Transcripts For MSNBC American Voices With Alicia Menendez 2

Transcripts For MSNBC American Voices With Alicia Menendez 20240709

you know, sending out press releases from mar-a-lago. it is sad because the republican party will exist. but it is lost in a lot of people's minds any credibility and it is going to take a while to get it back. >> the new revelations also shed light on why the committee is so interested in hearing from former vice president mike pence. here is committee member adam schiff on why that is so important. >> he would have, i think, very undoubtedly relevant testimony for us about that pressure campaign. no one would be in a better position really to speak to it than he would. all of the efforts to get him to violate his constitutional duty, to count the votes and instead reject votes without basis, as the chair has indicated we intend to extend that invitation fairly soon. >> joining me political national correspondent betsy woodruff swan, and reporter for "the washington post" carol evening will. carol, talk to us on what they hope to get from vice president pence? >> i think i will beg to differ and say the committee has been looking at conspiracy for a long time, just more quietly behind the scenes. talking to a number of the deputies of people that are bold-faced names and getting their testimony almost as a prosecutor would get admissible evidence for court to show that there was a widespread effort by donald trump, by his allies to use all of the levers in the oval office, use all of the levers of the executive and of his administration to make sure that peaceful transfer of power didn't happen and to push for members of his -- of his allied group and his supporters to try to wrest control of the democracy from congress on that day, on january 6th. i think what is also important about this, and you highlighted it earlier, alicia, which is pence, vice president pence, my sources tell me the committee already knows exactly what happened to mike pence and they know exactly what he said and what he was worried about on that day, the way he was fleeing for his life with his family, the way he was really beyond angry about the way donald trump had put a target on his back. and all of the days hence, all of the days before january 6th, the committee knows what pence endured in terms of donald trump pressuring him to reject a free, fair and one of the most closely monitor elections in history. >> carol, i'm going to take your note to heart about not just thinking what we see publicly is what the committee has been working on. we know they've been working quietly on a number of things. we will be seeing a lot of the fruits of the labor. betsy, some of pence's former aides already cooperating with the committee. what do we know about what navy shared and is there any indication pence himself will voluntarily appear? >> all the signals are that folks within pence's, both closer and broader orbit, have been candid and cooperative with the committee. so we can assume that they're sharing detailed, firsthand descriptions of what happened that day, the vice president's movements, likely the vice president's communications. of course, the terror that ensued as this mob of rioters surrounded and then broke into the capitol building and how pence decided to, you know, not disappear but rather to make sure that he was able to ride through that peaceful transition of power that ended up happening. the important thing to remember about pence and all of his aides, sort of two fold. first, no one arguably was more loyal to trump up until january 5th, 2021, than mike pence. he was loath to criticize the president during the entirety of trump's presidency, discounting, of course, the "access hollywood" moment in the campaign. but during the entirety of the presidency, no matter what happened, no matter how crazy and unpredictable things got, pence stood so closely to trump that there were some moments where it was even a little bit comical. there's an infamous video where trump takes a drink from a water bottle and sits it on the floor, which is weird, and pence follows up and does the exact same thing. that's first thing about pence. the second thing though is that january 6th was the line for him. for pence, the line was making sure there was a peaceful transition of power, making sure that the constitutional system that this country has was able to stand up. pence was really the last line of defense, and the fact that he did what every reasonable person understood the vice president was obligated to do is the kind of thing in a normal situation would be totally unremarkable. but in the context of pence's relationship with trump has major historic consequences. >> carol, what sort of pressure would a criminal referral place on merrick garland and the doj as they conduct their own investigation into what happened on january 6th? >> it is such a good question. i don't think we have ever faced anything exactly like this, alicia. what is so interesting is, you know, the conspiracy that the january 6th committee is looking at has a lot of similarity to a conspiracy case that the fbi and the department of justice have to be weighing at the moment. i mean we know that the fbi has 700 defendants that were all sort of in semi riot gear or, you know, ready to protest for donald trump and in their own minds save the country from biden being elected president. but there were many other defendants not on the grounds that day that the fbi and the department of justice are looking at, and merrick garland, the attorney general, referenced this in a press conference this week in which he tried to basically give people criminal prosecution 101. calm down. a justice department investigation takes time. we charge people with lesser things at the beginning. we get people to cooperate, and then we try to get the big fish. that is true about even something as simple as a drug investigation down in, you know, northeast washington, d.c., or in, you know, rural mississippi. those cases can take as long as a year. but what is interesting is the january 6th committee -- and you have hit on this with your question -- actually doesn't have exactly the same task, doesn't exactly have the same burden of proof, admissibility in court and therefore they're moving a little faster than the department of justice, and they're moving faster towards conspiracy than merrick garland is. this will be an issue because when that referral is made, the department of justice is really going to be not nowhere but very far from making its own case, and we'll see how they handle that. >> betsy, former trump press secretary stephanie grisham met with the committee this week. here is what she said in an interview after that meeting about how trump was reacting to the capitol riot. >> all i know about that day is that he was in the dining room glee watching on his tv like he did, look at the people fighting for me, hitting rewind, watching it again. that's what i know. >> gleefully watching the attack. how significant is that admission and how has the committee reacted to what she shared with them? >> it is certainly meaningful to have someone who was a senior white house aide cooperating with the investigation. it is important to remember that grisham wasn't in the inner circle of trump world. she wouldn't have spent a significant amount of time in that private dining room, but she would likely have detailed knowledge of who the folks surrounding the room were, who was going in and out, what type of communication was happening within the white house as people from literally every level of the capitol building were begging everyone they knew in the trump administration to try to intervene and to try to stave off the violence. the fact that she's publicly talking about her cooperation also signals that, look, lots of people are chatting to the committee. the more people know about the participation of folks like stephanie grisham, the more pressure that puts on folks who right now might be on the fence about cooperating or who might be trying to stiff arm the committee. some people, even if they're loyal to trump and even if they think that the process of going in for a committee interview would be deeply unpleasant and time consuming, will change their mind and will decide to go in if they feel like their side of the story is being characterized by other people, but if they can't share their side of the story themselves. so anybody who thinks that stephanie grisham might have a bone to pick with them in relation to january 6th when they realize that she's cooperating with the committee might think, oh, i should probably go in and maybe i'll need to do some cleanup on aisle six. that's the type of dynamic that tends to play out in these wide-ranging congressional probes, and we can expect that tensions like that are certainly percolating in the broader trump world. >> carol, speaking of the tensions, the committee is looking at whether it can subpoena republican lawmakers to force their cooperation. where does that effort stand and is there concern legal delays could impede the pace of their investigation? >> absolutely. untested waters. i mean we've had lawmakers testify before and give information about their experiences to congress in the history of congress, but none of them have been subpoenaed and forced against their will. this is area that's just uncharted. it is a huge potential legal morasse and every delay worries this particular committee. remember, they have a political deadline as well as a factual one, and that is that the midterms could mean all of their work is moot. they have to finish that work. i think the most interesting things that are going to unfold in the next couple of weeks -- and i'm going to guess three to five based on the people that i've been speaking to -- are who are the prime front seat witnesses that they're able to have testify and narrate this experience. who is going to narrate in a credible way, and i think it is important to pick people that are credible. who is going to narrate the inside look, behind the green curtain at the emerald palace, what was donald trump doing, what was he saying to mike pence, what was he saying to his colleagues, what was he saying to his children, like ivanka trump when she came in, as we reported in our book, pleading for her father to call off the dogs along with mark meadows. there will be really interesting choices the committee has to make about who those individuals are who credibly document in their own words what happened that day and the days before. >> betsy, that is incredibly relevant given that the committee says it is going to soon hold public hearings. your sense of the timeline for that and with the portion of the country, a large portion of the country denying the seriousness of what actually happened on january 6th, do you have a sense of the audience that the committee believes they're going to be able to reach with these public hearings? >> i don't have a clear sense of the timeline, but there's not a massive amount of time the committee has to work with when you think about how