Transcripts For MSNBC Way Too Early With Jonathan Lemire 202

Transcripts For MSNBC Way Too Early With Jonathan Lemire 20240708

american military forces? >> plus, georgia judges clear the way for a special grand jury to help investigate if donald trump illegally pressured officials to overturn the election loss in that state. and president biden caught on a hot mike, this time, using the language to in sult a fox news reporter. the question, what did they discuss in the follow-up phone call? it's way too early for this. good morning. welcome to "way too early" the show knows all too well the dangers of a hot mic. i'm jonathan le mire. we'll start with the news. the pentagon has put thousands of u.s. troops on high alert as fears increase that russia may invade ukraine again. chief foreign affairs correspondent andrea mitch am has the details for us. >> reporter: with fears rising that russia could invade ukraine, president biden considering a major show of force near russia putting up to 8500 u.s. troops on heightened alert mostly as part of a nato response force. >> military action from russia could come at any time. >> the president from camp david over the weekend reviewing pentagon proposals to move thousands of troops from nato countries over to ukraine and fly bombers over the region and ships to the sea and putting more troops on stand by and sending additional fighter jets and war ships. >> what this is about is reassurance to our nato allies. >> from the situation room, president biden insisting they are united. >> i had a very, very good meeting with european lete leaders. >> but nato is divided. stalling on german-made artillery to ukraine. france wanting the european union not the u.s. to lead talks with russia. russia denies it plans to invade despite sending more troops and jets to the borders, and the u.s. orders civilian workers to leave while they can. and ordering not to travel. and upsetting ukraine's government calling those moves excessively caution and premature. and russia could justify by invading and installing a puppet government. wall street marked one of the best market comebacks in a long time yesterday with all three major indices finishing on a high note. investors began monday's session dumping technology shares. and at one point, the dow jones dropped more than 1,000 points. but shares rebounded as the day went on with meta, along with amazon and microsoft all closing higher. the market action yesterday followed a brutal week on wall street, in the face of mixed company earnings. now, all eyes are on the fed's two-day policy meeting which begins today. we'll go live to cnbc on this just ahead. president biden meanwhile joined the white house competition council for the second meeting yesterday, to discuss efforts to lower prices and combat supply chain shortages for american consumers. this, as the white house singles ongoing efforts to ease prices. something the president says is a top priority as he enters the second year in office. the council was established by a july 2021 executive order, and held its inaugural meeting last september. on the heels of voting rights legislation being blocked in the senate, a bipartisan group of senators is meeting to instead discuss the electoral count act. the group met for just an over an hour yesterday to discuss the proposals to update the law. no concrete decisions were made according to a democrat ig aide with knowledge of meeting. it is not clear when they will meet again. the 1887 electoral count act is the law that determines how electoral college votes is determined in congress, it came under fire after the january 6th insurrection, and any potential changes to the laws would not directly address voting rights as many democrats originally wanted. those three issues, foreign policy, the economy, and election integrity, are some of the biggest items on the biden agenda. all of which are being shepherded through the white house by chief of staff kron chain. a "washington post" profile entitled ron klain had the perfect resume and the first year showed the limits of that experience. white house reporter for the "washington post," tyler paige, good morning, tyler, thanks for being here, we read your story with great interest, and let's talk about it now. white house chief of staff ron klain has come under fire for some in the president's orbit, taking a lot of blame for biden's approval rating hitting a record low. give us a sense as to where biden, where klain stands right now in the biden orbit and what impact would you say has he had on biden's first year in office? >> jonathan, it's great to be with you. thanks for having me on to discuss this story. out this morning as you said with my colleague john sullivan, we did a deep dive in ron klain's first year. he came into this job with a glittering resume. everything you might want in a white house chief of staff, and look at what some of those shortcomings were in his first yer and he had a tremendous influence on joe biden's first year and i would say everyone says that joe biden still has the confidence in ron klain and his chief of staff, the president said last week, he has no plans for a staff shakeup but i think there is a harsher spotlight on ron klain in recent weeks as the administration gears up for year two which is a difficult year given the midterms are approaching and some of the criticisms that we focused on in the story most exquisitely looked at his relationships with key democrats particularly on the hill, house speaker nancy pelosi or west virginia senator joe manchin, both whom are critical to anything passing through congress. >> klain in particular has been tasked with managing relationship with the more progressives, those voices on the hill, and certainly there has been some growing frustration about the efforts there. but the spotlight on him comes as you say, at a moment where the president tried to piskt into the second year of office and he alluded last week he wants to be on the road more, i think he's missing 0en the connection of voters and wants to talk less about the legislative process but tell us here as the white house evaluates this at the beginning of 2022, where do they see his agenda going? what's the latest on say build back better or whatever form it eventually takes and what strategies might they take to win back public approval? >> right, so build back better is obviously the piece of the legislation that they were hoping to complete before the end of the year. senator manchin blew up those negotiations, saying he was not going to move forward on them. as we reported in our story, senator manchin has had particularly frustrations with ron klain, the chief of staff and he made it clear to allies that ron klain has some repair work to do if he's going to be involved in future negotiations directly with the west virginia senator. but in terms of the future, for the next few months and joe biden's agenda, what the president said and ron klain told nus an interview is they want to get biden outside of washington more, connecting with voters, talking about his agenda and not so much focused on these congressional meetings that you know, has been a huge part of this first year. i think one of the challenges of that, is that covid is still rampant in much of the country. there are a whole host of issues as you walked us through on the russia ukraine crisis that are keeping the president in washington. they talked this game of getting the president outside of dc but it remains to be seen whether that will be effective given the whole host of issues that remain for the president in washington. >> they previously said over the last year, they wanted to get biden out of dc more and that hasn't hasn't really happened. the "washington post," tyler paige, thanks for being here today, and sharing your reporting. talk to you again soon. still ahead turning the corner potentially on the omicron wave, the recent projection of a dramatic drop in cases. and the president's hot mic moment, a response to a fox news reporter that everyone is talking about this morning. those stories and a check on the weather when we come right back. those stories and a check on the weather when we come right back. my name is douglas. i'm a writer/director and i'm still working. in the kind of work that i do, you are surrounded by people who are all younger than you. i had to get help somewhere along the line to stay competitive. i discovered prevagen. i started taking it and after a period of time, my memory improved. it was a game-changer for me. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible... with rybelsus®. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to the possibility of lower a1c with rybelsus®. you may pay as little as $10 for up to a 3-month prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. while covid infection rates are now leveling off in parts of the country, hospitalizations and deaths are still rising. and health officials are warning we are not out of the woods. nbc news national correspondent miguel almaguer has the latest. >> reporter: for a nation on the brink of a covid catastrophe, clear signs of optimism in what appears to be the impending end to omicron dangerous surge as cases continue their steep decline in pockets of the country, new infections are down 14% across the u.s. a climb of new cases over the course of the pandemic reaching peaks and valleys, and now finally after omicron's unprecedented spike, experts say the most serious threat may be over by next month. >> we'd like it to get down to that level where it doesn't disrupt us in the sense of getting back to a degree of normality. that's the best case scenario. >> while omicron's wave may crest by mid february, its wake is still rippling across the country. every day, more than 2200 americans are still dying. 16 states hit later by omicron have cases spiking by over 100%. >> we have all reached the point where we're just so burned out. >> many on the front lines are struggling to see the end to the spike. >> these are sort of unprecedented levels, and the numbers of patients that we're seeing that require emergency acute care services is overwepping our ability to really to supply those services. as the first free n95 masks arrive at select grocery stores and pharmacies in the midwest, americans are also starting to receive their free home covid test kits with millions more expected to arrive in the coming days. tools aimed at curbing the pandemic, coming as the nation hopes to turn the corner. a grand jury request has been approved in georgia's largest county, in the investigation of possible election interference by former president donald trump. the superior court judge made the decision yesterday after the request was submitted by fulton county district attorney last week investigating whether the former president tried to overturn the 2020 election loss in the state. the scope of that probe includes trump's now infamous phone call to georgia secretary of state brad raffensperger just days before the capitol riot. >> i only need 11,000 votes. fellas, i need 11,000 votes. give me a break. so look, all i want to do is this. i just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. >> there is nothing wrong with saying that, you know, that you've recalculated. >> the grand jury convenes early may, it will have the power to subpoena witnesses who have so far refused to testify. a response the d.a.'s request last week, trump claimed that his phone call with raffensperger was quote even more perfect than his phone call with ukraine's president which of course got him impeached in 2019. president biden is making headlines today, for cursing a fox news reporter, it happened as the meeting was wrapping up at the white house yesterday. here's anthrax change. >> will you take questions on inflation then? >> thank you. thank you all. >> do you think inflation is a political liability ahead of the midterms. >> what a stupid -- >> there you go. he went on fox news last night and said the president called him to clear the air. >> within about an hour of that exchange, he called my cell phone, and he said, it's nothing personal, pal. and we went back and forth, and we were talking about just kind of moving forward, and i made sure to tell him that i'm always going to try to ask something different than what everybody else is asking, and he said you got to. and that's a quote from the president. so i'll keep doing it. >> still ahead, there's some signs of progress and talks between major league baseball and the players association, the concessions that could help end the lockout. plus, the australian open changed its policy on protest t-shirts, we'll explain what's that's all about. sports when we come back. that's all about that's all about sports when we come backours. 