Transcripts For MSNBC The ReidOut 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The ReidOut 20240709

implication for the former president. the supreme court rejected trump's effort to block administration's records from being sent to the january 6th committee. we'll have much more on that coming up. we begin tonight with the united states senate, one step closer to putting themselves on the historical record on voting rights. versus embracing the current phone in version of the filibuster. any minute now the senate is expected to begin a series of votes on voter protection legislation. which is expected to fail. teeing up majority leader chuck schumer's plan to move forward with a vote on a proposed filibuster rule change. that, too, is likely to fail since conservative democratic senator joe manchin in the tradition of the bonnie to his clyde krysten sinema reiterating his support for the 60 vote threshold with no requirement to do it in person. >> the united states senate has never in 233 years been able to end debate on legislation with a simple majority vote. allowing one party to exert complete control in the senate with a simple majority will only pour fuel on a political fire whiplash. eliminating the filibuster would be the easy way out. wasn't meant to be easy. i cannot support such a course for this nation when elected leaders are sent to washington to unite our country, not to divide our country. >> literally the same time that manchin was slamming the door in his face, president biden was at his press conference marking his first year in office and said that he is not willing to accept defeat. >> i think that there are a number of things we can do but i also think we will be able to get significant pieces of the legislation if we don't get it all now to build to get it so that we get a big chunk of the john lewis legislation as well as the fair election. >> during today's debate minority leader addison mitchell mcconnell that nuked the filibuster himself to steal three seats for the far right, two of whom joe manchin had no problem at all voting for without 60 votes tried to square monger by saying democrats are trying to silence millions of americans by breaking the senate. >> instead, they have been consumed by a fake panic over election laws that seem to exist only in their own imagination. this party line push has never been about securing citizens' rights, it's about expanding politician's power. that's why the bill tries to weaken voter id laws that are popular with americans of all races. >> to be clear, the party mitch mcconnell is actually referring to is the republican party. but far be it for the man who has done more than anyone to destroy the institution to acre knowledge what colorado democratic senator michael bennett called as the grim reaper has rocked. >> i haven't met anybody who thinks that their voice is meaningfully represented until the united states senate instead of special interest to the most powerful people. nobody. it's because we can't. all of them are blocked by senator mcconnell and his abuse of the senate rules. not some great tradition of the united states senate but his modern day abuse. his character of the senate rules. >> but back to the argument by that mitch, the reason national voter protection legislation is so critical is unfolding in front of our very eyes in texas where the republicans punitive law is already suppressing voters. new requirements for voter i.d. are leading some counties to reject as many as 40% of mail in ballots requested because the new law required new forms with an area to provide your address, social security or id number. not everyone got the form. applications of the wrong form are not acceptable for mail in ballot requests so they got tossed and the law also conveniently makes it a felony for election officials to proactively send out the correct application forms to voters. see how that works? the identification used also has to match the i.d. number used when the person registered to vote in the first place if that was years and years ago and that, that is why voting rights groups objected voter id laws. not the idea of showing id. it the way republicans use it to play keep away with voters they don't like. joining me is anchor and moderator of "washington week" on pbs and michael beschloss, host of "fireside history" on peacock and christina greer and adam, executive director of battle born collective and former deputy chief of staff to the great majority leader harry reid. this is a boss panel. so excited to talk to you-all. talk about this press conference. this was two hours of biden speaking. he was literally speaking at the same time joe manchin was being like don't bother. what did the white house from your reporting, what were they trying to get out of this day other than commemorating the one year and is there a belief they won't take no for an answer, they believe they can somehow still win on voting rites? >> what i'm super excited to be joining the msnbc family. i can't wait. per our white house history was the longest presidential news conference in history. it wasn't just long. it was historically epically long and what the president really set out to do was one push back on his critics, talk about sort of what he wanted to do in his next year and the mistakes he perceived he made but out there to prove something. think about the questions he got from the conservatives about whether or not he's mentally fit, whether or not he's someone that can stand up for the job. we all watched him for an hour and 50 some odd minutes stand up there, get frustrated at times and get genuinely sad about the pandemic but not really lose his stride. not insult people. not lash out as we've seen with the former president. the other thing that sticks with me is in someways he felt like an american trying to connect with other america caps that are frankly exhausted living through a pandemic and feeling glom me. i think that was part of the emotional connection. it was interesting to hear him talk about voting rites in particular as you talked about the idea that maybe some parts of the bills could be passed but also that he feels like he should have been more out in the community with african americans and talking more and sincerely connecting with people and he was also clear he's not frustrated knot just with the gop but members of his party talking about the fact his agenda is stalled by people in his party. the thing that also sticks with me is he is someone really setting out i think to really talk about sort of where he wants to go next and talking about the fact that the reality is that democrats are going to have so make hard decisions including breaking up bills including figuring out how to deal with the gop focused on obstructing him. one, thing that struck me as confusing is that he was supposed that the gop would obstruct him -- >> yes. >> -- the vp for president obama and wanted to stop everything obama was doing. they're doing the same thing president biden and very successfully so i should mention. that's also something that sticks with me that was confusing a bit because obviously, he should have in someways i think based on my conversation that the gop will uniformly try to block democratic presidents. >> yeah, that struck me, too. i have to be honest. that struck me, too. michael beschloss, the first time i ever got the chance to talk to joe bide been before he was president, i said what do you think they'll treat you different? he got mad. he said i'm not naive about this. he's a man of the senate and seen -- this is the first time i met the man and he seemed genuinely to believe that there was something about him and his preexisting relationships on the hill that could make it different for him than it was for president obama. i never thought that. was that just a mistake to think that he could do it? was it noble for him to try? >> joy, i would never want a president who did not at least try to work with the other side on capitol hill but i wouldn't want a president who saw that nothing was happening and kept on trying to do it, which he now sees from hard experience that that's not going to happen. and the other thing is we can all complain about various aspects of joe biden's first year and maybe, you know, misha is right. this is the longest press conference and she can correct me, 1997 bill clinton 94 minutes and paul said he was clinton's aide at the time and got a message from emanuel on the white house staff who said stop it, knock off this press conference and tell the president he has to come back and feed his dog, which i think is what they did. the point is what's the most important thing about joe biden's first year? a year ago tonight, donald trump was still president. he was breaking the rule of law. he was threatening democracy. 