Transcripts For MSNBC Ayman 20240708 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Ayman 20240708

on a train station has risen to 57. 114 others injured. also tonight, new reporting suggests a major strategy shift coming out of moscow. newly released satellite images show this large military convoy stretching about eight miles. it is actually making its way south. that is passed a small town that lies 50 miles east of kharkiv. the images are captured by a satellite suggesting that russia is refocussing, if not doubling its efforts in the donbas region. that's not moscow's only big move today. russian general has been named the new ground commander in ukraine. and that certainly raises questions as to what he might do. he is the general who was actually commanding russia's troops in the southern district of ukraine and he actually has a reputation for scorched earth tactics. he led russian troops in syria. we all know what happened there. they brutally -- the russians brutally and indiscriminately bombed civilian neighborhoods and hospitals under his command. nearly 25,000 civilians are estimated to have been killed by russian air strikes in that conflict alone. now, the leadership change in ukraine could be putin's acknowledgment that he actually needs better command and control on the ground. but here's the thing, u.s. national security adviser jake sullivan actually said today that nothing would fundamentally change. he said this general will just be another author of crimes in brutality against ukrainian civilians. also here at home, u.s. intelligence officials believe that vladimir putin may actually use the biden administration's support for ukraine as a pretext to offer more interference in american politics. let's get a quick look now at the situation on the ground in ukraine. and i had the chance earlier to speak with a local political editor of the kyiv independent. thank you so much for being with us again. when we spoke to you three weeks ago, you described a frantic situation in kyiv. there was the constant rocket attacks and the shelling. residents rushing from apartment buildings to bomb shelters. describe for us what the situation is like there today. >> i think it's fair to say that the capitol is finally on track on returning to some sort of normality. we have phases opening. we have supply chains better. we have grocery stores packed with food. obviously we understand that the war is far from over. but at least in the capitol, people can peacefully sleep at night not fearing that their house will be bombed. >> this weekend, the british prime minister boris johnson made a surprise visit to ukraine. he met face to face with president zelensky. they even walked around the streets of kyiv in the downtown area. did any tangible support come out of this meeting, or was it a photo op? >> well, obviously it was a photo op. we know that boris johnson is good on showing his support to ukraine and being very public in his support for ukraine and his take on vladimir putin. but also we know that ukraine wants those artillery pieces, anti-tank rockets. ukraine wants more support from the u.k. and we hope that this visit allow ukraine to receive more weapons. we know that after the visit, boris johnson said an increased amount of support will come out of the u.k., and that's what our diplomats were aiming for the past weeks now. >> we have been seeing reports that some residents who fled the western part of ukraine are actually returning to their homes. while in the eastern part, more residents continue to leave there, particularly after that horrific russian missile attack on the train sigs. have you seen this divide in terms of who is coming and who is going? is it accurate to say people are returning to their homes in kyiv? >> yes. we see that people are returning to kyiv. if we compared to, for example, three weeks when we spoke, there is obviously more people in the streets. but there is more people in grocery stores. there is more cars on the street. but we -- we should understand that the situation where the train station was bombed in kyiv is completely different. people are trying to flee mariupol, other eastern cities because that's where russia is planning a new offensive. ukraine understands that. and there is going to be a rapid increase in internally displaced persons who are fleeing war in those regions. >> on the other side of this, there is some news that russia has reportedly appointed general aleksandr dvornikov in ukraine. he is known for scorched earth tactics in places like syria. and i'm curious to get your thoughts on this. does this represent an acknowledgment that the strategy in ukraine wasn't working? and how do you expect russia's military strategy to change if, in fact, he is now the new ground commander of operations in ukraine? >> yes. i think the russian leadership understands that something went wrong. we heard reports by russian tv stations that kyiv is going to be captured in three days, that ukrainian army is no match for russia, and we're now over 40 days into this war. russia had to draw from the kyiv region, from sumi. so obviously russia understands that they failed in their operation. and now they're preparing for a long operation in donbas. and unfortunately people like this who have experience in syria have combat experience in terrain. for example, this general is known for basically destroying aleppo. that's unfortunately what we're going to expect in mariupol and in other large eastern ukrainian cities. >> and so let me ask you if i can, finally, as you look forward and anticipate what unfolds from here on out, first of all, do you believe that because the battle for kyiv is over and the government -- the government of volodymyr zelenskyy has survived that ukraine has effectively won this war and more importantly how would you define winning this war if that is the case because of kyiv surviving this ondlaugt by the russians. >> unfortunately i don't think that ukraine yet won this war. it is hard to say a country won a war when foreign troops are still on ukrainian oil. i think that the most important battle will be in donbas. if russia is able to achieve its goals, capture mariupol and move closer to the city of lipro, which is located on the lipro river, then ukraine will have a hard time defending the country and we might see a new kyiv offensive. for ukraine, it is important right now to defend those regions. we know that that's why president volodymyr zelenskyy has increased his plea to, for example, boris johnson to receive weapons because we understand that the war is ongoing, the deadly fights are still -- are waiting us in donbas. and we understand that russia won't stop until it gets at least some kind of victory in ukraine. >> all right. live for us in kyiv. it is great to see you again. thanks so much. stay safe and please keep in touch. we'll speak to you again in the weeks ahead. coming up, the january 6th committee believes it has enough evidence to make a referral to the donald trump justice department. first richard lui is here with the headlines. >> president biden expected to roll out new executive steps on gun control on monday nbc news has learned. he's set to announce a new nominee to run the atf after his previous nominee withdrew in september and he's expected. ten others were injured in cedar rapids, iowa. and at least 72 people now tested positive for covid-19 in washington, d.c. last weekend. that includes attorney general merrick garland, house speaker nancy pelosi and senator susan collins, all guests who attended a dinner and were vaccinated. for ayman with ayman mohyeldin right after this break. man withn right after this break (driver 1) it's all you. 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[ding] e*trade now from morgan stanley. another day, another bombshell from the january 6th committee. "the new york times" is reporting that the panel has actually concluded it has enough evidence for a criminal referral of donald trump, but its leaders are actually split on whether to send that referral to the justice department. in fact, they're afraid that it could backfire and create the perception of a politicized investigation. this morning representative liz cheney said, quote, it is absolutely clear that what president trump was doing, what a number of people around him were doing, that they knew it was unlawful. they did it anyway. earlier the news broke days after the 2020 election. donald trump jr. texted ideas on how to overturn the election results to former white house chief of staff mark meadows. let's discuss this now. thank you so much for joining us. i want to get your reaction to that new york times reporting. where do you fall on that debate. would a referral to the department of justice do more harm than good? >> look, i have the january 6th commission has done an extraordinary job. they have deposed or interviewed more than 850 witnesses, collected 75,000 pages of documents and are doing a thorough job to make sure they understand all the facts and circumstances that led to the planning and execution of an attempt to over throw our democratically held election. if they uncover, as i think they have, evidence of criminal wrongdoing that they refer that to the attorney general for consideration, filing of criminal charges. no one in this country is above the law. i think the american people expect the individuals responsible for planning and financing and executing this violent attack on our democracy are going to be held accountable. it's really not up to the january 6th commission to decide who will be charged. we have a department of justice that will make that judgment. but if they have evidence, they have a responsibility, i think a duty to make that referral to the department of justice for their consideration. >> congressman, i'm curious to get your thoughts on whether or not you share the frustration expressed by some members of your party over the way the department of justice has moved on this. they say that the department isn't moving quickly enough or aggressively enough against the former president and the. >> reporter: high-profile actors. even when it comes to subpoenas. so in your capacity as a member of congress with oversight in the department of justice, how do you feel about the way the department of justice is handling this? have you had any interactions with the department of justice or the attorney general and posed to them why they are doing it the way they're doing it? >> look, i think the good news is the attorney general doesn't much care about the