Transcripts For MSNBC The Beat With Ari Melber 20240708 : co

Transcripts For MSNBC The Beat With Ari Melber 20240708

the insurrection. that's when steven miller began one the first confessions of the tactics that would amount to a thwarted coup. when giuliani was giving weird press conferences, the courts cut off avenues of challenge, so at the time it might have sounded like more puffery and rhetoric from this ship of fools that was going down a legal ocean. but in fact i bring it back up tonight because, well, stephen miller is under a lot of pressure tonight. and the fact is he was actually admitting specific tactics then days before january 6th about their plot to overthrow democracy. listen here to the reference to alternative electors. >> we have more than enough time to right the wrong of this fraudulent election result and certify donald trump adds the winner of the election. as we speak today and ultimate slate of electors in the contested states is going to vote and we are going to send the results up to congress. >> as we speak, alternate electors. if you don't watch "fox & friends," you might have missed it. and it didn't happen. it was not that formal submission of a bunch of alternate slates of electors. if there was, we'd remember it. what miller admitted there matters. it shows how far he would go for trump. and it was not until many months later we learned how serious that fraudulent electors plot was. miller is in the news right now because he is testifying to the january 6th committee about all of this. that's another victory for congress. they were able to end i will miller's attempt to defy the committee. but now like so many others he is cooperating. investigators are probing his, quote, efforts to encourage state legislatures to at the outcome of the election, aka steal it, by appointing, quote, alternate slates of electors. now, that's one of the many tactics in this plot that's come to view over time and this matters tonight, this story is now, this investigation is now and these kinds of plots if not addressed and publicized will be potentially used again in the future to steal your vote. but we know more about it thanks to the government investigations as well as investigative journalism. while some of the aides ran from these plots, we have been digging into the scheme how it was going to work to send in the flaj rent electors and who was involved. i asked a top trump aide, boris epstein, about it, the fraudlent electors, and he admitted to it while quick with word choice. >> so funny. not frant lent electors. it's alt lent electors. under the 12th amendment -- >> well, call it what you want, but investigators are probing all of this, they are also looking at how miller actually helped write trump's january 6th rally speech which told people to go down to the capitol to fight like hell. and when you take these leads together a committee member likens to this a mob-style investigation that will head for the people at the top with evidence that may show crimes that have not yet been alleged. you know, america has faced many failures in the trump era. the news is full of them during and after. democracy did hold. trump did not seize the voting machines or the military and for self-preservation he almost always ensured that he would get other people to do the worst things, the most terrible plots, the most dangerous or potentially criminal schemes. you could say many things about him, but whatever it is in his life and business and politics, like other people who have evaded investigators, he knew a thing or two about not acting alone and leaving a lot of evidence pointing to himself. that's why the sloppy coup plans hit roadblocks. when the votes showed trump's loss, mr. trump, the outgoing president, was left impotently begging mike pence or bill barr to help a last-ditch sloppy coup. we know what happened. pence said no. barr said no and left. which is why then trump found himself begging his own aides or former aides who had far less power than those people mentioned to, as we're hearing, find fraudulent electors or run pressure campaigns on members of congress. if there is any doubt, that's why donald trump is still out here re-live his anger and his toxic relationship with mr. barr, casting his opposition to do election fraud at the end which is a low bar for a prosecutor, by the way, just not committing new crimes. trump casting that as barr's fear of some kind of congressional impeachment. >> look, we also had a chance, but bill barr, the attorney general, didn't want to be impeached. had bill barr had the courage to do what he should have done instead of being worried about being impeached, i said, look, get impeached. >> is that what barr was worried about? there is reporting that giuliani and barr were more concerned about criminal liability and jail for trump and his aides than they were worried about congressional impeachment if some of these things went through. fwooul famously telling people around the workouts that one of the final memos that talked about getting the military to seize voting machines would land them all in jail. now the doj that barr once led is grinding forward with prosecution of trump fans and insurrectionists. there is a new conviction today, guilty the verdict for a rioter who had offered that weak defense he was just following donald trump's orders that day. now, that's one of many, many trump fans who stormed the capitol and talked so tough on january 6th. and then found he couldn't hack it when the pressure came. we've seen them turn on each other. some are cooperating. some are blaming donald trump, their leader, for the now convicted crimes that day. and that's one more maga convict learning a lesson a vince staples once shared. everybody tough until they got to go and see the judge. on in news night, let's bring in the justice correspondent for the nation and nyu law employee fesser milissa murray. welcome to you both. professor, your thoughts? >> well, so much to say, ari. not surprised at all to see that that defendant was convicted this morning. there was discussion about whether or not blaming this on donald trump would work. we have seen this kind of plea before. as i said before, there have been those involved in the drug trade and gang violence who said learn lulled in by strong charismatic figures and made to do these things without their own knowledge or own doing and it's been unavail. i think here it was similarly unavailing. whether it means donald trump will face criminal liability in the future for inciting violence is another matter. that's the focus of the january 6th select committee and the fact that stephen miller is testifying and we don't know what the subject of his testimony will be but the fact that he has decided to stop stonewalling and at least provide some testimony to that committee suggests that they are moving closer to that inner circle and that is progress indeed. >> yeah, and stephen miller is in that ironer circle. he is a white house aide and the person i showed who was tilling people, again, admittedly tricky to filling out what fwooul was saying in public that was baseless. he said words that had no correspondence to reality. that was a thing that happened. i remember covering it. and then other aides saying words that did correspond to reality like they were going to try to row crout people to fraudulently say that the millions of votes in their state that went for biden would be nullified and replaced by fraudulent electors. if that's not massive voter fraud, i don't know what is. take a quicklien to stephen miller back in the day. >> tens of millions of ballots fashion wide no signature checks, no citizenship checks, in residency checks, no criminal record checks, not checking if you are alive or dead. are we a third world country? are we a banana republic? what has it come to? u.s. citizens -- >> let me tell you what it's come to. >> false. and i ask you, right to say fal to lie in public, when those lies are put on paper and try to override an election, they become fraud. your reaction and what you think the committee should be doing? >> i'm very happy that trump's right-hand man stephen miller decided to testify. i think that's great. we don't know what he's going to testify to. is it just going to be the public statements where he has already admitted to election fraud? is he going to say more about trump's state of mind during the attacks on the capitol? or is he going to stonewall the committee while appearing forever the subpoena and take the fifth all the time? you have to remember stephen miller started off stonewalling, being unwilling to tell the truth to the committee. now he is going in after some of his friends have popped contempt charges but we don't know that he is going to go in to testify. he could go in to take the fifth, which by the way is what was supposed to happen, right? like that's actually the way the law works, if you don't want to testify, you go in and take the fifth. you don't pretend that subpoenas don't exist. maybe he got a clue and he is going to take the fifth. we don't know how deeply he is cooperating and we might not know for a long time. as usual when i come on the show, ari, my question is, does merrick garland have a television? because maybe if he watched the show he would see these things that these people have been talking about, see these crimes that these people have admitted to and do something about prosecuting for them for those crimes as opposed to letting the january 6th oversight committee do all the work. >> well, let me ask you. you say television. what if he has a streaming platform? >> or wiretap. i would take a wiretap at this point. a fisa court. who knows? there is a possibility that merrick garland is working in secret and is going further. but i want to assign this to bill barr. one of the things we have seen from the lawyers in this trump era whether they are trump toadies like barr and don mcginn and jeff sessions or main -- merely appeasement monkeys like rod rosenstein or bob mueller or merrick garland, we have seen that they have been willing to protect their own selves, right? they are willing to protect their own parts of their store, their own reputation, and they are not willing to go the extra mile to defend america. so barr -- >> well, barr -- >> he didn't want to go to jail. >> exactly, so let me -- >> yeah. >> let me bring in the professor on that. as you say, barr got out of dodge when it was