Transcripts For MSNBC Way Too Early With Jonathan Lemire 202

Transcripts For MSNBC Way Too Early With Jonathan Lemire 20240709

comments pointed at florida governor ron desantis? it's "way too early" for this. ♪♪ good morning and welcome to "way too early," the show that's watching one florida man battle another. i'm jonathan lemire on this thursday, january 13th. let's start with the news. >> president biden is keeping the pressure on senate democrats to pass voting rights or change the filibuster. today the president will attend a closed door democratic caucus lunch at the u.s. capitol to push senators into backing the two bills, but despite his vocal support, the president still has an uphill battle to get senators manchin and sinema on board. every democratic senator would need to vote in favor of a change for the filibuster. this comes just one day after majority leader chuck schumer outlined his plan to make sure republicans can't stop him from bringing up voting rights. schumer wrote a memo to colleagues detailing a workaround to get the senate bills to floor for debate even if a final vote remains unlikely. the "associated press" reports by setting up that debate, schumer will achieve a democrat's goal to shine a spotlight to spur senators to publicly say where they stand. quote, we will finally have an opportunity to debate voting rights legislation, something that republicans have thus far denied. senators can finally make clear to the american people where they stand on protecting our democracy and preserving the right of every eligible american to cast a ballot. schumer said he wants a vote on a potential rules change no later than monday, which is, of course t martin luther king jr. holiday. speaking on the senate floor yesterday, minority leader mitch mcconnell gave a blistering rebuke to president biden's voting rights speech in georgia earlier in the week. >> look, i've known, liked, and personally respected joe biden for many years. i did not recognize the man at the podium. >> the president's rant, rant yesterday was incoherent, incorrect, and beneath his office. >> you could not invent a better advertisement for the legislative filibuster than a president abandoning rational persuasion for pure demagoguery. >> pure demagoguery. president biden was asked to respond to the comments yesterday and told reporters simply this. i like mitch mcconnell. it's a friend. they're strongly considering making high-quality masks available for all americans. it comes taf cdc said the n95 and kn95 masks offer the best protection against the omicron variant. at the start of the pandemic the agency did not recommend these masks because of shortages, fwu white house now says there's a stockpile of 750 million n95 masks. here's what cdc director dr. rochelle wolensky had to say on this yesterday. >> the cdc continues to recommend that any mask is better than no mask, and we do encourage all americans to wear a well-fitting mask to protect themselves and prevent the spread of covid-19. we will provide information on improved filtration that occurs with other masks such as n95, information the republican lick needs about which mask is the right one for them. most importantly we want to high litt the best mask for you is the one you can wear comfortably. >> the covid response team did not give details on how or when it plans to get the masks to americans. joining us now, political reporter for axios, sarah mucha. great to see you this morning. just now you're getting us these high-quality masks, but you also have new reporting on democrats' frustration with the biden administration's ohm con response. what do they wasn't to see happen? what did you learn. >> many are feeling fatigue from the omicron variant and the past two years and that includes members of the president's own party. in some ways they're publicly and privately urging people to do more on covid, which include as what we saw from axios last night, a letter from congress won elissa slotkin and also ryane. they're both representatives of the midwest. they say send manufactured k 95 masks to anyone in the country who wants one. this is off the back of a letter we saw from about 40 members of congress in both the house and senate that are urging the administration to expand rapid covid testing as the white house has responded, but press secretary jen psaki last week said that they acknowledge that they're behind where they want to be in a statement, and axios last night asked the white house. they said we're honest about the challenges we face and we're addressing them to members of congress. we ins people may be frustrated with them. and then they went on to list some of the praise they've received from twitter. >> there's also been some of talk about the need for possible additional covid relief bill. i asked the deputy white house press secretary about this yesterday. she sort of danced around the issue. the white house hasn't come out in favor of one or the other yet, but sarah, i want to ask you ahead of the martin luther king holiday with increasing pressure from the democratic base. give us an idea what you anticipate happening with the president's meeting up on the hill with democratic senators. we heard him use the bully pulpit the other day. is there any chance he can get manchin and sinema on board? >> that is the question. that is the evergreen question. can he convince senators manchin and sinema to go along with the democratic party? i expect what the president will do is give us a similar version of the speech he gave in georgia that we saw. it's stressing how important he believes his voting rights legislation is for democracy. you know, we saw senator schumer bring in the authors of the book, "how democracies die" just last week, they're in favor of supporting the demolishing of the filibuster. he'll lean into that and try to bring senators kyrsten sinema and joe manchin to make that one-time change to the filibuster in order to help the legislation. >> manchin said he won't do that without some republican support. sarah mucha of axios, one of our new friends. thank you so much. we'll talk to you again. still ahead, rising prices and fewer items on the grocery store shelves. how long these shortages may last. plus, an alarming rise in covid cases for children, it's at an all-time high. those stories and a check on the weather when we come right back. e weather when we come right back. 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(burke) seventeen-car garage you got there? ♪we are farmers♪ ♪bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum♪ are you tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean? downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters keep your laundry smelling fresh way longer than detergent alone. if you want laundry to smell fresh for weeks, make sure you have downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters. house minority leader kevin mccarthy says he will not cooperate with the january 6th select committee after the panel formally requested an interview with the california lawmaker. the committee is seeking details of mccarthy's communications with then president donald trump throughout the capitol attack and in the days that followed. mccarthy's refusal comes despite his agreeing in may of last year to cooperate with any sort of investigation of the riot. >> would you be willing to testify about your conversation with donald trump on january 6th if you were asked by an outside commission -- >> sure. next question. >> mccarthy, of course, has said he spoke to trump that day, and we know from reporting that he angrily asked the president to intervene, to try to call off his supporters from rioting at the capitol. in the request letter to mccarthy, committee chair bennie thompson said the panel has text messages from multiple witnesses indicating after the attack, kevin mccarthy may have discussed the possibility of impeachment with trump or removal from office under the 25th amendment or even the option of immediate resignation. in refusing to cooperate now, the minority leader said, quote, the committee's only objective is to attempt to damage its political opponents. the panel will now likely weigh whether to subpoena his testimony. former president trump is now calling out politicians who refuse to say whether they've received a covid booster shot. in an interview with the far right cable channel one america news trump says he's had a booster and has criticized those who won't reveal their status. >> i'm taking it. i've had the booster. many politicians, i watched a couple of politicians be interviewed, and one of the questions was did you get the booster, because they had the vaccine. they all -- they're answering it like -- in other words, the answer is yes, but they don't want to say it because they're gutness. they