Transcripts For MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Reports 20240708 : com

Transcripts For MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Reports 20240708

the u.s. embassy will reopen in the next few weeks in the capital, a major show of confidence. after a meeting in kyiv, the secretaries announced more weapons and training to help ukraine win the fight. >> we don't know how the rest of this war will unfold but we do know that a sovereign, independent ukraine will be around a lot longer than vladimir putin's on the scene. much of the work we're doing is enabling them to strengthen their hand both on the battlefield but also eventually at a negotiation if there is one. >> we want to see russia weakened to the degree that it can't do the kinds of things that it has done in invading ukraine. so it has already lost a lot of military capability and a lot of its troops, quite frankly. >> as they cross ukraine by rail, russian troops continue their assault on towns through the eastern donetsk and regions. and president biden is congratulating france's president emanuel macron, a key ally on beating back a stiff challenge from far right candidate marine le pen a putin supporter. >> i feel good about the french election, number one. number two, i tried to talk to him last night. we spoke to staff but he was having a good time. i'm going to be talking to him today. >> nbc's matt bradley is in ukraine. there's a lot of updates in the last 24 hours, the secret trip. what's the impact of the secretaries visit with the zelenskyy administration and with their feeling they can actually fight during this critical period and not just push the russians back, but actually win? >> reporter: all of these meetings, all of these visits by foreign heads of state or heads of government, like we saw boris johnson recently walking the streets of kyiv with president zelenskyy, they're all incredibly important, very symbolic. they come at just the right time for the relationship between ukraine and the united states, because remember it was only just over this weekend that we just started to hear president zelenskyy sort of changing his tune when it comes to the reception that he's been getting from the international community. of course, you know president zelenskyy has been appealing to anyone who will listen for weapons, for political cover, for more support in any way possible to help ukraine in its fight against russia. just now we just start tornado hear that president zelenskyy said he's actually satisfied with what the united states has given him. we're starting to see all sorts of countries in the united states and europe increasing the ferociousness of the weapons. it's a very uncomfortable position for a lot of western continues to be in to be giving weapons to a government that is then going to be deploying them against the russian military. that means u.s. weapons are going to be killing russians. it's really close to being in the war itself and it has been a very dicey game diplomatically and it looks as though zelenskyy has finally said he's satisfied with the amount of weaponry he's receiving. just today we just something something like a blitzkrieg all across ukraine, bombings especially targeting railway facilities and tactical targets that could be significant when it comes to arming the ukrainian government or getting weapons from one side of the country to another. that is one of the really big bottlenecks here. it's one thing to offer the weapons. it's another thing to get them to europe. it's another thing to get them to the east of the country and into the hands of ukrainian soldiers who can use them. >> that's exactly what the problem is, matt. the best way to get them there is, of course, by rail. that is also the way the two secretaries traveled. joining us is bill taylor, former u.s. ambassador to ukraine and helene cooper. this is the first time potentially a confirmed ambassador. she was dismissed by pompeo back in 2017. >> you're exactly right. it's been a long time in coming, but it's great news that the president is going to nominate bridget brink, well known diplomat. she's now an ambassador. she knows this job. she knows ukraine having worked on these issues earlier. so she's going to be a great addition to this team. ambassador brink will be there with the full support of the senate and the full support of the president. so this will be a good addition. >> and helene, what about getting these heavier weapons in? as matt bradley was just pointing out, we're getting to the point where zelenskyy is finally getting the kinds of weapons he's going to need for this period of the war. this is tank warfare. >> hi, andrea. >> sorry. go ahead. >> i think ambassador taylor is absolutely right. this is going to be heavy warfare, a different kind of warfare in the east compared to what we saw as russia stumbled around the rest of the country with their long convoy stalled near kyiv, not getting through as their troops were going in much more urban combat areas. the donbas region is going to be much flatter. everybody keeps comparing it to kansas. you will see a lot of artillery fire and tank warfare. the ukrainians are dug in. this is a war they've been fighting for years. so getting the weaponry into them is important. just as important, though, is what the administration and what the pentagon is saying, which is that the next four weeks, they say, are going to be pivotal towards shaping the eventually outcome of this war. that's why you're seeing so much weaponry coming in at this point in time. it's not that the war will be won or lost in the next four weeks, but the shape of the outcome they expect to see in the next four weeks and that's why you're seeing this rush. >> ambassador, there's a lot of attention being paid to secretary austin's comments about weakening russia's military capabilities to the point where they cannot do this type of invasion again. how are you interpreting that? is that basically saying make it impossible for russia to invade on its own border? >> so, andrea, both the secretary austin's comments and president zelenskyy's comments, that does reflect a shift. it reflects a determination to win, that ukrainians can win this if the supplies, as the secretary said, if the weapons get there, if the ammunition get there is, if the fuel gets there, if the fuel gets to the right places out there in the east right where matt is reporting from, then the ukrainians can win. it won't be quick. it will be a difficult fight. but that kind of shift in tone from president zelenskyy, from secretary austin saying that the damage to the russian military, that's going to be important. the russian military has been beaten up, as you've been describing. they've been beaten up north of kyiv, they've been beaten up even mariupol has been difficult for the russians. the ukrainians have demonstrated that they will fight. they'll fight to the end and they will fight until they win. they need our support. >> all these pictures we're showing, by the way, the traveling press pool, there was a small group of reporters with the secretary of defense and the secretary of state. they were kept in poland on a military base for the whole time. it's a long time because they were hours on the train both to and from kyiv. but all these pictures you're showing are coming from ukraine's government, i should point out, not coming from u.s. reporters. they did do a briefing at 2:00 this morning. that's where we saw that interview when they finally came out and did briefs. one of the things that secretary austin admitted, that it is difficult to track the new u.s. weapons. apparently some of these weapons are getting into russian hands. he said without u.s. forces on the ground, it's up to the ukrainians to make sure to keep some of these advanced weapons out of russian hands. >> that's a good point, andrea. that was an issue in afghanistan. we saw the taliban end up with weapons. it's going to be an issue everywhere that we support a war. that's been the case in ukraine on the other side. the ukrainian military has way more tanks than they started out with. that's because they've been seizing them from the russians. the fact that russia is going to end up getting its hand on a few american howitzers is part of the equation. the trip has been extraordinary. the secrecy that surrounded it. andrea, you and i have traveled together with secretaries of state all over the world. i know exactly where the reporters are waiting in poland at this base that was expected to house refugees. there's cot after cot after cot in this huge amphitheater. that's where the press waited but that's part of the job. this was a pretty extraordinary trip. it was sort of jump started when president zelenskyy announced the trip before a press conference about it before the united states was ready to say these two dignitaries were going over there but it's all said and done and looks like it went off well. >> exactly. he announced it on late saturday afternoon in an underground press conference. it was quite a surprise to the officials who were at that point in the air and on route to a trip that was supposed to be top secret. thanks to both of you. and border wars here at home, republicans trying to seize political advantage as the president meets with immigration advocates. we bring you the latest from there. advocates. we bring you the latest from there. ch my family was really rooted in campbell county. we discovered that our family has been in new mexico for hundreds of years. researching my family has given me a purpose. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for whatchya... line? 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he's really caught. immigration is becoming a big issue for the midterms. >> it's becoming bigger. just to add to what kelly said, i think the secretary of homeland security is on capitol hill for three hearings this week. this is going to come into some really full focus, i think, this week for democrats. my hunch without knowing anything on the inside is that the biden administration has to find a way not to pull this directive back and to somehow delay this even for a few months. as you mentioned, a lot of the democrats that have come out opposed to the lifting of this have said that homeland security is not really to deal with that influx. in fairness to this dhs, this is an issue that has bedevilled the last two presidencies, both trump and obama. my hunch is that the politics of this are going to become pretty overwhelming for the white house. i would not be shocked to see a delay to get something more comprehensive in place. >> he's caught between the hispanic caucus wanting it rift -- lifted and some of the other democrats also wanting it to stay in place. >> there's no doubt. look, this may be emblematic of a larger democratic problem. we're going to spend most of this week in washington democrats fighting democrats, not making a case against republicans that goes to a larger 2020 discussion on who should control congress. again, this is an enormous challenge. it's been that way for a while. in fairness to the biden administration, it's not something that's just popped up recently but it's something they're going to have to deal with in the coming days and make sure they've got a comprehensive solution. if they don't pull this back, they've got to make sure they've got it to handle the influx. we saw record numbers of people arrested at the border, the most in 20 years. this directive, if it gets lifted, the likelihood is you're going to see an even greater number in the coming months. >> interesting that kevin mccarthy is going to the border today. it could certainly be a distraction from a few other problems he's been facing the last few days. thank you very much. friend or foe as donald trump backs his candidates for the midterms, former vice president mike pence making his own endorsements. when it comes to pain medicine, less is more. aleve gives long-lasting freedom from pain, with fewer pills than tylenol. instead of taking pills every 4-6 hours, aleve works up to 12-hours so you can focus on what matters. aleve. less pills. more relief hi, i'm debra. i'm from colorado. so you can focus on what matters. i've been married to my high school sweetheart for 35 years. i'm a mother of four-- always busy. i was starting to feel a little foggy. just didn't feel like things were as sharp as i knew they once were. i heard about prevagen and then i started taking it about two years now. started noticing things a little sharper, a little clearer. i feel like it's kept me on my game. i'm able to remember things. i'd say give it a try. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. doesn't your family deserve the best? eggland's best eggs. classic, cage free, and organic. more delicious, farm-fresh taste. plus, superior nutrition. because the way we care is anything but ordinary. ♪♪ former president donald trump and his vice president mike pence going their separate ways on the campaign trail this weekend. pence making his third trip to iowa since the election and trump in ohio endorsing his former critic jd vance to succeed rob portman in the senate at a raucous rally. vaughn hillyard was in ohio saturday and garrett haake as well. at that rally jd vance and what you're seeing with mike pence, there is such a divide here. they certainly both seem to be looking more towards 2024 than 2022. >> and they're doing it in very, very different ways here. we were tagging along with the former president in ohio, but we sent a camera to follow mike pence across iowa. what you have is donald trump putting himself in the heart of these contentious primaries. essentially he's out of the white house. he's out of the day to day news cycle. this is his way to stay politically relevant, by endorsing people like dr. oz and jd vance. at the same time he's making himself vulnerable if these candidates lose. on the other hand, you have mike pence, who is doing what we at one time considered to be traditional campaign stops, like driving across the state of iowa and then going to a county dinner in ames. he joked that he moved next to a pond and next to a cornfield. obviously quite a different post presidency location to go compared to mar-a-lago. i want to let you hear from some of the folks here at trump's rally in ohio, because i think it speaks to the bastian of support he still retains. >> he's the best. he's the boss. it's donald trump all the way. we need him to make america great again. we need him. >> he's got us. we're here for him. we support him. >> what about pence? >> no! >> this is his seventh major rally already this year and we're still talking about several thousand folks showing up for these events. >> it's really remarkable. garrett, i want to talk about mark meadows, former white house official has told the house select committee that he was warned that january 6th could turn violent. what else did he say? >> this came out in a filing made by the january 6th committee late last week. in it is actually a lower level white house official who testified to the committee that she knew meadows had been warned by a secret service official on the 5th that january 6th could turn violent. this lower level official says she's not sure whether meadows followed up on that warning. this is all part of the select committee filing focused on meadows, still trying to get him to come testify. the thousands of text messages and other documents meadows provided to the committee in that brief window of time when he was cooperating have been so useful to the committee. they show so much communication that led up to january 6th. the committee wants more and they continue to make their case that the various claims of privilege made by meadows don't hold water. this is even after they tried to hold him in contempt of congress. it's clear that meadows is still a missing piece for this committee as they approach the end of their interview process and get ready for the next stage of their investigation. >> and that he is not going to cooperate for sure. vaughn, let's talk about kevin mccarthy at the border today with this big event with house republicans on immigration. what about the tapes? how did the donald trump supporters at that rally react to kevin mccarthy? >> we could not find a single individual to say they had trust in kevin mccarthy. there is a sense of disloyalty from what they heard in those tapes with kevin mccarthy. it's similar to what they heard about jd vance because of the past statements about trump. take a listen. >> it was very shocking to hear that. i don't like that at all. we need someone that's pro-trump. >> i think it would be good to get some fresh blood in there. i don't know, i don't trust him. >> it speaks to just how potent trump remains in this party. and anybody, even if they're the top house republican who speak out and separate themselves from trump, just the extent to which those individuals are willing to back the former president. >> garrett. >> those two audio clips show exactly the kind of hold trump has over other elected leaders in this party. trump hasn't really created his own stars within the party but he's shown a really good ability to be able to destroy them, whether it's jeff flake or bob corker or in this case the power that he holds over kevin mccarthy his desire to be speaker. he can make his supporters turn against someone. as much of an ability to create new stars, but his ability to crush people hangs over the head of every elected republican. >> that's clearly going to continue to be the issue as vaughn is out there following trump. garrett, thanks so much. and shelter from the storm amid the political battle on the southern board. the biden administration is opening a new pathway for ukrainians to come to the u.s. o. you see, son, with a little elbow grease, you can do just about anything. thanks, dad. that's right, robert. and it's never too early to learn you could save with america's number one motorcycle insurer. that's right, jamie. but it's not just about savings. it's about the friends we make along the way. you said it, flo. and don't forget to floss before you brush. your gums will thank you. -that's right, dr. gary. -jamie? 