Transcripts For MSNBC Ayman 20240708 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Ayman 20240708

breaking news out of the state department this hour. tonight a new do not travel morning is in effect for ukraine, ordering non-essential staff and families of american embassy personnel to leave the country. we will dig into the tensions and how the u.s. is preparing if russia does, in fact, invade. and an enlightening new poll shows how many americans believe there is a threat to democracy. congresswoman camilla jayapal is here to discuss that and more. today we learned the january 6th committee has spoke to attorney general bill barr. peter strzruk is here to investigate why fully investigating former president trump is vital to the future of our democracy. i'm ayman mohyeldin. let's get started. downhill, divisive, negative struggling, lost and back. those are the top answers americans gave nbc news when asked to describe where they believe america is today. but this shouldn't be surprising. just take a look at this number. a striking 76% of americans believe there is a threat to democracy and a majority rule in this country. well, that comes as no surprise when you look at what happened on the senate floor just this last week. two democratic senators, joe mankrin and arizona's kyrsten sinema joined in opposing filibuster rules and changes to them. the move hammered yet another rule of voting rights legislation in this country. it is not like democrats expected anything different. in fact, even before that began, senator corey booker was already working on a plan b. here is what he told my colleague just on tuesday. >> we have not yet begun to fight. we have a lot more tools in our tool box. i have been encouraging, okay, we're stopping here. but let's start bringing up each of the provisions of this bill one at a time and make it even harder for them to vote against some of these common sense people that people on both sides of the political aisle support. >> and senator booker makes a good point here. so what are these common sense provisions? allow me to break it down starting with the freedom to vote act because you should know what's actually being blocked by these republicans and moderates. the bill would make election day a federal holiday. wow. controversial. it would require online automatic and same day voter registration. no excuse mail voting where people could have access to ballot drop boxes. restore voting rights to formerly incarcerated people and prohibit local election officials from being fired or removed without cause or while imposing instructor penalties against harassment, intimidation of those workers. make interfeing with voter registration a federal crime, enhance transparency and create a federal obligations for campaigns to report instances of foreign interference. can you imagine that is what the republicans and those two moderate senators are actually blocking? as for the john lewis voting rights advancement act, the bill would reverse the 2013 supreme court decision that struck out portions of the voting rights act of 1965 that require certain states and cities to obtain preclearance from the justice department before changing laws about their voting processes, update the formula used to determine which states must get preclearance and requires courts to consider history of voting discrimination when hearing challenges to those voting practices. i don't know. seems like this is pretty common sense to me. it's not quite the boogie man of a bill that senate minority leader mitch mcconnell tried to frame as the left's big lie. so with the democrats fresh off a new failure running out of time and omss, heeding senator booker's avice to get them done individually? no, they're not. partisan problem that the republicans are creating. remember, it is 19 republican-led senate state legislatures, excuse me, that passed those 34 laws restricting voter access in 2021. 19 states. and, yet, this week a group of bipartisan senators, including manchin and kyrsten sinema plan to meet to deal with how congress counts election results. also plan to discuss how to protect election officials from threats and intimidation. than sounds great, right? notice anything missing? oh, yeah. no mention of any provision aimed at combatting voter restrictions and election subversion efforts at the state level where this is taking place. that's where the threat is. that's what needs attention. that's like trying to build a house and starting with the roof. and without a proper foundation, things are destined to crumble. and without a voting rights bill that addresses federal and state level election threats, our democracy remains vulnerable. let's bring in russell burman who has written extensively about this. good to see you. so let me start with something that you recently wrote in your most recent piece. you explored some alternative paths that biden could have taken on voting rights but said none of them would have been easier, in fact, more successful. why do you believe this latest failure was pre-destined? and does that mean that if the easiest path has been shut down, all the others are unlikely to pass? >> well, simply put, the democrats and president biden have the power to set the agenda in washington, but they don't have the votes to pass it. they have a majority in the senate, 50 votes plus the tie breaking vote of kamala harris. but that's not enough. it's really never been enough in modern history to pass big legislation. and especially as you saw in the vote that was never more starkly revealed than this week when they tried to gut the filibuster, to go around the filibuster and they got exactly what everybody knew they would get, which is 48 votes, the maximum number of votes they have ever had to change the filibuster. so as simple as it is, it is really just a numbers game, and it is hard to see that change. it's put them in an impossible political position because they have the power and the responsibility and the hopes and the expectations that go with having the majority in both houses of congress and the presidency. but they don't have a big enough majority to get what they need to get done. >> russell, let me share with you something that i hear a lot from a few of my republican friends but i also see it as well in the republican echo chamber. republicans are claiming it is hypocritical for democrats who rightfully assert that the last election was the most secure in history to put forward electoral reforms. they argue why would you need it if the last election was fine? we both know democrats are combatting laws that the gop-led state legislatures passed after the election as we just outlined there. and that's where the real threat is, but who's winning this messaging fight because i think that's what it comes down to. do the american people understand where the threat is coming from? >> well, i think, you know, you do see support. i'm not sure this particular issue is a messaging issue because if it -- you know, it really just comes down to senator manchin and senator sinema who both support the bill. they don't support it enough to get rid of the filibuster. i think on this particular issue it's not -- i guess, you know, if there were thousands of people outside the capitol, you know, protesting in support of this legislation, maybe that would create a different dynamic. it seems that the public generally is on their side. i don't know that they have lost the mess s&ling battle. it is just a simple matter of these two senators. i think everybody wants to search for other answers as to why they haven't gotten this done and i think the answers are right in front of them. >> i guess the argument from man dlts chin and sinema is that if democrats do suck yield, what is to stop republicans from using that to their advantage and passing these kinds of voting restrictions laws on a federal level if they succeed in the midterms on anything that the democrats do, wouldn't the republicans, if they do win, make the same changes and reverse those laws within minutes of taking power? >> well, you know, the argument is probably not as strong as when it comes to the voting laws. i think it would be difficult to get -- we've seen it is difficult to get rid of a once unpopular law like the affordable care act. i think the democrats are more worried about the laws that they could pass that have nothing to do with voting rights, right? maybe it is abortion restrictions. >> interesting. >> or maybe it's gun laws or maybe it's rolling back environmental regulations. so i'm not sure it is specifically with regard to voting laws. although certainly they might try here and there to sort of gut the law and get rid of some of the things that maybe are not as popular as, you know, early voting or mail-in voting, which are both very popular. but, you know, we have seen mitch mcconnell. you know, he did do this when democrats laid the ground work and took that first step on judicial dominations to get rid of the filibuster for lower court judicial nominations when mitch mcconnell and the republicans got power, they took the next step to get rid of the filibuster for the supreme court and they benefitted from that very much. >> yeah. you make an interesting point because the laws have to be signed by a president. obviously this president wouldn't do it if he does, in fact, lose control of both either the house or the senate in the midterms, he would have at least two years to combat that. you do bring an interesting point they would have the proactive ability to pass legislation when they have control of the house, senate and the white house. great to speak to you. thank you so much for your time. greatly appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. >> my pleasure. let's bring in congresswoman par mill la jayapal (. thank you so much. there is a lot to talk about here. as we mentioned, this week a group of bipartisan senators plan to meet to discuss an overhaul bill, including changes to the electoral count act. would you support a scaled back piece of legislation like that? do you think that is the right approach right now given no movement on joe manchin and kyrsten sinema. >> ayman, it is great to see you. thanks for having me on. i don't think you can begin to think any changes we would make there come even close to addressing the issues that you have been covering around election subversion and voting rights suppression. so i don't think we should confuse them as sort of this is the alternative to the john lewis voting rights act or the freedom to vote act. it is a completely different thing. is there support for it? sure. i think that is a legitimate thing to do. but just let's not confuse it and think that it's a substitute. i think the reality is that the