Transcripts For MSNBC The Mehdi Hasan Show 20240708 : compar

Transcripts For MSNBC The Mehdi Hasan Show 20240708

of national unity. that was they address one year ago today, to join him in this mission. in 2022, it's clear that millions of americans did not answer his call. does that mean he was a failure? we will go over that today. but also his accomplishments. deputy press secretary -- will discuss biden's record so far, with some experts across the political spectrum. but let's talk about how all americans use the first year. just 40% of the voters approve of biden's report. they will lower ratings at the one year mark, it was donald j trump. there's more bad news for president biden, they asked how he did on his core message of uniting the country. they gave him bad marks. only -- saying he did a bad job. and on the coronavirus? 53% of americans disapprove. and this is not just a democratic president, but a democratic party as a whole. here's a poll that they call rare. -- by a nine point margin. now americans by a five point maher jim say that they identify as republicans. so what's going on here? an op-ed from the new york times says as the president heads into his second year, a lot of the magic is gone in the politics of optimism has fallen on hard times. the frustrating unpredictably of the cockamamie, the self-afflicted rowlands from internal rivalries and failings -- it sounds very familiar right? but that is actually from a 1982 article about president reagan's first year. so presidents, like reagan, bounce back from bad first years. as the 1982 piece points out, there is a rhythm for these presidents. a flashing start, then a slump, then a dazzling turnaround. but all numbers may not go up this year. unlike previous presidents, he's facing an opposition party that is changing the law in state after state, to make his reelection that much harder. no matter how popular he gets. we are in the midst of a legitimately see prices in this country. so what is he gonna do to save himself in our democracy? earlier this night i spoke with vice president sat through terry, -- thank you for joining me this evening. i know it's only year one, as i said a moment ago in the show, we've bounced back from a very rocky first year. but that said, when you look at those dire approval ratings, that's not at all where you wanted to be. so why are they so bad? and given those polls, what is your biggest regret? why do you think the polls are so bad? what do you think was the mistake on the first year in office? >> well thank you so much for having me on. and thank you for the easy question. [laughs] but with all seriousness, look a year ago, we are celebrating our administration. when the president and vice president walked in a year ago, they were dealing with multiple crises. covid, the economy, we had schools shut down, 20 million people out of work. and the president got to work. he made sure that we would move forward swiftly, to get the american rescue plan passed. and because of his work, and the work of democrats, no republicans worked for that. we saw an economy that has grown faster than we've seen in decades. when you go into the pockets of families, when you go to the child tax credit, when you think about schools that were reopened. >> why are the poll so bad then? i agree. things have happened. >> well you gave me an opportunity to be on the show, so i wanted to make sure that your viewers are hearing what our vice president and president have had to do. it's not gonna be easy, the president understands that. it is hard to be president. it's something that he understands. he's a vice president, and he's been a senator for a lot of decades. it's going to take some time. everything that this president is done, all of the policies that he is moved forward, have made for historical numbers in the economy. for getting people vaccinated, and not only that, when he's working on currently right now with -- firm eric and families. all of those things, when you think about childcare, when you think about prescription jobs, -- republicans. >> yes, it looks the dead as if it was constructed. and we can blame republicans, we can blame joe manchin or kristen sinema. you said -- we played on the show last night, the president saying yesterday, he never thought that the gop would work so hard to overturn -- we knew, you know. everyone in d.c. knew. how could the man that was vice president to barack obama not know that? and when he went into his first year chasing bipartisan -- when republicans at the state level crackdown on voting rights. >> look, i do want to say this. the bipartisan infrastructure law was done. let's not forget, you probably know history more than i do, look at the history of this place, of washington d.c.. the capital of the white house. that was something that senators and president says they wanted to do decades ago, and it never happened. how does it that it happened with this president? how is it that he made something so historical happen? so there is -- there are places where he could work, where he did work, but look, i'm gonna let the president's words stand for themself. he said that it is hard being president. but this is the first year. and so we have three more years to go. >> three more years to go? but there is some elections in the middle. and there was some controversy that the president suggested yesterday that the outcome of the 2020 midterm elections would be illegitimate. and today he walked it back that he was not casting doubt on the midterm results. why is he not count casting doubt? do you not know the election when police -- are ridiculously gerrymandered districts. do you think those are legitimate election results for a healthy democracy? do you think 2022 voters should -- >> know, it's a great question. and he did say yes to jen pataki. one of my colleagues as you just mentioned. and he was worried about the legitimacy of the 2022 elections. but that is why we are fighting so hard for voting rights. that is why, when you see those 19 states that have such a voter suppression laws. because of the -- that is what he's talking about. the big lie that you heard from the last president. when he came to the last election in 2020, asking all officials to overturn peoples ballots. that's when he was speaking to. that is what is the problem. we're gonna continue to fight for voting rights. and we were not deterred. >> agreed. but if you are black or brown voter in texas, or georgia, or florida who is unable to vote because you were -- because your -- social security number in. why should you accept that the result is legitimate? why should you not say that american-led democracy is broken at this point? >> here's the thing, at some level, we do need -- to voter suppression. we saw something unprecedented. that is why the president, and the vice president, went to georgia. a state that is historically known for dealing with a civil rights movement, from having leaders in the civil rights movement, for being a leader in voting rights. for making sure that we continue to speak loudly and clear for this. we're gonna keep working. when you think about the filibuster in its history, this is something he's been doing since he was a senator. this is nothing new to him. he's not gonna be deterred. and the vice president as well. they are both gonna continue to work very hard. >> yes, because our democracy is on the line. so i'm glad. >> we agree with you. >> yesterday president biden said it is press conference -- quickly before we run out of time, here's biden speaking at his press conference. >> i just want to keep demonstrating that i am not birdies saturn's. i'm not like him. i'm not a socialist. i'm a democrat and i always have been. >> according to gallup polling, mainstream democrats have become unpopular since he took office. why -- senator bennett bernie sanders has backed his agenda hundred percent. why would he set him up in that press conference -- why does the president keep giving them a pass while picking at progressive that is back? >> i do not think that is what he's tried to do. i if you know, bernie sanders, who we respect and have worked closely with him on many issues, we know that he represents that part of the democratic party. and the president was answering it in the best way he knew how. and the point. i want to be very clear here, this is a president for everyone. it doesn't matter if you're democrat, it doesn't matter if you're independent, it doesn't matter if you're republican. he just wants to give american families some breathing room. giving people who have been left behind an opportunity to truly compete in the economy. that is what you are seeing. that's what you've seen this year with the work that he has done. you look let the 3.9% unemployment, you look at the jobs that have been created, and you know this, i know you've talked about this. you're very fair in talking about this. we appreciate that. that's with this president is done. >> later in the show, i'm gonna go into all of his accomplishments and failures. thank you for your time tonight. >> thank you, appreciate. it thank you for having me. >> there's so much to cover when it comes to biden's first year in office. i'm the tried of boil it down. into 120 seconds, as much as i can, speaking fast. that is next. >> st st that is >> inner voice (sneaker shop owner): i'm surprising my team with a preview of the latest sneaker drop. because i can answer any question about any shoe. but i'm stumped when it comes to payroll. easily run payroll in less than 5 minutes... you can stay... one step ahead. fries or salad? 