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>> there's still a lot of details we're awaiting answers on. the website was supposed to launch today. we think it will launch by the end of the day. there were a lot of people expecting answers at midnight. but essentially this will allow americans to sponsor ukrainians to come to the united states. those could be people with family ties or a nonprofit or a religious organization, anyone who could show they can fiscally sponsor the ukrainians. a lot of these families are multinational. over the weekend i had a chance to interiew svetlana rogers. >> the husband is a citizen of georgia but she's ukrainian and the child is ukrainian. another rule or something can just stop us from being reunited as a family. >> so you see a lot of these families, it's very common in that area you could have a russian married to a ukrainian. in this case it's a georgian married to a ukrainian. he had residency in ukraine. will that count? a lot of people want answers. until this website is up and running, they don't know yet. they're worried this won't be fast enough to bring their loved ones here. >> there was no time limit. it was not this year or next year. given what's been happening with people at the southern border, which you know better than anyone, people just waiting on the mexico side. >> of course. you asked the secretary of state yourself and he couldn't give a commitment of over what time period they want to bring in those 100,000 refugees. a lot of people i've talked to said it's like hunger games for the visas here. we do know as of today that route through the southern border is going to be a lot harder for ukrainians. they're no longer going to get humanitarian parole that way. instead, they're going to be directed through this website portal. hopefully it's up and running without so many unanswered questions very soon. a major hollywood filmmaker traveled along ukraine's front lines to capture stories from the war zone. doug, great to see you. tell me first what inspired you to go to ukraine. >> as a film director, i get all sorts of invites. that just happened here. somebody said, do you want to go to ukraine? and i thought, yeah, i do. wasn't any more thought out than that. >> what was the impression of how this country is struggling against a russian invasion? >> i saw this story you just ran on the people sponsoring ukrainians coming in. the thing is, like, i really liked everybody i met there. they showed such spirit and senses of humor. i mean, they're in a bomb shelter with some soldiers. i mean, i think that's what putin didn't anticipate when he went into ukraine, is how much these people believe in their democracy and are willing to die for it. i found that so moving. i was invited to go to the front lines and i do make action movies, much to my family's horror i said, yeah, i want to embed with soldiers and go to the front line. i came back from ukraine having fallen in love with the people themselves, not the fight, but just the small things, the fact that all over ukraine in every neighborhood people painted over the street signs that pointed which way to kyiv so the russians wouldn't be able to find kyiv. it worked. so this is like the ultimate underdog against the ultimate villain. i just fell in love with everybody i met there. i just started filming them and doing profiles. i'm going to be partnering with vanity fair to put out profiles of the ukrainians i met and then i left my camera equipment behind. so the ukrainian filmmakers i'm teamed up with are going to continue to film and put a human face on what's happening there. it's so relatable. if you imagine the russians coming into this country and these people are putting up one hell of a fight. >> are you planning a documentary as well? >> no. i'm interested in what i can do right now to move the needle. we're going to put out short form profiles. there's a musician who's now joined the terrestrial defense forces. he's listening to his music and driving me around. i'm going to put a human face on it right now. a lot of the people that i filmed, if the world doesn't step up and provide a little bit more help, they're not going to necessarily survive the war to tell their stories afterwards. >> tell me about the grandmother that you met with molotov cocktails. >> i traveled to th front lines. on the way back one of the military intelligence soldiers announced we were making a stop at his mother-in-law's house. even with war raging, this woman provided tea and some food for me and all the other soldiers. then she started giving me a tour of her house. she's got pigs in the back yard and chickens. she pickles, you know, carrots. she's showing me her garden. then she goes into her shed and she's got two cases of molotov cocktails. then we notice in her living room where she sews her own clothing, she's actually got a real hand grenade sitting on the sewing machine because she's sewing pouches to hold hand grenades for soldiers. any door you went through, you found someone with that kind of spirit. >> so incredible to find that kind of reaction from the people. thank you so much. >> i'm going to do a profile of her and each little episode. these are the people. when you talk about the war in ukraine, these are the people whose country is being invaded. >> come back when you're ready with your profiles. we'd love to play some of them and talk again. thank you. >> thank you. and a decisive win for emanuel macron in france. what does that solid support for his far right rival, more than 40%, mean for the future of france? 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>> no. she's not going away. i think it is important just to pause for a moment and recognize that the french republic r a mome that the french republic but i think it is important to pause for a moment and recognize the fact that the french republic did come together and reelect president macron with a 17-point margin and said clearly it's not prepared to lurch over to the anti-immigrant, far right or putin stympathize r. that said shs the far right got upward of 13 million votes and that reflected a lot of feelings among french people in the working class that they have been forgotten and macron has been a president for the rich. he will have to adjust his policies accordingly >> does it mean that he may face an assembly that's going to oppose him, that the june elections for parliament problematic for him? >> they could be problematic right now he has a big majority in the national assembly that will certain ly not be the same size majority there's an unlikely and remote chance that recould be forced into other french call a cohabitation where he would be obliged to take the prime minister from it a rival maybe the far left but i think he should be able to work with whatever arises in the national but to bring people together in france, it's not going to be easy. it's a fractured country right now. >> and it's such a key part of this what has been a solid nato, european coalition against vladimir putin. with a lot of wavering by the germans. the germans pulling back on a weapons promise to ukraine and not willing to commit to the energy sanctions that were so critical to undermining >> i think there are two big questions coming out of this election. the first is whether or not macron is going to be actually to unify france and create a solution or listen to the concerns of the electorate who did not vote for him or who abstained from this. that's a very big issue to do with the anger that the way the french government is currently run, but the french state is getting bigger and bigger. it's one of the biggest in the world in terms of gdp. it's still not making the voters happy. the second big question is who is going to lead yaurp. because macron is now the strongest european leader in the region. we have had angela merkel depart from the stage. and if there was a time of who is going to lead europe and can youca actually get a really authoritative, creditable europe acting one the geopolitical ste as one, that question is huge now. macron has huge ambition in that direction. he's not ath man short of ambitn at all. but question is can he do that in a way to unify europe. 