Transcripts For MSNBC American Voices With Alicia Menendez 2

Transcripts For MSNBC American Voices With Alicia Menendez 20240708

lawmakers who joined meadows in plotting to overthrow a fair and free election. mark meadows himself is defying the january 6th subpoena, but trump's son will appear. meanwhile, former president trump trying to down play and distract, as usual. trump telling the "wall street journal" he never admitted responsibility for the capitol attack. despite a tape of minority leader kevin mccarthy claiming otherwise. take a listen. >> let it be clear to all of you, and i've been clear to the president, he bears responsibilities for his words and actions. no ifs, ands, or buts. i asked him personally today does he hold responsibility for what happened? does he feel bad about what happened? he told me he does have some responsibility for what happened. and he'd need to acknowledge that. >> mccarthy has already made amends with trump over the newly released audio. boosting how little he did to hold the former president accountable. >> i've never asked the president to resign. i never thought he should. what i was asked on the phone call about the process, the 25th amendment. it was never the process to ask president trump to resign. >> can't get any richer than that. joining me to discuss is jill widebanks. and congressional reporter for "the guardian." jill, i don't know where to begin. we keep getting tapes. this seems so much to parallel the watergate which you prosecuted. tell me what makes this different. what we're discovering right now about what steam -- seems to be the complicity of the gop in overthrowing -- attempting to overthrow the government. >> there are a lot of similarities, maria theresa. nobody knew they were being taped, and then they came out and lies became apparent. so here you just laid a tape of mccarthy saying i never said he should resign. and i never thought he should resign, but he clearly said that to that people. so the lies become apparent and the real things that they thought about how bad this was and what a threat to democracy, are now apparent to everybody. the big difference is that the burglary was a small thing compared to threatening democracy. yes, they covered it up. yes, they abused their power in office to do that. yes, they did a lot of bad things that committed perjury. they paid hush money, but compared to trying to overturn the will of the people in terms of how they voted, in terms of trying to destroy democracy, it really is small potatoes compared to that. and that's what we're seeing and we saw they saw that's what was happening and then they caved into the power of the president. former president trump. >> and, you know, one of the things that people have gone going back and forth on the committee is whether or not they should have mccarthy testify. take a listen. >> the truth is, is, you know, all the way up until january 13th he was saying the right thing. he was condemning the violence. then something changed. what was it that changed and why did it change that made him start singing a different tune? i'm not going to, you know, share our eternal conversations. we have extended a letter to leader mccarthy back in january saying and spelling out why we understand he has information that is important to the committee's investigation and, you know, now more than ever we would like to hear from him. >> i think the biggest challenge i have listening to all of this is we have tapes, as mentioned, and mccarthy is clearly lying. i have to tell you as a parent trying to tell my kid to be sure they're telling the truth, it makes it difficult when leadership is constantly being caught with their hands in the cookie jar and doing the opposite. so what is the likelihood that mccarthy, one, will testify, and, two, will he face any penalty? >> i think the likelihood that mccarthy testifies of his own volition is next to zero. there's no incentive for him to go to the committee now after he's been exposed as a liar and exposed as knowing things that wasn't public yet. for instance, one thing the committee is interested in is the fact that he told republican leadership, oh, the president has admitted some culpability. that's interesting. because why would the president admit culpability? why did he think he bore some responsibility for the capitol attack? was it because he was, you know, being in contact and he knew that the scheme, the political scheme was unlawful or maybe potentially in contact with conduits to the oath keepers and the proud boys militia groups that stormed the capitol. that's interesting and what the committee has to get to with mccarthy. why did mccarthy think that trump decided that he needed to bear some responsibility for the capitol attack? >> and, jill, that's almost as if you gave me a lamp. that's what i wanted to ask jill now. now it is getting disclosed that the president seemed to have, at some level, recognized that he had something to do with the insurrection at the capitol. does this change the equation? does it open trump up for possible legal issues more than he already has? >> he already had so many that it doesn't take anymore. it does open up mccarthy. it opens up meadows all the texts we've seen from meadows. those are things that the congress should be calling them in for but so should the department of justice. there are crimes here. they need to be investigated. the role of congress is to pass laws that will prevent a recurrence of this kind of episode. to fill the gaps in our existing rules. to maybe change the electoral college act to make suring in like this can happen again. accountability for violations of existing laws is up to the department of justice. so they need to have their own investigation. they have a lot of power in terms of a grand jury, in terms of subpoenas. they don't have to go to themselves to enforce a subpoena whereas congress can't do it without the help of the department of justice which hasn't been forthcoming lately. we need to hear the testimony. i would like to see it, of course, live at a public hearing. during watergate that changed everything. when there was public testimony, people saw the facts and people suddenly went, oh, he said he's not a crook. he is! we see it. so i think it's important to have these public hearings. they're talking about in june. i will be riveted. i can't wait to see those. i think that's where america may get to maybe make an opinion based on facts and on what has happened and that they will make a decision of who can be trusted to run our government. >> i want to extend this. it's not just the members of congress but we're also hearing now allegations that the oath keepers said they were in close contact with certain members. can you speak about your reporting, hugo, on this? >> yeah, absolutely. the january 6th committee is now zeroing in on the oath keepers and the proud boys militia groups that actually formed the capitol along with the rest of the crowd. they're looking at the oath keepers and the proud boys because they have ties to the save america rallies. they think that the two militia groups coordinated an assault in advance of the attack days and weeks before january 6th. they are now trying to work from the bottom up as -- opposed from top down. they want to go from the oath keepers and see where the threat leads them. does it lead back to the white house? this is where is the committee is now. the justice department in their criminal investigation into january 6th. you see these investigations moving towards the same end ultimately. did the trump white house have connections to militia groups that stormed the capitol. it would make all sorts of peoples a conspiracy. >> so many coconspirators. talk about your gang of friends. jill and hugo, thank you so much. my grandmother said you are who your friends are. thank you for joining me this evening. >> thank you. coming up, president zelenskyy said secretary of state anthony blinken and defense secretary lloyd austin will travel to ukraine and russia's ambitions go well beyond his country. the latest from the war in ukraine next. plus, the end of men? really? how tucker carlson's latest, quote, documentary plays on male insecurities in an attempt to slide them toward extremism. and as we learn more about republican-led efforts to overturn the last election, how far is too far. how can we make sure that people are banned from office. first to richard lui. french president extended his lead in the polls over far right candidate who he is facing right now. marie le pen. it shows him 10 percentage points ahead of her. the runoff vote is tomorrow. given the last election, a le penn upset remains a real possibility. strong winds in the southwest are fuelling flames of more than 10 wild fires. including six in new mexico and three in arizona. dozens of homes have been destroyed so far. the fires burning more than 67,000 acres of land so far. and philadelphia dropping its indoor mask mandates just four days after reinstating them. thursday the city's health department voted to repeal it sign citing a drop in covid-19 cases and hospitalizations. more "american voices" after this break. ns moream "erican voices" after this break in this market, you'll find fisher investments is different than other money managers. 