bad for him. everything said after that is spin and pr. but, professor, no pun intended low bar, but clearly there were things that people didn't want to do in that outgoing administration. what does that tell you about how to strength or row enforce these democratic norms and make them barriers, make them ironclad because as we have been exploring, we gather the news. people make up their own minds. we have in gathering the news and trying to treat people fairly, some people are saying outloud this is what we did, we don't expect to get in that much trouble, maybe some procedural wrangling and they are saying, as we covered in many states, let's do more of that next time. professor. >> well, we talked about this endlessly what held things together here were not laws but norms. one the things that the january 6th special committee is supposed to do is figure out what happened so that they can use that information to actually legislate for better guardrails to prevent something like this from happening again. the problem, of course, is that the committee, although it is bipartisan by some slim margin, it doesn't enjoy the support of the entire congress and what will come out of the oversight efforts and what they decide to promulgate is unlikely to be passed. i think we are stonewalled here by our own political polarization. what needs to happen is actually some effort from congress and we are not seeing that right now. elie is right. bill barr went the full measure but stopped short of denouncing of what he saw. he saved his own skin but didn't save all of us. what will prevent something like this from ever happening again? >> elie, we have a minute in this segment. you get the final word. >> yeah, again, there are things that the committee is doing that are good and we shouldn't discount their work. they are trying, i think, their best with their limited authority. the big stick is merrick garland. the big investigative stick is christopher wray at the fbi. until these people get involved, until these people try to hold the trump toadies accountable, we are going to be in this morass. we hope that merrick garland is awake and hooked in and we'll one day see him bring charges, criminal charges against the criminals who tried to steal the election. >> yeah, and i appreciate your vigor and care about that. you know, the way i put it, it's not my job. you joke about whether he has tv. he has tv. he has the internet. he also has the full investigative resources of the fbi and assorted intelligence. indeed, under the memo that his predecessor wrote, bill barr, he has access to international intelligence. so he has all of the info. i am not asking him to do anything. but i can say as a matter of principle, if there is evidence against people that they committed crimes, whether it is difficult to prosecute them because they are powerful or linked to a former president or they are a former president, none of that at a principle level should hold back the justice department from doing its job. that's why this feels big even though some say this is taking so long. this is the big stuff. thank you for kicking us off. >> thanks. >> we have a lot more in the program. out of washington and abroad, a russian warship sinking after an explosion. some saying it's a blow to putin's credibility. live tonight on this program we have a white house official to get into all of it and admitting defeat in a feat that goes back to obama's vision for america. was his long term vision right? it's being cemented in. and an important story, we will stay on these stories of policing, police power and potential discrimination. new video of an officer fatally shooting a black man in michigan. it's complex. it's important. we will bring it all to you coming up. nt we wl ilbring it all to you coming up. time of the year ♪ get fast relief of your worst allergy symptoms, including nasal congestion, with powerful claritin d, so you can breathe better. feel the clarity and make today the most wonderful time of the year. claritin d. ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. 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>> no. >> do you have a driver's license? do you speak english? >> yes. >> can i see your license? >> what do you want? >> the plate doesn't belong on this car. no, no, no. stop. stop. stop. put your hands behind -- stop! 1950. we got one running. stop! >> in the next part of this footage you'll see the individual here, lyoya, who does appear according to the selection that we have to reach or grab for this officer's taser. now, the grand rapids police chief says he believes that the taser was actually fired twice but didn't make contact with either person, with anyone. >> stop! stop resisting! >> let go of the taser! >> the camera footage here from the officer stops midway through struggle. the chief doesn't know if it was intentionally turned off or off or happened accidentally. next video was shot by a bystander as we remember from george floyd and other incidents, sometimes it's the independent citizen videos that put a lot more pressure on these issues. here there is multiple cameras and multiple angles. so you are going to see the same struggle that you just saw through the police camera but from this other angle. after lyoya runs, the struggle ensues. the officers started asking him to stop resisting repeatedly. the officer pins him down and fatally shoots him apparently in the back of the head. as with much of this, the footage is disturbing. >> let go of the taser! >> i ain't burn no taser. i see that. >> let go of the taser! >> there are other matters involving this that are not known yet. the video can be hard to tee cipher and we have seen this before, so we mention it as we piece things together the officer has been played on paid leave. the police chief says they are be forthright and transparent. release of the videos and, thus, more information about what actually happened sparked new protests around grand rapids. more are expected tonight. lyoya's family is holding a press conference. they demand accountability. they can't to see this officer held accountable. i want to get into this difficult case and these stories that matter so much that grind on as i showed in that short whether they have video or not in america. the former nypd decorative mark claxton joins me in 60 seconds. claxton joins me in 60 seconds nicorette knows, quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like: just stop. go for a run. go for 10 runs! run a marathon. instead, start small. with nicorette. which can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette. my auntie called me. she said uncle's had a heart attack. i needed him to be here. your heart isn't just yours. protect it with bayer aspirin. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit we are back with retired nypd decorative and director of the black law enforcement alliance mark claxton. we will show a little bit of this new video of this police encounter that turned deadly. take a look. >> let go of the taser! >> i ain't got no taser. i see that. >> let go of the taser! >> drop the taser! >> mark, how do you assess the way the encounter unfolded, number one, and then the use of deadly force, number two? >> i think it's important to head off the normal pushback we normally get whenever we discuss these types of fatal encounters. this isn't just a bad tactical decision. it's the consequence of senseless misguided current day priorities in policing, which continue to place black and brown people in harm's way. these are totally avoidable, fatal police encounters that give credibility to the calls shifting away from this policing model to more of a public safety model where you prioritize the preservation of life and crime prevention and safety maintenance and promote positive outcomes, education even. but here's the difficult truth. part of the education has to acknowledge, has to force people to be acknowledge that this apprehension and capture compulsion which police have dates back to the origins of policing in this nation where the original forefathers of the profession were deputized as slave catchers. we need to deal with the cull amability before we engage in this ineviable shooting justification debate. >> yeah. continue. go ahead. >> you know, what will happen is because we -- in justification debate, which is tempting and what happens every shooting, we miss some valuable points and information. this is a hamster wheel debate. if we get caught up in it we miss the point. whether the stop was necessary, was it reasonable, was it legally justifiable, was it legally sound? and if we start our point at the point of -- if we start our discussion or debate at the point of the apprehension, then we miss the important part that the police officers' conduct may have played in creating the scenario that ultimately led to a fatal police encounter. too often we ignore the culpability of police officers, the professional police officer who had personal-sized training and education and options to prevent these tragedies from happening. too often we ignore the role that the police officer played initially in creating the circumstances that led to an inevitable fatal police shooting. >> right. and i definitely appreciate that perspective because we have had that discussion and reported on that. that i would call part one. then there is part two. on part one, for viewers broadly, again separate from this individual interaction, this video, you have the fact that police basically kill black people in america at three times the rate of white people. we could put that on the screen. and that sort of tells you what a disparity is counted as. we have the police killing stat i mentioned in the beginning because it shows you at large, killing of people regardless of race, but the use of force continues here so steady. the blue line is tracking all of the other recent years, even at a time where we've heard politicians and others say, gosh, have we overdone it? is there a pull back? there is not a pull back in killing people. that's the blue line that tracks every recent year. number two, it's part of our job, even if it's difficult here, mark, i guess i am asking you though, given the critique stated that a traffic stop about registration doesn't need to be that escalated in the first place. someone to do flee the scene and be allow to flee. the supreme court said you are not allowed to use deadly force if someone is fleeing. how