> we got some difficult days here, it does not matter to me now becaus"> > we got some difficult days here, it does not matter to me now becaus" property="og:description"> > we got some difficult days here, it does not matter to me now becaus">

Transcripts For MSNBC Morning Joe 20240709 : comparemela.com

Transcripts For MSNBC Morning Joe 20240709

way too early on this martin luther king's day. "morning joe" starts now. >> we got some difficult days here, it does not matter to me now because i have been through the mountain tops. i don't mind -- like anybody i would like to live a long life, longevity has its place. i am not concerned about that now. i want to do god's will and he allowed me to go up to the mountain and i have looked over and i have seen the promise land. i mean i would get there with you. i want you to know the night that we ever, the people will get the the promise land so i am happy and i am not worried about anything. i am not feeling anything, my life have seen the glory of the coming of the law. >> what an extraordinary extraordinary speech of martin luther king jr. i have been to the mountain top speech, april 1968. it was delivered the day before he was assassinated. i remember seeing that very long time ago in church, not knowing the background of it. the fact is king didn't want to deliver that speech that night. he was exhausted. it was raining outside and they called him up and said people are showing up here, they really want to see you. so he reluctantly got dressed and fought through the rain and delivered that extraordinary speech the night of the april the 3rd, 1968. the night before he was assassinated. this morning we are reflecting on the impact of martin luther king jr.'s life on this martin luther king jr.'s day. >> good morning, welcome to "morning joe," it's monday, january 17th, with us, we have the host of "politics nation," reverend al sharpton, he's the author of the new book, "righteous troublemakers." also, the host of "way too early" at politico, jonathan lemire and in a moment we'll talk about dr. king's legacy and how it relates to today's finite over voting fights. we look at how close we may be to a peak of omicron variant. the covid number that had some more optimistic of where we are headed. former president trump has reportedly trashed talking for florida governor ron desantis in private as an in-break with a dull personality. we'll talk about that drama. a wild finish to the cowboys/49ers game. >> jonathan lemire, i got to say, i have been watching football for a long time and i know you have as well. i can't figure out the last play that the dallas cowboys ran. not these cowboys, they thought the time was a concept which we measure our pain. we are going to move beyond the time space continuum and run the ball of the middle. it's unbelievable. let's wachl. watch. >> dak has to get it out of the boundary and taking a shot out of the end zone. it's scary, i would take the shot through the end zone. you need someone, san francisco to get to the quarterback here, prescott takes off running the football. whoa. i don't think this is going to work out. they're playing for it. it's down time. oh my gosh. it's over, the game is over! jonathan lemire, you just don't do that. high school football coach would be fired for running back play on any level. i mean here you have the dallas cowboys' entire season coming down to a final play, you got to go to the end zones a few times because tom does not stop on first down. you have got to get the ball out of bounds or into the end zone or the game is over. >> how can your season end on that play? how can your season end without even one shot to the enzone? they're at the 40 yards line and they have no time out. they don't have enough time for this play. is prescot got a good arm. the one thing you can't do is this. a lot of cowboys were upset after the game. the umpire, they have to place the ball. the cowboys can't do that themselves. this was inexcusable coaching. a lot of success in the past but the last 30 years or so, they have had catastrophic losses. to not even get a shot at the end zone. it took the 49ers four places they realize they needed a guard at the sidelines. if you are going to the end zone and you don't want to throw it in the end zone, try a post route, do anything to get the ball 20, 30 yards down. at least give yourself a shot getting into the end zone. that did not happen. it was a heck of a come back. i mean my gosh, dallas cowboys down 23-7 at the beginning of the fourth quarter and the niners let them come roaring back. that was lining up to be one of the great comebacks in nfl history but it ended on a bone-headed play. i am not sure why dak handed the ball to the center, he should have handed to the rev. your boy brady, let's talk about him. >> tom. look at this. he's just so handsomely throws that touchdown. the bucs had a bunch of injuries, they sort of flown under the radar in recent of the antonio brown's saga. they looked good yesterday. they stay-at-home as the winner of tonight's rams/cardinals game. good defense and running game. the kind of team that can win the game at lambo and they go to play the packers. i am still bashing at tom brady here because i don't want to talk at all of the - >> we love you and because you are a member of the family, we are not going to show any highlights. i was hoping matt brown will have a better start to his career. this was a great bill stain. you got to say especially in the first half it was not the patriots doing anything wrong. the bills were executing from the beginning. they were outclassed. they have to build a team. >> there were signs for patriots going forward, i am happy with this year. it ended so poorly and the defense did not show up. a lot of this is about the bills. here is all you need to know. they had seven drives, they scored seven touchdowns, they scored a touchdown on every drive. that has never happened before in a playoffs game. as we look at the schedule next week, we got bengals and titans on saturday. the bucs on sunday afternoon and it all builds to a classic. i don't think that's the case this year. the chiefs, they annihilated the steelers last night. they should have been in the playoffs team. ben roethlisberger should have retired two years ago. they just threw him out. this chiefs team does not seem quite as dominant as the last couple of versions. chiefs and bills sunday night with the bills peaking right now will be a lot of fun. the winner of that game probably will head into the super bowl or maybe the favorite. >> we didn't talk about the bengals. how they advanced. great game against the raiders. they're still the oakland raiders. they didn't call them the la raiders when they were la. they'll be forever the oakland raiders. good game there. we'll see what happens. you talk about teams that are hot right now. i would not want to play san francisco coming back to beat the rams last week and get into the playoffs and beating the dallas cowboys. that's a good team. they got a good running game. the one issue is garoppolo. he tends to make one or two mistakes every game. they'll win in despite of him. >> there is copetition underway at the australian open without novak djokovic, that saga continues. we'll talk to the renounced tennis commentator about this. wow. that's not happening for him. there is a lot of controversies of some of the decisions he made. let's get to politics now. the senate is expected to vote this week on voting rights legislation despite seemingly being doomed to fail. chuck schumer says the chamber will take up a pair of bills tomorrow, the legislation will almost certainly be rejected with lacking the 10 republican votes needed to clear the filibuster. efforts to enact a filibuster carve out for voting rights now seems unlikely as well with joe manchin and kirsten sinema coming out with that tactic. yesterday republican senator mit romney announced bipartisan efforts underway a bill to clarify the vice president's role in certifying election results as strictly ceremonial. >> a group of 12 senators, republicans and democrats working on the electoral count will continue to work together. sadly this bill that the president has been pushing i never got a call on that from the white house. there was no negotiation bringing republicans and democrats together to try to come up with something that'll meet bipartisan interest is sure, we can work together at almost every issue where there is common ground. >> rev, this lines up with what joe manchin is saying. you talked to manchin about voting rights about filibuster and trying to move forward. manchin says he's talking on this electoral count act as well as a guarantee for every american and every legal american to be able to vote but right now of course just not much progress being made anywhere on voting rights and obviously a growing unrest among many of joe biden's most supporters of helping him get elected. >> no questions about it. there is clearly no disagreements that we need to be clear in terms of the electoral count and the electoral vote in terms of who determines the certifications of the president and certifications of voters. that does not answer the need to protect people's rights to vote and having those impediment and roadblocks putting in ways of people's rights to vote. for romney, ignoring the fact that we have seen many states now, 33 new states' laws since the 2020 election that are clearly set up to impede people's rights to vote disproportionately black. i think it's something of try to go around the issue of vote rights rather than dealing with it. they need to find a way to go around the filibuster and not to go around voing rights. >> what dow make of mit romney's response of not having a call from the white house, is there an argument as to what's in this bill whether or not you supported or don't support it or does he have a point? the white house is not doing enough? >> well, he's got a phone, he can call the white house himself and he knows everyday that manchin and susan collins and a lot of people have been talking about moving forward with some voting rights issue. he knows manchin has been going around trying to find ten republicans to get on bills for you know see for instance the john lewis' voting rights act, something he can get involved with. you know i don't think you are sitting in your office, well, the president never called me so i can't engage in the base. that's not how we operate in the debates. i am not really sure. i also find it, rev, to be the height of -- republicans trying to figure out around the filibuster by raising the debt ceiling. you talk about them trying to filibuster on this martin luther king's for voting rights. and they act as if you are trying to have them bring down the capitol piece by piece and this is somehow a grand tragedy. mike pence saying january 6th is bad but yes so as ending the filibuster would be a tragedy of course such a stupid argument, i don't think we should even justify it because of course again when republicans want to get around the filibuster for a federal judges or supreme court judges, for raising the debt ceiling. they do it and they did it a couple of weeks ago. now it's a threat of democracy? >> that's the most insulting part of the argument is act like we are doing something that's outrageous are unthinkable when they did it around the debt ceiling. that's going around the filibuster to find a way to carve it out. carve out a way to go around the filibuster. we are talking about something that's fundamental as protecting people's rights to vote and they're acting like they're something extreme about that. it's very ire and let's not forget when we talk with senator joe manchin and he said that he wanted to come up with a bill that republicans he felt could go along with it. this freedom to vote bill is his bill. he could not get one republican to go with his bill. i remember in 2006 as you say, joe, there was a resigning of the voting rights act at the white house in the rose garden. i was invited and sat on the front row and guest of the president of the united states, president was george bush, i was invited by carl rove. all republicans voted for him. what happened in 2022 that's so different in 2006. other than the insurrection and 16 people in the senate today republican senators that are sitting there today voted for the voting rights act in 2006 so what happened? did donald trump change this party where it lost its mind and memory? >> correct. >> i don't know. do republican senators need somebody to call them to remind them that they need to reauthorize the voting rights act like george w. bush did and every republican did in 2006? i don't think so. it's really a shame. mika, right now i think republicans are being short sided because right now we are talking about of course mainly black americans who were fighting to have the voting rights act extended, hispanics. there is no guarantee that it won't be republicans. it won't be conservatives, it won't be the very people that are standing in the way of passing this that are not going to have their voting rights challenged in 5 or 10 or 15 years. a lot of voting precincts in white neighborhoods across states in the future that have voing booths and voting locations taken out and having steps to stop them from being able to vote. we should all be able to be shoulder to shoulder here and guaranteeing every american's equal access to voting, equal rights to voting. we should be able to extend the john lewis voting rights act without any trouble at all. it should be extended now. let's bring professor paneil joseph. can you explain exactly where most voters stand right now without the vote rights act where access to voting is going for under served communities? #. >> good morning mika and joe. we lost the status quo from 1965 to 2013. basically, what the supreme court's decision did is really end what was called preclearance. it's really the safe guard of the vra, if states try to change voter identification loss or states try to change early voting polling access, they had to clear that, preclear that with the justice department. and for states like, texas is my adopted hometown, states like texas for example as soon as shelby decision was passed, they passed a flourish of voter identification and other legislation that really precludes poor under represented african-american voters having the same access. north carolina did the same thing. many states did the same thing. in a lot of ways all people were asking for is for the people act and the john lewis' act, the passage of the voting rights act. as we know that comes because of march 7th, 1965 and john lewis on the bridge named after confederate military hero getting his skull fractured alongside 500 other african-american demonstrators who were peacefully demonstrating across that bridge and dr. king leads the march from selma to montgomery over the next two weeks that culminates on the march 25th, that was the last time king gave a live speech that was telecast across the nation where he demands the ballot as part of citizenship for all people but certainly for african-americans. we are looking at is trying to get back to the status quo from 1965 to 2013 and that's why it's disengenious really. the vra was extended in 2006 for another 25 years. this should have been extended all the way up to 2032 if not for the supreme court. >> yeah, so professor, i was talking my kids and i at lunch yesterday were talking about a lot of different things and one of my kids brought up martin luther king and we started talking about king and i just, we were showing clips from a compressed time period and i explained to my children that i was born in 1963, the same year that kennedy died but also the same year that king gave his speech and march on washington, i said can you believe five years later when i started school in meridian, mississippi, the classes were integrated. that was rural mississippi. this country moved at a grave neck pace. one of the great legacies is how quickly things move over those five years or so. talk about the 50 years, the 55 or 56 or 57 years since and the legacy that martin luther king jr. leaves us today as well as the challenges. >> the legacies joe are what you said of the interracial integration in mississippi. we'll see the passage of the 13th and 14th and 15th amendment ending slavery and passing a birthright citizenships and a black voting rights for men are going to be extended to white women by 1920 and extended to black women by 1965, when i think of the last 50 years, there has been enormous progress from one perspective and we see that progress with the black elected officials, congressional black caucus and the election of barack obama. there is also huge setbacks. we think of huge setsetbacks. that's really pushing away from the civil rights movement and the social justice movement. that movement for racial justice for black dignity and citizenship. what we are now in i believe is america's third reconstruction and we think about the idea of a third reconstruction really bookended by the election of barack obama in 2008. the rise of the tea party and the rise of black lives matter of donald trump and january 6th, we see this clash, this ongoing clash between reconstructionists and redemption of advocates of white supremacists. they made an argument they are going to redeem the south. what's extraordinary about the period of 1965 all the way up to 2013 is we created a new consensus around voting rights where republicans and democrats agreed, all americans should enjoy them. that consensus gives you barack obama. since 2013 there is been a huge push back and charlottesville is a great example of this. the most egregious example is january 6th. what we see is the republican party even more so when you were young has been hijacked, basically the party of racial segregation, racial exclusion and now they have a firewall in the senate. when we think of the '65 voting rights act. 49 democrats voted for that and 30 republicans voted for that. and so we had bipartisan approval for voting rights in 1965 when you have the george wallace who are saying segregation now and then and forever. it's extraordinary both how far we have come, joe, but how far we have left to go. >> professor, peniel joseph, thank you so much. we appreciate you coming on the show. reverend al, we began with martin luther king jr., i have been to the mountain top speech, where are we now as we reflect on this day? >> well, i think that we are where we must renew the battle and the fight to preserve what dr. king and his generation gave us and that was voting rights and that was civil rights and under civil rights, police reform with dr. king spoke to. if we studied history, there is always moving forward and those push to go back. we are in an era where people are trying to push back what dr. king did which is why martin luther king iii joining them this is not a deal of legislation, to press and preserve what dr. king stood for. protect the things he spoke to and got accomplished. >> all right, rev, thank you. still ahead on "morning joe," a frighten weekend of the members of a synagogue in texas. what we are learning of the man who took them hostage and the motivation. there is no data of omicron that's giving leaders some hopes that the surge could be slowing down. former president trump is not happy with ron desantis, the issue that had trump trash talking the florida governor behind his back -- you are watching "morning joe," we'll be right back. you are watching "morning joe," we'll be right back this is a gamechanger, who dares to be fearless even when her bladder leaks. our softest, smoothest fabric keeping her comfortable, protected, and undeniably sleek. depend. the only thing stronger than us, is you. as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. depend. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ throughout history i've observed markets 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"snl" chris read breaking out his impression of mayor adams as omicron sweeps the country, the number of out new york offering some hope. new york state reported of 48,000 coronavirus cases on friday down 47% from the roughly 90,000 cases reported just a week ago. while hochul says the state is turning the corner on the winter surge, it's not in the clear and continues to encourage that vaccinations and boosters. got to get vaccinated. in virginia, governor glenn youngkin signed a executive order after being sworn in removed the state's mask requirements in schools. the order rescinds masking for children k through 12. school districts are able to keep the masks in place but parents can choose not to follow them. masks are still required for students and staff and visitors for school's facilities and buses. coming up. governor desantis is defying the supreme court of the united states and now some healthcare providers are defying him. the latest over the battle of vaccine mandates, next on "morning joe." f vaccine mandates, next on vaccine mandates, next on "morning joe." find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. 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the vaccine mandate. a spokesperson from governor desantis says the state will follow its own law passed last year which bans vaccine mandates. the "tampa bay times" reports, healthcare facilities risk losing funding if they don't implement vaccine mandates. let's bring in charles coleman. there is something called the supremacy laws that would require a governor of the state to follow what the united states supreme court ruled. maybe he thinks it's being cute or he wants to defy the united states supreme court. it's more of the same of disrespect and disregard for federal courts and it's really is a menaing action against the rule of law in this country. >> well, not just that, joe, everything you said is absolutely correct. it's the added element that you are playing russian roulette with people's lives that you cut medicare funding for people in florida who desperately needed. with this game of chicken that desantis is setting up with supreme court, what you are doing is putting down imperial. i don't know whether it's about political expediency or whether this is something he's intending to blaze a trail. i don't think it's going to end well. there are too many provisions and cases that say the supreme court has the last say. it's not necessarily that they are last because they are always right. they are always right because they are always last. >> now, dave, this is an action that you don't see regularly where governors see a ruling from the united states supreme court and oh, we are not going to pay attention to it. i mean that's -- that's anarchy. that's a bad way to anarchy and follows what donald trump started. >> governor desantis knows better, he knows what is the clemency clause means. here he's enging an act of performance art because he wants to be president in 2024. he believes he wins here by losing, his base loves the fight and when he loses, he can then blame liberal judges for his defeat so it will be a maga daily double. you are seeing this in his attack on chief justice roberts and kavanaugh. he says they had no backbones because they sided on the liberal justices on the healthcare vaccine mandates. we are just talking about desantis' refusing to admit publicly whether he got the vaccine booster. that's what led donald trump calling him gutless. having a backbone is telling your supporters of what you need to do like having the vaccine and stop gaslighting them. >> i guess reverend now the issue here is not whether he'll be overturned in his actions by the supreme court. it's the law of the land. i just think it speaks volume to where this wing of the republican party is that they have a guy who's considered front runner for the presidency in 2024 and yet he's openly defying the united states supreme court and hey, conservative court by a 6-3 margin by the way. again, for some reason i am especially troubled when things like this happen, just like i was when donald trump 2017 didn't like the washington state judge's ruling and called him the so-called judge. here you have desantis openly defying a conservative united states supreme court and saying he's going to ignore the law of the land. >> it's outrageous on its face when you think about this is the party that was the law nullified and now you have them defying the law on a law that conservative judges came down with and where he in many ways sort of -- he's maing former president trump looked moderate. when you have donald trump saying the vaccine is all right and people should come out and say they should have been vaccinated and you have desantis taking this position, he's really helping to in many ways inadvertedly help trump out even though trump is a threat by anybody that would potentially overshadows him. >> former president trump reportedly trashed talking desantis in private as an -- dull personality. both aide spokesperson for trump and desantis did not respond to axios request for comment. the new york times, desantis, a man trump put on the mask has been acting like a former acolyte. the governor refrained from saying he would stand aside if mr. trump runs for president in 2024. magic word trump said to several advisers, mr. desantis shot back criticizing mr. trump's early handling of the pandemic and saying he's regretted for not being more vocal. he believes that he bend the knee is asking too much. >> jonathan lemire, it's shots back and forth at each other. i have been suspecting that desantis at some point is going to cave, does not look like he's going to to any time. i will not run if donald trump runs. >> but you are right, joe. we talked about that last week. part of this was trump being upset that desantis was not - he was the one major republican candidate who would not say that he would step out of the 2024 race if trump were to run. we know that for trump loyalties are one way street. he hates it when people profits off of his name or gets famous off of his name, in association of him. that's what he has told aides of my reporting is happening here. desantis should bow out. he does not like the idea that he's a gop front runner and is one who's not willing to go away if trump were to run. dave, let's get your take on this. you are in florida, give us a sense of desantis' political standing, they're in the state and is he someone that could withstand if donald trump opens up a full onslaught. we know how he attacks political opponents fairly enough, can he measure up to that? >> jonathan, i think it's more trump's party than desantis' party. when desantis ran for governor, he had a commeial with his infant children where he taught them the words "build the wall" and "make america great again," he's out there raising tons of money. he's a national figure. his ego is not going to let him bend the knee like trump wants him to do. he does not want to jeopardize his election by talking about 2024. he never said he's interested in running for president even that's one thing that motivates him. he's gliding towards reelection but one of the two things that can interrupt that path is trump going after him if he's going after brian kemp in georgia. desantis is already talking about a mississippi style abortion bill, that would be out of touch with most floridians so we'll see what happens. in the tend florida is some what will of a swing state and his posturing this pandemic, we'll have to see