13 days after an insurrection that almost bought down the united states government who could have done a better job during this last year than joe biden in restoring democratic traditions and restoring the rule of law. anything else we might complain about, which is part of our duty as citizens we have to begin with that and that i think is the most important. >> yeah, i think that is unquestionably true. let me go to you on this christina. one of the big joe biden has the reason to be here is african american voters are proactivity saying we need to replace trump and picked him, blessed him to become president. this is kirsten welker who asked a good question whether or not he's lived up to the question to always have the back of black voters particularly the president? >> what do you say to the black voters that say you don't have their backs as you promised on the campaign trail? >> i've had their back and i've had their back my entire career. i never not had their back and i started on the voting rights issues long, long ago. that got me involved in politics in the first place. i have not been out in the community nearly enough. >> what grade would you give him on this effort, christina, including the timing of when the real fight was engaged on voting rights? >> right. if we're not using great inflation i would say a c, maybe c plus and you know, as mentioned, the president really needs to go public. today was a real effort of communicating not just the journalist but the american public but he does need to go out into the community. it reminds me of the obama era where administration is doing quite a bit but not articulating not only their actions but also the vision. so people are wondering what actually is going on in washington d.c. when we see joe biden constantly meet an obstructionest republican party trying to negotiate with an obstructionest republican party and forgetting the people that sent him there and black voters are some of the most savvy voters because we not only vote for how we feel and what we think is best but have to keep in mind the capacity of white voters to redeliver a donald trump so joe biden wasn't necessarily every black voter's first choice but the most practical choice to win against donald trump and so if we understand that context, joe biden still has a lot of work to do to win over black voters and he has to do what we call in political science literature, go public, not just with his ideas and policies but he actually is going to even in the midst of a global pandemic, get out into communities and use surrogates, local and state leaders to push forward the policy division and make voters understand he's working on their behalf. >> to stay in power, you worked for the great harry reid who is probably the best strategists we had in a long time in the united states senate and did what he had to do. the obama biden administration. let me play you. i find mitch healthcare reform -- mitch mcconnell, no doubt he'd jump the fill buster tomorrow to get what he wanted and yet, he and his party said you better not do it or we'll get you. here is john cornan of texas essentially threatening democrats if they change the filibuster for voting rights. take a listen. >> we can implement a 20-week ban on abortions and ensure that any baby that survives an abortion receives life saving care. we could protect our constituents' second amendment rights and establish concealed carry throughout the nation. in short, future republican controlled senate would be able to accomplish a lot all thanks to a precedent that our democratic colleagues seek to establish today. >> you've tweeted a lot about this, adam. you know, this idea of trying to threaten and terrify democrats into not changing the rules, do you have any doubt that mitch mcconnell if he becomes majority leader again will jump the filibuster in five days and manchin will set back? >> no doubt in my mind. there is a few reasons behind that. one, i'm old enough to remember 2017 when mitch mcconnell got rid of the filibuster to confirm supreme court nominee and breezed past hypocrisy in the future, got rid of it with the flick of a wrist and i'm old enough to remember 2005 mitch mcconnell was the second ranking member in the republican senate and led the fight to try to go nuclear under george w. bush. eagerly he had former aides say why he was getting rid of thegr supported that. the first time they controlled in control of washington the three elected government and the first time with the filibuster they will get rid of it without a moment's hesitation. thinking through strategic choices should not invest in believing forbearance from mitch mcconnell. >> after he gave his speech, jeff merkley made a last ditch effort to explain to him the precedence of what they would do. i doubt any of that helped at all. he'll literally sit there and be like ah, if mcconnell does that because mcconnell likes the things he likes. more on president biden's epic press conference and the supreme court delivered a major defeat to the twice impeached president and florida retiree late today rejecting his efforts to block the january 6th committee from getting the white house documents. plus, the gathering storm the secretary of state is in ukraine trying to diffuse a brewing international crisis. senator chris murphy just back from the region joins me tonight and tonight's absolute worst is like a weather forecast, cold, a lot of wind and a 100% chance of snow flakes. "the reidout" continues after this. lakes. 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what are they for? name me one thing they're for. >> biden also said that he was caught off guard by the republicans obstruction even saying that he remembers republicans acting differently under president obama. >> you said you were surprised by republican obstruction of your agenda. but didn't the gop take exactly the same tactic when you were vice president to barack obama? so why did you think they would treat you any differently than they treated him? >> first of all, they weren't nearly as obstructionest as they are now number one. they stated that. but you had a number of republicans we work with closely. >> that is despite the fact the republicans' main goal is they made sure the biden administration didn't have a second term and if he did, he would fail. back with me, adam, i found this shocking. we talked about it in the last block. they don't have an agenda of the making democrats fail. here is mitch mcconnell saying what their agenda would be if he got back the gavel. >> if republicans take back control of congress after the midterms, what would be your agenda? >> that is a very good question. and i'll let you know when we take it back. >> he has no idea. i mean, quoted by the president today in his press conference, he said the following he was literally going to deliver the person they wanted. he would have been a recruiting coup for the republicans and talked it over with republican senators and said they were all for the most part content with the speed at which they weren't doing anything and it's clear we have to hold the line for two years, okay. i'll be a roadblock for two years? that's not what i do. that's what he said and biden sited that. the republicans don't have an agenda other than stop democrats from doing anything and get judges, right? that's what your experience has been i'm sure as an aide to harry reid. >> absolutely. this is the nature of our polarized environment right now not to bring it back to the filibuster but it blocks anything the majority wants to accomplish. it never was supposed to be this way but that's the senate we have now. that's what republicans can be counted on to do for the remainder of president biden's term and the flip side of this, though, is that if donald trump were ever to come back to power or republican president come back to power, they would accomplish a lot. i mean, they can't articulate an agenda because they don't want to say what it would be because the things they seek to do are deeply unpopular. republicans want to give more tax cuts to the wealthy, they want to confirm super conservative judges and end women's right to choose and they want to enact massive voter suppression laws and cotfy trump's big lie but they can't say that out loud. the only thing they can do is obstruct and hope voters don't notice anything they want to accomplish. >> yeah, john said out loud this is what we'll do. i'm letting you know if we get back in. the thing is the purpose of that, michael, what changed about the presidency, most of the time at least in the past, people would give the president a break for a year the presidents would have high approval rating. go through and put them up. john h. kennedy in the 70s even though they were trying to say he was mirkying the water. president obama, regan. it seems that the purpose of republicans now is to ensure that no president has the respect of half the public and that is pretty much their agenda to make sure the president is a failure so they can get back in power. >> that's what modern history suggestions, joy. you're absolutely right. you know, when the largely not entirely but the largely great bob dole died pretty recently, they said he worked across the aisle and made deals. he went on nbc and other networks, other lesser networks and said i now represent the majority of americans who did not vote for bill clinton and were going to stop him. and that has been the attitude of republican leaders in congress ever since especially newt gingrich when he we came speaker two years later. and it is unamerican pause james madison the idea was unlike the british monarchy, he wanted presidents in congress and parties in congress to duke it out and battle all the time because he thought that would lead to the best laws but the other part of the deal was that they would also compromise and negotiate. so republicans have learned the fighting part of it perfectly well keeping a president of the other party in check but where is the compromise? where is the negotiation? it's radical to avoid it. >> indeed. i want to play one