do you view the interaction thereafter the way the force was used? >> totally unavoidable and unnecessary. like i said, we are dealing too often with offenses that are not even crimes. and what it points to is the toxicity of implicit and explicit bias that is baked into the current-day mode of policing, that allows for the same tactics to be used when you are talking about criminal conduct and the apprehension of criminals for non-criminal offenses, incidents that could require some kind of administrative notification. that's what makes these incidents even more tragic because they are absolutely avoidable. we can pretend that these were inevitable. these are avoidable situations. >> avoidable and tragic, but currently legal. do you think that because of the nature of the final interaction and the alleged displacement of the taser this could have been a legal shot? >> i think if you go with dirty hands, you can't clean them up. so i don't believe that if you enter into this interaction improperly without legal justification, without being reasonable, that at the end justifies all the means that you used. i just don't believe that. and i know that to be the case when you're talking about professional policing. the number one priority in professional policing is the preservation of human life. >> yeah. understood. i appreciate it. that's why we come to you on this. it's a brutal fact and i have shared this with viewers before that sometimes it is the information flow that brings certain stories to us. so it's how do you get the videos, was there a sit sfwlep there, sometimes there is, sometimes there isn't. were the other individuals able to take videos? we have seen that whether it's police body cam or other reasons that videos and information comes out. this is a controversial stop. it sounds like you see both nuance to it and a real fundamental opening problem or original sin in how something like this, what would be a routine stop, with no other inciting incident or violence coming from the show called suspect, the stop, the defendant, potential defendant, turns into in deadly encounter. we appreciate your nuance and your perspective, mark. >> thank you, ari. >> thank you, sir. appreciate it. a lot more coming up, including republicans saying we get it, we lost, we cannot be barack obama and obamacare. we'll explain. then this russian credibility problem. putin on some type of defense as a warship sinks. we have another guest from the biden administration -- getting my presidents confused -- coming up live on "the beat." stay with us. e on "the beat." stay with us ♪ ♪ nice suits, you guys blend right in. the world needs you back. i'm retired greg, you know this. people have their money just sitting around doing nothing... that's bad, they shouldn't do that. they're getting crushed by inflation. well, i feel for them. they're taking financial advice from memes. 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"the washington post" reports that their pundits and others on television are calling openly for, quote, concentration camps and liquidation of the entire ukrainian elite. quote, russian soldiers have been destroying books -- to wipe out the country's language and history. now, putin said before the renovation, like it or not, put up with it, my beauty interpreted in russia as a reference to justifying potential rapes of the citizens there. 82% of americans view putin as a war criminal. now, there is the discussion here about what putin is doing and the reported atrocities and president biden has been firm, clear, and very, very strong in condemning what he calls war crimes and genocide by vladimir putin's troops. but then when it comes to execution it gets a lot trickier because the united states, including under the biden administration, has been against joining that court i just mentioned which is the place you try war criminals, international criminal court. indeed, last night on "the beat" the pentagon spokesperson told us that is unchanged. the u.s. military still opposes joining the court. >> i think that i would just speak to the concerns we have had in the past about the court and the possibility of possible prosecutions of american troops in war and iraq and afghanistan and that's a long standing concern of the united states department of defense. >> i'm joined by matt miller, a special advisor to the white house national security council and full disclosure, viewers may recall him as a frequent guest and expert here on msnbc. good to see you again in a different context, sir. >> good to see you, ari. >> i want to start with what you are calling and the administration admiral kirby mentioned, difficult legal issues. but how would you put it here standing in front of the white house? how do you explain or square the president saying putin is a war criminal committing genocide but the biden administration isn't going to join the main court that deals with that? >> well, what i'd say is that we welcome -- we support accountability. we've welcomed the investigation by the international criminal court. we have helped launch investigations from the u.n. human rights council from the osce, the justice department said that they had prosecutors in europe last week meeting with european prosecutors to talk about collecting evidence and gathering it and synthesizing it. we have been cooperating with the war crimes prosecution set up in the ukrainian prosecutor general's office. so we are going to continue to hold conversations with our allies and partners about what the ultimate accountability mechanism will be, but right now we are focused on collecting evidence, previewing it and making sure it can be provided to hold any russians accountable for war crimes. >> understood. i think there is a lot of people who view that as productive. just to be clear and i will move on to other topics, the biden position is help the court, but never join it? >> what we said is we welcome that investigation. we welcome the investigation as we have welcomed the other investigations and we are going to continue to talk with our allies and partners about what the best mechanism is going forward. but i should be very clear that we welcome them collecting evidence. we are out collecting evidence ourselves. we are looking through intelligence information. we stood up a team inside the u.s. government to comb intelligence for evidence of war crimes and of course the justice department has made its prosecutors available. we support accountability and will push to have evidence collected and see the investigations and ultimately if appropriate prosecutions go forward. >> all right. turning to putin's warnings, you are at the national security council. you guys monitor this quite closely. we have putin warning of, quote, nuclear hypersonic deployment of sweden and finland go forward on what they discussed recently, joining nato, finland shares a border with russia. the reference here is there could be no more talk of a, quote, nuclear-free baltic. what is the u.s. response to that language from vladimir putin? >> we have seen vladimir putin and the russian federation make really inappropriate comments throughout this process. they have made comments about nuclear weapons before. we have said we don't think that's an appropriate way to talk about a potential nuclear conflict which in the past russia agreed with us that no one can ever win. so we are going to continue to behave as an appropriate nuclear power should be and at the same time we are going to continue to reinforce our nato allies, make clear that as we support the ukrainians, as we flow defense systems and weapons capabilities into ukraine that we reinforce nato to make clear to president putin that any attack on one nato attack would be an attack on the rest of the nato and we would enforce article 5. >> understood. enforce article 5, the collective defense. matt, i mentioned in the introduction to you the other language we're hearing about the attacks on the ukrainian people, the notion of decimating them. i think everyone understands the history of europe and just how serious that is. especially alongside the atrocities we just mentioned and reported. i just want to put this back up where you have calls for, quote, con sense trags camps, liquidation of the ukrainian elite, russian soldiers destroying books. what can the u.s. do to deal with that and what else can you tell us about these new weapons that the administration with congress is helping send over to ukraine this week? >> well, first of all, let me say as you referenced in the introduction of this segment that the president has opinion very clear about calling these atrocities out for what they had. we had evidence russia about would behave in this manner. we saw evidence they would use killings and other means of suppression to try to put down anyone who really resisted their brutal occupation of the country. we think what we can do now, number one, go through the accountability mechanisms that we talked about just a minute ago. number two, we can't lose sight of the major focus right now, arming the ukrainian military so it can defend its country. so in addition to the weapons that we have already been flowing in, we announced $800 million package yesterday to include artillery systems and 40,000 artillery rounds. it includes unmanned coastal defense vessels. it includes armored personnel carriers and helicopters. we want the ukrainians, ukrainian military to be well armed so they can continue to fight the russian army and to continue to inflict significant defeats on the russian army, not just the sinking of the russian ship that you referenced, but also they won a tremendous victory in kyiv and we want to see them continue to win victories. so we'll continue to arm them and get weapons into their hands. >> matt miller, appreciate you taking time out of your schedule at the white house. we heard you and you have your right to speech and i think some of the protesters exercising their right. we appreciate you staying focused as you hear it in front of the people's white house. good to see you, sir. >> good to see you, ari. we will fit in a break. you have an ally of march madness mitch mcconnell admitting maybe barack obama was right and maybe obamacare is here to stay. that's next. e obamacare is here to stay that's next. it's still the eat fresh refresh, and subway's refreshing their italians. so, we're taking this to italy. refresh. because subway now has italian-style capicola on the new mozza meat and supreme meats. love the smell of italian food. subway keeps refreshing and refres- ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪ life can be a lot to handle. ♪ this magic moment ♪ but heinz knows there's plenty of magic in all that chaos. ♪ so different and so new ♪ ♪ was like any other... ♪ medusa lived with a hideous curse. uhh, i mean the whole turning people to stone thing was a bit of a buzz kill, right? 