country deserves to have a real debate and a vote on these bills. and the filibuster, even if there was a small carve out just for voting rights, which, by the way, is what has been done for so many other issues, that would allow this piece of legislation to move forward. and if the republicans then come into power and decide they're going to change it -- now i just heard the reasons for why that might not be the case, but let's say they were, that is the debate that a country should have. we should all get to see what a vote looks like and actually be able to have a real discussion and a vote on these critical pieces of legislation. if we don't do that, ayman, we are going to see the continued suppression of votes across the country. and the things that we can do are -- we can try to continue to move legislation. we should remember that a year ago this time there were a lot more than two senators who didn't want to reform the filibuster for voting rights. at least now there is just two. so we need to keep at it. we need to do the work at the state level and we need to continue to make the argument to the people about why this is so essential for our democracy to be successful. >> let me talk to you for a moment if i can about politics. this morning your colleague representative alyssa slot kin ( was asked about censuring senator sinema. let me play for you what she had to say. >> i don't come from a school where you are constantly airing dirty laundry. there are really big divisions in washington right now, period, democrat, republican within each party. but i don't believe the way you get back at other people is by putting that on air, airing that publically. >> do you agree with congresswoman slotkin or do you think arizona democrats made the right move to let senator sinema know there should be a consequence for going against the will of the people that overwhelmingly support passing voting rights reform? >> i think it is two things. the arizona democratic party is of the people. that's what a state democratic party is. so people are going to push because they're furious that their senator who is a democrat, i think that that is legitimate. at the same time, i think what alyssa ( is saying is that we need to be focussing on the real things that have gotten done in the last year and the things we are going to do in this year because there is a 24/7 news cycle that is constantly talking about the divisions to the exclusion of the things that we've gotten, right? we have reduced hunger by 32% last year because of the american rescue plan and a whole bunch of other things we did. we created 6.4 million new jobs in one year, the most jobs that any new president has created in his first year. we brought unemployment down to just under 4%. and that is two years in advance of when unemployment was going to go down. wages have gone up. yes, costs have gone up, too. i know that. but people have -- workers have more choices in the jobs they're able to take and more choices. these are the things i wish we would cover. i think for someone like elyssa who is in a tough district it is frustrating when only the divisions get talked about and not the actual accomplishments of what we've gotten done in a year of a new democratic president and a democratic congress. >> yeah. not to take anything away from what the democrats have accomplished, i want to ask you about the build back better bill. i have to admit you and other progressives were right in thinking the human infrastructure component would not get passed and senator manchin would find a way to back out of whatever agreement or word he gave to the white house as we have clearly seen play out and here we are. last week we saw conflicting messages from the president and speaker pelosi. watch this. >> i'm confident we can get pieces, big chunks, of the build back better law signed into law. i think we can break the package up, get as much as we can now, come back and fight for the rest later. >> so what the president calls chunks i would hope would be a major bill going forward. it may be more limited, but it is still significant. >> so as i understand it, this is obviously a reconciliation bill. you don't have many changes to m coback and fight later. are the administration and democrats in congress on the same page here about the path forward? >> well, i think the terminology was confusing. it is not possible to break this up into a lot of pieces because, as you say, there is only one reconciliation bill. i think what the president was saying, i don't want to speak for him, but my understanding of what he was saying in reading the whole transcript is that we are going to get as much as we can get done of build back better done because you remember, ayman, that there was the frame work that senator manchin agreed to which was significant. it was $1.75 trillion and a lot of tree priorities for progressives, for the president's agenda. the house then passed an even bigger bill. and we put some things in that weren't in that frame work. and what i believe is possible is to pass something that is very close to that frame work, and that may be what the president is talking about when he says chunks. he's saying take a big chunk of that bill that the house passed and let's try to get that passed. so that's our strategy now. and really this is going to rely on the president going back to senator manchin and saying, look, my credibility is on the line as president. you committed to see, and i committed to the country that we would get this done and this is the deal. and, so, i need you to come through now. i believe those conversations are starting to happen now. >> let me just ask you finally, congresswoman, because as the chair of the progressive caucus, you have been a key negotiator during this whole process. after senator manchin pulled his support from build back better last month you released a statement saying he betrayed his commitment not only to the president and democrats in congress but most importantly to the american people. he can no longer say that. how do you go back to the table after that kind of betrayal? why do you -- why would you even -- do you even have any faith that senator joe manchin negotiates in good faith from here on out? >> ayman, we don't have the luxury to give up. we have to get these things done for the american people. this is what we all ran on as democrats. it is what the president ran on. it is what black voters and young voters and poor voters in georgia and arizona and across the country came out and voted for. this is the democratic agenda. so it really is not an option for us to say, you know what, i'm frustrated by the whole thing. i'm just going to give up. that's number one. number two, i did have a conversation with senator manchin. and even in that conversation, the day after, when he called me, there was so many things that he was still saying he supported, including universal pre-k, housing, elder care, climate change, the health care subsid subsidies. these are all the things he said he supported. i have to believe we can get this done because it is good for the american people and it is good for the country to be able to deliver on this. and it is good for joe manchin and for his state to be able to deliver on this as well. >> congresswoman jayapal, thank you for joining us this evening. i greatly appreciate your time. it is good to see you. >> thank you, ayman. good to see you as well. next, we will find out what he thinks of trump's plot to seize voing machines after the 2020 election. plus, the crisis in yemen that you may not know about. but first richard liu is here with the headlines. sunday evening the state department issued a dot not travel to ukraine. nonemergency diplomatic employees are now authorized to depart the country. eligible family members are ordered to evacuate. president biden warned military action including invasion could be immeant. firefighters saturday trying to contain a wild fire that broke out in the big sur section of the california coast. authorities shut down a stretch of highway one. the cause of this uncommon winter fire is unknown. and new zealand is facing an omicron covid variant spike. new safety measures called the red setting were released requiring the prime minister to delay her own wedding. more ayman with ayman mohyeldin right after this break. ayman w right after this break fries or salad? 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"couldn't i do this from home?" with letsgetchecked, you can. it's virtual care with home health testing and more. all from the comfort of... here. letsgetchecked. care can be this good. so today we learned the house select committee investigating the january 6th insurrection has been in talks with another major player, the former attorney general bill barr. and a member of the committee spoke earlier to msnbc about these conversations. take a listen. >> well, let me just be clear that it was not a formal, you know, deposition. it's been some discussions that the attorneys on the staff have had with the former attorney general, and it was done on a voluntary basis. >> one person who has been adamant about the importance of investigating donald trump and his efforts to subvert elections is peter strzok, who was instrumental in the trump-russia investigation. in his book "compromised." he makes clear that fully investigating the former president is vital to our democracy. trump remains a king maker in the republican party as long as the abuses of his presidency remain uninvestigated, they will remain unsufficiently proven and inadequately punished. perhaps the biggest threat we have ever faced. peter, thank you so much for joining us on this program. in the same interview that i just referenced there, the congresswoman also pointed out that this is just a legislative committee, not a prosecutorial body. watch. >> so, yeah, you are saying basically it is possible you may not make a criminal referral at all in this? >> well, i don't know. but if we do or not it really doesn't matter. you know, it has no legal weight. the department of justice files when they think a crime has been committed. >> could this result in the same outcome as the muller investigation, which as we know nothing legally came from it? >> i think there are two issues there, ayman. thanks for having me. it could result in criminal referrals from congress to doj. the point to make is the doj doesn't need to wait for a referral from congress to investigate. but things that people need to understand is much like the mueller report, wrongdoing doesn't necessarily result in prosecution. and i think people fell into a trap of thinking, well, if something is prosecuted, then it must be wrong. if it isn't prosecuted or wasn't prosecuted, therefore, that's