more piece of joe biden today because he spoke to the other piece that's not usual. there is a jealous guarding of power between the branchs of government so the congressional, the legislative branch would guard the power against the president and those two branchs would compete. but now what you've seen is among congressional republicans, senate and house republicans su. it's like a cult. here is president biden talking about trump. >> did you ever think that one man out of office could intimidate an entire party where they're unwilling to take any vote contrary to what he thinks should be taken for fear of being defeated in a primary? we have to break that. it has to change. >> i mean, that wasn't true with nixon but true with regan. it gotten worse and worse and worse. are there republicans who are weary of it on capitol hill or is everyone in on it and not everyone in it is retiring? >> joy, it's definitely the latter. the president laid out would you think a president could do this, hold a grip on a party like this? you should probably add to that. would you ever think a president could almost over throw the american democracy and encourage people to break into congress in a violent and deadly insurrection and still have that power? that's the sort of second part of that question and joe biden is expressing essentially his surprise again at the idea that former president trump is continuing to have this power but i also in someways this is a window who president biden is at his core. he had these relationships in the senate with three decades of power and vice president. he thought things could be different. he was an optimist in this situation and had to deal with the realism in the hands of former president trump and the question i would completely want to still ask joe biden today is what is the democratic strategy against that? republicans are being very, very successful in running on lies and very successful in passing laws that are going to make it harder for people to vote including specifically black people, black women. what is the strategy to push back on that? democrats have not gotten that together and the president simply has not aticulated what he plans to do on that. >> john dean called authoritarian followers. it's a thing about republicans in the modern era. it is not true about democrats. democrats like their presidents. they don't worship them. that's the difference. they're willing to buck them. look what they're doing inside to the party to biden. it a weird authoritarian worship on the republican side. it's weird and not good for democracy. thank you-all very much. breaking news this evening, the supreme court delivered a major blow to trump in the january 6th investigation. we'll give you details next. don't move. vestigation. we'll give you details next. don't move this is the sound of nature breathing. and this is the sound of better breathing. fasenra is a different kind of asthma medication. it's not a steroid or inhaler. fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. it's one maintenance dose every 8 weeks. it helps prevent asthma attacks, improve breathing, and lower use of oral steroids. nearly 7 out of 10 adults with asthma may have elevated eosinophils. fasenra is designed to target and remove them. fasenra is not a rescue medication or for other eosinophilic conditions. fasenra may cause allergic reactions. get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth, and tongue, or trouble breathing. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. this is the sound of fasenra. ask your doctor about fasenra. amazing. jerry, you gotta to see this. seen it. trust me, after 15 walks... gets a little old. ugh what happens when you block heartburn with one prilosec otc in the morning? 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>> looks like this is about the gold team for the january 6th committee. the team that's following the money in this investigation and they're very interested with both of these witnesses with bitcoin donations and significant amounts that they received. what they're trying to do is figure out in essence who is paying for the january 6th rally because communications between those folks about this rally on the ellipse and seeing whether that spills over into the insurrection at the capitol could be a very fruitful area of inquiry. >> we seen prosecutors asking a january 6th defendant about trump himself. so evidence emerged in court papers that prosecutors posed questions to at least one defendant with an organized conspiracy to disrupt the work of congress. is that significant or in your mind incidental? >> well, i think that's always been the question here, right? how far does this go? who does it reach? what's important to understand about conspiracy is proof out conspiracy requires an explicit agreement, it doesn't have to be written. it can be a handshake or understanding, even a wink and nod but there has to be an agreement a group of people will achieve an illegal objective, that they're all working together in that same direction. so it's not investigators to figure out once there is a conspiracy, who is involved. >> let's go back to james' investigation. one of the best things and worst things donald trump did is run for president. he exposed himself in a lot of ways to scrutiny things people never questioned. he was a billionaire, lie. we're finding out through subpoenas that that the properties donald trump said he owned, he only owned like 55% of the ones he listed on the trump organization website. a lot of other ones are licensing and management deals where it says trump on the building but he doesn't actually own it. that exposure, is that legal in a meaningful sense or humiliating and embarrassing or what are you making of what they're discovering? is the value of the property he actually owned, could that lead to criminal charges? >> i think it's all of the above, joy. and i think it's important that tish james said she's not made any predetermination whether or not she's bringing charges. she clearly is still trying to get a sense of what trump and his children knew and intended. was it just an incredible coincidence that there were ten major incidents of fraud on papers they submitted? sometimes mistakes can happen or was there knowledge or intent at work here. trump who notoriously eludes sort the grip of the justice system the civil and criminal system here because there is significant remedies on the civil side of this investigation we've seen, you know, the new york attorney general dismantle trump's charitable organization and prohibit it from further operations in new york. that's not an insignificant penalty at the same time the allegations of fraud if evidence of intent and knowledge pans out, they could lead to criminal charges but could is doing a lot of work in that sentence. >> yeah, indeed. my favorite sort of fact about this eric trump taking 500 times, taking the fifth once an hour almost in hundreds of hours of questioning. very interesting. joyce vance, thank you. appreciate it. tonight's absolute worst is still ahead but secretary of state blinken meets with the ukrainian president as russia continues the buildup along ukraine's border. is there still a diplomatic path forward? 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as significantly as he can? yes, i think he will. but i think he'll pay a serious and dear price for it that he doesn't think now will cost him what it's going to cost him. >> that was president biden weighing in on what he thinks russian sociopath vladimir putin will do with the roughly 100,000 troops a map on the boarder with ukraine. others agree. >> the risk of conflict is real. nato allies call to deescalate any furtherer aggression will come with a high cost for moscow. >> our view is this is an extremely dangerous situation. we're at a stage where russia could at any point launch an attack on ukraine. >> we have information that indicates russia is working actively to create a pretext for potential invasion. >> putin is also sending an unspecified number of troops to belarus that shares a border with poland and ukraine. this comes as the united states and russia engage in diplomatic talks with the goal of deescalating the situation. antony blinken flew to ukraine today that it could face severe consequences if it took aggressive actions. blinken's russian counterpart are set to have a third meeting on friday in geneva. previous talks failed to make much progress. last week 38 senate democrats unveiled a punishing new sanctions bill. it unclear if republicans will support it. over the weekend a bipartisan group of senators traveled to ukraine to deliver a message of support. chris murphy of connecticut joins me now. let's go over that. what president biden said to reporters today, nato is not on the same page what to do about this situation. talk a little bit about those differences and kind of where the u.s. falls on what to do if russia gets more aggressive. >> well, first of all, i was proud to join this bipartisan delegation seven of us republicans and democrats to make clear to both ukraine and russia that there is no daylight between the two parties when it comes to backing up ukraine and making sure russia pay as price. you're right to really see biden's concern for nato remaining whole and unified because putin's short term goal may be to regain influence over ukraine but his long term goal is to break up and smash nato to pieces and so