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a lot to talk about to mark chase. make more of what's yours. year one of the biden administration. we have a great slate of guests. to do it, michael steele, former chairman of the national committee, as -- of maryland. these daisies host of the michael steele podcast, an msnbc political amethyst. tommy deviate are, host of the podcast, save the world. to be honest, both need saving. he was white house national security during biden -- nina turner, served as national co-chair to bernie sanders's 2020 campaign. thank you all for being here, on this anniversary. tommy, i'll start with you. the u.s. economy had a great year. rebounding in 2021, but many americans don't feel the economy had a great year. new nbc poll shows six in ten americans disapprove of biden's handling of the economy. what is the explanation for that disconnect, and how does joe biden fix it? >> i sort of described by the simplest annum answer. gas prices went, up the price a lot of goods went. up people feel it in their pocketbook. it's hard to convince them otherwise, when you drive around the street, and every time you fill up your tank, it's more than it used to be. you see signs everywhere that look like they're more than there used to be. president biden is doing the right things. the economy is getting better, he needs to get out and talk about it more, to sell the things they're doing. it will be great if they pass the build back better. joe manchin is doing everything in his power to not allow that. hopefully, we're on the right track. >> yeah, joe manchin said today, i want to solve inflation before we pass build back better, even though most economists say build back better would help resolve it. michael, i want to play to something that the president said yesterday, and get your response. have a listen. >> i did not anticipate that there would be such a small stalwart effort to make sure that the -- that president biden didn't get anything done. think about this. what are republicans for? what are they for? name me one thing that they are for. >> michael, you've literally fought with your own party about this. it's kind of crazy for joe biden to be so naive about it. i never imagine that the gop would bar. me karine jean-pierre just reminded me, a moment ago, that he did get bipartisan infrastructure done, with 17 republican votes. where do you stand on biden and his approach to the gop? is it excess, is it a failure? >> i think it's, in the main, a failure. i think it's a failure, because there was this expectation. the one thing about having to served in the -- having these relationships with the senators. mitch mcconnell of the 19 80s, 90s, early 2000s, is not the mitch mcconnell today. that's the difference. joe biden had this expectation that those relationships with a number of the senators,. rob portman, mitch mcconnell, etc, would serve him well. that in some way, it could offset the friction he would get from a joe manchin. or maybe they could help him convince joe manchin to do and be the right thing, in that moment. i think it was just a misunderstanding of the new political landscape. the reality of it was, when mitch mcconnell said about obama in a way, apply to him in 2000 into -- 2022. i think, the realities for him came home to roost in a way, in a way that he was not prepared. what's worse, mattie, his staff couldn't figure out how to pivot, and how to move the president into a position where he actually, having the upper hand, as tommy pointed out, on so many things that the administration was able to do, despite that difficulty with republicans, that messaging got lost in translation. 60% look at their personal economy and, go things are in good, when in fact, around them it really is better than it could've been. >> it's funny that you say that the relationships in the past might've bias views. it doesn't seem to have changed, even yesterday he was saying, mitt romney is a straight guy, i like mitch mcconnell. even as they block voting rights every day of the week. nina, the left says biden is in left-wing enough. the wright says he's too left wing. the reality, though, he has done some pretty progressive things. cutting shot poverty in half, and in the warren afghanistan. he hasn't been rewarded for them. partly, you can blame partisanship for the media for that. do you think the left has enough to take pride in ownership of some of the progressive things that have happened over the past 12 months? >> i mean, the progressives can definitely do a lot better for the impact that we have had on this president. we can just look at debt. student debt, repayment, for example. they said they would let the moratorium expire, because of pressure from the left, it is been extended. -- when the moratorium on rent and mortgage payments were about to expire, she slipped out in, compel them to come back. even though the supreme court ruled a different way. those are the types of pleasures. point well taken at the progressive movement can take a lot more credit for pushing this president. i would didn't even say 11, we look at the type of policies that they're fighting for, most americans are right there. most americans want to see medicare expanded to cover vision and hearing, and dental. they want to see, i think about 75% of the american people, believe that we should have paid medical family. it's not about being to the left, it's about how can we change the material conditions for the people of this nation, especially because we are enduring a pandemic. >> yeah, tommy, i want to bring you back in a second. nina's point just reminded me about this left idea. alaska michael. i keep seeing a lot of conservatives and centrists, saying biden went too far to the left. david burke was like he needs to move to the center. what does that mean? universal pre-k is hugely popular across the board. voting rights are not a left or right wing issue, michael. >> i'm not one of those conservatives that believes biden is gone too far to the left. i think biden, to put nani -- he said it. the guy is in the senate, he's always been there. he's a traditional democrat in that regard. i think the reality of it, is how we begin to talk about it. projecting with these policies are. this is where the counter narrative, coming up against the narrative matters. where you have folks on my side screaming, oh my god, socialism! socialism! >> -- did she get her measure caid payment in time? did you get around employment? because that socialism. if that's how you're going to put it. i think, it's how we talk about these things. the rioters screaming socialism should not be enough to condemn an in ministration's efforts, but because there's not the proper setup of the narrative of what they're trying to accomplish -- it's not about what nina and her progressive colleagues are pushing, versus what a joe manchin and his colleagues are pushing. it's, to what nina just said, what's the american people want. that's a part of the narrative has fallen. >> listen to talk about socialism, i think dna should cut that clip for the next bernie sanders clip. that was very well said. tommy, let me ask you obama year one, versus biden you're one. i mean, they how do you compare? both came into office facing an unprecedented crisis. i think they responded effectively. i think i would argue that president biden's response when it comes to covid is more effective. the president and my team's response to the financial crisis, they passed a far bigger stimulus, got voters shots in arms, effectively and available to everyone. i think they did a great job on that front. and i just want to take this back for a minute. progressives like bernie sanders, like aoc, have been so constructive. have been willing to negotiate. to come down from true six trillion dollars or whatever was spending. or joe manchin, who has been all over the map. he's impossible to work with because no one understands what he wants. it's just a really tough political reality right now. a couple of senators were able to be called the shots. >> and that's a very conservative sound, as you mentioned manchin and sinema. as we take a break from this discussion, i have to say that he did not attack joe manchin and sinema, he took a dig at bernie sanders. i find it bizarre. he did not go after manchin and sinema. what's left? there's nothing left to lose. >> i agree with that. senator sanders has been a impeccable partner with this. he's been pushing the agenda harder than the president has. he's been meeting with workers. now we need to say, we need to talk to manchin and sinema. i think he's just so afraid of the word socialism for some reason. or no good deed goes unpunished. it's quite unfortunate that he continues to bash senator sanders in that way. he has been tremendously helpful to this president. >> maybe we should have the former chair of the rnc sit down with joe biden and -- as we've seen today. hold on to all your thoughts. we appreciate you taking time out for this weekend. because, you've heard some of the failures of the first year of the bidens -- and i'm gonna miss as many as i can in just the -- and continue this conversation with our very lively panel. stay with us. just the -- and continue this with our very lively panel or even well-spoken. 