fine. but that's simply not the case. the standard for bringing a criminal case is very, very high and it is much higher certainly than something that's inappropriate. it is much higher than something you give people real pause about whether these are the sorts of people we wants a elected e officials in our government. when it comes to trump, he needs to be held accountable for things he did in the administration. i think a lot of people assume when president biden was elected and was sworn in that former president trump was going to go off to mar-a-lago and never return. but the fact of the matter is he does remain a king maker in republican politics. if he wanted to run for president in 2024, i think most experts would agree that he would be the clear front runner as the republican candidate. >> you make a really interesting point about the threat that he still poses to not only our politics but our institutions if he is somehow able to regain control. one of the ways obviously that a lot of people are looking for that to be stopped is the january 6th committee in terms of what they could potentially uncover in terms of his wrongdoings from the previous time in office. how do you think the january 6th committee is doing right now based on what you have seen and what you have heard? obviously it is still early, but how would you grade their investigative work so far and what has been revealed? >> i think they're moving in a manner i would expect them to move towards. that's starting at the bottom, looking at all the various players on the ground and from that starting to move up to understand much like doj is doing separately who were the groups that were involved in coordinaing this activity. and then finally to what extent were those people in those groups engaged in these conspiracies linked to people higher up, people in the white house, people around president trump, whether that's folks like rudy giuliani or roger stone or others and to then from that certainly other members of the congress who might have been involved in this and from that move to the very top to try to get an understanding of who and what was the role of the president of the united states himself in these -- in the insurrection. and, so, i think they are following a very logical path upwards. i think they understand very well that they face a hard potential deadline with the mid-term elections, where democrats may no longer maintain the majority. i expect throughout the spring and summer we will see an accelerated pace of hearings and a final report which hopefully will shed a lot of light on what happened on january 6th. >> one of the things we learned this week, peter, was this bombshell report, and i wanted to get your thoughts on the reports of a plot to send national guard troops to seize voting machines after the 2020 election. the executive order was never signed, but the fact that it apparently went beyond a simple discussion and was actually drafted into a document that could have been signed by the president of the united states, i got to assume that is deeply troubling. how do you begin to investigate where that is in the possibility of a plot to overthrow the election? >> well, it's beyond troubling. i mean, this is one of the gravest threats i have seen certainly in our lifetime. as a student of history looking back at what our nation has faced in its entire history. what's particularly troubling, look at the people who were in the white house from press reporting at the time that plan was proposed. you had general mike flynn, who was the fired, disgraced director of the fbi lying to me about his contacts with the russian ayman mohyeldin bad door. you had his attorney to walk back any sort of jail time that flynn might have faced. and you had this gentleman who had been in a romantic relationship with a woman who had been sentenced to jail and later deported for acting as an unregistered agent of the government of russia. those are the three folks you have sitting in the oval office in late december presenting this plan to former president trump. you can't make this up. if you take a step back and you look not only at the staggering implications of this plan to seize voting machines, to essentially re-do a majority vote that gave over seven million more votes to president biden than were given to former president trump, that's simply a staggering act. and to have these folks with foreign connections that they have in the oval office presenting it is deeply troubling. >> peter, thank you so much for joining us. greatly appreciate your insights and your time this evening. coming up, we're following the latest out of eastern europe where a do not travel warning is now in effect for ukraine for american citizens. we will break down the u.s.-russia tensions. k down the k down the u.s.-russia tensions was a bit of a buzz kill, right? so she ordered sunglasses with prime, one day delivery. ♪♪ clever girl. people realized she's actually hilarious once you get to know her. eugh. as if. ♪♪ well, he was asking for it. prime changes everything. - your mom's got to go! - she's family. she's using my old spice moisturize with shea butter well, he was asking for it. and she's wearing my robe. mom: ahem ahem ahem we're out. ♪ ♪making your way in the world today♪ ♪takes everything you've got♪ ♪ ♪taking a break from all your worries ♪ ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? ♪ ♪ ♪ sometimes you want to go ♪ ♪where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪ ♪and they're always glad you came ♪ this week president biden marked one year in office. the milestone giving an opportunity to reflect on campaign promises achieved as well as promises broken. >> we're also stepping up our diplomacy to end the war in yemen, a war which has created humanitarian and strategic catastrophe. this war has to end. >> but a year later from that speech, the pain and suffering of the yemene people hasn't come to an end. in fact, far from it. reports say at least 70 people were killed, including at least 3 children after a saudi-backed drone strike hit a prison where 100 people were injured and the attack left the people of the country without internet. this came in retaliation for a strike that killed three people. prior to that, it's been a tit for tat on attacks that have been escalating for weeks. who pays the costs? it is the innocent people on both sides, including mostly those in yemen. in seven years of war, accusations of war crimes have become the norm. it remains one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world. at least 21 people in need of urgent aid, 11 million of those children. now according to unicef, since the conflict began, 10,000 children have been killed or maimed. they're left to starve to death. 2.3 million children under the age of five suffering from acute malnutrition. will the promises of foreign governments to save them be enough? here's what biden said on the campaign trail in 2019 in that same speech by the president. he went on to say that the u.s. will continue to continue to help saudi arabia defend its sovereignty and its people. in november the u.s. -- in november, the u.s. sold $650 million in arms to the saudis, arming the regime that holds responsibility for a devastating and sickening war. now, this issue alone is enough to define the porn ( foreign policy of a presidency. it is not the only crisis on president biden's desk. when we come back, we will discuss what biden has achieved in the last 12 months and how far he still has to go. s and ho far he still has to go kim is now demonstrating her congestion. save it slimeball. i've upgraded to mucinex. we still have 12 hours to australia. mucinex lasts 12 hours, so i'm good. now move! kim, no! mucinex lasts 3x longer for 12 hours. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ with chase security features, guidance and convenience, banking feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. before you go there, or there... start here. walgreens makes it easy to stay protected wherever you go. schedule your free covid-19 booster today. some breaking news for you this hour. the u.s. state department issuing a do not travel warning for ukraine, ordering non-essential staff and families of american embassy personnel to leave the country. the president is considering deploying thousands of u.s. troops in military assets to the baltics in eastern europe but not to ukraine itself at this moment. the president started his year in office with a pretty optimistic outlook on this front. >> america is back. diplomacy is back. >> 365 days of president biden later, is america back? let's get a report card from the former spokesman to the un under president obama. she's now host of "oh my world." it's great to see you. thank you so much. i'm going to start with the most obvious question. give me the report card. how has president biden done? >> you know, i'd like to give an incomplete. however, it's kind of looking with everything going on like a d minus maybe. c plus. b minus. we'll be fair. he restored from alliances but kabul, kiev, there is a lot there to unpack. >> you could say there are signs that the relationships have gotten better as opposed to when trump was in power. but at the same time just this week you had the french president say that he's calling on the europeans to think of their own security concerns and to forge their own path when it comes to dealings with russia. i'm not saying he's right. i'm saying is that also a sign that our european allies are not necessarily confident that america is back. >> so, listen, this is really complicated because on one hand, president biden went in there with a real opportunity here to say, right, america is back. diplomacy is back. and the fact of the matter is he restored some alliances. things with the europeans are certainly better than they were under president trump, but that doesn't mean that we haven't upset them. by the way, that they don't see us as flailing and as divided, right? and we can't underestimate what that does around the world. number one, we have still -- you know, we pissed off the french with the deal. that could have been handled better. the germans and the brits were unhappy with how we handled afghanistan. on the whole, if you are going to say that america is back, then you got to project strength on the world stage. and that is actually really what i believed would happen a year ago. but i haven't seen that entirely. now things with the allies, like i said, are a little better. but there are challenges between the pandemic locally here with how we appear as a democracy and the challenges around the world. it is almost like he's got 99 problems but the g7 isn't one. >> look at you throwing a little jay-z in there. so let's talk