how much he gets hurt by it. >> charles, we know as we look at king's day and talking about covid and the disproportionate impact it had on blacks and talking about the criminal justice system where you work and talking about voting, it seems on king's day that we are dealing with the racial inequality whether it's covid or criminal justice or voting rights. how do you see this in 2022 king's day on what we focus on as a country looking through the lens of martin luther king jr.'s day this day. >> where we are right now is an important place in history. it gives us the opportunity to look backward. understand how much further we have to go. we are in a space right now with the soul of our democracy as americans is up for grabs. when you talk about what it's to be black america today, we have lawmakers who are playing politics without humanity. when you think about dr. king's legacy and what it's to fight for equality and racial justice, it really drives home the point of let's stop playing around with this. let's stop playing the game of politics and legislation when you were talking about the true and real existence of incorporating our community and our people into the everyday fabric of what it's to be american. there is a lot to be encouraged about of what the supreme court is going to be doing with the cases we are looking at and where we are headed in urban center across america as crimes continue to peak and significant amounts of pain of black people across america. we realize there is so much to do and where to go. this is not something people should be playing politics with. january 6th is an interesting backdrop to think about when you talk about king day. beyond the notion of equality, all the principles that dr. king advocated for are essential to our democracy. we don't need to just limit this and have a conversation about racial or social justice, those things are absolutely important. it's paramount and you and i both know this. beyond that when you think of what it is to be americans, those things, his words and teachings have more relevant than perhaps ever. >> dave and charles, thank you very much. coming up, is america training its own insurrectionists? what we are learning of members of groups like the oath keepers and their use of military skills to advance extremist plots. plus -- 16 republican lawmakers in michigan are under investigation for trying to claim joe biden's 2020 election win for donald trump. michigan's attorney general joins us, "morning joe" is back in a moment. s us, "morning jos k s us, 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"morning joe." we you need san francisco to get to the quarterback here. prescott takes off running the football. oh, i don't think it's going to work out. the clock is not playing for it. it's down time. oh my gosh. officials get in the way, it's over. the game is over. >> oh. jonathan lemire, welcome to "morning joe." at the top of the hour, it's monday, january 17th, reverend al and jonathan lemire is with us. people are turning in are pointing west. this was just an inexcusable call where it's a horrible way to end a game and a season. that's what's happening to dallas. it's an hour early. >> it's making less sense. it's 14 seconds left in the season and you needed a touchdown and you are down 6. you don't have time for this. you have two options here. you throw once or twice down the end zone here. it's easy than a hail mary. you have prescott he can make that throw or you do a quick 10 yards out. either way the clock stops. you don't have any time outs. your season can't end on that without even a shot at the end zone. look, a terrific win for the 49ers, they gone on the road and they win there. they set up nicely for the packers. boy, more than anything, that's a devastating defeat for the dallas cowboys, one that'll be questioned all offseason long. >> it should be. you go out of bounds and you can do an out pattern or toss the ball back or maybe pick up ten yards or get closer to the end zone for the hail mary. when you are in this position with little time left and you got the niners finally guarding the sidelines, you got to take the ball down field. you got to pass it down even if you pass it with somebody doing a post route, get it to them on the 10 or 15 yards line. maybe there is a shot. this offers you no chance of getting a playoff. >> yeah, it does not. it's not that much of a difference between throwing it at the 40 or the 28 where he was tackled. burning 14 seconds for 12 yards. you can make that throw. you have to at least going down and losing at home or at least taking a shot at the end zone. it's rare. we live in a deeply divided nation. it's rare to have a moment where everyone comes together as one. that's what happens yesterday on twitter when that play happened. the entire universe exploded. what was that? >> good thing they did not show jerry jones at the owner's box. it's 23-7. the cowboys came storming back, looks like they're going to catch the niners could not do it. the playoffs continue and right now the buccaneers is looking awfully strong and san francisco, a team of destiny, we'll see what happens. the playoffs continue tonight. who do you like, jonathan? >> rams/cardinals. neither of these teams are particularly strong. i do think it will be a legit under dog to tom brady and buccaneers next week. as you look at the schedule here, bengals verses titans. a terrific game on saturday night, 49ers and packers, aaron rodgers. they can seem to run the balfour defense and that got tom. bills at chiefs, rematch of last year's afc title game. josh allen is on fire. he eviscerated the patriots. should the nation feels terrible for us last week. that should be a great game. >> there you go. let's get to the news now. new developments around the committee investigating into attack on the capitol. the panel on friday met with christopher miller who was the acting defense secretary on the day of the attack. it's still unclear what was discussed in the meeting. miller providedd conflicting testimonies in congress in the past saying trump had "encouraged" protesters with his remarks on january 6th and he believed an organized conspiracy played a role in the capitol attack. in december, the committee met with miller's chief of staff cash patel, a top aid of jim jordan of ohio. we learning more of stewart rhodes, he's been charged of seditious conspiracy for his involvement of the january 6th attack. the oath keepers were already convinced that victory had been stolen from former president trump and members of the far right militia group were making plans to march on the u.s. capitol. the associated press citing court documents reports that rhodes citing we are not getting through this without a civil war. rhodes refused to accept it and marched on mass to the capitol. rhodes joined the army and being discharged after he was injured during a night parachuting accident. federal authorities arrested rhodes in texas last thursday while there was no evidence he entered the capitol on january 6th. he was accused of putting the violence into motion. rhodes faced a judge on friday and ordered to be held in custody. after the hearing, his lawyer said he entered a not guilty plea and plans to fight the charges. >> let's bring in our former fbi special agent, clint watts. elites in the media looking at the people who attacked the capitol like to suggest they are yahoos who crawled out underneath a rock and you got trump on the right saying they're just tourists that day. you got a guy that went to yales and also an army and a trooper and unfortunately as you note there are far too many, far too many retired military people that were involved on january the 6th. >> when you read the indictment, it reads like a handbook. it's pretty remarkable and just looking at the language that was there and the organization that went into it. also, i would like to compare to imagine five or six years ago when i am here with you talking about an isis sit back and brussel and paris. it would look a lot like this had gone wrong on january 6th. they were going through the full lineup and most of the people that were there on january 6th were not in the plan, it only takes a dozen people to breach that to create the breach point to create a major chaotic event. the other thing to think about that we were quite fortunate on that day. had there been some sort of shots, there is a qrs standing by with assault rifles and other weapons. the bloodshed would have been unbelievable. while many would try to down play this. i would never saw al-qaida or isis plot trying to enter the capitol or get close to capitol with weapons and trying to overthrow the government. i saw it up to a dozen people trying to hang the device president or find nancy pelosi. we tend to discount it because there are americans, it's much more sophisticated than most of the attack we after saw. many claimed it was much ado to nothing. you look at the details and chars, like you said you have retired military people who were planning an assault on the capitol. there was no doubt this is sedition and again the documents were frightened. >> they were argued and armed. they are not capable. what distinguishes oftentimes a plot being something dangerous is do they have access to weapons and targets and do they have a plan? when you look back across the last two decades, rarely that was the case. most of the people that we rode off as hey, this is a dumb plot, they had serious questions, we talked in the weeks past seems like violence is more of the national discourse. what sort of threats do they see as we have now turn the page as we enter the midterms here. >> across the board you will hear director wray say this and when ever attorney general garland speaks that there is much worries mostly around based race groups. in these online spaceou will e the collisi of far right ideologies of white supremacy. this is off of one off attack, young attackers and they're hard to anticipate and hard to police. everything have gone local. while we have been focusing on january 6th, state capitol and city council and school boards, that's where you see the most violent individual show up and there are. my biggest worries is you have members of some of these extremist groups running for office and you have people say they won't respect the law. these are sheriffs in some places say i decide the law and not the federal government. and that creates a volatile situation, i would not be surprise if the first coup we see is local and not federal. they take over a ballot box or an officer that don't respect the vote in 2022. >> clint watts, thank you very much, we'll be reading your piece in "the washington post." a group of republican lawmakers in michigan are under federal investigation for submitting a document which falsely claims that donald trump won their state in the 2020 election. the probe is focused on 16 state lawmakers who signed a letter in december of 2020 refuting joe biden's win by 154,000 votes in michigan. that document was then reportedly sent to the u.s. senate in district court after police blocked the group from entering the state's capitol on the day michigan's electoral ballots were cast. >> let's bring in michigan's attorney general dana nessel. thank you for being on this morning. you refer to federal prosecutors. what law did the 16 state officials break? >> well, we believe they violated both. state laws and federal laws and you know we had evaluated and prepared to move forward with a couple of state law violations. there is forgery of a public record as well as election laws forgery. we decided to hold off bus it's clear to us from the work of january 6th that this is one piece of a larger puzzle involving not just michigan but multiple other states where activists came together in their respective states and compiled this false late electors and it was not just political theaters, they piled it and transmitted in all the places where he actual slate of electors were filed. and so my assessment is and this will be left for the feds to decide that this also violated numerous federal laws. forgery of a public record for the purposes of robbing the united states government. that's a ten year felony and commits an offense to defraud u.s. government. it's a five-year. there are multiple offenses that this absolutely violated. i would like the department of justice to look at it as a whole to see who coordinated in office and how it fits in a scheme to clearly overthrow the united states government. >> attorney nessel when you raise the level that i want to question, are we looking at a broader national conspiracy to undermine how elections are determined that we are seeing in your state, for example, with these 16 and another state as you indicated that they'll even break the law in order to really set up a new kind of mechanism that would determine how the outcome of elections are if it's not to their liking and they have done it with people who considered themselves as patriots and engaged in criminal conspiracies for whatever ends they want. it's a crime of what they are doing and part of a national conspiracy. is that your feeling and is that where your investigations in the state of michigan led you to believe? >> well, with all the evidence that's now produced by the january 6th committee, i really think that's the inexcusable conclusion. you look at the memo and by the majority leader of the senate and house speaker to bring them to the oval office as all of this was transpiring and we learned last night from reporting from "the detroit news" that there was a plan to have republican lawmaker to open the door of the capitol to allow this 16 political activists from the republican party that signed onto this false electors to get them into the senate to conduct this. this has to take place in senate chambers or else it's going to fail it. i of course and what was transmitted and we know it was fraudulent and how do we know that? i myself was a witness. i was in the senate chambers december 14th, at 2:00 p.m., 2020 as the 16th biden and harris elector voted. of course the trump -- pence voters were not in there. they were trying to get in but unable to because the capitol was surround by hundreds of state troopers to prevent their legal entrance. it was possible by republican lawmakers illegally allowing them entrance. this is a much larger conspiracy and i really think it's incredibly important to the department of justice to see how it fits in with other national efforts to undermine and disrupt the 2020 presidential election. >> attorney dana nessel, thank you, we appreciate you being with us. >> thank you. >> jonathan lemire, i am excited about it because it's martin luther king's day and we have seen donald trump when he talked about the booster and the vaccine, he's trying to win those suburban votes back which he has to win if he wants to be elected in 2024. i am excited to hear what he has to say. i am sure he'll talk about russia and china. china, china is all over, i am sure he's going to be talking about that. some ukraine and the texas synagogue and so much to talk about. i can't wait to hear what the 45th president decided was worthy to write about this morning on mlk day. go ahead, hit it. >> donald trump not on twitter but here is what we have. "will "morning joe" be cancelled? they have a hard time finding audience. losing them would be very sad. hope it does not happen. >> hope is the operative word. and such kind words for the show. >> we do burn fake news. >> i never heard him talk about spurn, using that has a word. >> i have not, have you? >> i don't use the word, it's new vocabulary. you got to be careful. >> i am looking it up. secondly, rev, he cannot quit us. even that to be a shame. >> reject. >> we reject fake news. at least he's accurate. we have been talking football for two hours. he likes football. he likes boxing. you think maybe write a little bit about our commentary on the cowboys' game or on talk about mlk day. what do you think? >> i think you got him a little upset when he talk about desantis gaining some tractions there. he may be threatened. you can't imply that he made the has been. i think because of that all of a sudden your ratings are not there and you have no audience. it's an indication that you have an audience of one, donald trump. >> joe, can you see okay? >> maybe he think prescott did the right thing. >> maybe he did. >> maybe, maybe? he want to run up the middle of the no time left. "morning joe" thanks faithful viewer. >> we have said it for a long time. >> florida retiree sends thoughts on show. come on, alex. what are you doing? come on. >> oh my god. >> what do you want? another e-mail? >> check the inbox. >> i am curious though what he thinks about dak running the ball up the middle with time running out. rev, you didn't go as his guest but you and donald went to boxing matches back in the '90s. does he know the sport more than he knows politics? >> the only thing i noticed, we used to go to mike tyson's thing in atlantic city because he had the convention center. i was watching the fight, he was watching the camera to see who was getting him at ring sites. i don't think he caught a knock out. he was posing to be chosen. he was not really a fan of anyone but donald trump. he remained consistent in that area. >> well, we do thank our faithful viewers. >> still ahead on "morning joe," rising comparisons between joe biden and jimmy carter. joe biden is no jimmy carter but that he should wish he he was. hundreds of applications of mail-in ballots are being denied by texas. you are watching "morning joe," we'll be right back. 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(burke) seventeen-car garage you got there? ♪we are farmers♪ ♪bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum♪ president biden is calling the hostage situation at a synagogue in dallas over the weekend an act of terror. the man held several hostages for several hours before he was killed. morgan chesky has more. >> reporter: the fbi combing the scene at the synagogue. a gunman held four people hostage for 12 hours before his death. the president making his statement. >> this is an act of terror. >> reporter: the suspect 44-year-old, he took hostages and his voice heard on a facebook's live stream. his primary demand is the release of a federal prisoner 20 miles away aafi siddiqui. >> she was focused on one issue. >> reporter: even hours in, he released one hostage unharmed. the rabbi still trapped inside saying gunman became belligerent and threatening as time went on. the remaining hostages we leased bide fire door and not rescued. this video shows three people leaving a side door as teams move in confirming the suspect's death. in a statement he added we as a family do not condone any of his actions. his brother was suffering from mental health issues and there was nothing we could have said to him or done that would have convinced him to surrender. authorities credited walker to keeping the situation cold. >> when you got the word that everyone made it out okay - >> yeah, it's like a release of tears and anxiety and stress and thankfulness and praise and worries and all of those all at once. >> reporter: the rabbi is back with his family posting in part, i am grateful that we made it out and grateful to be alive. >> our thanks to nbc's morgan chesky for that report. akrum's two teenage son was detained by police. now to a new opinion piece for the washington post titled "joe biden is no jimmy carter, he should wish he was." joining us is jonathan alter. he's also the author of the book "his very best:jimmy carter a life," you argued that comparison is flattering than critics realized. while historical analoies are often glib and partisan, they can be illuminating. the danger for democrats is the bad odor that surrounds carter's presidency. both carter and biden suffered from what political scientists called green lantern theory which democratic presidents expected by the president and public to have the power of super hero in bending congress to their will and seen as failures when they can't do so every time. >> it's fascinating, jonathan that what we have seen over the past several weeks been one attack after another against joe biden whether it's from progressives or other wings of the democratic party for not being able to make a senator from west virginia and a senator from maricopa county change their minds on issues that are most suggests that democratic party is deeply divided. it's not. joe biden has had remarkable party unity, 48 democratic senators, you do not hear a peep out of them and on the house side they are quite united. that's really in stark contrast to jimmy carter who had a full revolt in the 1980s. while there are similarities and they are both facing inflation, in some way it's apples and oranges comparison because people are comparing carter's last year as president, 1980 with biden's first year as president. actually biden is a lot less popular than jimmy carter was at the end of his first year when he was way over 50%. things really went south for carter and ended up what i call a political failure and even visionary success as president. that's the part on the substance that we hope joe biden achieves. >> well, jonathan, i was going to say for president's timing is everything. you look at ronald reagan at this point and reagan's first year, reagan was just at the bottom of the barrel, republicans got slammed in '82. the economy turned around by '83 and '84, unemployment was around 7%. you look at george h.w. bush was one of my favorite examples of how timing is everything. i suspect if the election had been held a quarter later, three months later, the economy was turning around, he probably would have beaten bill clinton. here with joe biden though you are exactly right. for jimmy carter, he was unfortunate that his crisis hit in the final years of his presidency, biden fortunate enough that it's happening in year one. >> i think that's a very important point. just to compare on the numbers quickly. so inflation right now at 7%. that's alarming. for jimmy carter would average 13%. interest rates negligible right now, 21%. can you imagine running an election have have interest rates at that level. it was jimmy carter and not ronald reagan to be chair of the fed and he didn't do it until 1979 so the effect of raising interest rates to end inflation was not felt until reagan was president. now we have chairman powell who was going to start raising interest rates this year. ask most economists, that'll have an effect in slowing down the economy a little bit. we had such a boom that we can afford to slow it down a little bit. also, we don't have these built-in accelerator that carson was faced with labor deals and inflation was embedded in the system and also these insane increases in global energy prices from already high levels because of opecs power at that time. the circumstances are quite different even though on the surface they look pretty similar. >> jonathan, since we have you here and obviously a man who's known well in this household because of mika and her brothers and dad. it's fascinating the further we get away from the carter's presidency, the more that we recognize in his one term, much like george h.w. bush, he accomplished things more than most presidents in tw terms. and constant threats have not been a ground war israel and its era of allies since '79 in over 40 years because of jimmy carters' camp david accord. and it created the world we live in now for better or worse, globalization. those two momentous decision impacting us. and basically let them know the horrific consequences they would pay if those troops that were surrounding poland actually went in. >> that's right, i think people tend to associate jimmy carter of the iran hostage crisis which by the way the hostages came home safely. there was no way he could have prevented the iranian reserve reserve -- iranian revolution. >> the panama canal which were done over the objection of two-thirds of the country and ronald reagan campaigning against turning over the panama canal. you have to credit carter for. the human rights policy and even many conservatives say that was very helpful in ending the cold war and in kicking off the democratic revolution around the world that was only now being rolled back and you can go down list. the poland situation is just one of a number of things that he did that people forgotten about when they use the easy and lazy, bad president, we need to get past that. as you did and others with harry truman, we need to reassess this presidency and see it as the successful record that it was. >> well, we always look in such dark terms of jimmy carter and ronald reagan, jimmy carter being strong and with didn't even talk about afghanistan going in. there were a lot of commonalities. jonathan alter, as always thank you so much. mika, i remember your father talking about the fact that he moved even though he never worked officially for the reagan administration. he moved seamlessly between the carter administration and when the reagan administration began working behind the scenes with cold warriors with the reagan administration doing the same thing with that administration. they had built up quite a few contacts behind the iron curtain. >> it says a lot especially given what we are looking at today. by the way, just on a personal note, we celebrated my mom's 90th birthday yesterday if you could believe it, 90. the person that was laughing the hardest of that number was my mom. we had a pandemic birthday party where everyone wore masks. when i told her it was the big 90. you see her breaking there in stitches. she was laughing so hard at her age. she could not blow out the candles and laughing hysterically. >> he's happy. >> you were showing pictures of mark who was watching. i was showing pictures of ian face timing in so the entire family was there. i am getting ready to go to poland so we had to celebrate a few days early and she loved every minute of it. so happy birthday bumba. she's just fabulous. she's really the inspiration for 50 over 50 which we'll be talking about later on in the show. coming up, the 2022 primaries are about six weeks away in texas. election officials say there is a big problem that needs to be addressed right now. we'll dig into that straight ahead on "morning joe." l dig int l dig int ahead on "morning joe.t. trust me, after 15 walks... gets a little old. ugh welcome to silversneakers. are you ready to get moving? 