Transcripts For MSNBC Stephanie Ruhle Reports 20240708 : com

Transcripts For MSNBC Stephanie Ruhle Reports 20240708

voting machines from key states. one of the reporter who is broke that story joins us. and members of the january 6th committee, congressman jamie raskin will be here to talk about the collection of trump documents they received and what they mean, including some reportedly ripped up by the former president himself. and major news that millions of families have been waiting for, praying for. "the washington post" reporting that pfizer could ask the fda to approve the vaccine for kids under the age of 5 as soon as today. and in just a few hours, the top lawmakers on the senate judiciary committee are headed to the white house to talk to president biden about his supreme court pick. we start this morning with the latest on the diplomatic efforts to resolve the standoff between russia and the west. the big headline today, secretary of state antony blinken set to speak with russia's foreign minister, sergey lavrov as the u.s. waits for the response to the biden administration's latest attempt to end the crisis. also a tense exchange at the u.n. where the u.s. and russia accuse one another of making war more likely, not less. in addition to the phone call between blinken and lavrov, boris johnson will meet with ukraine's president in kyiv and hungarian prime minister meets with russia's president vladimir putin. two important developments on the military front. a senior u.s. official confirming that russia has started moving blood supplies to its troops along the border and yesterday began deploying mobile command posts in belarus. both are seen as indications that russia may be in the final stages of preparations for an invasion. let's bring in msnbc's chief foreign correspondent richard engle in southeastern ukraine. and the former u.s. ambassador to russia joins us as well. richard, it seems like russia keeps putting the pieces in place for war. how do you see it? >> reporter: well, russia is building up its forces. it is now a very capable force on three sides of the ukrainian border. it is reinforcing the belarusian front. there will be a series of military exercises in belarus over the next couple of weeks. the sword is drawn and russia has the capacity now, multiple officials in nato have said and have told me that it could launch an invasion today. but russia continues to engage in diplomacy. so while it has the pieces in place for war, there are a series of talks that are ongoing. russia has yet to formally respond to the united states' written responses which russia had requested. we know more or less what that response is going to be because russia has already said that the united states didn't meet its expectations when it comes to its security guarantees. we're still waiting for an official response. there is that call between foreign minister lavrov and the u.s. secretary of state. boris johnson here in kyiv today. a lot of diplomacy is still happening even though russia continues to build up its force, has perishable goods on the border like blood, has mobile command centers, has missile launchers, has cybercapacity, has special forces on the border and could launch a very large-scale attack at a short notice. >> ambassador, as someone who knows these talks from the inside, are you optimistic that any of this can be solved diplomatically? >> you know, i've given up on probabilities of war or negotiation. everybody's guessing, and nobody really knows what putin is thinking and he's the only decisionmaker that matters. so, i don't know about that. i think there are little hints, tea leaves if you read them closely. for instance, foreign minister lavrov did an hour and a half interview, a call-in show for radio programs, and in that conversation, i listened to it pretty closely, you can hear hints of maybe we want to negotiate. he praised the american proposal, for instance, while saying the nato proposal, the response to their draft treaties slash ultimatums was much more positive. the american proposal was positive. he's talking to blinken today. i see hints of a possible negotiation, not on their maximalist positions. let's be clear, there's no way that biden or the nato alliance is going to agree to their maximalist position, but they put those on the table and later back off of them. thousand we need to wait and see does putin want to negotiate. >> ambassador, you recently wrote that putin sees this fight over ukraine as part of his sacred destiny to reshape the global balance of power. explain what that means, because when someone has that kind of world vision or impression of themselves, it seems like it's tough to negotiate. >> exactly. it's tough to negotiate because we, in the western world, in america, we think about cost benefit analysis and sanctions, oom oom it will cost their largest bank this amount. that'sish rational. that's how we talk about this crisis. i think it's inappropriate and wrong because putin thinks of himself as an historic figure who's trying to reunite the slavik countries, russia and ukraine, doesn't think ukraine should exist as a country, and he thinks of himself as trying to write the wrongs of the collapse of the soviet union 30 years ago. he thinks the new liberal international order that we dictated, talking about his view, back in 1991, was illegitimate and he wants to revise that. so when you're thinking in those terms it's hard to have rational conversations. one more thing, stephanie. he's been in power for 21 years. he's not sitting around with his advisers getting their advice. he thinks he knows everything. that, i think, almost makes him dangerous and difficult to negotiate with. >> and during those 21 years, he's become extraordinarily wealthy. he is more powerful than even he thought he could be. given that, what gives you any reason to believe that diplomacy would work. we talk about the mother of all sanctions. the mother of all sanctions are meaningless to someone who believed this is their divine purpose. >> yes. that's why, you know, i'm very nervous and as rich arld reported, thank god richard is in ukraine, by the way. can i say that to all your viewers? i really -- we need more reporting from the front line like that. so, thank you, richard. but secondly, yes, it makes it hard. remember, however, one other thing. putin, i hope, understands that invading a country that has a lot of cultural and historical ties to russia for lots of russians is going to be hard to understand. why are we attacking them now? and that fib will be a hard fight. it won't be a rolling to kyiv with no casualties. that i hope affects his calculus and that he may reconsider. >> ambassador michael mcphail, richard engel. yes, richard, thank you for being there. it is so important to have our people on the front lines showing the truth. new this morning, a move millions of parents have been waiting for, praying for. pfizer could ask regulators to authorize its coronavirus vaccine for kids under 5. meg, when could families be heading to a pharmacy, heading to their doctors to get these shots? >> reporter: it sounds like perhaps the fda could act on this as soon as the end of this month, which would mean perhaps early march for families being able to get those first vaccines for kids under 5. this is a huge turnaround from the time line we had been expecting just recently. remember in december, pfizer said they had to add a third dose to its vaccine trial for kids under 5 because the very low dose in kids ages 2 to 4 didn't generate enough in new response with just two doses. importantly, though, they said that the vaccine appeared to be safe at that dose for kids as young as 6 months. so now, according to this reporting from "the washington post" and "the new york times," the fda has apparently asked fizer to go ahead and file the application with those two doses so it can start reviewing then, see if the data are strong enough to clear those two doses as pfizer assesses the third shot to start building up that protection. we reached out to fizer in a statement to nbc news, the company saying, "at this time we have not filed a submission and we're continuing to collect and analyze data from both two and three doses in our younger age cohort. as part of our ongoing commitment, we will share new updates as they become available." it sounds like we could hear later today from pfizer in filing this. >> that means everyone watching this program right now national security adviser to be following you, meg terrell, because you will have the latest. thanks for joining us. turning to a story you have got to hear. you'll be talking about it today. "the new york times" has new reporting about former president trump's attempt to seize, physically seize vote mag sheens in the 2020 election. three people familiar with the matter telling the times that trump was personally involved in pushing some of the proposals to use federal agencies to do the dirty deeld. a congressional correspondent for "the new york times" helped break this story. we've previously heard about some of these proposals that were floating around. what's new here? what do we need to know? >> right. good morning. so, in the weeks after the election, allies of donald trump had pushed to seize voting machines, part of a sort of bad conspiracy theory they were involved in sort of foreign governments taking them over and flipping votes for joe biden and wild claims like that. what's new is donald trump took concrete steps to try to explore whether those -- they could seize voting machines through two different federal agencies. one, he directly raised the issue with attorney general bill barr to see whether the department of justice would be willing to seize the machines. second, he directed his personal lawyer, rudy giuliani, to reach out to homeland security to see whether they would be willing to seize the machines. in both cases, those attempts were rejected by department-level officials, but it does show that donald trump not only was interested in the idea and