Transcripts For MSNBC American Voices With Alicia Menendez 2

Transcripts For MSNBC American Voices With Alicia Menendez 20240708

arizona democrats turning on the senator, holding her on notice. welcome to a new hour of "american voices." thanks for being with us. i'm alicia menendez. we begin this hour with the legal fights facing the trump family on multiple fronts. two of them huge. one involving the beloved family business. another, attack on the u.s. capitol. start with the civil investigation into the trump organization. two trump children, ivanka, don jr. and their dad, fighting subpoenas from new york attorney general letitia james. she's seeking documents and testimony as part of a civil tax fraud investigation into the trump org's business practices. the big question she is working to answer, did trump and his family inflate value of assets for tax breaks and loans? the trumps may be fighting, but attorney general james fighting, too. she tweeted, quote, over two years of delay tactics won't stop our investigation because no one is above the law. as for investigating the attack on the u.s. capitol, the want to know what ivanka knows. asked for voluntary testimony what was happening inside the white house that day and why it took so long for the former president to call off his supporters. last night on msnbc, committee member pete aguilar explained why ivanka is such a critical witness. >> ivanka trump was there in the room with the former president as a lot of this was happening as well as during conversations when the former president called vice president pence to continue to pressure campaign up until the morning of january 6th. so she heard at least one side of that conversation. and so we feel that she has something to share. we feel that will help made our efforts. if someone was truly concerned about protecting democracy, they would come before our committee willingly and voluntarily. >> the independent tonight writing about the stakes before the former first daughter writing "ivanka faced with a stark choice. tell the truth or go to prison for perjury. for the first time in perhaps her entire life, her father can't protect her from having to speak honestly." joining me now, former prosecutor, co-hosts of the #sistersinlaw and a podcast. also with us, senior columnist for bloomberg opinion, tim o'brien and author of "trump nation." start with the supreme court rejecting donald trump's request to keep the record from the january 6th committee. we're watching that play out this week. congressman jamie raskin tweeting out, if the former president has no executive privilege to hide evidence of an attempted coup or insurrection, neither do his family or friends. ivanka was with donald trump as the attack unfolded, she is a material fact witness. what position does this all put ivanka? >> first of all i got a tweet answering my tweet, stop saying family and friends. first of all, she was an employee. >> she was an employee. you are correct about that. they are correct about that. >> secondly, she's a co-conspirator, possibly. so we should not call his colleague, friends, family that. we should call them co-conspirators, but this is not a surprise. u.s. v. nixon, the case in watergate saying that president nix had to turn over the white house tapes applied here, and there was no question in my mind that ivanka would have to testify and turn over documents, the former president has to do the same, that every single other person. the former president, richard nixon, while he was president, did not have an executive privilege to prevent his having to answer to the law. and that means that if he didn't, neither does a former president. so it's very good news for all of the people who are trying to get documents and testimony from all of the collaborators in what happened on and before january 6th, and in every other episode that has to do with taking care of overturning the election that includes the georgia case of calling raffensperger and every other aspect of trying to prevent a peaceful transfer of power. >> can a former adviser to melania trump, had this to say ivanka this week on msnbc. take a listen. >> the trumps do not care, unfortunately what is true and what is not, because they do believe they're above the law. ivanka, same thing as what happened during the presidential inauguration. she was deeply involved. she knew the details. she was someone who was, you know, on the phone making sure that her father was happy and that everything was taken care of. for she to not show up when asked to appear before this committee is just disgraceful, and i doubt she will even, if she does show up, she's not going to tell the truth. >> author of "trump nation." two questions. whether or not she shows up and, two, the question if she shows up, does she tell the truth. >> well, i think she's going to be compelled to show up. at some point it's not their choice whether or not to show up. eric trump tried to avoid the same subpoena in the new york attorney general's investigation that ivanka just got. and after months of diterring around, they put him on a chair. we know now eric took the fifth 500 times during a six-hour deposition because i'm sure he has nothing to hide. if, you know, the trumps believe the transparency and the fact record wasn't a problem for them, they'd be more forthcoming. you can't avoid this permanently. you have a public prosecutor who has just as much patience as they do, and she has the resources to continue pursuing them. i think the second issue, you know, the trumps have run-ins with law enforcement about as frequently as most other families go grocery shopping. you know, they're thrifty, malfeasance. whether or not prosecutors can prove what they have done rises to the level of fraud is a high bar. they've got a lot of work to do. they clearly have a lot of evidence. but they have to prove the trumps knew what they were doing is illegal and chose to do it anyway. some evidence that came out in leticia james' court filings this week, you know, indicated that donald trump himself signed off on some of the paperwork, where they were inflating assets. but, again, we don't know what some of conversations were around those documents. she also said she doesn't think the trump organization is going to be forthcoming enough with evidence tied directly to donald trump. i think you're going to start to see this vice squeeze in. the trumps will happily throw underlings under the but as this gets hotter. the question, whether or not the family members will turn on one another, as it goes up the food chain. secondly, just inflating your assets or deflating them to get a loan from a bank in and of itself may not be a fraud, unless the bank did and unless the bank was defrauded and unless the trumps themselves knew they were trying to commit a fraud. when we litigated with trump at that time saying he was worth about $6 billion. my sources said he was worth $3.5. my book full of instances inflating his assets. banks in that case, got their financial records. at a time when trump told deutsche bank, they thought $788. he said worth billions. i don't know what a con artist he is, but he's burned banks so many times i think they would have their guard up. a different issue with tax authorities, i think, though, too. >> it strikes me so much of the work of the 1/6 committee is about accountability so much of the work of what is happening in this civil case is also about accountability for sure. no one being above the law. there also, though, is the second layer, which is this perception question. right? so much of trump's appeal to voters how he presented himself as a supposedly successful businessman. just laid out the case for why he was not as successful as he purported to be. how can james' case in new york unravel that public perception? can it? >> i don't know it's going to -- i think his public perception broadly is who he is. he's a grifter and a con man. i don't know that matters a wit to his most ardent supporters. manhattan d.a.'s case has existential consequences to it. donald trump and perhaps his children could end up in orange jumpsuits. if that case goes the full route. that's not going to be the case with leticia james' prosecution. that's a civil case. i also think the georgia case has an existential threat. donald trump acting like a war dealer called up the secretary of state and said, find me some votes. proof of that. evidence. those three cases, plus january 6th, if they take the evidence, january 6th committee, take the evidence they have and make a criminal request to the justice department and merrick garland does what he should do, that's where rubber meets the road. we just don't know yet. >> jill, i have about a minute left, but i want to hear from you on what accountability would look like here. >> accountability would look like the company going bankrupt, because of the fines and being put out of business in the civil suit by attorney general james. it would look like criminal convictions