complex it is to arrange a hearing like this, to do all of the planning for all of the lawmakers, to make sure that lawmakers are prepped, that they have the entire process organized. that's not something that can be quickly turned around. another important thing to remember when asking about who the audience for a hearing like this is, is the fact that many of the democrats involved in this investigation still have a little bit of -- still feel a little bit raw about the fall-out of special counsel robert mueller's report. they had wanted to have more open hearings with key witnesses for that report, particularly with don mcgahn, within a much shorter timeline. instead, there was a protracted legal battle involving whether or not mcgahn would be able to publicly testify, and instead of him raising his right hand and testifying to members of congress on camera in the moment when the public was most interested in and checked in to the question of russia's interference of the 2016 campaign, it took way, way longer. this is an issue that congressman adam schiff, who helped helm one of the congressional russian probes and who also now is working on the january 6th select committee investigation has highlighted. he has pointed out that timing is an issue and that when it comes to helping regular americans who don't necessarily have massive amounts of time on their hand, when it comes to helping them understand what exactly went on behind the scenes, there's immense communication value in having these open hearings rather than in just releasing a written report. so it is something that is a top priority for the committee. >> carol leonnig, appreciate your time. betsy, you are staying with me. next, what we can glean from the violence on january 6th, 2021, and just how dangerous other cable networks are for those who believe one very specific alternate reality. plus, promising news about a new covid vaccine that looks to bridge equity gaps across the world. i'm going to talk to one of the doctors who helped invent it. in the next hour, why a long list of mayors and local officials are looking to washington to set federal standards for voting rights. i'm going to talk to two of the mayors who sent a letter to the u.s. senate urging swift action. we are just getting started here on "american voices." ♪ i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ ♪ well the sun is shining and the grass is green ♪ ♪ i'm way ahead of schedule with my trusty team ♪ ♪ there's heather on the hedges ♪ ♪ and kenny on the koi ♪ ♪ and your truck's been demolished by the peterson boy ♪ ♪ yes -- ♪ wait, what was that? 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>> well, what we saw was him flip-flopping on the definition of terrorism. you know, terrorism is an act of violence or threat of violence that is political in nature, intended to impact an audience beyond the immediate victims. so the men who were going in there, and as i warned that very day that there may be people who were murder cells or -- which is what we call a group of people designated to work within a riot whose real intent is to kill individuals, to hunt and assassinate individuals, we have since found through indictments that there were several people who were saying that they were going to hunt down nancy pelosi or alexandria ocasio-cortez. so that being said, they carried out a terrorist operation on a very large scale using the initial protest as a cover and a method of camouflage to enclose on their enemies, which is the capitol hill police and, of course, to attempt to take over the building, stop the election and implement a coup d'etat. so ted cruz was correct the first time he said it. then yesterday -- and this is where you see the mainstreaming of this problem. in fact, i have a new book out called "they want to kill americans," and it is about the militias and the terrorists within this group, within the republicans now who are now the base of the party. ted cruz is pandering to them. this means that this -- that the insurrectionists, the seditionists, the people who agree with them now have the entire political party acting as their advocates, and this will happen again. >> betsy, political reports the doj has declined to charge any of the capitol rioters with domestic terrorism. why aren't prosecutors pushing for those charges, betsy? >> the domestic terrorism statutes that exist in some other countries don't actually exist in the u.s. what we have here is a tool called a terrorism enhancement, which is something that comes into place after someone has been convicted, and it is a tool that's used to extend the sentences of people because the crime they commit -- the crime they committed was perhaps more egregious than the typical sentence that's assigned to that crime. some of these court hearings, federal judges have asked prosecutors, why haven't you sought to use the terrorism enhancement to extend the sentences some of these people have received, and some of the rioters, some of the people who engaged in terrorism -- let's use the word because it is the correct word to use -- have received sentences that were much smaller than perhaps would have been doled out had the people engaged in that type of activity, say, been black or brown. this is something the federal judges have signalled that they find troubling, and it is something that i'm confident is causing some soul searching at the justice department. that said, a lot of the initial cases that the doj has brought forward thus far have been against defendants who engaged in activity that, of course, is horrible and problematic and troubling, but not as extreme as some of the other cases that are currently underway. to the point that carol leonnig made on the last segment, doj just never moves quickly enough for so many people who watch the process that prosecutors take to build these cases. two big doj cases to keep an eye on in the year to come are conspiracy investigations related to the proud boys, who your viewers are familiar with, a far-right street fighting group, and the oath keepers, a group of former military and law enforcement extremists who engage in also far-right violent activity. those cases are extremely important because doj is going after leaders of those organizations for conspiring, basically planning ahead of time to engage in the violence that happened on january 6th. the way doj handles those cases is going to send a major signal about whether or not they're treating the terrorist activity that occurred on january 6th like it counts as terrorism. >> right. malcolm, the pace of accountability has been slower than a lot of people would like to see. at the same time the evolution of this extremist group happening at a very rapid pace, no one knows it better than you. nbc reports extremists getting into local politics, particularly school and county health boards. how have you seen the far-right threat evolve just in the past year alone? >> well, it has certainly taken a new way or a new version of how they want to present themselves. back in 2020 they came out with a fully armed militias, right. they were an extension of the trump campaign. after the election, they brought all of that to the capitol, and once the capitol was taken and they were beaten down they devolved. but let's put it this way. they've devolved in such a way that they have moved from overt armed insurrection planning, but a lot of them still are. we see in their chats, you know, their internal communications, they still want to fight, but what they understand now is that they're following their leaders' lead. guys like steve bannon when he says they're going to come to the next election with thousands of people who are going to be there to not just watch the election, but the very moment that they take power they're going to take over government offices, buildings, and these people who were the insurrectionists and will be in the future, as i call them, insurgents, because there will be more than one insurrection, they have now gone down to the state and local level. starting with the crazy qanon people taking over school boards, but they are moving on to every level that involves the electoral process. that is where you are going to see the next wave of true extremism where you may have violence at the polls. you will may have people who have designated themselves of armed protectors, you know, of the ballots in each of the states. you may have people that will take a state that, you know, and change the election result and then have these individuals with weapons come out and defend the state with the acquiescence of the governors. i mean it is going to be a very different version of it, but you have to understand the people that are planning this, the steve bannons, the roger stones, all of these -- you know, the republican party leadership, they understand that when they're going to take power, they're going to take power completely, and the guns will come out at the last minute when they need it. >> malcolm nance, betsy woodruff swan, thank you both. next, why wisconsin senator ron johnson might be among the least-informed elected officials when it comes to covid-19. a dubious distinction for sure. a new low-cost covid vaccine could be a game changer for some countries. dr. peter hotez who helped develop this new vaccine is going to join me next. s going to join me next. ♪ and my clothes smell so much fresher than before ♪ try gain flings and you'll be a gainiac too! the only detergent with oxiboost and febreze. with clean, fresh ingredients, panera's new chicken sausage and pepperoni flatbread is a mouthwatering explosion of yes. craft? 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(vo) yep, it's our best plan ever. verizon is going ultra, so you can too. vaccines are our best defense against covid-19, but some people are still in denial of this obvious fact, including senator ron johnson of wisconsin. >> why do we assume that the body's natural immune system isn't the marvel that it really is? why do we think we can create something better than god in terms, you know, in terms of combatting disease? now, there are certainly things we have to do, but we've just made so many assumptions, and it is all pointed toward everybody getting a vaccine. >> james martin, an internationally renown priest responded by saying, quote, one of the gifts that god has given to us is intelligence and ingenuity. science is an outgrowth of this, and science and medicine have given us these vaccines which help to save lives and lessen suffering. why would we not use them? and if we're going to ignore science and medicine, then why go to doctors at all? why even take an aspirin? senator johnson's remarks reveal not simply a misunderstanding of how science works but how god works through us. experts have said access to vaccine globally is key to stopping the spread of covid-19 anywhere. compared to more than 70% of high-income countries. to help close the gap, two researchers in texas developed a new patent-free vaccine known as corvax. india is the first country to authorize the vaccine for use and a local manufacturer has turned out millions of doses. joining me, dr. peter hotez from texas children's hospital, dean of the national tropical school of medicine at baylor college of medicine. he is one of those who developed this vaccine. dr. hotez, there has not been a lot of good news throughout this pandemic. so when i see a glimmer, i cling to it. i do want to talk to you about this vaccine. before we do, i want to give you an opportunity to respond to what we heard senator ron johnson saying a moment ago about why we do or don't need vaccines. >> well, i thought father -- what father james martin said, you know, it is hard to beat his eloquence. he was spot on and he is exactly right. i mean this is -- we know what the consequences of our, quote, natural immunity is. it brought us the deaths from tens of -- in the levels of tens of millions from smallpox in the 20th century until we eliminated it, eradicated it, and now this is certainly the same for covid-19. here is the number, alicia. 