Transcripts For MSNBC The ReidOut 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The ReidOut 20240709

the year is 2006, republican president george w. bush is signing an extension of the voting rights act. staying there behind him is missouri senator roy blunt who now thinks voting rites is a partisan issue. that 25-year extension of the voting rights act was so bipartisan that both the majority and the minority leader were there for the signing. oh, okay, right here next to hillary clinton is senator lindsey graham before he thought that protecting voting rights was a power grab. fast forward to today when the senator who will go into the history books as little more than a caddy to the disgraced twice impeached former president said this. >> as to voting rights itself, i think this is the most height manufactured issue in a long time. >> let's just be clear. when we talk about voting rights regulation, we talk a lot about what president biden should do, what majority leader chuck schumer could do but what about the republican party up until very recently unanimously supported and voted to renew the 1965 voting rights act? for decades. and who showed up at mlk day church services bragging about it. republicans join majorities, reauthorizing the dra five times including the 98-0 vote in 2006 and they were all signed in to law by republican presidents. republican support for the voting rights act is republicans' favorite talking point when you point out their party swapped places with the old dixie crats. so what happened between 2006 and now to change their support? for one, the first black president barack obama was elected and reelected thanks to massive turnout from voters of color giving the black democrat an opening to shape the courts including the supreme court. well, mitch and them couldn't have that. republicans realizing voters of color could overwhelm them again in georgia in 2020 electing joe biden, a black woman vice president and senators raphael warnock and john in other words giving open access to the vote. the increasingly diverse electret was going to choose democrats. so what are you going to do about a problem like democracy? enter the former president's big lie. a convenient fiction that republicans are gleefully using to lock those pesky voters out. because their political survival is depending on taking power, not earning it. last year all but one republican voted to block debate on the john lewis voting rights advancement act that was introduced to uncripple the votes rights act gutted by john roberts supreme court. 16 of the same republicans who voted to reauthorize the voting rights act of 2006 are still there including none other than current senate minority leader mitch mcconnell. today in john lewis' home district, president biden called out those republicans that refused to stand up to the disgraced former president's big lie urging the senate to approve the voting bill name for the late civil rights leader and another, the freedom to vote act. >> i've been having these quiet conversations with the members of congress for the last two months. i'm tired of being quiet. we must find a way to pass these voting rights bill, debate them, vote, let the majority prevail and if that bare minimum is blocked, we have no option but to change the senate rules including getting rid of the filibuster for this. >> senate majority leader chuck schumer will bring up the bill tomorrow and while the support change is welcome, it why voting rights activist are sitting out today's speech preferring concrete action over another wonderful statement of principles. conservative democrats joe manchin and krysten sinema came down against any filibuster changes without buy in from the same republicans that blocked not one or two but three efforts to even debate voting rights. and today without mentioning any senators by name, president biden laid out the stakes for every single one of them. >> history has never been kind to those who sided with voter suppression over voters' rights, so i ask every elected official in america how do you want to be remembered? consequential moments in history they present a choice. do you want to be on the side of dr. king or george wallace? do you want to be on the side of john lewis or bull conner? this is the moment to decide to defend our elections, to defend our democracy. >> but the question now is what leverage does president biden have to get them on the right side of history and get these voting rights bills passed now? joining me now is aaron haynes, editor in large for "the 19th" and professor of journalism and politics at morgan state university and host of "a word with jason johnson." while i quickly cough, excuse me, everyone. thank you for being here. start. the politics of what the president and vice president tried to do today, what was the political purpose of it? >> yeah, joy, what changed about, you know, from 2006 when you have republicans on board and back when voting rights was a bipartisan issue, what changed was voting rights used to be part of both parties strategy towards expanding a strategy of expanding the electric. in 2012, when you have that gop autopsy of kind of what went wrong for them after the election, the thought was, you know, they needed to expand. they needed to try to appeal to a more diverse electret, to try to appeal to more americans and to get them to engage with the republican party. that strategy has since been abandoned so when you no longer have a strategy of expanding the electric voting rights is suddenly not as bipartisan of an issue. so what we did see today down in atlanta headed into the martin luther king junior holiday on the campus of his alma mater morehouse college part of the atlanta university center in the district, former congressman john lewis who these voting rights is named after, the president and vice president using the bully pulpet. we didn't hear a specific plan for organizers not in attendance today how this legislation will pass and what they are specifically willing to do to make that happen. i mean, you heard both the president and vice president talking about how they plan to keep fighting for voting rights but what exactly is that going to mean? the president and the vice president were preaching to the choir down in georgia. we know voters in that state did what they had to do in 2020 and january of 2021 but he did call out some in the congregation but revisionist history is popular these days but, you know, literally, the average age in the u.s. senate, 64.3 years old, right? he's literally hoping to channel their legacies, their obituaries if you will and ask what side of the bridge do you want to be on tomorrow if senator schumer is to be believed everybody is going to have a chance to be on that proverbial bridge tomorrow and make a decision which side of history, which side of our democracy they want to be on in casting their vote when the camera is rolling and we're watching. >> i mean, it's very clear, jason, that i mean, when the history is written, mitch mcconnell is going to be remembered as the strom thurmond of our era. he used the filibuster more than anybody used it to try to stop the first black president from being successful. it very clear he is going to be straw th straw thurmond, we got that. i want to play marco rubio because he was part of what aaron was talking about, this van guard of younger republicans who republicans at one point thought could bring them in more voters of color and younger voters and it didn't work out that way because they have the same politics. here is mitch mcconnell first. >> if my colleague tries to break the senate to silence those millions of americans, we will make their voices heard in this chamber in ways that are more inconvenient for the majority and this white house than what anybody has seen in living memory. >> marco rubio, i won't even play it but he's claiming there is no wide spread effort to suppress minority voting rights. he said that with a straight face, that's the story and they will stick to it. are we at the point now where politically because they've left themselves little room to maneuver are at a point republicans will get away claiming they're not trying to stop people from voting and literally stop them from voting and stealing the elections anyway? >> so first, joy, i want to let you know we don't know what the history books will say about mitch mcconnell because we talk about voter suppression, isn't that critical race theory? >> right. >> we don't even know what the history books could say about this when we get there. hear is the problem. it's clear what their plan is. they want politicians to pick voters instead of voters picking politicians and this is why it important based on what biden said today. it was a forceful speech. that's great. that's wonderful. biden said at a town hall in october he was in favor of some sort of reform. i want to jump us ahead not just to the future historically but next week. the vote to reform the philler bust er -- filibuster fails. this is the plan that activists are talking about, don't come down here without a plan. i've said before you can send federal election monitors to all 50 states. if you're violating people's civil rights, we'll snatch your highway money. attach infrastructure bill money to election reform. you can't get $1.8 billion. you had van at "the atlantic" that said if you're supressing votes and there are plans joe biden could talk about today what to do if the vote doesn't work. that's why history will judge him almost as harshly as mitch mcconnell because he hasn't used all the power from his resources to the carrot he was trying to offer to some people today. >> yeah, the excellent points. aaron haynes, jason johnson, thank you and appreciate you both. i want to bring in sheilyn eiffel. you heard what they said. there is not a lot of box left for president biden other than the rhetorical box, which he used today in which vice president harris used today. so let say the vote goes on the floor of the senate and manchin and sinema decide we're rolling with that. we'll be the strom thurmond end of the party. then what? >> thank you. much of the power around election protection is going to rest with the department of justice. i don't have any worries that the department of justice will not pull out all the stops to do some of the important things that we need to protect the vote. that was the whole point of ensuring that there were, you know, former