about one of the major issues that has been unresolved. it is what i was talking about, this situation in yemen and our relationships with saudi arabia and other gulf countries. why has that been such a dismal failure? >> such a failure. i completely agree with you, by the way. listen, i think they're trying to figure this out. the problem is you don't have time to figure it out when you are president. i said the same thing when president trump came to office. you don't have time to figure it out. you are the president of the united states, right? and he's got a team that is a well-seasoned team in foreign policy. they went into office believing that they could fundamentally change how foreign policy is pursued in washington. i think that that was the right goal, right? putting him at the center, putting corruption at the center of foreign policy. they certainly seem to have been pursuing it when it comes to china. but when it comes to saudi arabia, egypt, those arm sales continue. we have no policy on syria. nobody knows what this administration will pursue when it comes to israel, lebanon, libya. we are all left waiting wondering what's going on and that's not what -- we don't have the luxury as the u.s. government to portray like we just are still figuring it out because other countries take advantage of that. right? you and i know this. we know the other side of the world very well. we know how these dictators behave. most of them are thugs. they look at any perceived sign of weakness as something they can harp on, and i think at the end of the day, you know, they said that they would be this -- that they would project this strength but they're a little afraid. they can't be afraid. but that's what they look like. >> let's talk about one of the issues a little bit closer to home, the crisis in central america and the border countries to the united states. president biden vowed to take a more humane approach to the issue. has that been the case in dealing with migration across our southern border? >> this is such a mess for a number of reasons. one, to answer your question, no. his approach has not really been all that more humane. on the flip side, when you have a major increase in migrants, which is what you had as soon as he took office, right, as soon as he took office, the few months afterwards you had a huge increase and that remains to be the case after haiti and all these issues you had. you had this huge increase. why? because migrants abroad genuinely believe president biden was going to be softer not just in terms of how they were treated but that he would be opening borders more to them, right? the fact they believe that, even though that is false, the fact that they believe that is the fault of the biden team. right? that's not -- i worked in communications. i know how it is. if you don't communicate clearly and know how to reach the audience properly, then that's on you. that's your fault, right? if you are making stump speeches, migrants abroad are not hearing that. so that's our fault. and the problem is that there is no end in site on that, right? and this is -- this is going to remain a problem i think for the rest of his first term. >> all right. good to see you, my friend. thanks for that inciteful exchange. >> always. coming up, one of the largest humanitarian crises in the world. want to help? we'll tell you more about it. stick around. stick around but we did agree this rug was perfect. okay. stop being weird. mom and daughter agreeing on something. wayfair works miracles! ooh! check this one out. this chair is so comfortable. it puts both of my babies to sleep. look at you making a space that works perfectly for all of you! i could use a good nap. do you struggle with occasional nerve aches in your hands or feet? try nervivenerve relief from the world's #1 selling nerve care company. nervive contains alpha lipoic acid to relieve occasional nerve aches, weakness and discomfort. try nervivenerve relief. i recommend nature made vitamins, because i trust their quality. they were the first to be verified by usp, an independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards. nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. well, would you look at that? 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[a vulture squawks.] oh boy. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ your eyes. beautiful on the outside, but if you have diabetes, there can be some not-so-pretty stuff going on inside. it's true, with diabetic retinopathy, excess sugar can damage blood vessels, causing vision loss or even blindness. so remember this: now is the time to get your eyes checked. eye care is important to your long-term diabetes management. see a path forward with actions and treatments that may help your eyes— and protect against vision loss. visit and take control of your sight. . war for so many reasons is an easy story for the media to cover at times. conflict is captivating, kinetic, explosive. we're fascinated bit things that frighten us, that horrify us. the aftermath of war, however, all those people left displaced and traumatized can be a far more challenging story to cover. there's no visual, for example, that can convey the amount of devastation syrian refugees have had to grapple with the last several years. they've lost their homes, family member, any semblance of normal life that we take for granted. and now that winter takes hold, they have other hardships. heavy snow, wind and cold. three children are already reported to have died of the one when snow caused their tent to collapse on them, two more when a heater set their tent on fire, trapping them inside. with a large number of the country, 6.7 million internally displaced that can't withstand winter weather, these deaths have become a tragically predictable feature of the syrian war that has been forgotten by most of the world. picture trying to sleep on a bare mattress when it's so cold you can see your own breath. imagine the temperatures drop well below freezing. your children have nothing to wear but flip-flops. people are burning sheep manure and their own clothes to stave off hypothermia at night. they wake up and have nothing to eat. the camps are horribly overcrowded the as you can imagine, covid-19 is spreading like wildfire. these people have been forgotten. when was the last time their story was on the front page of the "washington post"? they run wall-to-wall coverage in 2017. you couldn't escape the images, rightfully so. now while many are so close to starving and freezing to death we see nothing. why is it american journalists only seem to care about syrian when is sirin gas is involved? next, "the facility." then, immediately following the film, join alicia menendez as she speaks with the director and a detainee and immigrant attorney. can you catch ayman at 7:00 p.m. eastern, saturdays at 8:00, sundays at 9:00, follow us @aymanmsnbc. you can catch up with guests you might have missed. i'm ayman. might have missed. i'm ayman. maybe it's another refill at your favorite er... or waiting for the 7:12 bus... or sunday afternoon in the produce aisle. these moments may not seem remarkable. but at pfizer, protecting the regular routine, and everyday drives us to reach for exceptional. working to impact hundreds of millions of lives... young and old. it's what we call, the pursuit of normal. ♪ ♪ ever notice how stiff clothes it's what we call, can feel rough on your skin? for softer clothes that are gentle on your skin, try downy free & gentle downy will soften your clothes without dyes or perfumes. the towel washed with downy is softer, and gentler on your skin. try downy free & gentle. deon, hand it over. now how does that make you feel? like a part of me is missing. gabrielle? this old spice fiji hand and body lotion has me smoother than ever. that's what it does. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

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Covid , Show , Unquote Liberals , Quote , Centrists , State Of Affairs , Americans , Babies , Places , Orphans , Half , Hospitals , Phrasing , Covid 19 , Utah , Three , 19 , People , World , Ayman Mohyeldin , Privilege , Lives , Five Million , Didn T , Rest , Friend , Home , Evening , Country , Tensions , Families , Breaking News , Personnel , Staff , Effect , State Department , Ukraine , American Embassy , Fact , Democracy , Threat , Congresswoman Jayapal , Russia , Does , Poll , More , January 6th Committee , Bill Barr , Peter Strzruk , January 6th , 6 , Donald Trump , President , Number , Answers , Nbc News , Shouldn T , Look , Struggling , Downhill , Divisive , Senators , Senate , Majority Rule , Floor , Surprise , Joe Mankrin , 76 , Two , Kyrsten Sinema , Changes , Democrats , Move , Voting Rights Legislation , Filibuster Rules , Rule , Arizona , Anything , Corey Booker , Tools , Colleague , Tool Box , Plan B , Bill , Support , Some , Sides , Provisions , Aisle , Each , One , Republicans , Act , Point , Freedom , Election Day , Common Sense Provisions , Moderates , Holiday , Mail Voting , Voter Registration , Excuse , Restore Voting Rights , Election , Officials , Intimidation , Cause , Ballot Drop Boxes , Harassment , Instructor Penalties , Workers , Instances , Crime , Campaigns , Interference , Transparency , Obligations , Make Interfeing , Supreme Court , Decision , Voting Rights Act Of 1965 , Portions , Voting Rights Advancement Act , John Lewis , 2013 , Department Before Changing Laws , States , Formula , Cities , Voting Processes , Justice , Preclearance , Courts , 1965 , History , Mitch Mcconnell , Challenges , Voting Discrimination , Hearing , Boogie Man , Voting Practices , Common Sense , I Don T Know , Running Out Of Time , Left , Avice , Big Lie , Omss , Problem , Laws , State Legislatures , 34 , Including Manchin , Group , Voter Access , 2021 , Democratic Congress , Threats , Mention , Provision , Election Results , Notice , House , Estate , Level , Efforts , Voter Restrictions , Place , Subversion , Combatting , Attention , Things , Russell Burman , Voting Rights Bill , Roof , Foundation , Something , Piece , Paths , None , Failure , Biden , Power , Path , Votes , Agenda , Washington , Down , Others , Vote , Legislation , Majority , Tie , Kamala Harris , 50 , Filibuster , Everybody , 48 , Responsibility , Change , Numbers Game , Hopes , Position , Lot , Presidency , Expectations , Houses , Few , Friends , Echo Chamber , Fine , Reforms , Issue , It , Messaging , Side , Thousands , Public , Dynamic , Capitol , Argument , Matter , Front , Haven T , Mess S Ling Battle , Man Dlts Chin , Advantage , Midterms , Suck Yield , Voting Restrictions Laws , Kinds , Wouldn T , Win , The Republicans , Law , Voting Laws , Affordable Care Act , Nothing , Abortion Restrictions , Gun Laws , Regulations , Voting , Gut , Step , Ground Work , Dominations , Lower Court Judicial Nominations , Both , Control , Ability , Thanks , White House , Pleasure , Par , Mill La Jayapal , Count , Overhaul Bill , Movement , Back Piece , Joe Manchin , Issues , Election Subversion , Voting Rights Suppression , Thing , Alternative , Voting Rights Act , Debate , Bills , Substitute , Reality , Way , Carve , Which , Case , Reasons , Discussion , Big Chunks , Suppression , Work , Politics , Alyssa Slot Kin , School , Laundry , Divisions , Party , Air , Senator , Will , Consequence , Congresswoman Slotkin , Saying , News Cycle , Focussing , 24 7 , Exclusion , Bunch , Hunger , Rescue Plan , 32 , Unemployment , Jobs , Advance , 4 , 6 4 Million , Costs , Choices , Wages , Yes , Someone , Accomplishments , District , Elyssa , Build , Human Infrastructure Component , Progressives , Word , Whatever , Messages , Play , Agreement , Speaker Pelosi , Package Up , Chunks , Limited , Reconciliation Bill , Administration , Terminology , Page , M Coback , Understanding , Transcript , Reading , Frame , Tree Priorities , 75 Trillion , 1 75 Trillion , Frame Work , Weren T , Chunk , Strategy , Deal , Conversations , Credibility , Line , Chair , Statement , Process , Negotiator , Progressive Caucus , Kind , Commitment , Betrayal , Table , Luxury , Faith , Voters , Ran On , Georgia , Conversation , Number One , Option , Housing , Health Care Subsid Subsidies , Pre K , Elder Care , Climate Change , Plot , Crisis , Machines , Plus , First Richard Liu , Voing , 2020 , Family Members , Headlines , Employees , State Department Issued A Dot , Fire , Stretch , Firefighters , Action , Invasion , Authorities , Section , Immeant , California Coast , Big Sur , Red Setting , Highway One , Safety , Winter Fire , Omicron Covid Variant Spike , New Zealand , Break , Break Fries , Prime Minister , Wedding , Ayman W , Salad , Stages , Screening , Colon Cancer , Choice , Colon Cancers , Cologuard , Dna , Stool , 92 , Wall , Risk , Doug , Results , Provider , Limu Emu , 45 , Limu , Liberty Mutual Customizes , Personal Record , Car Insurance , Limu Emu Squawks , 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Transcripts For MSNBC Ayman 20240708 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Ayman 20240708

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breaking news out of the state department this hour. tonight a new do not travel morning is in effect for ukraine, ordering non-essential staff and families of american embassy personnel to leave the country. we will dig into the tensions and how the u.s. is preparing if russia does, in fact, invade. and an enlightening new poll shows how many americans believe there is a threat to democracy. congresswoman camilla jayapal is here to discuss that and more. today we learned the january 6th committee has spoke to attorney general bill barr. peter strzruk is here to investigate why fully investigating former president trump is vital to the future of our democracy. i'm ayman mohyeldin. let's get started. downhill, divisive, negative struggling, lost and back. those are the top answers americans gave nbc news when asked to describe where they believe america is today. but this shouldn't be surprising. just take a look at this number. a striking 76% of americans believe there is a threat to democracy and a majority rule in this country. well, that comes as no surprise when you look at what happened on the senate floor just this last week. two democratic senators, joe mankrin and arizona's kyrsten sinema joined in opposing filibuster rules and changes to them. the move hammered yet another rule of voting rights legislation in this country. it is not like democrats expected anything different. in fact, even before that began, senator corey booker was already working on a plan b. here is what he told my colleague just on tuesday. >> we have not yet begun to fight. we have a lot more tools in our tool box. i have been encouraging, okay, we're stopping here. but let's start bringing up each of the provisions of this bill one at a time and make it even harder for them to vote against some of these common sense people that people on both sides of the political aisle support. >> and senator booker makes a good point here. so what are these common sense provisions? allow me to break it down starting with the freedom to vote act because you should know what's actually being blocked by these republicans and moderates. the bill would make election day a federal holiday. wow. controversial. it would require online automatic and same day voter registration. no excuse mail voting where people could have access to ballot drop boxes. restore voting rights to formerly incarcerated people and prohibit local election officials from being fired or removed without cause or while imposing instructor penalties against harassment, intimidation of those workers. make interfeing with voter registration a federal crime, enhance transparency and create a federal obligations for campaigns to report instances of foreign interference. can you imagine that is what the republicans and those two moderate senators are actually blocking? as for the john lewis voting rights advancement act, the bill would reverse the 2013 supreme court decision that struck out portions of the voting rights act of 1965 that require certain states and cities to obtain preclearance from the justice department before changing laws about their voting processes, update the formula used to determine which states must get preclearance and requires courts to consider history of voting discrimination when hearing challenges to those voting practices. i don't know. seems like this is pretty common sense to me. it's not quite the boogie man of a bill that senate minority leader mitch mcconnell tried to frame as the left's big lie. so with the democrats fresh off a new failure running out of time and omss, heeding senator booker's avice to get them done individually? no, they're not. partisan problem that the republicans are creating. remember, it is 19 republican-led senate state legislatures, excuse me, that passed those 34 laws restricting voter access in 2021. 19 states. and, yet, this week a group of bipartisan senators, including manchin and kyrsten sinema plan to meet to deal with how congress counts election results. also plan to discuss how to protect election officials from threats and intimidation. than sounds great, right? notice anything missing? oh, yeah. no mention of any provision aimed at combatting voter restrictions and election subversion efforts at the state level where this is taking place. that's where the threat is. that's what needs attention. that's like trying to build a house and starting with the roof. and without a proper foundation, things are destined to crumble. and without a voting rights bill that addresses federal and state level election threats, our democracy remains vulnerable. let's bring in russell burman who has written extensively about this. good to see you. so let me start with something that you recently wrote in your most recent piece. you explored some alternative paths that biden could have taken on voting rights but said none of them would have been easier, in fact, more successful. why do you believe this latest failure was pre-destined? and does that mean that if the easiest path has been shut down, all the others are unlikely to pass? >> well, simply put, the democrats and president biden have the power to set the agenda in washington, but they don't have the votes to pass it. they have a majority in the senate, 50 votes plus the tie breaking vote of kamala harris. but that's not enough. it's really never been enough in modern history to pass big legislation. and especially as you saw in the vote that was never more starkly revealed than this week when they tried to gut the filibuster, to go around the filibuster and they got exactly what everybody knew they would get, which is 48 votes, the maximum number of votes they have ever had to change the filibuster. so as simple as it is, it is really just a numbers game, and it is hard to see that change. it's put them in an impossible political position because they have the power and the responsibility and the hopes and the expectations that go with having the majority in both houses of congress and the presidency. but they don't have a big enough majority to get what they need to get done. >> russell, let me share with you something that i hear a lot from a few of my republican friends but i also see it as well in the republican echo chamber. republicans are claiming it is hypocritical for democrats who rightfully assert that the last election was the most secure in history to put forward electoral reforms. they argue why would you need it if the last election was fine? we both know democrats are combatting laws that the gop-led state legislatures passed after the election as we just outlined there. and that's where the real threat is, but who's winning this messaging fight because i think that's what it comes down to. do the american people understand where the threat is coming from? >> well, i think, you know, you do see support. i'm not sure this particular issue is a messaging issue because if it -- you know, it really just comes down to senator manchin and senator sinema who both support the bill. they don't support it enough to get rid of the filibuster. i think on this particular issue it's not -- i guess, you know, if there were thousands of people outside the capitol, you know, protesting in support of this legislation, maybe that would create a different dynamic. it seems that the public generally is on their side. i don't know that they have lost the mess s&ling battle. it is just a simple matter of these two senators. i think everybody wants to search for other answers as to why they haven't gotten this done and i think the answers are right in front of them. >> i guess the argument from man dlts chin and sinema is that if democrats do suck yield, what is to stop republicans from using that to their advantage and passing these kinds of voting restrictions laws on a federal level if they succeed in the midterms on anything that the democrats do, wouldn't the republicans, if they do win, make the same changes and reverse those laws within minutes of taking power? >> well, you know, the argument is probably not as strong as when it comes to the voting laws. i think it would be difficult to get -- we've seen it is difficult to get rid of a once unpopular law like the affordable care act. i think the democrats are more worried about the laws that they could pass that have nothing to do with voting rights, right? maybe it is abortion restrictions. >> interesting. >> or maybe it's gun laws or maybe it's rolling back environmental regulations. so i'm not sure