23 he does, what does that mean about where europe is going?wh and he's young. he's still, i believe, only 44. >> that's correct. and not short of ambition. never been short of that. and he's particularly ambitious about making a europe that has what he calls strategic autonomy that develops its own military and that becomes a europe power. now he's trying to fast forward europe towards something like that, but there's resistance. countries like poland are very attached to the united states as a european power. and other countries are skpt call of macron's determination. if he's learned one thing, and he said the second term would be quite different, it's that he may have to listen a little better and go a little slower, put the pieces together so that he can move forward. rather than announcing what is aboutno to do. and assuming that everyone will follow. >> and europe, in many ways, that's true both inside france and across the whole region. the way i read the results, it's like a light on dash board. it's not a red light. but it's not a green light given how many peopleot voted for, treatmentist parties, which is alarming. so we have a light on the dash board. and the question of whether he can listen to inside france, but across the region is crucial. there are two big issues weighing on lead erz minds. firstly k they keep their coalition together in the fight against russia following the invasion of ukraine. that's a huge question. they have done so far, but it could get harder over time, particularly as energy costs keep riing. the second question, and no one wants to acknowledge that in public, but if there is a risk that he returns as president in the next election, how will europe respond. the level of frus in the future leadership of america has been bolstered by the misturn. that's not going to stand place in the return grows stronger. that's another factor driving macron as he seeks to try to create this geopolitical footprint of europe in the future. >> indeed. the american elections coming up have a lot to do with that as well. it's great to see you both. thank you so much. thatu does it for this edition. mtp daily is after this brief message. mtp daily is after this brief message. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ we believe there's an innovator in all of us. ♪ ♪ that's why we build technology that makes it possible for every business... and 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Transcripts For MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Reports 20240708 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Reports 20240708

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the u.s. embassy will reopen in the next few weeks in the capital, a major show of confidence. after a meeting in kyiv, the secretaries announced more weapons and training to help ukraine win the fight. >> we don't know how the rest of this war will unfold but we do know that a sovereign, independent ukraine will be around a lot longer than vladimir putin's on the scene. much of the work we're doing is enabling them to strengthen their hand both on the battlefield but also eventually at a negotiation if there is one. >> we want to see russia weakened to the degree that it can't do the kinds of things that it has done in invading ukraine. so it has already lost a lot of military capability and a lot of its troops, quite frankly. >> as they cross ukraine by rail, russian troops continue their assault on towns through the eastern donetsk and regions. and president biden is congratulating france's president emanuel macron, a key ally on beating back a stiff challenge from far right candidate marine le pen a putin supporter. >> i feel good about the french election, number one. number two, i tried to talk to him last night. we spoke to staff but he was having a good time. i'm going to be talking to him today. >> nbc's matt bradley is in ukraine. there's a lot of updates in the last 24 hours, the secret trip. what's the impact of the secretaries visit with the zelenskyy administration and with their feeling they can actually fight during this critical period and not just push the russians back, but actually win? >> reporter: all of these meetings, all of these visits by foreign heads of state or heads of government, like we saw boris johnson recently walking the streets of kyiv with president zelenskyy, they're all incredibly important, very symbolic. they come at just the right time for the relationship between ukraine and the united states, because remember it was only just over this weekend that we just started to hear president zelenskyy sort of changing his tune when it comes to the reception that he's been getting from the international community. of course, you know president zelenskyy has been appealing to anyone who will listen for weapons, for political cover, for more support in any way possible to help ukraine in its fight against russia. just now we just start tornado hear that president zelenskyy said he's actually satisfied with what the united states has given him. we're starting to see all sorts of countries in the united states and europe increasing the ferociousness of the weapons. it's a very uncomfortable position for a lot of western continues to be in to be giving weapons to a government that is then going to be deploying them against the russian military. that means u.s. weapons are going to be killing russians. it's really close to being in the war itself and it has been a very dicey game diplomatically and it looks as though zelenskyy has finally said he's satisfied with the amount of weaponry he's receiving. just today we just something something like a blitzkrieg all across ukraine, bombings especially targeting railway facilities and tactical targets that could be significant when it comes to arming the ukrainian government or getting weapons from one side of the country to another. that is one of the really big bottlenecks here. it's one thing to offer the weapons. it's another thing to get them to europe. it's another thing to get them to the east of the country and into the hands of ukrainian soldiers who can use them. >> that's exactly what the problem is, matt. the best way to get them there is, of course, by rail. that is also the way the two secretaries traveled. joining us is bill taylor, former u.s. ambassador to ukraine and helene cooper. this is the first time potentially a confirmed ambassador. she was dismissed by pompeo back in 2017. >> you're exactly right. it's been a long time in coming, but it's great news that the president is going to nominate bridget brink, well known diplomat. she's now an ambassador. she knows this job. she knows ukraine having worked on these issues earlier. so she's going to be a great addition to this team. ambassador brink will be there with the full support of the senate and the full support of the president. so this will be a good addition. >> and helene, what about getting these heavier weapons in? as matt bradley was just pointing out, we're getting to the point where zelenskyy is finally getting the kinds of weapons he's going to need for this period of the war. this is tank warfare. >> hi, andrea. >> sorry. go ahead. >> i think ambassador taylor is absolutely right. this is going to be heavy warfare, a different kind of warfare in the east compared to what we saw as russia stumbled around the rest of the country with their long convoy stalled near kyiv, not getting through as their troops were going in much more urban combat areas. the donbas region is going to be much flatter. everybody keeps comparing it to kansas. you will see a lot of artillery fire and tank warfare. the ukrainians are dug in. this is a war they've been fighting for years. so getting the weaponry into them is important. just as important, though, is what the administration and what the pentagon is saying, which is that the next four weeks, they