Transcripts For MSNBC The 11th Hour 20240709 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For MSNBC The 11th Hour 20240709

>> he's got no criminal history. he's a year, graduate. he has no pass person was not a flight risk. we'll have to hear what the government has to say, as the primary criteria, assuring the safety of the public punish. release >> roads will be back in court, back on thursday. a source tells nbc news that the house january six committee has interviewed former acting defense secretary, miller. who is in that post on the day of the riot. miller previously said, former president, donald trump, quote encourage the protesters with his comments. the panel is also on whether to also subpoena senator mccarthy. lawmakers want to talk to him about what he discussed with trump, during and after the riot. president mccarty said on a radio interview, one week after the attack. >> i say he has responsibility. he told me personally that he does have some responsibility. i think a lot of people do. >> the january six committee has also said they want to hear voluntarily from former vice president, mike pence. they haven't formally asked for his cooperation. tonight, pence is out with an op-ed in the washington post, calling the insurrection a power grab. he uses the same words to describe the removal of the filibuster to pass voting rights legislation. today, the white house vowed to continue working touch on trying to make those voting bills a reality, even though their future looks uncertain. one democratic house members voting rights legislation is more important now, than ever. >> there is a slow-moving coup that's occurring, the voting rights act is a couple of the bills that we need to pass in order to truly protect our democracy. the coup that we're going to see is going to be staffed by men and women, in very well just suits, in our courts, running for secretary of state, running for the boards, electoral boards. >> the presidents pitch to change the filibuster, to pass voting rights, has filled to yield any progress. one of several setbacks he's had this week, including the supreme court's decision to block his vaccine or test mandates for big businesses, escalating inflation. -- did take time to highlight his bipartisan infrastructure bill, passed last year. the white house says, it has no intention of giving up on what he promised voters. >> the truth is, an agenda doesn't wrap up in one year. we're going to continue to fight for every continue component of his agenda, and his plans for his presidency that he outlined when he was running. >> next, week biden will mark is when you're anniversary in office, with a news conference. today, the white house announced that those 500 million free, at home covid tests, would be soon available. orders can be placed on a federal website, starting january 19th. with that, let's bring in our lead off guest, on this friday night. jonathan amir, veteran white house -- 5 am show, way too early. carol lanning, investigative reporter with the washington post. coauthor of the new york times bestseller, i alone can fix it. for all of this -- law clerk for sonia meyer on the federal bench, before her nomination to the supreme court. good to see you all. carol, i'm going to start with. you -- former acting -- christopher miller, today. why is his testimony important for them? >> there could be lots of reasons. the first to that come to mind are, a, he was in the defense department, in the pentagon on the day of the riot. he has already testified that he was aware at 1:34 pm, that the capital was under attack and had -- the police lines have been breached. he's also testify that it took him another three hours to authorize dispatching a real plan for the national guard to go and help to, essentially, send cavalry to save the capitol police, and also the metropolitan police officers, who had tried to prevent what happened there. so, that's really critical. the second thing is that he was with donald trump a lot, prior to january 6th. that includes a crucial january 3rd, oval office meeting. in that meeting, the president closed the session, which was really about iran, to confer with miller, his new acting secretary, about how safe is protesters, his fans were going to be, on january 6th. he wanted to check in with them. it's interesting, other witnesses feel like the two of them had had a prior conversation, about what exactly did donald trump want to happen on january 6th. >> tough pickle from iran to your fans. melissa, what should we be looking for as we follow the government's case against oath keepers, stewards, and ten others. >> i think this is the first time that will be here -- since adams administration. we are going to have a very old statute with prosecution that date back to the -- very few prosecutions in recent, years elise excess will, once the last successful prosecution under the conspiracy to commit seditious acts was a bungee case, which was about 26 years ago. there's a little very little president and, it's very hard to prove these cases, and, perhaps, that is something the prosecution is going to be looking for. this is going to be an uphill battle, but this, perhaps, more than any other case, might be the one that proves rule. >> jonathan, all of this going on january 6th as biden is coming off a difficult week -- into law, here's what former attorney lawyer, eric holder, said tonight above odom. take a listen. >> we have to get ready for the possibility that these bills are not going to become law. so, we're going to continue to do the work -- to fight partisan, -- we've had success there. we're also going to have to redouble our efforts when it comes to voter registration, making sure that people have the billeted you get to the polls, in spite of these obstacles that republicans have put in place. >> jonathan, how is the white house feeling about where things stand on, the domestic policy front, and where they go from here? >> they are not giving up hope on voting rights, but they can see where things are, at the moment. it does not look great. there is no sign to senators manchin, -- no sign to i have spoken, sinema of course delivered her verdict on it, just moments before the president showed up at the senate caucus to talk to them. the presidential motorcade was warming up when she took to the floor,. without the filibuster changing, it doesn't seem to be much of a path there for voting rights. certainly the president is going to continue with the rhetoric. the former attorney general has the most points, two that we need to out organize the other side to, motivate voters to get out there. that's going to be a tough task when so many voters, including parts of the democratic base, the african american voters, are so disenchanted with the idea that there hasn't been much done on voting rights. it has been a week of setbacks with part of the -- struck down with the supreme court. build back better act is certainly in limbo, right now. that's an optimistic phrasing. the president heads into his one year anniversary, with a bit of a low mark,. >> jonathan, what do you say, or were you hearing from democrats, who say, maybe a santa narrow the scope of weather fighting for, when it comes to voting rights? >> there is some who believe -- they don't want to be the enemy of the good. if there's any measures they can to improve things, they should. even officials reinstating part of the voting rights act, or perhaps, pivoting more towards the jaundice act. but, right now, even those seem difficult. there are certainly efforts in various states, states that have seen new laws passed by republicans controlled legislatures, that have restrictive voting rights. the president's run into a very tough situation. he took off -- his first year is a tale of two halves. the first half, a lot of success, the covid relief bill, distribution of the vaccine, just a sense of return to normalcy in washington, after four years of tumult. since then, starting august with the rise of the delta variant, and the chaotic exit from afghanistan, he suffered setbacks. his agenda has taken a hit. part of this is because, his margins in congress for social. i'm sure, democrats control the white house and the senate, but the senate is 50/50, and the house just a few seats. that's tough to get things done. >> carol, speaking of those margins, we are in a midterm mirror, i don't need to remind you. january six committee is weighing subpoena for house republic, kevin mccarthy, what is the cost-benefit analysis that they are doing on that? >> just like prosecutors, anybody who's trying to investigate, get to the bottom of this, including the committee staff, is trying to figure out what do we have, in what we need? in other words, are the witnesses around mccarthy, that they've already interviewed, and they have, who give us a good sense of what exactly he said and did, with regards to donald trump. we already know that kevin mccarthy was calling donald trump, pleading with him to get the january six dogs out of the building, to protect his own members. are there witnesses who already can tell you exactly where mccarthy said, what trump said, and are there documents, like texts, we've seen quite a few of them, that help buttress that. if that's the case, if that narrates the events well enough, then they don't need the long drawn out legal fight, and political fight that's likely to