it is specifically with regard to voting laws. although certainly they might try here and there to sort of gut the law and get rid of some of the things that maybe are not as popular as, you know, early voting or mail-in voting, which are both very popular. but, you know, we have seen mitch mcconnell. you know, he did do this when democrats laid the ground work and took that first step on judicial dominations to get rid of the filibuster for lower court judicial nominations when mitch mcconnell and the republicans got power, they took the next step to get rid of the filibuster for the supreme court and they benefitted from that very much. >> yeah. you make an interesting point because the laws have to be signed by a president. obviously this president wouldn't do it if he does, in fact, lose control of both either the house or the senate in the midterms, he would have at least two years to combat that. you do bring an interesting point they would have the proactive ability to pass legislation when they have control of the house, senate and the white house. great to speak to you. thank you so much for your time. greatly appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. >> my pleasure. let's bring in congresswoman par mill la jayapal (. thank you so much. there is a lot to talk about here. as we mentioned, this week a group of bipartisan senators plan to meet to discuss an overhaul bill, including changes to the electoral count act. would you support a scaled back piece of legislation like that? do you think that is the right approach right now given no movement on joe manchin and kyrsten sinema. >> ayman, it is great to see you. thanks for having me on. i don't think you can begin to think any changes we would make there come even close to addressing the issues that you have been covering around election subversion and voting rights suppression. so i don't think we should confuse them as sort of this is the alternative to the john lewis voting rights act or the freedom to vote act. it is a completely different thing. is there support for it? sure. i think that is a legitimate thing to do. but just let's not confuse it and think that it's a substitute. i think the reality is that the country deserves to have a real debate and a vote on these bills. and the filibuster, even if there was a small carve out just for voting rights, which, by the way, is what has been done for so many other issues, that would allow this piece of legislation to move forward. and if the republicans then come into power and decide they're going to change it -- now i just heard the reasons for why that might not be the case, but let's say they were, that is the debate that a country should have. we should all get to see what a vote looks like and actually be able to have a real discussion and a vote on these critical pieces of legislation. if we don't do that, ayman, we are going to see the continued suppression of votes across the country. and the things that we can do are -- we can try to continue to move legislation. we should remember that a year ago this time there were a lot more than two senators who didn't want to reform the filibuster for voting rights. at least now there is just two. so we need to keep at it. we need to do the work at the state level and we need to continue to make the argument to the people about why this is so essential for our democracy to be successful. >> let me talk to you for a moment if i can about politics. this morning your colleague representative alyssa slot kin ( was asked about censuring senator sinema. let me play for you what she had to say. >> i don't come from a school where you are constantly airing dirty laundry. there are really big divisions in washington right now, period, democrat, republican within each party. but i don't believe the way you get back at other people is by putting that on air, airing that publically. >> do you agree with congresswoman slotkin or do you think arizona democrats made the right move to let senator sinema know there should be a consequence for going against the will of the people that overwhelmingly support passing voting rights reform? >> i think it is two things. the arizona democratic party is of the people. that's what a state democratic party is. so people are going to push because they're furious that their senator who is a democrat, i think that that is legitimate. at the same time, i think what alyssa ( is saying is that we need to be focussing on the real things that have gotten done in the last year and the things we are going to do in this year because there is a 24/7 news cycle that is constantly talking about the divisions to the exclusion of the things that we've gotten, right? we have reduced hunger by 32% last year because of the american rescue plan and a whole bunch of other things we did. we created 6.4 million new jobs in one year, the most jobs that any new president has created in his first year. we brought unemployment down to just under 4%. and that is two years in advance of when unemployment was going to go down. wages have gone up. yes, costs have gone up, too. i know that. but people have -- workers have more choices in the jobs they're able to take and more choices. these are the things i wish we would cover. i think for someone like elyssa who is in a tough district it is frustrating when only the divisions get talked about and not the actual accomplishments of what we've gotten done in a year of a new democratic president and a democratic congress. >> yeah. not to take anything away from what the democrats have accomplished, i want to ask you about the build back better bill. i have to admit you and other progressives were right in thinking the human infrastructure component would not get passed and senator manchin would find a way to back out of whatever agreement or word he gave to the white house as we have clearly seen play out and here we are. last week we saw conflicting messages from the president and speaker pelosi. watch this. >> i'm confident we can get pieces, big chunks, of the build back better law signed into law. i think we can break the package up, get as much as we can now, come back and fight for the rest later. >> so what the president calls chunks i would hope would be a major bill going forward. it may be more limited, but it is still significant. >> so as i understand it, this is obviously a reconciliation bill. you don't have many changes to m coback and fight later. are the administration and democrats in congress on the same page here about the path forward? >> well, i think the terminology was confusing. it is not possible to break this up into a lot of pieces because, as you say, there is only one reconciliation bill. i think what the president was saying, i don't want to speak for him, but my understanding of what he was saying in reading the whole transcript is that we are going to get as much as we can get done of build back better done because you remember, ayman, that there was the frame work that senator manchin agreed to which was significant. it was $1.75 trillion and a lot of tree priorities for progressives, for the president's agenda. the house then passed an even bigger bill. and we put some things in that weren't in that frame work. and what i believe is possible is to pass something that is very close to that frame work, and that may be what the president is talking about when he says chunks. he's saying take a big chunk of that bill that the house passed and let's try to get that passed. so that's our strategy now. and really this is going to rely on the president going back to senator manchin and saying, look, my credibility is on the line as president. you committed to see, and i committed to the country that we would get this done and this is the deal. and, so, i need you to come through now. i believe those conversations are starting to happen now. >> let me just ask you finally, congresswoman, because as the chair of the progressive caucus, you have been a key negotiator during this whole process. after senator manchin pulled his support from build back better last month you released a statement saying he betrayed his commitment not only to the president and democrats in congress but most importantly to the american people. he can no longer say that. how do you go back to the table after that kind of betrayal? why do you -- why would you even -- do you even have any faith that senator joe manchin negotiates in good faith from here on out? >> ayman, we don't have the luxury to give up. we have to get these things done for the american people. this is what we all ran on as democrats. it is what the president ran on. it is what black voters and young voters and poor voters in georgia and arizona and across the country came out and voted for. this is the democratic agenda. so it really is not an option for us to say, you know what, i'm frustrated by the whole thing. i'm just going to give up. that's number one. number two, i did have a conversation with senator manchin. and even in that conversation, the day after, when he called me, there was so many things that he was still saying he supported, including universal pre-k, housing, elder care, climate change, the health care subsid subsidies. these are all the things he said he supported. i have to believe we can get this done because it is good for the american people and it is good for the country to be able to deliver on this. and it is good for joe manchin and for his state to be able to deliver on this as well. >> congresswoman jayapal, thank you for joining us this evening. i greatly appreciate your time. it is good to see you. >> thank you, ayman. good to see you as well. next, we will find out what he thinks of trump's plot to seize voing machines after the 2020 election. plus, the crisis in yemen that you may not know about. but first richard liu is here with the headlines. sunday evening the state department issued a dot not travel to ukraine. nonemergency diplomatic employees are now authorized to depart the country. eligible family members are ordered to evacuate. president biden warned military action including invasion could be immeant. firefighters saturday trying to contain a wild fire that broke out in the big sur section of the california coast. authorities shut down a stretch of highway one. the cause of this uncommon winter fire is unknown. and new zealand is facing an omicron covid variant spike. new safety measures called the red setting were released requiring the prime minister to delay her own wedding. more ayman with ayman mohyeldin right after this break. ayman w right after this break fries or salad? 