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>> and i just, i want to be kind. same with little john lamire. i didn't bring up the patriots. i certainly don't want to bring up -- >> it's big of you. >> and so i'm not going to talk about everton if you don't talk about everton. >> i will not talk about everton, because they are had. and i also will not talk about alabama. but why don't we talk about the premier league returning with a bang? like the buffalo bills, big game. clash between first and second. manchester city. the champions of england. and chelsea, the champions of europe. think of it has nonfootball in terms as if kanye and pete davidson arm wrestled and chelsea had their chances. rumably in like a josh allen. here he comes. so, oh opening up his body. but then it all went -- boris johnson. city shots aside. no, no, no, and into the 70th minute. a moment of genius. kevin attempted to single handedly solve chelsea's defense as if it was -- look at him. like a footballer elvis costello. genius goal. no better ginger athlete. i don't think you can name one. in terms of a title race, swatted aside the mighty beast as if they were armed with citronella candles. liverpool 11 points back in second behind manchester city. they played a game less. the other big clash house, manchester united owned by the tampa bay family, strolled into a 2-0 lead. the tribute. cruising. manchester united looked locked on but a brazilian, a man there -- god, that is excruciating. we've all had days like that. the man and a little magician made his debut and created this golden score in the 81st minute. an equalizer. the little magician. here he is. arriving like began doll of's truth. a wizard is never late nor early. he arrives for safety when he needs to, joe. fairy tales. sometimes i think there's a script writer doing all this. >> i don't know. a fairy tale? the team back from a very, very bad time in spain. let me ask you, though we didn't play everton highlights, rapha, a terrible run at everton. you have been through quite a few managers over the past couple of years. tell me what -- who is next at everton? it's actually -- you guys have money. you've got a storied history. who is probably next in line managing there? >> the way we choose leaders we'll probably take elizabeth holmes or boris johnson. it's an in -- i'm an everton fan, a chicago bears fan. both teams coachless. rudderless. darkness on the edge of town. making my kids, chicago bears and everton fans. am i a bad father or the worst father in the world? you decide. >> we'll be debating that all next hour. thank you for being with us. >> thank you, roger. we'll be watching "the men in blazers show". the latest episode featuring will ferrell is now streaming on peacock. still ahead, novak djokovic is already missing one major tournament, and now he could be in jeopardy of missing another. we are joined at the top of the hour by a tennis commentator. as we honor the life and legacy of martin luther king junior, there's more pressure on democrats to get voting rights legislation passed. but they're no closer to getting the votes to get legislation passed. why? "morning joe" is coming right back. passed why? "morning joe" is coming right "morning joe" is coming right back ♪ ♪making your way in the world today♪ ♪takes everything you've got♪ ♪ ♪taking a break from all your worries ♪ ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? ♪ ♪ ♪ sometimes you want to go ♪ ♪where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪ ♪and they're always glad you came ♪ my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. narrator: on a faraway beach, the generation called "our greatest" saved the world from tyranny. in an office we know as "oval," a new-generation president faced down an imminent threat of nuclear war. on a bridge in selma, alabama, the preacher of his time marched us straight to passing voting rights for every american. at a gate in west berlin, a late-generation american president demanded an enemy superpower tear down a wall and liberate a continent. american generations answering the call of their time with american ideals. freedom. liberty. justice. for today's generation of leaders, the call has come again to protect our freedom to vote, to fortify our democracy by passing the freedom to vote act and the john lewis voting rights act because america - john lewis: we are not going back, we are going forward. ♪ ♪ ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ it's really been something that i felt called to do. and i've always had it in me at a young age. the not so great unfortunate news is we're not where we're supposed to be, and if you were here, you'd be very disappointed in the current state of our country. i think you'd be happy to see all the youth and young people getting involved, and all the people who are standing up and taking action on these issues. however, you would also be very disappointed in our leaders and politicians. >> the granddaughter of martin luther king junior speaking with reverend al sharpton yesterday on politics nation. welcome back to "morning joe." it is monday, january 17th, martin luther king junior day. reverend al is with us as well as jonathan lamire. as the nation remembers martin luther king junior today, his family is pushing for the crucial voting rights act. king's son had some harsh words yesterday for senator kyrsten sinema of arizona who has refused to change the senate rules to allow the voting rights legislation to pass. nbc news senior white house correspondent kelly o'donnell has the details. >> this morning, grass roots pressure to keep the voting rights legislation alive. >> it's time for action. >> demonstrators gathered this weekend in arizona. including the family of dr. martin luther king junior to turn up political heat on democrat kyrsten sinema. >> senator sinema has been one of the challenges. and so it made sense to come to arizona. >> sinema and senator joe manchin met with president biden. but refused to change senate rules in order to pass voting protections with only democrats' support. frustration aimed directly at president biden from civil rights allies like reverend jackson of south carolina, writing in the new york times, the white house slept on voting rights, and now our very democracy is at risk. but we need you to lead this fight as our president, not as a senator. house majority whip james clyburn says the voting rights legislation is on life support. >> you got to have these votes. we got to see which side people are on, and if that were to fail as people project it will, then what's the next best thing? >> in an interview with craig, vice president harris defended democrats' resolve. >> i'm saying it's not over, and we don't give up. we don't give up, and we will not give up. >> the senate vote could happen as soon as tomorrow. with democrats braced to fall short. >> it doesn't look like it has the votes to pass, but we're going to cancel our martin luther king day recess and be there this week, because we think it's so important for the country. >> joining us now, award winning historian, professor and writer keesha blaine, an associate professor of history at the university of pittsburgh, and coed or the of the book entitled "four hundred souls, a community history of american america 1619 to 2019". good to have you on board this morning. let's begin with your thoughts on where we stand with voting rights and looking at martin luther king junior day as a backdrop. >> well, unfortunately this is a very sad moment. it's a very sad moment, because here we are celebrating martin luther king day, and at the same time there are all of these efforts to curtail voting rights, at least 19 states as we know have passed laws restricting access to the vote. and so we are at a moment where it's quite hypocritical for so many people to quote king, to say they are inspired by his vision and not support voting rights. >> president biden is set to deliver remarks at the national action networks' annual king day breakfast. here's a portion of those prerecorded remarks. take a listen. >> and on this federal holiday that honors him, it's not just enough to praise him. we must commit to his unfinished work, to deliver jobs and justice. to protect the sacred right to vote, the right from which all other rights flow. the attack on our democracy is real from the january 6th insurrection to the onlaugt of anti-republican laws. it's no longer about who doesn't get to vote. it's about whether your vote counts at all. it's about two insidious things, voter suppression and election subversion. in his time through his courage, his conviction and commitment, dr. king forced us to answer the question, where do we stand? whose side are we on? we're at another moment right now where the mirror is being held up to america again. the question being asked again. where do we stand? whose side are we on? >> reverend al, we just played a clip, an excerpt, read an excerpt from the statement before saying that joe biden had somehow put voting rights at risk for his delay, and yet, we've known manchin and sinema for a year have said they weren't going to move on the filibuster. i'm curious. joe biden seems to be saying the right things. he's working aggressively. what else can joe biden do right now considering that you have joe manchin and kyrsten sinema who are saying no to changing the filibuster rules? >> well, many of us had wanted joe biden to come out and say some of these things earlier. but at this point, his speech last week, speaking at our breakfast this morning, very truly, we need to continue to hear him say what he's saying. and you know, we have the breakfast this morning virtually for washington, but then this afternoon senator schumer and others are joining us in harlem here. we want to know where we are in terms of calling the vote. i think we need to call the role and know who votes on what side of this issue. and then enter into plan b where we would meet with the justice department and the president to see where plan b could be. is it to have the department of justice going to the dealing with the states and in terms of the 19 states that have come with 33 laws and bring them into court. is it some things the president can do in executive orders? but i think it's important, and this is what we'll raise today at national network, is to put the senator on the spot. call the role. let history say on martin luther king week, you voted against even having the debate on voting rights. i think people don't understand, not only have they not voted to go around the filibuster. they won't even vote to have the debate which is really should be an insult to the intellect of the voters in this country that you won't even honor us with arguing this out in an open senate kind of flawed debate on what the issues are and what they're not when we're looking at interposition and nullification as dr. king would say. >> yeah. it's so important that democrats make that very point that you just made. that not only are republicans opposing what they all unanimously supported in 2006, the reauthorization of the voting rights act, but they're standing in the doorway with their votes to block a debate. to block a debate on reauthorizing the voting rights act with the john lewis voting rights act. it is really -- it's just indefensible. even by their own standards of a few years ago, keesha, i'm curious. what else would you like president biden to do on this king day? >> well, i think he has to continue to be forceful. it's great that he over the last couple days, over the last couple weeks have been speaking out and really calling out those who are standing in the way of voting rights. i wish he had done it sooner, but nonetheless, here we are, and i think he has to continue in that vein. i think he needs to remind people what we're up against, the passage of the john lewis voting rights act. the advancement of the voting rights act would ultimately restore restrictions that were gutted in the 2013 shelby decision. it's important to remind people what is taking place, to remind people what we have lost since shelby. and i think anyone who is deeply committed to american democracy or at least who say they are committed to democracy has to stand in full support of voting rights. >> keesha blaine, thank you very much for being on this morning. let's bring in now historian and roger's chair and the american presidency at vanderbilt university, john meacham. good to have you. >> john, thank you for being with us. i was talking earlier about my children and i having a conversation yesterday about me being born the year martin luther king gave his i have a dream speech in washington. and five years later when i went to school in rural mississippi, schools were integrated. just an extraordinary confluence of events happened between 1963 and 1969. just a breathtaking pace. and you and i grew up talking about, hearing people say that we were in the, quote, new south. the integrated south where white kids and black kids went to school together, where they played together. where they played on football, baseball teams together. ate in restaurants together. so much changed so quickly. and yet, the last five, six, seven years, it seems we've taken a step back. where do you looking over this historical work in the past 58 years, where are we, john? >> it's a great question, and one of the things i think about more and more is that we have this long debate going on in the country dh we've talked about. is this a 1619? is it 1776? is it 1887? in many ways 1965 is a foundational year. when you think about a multiethnic, integrated electorate. you were five years old the first time we had a fully integrated presidential electorate. in 1978. 56 years ago. right? math has never been a strong suit, as you can tell, but t only a half century or more. and martin luther king whom we commemorate today as taylor branch, his wonderful biographer said, was really a second founding father. he was an architect of a multi-ethnic, multiracial democracy that was supposed to and is supposed to represent the fulfillment of the declaration of independence. and so the fact that in your lifetime all that happened, in my lifetime this has happened, is at once thrilling. right? it's fabulous. it shows the capacity of the human spirit to change and to adapt and to grow. it's also incredibly sobering, because we see how -- because we've come far, it seems to me that's not our cause for comfort and for self-congratulation. we can't do that, and reverend al can speak to this better than i can. it should be a source of inspiration to keep moving. and when people say oh -- sorry. go ahead. >> go ahead, john. finish. >> no, i just -- so in my tribe, you know, the church, the reading for today in morning prayer is from romans. and it's that great passage from st. paul saying we should be joyful in hope, patient in tribulation, constant in prayer. patient in tribulation. and when i think about dr. king, you think about this remarkably courageous man who was one among a host of saints and incredibly brave people who were willing to die for the declaration of independence. and what they meant. and for liberty. and it's incredibly inspiring. it's incredibly sobering. and that tribulation never stops. right? you and i have talked about this forever. this was never a once upon a time in american history. there's never going to be a happily ever after, but there can be a more just tomorrow. >> and it's so interesting you talked about your tribe. i'm reminded of my tribe in the southern baptist church growing up. and it's interesting that the first time i ever saw reverend king's mountain top speech was in the basement of first baptist church in mississippi where i saw it as a young kid, and it was inspiring not only to me but everybody there in our youth group that was watching it. reverend al, it is interesting that we don't think those of us so many of us don't think of martin luther king until we're reminded of what happened in this country from 1776 to 1965 as more of us don't think of imas a second founding father. but he was a second founding father, because, again, from 1776 to 1965, black americans did not have the rights of white americans. and it wasn't until the civil rights laws of '64 and '65 that lbj pushed through that we actually had a more equal, a more just union. >> no, there's no question about it. and i think one of the reasons that it is important that history be told is so that everyone, blacks, whites, of every race, understand that 1619 is when blacks were brought here and enslaved. it was even before the country was formed. 1776 is the declaration of independence. we had already been enslaved for 100 years. and then when you go forward all the way to 1964 civil rights act of '65 vote rights act, we're not fully enfranchised as citizens until the martin luther king movement. and one of the things john meacham that i think people do not understand, i talk about tribes. i grew up in the church of god in choois, a chunk that dr. king spoke at his last speech the mountaintop. my mother brought me because i wanted to be an activist in new york. she brought me to reverend william jones and reverend jessie jones. she wanted me with the church, not with the, quote, militants. i don't think people understand the kind of tension dr. king went through. we've talked about this. he was attacked from the left, those that felt he was not militant enough, and attacked from the right, and fought the president where'ven the so-called mainstream civil rights group called him out against coming out against -- he was being hit from all sides. he was not a popular man when he made that mountaintop speech, and when he was killed. it was not popular particularly for a kid in new york, i can tell you, to be with martin luther king even in aspects of the black community. i think we kind of gloss over that. the tension which really showed the strength and charkt that dr. king had. >> unquestionably. and, again, history and biographies are -- if they're honest, are -- take the fullness of the picture. and by 1968, when he went to the church in memphis on april 3rd, and remember, he didn't remember that night, he didn't want to go because there had been a storm. right? it was -- which is amazingly biblical. the storm was raging, and yet, he went out in the night to speak. right? i mean, it just -- it's -- it's good -- good bump. and he said we have dismal days ahead, and i may not get there with you. if you read the whole speech, and when -- one of the things if folks have time today, and they do, and they should do it today and as often as they can, go read, the martin luther king papers, go read the april 3rd speech of 1968. go read, again, don't just read the march on washington on august 28th of 1963. read john lewis's. read the two speeches john lewis wrote one, and reverend al was just talking about some of the civil rights leaders thought he was too hot. and so he made a couple of tweaks. so read the march on washington. but look at stride toward freedom, the story of the montgomery bus boy cop. read the river side church speech where as al was saying, that was when he stood up in that beautiful setting and announced his opposition to the war in vietnam. and let me tell you who was not thrilled about that, and that would be jay edgar hoover and others in washington. and let's not gloss over the complexities of the 1960s. he was -- king was wiretapped. he was -- he was surveilled by his government. the government he was trying to make real and put more in accord with its own founding promises. and when you read those speeches, and if you read the speech from april 3rd rd, which was the last one he gave because he was shot to death outside room 306 of a hotel over in memphis right before dinner time on april 4th. it's a speech about economic justice. he was there, because james lawson and folks in memphis were supporting sanitation workers in a strike. >> right. >> and he talks about economic activism. right? he calls out different brands. i think a milk company and a couple other places. and it's just -- it is -- and i don't want to go before mika falls asleep, i don't want to go too theological here, but it's prophesy in the purest sense. right, rev? it's speaking to the moment. it's critiquing the manners and morals of the moment, of the people, and calling us to live in closer accord with the ideals that whether you believe or not, call it the ideal of a moral universe or call it the ideals of the gospel or the ideals of moses, whatever you want to call it. we know that the organizing principle of the great traditions of the world have been to love your neighbor as yourself. and, again, as the rev knows better than i do, you don't issue commandments with everybody's already doing it. right? so when the bible says love thy neighbor as yourself, you can be on pretty safe grounds that people weren't, because you wouldn't have to tell them to. and i think king is a prophet in that tradition, and what he asks us to do and insists that we do is live into our own promise. and that was give everybody a fair shot. >> yeah. >> historian john meacham, thank you very much. not falling asleep at all. i appreciate that. turning now to the australian open which is underway in melbourne, but without djokovic. he was deported after his visa was cancelled for a second time due to his vaccination status. nbc news correspondent matt bradley has the latest on that. >> reporter: today it's advantage australia. djokovic arriving in belgrade in serbia after the australian government finally deported him yesterday, ending 11 days of drama down under for the 34-year-old champ. >> know vac djokovic has lost his appeal. >> the number one has been booted out. >> in a statement he said he was extremely disappointed, and i hope we can all now focus on the game and tournament i love. a huge loss for the winningest man in tennis. the government eventually caving to pressure from the australian public among the most covid cautious countries in the world. >> i think it's a disgrace. we've all done the right thing. we've gone out and got our jabs and our boosters, and we have someone that's come from overseas and all the sudden he's been exempt and can play, and i think it's a disgrace. >> the country requires visitors to be vaccinated. djokovic isn't. >> whether someone wants to get a vaccine or not is up to them. >> he hoped an infection last month would exempt him from vaccination. >> he was visa was pulled last week, saying he was excite anti-vaccination sentiment. most players pleased to be talking about tennis again rather than covid culture wars. >> he's not playing. it will be a great australian open with out without him. >> and he's getting a warm welcome in serbia. many are outraged. >> the country lit up a tower telling djokovic he's the pride of serbia. but it's still game, set, match for tennis's top star. >> joining us now, sports correspondent and analyst for nbc's tennis coverage, mary. she played professional tennis before moving to broadcast. and mary, what do you think? >> um, it's interesting that you had the footage of djokovic returning home, because he is venerated and valorized in his country. they consider him a hero. the serbian president says that it was a witch hunt. but all in all, i'm glad it's finally over. it's been disheartening. it's not just djokovic who took so many missteps. i mean, so did the politicians. so did tennis australia. novak arrived and tried to enter the australian open, but he wasn't allowed to enter the country. i mean, it was not just his fault. but all in all, from all sides, i mean, this is like trying to find a needle in a hay stack made of needles 234678 -- there were so many who got so many things wrong. this could be a shattering impact on the rest of his career and his history in tennis, because he is the apex predator of tennis. he won three of the four majors last year. he's won 20 grand slam titles. going for his 10th in australia. nine of his 20 titles have come in melbourne, and now he's not there. >> and to that, news out of france this morning that could mean more trouble for the unvaccinated world number one djokovic. the french parliament approved a vaccine pass through requiring proof of vaccination to be presented to enter public places such as restaurants, cafes, cinemas and long distance trains. this will include the next grand slam of the season. the french sports minister said the rule will apply to everyone. no exceptions. she did point out that the french open is four months away, adding it's in may. the situation could change between now and then, and we hope it will be more favorable. we shall see, but here you go again. mary, i mean, his career could careen. >> yeah. that's exactly right. i mean, if france doesn't let him in, he doesn't get to defend his title where he won in dramatic and remarkable fashion last year. england's not going to let him in to play wimbledon. right now he wouldn't be allowed into the united states unvaccinated. i mean, hopefully something is coming to term for this great player. i mean, 97 of the top male players in the world, many of them reluctantly, have gotten the jab. it will be interesting to see, unless it's made compulsory everywhere. i wish that would happen. >> yes. >> let's make it compulsory in tennis. he may not change his mind, and as i said, in serbia, they love his defiance. they celebrate it. >> so mary, just as a tennis player yourself and also an analyst of the sport j is there anything about the philosophy and the sportsmanship of tennis that gives you an opinion on his decisions here and what he's doing? not only to himself but to his career and sort of to the game? >> it's a great pity. i love watching this guy play. if you have watched him, if any of your viewers have watched this guy, i have never seen a more dedicated, more flexible male athlete, but he's got an unbending spine about this. he does not believe or trust in the sanktty of science. so it's very hard for me to think that his career could be derailed like this. i really wish he would get vaccinated. i really wish he would trust what's best for him and everybody else. i mean, the fans in melbourne at this year's australian open are not allowed in without a vaccination. he's got to i think finally recognize that for his good as well as everyone else's, he's got to get vaccinated. >> mary, good morning, it's jonathan. djokovic has never quite been beloved among fans like fedder or nadal, but hoping you can speak about how he's perceived among other players. we sense some frustration from some of them having been repeatedly asked about djokovic's vaccination status in australia. what's the sense on the rest of the tour about djokovic with his now very uncertain future? >> so ta good question. he's done so much good in so many ways, and in the locker rooms. i think he lost the locker room just because the 11 days it took for the decision to finally come down was exhausting and kpaser -- it was -- it took too long. the players know how great he is. nadal, the classiest of any tennis player i've ever known talks about the respect he has for this guy, but he thinks he's made a lot of bad decisions in the last several weeks, and i agree with that. not a lot of players wanted to talk about this. they tried to kind of run away from that question. there are some players like the american john isner who is for him. john maccen row said it was a disgrace this guy wasn't playing and not for the first time, i disagree with great respect with my friend from the great state of new york. >> yeah. >> what? you've got to be kidding me. what? what? >> yeah. >> i mean, mary, come on. this guy. his rants, t what makes mcenroe mcenroe. >> you know -- >> he's not exactly a detail man is what i'm saying. >> exact. yeah. exactly. exactly. sound and fury. so my family, mary, we are fedder fans. and so we've always sort of like djokovic, but i will say, we were all heartened by the reaction, the tough new york fans gave him at the open. >> yeah. >> and thought that was -- i was like okay, you know what? this guy really deserves it, and i'm glad the fans are opening their heart to him. that's what also makes this sort of a bummer. that this comes after he's finally starting to get a little wider acceptance for at times a surly personality. >> i called the u.s. open and called the match, and you're right, the fans finally gave the dude a standing ovation, but he'd lost. and they knew how much it meant to novak. he was trying to win the calendar grand slam, all four majors in the same year, and when he lost in the final, you could tell he didn't play well. it all caught up with him. all the pressure, all the tension. he was exhausted playing such a big schedule. that -- the fans embraced him finally, and i have to tell you his serbian fan base, the fans he has around the world, they are outraged by this. i think novak, i love watching the guy play, and i just hope he allows himself to play by getting vaccinated. >> mary, thank you so much for joining us this morning with your insight. it's great to see you. thank you. >> and if you could bring john mcenroe on tomorrow, i would love a debate. >> the two of you, that would be perfect. >> it'll be fun. >> i'll come back for that. i would come back for that. >> okay. it's on. >> still ahead on "morning joe," a final farewell to the late comedian, bob saget, and celebrating betty white on what would have been her 0 100th birthday. we'll be right back. ve been her birthday birthday we'll be right back. ♪ and i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ a rich life is about more than just money. that's why at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner so you can build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. it's still the eat fresh refresh™ and subway's refreshing everything like the new honey mustard rotisserie-style chicken. it's sweet, it's tangy, it's tender, it never misses. you could say it's the steph curry of footlongs. you could, but i'm not gonna. subway keeps refreshing and refreshing and re... 