frustration of anyone. we want the attorney general to remain independent and to make judgments based on the facts and the law. but of course i think the american people are waiting for those responsible for this really bloody and deadly attack on our democracy to be held accountable. witnesses that have been subpoenaed who have willfully failed to appear ought to be charged and charged quickly. so i think some of that is frustrating. but i would take my frustration any day over the kind of pollicization of the justice department that we saw in the last administration. i think merrick garland is working hard to have restored the independence of the department of justice and free it from the kind of political interference that existed for the four years before president biden took office. i hope you continue to move and move quickly, but i recognize he needs to make judgments based on the law as he determines appropriate. i hope he will make a referral and make judgments that ultimately hold everyone who is responsible for those events accountable, and that's the former president of the united states. him as well. no one in this country is above the law. >> well, you're a member of the house judiciary committee. nbc news is obviously, sir, reporting that democrats on that committee are planning -- are planning a closed door meeting to discuss conflict of interest accusations against another important issue, and that is the supreme court justice clarence thomas and his wife. there has been a suggestion of a possible violation of a code of ethics or hearings against justice thomas over that conflict of interest. what can you tell us specifically about those discussions? will there be closed door hearings about whether there is a conflict of interest regarding clarence thomas and his wife? >> well, i think, you know, many members of the judiciary committee are very, very concerned about revelations. the integrity of our courts is based on confidence that decisions are made based on the law and the facts. so the revelations about ginni thomas and justice thomas to be the only judge that sided with donald trump in refusing to provide documents to the january 6th commission is very disturbing. and i think, you know, the january 6th commission has work to do in this area. i expect it will be part of their report. but, you know, this is a grave concern to anyone, that a justice of the supreme court, the wife of the justice, was engaging in text messages with the chief of staff. and really plotting almost like a qanon subscriber about crazy theories. that's very disturbing. and, you know, members of the judiciary committee have been speaking about what they can do about this. we introduced last week in a 21st century court act to bring greater transparency to require the supreme court to hold them accountable for this kind of conduct. so we have some legislative solutions. but this is a very serious concern to members of the judiciary committee because they recognize the supreme court makes decisions that affect our daily lives and they ought to be beyond reproach. >> all right. so from one supreme court justice, let me ask you about an incoming supreme court justice. last week you had judge judge son confirmed to the supreme court. i want to play for you this. >> if we get back the senate and we're in charge of this body and there is judicial openings, we will talk to our colleagues on the other side. but if we're in charge, she would not be before this committee. >> so through the this whole process, congressman, there has been this noticeable lack of decorum from members of the republican party. if this is what they're promising for future hearings, is it safe to say that this process is only going to get worse? >> yeah. i mean, the conduct that republican senators were engage anything is really despicable. this is an extremely qualified judge and now a justice at the supreme court. i was at the white house to celebrate her confirmation. it is a great day for this country. and to watch republicans who were so disrespectful and at the same time pledge they're going to deny the president his constitutional responsibility to appoint justices to the supreme court if there are additional vacancies is, frankly, disrespectful to the american people. they elected president biden as their president. he gets to make appointments to the supreme court, not senators. and it is disgraceful. i think if they do that, the american people will hold them accountable at the midterms and then in 2024 because the american people elected joe biden. they expect he will make those judgments. it is not uch to mitch mcconnell and the republicans to decide who will be on the supreme court. they have politicized this process. they have weapons the supreme court. now they're saying that outloud that if they win the midterms they are not going to allow the president to make appointments to the supreme court. that should be disturbing to every single person in this country. >> i have to ask quickly. you are a co-chair of the congressional caucus, the lgbtq quality caucus. what is your reaction to the anti-lgbtq laws we're seeing across the country. do you believe there is a need to step in here? >> absolutely. it is a legislation that i introduced, that we passed out of the house that will once and for all ban discrimination based on sexual identiication and gender identity. these are hideous attacks that took down the trans community that republican legislatures are doing because they think it is politically advantageous. no one in this country should live a life subjected to that discrimination. the equality act will accomplish that. it is time for the senate to pass it. >> all right, congressman. thanks so much for coming back on the program. greatly appreciate your time as always. still ahead, new york attorney general letitia james is taking new steps to punish donald trump. we're going to explain them next. next [ kimberly ] before clearchoice, my dental health was so bad i would be in a lot of pain. i was unable to eat. it was very hard. kimberly came to clearchoice with a bunch of missing teeth, struggling with pain, with dental disease. clearchoice dental implants solved her dental issues. 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[phone rings] sorry. is this where they're gonna put the statue of liberty? liberty... are we married to mutual? cut. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ $10,000. s that what new york's attorney general letitia james is asking a judge to force donald trump to pay every single day until he turns over documents that he was ordered to turnover. in court filings this week, letitia james asked that the judge hold donald trump in civil contempt. of course, trump responded by calling the claims, you guessed it, a witch hunt. what's more interesting here is that the attorney general might be working around trump's on stansy. he just asked the judge to ask a real estate office to give her information on a series of appraisals they did on trump's business. katie fang, which airs at 7:00 a.m. eastern on saturday and sunday. also joining us democratic strategist and senior vice president of fire house strategies, michael star hopkins and nbc news senior reporter, the host of the new podcast "tiffany dover is dead." katie, i will start with you. congratulations on your debut this weekend. usually don't get up that early on the weekend, but we will make an exception for it with your show at 7:00 a.m. let me ask you, what do you make of this move from the new york attorney general? because $10,000 is a lot of somebody for somebody like me, but for somebody like donald trump, is that enough will it compel him and force his hand to turn over those documents? >> the $10,000 is relatively symbolic, but it is the right move to make. let me break it down quickly. you know, an order was entered by a judge and parties have to abide by those orders. and when a party does not abide by those orders, then you can move for contempt. now the standard that has to be met legally is that trump intentionally and willfully violated that court order. and so basically the fine itself is, you know, supposed to be punitive in nature. at the end of the day, she wants her documents. she negotiated with trump's team, his legal team to give them more time to turn it over. when time expired they filed these ridiculous objections to turn overdocuments. she's also running over third party subpoenas. and that's another thing you do. you chase down these nonparties that are not a part of the litigation that have relevant discovery and you serve subpoenas. and if they don't comply, you serve the motions. so what we're seeing here right now, it has teeth, let me be clear, the judge does not want to have his orders ignored. if trump doesn't comply and he doesn't pay the fine, he could end up in jail even for civil contempt. >> michael, are trump's actions here from a political standpoint, something that democrats can and should still campaign on his corruption, the legacy of corruption he left behind, not to mention his attempt to over throw the elections. kevin mccarthy said he would disband the january 6th committee and it gets me wondering whether or not that's something voters would actually care about going to the polls. >> you know, democrats have a chance on winning, a chance of being taken seriously, they really have to take it to republicans. they have to talk about the fact that hillary clinton sat for 11 hours during the benghazi select hearings. and not only could not donald not show up to the january 6th hearings, but he told his entire staff not to show up. he got jared kushner to get a $2 billion deal with the saudis after leaving office. there is this blatant corruption that republicans put in the face of americans. and democrats have been who riffically bad about calling them out on it and using the tools that they have to be effective. >> and bringing in the latest segment we heard about the january 6th committee's fears that issuing a criminal referral to trump would be seen as a politicized move and we were just discussing that with congressman cicillini, even if the committee presented a mountain of solid, credible, ironclad evidence, would it actually change the minds of hard core trump voters who are convinced that january 6th was antifa or blm or anybody except donald trump? >> oh, no. it would further -- they would -- it would make them further dig in to what we already believe. when we look at, for example, this information and covid and attitudes about covid among republicans, what