200,000 americans since june 1 bought into what senator johnson has said and needlessly threw their lives away. they lost their lives because they were defiant of vaccines. they refused to get vaccinated. i will say the number again. 200,000 unvaccinated americans since june 1 have needlessly lost their lives because they refused covid-19 vaccines. this is why i get so emotional and so passionate about it, is because the stakes are so high. thousands of americans are losing their lives daily. we just lost 1,400 americans yesterday. almost all of those were unvaccinated. they did not have to die. this is continuing. we are at 835,000 deaths now in the u.s. we are going to reach 1 million. that's the extraordinary number, and it could keep on going from there. >> and that is set against the reality that there are people in other countries who wish they had access to these vaccines. so i want to talk about yours because it could be a game changer here. pfizer and moderna use similar mrna technology. how does the science behind your vaccine differ? >> ours is an older technology, alicia, the same technology used to make the recombinant hepatitis vaccine. it is a vegan vaccine made in yeast. this technology has been around for almost 40 years. it has been used to make the hepatitis b vaccine, which is safe and even used in kids. our texas children's center for vaccine development, we like to say we make the vaccines the pharma companies won't make. we make vaccines for paracytic infections such as a disease which is decimating the poor across latin america, another that is across the poor in africa, another scourge of 40 million girls and women. we used that same approach making the coronavirus vaccine a decade ago and now the covid-19 vaccine. we have licensed it with no patent attached to vaccine makers in india, bangladesh and botswana. india is the furthest along there, and they've been producing their vaccine called corbevax that we transferred the technology and helped in the development. 100,000 vaccines ready to go. i think they maybe going into arms next weekend and they will be scaling up until they reach 1.2 billion. it is excited. this center is headed by myself and my partner, who we have worked together for 20 years. we want to get the whole southern hemisphere and the world's low and middle income countries vaccinated. aside from the obvious humanitarian urgency for this is the simple fact that delta arose out of an unvaccinated population in india. omicron out of an unvaccinated population in southern africa. mother nature is telling us what is in store for us next. as long as we refuse to vaccinate the global south, she will continue to throw terrible variants of concern at us. when i saw that the u.s. government and the g7 countries were not stepping up to donate vaccines we said, we're going to do it ourselves. as of now, our modest center for vaccine development at texas children's hospital is providing more doses to the world's low and middle income countries than the u.s. government or any of the g7 countries. so it is also a call to action for the other countries to step up and stop the new variants from emerging. >> meanwhile, here at home the supreme court heard arguments friday as to whether president biden has the authority to require companies of 100 employees or more to have fully vaccinated staff or test once a week. the court hasn't officially ruled. some conservative justices have argued the government doesn't have the authority to impose a national vaccine mandate. my question to you, doctor, do you think we will be able to get to the other side of this pandemic without that mandate? >> i don't see how. even the mandate is not going to be sufficient because i think this reflects the biden administration's full-throttle approach to try to use the full powers of the federal government to vaccinate the country, and it is important that he's successful in this. but even then, we are still going to need support from all of the governors to finish the rest of the job and the local and county governments to do this as well. so it is an important first step. it means keeping the workplace safe. i think that's the major driver for this. too, as i say, too many americans are losing their lives. i think what the biden administration is attempting to do is absolutely the right thing to do, and it is profoundly disappointing or even outrageous to know so many are conspiring against the federal government to help save american lives. >> dr. peter hotez, thank you for your time and thank you for bringing us a dose of good news. next, as the omicron variant sweeps across the country we are facing crises and challenges individually and collectively. but as we imagine life on what could be the other side of this, my next guest wants to help us make space for things we love to do. that conversation is coming up in just a few minutes. and thanks to imbruvica (man 2 vo) i'm living longer. 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how do you find joy in this? now she is sharing how to make time for what you love in her guide "find your unicon space." after the break, her new book and a discussion. we will be right back. of nature breathing. and this is the sound of better breathing. fasenra is a different kind of asthma medication. it's not a steroid or inhaler. fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. it's one maintenance dose every 8 weeks. it helps prevent asthma attacks, improve breathing, and lower use of oral steroids. nearly 7 out of 10 adults with asthma may have elevated eosinophils. fasenra is designed to target and remove them. fasenra is not a rescue medication or for other eosinophilic conditions. fasenra may cause allergic reactions. get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth, and tongue, or trouble breathing. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. this is the sound of fasenra. ask your doctor about fasenra. are you tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean? 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so many americans got into baking that stores actually ran out of flour. a year and a half later it is hard to imagine being that excited to stay home, but eve rodsky has "the unicorn space." joining me now, eve rodsky, the author of "fair play" and the just-released "find your unicor space." eve, my friend, i'm happy to see you. my kids are remote learning this week. there were a lot of things i had to do on my mom to-do list as a mom and journalist, and the other things i love to do. i'm not sure i accomplished any of them. so for someone watching this, tell me why it is possible and why it is necessary. >> thank you, alicia f having me. we are real the, and i would say, yes, our time is more stretched than ever, as you said in the beautiful intro. there's a primal screen going on, a great resignation. the american psychological association says burnout is at an all-time high. this is why creativity is not optional. these are the times when we need to invest in our mental and physical health, and sadly we're too past taking a walk around the block. burnout is not cured by having a drink with a friend, alicia. >> the thing that most resonates to me is this idea of how hard it is to make ourselves and our time unavailable. why is that so challenging? >> well, it depends on who we're talking about. if we're talking about women or other marginalized population or the people who hold essential worker jobs, then our time has been devalued since the beginning of the industrial revolution. we know the dirty little secret that has been exposed is that our society, our capitalist society is built on the backs of unpaid women. our time, which is our most valuable currency, we're taught to give it away for free to others. and we can't do that anymore. we are more than our roles as partners and parents and professionals, and this is literally a cultural movement and we cannot let this disruption go to waste, alicia. >> i love that you are now just walking around with a post-it note as a reminder to yourself because it's the muscle memory of saying i'm not available. that is so hard to do. for someone who wants to create their own unicorn space, what are the first steps you can take? >> the first step is to recognize we've been taught through our language that hobbies, passion projects, vanity projects, that creativity is somehow optional , that somehow you can get to it when you can, that it should be the bottom of your never-ending to-do list. what we now know, the science shows us that creativity is associated with daily flourishing, and we saw it. people are doing segments now and there's a lot of research on the fact that essential workers are turning to creativity because, again, what i'm here to tell you is that -- what i found in my research, alicia, is that the real and only anecdote to burnout is being interested in your own life. >> yeah, i think about that in the context of being with people socially, even though now that is largely on zoom or talking to people sort of through windows across the way is having something to talk about other than work and other than your kids in that moment that i think almost all parents have where they say oh, my goodness, i've lost the thread and i don't have anything else. you spoke 150 people about their creative pursuits. what most struck you? >> i think what most struck me is that you can be more than one thing. and that's subversive. people are already embarrassed to say i'm an accountant and an artist. but you can be a parent and a pilot. the people i spoke to are doing the most amazing thing, from crocheting, storybook characters, being sexy audio book narrators, to a woman at 56 who started race car driving and now at 67 she's one of the top rally car racers in the world and she's now in antarctic. so many of us see what people have become and don't recognize in the becoming there's a lot of small steps. so what i advise is that we retire the word "passion" because i don't even know what my passion was or would be or will be in five years, and we replace it with the word "curious." we all find a curiosity. >> the world will be a better place if we have that curiosity. eve rodski, thank you. her new book is on sale now. at the top of the hour, we have entered an election year. what is the justice department doing to ensure those who attacked the capitol are accountable. >> reporter: later, the pressure is on, mayors of two cities and why they're pushing for federal action on voting rights. stay with us. witush ♪ i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible... with rybelsus®. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to the possibility of lower a1c with rybelsus®. you may pay as little as $10 for up to a 3-month prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. we hit the bike trails every weekend shinges doesn't care. i grow all my own vegetables shingles doesn't care. we've still got the best moves you've ever seen good for you, but shingles doesn't care. because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. but, no matter how healthy you feel, your immune system declines as you age increasing your risk for getting shingles. so, what can protect you? shingrix protects. you can protect yourself from shingles with a vaccine proven to be over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your pharmacist or doctor about shingrix. shingles doesn't care. but you should. when our daughter and her kids moved in with us... our bargain detergent couldn't keep up. turns out it's mostly water. so, we switched back to tide. one wash, stains are gone. [daughter] slurping don't pay for water. pay for clean. it's got to be tide. this hour, from the hill to the doj, where the january 6th investigation goes now. new details ahead on congressional hopes of hearing from mike pence opening up a grab bag of liabilities for his formers boxer donald trump. close to 150 mayors red and blue demand the senate protect voting rights by the end of the month. go mayors weigh in on this bipartisan effort and the extreme danger of doing nothing. plus, new york congressman jamaal bowman on his push to charge ahead with build back better which works he calls a must-do for democrats heading into the midterms. and the danger of fable and cable. president of media matters on what to make of ted cruz's appearance on fox news, lines between perspective and propaganda officially totally blurred. a new hour of "american voices" begins right now. thanks for winning becoming with us. i'm alicia menendez. we begin with the ongoing assault on our democracy. and the urgency of accountability for those who worked to overturn the 2020 election. we're now learning the january 6th committee wants to talk to former vice president mike pence as it works to determine if trump oversaw a criminal conspiracy to overturn the election. an aide to the select committee tells nbc news the palpable is contemplating issuing an invitation to pence later this month. several pence aides have already been cooperating. so far the january 6th committee has interviewed more than 300 witnesses, issuing subpoenas when needed. what about the department of justice? this week attorney general merrick garland vowed to hold, quote, all january 6th perpetrators at any level accountable for the assault on our democracy. however, it is

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Deaths , Tens , Immunity , Levels , Our , Smallpox , Eloquence , Same , June 1 , 200000 , Unvaccinated Americans , Senator , Stakes , 1400 , Unvaccinated , 1 Million , 835000 , Technology , Moderna , Mrna , Pfizer , Recombinant Hepatitis Vaccine , Center , Vaccine Development , Hepatitis B Vaccine , Yeast , Pharma Companies Won T Make , 40 , Poor , Another , Disease , Paracytic , Approach , Vaccine Makers , Patent , Girls , Scourge , Southern Africa , 40 Million , Furthest , Bangladesh , Botswana , Corbevax , Arms , 100000 , Partner , Southern Hemisphere , 1 2 Billion , Urgency , Population , Omicron Out , Delta , Government , Variants , Store , Mother Nature , Concern , Global South , Next , Authority , Biden , Arguments , Supreme Court , Call To Action , G7 , Emerging , Companies , Court Hasn T , Justices , Test , Vaccine Mandate , Staff , Employees , 100 , Mandate , Powers , County , Governments , Support , Rest , Job , Step , Driver , Workplace Safe , Dose , Omicron Variant Sweeps , Challenges , Make Space , Crises , Guest , Conversation , Adults , Imbruvica , Thanks , Cll , Prescription Medicine , Therapy , Chills , Symptoms , Confusion , Blood Thinners , Blood Counts , Problems , Fevers , Decrease , Weakness , Infection , Diarrhea , Heart Rhythm Problems , Cancers , High Blood Pressure , Irregular Heartbeat , Heart Disease , Kidney Failure , Tumor Lysis , Seizure , Fluids , Heart Problems , Signs , Bleeding , Isn T , Limu , Whistles , Insurance , Doug , Limu Emu , Sec , Pay , Liberty , Vulture Squawks , Pharmacist , Organization , First , Supplement , Standards , Vitamins , Vitamin , Quality , Purity , Brand , Usp , Mission Control , Launch , Boosum , She S Eatingalso , Ts Lunchables , Rocket , Health , Virus , Kid , Parents , Headache , Home , Sick , Struggle , Least , Learning , Cdc , Calendar Year , Study , Families , Schools , Stress , Fatigue , Forces , Omicron , The New York Times , Half , Moms , Drugs , Distress , Alcohol , Say , Classes , Mom , Frustration , Load , Ahhhh , Laundrie , Mommmm , Pandemic , Ones , Momomomomomom , Aaaah , Jobs , Plenty , Ya , Anxiety , Depression , 4 5 Million , Joy , Unicon Space , Break , Nature Breathing , Discussion , Guide , Fasenra , Asthma , Breathing , Sound , Eosinophils , Asthma Medication , Maintenance Dose , Add On Treatment , Steroid , Inhaler , Rescue Medication , Asthma Attacks , Steroids , 8 , 7 , Reactions , Face , Trouble , Tongue , Mouth , Sore Throat , Laundry , Scent Boosters , Downy Unstopables , Downy , Smelling Laundry , Waaaay , Washing Machine , Cap , Moderate , Plaque Psoriasis , Skin , 4 , 90 , Fever , Ability , Tuberculosis , Muscle Aches , Sweats , Coughs , Skyrizi , Nothing , Everything , Dermatologist , Owner , Investor , Future , Advice , Vanguard , Baking , Sour Dough Bread , Flour , Eve Rodsky , Unicorn Space , Fair Play , Space , Unicor , Journalist , American Psychological Association , Intro , Resignation , Primal Screen , Creativity , Burnout , High , Walk , Block , Dirty Little Secret , Worker , Society , Beginning , Capitalist Society , Industrial Revolution , Backs , Currency , Partners , Movement , Disruption , Roles , Waste , Professionals , Reminder , Muscle Memory , Post It Note , Steps , Passion Projects , Vanity Projects , Language , Hobbies , Bottom , Flourishing , Research , Essential Workers , Segments , Anecdote , Zoom , Windows , Thread , Pursuits , Anything Else , 150 , Parent , Accountant , Artist , Subversive , Narrators , Woman , Audio Book , Pilot , Crocheting , Storybook Characters , Race Car Driving , 67 , 56 , Rally Car Racers , Antarctic , Curiosity , Passion , Eve Rodski , Department , Justice , Action , Stay , Everywhere , Type 2 Diabetes , What A Wonderful World , Witush , Stop Rybelsus , A1c , Blood Sugar , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Majority , Don T Take Rybelsus , Vision Problems , Reaction , Stomach Pain , Lump , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Pancreatitis , Provider , Kidney Problems , Insulin , Blood Sugar Risk , Changes , Possibility , Sulfonylurea , Nausea , Dehydration , Vomiting , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , Shinges , Bike , 0 , Shingles , Doesn T Care , Protection , Moves , Vegetables , Shingrix , Immune System Declines , Muscle Pain , Fainting , Redness , Guillain BarrÉ Syndrome , 50 , Daughter , Couldn T , Stomach , Bargain Detergent , Tiredness , Shivering , Injection Site , Shingles Doesn T Care , Wash , Water , Stains , Tide , The Hill , January 6th Investigation , Hopes , Details , Senate , Grab Bag , Liabilities , Demand , The End , Jamaal Bowman , Danger , Build , Must Do , Push , New York , Media Matters , Lines , Cable , Perspective , Fable , Propaganda , Committee , Palpable , Nbc News , 300 , Subpoenas , Accountable , Hold , Perpetrators ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC American Voices With Alicia Menendez 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC American Voices With Alicia Menendez 20240709

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you know, sending out press releases from mar-a-lago. it is sad because the republican party will exist. but it is lost in a lot of people's minds any credibility and it is going to take a while to get it back. >> the new revelations also shed light on why the committee is so interested in hearing from former vice president mike pence. here is committee member adam schiff on why that is so important. >> he would have, i think, very undoubtedly relevant testimony for us about that pressure campaign. no one would be in a better position really to speak to it than he would. all of the efforts to get him to violate his constitutional duty, to count the votes and instead reject votes without basis, as the chair has indicated we intend to extend that invitation fairly soon. >> joining me political national correspondent betsy woodruff swan, and reporter for "the washington post" carol evening will. carol, talk to us on what they hope to get from vice president pence? >> i think i will beg to differ and say the committee has been looking at conspiracy for a long time, just more quietly behind the scenes. talking to a number of the deputies of people that are bold-faced names and getting their testimony almost as a prosecutor would get admissible evidence for court to show that there was a widespread effort by donald trump, by his allies to use all of the levers in the oval office, use all of the levers of the executive and of his administration to make sure that peaceful transfer of power didn't happen and to push for members of his -- of his allied group and his supporters to try to wrest control of the democracy from congress on that day, on january 6th. i think what is also important about this, and you highlighted it earlier, alicia, which is pence, vice president pence, my sources tell me the committee already knows exactly what happened to mike pence and they know exactly what he said and what he was worried about on that day, the way he was fleeing for his life with his family, the way he was really beyond angry about the way donald trump had put a target on his back. and all of the days hence, all of the days before january 6th, the committee knows what pence endured in terms of donald trump pressuring him to reject a free, fair and one of the most closely monitor elections in history. >> carol, i'm going to take your note to heart about not just thinking what we see publicly is what the committee has been working on. we know they've been working quietly on a number of things. we will be seeing a lot of the fruits of the labor. betsy, some of pence's former aides already cooperating with the committee. what do we know about what navy shared and is there any indication pence himself will voluntarily appear? >> all the signals are that folks within pence's, both closer and broader orbit, have been candid and