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[daughter] slurping don't pay for water. pay for clean. it's got to be tide. coming. and the pandemic over christmas. he failed to get big pharma to drop their covid vaccine patents, he failed to keep inflation under control -- he fell to pat the 15 dollar minimum wage. you can cancel tent all in -- gun, reform immigration, reform in the george floyd justice and police reform. -- freedom to vote act, bill to pass of john lewis voting right. second bill to do all of that because he didn't fight hard enough or soon enough to get rid of the filibuster. he also fell to get right -- there by failing to bring in things like universal pre-k, family pre-k -- he fell to repeal title 42, -- expel immigrants in this border, before they could claim asylum. he fell to shut down quantum. obey -- yemen, or mbs accounts for -- phil to punish anybody in the military for killing ten afghans, including kids, when we pulled out of afghanistan in august. he fell to do what he claimed to do, and would -- make nice with the republican party, and unify the country. two rats, two equally long list of the successes and failures. but there is one -- my panel of experts from across the political spectrum returns on the other side of this break. don't go away. returns returns on the other side of basically, choose what we want our future to look like. break. so what's yours going to be? don't go away. my dvt blood clot left me with questions... was another around the corner? or could i have a different game plan? i wanted to help protect myself. my doctor recommended eliquis. eliquis is proven to treat and help prevent another dvt or pe blood clot. almost 98 percent of patients on eliquis didn't experience another. and eliquis has significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. eliquis is fda-approved and has both. don't stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. what's around the corner could be a different game. ask your doctor about eliquis. ♪ ♪ could be a ♪ ♪ferent game. 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[laughs] i think it probably went from historic lows to the republic party when trump walked out the door, having implemented the insurrection, where people were killed in the u.s. capital, to where we are today. people are just pissed. we're sick of the pandemic, were sick of the omicron, we're stake of not being able to see our friends, were sick of wearing masks, we are sick of the company being weird. and joe biden is gonna catch the blame for a lot of that. so the president is responsible for everything ultimately, politically, whether you can control something or not. like gas prices, historically, the president has very little control over gas. but look what it did to -- you have to do your best to make sure that you are working and fighting for your people. there's just -- and have the political winds blow. so it's not about you, it's a lot harder when the choice is not just between joe biden and donald trump. so as we are right now, not great. >> you make an interesting point about biden being the focus. about the attention on him. that can work to his favor to. do you think he wasted that pull pulpit in 2021? at the start of the new year he gave a pretty -- or jay, or mlk, or john lewis. why didn't you do that earlier? where was the joe biden taken the fight to republicans on voter suppression? where was he in 2021? do you think he wasted too much time chasing build back better, and other things? -- >> yes i do, definitely stand up for your -- to try to move your agenda. but when folks say that they do not want to work rate you, and show that they are not going to cooperate. you have to take it to people. i do wish that this president had indentured more spirit. what i try to do is stand up for the american people, in a time of crisis. so let's make no mistake, these crises or here, they were here before trump became -- and it was exacerbated by the president. nick it's not enough to say all we passed bipartisan infrastructure, so we can't feel that. it doesn't matter. you want to talk about the job, and the people who are employed in all of that, it does not matter if people if don't feel it. so the president needs to give something to people that they can feel. instead of after going after senator sanders, he should be going after senators manchin and sinema. >> a few reminders of fdr said, i welcome their hatred. but then cnn said they went too far. that's the disconnect that we have now, rather than the 1930s. joe biden said something about the midterm elections this year. take a listen. >> do you still think the upcoming election will be fairly conducted and its results illegitimate? >> well that depends on, whether or not we are able to make the case to the american people that something else is being set up to alter the outcome of the election. on the prospects of being illegitimate, there is a portion that is not getting these reforms passed. >> a lot done by biden's aides today in the media. they said no no, there's definitely things to resolve. i'm the part who says why is there a cleanup? there's no pushback at the state level, we won't have legitimate results. >> no you're not wrong. but how you say that is a president matters. how you answer the first word out of his mouth. the first to mount -- hell no. that was his first two answers. hell no. the situation is not gonna be second guessed. the outcome of the elections is not gonna be something that we cannot trusted. because we've done these things. and lay out with those things are. that's why i'm fighting for the voting rights act. that's why i'm fighting for a change in the electoral college is. that's how you make the connection to always make it very clear that the democracy, the democratic process of voting in this country's sank are saying. and it is a president i appreciate more than anything else. and i'm looking at people and i am telling them, when you go to the polls this november. you will be able to trust the ballot that you have. and we can relate it back to the work their administration is doing. that all those people across the country are doing. which is pushing the -- and the effort by republicans in georgia, arizona, pennsylvania. we know all this. and they're trying to overturn the democratic principle. and where we are with the president, i kind of knew where he wanted to go. but the conversation. >> he had a couple of attempts to an answer that question. >> 30 seconds for huge process. how is the crisis in ukraine, or even cairo on, going to affect biden's presidency? >> i mean, there is a major russian invasion of ukraine, it is going to be a massive global event that can change everything we do, we talk about, we think about going for. it's kind of intimidating that we could be on the precipice of this happening, and it's not just an all-consuming news story. it's something i worry about a lot. but i think that biden is doing all the right things, at the press conference yesterday obviously it required a different explanation. but putin knows there is a range of things that he can do in response. none of that was news to him. it's just people in washington, and they're talking points, try to blame biden. like, you unless concern about the gaffe yesterday. i'm more concerned about was actually gonna happen on the ground. tommy, michael steele, nina turner, i wish we had more time. fascinating conversation. thank you for joining me this evening. still ahead, everyone seems to agree, it's better for our kids mental health if they're in school, and not remote. but guess what, the data doesn't always back that up. do not miss my conversation coming up, with the talks psychiatrist, after very short break. short break. what are you recommending for muscle pain? 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[limu emu squawks] woo! new personal record, limu! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ [upbeat acoustic music throughout] onl[upbeat acoustic musicd. throughout] your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit hello, how can i? matching your job description. sore throat pain? ♪honey lemon♪ try vicks vapocool drops in honey lemon chill for fast acting sore throat relief ♪ahhh!♪ wooo! vaporize sore throat pain with we are two years and two presidents into this pandemic but, this month many american schools are facing more covid related chaos than ever. -- more than 200 students and staff tested positive, before even completing a full week of school in the new year. the district says, in-person school and will continue. schools and johnson said he tennessee, have it even worse. cases there have quadrupled in nine days. but, so far, they're also holding in-person classes. and clark county, nevada, home to las vegas, 23 schools reported double digit cases in just the past week. schools there had to close for five days, because of staffing shortages. new mexico officials, this week, as national guard soldiers to volunteer a substitute teachers to keep schools and daycare centers open. in florida, one county has so many cases, they've given up notifying parents that their kids were exposed. >> the district was informed by the health department, that due to the overwhelming number of covid cases, the school district will no longer be notifying a student to test positive, and contact tracing will be a for school age students. >> we need to talk about all of this. beyond all of the politics, and the protests, it's just begum conventional wisdom that schools being closed hurts kids mental health. we just all accepted the view of, people like liberal columnist who wrote this week, the damage to a generation of children social development and educational attainment, will be a recovery-able. damage from school closures, that is. breathless news headlines -- keep telling us, again and again, that kids being home, during the pandemic, has harm their mental health. so, they have to go back to school, no matter the covid threat. is that true? when ex guest, an expert's mental health and suicide. he works with the data. he saying something quite different from the conventional wisdom. joining me now, dr. tyler black. clinical