ensue, if they press harder legally for his submission. >> melissa, we saw a ruling, today, from ohio supreme court, and wish they rejected the gop drawn congressional maps. you have a lot of democrats similar in this as a major win. your take. >> i think it's a more muted win. it's something to celebrate. we know that ever since the supreme court decided in 2019, that partisan, jerry, mandarin cannot be heard by federal courts, that this would play out on a state level. this ohio victory really is -- seeing states do things. ohio is very unusual, voters there, just, recently passed an amendment preventing partisan -- most days do not have such laws in the books. meaning, there will be limited efforts to try and limit the force -- in those states without those additional measures. some states like michigan have independence -- that something is moving forward. again, it's not in place in all the states. it's certainly not enough to turn back the tide, with what is been a proliferation. as well as, these ongoing efforts to limit efforts to the ballots. >> jonathan, i want to turn to pence's op-ed, cohn january 6th power grab. while also saying the same thing about busting the filibuster for voting rights. what is pence trying to do here, politically, and what sticks out to you? >> let's be clear, these two things are not equivalent. it's a real case of -- from the former vice president. this is not being done with his eye on 2024. the vice president is considering his own presidential campaign. some wonder if he will go through with it if, his former boss, donald trump, declares his own. there's a real divide there. pence, of, course a loyal foot soldier for donald trump, for four years, until the very end. he resisted calls from trump and other allies to decertify biden's win on january 6th. just remember the pressure that trump put on pants, day after, day to not adhere to his constitutional duty. pence, in, fact consulted a number of key allies looking for reassurance, and he was doing the right thing. one of them, dan quayle. another indiana vice president, and, frankly, hero of the republic. quayle told pence, you can do this, you have to go with your constitutional duty. so, pence disappointed trump and his followers, but is trying to remain in the good graces of the republican base. therefore, attacking efforts to expand voting rights. therefore, attacking the idea of reforming the filibuster. he has largely adhere to the trump agenda since leaving office. only differences vagrant january six. otherwise, he's trying to -- but it's hard to see him getting much traction because, so many of them believe he betrayed his former boss, by not overturning election. >> melissa, what is your assessment of the progress that the committee is made? what are we going to look for in the coming weeks? >> i think we're going to see a lot of action, in terms of trying to get some of these members of congress -- to do so. most legal experts say that there is authority to do so. the speech in the debate clause of the constitution, which is been touted as a limit on the committees were -- really, only applies in circumstances where legislators are being questioned by other branches of government. the circumstance, we're certainly about legislature questioning so members, that would not necessarily seen an impediment. i think we'll see a lot of action with whether or not the subpoenas can proceed. there we may even be lawsuits that will take a longer. time is really of the essence for this committee, as, you know the midterm elections -- if the house changes hands, the house will be gone. >> carol would, you think is next for the january six committee? >> i think what's next is some full-throated public hearings. the hearings that people wanted for the mueller investigatio where there would be wide open komodo -- on national television screen. and which, firsthand witnesses who were there, some of whom you will recognize, they're not boldface names, but they were there. i think you're going to hear them narrate the story of january 6th. people inside the white house concerned and disturbed, unsettled, by wood on trump was doing, to try and block biden, and try to encourage chaos and instability in the country. you're going to hear from those -- or only said informational when he was saying on the day of. >> jonathan, coming out of this week there's a new report that -- a reset from this president. when you talk to the white house, is their interest, is their appetite, is their acknowledgment that the party is creating that? >> now i think two things are true at once. on one hand, the biden administration believes that track record is pretty good. they've actually gotten a pretty good story to sell. they point to just where finish in was a year ago. the aftermath of january, six the height of the pandemic, the vaccine barely an arms of americans. the whole progress's been made, including the last couple of. weeks the bipartisan infrastructure bill. they'll say, we've done a lot in this first year, the really defend. that having said, that they're aware of the political realities. the build back agenda stalled, and voting rights not going anywhere. they recognize the year mark is one that will attract attention, and lisa media tension. the presidents having the news conference on the 19th, the day before the one year mark. he'll address a lot of this, and talk about his accomplishments, but also try to steady nervous democrats. democrats who are fearful of his poor poll numbers, and what that could mean for the upcoming midterms, where, at least on paper they could lose house representatives. the senate is a 50/50 toss-up, most observers believe. the president is going to have to do the calming of nerves, while having some difficulty and acting -- it'll only get harder the closer midterms. get >> jonathan, before i let you go, the other wildcard, the pandemic that we're all living through. how do they see that factoring in? >> it's the biggest part of it. the pandemic is the central piece of the biden ministration. he knows he was elected, he said this repeatedly, he was elected more than anything, to try and tame this pandemic. restore normalcy, but really get the nation through this virus. it's been up and down. the vaccines out, there are the boosters are available, that's great news, but so much of america are still not taking those shots. cases going up. omicron doesn't seem as deadly as delta, but still a real thing. cases are surging. schools are closing. businesses shot. americans had their lives throws upside down, again. biden ministration is going to get tests out, they have a surge in tests. hundreds of millions of tests out to americans, that's going to start next week. that will help, they hope. they also are encouraged by how quickly this variant soon to be burning through the populace. and a largely have peaked in move past -- in the months time, there's a lot of four hospitals. a lot of people sick, a lot of people dying. of course, there's no census toward variant might be down the road. the vaccination mandate took a hit this week, in supreme court, . the president was frustrated when we heard from him. they recognize that some of this is out of their control, but this is how you will be judged. the president says that the -- >> and almost all of the pandemic >> jonathan, i hope you get to sleep. in carroll, melissa, thank you all so much. coming up, now what? what can washington get done. our political experts are here to hash out with the democrats should do now, that's how much of the presidents plan deceivingly stuck in cartoon quicksand. later, two years into covid, as omicron washes over america, the cdc is hour timely new mask guidance. one of our top doctors is here, this is where you need to know. the 11th hour getting underway, it on a friday night. on a friday night every day in business brings something new. so get the flexibility of the new mobile service designed for your small business. introducing comcast business mobile. you get the most reliable network with nationwide 5g included. and you can get unlimited data for just $30 per line per month when you get four lines or mix and match data options. available now for comcast business internet customers with no line-activation fees or term contract required. see if you can save by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. the pandemic made teaching and learning really hard. but instead of working to help students safely return to the classroom, the san francisco school board focused on renaming schools and playing politics. and they've even saddled our district there's a lot of talk about with a $125 million deficit. our children can't wait for new leadership. here's our chance for a fresh start. on february 15th, please recall school board members collins, lópez and moliga before our kids fall even further behind. disappointments and things we haven't gotten done, we're going to get a lot of them, done at my dad. but, this is something that we need to get done, and it's of a normal consequence of the country. >> with much of the presidents agenda stalled, he's taking pains to remind folks ready to get done. biden, today, touted is bipartisan -- this only some of what he promised. build back better still languishing in the u.s. senate. political push this way, with little progress on joe biden's signature legislation, elected officials in operatives