say, are going to be pivotal towards shaping the eventually outcome of this war. that's why you're seeing so much weaponry coming in at this point in time. it's not that the war will be won or lost in the next four weeks, but the shape of the outcome they expect to see in the next four weeks and that's why you're seeing this rush. >> ambassador, there's a lot of attention being paid to secretary austin's comments about weakening russia's military capabilities to the point where they cannot do this type of invasion again. how are you interpreting that? is that basically saying make it impossible for russia to invade on its own border? >> so, andrea, both the secretary austin's comments and president zelenskyy's comments, that does reflect a shift. it reflects a determination to win, that ukrainians can win this if the supplies, as the secretary said, if the weapons get there, if the ammunition get there is, if the fuel gets there, if the fuel gets to the right places out there in the east right where matt is reporting from, then the ukrainians can win. it won't be quick. it will be a difficult fight. but that kind of shift in tone from president zelenskyy, from secretary austin saying that the damage to the russian military, that's going to be important. the russian military has been beaten up, as you've been describing. they've been beaten up north of kyiv, they've been beaten up even mariupol has been difficult for the russians. the ukrainians have demonstrated that they will fight. they'll fight to the end and they will fight until they win. they need our support. >> all these pictures we're showing, by the way, the traveling press pool, there was a small group of reporters with the secretary of defense and the secretary of state. they were kept in poland on a military base for the whole time. it's a long time because they were hours on the train both to and from kyiv. but all these pictures you're showing are coming from ukraine's government, i should point out, not coming from u.s. reporters. they did do a briefing at 2:00 this morning. that's where we saw that interview when they finally came out and did briefs. one of the things that secretary austin admitted, that it is difficult to track the new u.s. weapons. apparently some of these weapons are getting into russian hands. he said without u.s. forces on the ground, it's up to the ukrainians to make sure to keep some of these advanced weapons out of russian hands. >> that's a good point, andrea. that was an issue in afghanistan. we saw the taliban end up with weapons. it's going to be an issue everywhere that we support a war. that's been the case in ukraine on the other side. the ukrainian military has way more tanks than they started out with. that's because they've been seizing them from the russians. the fact that russia is going to end up getting its hand on a few american howitzers is part of the equation. the trip has been extraordinary. the secrecy that surrounded it. andrea, you and i have traveled together with secretaries of state all over the world. i know exactly where the reporters are waiting in poland at this base that was expected to house refugees. there's cot after cot after cot in this huge amphitheater. that's where the press waited but that's part of the job. this was a pretty extraordinary trip. it was sort of jump started when president zelenskyy announced the trip before a press conference about it before the united states was ready to say these two dignitaries were going over there but it's all said and done and looks like it went off well. >> exactly. he announced it on late saturday afternoon in an underground press conference. it was quite a surprise to the officials who were at that point in the air and on route to a trip that was supposed to be top secret. thanks to both of you. and border wars here at home, republicans trying to seize political advantage as the president meets with immigration advocates. we bring you the latest from there. advocates. we bring you the latest from there. ch my family was really rooted in campbell county. we discovered that our family has been in new mexico for hundreds of years. researching my family has given me a purpose. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for whatchya... line? 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he's really caught. immigration is becoming a big issue for the midterms. >> it's becoming bigger. just to add to what kelly said, i think the secretary of homeland security is on capitol hill for three hearings this week. this is going to come into some really full focus, i think, this week for democrats. my hunch without knowing anything on the inside is that the biden administration has to find a way not to pull this directive back and to somehow delay this even for a few months. as you mentioned, a lot of the democrats that have come out opposed to the lifting of this have said that homeland security is not really to deal with that influx. in fairness to this dhs, this is an issue that has bedevilled the last two presidencies, both trump and obama. my hunch is that the politics of this are going to become pretty overwhelming for the white house. i would not be shocked to see a delay to get something more comprehensive in place. >> he's caught between the hispanic caucus wanting it rift -- lifted and some of the other democrats also wanting it to stay in place. >> there's no doubt. look, this may be emblematic of a larger democratic problem. we're going to spend most of this week in washington democrats fighting democrats, not making a case against republicans that goes to a larger 2020 discussion on who should control congress. again, this is an enormous challenge. it's been that way for a while. in fairness to the biden administration, it's not something that's just popped up recently but it's something they're going to have to deal with in the coming days and make sure they've got a comprehensive solution. if they don't pull this back, they've got to make sure they've got it to handle the influx. we saw record numbers of people arrested at the border, the most in 20 years. this directive, if it gets lifted, the likelihood is you're going to see an even greater number in the coming months. >> interesting that kevin mccarthy is going to the border today. it could certainly be a distraction from a few other problems he's been facing the last few days. thank you very much. friend or foe as donald trump backs his candidates for the midterms, former vice president mike pence making his own endorsements. when it comes to pain medicine, less is more. aleve gives long-lasting freedom from pain, with fewer pills than tylenol. instead of taking pills every 4-6 hours, aleve works up to 12-hours so you can focus on what matters. aleve. less pills. more relief hi, i'm debra. i'm from colorado. so you can focus on what matters. i've been married to my high school sweetheart for 35 years. i'm a mother of four-- always busy. i was starting to feel a little foggy. just didn't feel like things were as sharp as i knew they once were. i heard about prevagen and then i started taking it about two years now. started noticing things a little sharper, a little clearer. i feel like it's kept me on my game. i'm able to remember things. i'd say give it a try. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. doesn't your family deserve the best? eggland's best eggs. classic, cage free, and organic. more delicious, farm-fresh taste. plus, superior nutrition. because the way we care is anything but ordinary. ♪♪ former president donald trump and his vice president mike pence going their separate ways on the campaign trail this weekend. pence making his third trip to iowa since the election and trump in ohio endorsing his former critic jd vance to succeed rob portman in the senate at a raucous rally. vaughn hillyard was in ohio saturday and garrett haake as well. at that rally jd vance and what you're seeing with mike pence, there is such a divide here. they certainly both seem to be looking more towards 2024 than 2022. >> and they're doing it in very, very different ways here. we were tagging along with the former president in ohio, but we sent a camera to follow mike pence across iowa. what you have is donald trump putting himself in the heart of these contentious primaries. essentially he's out of the white house. he's out of the day to day news cycle. this is his way to stay politically relevant, by endorsing people like dr. oz and jd vance. at the same time he's making himself vulnerable if these candidates lose. on the other hand, you have mike pence, who is doing