we see is that a lot of examples people will cite specifically the russia investigation. other so-called witch hunts of donald trump and say, see, you can't trust these people for anything. it just sort of widens that partisan divide. you know, this isn't really my -- that's not really by beat but just as a person with eyes, it seems to me that this former president just gets out of everything. whenever he is accused of something, it only emboldened his supporters to feel like he was wronged. >> the manhattan district attorney has come over some heat. he said his office's investigation into trump remains ongoing. this morning you spoke with him. >> now, anybody that shows now the prosecutorial system works, yourself inincluded, you know tt they like to think the originals. the fact they returned this box of documents that i had provided which in and of itself is a road map to an absolute indictment and prosecution of not just donald but the children, the organization, allen weisselberg as well. the fact that they returned them is to me a clear indication that the case is not going to go forward. >> what do you make of that? does that sound like alvin brag's investigation is ongoing? >> no. and i think my face explained it all. i was totally befallen. i could not believe what i was hearing. i had not heard it before. so michael is basically saying he has all of this information in original form and he gave it to alvin brag's office. he met with the now retired or resigned, excuse me, prosecutors like mark pomeranz. he met with them and brag won't even meet with him. that's why when you see somebody like tish james still going at it and still pursuing justice, it makes you feel better. because brag has been saying, no, no, no, the investigation is not dead. we heard that brag's office returned these documents that were crucial critical documents that prove the legal culpability of donald trump and others. if brag is not going to do anything more, then just cut your losses and go. but to continue to string people along is just bad form as a prosecutor. >> let me jump in. >> michael, let's talk a little bit about -- go for it. >> brag ran on this justice message. so then to turn around and as soon as he steps into office to really kind of cancel the investigation, that's the kind of stuff that depressions votes from democrats. democrats are sick of it. we never fight. it is also republicans fight. it is time we fight and hold people accountable. sorry to cut you off earlier. >> no, no. not at all. speaking of fighting, let's talk about ginni thomas and clarence thomas and their issue here. i keep thinking if the shoe was on the other foot, what would be happening in congress? if it was a republican controlled congress with a democrat appointed supreme court justice who had a conflict of interest because this week a new poll showed that 53% of voters believe that justice thomas should recuse himself from all cases related to the 2020 election because of his wife's actions. how should democrats fight this message on this issue? >> yeah. i really think we need to talk about the 8-1 vote, the fact that justice thomas was the lone dissent in a case involving his wife. america at the time didn't know, but he knew. that's the type of corruption. that's the type of flagrant disrespect for our democracy that i think democrats really need to hammer home every single day. >> katie, you wrote a piece for where you argue that we should, quote, never move on from this ginni thomas news. i tend to agree with that. but make the case for us. >> listen, in my piece, i cite to a federal statute that requires judges, any judge on any level to have to recuse him or herself if there is even the reasonable question that your impartiality is going to be at issue. but, listen, clarence thomas, this is not anything new to him. since 1993 he has recused himself 54 times. 17 times because his son had some type of interest in the outcome of a decision that was before him on scotus, so the dude knows how to do it. the fact that he knows that she does all of this advocacy for these far right groups and the fact that, i'm sorry, he knew what she was up to vis-a-vis the january 6th insurrection. there is no way she didn't know what she was doing. at the end of the day, he has a statutory obligation, an ethical obligation. you are governed by the rules of professional responsibility because you are also a lawyer as a judge. >> yeah. and the democrats here are tiptoeing around the issue. nobody really making strong calls for him seriously to either recuse himself or step down as we saw last week. i'm going to ask all three of you to stick around for us. still ahead a nurse who famously fainted on camera getting her covid vaccine is not dead. but try telling that to legions of conservative qanon conservatives online. we will explain after this. s, try saying hello gumwash with parodontax active gum health. it kills 99% of plaque bacteria and forms an antibacterial shield. try parodontax active gum health mouthwash. that oddly satisfying feeling when you don't do it yourself. so a convoy of truckers gathered for a defeat the mandates rally, except for the fact that all covid mandates have been revealed at this point. they still went ahead and had it. and some are spreading lies about vaccines and the virus in order to win the information battle because, you know, you have a solid argument. if you have to lie to make your point. my sunday night panel is back with me once again. jokes aside for a moment, you were on the ground in los angeles today. tell me about what you saw and what was the motive behind what we saw today. >> yeah. i live in l.a. it was a day. this is the second version of the defeat the mandates march orally. and the first one was in d.c. in november. and that rally was very, i would say, far right. it did -- it was a little more political and like we -- almost like a trump rally. this one today was markedly different. and here's why. it was a collection of basically what it looked like was 2019 again, when california was arguing about childhood vaccine mandates, and this was very much an anti-vaccine rally, not just covid. but they had generalmy mccarthy appear via video, bob seres appear. some of the original anti-vaxxers of the modern movement were all here. they have all said, we have been fighting this fight for decades. now you finally see the light. for me and health officials and doctors, that has been the sincere worry, that all of this antivax about the covid, antivax attitudes would spill over into childhood vaccines. these diseases we eradicated like measles. it was just -- it was a wild rally. a lot of crazy accusations, misinformation, demonization of democratic politicians, anthony fauci, doctors in general. it was a wild time. >> what was the -- what was the turn-out like there? can you just give us a sense? we saw some of the images on the screen, but what was the actual numbers if you can kind of put it in context for us? was this a large crowd compared to others you have attended? >> so it was about average for an anti-vaccine rally. i think what's important to think about, too, is there were two sections in grant park. there is the first section and right by the stage, and that probably had, i mean, maybe on a good day a thousand people were there. but then they had gotten this overflow. they had a whole other screen and they were going to have people. nobody was there. there wasn't enough people for that. in terms of what that mean for public health, i would say that's a small win. but just because people weren't there doesn't mean that message didn't resonate in children's defense. this organization was streaming it. big tree organization's was streaming it. so a lot of people were watching on the internet. it is hard to say how many people might have been affected by some of the things they heard today. >> michael, i'm surprised that the, you know, fury over vaccines and mandates has actually lasted this long. it seems like these people have gotten more radical as this pandemic has gone on, regardless of what the numbers or the science or the trends of the pandemic are suggesting. >> well, i mean, when you look at the republican ecosystem, you have got people like ron desantis who are starring in the republican party who every day talks about how people shouldn't be wearing masks and how this is all over but he's gotten the vaccine. he's gotten the booster. and the republicans watching fox news, they're in a silo. and all they hear is about how, you know, the vaccines don't work and how fauci is, you know, this kind of larger than life person, manipulating society. but at the end of the day, this is about the culture wars. this is about a couple powerful republicans wanting to win elections and using uninformed people as kind of their army. and, so, we're running into this really big problem in the country where the stupid are winning the war. and democrats are having a hard problem because for us it's about facts. it is about truth. it is about reason. well, when you are dealing with people who don't care about facts, don't care about reason and aren't really that smart in the first place, then there is no way to really bring them over or have an honest conversation. >> i just want to say -- >> i'm excited. sorry. go ahead. go ahead. >> i'd love to tell you about my podcast. but i do want to just mention that i just push back a little bit. a lot of the people i saw today, they're not stupid, but they have been lied to over and over and over again. they think they are looking at facts, right? they think they are looking at the data but it is because there are a couple people motivated by money or, you know, political gain to lie to these people. it is really, really terrible, especially when you think of what happens when you don't get a vaccine because you were lied to. you could get very sick. you could die. i have to feel a little empathy for the people i saw at the rally today. but happy to talk about my podcast. it follows a very specific lie, that surrounding a nurse in tennessee who fainted when she got the shot. and a lot of pretty terrible people like i just talked about wanted to use that story as a way to make a lot of people be afraid of the vaccine. and it was a wildly, wildly successful disinformation campaign. and i spent the last year of my life trying to untangle that sort of web of laws, follow the conspiracy theories, see who was affected by it, see who was harmed and try to find out the lasting impact and disprove it. >> yeah. and i just want to make sure that our