from across the presidents party are busy plotting how to run midterm campaigns without the benefit of a bill to bolster the social safety net and make general's response to address climate change. it's four for the right opposition. with us tonight, victoria diesel total -- the university of arkansas,. and susan del percio, political strategist,. >> vicky, i want to read you this, from senator dick durbin, to new york times. he says, i'm sure they're frustrated, i am one asked this week about the chamber's inability to act on mr. biden's agenda. discussing the impact on voters ahead of the midterm elections, he added, it depends on who they they blame for it. vicky, do you agree with the senators assessment that there will be frustration -- but the question will become, at whose feet they lay that frustration. >> i have a very technical answer, which is kind of. it depends on the emotional connection that the voter has, toward the sea is going on. we have to understand the folks respond to politics both of their hearts and minds. some people may be focused with, one of the policies getting through, one of the policies not getting through. at the same time, a lot of politics is about how do i feel? is this someone who's fighting for me? it is someone who's looking? out is just a good guy? it is the protagonist? it's a lot about narrative. in my mind, i see a lot of the problem with democrats not necessarily that there -- numbers in congress. for me, it's always been about messaging. really reaching that heart. making sure that they connect with those people. maybe they're not getting everything, pass but they're still fighting for them. they're doing what they can. i think it really comes down, as we look at the next nine months, to how the democratic party, across the, nature gets the narrative of, we may not be hitting out of the park, but we're fighting for you. if anything they can pass it as being an underdog. yes, there may be a technical majority in the senate, but because of the filibuster, at the end of the day, we're basically a minority party. a lot more work needs to go into the messaging, and stop the hand during about not getting everything done >> and want to look back with you vicky on that bigger picture, before i do, susan, there seems to be genuine surprise, that sinema and manchin are proving as intractable as they are. that they did it move with pressure from their own party. what do you -- not just of where we saw, but the general surprise that they could not be moved. >> early where people are surprised. especially when it comes to joe manchin. he's been saying this for years. that he would not give up the 60% -- 60 vote threshold for the filibuster. we have known where he stands. he's been very transparent that way. the problem is, when the president came in, the democrats were -- this is your after your moment. look at all the things you're going to achieve. there's nothing stopping us, but there was. it was a 50/50 senate. a majority in the house of three or four votes. it was not an endorsement of the president, as much it was rejection of donald trump. it is time that the democrats, because in a midterm election, it is a referendum on the white house. full stop. that's where midterms are all about. so for joe biden, i hate to say this, to get out is, paid and start doing executive orders and talking about the gun parts of the economy. this is not 2008. you cannot govern that way. you can't govern the way he saw in the senate, or as vice president. he's gotta go out there and bragging talk about it. whether the stock market weathers executive orders on police reform, go and do it and talk about the good. >> do you agree? >> i do. i think you need to get out there. i think you need to brand yourself, and not let others brand-new. not with the republican party director messaging. i think it is about taking the whims, it's not the whole package but maybe it's a small executive order. maybe it's focusing on the fact that we got the build back better, part of, it the infrastructure built. highlighting on that. it's about the glass half full, not the glass half empty. at the same time, hustling. >> susan, i hear you on executive action. i still wonder, if there is a possibility of smaller pieces of this legislation moving through. if they start to break this legislation apart, which i know there are people who don't want to see that happen, if they can at least claim some. pieces of this victory. >> i think at this point, it's critical that the white house gets into political mode. political moans means win. they should sit down with joe manchin, find out what he wants to get past, and go pass it. i know it's not ideal. and i was not governance, but if they want to hold on to the house in the senate. it's only shot. i slightly -- disagree with vicky, in the fact that -- talk about where you're doing, and getting done, and how hard are working for the american people. there's no reason to talk about what we didn't get done -- but we're trying, just say we're trying. just sign or executive order that you can get behind, again they, need the winds in the president needs to go out there and even when it came to infrastructure, they waited three months to actually pass it after the senate did, with the house. take the winds, become political, and start focusing on 2022. if i heard correctly. i think you are actually violently agreeing. you can tell me if i was wrong on the other side of this break. coming up as the former president prepares for rally in arizona tomorrow, we're gonna discuss new reporting of what he's planning for republicans who don't back his false claims of election fraud. when the 11th hour continues. election fraud. election fraud. when after my car accident, wondnder whahatmy c cas. so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. youour cidedentase e woh than insurance offered? call the barnes firm now to find out. yoyou ght t beurprpris call the barnes firm now when that car hit my motorcycle, yoyou ght t beurprpris insurance wasn't fair. so i called the barnes firm, it was the best call i could've made. call the barnes firm now, former president trump is and find out what your case could be worth. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million poised to charge back into the spotlight. he's headed to arizona for a rally tomorrow, meredith mcgraw reporting, and advisor said he plans to hold about two rallies a month heading up to the midterm election. someone is letting his support to die hard support a -- axios reports, trump's goal, his improvisers say, is the either make life so miserable for them that they quit or end their careers by backing as primary challenge. those efforts are working. he has the remaining opponents in the party are either quitting out of exhaustion or keeping the descent to themselves. susan, did that point from axios, -- didi must of a choice here? >> i'm not really. he did not. he is -- new york's in democratic control when it comes to redistricting. his seat was not looking promising for him. especially since you said, he might lose his congressional seat, and he might be a target for conservatives. the new york property was actively challenging him. the ironic part is, he's seen someone who's seen as a centrist. it's better in 2020, then joe biden at one point. he could win a stretch swing district, and yet the republicans will probably put up a conservatives that cannot. >> what does trump three surgeons lead for republicans and what is it mean for a democrat in 2022? >> i really want to remark on how incredible the strategy is that donald trump is moving forward. grassroots, in terms of preparing for the campaign, the midterm campaign. and then on the 2024 presidential campaign. and at the same time, getting points in line for governing. a lot of the opponents are running, they're not thinking about what happens in terms of the election, but -- i think that is a really powerful position. one that democrats need to take in. serious as a heart attack. i'm gonna come back to my narrative. what is donald trump doing in the arizona rallies that he's going to be having, is hammering the fact of election fraud. but take a little deeper, and harris is an underdog. donald trump, love him or hate him, is a master at that narrative. he's gonna be able to build that momentum in his space about him being a underdog. about the republican party being afraid of him being an underdog. he's going to be figuring out how to prepare his own kind of narrative, and they'll be figuring out a build their narrative. >> i have to ask, is he preparing for governance or the appearance of governance? what impact do you see his return to the trail having on these midterms? >> right now, his main agendas is a vengeance tour. he's going after republicans specifically who voted to impeach him. or who actually believe that joe biden is the president the united states. he only wants to talk about the past. that is the only -- i agree with everything vicky just said. she is right to bring of the combination of the grassroots, the underdog in that messaging. i just think to add to it though, the fact that he's only looking backwards in his speeches and talking about 2020, puts republicans, some republicans, in a disco pickle situation. right now they want to talk about how joe biden is in their opinion, and what they can do for 2022. donald trump is preventing them from