Transcripts For MSNBC Zerlina 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Zerlina 20240709

election, they put pressure on officials in the states like georgia, arizona, and michigan, and it was officials in those places who stood up against the big lie. in michigan, the democratic governor and secretary of state protected the will of the people. now they're up for re-election themselves this year, and that's why republicans are targeting both of them because governor whitmer and secretary of state benson are standing in the way of the republican plans to restrict voting in michigan and undermine our democracy. michigan senator debbie stabenow made the case this week that the attack on the capitol and the ongoing attack on elections both demand a rsponse from us. >> the january 6th insurrectionists tried to overthrow our capitol, and their sidekicks in suits and ties are trying to overthrow our elections, and just as we shored up our security here to protect the people's house, we need to upgrade our election laws to protect people's freedom to vote. >> starting us off tonight is senator debbie stabenow. senator, thank you so much for being here tonight. >> absolutely, zerlina. i really -- i love your work. i'm a fan. >> thank you so much. so you're calling for congress to pass new protections for voting rights, and the steam, and i think the momentum for this is picking up, but it also picks up on the two senators we talk a lot about, senators joe manchin and kyrsten sinema. this all comes down to changing the filibuster. do you see a way of convincing them to do that? >> zerlina, we're working night and day to find a way to get agreement to move forward on making this work as it's supposed to work. when you go back and read our founders, hamilton and madison and so on, they never meant for the majority to get it done. it was the power to the minority. i mean it's all about majority rule, and so we need to do something. i don't know why someone wouldn't say no. [ indiscernible ] and not just call it in, which is what happens right now. that makes absolutely no sense. and so we're doing everything humanly possible to convince colleagues no. everyone laments it doesn't work. andle everybody says -- filibuster, and i say, hello, it's not working. the most important rule in the senate should not be a higher priority than -- as americans, and that's -- there's nothing more important than what -- attack -- violence a year ago on january 6th -- election as somebody who lost and what is verified by democrats and republicans who lost the election. but then now they're trying to bend all the rules so next time they can win because it's hard for people to vote or they can challenge people voting or they can move people on election boards that don't want to count the vote the way they want it. so we're at an incredibly serious moment in our country. >> and that's actually what i want to ask you about specifically because yesterday joe biden talked a lot about in his speech this week commemorating if you will january 6th and the attack on the capitol, and one of the things i think that did is pick up -- escalate the conversation over protecting the democracy. do you see removing the filibuster -- you're in favor of removing it all together. do you see it as a piece of the puzzle in protecting the democracy because without that there is no vehicle for protecting voting rights as states are passing restrictions and subverting the will of the people in other ways as you just described? >> right. i mean what is essential is that we operate in america on a majority vote. not supermajority vote. that's not what the constitution sate. the majority vote. it takes one more than the other person to win the election. it should take one more than the other person to actually pass voting rights laws or anything we're doing other than those things that were described by -- or removal -- or so on when they said that should be a supermajority. but what we have right now is a perversion of the rules. we have the tierney of the minority right now with mitch mcconnell using a tool that used to be used very rarely, very, very rarely. and now he uses it on everything to stop everything that he does not want to happen, and he really wants to make sure we are -- so it's a calculated strategy. it's happening in michigan in my state. it's happening across the country. there were 400 different bills passed already. we're seeing effort after effort to try to take away people's freedom to vote, and then as a backstop, we know that they're willing to use violence if that doesn't work. >> and in your state of michigan -- i'm glad you brought that up because one of the things that the secretary of state has said recently, this is the most secure election in the history of michigan in terms of the presidential race and congressional races, so in the future, you know, it feels like this big lie that has been perpetuated there was fraud when all of the recounts and certifications have proven that that is not true. it's basically setting up a scenario like you said, that the backstop is violence. i mean, how worried are you that if the republicans take back power whether it's the governorship or secretary of state in the state of michigan, the will of the people, even access to the ballot box doesn't matter as much as how those votes are counted on the back end. how concerned are you about that in. >> i'm very concerned about that because essentially we have a group of people that want to win at all costs, and that's what they've decided. in michigan, we had the largest voter turnout in the history of michigan even in the pandemic. people came out and voted, and they voted for joe biden and kamala harris. donald trump did not win that election. republican clerks, democratic clerks, republican legislators, democratic legislators all said that. he did not win. they said maybe we need to convince people of better ideas and win the next election. they're trying to do everything to create a way that they win no matter what. and you know what? that's not america. >> yeah. i think in this country, you have the debate over policy ideas, and then the voters decide, you know, which side -- it could be two sides or three. it doesn't have to only be two. but voters get to decide who wins out in that debate. there shouldn't be violence, and there shouldn't be blocking voters from having the ability to make that determination. senator debbie stabenow, thank you so much for being here tonight. please stay safe. coming up, we just talked about the importance of passing voting rights legislation in congress. what will it take to get it across the finish line? we'll be right back. be right ba. growing up in a little red house, on the edge of a forest in norway, there were three things my family encouraged: kindness, honesty and hard work. over time, i've come to add a fourth: be curious. be curious about the world around us, 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new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy. and save at now let's step up and write the next chapter in our history where january 6th marks not the end of democracy but the beginning of a renaissance and unity and fair play. >> democrats are once again making voting rights their top priority from president biden using the one-year anniversary of the insurrection to reaffirm his commitment to free and fair elections to senate leader chuck schumer promising a vote to change the filibuster if he needs to in order to pass new protections for voters, but for some advocates, speeches and promises aren't enough anymore. the same voting rights groups that helped propel biden to victory in the state of georgia are now telling him to stay out of their state. they're calling on biden and vice president harris to cancel their trip to atlanta next week where he is slated to push for voting rights unless they have a real plan for getting something done, hint, filibuster. the groups released a statement that says in part, georgia voters made history and made their voices heard, overcoming obstacles to deliver the white house and the u.s. senate. in return a visit has been forced on them requiring them to accept political platitudes and repetitious bland promises. such an empty gesture without concrete action is unacceptable. and joining me now is reverend leah daltrey. how you do feel about this call from georgia activists for president biden and vice president harris not to go to atlanta, not to show up there without a concrete plan for how to get voting rights passed, which requires a change at least in the filibuster? everybody knows that by now. >> first of all, thanks, zerlina, for having