12 hours?! who studies that long? mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs. e a thriver with metastatic breast cancer means asking for what we want. and need. and we need more time. so, we want kisqali. women are living longer than ever before with kisqali when taken with an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant in postmenopausal women with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer. kisqali is a 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breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. what happens when you block heartburn with one prilosec otc in the morning? back pain, and fatigue. heartburn doesn't stand a chance - day... or night. excess stomach acid can cause heartburn. prilosec otc works differently by preventing excess acid production. so don't fight heartburn, block it. prilosec otc. one pill in the morning blocks heartburn, all day and all night. pumps fakes. adam fox wins it for the rangers in a shootout, back handed the puck in the top of net with the deciding goal against the kings. new york beats los angeles 3-2 last night. philadelphia, flyers defenseman keith has matched the nhl's ironman mark appears in the 964th regular season game. with a 3-1 loss against the dallas stars. and keith yandle can set a new record on the road against the islanders. and switching to football, antonio brown wants to play with lamar jackson and the feeling appears to be mutual. three weeks after the receive ever's dramatic exit from the tampa bay buccaneers in which he burned every bridge behind him, including the one with tom brady, brown is now eyeing his next gig. saying on a podcast yesterday that he wants to play with the baltimore ravens quarterback. the former mvp responded to a video of the comments on twitter with a purple miling devil emoji. we assume that's an sbosment. we'll see where brown lands if anywhere and if any teams come calling this off-season. major league baseball labor talks will continue today after yesterday's bargaining session saw the first signs of progress since the lockout began on december 2nd. we don't want to get ahead of ourselves here but in a face to face meeting lasting a little more than two hours, the players union reportedly removed the first of three major obstacles to a labor contract by withdrawing its proposal for age-based free agency. the players association also modified the revenue sharing proposal by cutting the amount it asked the league to funnel away from small market teams. time remains a factor in the negotiations with spring training set to start february 16 athnd opening day scheduled for march 31st. encouraging though, the two sides are expected to meet later today. on a related note, later today, we will find out if any player, including david ortiz is elected to the baseball hall of fame this year. where is peng shui t-shirts will be allowed at the australian open following international backlash over the removal of a spectator last weekend for wearing a shirt branded with that message. before reversing course, organizers say the clothing breached the rule on political messaging. the tournament director tells the a. p. it is okay for people to wear the shirts at melbourne park as long as they don't congregate in large groups or cause problems for other spectators. china drew international criticism following the near total disappearance of peng from public view after the three-time olympian and former doubles champion made assault allegations against a senior member of the ruling communist party in that country. as for the action between the lines in melbourne, madison keys, the first woman in the semifinals last night, and now set to appear at that stage for the first time in seven years. and after she defeated french open champion. but there won't be an all american women's semifinal. jessica, unable to get past top-seeded ash bardy in this morning's quarterfinal. and straight sets just after just 63 minutes on the court. on the men's side raffal nadal still on track for a record-breaking 21st grand slam singles title, advancing to the semifinals, after surviving a five setter this morning. and seventh seeded italian mateo is competing in the quarterfinal against his opponent from france. time for the weather and bill karins has the forecast. and some talk of a snowstorm coming. what have you got? >> there's going to be a base snowstorm this week. we just don't know exactly who is going to get it yet or not because we don't know the exact track. we will get to that in a second. the first thing to deal with is the cold blast. and we need the cold air in place. it's on the way. it's frigid in the northern plains. the wind chill warnings in effect from mason city to fargo, international falls, wind chill advisories for chicago, minneapolis, and you get the idea. it's a very cold morning. and the wind chills right now, we're at negative 7 in chicago. and zero in kansas city. and minneapolis is negative 27. and that arctic cold front will come to the east coast later on today, so enjoy your mild-ish morning from dc to philly, baltimore to new york. it's only goilt get chillier later tonight. the forecast for today, temperatures are going to get into the low 40s. then they crash on the east coast. highs today, negative 1 in minneapolis. and that is it. so let's talk about this late week winter storm. on friday, a weak storm coming through the ohio valley, at the same time that's going to combine, with the storm just off the florida coast. when these two systems combine, it is the key to the forecast, and we are going to get a very powerful storm. we know that. if they combine earlier, then we will get a big snowstorm virginia to maine. if they combine later, then we're going to get the heavy snow really from long island up into areas of main, so right now, our computers are still a little divergent, our american model has it mostly only a big storm, boston, to maine, and the european model has a bigger storm really from dc all the way to maine and we will pinpoint this and four days to go but if you have travel plans saturday from dc to maine, boston, new york included, keep an eye on this forecast. >> bill karins, we appreciate in advance you keeps us posted on. that still ahead on, the latest on russia as the pentagon puts thousands of u.s. troops on high alert. we will have more with representative chrissy houlihan in a few minutes. before we go to break, why are you awake? email your reasons. we will read a few of the favorite answers later in the show. we'll be right back. the favori atenswers later in the show show we'll be right back. for strong protection, that's always discreet. question your protection. try always discreet. find your rhythm. your happy place. find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. 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>> the united states is trying to telegraph to vladimir putin there will be serious consequences if he invades ukraine and i think the question is will it be enough. because vladimir putin is someone who is a strategic thinker and he will have plotted out the possible ramifications of any sort of incursion into ukraine and likely have factored in the likely u.s. sanction and the potential for troops from the u.s. and nato amassing. so i think we're in a very dangerous moment right now, where there's a game of sort of international diplomatic chicken going on and vladimir pute isn't aggressor, the u.s. and nato allies are trying to make clear if he continues in the aggression, the consequences may be steep but that i not be enough to stave off a long-planned invasion that vladimir putin may have had in the past knowing this may actually happen. >> where do you think we go next? what are the next steps in terms of moscow's response to this move here, the u.s. putting its forces on high alert, and what's the next chance that any sort of din, diplomatic everybody. >> i think the key to the western alliance, the nato alliance plus the united states is to show unity in the face of putin's aggression. and one of the reasons that's becoming difficult is actually related to the environment and to european union's reliance on natural gas. so the eu imports about 40% of its gas from russia and so what you're basically doing is you have the white house trying to corral western allies, into a unified message that they will inflict economic pain on vladimir putin and russia's economy more generally, if they proceed with this incursion, and at the same time, they might end up damaging their own economies because they are reliant on these gas supplies. so it's also a story related to energy independence. i don't know whether vladimir putin is going to invade imminently or not but i wouldn't be surprised if it happened and i think that's the level of threat we're dealing with, this could happen in a matter of days or weeks but it is a moment of high alert for number security. >> and on the idea of time, the winter olympics in beijing are coming up and those things don't seem to go hand in hand but there might be a connection to what putin does and what happens in china. tell us about that. >> well, vladimir putin is always looking for angles in which he can gain a little bit of extra leverage, a little bit of extra benefit from his foreign policy, so if the world is distracted by the olympic games, if international diplomats view the world sort of turning to beijing, perhaps he will think that's the moment to strike. now i think the think we have to keep in mind putin's expansionism should be put in the context in the fact that russia is not actually a major economic power. its economy is about 20% smaller than italy's and the economy is about 20% larger than mexico's. and yet putin will have international headlines constantly about him because as a security player, as a geopolitical aggressor, they're still one of the major forces in international politics. so timing is everything in geopolitics. and with vladimir putin, what he will try to do, if he is going to strike is to pick an opportune moment. again, i can't predict exactly when that will be, it may be that this comes to nothing and putin doesn't engage and sort of backs off, in the face of western unity and western resolve, but at the moment as i say, i think we're in a very perilous instance in international diplomacy in which war is a realistic outcome in the coming days if not weeks. >> ominous words to be sure. putin no doubt has enhanced russia's standing in the world and his relationship with xi jingping of china something to watch. we appreciate it and hope you come back soon. still ahead, the wild ride on wall street continues. we'll go live to cnbc for a look at the markets ahead of the opening bell. plus, new developments in london. as police are now looking into parties thrown by boris johnson. . 