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[ cheers ] are we actually going? yes!! and once in a lifetime moments. two tickets to nascar! yes! find rewards like these and so many more in the xfinity app. do you remember where you were when president obama first announced that obamacare became law? or when the supreme court upheld it? or any other number of obamacare related developments in our policy, government and politics? because it's been going for a while. that brings us to something new and a little different in the ongoing political saga of obamacare. because a mitch mcconnell ally is folding on the aca and on tape. this was at town hall. an attendee confronting senator grassley, and he essentially backed down about repeal. >> i'm wondering if the republicans -- you and the republicans get back in power, is that again going to come up to be repealed? and if you do, what is the republican plan to provide affordable health care for my children? >> we're not appealing the affordable care act if that's your question. i'm saying we're not going to repeal the affordable care act. >> we won't repeal the law, which is a double negative that amounts to, we will use our power as republicans to support obamacare. again, we've gone through this together if you've been paying attention. that is a change. grassley was long arguing not only was obamacare bad but he lied about some of its ingredients and talked about this kind of subsidy would lead to pulling the plug on grandma. >> there's some fear because the house bill, there's tussling for end of life. and from that standpoint, you have every right to fear. we should not have a government program that determines you're going to pull the plug on grandma. >> no, government certainly shouldn't be doing that, but it's not and it doesn't do it any more under this law. grassley pushed those claims while republicans spent a lot of energy on this. indeed, one count has it at over 70 failed repeal votes. the law does provide health care to millions, over 200,000 people are on some version of obamacare subsidy or support for health care in iowa, which is the state grassley represents. that speaks to something that happens when politics meets facts and policy. it would appear, if you take that woman's question at her word, that she knows people are getting health care through this law in her state and she wants it to stay that way. she basically is trying to encourage grassley to stop playing around with something as serious as health care. and he is not just any random senator. you may recall him in that prime position in the supreme court confirmation hearings, because he's the most senior member of the republican senate judiciary committee. he has power, and he is saying enough. when we come back, stephen miller has wrapped up his testimony. we'll give you the update. testimony. we'll give you the update. and we need more time. so, we want kisqali. women are living longer than ever before with kisqali... ..when taken with an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant in postmenopausal women or in men with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer. kisqali is a pill that's significantly more effective at delaying disease progression versus an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant alone. kisqali can cause lung problems, or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills, or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. avoid grapefruit during treatment. ask your doctor about living longer with kisqali. i'm greg, i'm 68 years old. i do motivational speaking in addition to the substitute teaching. i honestly feel that that's my calling-- to give back to younger people. i think most adults will start realizing that they don't recall things as quickly as they used to or they don't remember things as vividly as they once did. i've been taking prevagen for about three years now. people say to me periodically, "man, you've got a memory like an elephant." it's really, really helped me tremendously. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. mount everest, the tallest mountain on the face of the earth. keep dreaming. 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"the reidout" with joy reid starts now. ♪ ♪ good evening, everyone. we begin "the reidout" tonight with the republican party's outright war on women. ever since the conservative supreme court justices made it extremely clear that not only would they refuse to block extremist laws, but they are on track to fulfilling one of the christian right's most durable goals towards creating an american theocracytheocracy. the reason each of those members of the right wing court was put on that court in the first

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Transcripts For MSNBC The Beat With Ari Melber 20240708 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The Beat With Ari Melber 20240708

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the insurrection. that's when steven miller began one the first confessions of the tactics that would amount to a thwarted coup. when giuliani was giving weird press conferences, the courts cut off avenues of challenge, so at the time it might have sounded like more puffery and rhetoric from this ship of fools that was going down a legal ocean. but in fact i bring it back up tonight because, well, stephen miller is under a lot of pressure tonight. and the fact is he was actually admitting specific tactics then days before january 6th about their plot to overthrow democracy. listen here to the reference to alternative electors. >> we have more than enough time to right the wrong of this fraudulent election result and certify donald trump adds the winner of the election. as we speak today and ultimate slate of electors in the contested states is going to vote and we are going to send the results up to congress. >> as we speak, alternate electors. if you don't watch "fox & friends," you might have missed it. and it didn't happen. it was not that formal submission of a bunch of alternate slates of electors. if there was, we'd remember it. what miller admitted there matters. it shows how far he would go for trump. and it was not until many months later we learned how serious that fraudulent electors plot was. miller is in the news right now because he is testifying to the january 6th committee about all of this. that's another victory for congress. they were able to end i will miller's attempt to defy the committee. but now like so many others he is cooperating. investigators are probing his, quote, efforts to encourage state legislatures to at the outcome of the election, aka steal it, by appointing, quote, alternate slates of electors. now, that's one of the many tactics in this plot that's come to view over time and this matters tonight, this story is now, this investigation is now and these kinds of plots if not addressed and publicized will be potentially used again in the future to steal your vote. but we know more about it thanks to the government investigations as well as investigative journalism. while some of the aides ran from these plots, we have been digging into the scheme how it was going to work to send in the flaj rent electors and who was involved. i asked a top trump aide, boris epstein, about it, the fraudlent electors, and he admitted to it while quick with word choice. >> so funny. not frant lent electors. it's alt lent electors. under the 12th amendment -- >> well, call it what you want, but investigators are probing all of this, they are also looking at how miller actually helped write trump's january 6th rally speech which told people to go down to the capitol to fight like hell. and when you take these leads together a committee member likens to this a mob-style investigation that will head for the people at the top with evidence that may show crimes that have not yet been alleged. you know, america has faced many failures in the trump era. the news is full of them during and after. democracy did hold. trump did not seize the voting machines or the military and for self-preservation he almost always ensured that he would get other people to do the worst things, the most terrible plots, the most dangerous or potentially criminal schemes. you could say many things about him, but whatever it is in his life and business and politics, like other people who have evaded investigators, he knew a thing or two about not acting alone and leaving a lot of evidence pointing to himself. that's why the sloppy coup plans hit roadblocks. when the votes showed trump's loss, mr. trump, the outgoing president, was left impotently begging mike pence or bill barr to help a last-ditch sloppy coup. we know what happened. pence said no. barr said no and left. which is why then trump found himself begging his own aides or former aides who had far less power than those people mentioned to, as we're hearing, find fraudulent electors or run pressure campaigns on members of congress. if there is any doubt, that's why donald trump is still out here re-live his anger and his toxic relationship with mr. barr, casting his opposition to do election fraud at the end which is a low bar for a prosecutor, by the way, just not committing new crimes. trump casting that as barr's fear of some kind of congressional impeachment. >> look, we also had a chance, but bill barr, the attorney general, didn't want to be impeached. had bill barr had the courage to do what he should have done instead of being worried about being impeached, i said, look, get impeached. >> is that what barr was worried about? there is reporting that giuliani and barr were more concerned about criminal liability and jail for trump and his aides than they were worried about congressional impeachment if some of these things went through. fwooul famously telling people around the workouts that one of the final memos that talked about getting the military to seize voting machines would land them all in jail. now the doj that barr once led is grinding forward