Transcripts For MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Reports 20240709 : com

Transcripts For MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Reports 20240709

guidance, our recommendations early last week it became evident that people are interested in the test for this purpose after the end of their isolation period. because there was interest in using them for this reason, we provided guidance on how they should be used. >> but not how to find a test. >> the foe is is on the serious staffing issues of the capital police. >> i'm confident that the department is covered. the men and women of the capital price stand ready to work every day. and donald trump's mar-a-lago event will conflict, and it highlights hannity's private advice to the white house expressing his concerns about mr. trup's attempt to overthrow the 2020 election. chairman adam schiff was asked about it. >> we're not interested in his opinion, we're interested in the communications on the 6th and he knows a great deal. >> let's begin with all of the developments on the coronavirus. gabe gutierrez is joining us from new york. and dr. gupta. what elsz did we learn from today's briefing, monica? are there growing concerns on the guidance and thousand is being communicated by other members of the team? >> so many questions today in that briefing, andrea, and they tried to tackle them. absolutely at the top of the list that confusion that was created for the mixed messaing on the isolation. it was initially ten days that went down to five and then they raised queeries about what happens if you are positive. and that not everyone has rapid tests, and that brings us to the next huge issue on that briefing today when it comes to the lack of testing, not just for the rapid tests, but the pcr as well. they believe that americans will be able to log on to the involvement website and the shipments of the tests could go out by the end of the month. there was a promise of more information by early january. all of this is coming, andrea, against a backdrop of questions about what it means to be fully vaccinated. this is something the cdc says they will not revise at this time. it is just your initial series, but they want to point out that the best way to stay upto date is to get that third dose, that booster shot, and they really hit that point home hard today. >> thank you, to monica, alba, outside of the white house. the latest guidance from the cdc is not as definitive as what we have been hearing from leading health officials. can you explain the distinctions? >> andrea, happy new year, great to see you. because testing is constraining, i think they're trying to walk a really fine line here recognizing that there is a desire to test, but there is not enough tests. what i would have preferred they do is recognize that if you're fully vaccinated you tend to clear the virus. if you test positive, that's a more common reality that you clear it from your nose in three to five days. in the five day period for the fully vaccinated individual makes a ton of sense. if you're unvaccinated, and this applies to workplaces around the country, you should have to wait that full ten days. we just don't have enough tests right now and we have been waiting. so i wish they would have done that, and the fact that they didn't has resulted in a lot of confusion. >> let me clarify one thing. the three to five days to clear the viral load, it is still shedding, is that basically for omicron, not for delta? because it is in the nasal passages, i'm trying to distinguish. >> what we know is if you're triple vaccinated, healthy, asymptomatic, even if you test positive, say on a monday, by wednesday or thursday, some of the data is showing you will clear and have a negative test. it's not in every single test, but in the majority of cases three to five days. you go from positive to negative relatively quickly, which is great, so the cdc guidance makes a lot of ens especially when provided to the asymptomatic. you could easily have been applied because workplaces and health systems are distinguishing between the two. we should have layered that policy on it would have made more sense. >> thank you for clearing that up for me and erin else that has become confused by the changing guidance. let's talk about chicago. the frustration is so clear with the mayor after the teachers union, they said they would not show up, they want to teach remotely. parents frustrated. where do we stand? >> on the lefters leaving this to the very last minute, the vote happening overnight, the they announced the vote at 11:00 p.m. when many children and some parents already in bed. they were not knowing if they were able to send their kids to school or not and if they had child care available for students. the contention between the schools and the latest chapter that we have seen, the teachers pushing back against the safety precautions they they have put into place. the school district turned around and said okay, well we're going to cancel classes form, -- tomorrow. so the remote classrooms for teachers, they have been locked out and they can't communicate today, and learning in class and athletics have been cancelled also for everyone today. the building is open for those that need cafeteria meals or to get a test that the school is providing. so i want to show you what has been expressed. they had a press conference this morning, and i want to let you listen to both of those conversations. >> ctu leadership take a moment, review the plan, come back to us with a response at the bargaining table. delay the vote, do not do an illegal work stoppage, and to that the answer was no. sorry. we're moving ahead. >> we never said that we were going to stop instruction. all we said that we wanted to shift to remote learning until the surge goes downs. it's not safe to be in schools. it's not. >> chicago is not the only city, but it is certainly the only one that we have seen that implemented it this quickly. so for parents and substitutes to adjust, we expect to see a plan of how they intend to continue remote learning later this afternoon. >> thank you, i know it is really sub freezing. thank you for being with us today. so you had an exclusive tour of one of the biggest laboratories in the country where they're just running 24-7. >> that's right, there are certain things going on with testing on a variety of fronts. first you see behind me they're waiting in the cold and the rain for a rapid test. now i can tell you this line is shorter than it was a few weeks ago, right before the holidays, but you know tests are hard to come by here in new york city. just a short time ago i was at a pharmacy that was a couple blocks away. they just got a shipment but the workers there tell me they sold out in a short time within getting them. and i want to turn to that pcr testing center you mentioned, just outside of new york city. it is run by northwell health. this is a large hospital system. hundreds of outpatient centers. and about a third of them have come back positive. virtually all of them for the omicron variant. and about half of the tests there coming back positive are from people who were asymptomatic. this is a testing center that is going through so many tests each day. the typical turn around time for this particular one, just outside of new york city, it is about 48 hours. andrea, other smaller labs across the country are taking much longer and as you know there is a lot of frustration for many people around the country waiting for those pcr test results, some of them are taking four, five, and six days, -- andrea. >> gabe gutierrez, thank you. thank you to you and dr. gupta as well. and breaking news, terrible news from philadelphia where fire officials say that 13 people were killed and seven were children early this morning. emergency crews responding to a fire in a three-story row house that had been the