or crimes committed to upset our democracy to overturn the election. i think there's a lot for them to worry about, and the subpoenas are valid. they are going to have to answer. they can claim the fifth amendment, but that's politically dangerous a device to use, because even the most loyal trump supporters might be a little repulsed if they do not testify and they claim the fifth amendment. >> jill and tim, as always, thank you both. next, roe v. wade under attack on the 49th anniversary of the supreme court's decision. congressman barbara lee tells me what congress could and should do to preserve reproductive rights. plus, russia shows its muscle on the border with ukraine. what is the kremlin up to? what does putin really want? i'm going to talk to a former cia operative about it. but first richard lui with a look at the other big stories we're tracking right now. a winter wildfire broke out friday burning 1,500 acres and stretches from the mountains above big sur to the sea. hundreds forced to evacuation so far. nearly 20,000 without power. california officials now rolling out shelters to help those displaced. military aid from the united states arrived today in ukraine. today's shipment bolsters u.s. support for ukraine against russia as russian troops show muscle at the border. the kremlin denies its planning an invasion. new covid restrictions took effect at land crossings and ferry ports across the country. the united states now requires proof of vaccination for all non-u.s. citizens crossing border of canada and mexico. more "american voices" right after this short break. after this short break. nothing like a weekend in the woods. it's a good choice all around, like screening for colon cancer... when caught in early stages it's more treatable. i'm cologuard. i'm noninvasive... and i detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers... even in early stages. early stages. yep. it's for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. we're in. with relapsing forms of ms... ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. there's a lot to deal with. not just unpredictable relapses. all these other things too. it can all add up. kesimpta is a once-monthly at-home injection... that may help you put these rms challenges in their place. kesimpta was proven superior at reducing the rate of relapses, active lesions, and slowing disability progression vs aubagio. don't take kesimpta if you have hepatitis b, and tell your doctor if you have had it, as it could come back. kesimpta can cause serious side effects, including infections. while no cases of pml were reported in rms clinical trials, it could happen. tell your doctor if you had or plan to have vaccines, or if you are or plan to become pregnant. kesimpta may cause a decrease in some types of antibodies. the most common side effects are upper respiratory tract infection, headache, and injection reactions. ready for an at-home treatment with dramatic results? it's time to ask your doctor about kesimpta. today marks 49 years since the supreme court ruled on roe v. wade. roe reaches 50 is anyone's guess. as we fight against reproductive fight, it rages on. more than half of the states are certain or likely to ban abortions. nearly five months now that's been the reality on the ground in texas. on thursday the supreme court allowed the state's ban on abortions after six weeks, as abortion providers continue to fight the law in court. how can democrats stand up for reproductive rights as republican find new ways to restrict access? joining me to discuss, congresswoman barbara lee. thank you for your time. i'll start with the immediate right following the supreme court's decision to let the abortion law stay in place for now. justice sotomayor wrote in her dissent a disaster for the rule of law and a grave disservice to women in texas with the right to control their own bodies. weigh in on this decision from the court. >> thank you, alicia. first of all, glad to be with you this afternoon, and i think what we have to recognize is that two-thirds of the public want to uphold roe versus wade, first of all. secondly, whether you agree or not to abortion here, it's a woman's right, and the supreme court justice sotomayor was absolutely correct. it's your right to control your own bodies and make your own personal health care decisions. politicians should not do that. so that is why we're ready, if the supreme court rules to overturn roe versus wade by the cases before them, come probably june, we have the women's health protection act, which congresswoman judy chu had the vision to see where we would probably be. she introduced this in 2013. so we have 200 and some, 215 i think, house co-sponsors and 47 senate co-sponsor and hoping senator shuman brings this up in the senate. i am the co-chair with congresswoman diana degette of the pro-choice caucus. the largest pro-choice caucus ever in the history of the country. so now is the time to act and to organize and in fact we're ready to move forward to hopefully make sure we codify roe versus wade into law. >> you referenced public opinion upholding roe v. wade. and, yet, we have seen for decades how republicans have used it to activate, to motivate their base. how do democrats fight back heading into this year's midterms? >> first of all, so many women, so many people in our country, really don't know a world without roe. and, in fact, when the supreme court, if it rules against, or against roe, which is what it may do, then, in fact, i think all of a sudden people who thought this would always be, will recognize their fundamental constitutional rights are being taken away, and i do believe this will galvanize and help organize people who really hadn't thought about the risks and the harms that could be done, or that would be done in a world without roe. so hopefully we'll be able to make sure that the, one, the women's health protection act is passed, but secondly, that we hold people accountable. hold elected officials accountable, because this is a constitutional right and i believe one of the first times that a constitutional right has been taken away. so this is a wake-up call and republicans have been trying to undercut and get to this point for years. well, we're ready and the right to reproductive health care, which includes abortion care is a right, a constitutional right, and we're going to fight to make sure it's maintained. >> congresswoman, to your point about holding leaders accountable. voting today to censure senator kristen sinema for "failure to do whatever it takes to ensure the health of our democracy." your thoughts? >> well, have we have to hold elected officials accountable. voting rights is a fundamental constitutional right and these states taking away the right, the fundamental constitutional right to vote, are really trying to take us back to the days of jim crow, and beyond. so anyone who stops the movement towards preserving our democracy, which is quite frankly very fragile right now, needs to be held accountable. regardless who they are. regardless what party. the voting rights act had been supported by republicans and democrats in the past. i was at the white house when president bush signed the renewal of the voting rights act. there are 16 senators now, republicans, who were there and who voted for it last time. so it's unacceptable for anyone to be on the side of taking away the constitutional rights for black people, for people of color, for young people, for people who live in rural communities. for women. this is a very dangerous moment. over 400 laws have been passed now in the states to deny access to the ballot box. so we have to hold everyone accountable regardless of what party they are in. >> congresswoman barbara lee. as always, thank you for your time. still ahead, mitch's slip of the tongue. minority leader says who he thinks are the real americans. and talking about the economy. how democrats can win that messaging war. messaging war. for strong protection, that's always discreet. question your protection. try always discreet. age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients i earn 5% cash back on travel purchased through chase with chase freedom unlimited. i earn 5% on our cabin. hello cashback! hello, kevin hart! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? 