandals , Black , Air Dresser , Missouri , 2018 , Proinsurrectionist , Josh Hawley , Fredo Corleone , Didn T Stop , Gun Range , Done Jr , Rand Paul , Slate , Kentucky , Liberals , Conspiracy Theorist , Ain T Pudding , Heaping Spoonful , Bananas , S Bananas , Break , Synthesizer Collection , Perfect Developer Isn T Easy , Cup , Prague , Talent , Workforce , Project Manager , On Upwork Com , Developer , Upwork Com Tech , Whomever , Lepsi , Dad , Windshield , Car , Trust Safelite , Pop Rock Music Tech , He Wouldn T , Anywhere , Safelite , Daughter , Smash , Pull Over , Crack , Safety System , Features , Singers , Stay Safe With Safelite , Automatic Emergency Braking , Safelite Repair , Seal , Invasion , Food Particles , Seals , Hold 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