getting the best candidates to run in swing districts, because he only wants those who are true trump believers. so it's a little difficult for the establishment republicans who want to win back the majorities. >> i'm an ask you to put on your political scientist had which i know you never take off, but what does it mean for this party if republicans would rather distance themselves from trump then decide, i'm out? >> i think that what we've seen in history is when the pendulum swings too much to the left to come back. i'm not saying that they're -- gone so far to the conservative side. to the trump brand. but i think, we're starting to see pockets of that. my former state, texas, where there are die hard trump supporters have been impacted, is starting to get a lot of challengers. there's still a lot of the republican trump supporting brand, but i see signs of discontent. that is something, when you get too far to in extreme, you start easy out. it may not happen in the next cycle, or the next two cycles, but it is going to happen in the next -- >> is there a way to remain tethered to reality and rip run as a republican for donald trump? >> no, absolutely not. because you have to confined to trump's reality which is not real. he is authoritative, to the point of view that he did everything. he is in charge. you have to be royal to him. we talk about trump conservatives and i almost laugh. name one principal, or value, that donald trump has that he is used to govern while he is president? there are none. there are no principles. it is just loyalty to him whatever he does. >> and that -- is we are on the same page. victoria and susan thank you both. doctor vin he but dahlia is here to discuss the pressure that hospitals are under as omicron continues. and are we prepared for the next possible variant? when the next 11 hour continues. next 11 hou continues. and how is taking other staff within the hospital out. so we've been able to expand our policy, in order to make sure that we're providing whatever type of resources are available, and to keep those hospitals functioning. an incredible step forward to make sure that they can keep moving. >> the anchors well announcing more resources and personnel for states in crisis. as omicron variant is crowding hospitals. the new york times reports the data showed that in 18 states in washington d.c., at least 85% of beds in adult intensive care units for were full, with the most acute scarcity of beds in alabama, missouri, new mexico, rhode island, in texas. we welcome back -- an infectious diseases -- and the boston university center for -- policy in research dr.. always good to see you. even as more resources are being sent to states, with so many hospitals in crisis, how worried are you about the next few weeks? >> i think that will we're seeing is in some states reaching the peak. the modeling, in most cases, by the end of january, a lot of states are not yet at the peak. what happens is you get the cases that pecan and you see hospitalizations, and then deaths. we're still under a crunch, potentially, of hospitalizations stretching out hospitals. as you just mentioned with the fema administrator, this is a different kind of wave, compared to what we've seen before. an outbreak response, we look at staff, stuff, s.o.p.'s and speeds. earlier pandemics, we had issues with getting stuff, we didn't have medication. -- in terms of how you take care of these patients. in this way, of the big part, a staff. there's so much transmission, so everybody is working in this hospital is also living in communities. they are getting sick, and even if they're sick it's keeping them -- which is overwhelming the system that we're seeing. >> the other big news, the cdc's updated his mask guidance to reflect the need for more protection from omicron. i think a lot of our viewers have heard all of her doctors speaking for months about need for better masks. why do they wait till now? >> they are behind on this. one i think a lot of people -- many experts have talked about the importance within indoor crowded places. there's so much greater protection that n95s can present, because they're just better blockage. the reason i think there is hesitation is, will people use these masks in a way that would offer them the greatest amount of protection? it's interesting even if they released this information -- some protection, but the highest rate of protection is n95 or kn95. they also caution that a lot of this is, will you keep the mask on? is the mass comfortable enough to give you that protection? it only gives you the protection if you keep it on. we do have a lot of options on the market. many many different fits. i urge people -- that does provide a huge range of these validated, certified, and 95 masks. the other couple of -- you want to make sure that the masks you have a high quality, and have good seals so, there's no air going out. we want to make sure that they are not ones that have isolation where the air evolves go out -- you're not breathing on others why are protected. that delays -- and has to go hand in hand with education. i welcome this guidance. >> education, as you and i have talked, about who has access to those masks, who can for those masks? i want to ask you about something that dr. fauci said, take a listen. >> a lot of work, as i mentioned, -- about looking at the tools -- and applied science to develop next generation a vaccine, particularly, universal coronavirus vaccines. -- so we won't be chasing after the next variant. >> how likely is a universal vaccine? >> i think a huge part of this is always the funding. let me walk people through it. one of the reasons why we're so dependent on these vaccines, with the change in variance, is that our current vaccines are aimed against the coronavirus that evolves the most, despite 14. which is the business end of the virus. that's also the part that goes to the most evolution and mutates the most. with the new variant, what you see is exactly why moderna and pfizer are doing, which is work on a vaccine that should be coming out in march, that is variant specific. in the future, it's a conversation of whether, at the, least you might have multi varying vaccines, where you have different vaccines that are circulating -- but the holy grail, we just were not chasing our tail are two other types of vaccine. ones that actually look at the part of the virus that are not part of this highly mutated part of the virus but, another part that blocks the virus function. that's something that looks at the entire sars-cov-2. there's very promising data for walter reed, that there might be such a vaccine -- the biggest part of this is if we can develop a vaccine that attacks every single virus in this family -- and organizations has funded this. we may see some great progress in the next year. >> all right. doctor, thank you so much. coming up, would you need to know about the major winter storm sweeping across the country, when the 11th hour continues. when the 11th hou jardiance is a once-daily pill that can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known heart disease. continues. so, it could help save your life jardiance can cause serious side effects including... ...dehydration, genital yeast or urinary tract infections, and sudden kidney problems. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. a rare, but life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away... ...if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection, ...ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction, ...and don't take it if you're on dialysis. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. lower a1c and lower risk of a fatal heart attack? we're on it. we're on it. with jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. my hygienist cleans with a round head. so does my oral-b my hygienist personalizes my cleaning. so does my oral-b oral-b delivers the wow of a professional clean feel every day. that is our broadcast for this friday night with our thanks for being with us. you can catch me tomorrow, and every saturday and sunday on american voices where will be focusing on the push for voting rights. with this congressman in new york, he's going to be explaining why now is the time for democrats to act. on behalf of all of my colleagues on the network of nbc news. goodnight. >> it's like a sadness. you can't sleep. it just kind of consumes you. and even when you can move on. you just never forget. someone who's really left such an impact on your life. >> she was a really good mom. she really loved her kids. she was >> -- she was just 20 steps from her front door. she never made it. >> you can explain what happened in those 20 steps. >> it didn't make sense to me. >> a working mom murdered. >> it's hard for me to imagine why someone would be capable of something like that. >> police started with the men