won't say whether or not they had it. say it. the fact of the matter is i think the vaccine has saved tens of millions of people throughout the world. i have had absolutely no side effects. i've had it like other people have had it. nothing special. >> as you can see, trump didn't mention anyone by name, but his remarks appeared to be directed at least in part at florida governor ron desantis who is considered a possible contender in the presidential election in 2024. he has refused to say whether he's received the booster shot and has refused to say whether he'll abandon his position in order to run for president. that has angered trump and fueled a lot of his public comments. >> while consumer prices are soaring, people are finding a shortage of many items including meat and produce. you can blame staffing shortages. nbc's tom costello has more. >>. >> reporter: it's happening at stores across the country. chicken, meat, bakery items, juice, and milk. >> the only milk i could get were two tiny bottles of fat-free. my kids not be happy about it. >> reporter: 5% to 10% of food items are not available. while there is plenty of food in the supply chain, we anticipate consumers will continue to experience sporadic disruptions in certain product categories. >> without a major transformation of everything do with food, farms, retailers, food companies, we're going to see shortages and price increases for the next 12 to 18 months. >> reporter: the reasons are many. soaring demand for groceries with americans choosing to eat at home during the omicron surge, large numbers of food manufacturers and grocery employees out sick with covid, as many as 50% in some stores. winter storms paralyzing major interstates, and a backed up supply chain with a shortage of 80,000 truck drivers nationwide. nbc's jo ling kent with transportation secretary pete buttigieg in l.a. >> we have thousands of truck drivers leaving the job every single year. that creates backups at the warehouses all the way to the ports. still ahead, a fan favorite who helped not one but two franchises end long title droughts calls it a career. and novak djokovic still doesn't know if he'll be allowed to play in the australian tournament. how it's affecting the tournament days before the match. 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for sure. seriously? one up the power of liquid, one up the toughest stains. any further questions? uh uh! one up the power of liquid with tide pods ultra oxi. stormed away. stripped ahead of the pack is malik. whoa, to lebron. a little show time high off the glass. that time noel forces a turnover. to the reverse. welcome back in time for sports. first, that was lakers malik monk going off the glass for lebron james. the lakers still lost. then a reverse dunk from the knicks' rj barrett. it snapped the mavericks' six-game winning streak. last night brooklyn, well, it showed what it can do with all of its stars available. while the nets only got nine points with kyrie irving playing only his third game of the season after joining the team since refusings to vaccinate and, therefore, can't play at home because of new york city covid regulations, he contributed a little, but it was the other stars who led the way. the nets easily beat the bulls, 138-112. meanwhile in australia government officials are still weighing whether or not to deport novak djokovic. ousting the unvaccinated tennis star remains at the discretion of the country's administration minister if they deem him to be dangerous for health and safety reasons. the deputy prime minister told reporters yesterday the vast majority disapprove of novak djokovic traveling in view of the country's strict covid views, but noted it was not the view of the court who reinstated djokovic's visa earlier in the week. if he's allowed to remain for the australian open, he'll begin his title defense against a fellow serb. there was a delay for over an hour amid the tennis star's visa status. the world remains to see whether he'll be sent home or he'll get a chance to record a 21st grand slam title and tenth at the australian open. the australian open is set to finally begin on monday. also drawing a lot of attention, the nfl. they always do. this year it helped the league to the highest ratings in six seasons. they averaged more than 17 million viewers across tv and digital platforms, marking a 10% increase over last year and the nfl's highest average since 2015. it's gone down due to the pandemic. meanwhile we're waiting for the major league players and the players union to begin talks. while that's happening, one big league pitcher has called it a career. three-time world series champion jon lester has announced his retirement after 16 seasons. the 38-year-old lefty broke into the majors with the boston red sox back in 2006 and after his first big league season was cut short due to a battle with cancer, he returned to the majors in july of 2007 and helped the sox to a championship and was the ace of the team who helped them again in 2013. he joined the chicago cubs a year later and helped lead them in 2016 to the team's first championship since 1908. certainly red sox fans will always think very fondly of jon lester. congratulations on a great career. let's go to the nhl and a fifth contact rear hat trick for brad marchand including two goals 15 seconds apart in the first period that helped the bruins to an easy 5-1 win over the montreal canadiens last night. marchand was mic'd up. listen to this. >> there's a lot less of this. there are things you say sometimes like [ bleep ]. there you go right there. yeah. it's fun, though, right? that's part of it. >> wearing the hot mike, marchand knew he had to be careful but couldn't help himself and slipped anyway. we take similar precautions here on "way too early." i'm on a seven-second delay. we head to meteorologist bill karins who's so foul he's on a 15-second delay. what's going on. >> we're quiet now but then we're taking the next winter storm through the country through the holiday weekend. today's your quiet day, a good travel day, no issues. the snow storm will begin to arrive in the northern plains we have the winter weather alert starting to come out. these will cover the eastern half of the country eventually. right now they're isolated. the area of snow will develop friday especially late tonight and friday moving down through the central plains. it looks like iowa will get a good deal of this. the first area of snow will really be confined from fargo to sioux falls and then the storm will dive to the south over the weekend. saturday we could get snow in oklahoma and arkansas. on sunday snow is likely. upstate south carolina, watch out the western sections of virginia and north carolina. for the east coast, it looks like a period of snow then turning over to sleet and then rain. so kind of a messy storm for you. the heaviest snow totals will be inland. right now the track looks like that red line, jonathan. when the storm comes up, that means the heaviest snow is in western pennsylvania and western portions of new york. so we'll watch the storm, but as of now, this is not a big snowstorm from d.c. to new york to boston. the higher totals would be further inland. >> all right. it's a holiday weekend for many. martin luther king day on monday. that will perhaps reduce the impact of a storm on commutes. bill karins, thanks so much. i know you'll be keeping an eye on that for us. still ahead, health experts are calling the covid vaccination rates among children in the u.s. shocking. >> meanwhile in nursing homes the omicron variant is causing cases to surge among elderly residents. i'll be joined by dr. kavita na. many the meantime why are you up way too early? tweet me. we'll read our favorite answers later in the show. me we'll read our favorite answers later in the show. people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible... with rybelsus®. the majority of people taking rybelsu lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to the possibility of lower a1c with rybelsus®. you may pay as little as $10 for up to a 3-month prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. do i need to pretreat my laundry? nope! with tide pods, you don't need to worry. the pre-treaters are built in. tide pods dissolve even when the water is freezing. nice! if it's got to be clean, it's got to be tide. welcome back to "way too early." it's precisely 5:30 a.m. on the east coast, 2:30 out west. i'm jonathan lemire. the u.s. is facing an alarmingly low rate of child vaccinations. authorities say that only 17% of children are fully vaccinated nationwide two months after the shots with authorized for 5- to 11-year-olds. mississippi has a 5% rate. meanwhile hospitalizations among children under 18 with covid in the u.s. have climbed to their highest levels on record in the past