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>> i make kyrsten sinema doesn't care about the worries she ignored for sake of corporate lobbyists finally said enough is enough. you would think kyrsten sinema, a democrat who literally took these people's votes, their time, their campaign, their energy, but i don't think she cares. safe until 2024 and will have a golden parachute out to co-host "the view." that is my prediction. >> you know i always appreciate someone who has a good prediction. aishya, back to comments from mitch mcconnell about african american voters being somehow different from american voters. your thoughts? >> you know, here's the thing. we know mitch mcconnell is a racist. mitch mcconnell has said a lot of really ridiculous things in the past. what jumped out at me he said in those same breaths was that nothing actually is wrong with the elections. also he then went on to say not only are black people voting everybody is voting and voter turnout at an all-time high since 1900. this is what mitch mcconnell admitted to. he also went on to say that, you know, if we don't have any problem here, like i don't understand what the democrats are so mad about. end of the day, he thinks the democrats are just mad and trying to set up the elections in a way they are federalized. next thing that jumped out for me. because here is what they don't want to talk about. what would happen if we actually had national rules for voting that were consistent and the same across states? you know what would happen? white people, republicans, wouldn't be able to gain the system, change the rules, and rig elections. that is what they really want to do. seems to me it makes sense we actually have a national agreed upon set of rules for every state to conduct elections. they don't want to do that because they're trying to preserve white minority rule. that's the conversation that mitch and the rest of them don't want to have, because right now his colleagues in the united states senate represent 43 million less people than the democrats represent, and yet they are wielding out-sized power and control over our process. if we wanted to make this fair, we're all americans. actually represented in an equal way, then we would unrig the senate. and would have to do that by having nationalized sense of fairness in rules of elections. that's what they don't want to talk about here. >> i could hear you violently agreeing, if i couldn't see you violently agreeing. but i want to add layer to it saying "washington post" columnist argued also happening because we're seeing an increase in black political power. writes, we're in the midst of an aggressive -- senate's rejection of a comprehensive voting rights bill wednesday night. leaves in place pernicious elements of that backlash and confirms black political power in the united states remains subject to reversal from the nation's white majority. i missed some of that there, but you get the general law. isn't just coming out of nowhere. this is coming as a reaction to the growth of black political power. >> just like it always was. right? we're witnessing the death rattle of white supremacy a death march. every time the country take as step closer towards equality and protection of the -- doesn't have asterisk next to a black name what do we see? white lash and white rage. and you saw the election of senator warnock, how does this happen? we tried so hard with brian kemp to suppress votes. we hurt so many of these black and brown votes, and, yet, they came out, persisted. during a pandemic in record numbers. and gave joe biden the election. black and brown voters, across america, in arizona, in georgia, in the rust belt where apparently the real americans who don't look like me and aieysha because we're not real, authentic, main stream. americans with asterisk on it have to make sure it never happens again. how? suppress black and brown voters especially in states like georgia, arizona, like the rust belt making sure we have white minority rule. the question everyone should ask, 50 republican senators and manchin and sinema, aren't you a senator? for robe but democracy? voter suppression happening in 19 states also affects white voters. real americans. some of your base. why are you against voting rights? it's because game the system, suppress black and brown votes. gerrymandering, disinformation. white minority rule for the next 40 years. >> i wonder, aishya, how you rev voters up to be asking the questions just posited? to be asking, all 50 of you and the two of you, why are you doing this? why does it, how does it affect my life? right? that people begin to ask that question regardless whether or not of their voter color? >> i think one of the things we can do to educate voters, then thereby rev them up. those in the media need to ask the right questions of these united states senators complete and total hypocrites. in 2006 you had significant number of republicans who actually supported the reauthorization of the voting rights act including mitch. mitch back then said if it's not broke, don't fix it. then went on the to say the voting rights act did a lot of great things to bridge the gap with voting, it's fair, blah, blah, blah, and supported it. what exactly is different today than back in 2006? i think we need to get them all on the record to answer that question, including sinema, manchin and other democrat whose would have said they supported it back then, too. >> as always, thank you. can we put the book cover up one more time. finally out next week. title "go back to where you came from: and other helpful recommendations on how to become an american." title seems more impressive than ever. thank you both. tensions simmering between the u.s. and russia ober ukraine. a former cia operative what is holding russia back from invading, at least for now. later, a strategist, hoping that democrats take notice of what happens to latino voters? that's next. tino voters? tino voters? that's next. we have to be able to repair the enamel on a daily basis. t, we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. it's innovative. my go to toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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>> thank you for having me on. i think, really, he wants two things to over simplify it. he wants a completely neutral ukraine or a ukraine that is sovereign to russia. i believe he's leaning towards the latter. he wants it sovereign to russia. a nor report indicating he has people to go, ready to reinstate a parliamentary government back into ukraine and most are those are people who fled ukraine to moscow in 2014. i think putin already knows, knew months ago, how he wanted this to end, and i think, really, the way we know that is by looking at timing of this. he is doing this at a very tenuous time especially for the u.s. and nato. we have our previous administration under trump really kind of questioning article v of nato, attack on one is an attack on all. will everyone come to our aid or ukraine's aid? right now we have a precarious sort of relationship with france. whereas russia's really strengthening a lot of its relationships. and really sort of tightening energy supply to europe and showing them how dependent they are on russia. so i think it's really getting into the mind-set and the idea this guy was a spy. that's what he did. he understands how to play this chess game. >> former white house director of global engagement says, quote, the russian reader need to hear we will you'd absolutely every technique at our disposal to push his forces out of ukraine." do you agree? >> i do agree. i believe, i listened to biden's speech as well and i think sort of the misspeaking about a slight incursion into ukraine would yield sort of this kind of consequence sort of missteps like that do embolden putin and do quite frankly give him insight to us and somewhat unorganized and reactionary and defensive we are. >> timeline shifted in the past 48 hours or so as we look towards next week. what is it you're watching for? >> i'm watching for are non-essential embassy folks starting to leave ukraine. that has been discussed at length. also the arrival of the 200,000 pounds of ammunition from our baltic allies into ukraine. and i'm also sort of looking to see what the ukrainian armies are doing, and how they are stepping up training. also, really is putin going to move more troops into the border area in belarus he has them in now? is this really just a military exercise, which i obviously do not think it is. >> former director of europe an affairs says war is inevitable. do you agree? >> i listened to him earlier. i actually fully agree with him that the u.s. approach to this has been very much reactionary and very much defense. we're reacting to every putin is doing rather than having a plan of attack and understanding him. just like he's trying to understand us. for me, i do feel at some point war is inevitable. look, we had him annexing crimea and other regions. i think at some point that this is going to come to a head. >> thank you so much for your insights. next, on "american voices," exclusive sneak peek at a new strategy democrats could put into place to win latino voters. into place to win latino voters . ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ they say durable is the new black. okay, no one say that. 