with prosecution of trump fans and insurrectionists. there is a new conviction today, guilty the verdict for a rioter who had offered that weak defense he was just following donald trump's orders that day. now, that's one of many, many trump fans who stormed the capitol and talked so tough on january 6th. and then found he couldn't hack it when the pressure came. we've seen them turn on each other. some are cooperating. some are blaming donald trump, their leader, for the now convicted crimes that day. and that's one more maga convict learning a lesson a vince staples once shared. everybody tough until they got to go and see the judge. on in news night, let's bring in the justice correspondent for the nation and nyu law employee fesser milissa murray. welcome to you both. professor, your thoughts? >> well, so much to say, ari. not surprised at all to see that that defendant was convicted this morning. there was discussion about whether or not blaming this on donald trump would work. we have seen this kind of plea before. as i said before, there have been those involved in the drug trade and gang violence who said learn lulled in by strong charismatic figures and made to do these things without their own knowledge or own doing and it's been unavail. i think here it was similarly unavailing. whether it means donald trump will face criminal liability in the future for inciting violence is another matter. that's the focus of the january 6th select committee and the fact that stephen miller is testifying and we don't know what the subject of his testimony will be but the fact that he has decided to stop stonewalling and at least provide some testimony to that committee suggests that they are moving closer to that inner circle and that is progress indeed. >> yeah, and stephen miller is in that ironer circle. he is a white house aide and the person i showed who was tilling people, again, admittedly tricky to filling out what fwooul was saying in public that was baseless. he said words that had no correspondence to reality. that was a thing that happened. i remember covering it. and then other aides saying words that did correspond to reality like they were going to try to row crout people to fraudulently say that the millions of votes in their state that went for biden would be nullified and replaced by fraudulent electors. if that's not massive voter fraud, i don't know what is. take a quicklien to stephen miller back in the day. >> tens of millions of ballots fashion wide no signature checks, no citizenship checks, in residency checks, no criminal record checks, not checking if you are alive or dead. are we a third world country? are we a banana republic? what has it come to? u.s. citizens -- >> let me tell you what it's come to. >> false. and i ask you, right to say fal to lie in public, when those lies are put on paper and try to override an election, they become fraud. your reaction and what you think the committee should be doing? >> i'm very happy that trump's right-hand man stephen miller decided to testify. i think that's great. we don't know what he's going to testify to. is it just going to be the public statements where he has already admitted to election fraud? is he going to say more about trump's state of mind during the attacks on the capitol? or is he going to stonewall the committee while appearing forever the subpoena and take the fifth all the time? you have to remember stephen miller started off stonewalling, being unwilling to tell the truth to the committee. now he is going in after some of his friends have popped contempt charges but we don't know that he is going to go in to testify. he could go in to take the fifth, which by the way is what was supposed to happen, right? like that's actually the way the law works, if you don't want to testify, you go in and take the fifth. you don't pretend that subpoenas don't exist. maybe he got a clue and he is going to take the fifth. we don't know how deeply he is cooperating and we might not know for a long time. as usual when i come on the show, ari, my question is, does merrick garland have a television? because maybe if he watched the show he would see these things that these people have been talking about, see these crimes that these people have admitted to and do something about prosecuting for them for those crimes as opposed to letting the january 6th oversight committee do all the work. >> well, let me ask you. you say television. what if he has a streaming platform? >> or wiretap. i would take a wiretap at this point. a fisa court. who knows? there is a possibility that merrick garland is working in secret and is going further. but i want to assign this to bill barr. one of the things we have seen from the lawyers in this trump era whether they are trump toadies like barr and don mcginn and jeff sessions or main -- merely appeasement monkeys like rod rosenstein or bob mueller or merrick garland, we have seen that they have been willing to protect their own selves, right? they are willing to protect their own parts of their store, their own reputation, and they are not willing to go the extra mile to defend america. so barr -- >> well, barr -- >> he didn't want to go to jail. >> exactly, so let me -- >> yeah. >> let me bring in the professor on that. as you say, barr got out of dodge when it was bad for him. everything said after that is spin and pr. but, professor, no pun intended low bar, but clearly there were things that people didn't want to do in that outgoing administration. what does that tell you about how to strength or row enforce these democratic norms and make them barriers, make them ironclad because as we have been exploring, we gather the news. people make up their own minds. we have in gathering the news and trying to treat people fairly, some people are saying outloud this is what we did, we don't expect to get in that much trouble, maybe some procedural wrangling and they are saying, as we covered in many states, let's do more of that next time. professor. >> well, we talked about this endlessly what held things together here were not laws but norms. one the things that the january 6th special committee is supposed to do is figure out what happened so that they can use that information to actually legislate for better guardrails to prevent something like this from happening again. the problem, of course, is that the committee, although it is bipartisan by some slim margin, it doesn't enjoy the support of the entire congress and what will come out of the oversight efforts and what they decide to promulgate is unlikely to be passed. i think we are stonewalled here by our own political polarization. what needs to happen is actually some effort from congress and we are not seeing that right now. elie is right. bill barr went the full measure but stopped short of denouncing of what he saw. he saved his own skin but didn't save all of us. what will prevent something like this from ever happening again? >> elie, we have a minute in this segment. you get the final word. >> yeah, again, there are things that the committee is doing that are good and we shouldn't discount their work. they are trying, i think, their best with their limited authority. the big stick is merrick garland. the big investigative stick is christopher wray at the fbi. until these people get involved, until these people try to hold the trump toadies accountable, we are going to be in this morass. we hope that merrick garland is awake and hooked in and we'll one day see him bring charges, criminal charges against the criminals who tried to steal the election. >> yeah, and i appreciate your vigor and care about that. you know, the way i put it, it's not my job. you joke about whether he has tv. he has tv. he has the internet. he also has the full investigative resources of the fbi and assorted intelligence. indeed, under the memo that his predecessor wrote, bill barr, he has access to international intelligence. so he has all of the info. i am not asking him to do anything. but i can say as a matter of principle, if there is evidence against people that they committed crimes, whether it is difficult to prosecute them because they are powerful or linked to a former president or they are a former president, none of that at a principle level should hold back the justice department from doing its job. that's why this feels big even though some say this is taking so long. this is the big stuff. thank you for kicking us off. >> thanks. >> we have a lot more in the program. out of washington and abroad, a russian warship sinking after an explosion. some saying it's a blow to putin's credibility. live tonight on this program we have a white house official to get into all of it and admitting defeat in a feat that goes back to obama's vision for america. was his long term vision right? it's being cemented in. and an important story, we will stay on these stories of policing, police power and potential discrimination. new video of an officer fatally shooting a black man in michigan. it's complex. it's important. we will bring it all to you coming up. nt we wl ilbring it all to you coming up. time of the year ♪ get fast relief of your worst allergy symptoms, including nasal congestion, with powerful claritin d, so you can breathe better. feel the clarity and make today the most wonderful time of the year. claritin d. ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. 