perhaps enthusiastic about it but was willing to take actual steps to try to make it happen. >> dhs, defense, and the doj. where did this come from? this came in large part from a bar owner, a saloon owner named phil waldron. he floated this idea about seizing voting machines, and what's crazy is it almost happened. the meeting on december 18th, 2020, sild knee powell, mike flynn, rudy giuliani, and the former ceo of overstock, bat rick byrne. where were they? in the oval office, our oval office, when trump was still president. tell us what happened in that meeting. none of those people who are government officials or experts. >> yes. so, this was a completely bizarre and perhaps scary meeting depending on your point of view. i think most people would view it that way. sidney powell, mike flynn and patrick byrne are waved into the white house according to a low-level official who has his privileges revoked afterwards, actually axios did a great job reporting on this meeting sort of as it was happening or on the days thereafter. but inside the meeting, sidney powell and others lay out the case for how president trump should seize these voting machines. they want sild knee powell to be appointed special counsel to investigate election fraud, and donald trump is very into this idea, begins to check it out. he reaches out to his chaef, mark meadows, to see if they can make it happen, and as we reported, he takes several more concrete steps to try to bring about this seizure of voting machines. again, he is casting about, looking for any way to try to stay in office after losing the election, and the very fact that these people were let into the white house had to be shot down by the white house counsel's office and other high-ranking agency officials shows how willing and how open donald trump was to these sort of bizarre and dangerous plans. >> scary, possibly illegal. i want to know the consequences. luke, thanks for joining us. coming up, we'll talk about how this plays into the january 6th investigation and what lawmakers are doing to make sure a president doesn't try to pull something like this again. remember, democracy is at risk and it held. how can we make sure it holds in the future? committee member jamie raskin will be here next. also ahead, the fight taking place in florida to control what teachers can and cannot say inside of a classroom. and cann and cann inside of a classroom. in all t. ♪ so different and so new ♪ ♪ was like any other... ♪ ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. 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what more do you need to know? >> well, we're closing in on the target if the target is the truth. i think that we're developing a comprehensive and fine-grained portrait of what took place. donald trump wanted to use an inside political coup to overthrow joe biden's majority in the electoral college and he wanted to use a violent insurrection to make sure that congress and mike pence did his will. the violent insurrection was directed as much at his -- some of his republican allies as it was against the democrats and against the constitution. he wanted to make sure that they went through with his plan, and that's why he unleashed the violence against them. >> so, help us understand, these documents handled over by the national archives, supposedly trump tore them up, and then what happened, staffers took them out of the garbage can, taped them, saved them, and what did you learn from them? >> i don't know about that particular narrative. that might be right. i'm not sure we've reconstructed exactly the chain of custody of these documents. but, look, everything pointed to the exact same conclusion, which was donald trump was working overtime in overdrive to figure out a way to overthrow a presidential election. and, in fact, he said that over the weekend. the alarming part is that they are -- he and his entourage are working to do it again, and they are trying to activate the same violent forces in the country, some kind of movement of street fascism and violence to attack elections, to attack anybody who gets in his way. so, you know, we had seven republican senators who voted with all 50 democrats to convict in the senate. i wish we had ten more. at this point, the republican party needs to stand up to say that this is intolerable to our constitutional order. but way too many of them are still playing footsie with donald trump and think that he might just go away on his own. and we need everybody to be standing up for the constitutional framework and for the democracy. >> okay. but need and should live in a category that we haven't been able to touch for years. literally, what can you do, right? you've recently said these public hearings are going to blow the roof off the house. what does that mean? what are the consequences? what are the actions? >> well, when we are able to establish the complete historical record of what happened, i don't think that there will be any self-respecting politician in america of any political party or no political party at all who will be able to stand by donald trump. they will have to disavow his tactics and his strategy rule or ruin. either he will rule the country or he will ruin our possibility of governing and ruling our possibility of making progress in the country. so everybody is going to have a decision to make. i'm not saying that the conclusion is fore ordained. i think we're in a tough time here. we need to stand up for democratic institutions. that means congress. that means the states. here they were talking about seizing voting machines from the states, the party that refuses to even pass a voting rights act that will defend everybody's right to vote is perfectly content to go along with a president who is willing to deploy the department of homeland security or the department of defense or the department of justice to take voting machines away from the state governments. it's just extraordinary. >> but, sir, as unethical or as awful as it might be, those republicans don't want to support voting rights legislation because they wanted to win in the midterms and going forward. right now, are you concerned that time is running out, we haven't gotten the big reveal, and even if we do, if people don't tune in and don't care, what rules are being changed to protect us from someone like donald trump trying to do this again? he was dangerously close at being successful. >> i think the big reveal has arrived. trump as repeatedly confirmed it. some people seem to think if you talk about crime in public, it can't be a crime. if you rob a bank in broad daylight, you're still robbing a bank, and this president clearly tried to overthrow a presidential election. he's the first american president to do so. our committee is charged with telling america the truth. we want to get the truth out in vivid and fine-gdeil so america understands exactly what happened. the truth is going to be the basis for us moving forward to institute, we hope, a whole set of legislative recommendations to guarantee that we will not have either a political coup in the future or a violent insurrection that overthrows state legislatures or overthrows the congress of the united states. that's what we need to do. but we need to get the message out, and we appreciate the role that media or some media are playing in terms of telling the story to america about the fact that we came very close to losing our democracy on january 6th in 2021. >> and those legislative recommendations will need to turn into legislative actions if we do want to protect our democracy. you're the subject of a new msnbc documentary "love and the constitution," and i want to share a bit of it. >> given my experience working for mr. trump, i fear that if he loses the election in 2020 that there will never be a peaceful transition of power. and this is why i agree to appear before you today. >> michael cohen did issue a stark warning to the country that if donald trump lost there would be no peaceful transition, there's no way he would accept it. that is a frightening and startling thing for the president's own lawyer to say about him, but it seems far off at that point to a lot of people, and people have said from the beginning there's no way he would do, that no way anybody would do that. >> congressman, go beyond the people tuning in to us right now. what do people need to understand that they don't? so many thought january 6th couldn't happen. it did. and now we're watching people erase it. >> well, you know, there is this total effort to whitewash the history. trump, of course, is saying that his rioters confronted the police with hugs and kisses, which is presumably how 150 of them ended up injured, wounded, in the hospital. so we've got to resist this orwellian revisionism, but we have to understand fundamentally what's going on here. democracy, as the framers of the constitution knew, as abraham lincoln knew, as franklin roosevelt knew, is a very fragile system. for most of our history, as a species, people have lived under kings and queens and bullies and dictators and people like donald trump. and our framers were determined to create a system of government where the people could govern ourselves under the rule of law. that's what's at stake today, because trump wants to destroy the whole thing. he has no respect for the constitution and no respect for the outcome of our elections. so he has positioned himself and his party outside of the constitutional order. and we need to totally reject and repudiate that. we can disagree about all kinds of public policy things, but there can be no indulgence of a political party and its autocratic lead they're want to destroy our whole system of government. >> without decency and respect, we have nothing. there were no hugs or kisses. doors and windows were smashed in. rioters spit and defecated on the desks of our lawmakers. that is what happened on january 6th. congressman, thank you for joining me. i appreciate it. you can all watch "love & the constitution" this sunday at 10:00 p.m. eastern here on msnbc. coming up, two lawmakers headed to the white house today to talk to biden about his supreme court pick. next, we'll speak to someone who is reportedly on that short list. reportedly on that short reportedly on that short list the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don'ke rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to the possibility of lower a1c with rybelsus®. you may pay as little as $10 for up to a 3-month prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. ♪♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. what happens when we welcome change? 