me. happy new year to you. listen, i think what the georgia advocates are saying what we've all been saying. those working on the issue, we want a plan to have every american have equal access to the ballot. that will require under this construct some changes to the senate rules. they're not written in stone. they're not part of the constitution. they're made up by decades-ago office holders, and they need to be changed. the fact of the matter is just a few weeks ago they changed the rules in order to pass the debt ceiling. if they thought the debt ceiling was important enough to change the rules, surely the preservation of our democracy is as important if not more important. all of us want to see the rules changed. we want to see voting rights legislation go forward, and we're hoping the president will continue the tone and tenor of his january 6th remarks yesterday and pushing, making clear his position, making clear his requirements. he has been outspoken, and we have now heard him clearly say that he wants to see the rules changed in order for us to preserve our democracy. >> what would it sound like that's different from the things that we've already heard? so if the president and vice president go down to atlanta and say, you know, the democracy is in peril, it's an inflection point, you know, something along the lines that they've already said, yesterday he was very forceful, so i think they're taking this up a notch, but do they have to be that specific, we're going to pressure joe manchin to change the flichblt everybody knows what they're talking about. everything is directed at joe manchin, not the voters. so what would it sound like for the president and vice president to really mean it and it not be just bland platitudes? >> you know, i think the president has a tall order and he's got at least three audiences he has to address in this speech tomorrow -- in his speech that's coming up. one audience is the voters, the american citizenry, who may not think that this is important, who haven't been paying attentioning, and who don't understand how their own voting rights are going to be impacted by fewer ballot boxes, by shorter voting hours, by election officials who can overturn their votes some of he's got that audience. he's got to educate and perform so they can be energized to contact their own senators. he's also got the audience of the senate, the senators themselves. we often talk about joe manchin and kyrsten sinema. but, listen, there are 50 republican senators who are opposed to any rules change, implementing any voting rights legislation. we can't just give them a pass because they have an r after their names. they also have to be made to account and answer clearly for their positions on this. and the third audience, i think, are those who aren't convinced, those who are on the other side, those some of who he was talking to yesterday to remind them of what is really at stake. either you're for the constitution as amended or you're not. either you're for the preservation of democracy or you're not. i think he's got to be as forceful as yesterday, be as clear, as specific so that every audience understand as what is at stake for our nation. >> one of the things that sort of this moment reminds me of is criticism the democrats get often. they don't show up until it's time to ask for our vote. and in this instance in some ways it's like why are you coming to atlanta to give a speech. maybe you should go to virginia and give a speech in front of joe manchin's boat. i don't know. maybe that's in d.c. the audience seem as little off. you do think these activists or at least going to atlanta is tokenizing black voters and brown voters who would be impacted by these laws because they're not, as you said, really the audience. >> well, you know, i think that georgia's really ground zero. when you go back to the stacey abrams race and what happened there and the disenfranchised voters and have the umpire be the referee and the candidate and continuing through a senate race that took forever to count the votes that was counted over andover and over again when you had the former president calling the election officials, asking them to find more votes, georgia sort of crystallizes the problem around voting rights. and so i think, really, there's no better place for joe bide on the go, plant his flag, and say, we've seen it, you've seen it, the nation has watched over the last if you're as what has happened in georgia, and this is what we have at stake and what can happen in every other state in our union unless we take action. >> it's such an important conversation. and to be clear, access to the ballot box means that everybody has more access if you expand access, not just democratic voters, so i just don't understand in any way, shape, or form how restricting access is a good idea. here we are. reverend leah daughtry, thank you so much. please stay safe. coming up, if you're a little confused by the cdc guidelines, you are not alone. we'll try to sort it all out for you after this break. all out fr you after this break ♪ heartburnt stomach... ♪ ♪ diarrheaaaa.♪ try pepto bismol with a powerful coating action. for fast and soothing relief. pepto 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that line shows covid hospitalizations for kids ages 4 and younger, meaning kids who are too young to get vaccinated. the news about kids ending up in the hospital comes just as the cdc has relaxed the guidelines for how long students, teachers, and staff need to isolate if they come down with covid. a lot of people say the new guidance is pretty confusing, and it really isn't hard to agree -- hard to argue. >> let me just be clear. when we talk about isolation, we're talking about people who are sick, who have been -- who have tested positive with covid. for those people, we are very clear that on day five after your symptoms, your initial day of symptoms and day one is the day after your initial day of symptoms, if on day five you don't have symptoms anymore, then we can talk about, you know, coming out of isolation with a mask on, strictly masking for those remaining five days. >> joining me now is win redlener, professor at columbia university. doctor, i feel like i'm pretty well-versed in that, and even i'm confused. what do you make of them calling for isolation. are they too relaxed in terms of guidance or is this enough? >> well, zerlina, join the crowd. there's a play of people in every walk of life, parents and doctors, who are just as confused as you are, and it's really difficult to sort out. what we have now is a very confusing picture mainly because it's a little bit of new data from science, but there's a lot more concern about covid poll sins that are really in some ways contending the public health assessment. in essence, there was a push to shorten the period of time where people were, in essence, out of commission from covid, and what we're seeing now is a lot of pushback from doctors who are saying, wait a minute, why are we reducing the amount of quarantine and what made us change it from ten days to five days. and by the way, there's also controversy why the cdc did not call for getting tested and showing a negative covid test before coming out of isolation? >> that feels like common sense to me. everybody is talking past each other, but one of the things that i think is something we should all be able to agree on is, yes, everybody wants kids to go back to school safely, but everybody leaves off "safely" as if it's relevant in this sentence. kids are getting sick in this surge. are you troubled with the amount of kids you're seeing sick with covid-19? >> you know, there were a little bit more than a thousand children hospitalized last week alone. 14 children died last week, which, you know, is a relatively small number in the scheme of things compared to what's happening to adults, but it's enough of a number to make parents and doctors concerned. look, i think we have -- we're in a transition. i think we have a lot to think about here. the fact of the matter is back to school safely is absolutely key. the conflict arises because children miss so much school at this point, zerlina, that their futures are actually affected by this interrupted psych their education. that said, i think what we need to do is we need to make sure as many of our children who are eligible get vaccinated as soon as possible. now, look, there's zero to 4-year-olds who are not eligible to get vaccinated. i spoke to someone who had 8-day-old twins who tested positive. we have antibodies for mom, but we're worried about those babies. parents of 5 and up, please get these kids protected by getting the vaccine. >> that is so hard to hear and it's so scary. it must be so scary for parents because this is a new virus. you don't know how it's going to turn out. you hope for the best. you hope your child is not one of the 14 as you mentioned that loses their life, but you really don't know. it's like rolling the dice with your child. it is an incredibly hard place for parents to be. dr. irwin redlener, i appreciate you as always to help us talk through this difficult stuff. that eric you so much for being here, and please stay safe. >> you too. coming up -- governor arrested as his state sees a huge record surge in covid cases. we'll be right back. why does walgreens offer prescription copays as low as zero dollars? 