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>> reporter: well, i think one of the things he's basing this on is the, quote, phase two plan that the russian ministry of defense put out in the last 24 hours. it calls for a land bridge from the breakaway in mall dough have a to the west of where i am to the mainland russia. so when you look at the map of the region, the plan would indicate they are willing to reach beyond ukraine's borders. and president zelenskyy has been saying this to nato. you see mall dough have a far west of where odesa is. if it is created, it shows the russians have goals. the ukrainian government has been saying this to nato from the beginning to get them to send more weapons. engage in perhaps a no-fly zone saying you need to fight the russians here in ukraine before you fight them in other european countries. >> thank you so much for your reporting. thank you, please say stay safe. biden's new $800 million military aid package is taylored if are the brutal fight ahead. the u.s. is sending $500 million to the ukrainian government for direct economic assistance. the house is expected to vote on the funding next week. joining me now is retired brigadier general. he wrote the book entitled "swimming the volga." i have some questions for you. thank you so much for joining me. we talked about president zelenskyy announcing the secretary of state and secretary of defense is going to be joining him in kyiv on monday. is he forcing america's hand? >> well, he certainly announced it. i think most would say -- he would have done differently. however the fact is they're going, you know, there's been no official role of the u.s. government. i will say this, president volodymyr zelenskyy is the president of the beleaguered nation that is under truly extension issue threat. meaning will it survive or not. and they're fighting an enemy that is brutal. has stated its objective both in the new regime, and as we heard confirmed, they wanted to confirm the eastern ukraine and also finish in the south. so as a security guy, formerly intelligence guy, maybe it should have been done a different way. and they'll have their discussions about protocol. this is important. when i say about secretary austin and blinken, these are experienced individuals. there -- they have been in combat zones. so eyes wide open. they go. it's real. you know that the ukrainians are going to be in full security mode. both on the ground and also against any potential missile strikes or something like that. don't know what the -- if the russians will try to be a spoiler. but the meeting needs to happen. the weapons surge is critical. again, i go back the ukrainians and zelenskyy is fighting desperately for the survival of his nation from an inplaqueble russian invasion. >> so i wanted to talk about what you know now. based on your experience in russia. are these things that the united states are doing, whether we're talking about providing more weapons to ukraine, more aid, sending senior leadership along with nato and at the same time going after the oligarch, is there anything right now that would change putin's mind? >> that's a really, really good question. i think there's a lot of midnight oil being burned on that very question. certainly a lot has been thrown out. it seems that diplomacy won't work. however the calculus is, you can say putin, in his mind, the regime has to win. and how to define that, first and foremost, for his own people. and so when you think about it in that context, he's had -- they launched an -- an undefendable -- excuse me, an awful offensive that -- nothing that we've seen in europe since 1939. so, yes, he wants to win. he's playing to win. there's going to be very, very little. he's got to eke out a success. you've mentioned may 9th. victory day. that's going to be a big deal. umm, and, umm, i don't think there's anything that's going to -- ah, get him to waiver in the near term. >> that means more war ahead. thank you for spending time with us. >> thank you so much. coming up, in terms of misgivings. as the president's approval numbers struggle. i'll speak with the top democratic strategists up next. later, desantis versus disney. what they said about the state of the party and what democrats could learn come november. what could learn come november. ♪ ♪ dry eye symptoms keep driving you crazy? 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focus on solutions to improve the economy. in an op-ed he argues democrats need to find ways to increase president biden's job approval. joining me now discuss is the ceo and target smart, democratic pollster, and president of lake research partners and a good friend, and democratic strategies. thank you for joining me. tom, i want to start with you. the reason we're having this segment is something you tweeted about. shockingly enough. when you were acknowledging usually during the midterms of a president that the midterms usually that incumbent gets a she lacking. then you pointed something out. you said that normally the opposing party is leading by 6%. you are seeing in the tea leaves the democrats are lagging by a mere 3%. and for those who statisticians and like numbers like i do, that's a margin of error. can you talk about that? >> absolutely. going back 50 years and you look at the incumbent president's midterm performance. every election except the 9/11 election, the president party's has lost. we need to ask the question why are the republicans underperforming at this point. i think congressman in the clip answered the question. >> so let's talking a little bit. you're talking to the voters all the time. you're trying to help forecast where we're going to be. i remember when we had a conversation right after 2020. you said i wasn't surprised at all by what happened in south texas because of what you were seeing. so something that thomas illustrated is how far we seem to be away from what the voters want in november. we know that the approval ratings for the president are low. we also know that he's combatting the highest inflation in almost 41 years. how do you reconcile that for the voters in november? >> well, i think tom and the congressman are exactly right. we need to go on the offense. we need to frame up the choice here. this is a choice. every single republican who goes out there and cuts a ribbon on some bridge, some road, some port opening is hypocrite. because almost all of them voted against that money for infrastructure. every single republican who goes out there and touts how vaccines and health care workers are on the front line is a hypocrite. they voted against that money. every single republican who goes out there and says i want to help small business is a hypocrite because they voted against the rescue money for small businesses. every single republican who wants to go out there and tout how they have been so good on the economy and getting inflation back is a hypocrite because they voted against and won't move forward lowering prescription drug costs. elections are about choices. we need to frame up the choice. >> so let's frame up the choice. i think that the republicans are also telegraphing what kind of government they would install, if they were in power. and i'm going to list the things that are on top of my head. i'm sure you can fill in a few more. it's currently a gop that is okay with attempted insurrection. they believe in banning books. they believe it's okay to go after transkids and their families. they believe in taking away a woman's right to choose. they believe as a democracy should have not equal access to voting regardless of our zip code. they believe it's okay to go after corporate america when they are on the wrong side of an issue. speak to us about what is that die cot me. that asymmetrical conversation where the democrats don't want to talk about that but not talking about the good stuff that linda laid out that the democrats have done. >> i'll be honest, it can be frustrating. the conversation we need to have of touting the achievements that linda rightfully laid out and framing the republican party and everything they're against. democrats are actually for these things. what we've seen in the virginia election, i'm from virginia, the governor's election, running the moderate candidate isn't the winning strategy for us. we actually have to show the democratic base that we don't