viewers are aware, that is the podcast there on your screen. it is truthers: tiffany dover is dead. this week, tweeted out there are two groups of people who are wrong, and also those who insist that the relatively soft covid restrictions in 2022 retro actively shows they were right to oppose restrictions in 2020. do you agree? >> i don't know what kind of monday morning quarterbacking that is. you know, the problem that we have is whack a do has been around for centuries. the problem we have is leg mization of whack a do. you get people saying that, you know, trump is going to be president again and when he's president again fauci is going to be prosecuted. there is this concept with these anti-vaxxers about autonomy. if you are going to have autonomy, you will have personal liability especially with the anti-covid vaccine concept. it is this idea you should actually have accountability for not only your own actions but how it impacts society at large. if you are going to take the stage and talk about prosecuting fauci for doing his job or people like robert kennedy saying vaccines are bad and are killing people, and brandy with this fantastic podcast, having to find this woman to prove that she's alive or dead because of this conspiracy. there is no accountability for lying. whether there's a concern about the intelligence quotient going on here, it's harming people. and if there's a harm, there has to be a consequence. >> absolutely, accountability is always the word of the day when you think of what has happened and nobody being held accountable. brandy's new 30d cast, truthers, tiffany dover is dead. make sure you follow the podcast now. before we go, even swing state voters can't find evidence of voter fraud. we've got the details on that report next. 'vwee got the details on that report next. t, and now you can too by asking your healthcare provider if an oral treatment is right for you. oral treatments can be taken at home and must be taken within 5 days from when symptoms first appear. if you have symptoms of covid-19, even if they're mild don't wait, get tested quickly. if you test positive and are at high risk for severe disease, act fast ask if an oral treatment is right for you. covid-19 moves fast and now you can too. do your eyes bother you? my eyes feel like a combo of stressed, dry and sandpaper. strypaper? luckily, there's biotrue hydration boost eye drops. biotrue uses naturally inspired ingredients. and no preservatives. try biotrue! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ we believe there's an innovator in all of us. ♪ ♪ that's why we build technology that makes it possible for every business... and every person... to come to the table and do more incredible things. more than a year after the 2020 presidential election, a lot of republicans are still pretending that donald trump won an election we all know he did not win. we don't need more evidence to tell us that, but this week we got a lot more of it. more from a republican. arizona attorney general. he issued an interim report that found no evidence of widespread election fraud in maricopa county in 2020. it's actually kind of funny, because he said the same thing just days after the 2020 election. he said there was no evidence of fraud. but trump didn't like that. and so he gave in to him and other arizona republicans, and he actually launched this investigation. now because he's a republican, he still claimed that there were serious vulnerabilities in election procedures that raised questions. okay. but he never reconciled how there could be such serious vulnerabilities if those vulnerabilities never actually resulted in any fraud. i mean, is anything really that vulnerable then? unless we forget, this isn't the first time arizona has had its 2020 election results reviewed. last year, the gop hired an independent contractor, infamously known as the cyber ninjas, yes, that is their name, to quote-unquote audit the vote tally, and it revealed that president biden received more votes than was initially reported for him. we could have listened to the attorney general before he changed his fraud claims to kowtow to the man who lost and still is not the president. can you catch ayman on sundays and fridays on the new msnbc hub on peacock. and follow us on twitter and tiktok @ayman msnbc. goodnight. n msnbc. goodnight. n intense burning sensation. what is this nightmare? it's how some people describe... shingles. a painful, blistering rash that could interrupt your life for weeks. forget social events and weekend getaways. if you've had chickenpox, the virus that causes shingles is already inside of you. if you're 50 years or older ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles. your mission: stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and take. it. on... ...with rinvoq. rinvoq a once-daily pill can dramatically improve symptoms... rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. and for some...rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. that's rinvoq relief. with ra, your overactive immune system attacks your joints. rinvoq regulates it to help stop the attack. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least one heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. talk to your rheumatologist about rinvoq relief. rinvoq. make it your mission. learn how abbvie could help you save on rivnoq. life... doesn't stop for diabetes. be ready for every moment, with glucerna. it's the number one doctor recommended brand that is scientifically designed to help manage your blood sugar. live every moment. glucerna. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for whatchya... line? need. liberty biberty— cut. liberty... are we married to mutual? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ this hour, if you are serious about seeking peace, you probably would not install a man known as the butcher of syria to lead the next phase of your attack against ukraine, yet, russia's done it, offering tea leaves of what could come next in

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Transcripts For MSNBC Ayman 20240708 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Ayman 20240708

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on a train station has risen to 57. 114 others injured. also tonight, new reporting suggests a major strategy shift coming out of moscow. newly released satellite images show this large military convoy stretching about eight miles. it is actually making its way south. that is passed a small town that lies 50 miles east of kharkiv. the images are captured by a satellite suggesting that russia is refocussing, if not doubling its efforts in the donbas region. that's not moscow's only big move today. russian general has been named the new ground commander in ukraine. and that certainly raises questions as to what he might do. he is the general who was actually commanding russia's troops in the southern district of ukraine and he actually has a reputation for scorched earth tactics. he led russian troops in syria. we all know what happened there. they brutally -- the russians brutally and indiscriminately bombed civilian neighborhoods and hospitals under his command. nearly 25,000 civilians are estimated to have been killed by russian air strikes in that conflict alone. now, the leadership change in ukraine could be putin's acknowledgment that he actually needs better command and control on the ground. but here's the thing, u.s. national security adviser jake sullivan actually said today that nothing would fundamentally change. he said this general will just be another author of crimes in brutality against ukrainian civilians. also here at home, u.s. intelligence officials believe that vladimir putin may actually use the biden administration's support for ukraine as a pretext to offer more interference in american politics. let's get a quick look now at the situation on the ground in ukraine. and i had the chance earlier to speak with a local political editor of the kyiv independent. thank you so much for being with us again. when we spoke to you three weeks ago, you described a frantic situation in kyiv. there was the constant rocket attacks and the shelling. residents rushing from apartment buildings to bomb shelters. describe for us what the situation is like there today. >> i think it's fair to say that the capitol is finally on track on returning to some sort of normality. we have phases opening. we have supply chains better. we have grocery stores packed with food. obviously we understand that the war is far from over. but at least in the capitol, people can peacefully sleep at night not fearing that their house will be bombed. >> this weekend, the british prime minister boris johnson made a surprise visit to ukraine. he met face to face with president zelensky. they even walked around the streets of kyiv in the downtown area. did any tangible support come out of this meeting, or was it a photo op? >> well, obviously it was a photo op. we know that boris johnson is good on showing his support to ukraine and being very public in his support for ukraine and his take on vladimir putin. but also we know that ukraine wants those artillery pieces, anti-tank rockets. ukraine wants more support from the u.k. and we hope that this visit allow ukraine to receive more weapons. we know that after the visit, boris johnson said an increased amount of support will come out of the u.k., and that's what our diplomats were aiming for the past weeks now. >> we have been seeing reports that some residents who fled the western part of ukraine are actually returning to their homes. while in the eastern part, more residents continue to leave there, particularly after that horrific russian missile attack on the train sigs. have you seen this divide in terms of who is coming and who is going? is it accurate to say people are returning to their homes in kyiv? >> yes. we see that people are returning to kyiv. if we compared to, for example, three weeks when we spoke, there is obviously more people in the streets. but there is more people in grocery stores. there is more cars on the street. but we -- we should understand that the situation where the train station was bombed in kyiv is completely different. people are trying to flee mariupol, other eastern cities because that's where russia is planning a new offensive. ukraine understands that. and there is going to be a rapid increase in internally displaced persons who are fleeing war in those regions. >> on the other side of this, there is some news that russia has reportedly appointed general