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that will never work! if it works on nfl jerseys it'll work for you. and it's cold. so you will turn to cold? fine! that guy needs to chill out! in florida the pandemic is really not going great right now. just like full stop. and today the state set a one-day record with more than 76,000 new covid cases in the state of florida. some countries don't even have that many. the previous record was set just last week. and with things getting a little bit dicey here, you'd think state leadership in florida would be focused on getting things under control, but we're talking about florida. and florida governor ron desantis said this earlier today. >> it's really important. people can do what they want. i mean, we're not doing any type of restriction or whatever, but just going out and testing yourself all the time if you're not sick, there's very little clinical value to that. people should live their lives, and if they develop symptoms, you can obviously get a test. and if you're at risk and the treatment would really change the course for you, we obviously want to see that treatment done. but you do have some people that will go out and just test all the time, and that's not a good use of the resources. >> joining me now is florida state rep active michelle raynor who's now running for a seat in congress. and that is hard for me to watch because in some ways you can't even believe how ridiculous he sounds there, right? some people are going to be testing all the type. why would we want to test people to see if they have covid so we can isolate them so they don't spread it to other people when my state is having 76,000 cases in one day. and you've been very critical of the governor's covid response. what's your reaction to what he's saying there and the new guidance in the state of florida for testing -- for less testing? >> well, first, zerlina, thank you so much for having me on. it's wonderful, my pleasure to be on with you. huge fan. but to your point, it's the math. the math is not mapping right. there's no other plainer way for me to put this. the math is not mapping. we have had increased spikes as you just noted in folks getting infected with the covid, and this is just really a long line of governor ron desantis's lack of leadership when it comes to covid. i remember early last year, this time last year, i had to lead the fight in order to get vaccine sites in black and brown neighborhoods because he was doing a pay for play. if you gave money, you got things. this man who is not a doctor, not a medical professional, and, in fact, i think his surgeon general has credentials that i'm kind of looking at sideways saying you shouldn't test if you're not symptomatic? that's really for him as they say in the wire, juke the stacks because if you're not testing, your covid numbers are not going up. >> i love the reference. i also love, it ain't algebra. you don't have to understand math to know the numbers are going up on the graph. this really isn't difficult. this sounds like what donald trump said at the beginning of the pandemic and testing when the cruise ship was out stuck with the people on it. he was like, no, no, no, we don't want testing because we don't actually want to know that there's this many people with covid. i mean local doctors in your state are pushing back. what do you think about this idea that they don't want to accurately get the data and track the number of cases, and then also by doing that, you can isolate properly and contact trace. i mean it's all connected pieces, and it feels like the governor just wants fewer cases to report, but not that actually exists. >> correct. you're absolutely right. so he can have this false narrative of that, you know, florida did everything right and keep the state open and covid really wasn't an issue in florida, and that is further from the truth. the numbers don't lie. it's so interesting. the graph put up was not by the department of health. it was by a private entity, a florida hospital. there were numerous letters asking the governor to reinstate the recording and the record-keeping of covid, and he hasn't. and this is the same governor that when omicron started spiking refused to open up state-run testing sites, refused to go to president biden and ask him to have federal testing sites, and then -- math is not mapping -- once again say, well, it's really joe biden's fault we have this issue. sorry. make this make sense. literally the people of florida are dying because of this man's blind ambition to want to run for president, his blind ambition that cares not about the people of florida but to cater to his base and to cater to the formerly disgraced impeached president. >> it's a really sad state of affairs. i don't say that lightly. we're talking about life and death, and there is no political calculation that is ever, ever going to trump life and death, ever. i don't care under any context. every day i'm like why are we saying it like that is a justification when it is not. florida state rep active michele rayner. i appreciate you being here. the math isn't mapping. i think that's something we can take to the bank today. please stay safe. >> thanks. coming up, mary trump is coming up to talk about a year after the insurrection, her uncle donald trump, and why ted cruz can't make up his mind about what happened on january 6th. we'll be right back. d on january 6th. we'll be right back. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ do i need to pretreat my laundry? 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it was really meant to get under your uncle's skin. elaborate on that. help us understand what it was about that speech that is probably bothering donald trump right now. >> i can't think of anything about that speech that didn't bother him, but i think it's also important to note that in addition to that, the speech was very much a message to the american people, this is a message they need to have been hearing for the last year, so i'm very pleased that president biden has taken the gloves off. as for donald, president biden basically hit every point that would drive donald to crazy. he made it -- and he was only telling the truth. i mean we know that nothing president biden said was exaggerated, was untrue, was hyperbolic. it was all factual. donald trump lost the 2020 election not just decisively, but by an enormous margin. he's a defeated business. he has no business peddling the lies he's been allowed to peddle. i think that's why people like cruz are going to double down or backtrack if they dare tell the truth because even though i think in the long term this is the correct strategy in how to deal with donald in the short term, it is going to make him even more vicious and potentially even more dangerous. >> but is he dangerous to somebody like ted cruz? i mean, one of the things i think a lot about -- i mean, to his re-election prospects, but, you know, we're talking about the danger of actual real violence on the other side of that coin, and one of the things i think i realized this week is that donald trump has revealed who republicans kind of were. you know, i'm not painting a broad brush with all republicans everywhere on the planet, just the ones going along with the big lie. he has revealed them to be craven. when the facts in the video say one thing, they're willing to contradict their own selves. what makes people like donald trump make adults do that? >> it was a mystery to me for a long time. zerlina, your point is well taken. i would say, however, that it is the vast majority of elected republicans. i think we can say it's 100% of senate republicans and 99% of republicans in the house, so this is not a 50/50 split. this is not a rarity. it is almost all of them, which is important for us to understand because i think it increases the pressure on them to continue down the road they started on when they decided it was perfectly acceptable to allow donald to become their