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>> well, they're certainly going to get a ton of attention and they could have a big impact on the market sentiment. microsoft is obviously a tech behemoth and seen as a bet of a bellwether for the sector. and investors are looking for revenue and profit growth number wis are expected to be strong but in particular they're going to be looking for color around the outlook for microsoft cloud business, azure, clearly a big part of the future of tech. also looking out for more explanation how microsoft plans to deal with act vision blizzard, with the $70 billion gaming deal they just announced. and worth noting, we heard from ibm shares jumped yesterday, from reporting 6% revenue growth in the fourth quarter. and then of course, we can't forget netflix, which disappointed last week in shares, got absolutely smacked on the back of it, dropping 20% in after hours. >> lastly, you're there in london, and it seems like every day, there's a bad headline for the embattled prime minister, boris johnson, and i have affixed embattled to his name, but this morning seems to be a significant development. give us a sense as to what has happened there. >> that's absolutely right. one of the big questions was would we see the police get involved? and the police investigating the alleged lockdown infractions, and we have confirmation from the police chief, the commissioner here, in london at the metropolitan police, will be investigating allegations of lockdown parties taking place in 2020, so this is certainly a significant development and the pressure remains on boris johnson. >> cnbc, we appreciate the update on business and politic, live from london. thank you so much. before we go to break, another reason why you should keep an eye on the junk folder in your email. listen to this. a michigan woman won a $3 million lotto jackpot but didn't know it because the notification was stuck in her spam folder. laura spears almost missed out on the huge payday. she only realized she had bought the winning ticket after looking for a missing email from someone else. the lesson, folks, every so often, check your spam folder. the 55-year-old says she will use the winnings to retire early and share with her family. and from discovering money on the internet to spending it. a new jersey toddler went rogue while playing on his mom's phone buying nearly $1800 of furniture. adorable. as the "washington post" reports, first, flower stands started arriving at the family door and household items and then armchair after armchair. all courtesy of the 22-month-old. through a gofundme campaign donors helped raise $25,000 to cover the costs and then some. >> $25,000. they may have stumbled on to something. we will dive back into russia with representative chrissy houlahan a member of the foreign affairs committee. a mee or motrin® sometimes can. for trusted relief, trust tylenol®. entresto is the number one heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists and has helped over one million people. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto. don't settle for products that give you a sort-of white smile. try crest whitening emulsions... ...for 100% whiter teeth. its highly active peroxide droplets... ...swipe on in seconds. better. faster. 100% whiter teeth. shop president biden met virtually with european allies yesterday and said they're all on the same page with how to respond to russia's aggression at the ukrainian border. the white house is expected to brief the senate on the issue next week. house speaker nancy pelosi has asked for a bipartisan briefing of all members. joining us now, member of the house armed services and foreign affairs committees, democratic congressman chrissy houlahan of pennsylvania. congresswoman, thanks for joining us. we're so glad you're here. what are you hearing right now? are you satisfied with what you're hearing right now from the white house with regards to the situation with russia and ukraine and what do you see as the path forward? >> good morning. thank you for having me. i continue to ask for information, we continue to ask for information, as a body, the house of representatives and the committee that you talked about, the armed services and foreign affairs committee, have gotten several briefings over the course of the last couple of weeks on what is going on in ukraine, but we will continue to ask questions, because that's indeed what our responsibility is. oversight and also frankly that of our constitutional authority to declare war, as an example, not that we're planning on going there, but we do have the responsibility to make sure that we're well informed. so we will continue to ask the administration for more information on the events as they're unfolding. >> switching gears, last week, you introduced legislation to address the u.s.'s reliance on foreign entities for pharmaceuticals. tell us what is in the bill and why you think it's necessary. >> sure. of course. and the piece of legislation is a bipartisan piece of legislation, it was introduced by my colleague, mr. mayor of michigan and myself on the house side and on the republican senate site, it was also introduced so it is a bicameral piece of legislation, and the legislation is called the strengthening supply chains for service members and security act, and it is effectively what it sounds like, it is taking the recommendations of the d.o.d., oig report, and putting them in law and codifying them to make sure our supply chain is not weak, particularly in the area of pharmaceuticals and particularly in the area of the d.o.d., to make sure that our soldiers and sailors and airmen et cetera, are secure and safe in the supply chain of medicines in particular. so i'm hopeful this will be able to move forward. either independently or part of our ndaa process. >> and one more for you, obviously the president's build back better act has stalled, to put it mildly, in the senate. and it's now, its fate is very uncertain. there is some talk it could be slimmed down or pieces of it may be try to be passed individually which of course would mean sending it black through the house. gik -- back through the house. give us a quick sense of what you want to see happening and how you see it going forward. >> i share the enthusiasm that i think many of my colleagues do, that we need to make sure aspects of the build back better bill move forward and it is a complex stance between the house and the senate to be either break it apart or chunk it out or whatever euphism people are using and i hope some aspects of the bill will move forward because many of the issues we're suffering from, supply chains a suffering from, from the ability for chald care to get back to work, are some of the issues that will help the economy get back on track. i am hopeful we will be able to find a way and a path to get it passed. >> a dominant story line here in the months ahead for democrats on both ends of pennsylvania avenue. congresswoman chrissy hula han of pennsylvania, we appreciate you being here today. thank you. earlier in the show we asked this question, why are you awake? one viewer tweeted this, locked my keys in my car, waiting for aaa. why not have my coffee with jon? we're glad we can keep you company while you wait. hope it is not too cold where you are and hope they show up soon. dan, what do you have? >> we have one from jerry that might be watching about the lotto ticket. i'm up too earl rhee trying to find the $5,000 lotto ticket my husband gave me last week. >> $5,000 finance. hope you enjoy the wing. a lo at the "axios" "one big thing." an update on the u.s. surgeon general in the face of the pandemic. plus, we will hear from new york city mayor eric adams about his plans to tackle gun violence. and senator cory booker is a guest this morning. 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[sfx: voice relief] ♪♪ joining us no to look at "axios" a.m., the co-founder of action yo michael allen. good tuesday morning. what is the "axios" one big thing today? >> good morning from "axios" hq in arlington, virginia. the "axios" one big thing is political internet winners. we looked at what politicians get the most reaction on the internet, who gets the shares, the likes, the retweets. check this out. it is the people who are bombastic as opposed to powerful. it is people who are polarizing as opposed to the leaders out there. look at this. the top spot, top republican ted cruz. top representative alexandria ocasio-cortez. also up there, marjorie taylor greene. but then look at where the actual president is. we looked at 23 politicians with this exclusive news whip data that measures online interaction. the president out of 23 politicians we asked them to look at was number 23. the senate majority leader, kind of important, chuck schumer, just above him. this was the one that blew my mind. what do we talk about every day on "way too early"? the power of two senators, senator manchin, senator sinema. they also are down near the bottom. so it is the people who are hot who are at the top. here is a twist between the line, jonathan. a lot of the interaction, those likes, those shares, those comments come from opponents as opposed to people who are on their side. >> i wish i could say i were surprised that someone who was bombastic would get outsized attention. mike, we know that president biden's approval ratings have been pretty low of late and he has been criticized in part for his ad's handling of the omicron variant, but a new "axios" poll shows an interesting divide, that americans are overall satisfied with the vaccines. tell us about that. >> we thought the president couldn't buy a poll he liked. here is a good poll for the president. ron klain, good morning, here is something for you to weet. in the new installment of the "axios" ipsos coronavirus we asked a new question. what do you think of the vaccine results? there the people are happy with the vaccines, they see it is helping america reopen. here is another question we asked. what do you think of the president's offer of covid tests through the u.s. postal service, free tests and n95 masks coming soon through pharmacies? listen to this, jonathan. 84% of people in the polls said they liked each of those. there's not an 84% issue out there, but people like the president's masks and tests. this is super interesting. 44% of people in our poll had already ordered their masks or tests, but here is the twist, jonathan. here is the between the lines. it is the people who need it the most who are least interested. these are overwhelming people who are vaccinated who are getting their masks and tests. non-vaccinated, less likely to. so half of people who are vaccinated put in these requests. only a fifth of non-vaccinated have done the same. >> that's been the conundrum of this pandemic. people who are taking the most precautions are the most protected and those who need the help aren't doing so. mike, we just talked to our friends at cnbc a short time ago about the wild day we had at wall street yesterday and things seem uncertain. there's a lot of eyes on the tech market. are you guys at "axios", you have some reporting here, are we on the verge of the tech bubble bursting? >> tech knows it could. they're getting ready for it and they know they could be a top. here is something fascinating. "axios" managing tech out in the bay area, scott rosenberg, discovered big tech, even if there is a crash, even in this decline which a lot of your viewers have been watching and worrying about, big tech actually in a big decline could still be a winner. here is why. one, all of the big tech companies are sitting on tons of cash, billions, and could buy what is left. second, if there is a big tech decline, that's going to take a lot of the air out of the bubble here in washington pushing for antitrust deregulation, and you would have on the other side, you would have more politicians who are backing up tech, trying to promote a recovery. of course, tech companies would pay a price. they live in an area of america where it would be tougher to recruit talent. but when we look at what is standing it is hard to see a scenario where the big incumbents now aren't the big incumbents later. >> michael allen, we appreciate the additional reporting and you being with us today. thanks to all of you for getting up way too early with us on this tuesday morning. "morning joe" starts right now. ♪♪ will you take questions on inflation then? >> let's move. thank you. >> thank you all. >> do you think inflation is a political liability ahead of the midterm. >> that's a great asset. more inflation. what a stupid son of a -- >> within about an hour of that exchange he called my cellphone and he said, it is nothing personal, pal. and we went back and forth and we were talking about just kind of moving forward, and i made sure to tell him that i'm always going to try to ask something different than what everybody else is asking. and he said, you've got to, and that's a quote from the president so i'll keep doing it. >> a lot of folks on twitter yesterday were treating the biden fox reporter story of the most important news of the day. the update last night as you heard there, the president called the reporter after the exchange to