cooperative with the committee. so we can assume that they're sharing detailed, firsthand descriptions of what happened that day, the vice president's movements, likely the vice president's communications. of course, the terror that ensued as this mob of rioters surrounded and then broke into the capitol building and how pence decided to, you know, not disappear but rather to make sure that he was able to ride through that peaceful transition of power that ended up happening. the important thing to remember about pence and all of his aides, sort of two fold. first, no one arguably was more loyal to trump up until january 5th, 2021, than mike pence. he was loath to criticize the president during the entirety of trump's presidency, discounting, of course, the "access hollywood" moment in the campaign. but during the entirety of the presidency, no matter what happened, no matter how crazy and unpredictable things got, pence stood so closely to trump that there were some moments where it was even a little bit comical. there's an infamous video where trump takes a drink from a water bottle and sits it on the floor, which is weird, and pence follows up and does the exact same thing. that's first thing about pence. the second thing though is that january 6th was the line for him. for pence, the line was making sure there was a peaceful transition of power, making sure that the constitutional system that this country has was able to stand up. pence was really the last line of defense, and the fact that he did what every reasonable person understood the vice president was obligated to do is the kind of thing in a normal situation would be totally unremarkable. but in the context of pence's relationship with trump has major historic consequences. >> carol, what sort of pressure would a criminal referral place on merrick garland and the doj as they conduct their own investigation into what happened on january 6th? >> it is such a good question. i don't think we have ever faced anything exactly like this, alicia. what is so interesting is, you know, the conspiracy that the january 6th committee is looking at has a lot of similarity to a conspiracy case that the fbi and the department of justice have to be weighing at the moment. i mean we know that the fbi has 700 defendants that were all sort of in semi riot gear or, you know, ready to protest for donald trump and in their own minds save the country from biden being elected president. but there were many other defendants not on the grounds that day that the fbi and the department of justice are looking at, and merrick garland, the attorney general, referenced this in a press conference this week in which he tried to basically give people criminal prosecution 101. calm down. a justice department investigation takes time. we charge people with lesser things at the beginning. we get people to cooperate, and then we try to get the big fish. that is true about even something as simple as a drug investigation down in, you know, northeast washington, d.c., or in, you know, rural mississippi. those cases can take as long as a year. but what is interesting is the january 6th committee -- and you have hit on this with your question -- actually doesn't have exactly the same task, doesn't exactly have the same burden of proof, admissibility in court and therefore they're moving a little faster than the department of justice, and they're moving faster towards conspiracy than merrick garland is. this will be an issue because when that referral is made, the department of justice is really going to be not nowhere but very far from making its own case, and we'll see how they handle that. >> betsy, former trump press secretary stephanie grisham met with the committee this week. here is what she said in an interview after that meeting about how trump was reacting to the capitol riot. >> all i know about that day is that he was in the dining room glee watching on his tv like he did, look at the people fighting for me, hitting rewind, watching it again. that's what i know. >> gleefully watching the attack. how significant is that admission and how has the committee reacted to what she shared with them? >> it is certainly meaningful to have someone who was a senior white house aide cooperating with the investigation. it is important to remember that grisham wasn't in the inner circle of trump world. she wouldn't have spent a significant amount of time in that private dining room, but she would likely have detailed knowledge of who the folks surrounding the room were, who was going in and out, what type of communication was happening within the white house as people from literally every level of the capitol building were begging everyone they knew in the trump administration to try to intervene and to try to stave off the violence. the fact that she's publicly talking about her cooperation also signals that, look, lots of people are chatting to the committee. the more people know about the participation of folks like stephanie grisham, the more pressure that puts on folks who right now might be on the fence about cooperating or who might be trying to stiff arm the committee. some people, even if they're loyal to trump and even if they think that the process of going in for a committee interview would be deeply unpleasant and time consuming, will change their mind and will decide to go in if they feel like their side of the story is being characterized by other people, but if they can't share their side of the story themselves. so anybody who thinks that stephanie grisham might have a bone to pick with them in relation to january 6th when they realize that she's cooperating with the committee might think, oh, i should probably go in and maybe i'll need to do some cleanup on aisle six. that's the type of dynamic that tends to play out in these wide-ranging congressional probes, and we can expect that tensions like that are certainly percolating in the broader trump world. >> carol, speaking of the tensions, the committee is looking at whether it can subpoena republican lawmakers to force their cooperation. where does that effort stand and is there concern legal delays could impede the pace of their investigation? >> absolutely. untested waters. i mean we've had lawmakers testify before and give information about their experiences to congress in the history of congress, but none of them have been subpoenaed and forced against their will. this is area that's just uncharted. it is a huge potential legal morasse and every delay worries this particular committee. remember, they have a political deadline as well as a factual one, and that is that the midterms could mean all of their work is moot. they have to finish that work. i think the most interesting things that are going to unfold in the next couple of weeks -- and i'm going to guess three to five based on the people that i've been speaking to -- are who are the prime front seat witnesses that they're able to have testify and narrate this experience. who is going to narrate in a credible way, and i think it is important to pick people that are credible. who is going to narrate the inside look, behind the green curtain at the emerald palace, what was donald trump doing, what was he saying to mike pence, what was he saying to his colleagues, what was he saying to his children, like ivanka trump when she came in, as we reported in our book, pleading for her father to call off the dogs along with mark meadows. there will be really interesting choices the committee has to make about who those individuals are who credibly document in their own words what happened that day and the days before. >> betsy, that is incredibly relevant given that the committee says it is going to soon hold public hearings. your sense of the timeline for that and with the portion of the country, a large portion of the country denying the seriousness of what actually happened on january 6th, do you have a sense of the audience that the committee believes they're going to be able to reach with these public hearings? >> i don't have a clear sense of the timeline, but there's not a massive amount of time the committee has to work with when you think about how complex it is to arrange a hearing like this, to do all of the planning for all of the lawmakers, to make sure that lawmakers are prepped, that they have the entire process organized. that's not something that can be quickly turned around. another important thing to remember when asking about who the audience for a hearing like this is, is the fact that many of the democrats involved in this investigation still have a little bit of -- still feel a little bit raw about the fall-out of special counsel robert mueller's report. they had wanted to have more open hearings with key witnesses for that report, particularly with don mcgahn, within a much shorter timeline. instead, there was a protracted legal battle involving whether or not mcgahn would be able to publicly testify, and instead of him raising his right hand and testifying to members of congress on camera in the moment when the public was most interested in and checked in to the question of russia's interference of the 2016 campaign, it took way, way longer. this is an issue that congressman adam schiff, who helped helm one of the congressional russian probes and who also now is working on the january 6th select committee investigation has highlighted. he has pointed out that timing is an issue and that when it comes to helping regular americans who don't necessarily have massive amounts of time on their hand, when it comes to helping them understand what exactly went on behind the scenes, there's immense communication value in having these open hearings rather than in just releasing a written report. so it is something that is a top priority for the committee. >> carol leonnig, appreciate your time. betsy, you are staying with me. next, what we can glean from the violence on january 6th, 2021, and just how dangerous other cable networks are for those who believe one very specific alternate reality. plus, promising news about a new covid vaccine that looks to bridge equity gaps across the world. i'm going to talk to one of the doctors who helped invent it. in the next hour, why a long list of mayors and local officials are looking to washington to set federal standards for voting rights. i'm going to talk to two of the mayors who sent a letter to the u.s. senate urging swift action. we are just getting started here on "american voices." ♪ i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ ♪ well the sun is shining and the grass is green ♪ ♪ i'm way ahead of schedule with my trusty team ♪ ♪ there's heather on the hedges ♪ ♪ and kenny on the koi ♪ ♪ and your truck's been demolished by the peterson boy ♪ ♪ yes -- ♪ wait, what was that? 