standard bearer. what makes them continue to kowtow to him, to degrade themselves in order to stay on his right side, i think the problem a lot of us have and that i had for a long time is that we were using the wrong metric or we were looking at it through the wrong lens. we can't look at it through the lens that we would when we are trying to figure out who we should trust, who we should follow. basically the things that most of us reveal in donald are things that people --them. ted cruz, as despicable as he is, is not a stupid person. so he is trying to have it both ways. he understands that he can't totally ignore what happened on january 6th. but if he is called out on actually telling the truth, how dare he, he needs to backtrack. he needs to kiss the ring. he needs to back off. and that's exactly what we see happening with him and with people like lindsey graham, et cetera. >> so why don't the other things i wanted to ask you as a relative of donald trump, is whether or not he really believes the big lie. does he actually believe the election was rigged, he was really the winner, and joe biden is not the legitimate president? or does he not really in his heart when he's alone by himself going to bed and thinking about it, does not really believe that, and he's perpetuating this lie because he wants to be president again, or for whatever reason, he doesn't want to get prosecuted, i don't know. and do you think it matters either way? >> i actually don't necessarily think it matters because the end result is the same but i actually think it's the former. this is somebody whose narcissistic injury in 2020 was deep and so permanent he couldn't survive it if he had to face the truth of it so he needed to construct a narrative that protected him from the fact that he had lost, and not just lost, but lost so badly that in the vernacular of my family, he's a total loser, right? so in that, because he's so desperately needed to make it clear to himself that he hadn't lost, i think it was easier to convince other people because there was a desperation behind the lie that he eventually came to believe. the thing about donald is, there is no private moment where he is alone with his thoughts. he's the same person in every setting, whether he's alone or with his children, or with 5,000 people at a rally. so the truth is the truth across all scenarios, or i should say his truth is his truth across all scenarios. and the longer this has been allowed to go on, the more compelling that narrative has become for him and for the people who follow him and who enable him. and that's the real danger here. >> it is always so important for me, in my understanding, and i hope it's also true for the audience, to talk to you. i just -- i find your insights really helpful, particularly because you're a clinical psychologist. who knew we would need that in our political analysis so often. here we are, mary trump, thank you such for being here, as always. stay safe. >> thank you, you too. coming up, the men who murdered ahmaud arbery are sentenced and the loss of a true hollywood legend, sidney poitier. we'll be right back. and the new baja chicken & bacon, aka “the smokeshow”" save big. order through the app. ♪ my name is monique, i'm 41, and i'm a federal contract investigator. as a single parent, i would run from football games to work and trying to balance it all. so, what do you see when you look at yourself? 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Transcripts For MSNBC Zerlina 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Zerlina 20240709

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election, they put pressure on officials in the states like georgia, arizona, and michigan, and it was officials in those places who stood up against the big lie. in michigan, the democratic governor and secretary of state protected the will of the people. now they're up for re-election themselves this year, and that's why republicans are targeting both of them because governor whitmer and secretary of state benson are standing in the way of the republican plans to restrict voting in michigan and undermine our democracy. michigan senator debbie stabenow made the case this week that the attack on the capitol and the ongoing attack on elections both demand a rsponse from us. >> the january 6th insurrectionists tried to overthrow our capitol, and their sidekicks in suits and ties are trying to overthrow our elections, and just as we shored up our security here to protect the people's house, we need to upgrade our election laws to protect people's freedom to vote. >> starting us off tonight is senator debbie stabenow. senator, thank you so much for being here tonight. >> absolutely, zerlina. i really -- i love your work. i'm a fan. >> thank you so much. so you're calling for congress to pass new protections for voting rights, and the steam, and i think the momentum for this is picking up, but it also picks up on the two senators we talk a lot about, senators joe manchin and kyrsten sinema. this all comes down to changing the filibuster. do you see a way of convincing them to do that? >> zerlina, we're working night and day to find a way to get agreement to move forward on making this work as it's supposed to work. when you go back and read our founders, hamilton and madison and so on, they never meant for the majority to get it done. it was the power to the minority. i mean it's all about majority rule, and so we need to do something. i don't know why someone wouldn't say no. [ indiscernible ] and not just call it in, which is what happens right now. that makes absolutely no sense. and so we're doing everything humanly possible to convince colleagues no. everyone laments it doesn't work. andle everybody says -- filibuster, and i say, hello, it's not working. the most important rule in the senate should not be a higher priority than -- as americans, and that's -- there's nothing more important than what -- attack -- violence a year ago on january 6th -- election as somebody who lost and what is verified by democrats and republicans who lost the election. but then now they're trying to bend all the rules so next time they can win because it's hard for people to vote or they can challenge people voting or they can move people on election boards that don't want to count the vote the way they want it. so we're at an incredibly serious moment in our country. >> and that's actually what i want to ask you about specifically because yesterday joe biden talked a lot about in his speech this week commemorating if you will january 6th and the attack on the capitol, and one of the things i think that did is pick up -- escalate the conversation over protecting the democracy. do you see removing the filibuster -- you're in favor of removing it all together. do you see it as a piece of the puzzle in protecting the democracy because without that there is no vehicle for protecting voting rights as states are passing restrictions and subverting the will of the people in other ways as you just described? >> right. i mean what is essential is that we operate in america on a majority vote. not supermajority vote. that's not what the constitution sate. the majority vote. it takes one more than the other person to win the election. it should take one more than the other person to actually pass voting rights laws or anything we're doing other than those things that were described by -- or removal -- or so on when they said that should be a supermajority. but what we have right now is a perversion of the rules. we have the tierney of the minority right now with mitch mcconnell using a tool that used to be used very rarely, very, very rarely. and now he uses it on everything to stop everything that he does not want to happen, and he really wants to make sure we are -- so it's a calculated strategy. it's happening in michigan in my state. it's happening across the country. there were 400 different bills passed already. we're seeing effort after effort to try to take away people's freedom to vote, and then as a backstop, we know that they're willing to use violence if that doesn't work. >> and in your state of michigan -- i'm glad you brought that up because one of the things that the secretary of state has said recently, this is the most secure election in the history of michigan in terms of the presidential race and congressional races, so in the future, you know, it feels like this big lie that has been perpetuated there was fraud when all of the recounts and certifications have proven that that is not true. it's basically setting up a scenario like you said, that the backstop is violence. i mean, how worried are you that if the republicans take back