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(vo) for me, one of the best things about life is that we keep moving forward. we discover exciting new technologies. redefine who we are and how we want to lead our lives. basically, choose what we want our future to look like. so what's yours going to be? kim is now demonstrating her congestion. save it slimeball. i've upgraded to mucinex. we still have 12 hours to australia. mucinex lasts 12 hours, so i'm good. now move! kim, no! mucinex lasts 3x longer for 12 hours. well, would you look at that? jerry, you gotta see this. seen it. trust me, after 15 walks... gets a little old. i really should be retired by now. wish i'd invested when i had the chance... to the moon! ugh. unbelievable. healthier starts when excuses end. what? it's too windy. right now at cvs, get $10 in extrabucks rewards when you spend $30 on select wellness support products. with this offer, there's no room for excuses. oh, man, that's a whole lot of wrinkly. at least my shoes look good! help prevent wrinkles with bounce wrinkleguard, the megasheet with three times the wrinkle fighting ingredients. now to an "american voices" exclusive. a new memo from two latino voter advocacy groups revealing two critical the issues are vital heading into the november midterms's joining me, senior adviser for latinx and good to see you both. ben, latinos are not a monolith. can't believe i just said that out loud. what are you seeing as biggest concern among latino voters at this time. >> first of all, good afternoon and thank you for inviting us to the show, but quite frankly what we see in the latino community is suffering for years and years of professions that have not been kept and action is necessary. right now we know our community is definitely impacted by the covid, frustration. we definitely know we need to move forward and figure how to make things better in our community. the issues impacting our community at this particular point, and they are expecting action from the elected officials. >> ben, you've done this work a long time. longer than most, and there are certain trend lines that stay exactly the same and there are certain moments like this pandemic that reshape the political moment that we're in. what most surprised you as you were looking at this data? >> well, what surprised me is the fact that it looks that we are losing the expectations of people from the political parties. what i mean with that is for years, it has been that if you vote, you expect changes, you have promises that not have been kept. in the last four years with the pandemic and the donald trump administration there was a lot of expectations and hope that this year is the year of the change and i think that we still see the opportunity to do that, because the community is looking for changes that not only in economic, climate and health care and what i have seen happen is the expectations are getting lower and the community, they don't know at this point which way are we going to go? it is like they've been promised. what do we do and the choices we have is three choices, we continue doing the same that hasn't produced, we stop participating which is not an option for me and unfortunately the republican party has no agenda that can give it to us. >> put on your democratic strategist hat, right, and take all that information about the way latino voters are looking at the parties and talk about build back better. there is now a conversation about pulling apart build back better into separate pieces of policy. what is in there that could benefit latino voters and resonate with them? >> yes, thanks again for having me here this evening. so i think one issue that latino voters don't hear enough about is the agenda around climate change. it is a top issue for latinos. consistent polling has shown that over 80% of latinos not only are concerned about climate, but also want to see action around it and are willing to support candidates and policy propositions that actually do something around climate change and i think it is a great opportunity for democrats to talk to this community about what they're doing. in terms of the build back better act it would be a transformational piece of legislation when we talk about climate because it would create better jobs with better wages, it would actually lower energy costs and most importantly i think also it would improve sort of our communities by reducing pollution and hopefully also improving our health outcomes so i think this is an issue that does not get talked about enough in the community but is definitely a concern along with the economy and covid and other top issues for latinos. >> i think about, vanessa, something congressman clyburn said, if democrats continue to talk about what they didn't do instead of talking about what it is they did do, what it is they have been i believe to deliver, if they are not out there talking every day about the infrastructure bill, then as he said they deserve to lose in the midterms. part of this, of course, is about policy. it is about delivering. another piece of this, vanessa, as you well mow is messaging. where does the message need to shift and change? >> well, i think, listen, there is no super bullet. i think we need to do all things when it comes to the latino community, be present, communicate with them, not just about the achievements so far but also about our vision for our country and we also need to have like i said presence at the local level. i think this administration is doing a good job with international groups and should continue doing that which is important but also need to have conversations at the state level where people are really feeling the brunt of the pandemic, so i believe that it's not just a messaging problem, that is part, but we need to be aggressively out there communicating again the gains, the progress but also talking about the vision that we have for our country when it comes to this issue like economy and climate change. >> thanks for bringing it to us. next, the proposed fix to address the pay gap. stay with us. proposed fix to address the pay gap. address the pay gap. stay we're out. living with diabetes? glucerna protein sma with r with 30 grams of protein. scientifically designed with carbsteady to help you manage your blood sugar. and more protein to keep you moving with diabetes. glucerna live every moment psoriasis really messes with you. try. hope. fail. i felt defeated. the pain, the stares. no one should suffer like that. i said, enough. i started cosentyx®. five years clear. four years clear. five years and counting. cosentyx works fast. for clear skin that can last. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections some serious, and a lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. best move i ever made. i feel so much better. see me. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. amazing. jerry, you gotta to see this. seen it. trust me, after 15 walks... gets a little old. ugh as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ there is nothing quite like the online phenomenon of high-profile people wading into topics they know little about and proposing solutions that make absolutely no sense. exhibit a, the new debate over artificial wombs. this all started with a forlorn elon musk fretting over the coming collapse of earth's population. elon's fellow thinkers chimed in, artificial wombs, a very tech solution to the 300,000-year-old human tradition of giving birth. then this gem of a tweet from a 27-year-old co-founder suggesting artificial wombs could close the pay gap between men and women. this is, of course, ridiculous and cited this chart, yes, it is a huge problem and gets much, much worse after men and women have kids but it was written, perhaps spending years and years on developing a synthetic womb to outsource nine months of labor while ignoring the rest of the 18 years of raising is a little shortsighted but i don't know what i expect from someone who would literally rather colonize another planet than spend less money to make this one better that devalues domestic work and care and the imbalance of caregiving that still exists in most families. we can have robots that can vacuum your floor but rosie from "the jetsons," cleaning, cooking, taking care of your kids, we're not quite there. we have a solution that doesn't need billions of dollars. we could invest in child care or, you know, we can just continue to distract ourselves watching rich guys tweet at each other on the internet and with that, that is all the time i have for today. i'm alicia menendez. see you tomorrow, 6:00 p.m. eastern for more "american voices." for now i hand it over to my colleague, ayman mohyeldin. hey, ayman. >> thank you for that important segment there because as you know very well, being a parent of young -- of young children, myself, it is impossible to do it alone. you do need help and don't understand why we as an advanced country still struggle to offer young parents and parents in this country the chance to take care of their kids with whatever help and support we can. >> we keep acting as though we'll find individual solutions to the systemwide problem. it's failing us. >> yeah, incredible. alicia, thank you so much. enjoy the rest of your evening. good evening to you at home. welcome to "ayman."