aleksandr dvornikov in ukraine. he is known for scorched earth tactics in places like syria. and i'm curious to get your thoughts on this. does this represent an acknowledgment that the strategy in ukraine wasn't working? and how do you expect russia's military strategy to change if, in fact, he is now the new ground commander of operations in ukraine? >> yes. i think the russian leadership understands that something went wrong. we heard reports by russian tv stations that kyiv is going to be captured in three days, that ukrainian army is no match for russia, and we're now over 40 days into this war. russia had to draw from the kyiv region, from sumi. so obviously russia understands that they failed in their operation. and now they're preparing for a long operation in donbas. and unfortunately people like this who have experience in syria have combat experience in terrain. for example, this general is known for basically destroying aleppo. that's unfortunately what we're going to expect in mariupol and in other large eastern ukrainian cities. >> and so let me ask you if i can, finally, as you look forward and anticipate what unfolds from here on out, first of all, do you believe that because the battle for kyiv is over and the government -- the government of volodymyr zelenskyy has survived that ukraine has effectively won this war and more importantly how would you define winning this war if that is the case because of kyiv surviving this ondlaugt by the russians. >> unfortunately i don't think that ukraine yet won this war. it is hard to say a country won a war when foreign troops are still on ukrainian oil. i think that the most important battle will be in donbas. if russia is able to achieve its goals, capture mariupol and move closer to the city of lipro, which is located on the lipro river, then ukraine will have a hard time defending the country and we might see a new kyiv offensive. for ukraine, it is important right now to defend those regions. we know that that's why president volodymyr zelenskyy has increased his plea to, for example, boris johnson to receive weapons because we understand that the war is ongoing, the deadly fights are still -- are waiting us in donbas. and we understand that russia won't stop until it gets at least some kind of victory in ukraine. >> all right. live for us in kyiv. it is great to see you again. thanks so much. stay safe and please keep in touch. we'll speak to you again in the weeks ahead. coming up, the january 6th committee believes it has enough evidence to make a referral to the donald trump justice department. first richard lui is here with the headlines. >> president biden expected to roll out new executive steps on gun control on monday nbc news has learned. he's set to announce a new nominee to run the atf after his previous nominee withdrew in september and he's expected. ten others were injured in cedar rapids, iowa. and at least 72 people now tested positive for covid-19 in washington, d.c. last weekend. that includes attorney general merrick garland, house speaker nancy pelosi and senator susan collins, all guests who attended a dinner and were vaccinated. for ayman with ayman mohyeldin right after this break. man withn right after this break (driver 1) it's all you. (driver 2) no, i insist. (driver 1) it's your turn. (driver 2) nope, i think it's your turn. (driver 1) i appreciate you so much, thank you so much... go. (driver 2) i appreciate your appreciation. it fills me. (burke) safe drivers save money with farmers. (bystander) just for driving safely? (burke) it's a farmers policy perk. get farmers and you could get a safe driver discount simply for having a clean driving record for three years. (driver 3) come on! (driver 1) after you. (driver 2) after you. (drivers 1 and 2) safety first! (burke) get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. ♪we are farmers.bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum♪ allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! flonase all good. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! (sighs wearily) here i'll take that! 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[ding] e*trade now from morgan stanley. another day, another bombshell from the january 6th committee. "the new york times" is reporting that the panel has actually concluded it has enough evidence for a criminal referral of donald trump, but its leaders are actually split on whether to send that referral to the justice department. in fact, they're afraid that it could backfire and create the perception of a politicized investigation. this morning representative liz cheney said, quote, it is absolutely clear that what president trump was doing, what a number of people around him were doing, that they knew it was unlawful. they did it anyway. earlier the news broke days after the 2020 election. donald trump jr. texted ideas on how to overturn the election results to former white house chief of staff mark meadows. let's discuss this now. thank you so much for joining us. i want to get your reaction to that new york times reporting. where do you fall on that debate. would a referral to the department of justice do more harm than good? >> look, i have the january 6th commission has done an extraordinary job. they have deposed or interviewed more than 850 witnesses, collected 75,000 pages of documents and are doing a thorough job to make sure they understand all the facts and circumstances that led to the planning and execution of an attempt to over throw our democratically held election. if they uncover, as i think they have, evidence of criminal wrongdoing that they refer that to the attorney general for consideration, filing of criminal charges. no one in this country is above the law. i think the american people expect the individuals responsible for planning and financing and executing this violent attack on our democracy are going to be held accountable. it's really not up to the january 6th commission to decide who will be charged. we have a department of justice that will make that judgment. but if they have evidence, they have a responsibility, i think a duty to make that referral to the department of justice for their consideration. >> congressman, i'm curious to get your thoughts on whether or not you share the frustration expressed by some members of your party over the way the department of justice has moved on this. they say that the department isn't moving quickly enough or aggressively enough against the former president and the. >> reporter: high-profile actors. even when it comes to subpoenas. so in your capacity as a member of congress with oversight in the department of justice, how do you feel about the way the department of justice is handling this? have you had any interactions with the department of justice or the attorney general and posed to them why they are doing it the way they're doing it? >> look, i think the good news is the attorney general doesn't much care about the frustration of anyone. we want the attorney general to remain independent and to make judgments based on the facts and the law. but of course i think the american people are waiting for those responsible for this really bloody and deadly attack on our democracy to be held accountable. witnesses that have been subpoenaed who have willfully failed to appear ought to be charged and charged quickly. so i think some of that is frustrating. but i would take my frustration any day over the kind of pollicization of the justice department that we saw in the last administration. i think merrick garland is working hard to have restored the independence of the department of justice and free it from the kind of political interference that existed for the four years before president biden took office. i hope you continue to move and move quickly, but i recognize he needs to make judgments based on the law as he determines appropriate. i hope he will make a referral and make judgments that ultimately hold everyone who is responsible for those events accountable, and that's the former president of the united states. him as well. no one in this country is above the law. >> well, you're a member of the house judiciary committee. nbc news is obviously, sir, reporting that democrats on that committee are planning -- are planning a closed door meeting to discuss conflict of interest accusations against another important issue, and that is the supreme court justice clarence thomas and his wife. there has been a suggestion of a possible violation of a code of ethics or hearings against justice thomas over that conflict of interest. what can you tell us specifically about those discussions? will there be closed door hearings about whether there is a conflict of interest regarding clarence thomas and his wife? >> well, i think, you know, many members of the judiciary committee are very, very concerned about revelations. the integrity of our courts is based on confidence that decisions are made based on the law and the facts. so the revelations about ginni thomas and justice thomas to be the only judge that sided with donald trump in refusing to provide documents to the january 6th commission is very disturbing. and i think, you know, the january 6th commission has work to do in this area. i expect it will be part of their report. but, you know, this is a grave concern to anyone, that a justice of the supreme court, the wife of the justice, was engaging in text messages with the chief of staff. and really plotting almost like a qanon subscriber about crazy theories. that's very disturbing. and, you know, members of the judiciary committee have been speaking about what they can do about this. we introduced last week in a 21st century court act to bring greater transparency to require the supreme court to hold them accountable for this kind of conduct. so we have some legislative solutions. but this is a very serious concern to members of the judiciary committee because they recognize the supreme court makes decisions that affect our daily lives and they ought to be beyond reproach. >> all right. so from one supreme court justice, let me ask you about an incoming supreme court justice. last week you had judge judge son confirmed to the supreme court. i want to play for you this. >> if we get back the senate and we're in charge of this body and there is judicial openings, we will talk to our colleagues on the other side. but if we're in charge, she would not be before this committee. >> so through the this whole process, congressman, there has been this noticeable lack of decorum from members of the republican party. if