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Protagonist , Fighting , Guy , Messaging , Heart , Numbers , Everything , Nature , The Park , Nine , Underdog , Majority , Minority Party , Surprise , Picture , Party , Joe Manchin , Threshold , Votes , Endorsement , Nothing , Referendum , Stop , Rejection , Executive Orders , Gun Parts , Economy , 2008 , Gotta Go Out There , Police Reform , Stock Market Weathers , Executive Order , Director Messaging , Whims , Package , Build , Infrastructure , Glass , Executive Action , Hustling , Pieces , Don T , Point , Governance , Mode , Moans , Reason , Winds , Rally , Break , Arizona , 2022 , Election Fraud , Reporting , Planning , Claims , Firm , Barnes , Car Accident , Rich Barnes , Yoyou , Ght T Beurprpris , Wondnder Whahatmy C Cas , Youour Cidedentase E , President Trump , Call , Car Hit My Motorcycle , Yoyou Ght T Beurprpris , Insurance Wasn T Fair , Worth , Eight Million , Eight Hundred , Advisor , Support , Midterm Election , Spotlight , Meredith Mcgraw Reporting , Life , Axios Reports , 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Transcripts For MSNBC The 11th Hour 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The 11th Hour 20240709

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>> he's got no criminal history. he's a year, graduate. he has no pass person was not a flight risk. we'll have to hear what the government has to say, as the primary criteria, assuring the safety of the public punish. release >> roads will be back in court, back on thursday. a source tells nbc news that the house january six committee has interviewed former acting defense secretary, miller. who is in that post on the day of the riot. miller previously said, former president, donald trump, quote encourage the protesters with his comments. the panel is also on whether to also subpoena senator mccarthy. lawmakers want to talk to him about what he discussed with trump, during and after the riot. president mccarty said on a radio interview, one week after the attack. >> i say he has responsibility. he told me personally that he does have some responsibility. i think a lot of people do. >> the january six committee has also said they want to hear voluntarily from former vice president, mike pence. they haven't formally asked for his cooperation. tonight, pence is out with an op-ed in the washington post, calling the insurrection a power grab. he uses the same words to describe the removal of the filibuster to pass voting rights legislation. today, the white house vowed to continue working touch on trying to make those voting bills a reality, even though their future looks uncertain. one democratic house members voting rights legislation is more important now, than ever. >> there is a slow-moving coup that's occurring, the voting rights act is a couple of the bills that we need to pass in order to truly protect our democracy. the coup that we're going to see is going to be staffed by men and women, in very well just suits, in our courts, running for secretary of state, running for the boards, electoral boards. >> the presidents pitch to change the filibuster, to pass voting rights, has filled to yield any progress. one of several setbacks he's had this week, including the supreme court's decision to block his vaccine or test mandates for big businesses, escalating inflation. -- did take time to highlight his bipartisan infrastructure bill, passed last year. the white house says, it has no intention of giving up on what he promised voters. >> the truth is, an agenda doesn't wrap up in one year. we're going to continue to fight for every continue component of his agenda, and his plans for his presidency that he outlined when he was running. >> next, week biden will mark is when you're anniversary in office, with a news conference. today, the white house announced that those 500 million free, at home covid tests, would be soon available. orders can be placed on a federal website, starting january 19th. with that, let's bring in our lead off guest, on this friday night. jonathan amir, veteran white house -- 5 am show, way too early. carol lanning, investigative reporter with the washington post. coauthor of the new york times bestseller, i alone can fix it. for all of this -- law clerk for sonia meyer on the federal bench, before her nomination to the supreme court. good to see you all. carol, i'm going to start with. you -- former acting -- christopher miller, today. why is his testimony important for them? >> there could be lots of reasons. the first to that come to mind are, a, he was in the defense department, in the pentagon on the day of the riot. he has already testified that he was aware at 1:34 pm, that the capital was under attack and had -- the police lines have been breached. he's also testify that it took him another three hours to authorize dispatching a real plan for the national guard to go and help to, essentially, send cavalry to save the capitol police, and also the metropolitan police officers, who had tried to prevent what happened there. so, that's really critical. the second thing is that he was with donald trump a lot, prior to january 6th. that includes a crucial january 3rd, oval office meeting. in that meeting, the president closed the session, which was really about iran, to confer with miller, his new acting secretary, about how safe is protesters, his fans were going to be, on january 6th. he wanted to check in with them. it's interesting, other witnesses feel like the two of them had had a prior conversation, about what exactly did donald trump want to happen on january 6th. >> tough pickle from iran to your fans. melissa, what should we be looking for as we follow the government's case against oath keepers, stewards, and ten others. >> i think this is the first time that will be here -- since adams administration. we are going to have a very old statute with prosecution that date back to the -- very few prosecutions in recent, years elise excess will, once the last successful prosecution under the conspiracy to commit seditious acts was a bungee case, which was about 26 years ago. there's a little very little president and, it's very hard to prove these cases, and, perhaps, that is something the prosecution is going to be looking for. this is going to be an uphill battle, but this, perhaps, more than any other case, might be the one that proves rule. >> jonathan, all of this going on january 6th as biden is coming off a difficult week -- into law, here's what former attorney lawyer, eric holder, said tonight above odom. take a listen. >> we have to get ready for the possibility that these bills are not going to become law. so, we're going to continue to do the work -- to fight partisan, -- we've had success there. we're also going to have to redouble our efforts when it comes to voter registration, making sure that people have the billeted you get to the polls, in spite of these obstacles that republicans have put in place. >> jonathan, how is the white house feeling about where things stand on, the domestic policy front, and where they go from here? >> they are not giving up hope on voting rights, but they can see where things are, at the moment. it does not look great. there is no sign to senators manchin, -- no sign to i have spoken, sinema of course delivered her verdict on it, just moments before the president showed up at the senate caucus to talk to them. the presidential motorcade was warming up when she took to the floor,. without the filibuster changing, it doesn't seem to be much of a path there for voting rights. certainly the president is going to continue with the rhetoric. the former attorney general has the most points, two that we need to out organize the other side to, motivate voters to get out there. that's going to be a tough task when so many voters, including parts of the democratic base, the african american voters, are so disenchanted with the idea that there hasn't been much done on voting rights. it has been a week of setbacks with part of the -- struck down with the supreme court. build back better act is certainly in limbo, right now. that's an optimistic phrasing. the president heads into his one year anniversary, with a bit of a low mark,. >> jonathan, what do you say, or were you hearing from democrats, who say, maybe a santa narrow the scope of weather fighting for, when it comes to voting rights? >> there is some who believe -- they don't want to be the enemy of the good. if there's any measures they can to improve things, they should. even officials reinstating part of the voting rights act, or perhaps, pivoting more towards the jaundice act. but, right now, even those seem difficult. there are certainly efforts in various states, states that have seen new laws passed by republicans controlled legislatures, that have restrictive voting rights. the president's run into a very tough situation. he took off -- his first year is a tale of two halves. the first half, a lot of success, the covid relief bill, distribution of the vaccine, just a sense of return to normalcy in washington, after four years of tumult. since then, starting august with the rise of the delta variant, and the chaotic exit from afghanistan, he suffered setbacks. his agenda has taken a hit. part of this is because, his margins in congress for social. i'm sure, democrats control the white house and the senate, but the senate is 50/50, and the house just a few seats. that's tough to get things done. >> carol, speaking of those margins, we are in a midterm mirror, i don't need to remind you. january six committee is weighing subpoena for house republic, kevin mccarthy, what is the cost-benefit analysis that they are doing on that? >> just like prosecutors, anybody who's trying to investigate, get to the bottom of this, including the committee staff, is trying to figure out what do we have, in what we need? in other words, are the witnesses around mccarthy, that they've already