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>> rose with the hairy legs. >> whether you saw her first on "golden girls accounts or somewhere else, she's been entertaining us for decades. in the 60s and the 70s. >> oh, it's beautiful. oh, you shouldn't have. >> and more recently, her emmy winning hosting gig on "saturday night live". >> what's your last name? >> blarfengarl? >> can you spell that for me? >> smitk. >> not to mention her frequent visits to "today." >> let's try that. i'll never do it with a hoop. >> i feel so fortunate to have crossed her path. >> vickie lawrence worked with white on "mama's family". >> i'll say i feel like every part betty has ever done has been a little bit of you and to betty. >> what part of rose was like betty white? >> adorable. charming, simple, down to earth. >> if you could have any two people in the world living or dead to your house for dinner, what would you eat? i think i'd better keep the lid on this paint thinner. >> how about when she worked with you on your show? >> that sarcastic sense of humor. that little glimmer in her eye when she was about to send you a zinger. >> your husband doesn't run around with other women. >> of course not. who would want him. >> today movie theaters across the country are showing betty white a celebration. >> betty white. >> betty white. >> betty white. >> with tributes from famous co-stars like jennifer love hewitt. >> for me, you'll be here forever. lots of love. >> she was an incredible lady. >> jeff was white's agent the past 21 years. he says offers were coming in until the very end with some pretty nice paychecks. >> she would always amuse me. no matter what i got her, because i always tried to get her the best possible deal, she always said oh, they're paying me too much. >> and that's her legacy. a humble legend, not to mention a devoted animal lover long before it was fashionable. >> she was blessed -- i was blessed to join her on her journey of life. >> how are you doing right now? >> i am sad. i know betty passed december 31st, but i still haven't had the proper time to mourn. >> but today, no tears, he says, because betty will be watching. >> she'll be having one big party. >> i know betty would say oh, my god, don't cry for me. i had such a good time. please laugh and carry on. >> once again until we see you again, good-bye, everybody. in los angeles close friends and family gathered on friday to say good-bye to the beloved actor and comedian, bob saget. some of his nearest and dearest serving as pallbearers. among them a singer, and co-stars. they are seen embracing outside the private ceremony. stamos calling it the hardest day of my life. other stars coming out to say good-bye including mary kate and ashley olsen. saget's widow appearing to wear his wedding band around her neck. writing on instagram, if you were in his life, you knew he loved you. i know how much he loved me until the last moment. he knew the same. i'm grateful for that. bob had so much more love to give. kathy griffin describing the service as a beautiful and ha lairs you sendoff. in the days sin his death, tributes have been pouring in. actresses remembering their tv dad. one posting this picture from her wedding writing, i love you my sweet, sweet bobby daddy and the other sharing a clip from her podcast. >> i love you so much. >> i love you too, bob, very much. during america's funniest home videos, the show he hosted for a decade, the look back at what they called bob being bob. >> bob saget is synonymous with afv to this day, and this show wouldn't have been the same without his unique sense of humor. >> singer john mayor and jeff ross getting emotional after picking up his prius from lax airport where he left it before his sudden passing. >> i'm just -- i've never known a human being on this earth could give that much love individually and completely to that many people. >> our thanks to gaudy schwartz and joe fryer for the reports coming up, our next guest wonders why college campuses haven't erupted in protest over the threats to american elections. is cancel culture somehow to blame? 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the intensity being demonstrated in college campuses as to whether a campus personality or policy is sufficiently progressive, while ignoring the threat of these new election laws to our democracy is extremely disappointing. it is clear american universities are not really woke, but asleep. >> you know, tom, it's interesting. we are asking this, quote, woke debate. i remember reading a book called "closing an american mind" that was actually written in 1986. you could actually lift that up, put it in the middle of the debate today and i always would talk about that in past shows when you would have universities. i think rutgers wouldn't allow condi rice, christine lagarde, others, to come speak because students were offended by their policies. i just always wonder where are the grown-ups here? let's say lou people to be uncomfortable with viewpoints that they may disagree with. >> well, you're right, joe, and this is becoming real important because as you talked about many times things are stymied on capitol hill, justice department could do something more aggressively here, but it looks relatively passive. so what's left to really go at this whole apparatus of election theft that's being put in place in various states? and the answer really is civil protest. you need civil protest to raise the temperature here in terms of holding state legislatures' feet to the fire in terms of what can be done. college campuses are the likely place to be able to ignite this kind of civil protest and they're on to these issues, racial equality is a huge issue in college campuses, but it's playing out in things like protesting readings and whether individual professors are sensitive enough and issues around appropriate language and it's kind of missing the point about how significant the threat to their values is when you're coming down to elections and how they deal with overturning race, which is really what this is all about in many of these swing states, and there's no political voice there. >> it's a great question. where is the discussion about our democracy? christina greer, you teach in a university environment. do you agree with tom's point? >> i agree with certain points that tom makes. you know, i try and stay away from words like woke and cancel culture because for many people that just shuts down the conversation completely. >> right. >> i think we have to remember that we're dealing with, you know, generation z which i'm in love with this generation, i think that they're so smart and thoughtful, but we have to remember they're children still and so they're going to university, they finished high school under covid in sort of extreme circumstances, but we have to remember we saw quite a bit of protests in 2020, cities across the country, then covid really hit and sort of brought people back indoors. we also have to remember so many of my students are active in different ways, but like the reality is they're looking at a pretty hefty price tag on their college education, so many of my students work one, two, sometimes three jobs to supplement their education and so -- because their parents no longer have a social safety net, thank you, republicans, and so the pressures that they feel are pretty extreme. so i know they're thinking about these ideas, but some of their constraints are slightly different than what we've ever seen before on college campuses. >> tom, one of the things that comes to mind, and we touched on this earlier and it definitely comes to mind when i read your column, is that this is a debate even in the 60s and 70s when i was a kid going to school that you had those that wanted to focus on nationalist kind of narrow issues and then those of us that wanted to focus on broader voting issues. so i think that we're seeing this again, but what is missing is the student leadership, the snick movement and other movements in the '60s came from the students themselves who thought dr. king was the old guard even though dr. king never got to 40 years old. what is happening now, i think, is where are the movements coming on campus led by the students like the students did in the '60s? >> i think it's a great point, rev. and you also have tons of college administrators that have been hired throughout universities to deal with resolving all of these social justice equality issues on campus and these could be a helpful organizing force to stimulate some of that student activism where it really could help in these election issues and i don't see those administrators coming in. a lot of people are pointing fingers at ceos and why aren't they being more active, but here is an enormous opportunity for real social protest and putting up the pressure and there's just nothing there. you may have seen last week university of california at irvine put out a list of no-no words and it got to things like you can't say grandfather in anymore and that's where a lot of this energy is going for new grandparents, the new words are preexisting and legacy so i'm going to be preexisting -- >> just stop. come on. just stop. jonathan lemire, jump in. >> christina, we have less than a minute left. give us your final thoughts on this topic, including the phrase grandfathered in, if you want. >> semantics in the language, but let's focus on the reality. what we're dealing with is we have students who i always tell my students it has to be both, electro politics and protest politics, that's the only way faerns have ever gotten anything in this country. i think we need to encourage students to actually, one, take more political science courses hopefully to understand also the history of this nation to help contextualize the moment that we are in right now. >> amen. more history classes, more civics classes. >> tom rodgers, christina greer, thank you both. that does it for us this morning. chris jansing picks up the coverage right now. ♪♪ hello there. happy mlk day. i'm chris jansing in for stephanie ruhle live at msnbc headquarters in new york city. it is monday, january 17th and today as the country honors the legacy of dr. martin luth

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Comment , Axios , Mr , Acting , Mask , Acolyte , Pandemic , Handling , Magic Word Trump , Advisers , Shots , Knee , Each Other , Vocal , Cave , Runs , Name , Race , Candidate , Trump Loyalties , One Way Street , Reporting , Front Runner , Association , Aides , Sense , Onslaught , Opponents , Words , Party , Desantis Ran , Commeial , Infant , Tons , Ego , The Wall , America Great Again , Gliding , Reelection , Floridians , Brian Kemp , Will , Swing State , Posturing , System , Blacks , Inequality , Opportunity , Lens , Lawmakers , Black America Today , Space , Soul , Grabs , Equality , Playing Politics , Stop , Humanity , Fabric , Community , Existence , Crimes , Amounts , Backdrop , Principles , Notion , Essential , Social Justice , Conversation , America Training , Teachings , Oath Keepers , Michigan , Insurrectionists , Groups , Extremist Plots , Military Skills , Use , Attorney General , Investigation , Election Win , Morning Jos K , Morning Jos Ks , Entresto , Ace Inhibitor , Hospital , Baby , Harm , Aliskiren , 16th Biden , Blood , Angioedema , Blood Pressure , Potassium , Lifetime , Kidney Problems , Ace , Challenge , Arb , World , Cost , Clean Energy Future , Equitable , Millions , Opportunities , Inaction Increases , Process , Sit , Fence , Eyes , Outside , Vision Loss , Diabetes Management , Eye Care , Sugar , Stuff , Blood Vessels , Blindness , Inside , Diabetic Retinopathy , Control , Treatments , Visit Noweyesee Com , Staffing , Sight , Master , Visit Indeed Com Hire The Australian Open , Size , Player , Tournament , Tennis Administrator , Clock , Dallas , Options , Throw , Clock Stops , Hail Mary , On The Road , 49ers , Win , Boy , Out Of Bounds , Pattern , Offseason , Left , Line , Chance , Field , Difference , Playoff , 28 , Everyone , Universe , Owner , Box , Jerry Jones , Buccaneers , Destiny , Saturday Night , Dog , Bengals Verses Titans , Josh Allen , Title Game , Rematch Of Last Year , Got Tom , Aaron Rodgers , Balfour , Afc , News , Committee , On Fire , Last , Developments , U S Capitol , Christopher Miller , Acting Defense Secretary , Panel , Meeting , Miller Providedd , Conspiracy , Remarks , Protesters , Testimonies , Congress , Chief Of Staff , Aid , Ohio , Cash Patel , Jim Jordan , Stewart Rhodes , Seditious Conspiracy , Involvement , Associated Press , Plans , Militia Group , Court Documents Reports , Civil War , Authorities , Army , Night Parachuting Accident , Evidence , Violence , Hearing , Custody , Motion , Capitol On January 6th , Rhodes , Clint Watts , Charges , Fbi , Plea , Lawyer , Media , Tourists , Elites , Rock , Trooper , Language , Organization , Indictment , Handbook , January The 6th , Sit Back , Isis , Brussel , Paris , Six , Most , Breach , Lineup , Sort , Event , Assault Rifles , Qrs , Plot , Weapons , Bloodshed , Al Qaida , Government , Find , Device , Nancy Pelosi , Nothing , Details , Chars , Saw , Ado , Documents , Assault , Sedition , Targets , Threats , Discourse , Board , Midterms , Page , Director Wray , Worries , Race Groups , Collisi , Garland , Spaceou Will E , Attackers , Ideologies , Police , City Council , School Boards , Situation , Extremist Groups , Sheriffs , Passing The Freedom To Vote Act , Officer , Coup , Ballot Box , Washington Post , Document , Probe , State Lawmakers , Letter , 154000 , December Of 2020 , Ballots , Capitol , District Court , Cast , Dana Nessel , State Officials , Prosecutors , Record , Both , Forgery , State Law Violations , Election Laws Forgery , State Laws , Bus , Puzzle , Activists , Electors , Theaters , Assessment , Slate , United States Government , Feds , Purposes , Felony , Offense , Offenses , Department Of Justice , Attorney , Scheme , Question , Elections , Liking , Mechanism , Outcome , Conspiracies , Feeling , Crime , Investigations , January 6th Committee , Majority Leader , House Speaker , Memo , Conclusion , Door , Lawmaker , The Detroit News , Senate Chambers , Harris , Witness , Senate Chambers December 14th , 00 , December 14th At 2 00 Pm , State Troopers , Hundreds , Surround , Entrance , Booster , Over , China , Russia , Mlk Day , Ukraine , Texas Synagogue , 45 , Twitter , Audience , Finding , Word , Burn Fake News , Vocabulary , Secondly , Reject , Bit , Commentary , Boxing , Tractions , Ratings , Upset , Indication , Thanks Faithful Viewer , Thoughts , Come On , Retiree , Oh My God , Alex , E Mail , Inbox , Boxing Matches , Sport , 90 , Ring Sites , Camera , Atlantic City , Convention Center , Mike Tyson , Anyone , Fan , Knock , Area , Jimmy Carter , Comparisons , Viewers , Applications , Prime , Buzz Kill , Sunglasses , Uhh , Clever Girl , Eugh , Medication , Medications , Hand , Insurance , Prescription Refilled , Capsule Pharmacy , Prescriptions , Schedule Delivery , Doorstep , Pharmacy , Job Criteria , Job , Shortlist , Project Managers , Projects , Technology , Experts , Car , Music Vo , Service , Decompression Zone , Windshield , Singers , Safelite Autoglass , Safelite Repair , Discount , Burke , Policies , Auto Insurance , Farmers , Wife , Jet Skis , Honey , Hon , Boat , Dad , Kid , Discounts , Coverage , Sup , Garage , Farmers Policy Perks , Forty Five , Seventeen , Bum , Hostage Situation , Pa Dum , Hostages , Act Of Terror , Reporter , Gunman , Morgan Chesky , Scene , Statement , Voice , 44 , Release , Stream , Primary Demand , Prisoner , Facebook , Aafi Siddiqui , Rabbi , Hostage Unharmed , Suspect , Side , Video , Bide Fire Door , Three , Issues , Mental Health , Brother , Suffering , Walker , Situation Cold , Family Posting , Stress , Tears , Praise , Thankfulness , Anxiety , Report , Nbc , Akrum S Two Teenage Son , Opinion Piece , Jonathan Alter , Jimmy Carter A Life , Comparison , Critics , Analoies , Partisan , Danger , Odor , Presidents , Scientists , Green Lantern , Power , Failures , Super Hero , Public , Senator , Another , Progressives , Wings , West Virginia , Maricopa County , Minds , Unity , Peep , 48 , House , Contrast , Apples , Revolt , Facing Inflation , Oranges , Similarities , 1980 , Substance , Failure , Timing , Ronald Reagan , Bottom , Barrel , Economy , Examples , Unemployment , George H W , Bush , 82 , 83 , 84 , Bill Clinton , Crisis Hit , Year One , Interest Rates , Inflation , Numbers , 21 , Effect , Chair , Raising Interest Rates , Fed , 1979 , Economists , Chairman , Accelerator , Boom , Labor Deals , Carson , Levels , Energy Prices , Increases , Circumstances , Surface , Mika Straight Up , Household , Term , Brothers , Allies , Ground War Israel , 79 , Camp David Accord , Globalization , Troops , Consequences , Poland , Iran Hostage Crisis , Iranian Revolution , Iranian , Reserve , Campaigning , Turning , Panama Canal , Objection , Credit Carter , Cold War , Human Rights Policy , List , Revolution , Harry Truman , Others , Afghanistan , Father , Commonalities , Always , Administration , Scenes , Cold Warriors , Contacts , Iron Curtain , Mom , Person , Note , Big 90 , Birthday Party , Candles , Age , Stitches , Pictures , Mark , Face , Primaries , Inspiration , Bumba , Dig , Dig Int , Morning Joe T Trust Me , Walks , Old , Ugh Welcome To Silversneakers , Thousands , Seniors , Punch , Internet Connection , Visiting Getsilversneakers , Dot Com , Plaque Psoriasis , Future , Investor , Advice , Tools , Itching , Vanguard , Skin , Tremfya , Psoriatic Arthritis , Burning , Emerge Tremfyant , Joints , Moderate , Stinging , Painful , Reactions , Ability , Pay , Turn , Hang On , Ooo , Tex , Worth , Car Accident , Firm , Result , Atat T Bararnefirmrm , Barnes , Car Hit My Motorcycle , Insurance Wasn T Fair , R , Attneysys Wk Hahard , Inry , Firm Injury Attorneys , You U , Mit Bebe Sprisised , Eight Hundred , Eight Million , Business , Contents , Fashion Brands , Industries , Emea , Each , Eye , Businesses , Careers , Finalists , Fields , Ranks , Africa , Europe , The Middle East , Odds , Significance , Abu Dhabi , Forefront , Podcast , Up Next , Roger Bennett , Onmorning Joe , Breast Cancer , Thriver , Aromatase Inhibitor , Pill , Fulvestrant , Hr , Disease , Kisqali , Liver Problems , Heartbeat , Lung Problems , Skin Reactions , Blood Cell , Breathing Problems , Chest Pain , Change , Loss , Appetite , Cough , Fever , Urine , Rash , Dizziness , Tiredness , Yellowing , Bruising , Realtor Com , Breastfeeding , Draw A Map Feature , Treatment , Big Boi House , Big Boi , Grapefruit , Quartz , Real Estate Agent , Foyer , Big Boi Marble , Chi Lan , Forehead , Changing , Being , Window , Cosmetic , Breathing , Effects , Frown Lines , Injection , Speaking , Feet , Difficulty Swallowing , Crow , Fda , Community History Of American America 1619 To 2019 , Headache , Eye Problems , Skin Infection , Injection Site Pain , Muscle Weakness , Sign , Condition , Eyelid Swelling , Muscle , Conditions , Nerve , Eyebrow , Eyelid Drooping , Botulinum Toxins , Ready , Set , Save , Sale , Thought , Plastic , The Ocean , Backing , Internet , Expert Team , Price Guarantee , Installation , Prepaid Card , Value , 64 99 , 24 7 , 4 99 , Comcast Business , Possibilities , Soccer Analyst , Co Host , Men In Blaze Blaizers , Reborn In The Usa , Englishman , Pan Rannic , Motion Picture , Love Letter , Breakfast Nook , Table , Little John Lamire , Everton , You Don T , Alabama , Champions , Second , Buffalo Bills , Manchester City , Bang , Premier League , Chelsea , England , Pete Davidson Arm Wrestled , Kanye , Body , Chances , Boris Johnson , Rumably , Kevin , City Shots , Genius , 70 , Footballer , Title Race , Ginger Athlete , Goal , Swatted , Elvis Costello , Points , Beast , Liverpool , 11 , Clash House , Tribute , Lead , Cruising , Tampa Bay , Magician , Debut , Score , God , Brazilian , 81 , Safety , Equalizer , Wizard , Doll , Truth , Script Writer , Fairy Tale , Fairy Tales , Spain , Managers , Didn T Play Everton Highlights , Terrible Run , Rapha , In , Holmes , Fans , Everton Fan , Chicago Bears , Rudderless , Darkness On The Edge Of Town , Am Ia , Roger , Episode , The Men In Blazers Show , Will Ferrell , Top , Jeopardy , Peacock , Junior , Pressure , Tennis Commentator , Voting Rights Legislation , Break , The World Today , Asthma , Nunormal , Add On Treatment , Nucala , Injection Site Reactions , Back Pain , Asthma Specialist , Swelling , Mouth , Tongue , Shingles , Fatigue , Don T Stop Steroids , Beach , Tyranny , Greatest , Narrator , Oval , Enemy Superpower Tear , Gate , Preacher , Nuclear War , West Berlin , Generations , Ideals , The Call , Continent , Fee , How Bizarre , Omc , Card , Youth , Politicians , Granddaughter , Son , Martin Luther King Junior Today , Jonathan Lamire , Kyrsten Sinema , Rules , Kelly O Donnell , Nbc News , Arizona , It S Time , Grass Roots , Voting Rights Legislation Alive , Heat , Voting Protections , Frustration , Writing , South Carolina , Reverend Jackson , Life Support , House Majority Whip , James Clyburn , Interview , Resolve , Craig , It Doesn T , Keesha Blaine , Associate Professor , University Of Pittsburgh , Historian , Award , Four Hundred , 1619 , 2019 , Quote King , 19 , Breakfast , Vision , Action Networks , Portion , Holiday , Listen , Sacred , Onlaugt Of Anti Republican Laws , Doesn T , Counts , Courage , Conviction , Subversion , Voter Suppression , Commitment , Mirror , Clip , Excerpt , Delay , Have , Weren T , Filibuster Rules , Wanted , Harlem , Plan B , Dealing , Court , Executive Orders , National Network , Debate , Spot , Intellect , Insult , Interposition , Nullification , Reauthorization , Doorway , Reauthorizing The Voting Rights Act , Standards , Passage , Advancement , Vein , Restrictions , Shelby , Vanderbilt University , John Meacham , I Have A Dream Speech In Washington , Confluence , Events , Pace , 1969 , Black Kids , New South , Restaurants , Step , 58 , Dh , 1887 , 1776 , 1978 , 64 , 100 , 1964 , April 3rd , August 28th Of 1963 , 1960 , 4 , April 4th , 306 , 34 , 234678 , Nine , 97 , 0 100 , 60 , December 31st , 31 , One Million , 700 , March 1st , 76 , 53 , 1986 ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC Morning Joe 20240709 : Comparemela.com

Transcripts For MSNBC Morning Joe 20240709