biden has to do two things here. he needs to send a message in ukraine but do it in a way that keeps nato together then for ukraine to be nato's undoing because that's his goal in the end. it's a fine line he needs to walk for the president to deliver a message to putin that will show him there are going to be serious consequences for his army and economy if he moves into ukraine any further. >> and of course, sanctions he would do that. the defending ukraine's sovereignty act, sanctions significant sanctions, how long does that bipartisan group hold together if for instance the senate changes hands because if republicans are in control of the senate, they go back to doing the bidding of the president that really, really likes russia and really, really doesn't like nato. are you confident the bipartisan collision holds together if mitch mcconnell has the gavel? >> well, congress can give any president sanctions authorization but if the president has to implement them. remember, back in the end of 2019 well before this pipeline from russia to europe was completed, congress passed bipartisan sanctions authority, handed it to president trump and president trump refused to use it. he imposed one sanction on the last day in office but by that time 95% of the pipeline was built and handed biden this enormous mess. congress has been pretty unified on the matter of supporting ukraine and punishing russia for their travel into u train. joe biden will use the sanctions authority we give him but if donald trump gets back into office he won't. it ultimately up to the president to make this policy work and there is a huge difference between donald trump's seriousness about russia and joe biden's seriousness. >> how worried should we be we're going to see war on the european continent over this? >> very worried. 20, 30% of ukrainians wanted to join nato. he had a proxy government in place in kyiv, but over the course of the last decade ukraine made a different decision. they want to be a part of the west. they are sick and tired of living under russia's thumb. and he can't now coerce them back into his orbit. he has to use force. and so i think you need to look this whole threat to ukraine through a prism of russian weakness. this is his only chance to try to win ukraine back is with 200,000 troops. i think there is a very good chance that those troops are going to march further into ukraine, maybe not all the way to kyiv, but we could be on the precipice of an international crisis. >> yeah. lots of crises in hand. let me switch gears a moment to voting rights. there is going to be a vote tonight sometime in the 8:00 hour. how is that going to go? is there any chance that manchin and sinema will allow a switch to a talking filibuster or a filibuster with 55 votes needed instead of 60 or any changes at all? >> it doesn't appear that we're ultimately going to win the vote on changing the rules. but it is important that we are going to be united in our vote for the freedom to vote act, which, in and of itself, could save democracy. unfortunately, it doesn't look like we will be as united when it comes to the rules changes. my colleagues think that preserving senate traditions is more important than protecting the right to vote. i think that's an enormous mistake. i don't know that there will be a senate left to protect if we lose our democracy. donald trump told us loud and clear that he wants to steal the next election, that he thinks the vote counters are more important than the candidates, and so if in 2022 or 2024 somebody is seated in the united states senate or god forbid the white house who didn't win the election, that's a constitutional crisis t that could be the end of the democracy. that could be the end of the united states senate and i wish all 50 of my colleagues understood the stakes like that. >> why do you think that manchin and sinema don't care about that? we are almost out of time. >> yeah, you'd have to ask them. ultimately, i don't know that they see the existential threat that many of us do. >> yeah. clearly or they just don't care. senator chris murphy, thank you very much, sir. appreciate you being here. okay. are you comfy? yes? tonight's absolute worst is next and i want to make sure you don't feel any discomfort because before we kick this off i want to make sure that you're chill. so i even brought this plushie for you. he is going to soothe you. he is soothing you, okay? we'll be right back. s soothing y s soothing y we'll be right back.aught in ea, it's more treatable. hey, cologuard! hi, i'm noninvasive and i detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers even in early stages. early stages. it's for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. 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"all in" with chris hayes starts now. tonight on "all in" -- >> the supreme court didn't have the courage to take it up and they should be ashamed of themselves. >> the supreme court hands donald trump another loss. the january 6th committee will get trump's presidential records related to the insurrection. tonight committee members on the high court's decision, what to expect from the documents and even more new subpoenas. then, former attorney general eric holder and attorney mark elias on the voting rights fight on the senate floor. as the president marks his first year in office, why he is a raising alarms over what could happen in europe. >> consequential thing that happened in the world in terms of war and peace since world war ii. >> lieutenant colonel alexander vindman on russia

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Transcripts For MSNBC The ReidOut 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The ReidOut 20240709

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implication for the former president. the supreme court rejected trump's effort to block administration's records from being sent to the january 6th committee. we'll have much more on that coming up. we begin tonight with the united states senate, one step closer to putting themselves on the historical record on voting rights. versus embracing the current phone in version of the filibuster. any minute now the senate is expected to begin a series of votes on voter protection legislation. which is expected to fail. teeing up majority leader chuck schumer's plan to move forward with a vote on a proposed filibuster rule change. that, too, is likely to fail since conservative democratic senator joe manchin in the tradition of the bonnie to his clyde krysten sinema reiterating his support for the 60 vote threshold with no requirement to do it in person. >> the united states senate has never in 233 years been able to end debate on legislation with a simple majority vote. allowing one party to exert complete control in the senate with a simple majority will only pour fuel on a political fire whiplash. eliminating the filibuster would be the easy way out. wasn't meant to be easy. i cannot support such a course for this nation when elected leaders are sent to washington to unite our country, not to divide our country. >> literally the same time that manchin was slamming the door in his face, president biden was at his press conference marking his first year in office and said that he is not willing to accept defeat. >> i think that there are a number of things we can do but i also think we will be able to get significant pieces of the legislation if we don't get it all now to build to get it so that we get a big chunk of the john lewis legislation as well as the fair election. >> during today's debate minority leader addison mitchell mcconnell that nuked the filibuster himself to steal three seats for the far right, two of whom joe manchin had no problem at all voting for without 60 votes tried to square monger by saying democrats are trying to silence millions of americans by breaking the senate. >> instead, they have been consumed by a fake panic over election laws that seem to exist only in their own imagination. this party line push has never been about securing citizens' rights, it's about expanding politician's power. that's why the bill tries to weaken voter id laws that are popular with americans of all races. >> to be clear, the party mitch mcconnell is actually referring to is the republican party. but far be it for the man who has done more than anyone to destroy the institution to acre knowledge what colorado democratic senator michael bennett called as the grim reaper has rocked. >> i haven't met anybody who thinks that their voice is meaningfully represented until the united states senate instead of special interest to the most powerful people. nobody. it's because we can't. all of them are blocked by senator mcconnell and his abuse of the senate rules. not some great tradition of the united states senate but his modern day abuse. his character of the senate rules. >> but back to the argument by that mitch, the reason national voter protection legislation is so critical is unfolding in front of our very eyes in texas where the republicans punitive law is already suppressing voters. new requirements for voter i.d. are leading some counties to reject as many as 40% of mail in ballots requested because the new law required new forms with an area to provide your address, social security or id number. not everyone got the form. applications of the wrong form are not acceptable for mail in ballot requests so they got tossed and the law also conveniently makes it a