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Everywhere , Life , Type 2 Diabetes , Memory , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , 2 , Family , Stop Rybelsus , A1c , Majority , Isn T , Blood Sugar , Type 1 Diabetes , Don T Take Rybelsus , 1 , 7 , Swelling , Side Effects , Reaction , Stomach Pain , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Lump , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Pancreatitis , Kidney Problems , Vision Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Nausea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Possibility , Provider , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , 3 , 10 , Nbc News , Miguel Almaguer , Out Of The Woods , Parts , Deaths , Health , Infection Rates , Warning , Hospitalizations , Signs , Nation , Optimism , Catastrophe , Brink , Infections , Course , Valleys , Surge , Pockets , Peaks , Climb , Omicron , 14 , Level , Threat , Spike , Case Scenario , Degree , Normality , Wave May Crest , Experts , States , Wake , Omicron Have , 2200 , 16 , Numbers , Lines , Many , Levels , Emergency , Patients , 100 , Masks , Ability , Pharmacies , Home , Grocery Stores , Services , N95 , Test Kits , Millions , Midwest , Pandemic , Grand Jury , County , Tools , Decision , Interference , Superior Court , Investigation , Fulton County , Judge , District Attorney , 2020 , Trump , Loss , Probe , Secretary Of State , Brad Raffensperger , Scope , Fellas , 11000 , Nothing , Look , Break , 11780 , Power , May , Witnesses , D A , Biden Is Making Headlines Today , Fox News Reporter , Cursing A , 2019 , 2019 President , Questions , Inflation , Liability , Anthrax Change , Last Night , Air , Cell Phone , Exchange , Pal , Forward , Forth , Nothing Personal , Everybody , Quote , Australian Open , Concessions , Progress , Lockout , Players Association , Policy On Protest T Shirts , Major League Baseball , Sports , Mucinex Dm , 12 , Women , Breast Cancer , Coughs , Thriver , Kisqali , Ea , Pill , Aromatase Inhibitor , Fulvestrant , Hr , Lung Problems , Disease , Breathing Problems , Doctor , Chest Pain , Symptoms , Liver Problems , Death , Heartbeat , Skin Reactions , Change , Blood Cell , Cough , Dizziness , Infection , Treatment , Pain , Breastfeeding , Chills , Skin , Yellowing , Tiredness , Appetite , Bleeding , Rash , Fever , Urine , Grapefruit , Bruising , Asthma , Nunormal , Add On Treatment , Nucala , Breathing , Back Pain , Fatigue , Reactions , Tongue , Mouth , Injection Site Reactions , Headache , Trouble , Shingles , Don T Stop Steroids , Heartburn , Asthma Specialist , Heartburn Doesn T , Prilosec Otc , So Don T Fight Heartburn , Stomach Acid , Excess Acid Production , Top , Shootout , Puck , Rangers , Goal , Net , Adam Fox , Pumps Fakes , Keith Yandle , New York , Season , Ironman Mark , Philadelphia , Kings , Los Angeles , Nhl , 964 , Antonio Brown , Islanders , Football , Feeling , Dallas Stars , Lamar Jackson , Tampa Bay Buccaneers , Quarterback , Exit , Bridge , Gig , Podcast , Mvp , Tom Brady , Baltimore Ravens , Comments , Teams , Twitter , Video , Sbosment , Anywhere , Purple Miling Devil Emoji , Brown Lands , Players Union , Labor Talks , Bargaining Session Saw , December 2nd , First , Market , Free Agency , League , Proposal , Revenue Sharing Proposal , Labor Contract , Obstacles , Amount , Sides , Factor , Note , Spring Training Set , Athnd , March 31st , 31 , February 16 , Backlash , Player , Spectator , Removal , Peng Shui T Shirts , Baseball Hall Of Fame , David Ortiz , Shirt , Shirts , Messaging , Clothing , Rule , Tournament Director , Melbourne Park , Organizers , Problems , Spectators , Groups , Assault Allegations , View , Olympian , Cause , Doubles , Peng , Disappearance , China Drew International Criticism , Member , Woman , Semifinals , Madison Keys , Time , Communist Party , Stage , Seven , Quarterfinal , French Open , Semifinal , Sets , All American Women S , Won T , Ash Bardy , Jessica , Track , Grand Slam , Court , Setter , Men , Side Raffal , Italian , 63 , Five , 21 , Forecast , Mateo , Talk , Opponent , Bill Karins , Snowstorm Coming , Second , Base Snowstorm , Cold Blast , Place , Idea , Wind Chill Warnings , Wind Chills , Effect , Minneapolis , Wind Chill Advisories , Chicago , Mason City , Northern Plains , International Falls , To Fargo , Arctic Cold Front , Morning From Dc To Philly , East Coast , Kansas City , Baltimore , 27 , Zero , On Friday , Temperatures , Highs Today , Winter Storm , Ohio Valley , 40 , Storm , Key , Coast , Florida , Our American Model , Snow , Computers , Main , Areas , Model , Big Snowstorm Virginia To Maine , Dc To Maine , Divergent , Boston , Long Island , Eye , Dc All The Way , Four , Advance , On , Reasons , Chrissy Houlihan , Few , Answers , Protection , Favori Atenswers , Breaking Point , Rhythm , Best , Emergen C , Nutrients , Blend , Number , Business , Phone , Employees , Ground Running , Device , T Mobile , Vo , 00 , 800 , Largest , Opportunities , 5g Network , Customers , Facebook , 200 , 5 , Trust Tylenol , Crohn S , Intestine , Inflammation , Medication , Flare Up , Moderate , Adults , Surface , Ulcerative Colitis , Stelara , Cancer , Risk , Serious , Skin Growths , Uc , Flight , Sores , Tb , Pres , Lung Inflammation , Remission , Vaccine , Janssen , Brain Condition , Cost Support Options , Welcome Back , Still Fresh Janssen , Freshness , Move , Readiness , Units , Resolve , Toruss , Out West , Ukraine Grow , 30 , 100000 , Presence , Emergencies , 40000 , Information , Puppet Regime , Sources , British , Intelligence , Professor , Quote Disinformation , College London , Global Politics , Tensions , Columnist , Troop Preparedness , Analysis , Brian , Someone , Vladimir Putin , Consequences , Border , Telegraph , Point Of No Return , Sort , Incursion , Thinker , Ramifications , Potential , Sanction , Aggression , Vladimir Pute , Chicken , Isn T Aggressor , Steps , Moscow , Chance , Western Alliance , Din , Nato Alliance Plus , Unity , Putin , Face , Reliance , Gas , Imports , Environment , Natural Gas , Gas Supplies , Economies , Matter , Energy Independence , Things , Hand In , Security , China , Beijing , Winter Olympics , World , Bit , Leverage , Angles , Benefit , Olympic Games , Mind , Context , Diplomats , Fact , Turning , Expansionism , Headlines , Security Player , Mexico , 20 , Politics , Aggressor , Timing , Geopolitics , Strike , Backs , Instance , Diplomacy , Western Unity , Western Resolve , Standing , Words , Outcome , No Doubt , Xi Jingping , Police , Markets , Boris Johnson , Parties , Developments , Hope , Cnbc , The Wild Ride On , In London , Bell , More , Man , Discount , Burke , Policies , Farmers , Auto Insurance , Wife , Hon , Honey , Discounts , Jet Skis , Coverage , Boat , Farmers Policy Perks , Forty Five , Bum Trelegy , Copd , Bum , Dad , Sup , Garage , Kid , Birds Flyin , Pa Dum , Seventeen , Driftin , What S Next , Coughing , Copd Medicine , Medicines , Trelegy , Inhaler , Rescue Inhaler , Heart Condition , Flare Ups , Ways , Lung Function , High Blood Pressure , Vision Changes , Thrush , Osteoporosis , Pneumonia , Problems Urinating , Stand , Trelegy Com , Save , Clients , Money Manager , Naj , Backs , Fiduciary , Fisher Investments , Retirement , Fees , Item , Pack , Laundry Pacs , Tide Pods , Twist , Child , Safer , Policy , Packaging , Football Game , Word , Wig , It , Close , Comeback , Pace , Shape , S P 500 , Tech Heavy Nasdaq , 4 9 , 500 , 4 , September 2020 , Particular , Selling , Crisis Mode , Volatility , Debate , Focus , Jitters , Rumblings , Tension , Ukraine Border , Fed Hiking Rates , Thinking , Monetary Policy , Backdrop , Ern Earnings , Indication , Fed Meeting Conclusion , Tech Companies In Focus , Tech Giants , Earnings , Chaos , Tesla , Apple , Attention , Ton , Market Sentiment , Tech Behemoth , Growth , Wis , Profit , Revenue , Bellwether , Cloud Business , Sector , Bet , Outlook , Color , Azure , Explanation , Gaming Deal , Worth , The Future Of Tech , Act Vision Blizzard , Ibm , 0 Billion , 70 Billion , Back , Revenue Growth , Netflix , Development , Headline , Name , Prime Minister , Lockdown Infractions , Commissioner , Police Chief , Confirmation , Pressure , Lockdown Parties , Allegations , Update , Michigan , Email , Politic , Junk Folder , Ticket , Didn T , Laura Spears , Spam Folder , Notification , Payday , 3 Million , Million , Internet , Toddler , Money , Winnings , Lesson , Someone Else , New Jersey , 55 , Furniture , Household , Reports , Flower , Phone Buying , Rogue , Mom , Adorable , 1800 , Courtesy , Armchair , Campaign Donors , Raise , Costs , 22 , 25000 , 5000 , Foreign Affairs Committee , Chrissy Houlahan A , Mee , Entresto , Heart Failure Brand , Cardiologists , One Million , Don T , Angioedema , Ace Inhibitor , Hospital , Baby , Harm , Aliskiren , Blood Pressure , Blood , Ace , Arb , Potassium , Products , Try Crest Whitening Emulsions , Smile , Don T Settle , Teeth , Peroxide Droplets , Shop Crestwhitesmile Com , Faster , Issue , Page , House Speaker , House , Armed Services , Chrissy Houlahan , Foreign Affairs Committees , Briefing , Path , Pennsylvania , Hearing , Congresswoman , Situation , Regards , Committee , House Of Representatives , Briefings , Body , Authority , Example , Oversight , Events , Gears , Bill , Pharmaceuticals , Side , Colleague , Mayor , Entities , Mr , Recommendations , Supply Chains , Service , Site , Security Act , Republican , Area , Dod , Supply Chain , Oig Report , Soldiers , Sailors , Build , Safe , Ndaa Process , Supply Chain Of Medicines In Particular , Airmen Et Cetera , Pieces , Fate , Gik , Aspects , Enthusiasm , Colleagues , Stance , Story Line , Suffering , Care , Chald , Viewer , Ends , Pennsylvania Avenue , Congresswoman Chrissy Hula Han , Company , Keys , Car , Coffee , Aaa , Dan , Lotto Ticket , Husband , Jerry , Rhee , 000 , Eric Adams , Axios , Finance , Lo , Surgeon General , Wing , Morning Joe , Guest , Gun Violence , Cory Booker , Program , Ice Cream , Clothes , Foods , Lbs , Ww , Avocado , 28 , Inner Voice , Food , Window , Small Business Owner , Sandwiches , Pay , Ww Com Offer Ends January 30th , Kombucha Brewer , January 30th , Voice , Owner , Business Finances , Furniture Maker , Hand Gestures , Sneaker , Problem , Staff , Business Stands , Intuit Quickbooks , Triple Protection Sweat Defense , Lost , Run , Announcer , Success Starts , Derrick , Command , Warrior , Gonna , Playin , Derrick Man , Old Spice , Head Nurse , Leaks , Heart , Sleeve , Night Shift , Depend , Congestion , Vicks Sinex , Sinus Treatments , Relief , Sinus Pressure , Nasal Congestion , Sinuses , Source , Action Formula , Targets , Sfx , Vicks , 125 , Voice Relief , Tuesday Morning , Co Founder , Hq , Michael Allen , Virginia , Action Yo , Axios A M , Arlington , Politicians , Likes , Internet Winners , Retweets , Ocasio Cortez , Top Spot , Powerful , Ted Cruz , Alexandria , Marjorie Taylor Greene , Interaction , News Whip Data , 23 , Chuck Schumer , Majority Leader , Bottom , Opponents , Mike , Poll , Handling , Approval Ratings , Ad , Divide , Vaccines , Couldn T Buy , Installment , Weet , Vaccine Results , Ipsos , Coronavirus We , Tests , Covid Tests , Offer , U S Postal Service , 84 , Polls , 44 , Most , Non Vaccinated , Fifth , Requests , Same , Protected , Precautions , Put , Half , Conundrum , Tech Market , Friends , Verge , Tech Bubble Bursting , Decline , Viewers , Crash , Big Tech Actually , Bay Area , Scott Rosenberg , Tech Companies , Billions , Winner , Big Tech Decline , Tons , Cash , Recovery , Bubble , The Other Side , Up Tech , Washington Pushing For Antitrust Deregulation , Price , Talent , Incumbents , Scenario , Midterm , Asset , Let S Move , Son , A , Cellphone , To , Folks , Biden Fox ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC Way Too Early With Jonathan Lemire 20240708