interviewed, and they have, who give us a good sense of what exactly he said and did, with regards to donald trump. we already know that kevin mccarthy was calling donald trump, pleading with him to get the january six dogs out of the building, to protect his own members. are there witnesses who already can tell you exactly where mccarthy said, what trump said, and are there documents, like texts, we've seen quite a few of them, that help buttress that. if that's the case, if that narrates the events well enough, then they don't need the long drawn out legal fight, and political fight that's likely to ensue, if they press harder legally for his submission. >> melissa, we saw a ruling, today, from ohio supreme court, and wish they rejected the gop drawn congressional maps. you have a lot of democrats similar in this as a major win. your take. >> i think it's a more muted win. it's something to celebrate. we know that ever since the supreme court decided in 2019, that partisan, jerry, mandarin cannot be heard by federal courts, that this would play out on a state level. this ohio victory really is -- seeing states do things. ohio is very unusual, voters there, just, recently passed an amendment preventing partisan -- most days do not have such laws in the books. meaning, there will be limited efforts to try and limit the force -- in those states without those additional measures. some states like michigan have independence -- that something is moving forward. again, it's not in place in all the states. it's certainly not enough to turn back the tide, with what is been a proliferation. as well as, these ongoing efforts to limit efforts to the ballots. >> jonathan, i want to turn to pence's op-ed, cohn january 6th power grab. while also saying the same thing about busting the filibuster for voting rights. what is pence trying to do here, politically, and what sticks out to you? >> let's be clear, these two things are not equivalent. it's a real case of -- from the former vice president. this is not being done with his eye on 2024. the vice president is considering his own presidential campaign. some wonder if he will go through with it if, his former boss, donald trump, declares his own. there's a real divide there. pence, of, course a loyal foot soldier for donald trump, for four years, until the very end. he resisted calls from trump and other allies to decertify biden's win on january 6th. just remember the pressure that trump put on pants, day after, day to not adhere to his constitutional duty. pence, in, fact consulted a number of key allies looking for reassurance, and he was doing the right thing. one of them, dan quayle. another indiana vice president, and, frankly, hero of the republic. quayle told pence, you can do this, you have to go with your constitutional duty. so, pence disappointed trump and his followers, but is trying to remain in the good graces of the republican base. therefore, attacking efforts to expand voting rights. therefore, attacking the idea of reforming the filibuster. he has largely adhere to the trump agenda since leaving office. only differences vagrant january six. otherwise, he's trying to -- but it's hard to see him getting much traction because, so many of them believe he betrayed his former boss, by not overturning election. >> melissa, what is your assessment of the progress that the committee is made? what are we going to look for in the coming weeks? >> i think we're going to see a lot of action, in terms of trying to get some of these members of congress -- to do so. most legal experts say that there is authority to do so. the speech in the debate clause of the constitution, which is been touted as a limit on the committees were -- really, only applies in circumstances where legislators are being questioned by other branches of government. the circumstance, we're certainly about legislature questioning so members, that would not necessarily seen an impediment. i think we'll see a lot of action with whether or not the subpoenas can proceed. there we may even be lawsuits that will take a longer. time is really of the essence for this committee, as, you know the midterm elections -- if the house changes hands, the house will be gone. >> carol would, you think is next for the january six committee? >> i think what's next is some full-throated public hearings. the hearings that people wanted for the mueller investigatio where there would be wide open komodo -- on national television screen. and which, firsthand witnesses who were there, some of whom you will recognize, they're not boldface names, but they were there. i think you're going to hear them narrate the story of january 6th. people inside the white house concerned and disturbed, unsettled, by wood on trump was doing, to try and block biden, and try to encourage chaos and instability in the country. you're going to hear from those -- or only said informational when he was saying on the day of. >> jonathan, coming out of this week there's a new report that -- a reset from this president. when you talk to the white house, is their interest, is their appetite, is their acknowledgment that the party is creating that? >> now i think two things are true at once. on one hand, the biden administration believes that track record is pretty good. they've actually gotten a pretty good story to sell. they point to just where finish in was a year ago. the aftermath of january, six the height of the pandemic, the vaccine barely an arms of americans. the whole progress's been made, including the last couple of. weeks the bipartisan infrastructure bill. they'll say, we've done a lot in this first year, the really defend. that having said, that they're aware of the political realities. the build back agenda stalled, and voting rights not going anywhere. they recognize the year mark is one that will attract attention, and lisa media tension. the presidents having the news conference on the 19th, the day before the one year mark. he'll address a lot of this, and talk about his accomplishments, but also try to steady nervous democrats. democrats who are fearful of his poor poll numbers, and what that could mean for the upcoming midterms, where, at least on paper they could lose house representatives. the senate is a 50/50 toss-up, most observers believe. the president is going to have to do the calming of nerves, while having some difficulty and acting -- it'll only get harder the closer midterms. get >> jonathan, before i let you go, the other wildcard, the pandemic that we're all living through. how do they see that factoring in? >> it's the biggest part of it. the pandemic is the central piece of the biden ministration. he knows he was elected, he said this repeatedly, he was elected more than anything, to try and tame this pandemic. restore normalcy, but really get the nation through this virus. it's been up and down. the vaccines out, there are the boosters are available, that's great news, but so much of america are still not taking those shots. cases going up. omicron doesn't seem as deadly as delta, but still a real thing. cases are surging. schools are closing. businesses shot. americans had their lives throws upside down, again. biden ministration is going to get tests out, they have a surge in tests. hundreds of millions of tests out to americans, that's going to start next week. that will help, they hope. they also are encouraged by how quickly this variant soon to be burning through the populace. and a largely have peaked in move past -- in the months time, there's a lot of four hospitals. a lot of people sick, a lot of people dying. of course, there's no census toward variant might be down the road. the vaccination mandate took a hit this week, in supreme court, . the president was frustrated when we heard from him. they recognize that some of this is out of their control, but this is how you will be judged. the president says that the -- >> and almost all of the pandemic >> jonathan, i hope you get to sleep. in carroll, melissa, thank you all so much. coming up, now what? what can washington get done. our political experts are here to hash out with the democrats should do now, that's how much of the presidents plan deceivingly stuck in cartoon quicksand. later, two years into covid, as omicron washes over america, the cdc is hour timely new mask guidance. one of our top doctors is here, this is where you need to know. the 11th hour getting underway, it on a friday night. on a friday night every day in business brings something new. so get the flexibility of the new mobile service designed for your small business. introducing comcast business mobile. you get the most reliable network with nationwide 5g included. and you can get unlimited data for just $30 per line per month when you get four lines or mix and match data options. available now for comcast business internet customers with no line-activation fees or term contract required. see if you can save by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. the pandemic made teaching and learning really hard. but instead of working to help students safely return to the classroom, the san francisco school board focused on renaming schools and playing politics. and they've even saddled our district there's a lot of talk about with a $125 million deficit. our children can't wait for new leadership. here's our chance for a fresh start. on february 15th, please recall school board members