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"couldn't i do this from home?" with letsgetchecked, you can. it's virtual care with home health testing and more. all from the comfort of... here. letsgetchecked. care can be this good. so today we learned the house select committee investigating the january 6th insurrection has been in talks with another major player, the former attorney general bill barr. and a member of the committee spoke earlier to msnbc about these conversations. take a listen. >> well, let me just be clear that it was not a formal, you know, deposition. it's been some discussions that the attorneys on the staff have had with the former attorney general, and it was done on a voluntary basis. >> one person who has been adamant about the importance of investigating donald trump and his efforts to subvert elections is peter strzok, who was instrumental in the trump-russia investigation. in his book "compromised." he makes clear that fully investigating the former president is vital to our democracy. trump remains a king maker in the republican party as long as the abuses of his presidency remain uninvestigated, they will remain unsufficiently proven and inadequately punished. perhaps the biggest threat we have ever faced. peter, thank you so much for joining us on this program. in the same interview that i just referenced there, the congresswoman also pointed out that this is just a legislative committee, not a prosecutorial body. watch. >> so, yeah, you are saying basically it is possible you may not make a criminal referral at all in this? >> well, i don't know. but if we do or not it really doesn't matter. you know, it has no legal weight. the department of justice files when they think a crime has been committed. >> could this result in the same outcome as the muller investigation, which as we know nothing legally came from it? >> i think there are two issues there, ayman. thanks for having me. it could result in criminal referrals from congress to doj. the point to make is the doj doesn't need to wait for a referral from congress to investigate. but things that people need to understand is much like the mueller report, wrongdoing doesn't necessarily result in prosecution. and i think people fell into a trap of thinking, well, if something is prosecuted, then it must be wrong. if it isn't prosecuted or wasn't prosecuted, therefore, that's fine. but that's simply not the case. the standard for bringing a criminal case is very, very high and it is much higher certainly than something that's inappropriate. it is much higher than something you give people real pause about whether these are the sorts of people we wants a elected e officials in our government. when it comes to trump, he needs to be held accountable for things he did in the administration. i think a lot of people assume when president biden was elected and was sworn in that former president trump was going to go off to mar-a-lago and never return. but the fact of the matter is he does remain a king maker in republican politics. if he wanted to run for president in 2024, i think most experts would agree that he would be the clear front runner as the republican candidate. >> you make a really interesting point about the threat that he still poses to not only our politics but our institutions if he is somehow able to regain control. one of the ways obviously that a lot of people are looking for that to be stopped is the january 6th committee in terms of what they could potentially uncover in terms of his wrongdoings from the previous time in office. how do you think the january 6th committee is doing right now based on what you have seen and what you have heard? obviously it is still early, but how would you grade their investigative work so far and what has been revealed? >> i think they're moving in a manner i would expect them to move towards. that's starting at the bottom, looking at all the various players on the ground and from that starting to move up to understand much like doj is doing separately who were the groups that were involved in coordinaing this activity. and then finally to what extent were those people in those groups engaged in these conspiracies linked to people higher up, people in the white house, people around president trump, whether that's folks like rudy giuliani or roger stone or others and to then from that certainly other members of the congress who might have been involved in this and from that move to the very top to try to get an understanding of who and what was the role of the president of the united states himself in these -- in the insurrection. and, so, i think they are following a very logical path upwards. i think they understand very well that they face a hard potential deadline with the mid-term elections, where democrats may no longer maintain the majority. i expect throughout the spring and summer we will see an accelerated pace of hearings and a final report which hopefully will shed a lot of light on what happened on january 6th. >> one of the things we learned this week, peter, was this bombshell report, and i wanted to get your thoughts on the reports of a plot to send national guard troops to seize voting machines after the 2020 election. the executive order was never signed, but the fact that it apparently went beyond a simple discussion and was actually drafted into a document that could have been signed by the president of the united states, i got to assume that is deeply troubling. how do you begin to investigate where that is in the possibility of a plot to overthrow the election? >> well, it's beyond troubling. i mean, this is one of the gravest threats i have seen certainly in our lifetime. as a student of history looking back at what our nation has faced in its entire history. what's particularly troubling, look at the people who were in the white house from press reporting at the time that plan was proposed. you had general mike flynn, who was the fired, disgraced director of the fbi lying to me about his contacts with the russian ayman mohyeldin bad door. you had his attorney to walk back any sort of jail time that flynn might have faced. and you had this gentleman who had been in a romantic relationship with a woman who had been sentenced to jail and later deported for acting as an unregistered agent of the government of russia. those are the three folks you have sitting in the oval office in late december presenting this plan to former president trump. you can't make this up. if you take a step back and you look not only at the staggering implications of this plan to seize voting machines, to essentially re-do a majority vote that gave over seven million more votes to president biden than were given to former president trump, that's simply a staggering act. and to have these folks with foreign connections that they have in the oval office presenting it is deeply troubling. >> peter, thank you so much for joining us. greatly appreciate your insights and your time this evening. coming up, we're following the latest out of eastern europe where a do not travel warning is now in effect for ukraine for american citizens. we will break down the u.s.-russia tensions. k down the k down the u.s.-russia tensions was a bit of a buzz kill, right? 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it is the innocent people on both sides, including mostly those in yemen. in seven years of war, accusations of war crimes have become the norm. it remains one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world. at least 21 people in need of urgent aid, 11 million of those children. now according to unicef, since the conflict began, 10,000 children have been killed or maimed. they're left to starve to death. 2.3 million children under the age of five suffering from acute malnutrition. will the promises of foreign governments to save them be enough? here's what biden said on the campaign trail in 2019 in that same speech by the president. he went on to say that the u.s. will continue to continue to help saudi arabia defend its sovereignty and its people. in november the u.s. -- in november, the u.s. sold $650 million in arms to the saudis, arming the regime that holds responsibility for a devastating and sickening war. now, this issue alone is enough to define the porn ( foreign policy of a presidency. it is not the only crisis on president biden's desk. when we come back, we will discuss what biden has achieved in the last 12 months and how far he still has to go. s and ho far he still has to go kim is now demonstrating her congestion. save it slimeball. i've upgraded to mucinex. we still have 12 hours to australia. mucinex lasts 12 hours, so i'm good. now move! kim, no! mucinex lasts 3x longer for 12 hours. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ with chase security features, guidance and convenience, banking feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. before you go there, or there... start here. walgreens makes it easy to stay protected wherever you go. schedule your free covid-19 booster today. some breaking news for you this hour. the u.s. state department issuing a do not travel warning for ukraine, ordering non-essential staff and families of american embassy personnel to leave the country. the president is considering deploying thousands of u.s. troops in military assets to the baltics in eastern europe but not to ukraine itself at this moment. the president started his year in office with a pretty optimistic outlook on this front. >> america is back. diplomacy is back. >> 365 days of president biden later, is america back? let's get a report card from the former spokesman to the un under president obama. she's now host of "oh my world." it's great to see you. thank you so much. i'm going to start with the most obvious question. give me the report card. how has president biden done? >> you know, i'd like to give an incomplete. however, it's kind of looking with everything going on like a d minus maybe. c plus. b minus. we'll be fair. he restored from alliances but kabul, kiev, there is a lot there to unpack. >> you could say there are signs that the relationships have gotten better as opposed to when trump was in power. but at the same time just this week you had the french president say that he's calling on the europeans to think of their own security concerns and to forge their own path when it comes to dealings with russia. i'm not saying he's right. i'm saying is that also a sign that our european allies are not necessarily confident that america is back. >> so, listen, this is really complicated because on one hand, president biden went in there with a real opportunity here to say, right, america is back. diplomacy is back. and the fact of the matter is he restored some alliances. things with the europeans are certainly better than they were under president trump, but that doesn't mean that we haven't upset them. by the way, that they don't see us as flailing and as divided, right? and