what we at one time considered to be traditional campaign stops, like driving across the state of iowa and then going to a county dinner in ames. he joked that he moved next to a pond and next to a cornfield. obviously quite a different post presidency location to go compared to mar-a-lago. i want to let you hear from some of the folks here at trump's rally in ohio, because i think it speaks to the bastian of support he still retains. >> he's the best. he's the boss. it's donald trump all the way. we need him to make america great again. we need him. >> he's got us. we're here for him. we support him. >> what about pence? >> no! >> this is his seventh major rally already this year and we're still talking about several thousand folks showing up for these events. >> it's really remarkable. garrett, i want to talk about mark meadows, former white house official has told the house select committee that he was warned that january 6th could turn violent. what else did he say? >> this came out in a filing made by the january 6th committee late last week. in it is actually a lower level white house official who testified to the committee that she knew meadows had been warned by a secret service official on the 5th that january 6th could turn violent. this lower level official says she's not sure whether meadows followed up on that warning. this is all part of the select committee filing focused on meadows, still trying to get him to come testify. the thousands of text messages and other documents meadows provided to the committee in that brief window of time when he was cooperating have been so useful to the committee. they show so much communication that led up to january 6th. the committee wants more and they continue to make their case that the various claims of privilege made by meadows don't hold water. this is even after they tried to hold him in contempt of congress. it's clear that meadows is still a missing piece for this committee as they approach the end of their interview process and get ready for the next stage of their investigation. >> and that he is not going to cooperate for sure. vaughn, let's talk about kevin mccarthy at the border today with this big event with house republicans on immigration. what about the tapes? how did the donald trump supporters at that rally react to kevin mccarthy? >> we could not find a single individual to say they had trust in kevin mccarthy. there is a sense of disloyalty from what they heard in those tapes with kevin mccarthy. it's similar to what they heard about jd vance because of the past statements about trump. take a listen. >> it was very shocking to hear that. i don't like that at all. we need someone that's pro-trump. >> i think it would be good to get some fresh blood in there. i don't know, i don't trust him. >> it speaks to just how potent trump remains in this party. and anybody, even if they're the top house republican who speak out and separate themselves from trump, just the extent to which those individuals are willing to back the former president. >> garrett. >> those two audio clips show exactly the kind of hold trump has over other elected leaders in this party. trump hasn't really created his own stars within the party but he's shown a really good ability to be able to destroy them, whether it's jeff flake or bob corker or in this case the power that he holds over kevin mccarthy his desire to be speaker. he can make his supporters turn against someone. as much of an ability to create new stars, but his ability to crush people hangs over the head of every elected republican. >> that's clearly going to continue to be the issue as vaughn is out there following trump. garrett, thanks so much. and shelter from the storm amid the political battle on the southern board. the biden administration is opening a new pathway for ukrainians to come to the u.s. o. you see, son, with a little elbow grease, you can do just about anything. thanks, dad. that's right, robert. and it's never too early to learn you could save with america's number one motorcycle insurer. that's right, jamie. but it's not just about savings. it's about the friends we make along the way. you said it, flo. and don't forget to floss before you brush. your gums will thank you. -that's right, dr. gary. -jamie? 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>> there's still a lot of details we're awaiting answers on. the website was supposed to launch today. we think it will launch by the end of the day. there were a lot of people expecting answers at midnight. but essentially this will allow americans to sponsor ukrainians to come to the united states. those could be people with family ties or a nonprofit or a religious organization, anyone who could show they can fiscally sponsor the ukrainians. a lot of these families are multinational. over the weekend i had a chance to interiew svetlana rogers. >> the husband is a citizen of georgia but she's ukrainian and the child is ukrainian. another rule or something can just stop us from being reunited as a family. >> so you see a lot of these families, it's very common in that area you could have a russian married to a ukrainian. in this case it's a georgian married to a ukrainian. he had residency in ukraine. will that count? a lot of people want answers. until this website is up and running, they don't know yet. they're worried this won't be fast enough to bring their loved ones here. >> there was no time limit. it was not this year or next year. given what's been happening with people at the southern border, which you know better than anyone, people just waiting on the mexico side. >> of course. you asked the secretary of state yourself and he couldn't give a commitment of over what time period they want to bring in those 100,000 refugees. a lot of people i've talked to said it's like hunger games for the visas here. we do know as of today that route through the southern border is going to be a lot harder for ukrainians. they're no longer going to get humanitarian parole that way. instead, they're going to be directed through this website portal. hopefully it's up and running without so many unanswered questions very soon. a major hollywood filmmaker traveled along ukraine's front lines to capture stories from the war zone. doug, great to see you. tell me first what inspired you to go to ukraine. >> as a film director, i get all sorts of invites. that just happened here. somebody said, do you want to go to ukraine? and i thought, yeah, i do. wasn't any more thought out than that. >> what was the impression of how this country is struggling against a russian invasion? >> i saw this story you just ran on the people sponsoring ukrainians coming in. the thing is, like, i really liked everybody i met there. they showed such spirit and senses of humor. i mean, they're in a bomb shelter with some soldiers. i mean, i think that's what putin didn't anticipate when he went into ukraine, is how much these people believe in their democracy and are willing to die for it. i found that so moving. i was invited to go to the front lines and i do make action movies, much to my family's horror i said, yeah, i want to embed with soldiers and go to the front line. i came back from ukraine having fallen in love with the people themselves, not the fight, but just the small things, the fact that all over ukraine in every neighborhood people painted over the street signs that pointed which way to kyiv so the russians wouldn't be able to find kyiv. it worked. so this is like the ultimate underdog against the ultimate villain. i just fell in love with everybody i met there. i just started filming them and doing profiles. i'm going to be partnering with vanity fair to put out profiles of the ukrainians i met and then i left my camera equipment behind. so the ukrainian filmmakers i'm teamed up with are going to continue to film and put a human face on what's happening there. it's so relatable. if you imagine the russians coming into this country and these people are putting up one hell of a fight. >> are you planning a documentary as well? >> no. i'm interested in what i can do right now to move the needle. we're going to put out short form profiles. there's a musician who's now joined the terrestrial defense forces. he's listening to his music and driving me around. i'm going to put a human face on it right now. a lot of the people that i filmed, if the world doesn't step up and provide a little bit more help, they're not going to necessarily survive the war to tell their stories afterwards. >> tell me about the grandmother that you met with molotov cocktails. >> i traveled to th front lines. on the way back one of the military intelligence soldiers announced we were making a stop at his mother-in-law's house. even with war raging, this woman provided tea and some food for me and all the other soldiers. then she started giving me a tour of her house. she's got pigs in the back yard and chickens. she pickles, you know, carrots. she's showing me her garden. then she goes into her shed and she's got two cases of molotov cocktails. then we notice in her living room where she sews her own clothing, she's actually got a real hand grenade sitting on the sewing machine because she's sewing pouches to hold hand grenades for soldiers. any door you went through, you found someone with that kind of spirit. >> so incredible to find that kind of reaction from the people. thank you so much. >> i'm going to do a profile of her and each little episode. these are the people. when you talk about the war in ukraine, these are the people whose country is being invaded. >> come back when you're ready with your profiles. we'd love to play some of them and talk again. thank you. >> thank you. and a decisive win for emanuel macron in france. what does that solid support for his far right rival, more than 40%, mean for the future of france? 