civil rights attorneys and voting rights attorneys in leadership the head of the civil rights division is christian clark, an experienced long time voting rights litigation. so there will be things that can be done through the doj for sure and i think many of the ideas that jason talked about and we have pressed the president on this since last year use all your power and influence. i have to disagree with jason that i don't think laying out what those threats are today would have been the best possible move because i think you play out every hand that you're dealt. we're going to see what happens with this vote. i think you're right that we don't have much reason to believe the vote will go differently. obviously, joy, you know that civil rights groups ask the president to make the speech he made today last summer on july 9th when we met directly with the president. he did make a speech in philadelphia. he did not make the speech he made today and as he said today he chose to go the route of quiet diplomacy, which he thought would be effective. obviously, it wasn't and today he chose to speak publicly. if the truth is known, i'm not even sure today whether had he spoken public earlier would it have made a difference. what i saw with bill beck which the president championed around the country and talked about non-stop and still had the chair pulled out from under him, i just i'm not certain it would have made a difference. the point is that it's critical to use all the of the presidential power and the bully pulpit is a big part of it but he's speaking to the broader american public. this is not just about what black people, brown people, civil rights advocates want. this say democracy moment. we need to put it in the context particularly following so closely on the excellent speech about january 6th on the anniversary. >> indeed. that's important. it gets framed as if this is an issue about black people and it isn't because once you put on the table that you can simply ban groups that you don't want to vote from voting and use all of these tricks to make it so impossible and so ownerous they can't vote, that can be used on anybody, right? do you think -- >> well -- >> looking back -- go on. >> no, i was just going to say that's exactly right, joy. that was true long before 2016 when trump came to power. it was true in 2013 just the timeline let's get straight about what happened. the supreme court's decision in the shelby county versus holder case which essentially, you know, struck down the 2006 bipartisan vote to reauthorize the voting rights act at least in regards to section five really was the opening of the flood gates. it suggested new to southern states that had been covered by preclearance and several northern ones as well as the republican party they could have a free for all and been doing it since and we've been sounding the alarm long before trump came to power and we need people to understand this is a democracy issue. this is not an issue for black people so we're in a crisis because what they were trying out just on black and brown people they have decided to run the tables on the whole nation. so everyone needs to wake up and say what are you going to do next? what are you going to do? at this point, it's all hands on deck. >> because if they coming for us, they always start with black folks and then come for the rest of you. that's the way it works. they want authoritarian control, they don't want the vote at all. and i think y'all need to wake up to that. thank you very much. really as appreciate you. for the first 75 years of his life, donald trump managed to stay one step ahead of the law but there are new signs his luck could be running out. plus. >> you've advocated your infallible opinion be dictated by law. >> you personally attack me and with absolutely not a shred of evidence of anything you say. >> dr. fauci fends off the republicans' political attacks as we ask the question how do we keep ourselves safe from the millions of americans who will never be convinced to get the covid vaccine? plus, i'll speak to the author of a brand-new book on her belief the u.s. is moving parlously close to a civil war and tonight's absolute worst, 20 years and four presidents it remains an american disgrace. "the reidout" continues after this. disgrace "the reidout" continues after "the reidout" continues after thisay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto. ♪ ♪making your way in the world today♪ ♪takes everything you've got♪ ♪ ♪taking a break from all your worries ♪ ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? ♪ ♪ ♪ sometimes you want to go ♪ ♪where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪ ♪and they're always glad you came ♪ here we go... remember, mom's a kayak denier, so please don't bring it up. bring what up, kayak? excuse me? do the research, todd. listen to me, kayak searches hundreds of travel sites to find you great deals on flights, cars and hotels. they're lying to you! who's they? 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>> yeah, absolutely. what a telling clip you just played joy. not only was he trying to corruptly steal the election, he was threatening georgia state election officials with retribution, retaliation if they don't corruptly throw him the election. it's mind boggling the crimes he committed but when i heard donald trump's unhinged statement i believe it was back on december 17th. he was lashing out at district attorneys and state attorneys, general and dem law enforcement agencies the first thing this old prosecutor heard and i said the back then is somebody just told donald trump's defense team he's about to be indicted. let me tell you, those meetings that we have with the defense teams of targets of our grand jury investigations i've had many of them myself. most often we have them in large scale corruption cases, fraud cases, white collar cases, not so much in violent crime cases but what we do is right before we take that final trip into the grand jury and ask them to vote on criminal charges and return an indictment, we invite the defense team in and say listen, maybe we're looking at this wrong. if you have any evidence that could exonerate your client or if we're barking up the wrong tree, maybe we didn't hear what we heard on the recorded call with brad unlikely but still, we're inviing you to provide that exonerating information and you know what? we'll look at it and assess it before we walk into the grand jury that one last time and ask them to indict donald trump. that likely happened as we've seen based on the reporting that is what set trump off and feels like the georgia state prosecutors might be the first ones out of the blocks on the race for justice to donald trump. >> it's very interesting to listen to that because in a since it was merrick garland, the democracy loving part of this country is throwing up the hands he isn't doing. what are the politics around administration now potentially watching saying there is an indictment. the biden administration, clearly the department of justice wants no part of a political prosecution. it feels like they run screaming the other way even though that would seem to be the just result. >> look, as you said, the white house has said over and over again they want to be independent of the justice department because of the predecessor that being donald trump using the justice department like his personal attorney so in some cases, merrick garland is watching local officials do something he himself is not doing but let's also remember at the height of this, we saw local officials, they were the ones standing up to donald trump and essentially were saving republicans saying we're not going to do what you said. it's not surprising looking at how this unfolded and how should say this push to try to steal an election unfolded, it was the republicans in georgia who essentially said stop, i'm recording your calls. i'm not going to be changing votes. we'll certify this election. let think about the fact brad wrathens burger had the presence of mind to record the call because he knew former president trump would say something that would be problematic, when you listen to the call, it is nothing short of a clear sign from the former president he wanted them to steal the election. he said at one point, it's okay for you to say you calculate again and found more votes. as someone from haitian descent, that's what dictators say. that's what people who are trying to steal an election say to local officials, we need you to tweak these numbers a bit for us. merrick garland is probably looking at this a bit and saying these officials are moving faster than us but wants to hold people accountable and you have to remember there is the january 6th committee. they're also looking at specifically on one team local officials being pressured by the white house but all of that is happening while the district attorney in georgia is saying you guys can continue to look but we have hard evidence for this specific situation. >> yeah, and you know, glenn you've got bennie thompson's committee there. they issued the subpoenas that, three subpoenas that, people around donald trump junior. lindsey graham tried the pressure the georgia secretary of state to flip the election. we're talking about whether or not you can subpoena on the capitol hillside of the united states senate or united states member of congress. could he wind up in trouble because he did it, too? >> he could. i'm quite sure fanny willis is investigating this as a conspiracy, not a stand alone crime by donald trump. we've seen conspiratorial conduct by any number of politicians, executive branch officials, you know, personalities like steve bannon and roger stone and how can prosecutors not investigate the entire scope of the crime to determine okay, is it a conspiracy? was it an agreement between two or more people to commit a crime and did at least one co-conspirator take that over act? when you ask joy about subpoenaing members of congress, whether they be house members or senators, i hope the house select committee doing bang up work, i hope they finally take that leak and subpoena a jim jordan or scott perry or vice president so we can get that issue decided once and for all instead of forever hesitaing before we act. >> maybe use contempt and flex their power while they have it. amy, glenn, thank you both very much. still ahead, dr. anthony fauci spars with response to covid. stay with us. dr. anthony fauci spars with response to covid. stay with us step up. prep up. to help keep you free from the risk of hiv. descovy for prep. a once-daily prescription medicine... ...that helps lower the chances of getting hiv through sex. it's not for everyone. descovy for prep has not been studied in people assigned female at birth. talk to your doctor to find out if it's right for you. descovy is another way to prep. descovy does not prevent other sexually transmitted infections, so it's important to use safer sex practices and get tested regularly. you must be hiv-negative to take descovy for prep. so, you need to get tested for hiv immediately before and at least every 3 months while taking it. if you think you were exposed to hiv or have flu-like symptoms, tell your doctor right away. they may check to confirm you are still hiv-negative. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a build-up of lactic acid and liver problems. the most common side effect was diarrhea. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking descovy without talking to your doctor. ask your doctor about your risk of hiv... ...and if descovy for prep is right for you. get help paying for descovy for prep. learn more at get help paying for descovy for prep. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ with chase security features, guidance and convenience, banking feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. at intra-cellular therapies, we're inspired by our circle. a circle that includes our researchers, driven by our award-winning science, who uncover new medicines to treat mental illness. it includes the compassionate healthcare professionals, the dedicated social workers, and the supportive peer counselors we work with to help improve - and even change - people's lives. moving from mental illness to mental wellness starts in our circle. this is intra-cellular therapies. i've been telling everyone... the secret to great teeth is having healthy gums.rcle. crest advanced gum restore. detoxifies below the gumline... and restores by helping heal gums in as little as 7 days. crest. the #1 toothpaste brand in america. threats upon my life, harassment of my family and my children with obsene phone calls because people are lying about me. i ask myself why would senator want to do this? so go to rand paul website and you see fire dr. fauci with a little box that says contribute here. you can do $5, $10, $20, $100. so you are making a catastrophic epidemic for your political gain. >> top infectious disease expert dr. anthony fauci called out senator rand paul during a congressional hearing today for doing what is clearly the republican end game, playing politics with people's lives. the harassment of dr. fauci illustrates what this country is up against even as public health officials offered grim testimony about what lies ahead. >> omicron is likely not to be the last curveball this virus throws at us. >> you do know tests are picking up omicron but right now withless sensitivity than they did other variants. most people are going to get covid. all right? we need to do is make sure the hospitals can still function, transportation, you know, other essential services are not disrupted while this happens. >> with u.s. hospitalizations surpassing last winter's peak, our health care system is once again on the brink to the point that some health care authorities are forced to make what isn't even a choice allowing nurses and other workers infected with covid to stay on the job if they have mild symptoms or none at all. joining me is covid medical director for housing works in new york city. you're wearing a fauci shirt. dr. roy, listen, if we're at the point where people think the answer to what we're dealing with in this pandemic is to threaten to kill dr. fauci and his family, which is where we are with anti-vax, anti mask people and blame him for creating covid somewhere in a lab they think, that i feel like we're at a point where we're not having a rational conversation about this pandemic anymore. and where those of us who are rational about it and don't want to die from covid, don't want to be on a ventilator need to create a life for ourselves that accounts for the people who are refusing to participate in reality but doesn't put us at risk to them. is there a way to do that? i'm worried our hospital systems are literally going to collapse. >> yeah, happy tuesday and very cold tuesday to you, joy. i watched the hearing that was today. the senate hearing. and dr. fauci being attacked by senator rand paul i'm shocked that dr. -- sorry, that rand paul was a former physician because he doesn't exceed qualities doctors and nurses possess. empathy, compassion, a pension for science and data to drive health care policies and for him to go after, i mean, his insane lifetime public servant and hayly infectious disease doctor makes people like me double down on what we're doing, provide high quality patient care, provide education and advocate through social media and op eds. we have to double down. it seems like, joy, the rational folks are becoming the minority and we are not, actually. we're the majority. we have to be really loud about it and be advocating and activists about this. it's the only way to get through this pandemic, joy. >> yeah, by the way, to note, rand paul did create his own accreditation. he didn't get it from a regular place. i wouldn't let him operate on me if i was desperate. let's talk about what other countries are doing because at some point i feel like people who are willfully unvaccinated, fine. don't get vaccinated. they need to pay a little more of the cost of what this is doing to our system. there are fines that are leveed in places like germany. germany stopped paying for the tests, the virus tests that don't get vaccinated. they ended quarantine pay. if you're a smoker, insurance companies can charge you more. they can charge you a premium of 50% and you have to put that on the form when you apply for insurance. don't we have to make people that are saying i'm willing to take the risk to be unvaccinated for me and everyone i come in contact with, shouldn't they have to pay more into the system because they are collapsing our health system? they're the ones in the e.r.s? they're taking it up. if you have a stroke or heart attack, you can't get in the e.r. because they're taking up the beds so shouldn't they have to pay more? >> i'm sadly aware of what is happening the hospitals and health care facilities all over the world. hospitalizations in the united states increased 30% this week and what is happening is this a atrocious strain is resulting in hospitals being short staffed, doctors, nurses getting infected themselves. they are working long hours. they're depressed. they're demoralized. so there are many possible interventions that we can impose on the people who choose to continue to choose to be unvaccinated, increase insurance premiums creating a list or triage list so when people come to the hospital, maybe one of the first questions we ask is are you vaccinated? that will direct them toward a certain type of care pause we do that i can guarantee you when a patient comes in with shortness of breath like my dad got hospitalized three times the last two years with shortness of breath related to his heart failure. the first question they ask is are you a smoker? he's not. it didn't direct the care but there are several things we can do. i'm not giving up on the people that remain unvaccinated, joy. we need to get them vaccinated. we need to find other measures and mandates and other measures to really get them to get vaccinated. that's really major. >> mandates. look, i've given up. we are -- listen, i won't say i've given up but at a certain point, we have to prioritize the people that have done the right thing for two years who are exhausted and sick of having to accommodate these people who are making other people sick. at a certain point, the people that have done the right things need to get to be able to live their lives normally and if people don't want to get vaccinated, they need to be willing to kick in and pay for their own risk. you want to jump out of a plane, you pay for the risk. don't make the rest of us pay for it and lose our health system. that's on me, not you. thank you very much. tonight's absolute worst is still ahead but the justice department forms a new unit dedicated to stopping domestic terrorists. could this help us reverse a slow slide toward a second civil war? 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that's your great grandfather. it's like opening a whole 'nother world that we did not know existed. you finally have a face to a name. we're discovering together... it's been an amazing gift. facing leaks takes strength. so here's to the strong, wwho trust in our performance and comfortable long-lasting protection. because your strength is supported by ours. depend. the only thing stronger than us, is you. elevated threat from violence extremists. we've seen a growing threat by racial animist and anti-government ideologies. >> the number of fbi domestic terror investigations doubled since the spring of 2020. as a result the department of justice is forming a new domestic terrorism unit to fight the growing threat. the january 6th insurrection showed how far some extreists are willing to go to over throw democratic elections and some experts are sounding the alarm we could be headed toward a second civil war. barbara has been studying civil wars for over 30 years. it turns out one of the best predictors whether a country will experience a civil war whether it's moving toward or away from democracy. joining me is barbara walter, professor of international affairs at the school of global policy and strategy at the university of california san diego and the author of "how civil wars start and how to stop them ". very timely you're here now. you serve as a cia advisory panel and monitor countries around the world. the u.s. is listed as a backsliding democracy. how close does that mean that we are in real life to descending into a civil war? >> so between 2017 and 2021 i served on this task force run by the u.s. government and it's called the political instability task force and our job is to come up with a predictive model that helped the government predict where around the world political instability and political violence was likely to break out. we looked at all sorts of factors, poverty, inequality, heterogenius countries were. the