converted into two separate apartments, owned by the philadelphia housing authority. >> this is a sad, sad day for the fire department and the cities of the city of philadelphia. i have been around for 35 years now, and this is probably one of the worst fires i have ever been to. i don't have the words for how we're feeling right now. as a community and as a fire department. victims are in critical condition. at least eight others were able to get out of the building safely. what started the fire is not clear at this time. >> and the inner circle. new information about what those close toast president trump were texting him before the insurrection a year ago. adam schiff is joining me, next. switching wireless carriers is easy with xfinity. just lean on our helpful switch squad to help you save with xfinity mobile. they can help break up with your current carrier for you and transfer your info to your new phone. giving you a fast and easy experience that can save you hundreds a year on your wireless bill. visit your nearest xfinity store and see how the switch squad can help you switch and save. get $200 off a new eligible 5g phone when you switch to xfinity mobile. talk with our helpful switch squad at your local xfinity store today. he said i'm very worried about the next 48 hours, and pence pressure. joining me now is adam schiff, the author of the book, midnight in washington. how we almost lost our democracy and still could. congressman, welcome. why does the committee want to talk to sean hannity? what do you hope to learn from him? we want to find out why was he concerned prior to jan 6th about what would happen in the next 48 hours. what conversations did he have? and so he has a lot to tell us as a fact witness. he has a lot to say and we think the american people should have the advantage of those insights as well. >> obviously he is not a traditional journalist, sharing a podium at rallies with the former president when he was a president, a candidate, and clearly an advisor, but the council for sean hannity said we're evaluating the letter from the committee. we remain very concerned about the constitutional implications as it relates to the first amendment. we will respond as appropriate. there is real issues on paper he is a member of the media. >> asked him to come along. there is no issue. we have no interest in his political company tear, in his work as as a journalist, but we have a deep interest in conversations, texts, et cetera that are outside of any role related to fox news and that go to efforts to overturn the election. we have a constitutional responsibility to make sure that these kind of violent attacks on our democracy never happen again and he has inside information on what president was thinking, what people around him were thinking, and more importantly what they were doing or not doing in preparation for january 6th and why all that violence was going on. >> stephanie grisham, who might be a cooperative witness, she is telling nbc news she will be meeting tonight with the january 6th select committee. what does the committee hope to learn from her. >> we hope to learn from anyone close to the administration if they have knowledge of what the expectations were for january 6th, what the different lies are, and given her proximity to the president, her involvement in the white house, i think there is a lot she could potentially tell us and we hope to learn as much as she can share with us about those efforts to overturn the election. and also what the president did and didn't do in the run up to, and on that terrible day. >> let's talk about stormer suspect mike pence. some of the most gripping pictures are him being exporting, darely escaing a mob. if it wasn't for the quick thinking, something else might have happened, so chairman thomas said that the committee wants to speak directly to the former vice president. is he going to be invited? obviously i presume you're not going to subpoena him because on legal grounds it would be difficult to compel him to testify. >> i don't want to get ahead of the committee, if he will receive a letter, but we do want him to come in. we believe he is a credible witness. there was conversations with the vice president, perhaps from the president himself reportedly going to efforts to get him to ignore his constitutional duty. the right to reject electors for no reason of particular states just to help trump overturn the election. it's hard to imagine with witness with more key or central information than the vice president and on that day they were harrowing and great interest. i think he is in great position to share information about that effort to get him to violate the constitution and bring about essentially a coup. >> in contrast to his standing up, to the president, back then on the day, since then his position is, shall we say, evolved. what is the prospect of getting him to come in and cooperate? >> it is a good question that i don't know. i would hope that he would do his duty and come in if requested and share what information he knows, and, you know, i think it was certainly vital that he upheld his constitutional duty on that harrowing day. you're right that his tone has changed. that is true of so many in the republican party that con demted what took place on january 6th, often in very vocal terms. con temperatures a president, many of them have walked away from those condemnations. and that is tragic. names they did not learn from the terrible destruction of the former president, and his big lie that they could continue to promugate it. and we hope that not with standing he would be willing to come meet with us and tell us the truth. >> president trump is now canceling his news conference for tomorrow. do you have any reaction? well, i'm glad that he canceled that. it would have, i think, only added insult to the injury committed on that day for him to be out there promulgating that big lie. i'm sure that's not the reason he canceled it. perhaps he was concerned he would not get the coverage he wanted. but for whatever reason i'm glad we won't have that kind of disgusting display. >> and we spoke to jenna ryan who is that texas realtor that took a private plane to the protest. she compared herself to a victim of the holocaust suggesting that, what is happening to her and others who participated is similar to what happened in in nazi germany. >> as revolting as that is, it shows you how far down people have gone down. that they could make such a comparison. the effort to glorify themselves and to compare themselves with the people who are rounded up and gassed is a systemic effort, the views and others, it is repugnant, but look, the president's call for people to descend on washington and mark on the capital brought out all kinds. and tragically we see the caliber of some of these people in comments like that. >> are you satisfied that the capital is safe and that the members and the staff are all secure tomorrow? >> i'm confident that the capital will be secured tomorrow. what concerns me more, andrea, is that we can defend that building, if we are, but there is a rising level of acceptance among some of the american people for the idea of using political violence, now. that was never the case, i think, in this country and to see that sentiment on the rise, to see that threat not only against members of congress, schoolboard members, it is really dangerous. and that worries me far more than any other concern i might have about the capital building tomorrow. >> intelligence chairman adam schiff, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> and the new blue wave, another house democrat bowing out. this is "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. reports" on msnbc. why not both? visibly diminish wrinkled skin in... crepe corrector lotion... only from gold bond. earn about covid-19, the more questions we have. the biggest question