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way too early on this martin luther king's day. "morning joe" starts now. >> we got some difficult days here, it does not matter to me now because i have been through the mountain tops. i don't mind -- like anybody i would like to live a long life, longevity has its place. i am not concerned about that now. i want to do god's will and he allowed me to go up to the mountain and i have looked over and i have seen the promise land. i mean i would get there with you. i want you to know the night that we ever, the people will get the the promise land so i am happy and i am not worried about anything. i am not feeling anything, my life have seen the glory of the coming of the law. >> what an extraordinary extraordinary speech of martin luther king jr. i have been to the mountain top speech, april 1968. it was delivered the day before he was assassinated. i remember seeing that very long time ago in church, not knowing the background of it. the fact is king didn't want to deliver that speech that night. he was exhausted. it was raining outside and they called him up and said people are showing up here, they really want to see you. so he reluctantly got dressed and fought through the rain and delivered that extraordinary speech the night of the april the 3rd, 1968. the night before he was assassinated. this morning we are reflecting on the impact of martin luther king jr.'s life on this martin luther king jr.'s day. >> good morning, welcome to "morning joe," it's monday, january 17th, with us, we have the host of "politics nation," reverend al sharpton, he's the author of the new book, "righteous troublemakers." also, the host of "way too early" at politico, jonathan lemire and in a moment we'll talk about dr. king's legacy and how it relates to today's finite over voting fights. we look at how close we may be to a peak of omicron variant. the covid number that had some more optimistic of where we are headed. former president trump has reportedly trashed talking for florida governor ron desantis in private as an in-break with a dull personality. we'll talk about that drama. a wild finish to the cowboys/49ers game. >> jonathan lemire, i got to say, i have been watching football for a long time and i know you have as well. i can't figure out the last play that the dallas cowboys ran. not these cowboys, they thought the time was a concept which we measure our pain. we are going to move beyond the time space continuum and run the ball of the middle. it's unbelievable. let's wachl. watch. >> dak has to get it out of the boundary and taking a shot out of the end zone. it's scary, i would take the shot through the end zone. you need someone, san francisco to get to the quarterback here, prescott takes off running the football. whoa. i don't think this is going to work out. they're playing for it. it's down time. oh my gosh. it's over, the game is over! jonathan lemire, you just don't do that. high school football coach would be fired for running back play on any level. i mean here you have the dallas cowboys' entire season coming down to a final play, you got to go to the end zones a few times because tom does not stop on first down. you have got to get the ball out of bounds or into the end zone or the game is over. >> how can your season end on that play? how can your season end without even one shot to the enzone? they're at the 40 yards line and they have no time out. they don't have enough time for this play. is prescot got a good arm. the one thing you can't do is this. a lot of cowboys were upset after the game. the umpire, they have to place the ball. the cowboys can't do that themselves. this was inexcusable coaching. a lot of success in the past but the last 30 years or so, they have had catastrophic losses. to not even get a shot at the end zone. it took the 49ers four places they realize they needed a guard at the sidelines. if you are going to the end zone and you don't want to throw it in the end zone, try a post route, do anything to get the ball 20, 30 yards down. at least give yourself a shot getting into the end zone. that did not happen. it was a heck of a come back. i mean my gosh, dallas cowboys down 23-7 at the beginning of the fourth quarter and the niners let them come roaring back. that was lining up to be one of the great comebacks in nfl history but it ended on a bone-headed play. i am not sure why dak handed the ball to the center, he should have handed to the rev. your boy brady, let's talk about him. >> tom. look at this. he's just so handsomely throws that touchdown. the bucs had a bunch of injuries, they sort of flown under the radar in recent of the antonio brown's saga. they looked good yesterday. they stay-at-home as the winner of tonight's rams/cardinals game. good defense and running game. the kind of team that can win the game at lambo and they go to play the packers. i am still bashing at tom brady here because i don't want to talk at all of the - >> we love you and because you are a member of the family, we are not going to show any highlights. i was hoping matt brown will have a better start to his career. this was a great bill stain. you got to say especially in the first half it was not the patriots doing anything wrong. the bills were executing from the beginning. they were outclassed. they have to build a team. >> there were signs for patriots going forward, i am happy with this year. it ended so poorly and the defense did not show up. a lot of this is about the bills. here is all you need to know. they had seven drives, they scored seven touchdowns, they scored a touchdown on every drive. that has never happened before in a playoffs game. as we look at the schedule next week, we got bengals and titans on saturday. the bucs on sunday afternoon and it all builds to a classic. i don't think that's the case this year. the chiefs, they annihilated the steelers last night. they should have been in the playoffs team. ben roethlisberger should have retired two years ago. they just threw him out. this chiefs team does not seem quite as dominant as the last couple of versions. chiefs and bills sunday night with the bills peaking right now will be a lot of fun. the winner of that game probably will head into the super bowl or maybe the favorite. >> we didn't talk about the bengals. how they advanced. great game against the raiders. they're still the oakland raiders. they didn't call them the la raiders when they were la. they'll be forever the oakland raiders. good game there. we'll see what happens. you talk about teams that are hot right now. i would not want to play san francisco coming back to beat the rams last week and get into the playoffs and beating the dallas cowboys. that's a good team. they got a good running game. the one issue is garoppolo. he tends to make one or two mistakes every game. they'll win in despite of him. >> there is copetition underway at the australian open without novak djokovic, that saga continues. we'll talk to the renounced tennis commentator about this. wow. that's not happening for him. there is a lot of controversies of some of the decisions he made. let's get to politics now. the senate is expected to vote this week on voting rights legislation despite seemingly being doomed to fail. chuck schumer says the chamber will take up a pair of bills tomorrow, the legislation will almost certainly be rejected with lacking the 10 republican votes needed to clear the filibuster. efforts to enact a filibuster carve out for voting rights now seems unlikely as well with joe manchin and kirsten sinema coming out with that tactic. yesterday republican senator mit romney announced bipartisan efforts underway a bill to clarify the vice president's role in certifying election results as strictly ceremonial. >> a group of 12 senators, republicans and democrats working on the electoral count will continue to work together. sadly this bill that the president has been pushing i never got a call on that from the white house. there was no negotiation bringing republicans and democrats together to try to come up with something that'll meet bipartisan interest is sure, we can work together at almost every issue where there is common ground. >> rev, this lines up with what joe manchin is saying. you talked to manchin about voting rights about filibuster and trying to move forward. manchin says he's talking on this electoral count act as well as a guarantee for every american and every legal american to be able to vote but right now of course just not much progress being made anywhere on voting rights and obviously a growing unrest among many of joe biden's most supporters of helping him get elected. >> no questions about it. there is clearly no disagreements that we need to be clear in terms of the electoral count and the electoral vote in terms of who determines the certifications of the president and certifications of voters. that does not answer the need to protect people's rights to vote and having those impediment and roadblocks putting in ways of people's rights to vote. for romney, ignoring the fact that we have seen many states now, 33 new states' laws since the 2020 election that are clearly set up to impede people's rights to vote disproportionately black. i think it's something of try to go around the issue of vote rights rather than dealing with it. they need to find a way to go around the filibuster and not to go around voing rights. >> what dow make of mit romney's response of not having a call from the white house, is there an argument as to what's in this bill whether or not you supported or don't support it or does he have a point? the white house is not doing enough? >> well, he's got a phone, he can call the white house himself and he knows everyday that manchin and susan collins and a lot of people have been talking about moving forward with some voting rights issue. he knows manchin has been going around trying to find ten republicans to get on bills for you know see for instance the john lewis' voting rights act, something he can get involved with. you know i don't think you are sitting in your office, well, the president never called me so i can't engage in the base. that's not how we operate in the debates. i am not really sure. i also find it, rev, to be the height of -- republicans trying to figure out around the filibuster by raising the debt ceiling. you talk about them trying to filibuster on this martin luther king's for voting rights. and they act as if you are trying to have them bring down the capitol piece by piece and this is somehow a grand tragedy. mike pence saying january 6th is bad but yes so as ending the filibuster would be a tragedy of course such a stupid argument, i don't think we should even justify it because of course again when republicans want to get around the filibuster for a federal judges or supreme court judges, for raising the debt ceiling. they do it and they did it a couple of weeks ago. now it's a threat of democracy? >> that's the most insulting part of the argument is act like we are doing something that's outrageous are unthinkable when they did it around the debt ceiling. that's going around the filibuster to find a way to carve it out. carve out a way to go around the filibuster. we are talking about something that's fundamental as protecting people's rights to vote and they're acting like they're something extreme about that. it's very ire and let's not forget when we talk with senator joe manchin and he said that he wanted to come up with a bill that republicans he felt could go along with it. this freedom to vote bill is his bill. he could not get one republican to go with his bill. i remember in 2006 as you say, joe, there was a resigning of the voting rights act at the white house in the rose garden. i was invited and sat on the front row and guest of the president of the united states, president was george bush, i was invited by carl rove. all republicans voted for him. what happened in 2022 that's so different in 2006. other than the insurrection and 16 people in the senate today republican senators that are sitting there today voted for the voting rights act in 2006 so what happened? did donald trump change this party where it lost its mind and memory? >> correct. >> i don't know. do republican senators need somebody to call them to remind them that they need to reauthorize the voting rights act like george w. bush did and every republican did in 2006? i don't think so. it's really a shame. mika, right now i think republicans are being short sided because right now we are talking about of course mainly black americans who were fighting to have the voting rights act extended, hispanics. there is no guarantee that it won't be republicans. it won't be conservatives, it won't be the very people that are standing in the way of passing this that are not going to have their voting rights challenged in 5 or 10 or 15 years. a lot of voting precincts in white neighborhoods across states in the future that have voing booths and voting locations taken out and having steps to stop them from being able to vote. we should all be able to be shoulder to shoulder here and guaranteeing every american's equal access to voting, equal rights to voting. we should be able to extend the john lewis voting rights act without any trouble at all. it should be extended now. let's bring professor paneil joseph. can you explain exactly where most voters stand right now without the vote rights act where access to voting is going for under served communities? #. >> good morning mika and joe. we lost the status quo from 1965 to 2013. basically, what the supreme court's decision did is really end what was called preclearance. it's really the safe guard of the vra, if states try to change voter identification loss or states try to change early voting polling access, they had to clear that, preclear that with the justice department. and for states like, texas is my adopted hometown, states like texas for example as soon as shelby decision was passed, they passed a flourish of voter identification and other legislation that really precludes poor under represented african-american voters having the same access. north carolina did the same thing. many states did the same thing. in a lot of ways all people were asking for is for the people act and the john lewis' act, the passage of the voting rights act. as we know that comes because of march 7th, 1965 and john lewis on the bridge named after confederate military hero getting his skull fractured alongside 500 other african-american demonstrators who were peacefully demonstrating across that bridge and dr. king leads the march from selma to montgomery over the next two weeks that culminates on the march 25th, that was the last time king gave a live speech that was telecast across the nation where he demands the ballot as part of citizenship for all people but certainly for african-americans. we are looking at is trying to get back to the status quo from 1965 to 2013 and that's why it's disengenious really. the vra was extended in 2006 for another 25 years. this should have been extended all the way up to 2032 if not for the supreme court. >> yeah, so professor, i was talking my kids and i at lunch yesterday were talking about a lot of different things and one of my kids brought up martin luther king and we started talking about king and i just, we were showing clips from a compressed time period and i explained to my children that i was born in 1963, the same year that kennedy died but also the same year that king gave his speech and march on washington, i said can you believe five years later when i started school in meridian, mississippi, the classes were integrated. that was rural mississippi. this country moved at a grave neck pace. one of the great legacies is how quickly things move over those five years or so. talk about the 50 years, the 55 or 56 or 57 years since and the legacy that martin luther king jr. leaves us today as well as the challenges. >> the legacies joe are what you said of the interracial integration in mississippi. we'll see the passage of the 13th and 14th and 15th amendment ending slavery and passing a birthright citizenships and a black voting rights for men are going to be extended to white women by 1920 and extended to black women by 1965, when i think of the last 50 years, there has been enormous progress from one perspective and we see that progress with the black elected officials, congressional black caucus and the election of barack obama. there is also huge setbacks. we think of huge setsetbacks. that's really pushing away from the civil rights movement and the social justice movement. that movement for racial justice for black dignity and citizenship. what we are now in i believe is america's third reconstruction and we think about the idea of a third reconstruction really bookended by the election of barack obama in 2008. the rise of the tea party and the rise of black lives matter of donald trump and january 6th, we see this clash, this ongoing clash between reconstructionists and redemption of advocates of white supremacists. they made an argument they are going to redeem the south. what's extraordinary about the period of 1965 all the way up to 2013 is we created a new consensus around voting rights where republicans and democrats agreed, all americans should enjoy them. that consensus gives you barack obama. since 2013 there is been a huge push back and charlottesville is a great example of this. the most egregious example is january 6th. what we see is the republican party even more so when you were young has been hijacked, basically the party of racial segregation, racial exclusion and now they have a firewall in the senate. when we think of the '65 voting rights act. 49 democrats voted for that and 30 republicans voted for that. and so we had bipartisan approval for voting rights in 1965 when you have the george wallace who are saying segregation now and then and forever. it's extraordinary both how far we have come, joe, but how far we have left to go. >> professor, peniel joseph, thank you so much. we appreciate you coming on the show. reverend al, we began with martin luther king jr., i have been to the mountain top speech, where are we now as we reflect on this day? >> well, i think that we are where we must renew the battle and the fight to preserve what dr. king and his generation gave us and that was voting rights and that was civil rights and under civil rights, police reform with dr. king spoke to. if we studied history, there is always moving forward and those push to go back. we are in an era where people are trying to push back what dr. king did which is why martin luther king iii joining them this is not a deal of legislation, to press and preserve what dr. king stood for. protect the things he spoke to and got accomplished. >> all right, rev, thank you. still ahead on "morning joe," a frighten weekend of the members of a synagogue in texas. what we are learning of the man who took them hostage and the motivation. there is no data of omicron that's giving leaders some hopes that the surge could be slowing down. former president trump is not happy with ron desantis, the issue that had trump trash talking the florida governor behind his back -- you are watching "morning joe," we'll be right back. you are watching "morning joe," we'll be right back this is a gamechanger, who dares to be fearless even when her bladder leaks. our softest, smoothest fabric keeping her comfortable, protected, and undeniably sleek. depend. the only thing stronger than us, is you. as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. depend. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ throughout history i've observed markets 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"snl" chris read breaking out his impression of mayor adams as omicron sweeps the country, the number of out new york offering some hope. new york state reported of 48,000 coronavirus cases on friday down 47% from the roughly 90,000 cases reported just a week ago. while hochul says the state is turning the corner on the winter surge, it's not in the clear and continues to encourage that vaccinations and boosters. got to get vaccinated. in virginia, governor glenn youngkin signed a executive order after being sworn in removed the state's mask requirements in schools. the order rescinds masking for children k through 12. school districts are able to keep the masks in place but parents can choose not to follow them. masks are still required for students and staff and visitors for school's facilities and buses. coming up. governor desantis is defying the supreme court of the united states and now some healthcare providers are defying him. the latest over the battle of vaccine mandates, next on "morning joe." f vaccine mandates, next on vaccine mandates, next on "morning joe." find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. 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the vaccine mandate. a spokesperson from governor desantis says the state will follow its own law passed last year which bans vaccine mandates. the "tampa bay times" reports, healthcare facilities risk losing funding if they don't implement vaccine mandates. let's bring in charles coleman. there is something called the supremacy laws that would require a governor of the state to follow what the united states supreme court ruled. maybe he thinks it's being cute or he wants to defy the united states supreme court. it's more of the same of disrespect and disregard for federal courts and it's really is a menaing action against the rule of law in this country. >> well, not just that, joe, everything you said is absolutely correct. it's the added element that you are playing russian roulette with people's lives that you cut medicare funding for people in florida who desperately needed. with this game of chicken that desantis is setting up with supreme court, what you are doing is putting down imperial. i don't know whether it's about political expediency or whether this is something he's intending to blaze a trail. i don't think it's going to end well. there are too many provisions and cases that say the supreme court has the last say. it's not necessarily that they are last because they are always right. they are always right because they are always last. >> now, dave, this is an action that you don't see regularly where governors see a ruling from the united states supreme court and oh, we are not going to pay attention to it. i mean that's -- that's anarchy. that's a bad way to anarchy and follows what donald trump started. >> governor desantis knows better, he knows what is the clemency clause means. here he's enging an act of performance art because he wants to be president in 2024. he believes he wins here by losing, his base loves the fight and when he loses, he can then blame liberal judges for his defeat so it will be a maga daily double. you are seeing this in his attack on chief justice roberts and kavanaugh. he says they had no backbones because they sided on the liberal justices on the healthcare vaccine mandates. we are just talking about desantis' refusing to admit publicly whether he got the vaccine booster. that's what led donald trump calling him gutless. having a backbone is telling your supporters of what you need to do like having the vaccine and stop gaslighting them. >> i guess reverend now the issue here is not whether he'll be overturned in his actions by the supreme court. it's the law of the land. i just think it speaks volume to where this wing of the republican party is that they have a guy who's considered front runner for the presidency in 2024 and yet he's openly defying the united states supreme court and hey, conservative court by a 6-3 margin by the way. again, for some reason i am especially troubled when things like this happen, just like i was when donald trump 2017 didn't like the washington state judge's ruling and called him the so-called judge. here you have desantis openly defying a conservative united states supreme court and saying he's going to ignore the law of the land. >> it's outrageous on its face when you think about this is the party that was the law nullified and now you have them defying the law on a law that conservative judges came down with and where he in many ways sort of -- he's maing former president trump looked moderate. when you have donald trump saying the vaccine is all right and people should come out and say they should have been vaccinated and you have desantis taking this position, he's really helping to in many ways inadvertedly help trump out even though trump is a threat by anybody that would potentially overshadows him. >> former president trump reportedly trashed talking desantis in private as an -- dull personality. both aide spokesperson for trump and desantis did not respond to axios request for comment. the new york times, desantis, a man trump put on the mask has been acting like a former acolyte. the governor refrained from saying he would stand aside if mr. trump runs for president in 2024. magic word trump said to several advisers, mr. desantis shot back criticizing mr. trump's early handling of the pandemic and saying he's regretted for not being more vocal. he believes that he bend the knee is asking too much. >> jonathan lemire, it's shots back and forth at each other. i have been suspecting that desantis at some point is going to cave, does not look like he's going to to any time. i will not run if donald trump runs. >> but you are right, joe. we talked about that last week. part of this was trump being upset that desantis was not - he was the one major republican candidate who would not say that he would step out of the 2024 race if trump were to run. we know that for trump loyalties are one way street. he hates it when people profits off of his name or gets famous off of his name, in association of him. that's what he has told aides of my reporting is happening here. desantis should bow out. he does not like the idea that he's a gop front runner and is one who's not willing to go away if trump were to run. dave, let's get your take on this. you are in florida, give us a sense of desantis' political standing, they're in the state and is he someone that could withstand if donald trump opens up a full onslaught. we know how he attacks political opponents fairly enough, can he measure up to that? >> jonathan, i think it's more trump's party than desantis' party. when desantis ran for governor, he had a commeial with his infant children where he taught them the words "build the wall" and "make america great again," he's out there raising tons of money. he's a national figure. his ego is not going to let him bend the knee like trump wants him to do. he does not want to jeopardize his election by talking about 2024. he never said he's interested in running for president even that's one thing that motivates him. he's gliding towards reelection but one of the two things that can interrupt that path is trump going after him if he's going after brian kemp in georgia. desantis is already talking about a mississippi style abortion bill, that would be out of touch with most floridians so we'll see what happens. in the tend florida is some what will of a swing state and his posturing this pandemic, we'll have to see how much he gets hurt by it. >> charles, we know as we look at king's day and talking about covid and the disproportionate impact it had on blacks and talking about the criminal justice system where you work and talking about voting, it seems on king's day that we are dealing with the racial inequality whether it's covid or criminal justice or voting rights. how do you see this in 2022 king's day on what we focus on as a country looking through the lens of martin luther king jr.'s day this day. >> where we are right now is an important place in history. it gives us the opportunity to look backward. understand how much further we have to go. we are in a space right now with the soul of our democracy as americans is up for grabs. when you talk about what it's to be black america today, we have lawmakers who are playing politics without humanity. when you think about dr. king's legacy and what it's to fight for equality and racial justice, it really drives home the point of let's stop playing around with this. let's stop playing the game of politics and legislation when you were talking about the true and real existence of incorporating our community and our people into the everyday fabric of what it's to be american. there is a lot to be encouraged about of what the supreme court is going to be doing with the cases we are looking at and where we are headed in urban center across america as crimes continue to peak and significant amounts of pain of black people across america. we realize there is so much to do and where to go. this is not something people should be playing politics with. january 6th is an interesting backdrop to think about when you talk about king day. beyond the notion of equality, all the principles that dr. king advocated for are essential to our democracy. we don't need to just limit this and have a conversation about racial or social justice, those things are absolutely important. it's paramount and you and i both know this. beyond that when you think of what it is to be americans, those things, his words and teachings have more relevant than perhaps ever. >> dave and charles, thank you very much. coming up, is america training its own insurrectionists? what we are learning of members of groups like the oath keepers and their use of military skills to advance extremist plots. plus -- 16 republican lawmakers in michigan are under investigation for trying to claim joe biden's 2020 election win for donald trump. michigan's attorney general joins us, "morning joe" is back in a moment. s us, "morning jos k s us, 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"morning joe." we you need san francisco to get to the quarterback here. prescott takes off running the football. oh, i don't think it's going to work out. the clock is not playing for it. it's down time. oh my gosh. officials get in the way, it's over. the game is over. >> oh. jonathan lemire, welcome to "morning joe." at the top of the hour, it's monday, january 17th, reverend al and jonathan lemire is with us. people are turning in are pointing west. this was just an inexcusable call where it's a horrible way to end a game and a season. that's what's happening to dallas. it's an hour early. >> it's making less sense. it's 14 seconds left in the season and you needed a touchdown and you are down 6. you don't have time for this. you have two options here. you throw once or twice down the end zone here. it's easy than a hail mary. you have prescott he can make that throw or you do a quick 10 yards out. either way the clock stops. you don't have any time outs. your season can't end on that without even a shot at the end zone. look, a terrific win for the 49ers, they gone on the road and they win there. they set up nicely for the packers. boy, more than anything, that's a devastating defeat for the dallas cowboys, one that'll be questioned all offseason long. >> it should be. you go out of bounds and you can do an out pattern or toss the ball back or maybe pick up ten yards or get closer to the end zone for the hail mary. when you are in this position with little time left