assistant -- at the university of british columbia. thank you so much for joining me, this evening. you said, recently, something most people don't say. quote, the mental health impacts of the virus and, his consequences including death, hospitalization illness, and disability, far outweigh the likely negombo doable mental health impacts of missing school when closures are necessary. what data is there to back up this idea, that kids maybe more distressed over catching and spreading covid to their families, then being stuck home during school closures? >> most important, is listen to what kids are saying. we have a vision of okay just pose to go through but, there's a reality of what's actually happening with the pandemic. this pandemic is extremely stressful, no one can deny that. well we're seeing, mostly, is in person classes is disrupted by the pandemic. school is stressful to begin with. prior to the pandemic, we had concerns about the mental health impacts of school, and stress by school. post pandemic, the data is still out. a lot of things are being said without there being data to support it. >> you've also made some interesting points about changes in the suicide rate. -- pre-pandemic times. tell us what the data says there. what was the leg before and after the pandemic? >> well, prior to the pandemic, we would always see this big flex of emergency cases, and child psychiatry -- summer break would kick in, winter break would kick in, and we see things come down. we even see that reflected in suicide rates were kids. prior to the pandemic, we have this knowledge that schools, themselves, at a factor of stress. a factor that leads to family conflict, school pressures, bullying, and all sorts of things. we don't pretend that schooling is stress-free. when we add the pandemic to it, we now have a situation where there is death an illness, and scared people. a lot of things to worry, about classes are starting and stopping. even things like, can i get my friends sick, or what's happening to my grandparents are all added. we have this really down statistics, that we have to contend with, worldwide. more than one -- due to covid. pretending that returning kids to school will fix their mental health problems is a little naive, and doesn't contain the nuance of what's real. >> as i pointed out on the show, a couple weeks, back it seems bizarre to suggest that it can losing a parent is not as stressful, if not more stressful, than having to stay at home, alone, and do school via laptop. what you're saying sound so intuitive, that in the old days, the pre-pandemic days, some are holidays were associate with relaxation, and not mental health stress -- bullying, educational pressures, and all those things. it sounds so intuitive, but it seems to be forgotten. now the conventional wisdom is, no, not being in school is a bigger stress factor. i want to ask you about a march, cdc survey, 1300 parents. which has been cited by many critics of school closures. in it -- reported the worst mental health and kids attending in-person schools, the authors concluded there were greater risks associated with online schooling. what's your response to that? >> when we take a look at these things, these things aren't done in isolation. the times that kids are under lockdown, on the different then when the kids are not under lockdown. these are not taken in isolation. it's very common for me to bc survey based measures, and not really a lot of hard-core data that comes out of that. there are many studies that have been done showing the pandemic's been undoubtedly stressful to our kids, but there's not a lot of separation of school closures, versus school's being open. we do know for sure, the insecurity and the, what's going to, happened on sureness of the policy directions, adds to that distress. when we ask kids what they want, they just want to feel safe in school. the more that we can do to regulate this, and have this -- something that is anticipated, under the guidance that even me in my contrarian view, that go against the moral panic that's going on, school should be the last to close, in the first to open. it doesn't make sense that schools closed, one bars, and restaurants are open. we have to have a very consistent policy, we want to make sure that it for advocating for things like school closures, we're doing so because of the necessity of the pandemic. >> yeah, it's a very good point. i hear that line all the time, that school should be the last to close in the first open. because why are barr's? open my response to that, at the height of the pandemic, they have to close everything. down -- the argument should be, as you pointed, out evidence based, if both need to close, then voting to close. i appreciate you taking time out to come out on the show, because we haven't had enough expertise on the subject. doctor tyler black, thank you so much. thank you for joining us, all see right back soon, with more in-depth interviews -- and you can always catch more of the mehdi hasan show, monday through thursday, 7 pm eastern, on peacock, on the choice, from msnbc. it's 7:00 a.m., and first up on msnbc we're getting new insight into russia's next possible move against ukraine. the uk accusing the kremlin of trying to install a pro-moscow figure to lead ukraine's government as both the u.s. and russia ramp up military support for their sides amidst the standoff. putin keeping military experts guessing on a possible invasion. >> hundreds of thousands of troops, hundreds

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Transcripts For MSNBC The Mehdi Hasan Show 20240708 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The Mehdi Hasan Show 20240708

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of national unity. that was they address one year ago today, to join him in this mission. in 2022, it's clear that millions of americans did not answer his call. does that mean he was a failure? we will go over that today. but also his accomplishments. deputy press secretary -- will discuss biden's record so far, with some experts across the political spectrum. but let's talk about how all americans use the first year. just 40% of the voters approve of biden's report. they will lower ratings at the one year mark, it was donald j trump. there's more bad news for president biden, they asked how he did on his core message of uniting the country. they gave him bad marks. only -- saying he did a bad job. and on the coronavirus? 53% of americans disapprove. and this is not just a democratic president, but a democratic party as a whole. here's a poll that they call rare. -- by a nine point margin. now americans by a five point maher jim say that they identify as republicans. so what's going on here? an op-ed from the new york times says as the president heads into his second year, a lot of the magic is gone in the politics of optimism has fallen on hard times. the frustrating unpredictably of the cockamamie, the self-afflicted rowlands from internal rivalries and failings -- it sounds very familiar right? but that is actually from a 1982 article about president reagan's first year. so presidents, like reagan, bounce back from bad first years. as the 1982 piece points out, there is a rhythm for these presidents. a flashing start, then a slump, then a dazzling turnaround. but all numbers may not go up this year. unlike previous presidents, he's facing an opposition party that is changing the law in state after state, to make his reelection that much harder. no matter how popular he gets. we are in the midst of a legitimately see prices in this country. so what is he gonna do to save himself in our democracy? earlier this night i spoke with vice president sat through terry, -- thank you for joining me this evening. i know it's only year one, as i said a moment ago in the show, we've bounced back from a very rocky first year. but that said, when you look at those dire approval ratings, that's not at all where you wanted to be. so why are they so bad? and given those polls, what is your biggest regret? why do you think the polls are so bad? what do you think was the mistake on the first year in office? >> well thank you so much for having me on. and thank you for the easy question. [laughs] but with all seriousness, look a year ago, we are celebrating our administration. when the president and vice president walked in a year ago, they were dealing with multiple crises. covid, the economy, we had schools shut down, 20 million people out of work. and the president got to work. he made sure that we would move forward swiftly, to get the american rescue plan passed. and because of his work, and the work of democrats, no republicans worked for that. we saw an economy that has grown faster than we've seen in decades. when you go into the pockets of families, when you go to the child tax credit, when you think about schools that were reopened. >> why are the poll so bad then? i agree. things have happened. >> well you gave me an opportunity to be on the show, so i wanted to make sure that your viewers are hearing what our vice president and president have had to do. it's not gonna be easy, the president understands that. it is hard to be president. it's something that he understands. he's a vice president, and he's been a senator for a lot of decades. it's going to take some time. everything that this president is done, all of the policies that he is moved forward, have made for historical numbers in the economy. for getting people vaccinated, and not only that, when he's working on currently right now with -- firm eric and families. all of those things, when you think about childcare, when you think about prescription jobs, -- republicans. >> yes, it