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merrick garland has to be watching this saying they are going to run the clock and then say it's close to the midterms and we are going to get played again. >> based on my conversations with white house officials, this is really presidential biden trying to put his best foot forward and dig in on the idea that bipartisanship is something he wants to embrace, even if it's not necessary, for his best supreme court pick. it is a different timing, and democrats feel pretty i think confident that they will be able to get this nominee through congress. of course they have the numbers on their side at this point. but democrats also realize this is going to be something that has to move quickly and that time is still of the essence. democrats really with this 50/50 split in the senate, all it takes is one person to get sick, one person to not be able to come in, and everything gets derailed. that is in the back of democrats' minds. i think this white house meeting here, i think it is a show to say for president biden, you elected me to be someone bipartisan, trying to work across the aisle, i'm going to do that, but my conversations with white house officials tell me that he is not going to be waiting for republicans to try to give him a green light to get through his nominee. >> nobody is going to care about the show if they don't get the results. we get a covid flare-up, everybody goes home, the timing could get pushed again. is the biden administration making a mistake in putting on this best effort when it could put at risk this massively important appointment? >> well, listen, president biden served for 36 years in the senate. you have to factor that in. process matters. procedure matters to biden. i think he wants to go back to pre, you know, some of the form of the pre-trump era where you have this kind of meeting, you know, even if it does, as you pointed out correctly, you nearby said, it does not really matter. he's not sitting around waiting for republicans to offer him names. so i think process matters, but, yeah, listen, senator durbin was talking about this yesterday, all the, you know, democrats and the white house are cognizant of, you know, it's a 50/50 senate. if one democrat can't make it or for health reasons, whatever, that would be a huge problem. so, i mean, it depends on the senator, depends on the timing. justice breyer is not going anywhere. if you read his retirement letter, he plans to stay or can stay the rest of the term. that doesn't change the balance on the court. i think democrats are feeling they have to move, but they don't want to do what republicans do. they don't want to just jam somebody through in 27 days like amy coney barrett was. >> why not? it gets the job done and what they're looking for. melissa, you could be one of the people or the person they are looking for. have you spoke on the white house at all, being one of the 13 names floated? that's a big deal. >> it's a big deal. i'm honored to be included in this list. but to be clear, i think it's important to reflect on what this nomination will mean for the country. it's the first time an african american woman will sit on the high court. that's enormous. and it's true that more contentious confirmation battles have become the norm, but i think we should reflect on the time when unanimity in nominations was the rule and many people would go along with the president's pick, recognizing that elections have consequences, and though you may not agree ideologically with someone, it wasn't your pick to make and the president has his choice. all of these people are qualified. all of them would be fantastic jurists. and i think that the president has the votes and this will proceed in good order. >> yamiche alcindor, do you think there are any republicans disappointed that trump got in amy coney barrett in so quickly? he nominated her in eight days and got it done. biden saying he could wait as much as four weeks. are democrats nervous this could put things at risk? >> they're definitely some democrats who are nervous about the timing, but again, it goes back to the idea that you're dealing with senators who are mature, who have possibly have some sort of health issues, so everyone is sort of on pins and needles when it comes to making sure that all 50 senators can be there if the vice president can do her tie-breaking vote. it depends of course who the nominee is, but there is talk there could be some democratic votes. you hear the south carolina delegation sort of coalescing on democrats and republicans behind judge childs there. so there is this sort of feeling that maybe they can afford to lose possibly one democrat if something happens and a senator can't make it. if there isn't a question, we talked about are republicans at all disappointed in barrett. president trump had all sorts of headaches for republicans. they in some way despised talking about him when there were tweets flying and all of this stuff. what they got was three supreme court justices on the bench, and that meant everything, with so many republicans, including republicans who are pro-life, including republicans who are anti-vax. the supreme court can do all things in this pandemic, apart the issue-based issues like affirmative action and abortion. so republicans understood they had to get amy coney barrett through. the same is true, i think the energy is through when it comes to democrats, but i think president biden is, as john said, someone who wants to make sure he takes the process seriously. >> melissa, bide season getting a lot more done on the bench front than people realize. you know, republicans get credit for the federalist society, all those judges trump appointed. however, biden got more federal judges confirmed in 2021 than any first-year president since reagan. 40 in his first year. trump got 23. why isn't this getting more attention? it's a very big deal. >> i could turn the question back on you, stephanie. why isn't the media reporting this? this is the true success of biden's domestic agenda. it's not simply he's been assiduous in getting his nominees through. the nominees look very different from what we've seen far long time. historically, nominees in federal courts have been drawn from the ranks of prosecutors, big-firm lawyerings. he's completely turned this around. not only is there a demographic diversity, there's a diversity with professional experience they have. public defenders, labor-side lawyers. the array is absolutely staggering. again, it looks more like the legal profession than perhaps it ever has. >> amen to that. we need to talk about it more. in the last administration, we talked about all the judges president trump was putting on the bench, white males under the age of 40, little credibility, some ghost hunters, and we should remind our audience, 40 confirmed in biden's first year, many of whom are true representation of our legal force in this country. thank you all so much. i appreciate you joining us for this conversation. coming up next, as we learn more about "the new york times" report on the former president's attempt to physically seize voting machines from key states, we're seeing what states are doing to secure their next elections. colorado's top election official is here next. top election offil is here next age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. ever wonder what everyone's doing on their phones? 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do you ever think that would happen in this country in our day and age? >> good morning. thanks for having me on. i would say prior to 2020 i wouldn't imagine, that but of course everything unexpected with government administration changed in 2020 when we saw president trump try to overturn a free and fair election. it was reported he had conversations about seizing state voting equipment. also rudy giuliani, i believe, working on his pac, put together a slate of fake electors. so we saw president trump and people around him consider various methods to undermine the free and fair election of joe biden in 2020. and stephanie, although they failed to steal that election, they have not stopped. we' seeing the worst attack on democracy now and we have to do everything we can to stop it. >> we've asked other people in your position what happened if bad actors became election officials in these states? in your state, that's happened in some counties. what are you going to do about it? you have two county clerks in colorado, one who supports trump, calling to audit elections. they've been involved in potential security breaches by making copies of their counties' election systems. what can you do about this? >> colorado is considered the safest state in which to cast a ballot, and some of the silver lining is that the first -- the nation's first security breach, an insider threat, happened right here in the state, because even if we hadn't discovered it, our elections would still be safe and secure. but you're right, we had the mesa county clerk compromise voting equipment, trying to prove conspiracies. i acted quickly. i decertified the voting equipment and actually asked my 2018 republican opponent to oversee last year's election in that county. he did a great job. right now, i'm investigating a second breach of security protocols. again, it looks like a county clerk was trying to prove conspiracies and breaching security protocols. but, stephanie, this is