this is what they're promising for future hearings, is it safe to say that this process is only going to get worse? >> yeah. i mean, the conduct that republican senators were engage anything is really despicable. this is an extremely qualified judge and now a justice at the supreme court. i was at the white house to celebrate her confirmation. it is a great day for this country. and to watch republicans who were so disrespectful and at the same time pledge they're going to deny the president his constitutional responsibility to appoint justices to the supreme court if there are additional vacancies is, frankly, disrespectful to the american people. they elected president biden as their president. he gets to make appointments to the supreme court, not senators. and it is disgraceful. i think if they do that, the american people will hold them accountable at the midterms and then in 2024 because the american people elected joe biden. they expect he will make those judgments. it is not uch to mitch mcconnell and the republicans to decide who will be on the supreme court. they have politicized this process. they have weapons the supreme court. now they're saying that outloud that if they win the midterms they are not going to allow the president to make appointments to the supreme court. that should be disturbing to every single person in this country. >> i have to ask quickly. you are a co-chair of the congressional caucus, the lgbtq quality caucus. what is your reaction to the anti-lgbtq laws we're seeing across the country. do you believe there is a need to step in here? >> absolutely. it is a legislation that i introduced, that we passed out of the house that will once and for all ban discrimination based on sexual identiication and gender identity. these are hideous attacks that took down the trans community that republican legislatures are doing because they think it is politically advantageous. no one in this country should live a life subjected to that discrimination. the equality act will accomplish that. it is time for the senate to pass it. >> all right, congressman. thanks so much for coming back on the program. greatly appreciate your time as always. still ahead, new york attorney general letitia james is taking new steps to punish donald trump. we're going to explain them next. next [ kimberly ] before clearchoice, my dental health was so bad i would be in a lot of pain. i was unable to eat. it was very hard. kimberly came to clearchoice with a bunch of missing teeth, struggling with pain, with dental disease. clearchoice dental implants solved her dental issues. 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[phone rings] sorry. is this where they're gonna put the statue of liberty? liberty... are we married to mutual? cut. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ $10,000. s that what new york's attorney general letitia james is asking a judge to force donald trump to pay every single day until he turns over documents that he was ordered to turnover. in court filings this week, letitia james asked that the judge hold donald trump in civil contempt. of course, trump responded by calling the claims, you guessed it, a witch hunt. what's more interesting here is that the attorney general might be working around trump's on stansy. he just asked the judge to ask a real estate office to give her information on a series of appraisals they did on trump's business. katie fang, which airs at 7:00 a.m. eastern on saturday and sunday. also joining us democratic strategist and senior vice president of fire house strategies, michael star hopkins and nbc news senior reporter, the host of the new podcast "tiffany dover is dead." katie, i will start with you. congratulations on your debut this weekend. usually don't get up that early on the weekend, but we will make an exception for it with your show at 7:00 a.m. let me ask you, what do you make of this move from the new york attorney general? because $10,000 is a lot of somebody for somebody like me, but for somebody like donald trump, is that enough will it compel him and force his hand to turn over those documents? >> the $10,000 is relatively symbolic, but it is the right move to make. let me break it down quickly. you know, an order was entered by a judge and parties have to abide by those orders. and when a party does not abide by those orders, then you can move for contempt. now the standard that has to be met legally is that trump intentionally and willfully violated that court order. and so basically the fine itself is, you know, supposed to be punitive in nature. at the end of the day, she wants her documents. she negotiated with trump's team, his legal team to give them more time to turn it over. when time expired they filed these ridiculous objections to turn overdocuments. she's also running over third party subpoenas. and that's another thing you do. you chase down these nonparties that are not a part of the litigation that have relevant discovery and you serve subpoenas. and if they don't comply, you serve the motions. so what we're seeing here right now, it has teeth, let me be clear, the judge does not want to have his orders ignored. if trump doesn't comply and he doesn't pay the fine, he could end up in jail even for civil contempt. >> michael, are trump's actions here from a political standpoint, something that democrats can and should still campaign on his corruption, the legacy of corruption he left behind, not to mention his attempt to over throw the elections. kevin mccarthy said he would disband the january 6th committee and it gets me wondering whether or not that's something voters would actually care about going to the polls. >> you know, democrats have a chance on winning, a chance of being taken seriously, they really have to take it to republicans. they have to talk about the fact that hillary clinton sat for 11 hours during the benghazi select hearings. and not only could not donald not show up to the january 6th hearings, but he told his entire staff not to show up. he got jared kushner to get a $2 billion deal with the saudis after leaving office. there is this blatant corruption that republicans put in the face of americans. and democrats have been who riffically bad about calling them out on it and using the tools that they have to be effective. >> and bringing in the latest segment we heard about the january 6th committee's fears that issuing a criminal referral to trump would be seen as a politicized move and we were just discussing that with congressman cicillini, even if the committee presented a mountain of solid, credible, ironclad evidence, would it actually change the minds of hard core trump voters who are convinced that january 6th was antifa or blm or anybody except donald trump? >> oh, no. it would further -- they would -- it would make them further dig in to what we already believe. when we look at, for example, this information and covid and attitudes about covid among republicans, what we see is that a lot of examples people will cite specifically the russia investigation. other so-called witch hunts of donald trump and say, see, you can't trust these people for anything. it just sort of widens that partisan divide. you know, this isn't really my -- that's not really by beat but just as a person with eyes, it seems to me that this former president just gets out of everything. whenever he is accused of something, it only emboldened his supporters to feel like he was wronged. >> the manhattan district attorney has come over some heat. he said his office's investigation into trump remains ongoing. this morning you spoke with him. >> now, anybody that shows now the prosecutorial system works, yourself inincluded, you know tt they like to think the originals. the fact they returned this box of documents that i had provided which in and of itself is a road map to an absolute indictment and prosecution of not just donald but the children, the organization, allen weisselberg as well. the fact that they returned them is to me a clear indication that the case is not going to go forward. >> what do you make of that? does that sound like alvin brag's investigation is ongoing? >> no. and i think my face explained it all. i was totally befallen. i could not believe what i was hearing. i had not heard it before. so michael is basically saying he has all of this information in original form and he gave it to alvin brag's office. he met with the now retired or resigned, excuse me, prosecutors like mark pomeranz. he met with them and brag won't even meet with him. that's why when you see somebody like tish james still going at it and still pursuing justice, it makes you feel better. because brag has been saying, no, no, no, the investigation is not dead. we heard that brag's office returned these documents that were crucial critical documents that prove the legal culpability of donald trump and others. if brag is not going to do anything more, then just cut your losses and go. but to continue to string people along is just bad form as a prosecutor. >> let me jump in. >> michael, let's talk a little bit about -- go for it. >> brag ran on this justice message. so then to turn around and as soon as he steps into office to really kind of cancel the investigation, that's the kind of stuff that depressions votes from democrats. democrats are sick of it. we never fight. it is also republicans fight. it is time we fight and hold people accountable. sorry to cut you off earlier. >> no, no. not at all. speaking of fighting, let's talk about ginni thomas and clarence thomas and their issue here. i keep thinking if the shoe was on the other foot, what would be happening in congress? if it was a republican controlled congress with a democrat appointed supreme court justice who had a conflict of interest because this week a new poll showed that 53% of voters believe that justice thomas should recuse himself from all cases related to the 2020 election because of his wife's actions. how should democrats fight this message on this issue? >> yeah. i really think we need to talk about the 8-1 vote, the fact that justice thomas was the lone dissent in a case involving his wife. america at the time didn't know, but he knew. that's the type of corruption. that's the type of flagrant disrespect for our democracy that i think democrats really need to hammer home every single day. >> katie, you wrote a piece for where you argue that we should, quote, never move on from this ginni thomas news. i tend to agree with that. but make the case for us. >> listen, in my piece, i cite to a federal statute that requires judges, any judge on any level to have to recuse him or herself if there is even the reasonable question that your impartiality is going to be at issue. but, listen, clarence thomas, this is not anything new to him. since 1993 he has recused himself 54 times. 