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>> no. >> do you have a driver's license? do you speak english? >> yes. >> can i see your license? >> what do you want? >> the plate doesn't belong on this car. no, no, no. stop. stop. stop. put your hands behind -- stop! 1950. we got one running. stop! >> in the next part of this footage you'll see the individual here, lyoya, who does appear according to the selection that we have to reach or grab for this officer's taser. now, the grand rapids police chief says he believes that the taser was actually fired twice but didn't make contact with either person, with anyone. >> stop! stop resisting! >> let go of the taser! >> the camera footage here from the officer stops midway through struggle. the chief doesn't know if it was intentionally turned off or off or happened accidentally. next video was shot by a bystander as we remember from george floyd and other incidents, sometimes it's the independent citizen videos that put a lot more pressure on these issues. here there is multiple cameras and multiple angles. so you are going to see the same struggle that you just saw through the police camera but from this other angle. after lyoya runs, the struggle ensues. the officers started asking him to stop resisting repeatedly. the officer pins him down and fatally shoots him apparently in the back of the head. as with much of this, the footage is disturbing. >> let go of the taser! >> i ain't burn no taser. i see that. >> let go of the taser! >> there are other matters involving this that are not known yet. the video can be hard to tee cipher and we have seen this before, so we mention it as we piece things together the officer has been played on paid leave. the police chief says they are be forthright and transparent. release of the videos and, thus, more information about what actually happened sparked new protests around grand rapids. more are expected tonight. lyoya's family is holding a press conference. they demand accountability. they can't to see this officer held accountable. i want to get into this difficult case and these stories that matter so much that grind on as i showed in that short whether they have video or not in america. the former nypd decorative mark claxton joins me in 60 seconds. claxton joins me in 60 seconds nicorette knows, quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like: just stop. go for a run. go for 10 runs! run a marathon. instead, start small. with nicorette. which can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette. my auntie called me. she said uncle's had a heart attack. i needed him to be here. your heart isn't just yours. protect it with bayer aspirin. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit we are back with retired nypd decorative and director of the black law enforcement alliance mark claxton. we will show a little bit of this new video of this police encounter that turned deadly. take a look. >> let go of the taser! >> i ain't got no taser. i see that. >> let go of the taser! >> drop the taser! >> mark, how do you assess the way the encounter unfolded, number one, and then the use of deadly force, number two? >> i think it's important to head off the normal pushback we normally get whenever we discuss these types of fatal encounters. this isn't just a bad tactical decision. it's the consequence of senseless misguided current day priorities in policing, which continue to place black and brown people in harm's way. these are totally avoidable, fatal police encounters that give credibility to the calls shifting away from this policing model to more of a public safety model where you prioritize the preservation of life and crime prevention and safety maintenance and promote positive outcomes, education even. but here's the difficult truth. part of the education has to acknowledge, has to force people to be acknowledge that this apprehension and capture compulsion which police have dates back to the origins of policing in this nation where the original forefathers of the profession were deputized as slave catchers. we need to deal with the cull amability before we engage in this ineviable shooting justification debate. >> yeah. continue. go ahead. >> you know, what will happen is because we -- in justification debate, which is tempting and what happens every shooting, we miss some valuable points and information. this is a hamster wheel debate. if we get caught up in it we miss the point. whether the stop was necessary, was it reasonable, was it legally justifiable, was it legally sound? and if we start our point at the point of -- if we start our discussion or debate at the point of the apprehension, then we miss the important part that the police officers' conduct may have played in creating the scenario that ultimately led to a fatal police encounter. too often we ignore the culpability of police officers, the professional police officer who had personal-sized training and education and options to prevent these tragedies from happening. too often we ignore the role that the police officer played initially in creating the circumstances that led to an inevitable fatal police shooting. >> right. and i definitely appreciate that perspective because we have had that discussion and reported on that. that i would call part one. then there is part two. on part one, for viewers broadly, again separate from this individual interaction, this video, you have the fact that police basically kill black people in america at three times the rate of white people. we could put that on the screen. and that sort of tells you what a disparity is counted as. we have the police killing stat i mentioned in the beginning because it shows you at large, killing of people regardless of race, but the use of force continues here so steady. the blue line is tracking all of the other recent years, even at a time where we've heard politicians and others say, gosh, have we overdone it? is there a pull back? there is not a pull back in killing people. that's the blue line that tracks every recent year. number two, it's part of our job, even if it's difficult here, mark, i guess i am asking you though, given the critique stated that a traffic stop about registration doesn't need to be that escalated in the first place. someone to do flee the scene and be allow to flee. the supreme court said you are not allowed to use deadly force if someone is fleeing. how do you view the interaction thereafter the way the force was used? >> totally unavoidable and unnecessary. like i said, we are dealing too often with offenses that are not even crimes. and what it points to is the toxicity of implicit and explicit bias that is baked into the current-day mode of policing, that allows for the same tactics to be used when you are talking about criminal conduct and the apprehension of criminals for non-criminal offenses, incidents that could require some kind of administrative notification. that's what makes these incidents even more tragic because they are absolutely avoidable. we can pretend that these were inevitable. these are avoidable situations. >> avoidable and tragic, but currently legal. do you think that because of the nature of the final interaction and the alleged displacement of the taser this could have been a legal shot? >> i think if you go with dirty hands, you can't clean them up. so i don't believe that if you enter into this interaction improperly without legal justification, without being reasonable, that at the end justifies all the means that you used. i just don't believe that. and i know that to be the case when you're talking about professional policing. the number one priority in professional policing is the preservation of human life. >> yeah. understood. i appreciate it. that's why we come to you on this. it's a brutal fact and i have shared this with viewers before that sometimes it is the information flow that brings certain stories to us. so it's how do you get the videos, was there a sit sfwlep there, sometimes there is, sometimes there isn't. were the other individuals able to take videos? we have seen that whether it's police body cam or other reasons that videos and information comes out. this is a controversial stop. it sounds like you see both nuance to it and a real fundamental opening problem or original sin in how something like this, what would be a routine stop, with no other inciting incident or violence coming from the show called suspect, the stop, the defendant, potential defendant, turns into in deadly encounter. we appreciate your nuance and your perspective, mark. >> thank you, ari. >> thank you, sir. appreciate it. a lot more coming up, including republicans saying we get it, we lost, we cannot be barack obama and obamacare. we'll explain. then this russian credibility problem. putin on some type of defense as a warship sinks. we have another guest from the biden administration -- getting my presidents confused -- coming up live on "the beat." stay with us. e on "the beat." stay with us ♪ ♪ nice suits, you guys blend right in. the world needs you back. i'm retired greg, you know this. people have their money just sitting around doing nothing... that's bad, they shouldn't do that. they're getting crushed by inflation. well, i feel for them. they're taking financial advice from memes. 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"the washington post" reports that their pundits and others on television are calling openly for, quote, concentration camps and liquidation of the entire ukrainian elite. quote, russian soldiers have been destroying books -- to wipe out the country's language and history. now, putin said before the renovation, like it or not, put up with it, my beauty interpreted in russia as a reference to justifying potential rapes of the citizens there. 82% of americans view putin as a war criminal. now, there is the discussion here about what putin is doing and the reported atrocities and president biden has been firm, clear, and very, very strong in condemning what he calls war crimes and genocide by vladimir putin's troops. but then when it comes to execution it gets a lot trickier because the united states, including under the biden administration, has been against joining that court i just mentioned which is the place you try war criminals, international criminal court. indeed, last night on "the beat" the pentagon spokesperson told us that is unchanged. the u.s. military still opposes joining the court. >> i think that i would just speak to the concerns we have had in the past about the court and the possibility of possible prosecutions of american troops in war and iraq and afghanistan and that's a long standing concern of the united states department of defense. >> i'm joined by matt miller, a special advisor to the white house national security council and full disclosure, viewers may recall him as a frequent guest and expert here on msnbc. good to see you again in a different context, sir. >> good to see you, ari. >> i want to start with what you are calling and the administration admiral kirby mentioned, difficult legal issues. but how would you put it here standing in front of the white house? how do you explain or square the president saying putin is a war criminal committing genocide but the biden administration isn't going to join the main court that deals with that? >> well, what i'd say is that we welcome -- we support accountability. we've welcomed the investigation by the international criminal court. we have helped launch investigations from the u.n. human rights council from the osce, the justice