going to continue to increase. we have right now over 160 candidates running across the nation to oversee elections that are spreading the big lie. so it's imperative that states recognize that insider threats, people inside the secretary of state's office or county election offices will be working to destabilize elections. it's imperative we accept that reality and increase our security immediately. >> what does that look like, right? democrats in your state recently supported the national fight for voting rights in the senate, but only one republican sided with them. instead, the rest of the republicans doubled down not just on election security, doubled down on questioning biden's win. we actually saw some crazed january 6th insurrectionists. how do you ensure that you're going to have a safe and secure election when you've got this going on in your state? can you? >> absolutely. again, colorado has the safest elections in the nation. we have a series of election security protocols surrounding how equipment is -- voting equipment is interacted with. but on top of that, every piece of voting equipment is tested by bipartisan teams of election judges. we do bipartisan risk-limiting awe difficults that show us to a high statistical degree of certainty that the election outcome is correct. and of course i'm there to provide oversight and will continue to do that vigorously to ensure that everybody ensure that every voter, republican, democrat and independent alike has access to safe and secure elections. at the same time, this extremism is taking over. there are great people on both sides of the divide or both sides of the political divide who work in election administration, but we are seeing president trump and his extremism take over. and it's going to be very important for voters to pay attention to who's running for local election officials and secretaries of state because we cannot allow people who do not believe in the right to vote to oversee elections or administer them. that's like giving a bank robber keys to a vault and just hoping for the best. so i'll continue to do my job in protecting colorado's election infrastructure, but american voters are really going to have to take a deep dive on who is running for these offices in 2022 because democracy will be on the ballot. >> those who are in charge of election security should be those who are violently in favor of protecting democracy, not one politician over another. secretary, thank you for joining me this morning. i appreciate it. we have to leave it there because we have breaking news in the sports world. i'm going to say sports world, cultural world, tom brady, the 44-year-old, seven-time super bowl champion quarterback minutes ago officially confirming on instagram he is retiring. it comes all sorts of back and forth over whether he would, including him denying it last night. i was to bring in boston globe senior reporter, ben vollen, these past five days have to be a personal and professional roller coaster, given you're a boston guy. last night he denied it. >> last night wasn't the timing that tom brady wanted to go forward with this. he wanted to do a social media post, he wanted to have it during the daytime, like i said, on his own terms, and that's, i think, what happened over the weekend, what caused a lot of the confusion. it wasn't his official announcement. it was a report that a lot of people took to be an official announcement, and so he wasn't ready to do it yet. he wanted to put the tooth paste back in the tube. he had his company delete the tweet. he called the bucs, he hadn't told them his plans. brady wants to time his own retirement announcement which i think we can all understand, and if you go back and read the lengthy instagram post that he posted just, i don't know, 10, 15 minutes ago, i don't believe he uses the word retirement, not to cause anymore panic or confusion, but he never uses the "r" word. >> what does he say then? >> he says he's not going to continue making the focus on football. he's going to do other things. it's hard to use the r word, to write or stare at given how much football has meant to him, and how much of his life he has put into it, 22 years. brady makes the announcement. i think we're expecting it over what happened the last few days. this is brady's official announcement on his terms. >> now that it's on his timing, his terms, does that change anything from what we learned over the last five days? >> not especially. i think what we're seeing is his team is probably going to break up, you know, they won the super bowl last year, they brought the band back together for one more year, tried to win it again. fell a little bit short, and i don't think they were going to be able to keep the team together. so i think that's playing into it somewhat for tom brady, but it's time, you know, 22 years he's given his life to football. it's brought him unbelievable success and fame and fortune, and wonderful family and i think he realizes he's 44, soon to be 45. it's time to focus on his family. it's time to focus on other ventures away from the game. he's got his health. he's got seven super bowl rings. he is way, way ahead. so might as well get out now. you know, there's really nothing left for tom brady to prove at this point, so maybe if the bucs were still in a position, maybe he still comes back, but it's time for him to move on. >> you also could have been saying that to me three, four, five years ago. covering him the way you have, when i look at hit statement, and he says success is what i love the most about the game, he's a wildly competitive person, what's he going to do next, just to say, oh, he's going to focus on family. you know him, will tom brady be fulfilled doing just that? >> that's a great question. you know, and i think that's something that's driven him for a long time, just the fear of not knowing what's next after football. and he's got a lot of different ventures. he's starting a new line of clothing, brady brand, and he says he's been putting a lot of his energy into, and tv 12, the -- i don't know if he's going to continue the clothing line, but certainly the workouts and the physical therapy centers and gyms and the whole tv 12 diet, too, i think that's going to be -- continue to be a part of brady's life. i feel like peyton manning is not someone who has one specific job but he's someone who pops up in commercials and they're doing the monday night football broadcast. i feel like tom brady is going to find similar ventures like that to do, and i wouldn't be surprised if he ends up back in football, not as a coach, not as like a general manager but above that in the front office, perhaps a team president or getting involved in an ownership group. i think brady has those resources at this point, and i think would love to stay involved in the game, but at a business, maybe executive level. we definitely have not seen the last of tom brady, just with him in a helmet and shoulder pads. >> in the short-term, he can get off the tv 12 diet two sundays from now and watch the super bowl with the rest of the country eating wings and chips. thank you for helping us break this big tom brady news, i appreciate you joining us. and thank you for watching at home this very busy hour. i'm stephanie ruhle, my colleague, jose diaz balart picks up breaking news on the other side of the break. balart picks up breaking news on the with type 1 diabetes. it's not approved for use in children. don't take trulicity if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, changes in vision, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. those precious memories might make you think about your future: will my high cholesterol get in the way of moments like these? 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like a part of me is missing. gabrielle? this old spice fiji hand and body lotion has me smoother than ever. that's what it does. and good morning, 10:00 a.m., 7:00 a.m. pacific, this morning, high stakes diplomacy, secretary of state blinken and his russian counter part speak after a hostile back and forth between russia and the u.n. over ukraine. i'll speak with the chairman of the house foreign affairs committee, congressman gregory meeks, just back from a trip to ukraine. and

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Transcripts For MSNBC Stephanie Ruhle Reports 20240708 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Stephanie Ruhle Reports 20240708

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voting machines from key states. one of the reporter who is broke that story joins us. and members of the january 6th committee, congressman jamie raskin will be here to talk about the collection of trump documents they received and what they mean, including some reportedly ripped up by the former president himself. and major news that millions of families have been waiting for, praying for. "the washington post" reporting that pfizer could ask the fda to approve the vaccine for kids under the age of 5 as soon as today. and in just a few hours, the top lawmakers on the senate judiciary committee are headed to the white house to talk to president biden about his supreme court pick. we start this morning with the latest on the diplomatic efforts to resolve the standoff between russia and the west. the big headline today, secretary of state antony blinken set to speak with russia's foreign minister, sergey lavrov as the u.s. waits for the response to the biden administration's latest attempt to end the crisis. also a tense exchange at the u.n. where the u.s. and russia accuse one another of making war more likely, not less. in addition to the phone call between blinken and lavrov, boris johnson will meet with ukraine's president in kyiv and hungarian prime minister meets with russia's president vladimir putin. two important developments on the military front. a senior u.s. official confirming that russia has started moving blood supplies to its troops along the border and yesterday began deploying mobile command posts in belarus. both