first is a fancy term for partial democracy. it's a country that has elements of democracy but it's also has elements of more autocrat government. the second factor is whether the country's population has broken down along ethnic, religious and/or racial lines and have formed a political party or political parties based on identity rather than ideology and of course, over the last five years, i've been looking at my own country and low and behold both of these factors have been emerging here and they've been emerging at a surprisingly fast rate. >> yeah. i mean, we've always had racial conflict in this country. the country is built on enslavement and the defense of enslavement to the point of going to war but i can recall working on the book i did about trump said, you know, their white nationalist party that ruled south africa for a long time used to channel to republicans saying you need to be the white defense party. they used to say that very openly in the 1980s, and it feels now that the republicans have taken that advice. they have become sort of the white defense party or the white christian nationalist party. is that a fair statement? >> yes, of the two factors, the most important one, the one that is most heavily linked to the outbreak of political violence is this ethnic factionalization. if you have political parties that no longer care about ideology or that's not what's bringing people together, and instead, it's race and not only that, but the party then is looking to gain power to exclude everybody else, that's where you get violence. you have seen this in the philippines where muslims in the south, when catholics started moving in and they started to lose their majority status. they tried to still compete in a system, but they couldn't. they didn't have the numbers. and so they shifted to violence. if you look at the asimes in india as bengalis started moving into their territory and they started to become a minority in what they perceived as their country, their rightful country, they switched to violence instead. you see it in northern ireland, you see it with the palestinians in israel as well. you see this over and over again. here in the united states, we're in the midst of this grand transformation from a white majority country to a white minority country. that's going to happen around 2045. we're the first white majority country to go through this transition, but canada is going to come after us, new zealand is going to be next, australia is going to be next. it's estimated by 2000, the and a subset of the population here, this is deeply, deeply threatening, and they, the extremists in that group are willing to turn to violence to maintain their hold on power. they seek the united states as a white christian country, and they feel like they're justified to fight to maintain it. one last thing. we know who tends to start civil wars. most people think it's the poorest groups in society or it's the immigrants or the groups that are most oppressed. they don't tend to start civil wars. they are dissempowered. it's very hard for them to start a civil war. the groups that tend to start civil wars are the groups that have one spin dominant politically and are in decline. they are either losing power or they have lost power. the once powerful groups don't tend to go down without a fight. >> i will note "the washington post" has a poll saying 1 in 3 americans say that violence against the government can be justified, citing fears of political schism and the pandemic, and it's kind of hard to start a white country if you import millions and millions and millions of africans to do all the work and invade a place that already had lots of millions and millions and millions of indigenous people who weren't white. that ain't a white country, honey. y'all started something you thought you started and you didn't. barbara walter, thank you for pointing out all of this. it's scary but scaring and caring. thank you. >> coming up, tonight's absolute worst. a festering open wound on america's conscience. you do not want to miss it. w. all you have to do is schedule delivery. go to to get started in 15 seconds today. i'm still drawn to what's next. even with higher stroke risk due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem. so if there's a better treatment than warfarin that's a trail i want to take. eliquis. eliquis reduces stroke risk better than warfarin. and has less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis has both. don't stop taking eliquis without talking to your doctor as this may increase your risk of stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking, you may bruise more easily or take longer for bleeding to stop. get help right away for unexpected bleeding, or unusual bruising. it may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. the number one cardiologist-prescribed blood thinner. ask your doctor about eliquis. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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"all in" with chris hayes starts now. tonight, on "all in." >> what happens when he gets out and accuses me of things that are completely untrue is that all of a sudden that kindles the crazies out there, and i have threats upon my life. >> dr. anthony fauci unmasks rand paul. >> why would a senator want to do this? so go to rand paul website, and you see fire dr. fauci with a little box that says, contribute here. >> tonight, my exclusive intervie

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Thanks , Supreme Court , Senators , Georgia , John , Words , Open Access , Raphael Warnock , 2020 , Democracy , Electret , Problem , Fiction , Big Lie , Power , John Lewis , Debate , Survival , Voting Rights Advancement Act , Rights , None , John Roberts Supreme Court , 16 , Leader , Voting Bill Name , Home District , Way , Congress , Members , Debate Them , Conversations , Another , Quiet , The Freedom To Vote Act , Two , Filibuster , Minimum , Rules , Option , Support Change , Bill , Speech Preferring Concrete Action , Activist , Unexplicable , Filibuster Changes , Conservative Democrats , Efforts , Principles , Buy , Joe Manchin , Krysten Sinema , Three , History , Name , America , Kind , Voter Suppression , Official , Who , Stakes , Side , Choice , King , George Wallace , Elections , Question , Leverage , Bull Conner , Aaron Haynes , Politics , Professor , Voting Rights Bills , Word , Host , Journalism , Morgan State University , The 19th , 19 , Jason Johnson , Start , It , Purpose , Strategy , Part , Both , Electric , 2012 , Election , Thought , Autopsy , See Today Down In Atlanta , Electric Voting Rights , Martin Luther King Junior Holiday , Campus , District , Morehouse College , Atlanta University Center , Alma Mater , Plan , Organizers , Legislation , Bully Pulpet , Vice President , Choir , Fighting , Estate , Congregation , Age , 2021 , January Of 2021 , Bridge , Legacies , Obituaries , 64 3 , Chance , Everybody , Decision , Camera , Anybody , Strom Thurmond , Marco Rubio , Straw Th Thurmond , Didn T Work Out , Aaron , Colleague , Van Guard , Millions , Ways , Chamber , Voices , Effort , Memory , Spread , People , Point , Voting , Face , Point Republicans , Story , Room , Isn T That Critical Race Theory , Politicians , Sort , Speech , Reform , Favor , Town Hall , Philler Bust Er , Don T , Activists , States , 50 , The Atlantic , Infrastructure Bill Money , Highway Money , Election Reform , 1 8 Billion , 8 Billion , Votes , Plans , He Hasn T , Resources , Vote Doesn T Work , Points , Carrot , Sheilyn Eiffel , Box , Floor , Things , Department Of Justice , Protection , Worries , Some , Much , Voting Rights Attorneys , Attorneys , Leadership , Voting Rights Litigation , Head , Christian Clark , Civil Rights Division , Ideas , Many , Jason , Influence , Doj , Threats , Hand , Move , Reason , Groups , Philadelphia , July 9th , 9 , Truth , Route , Wasn T , Diplomacy , Country , Public , Difference , Chair , Bill Beck , American , Bully Pulpit , Brown People , Context , 6 , January 6th , Wall , Table , Anniversary , Tricks , Ownerous , Month Trump , Go On , 2016 , Case , Timeline , Shelby County , Holder , Versus , 2013 , Ones , Southern States , Section , Flood Gates , Alarm , Democracy Issue , Crisis , Hands On Deck , Nation , Tables , Rest , Folks , Control , Donald Trump , Life , Step , Luck , Signs , 75 , Evidence , Attacks , The Republicans , Opinion , Shred , Anything , Fauci Fends , Covid , Book , Civil War , Author , Belief , 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, Business Practices , Solicitation , Half , Heart Burn , Source , New York , Latisha James , Claim , Emergency Injunction , Father , Take A Look , State Attorney General , Campaign Promise , Constitution , Children , Dozens , Videos , Washington D C , Rate , Stuff , Clause , Dad Inside The Constitution , Yes , Russia , Venezuela , Subpoenas , Glenn Kushner , Moderator , January 6th Committee , Anchor , Trump , Brad Wrathens Burger , Secretary Of State , Cheating , Knock , Offense , Risk , Doing , A G Alexander , Ryan , Meeting , Conspiracy , Election Fraud Case , Georgia State , Clip , Mind , Statement , District Attorneys , Crimes , Retaliation , Retribution , Lashing , December 17th , 17 , Thing , Defense Team , State Attorneys , Prosecutor , Dem , Law Enforcement Agencies , Cases , Fraud Cases , Meetings , Grand Jury Investigations , Defense Teams , Corruption , Targets , Scale , White Collar , Crime , Grand Jury , Indictment , Trip , Client , Tree , Exonerating Information , 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Cough , Loss , Rash , Dizziness , Yellowing , Tiredness , Appetite , Urine , Fever , Trelegy , Treatment , Copd , Breastfeeding , Coughing , Grapefruit , Birds Flyin , Driftin , What S Next , Copd Medicine , Won T , Heart Condition , Lung Function , Inhaler , Rescue Inhaler , Flare Ups , Swelling , High Blood Pressure , Vision Changes , Breathing , Thrush , Osteoporosis , Pneumonia , Problems Urinating , Eye , Tongue , Mouth , Trelegy Com , Save , Daughter , Ancestors , Oh My God , Papa , Grandfather , Whole , Strength , Leaks , Strong , Performance , Gift , Wwho Trust , Depend , Violence , Extremists , Threat , Growing Threat , Animist , Terrorism , Ideologies , Spring , Domestic Terror Investigations , January 6th Insurrection , Fbi , Wars , Barbara Walter , Extreists , Experts , Policy , Predictors , School , International Affairs , University Of California San Diego , Cia , Backsliding Democracy , Descending , 2017 , Government , Instability , Task Force , Model , Task Force Run , Factors , Sorts , Poverty , Inequality , Elements , First , Term , Autocrat , Heterogenius , Parties , Population , Factor , Ethnic , Lines , Ideology , Course , Low , Identity , War , Enslavement , Defense , Conflict , White Defense Party , South Africa , 1980 , Defense Party , Advice , Christian Nationalist Party , Factionalization , Outbreak , Majority Status , South , Philippines , Everybody Else , Muslims , Catholics , Couldn T , Numbers , Asimes , India , Bengalis , Territory , Palestinians , Israel , Northern Ireland , Transformation , Midst , Transition , Canada , Australia , New Zealand , 2000 , 2045 , Group , Subset , Society , Immigrants , Dissempowered , Politically , Decline , One Spin Dominant , Fight , Poll , Fears , Schism , Washington Post , Saying , Work , Ain T , Africans , Lots , Who Weren T White , Coming Up , Conscience , Wound , Honey , Schedule Delivery , W , Stop Taking Eliquis , Stroke Risk , Warfarin , Afib , Heart Valve Problem , Trail , Bruise , Artificial Heart Valve , Blood Thinner , Procedures , Oh Ozempic , A1c , Oh , Type 2 Diabetes , 2 , Adults , Heart Disease , Events , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , 12 , Don T Take Ozempic , Type 1 Diabetes , Needles , Share , Pens , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Reuse , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Vision Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Changes , Stomach Pain , Insulin , Lump , Reaction , Stop Ozempic , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Provider , Prescription , Health Care Provider , Dehydration , Nausea , Vomiting , Big City In America , Recycling System , San Francisco , Employee , Recology , That S Why , Ground Up , Language , Gracias , 9 11 , Prisoners , Guantanamo Bay , Combatants , Prisoners Of War , Geneva Convention , Cuba , Afghanistan , They Weren T Otherinary , Detainees , Conditions , Human Rights Abuses , Carte Blanche , 540 Million , 39 , 40 Million , Trial , Hasn T , Release , Men , 13 , Prison , Torture , Court , Give , Use , Acts , U N , George Wmp , Guantanamo One , Office , Groundswell , Executive Orders , Sentiment , Whereby Guantanamo , Inauguration , Process , Funding , Issues , Ideals , Safety , Opposition , Executive Order , Left Guantanamo , Gulag , The End , 197 , Isn T Acting Like Guantanamo , Defense Bill , Dudes , Goal , Closing Guantanamo , Abuse , Embarrassment , Courtroom , Legacy , It Open , Chris Hayes , All In , Sudden , Crazies , My Exclusive Intervie ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC The ReidOut 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The ReidOut 20240709

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the year is 2006, republican president george w. bush is signing an extension of the voting rights act. staying there behind him is missouri senator roy blunt who now thinks voting rites is a partisan issue. that 25-year extension of the voting rights act was so bipartisan that both the majority and the minority leader were there for the signing. oh, okay, right here next to hillary clinton is senator lindsey graham before he thought that protecting voting rights was a power grab. fast forward to today when the senator who will go into the history books as little more than a caddy to the disgraced twice impeached former president said this. >> as to voting rights itself, i think this is the most height manufactured issue in a long time. >> let's just be clear. when we talk about voting rights regulation, we talk a lot about what president biden should do, what majority leader chuck schumer could do but what about the republican party up until very recently unanimously supported and voted to renew the 1965 voting rights act? for decades. and who showed up at mlk day church services bragging about it. republicans join majorities, reauthorizing the dra five times including the 98-0 vote in 2006 and they were all signed in to law by republican presidents. republican support for the voting rights act is republicans' favorite talking point when you point out their party swapped places with the old dixie crats. so what happened between 2006 and now to change their support? for one, the first black president barack obama was elected and reelected thanks to massive turnout from voters of color giving the black democrat an opening to shape the courts including the supreme court. well, mitch and them couldn't have that. republicans realizing voters of color could overwhelm them again in georgia in 2020 electing joe biden, a black woman vice president and senators raphael warnock and john in other words giving open access to the vote. the increasingly diverse electret was going to choose democrats. so what are you going to do about a problem like democracy? enter the former president's big lie. a convenient fiction that republicans are gleefully using to lock those pesky voters out. because their political survival is depending on taking power, not earning it. last year all but one republican voted to block debate on the john lewis voting rights advancement act that was introduced to uncripple the votes rights act gutted by john roberts supreme court. 16 of the same republicans who voted to reauthorize the voting rights act of 2006 are still there including none other than current senate minority leader mitch mcconnell. today in john lewis' home district, president biden called out those republicans that refused to stand up to the disgraced former president's big lie urging the senate to approve the voting bill name for the late civil rights leader and another, the freedom to vote act. >> i've been having these quiet conversations with the members of congress for the last two months. i'm tired of being quiet. we must find a way to pass these voting rights bill, debate them, vote, let the majority prevail and if that bare minimum is blocked, we have no option but to change the senate rules including getting rid of the filibuster for this. >> senate majority leader chuck schumer will bring up the bill tomorrow and while the support change is welcome, it why voting rights activist are sitting out today's speech preferring concrete action over another wonderful statement of principles. conservative democrats joe manchin and krysten sinema came down against any filibuster changes without buy in from the same republicans that blocked not one or two but three efforts to even debate voting rights. and today without mentioning any senators by name, president biden laid out the stakes for every single one of them. >> history has never been kind to those who sided with voter suppression over voters' rights, so i ask every elected official in america how do you want to be remembered? consequential moments in history they present a choice. do you want to be on the side of dr. king or george wallace? do you want to be on the side of john lewis or bull conner? this is the moment to decide to defend our elections, to defend our democracy. >> but the question now is what leverage does president biden have to get them on the right side of history and get these voting rights bills passed now? joining me now is aaron haynes, editor in large for "the 19th" and professor of journalism and politics at morgan state university and host of "a word with jason johnson." while i quickly cough, excuse me, everyone. thank you for being here. start. the politics of what the president and vice president tried to do today, what was the political purpose of it? >> yeah, joy, what changed about, you know, from 2006 when you have republicans on board and back when voting rights was a bipartisan issue, what changed was voting rights used to be part of both parties strategy towards expanding a strategy of expanding the electric. in 2012, when you have that gop autopsy of kind of what went wrong for them after the election, the thought was, you know, they needed to expand. they needed to try to appeal to a more diverse electret, to try to appeal to more americans and to get them to engage with the republican party. that strategy has since been abandoned so when you no longer have a strategy of expanding the electric voting rights is suddenly not as bipartisan of an issue. so what we did see today down in atlanta headed into the martin luther king junior holiday on the campus of his alma mater morehouse college part of the atlanta university center in the district, former congressman john lewis who these voting rights is named after, the president and vice president using the bully pulpet. we didn't hear a specific plan for organizers not in attendance today how this legislation will pass and what they are specifically willing to do to make that happen. i mean, you heard both the president and vice president talking about how they plan to keep fighting for voting rights but what exactly is that going to mean? the president and the vice president were preaching to the choir down in georgia. we know voters in that state did what they had to do in 2020 and january of 2021 but he did call out some in the congregation but revisionist history is popular these days but, you know, literally, the average age in the u.s. senate, 64.3 years old, right? he's literally hoping to channel their legacies, their obituaries if you will and ask what side of the bridge do you want to be on tomorrow if senator schumer is to be believed everybody is going to have a chance to be on that proverbial bridge tomorrow and make a decision which side of history, which side of our democracy they want to be on in casting their vote when the camera is rolling and we're watching. >> i mean, it's very clear, jason, that i mean, when the history is written, mitch mcconnell is going to be remembered as the strom thurmond of our era. he used the filibuster more than anybody used it to try to stop the first black president from being successful. it very clear he is going to be straw th straw thurmond, we got that. i want to play marco rubio because he was part of what aaron was talking about, this van guard of younger republicans who republicans at one point thought could bring them in more voters of color and younger voters and it didn't work out that way because they have the same politics. here is mitch mcconnell first. >> if my colleague tries to break the senate to silence those millions of americans, we will make their voices heard in this chamber in ways that are more inconvenient for the majority and this white house than what anybody has seen in living