few weeks. meanwhile coronavirus cases are also surging in nursing moments. the spike which is caused largely by the omicron variant is pushing homes to the brink. new federal data shows the highest number of cases ever documented among staffers, 82% of nursing home workers are fully vaccinated, according to the cdc, but only 27% have had their booster shots. nursing homes are also getting hit hard. the cdc reports a 76% raise in cases which is approaching the record. there are more than 32,000 nursing home residents confirmed to have covid as of sunday, according to the cdc. we know the elderly are more vulnerable to that variant. for the second year in a row, covid was the leading cause of death for law enforcement officers in the united states. that's a report released yesterday by the national law enforcement officers memorial fund. preliminary data compiled by the organization showed 458 officers died in the line of duty last year, making it the deadliest in more than 90 years. here's the key part, more than 300 of those federal and local law enforcement officers died from covid. joining us now from the brooks institution, dr. kavita patel. we're always so pleased when you can join us. good morning. let's start with the nursing homes. there are some disturbing statistics we're just seeing there. why do we think the numbers are lagging so much for staff and residents to receive their booster shots, boosters that are readily available, and public health officials say, hey, these boosters are what's key to ward off the omicron variant. >> yeah, jonathan. this is something we've been keeping an eye on ever since we saw the low vaccination uptake rate. i'll take residents first. many nursing homes across the country are quite small, and at the beginning of this surge last year when vaccines were available during the pandemic, nursing homes, you'll recall were a concentrated focus. walgreens, cvs, retail pharmacies have contracts go into the nursing homes and give out vaccines. that is not happening right now for a simple reason. these pharmacies are overwhelmed trying to vaccinate the entire country and they simply don't have staff to go back to each and every one of those nursing homes. as a result, these are not residents who can get up and go to the local pharmacies or doctor's office. that is a problem and barrier. and to the point you're making about staff, i've got to be honest, jonathan, i'm an advocate of health care workers and front line workers. they're humans too. many of them are skeptical and have been misinformed about the vaccine and, therefore, have not had both the vaccine and booster. you mentioned a high vaccine uptick by the cdc. that varies by state. you see some states, oklahoma, alabama, arkansas, where even the initial vaccine series has a very low uptick. the twindemic is the staff being out because they're sick with covid and nursing home residents that are unvaccinated that can be susceptible to covid. we saw stats that show a disturbingly low number of children have not been vaccinated against the virus. what are you telling parents who are reluctant to get their young children vaccinated? >> it's interesting, jonathan. with parents it's a very different discussion i'm having. it's not i never want to get the vaccine for my child. people who are unvaccinated now at this point it's like, no, i've been fine, i don't want to get it. almost all of them to a person says, look, i'm not against vaccines for kids, but i'm concerned, it's too recent, too soon. i think parents have been hearing -- and it is true, jonathan, compared to the nursing home residents that we've been talking about, that the majority of children will have a varied or less severe form of covid, however, it's closing schools down. we're having problems with long covid. we have a lot of unanswered questions about covid. i've been urging parents to get the vaccine. reassuring data -- i want to say this -- comparing those who got the vaccine from the beginning going forward, we have not seen anything severe. most symptoms are mild, soreness of the arm and low-grade fever. what do you make of the omicron rates in the northwest, particularly the northeast? there's some sense there may be a plateauing. >> there is. there's a rise and then a decline. let's hope it gets produce aid cross the rest of the country. unfortunately we'll see a lot more deaths and hospitalizations till we get to that point, but we could see a peak in the next couple of weeks. >> that seems encouraging. it seems like we have a few hard weeks ahead and then downhill. still ahead we'll take a check on "way too early" with wall street. plus, what makes a company a great place to work? msnbc obviously. we'll dig into all that on "way too early" in just a minute. we'll dig into all that on "way too early" in just a minute. people with moderate to severe psoriasis, are rethinking the choices they make like the splash they create the entrance they make, the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. we hit the bike trails every weekend and if you're pregnant shinges doesn't care. i grow all my own vegetables shingles doesn't care. we've still got the best moves you've ever seen good for you, but shingles doesn't care. because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. but, no matter how healthy you feel, your immune system declines as you age increasing your risk for getting shingles. so, what can protect you? shingrix protects. you can protect yourself from shingles with a vaccine proven to be over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your pharmacist or doctor about shingrix. shingles doesn't care. but you should. when our daughter and her kids moved in with us... our bargain detergent couldn't keep up. turns out it's mostly water. so, we switched back to tide. one wash, stains are gone. [daughter] slurping don't pay for water. pay for clean. it's got to be tide. age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. time now for business and for that let's bring in cnbc's julianna tatelbaum. the lead here in "the wall street journal" is about inflation. all three major indices finished in the green yesterday. u.s. stocks rose. are investors not fazed by the inflation news. >> jonathan, there's no doubt about it that inflation is central to the 2020 market narrative, but it came in line with what is in line with expectations. saw all major equity gains yesterday. we saw the oil prices continue its march higher, but i think this largely comes down to the fact that wall street seems to now have faith that the federal reserve is going to intervene and is going to be able to control inflation. so even though we are seeing inflation levels at the highest they've been since 1982, they don't think it's going to spiral out of control. and now investor attention will continue to the producer price index which is due out today, which should give us a sense of how wholesale prices have increased in the last month. >> on-line sales increased over the holiday. the pandemic played a big role in that. how did this inflation continue. >> well, a huge driver of that increase was about 9% over the increase we saw. as you say, $204 billion. the reason for that is the cost from clothing to appliances to food. it rose over the period. online prices increased 3.1% year on year in december. it doesn't account for all the growth but certainly inflation showed up in the online sales numbers just like they showed up in pretty much every part of the economy. >> glass door, an online search company, has released new data of the best places to work in 2022. which places, julianna, made the cut? >> well, i suppose it will come as no surprise tech companies are right at the top. nvidia, hub spot, and bane & company. one name stuck out to me, lululemon. despite the number of controversies it faced over the years, it took the ninth spot. employees like the great benefits, health care, investment options, and money to work out each month. i had a look at other countries and the list of the best places to work in other countries. in france interestingly, a few american companies make the top ten, salesforce, microsoft, and once again, bane & company. >> maybe msnbc will make the list next year. next, a republican congressman compares the vaccine mandates to the holocaust. aisle discuss that despicable compare suggestion next on "way too early." s that despicable compare suggestion next on "way compare suggestion next on "way too early. [music: “you can get it if really want” by jimmy cliff] plaque psoriasis, the tightness, stinging... ...the pain. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. republican congressman warren davidson of ohio is comparing covid vaccine mandates to the holocaust which drew backlash from his colleagues. the congressman shared a photo of a health pass that people were required to carry under the nazi regime and said, quote, this has been done before. jewish groups criticized his tweet and accused him of exploiting the holocaust. this whole thing is appalling and we're not going to give the congressman any more attention he craves but it shows the rhetoric we're seeing on capitol hill and around the country. joining us now, ceo and national director of the anti-defamation league jonathan green. he has a new book, "it could happen here." the book calls out leaders who call out hate. we're seeing an example right now. do you think the parties are doing a good enough job? >> thank you for swrg me this morning. to answer your question, no, the leaders are not doing a good enough job. the idea of invoking the holocaust. the genocide of millions of jews and millions of other people across europe is abominable. one can argue about covid-19 policy, but the notion that muriel bowser of d.c. would ask you to show your vaccination card before going to a restaurant and drawing parallelisms to rights of jews, it's one step from a process of dehumanization that led to them being herded up into the get ghetto, led into cattle cars, and systematically murdered. you try to understand whether it's this congressman or tom massie or marjorie taylor greene or boebert, how they can make these comparisons. >> it's the silencing from republicans who know better. holocaust comparisons should not happen, period, any time for any reason. your book also talks about the rise of the cancel culture and how parties have used it to stifle meaningful debate. what do you mean by that? >> i think we're living in a moment where we have sort of an extreme right and radical left that seem not just impose these kinds of crazy comparisons on us and offend us in every weak moment but to shut down our ability to have dialogue about it, and neither side is exempt from ignorance or tolerance. i think we need to adopt what my friend nick cannon calls more of a counsel culture. we need to call them in and explain it. not like speaker pelosi or other people calling out the congressman, but minority leader mccarthy is telling one of his own, you need to do better and he apologizing. the opportunity to amend is really easy. walk down the street to the u.s. holocoust memorial institution where he can see what happened to the jews and the people of europe. if you're trying to get rid of the can sell culture it's about embracing the opportunity and getting everyone redeemed. >> the holocaust museum is worth it for everyone, a powerful and important place to go. jonathan greenblat, thank you for beinghere," why america is tipping from hate to the unthinkable. i encourage people to pick it up. earlier in the show we ask you this question, why are you awake. one viewer sent us this photo. i am up too early because of these two pups. randy says hello from gaum, way too url is primetime in guam. we appreciate you tuning in no matter where you may be. jason e-mails this picture, i am up early prepping the truck. excited to do my small part to help. that's something we can all applaud. that's the best possible way, reasons to be up way too early helping out those in need those fires in colorado. truly appreciated. thank you for doing that. president biden's approval rating drops to its lowest yet. we'll take a look at the new poll. come up we'll hear from congresswoman val demings on democrats' push on voting rights. secretary of state anthony blinken will join the conversation, u.s. sanctions against north korea over its missile program. plus, lindsey vonn will be a guest this morning, too. "morning joe" is moments away. t. "morning joe" is moments away. trelegy for copd. 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>> i think they're very concerned, democrats don't see how his approval ratings are going to tick backup, looking at inflation and his agenda is stalled and build back better bill is going nowhere in the senate. voting rights right now, yes, the big debate issue but that's also unlikely to pass. all of those things on the agenda coupled with the fact that inflation as well as this new omicron variant and people feeling like what's going to happen with their kids going back to school or having to stay-at-home. it's a lot of uneasy among democrats and you start to see that particularly in the house. you have more than two dozens deciding to retire instead of running again in the midterm election. >> emerging is a different kilt task for democrats to keep power in the house. before we get to the president's voting rights push on the hill today, let's do one more on the poll, this one about donald trump. some believes that new vaccine support, he's out spoken in recent weeks about it is a factor sinking support among republicans. what is your sense? do you think other factor in place and if trump were not to run in 2024, -- >> all signs pointing to donald trump running so far. he's raising money like he would want to and trying to stay active in the cycle. i think his push on the vaccines have been something. he's lashed out on that and lashing out on other republicans desantis for not saying he's gotten a booster or not. that issue over the vaccine is going to play out as long as we see the issue of covid remaining in this country. the president wants to take credit the work he did before he left office. that's something he stood by. ron desantis did have his speech. he laid out the contrast in washington where he stands. one of the leaders in the republican party and how is that even if donald trump does win whether or not it would impact his decision. >> he's one of the few who have said he would not bow out if the former president made another run. let's talk about the current president, president biden is going to head up to the capitol today to talk about voting rights. majority schumer is going to be force a debate and get people on the record. give us a sense of how today is going to play out and if there is any momentum at all for voting rights. is there any believes that something could get done? >> it's going to be a meeting that everybody is watching when he comes up this afternoon to speak with senate democrats. democrats have been meeting a lot with manchin and sinema. so far it does not appear any positions shifted here. as much as they're trying to use the bully pulpit of the white house and as much as schumer trying to put his full weight behind this office, it's hard to see how they come out getting the voting rights passed and how they would get support for change of the filibuster. this is all going to happen over the weekend. the timeline starting on friday and going into the weekend of course everything you mentioned there with the senate. we'll have an answer by the end of the weekend or monday whether or not schumer is going to put this to the right. >> anna palmer, we'll be sure to read that newsletter when it hits our inboxes. thank you so much for being here. thank you to all of you for waking up way too early with us on this thursday morning. "morning joe" starts right now. >> today the house demonstrated that no one is above the law, not even the president of the united states. donald trump is a clear and present danger to our country and that once again we honor our oath of office to protect and defend the constitution of the united states so help us god. >> the president bears

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France , Congressman , Ten , Salesforce , Microsoft , Next , Holocaust , Suggestion , Aisle , Music , Adults , Tremfya , Plaque Psoriasis , Emerge Tremfyant , Jimmy Cliff , Ability , Infections , Infection , Congressman Warren Davidson , Photo , Backlash , Health Pass , Ohio , Thing , Tweet , Groups , Nazi Regime , Jewish , Director , Ceo , Capitol Hill , Rhetoric , Leaders , Hate , Book Calls , Anti Defamation League , Jonathan Green , Parties , Example , Of Invoking The Holocaust , Genocide , Covid 19 Policy , Europe , Vaccination Card , Restaurant , Notion , Muriel Bowser , Step , Parallelisms To Rights , Dehumanization , Process , Led , Ghetto , Marjorie Taylor Greene , Cattle Cars , Tom Massie , Comparisons , Boebert , Culture , Living In A Moment , Left , Side , Kinds , Ignorance , Dialogue , Counsel Culture , Tolerance , Minority Leader , Speaker Pelosi , Apologizing , Own , Street , Holocoust Memorial Institution , Jonathan Greenblat , Museum , Thank You For Beinghere , Viewer , Primetime , Url , Pups , Guam , Gaum , Randy , Truck , Picture , E Mails , Jason , Fires , Colorado , Approval Rating , Poll , Val Demings , On Democrats , Secretary Of State , Missile Program , Sanctions , Anthony Blinken , North Korea , Lindsey Vonn , Morning Joe , Guest , Breeze Driftin , On By , Feelin Good , Diabetes , Musician , Challenge , Fingersticks , My Name , Austin James , Glucose Numbers , Mystery , System , Scan , Libre 2 , 8 2 , 6 7 , Nature , Vitamins , Quality , Ugh , Usp , Standards , Vitamin , Purity , 33 , Independence , Performance , 53 , October , Support Use , Poll Numbers , Cofounder , Anna Palmer , Punch Bowl News , Most , Concern , Agenda , Bill , Approval Ratings , Backup , Yes , House , Emerging , At Home , Dozens , Kilt Task , Factor Sinking Support , Vaccine Support , Factor , Running , Cycle , Lashing , Republicans Desantis , Work , Credit , Contrast , Few , Run , Let , Majority Schumer , Everybody , Momentum , Positions , Timeline , The End , Newsletter , Inboxes , Law , Clear And Present Danger , Oath Of Office , President Bears , Constitution Of The United States , God ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC Way Too Early With Jonathan Lemire 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Way Too Early With Jonathan Lemire 20240709