collins, lópez and moliga before our kids fall even further behind. disappointments and things we haven't gotten done, we're going to get a lot of them, done at my dad. but, this is something that we need to get done, and it's of a normal consequence of the country. >> with much of the presidents agenda stalled, he's taking pains to remind folks ready to get done. biden, today, touted is bipartisan -- this only some of what he promised. build back better still languishing in the u.s. senate. political push this way, with little progress on joe biden's signature legislation, elected officials in operatives from across the presidents party are busy plotting how to run midterm campaigns without the benefit of a bill to bolster the social safety net and make general's response to address climate change. it's four for the right opposition. with us tonight, victoria diesel total -- the university of arkansas,. and susan del percio, political strategist,. >> vicky, i want to read you this, from senator dick durbin, to new york times. he says, i'm sure they're frustrated, i am one asked this week about the chamber's inability to act on mr. biden's agenda. discussing the impact on voters ahead of the midterm elections, he added, it depends on who they they blame for it. vicky, do you agree with the senators assessment that there will be frustration -- but the question will become, at whose feet they lay that frustration. >> i have a very technical answer, which is kind of. it depends on the emotional connection that the voter has, toward the sea is going on. we have to understand the folks respond to politics both of their hearts and minds. some people may be focused with, one of the policies getting through, one of the policies not getting through. at the same time, a lot of politics is about how do i feel? is this someone who's fighting for me? it is someone who's looking? out is just a good guy? it is the protagonist? it's a lot about narrative. in my mind, i see a lot of the problem with democrats not necessarily that there -- numbers in congress. for me, it's always been about messaging. really reaching that heart. making sure that they connect with those people. maybe they're not getting everything, pass but they're still fighting for them. they're doing what they can. i think it really comes down, as we look at the next nine months, to how the democratic party, across the, nature gets the narrative of, we may not be hitting out of the park, but we're fighting for you. if anything they can pass it as being an underdog. yes, there may be a technical majority in the senate, but because of the filibuster, at the end of the day, we're basically a minority party. a lot more work needs to go into the messaging, and stop the hand during about not getting everything done >> and want to look back with you vicky on that bigger picture, before i do, susan, there seems to be genuine surprise, that sinema and manchin are proving as intractable as they are. that they did it move with pressure from their own party. what do you -- not just of where we saw, but the general surprise that they could not be moved. >> early where people are surprised. especially when it comes to joe manchin. he's been saying this for years. that he would not give up the 60% -- 60 vote threshold for the filibuster. we have known where he stands. he's been very transparent that way. the problem is, when the president came in, the democrats were -- this is your after your moment. look at all the things you're going to achieve. there's nothing stopping us, but there was. it was a 50/50 senate. a majority in the house of three or four votes. it was not an endorsement of the president, as much it was rejection of donald trump. it is time that the democrats, because in a midterm election, it is a referendum on the white house. full stop. that's where midterms are all about. so for joe biden, i hate to say this, to get out is, paid and start doing executive orders and talking about the gun parts of the economy. this is not 2008. you cannot govern that way. you can't govern the way he saw in the senate, or as vice president. he's gotta go out there and bragging talk about it. whether the stock market weathers executive orders on police reform, go and do it and talk about the good. >> do you agree? >> i do. i think you need to get out there. i think you need to brand yourself, and not let others brand-new. not with the republican party director messaging. i think it is about taking the whims, it's not the whole package but maybe it's a small executive order. maybe it's focusing on the fact that we got the build back better, part of, it the infrastructure built. highlighting on that. it's about the glass half full, not the glass half empty. at the same time, hustling. >> susan, i hear you on executive action. i still wonder, if there is a possibility of smaller pieces of this legislation moving through. if they start to break this legislation apart, which i know there are people who don't want to see that happen, if they can at least claim some. pieces of this victory. >> i think at this point, it's critical that the white house gets into political mode. political moans means win. they should sit down with joe manchin, find out what he wants to get past, and go pass it. i know it's not ideal. and i was not governance, but if they want to hold on to the house in the senate. it's only shot. i slightly -- disagree with vicky, in the fact that -- talk about where you're doing, and getting done, and how hard are working for the american people. there's no reason to talk about what we didn't get done -- but we're trying, just say we're trying. just sign or executive order that you can get behind, again they, need the winds in the president needs to go out there and even when it came to infrastructure, they waited three months to actually pass it after the senate did, with the house. take the winds, become political, and start focusing on 2022. if i heard correctly. i think you are actually violently agreeing. you can tell me if i was wrong on the other side of this break. coming up as the former president prepares for rally in arizona tomorrow, we're gonna discuss new reporting of what he's planning for republicans who don't back his false claims of election fraud. when the 11th hour continues. election fraud. election fraud. when after my car accident, wondnder whahatmy c cas. so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. youour cidedentase e woh than insurance offered? call the barnes firm now to find out. yoyou ght t beurprpris call the barnes firm now when that car hit my motorcycle, yoyou ght t beurprpris insurance wasn't fair. so i called the barnes firm, it was the best call i could've made. call the barnes firm now, former president trump is and find out what your case could be worth. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million poised to charge back into the spotlight. he's headed to arizona for a rally tomorrow, meredith mcgraw reporting, and advisor said he plans to hold about two rallies a month heading up to the midterm election. someone is letting his support to die hard support a -- axios reports, trump's goal, his improvisers say, is the either make life so miserable for them that they quit or end their careers by backing as primary challenge. those efforts are working. he has the remaining opponents in the party are either quitting out of exhaustion or keeping the descent to themselves. susan, did that point from axios, -- didi must of a choice here? >> i'm not really. he did not. he is -- new york's in democratic control when it comes to redistricting. his seat was not looking promising for him. especially since you said, he might lose his congressional seat, and he might be a target for conservatives. the new york property was actively challenging him. the ironic part is, he's seen someone who's seen as a centrist. it's better in 2020, then joe biden at one point. he could win a stretch swing district, and yet the republicans will probably put up a conservatives that cannot. >> what does trump three surgeons lead for republicans and what is it mean for a democrat in 2022? >> i really want to remark on how incredible the strategy is that donald trump is moving forward. grassroots, in terms of preparing for the campaign, the midterm campaign. and then on the 2024 presidential campaign. and at the same time, getting points in line for governing. a lot of the opponents are running, they're not thinking about what happens in terms of the election, but -- i think that is a really powerful position. one that democrats need to take in. serious as a heart attack. i'm gonna come back to my narrative. what is donald trump doing in the arizona rallies that he's going to be having, is hammering the fact of election fraud. but take a little deeper, and harris is an underdog. donald trump, love him or hate him, is a master at that narrative. he's gonna be able to build that momentum in his space about him being a underdog. about the republican party being afraid of him being an underdog. he's going to be figuring out how to prepare his own kind of narrative, and they'll be figuring out a build their narrative. >> i have to ask, is he preparing for governance or the appearance of governance? what impact do you see his return to the trail having on these midterms? >> right now, his main agendas is a vengeance tour. he's going after republicans specifically