and you got the niners finally guarding the sidelines, you got to take the ball down field. you got to pass it down even if you pass it with somebody doing a post route, get it to them on the 10 or 15 yards line. maybe there is a shot. this offers you no chance of getting a playoff. >> yeah, it does not. it's not that much of a difference between throwing it at the 40 or the 28 where he was tackled. burning 14 seconds for 12 yards. you can make that throw. you have to at least going down and losing at home or at least taking a shot at the end zone. it's rare. we live in a deeply divided nation. it's rare to have a moment where everyone comes together as one. that's what happens yesterday on twitter when that play happened. the entire universe exploded. what was that? >> good thing they did not show jerry jones at the owner's box. it's 23-7. the cowboys came storming back, looks like they're going to catch the niners could not do it. the playoffs continue and right now the buccaneers is looking awfully strong and san francisco, a team of destiny, we'll see what happens. the playoffs continue tonight. who do you like, jonathan? >> rams/cardinals. neither of these teams are particularly strong. i do think it will be a legit under dog to tom brady and buccaneers next week. as you look at the schedule here, bengals verses titans. a terrific game on saturday night, 49ers and packers, aaron rodgers. they can seem to run the balfour defense and that got tom. bills at chiefs, rematch of last year's afc title game. josh allen is on fire. he eviscerated the patriots. should the nation feels terrible for us last week. that should be a great game. >> there you go. let's get to the news now. new developments around the committee investigating into attack on the capitol. the panel on friday met with christopher miller who was the acting defense secretary on the day of the attack. it's still unclear what was discussed in the meeting. miller providedd conflicting testimonies in congress in the past saying trump had "encouraged" protesters with his remarks on january 6th and he believed an organized conspiracy played a role in the capitol attack. in december, the committee met with miller's chief of staff cash patel, a top aid of jim jordan of ohio. we learning more of stewart rhodes, he's been charged of seditious conspiracy for his involvement of the january 6th attack. the oath keepers were already convinced that victory had been stolen from former president trump and members of the far right militia group were making plans to march on the u.s. capitol. the associated press citing court documents reports that rhodes citing we are not getting through this without a civil war. rhodes refused to accept it and marched on mass to the capitol. rhodes joined the army and being discharged after he was injured during a night parachuting accident. federal authorities arrested rhodes in texas last thursday while there was no evidence he entered the capitol on january 6th. he was accused of putting the violence into motion. rhodes faced a judge on friday and ordered to be held in custody. after the hearing, his lawyer said he entered a not guilty plea and plans to fight the charges. >> let's bring in our former fbi special agent, clint watts. elites in the media looking at the people who attacked the capitol like to suggest they are yahoos who crawled out underneath a rock and you got trump on the right saying they're just tourists that day. you got a guy that went to yales and also an army and a trooper and unfortunately as you note there are far too many, far too many retired military people that were involved on january the 6th. >> when you read the indictment, it reads like a handbook. it's pretty remarkable and just looking at the language that was there and the organization that went into it. also, i would like to compare to imagine five or six years ago when i am here with you talking about an isis sit back and brussel and paris. it would look a lot like this had gone wrong on january 6th. they were going through the full lineup and most of the people that were there on january 6th were not in the plan, it only takes a dozen people to breach that to create the breach point to create a major chaotic event. the other thing to think about that we were quite fortunate on that day. had there been some sort of shots, there is a qrs standing by with assault rifles and other weapons. the bloodshed would have been unbelievable. while many would try to down play this. i would never saw al-qaida or isis plot trying to enter the capitol or get close to capitol with weapons and trying to overthrow the government. i saw it up to a dozen people trying to hang the device president or find nancy pelosi. we tend to discount it because there are americans, it's much more sophisticated than most of the attack we after saw. many claimed it was much ado to nothing. you look at the details and chars, like you said you have retired military people who were planning an assault on the capitol. there was no doubt this is sedition and again the documents were frightened. >> they were argued and armed. they are not capable. what distinguishes oftentimes a plot being something dangerous is do they have access to weapons and targets and do they have a plan? when you look back across the last two decades, rarely that was the case. most of the people that we rode off as hey, this is a dumb plot, they had serious questions, we talked in the weeks past seems like violence is more of the national discourse. what sort of threats do they see as we have now turn the page as we enter the midterms here. >> across the board you will hear director wray say this and when ever attorney general garland speaks that there is much worries mostly around based race groups. in these online spaceou will e the collisi of far right ideologies of white supremacy. this is off of one off attack, young attackers and they're hard to anticipate and hard to police. everything have gone local. while we have been focusing on january 6th, state capitol and city council and school boards, that's where you see the most violent individual show up and there are. my biggest worries is you have members of some of these extremist groups running for office and you have people say they won't respect the law. these are sheriffs in some places say i decide the law and not the federal government. and that creates a volatile situation, i would not be surprise if the first coup we see is local and not federal. they take over a ballot box or an officer that don't respect the vote in 2022. >> clint watts, thank you very much, we'll be reading your piece in "the washington post." a group of republican lawmakers in michigan are under federal investigation for submitting a document which falsely claims that donald trump won their state in the 2020 election. the probe is focused on 16 state lawmakers who signed a letter in december of 2020 refuting joe biden's win by 154,000 votes in michigan. that document was then reportedly sent to the u.s. senate in district court after police blocked the group from entering the state's capitol on the day michigan's electoral ballots were cast. >> let's bring in michigan's attorney general dana nessel. thank you for being on this morning. you refer to federal prosecutors. what law did the 16 state officials break? >> well, we believe they violated both. state laws and federal laws and you know we had evaluated and prepared to move forward with a couple of state law violations. there is forgery of a public record as well as election laws forgery. we decided to hold off bus it's clear to us from the work of january 6th that this is one piece of a larger puzzle involving not just michigan but multiple other states where activists came together in their respective states and compiled this false late electors and it was not just political theaters, they piled it and transmitted in all the places where he actual slate of electors were filed. and so my assessment is and this will be left for the feds to decide that this also violated numerous federal laws. forgery of a public record for the purposes of robbing the united states government. that's a ten year felony and commits an offense to defraud u.s. government. it's a five-year. there are multiple offenses that this absolutely violated. i would like the department of justice to look at it as a whole to see who coordinated in office and how it fits in a scheme to clearly overthrow the united states government. >> attorney nessel when you raise the level that i want to question, are we looking at a broader national conspiracy to undermine how elections are determined that we are seeing in your state, for example, with these 16 and another state as you indicated that they'll even break the law in order to really set up a new kind of mechanism that would determine how the outcome of elections are if it's not to their liking and they have done it with people who considered themselves as patriots and engaged in criminal conspiracies for whatever ends they want. it's a crime of what they are doing and part of a national conspiracy. is that your feeling and is that where your investigations in the state of michigan led you to believe? >> well, with all the evidence that's now produced by the january 6th committee, i really think that's the inexcusable conclusion. you look at the memo and by the majority leader of the senate and house speaker to bring them to the oval office as all of this was transpiring and we learned last night from reporting from "the detroit news" that there was a plan to have republican lawmaker to open the door of the capitol to allow this 16 political activists from the republican party that signed onto this false electors to get them into the senate to conduct this. this has to take place in senate chambers or else it's going to fail it. i of course and what was transmitted and we know it was fraudulent and how do we know that? i myself was a witness. i was in the senate chambers december 14th, at 2:00 p.m., 2020 as the 16th biden and harris elector voted. of course the trump -- pence voters were not in there. they were trying to get in but unable to because the capitol was surround by hundreds of state troopers to prevent their legal entrance. it was possible by republican lawmakers illegally allowing them entrance. this is a much larger conspiracy and i really think it's incredibly important to the department of justice to see how it fits in with other national efforts to undermine and disrupt the 2020 presidential election. >> attorney dana nessel, thank you, we appreciate you being with us. >> thank you. >> jonathan lemire, i am excited about it because it's martin luther king's day and we have seen donald trump when he talked about the booster and the vaccine, he's trying to win those suburban votes back which he has to win if he wants to be elected in 2024. i am excited to hear what he has to say. i am sure he'll talk about russia and china. china, china is all over, i am sure he's going to be talking about that. some ukraine and the texas synagogue and so much to talk about. i can't wait to hear what the 45th president decided was worthy to write about this morning on mlk day. go ahead, hit it. >> donald trump not on twitter but here is what we have. "will "morning joe" be cancelled? they have a hard time finding audience. losing them would be very sad. hope it does not happen. >> hope is the operative word. and such kind words for the show. >> we do burn fake news. >> i never heard him talk about spurn, using that has a word. >> i have not, have you? >> i don't use the word, it's new vocabulary. you got to be careful. >> i am looking it up. secondly, rev, he cannot quit us. even that to be a shame. >> reject. >> we reject fake news. at least he's accurate. we have been talking football for two hours. he likes football. he likes boxing. you think maybe write a little bit about our commentary on the cowboys' game or on talk about mlk day. what do you think? >> i think you got him a little upset when he talk about desantis gaining some tractions there. he may be threatened. you can't imply that he made the has been. i think because of that all of a sudden your ratings are not there and you have no audience. it's an indication that you have an audience of one, donald trump. >> joe, can you see okay? >> maybe he think prescott did the right thing. >> maybe he did. >> maybe, maybe? he want to run up the middle of the no time left. "morning joe" thanks faithful viewer. >> we have said it for a long time. >> florida retiree sends thoughts on show. come on, alex. what are you doing? come on. >> oh my god. >> what do you want? another e-mail? >> check the inbox. >> i am curious though what he thinks about dak running the ball up the middle with time running out. rev, you didn't go as his guest but you and donald went to boxing matches back in the '90s. does he know the sport more than he knows politics? >> the only thing i noticed, we used to go to mike tyson's thing in atlantic city because he had the convention center. i was watching the fight, he was watching the camera to see who was getting him at ring sites. i don't think he caught a knock out. he was posing to be chosen. he was not really a fan of anyone but donald trump. he remained consistent in that area. >> well, we do thank our faithful viewers. >> still ahead on "morning joe," rising comparisons between joe biden and jimmy carter. joe biden is no jimmy carter but that he should wish he he was. hundreds of applications of mail-in ballots are being denied by texas. you are watching "morning joe," we'll be right back. 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(burke) seventeen-car garage you got there? ♪we are farmers♪ ♪bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum♪ president biden is calling the hostage situation at a synagogue in dallas over the weekend an act of terror. the man held several hostages for several hours before he was killed. morgan chesky has more. >> reporter: the fbi combing the scene at the synagogue. a gunman held four people hostage for 12 hours before his death. the president making his statement. >> this is an act of terror. >> reporter: the suspect 44-year-old, he took hostages and his voice heard on a facebook's live stream. his primary demand is the release of a federal prisoner 20 miles away aafi siddiqui. >> she was focused on one issue. >> reporter: even hours in, he released one hostage unharmed. the rabbi still trapped inside saying gunman became belligerent and threatening as time went on. the remaining hostages we leased bide fire door and not rescued. this video shows three people leaving a side door as teams move in confirming the suspect's death. in a statement he added we as a family do not condone any of his actions. his brother was suffering from mental health issues and there was nothing we could have said to him or done that would have convinced him to surrender. authorities credited walker to keeping the situation cold. >> when you got the word that everyone made it out okay - >> yeah, it's like a release of tears and anxiety and stress and thankfulness and praise and worries and all of those all at once. >> reporter: the rabbi is back with his family posting in part, i am grateful that we made it out and grateful to be alive. >> our thanks to nbc's morgan chesky for that report. akrum's two teenage son was detained by police. now to a new opinion piece for the washington post titled "joe biden is no jimmy carter, he should wish he was." joining us is jonathan alter. he's also the author of the book "his very best:jimmy carter a life," you argued that comparison is flattering than critics realized. while historical analoies are often glib and partisan, they can be illuminating. the danger for democrats is the bad odor that surrounds carter's presidency. both carter and biden suffered from what political scientists called green lantern theory which democratic presidents expected by the president and public to have the power of super hero in bending congress to their will and seen as failures when they can't do so every time. >> it's fascinating, jonathan that what we have seen over the past several weeks been one attack after another against joe biden whether it's from progressives or other wings of the democratic party for not being able to make a senator from west virginia and a senator from maricopa county change their minds on issues that are most suggests that democratic party is deeply divided. it's not. joe biden has had remarkable party unity, 48 democratic senators, you do not hear a peep out of them and on the house side they are quite united. that's really in stark contrast to jimmy carter who had a full revolt in the 1980s. while there are similarities and they are both facing inflation, in some way it's apples and oranges comparison because people are comparing carter's last year as president, 1980 with biden's first year as president. actually biden is a lot less popular than jimmy carter was at the end of his first year when he was way over 50%. things really went south for carter and ended up what i call a political failure and even visionary success as president. that's the part on the substance that we hope joe biden achieves. >> well, jonathan, i was going to say for president's timing is everything. you look at ronald reagan at this point and reagan's first year, reagan was just at the bottom of the barrel, republicans got slammed in '82. the economy turned around by '83 and '84, unemployment was around 7%. you look at george h.w. bush was one of my favorite examples of how timing is everything. i suspect if the election had been held a quarter later, three months later, the economy was turning around, he probably would have beaten bill clinton. here with joe biden though you are exactly right. for jimmy carter, he was unfortunate that his crisis hit in the final years of his presidency, biden fortunate enough that it's happening in year one. >> i think that's a very important point. just to compare on the numbers quickly. so inflation right now at 7%. that's alarming. for jimmy carter would average 13%. interest rates negligible right now, 21%. can you imagine running an election have have interest rates at that level. it was jimmy carter and not ronald reagan to be chair of the fed and he didn't do it until 1979 so the effect of raising interest rates to end inflation was not felt until reagan was president. now we have chairman powell who was going to start raising interest rates this year. ask most economists, that'll have an effect in slowing down the economy a little bit. we had such a boom that we can afford to slow it down a little bit. also, we don't have these built-in accelerator that carson was faced with labor deals and inflation was embedded in the system and also these insane increases in global energy prices from already high levels because of opecs power at that time. the circumstances are quite different even though on the surface they look pretty similar. >> jonathan, since we have you here and obviously a man who's known well in this household because of mika and her brothers and dad. it's fascinating the further we get away from the carter's presidency, the more that we recognize in his one term, much like george h.w. bush, he accomplished things more than most presidents in tw terms. and constant threats have not been a ground war israel and its era of allies since '79 in over 40 years because of jimmy carters' camp david accord. and it created the world we live in now for better or worse, globalization. those two momentous decision impacting us. and basically let them know the horrific consequences they would pay if those troops that were surrounding poland actually went in. >> that's right, i think people tend to associate jimmy carter of the iran hostage crisis which by the way the hostages came home safely. there was no way he could have prevented the iranian reserve reserve -- iranian revolution. >> the panama canal which were done over the objection of two-thirds of the country and ronald reagan campaigning against turning over the panama canal. you have to credit carter for. the human rights policy and even many conservatives say that was very helpful in ending the cold war and in kicking off the democratic revolution around the world that was only now being rolled back and you can go down list. the poland situation is just one of a number of things that he did that people forgotten about when they use the easy and lazy, bad president, we need to get past that. as you did and others with harry truman, we need to reassess this presidency and see it as the successful record that it was. >> well, we always look in such dark terms of jimmy carter and ronald reagan, jimmy carter being strong and with didn't even talk about afghanistan going in. there were a lot of commonalities. jonathan alter, as always thank you so much. mika, i remember your father talking about the fact that he moved even though he never worked officially for the reagan administration. he moved seamlessly between the carter administration and when the reagan administration began working behind the scenes with cold warriors with the reagan administration doing the same thing with that administration. they had built up quite a few contacts behind the iron curtain. >> it says a lot especially given what we are looking at today. by the way, just on a personal note, we celebrated my mom's 90th birthday yesterday if you could believe it, 90. the person that was laughing the hardest of that number was my mom. we had a pandemic birthday party where everyone wore masks. when i told her it was the big 90. you see her breaking there in stitches. she was laughing so hard at her age. she could not blow out the candles and laughing hysterically. >> he's happy. >> you were showing pictures of mark who was watching. i was showing pictures of ian face timing in so the entire family was there. i am getting ready to go to poland so we had to celebrate a few days early and she loved every minute of it. so happy birthday bumba. she's just fabulous. she's really the inspiration for 50 over 50 which we'll be talking about later on in the show. coming up, the 2022 primaries are about six weeks away in texas. election officials say there is a big problem that needs to be addressed right now. we'll dig into that straight ahead on "morning joe." l dig int l dig int ahead on "morning joe.t. trust me, after 15 walks... gets a little old. ugh welcome to silversneakers. are you ready to get moving? 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>> and i just, i want to be kind. same with little john lamire. i didn't bring up the patriots. i certainly don't want to bring up -- >> it's big of you. >> and so i'm not going to talk about everton if you don't talk about everton. >> i will not talk about everton, because they are had. and i also will not talk about alabama. but why don't we talk about the premier league returning with a bang? like the buffalo bills, big game. clash between first and second. manchester city. the champions of england. and chelsea, the champions of europe. think of it has nonfootball in terms as if kanye and pete davidson arm wrestled and chelsea had their chances. rumably in like a josh allen. here he comes. so, oh opening up his body. but then it all went -- boris johnson. city shots aside. no, no, no, and into the 70th minute. a moment of genius. kevin attempted to single handedly solve chelsea's defense as if it was -- look at him. like a footballer elvis costello. genius goal. no better ginger athlete. i don't think you can name one. in terms of a title race, swatted aside the mighty beast as if they were armed with citronella candles. liverpool 11 points back in second behind manchester city. they played a game less. the other big clash house, manchester united owned by the tampa bay family, strolled into a 2-0 lead. the tribute. cruising. manchester united looked locked on but a brazilian, a man there -- god, that is excruciating. we've all had days like that. the man and a little magician made his debut and created this golden score in the 81st minute. an equalizer. the little magician. here he is. arriving like began doll of's truth. a wizard is never late nor early. he arrives for safety when he needs to, joe. fairy tales. sometimes i think there's a script writer doing all this. >> i don't know. a fairy tale? the team back from a very, very bad time in spain. let me ask you, though we didn't play everton highlights, rapha, a terrible run at everton. you have been through quite a few managers over the past couple of years. tell me what -- who is next at everton? it's actually -- you guys have money. you've got a storied history. who is probably next in line managing there? >> the way we choose leaders we'll probably take elizabeth holmes or boris johnson. it's an in -- i'm an everton fan, a chicago bears fan. both teams coachless. rudderless. darkness on the edge of town. making my kids, chicago bears and everton fans. am i a bad father or the worst father in the world? you decide. >> we'll be debating that all next hour. thank you for being with us. >> thank you, roger. we'll be watching "the men in blazers show". the latest episode featuring will ferrell is now streaming on peacock. still ahead, novak djokovic is already missing one major tournament, and now he could be in jeopardy of missing another. we are joined at the top of the hour by a tennis commentator. as we honor the life and legacy of martin luther king junior, there's more pressure on democrats to get voting rights legislation passed. but they're no closer to getting the votes to get legislation passed. why? "morning joe" is coming right back. passed why? "morning joe" is coming right "morning joe" is coming right back ♪ ♪making your way in the world today♪ ♪takes everything you've got♪ ♪ ♪taking a break from all your worries ♪ ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? ♪ ♪ ♪ sometimes you want to go ♪ ♪where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪ ♪and they're always glad you came ♪ my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. narrator: on a faraway beach, the generation called "our greatest" saved the world from tyranny. in an office we know as "oval," a new-generation president faced down an imminent threat of nuclear war. on a bridge in selma, alabama, the preacher of his time marched us straight to passing voting rights for every american. at a gate in west berlin, a late-generation american president demanded an enemy superpower tear down a wall and liberate a continent. american generations answering the call of their time with american ideals. freedom. liberty. justice. for today's generation of leaders, the call has come again to protect our freedom to vote, to fortify our democracy by passing the freedom to vote act and the john lewis voting rights act because america - john lewis: we are not going back, we are going forward. ♪ ♪ ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ it's really been something that i felt called to do. and i've always had it in me at a young age. the not so great unfortunate news is we're not where we're supposed to be, and if you were here, you'd be very disappointed in the current state of our country. i think you'd be happy to see all the youth and young people getting involved, and all the people who are standing up and taking action on these issues. however, you would also be very disappointed in our leaders and politicians. >> the granddaughter of martin luther king junior speaking with reverend al sharpton yesterday on politics nation. welcome