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Transcripts For MSNBC American Voices With Alicia Menendez 20240708 :

Transcripts For MSNBC American Voices With Alicia Menendez 20240708

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arizona democrats turning on the senator, holding her on notice. welcome to a new hour of "american voices." thanks for being with us. i'm alicia menendez. we begin this hour with the legal fights facing the trump family on multiple fronts. two of them huge. one involving the beloved family business. another, attack on the u.s. capitol. start with the civil investigation into the trump organization. two trump children, ivanka, don jr. and their dad, fighting subpoenas from new york attorney general letitia james. she's seeking documents and testimony as part of a civil tax fraud investigation into the trump org's business practices. the big question she is working to answer, did trump and his family inflate value of assets for tax breaks and loans? the trumps may be fighting, but attorney general james fighting, too. she tweeted, quote, over two years of delay tactics won't stop our investigation because no one is above the law. as for investigating the attack on the u.s. capitol, the want to know what ivanka knows. asked for voluntary testimony what was happening inside the white house that day and why it took so long for the former president to call off his supporters. last night on msnbc, committee member pete aguilar explained why ivanka is such a critical witness. >> ivanka trump was there in the room with the former president as a lot of this was happening as well as during conversations when the former president called vice president pence to continue to pressure campaign up until the morning of january 6th. so she heard at least one side of that conversation. and so we feel that she has something to share. we feel that will help made our efforts. if someone was truly concerned about protecting democracy, they would come before our committee willingly and voluntarily. >> the independent tonight writing about the stakes before the former first daughter writing "ivanka faced with a stark choice. tell the truth or go to prison for perjury. for the first time in perhaps her entire life, her father can't protect her from having to speak honestly." joining me now, former prosecutor, co-hosts of the #sistersinlaw and a podcast. also with us, senior columnist for bloomberg opinion, tim o'brien and author of "trump nation." start with the supreme court rejecting donald trump's request to keep the record from the january 6th committee. we're watching that play out this week. congressman jamie raskin tweeting out, if the former president has no executive privilege to hide evidence of an attempted coup or insurrection, neither do his family or friends. ivanka was with donald trump as the attack unfolded, she is a material fact witness. what position does this all put ivanka? >> first of all i got a tweet answering my tweet, stop saying family and friends. first of all, she was an employee. >> she was an employee. you are correct about that. they are correct about that. >> secondly, she's a co-conspirator, possibly. so we should not call his colleague, friends, family that. we should call them co-conspirators, but this is not a surprise. u.s. v. nixon, the case in watergate saying that president nix had to turn over the white house tapes applied here, and there was no question in my mind that ivanka would have to testify and turn over documents, the former president has to do the same, that every single other person. the former president, richard nixon, while he was president, did not have an executive privilege to prevent his having to answer to the law. and that means that if he didn't, neither does a former president. so it's very good news for all of the people who are trying to get documents and testimony from all of the collaborators in what happened on and before january 6th, and in every other episode that has to do with taking care of overturning the election that includes the georgia case of calling raffensperger and every other aspect of trying to prevent a peaceful transfer of power. >> can a former adviser to melania trump, had this to say ivanka this week on msnbc. take a listen. >> the trumps do not care, unfortunately what is true and what is not, because they do believe they're above the law. ivanka, same thing as what happened during the presidential inauguration. she was deeply involved. she knew the details. she was someone who was, you know, on the phone making sure that her father was happy and that everything was taken care of. for she to not show up when asked to appear before this committee is just disgraceful, and i doubt she will even, if she does show up, she's not going to tell the truth. >> author of "trump nation." two questions. whether or not she shows up and, two, the question if she shows up, does she tell the truth. >> well, i think she's going to be compelled to show up. at some point it's not their choice whether or not to show up. eric trump tried to avoid the same subpoena in the new york attorney general's investigation that ivanka just got. and after months of diterring around, they put him on a chair. we know now eric took the fifth 500 times during a six-hour deposition because i'm sure he has nothing to hide. if, you know, the trumps believe the transparency and the fact record wasn't a problem for them, they'd be more forthcoming. you can't avoid this permanently. you have a public prosecutor who has just as much patience as they do, and she has the resources to continue pursuing them. i think the second issue, you know, the trumps have run-ins with law enforcement about as frequently as most other families go grocery shopping. you know, they're thrifty, malfeasance. whether or not prosecutors can prove what they have done rises to the level of fraud is a high bar. they've got a lot of work to do. they clearly have a lot of evidence. but they have to prove the trumps knew what they were doing is illegal and chose to do it anyway. some evidence that came out in leticia james' court filings this week, you know, indicated that donald trump himself signed off on some of the paperwork, where they were inflating assets. but, again, we don't know what some of conversations were around those documents. she also said she doesn't think the trump organization is going to be forthcoming enough with evidence tied directly to donald trump. i think you're going to start to see this vice squeeze in. the trumps will happily throw underlings under the but as this gets hotter. the question, whether or not the family members will turn on one another, as it goes up the food chain. secondly, just inflating your assets or deflating them to get a loan from a bank in and of itself may not be a fraud, unless the bank did and unless the bank was defrauded and unless the trumps themselves knew they were trying to commit a fraud. when we litigated with trump at that time saying he was worth about $6 billion. my sources said he was worth $3.5. my book full of instances inflating his assets. banks in that case, got their financial records. at a time when trump told deutsche bank, they thought $788. he said worth billions. i don't know what a con artist he is, but he's burned banks so many times i think they would have their guard up. a different issue with tax authorities, i think, though, too. >> it strikes me so much of the work of the 1/6 committee is about accountability so much of the work of what is happening in this civil case is also about accountability for sure. no one being above the law. there also, though, is the second layer, which is this perception question. right? so much of trump's appeal to voters how he presented himself as a supposedly successful businessman. just laid out the case for why he was not as successful as he purported to be. how can james' case in new york unravel that public perception? can it? >> i don't know it's going to -- i think his public perception broadly is who he is. he's a grifter and a con man. i don't know that matters a wit to his most ardent supporters. manhattan d.a.'s case has existential consequences to it. donald trump and perhaps his children could end up in orange jumpsuits. if that case goes the full route. that's not going to be the case with leticia james' prosecution. that's a civil case. i also think the georgia case has an existential threat. donald trump acting like a war dealer called up the secretary of state and said, find me some votes. proof of that. evidence. those three cases, plus january 6th, if they take the evidence, january 6th committee, take the evidence they have and make a criminal request to the justice department and merrick garland does what he should do, that's where rubber meets the road. we just don't know yet. >> jill, i have about a minute left, but i want to hear from you on what accountability would look like here. >> accountability would look like the company going bankrupt, because of the fines and being put out of business in the civil suit by attorney general james. it would look like criminal convictions or crimes committed to upset our democracy to overturn the election. i think there's a lot for them to worry about, and the subpoenas are valid. they are going to have to answer. they can claim the fifth amendment, but that's politically dangerous a device to use, because even the most loyal trump supporters might be a little repulsed if they do not testify and they claim the fifth amendment. >> jill and tim, as always, thank you both. next, roe v. wade under attack on the 49th