now, what's next? what will covid bring in six months, a year? if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today. growing up in a little red house, on the edge of a forest calin norway,4673, there were three things my family encouraged: kindness, honesty and hard work. over time, i've come to add a fourth: be curious. be curious about the world around us, and then go. go with an open heart, and you will find inspiration anew. viking. exploring the world in comfort. democrats are facing an increasingly uphill battle to hold on to control of the house. brenda lawrence and bobby rush became the latest congress members to say they will not run for a next term. they are joining a wave of two dozen. and the biden agenda, joining us now ashley parker former chairman of the rnc, and former obama white house press secretary robert gibbs. your boss lost the house in a historic wave, how worried should they be? >> look, i think 11 months from the lekts republicans are the likely favorite to take over control. i will say as we think this wave of retirement, these districts are all created equal, right? and there is no one worried that they are going to replace it, but we think redistricting looks more like a wash right now. i don't think retirement wills determine who is in control of the house. >> and michael steel two that point, in the report, and in first read today, they point out that it looks like redistricting will be more or less a wash. so is this all, these retirements autoabout the presidents delining poles? >> not really. i don't think so. you can draw a direct line this way. a few of them served a decent amount of time. they are moving to the senate or some or elected office. i think it is spot on for how it plays out. i think gets more interesting for democrats and republicans on big factors leek the supreme court. >> i think we're having difficulty with michael steele and we hope to get him right back. what about the white house position presumably there will be some resignations, that usually happens, but it could be difficult. build back better is kind of a back burner now. >> there is certainly a recognition that just the historic reality that a president's party usually loses seats in a midterm election, and you hear that in the way that they talk about it. they understand they have a limited time to get his and it gets harder to do anything. that is why there is such urgency, for instance, on the january 6th committee. they want to get voting rights passed before the midterms and once things heat up, once they lose control, it becomes that much harder for the biden white house to get anything done. >> michael steel. >> i would say yes. i thought this is an issue that should have been a home run for the president last summer. he is here now. push forward aggressively. he may be able to salvage something on the back end. thank you all so much and the echos of the insurrection. where national security stands today a year later. jay johnson is joining me next. this is "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. hell reports" on msnbc. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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>> let me start with this. my great, great grandmother headed to the north to join the union army to win the freedom of his family in the civil war. not during the civil war did we see what we saw a year ago. a confederate flag being paraded through the u.s. capital. it should never be normalized in our memory, in our thinking. this was a once in a lifetime of a nation event hopefully. now in terms of the capital police, the security for such events, i'm aphrase we see this far too often. they're caught surprised, flat footed, and now over compensating to correct what happened and to prepare for another event like this. i used to tell people that we we have to prepare for the next attack, not the last attack. i think the police are doing the right thing, moving in the right direction to make sure that there is add adequate security for things in the future like this. but i'm afraid that what we saw on jan 6th a year ago was the tip of an iceburn. this type of thinking and behavior could manifest itself again at other types of events and we have to keep our eyes on it all. >> and it is a failure of max nation, isn't it? and is it now a threat we're seeing in school board and election officials, and it s it now spreading in so many different ways at the local level that that is part of the reporting that we had on this program yesterday. >> i think the simple answer is yes. there have been studies done of the demographics of the insurrectionist and the current thinking among americans. not surprisingly many of those that stormed the capital a year ago were motivated by the replacement, that somehow people of color are replacing white people. and there are polls out just recently that some 30% to 34% of americans would be prepared to resort to violence to do what they believe is necessary to somehow save our country. and so i wor they extremist behavior, extremist thinking, is becoming mainstream thinking in our society. and on january 6th, that was one manifestation of that. but that type of thinking has not gone away, it still exists. >> i was just going to ask you about that poll. we through the numbers up there, that is extraordinary. a third of the people to be thinking that violence is justified against the country. >> it very often depends on how you ask the question. i have seen polls done earlier that suggest that 30% of republicans are prepared to result to violence. but whether or not it is 34% of americans, republicans, or some other doubt digit percentage, that is millions and millions of americans that feel that they're government does not work for them and they're prepared to take matters into their own hands and, you know, when i was secretary they used so ask me what keeps me up at night. this keeps me up at night. i'm afraid that it was not the last such event that we may see. >> and how concerned are you about the online connections. the other pieces that since a year ago, they have gone offline, and to more secure places where they can communicate, telegram and others, and talk where it is less obvious. >> the thinking behind engaging in an insurrection is something you don't get on usa today. it is not new, it comes from social media, people crawling down extremist rabbit holes, amendment bracing skeers theories. i saw a pole not too long ago that one in six americans describes the qanon theory that our government is controlled by saten worships pedophiles. that is one in six that lost a grip on reality. you don't get that on usa today. so social media has a lot to say about it right now. >> and how vulnerable are we have foreign adversaries can exploit these tensions in american society? >> of the russian interference in the 2016 election, the most prevalent form of interference was on social media. cultivating the thought that trump was better than clinton. putting their thumb on the scale through social media. and in many respects as a free society our greatest strength, free speech, is also our greatest vulnerability. i believe that social media has a lot to do with where we are now politically in terms of our thinking, and it is in many respects like chasing shadows. larger platforms can adopt. they can take people off of their platforms, or they can go to another platform somewhere else that doesn't have the same guidelines. >> thank you for joining us. >> thank you, andrea, happy new year. and the filibuster fight, dark money now swamping up the waters. senator tim kaine from an epic journey on i-95 joins me next. this is "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. this is "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible... with rybelsus®. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to the possibility of lower a1c with rybelsus®. you may pay as little as $10 for up to a 3-month prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. the push to pass voting rights legislation in the senate is facing stiff opposition from all republicans and west virginia democrat joe manchin, as well as kyrsten sinema. but manchin is now being targeted in a million dollar ad campaign to block democrats from changing fill buster rules and being paid for by a political action committee aligned with mitch mcconnell. joining me now is virginia senator tim kaine, who was among the key group of senators meeting with joe manchin yesterday. senator kaine got to washington after being stuck on i-95 for 27 hours after that colossal tie up. let me ask you after 27 hours on the road and trying to save gas and ward off some freezing temperatures. how did you do it? did you have any food? >> andrea, it was pretty intense. the sum total of what i ate in that car for 27 hours was a 16 ounce dr. pepper and an orange that a family from connecticut gave me. they were stuck right in front of me. they were coming back from vacation in florida and they were passing out oranges and we were all talking and they gave me an orange. a dr. pepper and an orange got me through 27 hours and i got here just in time for the 4:30 voting rights meeting which i really wanted to be there on and it was challenging and a lot of folks had a lot of problems because i had a full tank of gas and a warm coat. not everybody had that. when you're stuck, you know, on the road in the middle of the night in low teen temperature for 26 hours, a lot of people were running out of gas and they didn't have a heater and couldn't get anywhere and then their car was blocking every other car. it was pretty scary for a lot of folks. >> and along that stretch very few off ramps and then finally, you know, people did manage to get off but the secondary roads were jammed up. so, there's some people who were even stuck today. >> eventually i got routed off interstate 95 to route 1, but, you know, you've driven on route 1 it's smaller. if you take all that traffic and put it on route 1 move five yards and stop for a minute and move five yards and stop for a minute and we were doing that for about 20 miles. it took a long, long time even after you got off the interstate. >> what a mess. as a former governor, i guess you know just how complicated this probably was for the people in charge. >> yep. >> well, you rushed to get here, or rushed you took the slow route to get to town. and now i think you're comparing progress on voting rights to the stretch of your trip last night. how would you frame it? >> yeah, i would say that our progress has been in the direction of a solution but as slow as my commute. we started to work in earnest really on this last spring when we negotiated a group of nine of us negotiated the freedom to vote act. the other bill is the john lewis act, which restores the preclearance provisions of the voting rights act. we have these two bills by september we had negotiated 50 out of 50 democrats on board. we spent september, october, november looking for republicans to join us to offer amendments, to present us with counteroffers. we would bring these bills up for a vote. the only republican willing to vote for even one of the bills, the lewis act, to proceed to debate it, was lisa murkowski. i think we demonstrated after a lot of effort we're not going to get republican help on these bills. what we have all dems are co-sponsors of both bills. we know there is not going to be republican support and we feel a burden on our shoulders as we're approaching the anniversary of january 6th. here was this effort to undermine our democracy and disenfranchise 80 million people who voted for joe biden and kamala harris. the right response is to protect people's rights to vote and also to protect the system, the electoral system from the kind of attacks on it that donald trump and the big lie about fraud or people stealing the election. so, we are having these discussions on both the substance of the bills and what we might do to accomplish the passage of the bills even though there is no republican support. it is kind of like my commute yesterday, it has been a long time. we're making progress. but the urgency of the moment on these voting issues is something that many of my colleagues feel very palpably and so do i. >> how does senator manchin, you were in talks with him yesterday. how does he justify a senate filibuster rule above voting right. famously leader bird the rule is less important than adjusting to future circumstance. >> the first thing i'll say is you mentioned at the top senators manchin and sinema we're having discussions and not the only senators with concerns. they state their concerns publicly and other senators state concerns privately. we first had to get everybody on the bill and now we have to get everybody comfortable with the way to make the bill pass. but the question about senator manchin, he's a traditionlist as was senator bird. one of the things interesting in this discussion is we had involved former democratic parliamentarian who used to work with senator bird and filibuster and senate rules and you don't want to casually change any rule. but the senate has changed rules frequently over its history. what we're looking at is not only changes in rules, but could we restore the filibuster to what it was during most of the senate? a talking filibuster and when everybody would stop talking you would have a simple majority passage vote. we got rid of that recently and that's one of the possibilities we're discussing. >> well, senator kaine, thank you for your endurance and thanks for the progress report or lack of progress report on voting rights. to be continued. >> absolutely. thanks, andrea. >> you bet. that does it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." follow us online and on twitter and chuck todd with "mtp daily" starts right after this. when you have xfinity, you have entertainment built in. which is kind of nice. ah, what is happening. binge-watching is in the bag, when you find all your apps, all in one place. find live sports faster just by using your voice... sports on now. touchdown irish! 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Virus , Nose , Individual , Ton , Unvaccinated , Three , Country , Workplaces , Lot , Thing , Load , Fact , One , Passages , Delta , Healthy , Asymptomatic , Data , Majority , Cases , Negative , Ens , Policy , Two , Health Systems , Clearing , Mayor , Chicago , Frustration , Teachers Union , Let S Talk , Erin Else , Vote , Lefters , 11 , 00 , Kids , Children , Bed , Child Care , Contention , Students , Chapter , Safety Precautions , Place , Classes , Classrooms , School District , Building , Learning , Class , Athletics , Cafeteria Meals , Both , School , Press Conference , Conversations , Plan , Response , Work Stoppage , Bargaining Table , Ctu Leadership Take A Moment , Answer , Instruction , Surge , Downs , City , Substitutes , Quickly , Things , Variety , Fronts , Laboratories , Tour , 24 , 7 , Line , Cold , Rain , Holidays , Workers , Pharmacy , Couple , Shipment , Pcr Testing Center , Hospital System , Outpatient Centers , Hundreds , Northwell Health , Third , Testing Center , Half , Labs , Pcr Test Results , 48 , Some , Four , Six , Fire , Breaking News , Row House , Officials , Philadelphia , News , Emergency Crews , Seven , 13 , Sad , Apartments , Cities , Philadelphia Housing Authority , Fire Department , Fires , 35 , Others , Community , Victims , Words , Condition , Eight , President , Toast , Inner Circle , Squad , Xfinity , Info , Carriers , Switch , Phone , Carrier , Xfinity Mobile , Bill , Store , Experience , Switch Squad , 5g Phone , Save , 200 , 5 , Pressure , Democracy , Washington , Book , January 6th Committee , Congressman , Jan 6th , Candidate , Journalist , Fact Witness , Podium , Insights , Rallies , Advantage , Letter , Council , Advisor , Implications , Member , Media , Amendment , Paper , Company , Tear , Efforts , Work , Texts , Role , Fox News , Et Cetera , Kind , Thinking , Attacks , Responsibility , Violence , Witness , Stephanie Grisham , January 6th , Preparation , Anyone , Administration , Meeting , January 6th Select Committee , Committee Hope , Nbc News , Involvement , Knowledge , Proximity , Lies , Expectations , Didn T , Up To , Mike Pence , Talk , Pictures , Let , Wasn T , Darely Escaing A Mob , Vice President , Thomas , Grounds , Duty , Trump , Electors , States , Effort , Position , Constitution , Coup , Standing Up , Contrast , Prospect , Question , Share , Many , Republican Party , Tone , Con Demted What , Con Temperatures , Terms , Condemnations , Names , It , Big Lie , Destruction , Reaction , News Conference , The Truth , Insult , Injury , Coverage , Jenna Ryan , Texas , Realtor , Plane , Protest , Victim , Display , Holocaust , Nazi Germany , Comparison , Look , Views , Comments , Kinds , Mark , Call , On Washington , Caliber , Staff , Level , Case , Acceptance , Idea , Threat , Sentiment , Schoolboard Members , Rise , Congress , Concern , Blue Wave , Andrea Mitchell Reports , Msnbc , Skin , Democrat , Bond , Crepe Corrector Lotion , 19 , Support , You Re Not Alone , Calhope , 833 317 4673 , 4673 , 317 , 833 , Calhope Org , Family , On The Edge Of A Forest Calin Norway , Little Red House , World , Kindness , Heart , Honesty , Fourth , Inspiration , Comfort , Viking , House , Uphill Battle , Bobby Rush , Brenda Lawrence , Wave , Ashley Parker , Term , Former , Biden Agenda , Boss , White House Press Secretary , Rnc , Obama , Robert Gibbs , Retirement , Districts , Favorite , Equal , Wash , Control , I Don T Think Retirement Wills , Report , Point , Redistricting , Michael Steel , Read , Presidents , Delining Poles , Retirements Autoabout , Senate , Few , Amount , Office , Difficulty , Big Factors Leek The Supreme Court , Resignations , Recognition , Party , Seats , Back Burner , Anything , Voting Rights , Urgency , Instance , Midterms , Home Run , Insurrection , Back End , Echos , National Security , Protein , Energy , Hell Reports , Jay Johnson , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Health , Sugar , Nutrients , Woman , Skyrizi , Plaque Psoriasis , 4 , 3 , 90 , Infections , Doctor , Chills , Infection , Doses , Risk , Vaccine , Ability , Tuberculosis , Treatment , Sweats , Symptoms , Fevers , Muscle Aches , Coughs , Everything , Nothing , Dermatologist , Law Enforcement Agencies , Police Forces , Intelligence , Planning , Police Chief , Improvements , Training , Deficiencies , Equipment , Portion , 100 , Security , Security Secretary , Understanding , Oklahomaland , Grandmother , North , Capitol , Great , Freedom , Being , Flag , Civil War , Union Army , Once In A Lifetime , Nation Event , Memory , Events , Capital Police , Flat Footed , Direction , Attack , Type , Behavior , Tip , Jan 6th A , Iceburn , Isn T , Eyes , Types , Nation , Failure , School Board , Part , Reporting , Program , Ways , Demographics , Studies , Insurrectionist , Polls , Replacement , Color , Extremist Thinking , 30 , 34 , Society , Mainstream Thinking , Manifestation , Poll , Numbers , Millions , Doubt , Percentage , Digit , Whether , Government , Hands , Pieces , Connections , Places , Telegram , Usa Today , Obvious , Social Media , Extremist Rabbit Holes , Amendment Bracing Skeers Theories , Pole , Qanon Theory , Grip , Saten , Worships Pedophiles , Interference , Tensions , Adversaries , American Society , Russian , Thought , Form , Clinton , 2016 , Respects , Strength , Vulnerability , Free Speech , Scale , Thumb , Chasing Shadows , Platforms , Platform , Somewhere , Doesn T , Guidelines , Happy New Year , Filibuster Fight , Dark Money , Senator Kaine , Waters , Epic Journey On I 95 , 95 , Stop Rybelsus , Everywhere , Type 2 Diabetes , 2 , A1c , Blood Sugar , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Don T Take Rybelsus , 1 , Side Effects , Changes , Help , Insulin , Lump , Vision Problems , Neck , Stomach Pain , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Provider , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Possibility , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Nausea , Dehydration , 0 , 10 , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , Senator Manchin , Opposition , Legislation , To Pass Voting Rights , Push , West Virginia , Kyrsten Sinema , A Million , A Million Dollar , Senators , Group , Action , Campaign , Changing Fill Buster Rules , Mitch Mcconnell , Tie Up , Road , I 95 , 27 , Gas , Car , Temperatures , Sum , Ounce , Food , Pepper , 16 , Oranges , Orange , Front , Vacation , Connecticut , Florida , Everybody , Folks , On The Road , Problems , Tank , Coat , Middle , Teen Temperature , Anywhere , Heater , Couldn T Get , 26 , Roads , Ramps , Route 1 , Traffic , 20 , Governor , Mess , Yep , Progress , Commute , Stretch , Town , Trip , Solution , John Lewis Act , Nine , Provisions , Freedom To Vote Act , Bills , Amendments , Voting Rights Act , October , 50 , Counteroffers , Lewis Act , Lisa Murkowski , Burden , Shoulders , Dems , Co Sponsors , Rights , Anniversary , Kamala Harris , 80 Million , Discussions , The System , Substance , Fraud , Passage , Voting , Talks , Colleagues , Rule , Bird , Filibuster Rule , Leader , Circumstance , Sinema , Senators Manchin , Traditionlist , Bill Pass , Rules , Filibuster , Discussion , Parliamentarian , Talking Filibuster , History , Passage Vote , Possibilities , Thanks , Progress Report , Edition , Progress Report On Voting Rights , You Bet , Twitter , Chuck Todd , Mtp Daily , Entertainment , Binge Watching , Apps , Bag , Nice , Sports , Voice , Touchdown , The Hits Won T Quit , Irish , Cheering , Peacock Premium , Cost , Insurrection Anniversary , Garland , Policy Threats , Violent , Insecurity , Update ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Reports 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Reports 20240709

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guidance, our recommendations early last week it became evident that people are interested in the test for this purpose after the end of their isolation period. because there was interest in using them for this reason, we provided guidance on how they should be used. >> but not how to find a test. >> the foe is is on the serious staffing issues of the capital police. >> i'm confident that the department is covered. the men and women of the capital price stand ready to work every day. and donald trump's mar-a-lago event will conflict, and it highlights hannity's private advice to the white house expressing his concerns about mr. trup's attempt to overthrow the 2020 election. chairman adam schiff was asked about it. >> we're not interested in his opinion, we're interested in the communications on the 6th and he knows a great deal. >> let's begin with all of the developments on the coronavirus. gabe gutierrez is joining us from new york. and dr. gupta. what elsz did we learn from today's briefing, monica? are there growing concerns on the guidance and thousand is being communicated by other members of the team? >> so many questions today in that briefing, andrea, and they tried to tackle them. absolutely at the top of the list that confusion that was created for the mixed messaing on the isolation. it was initially ten days that went down to five and then they raised queeries about what happens if you are positive. and that not everyone has rapid tests, and that brings us to the next huge issue on that briefing today when it comes to the lack of testing, not just for the rapid tests, but the pcr as well. they believe that americans will be able to log on to the involvement website and the shipments of the tests could go out by the end of the month. there was a promise of more information by early january. all of this is coming, andrea, against