just come around every four years and proclaim all of these promises and then when push comes to shove, we expect them to show up again in 2022 two years later in a midterm to make sure that we can vote on the agenda. my former boss, senator elizabeth warren had a wonderful op-ed earlier this week that talked about the things that president biden could do that could get that base energized to vote again in 2022 so that we will have a democratic majority. we'll have a democratic majority in order to finish the president's agenda. we need to be touting those achievements. saying what the republicans are against. but, also, doing what we are for and there's a lot of things that can be done for executive action. i think it'll help us in november. >> so let's follow up on executive actions. what do you actually think are possible now on that front? >> i think there's an ability to work with the department of justice to help protect the voting rights. because that's something extremely critical in some of these important states. especially like georgia and florida. it's an issue that president biden has talked about around the soul of our nation. and what is delivered for black voters who have the most to lose in this disenfranchisement. he can do more there. we can have conversations with the department of education to figure out how we're going to perfect what our children are learning in schools. there's so many ways we can have the conversation through the very diverse administration in order to protect the most vulnerable in so many of our states. i think people are looking for the administration to do that and while -- like the administration does, we have to have a better communication strategy to talk about the things that we're doing that will benefit those americans. >> you are in the position of communicating. how -- take a listen now to senator rafale warnock's ads. he's touching on something that other people should take listen to. >> i'm a dad. a senator. a pastor. a magician? i'm not. so in a year in the senate, and i think i can fix washington? of course not. but every day i focussed on what i could do for our state. creating jobs. fixing infrastructure. expanding health care. >> does that ad work? >> i think that athd works wonderfully. it's doing two important things. the first thing it does is give permission. we cannot do just a victory lap here. we have to say to voters it's hard out there. it's tough out there. we're struggling out there. that's something that democrats are having a problem doing. we see that effect when we don't do it. the second thing i would add, we can do a lot of executive orders not just on the social issues. we can do a lot of executive orderers on economic issues. we can go after price gouging. we can unite with the attorneys generals who are doing dramatic actions on price gouging. we can lower insulin prices. we can lower student loan debt. there are a number of economic issues that we can address with the executive orders. and you know what? if it gets thrown out by a right wing judge that donald trump appointed, we'll prove we need to be back in office and don't send these trump republicans back who are undermining what the american public needs at every turn and with every tool at their disposal. i think the warnock ad is fantastic. he is a magician. he's a wonderful communicator. and i think it's a real model for everybody up-and-down the ticket. >> thank you so much for joining me. coming up next, tucker and toxic mask liberty. how to play on men's insecurities and push them toward extremism. and later why it matters in france and what it could mean for the future of european politics and here at home. we'll be right back. european politics and here at home. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪simply irresistible♪ applebee's irresist-a-bowls are back. now starting at $8.99. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. 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(sigh) on tonal. ♪♪ fox news host tucker carlson is concerned what he calls the end of men. the trailer of his latest documentary, take a listen. ♪ ♪ >> you're in hard times. hard times inevitably produce men who are tough. men who are strong enough to survive. then they go on to reestablish order so the cycle begins again. ♪ ♪ for years you've been wanting to know what goes on in tucker's mind. i guess we know and unfortunately i can't unsee that. the video comes off as comical, the subject matter is not. the emphasis gives how to boost testosterone levels in men with a red light therapy applied to the private area. the problem is, it's not a proven method to boost testosterone levels which typically drop as men age. health experts said the claim of red light therapy is misleading and isn't legitimate evidence it works. my next guest said what if he uses his platform supporting health that already exists. with me now is liz blank. msnbc columnist and author of the best selling book "for the love of men." liz, thank you for joining me. i saw that and knew i needed a conversation with you. you're the expert. the first question is what is it about tucker carlson and trump that want to put pseudo science when there are actually issues at stake for people's lives? >> absolutely. such a good question. i think trucker and trump are simple. their accusation is the closest thing we'll get to a confession. when they say progressives don't care about men, what they're saying it's often very much a projection. and i know that because i saw tucker all week talk about the end of men. right. talk about all of the pseudo science you talked about in your intro. but make no mention of the cdc's report showing that the leading cause of death for children and for adolescence is gun violence. 86% of those deaths are young boys. and so what is really putting men and boys at risk are issues like gun violence. when tucker carlson makes no mention of and actually for all of his talk about being manly and masculine and strong, he refuses to stand up to the gun lobby. that would be an actual big show of strength. so if tucker carlson cares about men, i implore him to prove it. show it. cover those stories that really impact men's health. >> liz, thank you so much for taking one for the team and going through all of that information so you can simplify and synthesize it. there's something you write about. it's the connection with looking at being misogynistic, authoritarian, the connection between the two and the place women have in that environment. speak to that and how this documentary basically helps feed into those type of narratives. >> sexism is often talked about in the ways it impacts women and, obviously, there's no shortage of data and evidence of the ways that women are hurt by it. sexism doesn't just distort the way we view women in our definition of women hood. it distorts our view and our definition of manhood. in that way, often, we'll come to a disadvantage to men. with, again, these ideas of reverting back to a masculine order. reverting back to, i mean, we're seeing wrestling and, again, red light therapy and the sort of ridiculous or outlandish solutions to i think a real problem that a lot of men are insecure about the future. a lot of men have issues. and so the solution is not to go back to the poison that got us here in the first place, but to actually reimagine a world in the way we've done it with women. women have community. they have a lot of conversations. i've had them with you about how we can defeat these gender ideals. men have a gender, too. they need to be given the same kind of tools and options to fight those stero types. not go back into an old order that hurt them in the first place. >> what do you think tucker carlson is trying to get at with this -- what he's communicating? >> i think that he's afraid. truly. that's all i see when i see that. that's all i see. i see insecurity, i see fear. we saw it in trump's campaign. we see that with this kind of messaging, it can work. the men who often had the highest levels was insecurity tended to actually go for trump. there's real data that shows that. there's a danger when they are so good at messaging and that progressives are -- don't always have really a good story to sort of counter that messaging with. and so i really think it is important for progressives to think about how they will cater to men. what are the stories they're telling that will resonate with the men and boys. >> i think talking about feminism and alliship, we need to make sure that we women are talking to our cousins, our brothers, our dads, our sons, our nephews. they are part of a solution that you so well explain. thank you, liz, for your conversation tonight. >> thank you so much. coming up next, some ukrainian refugees enter the country through mexico. are they getting special treatment from the biden administration. and how republican leaders swore off donald trump in the wake of january 6th but later changed their tune. we'll dig into new evidence. ange we'll dig into new evincdee. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ we believe there's an innovator in all of us. ♪ ♪ that's why we build technology that makes it possible for every business... and every person... to come to the table and do more incredible things. better hearing leads to a better life. and every person... and that better life... ...starts at miracle-ear. it all begins with the most innovative technology... the new miracle-earmini™. available exclusively at miracle-ear. so small, no one will see it. but you'll notice the difference. and now, miracle-ear is offering a 30-day risk-free trial. you can experience better hearing with no obligation. call 1-800-miracle right now and experience a better life. this is the sound of nature breathing. and this is the sound of better breathing. fasenra is a different kind of asthma medication. it's not a steroid or inhaler. fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. it's one maintenance dose every 8 weeks. it helps prevent asthma attacks, improve breathing, and lower use of oral steroids. nearly 7 out of 10 adults with asthma may have elevated eosinophils. fasenra is designed to target and remove them. fasenra is not a rescue medication or for other eosinophilic conditions. fasenra may cause allergic reactions. get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth, and tongue, or trouble breathing. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. this is the sound of fasenra. ask your doctor about fasenra. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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(brad) baby names! for a boy, brad. for a girl, brad. apartments-dot-com. the place to find a place. >> president biden announcing a streamlined plan to bring ukrainians fleeing putin's war into the u.s.. after promising last month to allow 100,000 ukrainians into the country. the announcement in part would work to stop the ukrainians from seeking asylum illegally to mexico, allowing them instead to apply for humanitarian aid from europe. nbc news correspondent jacob soboroff traveled to mexico to document the journey, some ukrainians are making while shedding light on how their quest for asylum differs from other migrants at the southern border. >> outside a makeshift center in tijuana a didn't take us long to find some of the thousand ukrainians flew here on tourist visas, including a loner, her husband and their two year old daughter. they said they fled the war from kyiv, the day it started. >> so you are in kyiv, and then you went to poland? >> poland, to germany. from germany we went to mexico. >> that's a long trip. >> yeah, long hard trip. >> a trip she told me they hope would and soon on the other side of the border in the u.s.. as they unloaded, we met up with erica, an immigration attorney who has worked at the border for years. >> you've not been to mexico many times, several times, this is the first time i i see a sign welcoming people? >> as you see, it's a very well organized operation. and then, this is about to take people to the border. >> special treatment no other group of migrants gets, she said. inside we run into it alone again. >> when the war started, what did you hear? what did you see? >> early in the morning, i think that around nearly 5:30 am, my sister from odessa called me and said, the war has started. >> you are scared? >> yeah, sure. >> she said outside her window, she saw an apartment building that had been attacked by the russians. and she quickly fled the capital. now, she hopes she's finally done running. not long after, it was her family's turn to leave, and we went with them. >> we're on our way to the border, and if all goes well at the pedestrian crossing, alone and her family might be in the u.s. within hours. you're ready to go? >> we are a little nervous. >> a little nervous? >> yeah, but we hope that everything will be okay. >> we watched as they walked out of mexico. and two hours later, they emerged on the u.s. side, where they were picked up by the same family friends that met them at the tijuana airport. >> welcome to america! >> you guys made it? >> yeah, made it. >> how are you feeling? >> happy! >> you're gonna go to sacramento? >> yes, of course. >> last night, we found them settling into their new, temporary home over 500 miles away. >> i'm back! it's me, again. how are you, guys? >> how does it feel like here? >> it is something different, something new for us. we have so great people here, and it is easier to us because we have our friends. >> that was nbc's jacob soboroff reporting, and i think we have so many questions about the asylum system in the u.s.. coming up at the top of the next hour, republicans who could have prevented the attack on the capitol but didn't. with speaker mccarthy, leader mcconnell and others set in the immediate -- and why they changed their tune? and later, the florida gop completely off the rails, with desantis is busy punishment for democracy, florida and his taxpayers. plus, as press prepares to choose a new leader, what it would mean if a xenophobic nationalist takes the reins in paris? we'll be right back. be right back. ld be the last thing on my mind. hey mom, can i go play video games? sure! ...after homework. thankfully, voya provides comprehensive solutions, and shows me how to get the most out of my workplace benefits. what's the wi-fi password again? here... you... go. cool, thanks. no problem. voya helps me feel like i got it all under control. because i do. oh, she is good. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. 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Update , Wayday , April 27th And 28th , 27 , 28th , April 27th , 28 , Cabinet , Prices , Projects , Upgrades , Stick Tile , Bathtubs , Vanities , Eye Drop , Vuitytm , Wait , First , Fda , Reading Glasses , Focus , Uh Huh , Prescription Eye Drop , Activities , Caution , Vuity , Headache , Machinery , Vision Loss , Life , Eye Redness , Heart , Landmarks , Treasures , Viking , Wi Fi , Cruise Line , Extras , Readers , Excursions , Ship , River , Viking Longships , Cultural Enrichment , CondÉ Nast , Workout , Strength , Fox News , Tonal , Documentary , Trailer , Hard Times , Cycle , Red Light Therapy , Testosterone Levels , Emphasis , Subject Matter , Unsee , Problem , Health Experts , Claim , Method , Evidence , Guest , Blank , Platform , Columnist , Liz , Expert , Best Selling Book , Author , Trucker , Stake , Lives , Care , Progressives Don T , Confession , Accusation , Projection , Cause , Mention , Report Showing , Gun , Adolescence , Science , Intro , Cdc , 86 , Gun Violence , Deaths , Talk , Stories , Show It , Men S Health , Big Show Of Strength , Gun Lobby , Connection , One For The Team , Women , Place , Sexism , Environment , Feed , Narratives , Authoritarian , Data , Definition , Shortage , View , Manhood , Women Hood , Reverting , Ideas , Disadvantage , Wrestling , Solution , Poison , Sort , World , Community , Gender Ideals , Gender , Stero Types , Tools , Options , Messaging , Insecurity , Levels , Fear , Campaign , Progressives , Story , Counter , Alliship , Feminism , Part , Brothers , Cousins , Nephews , Sons , Dads , Refugees , Treatment , Wake , Ange , Evincdee , Miracle Ear , Miracle Earminitm , Sound , Obligation , Trial , 800 , 1 800 Miracle , 30 , Fasenra , Breathing , Nature Breathing , Add On Treatment , Steroid , Asthma Medication , Inhaler , Asthma , Eosinophils , Asthma Attacks , Use , Steroids , Maintenance Dose , 8 , Rescue Medication , Conditions , Reactions , Tongue , Trouble , Face , Mouth , Protein , Sore Throat , Infection , Thirty , 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Drink , Muscle Health , Blood Sugar Levels , Hunger , Support , Tater Totting , Chillin , Bec Ing , Brie Ing , Dillin , Grillin , Spillin , Smokin , Flippin , Dippin , Yolkin , Pair It , Share It , Bread , Spread , Kraft Singles , Pie Ing , Feelin , Mealin , Rewards , Xfinity Rewards , Trips , Epic , Jurassic Park , Xfinity , Theaters , Dominion , Hi , 3 Million , June 10th , Capitol Attack , Revelations , Alicia Menendez , Member , Controversy , Shocking , The Stand , Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene , Price , Breaking News , War Zone , Foot , Don T Say Gay Bill , Responsibility , Voices , Amer ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC American Voices With Alicia Menendez 20240708 :

Transcripts For MSNBC American Voices With Alicia Menendez 20240708