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american military forces? >> plus, georgia judges clear the way for a special grand jury to help investigate if donald trump illegally pressured officials to overturn the election loss in that state. and president biden caught on a hot mike, this time, using the language to in sult a fox news reporter. the question, what did they discuss in the follow-up phone call? it's way too early for this. good morning. welcome to "way too early" the show knows all too well the dangers of a hot mic. i'm jonathan le mire. we'll start with the news. the pentagon has put thousands of u.s. troops on high alert as fears increase that russia may invade ukraine again. chief foreign affairs correspondent andrea mitch am has the details for us. >> reporter: with fears rising that russia could invade ukraine, president biden considering a major show of force near russia putting up to 8500 u.s. troops on heightened alert mostly as part of a nato response force. >> military action from russia could come at any time. >> the president from camp david over the weekend reviewing pentagon proposals to move thousands of troops from nato countries over to ukraine and fly bombers over the region and ships to the sea and putting more troops on stand by and sending additional fighter jets and war ships. >> what this is about is reassurance to our nato allies. >> from the situation room, president biden insisting they are united. >> i had a very, very good meeting with european lete leaders. >> but nato is divided. stalling on german-made artillery to ukraine. france wanting the european union not the u.s. to lead talks with russia. russia denies it plans to invade despite sending more troops and jets to the borders, and the u.s. orders civilian workers to leave while they can. and ordering not to travel. and upsetting ukraine's government calling those moves excessively caution and premature. and russia could justify by invading and installing a puppet government. wall street marked one of the best market comebacks in a long time yesterday with all three major indices finishing on a high note. investors began monday's session dumping technology shares. and at one point, the dow jones dropped more than 1,000 points. but shares rebounded as the day went on with meta, along with amazon and microsoft all closing higher. the market action yesterday followed a brutal week on wall street, in the face of mixed company earnings. now, all eyes are on the fed's two-day policy meeting which begins today. we'll go live to cnbc on this just ahead. president biden meanwhile joined the white house competition council for the second meeting yesterday, to discuss efforts to lower prices and combat supply chain shortages for american consumers. this, as the white house singles ongoing efforts to ease prices. something the president says is a top priority as he enters the second year in office. the council was established by a july 2021 executive order, and held its inaugural meeting last september. on the heels of voting rights legislation being blocked in the senate, a bipartisan group of senators is meeting to instead discuss the electoral count act. the group met for just an over an hour yesterday to discuss the proposals to update the law. no concrete decisions were made according to a democrat ig aide with knowledge of meeting. it is not clear when they will meet again. the 1887 electoral count act is the law that determines how electoral college votes is determined in congress, it came under fire after the january 6th insurrection, and any potential changes to the laws would not directly address voting rights as many democrats originally wanted. those three issues, foreign policy, the economy, and election integrity, are some of the biggest items on the biden agenda. all of which are being shepherded through the white house by chief of staff kron chain. a "washington post" profile entitled ron klain had the perfect resume and the first year showed the limits of that experience. white house reporter for the "washington post," tyler paige, good morning, tyler, thanks for being here, we read your story with great interest, and let's talk about it now. white house chief of staff ron klain has come under fire for some in the president's orbit, taking a lot of blame for biden's approval rating hitting a record low. give us a sense as to where biden, where klain stands right now in the biden orbit and what impact would you say has he had on biden's first year in office? >> jonathan, it's great to be with you. thanks for having me on to discuss this story. out this morning as you said with my colleague john sullivan, we did a deep dive in ron klain's first year. he came into this job with a glittering resume. everything you might want in a white house chief of staff, and look at what some of those shortcomings were in his first yer and he had a tremendous influence on joe biden's first year and i would say everyone says that joe biden still has the confidence in ron klain and his chief of staff, the president said last week, he has no plans for a staff shakeup but i think there is a harsher spotlight on ron klain in recent weeks as the administration gears up for year two which is a difficult year given the midterms are approaching and some of the criticisms that we focused on in the story most exquisitely looked at his relationships with key democrats particularly on the hill, house speaker nancy pelosi or west virginia senator joe manchin, both whom are critical to anything passing through congress. >> klain in particular has been tasked with managing relationship with the more progressives, those voices on the hill, and certainly there has been some growing frustration about the efforts there. but the spotlight on him comes as you say, at a moment where the president tried to piskt into the second year of office and he alluded last week he wants to be on the road more, i think he's missing 0en the connection of voters and wants to talk less about the legislative process but tell us here as the white house evaluates this at the beginning of 2022, where do they see his agenda going? what's the latest on say build back better or whatever form it eventually takes and what strategies might they take to win back public approval? >> right, so build back better is obviously the piece of the legislation that they were hoping to complete before the end of the year. senator manchin blew up those negotiations, saying he was not going to move forward on them. as we reported in our story, senator manchin has had particularly frustrations with ron klain, the chief of staff and he made it clear to allies that ron klain has some repair work to do if he's going to be involved in future negotiations directly with the west virginia senator. but in terms of the future, for the next few months and joe biden's agenda, what the president said and ron klain told nus an interview is they want to get biden outside of washington more, connecting with voters, talking about his agenda and not so much focused on these congressional meetings that you know, has been a huge part of this first year. i think one of the challenges of that, is that covid is still rampant in much of the country. there are a whole host of issues as you walked us through on the russia ukraine crisis that are keeping the president in washington. they talked this game of getting the president outside of dc but it remains to be seen whether that will be effective given the whole host of issues that remain for the president in washington. >> they previously said over the last year, they wanted to get biden out of dc more and that hasn't hasn't really happened. the "washington post," tyler paige, thanks for being here today, and sharing your reporting. talk to you again soon. still ahead turning the corner potentially on the omicron wave, the recent projection of a dramatic drop in cases. and the president's hot mic moment, a response to a fox news reporter that everyone is talking about this morning. those stories and a check on the weather when we come right back. those stories and a check on the weather when we come right back. my name is douglas. i'm a writer/director and i'm still working. in the kind of work that i do, you are surrounded by people who are all younger than you. i had to get help somewhere along the line to stay competitive. i discovered prevagen. i started taking it and after a period of time, my memory improved. it was a game-changer for me. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible... with rybelsus®. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to the possibility of lower a1c with rybelsus®. you may pay as little as $10 for up to a 3-month prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. while covid infection rates are now leveling off in parts of the country, hospitalizations and deaths are still rising. and health officials are warning we are not out of the woods. nbc news national correspondent miguel almaguer has the latest. >> reporter: for a nation on the brink of a covid catastrophe, clear signs of optimism in what appears to be the impending end to omicron dangerous surge as cases continue their steep decline in pockets of the country, new infections are down 14% across the u.s. a climb of new cases over the course of the pandemic reaching peaks and valleys, and now finally after omicron's unprecedented spike, experts say the most serious threat may be over by next month. >> we'd like it to get down to that level where it doesn't disrupt us in the sense of getting back to a degree of normality. that's the best case scenario. >> while omicron's wave may crest by mid february, its wake is still rippling across the country. every day, more than 2200 americans are still dying. 16 states hit later by omicron have cases spiking by over 100%. >> we have all reached the point where we're just so burned out. >> many on the front lines are struggling to see the end to the spike. >> these are sort of unprecedented levels, and the numbers of patients that we're seeing that require emergency acute care services is overwepping our ability to really to supply those services. as the first free n95 masks arrive at select grocery stores and pharmacies in the midwest, americans are also starting to receive their free home covid test kits with millions more expected to arrive in the coming days. tools aimed at curbing the pandemic, coming as the nation hopes to turn the corner. a grand jury request has been approved in georgia's largest county, in the investigation of possible election interference by former president donald trump. the superior court judge made the decision yesterday after the request was submitted by fulton county district attorney last week investigating whether the former president tried to overturn the 2020 election loss in the state. the scope of that probe includes trump's now infamous phone call to georgia secretary of state brad raffensperger just days before the capitol riot. >> i only need 11,000 votes. fellas, i need 11,000 votes. give me a break. so look, all i want to do is this. i just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. >> there is nothing wrong with saying that, you know, that you've recalculated. >> the grand jury convenes early may, it will have the power to subpoena witnesses who have so far refused to testify. a response the d.a.'s request last week, trump claimed that his phone call with raffensperger was quote even more perfect than his phone call with ukraine's president which of course got him impeached in 2019. president biden is making headlines today, for cursing a fox news reporter, it happened as the meeting was wrapping up at the white house yesterday. here's anthrax change. >> will you take questions on inflation then? >> thank you. thank you all. >> do you think inflation is a political liability ahead of the midterms. >> what a stupid -- >> there you go. he went on fox news last night and said the president called him to clear the air. >> within about an hour of that exchange, he called my cell phone, and he said, it's nothing personal, pal. and we went back and forth, and we were talking about just kind of moving forward, and i made sure to tell him that i'm always going to try to ask something different than what everybody else is asking, and he said you got to. and that's a quote from the president. so i'll keep doing it. >> still ahead, there's some signs of progress and talks between major league baseball and the players association, the concessions that could help end the lockout. plus, the australian open changed its policy on protest t-shirts, we'll explain what's that's all about. sports when we come back. that's all about that's all about sports when we come backours. 