looks the dead as if it was constructed. and we can blame republicans, we can blame joe manchin or kristen sinema. you said -- we played on the show last night, the president saying yesterday, he never thought that the gop would work so hard to overturn -- we knew, you know. everyone in d.c. knew. how could the man that was vice president to barack obama not know that? and when he went into his first year chasing bipartisan -- when republicans at the state level crackdown on voting rights. >> look, i do want to say this. the bipartisan infrastructure law was done. let's not forget, you probably know history more than i do, look at the history of this place, of washington d.c.. the capital of the white house. that was something that senators and president says they wanted to do decades ago, and it never happened. how does it that it happened with this president? how is it that he made something so historical happen? so there is -- there are places where he could work, where he did work, but look, i'm gonna let the president's words stand for themself. he said that it is hard being president. but this is the first year. and so we have three more years to go. >> three more years to go? but there is some elections in the middle. and there was some controversy that the president suggested yesterday that the outcome of the 2020 midterm elections would be illegitimate. and today he walked it back that he was not casting doubt on the midterm results. why is he not count casting doubt? do you not know the election when police -- are ridiculously gerrymandered districts. do you think those are legitimate election results for a healthy democracy? do you think 2022 voters should -- >> know, it's a great question. and he did say yes to jen pataki. one of my colleagues as you just mentioned. and he was worried about the legitimacy of the 2022 elections. but that is why we are fighting so hard for voting rights. that is why, when you see those 19 states that have such a voter suppression laws. because of the -- that is what he's talking about. the big lie that you heard from the last president. when he came to the last election in 2020, asking all officials to overturn peoples ballots. that's when he was speaking to. that is what is the problem. we're gonna continue to fight for voting rights. and we were not deterred. >> agreed. but if you are black or brown voter in texas, or georgia, or florida who is unable to vote because you were -- because your -- social security number in. why should you accept that the result is legitimate? why should you not say that american-led democracy is broken at this point? >> here's the thing, at some level, we do need -- to voter suppression. we saw something unprecedented. that is why the president, and the vice president, went to georgia. a state that is historically known for dealing with a civil rights movement, from having leaders in the civil rights movement, for being a leader in voting rights. for making sure that we continue to speak loudly and clear for this. we're gonna keep working. when you think about the filibuster in its history, this is something he's been doing since he was a senator. this is nothing new to him. he's not gonna be deterred. and the vice president as well. they are both gonna continue to work very hard. >> yes, because our democracy is on the line. so i'm glad. >> we agree with you. >> yesterday president biden said it is press conference -- quickly before we run out of time, here's biden speaking at his press conference. >> i just want to keep demonstrating that i am not birdies saturn's. i'm not like him. i'm not a socialist. i'm a democrat and i always have been. >> according to gallup polling, mainstream democrats have become unpopular since he took office. why -- senator bennett bernie sanders has backed his agenda hundred percent. why would he set him up in that press conference -- why does the president keep giving them a pass while picking at progressive that is back? >> i do not think that is what he's tried to do. i if you know, bernie sanders, who we respect and have worked closely with him on many issues, we know that he represents that part of the democratic party. and the president was answering it in the best way he knew how. and the point. i want to be very clear here, this is a president for everyone. it doesn't matter if you're democrat, it doesn't matter if you're independent, it doesn't matter if you're republican. he just wants to give american families some breathing room. giving people who have been left behind an opportunity to truly compete in the economy. that is what you are seeing. that's what you've seen this year with the work that he has done. you look let the 3.9% unemployment, you look at the jobs that have been created, and you know this, i know you've talked about this. you're very fair in talking about this. we appreciate that. that's with this president is done. >> later in the show, i'm gonna go into all of his accomplishments and failures. thank you for your time tonight. >> thank you, appreciate. it thank you for having me. >> there's so much to cover when it comes to biden's first year in office. i'm the tried of boil it down. into 120 seconds, as much as i can, speaking fast. that is next. >> st st that is >> inner voice (sneaker shop owner): i'm surprising my team with a preview of the latest sneaker drop. because i can answer any question about any shoe. but i'm stumped when it comes to payroll. easily run payroll in less than 5 minutes... you can stay... one step ahead. fries or salad? 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a lot to talk about to mark chase. make more of what's yours. year one of the biden administration. we have a great slate of guests. to do it, michael steele, former chairman of the national committee, as -- of maryland. these daisies host of the michael steele podcast, an msnbc political amethyst. tommy deviate are, host of the podcast, save the world. to be honest, both need saving. he was white house national security during biden -- nina turner, served as national co-chair to bernie sanders's 2020 campaign. thank you all for being here, on this anniversary. tommy, i'll start with you. the u.s. economy had a great year. rebounding in 2021, but many americans don't feel the economy had a great year. new nbc poll shows six in ten americans disapprove of biden's handling of the economy. what is the explanation for that disconnect, and how does joe biden fix it? >> i sort of described by the simplest annum answer. gas prices went, up the price a lot of goods went. up people feel it in their pocketbook. it's hard to convince them otherwise, when you drive around the street, and every time you fill up your tank, it's more than it used to be. you see signs everywhere that look like they're more than there used to be. president biden is doing the right things. the economy is getting better, he needs to get out and talk about it more, to sell the things they're doing. it will be great if they pass the build back better. joe manchin is doing everything in his power to not allow that. hopefully, we're on the right track. >> yeah, joe manchin said today, i want to solve inflation before we pass build back better, even though most economists say build back better would help resolve it. michael, i want to play to something that the president said yesterday, and get your response. have a listen. >> i did not anticipate that there would be such a small stalwart effort to make sure that the -- that president biden didn't get anything done. think about this. what are republicans for? what are they for? name me one thing that they are for. >> michael, you've literally fought with your own party about this. it's kind of crazy for joe biden to be so naive about it. i never imagine that the gop would bar. me karine jean-pierre just reminded me, a moment ago, that he did get bipartisan infrastructure done, with 17 republican votes. where do you stand on biden and his approach to the gop? is it excess, is it a failure? >> i think it's, in the main, a failure. i think it's a failure, because there was this expectation. the one thing about having to served in the -- having these relationships with the senators. mitch mcconnell of the 19 80s, 90s, early 2000s, is not the mitch mcconnell today. that's the difference. joe biden had this expectation that those relationships with a number of the senators,. rob portman, mitch mcconnell, etc, would serve him well. that in some way, it could offset the friction he would get from a joe manchin. or maybe they could help him convince joe manchin to do and be the right thing, in that moment. i think it was just a misunderstanding of the new political landscape. the reality of it was, when mitch mcconnell said about obama in a way, apply to him in 2000 into -- 2022. i think, the realities for him came home to roost in a way, in a way that he was not prepared. what's worse, mattie, his staff couldn't figure out how to pivot, and how to move the president into a position where he actually, having the upper hand, as tommy pointed out, on so many things that the administration was able to do, despite that difficulty with republicans, that messaging got lost in translation. 