who voted to impeach him. or who actually believe that joe biden is the president the united states. he only wants to talk about the past. that is the only -- i agree with everything vicky just said. she is right to bring of the combination of the grassroots, the underdog in that messaging. i just think to add to it though, the fact that he's only looking backwards in his speeches and talking about 2020, puts republicans, some republicans, in a disco pickle situation. right now they want to talk about how joe biden is in their opinion, and what they can do for 2022. donald trump is preventing them from getting the best candidates to run in swing districts, because he only wants those who are true trump believers. so it's a little difficult for the establishment republicans who want to win back the majorities. >> i'm an ask you to put on your political scientist had which i know you never take off, but what does it mean for this party if republicans would rather distance themselves from trump then decide, i'm out? >> i think that what we've seen in history is when the pendulum swings too much to the left to come back. i'm not saying that they're -- gone so far to the conservative side. to the trump brand. but i think, we're starting to see pockets of that. my former state, texas, where there are die hard trump supporters have been impacted, is starting to get a lot of challengers. there's still a lot of the republican trump supporting brand, but i see signs of discontent. that is something, when you get too far to in extreme, you start easy out. it may not happen in the next cycle, or the next two cycles, but it is going to happen in the next -- >> is there a way to remain tethered to reality and rip run as a republican for donald trump? >> no, absolutely not. because you have to confined to trump's reality which is not real. he is authoritative, to the point of view that he did everything. he is in charge. you have to be royal to him. we talk about trump conservatives and i almost laugh. name one principal, or value, that donald trump has that he is used to govern while he is president? there are none. there are no principles. it is just loyalty to him whatever he does. >> and that -- is we are on the same page. victoria and susan thank you both. doctor vin he but dahlia is here to discuss the pressure that hospitals are under as omicron continues. and are we prepared for the next possible variant? when the next 11 hour continues. next 11 hou continues. and how is taking other staff within the hospital out. so we've been able to expand our policy, in order to make sure that we're providing whatever type of resources are available, and to keep those hospitals functioning. an incredible step forward to make sure that they can keep moving. >> the anchors well announcing more resources and personnel for states in crisis. as omicron variant is crowding hospitals. the new york times reports the data showed that in 18 states in washington d.c., at least 85% of beds in adult intensive care units for were full, with the most acute scarcity of beds in alabama, missouri, new mexico, rhode island, in texas. we welcome back -- an infectious diseases -- and the boston university center for -- policy in research dr.. always good to see you. even as more resources are being sent to states, with so many hospitals in crisis, how worried are you about the next few weeks? >> i think that will we're seeing is in some states reaching the peak. the modeling, in most cases, by the end of january, a lot of states are not yet at the peak. what happens is you get the cases that pecan and you see hospitalizations, and then deaths. we're still under a crunch, potentially, of hospitalizations stretching out hospitals. as you just mentioned with the fema administrator, this is a different kind of wave, compared to what we've seen before. an outbreak response, we look at staff, stuff, s.o.p.'s and speeds. earlier pandemics, we had issues with getting stuff, we didn't have medication. -- in terms of how you take care of these patients. in this way, of the big part, a staff. there's so much transmission, so everybody is working in this hospital is also living in communities. they are getting sick, and even if they're sick it's keeping them -- which is overwhelming the system that we're seeing. >> the other big news, the cdc's updated his mask guidance to reflect the need for more protection from omicron. i think a lot of our viewers have heard all of her doctors speaking for months about need for better masks. why do they wait till now? >> they are behind on this. one i think a lot of people -- many experts have talked about the importance within indoor crowded places. there's so much greater protection that n95s can present, because they're just better blockage. the reason i think there is hesitation is, will people use these masks in a way that would offer them the greatest amount of protection? it's interesting even if they released this information -- some protection, but the highest rate of protection is n95 or kn95. they also caution that a lot of this is, will you keep the mask on? is the mass comfortable enough to give you that protection? it only gives you the protection if you keep it on. we do have a lot of options on the market. many many different fits. i urge people -- that does provide a huge range of these validated, certified, and 95 masks. the other couple of -- you want to make sure that the masks you have a high quality, and have good seals so, there's no air going out. we want to make sure that they are not ones that have isolation where the air evolves go out -- you're not breathing on others why are protected. that delays -- and has to go hand in hand with education. i welcome this guidance. >> education, as you and i have talked, about who has access to those masks, who can for those masks? i want to ask you about something that dr. fauci said, take a listen. >> a lot of work, as i mentioned, -- about looking at the tools -- and applied science to develop next generation a vaccine, particularly, universal coronavirus vaccines. -- so we won't be chasing after the next variant. >> how likely is a universal vaccine? >> i think a huge part of this is always the funding. let me walk people through it. one of the reasons why we're so dependent on these vaccines, with the change in variance, is that our current vaccines are aimed against the coronavirus that evolves the most, despite 14. which is the business end of the virus. that's also the part that goes to the most evolution and mutates the most. with the new variant, what you see is exactly why moderna and pfizer are doing, which is work on a vaccine that should be coming out in march, that is variant specific. in the future, it's a conversation of whether, at the, least you might have multi varying vaccines, where you have different vaccines that are circulating -- but the holy grail, we just were not chasing our tail are two other types of vaccine. ones that actually look at the part of the virus that are not part of this highly mutated part of the virus but, another part that blocks the virus function. that's something that looks at the entire sars-cov-2. there's very promising data for walter reed, that there might be such a vaccine -- the biggest part of this is if we can develop a vaccine that attacks every single virus in this family -- and organizations has funded this. we may see some great progress in the next year. >> all right. doctor, thank you so much. coming up, would you need to know about the major winter storm sweeping across the country, when the 11th hour continues. when the 11th hou jardiance is a once-daily pill that can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known heart disease. continues. so, it could help save your life jardiance can cause serious side effects including... ...dehydration, genital yeast or urinary tract infections, and sudden kidney problems. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. a rare, but life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away... ...if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection, ...ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction, ...and don't take it if you're on dialysis. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. lower a1c and lower risk of a fatal heart attack? 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Protagonist , Fighting , Guy , Messaging , Heart , Numbers , Everything , Nature , The Park , Nine , Underdog , Majority , Minority Party , Surprise , Picture , Party , Joe Manchin , Threshold , Votes , Endorsement , Nothing , Referendum , Stop , Rejection , Executive Orders , Gun Parts , Economy , 2008 , Gotta Go Out There , Police Reform , Stock Market Weathers , Executive Order , Director Messaging , Whims , Package , Build , Infrastructure , Glass , Executive Action , Hustling , Pieces , Don T , Point , Governance , Mode , Moans , Reason , Winds , Rally , Break , Arizona , 2022 , Election Fraud , Reporting , Planning , Claims , Firm , Barnes , Car Accident , Rich Barnes , Yoyou , Ght T Beurprpris , Wondnder Whahatmy C Cas , Youour Cidedentase E , President Trump , Call , Car Hit My Motorcycle , Yoyou Ght T Beurprpris , Insurance Wasn T Fair , Worth , Eight Million , Eight Hundred , Advisor , Support , Midterm Election , Spotlight , Meredith Mcgraw Reporting , Life , Axios Reports , 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