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>> well, what we saw was him flip-flopping on the definition of terrorism. you know, terrorism is an act of violence or threat of violence that is political in nature, intended to impact an audience beyond the immediate victims. so the men who were going in there, and as i warned that very day that there may be people who were murder cells or -- which is what we call a group of people designated to work within a riot whose real intent is to kill individuals, to hunt and assassinate individuals, we have since found through indictments that there were several people who were saying that they were going to hunt down nancy pelosi or alexandria ocasio-cortez. so that being said, they carried out a terrorist operation on a very large scale using the initial protest as a cover and a method of camouflage to enclose on their enemies, which is the capitol hill police and, of course, to attempt to take over the building, stop the election and implement a coup d'etat. so ted cruz was correct the first time he said it. then yesterday -- and this is where you see the mainstreaming of this problem. in fact, i have a new book out called "they want to kill americans," and it is about the militias and the terrorists within this group, within the republicans now who are now the base of the party. ted cruz is pandering to them. this means that this -- that the insurrectionists, the seditionists, the people who agree with them now have the entire political party acting as their advocates, and this will happen again. >> betsy, political reports the doj has declined to charge any of the capitol rioters with domestic terrorism. why aren't prosecutors pushing for those charges, betsy? >> the domestic terrorism statutes that exist in some other countries don't actually exist in the u.s. what we have here is a tool called a terrorism enhancement, which is something that comes into place after someone has been convicted, and it is a tool that's used to extend the sentences of people because the crime they commit -- the crime they committed was perhaps more egregious than the typical sentence that's assigned to that crime. some of these court hearings, federal judges have asked prosecutors, why haven't you sought to use the terrorism enhancement to extend the sentences some of these people have received, and some of the rioters, some of the people who engaged in terrorism -- let's use the word because it is the correct word to use -- have received sentences that were much smaller than perhaps would have been doled out had the people engaged in that type of activity, say, been black or brown. this is something the federal judges have signalled that they find troubling, and it is something that i'm confident is causing some soul searching at the justice department. that said, a lot of the initial cases that the doj has brought forward thus far have been against defendants who engaged in activity that, of course, is horrible and problematic and troubling, but not as extreme as some of the other cases that are currently underway. to the point that carol leonnig made on the last segment, doj just never moves quickly enough for so many people who watch the process that prosecutors take to build these cases. two big doj cases to keep an eye on in the year to come are conspiracy investigations related to the proud boys, who your viewers are familiar with, a far-right street fighting group, and the oath keepers, a group of former military and law enforcement extremists who engage in also far-right violent activity. those cases are extremely important because doj is going after leaders of those organizations for conspiring, basically planning ahead of time to engage in the violence that happened on january 6th. the way doj handles those cases is going to send a major signal about whether or not they're treating the terrorist activity that occurred on january 6th like it counts as terrorism. >> right. malcolm, the pace of accountability has been slower than a lot of people would like to see. at the same time the evolution of this extremist group happening at a very rapid pace, no one knows it better than you. nbc reports extremists getting into local politics, particularly school and county health boards. how have you seen the far-right threat evolve just in the past year alone? >> well, it has certainly taken a new way or a new version of how they want to present themselves. back in 2020 they came out with a fully armed militias, right. they were an extension of the trump campaign. after the election, they brought all of that to the capitol, and once the capitol was taken and they were beaten down they devolved. but let's put it this way. they've devolved in such a way that they have moved from overt armed insurrection planning, but a lot of them still are. we see in their chats, you know, their internal communications, they still want to fight, but what they understand now is that they're following their leaders' lead. guys like steve bannon when he says they're going to come to the next election with thousands of people who are going to be there to not just watch the election, but the very moment that they take power they're going to take over government offices, buildings, and these people who were the insurrectionists and will be in the future, as i call them, insurgents, because there will be more than one insurrection, they have now gone down to the state and local level. starting with the crazy qanon people taking over school boards, but they are moving on to every level that involves the electoral process. that is where you are going to see the next wave of true extremism where you may have violence at the polls. you will may have people who have designated themselves of armed protectors, you know, of the ballots in each of the states. you may have people that will take a state that, you know, and change the election result and then have these individuals with weapons come out and defend the state with the acquiescence of the governors. i mean it is going to be a very different version of it, but you have to understand the people that are planning this, the steve bannons, the roger stones, all of these -- you know, the republican party leadership, they understand that when they're going to take power, they're going to take power completely, and the guns will come out at the last minute when they need it. >> malcolm nance, betsy woodruff swan, thank you both. next, why wisconsin senator ron johnson might be among the least-informed elected officials when it comes to covid-19. a dubious distinction for sure. a new low-cost covid vaccine could be a game changer for some countries. dr. peter hotez who helped develop this new vaccine is going to join me next. s going to join me next. ♪ and my clothes smell so much fresher than before ♪ try gain flings and you'll be a gainiac too! the only detergent with oxiboost and febreze. with clean, fresh ingredients, panera's new chicken sausage and pepperoni flatbread is a mouthwatering explosion of yes. craft? 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(vo) yep, it's our best plan ever. verizon is going ultra, so you can too. vaccines are our best defense against covid-19, but some people are still in denial of this obvious fact, including senator ron johnson of wisconsin. >> why do we assume that the body's natural immune system isn't the marvel that it really is? why do we think we can create something better than god in terms, you know, in terms of combatting disease? now, there are certainly things we have to do, but we've just made so many assumptions, and it is all pointed toward everybody getting a vaccine. >> james martin, an internationally renown priest responded by saying, quote, one of the gifts that god has given to us is intelligence and ingenuity. science is an outgrowth of this, and science and medicine have given us these vaccines which help to save lives and lessen suffering. why would we not use them? and if we're going to ignore science and medicine, then why go to doctors at all? why even take an aspirin? senator johnson's remarks reveal not simply a misunderstanding of how science works but how god works through us. experts have said access to vaccine globally is key to stopping the spread of covid-19 anywhere. compared to more than 70% of high-income countries. to help close the gap, two researchers in texas developed a new patent-free vaccine known as corvax. india is the first country to authorize the vaccine for use and a local manufacturer has turned out millions of doses. joining me, dr. peter hotez from texas children's hospital, dean of the national tropical school of medicine at baylor college of medicine. he is one of those who developed this vaccine. dr. hotez, there has not been a lot of good news throughout this pandemic. so when i see a glimmer, i cling to it. i do want to talk to you about this vaccine. before we do, i want to give you an opportunity to respond to what we heard senator ron johnson saying a moment ago about why we do or don't need vaccines. >> well, i thought father -- what father james martin said, you know, it is hard to beat his eloquence. he was spot on and he is exactly right. i mean this is -- we know what the consequences of our, quote, natural immunity is. it brought us the deaths from tens of -- in the levels of tens of millions from smallpox in the 20th century until we eliminated it, eradicated it, and now this is certainly the same for covid-19. here is the number, alicia. 200,000 americans since june 1 bought into what senator johnson has said and needlessly threw their lives away. they lost their lives because they were defiant of vaccines. they refused to get vaccinated. i will say the number again. 200,000 unvaccinated americans since june 1 have needlessly lost their lives because they refused covid-19 vaccines. this is why i get so emotional and so passionate about it, is because the stakes are so high. thousands of americans are losing their lives daily. we just lost 1,400 americans yesterday. almost all of those were unvaccinated. they did not have to die. this is continuing. we are at 835,000 deaths now in the u.s. we are going to reach 1 million. that's the extraordinary number, and it could keep on going from there. >> and that is set against the reality that there are people in other countries who wish they had access to these vaccines. so i want to talk about yours because it could be a game changer here. pfizer and moderna use similar mrna technology. how does the science behind your vaccine differ? >> ours is an older technology, alicia, the same technology used to make the recombinant hepatitis vaccine. it is a vegan vaccine made in yeast. this technology has been around for almost 40 years. it has been used to make the hepatitis b vaccine, which is safe and even used in kids. our texas children's center for vaccine development, we like to say we make the vaccines the pharma companies won't make. we make vaccines for paracytic infections such as a disease which is decimating the poor across latin america, another that is across the poor in africa, another scourge of 40 million girls and women. we used that same approach making the coronavirus vaccine a decade ago and now the covid-19 vaccine. we have licensed it with no patent attached to vaccine makers in india, bangladesh and botswana. india is the furthest along there, and they've been producing their vaccine called corbevax that we transferred the technology and helped in the development. 