60% look at their personal economy and, go things are in good, when in fact, around them it really is better than it could've been. >> it's funny that you say that the relationships in the past might've bias views. it doesn't seem to have changed, even yesterday he was saying, mitt romney is a straight guy, i like mitch mcconnell. even as they block voting rights every day of the week. nina, the left says biden is in left-wing enough. the wright says he's too left wing. the reality, though, he has done some pretty progressive things. cutting shot poverty in half, and in the warren afghanistan. he hasn't been rewarded for them. partly, you can blame partisanship for the media for that. do you think the left has enough to take pride in ownership of some of the progressive things that have happened over the past 12 months? >> i mean, the progressives can definitely do a lot better for the impact that we have had on this president. we can just look at debt. student debt, repayment, for example. they said they would let the moratorium expire, because of pressure from the left, it is been extended. -- when the moratorium on rent and mortgage payments were about to expire, she slipped out in, compel them to come back. even though the supreme court ruled a different way. those are the types of pleasures. point well taken at the progressive movement can take a lot more credit for pushing this president. i would didn't even say 11, we look at the type of policies that they're fighting for, most americans are right there. most americans want to see medicare expanded to cover vision and hearing, and dental. they want to see, i think about 75% of the american people, believe that we should have paid medical family. it's not about being to the left, it's about how can we change the material conditions for the people of this nation, especially because we are enduring a pandemic. >> yeah, tommy, i want to bring you back in a second. nina's point just reminded me about this left idea. alaska michael. i keep seeing a lot of conservatives and centrists, saying biden went too far to the left. david burke was like he needs to move to the center. what does that mean? universal pre-k is hugely popular across the board. voting rights are not a left or right wing issue, michael. >> i'm not one of those conservatives that believes biden is gone too far to the left. i think biden, to put nani -- he said it. the guy is in the senate, he's always been there. he's a traditional democrat in that regard. i think the reality of it, is how we begin to talk about it. projecting with these policies are. this is where the counter narrative, coming up against the narrative matters. where you have folks on my side screaming, oh my god, socialism! socialism! >> -- did she get her measure caid payment in time? did you get around employment? because that socialism. if that's how you're going to put it. i think, it's how we talk about these things. the rioters screaming socialism should not be enough to condemn an in ministration's efforts, but because there's not the proper setup of the narrative of what they're trying to accomplish -- it's not about what nina and her progressive colleagues are pushing, versus what a joe manchin and his colleagues are pushing. it's, to what nina just said, what's the american people want. that's a part of the narrative has fallen. >> listen to talk about socialism, i think dna should cut that clip for the next bernie sanders clip. that was very well said. tommy, let me ask you obama year one, versus biden you're one. i mean, they how do you compare? both came into office facing an unprecedented crisis. i think they responded effectively. i think i would argue that president biden's response when it comes to covid is more effective. the president and my team's response to the financial crisis, they passed a far bigger stimulus, got voters shots in arms, effectively and available to everyone. i think they did a great job on that front. and i just want to take this back for a minute. progressives like bernie sanders, like aoc, have been so constructive. have been willing to negotiate. to come down from true six trillion dollars or whatever was spending. or joe manchin, who has been all over the map. he's impossible to work with because no one understands what he wants. it's just a really tough political reality right now. a couple of senators were able to be called the shots. >> and that's a very conservative sound, as you mentioned manchin and sinema. as we take a break from this discussion, i have to say that he did not attack joe manchin and sinema, he took a dig at bernie sanders. i find it bizarre. he did not go after manchin and sinema. what's left? there's nothing left to lose. >> i agree with that. senator sanders has been a impeccable partner with this. he's been pushing the agenda harder than the president has. he's been meeting with workers. now we need to say, we need to talk to manchin and sinema. i think he's just so afraid of the word socialism for some reason. or no good deed goes unpunished. it's quite unfortunate that he continues to bash senator sanders in that way. he has been tremendously helpful to this president. >> maybe we should have the former chair of the rnc sit down with joe biden and -- as we've seen today. hold on to all your thoughts. we appreciate you taking time out for this weekend. because, you've heard some of the failures of the first year of the bidens -- and i'm gonna miss as many as i can in just the -- and continue this conversation with our very lively panel. stay with us. just the -- and continue this with our very lively panel or even well-spoken. 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[daughter] slurping don't pay for water. pay for clean. it's got to be tide. coming. and the pandemic over christmas. he failed to get big pharma to drop their covid vaccine patents, he failed to keep inflation under control -- he fell to pat the 15 dollar minimum wage. you can cancel tent all in -- gun, reform immigration, reform in the george floyd justice and police reform. -- freedom to vote act, bill to pass of john lewis voting right. second bill to do all of that because he didn't fight hard enough or soon enough to get rid of the filibuster. he also fell to get right -- there by failing to bring in things like universal pre-k, family pre-k -- he fell to repeal title 42, -- expel immigrants in this border, before they could claim asylum. he fell to shut down quantum. obey -- yemen, or mbs accounts for -- phil to punish anybody in the military for killing ten afghans, including kids, when we pulled out of afghanistan in august. he fell to do what he claimed to do, and would -- make nice with the republican party, and unify the country. two rats, two equally long list of the successes and failures. but there is one -- my panel of experts from across the political spectrum returns on the other side of this break. don't go away. returns returns on the other side of basically, choose what we want our future to look like. break. so what's yours going to be? don't go away. my dvt blood clot left me with questions... was another around the corner? or could i have a different game plan? i wanted to help protect myself. my doctor recommended eliquis. eliquis is proven to treat and help prevent another dvt or pe blood clot. almost 98 percent of patients on eliquis didn't experience another. and eliquis has significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. eliquis is fda-approved and has both. don't stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. what's around the corner could be a different game. ask your doctor about eliquis. ♪ ♪ could be a ♪ ♪ferent game. 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[laughs] i think it probably went from historic lows to the republic party when trump walked out the door, having implemented the insurrection, where people were killed in the u.s. capital, to where we are today. people are just pissed. we're sick of the pandemic, were sick of the omicron, we're stake of not being able to see our friends, were sick of wearing masks, we are sick of the company being weird. and joe biden is gonna catch the blame for a lot of that. so the president is responsible for everything ultimately, politically, whether you can control something or not. like gas prices, historically, the president has very little control over gas. but look what it did to -- you have to do your best to make sure that you are working and fighting for your people. there's just -- and have the political winds blow. so it's not about you, it's a lot harder when the choice is not just between joe biden and donald trump. so as we are right now, not great. >> you make an interesting point about biden being the focus. about the attention on him. that can work to his favor to. do you think he wasted that pull pulpit in 2021? at the start of the new year he gave a pretty -- or jay, or mlk, or john lewis. why didn't you do that earlier? where was the joe biden taken the fight to republicans on voter suppression? where was he in 2021? do you think he wasted too much time chasing build back better, and other things? -- >> yes i do, definitely stand up for your -- to try to move your agenda. but when folks say that they do not want to work rate you, and show that they are not going to cooperate. you have to take it to people. i do wish that this president had indentured more spirit. what i try to do is stand up for the american people, in a time of crisis. so let's make no mistake, these crises or here, they were here before trump became -- and it was exacerbated by the president. nick it's not enough to say all we passed bipartisan infrastructure, so we can't feel that. it doesn't matter. you want to talk about the job, and the people who are employed in all of that, it does not matter if people if don't feel it. so the president needs to give something to people that they can feel. instead of after going after senator sanders, he should be going after senators manchin and sinema. >> a few reminders of fdr said, i welcome their hatred. but then cnn said they went too far. that's the disconnect that we have now, rather than the 1930s. joe biden said something about the