we can't underestimate what that does around the world. number one, we have still -- you know, we pissed off the french with the deal. that could have been handled better. the germans and the brits were unhappy with how we handled afghanistan. on the whole, if you are going to say that america is back, then you got to project strength on the world stage. and that is actually really what i believed would happen a year ago. but i haven't seen that entirely. now things with the allies, like i said, are a little better. but there are challenges between the pandemic locally here with how we appear as a democracy and the challenges around the world. it is almost like he's got 99 problems but the g7 isn't one. >> look at you throwing a little jay-z in there. so let's talk about one of the major issues that has been unresolved. it is what i was talking about, this situation in yemen and our relationships with saudi arabia and other gulf countries. why has that been such a dismal failure? >> such a failure. i completely agree with you, by the way. listen, i think they're trying to figure this out. the problem is you don't have time to figure it out when you are president. i said the same thing when president trump came to office. you don't have time to figure it out. you are the president of the united states, right? and he's got a team that is a well-seasoned team in foreign policy. they went into office believing that they could fundamentally change how foreign policy is pursued in washington. i think that that was the right goal, right? putting him at the center, putting corruption at the center of foreign policy. they certainly seem to have been pursuing it when it comes to china. but when it comes to saudi arabia, egypt, those arm sales continue. we have no policy on syria. nobody knows what this administration will pursue when it comes to israel, lebanon, libya. we are all left waiting wondering what's going on and that's not what -- we don't have the luxury as the u.s. government to portray like we just are still figuring it out because other countries take advantage of that. right? you and i know this. we know the other side of the world very well. we know how these dictators behave. most of them are thugs. they look at any perceived sign of weakness as something they can harp on, and i think at the end of the day, you know, they said that they would be this -- that they would project this strength but they're a little afraid. they can't be afraid. but that's what they look like. >> let's talk about one of the issues a little bit closer to home, the crisis in central america and the border countries to the united states. president biden vowed to take a more humane approach to the issue. has that been the case in dealing with migration across our southern border? >> this is such a mess for a number of reasons. one, to answer your question, no. his approach has not really been all that more humane. on the flip side, when you have a major increase in migrants, which is what you had as soon as he took office, right, as soon as he took office, the few months afterwards you had a huge increase and that remains to be the case after haiti and all these issues you had. you had this huge increase. why? because migrants abroad genuinely believe president biden was going to be softer not just in terms of how they were treated but that he would be opening borders more to them, right? the fact they believe that, even though that is false, the fact that they believe that is the fault of the biden team. right? that's not -- i worked in communications. i know how it is. if you don't communicate clearly and know how to reach the audience properly, then that's on you. that's your fault, right? if you are making stump speeches, migrants abroad are not hearing that. so that's our fault. and the problem is that there is no end in site on that, right? and this is -- this is going to remain a problem i think for the rest of his first term. >> all right. good to see you, my friend. thanks for that inciteful exchange. >> always. coming up, one of the largest humanitarian crises in the world. want to help? we'll tell you more about it. stick around. stick around but we did agree this rug was perfect. okay. stop being weird. mom and daughter agreeing on something. wayfair works miracles! ooh! check this one out. this chair is so comfortable. it puts both of my babies to sleep. look at you making a space that works perfectly for all of you! i could use a good nap. do you struggle with occasional nerve aches in your hands or feet? try nervivenerve relief from the world's #1 selling nerve care company. nervive contains alpha lipoic acid to relieve occasional nerve aches, weakness and discomfort. try nervivenerve relief. i recommend nature made vitamins, because i trust their quality. they were the first to be verified by usp, an independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards. nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. well, would you look at that? 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Work , Weren T , Chunk , Strategy , Deal , Conversations , Credibility , Line , Chair , Statement , Process , Negotiator , Progressive Caucus , Kind , Commitment , Betrayal , Table , Luxury , Faith , Voters , Ran On , Georgia , Conversation , Number One , Option , Housing , Health Care Subsid Subsidies , Pre K , Elder Care , Climate Change , Plot , Crisis , Machines , Plus , First Richard Liu , Voing , 2020 , Family Members , Headlines , Employees , State Department Issued A Dot , Fire , Stretch , Firefighters , Action , Invasion , Authorities , Section , Immeant , California Coast , Big Sur , Red Setting , Highway One , Safety , Winter Fire , Omicron Covid Variant Spike , New Zealand , Break , Break Fries , Prime Minister , Wedding , Ayman W , Salad , Stages , Screening , Colon Cancer , Choice , Colon Cancers , Cologuard , Dna , Stool , 92 , Wall , Risk , Doug , Results , Provider , Limu Emu , 45 , Limu , Liberty Mutual Customizes , Personal Record , Car Insurance , Limu Emu Squawks , Thirty Four , Pay , Care , Couldn T , Good , Home Health Testing , Letsgetchecked , Comfort Of , Player , Talks , House Select Committee Investigating The January 6th Insurrection , Committee , Formal , Member , Listen , Msnbc , Attorneys , Discussions , Attorney General , Deposition , Elections , Person , Instrumental , Basis , Importance , Peter Strzok , King Maker , Book , Investigation , Abuses , Uninvestigated , Interview , Program , Referral , Body , Watch , Department Of Justice , Result , Doesn T Matter , Weight , Referrals , Outcome , Muller Investigation , Doesn T , Thinking , Prosecution , Trap , Mueller Report , Standard , Wasn T , Isn T , Government , Sorts , E , Trump , Mar A Lago , Experts , Candidate , Runner , 2024 , Terms , Institutions , Ways , Wrongdoings , Grade , Players , Manner , Bottom , Ground , Groups , Folks , Activity , Conspiracies , Coordinaing , Extent , Members , Role , Rudy Giuliani , Roger Stone , Insurrection , Potential , Report , Bombshell Report , Hearings , Light , Spring , Summer , Pace , Voting Machines , Document , Reports , Thoughts , Troops , Executive Order , National Guard , Possibility , Nation , Press Reporting , Lifetime , Student , Mike Flynn , Plan , Contacts , Fbi , Bad Door , Attorney , Woman , Gentleman , Sort , Relationship , Jail , Agent , Up , Oval Office , Majority Vote , Implications , Seven Million , Connections , Insights , Eastern Europe , Warning , Coming Up , Latest , Do , Citizens , Bit , Prime , Buzz Kill , Sunglasses , Clever Girl , Everything , Eugh , Mom , Family , Moisturize , Old Spice , Shea Butter Well , Robe , The World Today , Worries , Name , Office , Promises , Opportunity , Milestone , Campaign , War , Diplomacy , Yemen , Speech , Suffering , Catastrophe , Pain , Children , End , Hit A Prison , Yemene People Hasn T , Saudi , 3 , 100 , 70 , Strike , Attacks , Tit For Tat , Internet , Attack , Retaliation , War Crimes , Norm , Accusations , Seven , Conflict , Crises , Need , Aid , Unicef , 10000 , 21 , 11 Million , Death , Governments , Maimed , Age , Malnutrition , 2 3 Million , Five , Sovereignty , Campaign Trail , November , 650 Million , 2019 , 50 Million , Foreign Policy , Regime , Devastating , Arms , Porn , Back , Desk , 12 , Mucinex , Kim , Congestion , Save It Slimeball , Australia , Chase Security Features , Convenience , Banking , Chase , Walgreens , U S State Department , Baltics , Outlook , 365 , Report Card , Obama , Spokesman , Oh My World , Un , Question , Incomplete , Obvious , Kabul , Alliances , C Plus , B Minus , Kiev , Relationships , Say , Europeans , Signs , French , Unpack , Sign , Allies , Dealings , Security Concerns , Hand , We Haven T , Underestimate , Brits , Afghanistan , Germans , Strength , Whole , Better , The World Stage , G7 Isn T One , Pandemic , Jay Z , Problems , 99 , Countries , Situation , Team , Goal , Center , Arm Sales , Corruption , China , Egypt , Waiting , Policy , What S Going On , Syria , Lebanon , Libya , Israel , Nobody , Most , Dictators , Thugs , Weakness , Harp , On , Border , Approach , Talk , Let , Mess , Flip Side , Migration , Increase , Migrants , Haiti , Opening , Fault , Communications , Audience , Biden Team , Stump Speeches , Site , Term , Exchange , Rug , Daughter , Stop Being Weird , Space , Miracles , Nap , Wayfair , Nerve Aches , Nervivenerve Relief , Discomfort , Hands , Nervive , Nerve Care Company , Feet , Alpha Lipoic Acid , 1 , Nature , Vitamins , Organization , Supplement , First , Standards , Pharmacist , Vitamin , Quality , Purity , Brand , Usp , Walks , Old , Trust Me , Jerry , 15 , Chance , Wish , Moon , Unbelievable , Quote At Libertymutual Com , Whistle , Vulture Squawks , Oh Boy , Sec , Eyes , Vision Loss , Diabetes , Stuff , Outside , Sugar , Blood Vessels , Blindness , Inside , Diabetic Retinopathy , Actions , Eye Care , Diabetes Management , Treatments , Sight , Visit Noweyesee Com , Story , Times , Media , Aftermath , Explosive , Kinetic , Horrify , Homes , Family Member , Visual , Example , Amount , Refugees , Devastation , Semblance , Snow , Hold , Life , Wind , Cold , Hardships , Tent , Heater Set , 6 7 Million , Feature , Deaths , Winter Weather , Clothes , Flip Flops , Breath , Mattress , Freezing , Temperatures , Picture , Sheep Manure , Camps , Hypothermia , Wildfire , Washington Post , You Couldn T Escape The Images , Wall To Coverage , 2017 , Rightfully , Many , Journalists , Sirin Gas , Facility , Next , Alicia Menendez , Immigrant , Detainee , Film , 00 , 7 , Guests , Ymanmsnbc , 8 , 9 , Refill , Bus , Routine , Favorite Er , Pfizer , Millions , Reach , Hundreds , Pursuit , Downy , Skin , Perfumes , Dyes , Towel , Gentle , Spice , Part , Body Lotion , Deon , Gabrielle , Fiji ,

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