a backdrop of questions about what it means to be fully vaccinated. this is something the cdc says they will not revise at this time. it is just your initial series, but they want to point out that the best way to stay upto date is to get that third dose, that booster shot, and they really hit that point home hard today. >> thank you, to monica, alba, outside of the white house. the latest guidance from the cdc is not as definitive as what we have been hearing from leading health officials. can you explain the distinctions? >> andrea, happy new year, great to see you. because testing is constraining, i think they're trying to walk a really fine line here recognizing that there is a desire to test, but there is not enough tests. what i would have preferred they do is recognize that if you're fully vaccinated you tend to clear the virus. if you test positive, that's a more common reality that you clear it from your nose in three to five days. in the five day period for the fully vaccinated individual makes a ton of sense. if you're unvaccinated, and this applies to workplaces around the country, you should have to wait that full ten days. we just don't have enough tests right now and we have been waiting. so i wish they would have done that, and the fact that they didn't has resulted in a lot of confusion. >> let me clarify one thing. the three to five days to clear the viral load, it is still shedding, is that basically for omicron, not for delta? because it is in the nasal passages, i'm trying to distinguish. >> what we know is if you're triple vaccinated, healthy, asymptomatic, even if you test positive, say on a monday, by wednesday or thursday, some of the data is showing you will clear and have a negative test. it's not in every single test, but in the majority of cases three to five days. you go from positive to negative relatively quickly, which is great, so the cdc guidance makes a lot of ens especially when provided to the asymptomatic. you could easily have been applied because workplaces and health systems are distinguishing between the two. we should have layered that policy on it would have made more sense. >> thank you for clearing that up for me and erin else that has become confused by the changing guidance. let's talk about chicago. the frustration is so clear with the mayor after the teachers union, they said they would not show up, they want to teach remotely. parents frustrated. where do we stand? >> on the lefters leaving this to the very last minute, the vote happening overnight, the they announced the vote at 11:00 p.m. when many children and some parents already in bed. they were not knowing if they were able to send their kids to school or not and if they had child care available for students. the contention between the schools and the latest chapter that we have seen, the teachers pushing back against the safety precautions they they have put into place. the school district turned around and said okay, well we're going to cancel classes form, -- tomorrow. so the remote classrooms for teachers, they have been locked out and they can't communicate today, and learning in class and athletics have been cancelled also for everyone today. the building is open for those that need cafeteria meals or to get a test that the school is providing. so i want to show you what has been expressed. they had a press conference this morning, and i want to let you listen to both of those conversations. >> ctu leadership take a moment, review the plan, come back to us with a response at the bargaining table. delay the vote, do not do an illegal work stoppage, and to that the answer was no. sorry. we're moving ahead. >> we never said that we were going to stop instruction. all we said that we wanted to shift to remote learning until the surge goes downs. it's not safe to be in schools. it's not. >> chicago is not the only city, but it is certainly the only one that we have seen that implemented it this quickly. so for parents and substitutes to adjust, we expect to see a plan of how they intend to continue remote learning later this afternoon. >> thank you, i know it is really sub freezing. thank you for being with us today. so you had an exclusive tour of one of the biggest laboratories in the country where they're just running 24-7. >> that's right, there are certain things going on with testing on a variety of fronts. first you see behind me they're waiting in the cold and the rain for a rapid test. now i can tell you this line is shorter than it was a few weeks ago, right before the holidays, but you know tests are hard to come by here in new york city. just a short time ago i was at a pharmacy that was a couple blocks away. they just got a shipment but the workers there tell me they sold out in a short time within getting them. and i want to turn to that pcr testing center you mentioned, just outside of new york city. it is run by northwell health. this is a large hospital system. hundreds of outpatient centers. and about a third of them have come back positive. virtually all of them for the omicron variant. and about half of the tests there coming back positive are from people who were asymptomatic. this is a testing center that is going through so many tests each day. the typical turn around time for this particular one, just outside of new york city, it is about 48 hours. andrea, other smaller labs across the country are taking much longer and as you know there is a lot of frustration for many people around the country waiting for those pcr test results, some of them are taking four, five, and six days, -- andrea. >> gabe gutierrez, thank you. thank you to you and dr. gupta as well. and breaking news, terrible news from philadelphia where fire officials say that 13 people were killed and seven were children early this morning. emergency crews responding to a fire in a three-story row house that had been the converted into two separate apartments, owned by the philadelphia housing authority. >> this is a sad, sad day for the fire department and the cities of the city of philadelphia. i have been around for 35 years now, and this is probably one of the worst fires i have ever been to. i don't have the words for how we're feeling right now. as a community and as a fire department. victims are in critical condition. at least eight others were able to get out of the building safely. what started the fire is not clear at this time. >> and the inner circle. new information about what those close toast president trump were texting him before the insurrection a year ago. adam schiff is joining me, next. switching wireless carriers is easy with xfinity. just lean on our helpful switch squad to help you save with xfinity mobile. they can help break up with your current carrier for you and transfer your info to your new phone. giving you a fast and easy experience that can save you hundreds a year on your wireless bill. visit your nearest xfinity store and see how the switch squad can help you switch and save. get $200 off a new eligible 5g phone when you switch to xfinity mobile. talk with our helpful switch squad at your local xfinity store today. he said i'm very worried about the next 48 hours, and pence pressure. joining me now is adam schiff, the author of the book, midnight in washington. how we almost lost our democracy and still could. congressman, welcome. why does the committee want to talk to sean hannity? what do you hope to learn from him? we want to find out why was he concerned prior to jan 6th about what would happen in the next 48 hours. what conversations did he have? and so he has a lot to tell us as a fact witness. he has a lot to say and we think the american people should have the advantage of those insights as well. >> obviously he is not a traditional journalist, sharing a podium at rallies with the former president when he was a president, a candidate, and clearly an advisor, but the council for sean hannity