midterm elections this year. take a listen. >> do you still think the upcoming election will be fairly conducted and its results illegitimate? >> well that depends on, whether or not we are able to make the case to the american people that something else is being set up to alter the outcome of the election. on the prospects of being illegitimate, there is a portion that is not getting these reforms passed. >> a lot done by biden's aides today in the media. they said no no, there's definitely things to resolve. i'm the part who says why is there a cleanup? there's no pushback at the state level, we won't have legitimate results. >> no you're not wrong. but how you say that is a president matters. how you answer the first word out of his mouth. the first to mount -- hell no. that was his first two answers. hell no. the situation is not gonna be second guessed. the outcome of the elections is not gonna be something that we cannot trusted. because we've done these things. and lay out with those things are. that's why i'm fighting for the voting rights act. that's why i'm fighting for a change in the electoral college is. that's how you make the connection to always make it very clear that the democracy, the democratic process of voting in this country's sank are saying. and it is a president i appreciate more than anything else. and i'm looking at people and i am telling them, when you go to the polls this november. you will be able to trust the ballot that you have. and we can relate it back to the work their administration is doing. that all those people across the country are doing. which is pushing the -- and the effort by republicans in georgia, arizona, pennsylvania. we know all this. and they're trying to overturn the democratic principle. and where we are with the president, i kind of knew where he wanted to go. but the conversation. >> he had a couple of attempts to an answer that question. >> 30 seconds for huge process. how is the crisis in ukraine, or even cairo on, going to affect biden's presidency? >> i mean, there is a major russian invasion of ukraine, it is going to be a massive global event that can change everything we do, we talk about, we think about going for. it's kind of intimidating that we could be on the precipice of this happening, and it's not just an all-consuming news story. it's something i worry about a lot. but i think that biden is doing all the right things, at the press conference yesterday obviously it required a different explanation. but putin knows there is a range of things that he can do in response. none of that was news to him. it's just people in washington, and they're talking points, try to blame biden. like, you unless concern about the gaffe yesterday. i'm more concerned about was actually gonna happen on the ground. tommy, michael steele, nina turner, i wish we had more time. fascinating conversation. thank you for joining me this evening. still ahead, everyone seems to agree, it's better for our kids mental health if they're in school, and not remote. but guess what, the data doesn't always back that up. do not miss my conversation coming up, with the talks psychiatrist, after very short break. short break. what are you recommending for muscle pain? 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when ex guest, an expert's mental health and suicide. he works with the data. he saying something quite different from the conventional wisdom. joining me now, dr. tyler black. clinical assistant -- at the university of british columbia. thank you so much for joining me, this evening. you said, recently, something most people don't say. quote, the mental health impacts of the virus and, his consequences including death, hospitalization illness, and disability, far outweigh the likely negombo doable mental health impacts of missing school when closures are necessary. what data is there to back up this idea, that kids maybe more distressed over catching and spreading covid to their families, then being stuck home during school closures? >> most important, is listen to what kids are saying. we have a vision of okay just pose to go through but, there's a reality of what's actually happening with the pandemic. this pandemic is extremely stressful, no one can deny that. well we're seeing, mostly, is in person classes is disrupted by the pandemic. school is stressful to begin with. prior to the pandemic, we had concerns about the mental health impacts of school, and stress by school. post pandemic, the data is still out. a lot of things are being said without there being data to support it. >> you've also made some interesting points about changes in the suicide rate. -- pre-pandemic times. tell us what the data says there. what was the leg before and after the pandemic? >> well, prior to the pandemic, we would always see this big flex of emergency cases, and child psychiatry -- summer break would kick in, winter break would kick in, and we see things come down. we even see that reflected in suicide rates were kids. prior to the pandemic, we have this knowledge that schools, themselves, at a factor of stress. a factor that leads to family conflict, school pressures, bullying, and all sorts of things. we don't pretend that schooling is stress-free. when we add the pandemic to it, we now have a situation where there is death an illness, and scared people. a lot of things to worry, about classes are starting and stopping. even things like, can i get my friends sick, or what's happening to my grandparents are all added. we have this really down statistics, that we have to contend with, worldwide. more than one -- due to covid. pretending that returning kids to school will fix their mental health problems is a little naive, and doesn't contain the nuance of what's real. >> as i pointed out on the show, a couple weeks, back it seems bizarre to suggest that it can losing a parent is not as stressful, if not more stressful, than having to stay at home, alone, and do school via laptop. what you're saying sound so intuitive, that in the old days, the pre-pandemic days, some are holidays were associate with relaxation, and not mental health stress -- bullying, educational pressures, and all those things. it sounds so intuitive, but it seems to be forgotten. now the conventional wisdom is, no, not being in school is a bigger stress factor. i want to ask you about a march, cdc survey, 1300 parents. which has been cited by many critics of school closures. in it -- reported the worst mental health and kids attending in-person schools, the authors concluded there were greater risks associated with online schooling. what's your response to that? >> when we take a look at these things, these things aren't done in isolation. the times that kids are under lockdown, on the different then when the kids are not under lockdown. these are not taken in isolation. it's very common for me to bc survey based measures, and not really a lot of hard-core data that comes out of that. there are many studies that have been done showing the pandemic's been undoubtedly stressful to our kids, but there's not a lot of separation of school closures, versus school's being open. we do know for sure, the insecurity and the, what's going to, happened on sureness of the policy directions, adds to that distress. when we ask kids what they want, they just want to feel safe in school. the more that we can do to regulate this, and have this -- something that is anticipated, under the guidance that even me in my contrarian view, that go against the moral panic that's going on, school should be the last to close, in the first to open. it doesn't make sense that schools closed, one bars, and restaurants are open. we have to have a very consistent policy, we want to make sure that it for advocating for things like school closures, we're doing so because of the necessity of the pandemic. >> yeah, it's a very good point. i hear that line all the time, that school should be the last to close in the first open. because why are barr's? open my response to that, at the height of the pandemic, they have to close everything. down -- the argument should be, as you pointed, out evidence based, if both need to close, then voting to close. i appreciate you taking time out to come out on the show, because we haven't had enough expertise on the subject. doctor tyler black, thank you so much. thank you for joining us, all see right back soon, with more in-depth interviews -- and you can always catch more of the mehdi hasan show, monday through thursday, 7 pm eastern, on peacock, on the choice, from msnbc. it's 7:00 a.m., and first up on msnbc we're getting new insight into russia's next possible move against ukraine. the uk accusing the kremlin of trying to install a pro-moscow figure to lead ukraine's government as both the u.s. and russia ramp up military support for their sides amidst the standoff. putin keeping military experts guessing on a possible invasion. >> hundreds of thousands of troops, hundreds