power whether it's the governorship or secretary of state in the state of michigan, the will of the people, even access to the ballot box doesn't matter as much as how those votes are counted on the back end. how concerned are you about that in. >> i'm very concerned about that because essentially we have a group of people that want to win at all costs, and that's what they've decided. in michigan, we had the largest voter turnout in the history of michigan even in the pandemic. people came out and voted, and they voted for joe biden and kamala harris. donald trump did not win that election. republican clerks, democratic clerks, republican legislators, democratic legislators all said that. he did not win. they said maybe we need to convince people of better ideas and win the next election. they're trying to do everything to create a way that they win no matter what. and you know what? that's not america. >> yeah. i think in this country, you have the debate over policy ideas, and then the voters decide, you know, which side -- it could be two sides or three. it doesn't have to only be two. but voters get to decide who wins out in that debate. there shouldn't be violence, and there shouldn't be blocking voters from having the ability to make that determination. senator debbie stabenow, thank you so much for being here tonight. please stay safe. coming up, we just talked about the importance of passing voting rights legislation in congress. what will it take to get it across the finish line? we'll be right back. be right ba. growing up in a little red house, on the edge of a forest in norway, there were three things my family encouraged: kindness, honesty and hard work. over time, i've come to add a fourth: be curious. be curious about the world around us, 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new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy. and save at now let's step up and write the next chapter in our history where january 6th marks not the end of democracy but the beginning of a renaissance and unity and fair play. >> democrats are once again making voting rights their top priority from president biden using the one-year anniversary of the insurrection to reaffirm his commitment to free and fair elections to senate leader chuck schumer promising a vote to change the filibuster if he needs to in order to pass new protections for voters, but for some advocates, speeches and promises aren't enough anymore. the same voting rights groups that helped propel biden to victory in the state of georgia are now telling him to stay out of their state. they're calling on biden and vice president harris to cancel their trip to atlanta next week where he is slated to push for voting rights unless they have a real plan for getting something done, hint, filibuster. the groups released a statement that says in part, georgia voters made history and made their voices heard, overcoming obstacles to deliver the white house and the u.s. senate. in return a visit has been forced on them requiring them to accept political platitudes and repetitious bland promises. such an empty gesture without concrete action is unacceptable. and joining me now is reverend leah daltrey. how you do feel about this call from georgia activists for president biden and vice president harris not to go to atlanta, not to show up there without a concrete plan for how to get voting rights passed, which requires a change at least in the filibuster? everybody knows that by now. >> first of all, thanks, zerlina, for having me. happy new year to you. listen, i think what the georgia advocates are saying what we've all been saying. those working on the issue, we want a plan to have every american have equal access to the ballot. that will require under this construct some changes to the senate rules. they're not written in stone. they're not part of the constitution. they're made up by decades-ago office holders, and they need to be changed. the fact of the matter is just a few weeks ago they changed the rules in order to pass the debt ceiling. if they thought the debt ceiling was important enough to change the rules, surely the preservation of our democracy is as important if not more important. all of us want to see the rules changed. we want to see voting rights legislation go forward, and we're hoping the president will continue the tone and tenor of his january 6th remarks yesterday and pushing, making clear his position, making clear his requirements. he has been outspoken, and we have now heard him clearly say that he wants to see the rules changed in order for us to preserve our democracy. >> what would it sound like that's different from the things that we've already heard? so if the president and vice president go down to atlanta and say, you know, the democracy is in peril, it's an inflection point, you know, something along the lines that they've already said, yesterday he was very forceful, so i think they're taking this up a notch, but do they have to be that specific, we're going to pressure joe manchin to change the flichblt everybody knows what they're talking about. everything is directed at joe manchin, not the voters. so what would it sound like for the president and vice president to really mean it and it not be just bland platitudes? >> you know, i think the president has a tall order and he's got at least three audiences he has to address in this speech tomorrow -- in his speech that's coming up. one audience is the voters, the american citizenry, who may not think that this is important, who haven't been paying attentioning, and who don't understand how their own voting rights are going to be impacted by fewer ballot boxes, by shorter voting hours, by election officials who can overturn their votes some of he's got that audience. he's got to educate and perform so they can be energized to contact their own senators. he's also got the audience of the senate, the senators themselves. we often talk about joe manchin and kyrsten sinema. but, listen, there are 50 republican senators who are opposed to any rules change, implementing any voting rights legislation. we can't just give them a pass because they have an r after their names. they also have to be made to account and answer clearly for their positions on this. and the third audience, i think, are those who aren't convinced, those who are on the other side, those some of who he was talking to yesterday to remind them of what is really at stake. either you're for the constitution as amended or you're not. either you're for the preservation of democracy or you're not. i think he's got to be as forceful as yesterday, be as clear, as specific so that every audience understand as what is at stake for our nation. >> one of the things that sort of this moment reminds me of is criticism the democrats get often. they don't show up until it's time to ask for our vote. and in this instance in some ways it's like why are you coming to atlanta to give a speech. maybe you should go to virginia and give a speech in front of joe manchin's boat. i don't know. maybe that's in d.c. the audience seem as little off. you do think these activists or at least going to atlanta is tokenizing black voters and brown voters who would be impacted by these laws because they're not, as you said, really the audience. >> well, you know, i think that georgia's really ground zero. when you go back to the stacey abrams race and what happened there and the disenfranchised voters and have the umpire be the referee and the candidate and continuing through a senate race that took forever to count the votes that was counted over andover and over again when you had the former president calling the election officials, asking them to find more votes, georgia sort of crystallizes the problem around voting rights. and so i think, really, there's no better place for joe bide on the go, plant his flag, and say, we've seen it, you've seen it, the nation has watched over the last if you're as what has happened in georgia, and this is what we have at stake and what can happen in every other state in our union unless we take action. >> it's such an important conversation. and to be clear, access to the ballot box means that everybody has more access if you expand access, not just democratic voters, so i just don't understand in any way, shape, or form how restricting access is a good idea. here we are. reverend leah daughtry, thank you so much. please stay safe. coming up, if you're a little confused by the cdc guidelines, you are not alone. we'll try to sort it all out for you after this break. all out fr you after this break ♪ heartburnt stomach... ♪ ♪ diarrheaaaa.