back to "morning joe." it is monday, january 17th, martin luther king junior day. reverend al is with us as well as jonathan lamire. as the nation remembers martin luther king junior today, his family is pushing for the crucial voting rights act. king's son had some harsh words yesterday for senator kyrsten sinema of arizona who has refused to change the senate rules to allow the voting rights legislation to pass. nbc news senior white house correspondent kelly o'donnell has the details. >> this morning, grass roots pressure to keep the voting rights legislation alive. >> it's time for action. >> demonstrators gathered this weekend in arizona. including the family of dr. martin luther king junior to turn up political heat on democrat kyrsten sinema. >> senator sinema has been one of the challenges. and so it made sense to come to arizona. >> sinema and senator joe manchin met with president biden. but refused to change senate rules in order to pass voting protections with only democrats' support. frustration aimed directly at president biden from civil rights allies like reverend jackson of south carolina, writing in the new york times, the white house slept on voting rights, and now our very democracy is at risk. but we need you to lead this fight as our president, not as a senator. house majority whip james clyburn says the voting rights legislation is on life support. >> you got to have these votes. we got to see which side people are on, and if that were to fail as people project it will, then what's the next best thing? >> in an interview with craig, vice president harris defended democrats' resolve. >> i'm saying it's not over, and we don't give up. we don't give up, and we will not give up. >> the senate vote could happen as soon as tomorrow. with democrats braced to fall short. >> it doesn't look like it has the votes to pass, but we're going to cancel our martin luther king day recess and be there this week, because we think it's so important for the country. >> joining us now, award winning historian, professor and writer keesha blaine, an associate professor of history at the university of pittsburgh, and coed or the of the book entitled "four hundred souls, a community history of american america 1619 to 2019". good to have you on board this morning. let's begin with your thoughts on where we stand with voting rights and looking at martin luther king junior day as a backdrop. >> well, unfortunately this is a very sad moment. it's a very sad moment, because here we are celebrating martin luther king day, and at the same time there are all of these efforts to curtail voting rights, at least 19 states as we know have passed laws restricting access to the vote. and so we are at a moment where it's quite hypocritical for so many people to quote king, to say they are inspired by his vision and not support voting rights. >> president biden is set to deliver remarks at the national action networks' annual king day breakfast. here's a portion of those prerecorded remarks. take a listen. >> and on this federal holiday that honors him, it's not just enough to praise him. we must commit to his unfinished work, to deliver jobs and justice. to protect the sacred right to vote, the right from which all other rights flow. the attack on our democracy is real from the january 6th insurrection to the onlaugt of anti-republican laws. it's no longer about who doesn't get to vote. it's about whether your vote counts at all. it's about two insidious things, voter suppression and election subversion. in his time through his courage, his conviction and commitment, dr. king forced us to answer the question, where do we stand? whose side are we on? we're at another moment right now where the mirror is being held up to america again. the question being asked again. where do we stand? whose side are we on? >> reverend al, we just played a clip, an excerpt, read an excerpt from the statement before saying that joe biden had somehow put voting rights at risk for his delay, and yet, we've known manchin and sinema for a year have said they weren't going to move on the filibuster. i'm curious. joe biden seems to be saying the right things. he's working aggressively. what else can joe biden do right now considering that you have joe manchin and kyrsten sinema who are saying no to changing the filibuster rules? >> well, many of us had wanted joe biden to come out and say some of these things earlier. but at this point, his speech last week, speaking at our breakfast this morning, very truly, we need to continue to hear him say what he's saying. and you know, we have the breakfast this morning virtually for washington, but then this afternoon senator schumer and others are joining us in harlem here. we want to know where we are in terms of calling the vote. i think we need to call the role and know who votes on what side of this issue. and then enter into plan b where we would meet with the justice department and the president to see where plan b could be. is it to have the department of justice going to the dealing with the states and in terms of the 19 states that have come with 33 laws and bring them into court. is it some things the president can do in executive orders? but i think it's important, and this is what we'll raise today at national network, is to put the senator on the spot. call the role. let history say on martin luther king week, you voted against even having the debate on voting rights. i think people don't understand, not only have they not voted to go around the filibuster. they won't even vote to have the debate which is really should be an insult to the intellect of the voters in this country that you won't even honor us with arguing this out in an open senate kind of flawed debate on what the issues are and what they're not when we're looking at interposition and nullification as dr. king would say. >> yeah. it's so important that democrats make that very point that you just made. that not only are republicans opposing what they all unanimously supported in 2006, the reauthorization of the voting rights act, but they're standing in the doorway with their votes to block a debate. to block a debate on reauthorizing the voting rights act with the john lewis voting rights act. it is really -- it's just indefensible. even by their own standards of a few years ago, keesha, i'm curious. what else would you like president biden to do on this king day? >> well, i think he has to continue to be forceful. it's great that he over the last couple days, over the last couple weeks have been speaking out and really calling out those who are standing in the way of voting rights. i wish he had done it sooner, but nonetheless, here we are, and i think he has to continue in that vein. i think he needs to remind people what we're up against, the passage of the john lewis voting rights act. the advancement of the voting rights act would ultimately restore restrictions that were gutted in the 2013 shelby decision. it's important to remind people what is taking place, to remind people what we have lost since shelby. and i think anyone who is deeply committed to american democracy or at least who say they are committed to democracy has to stand in full support of voting rights. >> keesha blaine, thank you very much for being on this morning. let's bring in now historian and roger's chair and the american presidency at vanderbilt university, john meacham. good to have you. >> john, thank you for being with us. i was talking earlier about my children and i having a conversation yesterday about me being born the year martin luther king gave his i have a dream speech in washington. and five years later when i went to school in rural mississippi, schools were integrated. just an extraordinary confluence of events happened between 1963 and 1969. just a breathtaking pace. and you and i grew up talking about, hearing people say that we were in the, quote, new south. the integrated south where white kids and black kids went to school together, where they played together. where they played on football, baseball teams together. ate in restaurants together. so much changed so quickly. and yet, the last five, six, seven years, it seems we've taken a step back. where do you looking over this historical work in the past 58 years, where are we, john? >> it's a great question, and one of the things i think about more and more is that we have this long debate going on in the country dh we've talked about. is this a 1619? is it 1776? is it 1887? in many ways 1965 is a foundational year. when you think about a multiethnic, integrated electorate. you were five years old the first time we had a fully integrated presidential electorate. in 1978. 56 years ago. right? math has never been a strong suit, as you can tell, but t only a half century or more. and martin luther king whom we commemorate today as taylor branch, his wonderful biographer said, was really a second founding father. he was an architect of a multi-ethnic, multiracial democracy that was supposed to and is supposed to represent the fulfillment of the declaration of independence. and so the fact that in your lifetime all that happened, in my lifetime this has happened, is at once thrilling. right? it's fabulous. it shows the capacity of the human spirit to change and to adapt and to grow. it's also incredibly sobering, because we see how -- because we've come far, it seems to me that's not our cause for comfort and for self-congratulation. we can't do that, and reverend al can speak to this better than i can. it should be a source of inspiration to keep moving. and when people say oh -- sorry. go ahead. >> go ahead, john. finish. >> no, i just -- so in my tribe, you know, the church, the reading for today in morning prayer is from romans. and it's that great passage from st. paul saying we should be joyful in hope, patient in tribulation, constant in prayer. patient in tribulation. and when i think about dr. king, you think about this remarkably courageous man who was one among a host of saints and incredibly brave people who were willing to die for the declaration of independence. and what they meant. and for liberty. and it's incredibly inspiring. it's incredibly sobering. and that tribulation never stops. right? you and i have talked about this forever. this was never a once upon a time in american history. there's never going to be a happily ever after, but there can be a more just tomorrow. >> and it's so interesting you talked about your tribe. i'm reminded of my tribe in the southern baptist church growing up. and it's interesting that the first time i ever saw reverend king's mountain top speech was in the basement of first baptist church in mississippi where i saw it as a young kid, and it was inspiring not only to me but everybody there in our youth group that was watching it. reverend al, it is interesting that we don't think those of us so many of us don't think of martin luther king until we're reminded of what happened in this country from 1776 to 1965 as more of us don't think of imas a second founding father. but he was a second founding father, because, again, from 1776 to 1965, black americans did not have the rights of white americans. and it wasn't until the civil rights laws of '64 and '65 that lbj pushed through that we actually had a more equal, a more just union. >> no, there's no question about it. and i think one of the reasons that it is important that history be told is so that everyone, blacks, whites, of every race, understand that 1619 is when blacks were brought here and enslaved. it was even before the country was formed. 1776 is the declaration of independence. we had already been enslaved for 100 years. and then when you go forward all the way to 1964 civil rights act of '65 vote rights act, we're not fully enfranchised as citizens until the martin luther king movement. and one of the things john meacham that i think people do not understand, i talk about tribes. i grew up in the church of god in choois, a chunk that dr. king spoke at his last speech the mountaintop. my mother brought me because i wanted to be an activist in new york. she brought me to reverend william jones and reverend jessie jones. she wanted me with the church, not with the, quote, militants. i don't think people understand the kind of tension dr. king went through. we've talked about this. he was attacked from the left, those that felt he was not militant enough, and attacked from the right, and fought the president where'ven the so-called mainstream civil rights group called him out against coming out against -- he was being hit from all sides. he was not a popular man when he made that mountaintop speech, and when he was killed. it was not popular particularly for a kid in new york, i can tell you, to be with martin luther king even in aspects of the black community. i think we kind of gloss over that. the tension which really showed the strength and charkt that dr. king had. >> unquestionably. and, again, history and biographies are -- if they're honest, are -- take the fullness of the picture. and by 1968, when he went to the church in memphis on april 3rd, and remember, he didn't remember that night, he didn't want to go because there had been a storm. right? it was -- which is amazingly biblical. the storm was raging, and yet, he went out in the night to speak. right? i mean, it just -- it's -- it's good -- good bump. and he said we have dismal days ahead, and i may not get there with you. if you read the whole speech, and when -- one of the things if folks have time today, and they do, and they should do it today and as often as they can, go read, the martin luther king papers, go read the april 3rd speech of 1968. go read, again, don't just read the march on washington on august 28th of 1963. read john lewis's. read the two speeches john lewis wrote one, and reverend al was just talking about some of the civil rights leaders thought he was too hot. and so he made a couple of tweaks. so read the march on washington. but look at stride toward freedom, the story of the montgomery bus boy cop. read the river side church speech where as al was saying, that was when he stood up in that beautiful setting and announced his opposition to the war in vietnam. and let me tell you who was not thrilled about that, and that would be jay edgar hoover and others in washington. and let's not gloss over the complexities of the 1960s. he was -- king was wiretapped. he was -- he was surveilled by his government. the government he was trying to make real and put more in accord with its own founding promises. and when you read those speeches, and if you read the speech from april 3rd rd, which was the last one he gave because he was shot to death outside room 306 of a hotel over in memphis right before dinner time on april 4th. it's a speech about economic justice. he was there, because james lawson and folks in memphis were supporting sanitation workers in a strike. >> right. >> and he talks about economic activism. right? he calls out different brands. i think a milk company and a couple other places. and it's just -- it is -- and i don't want to go before mika falls asleep, i don't want to go too theological here, but it's prophesy in the purest sense. right, rev? it's speaking to the moment. it's critiquing the manners and morals of the moment, of the people, and calling us to live in closer accord with the ideals that whether you believe or not, call it the ideal of a moral universe or call it the ideals of the gospel or the ideals of moses, whatever you want to call it. we know that the organizing principle of the great traditions of the world have been to love your neighbor as yourself. and, again, as the rev knows better than i do, you don't issue commandments with everybody's already doing it. right? so when the bible says love thy neighbor as yourself, you can be on pretty safe grounds that people weren't, because you wouldn't have to tell them to. and i think king is a prophet in that tradition, and what he asks us to do and insists that we do is live into our own promise. and that was give everybody a fair shot. >> yeah. >> historian john meacham, thank you very much. not falling asleep at all. i appreciate that. turning now to the australian open which is underway in melbourne, but without djokovic. he was deported after his visa was cancelled for a second time due to his vaccination status. nbc news correspondent matt bradley has the latest on that. >> reporter: today it's advantage australia. djokovic arriving in belgrade in serbia after the australian government finally deported him yesterday, ending 11 days of drama down under for the 34-year-old champ. >> know vac djokovic has lost his appeal. >> the number one has been booted out. >> in a statement he said he was extremely disappointed, and i hope we can all now focus on the game and tournament i love. a huge loss for the winningest man in tennis. the government eventually caving to pressure from the australian public among the most covid cautious countries in the world. >> i think it's a disgrace. we've all done the right thing. we've gone out and got our jabs and our boosters, and we have someone that's come from overseas and all the sudden he's been exempt and can play, and i think it's a disgrace. >> the country requires visitors to be vaccinated. djokovic isn't. >> whether someone wants to get a vaccine or not is up to them. >> he hoped an infection last month would exempt him from vaccination. >> he was visa was pulled last week, saying he was excite anti-vaccination sentiment. most players pleased to be talking about tennis again rather than covid culture wars. >> he's not playing. it will be a great australian open with out without him. >> and he's getting a warm welcome in serbia. many are outraged. >> the country lit up a tower telling djokovic he's the pride of serbia. but it's still game, set, match for tennis's top star. >> joining us now, sports correspondent and analyst for nbc's tennis coverage, mary. she played professional tennis before moving to broadcast. and mary, what do you think? >> um, it's interesting that you had the footage of djokovic returning home, because he is venerated and valorized in his country. they consider him a hero. the serbian president says that it was a witch hunt. but all in all, i'm glad it's finally over. it's been disheartening. it's not just djokovic who took so many missteps. i mean, so did the politicians. so did tennis australia. novak arrived and tried to enter the australian open, but he wasn't allowed to enter the country. i mean, it was not just his fault. but all in all, from all sides, i mean, this is like trying to find a needle in a hay stack made of needles 234678 -- there were so many who got so many things wrong. this could be a shattering impact on the rest of his career and his history in tennis, because he is the apex predator of tennis. he won three of the four majors last year. he's won 20 grand slam titles. going for his 10th in australia. nine of his 20 titles have come in melbourne, and now he's not there. >> and to that, news out of france this morning that could mean more trouble for the unvaccinated world number one djokovic. the french parliament approved a vaccine pass through requiring proof of vaccination to be presented to enter public places such as restaurants, cafes, cinemas and long distance trains. this will include the next grand slam of the season. the french sports minister said the rule will apply to everyone. no exceptions. she did point out that the french open is four months away, adding it's in may. the situation could change between now and then, and we hope it will be more favorable. we shall see, but here you go again. mary, i mean, his career could careen. >> yeah. that's exactly right. i mean, if france doesn't let him in, he doesn't get to defend his title where he won in dramatic and remarkable fashion last year. england's not going to let him in to play wimbledon. right now he wouldn't be allowed into the united states unvaccinated. i mean, hopefully something is coming to term for this great player. i mean, 97 of the top male players in the world, many of them reluctantly, have gotten the jab. it will be interesting to see, unless it's made compulsory everywhere. i wish that would happen. >> yes. >> let's make it compulsory in tennis. he may not change his mind, and as i said, in serbia, they love his defiance. they celebrate it. >> so mary, just as a tennis player yourself and also an analyst of the sport j is there anything about the philosophy and the sportsmanship of tennis that gives you an opinion on his decisions here and what he's doing? not only to himself but to his career and sort of to the game? >> it's a great pity. i love watching this guy play. if you have watched him, if any of your viewers have watched this guy, i have never seen a more dedicated, more flexible male athlete, but he's got an unbending spine about this. he does not believe or trust in the sanktty of science. so it's very hard for me to think that his career could be derailed like this. i really wish he would get vaccinated. i really wish he would trust what's best for him and everybody else. i mean, the fans in melbourne at this year's australian open are not allowed in without a vaccination. he's got to i think finally recognize that for his good as well as everyone else's, he's got to get vaccinated. >> mary, good morning, it's jonathan. djokovic has never quite been beloved among fans like fedder or nadal, but hoping you can speak about how he's perceived among other players. we sense some frustration from some of them having been repeatedly asked about djokovic's vaccination status in australia. what's the sense on the rest of the tour about djokovic with his now very uncertain future? >> so ta good question. he's done so much good in so many ways, and in the locker rooms. i think he lost the locker room just because the 11 days it took for the decision to finally come down was exhausting and kpaser -- it was -- it took too long. the players know how great he is. nadal, the classiest of any tennis player i've ever known talks about the respect he has for this guy, but he thinks he's made a lot of bad decisions in the last several weeks, and i agree with that. not a lot of players wanted to talk about this. they tried to kind of run away from that question. there are some players like the american john isner who is for him. john maccen row said it was a disgrace this guy wasn't playing and not for the first time, i disagree with great respect with my friend from the great state of new york. >> yeah. >> what? you've got to be kidding me. what? what? >> yeah. >> i mean, mary, come on. this guy. his rants, t what makes mcenroe mcenroe. >> you know -- >> he's not exactly a detail man is what i'm saying. >> exact. yeah. exactly. exactly. sound and fury. so my family, mary, we are fedder fans. and so we've always sort of like djokovic, but i will say, we were all heartened by the reaction, the tough new york fans gave him at the open. >> yeah. >> and thought that was -- i was like okay, you know what? this guy really deserves it, and i'm glad the fans are opening their heart to him. that's what also makes this sort of a bummer. that this comes after he's finally starting to get a little wider acceptance for at times a surly personality. >> i called the u.s. open and called the match, and you're right, the fans finally gave the dude a standing ovation, but he'd lost. and they knew how much it meant to novak. he was trying to win the calendar grand slam, all four majors in the same year, and when he lost in the final, you could tell he didn't play well. it all caught up with him. all the pressure, all the tension. he was exhausted playing such a big schedule. that -- the fans embraced him finally, and i have to tell you his serbian fan base, the fans he has around the world, they are outraged by this. i think novak, i love watching the guy play, and i just hope he allows himself to play by getting vaccinated. >> mary, thank you so much for joining us this morning with your insight. it's great to see you. thank you. >> and if you could bring john mcenroe on tomorrow, i would love a debate. >> the two of you, that would be perfect. >> it'll be fun. >> i'll come back for that. i would come back for that. >> okay. it's on. >> still ahead on "morning joe," a final farewell to the late comedian, bob saget, and celebrating betty white on what would have been her 0 100th birthday. we'll be right back. ve been her birthday birthday we'll be right back. ♪ and i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ a rich life is about more than just money. that's why at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner so you can build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. it's still the eat fresh refresh™ and subway's refreshing everything like the new honey mustard rotisserie-style chicken. it's sweet, it's tangy, it's tender, it never misses. you could say it's the steph curry of footlongs. you could, but i'm not gonna. subway keeps refreshing and refreshing and re... 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>> rose with the hairy legs. >> whether you saw her first on "golden girls accounts or somewhere else, she's been entertaining us for decades. in the 60s and the 70s. >> oh, it's beautiful. oh, you shouldn't have. >> and more recently, her emmy winning hosting gig on "saturday night live". >> what's your last name? >> blarfengarl? >> can you spell that for me? >> smitk. >> not to mention her frequent visits to "today." >> let's try that. i'll never do it with a hoop. >> i feel so fortunate to have crossed her path. >> vickie lawrence worked with white on "mama's family". >> i'll say i feel like every part betty has ever done has been a little bit of you and to betty. >> what part of rose was like betty white? >> adorable. charming, simple, down to earth. >> if you could have any two people in the world living or dead to your house for dinner, what would you eat? i think i'd better keep the lid on this paint thinner. >> how about when she worked with you on your show? >> that sarcastic sense of humor. that little glimmer in her eye when she was about to send you a zinger. >> your husband doesn't run around with other women. >> of course not. who would want him. >> today movie theaters across the country are showing betty white a celebration. >> betty white. >> betty white. >> betty white. >> with tributes from famous co-stars like jennifer love hewitt. >> for me, you'll be here forever. lots of love. >> she was an incredible lady. >> jeff was white's agent the past 21 years. he says offers were coming in until the very end with some pretty nice paychecks. >> she would always amuse me. no matter what i got her, because i always tried to get her the best possible deal, she always said oh, they're paying me too much. >> and that's her legacy. a humble legend, not to mention a devoted animal lover long before it was fashionable. >> she was blessed -- i was blessed to join her on her journey of life. >> how are you doing right now? >> i am sad. i know betty passed december 31st, but i still haven't had the proper time to mourn. >> but today, no tears, he says, because betty will be watching. >> she'll be having one big party. >> i know betty would say oh, my god, don't cry for me. i had such a good time. please laugh and carry on. >> once again until we see you again, good-bye, everybody. in los angeles close friends and family gathered on friday to say good-bye to the beloved actor and comedian, bob saget. some of his nearest and dearest serving as pallbearers. among them a singer, and co-stars. they are seen embracing outside the private ceremony. stamos calling it the hardest day of my life. other stars coming out to say good-bye including mary kate and ashley olsen. saget's widow appearing to wear his wedding band around her neck. writing on instagram, if you were in his life, you knew he loved you. i know how much he loved me until the last moment. he knew the same. i'm grateful for that. bob had so much more love to give. kathy griffin describing the service as a beautiful and ha lairs you sendoff. in the days sin his death, tributes have been pouring in. actresses remembering their tv dad. one posting this picture from her wedding writing, i love you my sweet, sweet bobby daddy and the other sharing a clip from her podcast. >> i love you so much. >> i love you too, bob, very much. during america's funniest home videos, the show he hosted for a decade, the look back at what they called bob being bob. >> bob saget is synonymous with afv to this day, and this show wouldn't have been the same without his unique sense of humor. >> singer john mayor and jeff ross getting emotional after picking up his prius from lax airport where he left it before his sudden passing. >> i'm just -- i've never known a human being on this earth could give that much love individually and completely to that many people. >> our thanks to gaudy schwartz and joe fryer for the reports coming up, our next guest wonders why college campuses haven't erupted in protest over the threats to american elections. is cancel culture somehow to blame? 