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lawmakers who joined meadows in plotting to overthrow a fair and free election. mark meadows himself is defying the january 6th subpoena, but trump's son will appear. meanwhile, former president trump trying to down play and distract, as usual. trump telling the "wall street journal" he never admitted responsibility for the capitol attack. despite a tape of minority leader kevin mccarthy claiming otherwise. take a listen. >> let it be clear to all of you, and i've been clear to the president, he bears responsibilities for his words and actions. no ifs, ands, or buts. i asked him personally today does he hold responsibility for what happened? does he feel bad about what happened? he told me he does have some responsibility for what happened. and he'd need to acknowledge that. >> mccarthy has already made amends with trump over the newly released audio. boosting how little he did to hold the former president accountable. >> i've never asked the president to resign. i never thought he should. what i was asked on the phone call about the process, the 25th amendment. it was never the process to ask president trump to resign. >> can't get any richer than that. joining me to discuss is jill widebanks. and congressional reporter for "the guardian." jill, i don't know where to begin. we keep getting tapes. this seems so much to parallel the watergate which you prosecuted. tell me what makes this different. what we're discovering right now about what steam -- seems to be the complicity of the gop in overthrowing -- attempting to overthrow the government. >> there are a lot of similarities, maria theresa. nobody knew they were being taped, and then they came out and lies became apparent. so here you just laid a tape of mccarthy saying i never said he should resign. and i never thought he should resign, but he clearly said that to that people. so the lies become apparent and the real things that they thought about how bad this was and what a threat to democracy, are now apparent to everybody. the big difference is that the burglary was a small thing compared to threatening democracy. yes, they covered it up. yes, they abused their power in office to do that. yes, they did a lot of bad things that committed perjury. they paid hush money, but compared to trying to overturn the will of the people in terms of how they voted, in terms of trying to destroy democracy, it really is small potatoes compared to that. and that's what we're seeing and we saw they saw that's what was happening and then they caved into the power of the president. former president trump. >> and, you know, one of the things that people have gone going back and forth on the committee is whether or not they should have mccarthy testify. take a listen. >> the truth is, is, you know, all the way up until january 13th he was saying the right thing. he was condemning the violence. then something changed. what was it that changed and why did it change that made him start singing a different tune? i'm not going to, you know, share our eternal conversations. we have extended a letter to leader mccarthy back in january saying and spelling out why we understand he has information that is important to the committee's investigation and, you know, now more than ever we would like to hear from him. >> i think the biggest challenge i have listening to all of this is we have tapes, as mentioned, and mccarthy is clearly lying. i have to tell you as a parent trying to tell my kid to be sure they're telling the truth, it makes it difficult when leadership is constantly being caught with their hands in the cookie jar and doing the opposite. so what is the likelihood that mccarthy, one, will testify, and, two, will he face any penalty? >> i think the likelihood that mccarthy testifies of his own volition is next to zero. there's no incentive for him to go to the committee now after he's been exposed as a liar and exposed as knowing things that wasn't public yet. for instance, one thing the committee is interested in is the fact that he told republican leadership, oh, the president has admitted some culpability. that's interesting. because why would the president admit culpability? why did he think he bore some responsibility for the capitol attack? was it because he was, you know, being in contact and he knew that the scheme, the political scheme was unlawful or maybe potentially in contact with conduits to the oath keepers and the proud boys militia groups that stormed the capitol. that's interesting and what the committee has to get to with mccarthy. why did mccarthy think that trump decided that he needed to bear some responsibility for the capitol attack? >> and, jill, that's almost as if you gave me a lamp. that's what i wanted to ask jill now. now it is getting disclosed that the president seemed to have, at some level, recognized that he had something to do with the insurrection at the capitol. does this change the equation? does it open trump up for possible legal issues more than he already has? >> he already had so many that it doesn't take anymore. it does open up mccarthy. it opens up meadows all the texts we've seen from meadows. those are things that the congress should be calling them in for but so should the department of justice. there are crimes here. they need to be investigated. the role of congress is to pass laws that will prevent a recurrence of this kind of episode. to fill the gaps in our existing rules. to maybe change the electoral college act to make suring in like this can happen again. accountability for violations of existing laws is up to the department of justice. so they need to have their own investigation. they have a lot of power in terms of a grand jury, in terms of subpoenas. they don't have to go to themselves to enforce a subpoena whereas congress can't do it without the help of the department of justice which hasn't been forthcoming lately. we need to hear the testimony. i would like to see it, of course, live at a public hearing. during watergate that changed everything. when there was public testimony, people saw the facts and people suddenly went, oh, he said he's not a crook. he is! we see it. so i think it's important to have these public hearings. they're talking about in june. i will be riveted. i can't wait to see those. i think that's where america may get to maybe make an opinion based on facts and on what has happened and that they will make a decision of who can be trusted to run our government. >> i want to extend this. it's not just the members of congress but we're also hearing now allegations that the oath keepers said they were in close contact with certain members. can you speak about your reporting, hugo, on this? >> yeah, absolutely. the january 6th committee is now zeroing in on the oath keepers and the proud boys militia groups that actually formed the capitol along with the rest of the crowd. they're looking at the oath keepers and the proud boys because they have ties to the save america rallies. they think that the two militia groups coordinated an assault in advance of the attack days and weeks before january 6th. they are now trying to work from the bottom up as -- opposed from top down. they want to go from the oath keepers and see where the threat leads them. does it lead back to the white house? this is where is the committee is now. the justice department in their criminal investigation into january 6th. you see these investigations moving towards the same end ultimately. did the trump white house have connections to militia groups that stormed the capitol. it would make all sorts of peoples a conspiracy. >> so many coconspirators. talk about your gang of friends. jill and hugo, thank you so much. my grandmother said you are who your friends are. thank you for joining me this evening. >> thank you. coming up, president zelenskyy said secretary of state anthony blinken and defense secretary lloyd austin will travel to ukraine and russia's ambitions go well beyond his country. the latest from the war in ukraine next. plus, the end of men? really? how tucker carlson's latest, quote, documentary plays on male insecurities in an attempt to slide them toward extremism. and as we learn more about republican-led efforts to overturn the last election, how far is too far. how can we make sure that people are banned from office. first to richard lui. french president extended his lead in the polls over far right candidate who he is facing right now. marie le pen. it shows him 10 percentage points ahead of her. the runoff vote is tomorrow. given the last election, a le penn upset remains a real possibility. strong winds in the southwest are fuelling flames of more than 10 wild fires. including six in new mexico and three in arizona. dozens of homes have been destroyed so far. the fires burning more than 67,000 acres of land so far. and philadelphia dropping its indoor mask mandates just four days after reinstating them. thursday the city's health department voted to repeal it sign citing a drop in covid-19 cases and hospitalizations. more "american voices" after this break. ns moream "erican voices" after this break in this market, you'll find fisher investments is different than other money managers. 