100,000 vaccines ready to go. i think they maybe going into arms next weekend and they will be scaling up until they reach 1.2 billion. it is excited. this center is headed by myself and my partner, who we have worked together for 20 years. we want to get the whole southern hemisphere and the world's low and middle income countries vaccinated. aside from the obvious humanitarian urgency for this is the simple fact that delta arose out of an unvaccinated population in india. omicron out of an unvaccinated population in southern africa. mother nature is telling us what is in store for us next. as long as we refuse to vaccinate the global south, she will continue to throw terrible variants of concern at us. when i saw that the u.s. government and the g7 countries were not stepping up to donate vaccines we said, we're going to do it ourselves. as of now, our modest center for vaccine development at texas children's hospital is providing more doses to the world's low and middle income countries than the u.s. government or any of the g7 countries. so it is also a call to action for the other countries to step up and stop the new variants from emerging. >> meanwhile, here at home the supreme court heard arguments friday as to whether president biden has the authority to require companies of 100 employees or more to have fully vaccinated staff or test once a week. the court hasn't officially ruled. some conservative justices have argued the government doesn't have the authority to impose a national vaccine mandate. my question to you, doctor, do you think we will be able to get to the other side of this pandemic without that mandate? >> i don't see how. even the mandate is not going to be sufficient because i think this reflects the biden administration's full-throttle approach to try to use the full powers of the federal government to vaccinate the country, and it is important that he's successful in this. but even then, we are still going to need support from all of the governors to finish the rest of the job and the local and county governments to do this as well. so it is an important first step. it means keeping the workplace safe. i think that's the major driver for this. too, as i say, too many americans are losing their lives. i think what the biden administration is attempting to do is absolutely the right thing to do, and it is profoundly disappointing or even outrageous to know so many are conspiring against the federal government to help save american lives. >> dr. peter hotez, thank you for your time and thank you for bringing us a dose of good news. next, as the omicron variant sweeps across the country we are facing crises and challenges individually and collectively. but as we imagine life on what could be the other side of this, my next guest wants to help us make space for things we love to do. that conversation is coming up in just a few minutes. and thanks to imbruvica (man 2 vo) i'm living longer. 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how do you find joy in this? now she is sharing how to make time for what you love in her guide "find your unicon space." after the break, her new book and a discussion. we will be right back. of nature breathing. and this is the sound of better breathing. fasenra is a different kind of asthma medication. it's not a steroid or inhaler. fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. it's one maintenance dose every 8 weeks. it helps prevent asthma attacks, improve breathing, and lower use of oral steroids. nearly 7 out of 10 adults with asthma may have elevated eosinophils. fasenra is designed to target and remove them. fasenra is not a rescue medication or for other eosinophilic conditions. fasenra may cause allergic reactions. get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth, and tongue, or trouble breathing. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. this is the sound of fasenra. ask your doctor about fasenra. are you tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean? 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so many americans got into baking that stores actually ran out of flour. a year and a half later it is hard to imagine being that excited to stay home, but eve rodsky has "the unicorn space." joining me now, eve rodsky, the author of "fair play" and the just-released "find your unicor space." eve, my friend, i'm happy to see you. my kids are remote learning this week. there were a lot of things i had to do on my mom to-do list as a mom and journalist, and the other things i love to do. i'm not sure i accomplished any of them. so for someone watching this, tell me why it is possible and why it is necessary. >> thank you, alicia f having me. we are real the, and i would say, yes, our time is more stretched than ever, as you said in the beautiful intro. there's a primal screen going on, a great resignation. the american psychological association says burnout is at an all-time high. this is why creativity is not optional. these are the times when we need to invest in our mental and physical health, and sadly we're too past taking a walk around the block. burnout is not cured by having a drink with a friend, alicia. >> the thing that most resonates to me is this idea of how hard it is to make ourselves and our time unavailable. why is that so challenging? >> well, it depends on who we're talking about. if we're talking about women or other marginalized population or the people who hold essential worker jobs, then our time has been devalued since the beginning of the industrial revolution. we know the dirty little secret that has been exposed is that our society, our capitalist society is built on the backs of unpaid women. our time, which is our most valuable currency, we're taught to give it away for free to others. and we can't do that anymore. we are more than our roles as partners and parents and professionals, and this is literally a cultural movement and we cannot let this disruption go to waste, alicia. >> i love that you are now just walking around with a post-it note as a reminder to yourself because it's the muscle memory of saying i'm not available. that is so hard to do. for someone who wants to create their own unicorn space, what are the first steps you can take? >> the first step is to recognize we've been taught through our language that hobbies, passion projects, vanity projects, that creativity is somehow optional , that somehow you can get to it when you can, that it should be the bottom of your never-ending to-do list. what we now know, the science shows us that creativity is associated with daily flourishing, and we saw it. people are doing segments now and there's a lot of research on the fact that essential workers are turning to creativity because, again, what i'm here to tell you is that -- what i found in my research, alicia, is that the real and only anecdote to burnout is being interested in your own life. >> yeah, i think about that in the context of being with people socially, even though now that is largely on zoom or talking to people sort of through windows across the way is having something to talk about other than work and other than your kids in that moment that i think almost all parents have where they say oh, my goodness, i've lost the thread and i don't have anything else. you spoke 150 people about their creative pursuits. what most struck you? >> i think what most struck me is that you can be more than one thing. and that's subversive. people are already embarrassed to say i'm an accountant and an artist. but you can be a parent and a pilot. the people i spoke to are doing the most amazing thing, from crocheting, storybook characters, being sexy audio book narrators, to a woman at 56 who started race car driving and now at 67 she's one of the top rally car racers in the world and she's now in antarctic. so many of us see what people have become and don't recognize in the becoming there's a lot of small steps. so what i advise is that we retire the word "passion" because i don't even know what my passion was or would be or will be in five years, and we replace it with the word "curious." we all find a curiosity. >> the world will be a better place if we have that curiosity. eve rodski, thank you. her new book is on sale now. at the top of the hour, we have entered an election year. what is the justice department doing to ensure those who attacked the capitol are accountable. >> reporter: later, the pressure is on, mayors of two cities and why they're pushing for federal action on voting rights. stay with us. witush ♪ i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible... with rybelsus®. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to the possibility of lower a1c with rybelsus®. you may pay as little as $10 for up to a 3-month prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. we hit the bike trails every weekend shinges doesn't care. i grow all my own vegetables shingles doesn't care. we've still got the best moves you've ever seen good for you, but shingles doesn't care. because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. but, no matter how healthy you feel, your immune system declines as you age increasing your risk for getting shingles. so, what can protect you? shingrix protects. you can protect yourself from shingles with a vaccine proven to be over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your pharmacist or doctor about shingrix. shingles doesn't care. but you should. when our daughter and her kids moved in with us... our bargain detergent couldn't keep up. turns out it's mostly water. so, we switched back to tide. one wash, stains are gone. [daughter] slurping don't pay for water. pay for clean. it's got to be tide. this hour, from the hill to the doj, where the january 6th investigation goes now. new details ahead on congressional hopes of hearing from mike pence opening up a grab bag of liabilities for his formers boxer donald trump. close to 150 mayors red and blue demand the senate protect voting rights by the end of the month. go mayors weigh in on this bipartisan effort and the extreme danger of doing nothing. plus, new york congressman jamaal bowman on his push to charge ahead with build back better which works he calls a must-do for democrats heading into the midterms. and the danger of fable and cable. president of media matters on what to make of ted cruz's appearance on fox news, lines between perspective and propaganda officially totally blurred. a new hour of "american voices" begins right now. thanks for winning becoming with us. i'm alicia menendez. we begin with the ongoing assault on our democracy. and the urgency of accountability for those who worked to overturn the 2020 election. we're now learning the january 6th committee wants to talk to former vice president mike pence as it works to determine if trump oversaw a criminal conspiracy to overturn the election. an aide to the select committee tells nbc news the palpable is contemplating issuing an invitation to pence later this month. several pence aides have already been cooperating. so far the january 6th committee has interviewed more than 300 witnesses, issuing subpoenas when needed. what about the department of justice? this week attorney general merrick garland vowed to hold, quote, all january 6th perpetrators at any level accountable for the assault on our democracy. however, it is