memory. >> marco rubio, i won't even play it but he's claiming there is no wide spread effort to suppress minority voting rights. he said that with a straight face, that's the story and they will stick to it. are we at the point now where politically because they've left themselves little room to maneuver are at a point republicans will get away claiming they're not trying to stop people from voting and literally stop them from voting and stealing the elections anyway? >> so first, joy, i want to let you know we don't know what the history books will say about mitch mcconnell because we talk about voter suppression, isn't that critical race theory? >> right. >> we don't even know what the history books could say about this when we get there. hear is the problem. it's clear what their plan is. they want politicians to pick voters instead of voters picking politicians and this is why it important based on what biden said today. it was a forceful speech. that's great. that's wonderful. biden said at a town hall in october he was in favor of some sort of reform. i want to jump us ahead not just to the future historically but next week. the vote to reform the philler bust er -- filibuster fails. this is the plan that activists are talking about, don't come down here without a plan. i've said before you can send federal election monitors to all 50 states. if you're violating people's civil rights, we'll snatch your highway money. attach infrastructure bill money to election reform. you can't get $1.8 billion. you had van at "the atlantic" that said if you're supressing votes and there are plans joe biden could talk about today what to do if the vote doesn't work. that's why history will judge him almost as harshly as mitch mcconnell because he hasn't used all the power from his resources to the carrot he was trying to offer to some people today. >> yeah, the excellent points. aaron haynes, jason johnson, thank you and appreciate you both. i want to bring in sheilyn eiffel. you heard what they said. there is not a lot of box left for president biden other than the rhetorical box, which he used today in which vice president harris used today. so let say the vote goes on the floor of the senate and manchin and sinema decide we're rolling with that. we'll be the strom thurmond end of the party. then what? >> thank you. much of the power around election protection is going to rest with the department of justice. i don't have any worries that the department of justice will not pull out all the stops to do some of the important things that we need to protect the vote. that was the whole point of ensuring that there were, you know, former civil rights attorneys and voting rights attorneys in leadership the head of the civil rights division is christian clark, an experienced long time voting rights litigation. so there will be things that can be done through the doj for sure and i think many of the ideas that jason talked about and we have pressed the president on this since last year use all your power and influence. i have to disagree with jason that i don't think laying out what those threats are today would have been the best possible move because i think you play out every hand that you're dealt. we're going to see what happens with this vote. i think you're right that we don't have much reason to believe the vote will go differently. obviously, joy, you know that civil rights groups ask the president to make the speech he made today last summer on july 9th when we met directly with the president. he did make a speech in philadelphia. he did not make the speech he made today and as he said today he chose to go the route of quiet diplomacy, which he thought would be effective. obviously, it wasn't and today he chose to speak publicly. if the truth is known, i'm not even sure today whether had he spoken public earlier would it have made a difference. what i saw with bill beck which the president championed around the country and talked about non-stop and still had the chair pulled out from under him, i just i'm not certain it would have made a difference. the point is that it's critical to use all the of the presidential power and the bully pulpit is a big part of it but he's speaking to the broader american public. this is not just about what black people, brown people, civil rights advocates want. this say democracy moment. we need to put it in the context particularly following so closely on the excellent speech about january 6th on the anniversary. >> indeed. that's important. it gets framed as if this is an issue about black people and it isn't because once you put on the table that you can simply ban groups that you don't want to vote from voting and use all of these tricks to make it so impossible and so ownerous they can't vote, that can be used on anybody, right? do you think -- >> well -- >> looking back -- go on. >> no, i was just going to say that's exactly right, joy. that was true long before 2016 when trump came to power. it was true in 2013 just the timeline let's get straight about what happened. the supreme court's decision in the shelby county versus holder case which essentially, you know, struck down the 2006 bipartisan vote to reauthorize the voting rights act at least in regards to section five really was the opening of the flood gates. it suggested new to southern states that had been covered by preclearance and several northern ones as well as the republican party they could have a free for all and been doing it since and we've been sounding the alarm long before trump came to power and we need people to understand this is a democracy issue. this is not an issue for black people so we're in a crisis because what they were trying out just on black and brown people they have decided to run the tables on the whole nation. so everyone needs to wake up and say what are you going to do next? what are you going to do? at this point, it's all hands on deck. >> because if they coming for us, they always start with black folks and then come for the rest of you. that's the way it works. they want authoritarian control, they don't want the vote at all. and i think y'all need to wake up to that. thank you very much. really as appreciate you. for the first 75 years of his life, donald trump managed to stay one step ahead of the law but there are new signs his luck could be running out. plus. >> you've advocated your infallible opinion be dictated by law. >> you personally attack me and with absolutely not a shred of evidence of anything you say. >> dr. fauci fends off the republicans' political attacks as we ask the question how do we keep ourselves safe from the millions of americans who will never be convinced to get the covid vaccine? plus, i'll speak to the author of a brand-new book on her belief the u.s. is moving parlously close to a civil war and tonight's absolute worst, 20 years and four presidents it remains an american disgrace. 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>> yeah, absolutely. what a telling clip you just played joy. not only was he trying to corruptly steal the election, he was threatening georgia state election officials with retribution, retaliation if they don't corruptly throw him the election. it's mind boggling the crimes he committed but when i heard donald trump's unhinged statement i believe it was back on december 17th. he was lashing out at district attorneys and state attorneys, general and dem law enforcement agencies the first thing this old prosecutor heard and i said the back then is somebody just told donald trump's defense team he's about to be indicted. let me tell you, those meetings that we have with the defense teams of targets of our grand jury investigations i've had many of them myself. most often we have them in large scale corruption cases, fraud cases, white collar cases, not so much in violent crime cases but what we do is right before we take that final trip into the grand jury and ask them to vote on criminal charges and return an indictment, we invite the defense team in and say listen, maybe we're looking at this wrong. if you have any evidence that could exonerate your client or if we're barking up the wrong tree, maybe we didn't hear what we heard on the recorded call with brad unlikely but still, we're inviing you to provide that exonerating information and you know what? we'll look at it and assess it before we walk into the grand jury that one last time and ask them to indict donald trump. that likely happened as we've seen based on the reporting that is what set trump off and feels like the georgia state prosecutors might be the first ones out of the blocks on the race for justice to donald trump. >> it's very interesting to listen to that because in a since it was merrick garland, the democracy loving part of this country is throwing up the hands he isn't doing. what are the politics around administration now potentially watching saying there is an indictment. the biden administration, clearly the department of justice wants no part of a political prosecution. it feels like they run screaming the other way even though that would seem to be the just result. >> look, as you said, the white house has said over and over again they want to be independent of the justice department because of the predecessor that being donald trump using the justice department like his personal attorney so in some cases, merrick garland is watching local officials do something he himself is not doing but let's also remember at the height of this, we saw local officials, they were the ones standing up to donald trump and essentially were saving republicans saying we're not going to do what you said. it's not surprising looking at how this unfolded and how should say this push to try to steal an election unfolded, it was the republicans in georgia who essentially said stop, i'm recording your calls. i'm not going to be changing votes. we'll certify this election. let think about the fact brad wrathens burger had the presence of mind to record the call because he knew former president trump would say something that would be problematic, when you listen to the call, it is nothing short of a clear sign from the former president he wanted them to steal the election. he said at one point, it's okay for you to say you calculate again and found more votes. as someone from haitian descent, that's what dictators say. that's what people who are trying to steal an election say to local officials, we need you to tweak these numbers a bit for us. merrick garland