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ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need? like how i customized this scarf? check out this backpack i made for marco. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ battle of kyiv was a historic victory for ukrainians. it was a victory for freedom. won by the ukrainian people with unprecedented assistance by the united states and our allies and partners. now we have to accelerate that assistance package to prepare ukraine. combined with our recent draw downs, it will ensure a steady flow of weapons and equipment into ukraine over the next few weeks. president zelenskyy is praising the west for finally sending the ukrainians the type of heavy weapons it needs to defeat the russians. volodymyr zelenskyy said, quote, we'll be able to show the occupiers that the day when they leave forced to leave ukraine is approaching. that's in response to president biden's announcement of a new $800 million package of military aid. and just hours ago, zelenskyy announced u.s. secretary of state anthony blinken and lloyd austin will meet with him tomorrow. it comes hours after russia launched new attacks against a steel plant in mariupol where the last are sheltered. russia launched missile strikes in the port city of odesa earlier killing several civilians. the russian military is facing mounting pressure to declare victory by may 9th which is known as victory day in russia. and our msnbc news correspondent joining me now. >> reporter: good to see you. we have an extraordinary press conference tonight from president volodymyr zelenskyy, as you laid out. they're anuancing that visit tomorrow by the secretary of state and secretary of defense. we cannot confirm the visit will happen. for security reasons, the u.s. government won't give it away ahead of time. we'll take the ukrainian president at his word. so much of this was about the weapons that $800 million aid package which will start arriving this weekend. answering our colleague's question about why this is important by saying, look, when the leaders come here, i don't want presence. i want action. i want weapons. that's what the u.s. government has been providing today. in the city of odesa and it seems in keeping with russia's plan to create the land bridge in the south. we saw strikes in odesa. our colleague was able to get to the scene of the apartment and confirm a residential building was hit there, at least eight people killed. another 18 people wounded. and then in mariupol, and we're seeing the video, dramatic video from odesa on the left side of the screen and mariupol we're seeing consistent strikes continuing throughout the day and into the night. there was an attempt to evacuate civilians from that city today. but, according to the deputy mayor in that city, russian forces arrived and announced the area would be shelled, which then, of course, sent civilians fleeing. here in the capital we've heard three air raid sirens. it's officially orthodox easter here. unfortunately the government said they can expect an uptick in air strikes. >> something i want to follow up with is zelenskyy basically telegraphing that the united states and the rest of nato does not get involved in ukraine providing all the resources, that it's not russia's last stop. that putin's intention is start with ukraine and not end there. are there other reports we may be hearing it's the case? >> reporter: well, i think one of the things he's basing this on is the, quote, phase two plan that the russian ministry of defense put out in the last 24 hours. it calls for a land bridge from the breakaway in mall dough have a to the west of where i am to the mainland russia. so when you look at the map of the region, the plan would indicate they are willing to reach beyond ukraine's borders. and president zelenskyy has been saying this to nato. you see mall dough have a far west of where odesa is. if it is created, it shows the russians have goals. the ukrainian government has been saying this to nato from the beginning to get them to send more weapons. engage in perhaps a no-fly zone saying you need to fight the russians here in ukraine before you fight them in other european countries. >> thank you so much for your reporting. thank you, please say stay safe. biden's new $800 million military aid package is taylored if are the brutal fight ahead. the u.s. is sending $500 million to the ukrainian government for direct economic assistance. the house is expected to vote on the funding next week. joining me now is retired brigadier general. he wrote the book entitled "swimming the volga." i have some questions for you. thank you so much for joining me. we talked about president zelenskyy announcing the secretary of state and secretary of defense is going to be joining him in kyiv on monday. is he forcing america's hand? >> well, he certainly announced it. i think most would say -- he would have done differently. however the fact is they're going, you know, there's been no official role of the u.s. government. i will say this, president volodymyr zelenskyy is the president of the beleaguered nation that is under truly extension issue threat. meaning will it survive or not. and they're fighting an enemy that is brutal. has stated its objective both in the new regime, and as we heard confirmed, they wanted to confirm the eastern ukraine and also finish in the south. so as a security guy, formerly intelligence guy, maybe it should have been done a different way. and they'll have their discussions about protocol. this is important. when i say about secretary austin and blinken, these are experienced individuals. there -- they have been in combat zones. so eyes wide open. they go. it's real. you know that the ukrainians are going to be in full security mode. both on the ground and also against any potential missile strikes or something like that. don't know what the -- if the russians will try to be a spoiler. but the meeting needs to happen. the weapons surge is critical. again, i go back the ukrainians and zelenskyy is fighting desperately for the survival of his nation from an inplaqueble russian invasion. >> so i wanted to talk about what you know now. based on your experience in russia. are these things that the united states are doing, whether we're talking about providing more weapons to ukraine, more aid, sending senior leadership along with nato and at the same time going after the oligarch, is there anything right now that would change putin's mind? >> that's a really, really good question. i think there's a lot of midnight oil being burned on that very question. certainly a lot has been thrown out. it seems that diplomacy won't work. however the calculus is, you can say putin, in his mind, the regime has to win. and how to define that, first and foremost, for his own people. and so when you think about it in that context, he's had -- they launched an -- an undefendable -- excuse me, an awful offensive that -- nothing that we've seen in europe since 1939. so, yes, he wants to win. he's playing to win. there's going to be very, very little. he's got to eke out a success. you've mentioned may 9th. victory day. that's going to be a big deal. umm, and, umm, i don't think there's anything that's going to -- ah, get him to waiver in the near term. >> that means more war ahead. thank you for spending time with us. >> thank you so much. coming up, in terms of misgivings. as the president's approval numbers struggle. i'll speak with the top democratic strategists up next. later, desantis versus disney. what they said about the state of the party and what democrats could learn come november. what could learn come november. ♪ ♪ dry eye symptoms keep driving you crazy? 