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the intensity being demonstrated in college campuses as to whether a campus personality or policy is sufficiently progressive, while ignoring the threat of these new election laws to our democracy is extremely disappointing. it is clear american universities are not really woke, but asleep. >> you know, tom, it's interesting. we are asking this, quote, woke debate. i remember reading a book called "closing an american mind" that was actually written in 1986. you could actually lift that up, put it in the middle of the debate today and i always would talk about that in past shows when you would have universities. i think rutgers wouldn't allow condi rice, christine lagarde, others, to come speak because students were offended by their policies. i just always wonder where are the grown-ups here? let's say lou people to be uncomfortable with viewpoints that they may disagree with. >> well, you're right, joe, and this is becoming real important because as you talked about many times things are stymied on capitol hill, justice department could do something more aggressively here, but it looks relatively passive. so what's left to really go at this whole apparatus of election theft that's being put in place in various states? and the answer really is civil protest. you need civil protest to raise the temperature here in terms of holding state legislatures' feet to the fire in terms of what can be done. college campuses are the likely place to be able to ignite this kind of civil protest and they're on to these issues, racial equality is a huge issue in college campuses, but it's playing out in things like protesting readings and whether individual professors are sensitive enough and issues around appropriate language and it's kind of missing the point about how significant the threat to their values is when you're coming down to elections and how they deal with overturning race, which is really what this is all about in many of these swing states, and there's no political voice there. >> it's a great question. where is the discussion about our democracy? christina greer, you teach in a university environment. do you agree with tom's point? >> i agree with certain points that tom makes. you know, i try and stay away from words like woke and cancel culture because for many people that just shuts down the conversation completely. >> right. >> i think we have to remember that we're dealing with, you know, generation z which i'm in love with this generation, i think that they're so smart and thoughtful, but we have to remember they're children still and so they're going to university, they finished high school under covid in sort of extreme circumstances, but we have to remember we saw quite a bit of protests in 2020, cities across the country, then covid really hit and sort of brought people back indoors. we also have to remember so many of my students are active in different ways, but like the reality is they're looking at a pretty hefty price tag on their college education, so many of my students work one, two, sometimes three jobs to supplement their education and so -- because their parents no longer have a social safety net, thank you, republicans, and so the pressures that they feel are pretty extreme. so i know they're thinking about these ideas, but some of their constraints are slightly different than what we've ever seen before on college campuses. >> tom, one of the things that comes to mind, and we touched on this earlier and it definitely comes to mind when i read your column, is that this is a debate even in the 60s and 70s when i was a kid going to school that you had those that wanted to focus on nationalist kind of narrow issues and then those of us that wanted to focus on broader voting issues. so i think that we're seeing this again, but what is missing is the student leadership, the snick movement and other movements in the '60s came from the students themselves who thought dr. king was the old guard even though dr. king never got to 40 years old. what is happening now, i think, is where are the movements coming on campus led by the students like the students did in the '60s? >> i think it's a great point, rev. and you also have tons of college administrators that have been hired throughout universities to deal with resolving all of these social justice equality issues on campus and these could be a helpful organizing force to stimulate some of that student activism where it really could help in these election issues and i don't see those administrators coming in. a lot of people are pointing fingers at ceos and why aren't they being more active, but here is an enormous opportunity for real social protest and putting up the pressure and there's just nothing there. you may have seen last week university of california at irvine put out a list of no-no words and it got to things like you can't say grandfather in anymore and that's where a lot of this energy is going for new grandparents, the new words are preexisting and legacy so i'm going to be preexisting -- >> just stop. come on. just stop. jonathan lemire, jump in. >> christina, we have less than a minute left. give us your final thoughts on this topic, including the phrase grandfathered in, if you want. >> semantics in the language, but let's focus on the reality. what we're dealing with is we have students who i always tell my students it has to be both, electro politics and protest politics, that's the only way faerns have ever gotten anything in this country. i think we need to encourage students to actually, one, take more political science courses hopefully to understand also the history of this nation to help contextualize the moment that we are in right now. >> amen. more history classes, more civics classes. >> tom rodgers, christina greer, thank you both. that does it for us this morning. chris jansing picks up the coverage right now. ♪♪ hello there. happy mlk day. i'm chris jansing in for stephanie ruhle live at msnbc headquarters in new york city. it is monday, january 17th and today as the country honors the legacy of dr. martin luth

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Martin Luther King , Many , Victory , Georgia , Ceremonies , Dr , King S , Laws , Work , Man , Republicans , Death , Equivalent , Birthday , Social Media , 93 , Speech , Wall , Football , Ballot , Thanks , Quotes , Erin Hayes , 1957 , Morning Joe , Life , Anybody , Mind , Mountain Tops , Place , Longevity , God S Will , Mountain , Promise Land , People , Anything , Law , Glory , Jr , Church , Mountain Top Speech , April 1968 , 1968 , King , Fact , Didn T , Background , April The 3rd , The Rain , April The 3rd 1968 , 3 , Impact , U S , It , Author , Book , Host , Politics Nation , Reverend Al Sharpton , Righteous Troublemakers , January 17th , 17 , Monday January 17th , Legacy , Jonathan Lemire , Finite Over Voting , Politico , Way Too Early , Donald Trump , Number , Fights , Covid , Peak , Omicron Variant , Former , Ron Desantis , Personality , Florida , Finish , Drama , Cowboys , 49ers Game , 49 , Play , Dallas Cowboys , Figure , Concept , Dallas Cowboys Ran , Ball , Pain , Space Continuum , Middle , Watch , Let S Wachl , Shot , End Zone , Dak , Someone , Quarterback , Prescott , San Francisco , Boundary , Big Game , It S Over , Oh My Gosh , Season , Level , Running Back , High School Football Coach , Times , The End , Bounds , First Down , Time Out , Enzone , 40 , One , Thing , Prescot , Arm , Lot , Umpire , Losses , Success , Coaching , 30 , Places , Zone , Guard , Sidelines , Four , Least , Come Back , Post Route , Heck , 20 , Back , Niners , Comebacks , Nfl , 23 , 7 , Rev , Tom Brady , Boy Brady , Center , Let S Talk , Bucs , Touchdown , Injuries , Radar , Bunch , Home , Winner , Cardinals , Game , Antonio Brown S Saga , Rams , Team , Kind , Packers , Defense , Family , Matt Brown , Member , Highlights , Bills , Career , Patriots , Half , Beginning , Bill Stain , Signs , Playoffs Game , Touchdowns , Drives , Drive , Seven , Bucs On Sunday Afternoon , Bengals , Classic , Titans , Playoffs , Chiefs , Case , Ben Roethlisberger , Steelers Last Night , Two , Chiefs Team , Versions , Fun , Sunday Night , Oakland Raiders , Raiders , Super Bowl , Favorite , La Raiders , Baseball Teams , La , Issue , Garoppolo , Running Game , Australian Open , Mistakes , Copetition , Tennis , Commentator , Novak Djokovic , Voting Rights , U S Senate , Legislation , Politics , Some , Chamber , Controversies , Decisions , Chuck Schumer , Efforts , Filibuster , Votes , Pair , Filibuster Carve , 10 , Joe Manchin , Tactic , Kirsten Sinema , Abortion , Senators , Group , Mit Romney , Role , Vice President , Election Results , 12 , Count , Call , Democrats , White House , Something , Interest , Ground , Negotiation , Act , Lines , Course , Guarantee , Progress , American , Anywhere , Joe Biden , Supporters , Questions , Unrest , Voters , Terms , Vote , Certifications , Who , Disagreements , Rights , Ways , Roadblocks , Impediment , States , Election , 2020 , 33 , Way , Try , Argument , Don T , Response , Bill Whether , Dow , Point , Susan Collins , Phone , Voting Rights Issue , Instance , Ten , Base , Office , Voting Rights Act , John Lewis , Debates , Height , Debt Ceiling , State Capitol , Tragedy , Piece , Mike Pence , January 6th , 6 , Supreme Court , Judges , Threat , Part , Democracy , Couple , Outrageous , Bill , Freedom , 2006 , President , George W Bush , President Of The United States , Guest , Front Row , Sat , Resigning , Rose Garden , Carl Rove , Insurrection , 2022 , 16 , Somebody , I Don T Know , Memory , Correct , Black Americans , Shame , Mika , Conservatives , Standing , It Won T , Fighting , Voting Precincts , 15 , 5 , Voting , Locations , Steps , Neighborhoods , Booths , Access , Trouble , Shoulder , Paneil Joseph , Communities , What The Supreme Court , Status Quo , Morning Mika , 2013 Basically , 1965 , 2013 , Decision , Preclearance , Justice , Texas , Voter Identification Loss , Polling , Hometown , Department , Preclear , Example , Flourish , Shelby Decision , Voter Identification , North Carolina , March 7th , March 7th 1965 , Demonstrators , Military Hero , Skull , The Bridge , 500 , Bridge , Selma , March 25th , 25 , Nation , Citizenship , Disengenious , 2032 , Things , Kids , Lunch , Children , March On Washington , Kennedy , 1963 , Five , Country , Classes , School , Mississippi , Grave Neck Pace , Meridian , Legacies , 55 , 50 , Challenges , 57 , 56 , Integration , Women , Birthright Citizenships , Men , Slavery , The Passage Of 13th And 14th 15th Amendment Ending , 1920 , 14 , 13 , Officials , Perspective , Congressional Black Caucus , Setbacks , Setsetbacks , Civil Rights Movement And The Social Justice , Barack Obama , Idea , Reconstruction , Movement , Dignity , Clash , Rise , Lives , Tea Party , Matter , 2008 , White Supremacists , Redemption , Advocates , South , Consensus , Push Back , Charlottesville , Firewall , Exclusion , Racial Segregation , 65 , George Wallace , Approval , Professor , Segregation , Peniel Joseph , Show , Mountain Top , Fight , Battle , Generation , Police Reform , Push , Deal , Martin Luther King Iii , Members , Leaders , Data , Learning , Synagogue , Hostage , Hopes , Motivation , Surge , Governor , Trash , President Trump , Smoothest , Gamechanger , Bladder Leaks , Softest , Depend , Liberty , Car Insurance , Customization , Throwback , Dj , Liberty Mutual , History , Markets , Path , Investors , Landscape , Unforeseeable , Asset , Gold , Potential , Copy Machine Printing , Returns , Thought Printing , Trees , Candidates , Indeed Instant Match , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Taking Off , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire Unitedhealthcare , Plan , Doctor , Money , Medicare , Rv , Rumba Lessons , Zero Copays , Get Medicare , More , Workers , Skills , Princess Peach , Jobs , Context , Quote , Folks , Society , Everybody , Desk , Virus , Light , New York , Coughs , Bro , Hell , Brooklyn , Chris Read , Mayor , Snl , Impression , Hope , Cases , New York State , 47 , 48000 , Estate , Vaccinations , Boosters , Clear , Winter Surge , Hochul , Corner , 90000 , Washington State , Rescinds Masking For Children K , Schools , Executive Order , Mask Requirements , Virginia , Glenn Youngkin , Masks , School Districts , Parents , Coming Up , Students , Visitors , Staff , Facilities , Healthcare Providers , Buses , Vaccine Mandates , Breaking Point , Best , Nutrients , Emergen C , Blend , Vo , Imbruvica , Cll , Prescription Medicine , Thanks To Imbruvica , 2 , 1 , Side Effects , Adults , Blood Thinners , Problems , Therapy , Infections , Infection , Symptoms , Risk , Heart Rhythm Problems , Cancers , High Blood Pressure , Chills , Confusion , Blood Counts , Heart Failure , Kidney Failure , Heart Disease , Fevers , Weakness , Decrease , Tumor Lysis , Diarrhea , Heart Problems , Bleeding , Irregular Heartbeat , Seizure , Fluids , Help , Diabetes , Glucose Control , Blood Sugar Levels , Confidence , Drink , Support , Protein , Muscle Health , Hunger , Sleep Number , Problem , Prices , Bed , Cold , Smart Bed , Temperature Balancing , 360 , Sleep , Science , Care , Movements , Miss , Weekend Special , Night After , 1000 , 000 , Delivery , Ends Monday , Plus , 0 , 36 , Vaccine Mandate , Spokesperson , Tampa Bay Times , Funding , Healthcare Facilities , Charles Coleman , Supremacy Laws , Action , Courts , Same , Disrespect , Disregard , Menaing , Everything , Element , Rule Of Law , Russian Roulette , Chicken , Doing , You Cut Medicare , Expediency , Blaze , Trail , Say , Provisions , Dave , Governors , Ruling , Attention , Anarchy , Enging An Act Of Performance Art , Clemency Clause Means , Defeat , Daily Double , Losing , 2024 , Attack , Justices , Backbones , Healthcare Vaccine Mandates , Chief Justice Roberts , Kavanaugh , Backbone , Led , Vaccine Booster , Him Gutless , Vaccine , Actions , Reverend , Law Of The Land , Presidency , Guy , Wing , Runner , Volume , Conservative , Reason , Margin , Judge , 2017 , Maing , Position , Inadvertedly , Trump , Aide Spokesperson , New York Times , Man Trump Put , Request For Comment , Axios , Mr , Acting , Mask , Acolyte , Pandemic , Handling , Magic Word Trump , Advisers , Shots , Knee , Each Other , Vocal , Cave , Runs , Name , Race , Candidate , Trump Loyalties , One Way Street , Reporting , Front Runner , Association , Aides , Sense , Onslaught , Opponents , Words , Party , Desantis Ran , Commeial , Infant , Tons , Ego , The Wall , America Great Again , Gliding , Reelection , Floridians , Brian Kemp , Will , Swing State , Posturing , System , Blacks , Inequality , Opportunity , Lens , Lawmakers , Black America Today , Space , Soul , Grabs , Equality , Playing Politics , Stop , Humanity , Fabric , Community , Existence , Crimes , Amounts , Backdrop , Principles , Notion , Essential , Social Justice , Conversation , America Training , Teachings , Oath Keepers , Michigan , Insurrectionists , Groups , Extremist Plots , Military Skills , Use , Attorney General , Investigation , Election Win , Morning Jos K , Morning Jos Ks , Entresto , Ace Inhibitor , Hospital , Baby , Harm , Aliskiren , 16th Biden , Blood , Angioedema , Blood Pressure , Potassium , Lifetime , Kidney Problems , Ace , Challenge , Arb , World , Cost , Clean Energy Future , Equitable , Millions , Opportunities , Inaction Increases , Process , Sit , Fence , Eyes , Outside , Vision Loss , Diabetes Management , Eye Care , Sugar , Stuff , Blood Vessels , Blindness , Inside , Diabetic Retinopathy , Control , Treatments , Visit Noweyesee Com , Staffing , Sight , Master , Visit Indeed Com Hire The Australian Open , Size , Player , Tournament , Tennis Administrator , Clock , Dallas , Options , Throw , Clock Stops , Hail Mary , On The Road , 49ers , Win , Boy , Out Of Bounds , Pattern , Offseason , Left , Line , Chance , Field , Difference , Playoff , 28 , Everyone , Universe , Owner , Box , Jerry Jones , Buccaneers , Destiny , Saturday Night , Dog , Bengals Verses Titans , Josh Allen , Title Game , Rematch Of Last Year , Got Tom , Aaron Rodgers , Balfour , Afc , News , Committee , On Fire , Last , Developments , U S Capitol , Christopher Miller , Acting Defense Secretary , Panel , Meeting , Miller Providedd , Conspiracy , Remarks , Protesters , Testimonies , Congress , Chief Of Staff , Aid , Ohio , Cash Patel , Jim Jordan , Stewart Rhodes , Seditious Conspiracy , Involvement , Associated Press , Plans , Militia Group , Court Documents Reports , Civil War , Authorities , Army , Night Parachuting Accident , Evidence , Violence , Hearing , Custody , Motion , Capitol On January 6th , Rhodes , Clint Watts , Charges , Fbi , Plea , Lawyer , Media , Tourists , Elites , Rock , Trooper , Language , Organization , Indictment , Handbook , January The 6th , Sit Back , Isis , Brussel , Paris , Six , Most , Breach , Lineup , Sort , Event , Assault Rifles , Qrs , Plot , Weapons , Bloodshed , Al Qaida , Government , Find , Device , Nancy Pelosi , Nothing , Details , Chars , Saw , Ado , Documents , Assault , Sedition , Targets , Threats , Discourse , Board , Midterms , Page , Director Wray , Worries , Race Groups , Collisi , Garland , Spaceou Will E , Attackers , Ideologies , Police , City Council , School Boards , Situation , Extremist Groups , Sheriffs , Passing The Freedom To Vote Act , Officer , Coup , Ballot Box , Washington Post , Document , Probe , State Lawmakers , Letter , 154000 , December Of 2020 , Ballots , Capitol , District Court , Cast , Dana Nessel , State Officials , Prosecutors , Record , Both , Forgery , State Law Violations , Election Laws Forgery , State Laws , Bus , Puzzle , Activists , Electors , Theaters , Assessment , Slate , United States Government , Feds , Purposes , Felony , Offense , Offenses , Department Of Justice , Attorney , Scheme , Question , Elections , Liking , Mechanism , Outcome , Conspiracies , Feeling , Crime , Investigations , January 6th Committee , Majority Leader , House Speaker , Memo , Conclusion , Door , Lawmaker , The Detroit News , Senate Chambers , Harris , Witness , Senate Chambers December 14th , 00 , December 14th At 2 00 Pm , State Troopers , Hundreds , Surround , Entrance , Booster , Over , China , Russia , Mlk Day , Ukraine , Texas Synagogue , 45 , Twitter , Audience , Finding , Word , Burn Fake News , Vocabulary , Secondly , Reject , Bit , Commentary , Boxing , Tractions , Ratings , Upset , Indication , Thanks Faithful Viewer , Thoughts , Come On , Retiree , Oh My God , Alex , E Mail , Inbox , Boxing Matches , Sport , 90 , Ring Sites , Camera , Atlantic City , Convention Center , Mike Tyson , Anyone , Fan , Knock , Area , Jimmy Carter , Comparisons , Viewers , Applications , Prime , Buzz Kill , Sunglasses , Uhh , Clever Girl , Eugh , Medication , Medications , Hand , Insurance , Prescription Refilled , Capsule Pharmacy , Prescriptions , Schedule Delivery , Doorstep , Pharmacy , Job Criteria , Job , Shortlist , Project Managers , Projects , Technology , Experts , Car , Music Vo , Service , Decompression Zone , Windshield , Singers , Safelite Autoglass , Safelite Repair , Discount , Burke , Policies , Auto Insurance , Farmers , Wife , Jet Skis , Honey , Hon , Boat , Dad , Kid , Discounts , Coverage , Sup , Garage , Farmers Policy Perks , Forty Five , Seventeen , Bum , Hostage Situation , Pa Dum , Hostages , Act Of Terror , Reporter , Gunman , Morgan Chesky , Scene , Statement , Voice , 44 , Release , Stream , Primary Demand , Prisoner , Facebook , Aafi Siddiqui , Rabbi , Hostage Unharmed , Suspect , Side , Video , Bide Fire Door , Three , Issues , Mental Health , Brother , Suffering , Walker , Situation Cold , Family Posting , Stress , Tears , Praise , Thankfulness , Anxiety , Report , Nbc , Akrum S Two Teenage Son , Opinion Piece , Jonathan Alter , Jimmy Carter A Life , Comparison , Critics , Analoies , Partisan , Danger , Odor , Presidents , Scientists , Green Lantern , Power , Failures , Super Hero , Public , Senator , Another , Progressives , Wings , West Virginia , Maricopa County , Minds , Unity , Peep , 48 , House , Contrast , Apples , Revolt , Facing Inflation , Oranges , Similarities , 1980 , Substance , Failure , Timing , Ronald Reagan , Bottom , Barrel , Economy , Examples , Unemployment , George H W , Bush , 82 , 83 , 84 , Bill Clinton , Crisis Hit , Year One , Interest Rates , Inflation , Numbers , 21 , Effect , Chair , Raising Interest Rates , Fed , 1979 , Economists , Chairman , Accelerator , Boom , Labor Deals , Carson , Levels , Energy Prices , Increases , Circumstances , Surface , Mika Straight Up , Household , Term , Brothers , Allies , Ground War Israel , 79 , Camp David Accord , Globalization , Troops , Consequences , Poland , Iran Hostage Crisis , Iranian Revolution , Iranian , Reserve , Campaigning , Turning , Panama Canal , Objection , Credit Carter , Cold War , Human Rights Policy , List , Revolution , Harry Truman , Others , Afghanistan , Father , Commonalities , Always , Administration , Scenes , Cold Warriors , Contacts , Iron Curtain , Mom , Person , Note , Big 90 , Birthday Party , Candles , Age , Stitches , Pictures , Mark , Face , Primaries , Inspiration , Bumba , Dig , Dig Int , Morning Joe T Trust Me , Walks , Old , Ugh Welcome To Silversneakers , Thousands , Seniors , Punch , Internet Connection , Visiting Getsilversneakers , Dot Com , Plaque Psoriasis , Future , Investor , Advice , Tools , Itching , Vanguard , Skin , Tremfya , Psoriatic Arthritis , Burning , Emerge Tremfyant , Joints , Moderate , Stinging , Painful , Reactions , Ability , Pay , Turn , Hang On , Ooo , Tex , Worth , Car Accident , Firm , Result , Atat T Bararnefirmrm , Barnes , Car Hit My Motorcycle , Insurance Wasn T Fair , R , Attneysys Wk Hahard , Inry , Firm Injury Attorneys , You U , Mit Bebe Sprisised , Eight Hundred , Eight Million , Business , Contents , Fashion Brands , Industries , Emea , Each , Eye , Businesses , Careers , Finalists , Fields , Ranks , Africa , Europe , The Middle East , Odds , Significance , Abu Dhabi , Forefront , Podcast , Up Next , Roger Bennett , Onmorning Joe , Breast Cancer , Thriver , Aromatase Inhibitor , Pill , Fulvestrant , Hr , Disease , Kisqali , Liver Problems , Heartbeat , Lung Problems , Skin Reactions , Blood Cell , Breathing Problems , Chest Pain , Change , Loss , Appetite , Cough , Fever , Urine , Rash , Dizziness , Tiredness , Yellowing , Bruising , Realtor Com , Breastfeeding , Draw A Map Feature , Treatment , Big Boi House , Big Boi , Grapefruit , Quartz , Real Estate Agent , Foyer , Big Boi Marble , Chi Lan , Forehead , Changing , Being , Window , Cosmetic , Breathing , Effects , Frown Lines , Injection , Speaking , Feet , Difficulty Swallowing , Crow , Fda , Community History Of American America 1619 To 2019 , Headache , Eye Problems , Skin Infection , Injection Site Pain , Muscle Weakness , Sign , Condition , Eyelid Swelling , Muscle , Conditions , Nerve , Eyebrow , Eyelid Drooping , Botulinum Toxins , Ready , Set , Save , Sale , Thought , Plastic , The Ocean , Backing , Internet , Expert Team , Price Guarantee , Installation , Prepaid Card , Value , 64 99 , 24 7 , 4 99 , Comcast Business , Possibilities , Soccer Analyst , Co Host , Men In Blaze Blaizers , Reborn In The Usa , Englishman , Pan Rannic , Motion Picture , Love Letter , Breakfast Nook , Table , Little John Lamire , Everton , You Don T , Alabama , Champions , Second , Buffalo Bills , Manchester City , Bang , Premier League , Chelsea , England , Pete Davidson Arm Wrestled , Kanye , Body , Chances , Boris Johnson , Rumably , Kevin , City Shots , Genius , 70 , Footballer , Title Race , Ginger Athlete , Goal , Swatted , Elvis Costello , Points , Beast , Liverpool , 11 , Clash House , Tribute , Lead , Cruising , Tampa Bay , Magician , Debut , Score , God , Brazilian , 81 , Safety , Equalizer , Wizard , Doll , Truth , Script Writer , Fairy Tale , Fairy Tales , Spain , Managers , Didn T Play Everton Highlights , Terrible Run , Rapha , In , Holmes , Fans , Everton Fan , Chicago Bears , Rudderless , Darkness On The Edge Of Town , Am Ia , Roger , Episode , The Men In Blazers Show , Will Ferrell , Top , Jeopardy , Peacock , Junior , Pressure , Tennis Commentator , Voting Rights Legislation , Break , The World Today , Asthma , Nunormal , Add On Treatment , Nucala , Injection Site Reactions , Back Pain , Asthma Specialist , Swelling , Mouth , Tongue , Shingles , Fatigue , Don T Stop Steroids , Beach , Tyranny , Greatest , Narrator , Oval , Enemy Superpower Tear , Gate , Preacher , Nuclear War , West Berlin , Generations , Ideals , The Call , Continent , Fee , How Bizarre , Omc , Card , Youth , Politicians , Granddaughter , Son , Martin Luther King Junior Today , Jonathan Lamire , Kyrsten Sinema , Rules , Kelly O Donnell , Nbc News , Arizona , It S Time , Grass Roots , Voting Rights Legislation Alive , Heat , Voting Protections , Frustration , Writing , South Carolina , Reverend Jackson , Life Support , House Majority Whip , James Clyburn , Interview , Resolve , Craig , It Doesn T , Keesha Blaine , Associate Professor , University Of Pittsburgh , Historian , Award , Four Hundred , 1619 , 2019 , Quote King , 19 , Breakfast , Vision , Action Networks , Portion , Holiday , Listen , Sacred , Onlaugt Of Anti Republican Laws , Doesn T , Counts , Courage , Conviction , Subversion , Voter Suppression , Commitment , Mirror , Clip , Excerpt , Delay , Have , Weren T , Filibuster Rules , Wanted , Harlem , Plan B , Dealing , Court , Executive Orders , National Network , Debate , Spot , Intellect , Insult , Interposition , Nullification , Reauthorization , Doorway , Reauthorizing The Voting Rights Act , Standards , Passage , Advancement , Vein , Restrictions , Shelby , Vanderbilt University , John Meacham , I Have A Dream Speech In Washington , Confluence , Events , Pace , 1969 , Black Kids , New South , Restaurants , Step , 58 , Dh , 1887 , 1776 , 1978 , 64 , 100 , 1964 , April 3rd , August 28th Of 1963 , 1960 , 4 , April 4th , 306 , 34 , 234678 , Nine , 97 , 0 100 , 60 , December 31st , 31 , One Million , 700 , March 1st , 76 , 53 , 1986 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