17 times because his son had some type of interest in the outcome of a decision that was before him on scotus, so the dude knows how to do it. the fact that he knows that she does all of this advocacy for these far right groups and the fact that, i'm sorry, he knew what she was up to vis-a-vis the january 6th insurrection. there is no way she didn't know what she was doing. at the end of the day, he has a statutory obligation, an ethical obligation. you are governed by the rules of professional responsibility because you are also a lawyer as a judge. >> yeah. and the democrats here are tiptoeing around the issue. nobody really making strong calls for him seriously to either recuse himself or step down as we saw last week. i'm going to ask all three of you to stick around for us. still ahead a nurse who famously fainted on camera getting her covid vaccine is not dead. but try telling that to legions of conservative qanon conservatives online. we will explain after this. s, try saying hello gumwash with parodontax active gum health. it kills 99% of plaque bacteria and forms an antibacterial shield. try parodontax active gum health mouthwash. that oddly satisfying feeling when you don't do it yourself. so a convoy of truckers gathered for a defeat the mandates rally, except for the fact that all covid mandates have been revealed at this point. they still went ahead and had it. and some are spreading lies about vaccines and the virus in order to win the information battle because, you know, you have a solid argument. if you have to lie to make your point. my sunday night panel is back with me once again. jokes aside for a moment, you were on the ground in los angeles today. tell me about what you saw and what was the motive behind what we saw today. >> yeah. i live in l.a. it was a day. this is the second version of the defeat the mandates march orally. and the first one was in d.c. in november. and that rally was very, i would say, far right. it did -- it was a little more political and like we -- almost like a trump rally. this one today was markedly different. and here's why. it was a collection of basically what it looked like was 2019 again, when california was arguing about childhood vaccine mandates, and this was very much an anti-vaccine rally, not just covid. but they had generalmy mccarthy appear via video, bob seres appear. some of the original anti-vaxxers of the modern movement were all here. they have all said, we have been fighting this fight for decades. now you finally see the light. for me and health officials and doctors, that has been the sincere worry, that all of this antivax about the covid, antivax attitudes would spill over into childhood vaccines. these diseases we eradicated like measles. it was just -- it was a wild rally. a lot of crazy accusations, misinformation, demonization of democratic politicians, anthony fauci, doctors in general. it was a wild time. >> what was the -- what was the turn-out like there? can you just give us a sense? we saw some of the images on the screen, but what was the actual numbers if you can kind of put it in context for us? was this a large crowd compared to others you have attended? >> so it was about average for an anti-vaccine rally. i think what's important to think about, too, is there were two sections in grant park. there is the first section and right by the stage, and that probably had, i mean, maybe on a good day a thousand people were there. but then they had gotten this overflow. they had a whole other screen and they were going to have people. nobody was there. there wasn't enough people for that. in terms of what that mean for public health, i would say that's a small win. but just because people weren't there doesn't mean that message didn't resonate in children's defense. this organization was streaming it. big tree organization's was streaming it. so a lot of people were watching on the internet. it is hard to say how many people might have been affected by some of the things they heard today. >> michael, i'm surprised that the, you know, fury over vaccines and mandates has actually lasted this long. it seems like these people have gotten more radical as this pandemic has gone on, regardless of what the numbers or the science or the trends of the pandemic are suggesting. >> well, i mean, when you look at the republican ecosystem, you have got people like ron desantis who are starring in the republican party who every day talks about how people shouldn't be wearing masks and how this is all over but he's gotten the vaccine. he's gotten the booster. and the republicans watching fox news, they're in a silo. and all they hear is about how, you know, the vaccines don't work and how fauci is, you know, this kind of larger than life person, manipulating society. but at the end of the day, this is about the culture wars. this is about a couple powerful republicans wanting to win elections and using uninformed people as kind of their army. and, so, we're running into this really big problem in the country where the stupid are winning the war. and democrats are having a hard problem because for us it's about facts. it is about truth. it is about reason. well, when you are dealing with people who don't care about facts, don't care about reason and aren't really that smart in the first place, then there is no way to really bring them over or have an honest conversation. >> i just want to say -- >> i'm excited. sorry. go ahead. go ahead. >> i'd love to tell you about my podcast. but i do want to just mention that i just push back a little bit. a lot of the people i saw today, they're not stupid, but they have been lied to over and over and over again. they think they are looking at facts, right? they think they are looking at the data but it is because there are a couple people motivated by money or, you know, political gain to lie to these people. it is really, really terrible, especially when you think of what happens when you don't get a vaccine because you were lied to. you could get very sick. you could die. i have to feel a little empathy for the people i saw at the rally today. but happy to talk about my podcast. it follows a very specific lie, that surrounding a nurse in tennessee who fainted when she got the shot. and a lot of pretty terrible people like i just talked about wanted to use that story as a way to make a lot of people be afraid of the vaccine. and it was a wildly, wildly successful disinformation campaign. and i spent the last year of my life trying to untangle that sort of web of laws, follow the conspiracy theories, see who was affected by it, see who was harmed and try to find out the lasting impact and disprove it. >> yeah. and i just want to make sure that our viewers are aware, that is the podcast there on your screen. it is truthers: tiffany dover is dead. this week, tweeted out there are two groups of people who are wrong, and also those who insist that the relatively soft covid restrictions in 2022 retro actively shows they were right to oppose restrictions in 2020. do you agree? >> i don't know what kind of monday morning quarterbacking that is. you know, the problem that we have is whack a do has been around for centuries. the problem we have is leg mization of whack a do. you get people saying that, you know, trump is going to be president again and when he's president again fauci is going to be prosecuted. there is this concept with these anti-vaxxers about autonomy. if you are going to have autonomy, you will have personal liability especially with the anti-covid vaccine concept. it is this idea you should actually have accountability for not only your own actions but how it impacts society at large. if you are going to take the stage and talk about prosecuting fauci for doing his job or people like robert kennedy saying vaccines are bad and are killing people, and brandy with this fantastic podcast, having to find this woman to prove that she's alive or dead because of this conspiracy. there is no accountability for lying. whether there's a concern about the intelligence quotient going on here, it's harming people. and if there's a harm, there has to be a consequence. >> absolutely, accountability is always the word of the day when you think of what has happened and nobody being held accountable. brandy's new 30d cast, truthers, tiffany dover is dead. make sure you follow the podcast now. before we go, even swing state voters can't find evidence of voter fraud. we've got the details on that report next. 'vwee got the details on that report next. t, and now you can too by asking your healthcare provider if an oral treatment is right for you. oral treatments can be taken at home and must be taken within 5 days from when symptoms first appear. if you have symptoms of covid-19, even if they're mild don't wait, get tested quickly. if you test positive and are at high risk for severe disease, act fast ask if an oral treatment is right for you. covid-19 moves fast and now you can too. do your eyes bother you? my eyes feel like a combo of stressed, dry and sandpaper. strypaper? luckily, there's biotrue hydration boost eye drops. biotrue uses naturally inspired ingredients. and no preservatives. try biotrue! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ we believe there's an innovator in all of us. ♪ ♪ that's why we build technology that makes it possible for every business... and every person... to come to the table and do more incredible things. more than a year after the 2020 presidential election, a lot of republicans are still pretending that donald trump won an election we all know he did not win. we don't need more evidence to tell us that, but this week we got a lot more of it. more from a republican. arizona attorney general. he issued an interim report that found no evidence of widespread election fraud in maricopa county in 2020. it's actually kind of funny, because he said the same thing just days after the 2020 election. he said there was no evidence of fraud. but trump didn't like that. and so he gave in to him and other arizona republicans, and he actually launched this investigation. now because he's a republican, he still claimed that there were serious vulnerabilities in election procedures that raised questions. okay. but he never reconciled how there could be such serious vulnerabilities if those vulnerabilities never actually resulted in any fraud. i mean, is anything really that vulnerable then? unless we forget, this isn't the first time arizona has had its 2020 election results reviewed. last year, the gop hired an independent contractor, infamously known as the cyber ninjas, yes, that is their name, to quote-unquote audit the vote tally, and it revealed that president biden received more votes than was initially reported for him. we could have listened to the attorney general before he changed his fraud claims to kowtow to the man who lost and still is not the president. can you catch ayman on sundays and fridays on the new msnbc hub on peacock. and follow us on twitter and tiktok @ayman msnbc. goodnight. n msnbc. goodnight. n intense burning sensation. what is this nightmare? it's how some people describe... shingles. a painful, blistering rash that could interrupt your life for weeks. forget social events and weekend getaways. if you've had chickenpox, the virus that causes shingles is already inside of you. if you're 50 years or older ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles. your mission: stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and take. it. on... ...with rinvoq. rinvoq a once-daily pill can dramatically improve symptoms... rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. and for some...rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. that's rinvoq relief. with ra, your overactive immune system attacks your joints. rinvoq regulates it to help stop the attack. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least one heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. talk to your rheumatologist about rinvoq relief. rinvoq. make it your mission. learn how abbvie could help you save on rivnoq. life... doesn't stop for diabetes. be ready for every moment, with glucerna. it's the number one doctor recommended brand that is scientifically designed to help manage your blood sugar. live every moment. glucerna. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for whatchya... line? need. liberty biberty— cut. liberty... are we married to mutual? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ this hour, if you are serious about seeking peace, you probably would not install a man known as the butcher of syria to lead the next phase of your attack against ukraine, yet, russia's done it, offering tea leaves of what could come next in

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Oil , Of Lipro , City , Goals , Lipro River , Kyiv Offensive , Plea , Kind , Won T , Fights , Victory , Thanks , In Touch , Joe Biden , Referral , Evidence , Executive Steps , Headlines , Richard Lui , Nbc News , Nominee , Gun Control On Monday , Atf , Covid 19 , Iowa , Cedar Rapids , Ten , 19 , 72 , Merrick Garland , Break , Susan Collins , Guests , Nancy Pelosi , Dinner , Man Withn , Washington D C , Driver , Drivers , Farmers , Turn , Money , Appreciation , Bystander , 2 , 1 , Misinformation , Bum , Driver Discount , Safety , Driving Record , Burke , Farmers Policy Perk , Farmers Policy Perks , Pa Dum , 3 , Body , Allergies , Season , Spraying Flonase , Protein , Health , Good , Energy , Nutrients , Sugar , Psst , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Two , Thirty , One , Innovator , Things , Person , Technology , Business , Table , World , Sound , Suits , Helicopter Blades , Greg , On The Road , Investing , Advice , Baby , Baby One More Time , Inflation , Memes , Milk , Onesies , Chapter , Morgan Stanley , Britney Spears , Benny , E Trade , The New York Times , Panel , Bombshell , Whether , Leaders , Perception , Investigation , Liz Cheney Said , Doing , Number , Election , Chief Of Staff , Election Results , Ideas , White House , Mark Meadows , 2020 , Reaction , January 6th Commission , Harm , Witnesses , Job , Debate , 850 , Facts , Documents , Attempt , Planning , Execution , Pages , Circumstances , 75000 , Law , Consideration , Charges , Filing , Wrongdoing , Democracy , Accountable , Individuals , Financing , Congressman , Responsibility , Judgment , Duty , Way , Members , President , Department Isn T , Party , Frustration , Reporter , Congress , Subpoenas , Member , Interactions , Oversight , Actors , Capacity , Attorney General , Anyone , Doesn T , Judgments , Course , Democrat Appointed Supreme Court Justice , Some , Department , Pollicization , Office , It , Independence , Four , Everyone , Events Accountable , President Of The United States , Democrats , Committee , House Judiciary Committee , Door , Sir , Supreme Court , Issue , Wife , Hearings , Conflict Of Interest , Accusations , Violation , Suggestion , Code Of Ethics , Discussions , Revelations , Decisions , Courts , Integrity , Confidence , Judge , Report , Concern , Area , Text Messages , Theories , Subscriber , Qanon , Transparency , 21st Century Court Act , 21 , Conduct , Solutions , Supreme Court Justice , Reproach , Lives , Senate , Charge , Son , Openings , Colleagues , Republican Party , Process , Decorum , Lack , Anything , Justice , Senators , It Safe , Confirmation , Pledge , Appointments , Justices , Court , Vacancies , Frankly , Midterms , Mitch Mcconnell , 2024 , Outloud , Laws , Caucus , Co Chair , Lgbtq , Need , Legislation , Ban Discrimination , Legislatures , Attacks , Community , Gender Identity , Sexual Identiication , Life , Equality Act , Discrimination , Right , Letitia James , Kimberly , Clearchoice , Steps , Program , New York , Next , Pain , Teeth , Issues , Dental Disease , Bunch , Dental Implants , Daughter , Performance , My Life , Badder , Power , Wayfair S , Faster , Habitat , Grill , Selection , Furniture , Flame , Go Wild On Garden Decor , Nature , Outdoorsy At Wayfair , Shelter , Elements , Predators , Warehouse Worker , Supervisor , Surprises , Pocket , Production Manager , Cto , Ceo , Sweets , Prizes , T Mobile , Shapes , Sizes , Vo , 5g , Family , 5 , Eggs , Taste , Best , Eggland S Best , Superior Nutrition , Only Eggland S Best , Actor , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Line , Breaks , Liberty Biberty Cut , Whatchya , Action , Liberty Butchemel Cut , Pay , Phone Rings , Statue Of Liberty , 0000 , 10000 , Turnover , Court Filings , In Civil Contempt , Witch Hunt , On Stansy , Real Estate , Information , Vice President , Strategist , Appraisals , Series , Fire House Strategies , Katie Fang , Eastern On Saturday , 7 , 00 , Podcast , Weekend , Michael Star Hopkins , Congratulations , Tiffany Dover , Host , Senior , Debut , Somebody , Get Up , Don T , Show , Exception , Order , Hand , Orders , Contempt , Standard , Parties , Court Order , Team , Fine , Objections , Third Party , Overdocuments , Nonparties , Discovery , Motions , Litigation , Actions , Trump Doesn T , Are Trump , Jail , Elections , Corruption , Standpoint , Legacy , Kevin Mccarthy , Voters , Polls , Hillary Clinton , January 6th Hearings , Staff , Benghazi , Jared Kushner , 11 , Tools , Face , Deal , Saudis , Riffically , Billion , 2 Billion , Segment , Fears , Congressman Cicillini , Minds , Mountain , Credible , Hard Core , Anybody , Antifa , Dig , Blm , Examples , Attitudes , Say , Witch Hunts , Russia Investigation , Everything , Beat , Investigation Into Trump , Supporters , Manhattan District Attorney , Heat , System Works , Children , Prosecution , Indictment , Road Map , Originals , Box , Yourself Inincluded , Organization , Indication , Alvin Brag , Allen Weisselberg , Form , Hearing , Prosecutors , Tish James , Mark Pomeranz , Saying , Losses , Culpability , Bit , Message , Prosecutor , Stuff , Depressions , Fighting , Shoe , Foot , Let S Talk , Poll , Cases , 53 , Vote , 8 , Type , Disrespect , Dissent , Didn T Know , Piece , Quote , Statute , Question , Impartiality , Level , Judges , Listen , Decision , Times , Interest , Outcome , 17 , 1993 , 54 , Groups , Advocacy , Vis A , Dude , Obligation , Rules , Lawyer , Nobody , Calls , Tiptoeing , Vaccine , Nurse , Camera , Legions , Conservative Qanon , Gum Health , Gum Health Mouthwash , Plaque Bacteria , Shield , Hello Gumwash , 99 , Feeling , Convoy , Truckers , Rally , Mandates , Defeat , Point , Virus , Vaccines , Argument , Information Battle Because , Lies , Sunday Night Panel , Motive , Los Angeles , Jokes , Version , More , Collection , Childhood Vaccine Mandates , Video , Generalmy Mccarthy , California , Bob Seres , 2019 , Fight , Anti Vaxxers , Movement , Light , Doctors , Antivax , Childhood , Worry , Antivax Attitudes , Diseases , Measles , Politicians , Sense , Anthony Fauci , Screen , Numbers , Context , Crowd , Stage , Section , Sections , Grant Park , A Thousand , Public Health , Overflow , There Wasn T , Win , Message Didn T , Internet , Defense , Big Tree Organization , Pandemic , Radical , Fury , Ron Desantis , Trends , Science , Ecosystem , Masks , People Shouldn T , Booster , Fox News , Silo , Culture Wars , Manipulating Society , Problem , Reason , Truth , Army , Don T Care , Aren T , Conversation , Place , Smart , Money Or , Gain , Data , Empathy , Story , Lie , Shot , Tennessee , Wildly , Disinformation Campaign , Web , Impact , Conspiracy Theories , Viewers , Truthers , Restrictions , Monday Morning Quarterbacking , 2022 , Do , Whack , Leg Mization , Autonomy , Concept , Again Fauci , Liability , Accountability , Prosecuting Fauci , Idea , Vaccine Concept , Society , Woman , Brandy , Robert Kennedy , Conspiracy , Intelligence Quotient , Lying , Consequence , Word , Swing State Voters , Cast , 30 , Symptoms , Treatment , Treatments , Voter Fraud , Healthcare Provider , T , Home , Vwee , Disease , Fast , Risk , Covid , Don T Wait , Eyes , Combo , Sandpaper , Eye Drops , Ingredients , Biotrue Hydration Boost , Strypaper , Preservatives , Biotrue , Arizona Attorney General , Election Fraud , Maricopa County , Funny , Fraud , Didn T , Arizona , Vulnerabilities , Isn T The First Time Arizona , Contractor , Name , Cyber Ninjas , Vote Tally , Quote Unquote Audit , Votes , Man , Fridays , Ayman On Sundays , Msnbc Hub On Peacock , Twitter , Shingles , Nightmare , Msnbc , Intense Burning Sensation , Doctor , Rash , Events , Weekend Getaways , Chickenpox , Pharmacist , Some Rinvoq , Mission , Rinvoq , Rheumatoid Arthritis , Pill , Infections , Joints , Ra , Immune System , Swelling , Stiffness , Fatigue , Ability , Rinvoq Relief , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Intestines , Heart Attack , Death , Risks , Skin Cancer , Cancers , Blood Clots , Tears , Fatal , Stomach , Lymphoma , Stroke , Tb , Reactions , Rheumatologist , Rivnoq , Brand , Blood Sugar , Diabetes , Help , Glucerna , Butcher , Peace , Tea Leaves , Phase ,

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