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focus on solutions to improve the economy. in an op-ed he argues democrats need to find ways to increase president biden's job approval. joining me now discuss is the ceo and target smart, democratic pollster, and president of lake research partners and a good friend, and democratic strategies. thank you for joining me. tom, i want to start with you. the reason we're having this segment is something you tweeted about. shockingly enough. when you were acknowledging usually during the midterms of a president that the midterms usually that incumbent gets a she lacking. then you pointed something out. you said that normally the opposing party is leading by 6%. you are seeing in the tea leaves the democrats are lagging by a mere 3%. and for those who statisticians and like numbers like i do, that's a margin of error. can you talk about that? >> absolutely. going back 50 years and you look at the incumbent president's midterm performance. every election except the 9/11 election, the president party's has lost. we need to ask the question why are the republicans underperforming at this point. i think congressman in the clip answered the question. >> so let's talking a little bit. you're talking to the voters all the time. you're trying to help forecast where we're going to be. i remember when we had a conversation right after 2020. you said i wasn't surprised at all by what happened in south texas because of what you were seeing. so something that thomas illustrated is how far we seem to be away from what the voters want in november. we know that the approval ratings for the president are low. we also know that he's combatting the highest inflation in almost 41 years. how do you reconcile that for the voters in november? >> well, i think tom and the congressman are exactly right. we need to go on the offense. we need to frame up the choice here. this is a choice. every single republican who goes out there and cuts a ribbon on some bridge, some road, some port opening is hypocrite. because almost all of them voted against that money for infrastructure. every single republican who goes out there and touts how vaccines and health care workers are on the front line is a hypocrite. they voted against that money. every single republican who goes out there and says i want to help small business is a hypocrite because they voted against the rescue money for small businesses. every single republican who wants to go out there and tout how they have been so good on the economy and getting inflation back is a hypocrite because they voted against and won't move forward lowering prescription drug costs. elections are about choices. we need to frame up the choice. >> so let's frame up the choice. i think that the republicans are also telegraphing what kind of government they would install, if they were in power. and i'm going to list the things that are on top of my head. i'm sure you can fill in a few more. it's currently a gop that is okay with attempted insurrection. they believe in banning books. they believe it's okay to go after transkids and their families. they believe in taking away a woman's right to choose. they believe as a democracy should have not equal access to voting regardless of our zip code. they believe it's okay to go after corporate america when they are on the wrong side of an issue. speak to us about what is that die cot me. that asymmetrical conversation where the democrats don't want to talk about that but not talking about the good stuff that linda laid out that the democrats have done. >> i'll be honest, it can be frustrating. the conversation we need to have of touting the achievements that linda rightfully laid out and framing the republican party and everything they're against. democrats are actually for these things. what we've seen in the virginia election, i'm from virginia, the governor's election, running the moderate candidate isn't the winning strategy for us. we actually have to show the democratic base that we don't just come around every four years and proclaim all of these promises and then when push comes to shove, we expect them to show up again in 2022 two years later in a midterm to make sure that we can vote on the agenda. my former boss, senator elizabeth warren had a wonderful op-ed earlier this week that talked about the things that president biden could do that could get that base energized to vote again in 2022 so that we will have a democratic majority. we'll have a democratic majority in order to finish the president's agenda. we need to be touting those achievements. saying what the republicans are against. but, also, doing what we are for and there's a lot of things that can be done for executive action. i think it'll help us in november. >> so let's follow up on executive actions. what do you actually think are possible now on that front? >> i think there's an ability to work with the department of justice to help protect the voting rights. because that's something extremely critical in some of these important states. especially like georgia and florida. it's an issue that president biden has talked about around the soul of our nation. and what is delivered for black voters who have the most to lose in this disenfranchisement. he can do more there. we can have conversations with the department of education to figure out how we're going to perfect what our children are learning in schools. there's so many ways we can have the conversation through the very diverse administration in order to protect the most vulnerable in so many of our states. i think people are looking for the administration to do that and while -- like the administration does, we have to have a better communication strategy to talk about the things that we're doing that will benefit those americans. >> you are in the position of communicating. how -- take a listen now to senator rafale warnock's ads. he's touching on something that other people should take listen to. >> i'm a dad. a senator. a pastor. a magician? i'm not. so in a year in the senate, and i think i can fix washington? of course not. but every day i focussed on what i could do for our state. creating jobs. fixing infrastructure. expanding health care. >> does that ad work? >> i think that athd works wonderfully. it's doing two important things. the first thing it does is give permission. we cannot do just a victory lap here. we have to say to voters it's hard out there. it's tough out there. we're struggling out there. that's something that democrats are having a problem doing. we see that effect when we don't do it. the second thing i would add, we can do a lot of executive orders not just on the social issues. we can do a lot of executive orderers on economic issues. we can go after price gouging. we can unite with the attorneys generals who are doing dramatic actions on price gouging. we can lower insulin prices. we can lower student loan debt. there are a number of economic issues that we can address with the executive orders. and you know what? if it gets thrown out by a right wing judge that donald trump appointed, we'll prove we need to be back in office and don't send these trump republicans back who are undermining what the american public needs at every turn and with every tool at their disposal. i think the warnock ad is fantastic. he is a magician. he's a wonderful communicator. and i think it's a real model for everybody up-and-down the ticket. >> thank you so much for joining me. coming up next, tucker and toxic mask liberty. how to play on men's insecurities and push them toward extremism. and later why it matters in france and what it could mean for the future of european politics and here at home. we'll be right back. european politics and here at home. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪simply irresistible♪ applebee's irresist-a-bowls are back. now starting at $8.99. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. 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(sigh) on tonal. ♪♪ fox news host tucker carlson is concerned what he calls the end of men. the trailer of his latest documentary, take a listen. ♪ ♪ >> you're in hard times. hard times inevitably produce men who are tough. men who are strong enough to survive. then they go on to reestablish order so the cycle begins again. ♪ ♪ for years you've been wanting to know what goes on in tucker's mind. i guess we know and unfortunately i can't unsee that. the video comes off as comical, the subject matter is not. the emphasis gives how to boost testosterone levels in men with a red light therapy applied to the private area. the problem is, it's not a proven method to boost testosterone levels which typically drop as men age. health experts said the claim of red light therapy is misleading and isn't legitimate evidence it works. my next guest said what if he uses his platform supporting health that already exists. with me now is liz blank. msnbc columnist and author of the best selling book "for the love of men." liz, thank you for joining me. i saw that and knew i needed a conversation with you. you're the expert. the first question is what is it about tucker carlson and trump that want to put pseudo science when there are actually issues at stake for people's lives? >> absolutely. such a good question. i think trucker and trump are simple. their accusation is the closest thing we'll get to a confession. when they say progressives don't care about men, what they're saying it's often very much a projection. and i know that because i saw tucker all week talk about the end of men. right. talk about all of the pseudo science you talked about in your intro. but make no mention of the cdc's report showing that the leading cause of death for children and for adolescence is gun violence. 