felony for election officials to proactively send out the correct application forms to voters. see how that works? the identification used also has to match the i.d. number used when the person registered to vote in the first place if that was years and years ago and that, that is why voting rights groups objected voter id laws. not the idea of showing id. it the way republicans use it to play keep away with voters they don't like. joining me is anchor and moderator of "washington week" on pbs and michael beschloss, host of "fireside history" on peacock and christina greer and adam, executive director of battle born collective and former deputy chief of staff to the great majority leader harry reid. this is a boss panel. so excited to talk to you-all. talk about this press conference. this was two hours of biden speaking. he was literally speaking at the same time joe manchin was being like don't bother. what did the white house from your reporting, what were they trying to get out of this day other than commemorating the one year and is there a belief they won't take no for an answer, they believe they can somehow still win on voting rites? >> what i'm super excited to be joining the msnbc family. i can't wait. per our white house history was the longest presidential news conference in history. it wasn't just long. it was historically epically long and what the president really set out to do was one push back on his critics, talk about sort of what he wanted to do in his next year and the mistakes he perceived he made but out there to prove something. think about the questions he got from the conservatives about whether or not he's mentally fit, whether or not he's someone that can stand up for the job. we all watched him for an hour and 50 some odd minutes stand up there, get frustrated at times and get genuinely sad about the pandemic but not really lose his stride. not insult people. not lash out as we've seen with the former president. the other thing that sticks with me is in someways he felt like an american trying to connect with other america caps that are frankly exhausted living through a pandemic and feeling glom me. i think that was part of the emotional connection. it was interesting to hear him talk about voting rites in particular as you talked about the idea that maybe some parts of the bills could be passed but also that he feels like he should have been more out in the community with african americans and talking more and sincerely connecting with people and he was also clear he's not frustrated knot just with the gop but members of his party talking about the fact his agenda is stalled by people in his party. the thing that also sticks with me is he is someone really setting out i think to really talk about sort of where he wants to go next and talking about the fact that the reality is that democrats are going to have so make hard decisions including breaking up bills including figuring out how to deal with the gop focused on obstructing him. one, thing that struck me as confusing is that he was supposed that the gop would obstruct him -- >> yes. >> -- the vp for president obama and wanted to stop everything obama was doing. they're doing the same thing president biden and very successfully so i should mention. that's also something that sticks with me that was confusing a bit because obviously, he should have in someways i think based on my conversation that the gop will uniformly try to block democratic presidents. >> yeah, that struck me, too. i have to be honest. that struck me, too. michael beschloss, the first time i ever got the chance to talk to joe bide been before he was president, i said what do you think they'll treat you different? he got mad. he said i'm not naive about this. he's a man of the senate and seen -- this is the first time i met the man and he seemed genuinely to believe that there was something about him and his preexisting relationships on the hill that could make it different for him than it was for president obama. i never thought that. was that just a mistake to think that he could do it? was it noble for him to try? >> joy, i would never want a president who did not at least try to work with the other side on capitol hill but i wouldn't want a president who saw that nothing was happening and kept on trying to do it, which he now sees from hard experience that that's not going to happen. and the other thing is we can all complain about various aspects of joe biden's first year and maybe, you know, misha is right. this is the longest press conference and she can correct me, 1997 bill clinton 94 minutes and paul said he was clinton's aide at the time and got a message from emanuel on the white house staff who said stop it, knock off this press conference and tell the president he has to come back and feed his dog, which i think is what they did. the point is what's the most important thing about joe biden's first year? a year ago tonight, donald trump was still president. he was breaking the rule of law. he was threatening democracy. 13 days after an insurrection that almost bought down the united states government who could have done a better job during this last year than joe biden in restoring democratic traditions and restoring the rule of law. anything else we might complain about, which is part of our duty as citizens we have to begin with that and that i think is the most important. >> yeah, i think that is unquestionably true. let me go to you on this christina. one of the big joe biden has the reason to be here is african american voters are proactivity saying we need to replace trump and picked him, blessed him to become president. this is kirsten welker who asked a good question whether or not he's lived up to the question to always have the back of black voters particularly the president? >> what do you say to the black voters that say you don't have their backs as you promised on the campaign trail? >> i've had their back and i've had their back my entire career. i never not had their back and i started on the voting rights issues long, long ago. that got me involved in politics in the first place. i have not been out in the community nearly enough. >> what grade would you give him on this effort, christina, including the timing of when the real fight was engaged on voting rights? >> right. if we're not using great inflation i would say a c, maybe c plus and you know, as mentioned, the president really needs to go public. today was a real effort of communicating not just the journalist but the american public but he does need to go out into the community. it reminds me of the obama era where administration is doing quite a bit but not articulating not only their actions but also the vision. so people are wondering what actually is going on in washington d.c. when we see joe biden constantly meet an obstructionest republican party trying to negotiate with an obstructionest republican party and forgetting the people that sent him there and black voters are some of the most savvy voters because we not only vote for how we feel and what we think is best but have to keep in mind the capacity of white voters to redeliver a donald trump so joe biden wasn't necessarily every black voter's first choice but the most practical choice to win against donald trump and so if we understand that context, joe biden still has a lot of work to do to win over black voters and he has to do what we call in political science literature, go public, not just with his ideas and policies but he actually is going to even in the midst of a global pandemic, get out into communities and use surrogates, local and state leaders to push forward the policy division and make voters understand he's working on their behalf. >> to stay in power, you worked for the great harry reid who is probably the best strategists we had in a long time in the united states senate and did what he had to do. the obama biden administration. let me play you. i find mitch healthcare reform -- mitch mcconnell, no doubt he'd jump the fill buster tomorrow to get what he wanted and yet, he and his party said you better not do it or we'll get you. here is john cornan of texas essentially threatening democrats if they change the filibuster for voting rights. take a listen. >> we can implement a 20-week ban on abortions and ensure that any baby that survives an abortion receives life saving care. we could protect our constituents' second amendment rights and establish concealed carry throughout the nation. in short, future republican controlled senate would be able to accomplish a lot all thanks to a precedent that our democratic colleagues seek to establish today. >> you've tweeted a lot about this, adam. you know, this idea of trying to threaten and terrify democrats into not changing the rules, do you have any doubt that mitch mcconnell if he becomes majority leader again will jump the filibuster in five days and manchin will set back? >> no doubt in my mind. there is a few reasons behind that. one, i'm old enough to remember 2017 when mitch mcconnell got rid of the filibuster to confirm supreme court nominee and breezed past hypocrisy in the future, got rid of it with the flick of a wrist and i'm old enough to remember 2005 mitch mcconnell was the second ranking member in the republican senate and led the fight to try to go nuclear under george w. bush. eagerly he had former aides say why he was getting rid of thegr supported that. the first time they controlled in control of washington the three elected government and the first time with the filibuster they will get rid of it without a moment's hesitation. thinking through strategic choices should not invest in believing forbearance from mitch mcconnell. >> after he gave his speech, jeff merkley made a last ditch effort to explain to him the precedence of what they would do. i doubt any of that helped at all. he'll literally sit there and be like ah, if mcconnell does that because mcconnell likes the things he likes. more on president biden's epic press conference and the supreme court delivered a major defeat to the twice impeached president and florida retiree late today rejecting his efforts to block the january 6th committee from getting the white house documents. plus, the gathering storm the secretary of state is in ukraine trying to diffuse a brewing international crisis. senator chris murphy just back from the region joins me tonight and tonight's absolute worst is like a weather forecast, cold, a lot of wind and a 100% chance of snow flakes. "the reidout" continues after this. lakes. 