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Wall , Back , Don T You , Dateline , Edition , Natalie Morales , People , Soul , Being American , President , Joe Biden Ran , Things , One , Unity , Nation , Message , American , Cause , Mehdi Hassan , Mission , Call , Millions , 2022 , Failure , Accomplishments , Record , Deputy Press Secretary , Voters , Experts , Spectrum , Report , 40 , Country , Trump , Ratings , Mark , Marks , Bad News , Core , Job , Coronavirus , 53 , Republicans , Poll , Democratic Party , Whole , Point Margin , Point Maher , Jim Say , Five , Nine , Versus School S Being Open , Unpredictably , Politics , Hard Times , The New York Times , Magic , Optimism , Cockamamie , Op Ed , Failings , Rivalries , Rowlands , Article , President Reagan , 1982 , Presidents , Points , Flashing Start , Rhythm , Slump , Estate , Opposition Party , Numbers , Turnaround , Law , It Doesn T Matter , Democracy , Prices , Midst , Reelection , Vice President , Show , Year One , Sat , Terry , Polls , Approval Ratings , Office , Question , Mistake , Regret , Seriousness , Economy , Administration , Crises , Schools , Work , Rescue Plan , 20 Million , Families , Pockets , Child Tax Credit , Opportunity , Something , Hearing , Viewers , Have , Everything , Policies , Senator , Forward , Childcare , Prescription Jobs , Firm , Joe Manchin , Kristen Sinema , Everyone , Saying , D C , Last Night , Voting Rights , Man , Level , Chasing , Crackdown , Bipartisan , Barack Obama , Infrastructure Law , History , Capital , Place , Washington D C , White House , It , Senators , Places , Gonna Let The President , Words , Themself , Three , Elections , Outcome , Controversy , Middle , 2020 , Election , Police , Results , Doubt , Casting , Election Results , Districts , Jen Pataki , Fighting , Colleagues , Legitimacy , States , Voter Suppression Laws , Big Lie , 19 , Officials , Problem , Ballots , Agreed , Georgia , Social Security Number , Result , Voter , Florida , Texas , Point , Thing , Voter Suppression , Need , We Saw , Leaders , Leader , Dealing , Civil Rights Movement , Nothing , Filibuster , Gonna , Press Conference , Line , Socialist , Saturn S , Senator Sanders , Polling , Gallup , Senator Bennett , Agenda , Pass , Progressive , Picking , Issues , Way , Part , It Doesn T , Breathing Room , Jobs , Unemployment , 3 9 , Failures , Boil , 120 , Team , St , Payroll , Voice , Owner , Sneaker Drop , Preview , Shoe , Sneaker , Choice , Screening , Salad , Colon Cancer , Fries , Step , 5 , Stages , Dna , Risk , Colon Cancers , Cologuard , Stool , 92 , 45 , Provider , Nerve Aches , Nervivenerve Relief , Hands , Nerve Care Company , World , Feet , 1 , Discomfort , Nervive , Weakness , Run , Triple Protection Sweat Defense , Announcer , Alpha Lipoic Acid , Derrick , Nutrition , Strength , Energy , Derrick Man , Old Spice , Playin , Woo Hoo , Protein , Comcast Business Mobile , Bottom Line , Business Owner , Minerals , Vitamins , Mind , Service , 27 , 30 , Data , Pay , Data Plans , Contracts , Gig , Network , Line Activation Fees , Term , 00 , 500 , Business , Comcast Business , Customers , Internet , Powering Possibilities , Successes , It S Time , Other , Rant , Rounds , 62 , Two , Vaccines , Most , Dose Boosters , Clock , Adults , 6 Million , Four , Fact , Relief , Rate , Form American Rescue Plan , Checks , Money , Bucks , 1400 , 52 , 1400 Bucks , More , Doing , Half , Mitch Mcconnell , Trump Couldn T , Exit Employment Support , Infrastructure Bill , Course , Child Poverty , Chilean , Medicare , 1 Million , Judges , Woman , Reagan , Warren Afghanistan , Group , Climate Change Agreement , Paris , Of , Civility , Decency , Sanity , Guests , Panel , Don T Go Away , Ha , Hago Away , Home , Pa Dum , Bum , Quote Today , Forgiveness Ness , Farmers , Farmers Policy Perks , 3 , 4 , Plan , Lisa , Mover , Rob Portman , Downtown , Employees , Scene , Lily , Hotspot , Employee , Deals , Files , Smart Phone , At T Business , Sushi , Seafood , Lunch , Collision Beeping Warning , Silence , Indian , Ehh , Technology , Safety , Tacos , Emergency Braking , Chevrolet , Chevy Equinox , Automatic , Find New Roads , Six , Laundry , Clothes , Detergent , Scent Boosters , Downy Unstopables , Downy , Waaaay , Washing Machine , Cap , Smelling Laundry , Load , Big Time With Chase Freedom Unlimited , Takeout , Cash , Fee , Chase , Chase Freedom Unlimited , Uh Oh , Boom , Tommy , Chairman , Michael Steele , Committee , Daisies , Host , Slate , Michael Steele Podcast , Maryland , Msnbc Political Amethyst , Nina Turner , Podcast , Need Saving , National Security , Save The World , Co Chair , Campaign , Anniversary , Rebounding , Nbc , Ten , 2021 , Gas Prices , Disconnect , Explanation , Price , Annum Answer , Handling , Signs , Goods , Pocketbook , Tank , The Street , Build , Track , Power , Response , Listen , Inflation , Economists , Anything , Biden Didn T , Effort , Stalwart , Jean Pierre Just , Kind , Party , Crazy , Bar , Me Karine , Infrastructure , Votes , Approach , Main , 17 , Relationships , Expectation , Number , Difference , Etc , 2000 , 90 , 80 , Friction , Reality , Realities , Landscape , Misunderstanding , Figure , Staff , Couldn T , Mattie , Pivot , Messaging , Position , Hand , Difficulty , Bias Views , Good , 60 , Left , Guy , Wing , Enough , Mitt Romney , Wright , Media , Some , Partisanship , He Hasn T , Ownership , Pride , Poverty , Cutting , Impact , Progressives , Debt , Student Debt , Repayment , 12 , Pressure , Moratorium , Payments , Example , Rent , Mortgage , Supreme Court , Type , Progressive Movement , Credit , Pleasures , Types , 11 , Vision , Family , Dental , Fighting For , 75 , Pandemic , Second , Conditions , Idea , Conservatives , Pre K , Centrists , Center , Board , Alaska Michael , David Burke , Issue , Nani , Senate , Regard , Socialism , Oh My God , Folks , Matters , Measure Caid Payment , Narrative , Employment , Rioters , Efforts , Setup , Versus , Ministration , Clip , Both , Crisis , Shots , Stimulus , Arms , Front , Aoc , Couple , Spending , Map , Break , Sound , Sinema , Discussion , Dig , Workers , Partner , Meeting , Word , Deed , Reason , Sit Down , Thoughts , Chair , Rnc , Bidens , Many , Time Out , Conversation , Stay , Panel Stay , Ooooooo , Look , Vo , Subway , Love , Refresh , Well Adventured , Subaru Forester Wilderness , Kids , Daughter , Anyone , Avocado , Nailing Threes , Turkey , Turkey Avocado , Baja Chipotle Sauce , Who , Water , Don T , Tide , Wash , Bargain Detergent , Stains , Coming , Vaccine Patents , Tent , Big Pharma , Dollar Minimum Wage , 15 , 15 Dollar , Voting Rights Act , Reform , Bill , Justice , Freedom , Gun , Reform Immigration , John Lewis , George Floyd , Obey , Family Pre K , Accounts , Immigrants , Title , Asylum , Border , Quantum , Yemen , Mbs , 42 , Military , Anybody , Afghans , Side , List , Returns , Rats , Taking Eliquis , Doctor , Blood Clot , Dvt , Game Plan , Questions , Corner , Patients , Bleeding , Another , Help , Eliquis Didn T , Pe , Treatment , Fda , 98 , Cases , Numbness , Muscle Weakness , Bruise , Injection , Artificial Heart Valve , Tingling , Medicines , Procedures , Care , Bruising , Game , Ferent Game , Times , Ultra , Event Planning , Downloads , Verizon , Ultra Wideband , Cities , 5g , Speed , Cost , 10 , Super Emma , Skin , Cape , Tide Hygienic , Safe , Hypoallergenic , Security , Affiliation , Swing , 13 , Lows , Republic Party , Door , Sick , Friends , Insurrection , Omicron , Stake , Company , Masks , Blame , Best , Control , Gas , Winds , Donald Trump , Attention , Focus , Favor , Pull Pulpit , Didn T , Pretty , Mlk , Jay , Fight , Work Rate You , Wish , Spirit , Nick , Reminders , Senators Manchin , Hatred , Fdr , Cnn , 1930 , Case , Portion , Reforms , Prospects , Cleanup , Aides , Pushback , Mouth , To Mount , Situation , Answers , Change , Electoral College , Process , Voting , Connection , Them , Ballot , Principle , Arizona , Pennsylvania , Answer , Ukraine , Attempts , Invasion , Event , Presidency , Russian , Precipice , Happening , News Story , Range , News , None , Putin , Concern , Ground , Gaffe , School , Mental Health , Psychiatrist , Coming Up , Guess What , Muscle Pain , Patches , Medicine , Pain , Salonpas , Pre Treaters , Nice , Glucerna , Diabetes , Carbsteady , Blood Sugar , Car Insurance , Liberty Mutual Customizes , Personal Record , Limu , Music , Liberty , Limu Emu Squawks , Onl , Upbeat Acoustic Musicd , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Taking Off , Sore Throat Pain , Job Description , Indeed Instant Match , Candidates , Honey Lemon Chill , Vicks Vapocool , Honey Lemon , Visit Indeed Com Hire Hello , Acting , Sore Throat Relief Ahhh , Chaos , Students , Positive , District , Johnson , Tennessee , 200 , Classes , Staffing Shortages , Soldiers , Clark County , Home To Las Vegas , Nevada , New Mexico , National Guard , 23 , Parents , One County , Centers , Substitute Teachers , Daycare , Health Department , Student , Contact Tracing , School Age , School District , Wisdom , Damage , View , Columnist , Protests , Begum , Generation , School Closures , Attainment , News Headlines , Children Social Development , Expert , Back To School , Guest , Suicide , Matter , Covid Threat , Ex , Dr , Tyler Black , Death , Mental Health Impacts , Evening , Assistant , Consequences , Quote , Virus , University Of British Columbia , Hospitalization Illness , Closures , Disability , Negombo , Important , Concerns , Stress , Impacts , Being , Big Flex Of Emergency Cases , Pre Pandemic , Suicide Rate , Changes , Child Psychiatry , Leg , Factor , Winter Break , Summer Break , Family Conflict , Suicide Rates , Knowledge , Schooling , Bullying , School Pressures , Illness , Sorts , Friends Sick , Statistics , Stopping , Grandparents , Problems , Nuance , Parent , Laptop , Pressures , Relaxation , Associate , Holidays , Stress Factor , Critics , Cdc Survey , March , 1300 , Risks , Things Aren T Done In Isolation , Authors , Lockdown , Isolation , Measures , Studies , Sure , Separation , Distress , Insecurity , Sureness , Policy Directions , Last , First , Moral Panic , Guidance , Sense , Policy , Restaurants , Bars , Necessity , Argument , Height , Evidence , Down , First Open , Close , Expertise , We Haven T , Subject , See , Interviews , Msnbc , On Peacock , Mehdi Hasan , 7 , Government , Move , Uk , Kremlin , Hundreds Of Thousands , Military Experts , Sides , Standoff , Troops , Russia Ramp Up Military Support ,

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