are seen as indications that russia may be in the final stages of preparations for an invasion. let's bring in msnbc's chief foreign correspondent richard engle in southeastern ukraine. and the former u.s. ambassador to russia joins us as well. richard, it seems like russia keeps putting the pieces in place for war. how do you see it? >> reporter: well, russia is building up its forces. it is now a very capable force on three sides of the ukrainian border. it is reinforcing the belarusian front. there will be a series of military exercises in belarus over the next couple of weeks. the sword is drawn and russia has the capacity now, multiple officials in nato have said and have told me that it could launch an invasion today. but russia continues to engage in diplomacy. so while it has the pieces in place for war, there are a series of talks that are ongoing. russia has yet to formally respond to the united states' written responses which russia had requested. we know more or less what that response is going to be because russia has already said that the united states didn't meet its expectations when it comes to its security guarantees. we're still waiting for an official response. there is that call between foreign minister lavrov and the u.s. secretary of state. boris johnson here in kyiv today. a lot of diplomacy is still happening even though russia continues to build up its force, has perishable goods on the border like blood, has mobile command centers, has missile launchers, has cybercapacity, has special forces on the border and could launch a very large-scale attack at a short notice. >> ambassador, as someone who knows these talks from the inside, are you optimistic that any of this can be solved diplomatically? >> you know, i've given up on probabilities of war or negotiation. everybody's guessing, and nobody really knows what putin is thinking and he's the only decisionmaker that matters. so, i don't know about that. i think there are little hints, tea leaves if you read them closely. for instance, foreign minister lavrov did an hour and a half interview, a call-in show for radio programs, and in that conversation, i listened to it pretty closely, you can hear hints of maybe we want to negotiate. he praised the american proposal, for instance, while saying the nato proposal, the response to their draft treaties slash ultimatums was much more positive. the american proposal was positive. he's talking to blinken today. i see hints of a possible negotiation, not on their maximalist positions. let's be clear, there's no way that biden or the nato alliance is going to agree to their maximalist position, but they put those on the table and later back off of them. thousand we need to wait and see does putin want to negotiate. >> ambassador, you recently wrote that putin sees this fight over ukraine as part of his sacred destiny to reshape the global balance of power. explain what that means, because when someone has that kind of world vision or impression of themselves, it seems like it's tough to negotiate. >> exactly. it's tough to negotiate because we, in the western world, in america, we think about cost benefit analysis and sanctions, oom oom it will cost their largest bank this amount. that'sish rational. that's how we talk about this crisis. i think it's inappropriate and wrong because putin thinks of himself as an historic figure who's trying to reunite the slavik countries, russia and ukraine, doesn't think ukraine should exist as a country, and he thinks of himself as trying to write the wrongs of the collapse of the soviet union 30 years ago. he thinks the new liberal international order that we dictated, talking about his view, back in 1991, was illegitimate and he wants to revise that. so when you're thinking in those terms it's hard to have rational conversations. one more thing, stephanie. he's been in power for 21 years. he's not sitting around with his advisers getting their advice. he thinks he knows everything. that, i think, almost makes him dangerous and difficult to negotiate with. >> and during those 21 years, he's become extraordinarily wealthy. he is more powerful than even he thought he could be. given that, what gives you any reason to believe that diplomacy would work. we talk about the mother of all sanctions. the mother of all sanctions are meaningless to someone who believed this is their divine purpose. >> yes. that's why, you know, i'm very nervous and as rich arld reported, thank god richard is in ukraine, by the way. can i say that to all your viewers? i really -- we need more reporting from the front line like that. so, thank you, richard. but secondly, yes, it makes it hard. remember, however, one other thing. putin, i hope, understands that invading a country that has a lot of cultural and historical ties to russia for lots of russians is going to be hard to understand. why are we attacking them now? and that fib will be a hard fight. it won't be a rolling to kyiv with no casualties. that i hope affects his calculus and that he may reconsider. >> ambassador michael mcphail, richard engel. yes, richard, thank you for being there. it is so important to have our people on the front lines showing the truth. new this morning, a move millions of parents have been waiting for, praying for. pfizer could ask regulators to authorize its coronavirus vaccine for kids under 5. meg, when could families be heading to a pharmacy, heading to their doctors to get these shots? >> reporter: it sounds like perhaps the fda could act on this as soon as the end of this month, which would mean perhaps early march for families being able to get those first vaccines for kids under 5. this is a huge turnaround from the time line we had been expecting just recently. remember in december, pfizer said they had to add a third dose to its vaccine trial for kids under 5 because the very low dose in kids ages 2 to 4 didn't generate enough in new response with just two doses. importantly, though, they said that the vaccine appeared to be safe at that dose for kids as young as 6 months. so now, according to this reporting from "the washington post" and "the new york times," the fda has apparently asked fizer to go ahead and file the application with those two doses so it can start reviewing then, see if the data are strong enough to clear those two doses as pfizer assesses the third shot to start building up that protection. we reached out to fizer in a statement to nbc news, the company saying, "at this time we have not filed a submission and we're continuing to collect and analyze data from both two and three doses in our younger age cohort. as part of our ongoing commitment, we will share new updates as they become available." it sounds like we could hear later today from pfizer in filing this. >> that means everyone watching this program right now national security adviser to be following you, meg terrell, because you will have the latest. thanks for joining us. turning to a story you have got to hear. you'll be talking about it today. "the new york times" has new reporting about former president trump's attempt to seize, physically seize vote mag sheens in the 2020 election. three people familiar with the matter telling the times that trump was personally involved in pushing some of the proposals to use federal agencies to do the dirty deeld. a congressional correspondent for "the new york times" helped break this story. we've previously heard about some of these proposals that were floating around. what's new here? what do we need to know? >> right. good morning. so, in the weeks after the election, allies of donald trump had pushed to seize voting machines, part of a sort of bad conspiracy theory they were involved in sort of foreign governments taking them over and flipping votes for joe biden and wild claims like that. what's new is donald trump took concrete steps to try to explore whether those -- they could seize voting machines through two different federal agencies. one, he directly raised the issue with attorney general bill barr to see whether the department of justice would be willing to seize the machines. second, he directed his personal lawyer, rudy giuliani, to reach out to homeland security to see whether they would be willing to seize the machines. in both cases, those attempts were rejected by department-level officials, but it does show that donald trump not only was interested in the idea and perhaps enthusiastic about it but was willing to take actual steps to try to make it happen. >> dhs, defense, and the doj. where did this come from? this came in large part from a bar owner, a saloon owner named phil waldron. he floated this idea about seizing voting machines, and what's crazy is it almost happened. the meeting on december 18th, 2020, sild knee powell, mike flynn, rudy giuliani, and the former ceo of overstock, bat rick byrne. where were they? in the oval office, our oval office, when trump was still president. tell us what happened in that meeting. none of those people who are government officials or experts. >> yes. so, this was a completely bizarre and perhaps scary meeting depending on your point of view. i think most people would view it that way. sidney powell, mike flynn and patrick byrne are waved into the white house according to a low-level official who has his privileges revoked afterwards, actually axios did a great job reporting on this meeting sort of as it was happening or on the days thereafter. but inside the meeting, sidney powell and others lay out the case for how president trump should seize these voting machines. they want sild knee powell to be appointed special counsel to investigate election fraud, and donald trump is very into this idea, begins to check it out. he reaches out to his chaef, mark meadows, to see if they can make it happen, and as we reported, he takes several more concrete steps to try to bring about this seizure of voting machines. again, he is casting about, looking for any way to try to stay in office after losing the election, and the very fact that these people were let into the white house had to be shot down by the white house counsel's office and other high-ranking agency officials shows how willing and how open donald trump was to these sort of bizarre and dangerous plans. >> scary, possibly illegal. i want to know the consequences. luke, thanks for joining us. coming up, we'll talk about how this plays into the january 6th investigation and what lawmakers are doing to make sure a president doesn't try to pull something like this again. remember, democracy is at risk and it held. how can we make sure it holds in the future? committee member jamie raskin will be here next. also ahead, the fight taking place in florida to control what teachers can and cannot say inside of a classroom. and cann and cann inside of a classroom. in all t. ♪ so different and so new ♪ ♪ was like any other... ♪ ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. 