department said that they had prosecutors in europe last week meeting with european prosecutors to talk about collecting evidence and gathering it and synthesizing it. we have been cooperating with the war crimes prosecution set up in the ukrainian prosecutor general's office. so we are going to continue to hold conversations with our allies and partners about what the ultimate accountability mechanism will be, but right now we are focused on collecting evidence, previewing it and making sure it can be provided to hold any russians accountable for war crimes. >> understood. i think there is a lot of people who view that as productive. just to be clear and i will move on to other topics, the biden position is help the court, but never join it? >> what we said is we welcome that investigation. we welcome the investigation as we have welcomed the other investigations and we are going to continue to talk with our allies and partners about what the best mechanism is going forward. but i should be very clear that we welcome them collecting evidence. we are out collecting evidence ourselves. we are looking through intelligence information. we stood up a team inside the u.s. government to comb intelligence for evidence of war crimes and of course the justice department has made its prosecutors available. we support accountability and will push to have evidence collected and see the investigations and ultimately if appropriate prosecutions go forward. >> all right. turning to putin's warnings, you are at the national security council. you guys monitor this quite closely. we have putin warning of, quote, nuclear hypersonic deployment of sweden and finland go forward on what they discussed recently, joining nato, finland shares a border with russia. the reference here is there could be no more talk of a, quote, nuclear-free baltic. what is the u.s. response to that language from vladimir putin? >> we have seen vladimir putin and the russian federation make really inappropriate comments throughout this process. they have made comments about nuclear weapons before. we have said we don't think that's an appropriate way to talk about a potential nuclear conflict which in the past russia agreed with us that no one can ever win. so we are going to continue to behave as an appropriate nuclear power should be and at the same time we are going to continue to reinforce our nato allies, make clear that as we support the ukrainians, as we flow defense systems and weapons capabilities into ukraine that we reinforce nato to make clear to president putin that any attack on one nato attack would be an attack on the rest of the nato and we would enforce article 5. >> understood. enforce article 5, the collective defense. matt, i mentioned in the introduction to you the other language we're hearing about the attacks on the ukrainian people, the notion of decimating them. i think everyone understands the history of europe and just how serious that is. especially alongside the atrocities we just mentioned and reported. i just want to put this back up where you have calls for, quote, con sense trags camps, liquidation of the ukrainian elite, russian soldiers destroying books. what can the u.s. do to deal with that and what else can you tell us about these new weapons that the administration with congress is helping send over to ukraine this week? >> well, first of all, let me say as you referenced in the introduction of this segment that the president has opinion very clear about calling these atrocities out for what they had. we had evidence russia about would behave in this manner. we saw evidence they would use killings and other means of suppression to try to put down anyone who really resisted their brutal occupation of the country. we think what we can do now, number one, go through the accountability mechanisms that we talked about just a minute ago. number two, we can't lose sight of the major focus right now, arming the ukrainian military so it can defend its country. so in addition to the weapons that we have already been flowing in, we announced $800 million package yesterday to include artillery systems and 40,000 artillery rounds. it includes unmanned coastal defense vessels. it includes armored personnel carriers and helicopters. we want the ukrainians, ukrainian military to be well armed so they can continue to fight the russian army and to continue to inflict significant defeats on the russian army, not just the sinking of the russian ship that you referenced, but also they won a tremendous victory in kyiv and we want to see them continue to win victories. so we'll continue to arm them and get weapons into their hands. >> matt miller, appreciate you taking time out of your schedule at the white house. we heard you and you have your right to speech and i think some of the protesters exercising their right. we appreciate you staying focused as you hear it in front of the people's white house. good to see you, sir. >> good to see you, ari. we will fit in a break. you have an ally of march madness mitch mcconnell admitting maybe barack obama was right and maybe obamacare is here to stay. that's next. e obamacare is here to stay that's next. it's still the eat fresh refresh, and subway's refreshing their italians. so, we're taking this to italy. refresh. because subway now has italian-style capicola on the new mozza meat and supreme meats. love the smell of italian food. subway keeps refreshing and refres- ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪ life can be a lot to handle. ♪ this magic moment ♪ but heinz knows there's plenty of magic in all that chaos. ♪ so different and so new ♪ ♪ was like any other... ♪ medusa lived with a hideous curse. uhh, i mean the whole turning people to stone thing was a bit of a buzz kill, right? 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[ cheers ] are we actually going? yes!! and once in a lifetime moments. two tickets to nascar! yes! find rewards like these and so many more in the xfinity app. do you remember where you were when president obama first announced that obamacare became law? or when the supreme court upheld it? or any other number of obamacare related developments in our policy, government and politics? because it's been going for a while. that brings us to something new and a little different in the ongoing political saga of obamacare. because a mitch mcconnell ally is folding on the aca and on tape. this was at town hall. an attendee confronting senator grassley, and he essentially backed down about repeal. >> i'm wondering if the republicans -- you and the republicans get back in power, is that again going to come up to be repealed? and if you do, what is the republican plan to provide affordable health care for my children? >> we're not appealing the affordable care act if that's your question. i'm saying we're not going to repeal the affordable care act. >> we won't repeal the law, which is a double negative that amounts to, we will use our power as republicans to support obamacare. again, we've gone through this together if you've been paying attention. that is a change. grassley was long arguing not only was obamacare bad but he lied about some of its ingredients and talked about this kind of subsidy would lead to pulling the plug on grandma. >> there's some fear because the house bill, there's tussling for end of life. and from that standpoint, you have every right to fear. we should not have a government program that determines you're going to pull the plug on grandma. >> no, government certainly shouldn't be doing that, but it's not and it doesn't do it any more under this law. grassley pushed those claims while republicans spent a lot of energy on this. indeed, one count has it at over 70 failed repeal votes. the law does provide health care to millions, over 200,000 people are on some version of obamacare subsidy or support for health care in iowa, which is the state grassley represents. that speaks to something that happens when politics meets facts and policy. it would appear, if you take that woman's question at her word, that she knows people are getting health care through this law in her state and she wants it to stay that way. she basically is trying to encourage grassley to stop playing around with something as serious as health care. and he is not just any random senator. you may recall him in that prime position in the supreme court confirmation hearings, because he's the most senior member of the republican senate judiciary committee. he has power, and he is saying enough. when we come back, stephen miller has wrapped up his testimony. we'll give you the update. testimony. we'll give you the update. and we need more time. so, we want kisqali. women are living longer than ever before with kisqali... ..when taken with an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant in postmenopausal women or in men with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer. kisqali is a pill that's significantly more effective at delaying disease progression versus an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant alone. kisqali can cause lung problems, or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills, or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. avoid grapefruit during treatment. ask your doctor about living longer with kisqali. i'm greg, i'm 68 years old. i do motivational speaking in addition to the substitute teaching. i honestly feel that that's my calling-- to give back to younger people. i think most adults will start realizing that they don't recall things as quickly as they used to or they don't remember things as vividly as they once did. i've been taking prevagen for about three years now. people say to me periodically, "man, you've got a memory like an elephant." it's really, really helped me tremendously. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. mount everest, the tallest mountain on the face of the earth. keep dreaming. 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"the reidout" with joy reid starts now. ♪ ♪ good evening, everyone. we begin "the reidout" tonight with the republican party's outright war on women. ever since the conservative supreme court justices made it extremely clear that not only would they refuse to block extremist laws, but they are on track to fulfilling one of the christian right's most durable goals towards creating an american theocracytheocracy. the reason each of those members of the right wing court was put on that court in the first