anniversary of the supreme court's decision. congressman barbara lee tells me what congress could and should do to preserve reproductive rights. plus, russia shows its muscle on the border with ukraine. what is the kremlin up to? what does putin really want? i'm going to talk to a former cia operative about it. but first richard lui with a look at the other big stories we're tracking right now. a winter wildfire broke out friday burning 1,500 acres and stretches from the mountains above big sur to the sea. hundreds forced to evacuation so far. nearly 20,000 without power. california officials now rolling out shelters to help those displaced. military aid from the united states arrived today in ukraine. today's shipment bolsters u.s. support for ukraine against russia as russian troops show muscle at the border. the kremlin denies its planning an invasion. new covid restrictions took effect at land crossings and ferry ports across the country. the united states now requires proof of vaccination for all non-u.s. citizens crossing border of canada and mexico. more "american voices" right after this short break. after this short break. nothing like a weekend in the woods. it's a good choice all around, like screening for colon cancer... when caught in early stages it's more treatable. i'm cologuard. i'm noninvasive... and i detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers... even in early stages. early stages. yep. it's for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. we're in. with relapsing forms of ms... ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. there's a lot to deal with. not just unpredictable relapses. all these other things too. it can all add up. kesimpta is a once-monthly at-home injection... that may help you put these rms challenges in their place. kesimpta was proven superior at reducing the rate of relapses, active lesions, and slowing disability progression vs aubagio. don't take kesimpta if you have hepatitis b, and tell your doctor if you have had it, as it could come back. kesimpta can cause serious side effects, including infections. while no cases of pml were reported in rms clinical trials, it could happen. tell your doctor if you had or plan to have vaccines, or if you are or plan to become pregnant. kesimpta may cause a decrease in some types of antibodies. the most common side effects are upper respiratory tract infection, headache, and injection reactions. ready for an at-home treatment with dramatic results? it's time to ask your doctor about kesimpta. today marks 49 years since the supreme court ruled on roe v. wade. roe reaches 50 is anyone's guess. as we fight against reproductive fight, it rages on. more than half of the states are certain or likely to ban abortions. nearly five months now that's been the reality on the ground in texas. on thursday the supreme court allowed the state's ban on abortions after six weeks, as abortion providers continue to fight the law in court. how can democrats stand up for reproductive rights as republican find new ways to restrict access? joining me to discuss, congresswoman barbara lee. thank you for your time. i'll start with the immediate right following the supreme court's decision to let the abortion law stay in place for now. justice sotomayor wrote in her dissent a disaster for the rule of law and a grave disservice to women in texas with the right to control their own bodies. weigh in on this decision from the court. >> thank you, alicia. first of all, glad to be with you this afternoon, and i think what we have to recognize is that two-thirds of the public want to uphold roe versus wade, first of all. secondly, whether you agree or not to abortion here, it's a woman's right, and the supreme court justice sotomayor was absolutely correct. it's your right to control your own bodies and make your own personal health care decisions. politicians should not do that. so that is why we're ready, if the supreme court rules to overturn roe versus wade by the cases before them, come probably june, we have the women's health protection act, which congresswoman judy chu had the vision to see where we would probably be. she introduced this in 2013. so we have 200 and some, 215 i think, house co-sponsors and 47 senate co-sponsor and hoping senator shuman brings this up in the senate. i am the co-chair with congresswoman diana degette of the pro-choice caucus. the largest pro-choice caucus ever in the history of the country. so now is the time to act and to organize and in fact we're ready to move forward to hopefully make sure we codify roe versus wade into law. >> you referenced public opinion upholding roe v. wade. and, yet, we have seen for decades how republicans have used it to activate, to motivate their base. how do democrats fight back heading into this year's midterms? >> first of all, so many women, so many people in our country, really don't know a world without roe. and, in fact, when the supreme court, if it rules against, or against roe, which is what it may do, then, in fact, i think all of a sudden people who thought this would always be, will recognize their fundamental constitutional rights are being taken away, and i do believe this will galvanize and help organize people who really hadn't thought about the risks and the harms that could be done, or that would be done in a world without roe. so hopefully we'll be able to make sure that the, one, the women's health protection act is passed, but secondly, that we hold people accountable. hold elected officials accountable, because this is a constitutional right and i believe one of the first times that a constitutional right has been taken away. so this is a wake-up call and republicans have been trying to undercut and get to this point for years. well, we're ready and the right to reproductive health care, which includes abortion care is a right, a constitutional right, and we're going to fight to make sure it's maintained. >> congresswoman, to your point about holding leaders accountable. voting today to censure senator kristen sinema for "failure to do whatever it takes to ensure the health of our democracy." your thoughts? >> well, have we have to hold elected officials accountable. voting rights is a fundamental constitutional right and these states taking away the right, the fundamental constitutional right to vote, are really trying to take us back to the days of jim crow, and beyond. so anyone who stops the movement towards preserving our democracy, which is quite frankly very fragile right now, needs to be held accountable. regardless who they are. regardless what party. the voting rights act had been supported by republicans and democrats in the past. i was at the white house when president bush signed the renewal of the voting rights act. there are 16 senators now, republicans, who were there and who voted for it last time. so it's unacceptable for anyone to be on the side of taking away the constitutional rights for black people, for people of color, for young people, for people who live in rural communities. for women. this is a very dangerous moment. over 400 laws have been passed now in the states to deny access to the ballot box. so we have to hold everyone accountable regardless of what party they are in. >> congresswoman barbara lee. as always, thank you for your time. still ahead, mitch's slip of the tongue. minority leader says who he thinks are the real americans. and talking about the economy. how democrats can win that messaging war. messaging war. for strong protection, that's always discreet. question your protection. try always discreet. age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients i earn 5% cash back on travel purchased through chase with chase freedom unlimited. i earn 5% on our cabin. hello cashback! hello, kevin hart! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? 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>> i make kyrsten sinema doesn't care about the worries she ignored for sake of corporate lobbyists finally said enough is enough. you would think kyrsten sinema, a democrat who literally took these people's votes, their time, their campaign, their energy, but i don't think she cares. safe until 2024 and will have a golden parachute out to co-host "the view." that is my prediction. >> you know i always appreciate someone who has a good prediction. aishya, back to comments from mitch mcconnell about african american voters being somehow different from american voters. your thoughts? >> you know, here's the thing. we know mitch mcconnell is a racist. mitch mcconnell has said a lot of really ridiculous things in the past. what jumped out at me he said in those same breaths was that nothing actually is wrong with the elections. also he then went on to say not only are black people voting everybody is voting and voter turnout at an all-time high since 1900. this is what mitch mcconnell admitted to. he also went on to say that, you know, if we don't have any problem here, like i don't understand what the democrats are so mad about. end of the day, he thinks the democrats are just mad and trying to set up the elections in a way they are federalized. next thing that jumped out for me. because here is what they don't want to talk about. what would happen if we actually had national rules for voting that were consistent and the same across states? you know what would happen? white people, republicans, wouldn't be able to gain the system, change the rules, and rig elections. that is what they really want to do. seems to me it makes sense we actually have a national agreed upon set of rules for every state to conduct