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>> no. she's not going away. i think it is important just to pause for a moment and recognize that the french republic r a mome that the french republic but i think it is important to pause for a moment and recognize the fact that the french republic did come together and reelect president macron with a 17-point margin and said clearly it's not prepared to lurch over to the anti-immigrant, far right or putin stympathize r. that said shs the far right got upward of 13 million votes and that reflected a lot of feelings among french people in the working class that they have been forgotten and macron has been a president for the rich. he will have to adjust his policies accordingly >> does it mean that he may face an assembly that's going to oppose him, that the june elections for parliament problematic for him? >> they could be problematic right now he has a big majority in the national assembly that will certain ly not be the same size majority there's an unlikely and remote chance that recould be forced into other french call a cohabitation where he would be obliged to take the prime minister from it a rival maybe the far left but i think he should be able to work with whatever arises in the national but to bring people together in france, it's not going to be easy. it's a fractured country right now. >> and it's such a key part of this what has been a solid nato, european coalition against vladimir putin. with a lot of wavering by the germans. the germans pulling back on a weapons promise to ukraine and not willing to commit to the energy sanctions that were so critical to undermining >> i think there are two big questions coming out of this election. the first is whether or not macron is going to be actually to unify france and create a solution or listen to the concerns of the electorate who did not vote for him or who abstained from this. that's a very big issue to do with the anger that the way the french government is currently run, but the french state is getting bigger and bigger. it's one of the biggest in the world in terms of gdp. it's still not making the voters happy. the second big question is who is going to lead yaurp. because macron is now the strongest european leader in the region. we have had angela merkel depart from the stage. and if there was a time of who is going to lead europe and can youca actually get a really authoritative, creditable europe acting one the geopolitical ste as one, that question is huge now. macron has huge ambition in that direction. he's not ath man short of ambitn at all. but question is can he do that in a way to unify europe. 23 he does, what does that mean about where europe is going?wh and he's young. he's still, i believe, only 44. >> that's correct. and not short of ambition. never been short of that. and he's particularly ambitious about making a europe that has what he calls strategic autonomy that develops its own military and that becomes a europe power. now he's trying to fast forward europe towards something like that, but there's resistance. countries like poland are very attached to the united states as a european power. and other countries are skpt call of macron's determination. if he's learned one thing, and he said the second term would be quite different, it's that he may have to listen a little better and go a little slower, put the pieces together so that he can move forward. rather than announcing what is aboutno to do. and assuming that everyone will follow. >> and europe, in many ways, that's true both inside france and across the whole region. the way i read the results, it's like a light on dash board. it's not a red light. but it's not a green light given how many peopleot voted for, treatmentist parties, which is alarming. so we have a light on the dash board. and the question of whether he can listen to inside france, but across the region is crucial. there are two big issues weighing on lead erz minds. firstly k they keep their coalition together in the fight against russia following the invasion of ukraine. that's a huge question. they have done so far, but it could get harder over time, particularly as energy costs keep riing. the second question, and no one wants to acknowledge that in public, but if there is a risk that he returns as president in the next election, how will europe respond. the level of frus in the future leadership of america has been bolstered by the misturn. that's not going to stand place in the return grows stronger. that's another factor driving macron as he seeks to try to create this geopolitical footprint of europe in the future. >> indeed. the american elections coming up have a lot to do with that as well. it's great to see you both. thank you so much. thatu does it for this edition. mtp daily is after this brief message. mtp daily is after this brief message. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ we believe there's an innovator in all of us. ♪ ♪ that's why we build technology that makes it possible for every business... and 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president begins a busy week tackling covid funding and the fact of title 42. and trump's election lies take center stage in the first republican debate in georgia's governors race. as the former president rallies supporters in ohio. we have the latest on what it means for republicans and for

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Government , Action , Religion , Wall , Separation Of Church And State , Brick By , Course , Pete , Eastern , 00 , 2 , 11 , Secretary , Secretary Of State , Andrea Mitchell Reports In Washington , Everyone , Defense , First , Andrea Mitchell Reports , President , Trip , Ukraine , U S , Zelenskyy , Officials , Kyiv , Diplomats , Mission , War Zone , Face To , Weapons , Secretaries , War , Fight , Meeting , Rest , Show , Confidence , Capital , Training , Embassy , Hand , Scene , Work , Much , Doing , Battlefield , Sovereign , Vladimir Putin , Handling , Things , Kinds , Russia , Negotiation , Degree , One , Troops , Lot , Regions , Rail , Military Capability , Towns , Assault , Eastern Donetsk , Biden , France , Emanuel Macron , Challenge , Marine Le Pen , Supporter , Ally , Election , Matt Bradley , Him , Number One , Nbc , Two , Administration , Impact , Updates , 24 , Back , Reporter , Visits , Meetings , Feeling , Heads , Heads Of State , Boris Johnson , Streets , Relationship , Anyone , Community , Reception , Tune , Support , Cover , Tornado , Countries , Sorts , Position , Europe , Ferociousness , Western , Military , Something , Weaponry , Bombings , Game , Amount , Blitzkrieg , Country , Thing , Railway Facilities , Side , Another , Targets , Bottlenecks , Way , East , Hands , Soldiers , Problem , Ambassador , Bill Taylor , Helene Cooper , Time , Bridget Brink , News , Coming , Pompeo , 2017 , Issues , Job , Addition , Diplomat , Team , Senate , Brink , Point , Tank Warfare , Hi , Kind , Warfare , Convoy , Region , Urban Combat Areas , Donbas , Everybody , Fighting , Artillery Fire , Dug In , Kansas , Saying , Pentagon , Four , Outcome , Shape , Comments , Secretary Austin , Capabilities , Rush , Attention , Border , Invasion , Type , Win , Determination , Supplies , Shift , Austin , Won T , Fuel , Reporting , Ammunition , Places , It , Russian Military , Damage , Tone , Beaten Up , North , Reporters , Group , The Way , The End , Poland , Train , Military Base , Interview , Briefing , Some , Briefs , Forces , Ground , Issue , Everywhere , Afghanistan , Taliban , Case , Fact , Ukrainian Military , Tanks , Part , Secrecy , Howitzers , Equation , World , Estate , Base , Press , Cot , Amphitheater , House Refugees , Press Conference , Dignitaries , Looks , Route , Surprise , Air , Underground Press Conference , Texas Republicans , Both , Advocates , There , Latest , Thanks , Immigration Advocates , Home , Border Wars , Advantage , Family , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Campbell County , Hundreds , Purpose , New Mexico , Whatchya , Ch , Pay , Line , Need , Liberty Biberty Cut , Innovator , People , Technology , Business , Choices , Person , Table , Psoriatic Arthritis , Plaque Psoriasis , Choice , Otezla , Pill , Psoriasis , Injection , Splash , Cream , Skin , Don T , Pain , Reactions , Prescribing Information , Joint Swelling , Requirement , Tenderness , Routine Lab Monitoring , Risk , Doctor , Feelings , Depression , Weight Loss , Thoughts , Weight , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Nausea , History , Treatment , Plan , Medicines , Headache , Planning , Employees , Lily , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Employee , Lisa , Mover , Rob Portman , Hotspot , Files , Downtown , Price , Xfinity Mobile , Deals , Smart Phone , 5g Network , At T Business , Verizon , 5 , Phone , Groceries , Concert Tickets , Shows , Stuff , Money , Savings , 500 , Kevin Mccarthy , Lawmakers , Republican , House Minority Leader , Title , Immigration Problem , Policy , Opposition , Congressional Hispanic Caucus , 42 , Start , Asylum Seekers , Pandemic , Refugees , Biden Today , Access , Mexican , Concerns , Health Directive , Immigration Space , Argument , Immigration Policy , Conditions , Respect , Mask , Covid Have , Migrants , Concern , Change , Central Americans , Program , Message , Uniting , Ballot , Border Communities , Division , Democratic Party , Rise , Surge , Questions , Migration , Politics , Play , Number , Points , Apprehensions , Question , White House , Restriction , Funding , Services , Congress , Robert , May , Push , Border State Senators , Criticism , Mark Kelly , Midterms , Homeland Security , Hearings , Immigration , Capitol Hill , Three , Anything , Focus , Hunch , Inside , Directive , Have , Lifting , Trump , Influx , Presidencies , Fairness , Dhs , Obama , Place , Caucus , Delay , It Rift , Hispanic , Most , Democratic , No Doubt , Discussion , Democrats Fighting , Who Should Control Congress , Washington , 2020 , Solution , Numbers , Record , We Saw , 20 , Problems , Few , Likelihood , Distraction , Mike Pence , Donald Trump , Candidates , Friend , Endorsements , Foe , Pain Medicine , Aleve , Pills , Relief Hi , Freedom , Up To , 4 , 6 , 12 , Debra , Mother , High School Sweetheart , Foggy , Colorado , 35 , Best , Life , Doesn T , Clearer , Sharper , Try , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Eggs , More Delicious , Superior Nutrition , We Care , Eggland , Classic , Cage Free , Ways , Weekend , Pence , Campaign , Critic , Ohio , Vaughn Hillyard , Iowa , Raucous Rally , Ohio Saturday , Divide , Rally Jd , Garrett Haake , 2024 , Camera , Heart , Primaries , Tagging , 2022 , Jd , Dr , News Cycle , Oz , Campaign Stops , Folks , Presidency , County Dinner , Cornfield , Pond , Location , Ames , Mar A Lago , Donald Trump All The Way , Bastian , Rally , Boss , Mark Meadows , Garrett , Events , Committee , House Select Committee , Level , Filing , January 6th Committee , January 6th , Meadows , Official , Secret Service , Thousands , Text Messages , Documents , Warning , Communication , Window , Led , Meadows Don T Hold Water , Piece , Interview Process , Claims , Contempt Of Congress , Stage , Tapes , Event , Investigation , House Republicans , Sure , Let S Talk , Supporters , Individual , Rally React , Trust , Statements , Sense , Listen , Disloyalty , Someone , Blood , I Don T Trust Him , Party , Extent , Individuals , Anybody , Audio Clips , Ability , Stars , Bob Corker , Hold Trump , Leaders , Trump Hasn T , Jeff Flake , Power , Desire , Speaker , Head , Storm , Shelter , Battle On The Southern Board , Son , Pathway , Motorcycle Insurer , U S O , Elbow Grease , Dad , Thought , Gums , Friends , Jamie , That S Right , Flo , Gary , Capicola , Meat , Meats , Nonna , I Don T Cook , Subway , Refresh Italiano , Wait , Refre , Jay , Colon Cancer , Ellie , Everything , Reasons , Others , Girls , Cologuard , Colon Cancers , Fan , Screening Options , 92 , 45 , Results , Provider , Stages , Reason , Planning Effect , Wealth , Fidelity , Generations , Picture , Reward , Advisor , Balance , Pledge , 100000 , Website , Details , Answers On , Julia Ainsley , Organization , Family Ties , Nonprofit , Chance , Families , Interiew Svetlana Rogers , Citizen , Child , Georgia , Rule , Married , Running , Count , Georgian , Area , Residency , Time Limit , Loved Ones , Mexico Side , Hunger Games , Commitment , Visas , Parole , Website Portal , Lines , Stories , Filmmaker , Major , The War Zone , Hollywood , Film Director , Invites , Doug , Somebody , Wasn T , Impression , Story , In My Life , Spirit , Senses , Bomb Shelter , Humor , Putin Didn T , Democracy , Front Line , Action Movies , Horror , Love , Street , Neighborhood , Wouldn T , Underdog , Villain , Profiles , Filming , Vanity Fair , Camera Equipment , Human Face , Filmmakers , Needle , Documentary , Hell , Musician , Music , Listening , Terrestrial Defense Forces , Help , If The World Doesn T Step Up , Molotov Cocktails , Military Intelligence , Front Lines , Grandmother , Th , Woman , House , Stop , Tea , Food , Tour , Mother In Law , War Raging , Cases , Back Yard , Pigs , Chickens , Carrots , Garden , Living Room , Hand Grenades , Hand Grenade , Sewing Pouches , Clothing , Sewing Machine , Profile , Door , Reaction , Episode , Rival , 40 , Eye Drop , Vuitytm , Vision , Fda , Eye , Reading Glasses , Drop , Eyes , Uh Huh , Prescription Eye Drop , Activities , Caution , Vuity , Yep , Side Effects , Machinery , Vision Loss , Eye Redness , Taste , Eggland S Best , Trelegy , Copd , Driftin , Coughing , Birds Flyin , What S Next , Copd Medicine , High Blood Pressure , Breathing Problems , Inhaler , Rescue Inhaler , Heart Condition , Flare Ups , Lung Function , Chest Pain , Vision Changes , Stand , Breathing , Swelling , Osteoporosis , Thrush , Pneumonia , Problems Urinating , Tongue , Mouth , Trelegy Com , Save , Heart Attack , Heart Isn T , Bayer Aspirin , Aspirin Regimen , Legacy , Gator , Property , Fun , Tradition , Man , We Wouldn T , Farmer , Mother Cows , Decoys , Dogs , Hats , Ranching , Tv , Millions , Land , Deere Com , Leader , Victory , Nato , Result , Roger Cohen , Elections , Electorate , Pen , 28 , Voting , 28 , Lurch , Margin , French Republic Ra Mome , Come Together And Reelect , 17 , Putin , Anti Immigrant , Stympathize R , 13 Million , Macron , Policies , Votes , Working Class , Assembly , Parliament , Majority , Recould , Ly , Size , Cohabitation , French , Prime Minister , Left , Wavering , European Coalition , Germans , Putin Om , Energy Sanctions , Voters , Biggest , Anger , Terms , Gdp , Angela Merkel , Yaurp , Youca , Creditable Europe , Ste , Ambition , Direction , Ambitn , 23 , 44 , Autonomy , Resistance , Fast Forward , Call , Skpt , Little , Term , Pieces , Aboutno , Light , Dash Board , Parties , Red Light , Peopleot , Treatmentist , Erz Minds , Coalition , Wants , Public , Energy Costs , Riing , Leadership , Frus , Misturn , Factor Driving Macron , Return , Footprint , Mtp Daily , Edition , Thatu , Stroke Risk , Stop Taking Eliquis , Bleeding , Warfarin , Afib , Heart Valve Problem , Trail , Stroke , Bruise , Bruising , Artificial Heart Valve , Blood Thinner , Procedures , More , Age , Backpack , Scarf , Marco , Retinol , Powerful , Wrinkle Results , Shipping Manager , Pro Plus , Neutrogena , Find Themself , , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Tech , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Matchieveryone , Theption , Tech Upgrade Program , Wifi , Protection , Threats , Go , Xfi , Internet , Upgrade Today , Connection , Lots , Xfi Complete , 3 , Business Internet , Business Solutions , Fiber Solutions , Businesses , Security , Network , Needs , Largest , Gigs , Speeds , 10 , Deal , Company , Price Guarantee , Voice , 49 99 , 9 99 , Secretaries Of State , Aid , Meet , Call Today , The Hill , Democrat , Objective , Fate , Agenda , Governors , Rallies , Debate , Center Stage , Tackling Covid ,

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