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Alt , 12th Amendment , 12 , How Miller , People , Evidence , Crimes , Capitol , Top , Committee Member , Write Trump S January 6th Rally Speech , Hell , America , Democracy , Failures , Hold , Things , Ukrainian Military , Voting Machines , Self Preservation , Thing , Life , Politics , Business , Schemes , Two , Votes , Mr , Coup Plans , Roadblocks , Loss , Bill Barr , Impotently Begging , Left , Mike Pence , Power , Hearing , Members , Pressure Campaigns , Bar , Election Fraud , The End , Prosecutor , Doubt , Relationship , Anger , Opposition , Impeachment , Kind , Chance , Fear , Attorney General , Casting , Didn T Want , Courage , Jail , Liability , Workouts , Memos , Fwooul , Prosecution , Insurrectionists , Conviction , Fans , Led , Verdict , Rioter , Doj , Defense , Trump Fans , Many , He Couldn T , Orders , Each Other , Maga Convict Learning , Justice , Nation , Vince Staples , Everybody , Correspondent , News Night , Judge , Nyu Law , Employee Fesser Milissa Murray , Professor , Defendant , Thoughts , Say , Discussion , Drug Trade , Gang Violence , Whether , Plea , Figures , Matter , Violence , Focus , Doing , Knowledge , January 6th Select Committee , Unavail , Testimony , We Don T Know , Subject , Stonewalling , Inner Circle , Person , White House , Aide , Progress , Ironer Circle , Words , Public , Reality , Correspondence , Baseless , Millions , Biden , Estate , Voter Fraud , Fraudulent Electors , Quicklien , Country , Residency Checks , Signature Checks , Checks , Citizenship Checks , Record , Tens , Ballots , Third World , Citizens , Banana Republic , Fal , False , Lies , Reaction , Fraud , Paper , Statements , Fifth , Attacks , Committee , Subpoena , State Of Mind , Stonewall , Off Stonewalling , Truth , Contempt Charges , Friends , Law , Works , Subpoenas , Clue , Merrick Garland , Television , Question , The Show , Something , Work , Prosecuting , Point , Possibility , Wiretap , Platform , Fisa Court , Monkeys , Lawyers , Like Barr , Jeff Sessions , Don Mcginn , Store , Parts , Reputation , Selves , Rod Rosenstein , Bob Mueller , Everything , So Barr , Spin , Pr , Administration , Pun , Strength , Row , Norms , Barriers , Minds , More , Wrangling , Trouble , Saying , Information , January 6th Special Committee , Laws , Problem , Course , Support , Doesn T , Oversight Efforts , Guardrails , Margin , Effort , Polarization , Skin , All Of Us , Denouncing , Measure , Elie , Segment , Word , Stick , Trump Toadies Accountable , Authority , Big Stick Is Merrick Garland , Fbi , Christopher Wray , Criminals , Charges , Morass , Intelligence , Internet , Job , Tv , Care , Vigor , Resources , Principle , Info , Anything , Memo , Predecessor , Department , Level , None , Program , Stuff , Warship , Russian , Feat , Credibility , Blow , Explosion , Defeat , Out Of Washington , Policing , Vision , President Obama , Stories , Term , Discrimination , Police Power , Video , Officer , Symptoms , Relief , Black Man , Nasal Congestion , Allergy , Clarity , Claritin D , Michigan , Nt , We Wl Ilbring , Make , Claritin D Limu Emu , Car Insurance , Liberty Mutual Customizes , Doug , Limu , Personal Record , Limu Emu Squawks , Thirty Four , Pay , Liberty , Bottom Line , Comcast Business Mobile , Mind , Data Plans , Business Owner , Service , Contracts , Data , Customers , Gig , 5g Network , Line Activation Fees , 5 , 00 , 500 , Powering Possibilities Tm Shooting , Comcast Business , Context , Police Officer , Encounter , Grand Rapids , Reporting , 26 , Police , Protests , Scrutiny , Rate , Issue , Abuse , Reform Starting , 2020 , Hamster Wheel , Talk , Shootings , Aspect , 250 , Car , Use , Force , Countries , We Saw , Ten , Videos , Traffic Stop , Incident , Registration , Patrick Lyoya , Body Kra , Individual , Footage , Decision , Preemptively , Portions , Nbc News , Police Department , Part , Struggle , License , Driver S License , Yes , Su , English , Stop , Hands , Plate , Selection , Lyoya , Running , 1950 , Ain T Burn No Taser , Anyone , Police Chief , Contact , Grab , Let Go , Camera Footage , Incidents , Citizen Videos , Issues , Cameras , Camera , Angles , Angle , Bystander , George Floyd , Officers , Back , Head , Lyoya Runs , Struggle Ensues , Matters , Tee Cipher , Leave , Before , Accountability , Press Conference , Release , Family , Case , Grind , The Black Law Enforcement Alliance Mark Claxton , Smoking , Retired Nypd , Nicorette , 60 , Run , Auntie , Marathon , 10 , Doctor , Heart Attack , Aspirin Regimen , Uncle , Heart Isn T , Bayer Aspirin , Man , Master , Plan , Candidates , Size , Indeed Instant Match , Staffing , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Bit , Decorative , Director , Ain T , Take A Look , Number One , Mark , Isn T , Deadly Force , Encounters , Types , Pushback , In Harm S Way , Consequence , Priorities , Calls , Model , Safety , Preservation , Crime Prevention , Maintenance , Apprehension , Education , Outcomes , Compulsion , Profession , Origins , Forefathers , Slave Catchers , Ineviable Shooting Justification Debate , Cull Amability , Justification Debate , Shooting , Points , Police Officers , Conduct , Scenario , Tragedies , Culpability , Training , Options , Police Shooting , Circumstances , Role , Interaction , Perspective , Viewers , Screen , Disparity , Sort , Three , Blue Line , Police Killing Stat , Race , Pull Back , Politicians , Gosh , Someone , Place , Scene , Critique , Supreme Court , Offenses , Toxicity , Mode , Bias , Notification , Nature , Situations , Displacement , Shot , Dirty Hands , Preservation Of Human Life , Justification , Priority , Information Flow , Reasons , Individuals , Police Body Cam , Sit Sfwlep , Nuance , Inciting Incident , Original Sin , Opening , Republicans , Sir , Ari , Suspect , E Obamacare , Putin , Guest , Credibility Problem , Type , Stay , Presidents , World , Suits , Greg , Nice , Money , On The Road , Advice , Friend , Baby One More Time , Baby , Nothing , Inflation , Memes , Milk , Onesies , Britney Spears , Investing , Chapter , Morgan Stanley , E Trade , Benny , Multi Flex Midgate , Silverado Rst , Chevy , Charge , Chevy Com , Find New Roads , 400 , 4 , Eczema , Hitting Eczema , It Counts , Under Control , Moderate , Atopic Dermatitis , Dupixent , Adults , Step , Itch , I Don T , Eye Problems , Reactions , Changes , Eye Pain , Change , Pain , Infection , Joint Aches , Asthma , Feels , Eczema Specialist , Setback , Officials , Ukrainian , Flagship , Crew , Black Sea , Mefls , Ship , Russians , Accountable , Conflict , Time , Sea , Hit , Fire , Experts , Atrocities , International Criminal Court , War Crimes , Chief Prosecutor , Deals , Hague , Graves , Crime Scene , Bodies , Vehicles , Civilians , Mayor , Bucha , 13 , Military Tactic , Guilt , Awareness , Elite , Soldiers , Liquidation , Concentration Camps , Pundits , Washington Post , History , Language , Books , Renovation , Beauty , Rapes , Destroying , Americans , Firm , Clear , 82 , Troops , Genocide , Execution , War Criminals , Concerns , Pentagon Spokesperson , Prosecutions , United States Department Of Defense , War , Concern , Standing , Afghanistan , Iraq , Matt Miller , Msnbc , Disclosure , National Security Council , Expert , Calling , Front , Admiral Kirby , War Criminal Committing Genocide , Prosecutors , Europe , Launch Investigations , U N Human Rights Council , Meeting , Osce , Partners , Allies , Office , Conversations , Ultimate Accountability Mechanism , Ukrainian Prosecutor General , Topics , Position , Mechanism , Team , Guys , Warnings , Turning , Nato , Warning Of , Border , Finland Go , Finland , Nuclear Hypersonic , Sweden , Comments , A , Response , Process , Baltic , Weapons , Ukrainians , Attack , President Putin , Defense Systems , Capabilities , Article , Introduction , Rest , Everyone , Notion , Con Sense Trags Camps , Opinion , Means , Killings , Suppression , Manner , Sight , Accountability Mechanisms , Occupation , Addition , Artillery Systems , Artillery Rounds , Package , Armored Personnel Carriers , Unmanned Coastal Defense Vessels , 800 Million , 00 Million , 40000 , Defeats , Helicopters , Sinking , Russian Army , Victories , Schedule , Time Out , Kyiv , Protesters , Christian Right , Speech , Ally , Break , Mitch Mcconnell , March Madness , Subway , Refresh , Meats , Refres Life , Smell , Italians , Italian Food , Italy , Mozza Meat , Other , Plenty , Magic , Chaos , Magic Moment , Buzz Kill , Prime , Curse , Sunglasses , Medusa , Clever Girl , Uhh , Eugh , Aspirin , Vazalore 325 , Ulcers , Study , Stomach , 325 , 7 , Cash , Dan , Line , Card , Spending , Trending , Hole , Drama , Comfort Zone Dan , Billing Cycle , Spend Category , Directions Dan , Allergies , Body , Season , Spraying Flonase , Psst , Poise , Candice , Home , Good , Bladder , Pants , Pickup , Cheers , Rewards , Sizes , Shapes , Xfinity Rewards , Appreciation , Xfinity , Tickets , Nascar , Number , Policy , Folding , Developments , Political Saga Of Obamacare , Senator Grassley , Attendee , Repeal , Tape , Aca , Town Hall , Health Care , Double Negative , Children , Attention , Subsidy , Ingredients , On Grandma , Government Program , Bill , End , Standpoint , Tussling , Pull The Plug On Grandma , Count , Repeal Votes , Shouldn T , Energy , Claims , 70 , Version , State Grassley Represents , Iowa , 200000 , Woman , Facts , Senator , Confirmation Hearings , Random , Member , Senate Judiciary Committee , Republican , Women , Aromatase Inhibitor , Fulvestrant , Kisqali , Update , Pill , Heartbeat , Hr , Lung Problems , Men , Disease , Liver Problems , Eyes , Breathing Problems , Chest Pain , Infections , Skin Reactions , Death , Blood Cell , Dizziness , Tiredness , Cough , Urine , Yellowing , Breastfeeding , Chills , Treatment , Rash , Fever , Appetite , Bleeding , Grapefruit , Bruising , Substitute Teaching , 68 , Prevagen , Elephant , Memory , Healthier Brain , Mount Everest , Music , Face , Dreaming , Earth , Eye Drop , Vuitytm , Wait , First , Jimmy Cliff , Fda , Reading Glasses , Eye , Drop , Uh Huh , Yep , Prescription Eye Drop , Activities , Caution , Vuity , Machinery , Vision Loss , Side Effects , Headache , Eye Redness , Need , Whatchya , Liberty Biberty Cut , En Trump , Eight , Learning , Watching , Coverage , The Reidout , Cooperation , Heat , Tidbit , Justices , Conservative Supreme Court , War On Women , Joy Reid , Court , Reason , Goals , Track , Wing , Extremist Laws , American Theocracytheocracy ,

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