12 hours?! who studies that long? mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs. e a thriver with metastatic breast cancer means asking for what we want. and need. and we need more time. so, we want kisqali. women are living longer than ever before with kisqali when taken with an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant in postmenopausal women with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer. kisqali is a 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keith has matched the nhl's ironman mark appears in the 964th regular season game. with a 3-1 loss against the dallas stars. and keith yandle can set a new record on the road against the islanders. and switching to football, antonio brown wants to play with lamar jackson and the feeling appears to be mutual. three weeks after the receive ever's dramatic exit from the tampa bay buccaneers in which he burned every bridge behind him, including the one with tom brady, brown is now eyeing his next gig. saying on a podcast yesterday that he wants to play with the baltimore ravens quarterback. the former mvp responded to a video of the comments on twitter with a purple miling devil emoji. we assume that's an sbosment. we'll see where brown lands if anywhere and if any teams come calling this off-season. major league baseball labor talks will continue today after yesterday's bargaining session saw the first signs of progress since the lockout began on december 2nd. we don't want to get ahead of ourselves here but in a face to face meeting lasting a little more than two hours, the players union reportedly removed the first of three major obstacles to a labor contract by withdrawing its proposal for age-based free agency. the players association also modified the revenue sharing proposal by cutting the amount it asked the league to funnel away from small market teams. time remains a factor in the negotiations with spring training set to start february 16 athnd opening day scheduled for march 31st. encouraging though, the two sides are expected to meet later today. on a related note, later today, we will find out if any player, including david ortiz is elected to the baseball hall of fame this year. where is peng shui t-shirts will be allowed at the australian open following international backlash over the removal of a spectator last weekend for wearing a shirt branded with that message. before reversing course, organizers say the clothing breached the rule on political messaging. the tournament director tells the a. p. it is okay for people to wear the shirts at melbourne park as long as they don't congregate in large groups or cause problems for other spectators. china drew international criticism following the near total disappearance of peng from public view after the three-time olympian and former doubles champion made assault allegations against a senior member of the ruling communist party in that country. as for the action between the lines in melbourne, madison keys, the first woman in the semifinals last night, and now set to appear at that stage for the first time in seven years. and after she defeated french open champion. but there won't be an all american women's semifinal. jessica, unable to get past top-seeded ash bardy in this morning's quarterfinal. and straight sets just after just 63 minutes on the court. on the men's side raffal nadal still on track for a record-breaking 21st grand slam singles title, advancing to the semifinals, after surviving a five setter this morning. and seventh seeded italian mateo is competing in the quarterfinal against his opponent from france. time for the weather and bill karins has the forecast. and some talk of a snowstorm coming. what have you got? >> there's going to be a base snowstorm this week. we just don't know exactly who is going to get it yet or not because we don't know the exact track. we will get to that in a second. the first thing to deal with is the cold blast. and we need the cold air in place. it's on the way. it's frigid in the northern plains. the wind chill warnings in effect from mason city to fargo, international falls, wind chill advisories for chicago, minneapolis, and you get the idea. it's a very cold morning. and the wind chills right now, we're at negative 7 in chicago. and zero in kansas city. and minneapolis is negative 27. and that arctic cold front will come to the east coast later on today, so enjoy your mild-ish morning from dc to philly, baltimore to new york. it's only goilt get chillier later tonight. the forecast for today, temperatures are going to get into the low 40s. then they crash on the east coast. highs today, negative 1 in minneapolis. and that is it. so let's talk about this late week winter storm. on friday, a weak storm coming through the ohio valley, at the same time that's going to combine, with the storm just off the florida coast. when these two systems combine, it is the key to the forecast, and we are going to get a very powerful storm. we know that. if they combine earlier, then we will get a big snowstorm virginia to maine. if they combine later, then we're going to get the heavy snow really from long island up into areas of main, so right now, our computers are still a little divergent, our american model has it mostly only a big storm, boston, to maine, and the european model has a bigger storm really from dc all the way to maine and we will pinpoint this and four days to go but if you have travel plans saturday from dc to maine, boston, new york included, keep an eye on this forecast. >> bill karins, we appreciate in advance you keeps us posted on. that still ahead on, the latest on russia as the pentagon puts thousands of u.s. troops on high alert. we will have more with representative chrissy houlihan in a few minutes. before we go to break, why are you awake? email your reasons. we will read a few of the favorite answers later in the show. we'll be right back. the favori atenswers later in the show show we'll be right back. for strong protection, that's always discreet. question your protection. try always discreet. find your rhythm. your happy place. find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. 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>> the united states is trying to telegraph to vladimir putin there will be serious consequences if he invades ukraine and i think the question is will it be enough. because vladimir putin is someone who is a strategic thinker and he will have plotted out the possible ramifications of any sort of incursion into ukraine and likely have factored in the likely u.s. sanction and the potential for troops from the u.s. and nato amassing. so i think we're in a very dangerous moment right now, where there's a game of sort of international diplomatic chicken going on and vladimir pute isn't aggressor, the u.s. and nato allies are trying to make clear if he continues in the aggression, the consequences may be steep but that i not be enough to stave off a long-planned invasion that vladimir putin may have had in the past knowing this may actually happen. >> where do you think we go next? what are the next steps in terms of moscow's response to this move here, the u.s. putting its forces on high alert, and what's the next chance that any sort of din, diplomatic everybody. >> i think the key to the western alliance, the nato alliance plus the united states is to show unity in the face of putin's aggression. and one of the reasons that's becoming difficult is actually related to the environment and to european union's reliance on natural gas. so the eu imports about 40% of its gas from russia and so what you're basically doing is you have the white house trying to corral western allies, into a unified message that they will inflict economic pain on vladimir putin and russia's economy more generally, if they proceed with this incursion, and at the same time, they might end up damaging their own economies because they are reliant on these gas supplies. so it's also a story related to energy independence. i don't know whether vladimir putin is going to invade imminently or not but i wouldn't be surprised if it happened and i think that's the level of threat we're dealing with, this could happen in a matter of days or weeks but it is a moment of high alert for number security. >> and on the idea of time, the winter olympics in beijing are coming up and those things don't seem to go hand in hand but there might be a connection to what putin does and what happens in china. tell us about that. >> well, vladimir putin is always looking for angles in which he can gain a little bit of extra leverage, a little bit of extra benefit from his foreign policy, so if the world is distracted by the olympic games, if international diplomats view the world sort of turning to beijing, perhaps he will think that's the moment to strike. now i think the think we have to keep in mind putin's expansionism should be put in the context in the fact that russia is not actually a major economic power. its economy is about 20% smaller than italy's and the economy is about 20% larger than mexico's. and yet putin will have international headlines constantly about him because as a security player, as a geopolitical aggressor, they're still one of the major forces in international politics. so timing is everything in geopolitics. and with vladimir putin, what he will try to do, if he is going to strike is to pick an opportune moment. again, i can't predict exactly when that will be, it may be that this comes to nothing and putin doesn't engage and sort of backs off, in the face of western unity and western resolve, but at the moment as i say, i think we're in a very perilous instance in international diplomacy in which war is a realistic outcome in the coming days if not weeks. >> ominous words to be sure. putin no doubt has enhanced russia's standing in the world and his relationship with xi jingping of china something to watch. we appreciate it and hope you come back soon. still ahead, the wild ride on wall street continues. we'll go live to cnbc for a look at the markets ahead of the opening bell. plus, new developments in london. as police are now looking into parties thrown by boris johnson. . 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>> well, they're certainly going to get a ton of attention and they could have a big impact on the market sentiment. microsoft is obviously a tech behemoth and seen as a bet of a bellwether for the sector. and investors are looking for revenue and profit growth number wis are expected to be strong but in particular they're going to be looking for color around the outlook for microsoft cloud business, azure, clearly a big part of the future of tech. also looking out for more explanation how microsoft plans to deal with act vision blizzard, with the $70 billion gaming deal they just announced. and worth noting, we heard from ibm shares jumped yesterday, from reporting 6% revenue growth in the fourth quarter. and then of course, we can't forget netflix, which disappointed last week in shares, got absolutely smacked on the back of it, dropping 20% in after hours. >> lastly, you're there in london, and it seems like every day, there's a bad headline for the embattled prime minister, boris johnson, and i have affixed embattled to his name, but this morning seems to be a significant development. give us a sense as to what has happened there. >> that's absolutely right. one of the big questions was would we see the police get involved? and the police investigating the alleged lockdown infractions, and we have confirmation from the police chief, the commissioner here, in london at the metropolitan police, will be investigating allegations of lockdown parties taking place in 2020, so this is certainly a significant development and the pressure remains on boris johnson. >> cnbc, we appreciate the update on business and politic, live from london. thank you so much. before we go to break, another reason why you should keep an eye on the junk folder in your email. listen to this. a michigan woman won a $3 million lotto jackpot but didn't know it because the notification was stuck in her spam folder. laura spears almost missed out on the huge payday. she only realized she had bought the winning ticket after looking for a missing email from someone else. the lesson, folks, every so often, check your spam folder. the 55-year-old says she will use the winnings to retire early and share with her family. and from discovering money on the internet to spending it. a new jersey toddler went rogue while playing on his mom's phone buying nearly $1800 of furniture. adorable. as the "washington post" reports, first, flower stands started arriving at the family door and household items and then armchair after armchair. all courtesy of the 22-month-old. through a gofundme campaign donors helped raise $25,000 to cover the costs and then some. >> $25,000. they may have stumbled on to something. we will dive back into russia with representative chrissy houlahan a member of the foreign affairs committee. a mee or motrin® sometimes can. for trusted relief, trust tylenol®. entresto is the number one heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists and has helped over one million people. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto. don't settle for products that give you a sort-of white smile. try crest whitening emulsions... ...for 100% whiter teeth. its highly active peroxide droplets... ...swipe on in seconds. better. faster. 100% whiter teeth. shop president biden met virtually with european allies yesterday and said they're all on the same page with how to respond to russia's aggression at the ukrainian border. the white house is expected to brief the senate on the issue next week. house speaker nancy pelosi has asked for a bipartisan briefing of all members. joining us now, member of the house armed services and foreign affairs committees, democratic congressman chrissy houlahan of pennsylvania. congresswoman, thanks for joining us. we're so glad you're here. what are you hearing right now? are you satisfied with what you're hearing right now from the white house with regards to the situation with russia and ukraine and what do you see as the path forward? >> good morning. thank you for having me. i continue to ask for information, we continue to ask for information, as a body, the house of representatives and the committee that you talked about, the armed services and foreign affairs committee, have gotten several briefings over the course of the last couple of weeks on what is going on in ukraine, but we will continue to ask questions, because that's indeed what our responsibility is. oversight and also frankly that of our constitutional authority to declare war, as an example, not that we're planning on going there, but we do have the responsibility to make sure that we're well informed. so we will continue to ask the administration for more information on the events as they're unfolding. >> switching gears, last week, you introduced legislation to address the u.s.'s reliance on foreign entities for pharmaceuticals. tell us what is in the bill and why you think it's necessary. >> sure. of course. and the piece of legislation is a bipartisan piece of legislation, it was introduced by my colleague, mr. mayor of michigan and myself on the house side and on the republican senate site, it was also introduced so it is a bicameral piece of legislation, and the legislation is called the strengthening supply chains for service members and security act, and it is effectively what it sounds like, it is taking the recommendations of the d.o.d., oig report, and putting them in law and codifying them to make sure our supply chain is not weak, particularly in the area of pharmaceuticals and particularly in the area of the d.o.d., to make sure that our soldiers and sailors and airmen et cetera, are secure and safe in the supply chain of medicines in particular. so i'm hopeful this will be able to move forward. either independently or part of our ndaa process. >> and one more for you, obviously the president's build back better act has stalled, to put it mildly, in the senate. and it's now, its fate is very uncertain. there is some talk it could be slimmed down or pieces of it may be try to be passed individually which of course would mean sending it black through the house. gik -- back through the house. give us a quick sense of what you want to see happening and how you see it going forward. >> i share the enthusiasm that i think many of my colleagues do, that we need to make sure aspects of the build back better bill move forward and it is a complex stance between the house and the senate to be either break it apart or chunk it out or whatever euphism people are using and i hope some aspects of the bill will move forward because many of the issues we're suffering from, supply chains a suffering from, from the ability for chald care to get back to work, are some of the issues that will help the economy get back on track. i am hopeful we will be able to find a way and a path to get it passed. >> a dominant story line here in the months ahead for democrats on both ends of pennsylvania avenue. congresswoman chrissy hula han of pennsylvania, we appreciate you being here today. thank you. earlier in the show we asked this question, why are you awake? one viewer tweeted this, locked my keys in my car, waiting for aaa. why not have my coffee with jon? we're glad we can keep you company while you wait. hope it is not too cold where you are and hope they show up soon. dan, what do you have? >> we have one from jerry that might be watching about the lotto ticket. i'm up too earl rhee trying to find the $5,000 lotto ticket my husband gave me last week. >> $5,000 finance. hope you enjoy the wing. a lo at the "axios" "one big thing." an update on the u.s. surgeon general in the face of the pandemic. plus, we will hear from new york city mayor eric adams about his plans to tackle gun violence. and senator cory booker is a guest this morning. 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[sfx: voice relief] ♪♪ joining us no to look at "axios" a.m., the co-founder of action yo michael allen. good tuesday morning. what is the "axios" one big thing today? >> good morning from "axios" hq in arlington, virginia. the "axios" one big thing is political internet winners. we looked at what politicians get the most reaction on the internet, who gets the shares, the likes, the retweets. check this out. it is the people who are bombastic as opposed to powerful. it is people who are polarizing as opposed to the leaders out there. look at this. the top spot, top republican ted cruz. top representative alexandria ocasio-cortez. also up there, marjorie taylor greene. but then look at where the actual president is. we looked at 23 politicians with this exclusive news whip data that measures online interaction. the president out of 23 politicians we asked them to look at was number 23. the senate majority leader, kind of important, chuck schumer, just above him. this was the one that blew my mind. what do we talk about every day on "way too early"? the power of two senators, senator manchin, senator sinema. they also are down near the bottom. so it is the people who are hot who are at the top. here is a twist between the line, jonathan. a lot of the interaction, those likes, those shares, those comments come from opponents as opposed to people who are on their side. >> i wish i could say i were surprised that someone who was bombastic would get outsized attention. mike, we know that president biden's approval ratings have been pretty low of late and he has been criticized in part for his ad's handling of the omicron variant, but a new "axios" poll shows an interesting divide, that americans are overall satisfied with the vaccines. tell us about that. >> we thought the president couldn't buy a poll he liked. here is a good poll for the president. ron klain, good morning, here is something for you to weet. in the new installment of the "axios" ipsos coronavirus we asked a new question. what do you think of the vaccine results? there the people are happy with the vaccines, they see it is helping america reopen. here is another question we asked. what do you think of the president's offer of covid tests through the u.s. postal service, free tests and n95 masks coming soon through pharmacies? listen to this, jonathan. 84% of people in the polls said they liked each of those. there's not an 84% issue out there, but people like the president's masks and tests. this is super interesting. 44% of people in our poll had already ordered their masks or tests, but here is the twist, jonathan. here is the between the lines. it is the people who need it the most who are least interested. these are overwhelming people who are vaccinated who are getting their masks and tests. non-vaccinated, less likely to. so half of people who are vaccinated put in these requests. only a fifth of non-vaccinated have done the same. >> that's been the conundrum of this pandemic. people who are taking the most precautions are the most protected and those who need the help aren't doing so. mike, we just talked to our friends at cnbc a short time ago about the wild day we had at wall street yesterday and things seem uncertain. there's a lot of eyes on the tech market. are you guys at "axios", you have some reporting here, are we on the verge of the tech bubble bursting? >> tech knows it could. they're getting ready for it and they know they could be a top. here is something fascinating. "axios" managing tech out in the bay area, scott rosenberg, discovered big tech, even if there is a crash, even in this decline which a lot of your viewers have been watching and worrying about, big tech actually in a big decline could still be a winner. here is why. one, all of the big tech companies are sitting on tons of cash, billions, and could buy what is left. second, if there is a big tech decline, that's going to take a lot of the air out of the bubble here in washington pushing for antitrust deregulation, and you would have on the other side, you would have more politicians who are backing up tech, trying to promote a recovery. of course, tech companies would pay a price. they live in an area of america where it would be tougher to recruit talent. but when we look at what is standing it is hard to see a scenario where the big incumbents now aren't the big incumbents later. >> michael allen, we appreciate the additional reporting and you being with us today. thanks to all of you for getting up way too early with us on this tuesday morning. "morning joe" starts right now. ♪♪ will you take questions on inflation then? >> let's move. thank you. >> thank you all. >> do you think inflation is a political liability ahead of the midterm. >> that's a great asset. more inflation. what a stupid son of a -- >> within about an hour of that exchange he called my cellphone and he said, it is nothing personal, pal. and we went back and forth and we were talking about just kind of moving forward, and i made sure to tell him that i'm always going to try to ask something different than what everybody else is asking. and he said, you've got to, and that's a quote from the president so i'll keep doing it. >> a lot of folks on twitter yesterday were treating the biden fox reporter story of the most important news of the day. the update last night as you heard there, the president called the reporter after the exchange to