is probably looking at this a bit and saying these officials are moving faster than us but wants to hold people accountable and you have to remember there is the january 6th committee. they're also looking at specifically on one team local officials being pressured by the white house but all of that is happening while the district attorney in georgia is saying you guys can continue to look but we have hard evidence for this specific situation. >> yeah, and you know, glenn you've got bennie thompson's committee there. they issued the subpoenas that, three subpoenas that, people around donald trump junior. lindsey graham tried the pressure the georgia secretary of state to flip the election. we're talking about whether or not you can subpoena on the capitol hillside of the united states senate or united states member of congress. could he wind up in trouble because he did it, too? >> he could. i'm quite sure fanny willis is investigating this as a conspiracy, not a stand alone crime by donald trump. we've seen conspiratorial conduct by any number of politicians, executive branch officials, you know, personalities like steve bannon and roger stone and how can prosecutors not investigate the entire scope of the crime to determine okay, is it a conspiracy? was it an agreement between two or more people to commit a crime and did at least one co-conspirator take that over act? when you ask joy about subpoenaing members of congress, whether they be house members or senators, i hope the house select committee doing bang up work, i hope they finally take that leak and subpoena a jim jordan or scott perry or vice president so we can get that issue decided once and for all instead of forever hesitaing before we act. >> maybe use contempt and flex their power while they have it. amy, glenn, thank you both very much. still ahead, dr. anthony fauci spars with response to covid. stay with us. dr. anthony fauci spars with response to covid. stay with us step up. prep up. to help keep you free from the risk of hiv. descovy for prep. a once-daily prescription medicine... ...that helps lower the chances of getting hiv through sex. it's not for everyone. descovy for prep has not been studied in people assigned female at birth. talk to your doctor to find out if it's right for you. descovy is another way to prep. descovy does not prevent other sexually transmitted infections, so it's important to use safer sex practices and get tested regularly. you must be hiv-negative to take descovy for prep. so, you need to get tested for hiv immediately before and at least every 3 months while taking it. if you think you were exposed to hiv or have flu-like symptoms, tell your doctor right away. they may check to confirm you are still hiv-negative. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a build-up of lactic acid and liver problems. the most common side effect was diarrhea. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking descovy without talking to your doctor. ask your doctor about your risk of hiv... ...and if descovy for prep is right for you. get help paying for descovy for prep. learn more at get help paying for descovy for prep. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ with chase security features, guidance and convenience, banking feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. at intra-cellular therapies, we're inspired by our circle. a circle that includes our researchers, driven by our award-winning science, who uncover new medicines to treat mental illness. it includes the compassionate healthcare professionals, the dedicated social workers, and the supportive peer counselors we work with to help improve - and even change - people's lives. moving from mental illness to mental wellness starts in our circle. this is intra-cellular therapies. i've been telling everyone... the secret to great teeth is having healthy gums.rcle. crest advanced gum restore. detoxifies below the gumline... and restores by helping heal gums in as little as 7 days. crest. the #1 toothpaste brand in america. threats upon my life, harassment of my family and my children with obsene phone calls because people are lying about me. i ask myself why would senator want to do this? so go to rand paul website and you see fire dr. fauci with a little box that says contribute here. you can do $5, $10, $20, $100. so you are making a catastrophic epidemic for your political gain. >> top infectious disease expert dr. anthony fauci called out senator rand paul during a congressional hearing today for doing what is clearly the republican end game, playing politics with people's lives. the harassment of dr. fauci illustrates what this country is up against even as public health officials offered grim testimony about what lies ahead. >> omicron is likely not to be the last curveball this virus throws at us. >> you do know tests are picking up omicron but right now withless sensitivity than they did other variants. most people are going to get covid. all right? we need to do is make sure the hospitals can still function, transportation, you know, other essential services are not disrupted while this happens. >> with u.s. hospitalizations surpassing last winter's peak, our health care system is once again on the brink to the point that some health care authorities are forced to make what isn't even a choice allowing nurses and other workers infected with covid to stay on the job if they have mild symptoms or none at all. joining me is covid medical director for housing works in new york city. you're wearing a fauci shirt. dr. roy, listen, if we're at the point where people think the answer to what we're dealing with in this pandemic is to threaten to kill dr. fauci and his family, which is where we are with anti-vax, anti mask people and blame him for creating covid somewhere in a lab they think, that i feel like we're at a point where we're not having a rational conversation about this pandemic anymore. and where those of us who are rational about it and don't want to die from covid, don't want to be on a ventilator need to create a life for ourselves that accounts for the people who are refusing to participate in reality but doesn't put us at risk to them. is there a way to do that? i'm worried our hospital systems are literally going to collapse. >> yeah, happy tuesday and very cold tuesday to you, joy. i watched the hearing that was today. the senate hearing. and dr. fauci being attacked by senator rand paul i'm shocked that dr. -- sorry, that rand paul was a former physician because he doesn't exceed qualities doctors and nurses possess. empathy, compassion, a pension for science and data to drive health care policies and for him to go after, i mean, his insane lifetime public servant and hayly infectious disease doctor makes people like me double down on what we're doing, provide high quality patient care, provide education and advocate through social media and op eds. we have to double down. it seems like, joy, the rational folks are becoming the minority and we are not, actually. we're the majority. we have to be really loud about it and be advocating and activists about this. it's the only way to get through this pandemic, joy. >> yeah, by the way, to note, rand paul did create his own accreditation. he didn't get it from a regular place. i wouldn't let him operate on me if i was desperate. let's talk about what other countries are doing because at some point i feel like people who are willfully unvaccinated, fine. don't get vaccinated. they need to pay a little more of the cost of what this is doing to our system. there are fines that are leveed in places like germany. germany stopped paying for the tests, the virus tests that don't get vaccinated. they ended quarantine pay. if you're a smoker, insurance companies can charge you more. they can charge you a premium of 50% and you have to put that on the form when you apply for insurance. don't we have to make people that are saying i'm willing to take the risk to be unvaccinated for me and everyone i come in contact with, shouldn't they have to pay more into the system because they are collapsing our health system? they're the ones in the e.r.s? they're taking it up. if you have a stroke or heart attack, you can't get in the e.r. because they're taking up the beds so shouldn't they have to pay more? >> i'm sadly aware of what is happening the hospitals and health care facilities all over the world. hospitalizations in the united states increased 30% this week and what is happening is this a atrocious strain is resulting in hospitals being short staffed, doctors, nurses getting infected themselves. they are working long hours. they're depressed. they're demoralized. so there are many possible interventions that we can impose on the people who choose to continue to choose to be unvaccinated, increase insurance premiums creating a list or triage list so when people come to the hospital, maybe one of the first questions we ask is are you vaccinated? that will direct them toward a certain type of care pause we do that i can guarantee you when a patient comes in with shortness of breath like my dad got hospitalized three times the last two years with shortness of breath related to his heart failure. the first question they ask is are you a smoker? he's not. it didn't direct the care but there are several things we can do. i'm not giving up on the people that remain unvaccinated, joy. we need to get them vaccinated. we need to find other measures and mandates and other measures to really get them to get vaccinated. that's really major. >> mandates. look, i've given up. we are -- listen, i won't say i've given up but at a certain point, we have to prioritize the people that have done the right thing for two years who are exhausted and sick of having to accommodate these people who are making other people sick. at a certain point, the people that have done the right things need to get to be able to live their lives normally and if people don't want to get vaccinated, they need to be willing to kick in and pay for their own risk. you want to jump out of a plane, you pay for the risk. don't make the rest of us pay for it and lose our health system. that's on me, not you. thank you very much. tonight's absolute worst is still ahead but the justice department forms a new unit dedicated to stopping domestic terrorists. could this help us reverse a slow slide toward a second civil war? 