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comments pointed at florida governor ron desantis? it's "way too early" for this. ♪♪ good morning and welcome to "way too early," the show that's watching one florida man battle another. i'm jonathan lemire on this thursday, january 13th. let's start with the news. >> president biden is keeping the pressure on senate democrats to pass voting rights or change the filibuster. today the president will attend a closed door democratic caucus lunch at the u.s. capitol to push senators into backing the two bills, but despite his vocal support, the president still has an uphill battle to get senators manchin and sinema on board. every democratic senator would need to vote in favor of a change for the filibuster. this comes just one day after majority leader chuck schumer outlined his plan to make sure republicans can't stop him from bringing up voting rights. schumer wrote a memo to colleagues detailing a workaround to get the senate bills to floor for debate even if a final vote remains unlikely. the "associated press" reports by setting up that debate, schumer will achieve a democrat's goal to shine a spotlight to spur senators to publicly say where they stand. quote, we will finally have an opportunity to debate voting rights legislation, something that republicans have thus far denied. senators can finally make clear to the american people where they stand on protecting our democracy and preserving the right of every eligible american to cast a ballot. schumer said he wants a vote on a potential rules change no later than monday, which is, of course t martin luther king jr. holiday. speaking on the senate floor yesterday, minority leader mitch mcconnell gave a blistering rebuke to president biden's voting rights speech in georgia earlier in the week. >> look, i've known, liked, and personally respected joe biden for many years. i did not recognize the man at the podium. >> the president's rant, rant yesterday was incoherent, incorrect, and beneath his office. >> you could not invent a better advertisement for the legislative filibuster than a president abandoning rational persuasion for pure demagoguery. >> pure demagoguery. president biden was asked to respond to the comments yesterday and told reporters simply this. i like mitch mcconnell. it's a friend. they're strongly considering making high-quality masks available for all americans. it comes taf cdc said the n95 and kn95 masks offer the best protection against the omicron variant. at the start of the pandemic the agency did not recommend these masks because of shortages, fwu white house now says there's a stockpile of 750 million n95 masks. here's what cdc director dr. rochelle wolensky had to say on this yesterday. >> the cdc continues to recommend that any mask is better than no mask, and we do encourage all americans to wear a well-fitting mask to protect themselves and prevent the spread of covid-19. we will provide information on improved filtration that occurs with other masks such as n95, information the republican lick needs about which mask is the right one for them. most importantly we want to high litt the best mask for you is the one you can wear comfortably. >> the covid response team did not give details on how or when it plans to get the masks to americans. joining us now, political reporter for axios, sarah mucha. great to see you this morning. just now you're getting us these high-quality masks, but you also have new reporting on democrats' frustration with the biden administration's ohm con response. what do they wasn't to see happen? what did you learn. >> many are feeling fatigue from the omicron variant and the past two years and that includes members of the president's own party. in some ways they're publicly and privately urging people to do more on covid, which include as what we saw from axios last night, a letter from congress won elissa slotkin and also ryane. they're both representatives of the midwest. they say send manufactured k 95 masks to anyone in the country who wants one. this is off the back of a letter we saw from about 40 members of congress in both the house and senate that are urging the administration to expand rapid covid testing as the white house has responded, but press secretary jen psaki last week said that they acknowledge that they're behind where they want to be in a statement, and axios last night asked the white house. they said we're honest about the challenges we face and we're addressing them to members of congress. we ins people may be frustrated with them. and then they went on to list some of the praise they've received from twitter. >> there's also been some of talk about the need for possible additional covid relief bill. i asked the deputy white house press secretary about this yesterday. she sort of danced around the issue. the white house hasn't come out in favor of one or the other yet, but sarah, i want to ask you ahead of the martin luther king holiday with increasing pressure from the democratic base. give us an idea what you anticipate happening with the president's meeting up on the hill with democratic senators. we heard him use the bully pulpit the other day. is there any chance he can get manchin and sinema on board? >> that is the question. that is the evergreen question. can he convince senators manchin and sinema to go along with the democratic party? i expect what the president will do is give us a similar version of the speech he gave in georgia that we saw. it's stressing how important he believes his voting rights legislation is for democracy. you know, we saw senator schumer bring in the authors of the book, "how democracies die" just last week, they're in favor of supporting the demolishing of the filibuster. he'll lean into that and try to bring senators kyrsten sinema and joe manchin to make that one-time change to the filibuster in order to help the legislation. >> manchin said he won't do that without some republican support. sarah mucha of axios, one of our new friends. thank you so much. we'll talk to you again. still ahead, rising prices and fewer items on the grocery store shelves. how long these shortages may last. plus, an alarming rise in covid cases for children, it's at an all-time high. those stories and a check on the weather when we come right back. e weather when we come right back. 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(burke) seventeen-car garage you got there? ♪we are farmers♪ ♪bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum♪ are you tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean? downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters keep your laundry smelling fresh way longer than detergent alone. if you want laundry to smell fresh for weeks, make sure you have downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters. house minority leader kevin mccarthy says he will not cooperate with the january 6th select committee after the panel formally requested an interview with the california lawmaker. the committee is seeking details of mccarthy's communications with then president donald trump throughout the capitol attack and in the days that followed. mccarthy's refusal comes despite his agreeing in may of last year to cooperate with any sort of investigation of the riot. >> would you be willing to testify about your conversation with donald trump on january 6th if you were asked by an outside commission -- >> sure. next question. >> mccarthy, of course, has said he spoke to trump that day, and we know from reporting that he angrily asked the president to intervene, to try to call off his supporters from rioting at the capitol. in the request letter to mccarthy, committee chair bennie thompson said the panel has text messages from multiple witnesses indicating after the attack, kevin mccarthy may have discussed the possibility of impeachment with trump or removal from office under the 25th amendment or even the option of immediate resignation. in refusing