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what are they for? name me one thing they're for. >> biden also said that he was caught off guard by the republicans obstruction even saying that he remembers republicans acting differently under president obama. >> you said you were surprised by republican obstruction of your agenda. but didn't the gop take exactly the same tactic when you were vice president to barack obama? so why did you think they would treat you any differently than they treated him? >> first of all, they weren't nearly as obstructionest as they are now number one. they stated that. but you had a number of republicans we work with closely. >> that is despite the fact the republicans' main goal is they made sure the biden administration didn't have a second term and if he did, he would fail. back with me, adam, i found this shocking. we talked about it in the last block. they don't have an agenda of the making democrats fail. here is mitch mcconnell saying what their agenda would be if he got back the gavel. >> if republicans take back control of congress after the midterms, what would be your agenda? >> that is a very good question. and i'll let you know when we take it back. >> he has no idea. i mean, quoted by the president today in his press conference, he said the following he was literally going to deliver the person they wanted. he would have been a recruiting coup for the republicans and talked it over with republican senators and said they were all for the most part content with the speed at which they weren't doing anything and it's clear we have to hold the line for two years, okay. i'll be a roadblock for two years? that's not what i do. that's what he said and biden sited that. the republicans don't have an agenda other than stop democrats from doing anything and get judges, right? that's what your experience has been i'm sure as an aide to harry reid. >> absolutely. this is the nature of our polarized environment right now not to bring it back to the filibuster but it blocks anything the majority wants to accomplish. it never was supposed to be this way but that's the senate we have now. that's what republicans can be counted on to do for the remainder of president biden's term and the flip side of this, though, is that if donald trump were ever to come back to power or republican president come back to power, they would accomplish a lot. i mean, they can't articulate an agenda because they don't want to say what it would be because the things they seek to do are deeply unpopular. republicans want to give more tax cuts to the wealthy, they want to confirm super conservative judges and end women's right to choose and they want to enact massive voter suppression laws and cotfy trump's big lie but they can't say that out loud. the only thing they can do is obstruct and hope voters don't notice anything they want to accomplish. >> yeah, john said out loud this is what we'll do. i'm letting you know if we get back in. the thing is the purpose of that, michael, what changed about the presidency, most of the time at least in the past, people would give the president a break for a year the presidents would have high approval rating. go through and put them up. john h. kennedy in the 70s even though they were trying to say he was mirkying the water. president obama, regan. it seems that the purpose of republicans now is to ensure that no president has the respect of half the public and that is pretty much their agenda to make sure the president is a failure so they can get back in power. >> that's what modern history suggestions, joy. you're absolutely right. you know, when the largely not entirely but the largely great bob dole died pretty recently, they said he worked across the aisle and made deals. he went on nbc and other networks, other lesser networks and said i now represent the majority of americans who did not vote for bill clinton and were going to stop him. and that has been the attitude of republican leaders in congress ever since especially newt gingrich when he we came speaker two years later. and it is unamerican pause james madison the idea was unlike the british monarchy, he wanted presidents in congress and parties in congress to duke it out and battle all the time because he thought that would lead to the best laws but the other part of the deal was that they would also compromise and negotiate. so republicans have learned the fighting part of it perfectly well keeping a president of the other party in check but where is the compromise? where is the negotiation? it's radical to avoid it. >> indeed. i want to play one more piece of joe biden today because he spoke to the other piece that's not usual. there is a jealous guarding of power between the branchs of government so the congressional, the legislative branch would guard the power against the president and those two branchs would compete. but now what you've seen is among congressional republicans, senate and house republicans su. it's like a cult. here is president biden talking about trump. >> did you ever think that one man out of office could intimidate an entire party where they're unwilling to take any vote contrary to what he thinks should be taken for fear of being defeated in a primary? we have to break that. it has to change. >> i mean, that wasn't true with nixon but true with regan. it gotten worse and worse and worse. are there republicans who are weary of it on capitol hill or is everyone in on it and not everyone in it is retiring? >> joy, it's definitely the latter. the president laid out would you think a president could do this, hold a grip on a party like this? you should probably add to that. would you ever think a president could almost over throw the american democracy and encourage people to break into congress in a violent and deadly insurrection and still have that power? that's the sort of second part of that question and joe biden is expressing essentially his surprise again at the idea that former president trump is continuing to have this power but i also in someways this is a window who president biden is at his core. he had these relationships in the senate with three decades of power and vice president. he thought things could be different. he was an optimist in this situation and had to deal with the realism in the hands of former president trump and the question i would completely want to still ask joe biden today is what is the democratic strategy against that? republicans are being very, very successful in running on lies and very successful in passing laws that are going to make it harder for people to vote including specifically black people, black women. what is the strategy to push back on that? democrats have not gotten that together and the president simply has not aticulated what he plans to do on that. >> john dean called authoritarian followers. it's a thing about republicans in the modern era. it is not true about democrats. democrats like their presidents. they don't worship them. that's the difference. they're willing to buck them. look what they're doing inside to the party to biden. it a weird authoritarian worship on the republican side. it's weird and not good for democracy. thank you-all very much. breaking news this evening, the supreme court delivered a major blow to trump in the january 6th investigation. we'll give you details next. don't move. vestigation. we'll give you details next. don't move this is the sound of nature breathing. and this is the sound of better breathing. fasenra is a different kind of asthma medication. it's not a steroid or inhaler. fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. it's one maintenance dose every 8 weeks. it helps prevent asthma attacks, improve breathing, and lower use of oral steroids. nearly 7 out of 10 adults with asthma may have elevated eosinophils. fasenra is designed to target and remove them. fasenra is not a rescue medication or for other eosinophilic conditions. fasenra may cause allergic reactions. get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth, and tongue, or trouble breathing. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. this is the sound of fasenra. ask your doctor about fasenra. amazing. jerry, you gotta to see this. seen it. trust me, after 15 walks... gets a little old. ugh what happens when you block heartburn with one prilosec otc in the morning? heartburn doesn't stand a chance - day... or night. excess stomach acid can cause heartburn. prilosec otc works differently by preventing excess acid production. so don't fight heartburn, block it. prilosec otc. one pill in the morning blocks heartburn, all day and all night. just moments ago the u.s. supreme court paved the way for the national archives to turnover donald trump's white house records to the select committee investigating january th. the 8-1 decision is a huge set back for trump who tried to block the records from reaching the committee. the on justice to take his side was clearance, clearance thomas. james has gone public with damming new details from the civil probe into donald trump's business. she said quote, we have uncovered significant evidence that suggestions trump and the trump organization falsely and fraudulently valued assets to financial institutions for economic benefit. i should note that while james can only bring a civil action, her probe over laps with a concur criminal investigation and the allegations are called baseless and the testimony could be used against them in the criminal probe. all of that said, attorney again real james still says they have not yet reached a final decision regarding whether the evidence they've collected merits legal action. joining me is joyce vance former u.s. attorney. i want to ask about the supreme court ruling. it's 8-1 in favor of the committee. >> it's a clear victory for the committee saying that the committee is entitled to get trump's materials. what is interesting, though, about it, joy is the reason for that ruling. and what the supreme court did is specially have held that even if trump was still the president, the committee would have been entitled to materials. they explicitly say they're not ruling on when a former president can prevent a current president from releasing materials. they leave that question for another day. >> interesting. okay. so we'll put a pin in that for a moment. to stay with the committee for a moment. two new subpoenas that today, the white nationalist and patrick casey of the right wing america first movement, they're both at the capitol january 6th. on the letter, they point out that fuentes urged followers to storm every stop capitol until january 2021 until trump is inaugurated for four more years and interested in a donation he reportedly received in bitcoin worth more than $250,000 in the fbi is scrutinizing whether the money is linked to the capitol attack. what's the significance of having one of those subpoenaed? >> looks like this is about the gold team for the january 6th committee. the team that's following the money in this investigation and they're very interested with both of these witnesses with bitcoin donations and significant amounts that they received. what they're trying to do is figure out in essence who is paying for the january 6th rally because communications between those folks about this rally on the ellipse and seeing whether that spills over into the insurrection at the capitol could be a very fruitful area of inquiry. >> we seen prosecutors asking a january 6th defendant about trump himself. so evidence emerged in court papers that prosecutors posed questions to at least one defendant with an organized conspiracy to disrupt the work of congress. is that significant or in your mind incidental? >> well, i think that's always been the question here, right? how far does this go? who does it reach? what's important to understand about conspiracy is proof out conspiracy requires an explicit agreement, it doesn't have to be written. it can be a handshake or understanding, even a wink and nod but there has to be an agreement a group of people will achieve an illegal objective, that they're all working together in that same direction. so it's not investigators to figure out once there is a conspiracy, who is involved. >> let's go back to james' investigation. one of the best things and worst things donald trump did is run for president. he exposed himself in a lot of ways to scrutiny things people never questioned. he was a billionaire, lie. we're finding out through subpoenas that that the properties donald trump said he owned, he only owned like 55% of the ones he listed on the trump organization website. a lot of other ones are licensing and management deals where it says trump on the building but he doesn't actually own it. that exposure, is that legal in a meaningful sense or humiliating and embarrassing or what are you making of what they're discovering? is the value of the property he actually owned, could that lead to criminal charges? >> i think it's all of the above, joy. and i think it's important that tish james said she's not made any predetermination whether or not she's bringing charges. she clearly is still trying to get a sense of what trump and his children knew and intended. was it just an incredible coincidence that there were ten major incidents of fraud on papers they submitted? sometimes mistakes can happen or was there knowledge or intent at work here. trump who notoriously eludes sort the grip of the justice system the civil and criminal system here because there is significant remedies on the civil side of this investigation we've seen, you know, the new york attorney general dismantle trump's charitable organization and prohibit it from further operations in new york. that's not an insignificant penalty at the same time the allegations of fraud if evidence of intent and knowledge pans out, they could lead to criminal charges but could is doing a lot of work in that sentence. >> yeah, indeed. my favorite sort of fact about this eric trump taking 500 times, taking the fifth once an hour almost in hundreds of hours of questioning. very interesting. joyce vance, thank you. appreciate it. tonight's absolute worst is still ahead but secretary of state blinken meets with the ukrainian president as russia continues the buildup along ukraine's border. is there still a diplomatic path forward? 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as significantly as he can? yes, i think he will. but i think he'll pay a serious and dear price for it that he doesn't think now will cost him what it's going to cost him. >> that was president biden weighing in on what he thinks russian sociopath vladimir putin will do with the roughly 100,000 troops a map on the boarder with ukraine. others agree. >> the risk of conflict is real. nato allies call to deescalate any furtherer aggression will come with a high cost for moscow. >> our view is this is an extremely dangerous situation. we're at a stage where russia could at any point launch an attack on ukraine. >> we have information that indicates russia is working actively to create a pretext for potential invasion. >> putin is also sending an unspecified number of troops to belarus that shares a border with poland and ukraine. this comes as the united states and russia engage in diplomatic talks with the goal of deescalating the situation. antony blinken flew to ukraine today that it could face severe consequences if it took aggressive actions. blinken's russian counterpart are set to have a third meeting on friday in geneva. previous talks failed to make much progress. last week 38 senate democrats unveiled a punishing new sanctions bill. it unclear if republicans will support it. over the weekend a bipartisan group of senators traveled to ukraine to deliver a message of support. chris murphy of connecticut joins me now. let's go over that. what president biden said to reporters today, nato is not on the same page what to do about this situation. talk a little bit about those differences and kind of where the u.s. falls on what to do if russia gets more aggressive. >> well, first of all, i was proud to join this bipartisan delegation seven of us republicans and democrats to make clear to both ukraine and russia that there is no daylight between the two parties when it comes to backing up ukraine and making sure russia pay as price. you're right to really see biden's concern for nato remaining whole and unified because putin's short term goal may be to regain influence over ukraine but his long term goal is to break up and smash nato to pieces and so biden has to do two things here. he needs to send a message in ukraine but do it in a way that keeps nato together then for ukraine to be nato's undoing because that's his goal in the end. it's a fine line he needs to walk for the president to deliver a message to putin that will show him there are going to be serious consequences for his army and economy if he moves into ukraine any further. >> and of course, sanctions he would do that. the defending ukraine's sovereignty act, sanctions significant sanctions, how long does that bipartisan group hold together if for instance the senate changes hands because if republicans are in control of the senate, they go back to doing the bidding of the president that really, really likes russia and really, really doesn't like nato. are you confident the bipartisan collision holds together if mitch mcconnell has the gavel? >> well, congress can give any president sanctions authorization but if the president has to implement them. remember, back in the end of 2019 well before this pipeline from russia to europe was completed, congress passed bipartisan sanctions authority, handed it to president trump and president trump refused to use it. he imposed one sanction on the last day in office but by that time 95% of the pipeline was built and handed biden this enormous mess. congress has been pretty unified on the matter of supporting ukraine and punishing russia for their travel into u train. joe biden will use the sanctions authority we give him but if donald trump gets back into office he won't. it ultimately up to the president to make this policy work and there is a huge difference between donald trump's seriousness about russia and joe biden's seriousness. >> how worried should we be we're going to see war on the european continent over this? >> very worried. 