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Story , Lot , On The Road , Sense , Orbit , Interest , Approval Rating , Blame , Low , To Be With You , Impact , Everything , John Sullivan , Shortcomings , Dive , Job , Everyone , Plans , Influence , Confidence , Staff Shakeup , Yer , Spotlight , Administration , Relationships , Midterms , Criticisms , Senator Manchin , The Hill , Anything , Nancy Pelosi , Relationship , West Virginia , Voices , Progressives , Frustration , Road , Whatever , Agenda , Latest , Connection , Voters , Process , 0en , Say Build , 2022 , 0 , Piece , Legislation , Negotiations , Approval , Strategies , Frustrations , Repair , Senator , Terms , Nus An Interview , Washington , Biden Outside , Country , Meetings , Host , Covid , Much , Challenges , Game , Crisis , Outside Of Dc , Hasn T , Biden Out Of Dc , Reporting , Cases , Omicron Wave , Drop , Corner , Response , Stories , Weather , Check , My Name Is Douglas , Director , Writer , People , Aren T Doing So , Work , Kind , Line , Somewhere , Game Changer , Everywhere , Life , Type 2 Diabetes , Memory , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , 2 , Family , Stop Rybelsus , A1c , Majority , Isn T , Blood Sugar , Type 1 Diabetes , Don T Take Rybelsus , 1 , 7 , Swelling , Side Effects , Reaction , Stomach Pain , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Lump , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Pancreatitis , Kidney Problems , Vision Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Nausea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Possibility , Provider , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , 3 , 10 , Nbc News , Miguel Almaguer , Out Of The Woods , Parts , Deaths , Health , Infection Rates , Warning , Hospitalizations , Signs , Nation , Optimism , Catastrophe , Brink , Infections , Course , Valleys , Surge , Pockets , Peaks , Climb , Omicron , 14 , Level , Threat , Spike , Case Scenario , Degree , Normality , Wave May Crest , Experts , States , Wake , Omicron Have , 2200 , 16 , Numbers , Lines , Many , Levels , Emergency , Patients , 100 , Masks , Ability , Pharmacies , Home , Grocery Stores , Services , N95 , Test Kits , Millions , Midwest , Pandemic , Grand Jury , County , Tools , Decision , Interference , Superior Court , Investigation , Fulton County , Judge , District Attorney , 2020 , Trump , Loss , Probe , Secretary Of State , Brad Raffensperger , Scope , Fellas , 11000 , Nothing , Look , Break , 11780 , Power , May , Witnesses , D A , Biden Is Making Headlines Today , Fox News Reporter , Cursing A , 2019 , 2019 President , Questions , Inflation , Liability , Anthrax Change , Last Night , Air , Cell Phone , Exchange , Pal , Forward , Forth , Nothing Personal , Everybody , Quote , Australian Open , Concessions , Progress , Lockout , Players Association , Policy On Protest T Shirts , Major League Baseball , Sports , Mucinex Dm , 12 , Women , Breast Cancer , Coughs , Thriver , Kisqali , Ea , Pill , Aromatase Inhibitor , Fulvestrant , Hr , Lung Problems , Disease , Breathing Problems , Doctor , Chest Pain , Symptoms , Liver Problems , Death , Heartbeat , Skin Reactions , Change , Blood Cell , Cough , Dizziness , Infection , Treatment , Pain , Breastfeeding , Chills , Skin , Yellowing , Tiredness , Appetite , Bleeding , Rash , Fever , Urine , Grapefruit , Bruising , Asthma , Nunormal , Add On Treatment , Nucala , Breathing , Back Pain , Fatigue , Reactions , Tongue , Mouth , Injection Site Reactions , Headache , Trouble , Shingles , Don T Stop Steroids , Heartburn , Asthma Specialist , Heartburn Doesn T , Prilosec Otc , So Don T Fight Heartburn , Stomach Acid , Excess Acid Production , Top , Shootout , Puck , Rangers , Goal , Net , Adam Fox , Pumps Fakes , Keith Yandle , New York , Season , Ironman Mark , Philadelphia , Kings , Los Angeles , Nhl , 964 , Antonio Brown , Islanders , Football , Feeling , Dallas Stars , Lamar Jackson , Tampa Bay Buccaneers , Quarterback , Exit , Bridge , Gig , Podcast , Mvp , Tom Brady , Baltimore Ravens , Comments , Teams , Twitter , Video , Sbosment , Anywhere , Purple Miling Devil Emoji , Brown Lands , Players Union , Labor Talks , Bargaining Session Saw , December 2nd , First , Market , Free Agency , League , Proposal , Revenue Sharing Proposal , Labor Contract , Obstacles , Amount , Sides , Factor , Note , Spring Training Set , Athnd , March 31st , 31 , February 16 , Backlash , Player , Spectator , Removal , Peng Shui T Shirts , Baseball Hall Of Fame , David Ortiz , Shirt , Shirts , Messaging , Clothing , Rule , Tournament Director , Melbourne Park , Organizers , Problems , Spectators , Groups , Assault Allegations , View , Olympian , Cause , Doubles , Peng , Disappearance , China Drew International Criticism , Member , Woman , Semifinals , Madison Keys , Time , Communist Party , Stage , Seven , Quarterfinal , French Open , Semifinal , Sets , All American Women S , Won T , Ash Bardy , Jessica , Track , Grand Slam , Court , Setter , Men , Side Raffal , Italian , 63 , Five , 21 , Forecast , Mateo , Talk , Opponent , Bill Karins , Snowstorm Coming , Second , Base Snowstorm , Cold Blast , Place , Idea , Wind Chill Warnings , Wind Chills , Effect , Minneapolis , Wind Chill Advisories , Chicago , Mason City , Northern Plains , International Falls , To Fargo , Arctic Cold Front , Morning From Dc To Philly , East Coast , Kansas City , Baltimore , 27 , Zero , On Friday , Temperatures , Highs Today , Winter Storm , Ohio Valley , 40 , Storm , Key , Coast , Florida , Our American Model , Snow , Computers , Main , Areas , Model , Big Snowstorm Virginia To Maine , Dc To Maine , Divergent , Boston , Long Island , Eye , Dc All The Way , Four , Advance , On , Reasons , Chrissy Houlihan , Few , Answers , Protection , Favori Atenswers , Breaking Point , Rhythm , Best , Emergen C , Nutrients , Blend , Number , Business , Phone , Employees , Ground Running , Device , T Mobile , Vo , 00 , 800 , Largest , Opportunities , 5g Network , Customers , Facebook , 200 , 5 , Trust Tylenol , Crohn S , Intestine , Inflammation , Medication , Flare Up , Moderate , Adults , Surface , Ulcerative Colitis , Stelara , Cancer , Risk , Serious , Skin Growths , Uc , Flight , Sores , Tb , Pres , Lung Inflammation , Remission , Vaccine , Janssen , Brain Condition , Cost Support Options , Welcome Back , Still Fresh Janssen , Freshness , Move , Readiness , Units , Resolve , Toruss , Out West , Ukraine Grow , 30 , 100000 , Presence , Emergencies , 40000 , Information , Puppet Regime , Sources , British , Intelligence , Professor , Quote Disinformation , College London , Global Politics , Tensions , Columnist , Troop Preparedness , Analysis , Brian , Someone , Vladimir Putin , Consequences , Border , Telegraph , Point Of No Return , Sort , Incursion , Thinker , Ramifications , Potential , Sanction , Aggression , Vladimir Pute , Chicken , Isn T Aggressor , Steps , Moscow , Chance , Western Alliance , Din , Nato Alliance Plus , Unity , Putin , Face , Reliance , Gas , Imports , Environment , Natural Gas , Gas Supplies , Economies , Matter , Energy Independence , Things , Hand In , Security , China , Beijing , Winter Olympics , World , Bit , Leverage , Angles , Benefit , Olympic Games , Mind , Context , Diplomats , Fact , Turning , Expansionism , Headlines , Security Player , Mexico , 20 , Politics , Aggressor , Timing , Geopolitics , Strike , Backs , Instance , Diplomacy , Western Unity , Western Resolve , Standing , Words , Outcome , No Doubt , Xi Jingping , Police , Markets , Boris Johnson , Parties , Developments , Hope , Cnbc , The Wild Ride On , In London , Bell , More , Man , Discount , Burke , Policies , Farmers , Auto Insurance , Wife , Hon , Honey , Discounts , Jet Skis , Coverage , Boat , Farmers Policy Perks , Forty Five , Bum Trelegy , Copd , Bum , Dad , Sup , Garage , Kid , Birds Flyin , Pa Dum , Seventeen , Driftin , What S Next , Coughing , Copd Medicine , Medicines , Trelegy , Inhaler , Rescue Inhaler , Heart Condition , Flare Ups , Ways , Lung Function , High Blood Pressure , Vision Changes , Thrush , Osteoporosis , Pneumonia , Problems Urinating , Stand , Trelegy Com , Save , Clients , Money Manager , Naj , Backs , Fiduciary , Fisher Investments , Retirement , Fees , Item , Pack , Laundry Pacs , Tide Pods , Twist , Child , Safer , Policy , Packaging , Football Game , Word , Wig , It , Close , Comeback , Pace , Shape , S P 500 , Tech Heavy Nasdaq , 4 9 , 500 , 4 , September 2020 , Particular , Selling , Crisis Mode , Volatility , Debate , Focus , Jitters , Rumblings , Tension , Ukraine Border , Fed Hiking Rates , Thinking , Monetary Policy , Backdrop , Ern Earnings , Indication , Fed Meeting Conclusion , Tech Companies In Focus , Tech Giants , Earnings , Chaos , Tesla , Apple , Attention , Ton , Market Sentiment , Tech Behemoth , Growth , Wis , Profit , Revenue , Bellwether , Cloud Business , Sector , Bet , Outlook , Color , Azure , Explanation , Gaming Deal , Worth , The Future Of Tech , Act Vision Blizzard , Ibm , 0 Billion , 70 Billion , Back , Revenue Growth , Netflix , Development , Headline , Name , Prime Minister , Lockdown Infractions , Commissioner , Police Chief , Confirmation , Pressure , Lockdown Parties , Allegations , Update , Michigan , Email , Politic , Junk Folder , Ticket , Didn T , Laura Spears , Spam Folder , Notification , Payday , 3 Million , Million , Internet , Toddler , Money , Winnings , Lesson , Someone Else , New Jersey , 55 , Furniture , Household , Reports , Flower , Phone Buying , Rogue , Mom , Adorable , 1800 , Courtesy , Armchair , Campaign Donors , Raise , Costs , 22 , 25000 , 5000 , Foreign Affairs Committee , Chrissy Houlahan A , Mee , Entresto , Heart Failure Brand , Cardiologists , One Million , Don T , Angioedema , Ace Inhibitor , Hospital , Baby , Harm , Aliskiren , Blood Pressure , Blood , Ace , Arb , Potassium , Products , Try Crest Whitening Emulsions , Smile , Don T Settle , Teeth , Peroxide Droplets , Shop Crestwhitesmile Com , Faster , Issue , Page , House Speaker , House , Armed Services , Chrissy Houlahan , Foreign Affairs Committees , Briefing , Path , Pennsylvania , Hearing , Congresswoman , Situation , Regards , Committee , House Of Representatives , Briefings , Body , Authority , Example , Oversight , Events , Gears , Bill , Pharmaceuticals , Side , Colleague , Mayor , Entities , Mr , Recommendations , Supply Chains , Service , Site , Security Act , Republican , Area , Dod , Supply Chain , Oig Report , Soldiers , Sailors , Build , Safe , Ndaa Process , Supply Chain Of Medicines In Particular , Airmen Et Cetera , Pieces , Fate , Gik , Aspects , Enthusiasm , Colleagues , Stance , Story Line , Suffering , Care , Chald , Viewer , Ends , Pennsylvania Avenue , Congresswoman Chrissy Hula Han , Company , Keys , Car , Coffee , Aaa , Dan , Lotto Ticket , Husband , Jerry , Rhee , 000 , Eric Adams , Axios , Finance , Lo , Surgeon General , Wing , Morning Joe , Guest , Gun Violence , Cory Booker , Program , Ice Cream , Clothes , Foods , Lbs , Ww , Avocado , 28 , Inner Voice , Food , Window , Small Business Owner , Sandwiches , Pay , Ww Com Offer Ends January 30th , Kombucha Brewer , January 30th , Voice , Owner , Business Finances , Furniture Maker , Hand Gestures , Sneaker , Problem , Staff , Business Stands , Intuit Quickbooks , Triple Protection Sweat Defense , Lost , Run , Announcer , Success Starts , Derrick , Command , Warrior , Gonna , Playin , Derrick Man , Old Spice , Head Nurse , Leaks , Heart , Sleeve , Night Shift , Depend , Congestion , Vicks Sinex , Sinus Treatments , Relief , Sinus Pressure , Nasal Congestion , Sinuses , Source , Action Formula , Targets , Sfx , Vicks , 125 , Voice Relief , Tuesday Morning , Co Founder , Hq , Michael Allen , Virginia , Action Yo , Axios A M , Arlington , Politicians , Likes , Internet Winners , Retweets , Ocasio Cortez , Top Spot , Powerful , Ted Cruz , Alexandria , Marjorie Taylor Greene , Interaction , News Whip Data , 23 , Chuck Schumer , Majority Leader , Bottom , Opponents , Mike , Poll , Handling , Approval Ratings , Ad , Divide , Vaccines , Couldn T Buy , Installment , Weet , Vaccine Results , Ipsos , Coronavirus We , Tests , Covid Tests , Offer , U S Postal Service , 84 , Polls , 44 , Most , Non Vaccinated , Fifth , Requests , Same , Protected , Precautions , Put , Half , Conundrum , Tech Market , Friends , Verge , Tech Bubble Bursting , Decline , Viewers , Crash , Big Tech Actually , Bay Area , Scott Rosenberg , Tech Companies , Billions , Winner , Big Tech Decline , Tons , Cash , Recovery , Bubble , The Other Side , Up Tech , Washington Pushing For Antitrust Deregulation , Price , Talent , Incumbents , Scenario , Midterm , Asset , Let S Move , Son , A , Cellphone , To , Folks , Biden Fox ,

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