♪ try pepto bismol with a powerful coating action. for fast and soothing relief. pepto 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that line shows covid hospitalizations for kids ages 4 and younger, meaning kids who are too young to get vaccinated. the news about kids ending up in the hospital comes just as the cdc has relaxed the guidelines for how long students, teachers, and staff need to isolate if they come down with covid. a lot of people say the new guidance is pretty confusing, and it really isn't hard to agree -- hard to argue. >> let me just be clear. when we talk about isolation, we're talking about people who are sick, who have been -- who have tested positive with covid. for those people, we are very clear that on day five after your symptoms, your initial day of symptoms and day one is the day after your initial day of symptoms, if on day five you don't have symptoms anymore, then we can talk about, you know, coming out of isolation with a mask on, strictly masking for those remaining five days. >> joining me now is win redlener, professor at columbia university. doctor, i feel like i'm pretty well-versed in that, and even i'm confused. what do you make of them calling for isolation. are they too relaxed in terms of guidance or is this enough? >> well, zerlina, join the crowd. there's a play of people in every walk of life, parents and doctors, who are just as confused as you are, and it's really difficult to sort out. what we have now is a very confusing picture mainly because it's a little bit of new data from science, but there's a lot more concern about covid poll sins that are really in some ways contending the public health assessment. in essence, there was a push to shorten the period of time where people were, in essence, out of commission from covid, and what we're seeing now is a lot of pushback from doctors who are saying, wait a minute, why are we reducing the amount of quarantine and what made us change it from ten days to five days. and by the way, there's also controversy why the cdc did not call for getting tested and showing a negative covid test before coming out of isolation? >> that feels like common sense to me. everybody is talking past each other, but one of the things that i think is something we should all be able to agree on is, yes, everybody wants kids to go back to school safely, but everybody leaves off "safely" as if it's relevant in this sentence. kids are getting sick in this surge. are you troubled with the amount of kids you're seeing sick with covid-19? >> you know, there were a little bit more than a thousand children hospitalized last week alone. 14 children died last week, which, you know, is a relatively small number in the scheme of things compared to what's happening to adults, but it's enough of a number to make parents and doctors concerned. look, i think we have -- we're in a transition. i think we have a lot to think about here. the fact of the matter is back to school safely is absolutely key. the conflict arises because children miss so much school at this point, zerlina, that their futures are actually affected by this interrupted psych their education. that said, i think what we need to do is we need to make sure as many of our children who are eligible get vaccinated as soon as possible. now, look, there's zero to 4-year-olds who are not eligible to get vaccinated. i spoke to someone who had 8-day-old twins who tested positive. we have antibodies for mom, but we're worried about those babies. parents of 5 and up, please get these kids protected by getting the vaccine. >> that is so hard to hear and it's so scary. it must be so scary for parents because this is a new virus. you don't know how it's going to turn out. you hope for the best. you hope your child is not one of the 14 as you mentioned that loses their life, but you really don't know. it's like rolling the dice with your child. it is an incredibly hard place for parents to be. dr. irwin redlener, i appreciate you as always to help us talk through this difficult stuff. that eric you so much for being here, and please stay safe. >> you too. coming up -- governor arrested as his state sees a huge record surge in covid cases. we'll be right back. why does walgreens offer prescription copays as low as zero dollars? 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that will never work! if it works on nfl jerseys it'll work for you. and it's cold. so you will turn to cold? fine! that guy needs to chill out! in florida the pandemic is really not going great right now. just like full stop. and today the state set a one-day record with more than 76,000 new covid cases in the state of florida. some countries don't even have that many. the previous record was set just last week. and with things getting a little bit dicey here, you'd think state leadership in florida would be focused on getting things under control, but we're talking about florida. and florida governor ron desantis said this earlier today. >> it's really important. people can do what they want. i mean, we're not doing any type of restriction or whatever, but just going out and testing yourself all the time if you're not sick, there's very little clinical value to that. people should live their lives, and if they develop symptoms, you can obviously get a test. and if you're at risk and the treatment would really change the course for you, we obviously want to see that treatment done. but you do have some people that will go out and just test all the time, and that's not a good use of the resources. >> joining me now is florida state rep active michelle raynor who's now running for a seat in congress. and that is hard for me to watch because in some ways you can't even believe how ridiculous he sounds there, right? some people are going to be testing all the type. why would we want to test people to see if they have covid so we can isolate them so they don't spread it to other people when my state is having 76,000 cases in one day. and you've been very critical of the governor's covid response. what's your reaction to what he's saying there and the new guidance in the state of florida for testing -- for less testing? >> well, first, zerlina, thank you so much for having me on. it's wonderful, my pleasure to be on with you. huge fan. but to your point, it's the math. the math is not mapping right. there's no other plainer way for me to put this. the math is not mapping. we have had increased spikes as you just noted in folks getting infected with the covid, and this is just really a long line of governor ron desantis's lack of leadership when it comes to covid. i remember early last year, this time last year, i had to lead the fight in order to get vaccine sites in black and brown neighborhoods because he was doing a pay for play. if you gave money, you got things. this man who is not a doctor, not a medical professional, and, in fact, i think his surgeon general has credentials that i'm kind of looking at sideways saying you shouldn't test if you're not symptomatic? that's really for him as they say in the wire, juke the stacks because if you're not testing, your covid numbers are not going up. >> i love the reference. i also love, it ain't algebra. you don't have to understand math to know the numbers are going up on the graph. this really isn't difficult. this sounds like what donald trump said at the beginning of the pandemic and testing when the cruise ship was out stuck with the people on it. he was like, no, no, no, we don't want testing because we don't actually want to know that there's this many people with covid. i mean local doctors in your state are pushing back. what do you think about this idea that they don't want to accurately get the data and track the number of cases, and then also by doing that, you can isolate properly and contact trace. i mean it's all connected pieces, and it feels like the governor just wants fewer cases to report, but not that actually exists. >> correct. you're absolutely right. so he can have this false narrative of that, you know, florida did everything right and keep the state open and covid really wasn't an issue in florida, and that is further from the truth. the numbers don't lie. it's so interesting. the graph put up was not by the department of health. it was by a private entity, a florida hospital. there were numerous letters asking the governor to reinstate the recording and the record-keeping of covid, and he hasn't. and this is the same governor that when omicron started spiking refused to open up state-run testing sites, refused to go to president biden and ask him to have federal testing sites, and then -- math is not mapping -- once again say, well, it's really joe biden's fault we have this issue. sorry. make this make sense. literally the people of florida are dying because of this man's blind ambition to want to run for president, his blind ambition that cares not about the people of florida but to cater to his base and to cater to the formerly disgraced impeached president. >> it's a really sad state of affairs. i don't say that lightly. we're talking about life and death, and there is no political calculation that is ever, ever going to trump life and death, ever. i don't care under any context. every day i'm like why are we saying it like that is a justification when it is not. florida state rep active michele rayner. i appreciate you being here. the math isn't mapping. i think that's something we can take to the bank today. please stay safe. >> thanks. coming up, mary trump is coming up to talk about a year after the insurrection, her uncle donald trump, and why ted cruz can't make up his mind about what happened on january 6th. we'll be right back. d on january 6th. we'll be right back. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ do i need to pretreat my laundry? 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it was really meant to get under your uncle's skin. elaborate on that. help us understand what it was about that speech that is probably bothering donald trump right now. >> i can't think of anything about that speech that didn't bother him, but i think it's also important to note that in addition to that, the speech was very much a message to the american people, this is a message they need to have been hearing for the last year, so i'm very pleased that president biden has taken the gloves off. as for donald, president biden basically hit every point that would drive donald to crazy. he made it -- and he was only telling the truth. i mean we know that nothing president biden said was exaggerated, was untrue, was hyperbolic. it was all factual. donald trump lost the 2020 election not just decisively, but by an enormous margin. he's a defeated business. he has no business peddling the lies he's been allowed to peddle. i think that's why people like cruz are going to double down or backtrack if they dare tell the truth because even though i think in the long term this is the correct strategy in how to deal with donald in the short term, it is going to make him even more vicious and potentially even more dangerous. >> but is he dangerous to somebody like ted cruz? i mean, one of the things i think a lot about -- i mean, to his re-election prospects, but, you know, we're talking about the danger of actual real violence on the other side of that coin, and one of the things i think i realized this week is that donald trump has revealed who republicans kind of were. you know, i'm not painting a broad brush with all republicans everywhere on the planet, just the ones going along with the big lie. he has revealed them to be craven. when the facts in the video say one thing, they're willing to contradict their own selves. what makes people like donald trump make adults do that? >> it was a mystery to me for a long time. zerlina, your point is well taken. i would say, however, that it is the vast majority of elected republicans. i think we can say it's 100% of senate republicans and 99% of republicans in the house, so this is not a 50/50 split. this is not a rarity. it is almost all of them, which is important for us to understand because i think it increases the pressure on them to continue down the road they started on when they decided it was perfectly acceptable to allow donald to become their standard bearer. what makes them continue to kowtow to him, to degrade themselves in order to stay on his right side, i think the problem a lot of us have and that i had for a long time is that we were using the wrong metric or we were looking at it through the wrong lens. we can't look at it through the lens that we would when we are trying to figure out who we should trust, who we should follow. basically the things that most of us reveal in donald are things that people --them. ted cruz, as despicable as he is, is not a stupid person. so he is trying to have it both ways. he understands that he can't totally ignore what happened on january 6th. but if he is called out on actually telling the truth, how dare he, he needs to backtrack. he needs to kiss the ring. he needs to back off. and that's exactly what we see happening with him and with people like lindsey graham, et cetera. >> so why don't the other things i wanted to ask you as a relative of donald trump, is whether or not he really believes the big lie. does he actually believe the election was rigged, he was really the winner, and joe biden is not the legitimate president? or does he not really in his heart when he's alone by himself going to bed and thinking about it, does not really believe that, and he's perpetuating this lie because he wants to be president again, or for whatever reason, he doesn't want to get prosecuted, i don't know. and do you think it matters either way? >> i actually don't necessarily think it matters because the end result is the same but i actually think it's the former. this is somebody whose narcissistic injury in 2020 was deep and so permanent he couldn't survive it if he had to face the truth of it so he needed to construct a narrative that protected him from the fact that he had lost, and not just lost, but lost so badly that in the vernacular of my family, he's a total loser, right? so in that, because he's so desperately needed to make it clear to himself that he hadn't lost, i think it was easier to convince other people because there was a desperation behind the lie that he eventually came to believe. the thing about donald is, there is no private moment where he is alone with his thoughts. he's the same person in every setting, whether he's alone or with his children, or with 5,000 people at a rally. so the truth is the truth across all scenarios, or i should say his truth is his truth across all scenarios. and the longer this has been allowed to go on, the more compelling that narrative has become for him and for the people who follow him and who enable him. and that's the real danger here. >> it is always so important for me, in my understanding, and i hope it's also true for the audience, to talk to you. i just -- i find your insights really helpful, particularly because you're a clinical psychologist. who knew we would need that in our political analysis so often. here we are, mary trump, thank you such for being here, as always. stay safe. >> thank you, you too. coming up, the men who murdered ahmaud arbery are sentenced and the loss of a true hollywood legend, sidney poitier. we'll be right back. and the new baja chicken & bacon, aka “the smokeshow”" save big. order through the app. ♪ my name is monique, i'm 41, and i'm a federal contract investigator. as a single parent, i would run from football games to work and trying to balance it all. so, what do you see when you look at yourself? 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Wall , Valentine S Day , Prison , Meaning , Dateline , Edition , Natalie Morales , Zerlina Maxwell , Welcome To The Show , One , Elections , Stake , Party Controls Congress , More , Ten , Donald Trump , Democracy , State , Anniversary , Feel , Supporters , Bones , Level , Election , Pressure , Secretary Of State , Governor , Michigan , States , Officials , Big Lie , Georgia , Places , Democratic , Arizona , Way , People , Republicans , Will , Plans , Voting , Both , Re Election , Standing , Benson , Whitmer , Debbie Stabenow , Attack , Capitol , U S , Case , Rsponse , Demand , Sidekicks , Ties , Suits , Security , January 6th Insurrectionists , 6 , January 6th , Laws , Freedom , House , Work , Protections , Zerlina , Fan , Voting Rights , Lot , Senators , Joe Manchin , Momentum , Filibuster , Steam , Kyrsten Sinema , Two , Agreement , Night And Day , Power , Majority , Minority , Majority Rule , Founders , Madison , Hamilton , Something , Someone , Say No , Everything , It , Indiscernible , Sense , Everybody , Doesn T Work , Andle , Everyone , Colleagues , Nothing , U S Senate , Americans , Rule , Priority , , Somebody , What , Rules , Don T , Vote , Country , Election Boards , Joe Biden , Speech , Things , Pick Up , Conversation , Piece , Favor , Puzzle , Ways , Essential , Restrictions , Vehicle , Person , Majority Vote , Constitution Sate , Anything , Voting Rights Laws , Removal , Tool , Supermajority , Perversion , Mitch Mcconnell , Tierney , Effort , Strategy , Bills , 400 , Violence , Backstop , History , Race , Terms , Races , Scenario , Recounts , Certifications , Votes , Doesn T , Matter , Governorship , Back End , Group , Costs , Kamala Harris , Pandemic , Clerks , Voter