elections. they don't want to do that because they're trying to preserve white minority rule. that's the conversation that mitch and the rest of them don't want to have, because right now his colleagues in the united states senate represent 43 million less people than the democrats represent, and yet they are wielding out-sized power and control over our process. if we wanted to make this fair, we're all americans. actually represented in an equal way, then we would unrig the senate. and would have to do that by having nationalized sense of fairness in rules of elections. that's what they don't want to talk about here. >> i could hear you violently agreeing, if i couldn't see you violently agreeing. but i want to add layer to it saying "washington post" columnist argued also happening because we're seeing an increase in black political power. writes, we're in the midst of an aggressive -- senate's rejection of a comprehensive voting rights bill wednesday night. leaves in place pernicious elements of that backlash and confirms black political power in the united states remains subject to reversal from the nation's white majority. i missed some of that there, but you get the general law. isn't just coming out of nowhere. this is coming as a reaction to the growth of black political power. >> just like it always was. right? we're witnessing the death rattle of white supremacy a death march. every time the country take as step closer towards equality and protection of the -- doesn't have asterisk next to a black name what do we see? white lash and white rage. and you saw the election of senator warnock, how does this happen? we tried so hard with brian kemp to suppress votes. we hurt so many of these black and brown votes, and, yet, they came out, persisted. during a pandemic in record numbers. and gave joe biden the election. black and brown voters, across america, in arizona, in georgia, in the rust belt where apparently the real americans who don't look like me and aieysha because we're not real, authentic, main stream. americans with asterisk on it have to make sure it never happens again. how? suppress black and brown voters especially in states like georgia, arizona, like the rust belt making sure we have white minority rule. the question everyone should ask, 50 republican senators and manchin and sinema, aren't you a senator? for robe but democracy? voter suppression happening in 19 states also affects white voters. real americans. some of your base. why are you against voting rights? it's because game the system, suppress black and brown votes. gerrymandering, disinformation. white minority rule for the next 40 years. >> i wonder, aishya, how you rev voters up to be asking the questions just posited? to be asking, all 50 of you and the two of you, why are you doing this? why does it, how does it affect my life? right? that people begin to ask that question regardless whether or not of their voter color? >> i think one of the things we can do to educate voters, then thereby rev them up. those in the media need to ask the right questions of these united states senators complete and total hypocrites. in 2006 you had significant number of republicans who actually supported the reauthorization of the voting rights act including mitch. mitch back then said if it's not broke, don't fix it. then went on the to say the voting rights act did a lot of great things to bridge the gap with voting, it's fair, blah, blah, blah, and supported it. what exactly is different today than back in 2006? i think we need to get them all on the record to answer that question, including sinema, manchin and other democrat whose would have said they supported it back then, too. >> as always, thank you. can we put the book cover up one more time. finally out next week. title "go back to where you came from: and other helpful recommendations on how to become an american." title seems more impressive than ever. thank you both. tensions simmering between the u.s. and russia ober ukraine. a former cia operative what is holding russia back from invading, at least for now. later, a strategist, hoping that democrats take notice of what happens to latino voters? that's next. tino voters? tino voters? that's next. we have to be able to repair the enamel on a daily basis. t, we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. it's innovative. my go to toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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(vo) hello business on the go. bye-bye public wi-fi. 5g ultra wideband is faster and safer. would you look at rhea's real estate game? closing in low lag, crystal clear hd. it's a new day for more businesses! 5g ultra wideband is now in more and more places. verizon is going ultra, so your business can too. napoleon was born and raised to conquer. but he was just kind of over it, you know. watching prime video he realized he should follow his dreams. so he ordered a microphone with prime next day delivery. now the only thing he cared about conquering was his audience. prime changes everything. for now fears of a conflict with russia tampered after the kremlin agreed to continue talks with the united states over the future of ukraine. secretary of state maintaining the administration's position warning any incursion by russia over ukraine the border would be a "renewed invasion with a severe response." more from sky news chief correspondent stuart ramsey. >> reporter: 1,000 miles long divided by trenches and in places a thin metal fence and berm. the right-hand side is russia. a few miles away thousands across freezing fields and drifting snow, russian soldiers, tanks and missile systems awaiting for orders. ukrainian border patrol says they continuously monitor russian movements towards them. on the face of it, they seem fairly unfazed by the prospect. >> reporter: as we filmed near the fence a russian border patrol passed nearby. patrol passed nearby the two sides are that close. put it in perspective how close we are to russia, that is the russian border security patrolling. we're on the ukrainian side and there they are. both sides right next to each other, as you can see. didn't expect to see it. i have to be honest. but the ukrainians say they do the same job as them, and they do see each other quite often. of course, not with this sort of underlying tension that the world is seeing right now. and that tension deepened here in the regional capital, where ukraine's president thought this country's second city could well be targeted by president putin if he decides to invade. young professionals like viktor and julia say they, like all their friends, are genuinely scared now. julia volunteered to become a battlefield medic. >> like, on the edge of something very terrible and scary. so -- yes. i can say i'm scared. >> you know russians, they threat war, but ukraine is, yeah, i agree with viktor. in case if someone tries to take our freedom again, we will fight back. >> reporter: what a full-scale invasion would look like isn't known. russian tanks could come across these frozen farmlands. what's equally unknown, how long the ukrainian army can resist. stuart ramsey, sky news, reporting from eastern ukraine. more what the end game of putin is bring in a former cia operative and author of a book "the unexpected spy. from the cia to the fbi. my secret life tracking down terrorists." talk to us about putin's motivations. what he wants out of a conflict with ukraine? >> thank you for having me on. i think, really, he wants two things to over simplify it. he wants a completely neutral ukraine or a ukraine that is sovereign to russia. i believe he's leaning towards the latter. he wants it sovereign to russia. a nor report indicating he has people to go, ready to reinstate a parliamentary government back into ukraine and most are those are people who fled ukraine to moscow in 2014. i think putin already knows, knew months ago, how he wanted this to end, and i think, really, the way we know that is by looking at timing of this. he is doing this at a very tenuous time especially for the u.s. and nato. we have our previous administration under trump really kind of questioning article v of nato, attack on one is an attack on all. will everyone come to our aid or ukraine's aid? right now we have a precarious sort of relationship with france. whereas russia's really strengthening a lot of its relationships. and really sort of tightening energy supply to europe and showing them how dependent they are on russia. so i think it's really getting into the mind-set and the idea this guy was a spy. that's what he did. he understands how to play this chess game. >> former white house director of global engagement says, quote, the russian reader need to hear we will you'd absolutely every technique at our disposal to push his forces out of ukraine." do you agree? >> i do agree. i believe, i listened to biden's speech as well and i think sort of the misspeaking about a slight incursion into ukraine would yield sort of this kind of consequence sort of missteps like that do embolden putin and do quite frankly give him insight to us and somewhat unorganized and reactionary and defensive we are. >> timeline shifted in the past 48 hours or so as we look towards next week. what is it you're watching for? >> i'm watching for are non-essential embassy folks starting to leave ukraine. that has been discussed at length. also the arrival of the 200,000 pounds of ammunition from our baltic allies into ukraine. and i'm also sort of looking to see what the ukrainian armies are doing, and how they are stepping up training. also, really is putin going to move more troops into the border area in belarus he has them in now? is this really just a military exercise, which i obviously do not think it is. >> former director of europe an affairs says war is inevitable. do you agree? >> i listened to him earlier. i actually fully agree with him that the u.s. approach to this has been very much reactionary and very much defense. we're reacting to every putin is doing rather than having a plan of attack and understanding him. just like he's trying to understand us. for me, i do feel at some point war is inevitable. look, we had him annexing crimea and other regions. i think at some point that this is going to come to a head. >> thank you so much for your insights. next, on "american voices," exclusive sneak peek at a new strategy democrats could put into place to win latino voters. into place to win latino voters . ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ they say durable is the new black. okay, no one say that. 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(vo) for me, one of the best things about life is that we keep moving forward. we discover exciting new technologies. redefine who we are and how we want to lead our lives. basically, choose what we want our future to look like. so what's yours going to be? kim is now demonstrating her congestion. save it slimeball. i've upgraded to mucinex. we still have 12 hours to australia. mucinex lasts 12 hours, so i'm good. now move! kim, no! mucinex lasts 3x longer for 12 hours. well, would you look at that? jerry, you gotta see this. seen it. trust me, after 15 walks... gets a little old. i really should be retired by now. wish i'd invested when i had the chance... to the moon! ugh. unbelievable. healthier starts when excuses end. what? it's too windy. right now at cvs, get $10 in extrabucks rewards when you spend $30 on select wellness support products. with this offer, there's no room for excuses. oh, man, that's a whole lot of wrinkly. at least my shoes look good! help prevent wrinkles with bounce wrinkleguard, the megasheet with three times the wrinkle fighting ingredients. now to an "american voices" exclusive. a new memo from two latino voter advocacy groups revealing two critical the issues are vital heading into the november midterms's joining me, senior adviser for latinx and good to see you both. ben, latinos are not a monolith. can't believe i just said that out loud. what are you seeing as biggest concern among latino voters at this time. >> first of all, good afternoon and thank you for inviting us to the show, but quite frankly what we see in the latino community is suffering for years and years of professions that have not been kept and action is necessary. right now we know our community is definitely impacted by the covid, frustration. we definitely know we need to move forward and figure how to make things better in our community. the issues impacting our community at this particular point, and they are expecting action from the elected officials. >> ben, you've done this work a long time. longer than most, and there are certain trend lines that stay exactly the same and there are certain moments like this pandemic that reshape the political moment that we're in. what most surprised you as you were looking at this data? >> well, what surprised me is the fact that it looks that we are losing the expectations of people from the political parties. what i mean with that is for years, it has been that if you vote, you expect changes, you have promises that not have been kept. in the last four years with the pandemic and the donald trump administration there was a lot of expectations and hope that this year is the year of the change and i think that we still see the opportunity to do that, because the community is looking for changes that not only in economic, climate and health care and what i have seen happen is the expectations are getting lower and the community, they don't know at this point which way are we going to go? it is like they've been promised. what do we do and the choices we have is three choices, we continue doing the same that hasn't produced, we stop participating which is not an option for me and unfortunately the republican party has no agenda that can give it to us. >> put on your democratic strategist hat, right, and take all that information about the way latino voters are looking at the parties and talk about build back better. there is now a conversation about pulling apart build back better into separate pieces of policy. what is in there that could benefit latino voters and resonate with them? >> yes, thanks again for having me here this evening. so i think one issue that latino voters don't hear enough about is the agenda around climate change. it is a top issue for latinos. consistent polling has shown that over 80% of latinos not only are concerned about climate, but also want to see action around it and are willing to support candidates and policy propositions that actually do something around climate change and i think it is a great opportunity for democrats to talk to this community about what they're doing. in terms of the build back better act it would be a transformational piece of legislation when we talk about climate because it would create better jobs with better wages, it would actually lower energy costs and most importantly i think also it would improve sort of our communities by reducing pollution and hopefully also improving our health outcomes so i think this is an issue that does not get talked about enough in the community but is definitely a concern along with the economy and covid and other top issues for latinos. >> i think about, vanessa, something congressman clyburn said, if democrats continue to talk about what they didn't do instead of talking about what it is they did do, what it is they have been i believe to deliver, if they are not out there talking every day about the infrastructure bill, then as he said they deserve to lose in the midterms. part of this, of course, is about policy. it is about delivering. another piece of this, vanessa, as you well mow is messaging. where does the message need to shift and change? >> well, i think, listen, there is no super bullet. i think we need to do all things when it comes to the latino community, be present, communicate with them, not just about the achievements so far but also about our vision for our country and we also need to have like i said presence at the local level. i think this administration is doing a good job with international groups and should continue doing that which is important but also need to have conversations at the state level where people are really feeling the brunt of the pandemic, so i believe that it's not just a messaging problem, that is part, but we need to be aggressively out there communicating again the gains, the progress but also talking about the vision that we have for our country when it comes to this issue like economy and climate change. >> thanks for bringing it to us. next, the proposed fix to address the pay gap. stay with us. proposed fix to address the pay gap. address the pay gap. stay we're out. living with diabetes? 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♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ there is nothing quite like the online phenomenon of high-profile people wading into topics they know little about and proposing solutions that make absolutely no sense. exhibit a, the new debate over artificial wombs. this all started with a forlorn elon musk fretting over the coming collapse of earth's population. elon's fellow thinkers chimed in, artificial wombs, a very tech solution to the 300,000-year-old human tradition of giving birth. then this gem of a tweet from a 27-year-old co-founder suggesting artificial wombs could close the pay gap between men and women. this is, of course, ridiculous and cited this chart, yes, it is a huge problem and gets much, much worse after men and women have kids but it was written, perhaps spending years and years on developing a synthetic womb to outsource nine months of labor while ignoring the rest of the 18 years of raising is a little shortsighted but i don't know what i expect from someone who would literally rather colonize another planet than spend less money to make this one better that devalues domestic work and care and the imbalance of caregiving that still exists in most families. we can have robots that can vacuum your floor but rosie from "the jetsons," cleaning, cooking, taking care of your kids, we're not quite there. we have a solution that doesn't need billions of dollars. we could invest in child care or, you know, we can just continue to distract ourselves watching rich guys tweet at each other on the internet and with that, that is all the time i have for today. i'm alicia menendez. see you tomorrow, 6:00 p.m. eastern for more "american voices." for now i hand it over to my colleague, ayman mohyeldin. hey, ayman. >> thank you for that important segment there because as you know very well, being a parent of young -- of young children, myself, it is impossible to do it alone. you do need help and don't understand why we as an advanced country still struggle to offer young parents and parents in this country the chance to take care of their kids with whatever help and support we can. >> we keep acting as though we'll find individual solutions to the systemwide problem. it's failing us. >> yeah, incredible. alicia, thank you so much. enjoy the rest of your evening. good evening to you at home. welcome to "ayman."

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