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what more do you need to know? >> well, we're closing in on the target if the target is the truth. i think that we're developing a comprehensive and fine-grained portrait of what took place. donald trump wanted to use an inside political coup to overthrow joe biden's majority in the electoral college and he wanted to use a violent insurrection to make sure that congress and mike pence did his will. the violent insurrection was directed as much at his -- some of his republican allies as it was against the democrats and against the constitution. he wanted to make sure that they went through with his plan, and that's why he unleashed the violence against them. >> so, help us understand, these documents handled over by the national archives, supposedly trump tore them up, and then what happened, staffers took them out of the garbage can, taped them, saved them, and what did you learn from them? >> i don't know about that particular narrative. that might be right. i'm not sure we've reconstructed exactly the chain of custody of these documents. but, look, everything pointed to the exact same conclusion, which was donald trump was working overtime in overdrive to figure out a way to overthrow a presidential election. and, in fact, he said that over the weekend. the alarming part is that they are -- he and his entourage are working to do it again, and they are trying to activate the same violent forces in the country, some kind of movement of street fascism and violence to attack elections, to attack anybody who gets in his way. so, you know, we had seven republican senators who voted with all 50 democrats to convict in the senate. i wish we had ten more. at this point, the republican party needs to stand up to say that this is intolerable to our constitutional order. but way too many of them are still playing footsie with donald trump and think that he might just go away on his own. and we need everybody to be standing up for the constitutional framework and for the democracy. >> okay. but need and should live in a category that we haven't been able to touch for years. literally, what can you do, right? you've recently said these public hearings are going to blow the roof off the house. what does that mean? what are the consequences? what are the actions? >> well, when we are able to establish the complete historical record of what happened, i don't think that there will be any self-respecting politician in america of any political party or no political party at all who will be able to stand by donald trump. they will have to disavow his tactics and his strategy rule or ruin. either he will rule the country or he will ruin our possibility of governing and ruling our possibility of making progress in the country. so everybody is going to have a decision to make. i'm not saying that the conclusion is fore ordained. i think we're in a tough time here. we need to stand up for democratic institutions. that means congress. that means the states. here they were talking about seizing voting machines from the states, the party that refuses to even pass a voting rights act that will defend everybody's right to vote is perfectly content to go along with a president who is willing to deploy the department of homeland security or the department of defense or the department of justice to take voting machines away from the state governments. it's just extraordinary. >> but, sir, as unethical or as awful as it might be, those republicans don't want to support voting rights legislation because they wanted to win in the midterms and going forward. right now, are you concerned that time is running out, we haven't gotten the big reveal, and even if we do, if people don't tune in and don't care, what rules are being changed to protect us from someone like donald trump trying to do this again? he was dangerously close at being successful. >> i think the big reveal has arrived. trump as repeatedly confirmed it. some people seem to think if you talk about crime in public, it can't be a crime. if you rob a bank in broad daylight, you're still robbing a bank, and this president clearly tried to overthrow a presidential election. he's the first american president to do so. our committee is charged with telling america the truth. we want to get the truth out in vivid and fine-gdeil so america understands exactly what happened. the truth is going to be the basis for us moving forward to institute, we hope, a whole set of legislative recommendations to guarantee that we will not have either a political coup in the future or a violent insurrection that overthrows state legislatures or overthrows the congress of the united states. that's what we need to do. but we need to get the message out, and we appreciate the role that media or some media are playing in terms of telling the story to america about the fact that we came very close to losing our democracy on january 6th in 2021. >> and those legislative recommendations will need to turn into legislative actions if we do want to protect our democracy. you're the subject of a new msnbc documentary "love and the constitution," and i want to share a bit of it. >> given my experience working for mr. trump, i fear that if he loses the election in 2020 that there will never be a peaceful transition of power. and this is why i agree to appear before you today. >> michael cohen did issue a stark warning to the country that if donald trump lost there would be no peaceful transition, there's no way he would accept it. that is a frightening and startling thing for the president's own lawyer to say about him, but it seems far off at that point to a lot of people, and people have said from the beginning there's no way he would do, that no way anybody would do that. >> congressman, go beyond the people tuning in to us right now. what do people need to understand that they don't? so many thought january 6th couldn't happen. it did. and now we're watching people erase it. >> well, you know, there is this total effort to whitewash the history. trump, of course, is saying that his rioters confronted the police with hugs and kisses, which is presumably how 150 of them ended up injured, wounded, in the hospital. so we've got to resist this orwellian revisionism, but we have to understand fundamentally what's going on here. democracy, as the framers of the constitution knew, as abraham lincoln knew, as franklin roosevelt knew, is a very fragile system. for most of our history, as a species, people have lived under kings and queens and bullies and dictators and people like donald trump. and our framers were determined to create a system of government where the people could govern ourselves under the rule of law. that's what's at stake today, because trump wants to destroy the whole thing. he has no respect for the constitution and no respect for the outcome of our elections. so he has positioned himself and his party outside of the constitutional order. and we need to totally reject and repudiate that. we can disagree about all kinds of public policy things, but there can be no indulgence of a political party and its autocratic lead they're want to destroy our whole system of government. >> without decency and respect, we have nothing. there were no hugs or kisses. doors and windows were smashed in. rioters spit and defecated on the desks of our lawmakers. that is what happened on january 6th. congressman, thank you for joining me. i appreciate it. you can all watch "love & the constitution" this sunday at 10:00 p.m. eastern here on msnbc. coming up, two lawmakers headed to the white house today to talk to biden about his supreme court pick. next, we'll speak to someone who is reportedly on that short list. reportedly on that short reportedly on that short list the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don'ke rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to the possibility of lower a1c with rybelsus®. you may pay as little as $10 for up to a 3-month prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. ♪♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. what happens when we welcome change? pedialyte powder packs. we can make emergency medicine possible at 40,000 feet. instead of burning our past for power, we can harness the energy of the tiny electron. we can create new ways to connect. rethinking how we communicate to be more inclusive than ever. with app, cloud and anywhere workspace solutions, vmware helps companies navigate change. faster. vmware. welcome change. president biden meets with dick durr win and chuck grassley about his plans to replace supreme court justice stephen breyer. it comes after durbin said several republican senators are open to a biden pick. the white house is considering more than a dozen candidates. the president said he'll announce his pick within the next month. you nearby alcindor, john bresnahan, and melissa murray join me now. melissa is one of the candidates floated to replace breyer. chuck grassley was on board to deny merrick far land even a hearing in 2016. he was unapologetic about it as recently as last year. why in the world does biden want to meet with him? merrick garland has to be