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>> so between 2017 and 2021 i served on this task force run by the u.s. government and it's called the political instability task force and our job is to come up with a predictive model that helped the government predict where around the world political instability and political violence was likely to break out. we looked at all sorts of factors, poverty, inequality, heterogenius countries were. the first is a fancy term for partial democracy. it's a country that has elements of democracy but it's also has elements of more autocrat government. the second factor is whether the country's population has broken down along ethnic, religious and/or racial lines and have formed a political party or political parties based on identity rather than ideology and of course, over the last five years, i've been looking at my own country and low and behold both of these factors have been emerging here and they've been emerging at a surprisingly fast rate. >> yeah. i mean, we've always had racial conflict in this country. the country is built on enslavement and the defense of enslavement to the point of going to war but i can recall working on the book i did about trump said, you know, their white nationalist party that ruled south africa for a long time used to channel to republicans saying you need to be the white defense party. they used to say that very openly in the 1980s, and it feels now that the republicans have taken that advice. they have become sort of the white defense party or the white christian nationalist party. is that a fair statement? >> yes, of the two factors, the most important one, the one that is most heavily linked to the outbreak of political violence is this ethnic factionalization. if you have political parties that no longer care about ideology or that's not what's bringing people together, and instead, it's race and not only that, but the party then is looking to gain power to exclude everybody else, that's where you get violence. you have seen this in the philippines where muslims in the south, when catholics started moving in and they started to lose their majority status. they tried to still compete in a system, but they couldn't. they didn't have the numbers. and so they shifted to violence. if you look at the asimes in india as bengalis started moving into their territory and they started to become a minority in what they perceived as their country, their rightful country, they switched to violence instead. you see it in northern ireland, you see it with the palestinians in israel as well. you see this over and over again. here in the united states, we're in the midst of this grand transformation from a white majority country to a white minority country. that's going to happen around 2045. we're the first white majority country to go through this transition, but canada is going to come after us, new zealand is going to be next, australia is going to be next. it's estimated by 2000, the and a subset of the population here, this is deeply, deeply threatening, and they, the extremists in that group are willing to turn to violence to maintain their hold on power. they seek the united states as a white christian country, and they feel like they're justified to fight to maintain it. one last thing. we know who tends to start civil wars. most people think it's the poorest groups in society or it's the immigrants or the groups that are most oppressed. they don't tend to start civil wars. they are dissempowered. it's very hard for them to start a civil war. the groups that tend to start civil wars are the groups that have one spin dominant politically and are in decline. they are either losing power or they have lost power. the once powerful groups don't tend to go down without a fight. >> i will note "the washington post" has a poll saying 1 in 3 americans say that violence against the government can be justified, citing fears of political schism and the pandemic, and it's kind of hard to start a white country if you import millions and millions and millions of africans to do all the work and invade a place that already had lots of millions and millions and millions of indigenous people who weren't white. that ain't a white country, honey. y'all started something you thought you started and you didn't. barbara walter, thank you for pointing out all of this. it's scary but scaring and caring. thank you. >> coming up, tonight's absolute worst. a festering open wound on america's conscience. you do not want to miss it. w. all you have to do is schedule delivery. go to to get started in 15 seconds today. i'm still drawn to what's next. even with higher stroke risk due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem. so if there's a better treatment than warfarin that's a trail i want to take. eliquis. eliquis reduces stroke risk better than warfarin. and has less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis has both. don't stop taking eliquis without talking to your doctor as this may increase your risk of stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking, you may bruise more easily or take longer for bleeding to stop. get help right away for unexpected bleeding, or unusual bruising. it may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. the number one cardiologist-prescribed blood thinner. ask your doctor about eliquis. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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"all in" with chris hayes starts now. tonight, on "all in." >> what happens when he gets out and accuses me of things that are completely untrue is that all of a sudden that kindles the crazies out there, and i have threats upon my life. >> dr. anthony fauci unmasks rand paul. >> why would a senator want to do this? so go to rand paul website, and you see fire dr. fauci with a little box that says, contribute here. >> tonight, my exclusive intervie

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Prosecutors , Reporting , Blocks , Justice , Race , Merrick Garland , He Isn T Doing , Prosecution , Result , Attorney , Predecessor , Republicans , Calls , Stop , Think , Presence , President Trump , Descent , Someone , Sign , Dictators , Bit , District Attorney , Team , Glenn , Situation , Guys , Pressure , Junior , Committee , Bennie Thompson , Trouble , Member Of Congress , Capitol Hillside , Number , Executive Branch , Conduct , Personalities , Stand , Steve Bannon , Roger Stone , Scope , Agreement , House Members , Subpoena , Leak , Co Conspirator , House Select Committee Doing Bang Up Work , Take That , Jim Jordan , Contempt , Amy , Scott Perry , Response , Spars , Stay , Prep , Descovy , Hiv , Step Up , Chances , Prescription Medicine , Sexually Transmitted Infections , Sex , Assigned Female At Birth , Symptoms , Sex Practices , Hiv Negative , 3 , Medicines , Liver Problems , Diarrhea , Side Effect , Build Up , Kidney , Kidney Failure , Hepatitis , Lactic Acid , Hepatitis B , 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Care Policies , Lifetime , Public Servant , Compassion , Pension , Empathy , Data , Patient Care , Advocate , Hayly , Education , Minority , Social Media , Op Eds , Place , Note , Accreditation , System , Countries , Cost , Fines , Fine , Leveed , Virus Tests , Quarantine Pay , Germany , Unvaccinated , Insurance , Smoker , Insurance Companies , Premium , Form , Stroke , Heart Attack , Health System , Shouldn T , Contact , E R S , World , Happening , Beds , Health Care Facilities , E R , 30 , Strain , Interventions , List , Shortness , Type , Patient , Premiums , Care Pause , Care , Breath , Dad , It Didn T , Heart Failure , Mandates , Measures , Sick , Plane , Unit , Pay , Warning , Second Civil War , Terrorists , Guest , Kisqali , Slide , T Guest , Pill , Aromatase Inhibitor , Fulvestrant , Women , Hr , Disease , Heartbeat , Lung Problems , Infections , Skin Reactions , Blood Cell , Bleeding , Bruising , Chest Pain , Breathing Problems , Pain , Change , Infection , Chills , Skin , Cough , Loss , Rash , Dizziness , Yellowing , Tiredness , Appetite , Urine , Fever , Trelegy , Treatment , Copd , Breastfeeding , Coughing , Grapefruit , Birds Flyin , Driftin , What S Next , Copd Medicine , Won T , Heart Condition , Lung Function , Inhaler , Rescue Inhaler , Flare Ups , Swelling , High Blood Pressure , Vision Changes , Breathing , Thrush , Osteoporosis , Pneumonia , Problems Urinating , Eye , Tongue , Mouth , Trelegy Com , Save , Daughter , Ancestors , Oh My God , Papa , Grandfather , Whole , Strength , Leaks , Strong , Performance , Gift , Wwho Trust , Depend , Violence , Extremists , Threat , Growing Threat , Animist , Terrorism , Ideologies , Spring , Domestic Terror Investigations , January 6th Insurrection , Fbi , Wars , Barbara Walter , Extreists , Experts , Policy , Predictors , School , International Affairs , University Of California San Diego , Cia , Backsliding Democracy , Descending , 2017 , Government , Instability , Task Force , Model , Task Force Run , 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Heart Valve , Blood Thinner , Procedures , Oh Ozempic , A1c , Oh , Type 2 Diabetes , 2 , Adults , Heart Disease , Events , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , 12 , Don T Take Ozempic , Type 1 Diabetes , Needles , Share , Pens , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Reuse , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Vision Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Changes , Stomach Pain , Insulin , Lump , Reaction , Stop Ozempic , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Provider , Prescription , Health Care Provider , Dehydration , Nausea , Vomiting , Big City In America , Recycling System , San Francisco , Employee , Recology , That S Why , Ground Up , Language , Gracias , 9 11 , Prisoners , Guantanamo Bay , Combatants , Prisoners Of War , Geneva Convention , Cuba , Afghanistan , They Weren T Otherinary , Detainees , Conditions , Human Rights Abuses , Carte Blanche , 540 Million , 39 , 40 Million , Trial , Hasn T , Release , Men , 13 , Prison , Torture , Court , Give , Use , Acts , U N , George Wmp , Guantanamo One , Office , Groundswell , Executive Orders , Sentiment , Whereby Guantanamo , Inauguration , Process , Funding , Issues , Ideals , Safety , Opposition , Executive Order , Left Guantanamo , Gulag , The End , 197 , Isn T Acting Like Guantanamo , Defense Bill , Dudes , Goal , Closing Guantanamo , Abuse , Embarrassment , Courtroom , Legacy , It Open , Chris Hayes , All In , Sudden , Crazies , My Exclusive Intervie ,

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