86% of those deaths are young boys. and so what is really putting men and boys at risk are issues like gun violence. when tucker carlson makes no mention of and actually for all of his talk about being manly and masculine and strong, he refuses to stand up to the gun lobby. that would be an actual big show of strength. so if tucker carlson cares about men, i implore him to prove it. show it. cover those stories that really impact men's health. >> liz, thank you so much for taking one for the team and going through all of that information so you can simplify and synthesize it. there's something you write about. it's the connection with looking at being misogynistic, authoritarian, the connection between the two and the place women have in that environment. speak to that and how this documentary basically helps feed into those type of narratives. >> sexism is often talked about in the ways it impacts women and, obviously, there's no shortage of data and evidence of the ways that women are hurt by it. sexism doesn't just distort the way we view women in our definition of women hood. it distorts our view and our definition of manhood. in that way, often, we'll come to a disadvantage to men. with, again, these ideas of reverting back to a masculine order. reverting back to, i mean, we're seeing wrestling and, again, red light therapy and the sort of ridiculous or outlandish solutions to i think a real problem that a lot of men are insecure about the future. a lot of men have issues. and so the solution is not to go back to the poison that got us here in the first place, but to actually reimagine a world in the way we've done it with women. women have community. they have a lot of conversations. i've had them with you about how we can defeat these gender ideals. men have a gender, too. they need to be given the same kind of tools and options to fight those stero types. not go back into an old order that hurt them in the first place. >> what do you think tucker carlson is trying to get at with this -- what he's communicating? >> i think that he's afraid. truly. that's all i see when i see that. that's all i see. i see insecurity, i see fear. we saw it in trump's campaign. we see that with this kind of messaging, it can work. the men who often had the highest levels was insecurity tended to actually go for trump. there's real data that shows that. there's a danger when they are so good at messaging and that progressives are -- don't always have really a good story to sort of counter that messaging with. and so i really think it is important for progressives to think about how they will cater to men. what are the stories they're telling that will resonate with the men and boys. >> i think talking about feminism and alliship, we need to make sure that we women are talking to our cousins, our brothers, our dads, our sons, our nephews. they are part of a solution that you so well explain. thank you, liz, for your conversation tonight. >> thank you so much. coming up next, some ukrainian refugees enter the country through mexico. are they getting special treatment from the biden administration. and how republican leaders swore off donald trump in the wake of january 6th but later changed their tune. we'll dig into new evidence. ange we'll dig into new evincdee. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ we believe there's an innovator in all of us. ♪ ♪ that's why we build technology that makes it possible for every business... and every person... to come to the table and do more incredible things. better hearing leads to a better life. and every person... and that better life... ...starts at miracle-ear. it all begins with the most innovative technology... the new miracle-earmini™. available exclusively at miracle-ear. so small, no one will see it. but you'll notice the difference. and now, miracle-ear is offering a 30-day risk-free trial. you can experience better hearing with no obligation. call 1-800-miracle right now and experience a better life. this is the sound of nature breathing. and this is the sound of better breathing. fasenra is a different kind of asthma medication. it's not a steroid or inhaler. fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. it's one maintenance dose every 8 weeks. it helps prevent asthma attacks, improve breathing, and lower use of oral steroids. nearly 7 out of 10 adults with asthma may have elevated eosinophils. fasenra is designed to target and remove them. fasenra is not a rescue medication or for other eosinophilic conditions. fasenra may cause allergic reactions. get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth, and tongue, or trouble breathing. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. this is the sound of fasenra. ask your doctor about fasenra. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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(brad) baby names! for a boy, brad. for a girl, brad. apartments-dot-com. the place to find a place. >> president biden announcing a streamlined plan to bring ukrainians fleeing putin's war into the u.s.. after promising last month to allow 100,000 ukrainians into the country. the announcement in part would work to stop the ukrainians from seeking asylum illegally to mexico, allowing them instead to apply for humanitarian aid from europe. nbc news correspondent jacob soboroff traveled to mexico to document the journey, some ukrainians are making while shedding light on how their quest for asylum differs from other migrants at the southern border. >> outside a makeshift center in tijuana a didn't take us long to find some of the thousand ukrainians flew here on tourist visas, including a loner, her husband and their two year old daughter. they said they fled the war from kyiv, the day it started. >> so you are in kyiv, and then you went to poland? >> poland, to germany. from germany we went to mexico. >> that's a long trip. >> yeah, long hard trip. >> a trip she told me they hope would and soon on the other side of the border in the u.s.. as they unloaded, we met up with erica, an immigration attorney who has worked at the border for years. >> you've not been to mexico many times, several times, this is the first time i i see a sign welcoming people? >> as you see, it's a very well organized operation. and then, this is about to take people to the border. >> special treatment no other group of migrants gets, she said. inside we run into it alone again. >> when the war started, what did you hear? what did you see? >> early in the morning, i think that around nearly 5:30 am, my sister from odessa called me and said, the war has started. >> you are scared? >> yeah, sure. >> she said outside her window, she saw an apartment building that had been attacked by the russians. and she quickly fled the capital. now, she hopes she's finally done running. not long after, it was her family's turn to leave, and we went with them. >> we're on our way to the border, and if all goes well at the pedestrian crossing, alone and her family might be in the u.s. within hours. you're ready to go? >> we are a little nervous. >> a little nervous? >> yeah, but we hope that everything will be okay. >> we watched as they walked out of mexico. and two hours later, they emerged on the u.s. side, where they were picked up by the same family friends that met them at the tijuana airport. >> welcome to america! >> you guys made it? >> yeah, made it. >> how are you feeling? >> happy! >> you're gonna go to sacramento? >> yes, of course. >> last night, we found them settling into their new, temporary home over 500 miles away. >> i'm back! it's me, again. how are you, guys? >> how does it feel like here? >> it is something different, something new for us. we have so great people here, and it is easier to us because we have our friends. >> that was nbc's jacob soboroff reporting, and i think we have so many questions about the asylum system in the u.s.. coming up at the top of the next hour, republicans who could have prevented the attack on the capitol but didn't. with speaker mccarthy, leader mcconnell and others set in the immediate -- and why they changed their tune? and later, the florida gop completely off the rails, with desantis is busy punishment for democracy, florida and his taxpayers. plus, as press prepares to choose a new leader, what it would mean if a xenophobic nationalist takes the reins in paris? we'll be right back. be right back. ld be the last thing on my mind. hey mom, can i go play video games? sure! ...after homework. thankfully, voya provides comprehensive solutions, and shows me how to get the most out of my workplace benefits. what's the wi-fi password again? here... you... go. cool, thanks. no problem. voya helps me feel like i got it all under control. because i do. oh, she is good. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. 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