watching this saying they are going to run the clock and then say it's close to the midterms and we are going to get played again. >> based on my conversations with white house officials, this is really presidential biden trying to put his best foot forward and dig in on the idea that bipartisanship is something he wants to embrace, even if it's not necessary, for his best supreme court pick. it is a different timing, and democrats feel pretty i think confident that they will be able to get this nominee through congress. of course they have the numbers on their side at this point. but democrats also realize this is going to be something that has to move quickly and that time is still of the essence. democrats really with this 50/50 split in the senate, all it takes is one person to get sick, one person to not be able to come in, and everything gets derailed. that is in the back of democrats' minds. i think this white house meeting here, i think it is a show to say for president biden, you elected me to be someone bipartisan, trying to work across the aisle, i'm going to do that, but my conversations with white house officials tell me that he is not going to be waiting for republicans to try to give him a green light to get through his nominee. >> nobody is going to care about the show if they don't get the results. we get a covid flare-up, everybody goes home, the timing could get pushed again. is the biden administration making a mistake in putting on this best effort when it could put at risk this massively important appointment? >> well, listen, president biden served for 36 years in the senate. you have to factor that in. process matters. procedure matters to biden. i think he wants to go back to pre, you know, some of the form of the pre-trump era where you have this kind of meeting, you know, even if it does, as you pointed out correctly, you nearby said, it does not really matter. he's not sitting around waiting for republicans to offer him names. so i think process matters, but, yeah, listen, senator durbin was talking about this yesterday, all the, you know, democrats and the white house are cognizant of, you know, it's a 50/50 senate. if one democrat can't make it or for health reasons, whatever, that would be a huge problem. so, i mean, it depends on the senator, depends on the timing. justice breyer is not going anywhere. if you read his retirement letter, he plans to stay or can stay the rest of the term. that doesn't change the balance on the court. i think democrats are feeling they have to move, but they don't want to do what republicans do. they don't want to just jam somebody through in 27 days like amy coney barrett was. >> why not? it gets the job done and what they're looking for. melissa, you could be one of the people or the person they are looking for. have you spoke on the white house at all, being one of the 13 names floated? that's a big deal. >> it's a big deal. i'm honored to be included in this list. but to be clear, i think it's important to reflect on what this nomination will mean for the country. it's the first time an african american woman will sit on the high court. that's enormous. and it's true that more contentious confirmation battles have become the norm, but i think we should reflect on the time when unanimity in nominations was the rule and many people would go along with the president's pick, recognizing that elections have consequences, and though you may not agree ideologically with someone, it wasn't your pick to make and the president has his choice. all of these people are qualified. all of them would be fantastic jurists. and i think that the president has the votes and this will proceed in good order. >> yamiche alcindor, do you think there are any republicans disappointed that trump got in amy coney barrett in so quickly? he nominated her in eight days and got it done. biden saying he could wait as much as four weeks. are democrats nervous this could put things at risk? >> they're definitely some democrats who are nervous about the timing, but again, it goes back to the idea that you're dealing with senators who are mature, who have possibly have some sort of health issues, so everyone is sort of on pins and needles when it comes to making sure that all 50 senators can be there if the vice president can do her tie-breaking vote. it depends of course who the nominee is, but there is talk there could be some democratic votes. you hear the south carolina delegation sort of coalescing on democrats and republicans behind judge childs there. so there is this sort of feeling that maybe they can afford to lose possibly one democrat if something happens and a senator can't make it. if there isn't a question, we talked about are republicans at all disappointed in barrett. president trump had all sorts of headaches for republicans. they in some way despised talking about him when there were tweets flying and all of this stuff. what they got was three supreme court justices on the bench, and that meant everything, with so many republicans, including republicans who are pro-life, including republicans who are anti-vax. the supreme court can do all things in this pandemic, apart the issue-based issues like affirmative action and abortion. so republicans understood they had to get amy coney barrett through. the same is true, i think the energy is through when it comes to democrats, but i think president biden is, as john said, someone who wants to make sure he takes the process seriously. >> melissa, bide season getting a lot more done on the bench front than people realize. you know, republicans get credit for the federalist society, all those judges trump appointed. however, biden got more federal judges confirmed in 2021 than any first-year president since reagan. 40 in his first year. trump got 23. why isn't this getting more attention? it's a very big deal. >> i could turn the question back on you, stephanie. why isn't the media reporting this? this is the true success of biden's domestic agenda. it's not simply he's been assiduous in getting his nominees through. the nominees look very different from what we've seen far long time. historically, nominees in federal courts have been drawn from the ranks of prosecutors, big-firm lawyerings. he's completely turned this around. not only is there a demographic diversity, there's a diversity with professional experience they have. public defenders, labor-side lawyers. the array is absolutely staggering. again, it looks more like the legal profession than perhaps it ever has. >> amen to that. we need to talk about it more. in the last administration, we talked about all the judges president trump was putting on the bench, white males under the age of 40, little credibility, some ghost hunters, and we should remind our audience, 40 confirmed in biden's first year, many of whom are true representation of our legal force in this country. thank you all so much. i appreciate you joining us for this conversation. coming up next, as we learn more about "the new york times" report on the former president's attempt to physically seize voting machines from key states, we're seeing what states are doing to secure their next elections. colorado's top election official is here next. top election offil is here next age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. ever wonder what everyone's doing on their phones? 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do you ever think that would happen in this country in our day and age? >> good morning. thanks for having me on. i would say prior to 2020 i wouldn't imagine, that but of course everything unexpected with government administration changed in 2020 when we saw president trump try to overturn a free and fair election. it was reported he had conversations about seizing state voting equipment. also rudy giuliani, i believe, working on his pac, put together a slate of fake electors. so we saw president trump and people around him consider various methods to undermine the free and fair election of joe biden in 2020. and stephanie, although they failed to steal that election, they have not stopped. we' seeing the worst attack on democracy now and we have to do everything we can to stop it. >> we've asked other people in your position what happened if bad actors became election officials in these states? in your state, that's happened in some counties. what are you going to do about it? you have two county clerks in colorado, one who supports trump, calling to audit elections. they've been involved in potential security breaches by making copies of their counties' election systems. what can you do about this? >> colorado is considered the safest state in which to cast a ballot, and some of the silver lining is that the first -- the nation's first security breach, an insider threat, happened right here in the state, because even if we hadn't discovered it, our elections would still be safe and secure. but you're right, we had the mesa county clerk compromise voting equipment, trying to prove conspiracies. i acted quickly. i decertified the voting equipment and actually asked my 2018 republican opponent to oversee last year's election in that county. he did a great job. right now, i'm investigating a second breach of security protocols. again, it looks like a county clerk was trying to prove conspiracies and breaching security protocols. but, stephanie, this is going to continue to increase. we have right now over 160 candidates running across the nation to oversee elections that are spreading the big lie. so it's imperative that states recognize that insider threats, people inside the secretary of state's office or county election offices will be working to destabilize elections. it's imperative we accept that reality and increase our security immediately. >> what does that look like, right? democrats in your state recently supported the national fight for voting rights in the senate, but only one republican sided with them. instead, the rest of the republicans doubled down not just on election security, doubled down on questioning biden's