to cooperate now, the minority leader said, quote, the committee's only objective is to attempt to damage its political opponents. the panel will now likely weigh whether to subpoena his testimony. former president trump is now calling out politicians who refuse to say whether they've received a covid booster shot. in an interview with the far right cable channel one america news trump says he's had a booster and has criticized those who won't reveal their status. >> i'm taking it. i've had the booster. many politicians, i watched a couple of politicians be interviewed, and one of the questions was did you get the booster, because they had the vaccine. they all -- they're answering it like -- in other words, the answer is yes, but they don't want to say it because they're gutness. they won't say whether or not they had it. say it. the fact of the matter is i think the vaccine has saved tens of millions of people throughout the world. i have had absolutely no side effects. i've had it like other people have had it. nothing special. >> as you can see, trump didn't mention anyone by name, but his remarks appeared to be directed at least in part at florida governor ron desantis who is considered a possible contender in the presidential election in 2024. he has refused to say whether he's received the booster shot and has refused to say whether he'll abandon his position in order to run for president. that has angered trump and fueled a lot of his public comments. >> while consumer prices are soaring, people are finding a shortage of many items including meat and produce. you can blame staffing shortages. nbc's tom costello has more. >>. >> reporter: it's happening at stores across the country. chicken, meat, bakery items, juice, and milk. >> the only milk i could get were two tiny bottles of fat-free. my kids not be happy about it. >> reporter: 5% to 10% of food items are not available. while there is plenty of food in the supply chain, we anticipate consumers will continue to experience sporadic disruptions in certain product categories. >> without a major transformation of everything do with food, farms, retailers, food companies, we're going to see shortages and price increases for the next 12 to 18 months. >> reporter: the reasons are many. soaring demand for groceries with americans choosing to eat at home during the omicron surge, large numbers of food manufacturers and grocery employees out sick with covid, as many as 50% in some stores. winter storms paralyzing major interstates, and a backed up supply chain with a shortage of 80,000 truck drivers nationwide. nbc's jo ling kent with transportation secretary pete buttigieg in l.a. >> we have thousands of truck drivers leaving the job every single year. that creates backups at the warehouses all the way to the ports. still ahead, a fan favorite who helped not one but two franchises end long title droughts calls it a career. and novak djokovic still doesn't know if he'll be allowed to play in the australian tournament. how it's affecting the tournament days before the match. "way too early" is back in a moment here on msnbc. "way too early" is back in a "way too early" is back in a moment here on msnbc mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs. can dove stop 98% of daily hair damage? sandra treats onlock of hair with dove. glowing areas represent hair damage. dove precisely repairs so there are almost no signs... of visible damage. dove intensive repair. number one beauty brand not tested on animals. 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for sure. seriously? one up the power of liquid, one up the toughest stains. any further questions? uh uh! one up the power of liquid with tide pods ultra oxi. stormed away. stripped ahead of the pack is malik. whoa, to lebron. a little show time high off the glass. that time noel forces a turnover. to the reverse. welcome back in time for sports. first, that was lakers malik monk going off the glass for lebron james. the lakers still lost. then a reverse dunk from the knicks' rj barrett. it snapped the mavericks' six-game winning streak. last night brooklyn, well, it showed what it can do with all of its stars available. while the nets only got nine points with kyrie irving playing only his third game of the season after joining the team since refusings to vaccinate and, therefore, can't play at home because of new york city covid regulations, he contributed a little, but it was the other stars who led the way. the nets easily beat the bulls, 138-112. meanwhile in australia government officials are still weighing whether or not to deport novak djokovic. ousting the unvaccinated tennis star remains at the discretion of the country's administration minister if they deem him to be dangerous for health and safety reasons. the deputy prime minister told reporters yesterday the vast majority disapprove of novak djokovic traveling in view of the country's strict covid views, but noted it was not the view of the court who reinstated djokovic's visa earlier in the week. if he's allowed to remain for the australian open, he'll begin his title defense against a fellow serb. there was a delay for over an hour amid the tennis star's visa status. the world remains to see whether he'll be sent home or he'll get a chance to record a 21st grand slam title and tenth at the australian open. the australian open is set to finally begin on monday. also drawing a lot of attention, the nfl. they always do. this year it helped the league to the highest ratings in six seasons. they averaged more than 17 million viewers across tv and digital platforms, marking a 10% increase over last year and the nfl's highest average since 2015. it's gone down due to the pandemic. meanwhile we're waiting for the major league players and the players union to begin talks. while that's happening, one big league pitcher has called it a career. three-time world series champion jon lester has announced his retirement after 16 seasons. the 38-year-old lefty broke into the majors with the boston red sox back in 2006 and after his first big league season was cut short due to a battle with cancer, he returned to the majors in july of 2007 and helped the sox to a championship and was the ace of the team who helped them again in 2013. he joined the chicago cubs a year later and helped lead them in 2016 to the team's first championship since 1908. certainly red sox fans will always think very fondly of jon lester. congratulations on a great career. let's go to the nhl and a fifth contact rear hat trick for brad marchand including two goals 15 seconds apart in the first period that helped the bruins to an easy 5-1 win over the montreal canadiens last night. marchand was mic'd up. listen to this. >> there's a lot less of this. there are things you say sometimes like [ bleep ]. there you go right there. yeah. it's fun, though, right? that's part of it. >> wearing the hot mike, marchand knew he had to be careful but couldn't help himself and slipped anyway. we take similar precautions here on "way too early." i'm on a seven-second delay. we head to meteorologist bill karins who's so foul he's on a 15-second delay. what's going on. >> we're quiet now but then we're taking the next winter storm through the country through the holiday weekend. today's your quiet day, a good travel day, no issues. the snow storm will begin to arrive in the northern plains we have the winter weather alert starting to come out. these will cover the eastern half of the country eventually. right now they're isolated. the area of snow will develop friday especially late tonight and friday moving down through the central plains. it looks like iowa will get a good deal of this. the first area of snow will really be confined from fargo to sioux falls and then the storm will dive to the south over the weekend. saturday we could get snow in oklahoma and arkansas. on sunday snow is likely. upstate south carolina, watch out the western sections of virginia and north carolina. for the east coast, it looks like a period of snow then turning over to sleet and then rain. so kind of a messy storm for you. the heaviest snow totals will be inland. right now the track looks like that red line, jonathan. when the storm comes up, that means the heaviest snow is in western pennsylvania and western portions of new york. so we'll watch the storm, but as of now, this is not a big snowstorm from d.c. to new york to boston. the higher totals would be further inland. >> all right. it's a holiday weekend for many. martin luther king day on monday. that will perhaps reduce the impact of a storm on commutes. bill karins, thanks so much. i know you'll be keeping an eye on that for us. still ahead, health experts are calling the covid vaccination rates among children in the u.s. shocking. >> meanwhile in nursing homes the omicron variant is causing cases to