20, 30% of ukrainians wanted to join nato. he had a proxy government in place in kyiv, but over the course of the last decade ukraine made a different decision. they want to be a part of the west. they are sick and tired of living under russia's thumb. and he can't now coerce them back into his orbit. he has to use force. and so i think you need to look this whole threat to ukraine through a prism of russian weakness. this is his only chance to try to win ukraine back is with 200,000 troops. i think there is a very good chance that those troops are going to march further into ukraine, maybe not all the way to kyiv, but we could be on the precipice of an international crisis. >> yeah. lots of crises in hand. let me switch gears a moment to voting rights. there is going to be a vote tonight sometime in the 8:00 hour. how is that going to go? is there any chance that manchin and sinema will allow a switch to a talking filibuster or a filibuster with 55 votes needed instead of 60 or any changes at all? >> it doesn't appear that we're ultimately going to win the vote on changing the rules. but it is important that we are going to be united in our vote for the freedom to vote act, which, in and of itself, could save democracy. unfortunately, it doesn't look like we will be as united when it comes to the rules changes. my colleagues think that preserving senate traditions is more important than protecting the right to vote. i think that's an enormous mistake. i don't know that there will be a senate left to protect if we lose our democracy. donald trump told us loud and clear that he wants to steal the next election, that he thinks the vote counters are more important than the candidates, and so if in 2022 or 2024 somebody is seated in the united states senate or god forbid the white house who didn't win the election, that's a constitutional crisis t that could be the end of the democracy. that could be the end of the united states senate and i wish all 50 of my colleagues understood the stakes like that. >> why do you think that manchin and sinema don't care about that? we are almost out of time. >> yeah, you'd have to ask them. ultimately, i don't know that they see the existential threat that many of us do. >> yeah. clearly or they just don't care. senator chris murphy, thank you very much, sir. appreciate you being here. okay. are you comfy? yes? tonight's absolute worst is next and i want to make sure you don't feel any discomfort because before we kick this off i want to make sure that you're chill. so i even brought this plushie for you. he is going to soothe you. he is soothing you, okay? we'll be right back. s soothing y s soothing y we'll be right back.aught in ea, it's more treatable. hey, cologuard! hi, i'm noninvasive and i detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers even in early stages. early stages. it's for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. 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"all in" with chris hayes starts now. tonight on "all in" -- >> the supreme court didn't have the courage to take it up and they should be ashamed of themselves. >> the supreme court hands donald trump another loss. the january 6th committee will get trump's presidential records related to the insurrection. tonight committee members on the high court's decision, what to expect from the documents and even more new subpoenas. then, former attorney general eric holder and attorney mark elias on the voting rights fight on the senate floor. as the president marks his first year in office, why he is a raising alarms over what could happen in europe. >> consequential thing that happened in the world in terms of war and peace since world war ii. >> lieutenant colonel alexander vindman on russia

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Inflation , Timing , Ac , Journalist , Actions , Vision , Obstructionest , Washington D C , Mind , Some , Capacity , Redeliver A , Work , Choice , Voter , Context , Policies , Communities , Ideas , Literature , Surrogates , Midst , Political Science , Go Public , Estate , Strategists , Make , Policy Division , Behalf , Mitch Healthcare Reform , No Doubt , John Cornan , Buster , Baby , Listen , Abortions , Abortion , Life Saving Care , 20 , Constituents , Carry , Second Amendment Rights , Colleagues , Precedent , Terrify , Reasons , Doubt , Five , Supreme Court , Nominee , Hypocrisy , 2017 , Member , Flick , Nuclear , Wrist , George W Bush , Aides , 2005 , Thegr , Government , Thinking , Choices , Hesitation , Ah , Precedence , Speech , Forbearance , Made A Last Ditch Effort , Jeff Merkley , More , Efforts , Florida , Biden S Epic Press Conference And The Supreme Court , Retiree , Ukraine , Chris Murphy , Worst , Region , Documents , Plus , Secretary Of State , Brewing International 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Witnesses , Folks , Communications , Spills , Rally , Ellipse , Essence , January 6th Rally , Defendant , Prosecutors , Court Papers , Inquiry , Conspiracy , Proof , It Reach , Group , Agreement , Handshake , Understanding , Objective , Wink , Nod , Investigators , Direction , Let S Go , Is , Ones , Billionaire , Properties , Ways , 55 , Sense , Exposure , Building , Website , Licensing , Management , Humiliating , All Of The Above , Tish James , Charges , Lead , Value , Property , Fraud , Coincidence , Papers , Predetermination , Incidents , Children , Ten , Intent , Justice System , Grip , Dismantle Trump , Organization , Remedies , System , Operations , New York , Eric Trump , Sentence , Penalty , Questioning , Fifth , 500 , Russia , Border , Buildup , Path , Don T Go , Me Next Don T Go Anywhere , Blinken Meets , Chase Security Features , Convenience , Banking , Limu Emu , Chase , Liberty Mutual Customizes , Doug , Personal Record , Limu , Car Insurance , Limu Emu Squawks , Thirty Four , Pay , Car , Vo , Music Vo , Liberty , Decompression Zone , Congestion , Pressure , Experts , Windshield , Service , Singers , Technology , Safelite Autoglass , Safelite Repair , Relief , Sinus Pressure , Vicks Sinex , Nasal Congestion , Action Formula , Sinuses , Sinus Treatments , Targets , Source , 12 , Life , Sfx , Voice Relief , Vicks , 125 , Other , Plenty , Magic , Chaos , Mozzarella Stick , Tums Vs , Magic Moment , Bite , Tums Chewy Bites , Crunchy Outside , Chewy Inside , Goals , Personalpoints Program , Foods , 26 , Ww Personalpoints Plan , January 24th , 24 , War , Nato , West , Price , Biden Weighing , Vladimir Putin , Conflict , Map , Others , Boarder , Sociopath , 100000 , Stage , View , Aggression , Cost , Furtherer , Allies , Moscow , Information , Invasion , Pretext , Troops , Talks , Poland , Consequences , Counterpart , Meeting , Antony Blinken , Geneva , Sanctions Bill , Progress , 38 , Differences , Page , Connecticut , Daylight , Delegation , Seven , Concern , Influence , Smash , Undoing , Putin , Fine Line , The End , Sanctions , Army , Economy , Sovereignty Act , Changes , Really Doesn T , Instance , Group Hold , Bidding , Collision , Authorization , Sanctions Authority , Pipeline , On The Last Day , Sanction , Europe , 2019 , Mess , Matter , 95 , Seriousness , He Won T , Policy Work , War On The European Continent , 30 , Proxy Government , Ukrainians , Last , Living , Thumb , Kyiv , Threat , Orbit , Force , Weakness , Prism , Crisis , Hand , Crises , Precipice , Lots , 200000 , Switch , 00 , Freedom To Vote Act , It Doesn T , Vote Counters , Left , Candidates , 2024 , 2022 , End , Somebody , T , God , Sinema Don T , Care , Existential Threat , Many , Do , Don T Care , Stakes , Discomfort , Sir , Aught , Plushie , You , S Soothing , Ea , Ys Soothing Y , Baby Got Back , Discover , Unlimited Cashback Match , Kayak , Mom , Kayak Denier , Hundreds Of Travel Sites , Research , Flights , Hotels , Cars , Todd , Arr , Class , Beacon Of Hope , San Francisco , Search One , Restaurant Workers , Hit Bilal , Status Quo Isn T Working , Change , Best , Network , City , Big Deal , Bilal Mahmood , Bucks , 30 Bucks , Internet , Wireless , 5g , Savings , Sweet , 5 , Store , Hundreds , Switch Squad , Save , Xfinity , Snowflakes , Reveling , 2016 , Tears , Liberals , Snowflake , Buttercups , Meltdown , Facts , Narrative , Everywhere , Opinions , Emotion , Yes , Right , Child , Skin , Woman , Ron Desantis , Governor , Employees , Students , Teaching , Racism , Individual , Slavery , Race , Virtue , Sex , Distress , Responsibility , Account , Anguish , Guilt , Critical Race Theory Boogeyman , Schools , Conspiracy Theory , Race Theory , Slaves , Student , Books , Copies , Owners , White Slave , Toni Morrison , Sensitivity Training , Small Business , Employee , Lives , Cops , White Floridian , Bunny , Feels , Feelings , Big Old Snowflake , Snow Sflak , Supreme Court Didn T , Courage , All In , Chris Hayes , Committee Members , Loss , Eric Holder , Mark Elias , High Court , Floor , Raising , Alexander Vindman , Terms , World , World War Ii , War And Peace ,

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