win. we actually saw some crazed january 6th insurrectionists. how do you ensure that you're going to have a safe and secure election when you've got this going on in your state? can you? >> absolutely. again, colorado has the safest elections in the nation. we have a series of election security protocols surrounding how equipment is -- voting equipment is interacted with. but on top of that, every piece of voting equipment is tested by bipartisan teams of election judges. we do bipartisan risk-limiting awe difficults that show us to a high statistical degree of certainty that the election outcome is correct. and of course i'm there to provide oversight and will continue to do that vigorously to ensure that everybody ensure that every voter, republican, democrat and independent alike has access to safe and secure elections. at the same time, this extremism is taking over. there are great people on both sides of the divide or both sides of the political divide who work in election administration, but we are seeing president trump and his extremism take over. and it's going to be very important for voters to pay attention to who's running for local election officials and secretaries of state because we cannot allow people who do not believe in the right to vote to oversee elections or administer them. that's like giving a bank robber keys to a vault and just hoping for the best. so i'll continue to do my job in protecting colorado's election infrastructure, but american voters are really going to have to take a deep dive on who is running for these offices in 2022 because democracy will be on the ballot. >> those who are in charge of election security should be those who are violently in favor of protecting democracy, not one politician over another. secretary, thank you for joining me this morning. i appreciate it. we have to leave it there because we have breaking news in the sports world. i'm going to say sports world, cultural world, tom brady, the 44-year-old, seven-time super bowl champion quarterback minutes ago officially confirming on instagram he is retiring. it comes all sorts of back and forth over whether he would, including him denying it last night. i was to bring in boston globe senior reporter, ben vollen, these past five days have to be a personal and professional roller coaster, given you're a boston guy. last night he denied it. >> last night wasn't the timing that tom brady wanted to go forward with this. he wanted to do a social media post, he wanted to have it during the daytime, like i said, on his own terms, and that's, i think, what happened over the weekend, what caused a lot of the confusion. it wasn't his official announcement. it was a report that a lot of people took to be an official announcement, and so he wasn't ready to do it yet. he wanted to put the tooth paste back in the tube. he had his company delete the tweet. he called the bucs, he hadn't told them his plans. brady wants to time his own retirement announcement which i think we can all understand, and if you go back and read the lengthy instagram post that he posted just, i don't know, 10, 15 minutes ago, i don't believe he uses the word retirement, not to cause anymore panic or confusion, but he never uses the "r" word. >> what does he say then? >> he says he's not going to continue making the focus on football. he's going to do other things. it's hard to use the r word, to write or stare at given how much football has meant to him, and how much of his life he has put into it, 22 years. brady makes the announcement. i think we're expecting it over what happened the last few days. this is brady's official announcement on his terms. >> now that it's on his timing, his terms, does that change anything from what we learned over the last five days? >> not especially. i think what we're seeing is his team is probably going to break up, you know, they won the super bowl last year, they brought the band back together for one more year, tried to win it again. fell a little bit short, and i don't think they were going to be able to keep the team together. so i think that's playing into it somewhat for tom brady, but it's time, you know, 22 years he's given his life to football. it's brought him unbelievable success and fame and fortune, and wonderful family and i think he realizes he's 44, soon to be 45. it's time to focus on his family. it's time to focus on other ventures away from the game. he's got his health. he's got seven super bowl rings. he is way, way ahead. so might as well get out now. you know, there's really nothing left for tom brady to prove at this point, so maybe if the bucs were still in a position, maybe he still comes back, but it's time for him to move on. >> you also could have been saying that to me three, four, five years ago. covering him the way you have, when i look at hit statement, and he says success is what i love the most about the game, he's a wildly competitive person, what's he going to do next, just to say, oh, he's going to focus on family. you know him, will tom brady be fulfilled doing just that? >> that's a great question. you know, and i think that's something that's driven him for a long time, just the fear of not knowing what's next after football. and he's got a lot of different ventures. he's starting a new line of clothing, brady brand, and he says he's been putting a lot of his energy into, and tv 12, the -- i don't know if he's going to continue the clothing line, but certainly the workouts and the physical therapy centers and gyms and the whole tv 12 diet, too, i think that's going to be -- continue to be a part of brady's life. i feel like peyton manning is not someone who has one specific job but he's someone who pops up in commercials and they're doing the monday night football broadcast. i feel like tom brady is going to find similar ventures like that to do, and i wouldn't be surprised if he ends up back in football, not as a coach, not as like a general manager but above that in the front office, perhaps a team president or getting involved in an ownership group. i think brady has those resources at this point, and i think would love to stay involved in the game, but at a business, maybe executive level. we definitely have not seen the last of tom brady, just with him in a helmet and shoulder pads. >> in the short-term, he can get off the tv 12 diet two sundays from now and watch the super bowl with the rest of the country eating wings and chips. thank you for helping us break this big tom brady news, i appreciate you joining us. and thank you for watching at home this very busy hour. i'm stephanie ruhle, my colleague, jose diaz balart picks up breaking news on the other side of the break. balart picks up breaking news on the with type 1 diabetes. it's not approved for use in children. don't take trulicity if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, changes in vision, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. those precious memories might make you think about your future: will my high cholesterol get in the way of moments like these? 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like a part of me is missing. gabrielle? this old spice fiji hand and body lotion has me smoother than ever. that's what it does. and good morning, 10:00 a.m., 7:00 a.m. pacific, this morning, high stakes diplomacy, secretary of state blinken and his russian counter part speak after a hostile back and forth between russia and the u.n. over ukraine. i'll speak with the chairman of the house foreign affairs committee, congressman gregory meeks, just back from a trip to ukraine. and

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Letter , Health Reasons , Rest , Somebody , Court , Term , Balance , 27 , Job , Deal , Names , Amy Coney Barrett , 13 , Time , African American , Nomination , High Court , Nominations , Rule , Unanimity , Norm , Confirmation Battles , Wasn T , Choice , Jurists , Four , Eight , Mature , Health Issues , Pins , Needles , Childs , There , Feeling , There Isn T A Question , Coalescing , Delegation , South Carolina , Sorts , Headaches , Tweets , Stuff , Barrett , Bench , Justices , Pandemic , Issues , Same , Affirmative Action , John , Abortion , Judges , Process , Credit , Season , Judges Trump Appointed , Federalist Society , Question , Attention , True Success Of Biden S Domestic Agenda , Isn T The Media , 23 , 40 , Nominees , Big Firm Lawyerings , Courts , Ranks , Diversity , Defenders , Array , Credibility , Profession , Amen , Males , Audience , Ghost Hunters , Representation , Colorado , Report , Number , High Protein , Nutrients , Immune Support , Doing , Wonder , Boost , 16 , 20 , 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Paste , Tweet , Retirement Announcement , Tube , Word , Retirement , I Don T Know , Instagram Post , 15 , Focus On Football , R , Football , Life , 22 , Anything , Team , Band , Success , It S Time , Fame And Fortune , Ventures , Game , Health , Seven Super Bowl Rings , 45 , Hit Statement , Tv , Line , Clothing , Brady Brand , Energy Into , 12 , Clothing Line , Physical Therapy Centers , Workouts , Diet , Gyms , Peyton Manning , Commercials , Monday Night Football Broadcast , Ownership Group , Coach , General Manager , Resources , Last , Sundays , Level , Shoulder Pads , Helmet , Chips , Big Tom Brady News , My Colleague , Jose Diaz Balart , Eating Wings , Breaking News , Balart , Break , Children , Use , Stop Trulicity , Vision , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , Diabetic Retinopathy , Taking Trulicity , Memories , Cholesterol , Work , Future , Appointments , Schedule , Hassle , Care , Test , Letsgetchecked Offers Home Cholesterol Testing , Letsgetchecked , Good , Reviews , Daughter , Rug , Mom , Miracles , Stop Being Weird , Wayfair , Space , Chair , Babies , Nap , Quality Probiotic , Taking Align , Pros , Hand , Bloating , Gas , Discomfort , Try Align , Deon , 24 7 , Spice , Body Lotion , Gabrielle , Fiji , High Stakes , Pacific , Counter , Chairman , Congressman , Trip , Gregory Meeks ,

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