surge among elderly residents. i'll be joined by dr. kavita na. many the meantime why are you up way too early? tweet me. we'll read our favorite answers later in the show. me we'll read our favorite answers later in the show. people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible... with rybelsus®. the majority of people taking rybelsu lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to the possibility of lower a1c with rybelsus®. you may pay as little as $10 for up to a 3-month prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. do i need to pretreat my laundry? nope! with tide pods, you don't need to worry. the pre-treaters are built in. tide pods dissolve even when the water is freezing. nice! if it's got to be clean, it's got to be tide. welcome back to "way too early." it's precisely 5:30 a.m. on the east coast, 2:30 out west. i'm jonathan lemire. the u.s. is facing an alarmingly low rate of child vaccinations. authorities say that only 17% of children are fully vaccinated nationwide two months after the shots with authorized for 5- to 11-year-olds. mississippi has a 5% rate. meanwhile hospitalizations among children under 18 with covid in the u.s. have climbed to their highest levels on record in the past few weeks. meanwhile coronavirus cases are also surging in nursing moments. the spike which is caused largely by the omicron variant is pushing homes to the brink. new federal data shows the highest number of cases ever documented among staffers, 82% of nursing home workers are fully vaccinated, according to the cdc, but only 27% have had their booster shots. nursing homes are also getting hit hard. the cdc reports a 76% raise in cases which is approaching the record. there are more than 32,000 nursing home residents confirmed to have covid as of sunday, according to the cdc. we know the elderly are more vulnerable to that variant. for the second year in a row, covid was the leading cause of death for law enforcement officers in the united states. that's a report released yesterday by the national law enforcement officers memorial fund. preliminary data compiled by the organization showed 458 officers died in the line of duty last year, making it the deadliest in more than 90 years. here's the key part, more than 300 of those federal and local law enforcement officers died from covid. joining us now from the brooks institution, dr. kavita patel. we're always so pleased when you can join us. good morning. let's start with the nursing homes. there are some disturbing statistics we're just seeing there. why do we think the numbers are lagging so much for staff and residents to receive their booster shots, boosters that are readily available, and public health officials say, hey, these boosters are what's key to ward off the omicron variant. >> yeah, jonathan. this is something we've been keeping an eye on ever since we saw the low vaccination uptake rate. i'll take residents first. many nursing homes across the country are quite small, and at the beginning of this surge last year when vaccines were available during the pandemic, nursing homes, you'll recall were a concentrated focus. walgreens, cvs, retail pharmacies have contracts go into the nursing homes and give out vaccines. that is not happening right now for a simple reason. these pharmacies are overwhelmed trying to vaccinate the entire country and they simply don't have staff to go back to each and every one of those nursing homes. as a result, these are not residents who can get up and go to the local pharmacies or doctor's office. that is a problem and barrier. and to the point you're making about staff, i've got to be honest, jonathan, i'm an advocate of health care workers and front line workers. they're humans too. many of them are skeptical and have been misinformed about the vaccine and, therefore, have not had both the vaccine and booster. you mentioned a high vaccine uptick by the cdc. that varies by state. you see some states, oklahoma, alabama, arkansas, where even the initial vaccine series has a very low uptick. the twindemic is the staff being out because they're sick with covid and nursing home residents that are unvaccinated that can be susceptible to covid. we saw stats that show a disturbingly low number of children have not been vaccinated against the virus. what are you telling parents who are reluctant to get their young children vaccinated? >> it's interesting, jonathan. with parents it's a very different discussion i'm having. it's not i never want to get the vaccine for my child. people who are unvaccinated now at this point it's like, no, i've been fine, i don't want to get it. almost all of them to a person says, look, i'm not against vaccines for kids, but i'm concerned, it's too recent, too soon. i think parents have been hearing -- and it is true, jonathan, compared to the nursing home residents that we've been talking about, that the majority of children will have a varied or less severe form of covid, however, it's closing schools down. we're having problems with long covid. we have a lot of unanswered questions about covid. i've been urging parents to get the vaccine. reassuring data -- i want to say this -- comparing those who got the vaccine from the beginning going forward, we have not seen anything severe. most symptoms are mild, soreness of the arm and low-grade fever. what do you make of the omicron rates in the northwest, particularly the northeast? there's some sense there may be a plateauing. >> there is. there's a rise and then a decline. let's hope it gets produce aid cross the rest of the country. unfortunately we'll see a lot more deaths and hospitalizations till we get to that point, but we could see a peak in the next couple of weeks. >> that seems encouraging. it seems like we have a few hard weeks ahead and then downhill. still ahead we'll take a check on "way too early" with wall street. plus, what makes a company a great place to work? msnbc obviously. we'll dig into all that on "way too early" in just a minute. we'll dig into all that on "way too early" in just a minute. people with moderate to severe psoriasis, are rethinking the choices they make like the splash they create the entrance they make, the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. we hit the bike trails every weekend and if you're pregnant shinges doesn't care. i grow all my own vegetables shingles doesn't care. we've still got the best moves you've ever seen good for you, but shingles doesn't care. because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. but, no matter how healthy you feel, your immune system declines as you age increasing your risk for getting shingles. so, what can protect you? shingrix protects. you can protect yourself from shingles with a vaccine proven to be over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your pharmacist or doctor about shingrix. shingles doesn't care. but you should. when our daughter and her kids moved in with us... our bargain detergent couldn't keep up. turns out it's mostly water. so, we switched back to tide. one wash, stains are gone. [daughter] slurping don't pay for water. pay for clean. it's got to be tide. age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. time now for business and for that let's bring in cnbc's julianna tatelbaum. the lead here in "the wall street journal" is about inflation. all three major indices finished in the green yesterday. u.s. stocks rose. are investors not fazed by the inflation news. >> jonathan, there's no doubt about it that inflation is central to the 2020 market narrative, but it came in line with what is in line with expectations. saw all major equity gains yesterday. we saw the oil prices continue its march higher, but i think this largely comes down to the fact that wall street seems to now have faith that the federal reserve is going to intervene and is going to be able to control inflation. so even though we are seeing inflation levels at the highest they've been since 1982, they don't think it's going to spiral out of control. and now investor attention will continue to the producer price index which is due out today, which should give us a sense of how wholesale prices have increased in the last month. >> on-line sales increased over the holiday. the pandemic played a big role in that. how did this inflation continue. >> well, a huge driver of that increase was about 9% over the increase we saw. as you say, $204 billion. the reason for that is the cost from clothing to appliances to food. it rose over the period. online prices increased 3.1% year on year in december. it doesn't account for all the growth but certainly inflation showed up in the online sales numbers just like they showed up in pretty much every part of the economy. >> glass door, an online search company, has released new data of the best places to work in 2022. which places, julianna, made the cut? >> well, i suppose it will come as no surprise tech companies are right at the top. nvidia, hub spot, and bane & company. one name stuck out to me, lululemon. despite the number of controversies it faced over the years, it took the ninth spot. employees like the great benefits, health care, investment options, and money to work out each month. i had a look at other countries and the list of the best places to work in other countries. in france interestingly, a few american companies make the top ten, salesforce, microsoft, and once again, bane & company. >> maybe msnbc will make the list next year. next, a republican congressman compares the vaccine mandates to the holocaust. aisle discuss that despicable compare suggestion next on "way too early." s that despicable compare suggestion next on "way compare suggestion next on "way too early. [music: “you can get it if really want” by jimmy cliff] plaque psoriasis, the tightness, stinging... ...the pain. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. republican congressman warren davidson of ohio is comparing covid vaccine mandates to the holocaust which drew backlash from his colleagues. the congressman shared a photo of a health pass that people were required to carry under the nazi regime and said, quote, this has been done before. jewish groups criticized his tweet and accused him of exploiting the holocaust. this whole thing is appalling and we're not going to give the congressman any more attention he craves but it shows the rhetoric we're seeing on capitol hill and around the country. joining us now, ceo and national director of the anti-defamation league jonathan green. he has a new book, "it could happen here." the book calls out leaders who call out hate. we're seeing an example right now. do you think the parties are doing a good enough job? >> thank you for swrg me this morning. to answer your question, no, the leaders are not doing a good enough job. the idea of invoking the holocaust. the genocide of millions of jews and millions of other people across europe is abominable. one can argue about covid-19 policy, but the notion that muriel bowser of d.c. would ask you to show your vaccination card before going to a restaurant and drawing parallelisms to rights of jews, it's one step from a process of dehumanization that led to them being herded up into the get ghetto, led into cattle cars, and systematically murdered. you try to understand whether it's this congressman or tom massie or marjorie taylor greene or boebert, how they can make these comparisons. >> it's the silencing from republicans who know better. holocaust comparisons should not happen, period, any time for any reason. your book also talks about the rise of the cancel culture and how parties have used it to stifle meaningful debate. what do you mean by that? >> i think we're living in a moment where we have sort of an extreme right and radical left that seem not just impose these kinds of crazy comparisons on us and offend us in every weak moment but to shut down our ability to have dialogue about it, and neither side is exempt from ignorance or tolerance. i think we need to adopt what my friend nick cannon calls more of a counsel culture. we need to call them in and explain it. not like speaker pelosi or other people calling out the congressman, but minority leader mccarthy is telling one of his own, you need to do better and he apologizing. the opportunity to amend is really easy. walk down the street to the u.s. holocoust memorial institution where he can see what happened to the jews and the people of europe. if you're trying to get rid of the can sell culture it's about embracing the opportunity and getting everyone redeemed. >> the holocaust museum is worth it for everyone, a powerful and important place to go. jonathan greenblat, thank you for beinghere," why america is tipping from hate to the unthinkable. i encourage people to pick it up. earlier in the show we ask you this question, why are you awake. one viewer sent us this photo. i am up too early because of these two pups. randy says hello from gaum, way too url is primetime in guam. we appreciate you tuning in no matter where you may be. jason e-mails this picture, i am up early prepping the truck. excited to do my small part to help. that's something we can all applaud. that's the best possible way, reasons to be up way too early helping out those in need those fires in colorado. truly appreciated. thank you for doing that. president biden's approval rating drops to its lowest yet. we'll take a look at the new poll. come up we'll hear from congresswoman val demings on democrats' push on voting rights. secretary of state anthony blinken will join the conversation, u.s. sanctions against north korea over its missile program. plus, lindsey vonn will be a guest this morning, too. "morning joe" is moments away. t. "morning joe" is moments away. trelegy for copd. 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>> i think they're very concerned, democrats don't see how his approval ratings are going to tick backup, looking at inflation and his agenda is stalled and build back better bill is going nowhere in the senate. voting rights right now, yes, the big debate issue but that's also unlikely to pass. all of those things on the agenda coupled with the fact that inflation as well as this new omicron variant and people feeling like what's going to happen with their kids going back to school or having to stay-at-home. it's a lot of uneasy among democrats and you start to see that particularly in the house. you have more than two dozens deciding to retire instead of running again in the midterm election. >> emerging is a different kilt task for democrats to keep power in the house. before we get to the president's voting rights push on the hill today, let's do one more on the poll, this one about donald trump. some believes that new vaccine support, he's out spoken in recent weeks about it is a factor sinking support among republicans. what is your sense? do you think other factor in place and if trump were not to run in 2024, -- >> all signs pointing to donald trump running so far. he's raising money like he would want to and trying to stay active in the cycle. i think his push on the vaccines have been something. he's lashed out on that and lashing out on other republicans desantis for not saying he's gotten a booster or not. that issue over the vaccine is going to play out as long as we see the issue of covid remaining in this country. the president wants to take credit the work he did before he left office. that's something he stood by. ron desantis did have his speech. he laid out the contrast in washington where he stands. one of the leaders in the republican party and how is that even if donald trump does win whether or not it would impact his decision. >> he's one of the few who have said he would not bow out if the former president made another run. let's talk about the current president, president biden is going to head up to the capitol today to talk about voting rights. majority schumer is going to be force a debate and get people on the record. give us a sense of how today is going to play out and if there is any momentum at all for voting rights. is there any believes that something could get done? >> it's going to be a meeting that everybody is watching when he comes up this afternoon to speak with senate democrats. democrats have been meeting a lot with manchin and sinema. so far it does not appear any positions shifted here. as much as they're trying to use the bully pulpit of the white house and as much as schumer trying to put his full weight behind this office, it's hard to see how they come out getting the voting rights passed and how they would get support for change of the filibuster. this is all going to happen over the weekend. the timeline starting on friday and going into the weekend of course everything you mentioned there with the senate. we'll have an answer by the end of the weekend or monday whether or not schumer is going to put this to the right. >> anna palmer, we'll be sure to read that newsletter when it hits our inboxes. thank you so much for being here. thank you to all of you for waking up way too early with us on this thursday morning. "morning joe" starts right now. >> today the house demonstrated that no one is above the law, not even the president of the united states. donald trump is a clear and present danger to our country and that once again we honor our oath of office to protect and defend the constitution of the united states so help us god. >> the president bears

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Newsletter , Inboxes , Law , Clear And Present Danger , Oath Of Office , President Bears , Constitution Of The United States , God ,

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