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Way , Alicia Menendez , Sources , Life , Back , Family , Target , Terms , Pressuring , Heart , Elections , Note , Things , Some , Aides , Working On , Labor , Fruits , Navy , Betsy , Folks , Indication Pence , Signals , Cooperative , Orbit , Course , Of Rioters Surrounded , Descriptions , Terror , Movements , Mob , Thing , Transition , Power , Capitol Building , President , Entirety , Arguably , Fold , January 5th , 5 , January 5th 2021 , 2021 , Matter , Presidency , Campaign , Discounting , Access Hollywood , Drink , Where , Water Bottle , Video , Floor , Country , Primal Scream , System , Fact , Kind , Defense , Context , Situation , Person , January 6th Select Committee Investigation , Pressure , Question , Merrick Garland , Consequences , Relationship , Criminal Referral Place , Case , Fbi , Anything , Similarity , Defendants , Sort , Semi , Riot Gear , 700 , Biden Being Elected , Press Conference , Grounds , Justice Department Investigation , Prosecution , Big Fish , Calm Down , 101 , Something , Cases , Drug Investigation Down In , Northeast Washington D C , Rural Mississippi , Admissibility In Court , Doesn T , Proof , Task , Burden , Hit , Issue , Little , Stephanie Grisham Met , Interview , Meeting , Dining Room , Glee , Hitting Rewind , Tv , Someone , Aide , Admission , Attack , White House , She Wouldn T , Type , Amount , Communication , Grisham Wasn T In The Inner Circle Of Trump World , Room , Knowledge , Violence , Level , Everyone , Trump , People , Cooperation , Participation , Lots , Fence , Mind , Process , Committee Interview , Consuming , Arm , Side , Story , Anybody , Relation , Bone , Tensions , Probes , Cleanup , Aisle , Dynamic , Six , World , Lawmakers , Pace , Effort Stand , Delays , Investigation , Experiences , Waters , History , None , Information , Area , Their , Potential , Will , Delay , Uncharted , Morasse , Deadline , Work , Midterms , Five , Three , Experience , Front Seat Witnesses , Children , Ivanka Trump , Colleagues , Look , 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Chase , Goodness , Debit Card , Chapter , Wellness , Money Habits , Allowances , Savings Goals , Chores , Account Alerts , Chase First Banking , Service Fee , Narrative , Facts , Threads , Ancestry , Baptiste Caretto , Bread , Path , Eat , Spokesperson , Italian , Hold Up , False Start , Subway , Black Forest Ham , Bmt , Mv You Gotta Refresh , Protein , High Protein , Age , Muscle Health , Nutrients , Boost , Order , Save Big , 16 , 20 , Sale , Immune Support , Set , Save , Ready , Internet , Business , Voice , Price Guarantee , 4 99 , 2 , 64 99 , Backing , Deal , Prepaid Card , Expert Team , Value , Installation , 00 , 24 7 , 500 , Possibilities , Comcast Business , Capitol , Quote , Rioters , Assault , Poll , Police Officers , Third , Damage , 140 , 5 Million , 1 5 Million , Extremism Expert Writing , Survey , Ideology , Violence Underpinning , Capitol Rioters , 22 , Ted Cruz , Anniversary , Point , Politics , Viewers , Fox News , Terrorist Act , Apologizing , Mainstream Culture , Women , Men , Terrorist Attack , Law Enforcement , Dumb , Terrorism , Malcolm Nance , Terrorists , Law , Msnbc , Clip , Latin America , Plot , House Of Cards , Idea , Patriots , Rhetoric , Nature , Threat , Act , Definition , We Saw , Him , Flip Flopping , Victims , Murder Cells , Indictments , Intent , Riot , Being , Ocasio Cortez , Alexandria , Nancy Pelosi , Terrorist Operation , Protest , Cover , Scale , Method , Camouflage , Time , Building , Capitol Hill Police , Enemies , Coup D Etat , Alicia 200000 Americans , Party , Problem , Mainstreaming , Militias , Base , Insurrectionists , Pandering , Acting , Seditionists , Prosecutors , Aren T , Charges , Advocates , Countries , Tool , Place , Terrorism Enhancement , Statutes , Sentences , Crime , Judges , Sentence , Haven T , Court Hearings , Activity , Black , Brown , Soul Searching , Segment , Investigations , Oath Keepers , Boys , Big Doj , Eye , Law Enforcement Extremists , Organizations , Accountability , Terrorist Activity , Signal , Whether , Extremists , Extremist Group , County Health Boards , Evolution , Nbc , Version , Trump Campaign , Extension , Armed Militias , Chats , Armed Insurrection Planning , Guys , Lead , Thousands , Steve Bannon , Buildings , Government Offices , Estate , Wave , Extremism , Electoral Process , School Boards , Polls , Qanon , States , Weapons , Each , Armed Protectors , Ballots , Election Result , It , Governors , Leadership , Acquiescence , Roger Stones , Senator Johnson , Guns , Wisconsin , Game Changer , Distinction , Sure , 19 , Dr , Peter Hotez , Clothes , Detergent , Gainiac , Flings , Try Gain , Febreze , Oxiboost , Heartiness , Explosion , Flatbread , Pepperoni , Chicken Sausage , Craft , Panera , Zeposia , Remission , Delivery , Ulcerative Colitis , Don T Let Uc Stop You Mary , S1p Receptor Modulator Approved For Uc , Uc Achieve , 1 , , Breathing Problems , Heartbeat , Medicines , Heart Failure , Heart Attack , Pacemaker , Chest Pain , Mini Stroke , Sleep , Stroke , Don T Take Zeposia , Maois , Infections , Side Effects , Swelling , Risk , Death , Blood Pressure , Liver , Narrowing , Brain , Heart Rate , Blood Vessels , Zeposia May , Macular Edema , Pml , Doctor , Treatment , Conditions , Brain Infection , Medications , Birth Control , 3 , Plan , Vo , Ultra , Times , Mary , Cities , Verizon , 5g Data , 5g , Cost , Ultra Wideband , Speed , 10 , Zero , Go On , Show , Entertainment Subscriptions , Phone , Shhh , Foreals , Yep , Vaccines , Denial , Body , Immune System Isn T The Marvel , Everybody , Combatting Disease , Assumptions , God , Science , Saying , Medicine , James Martin , Outgrowth , This , Ingenuity , Gifts , Renown , Lives , Help , Aspirin , Remarks , Suffering , Access , Experts , Spread , Misunderstanding , India , Researchers , Anywhere , Gap , Texas , Corvax , 70 , Doses , Millions , Manufacturer , Baylor College Of Medicine , School Of Medicine , Texas Children S Hospital , Mental Health Crisis , Glimmer , Opportunity , Need , Deaths , Tens , Immunity , Levels , Our , Smallpox , Eloquence , Same , June 1 , 200000 , Unvaccinated Americans , Senator , Stakes , 1400 , Unvaccinated , 1 Million , 835000 , Technology , Moderna , Mrna , Pfizer , Recombinant Hepatitis Vaccine , Center , Vaccine Development , Hepatitis B Vaccine , Yeast , Pharma Companies Won T Make , 40 , Poor , Another , Disease , Paracytic , Approach , Vaccine Makers , Patent , Girls , Scourge , Southern Africa , 40 Million , Furthest , Bangladesh , Botswana , Corbevax , Arms , 100000 , Partner , Southern Hemisphere , 1 2 Billion , Urgency , Population , Omicron Out , Delta , Government , Variants , Store , Mother Nature , Concern , Global South , Next , Authority , Biden , Arguments , Supreme Court , Call To Action , G7 , Emerging , Companies , Court Hasn T , Justices , Test , Vaccine Mandate , Staff , Employees , 100 , Mandate , Powers , County , Governments , Support , Rest , Job , Step , Driver , Workplace Safe , Dose , Omicron Variant Sweeps , Challenges , Make Space , Crises , Guest , Conversation , Adults , Imbruvica , Thanks , Cll , Prescription Medicine , Therapy , Chills , Symptoms , Confusion , Blood Thinners , Blood Counts , Problems , Fevers , Decrease , Weakness , Infection , Diarrhea , Heart Rhythm Problems , Cancers , High Blood Pressure , Irregular Heartbeat , Heart Disease , Kidney Failure , Tumor Lysis , Seizure , Fluids , Heart Problems , Signs , Bleeding , Isn T , Limu , Whistles , Insurance , Doug , Limu Emu , Sec , Pay , Liberty , Vulture Squawks , Pharmacist , Organization , First , Supplement , Standards , Vitamins , Vitamin , Quality , Purity , Brand , Usp , Mission Control , Launch , Boosum , She S Eatingalso , Ts Lunchables , Rocket , Health , Virus , Kid , Parents , Headache , Home , Sick , Struggle , Least , Learning , Cdc , Calendar Year , Study , Families , Schools , Stress , Fatigue , Forces , Omicron , The New York Times , Half , Moms , Drugs , Distress , Alcohol , Say , Classes , Mom , Frustration , Load , Ahhhh , Laundrie , Mommmm , Pandemic , Ones , Momomomomomom , Aaaah , Jobs , Plenty , Ya , Anxiety , Depression , 4 5 Million , Joy , Unicon Space , Break , Nature Breathing , Discussion , Guide , Fasenra , Asthma , Breathing , Sound , Eosinophils , Asthma Medication , Maintenance Dose , Add On Treatment , Steroid , Inhaler , Rescue Medication , Asthma Attacks , Steroids , 8 , 7 , Reactions , Face , Trouble , Tongue , Mouth , Sore Throat , Laundry , Scent Boosters , Downy Unstopables , Downy , Smelling Laundry , Waaaay , Washing Machine , Cap , Moderate , Plaque Psoriasis , Skin , 4 , 90 , Fever , Ability , Tuberculosis , Muscle Aches , Sweats , Coughs , Skyrizi , Nothing , Everything , Dermatologist , Owner , Investor , Future , Advice , Vanguard , Baking , Sour Dough Bread , Flour , Eve Rodsky , Unicorn Space , Fair Play , Space , Unicor , Journalist , American Psychological Association , Intro , Resignation , Primal Screen , Creativity , Burnout , High , Walk , Block , Dirty Little Secret , Worker , Society , Beginning , Capitalist Society , Industrial Revolution , Backs , Currency , Partners , Movement , Disruption , Roles , Waste , Professionals , Reminder , Muscle Memory , Post It Note , Steps , Passion Projects , Vanity Projects , Language , Hobbies , Bottom , Flourishing , Research , Essential Workers , Segments , Anecdote , Zoom , Windows , Thread , Pursuits , Anything Else , 150 , Parent , Accountant , Artist , Subversive , Narrators , Woman , Audio Book , Pilot , Crocheting , Storybook Characters , Race Car Driving , 67 , 56 , Rally Car Racers , Antarctic , Curiosity , Passion , Eve Rodski , Department , Justice , Action , Stay , Everywhere , Type 2 Diabetes , What A Wonderful World , Witush , Stop Rybelsus , A1c , Blood Sugar , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Majority , Don T Take Rybelsus , Vision Problems , Reaction , Stomach Pain , Lump , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Pancreatitis , Provider , Kidney Problems , Insulin , Blood Sugar Risk , Changes , Possibility , Sulfonylurea , Nausea , Dehydration , Vomiting , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , Shinges , Bike , 0 , Shingles , Doesn T Care , Protection , Moves , Vegetables , Shingrix , Immune System Declines , Muscle Pain , Fainting , Redness , Guillain BarrÉ Syndrome , 50 , Daughter , Couldn T , Stomach , Bargain Detergent , Tiredness , Shivering , Injection Site , Shingles Doesn T Care , Wash , Water , Stains , Tide , The Hill , January 6th Investigation , Hopes , Details , Senate , Grab Bag , Liabilities , Demand , The End , Jamaal Bowman , Danger , Build , Must Do , Push , New York , Media Matters , Lines , Cable , Perspective , Fable , Propaganda , Committee , Palpable , Nbc News , 300 , Subpoenas , Accountable , Hold , Perpetrators ,

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