Turnout , Legislators , Ideas , Voters , Side , Debate , Policy Ideas , There Shouldn T , Sides , It Doesn T , Ability , Determination , Three , Safe , Coming Up , Voting Rights Legislation , Finish Line , Importance , Ba , Family , Forest , Kindness , Honesty , Edge , Fourth , Little Red House , Norway , Comfort , World , Heart , Inspiration , Viking , Trelegy , Copd , Driftin , Coughing , Birds Flyin , Medicines , What S Next , Copd Medicine , Inhaler , Doctor , Risk , High Blood Pressure , Won T , Breathing Problems , Heart Condition , Rescue Inhaler , Flare Ups , Lung Function , Thrush , Breathing , Pain , Vision Changes , Chest Pain , Stand , Swelling , Eye , Osteoporosis , Pneumonia , Mouth , Tongue , Problems Urinating , Save , Trelegy Com , End , Chapter , Unity , Renaissance , Fair Play , Insurrection , Chuck Schumer , Commitment , Advocates , Voting Rights Groups , Speeches , Promises , Atlanta , Plan , Trip , Victory , Statement , Part , Groups , Hint , Obstacles , Voices , White House , Action , Platitudes , Visit , Gesture , Reverend Leah Daltrey , Repetitious Bland Promises , Call , Georgia Activists , Thanks , Concrete Plan , Change , Access , Issue , Saying , Ballot , Georgia Advocates , Constitution , Construct , Holders , Changes , Stone , Fact , Order , Preservation , Debt Ceiling , Tenor , Tone , Voting Rights Legislation Go Forward , Position , Requirements , Lines , Say , Vice President , Inflection Point , Peril , Go Down To Atlanta , Notch , Specific , Flichblt , Audience , Who Haven T , Audiences , Citizenry , Paying Attentioning , Ballot Boxes , 50 , Rules Change , Names , Positions , R , Pass , Aren T , Nation , Criticism , Front , Instance , Virginia , I Don T Know , Activists , Boat , D C , Brown , Ground Zero , Stacey Abrams , Zero , President , Umpire , Candidate , Referee , Andover , Place , Problem , Flag , The Go , Last , Union , Idea , Form , Shape , Guidelines , Little , Cdc , Reverend Leah Daughtry , Break , Pepto Bismol , Relief , Psoriasis , Coating , Soothing , Moderate , Diarrheaaaa , Break Heartburnt Stomach , Choice , Otezla , Skin , Pill , Cream , Choices , Plaque Psoriasis , Splash , Entrance , 75 , Depression , Feelings , Thoughts , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Nausea , Treatment , Headache , Weight Loss , Planning , Weight , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Doug , Limu Emu , Limu , Isn T , Whistles , Insurance , Sec , Pay , Liberty , Vulture Squawks , 4th , Color , Leaves , 4th Of July , 4 , 4th Of January , Adventure , Capability , Confidence , No One , Clothes , Grand Wagoneer , True American Winter , 2022 , Light Scent , Laundry , Perfumes , Boosters , Detergent , Washing Machine , Load , Beads , Downy Light , Capful , Wash Freshness , Scents , Dyes , Four , Effects , Focus , Learning , Kids , Surge , Covid Too , Sick , Numbers , Lack , Vaccination Rate , Omicron Variant , Line , Graph , Rest , Covid Hospitalizations , News , Guidance , Students , Hospital , Staff , Teachers , Isolation , Isn T Hard , Symptoms , Day One , Five , Mask On , Masking , Win Redlener , Dr Er , Professor , Columbia University , Life , Doctors , Parents , Play , Enough , Walk , Crowd , Data , Bit , Picture , Science , Essence , Concern , Push , Poll , Sins , Public Health Assessment , Amount , Commission , Pushback , Controversy , Quarantine , Covid Test , Other , Feels , Common Sense , Yes , Sentence , 19 , A Thousand , Children , Number , Adults , Which , Scheme , Alone , 14 , Point , Conflict , Transition , School , Many , Futures , Education , Get , Twins , 8 , Up , Vaccine , Babies , Mom , Antibodies , 5 , Child , Virus , Dice , Best , Don T Know , Dr , Stuff , Talk , Irwin Redlener , Cases , Record , Prescription Copays , Low , Walgreens , Zero Dollars , Medicare , Delivery , 90 , Prescriptions , Larry , Google , Curse , Medusa , Thing , Buzz Kill , Prime , Sunglasses , Clever Girl , Uhh , Reductions , Study , Pain Severity , Patients , Salonpas Patch , Eugh , Protein , Medicine , Age , Quality , Salonpas , High Protein , Surgery , Muscle Health , Narrator , Immune Support , Nutrients Thousands , Nutrients , Boost , Five Billion , 20 , 16 , Hospitals , Surgeries , Causes , Suffering , Hope , Mercy Ships , 40 , Cold , Love , Healing , Tide , Mission , Teams , Give Today , Nfl , Gordan Ramsey , Jerseys , Fine , Guy , Florida , Stop , Countries , 76000 , Ron Desantis , State Leadership , Control , Type , Restriction , Value , Whatever , Lives , Test , Course , Michelle Raynor , Florida State , Use , Rep , Resources , Seat , Testing , First , Reaction , Covid Response , Math , Pleasure , Plainer , Folks , Spikes , Vaccine Sites , Leadership , Neighborhoods , Fight , Man , Credentials , Money , Surgeon General , Professional , Covid Numbers , Shouldn T Test , Stacks , Juke , Wire , Reference , Beginning , Isn T Difficult , It Ain T Algebra , Cruise Ship , Contact , Trace , Pieces , Correct , Truth , Narrative , Wasn T , Don T Lie , Graph Put Up , Of Covid , He Hasn T , Recording , Entity , Letters , Department Of Health , Testing Sites , Blind Ambition , Mapping , Fault , State Of Affairs , Base , Death , Calculation , Context , Justification , Care , Bank , Florida State Rep , Michele Rayner , Math Isn T Mapping , Ted Cruz , Mary Trump , Uncle , Can T , D On January 6th , Mind , What A Wonderful World , Water , Pre Treaters , Tide Pods , Vo , Nice , Well Mannered , Wahoooo , Look , Well Adventured , Ooooooo , Subaru Forester Wilderness , Vicks Vapostick , Vapors , Loved Ones , Chest , Neck , Mess , Moisturizers , Dove 0 , 1 , 0 , 48 , Protection , Indeed Instant Match , Staffing , Candidates , Master , Size , Kinder On Skin , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Aim , His Pred , Margin , 7 Million , 93 , Battleground State , Trump , Governors , State Officials , Attorney General , Terrorist Attack , Example , Didn T Do , Members , Cameras , Hold , Men , Tucker Carlson , Courage , Convictions , Women , Top Media , Law Enforcement , Match , Allies , Video , Senator , Terrorist Attack Comments , Saw , Whoa , Phrase , Word , Dumb , Psychologist , Result , Phrasing , Niece , Last Night On Msnbc , Speech A Siop , Podcast , Host , The Mary Trump Show , Didn T , Help , Message , Addition , Hearing , Gloves , Crazy , Hyperbolic , Factual , Untrue , 2020 , Backtrack , Business , Peddle , Term , Danger , Re Election Prospects , Coin , Planet , Everywhere , Kind , Brush , Facts , Ones , Selves , Craven , Mystery , Rarity , Split , 100 , 99 , Road , Bearer , Him , Lens , Metric , Reveal , Trust , The Ring , Et Cetera , Lindsey Graham , Winner , Relative , Lie , Thinking , Bed , Former , Reason , Injury , Vernacular , Loser , Desperation , He Hadn T Lost , Scenarios , Rally , Setting , 5000 , Go On , Insights , Understanding , Analysis , Stay Safe , Sidney Poitier , Ahmaud Arbery , Loss , True Hollywood Legend , Baja Chicken Bacon , Parent , Contract Investigator , Save Big , App , Football Games , My Name , Monique , The Smokeshow , Aka , 41 , Cosmetic , Eye Problems , Forehead , Frown Line , Injection , Speaking , Feet , Difficulty Swallowing , Crow , Fda , Side Effects , Botulinum Toxins , Medications , Injection Site Pain , Condition , Reactions , Conditions , Muscle , Muscle Weakness , Eyelid Swelling , Skin Infection , Sign , Nerve , Eyebrow , Eyelid Drooping , Shaving , Gillettelabs , Gentle Exfoliation , Naj , Clients , Money Manager , Responsibility , Face , Backs , Shave , Stroke , Fiduciary , Fisher Investments , Retirement , Fees , Home , Walk In Closet , Wayfair , Reach In Closet , Style , Organized Chaos , Morning Chaos , No Other , Calling , Substitute Teaching , Sentenced Greg , 68 , Prevagen , Memory , Daily Vicks , Supplement , Vitamin C , Super C , Elephant , Pack , Dayquil , Healthier Brain , B Vitamins , Strength , Wasn T A Case , Community , Son , Identity , Sentencing , Pleas , Mother , Father Son Duo , Extent , Approached Ahmad To Life In Prison Without Parole , Travis Mcmichael , William Roddy Brian , Mcmichaels , Parole , Jij , Possibility , Image , Court , Killing , Confrontation , Evidence , Closure , Reminder , 684 , Film , Academy Award , Black Man , Actor , Civil Rights Activist , Oscar Winning , 1964 , 94 , Ambassador , Bahamas , Lilies Of The Field , To Japan , Times , Films , Others , Dozens , Medal Of Freedom , Broadway , President Obama , 2009 , Name , In The Heat Of Night , Scenes , Virgil , Ain T You , Mr , Greenhouse , Philadelphia , Tibbs , Msnbc , Facebook , Eastern On Peacock , Tiktok , Youtube , Twitter , 00 , Investigation , January 6th Select Committee , Increase , Mike Pence , They T , Workers , Midterms , Words , Spotlight , Women Extremists ,

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