said we're evaluating the letter from the committee. we remain very concerned about the constitutional implications as it relates to the first amendment. we will respond as appropriate. there is real issues on paper he is a member of the media. >> asked him to come along. there is no issue. we have no interest in his political company tear, in his work as as a journalist, but we have a deep interest in conversations, texts, et cetera that are outside of any role related to fox news and that go to efforts to overturn the election. we have a constitutional responsibility to make sure that these kind of violent attacks on our democracy never happen again and he has inside information on what president was thinking, what people around him were thinking, and more importantly what they were doing or not doing in preparation for january 6th and why all that violence was going on. >> stephanie grisham, who might be a cooperative witness, she is telling nbc news she will be meeting tonight with the january 6th select committee. what does the committee hope to learn from her. >> we hope to learn from anyone close to the administration if they have knowledge of what the expectations were for january 6th, what the different lies are, and given her proximity to the president, her involvement in the white house, i think there is a lot she could potentially tell us and we hope to learn as much as she can share with us about those efforts to overturn the election. and also what the president did and didn't do in the run up to, and on that terrible day. >> let's talk about stormer suspect mike pence. some of the most gripping pictures are him being exporting, darely escaing a mob. if it wasn't for the quick thinking, something else might have happened, so chairman thomas said that the committee wants to speak directly to the former vice president. is he going to be invited? obviously i presume you're not going to subpoena him because on legal grounds it would be difficult to compel him to testify. >> i don't want to get ahead of the committee, if he will receive a letter, but we do want him to come in. we believe he is a credible witness. there was conversations with the vice president, perhaps from the president himself reportedly going to efforts to get him to ignore his constitutional duty. the right to reject electors for no reason of particular states just to help trump overturn the election. it's hard to imagine with witness with more key or central information than the vice president and on that day they were harrowing and great interest. i think he is in great position to share information about that effort to get him to violate the constitution and bring about essentially a coup. >> in contrast to his standing up, to the president, back then on the day, since then his position is, shall we say, evolved. what is the prospect of getting him to come in and cooperate? >> it is a good question that i don't know. i would hope that he would do his duty and come in if requested and share what information he knows, and, you know, i think it was certainly vital that he upheld his constitutional duty on that harrowing day. you're right that his tone has changed. that is true of so many in the republican party that con demted what took place on january 6th, often in very vocal terms. con temperatures a president, many of them have walked away from those condemnations. and that is tragic. names they did not learn from the terrible destruction of the former president, and his big lie that they could continue to promugate it. and we hope that not with standing he would be willing to come meet with us and tell us the truth. >> president trump is now canceling his news conference for tomorrow. do you have any reaction? well, i'm glad that he canceled that. it would have, i think, only added insult to the injury committed on that day for him to be out there promulgating that big lie. i'm sure that's not the reason he canceled it. perhaps he was concerned he would not get the coverage he wanted. but for whatever reason i'm glad we won't have that kind of disgusting display. >> and we spoke to jenna ryan who is that texas realtor that took a private plane to the protest. she compared herself to a victim of the holocaust suggesting that, what is happening to her and others who participated is similar to what happened in in nazi germany. >> as revolting as that is, it shows you how far down people have gone down. that they could make such a comparison. the effort to glorify themselves and to compare themselves with the people who are rounded up and gassed is a systemic effort, the views and others, it is repugnant, but look, the president's call for people to descend on washington and mark on the capital brought out all kinds. and tragically we see the caliber of some of these people in comments like that. >> are you satisfied that the capital is safe and that the members and the staff are all secure tomorrow? >> i'm confident that the capital will be secured tomorrow. what concerns me more, andrea, is that we can defend that building, if we are, but there is a rising level of acceptance among some of the american people for the idea of using political violence, now. that was never the case, i think, in this country and to see that sentiment on the rise, to see that threat not only against members of congress, schoolboard members, it is really dangerous. and that worries me far more than any other concern i might have about the capital building tomorrow. >> intelligence chairman adam schiff, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> and the new blue wave, another house democrat bowing out. this is "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. reports" on msnbc. why not both? visibly diminish wrinkled skin in... crepe corrector lotion... only from gold bond. earn about covid-19, the more questions we have. the biggest question now, what's next? what will covid bring in six months, a year? if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today. growing up in a little red house, on the edge of a forest calin norway,4673, there were three things my family encouraged: kindness, honesty and hard work. over time, i've come to add a fourth: be curious. be curious about the world around us, and then go. go with an open heart, and you will find inspiration anew. viking. exploring the world in comfort. democrats are facing an increasingly uphill battle to hold on to control of the house. brenda lawrence and bobby rush became the latest congress members to say they will not run for a next term. they are joining a wave of two dozen. and the biden agenda, joining us now ashley parker former chairman of the rnc, and former obama white house press secretary robert gibbs. your boss lost the house in a historic wave, how worried should they be? >> look, i think 11 months from the lekts republicans are the likely favorite to take over control. i will say as we think this wave of retirement, these districts are all created equal, right? and there is no one worried that they are going to replace it, but we think redistricting looks more like a wash right now. i don't think retirement wills determine who is in control of the house. >> and michael steel two that point, in the report, and in first read today, they point out that it looks like redistricting will be more or less a wash. so is this all, these retirements autoabout the presidents delining poles? >> not really. i don't think so. you can draw a direct line this way. a few of them served a decent amount of time. they are moving to the senate or some or elected office. i think it is spot on for how it plays out. i think gets more interesting for democrats and republicans on big factors leek the supreme court. >> i think we're having difficulty with michael steele and we hope to get him right back. what about the white house position presumably there will be some resignations, that usually happens, but it could be difficult. build back better is kind of a back burner now. >> there is certainly a recognition that just the historic reality that a president's party usually loses seats in a midterm election, and you hear that in the way that they talk about it. they understand they have a limited time to get his and it gets harder to do anything. that is why there is such urgency, for instance, on the january 6th committee. they want to get voting rights passed before the midterms and once things heat up, once they lose control, it becomes that much harder for the biden white house to get anything done. >> michael steel. >> i would say yes. i thought this is an issue that should have been a home run for the president last summer. he is here now. push forward aggressively. he may be able to salvage something on the back end. thank you all so much and the echos of the insurrection. where national security stands today a year later. jay johnson is joining me next. this is "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. hell reports" on msnbc. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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>> let me start with this. my great, great grandmother headed to the north to join the union army to win the freedom of his family in the civil war. not during the civil war did we see what we saw a year ago. a confederate flag being paraded through the u.s. capital. it should never be normalized in our memory, in our thinking. this was a once in a lifetime of a nation event hopefully. now in terms of the capital police, the security for such events, i'm aphrase we see this far too often. they're caught surprised, flat footed, and now over compensating to correct what happened and to prepare for another event like this. i used to tell people that we we have to prepare for the next attack, not the last attack. i think the police are doing the right thing, moving in the right direction to make sure that there is add adequate security for things in the future like this. but i'm afraid that what we saw on jan 6th a year ago was the tip of an iceburn. this type of thinking and behavior could manifest itself again at other types of events and we have to keep our eyes on it all. >> and it is a failure of max nation, isn't it? and is it now a threat we're seeing in school board and election officials, and it s it now spreading in so many different ways at the local level that that is part of the reporting that we had on this program yesterday. >> i think the simple answer is yes. there have been studies done of the demographics of the insurrectionist and the current thinking among americans. not surprisingly many of those that stormed the capital a year ago were motivated by the replacement, that somehow people of color are replacing white people. and there are polls out just recently that some 30% to 34% of americans would be prepared to resort to violence to do what they believe is necessary to somehow save our country. and so i wor they extremist behavior, extremist thinking, is becoming mainstream thinking in our society. and on january 6th, that was one manifestation of that. but that type of thinking has not gone away, it still exists. >> i was just going to ask you about that poll. we through the numbers up there, that is extraordinary. a third of the people to be thinking that violence is justified against the country. >> it very often depends on how you ask the question. i have seen polls done earlier that suggest that 30% of republicans are prepared to result to violence. but whether or not it is 34% of americans, republicans, or some other doubt digit percentage, that is millions and millions of americans that feel that they're government does not work for them and they're prepared to take matters into their own hands and, you know, when i was secretary they used so ask me what keeps me up at night. this keeps me up at night. i'm afraid that it was not the last such event that we may see. >> and how concerned are you about the online connections. the other pieces that since a year ago, they have gone offline, and to more secure places where they can communicate, telegram and others, and talk where it is less obvious. >> the thinking behind engaging in an insurrection is something you don't get on usa today. it is not new, it comes from social media, people crawling down extremist rabbit holes, amendment bracing skeers theories. i saw a pole not too long ago that one in six americans describes the qanon theory that our government is controlled by saten worships pedophiles. that is one in six that lost a grip on reality. you don't get that on usa today. so social media has a lot to say about it right now. >> and how vulnerable are we have foreign adversaries can exploit these tensions in american society? >> of the russian interference in the 2016 election, the most prevalent form of interference was on social media. cultivating the thought that trump was better than clinton. putting their thumb on the scale through social media. and in many respects as a free society our greatest strength, free speech, is also our greatest vulnerability. i believe that social media has a lot to do with where we are now politically in terms of our thinking, and it is in many respects like chasing shadows. larger platforms can adopt. they can take people off of their platforms, or they can go to another platform somewhere else that doesn't have the same guidelines. >> thank you for joining us. >> thank you, andrea, happy new year. and the filibuster fight, dark money now swamping up the waters. senator tim kaine from an epic journey on i-95 joins me next. this is "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. this is "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible... with rybelsus®. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to the possibility of lower a1c with rybelsus®. you may pay as little as $10 for up to a 3-month prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. the push to pass voting rights legislation in the senate is facing stiff opposition from all republicans and west virginia democrat joe manchin, as well as kyrsten sinema. but manchin is now being targeted in a million dollar ad campaign to block democrats from changing fill buster rules and being paid for by a political action committee aligned with mitch mcconnell. joining me now is virginia senator tim kaine, who was among the key group of senators meeting with joe manchin yesterday. senator kaine got to washington after being stuck on i-95 for 27 hours after that colossal tie up. let me ask you after 27 hours on the road and trying to save gas and ward off some freezing temperatures. how did you do it? did you have any food? >> andrea, it was pretty intense. the sum total of what i ate in that car for 27 hours was a 16 ounce dr. pepper and an orange that a family from connecticut gave me. they were stuck right in front of me. they were coming back from vacation in florida and they were passing out oranges and we were all talking and they gave me an orange. a dr. pepper and an orange got me through 27 hours and i got here just in time for the 4:30 voting rights meeting which i really wanted to be there on and it was challenging and a lot of folks had a lot of problems because i had a full tank of gas and a warm coat. not everybody had that. when you're stuck, you know, on the road in the middle of the night in low teen temperature for 26 hours, a lot of people were running out of gas and they didn't have a heater and couldn't get anywhere and then their car was blocking every other car. it was pretty scary for a lot of folks. >> and along that stretch very few off ramps and then finally, you know, people did manage to get off but the secondary roads were jammed up. so, there's some people who were even stuck today. >> eventually i got routed off interstate 95 to route 1, but, you know, you've driven on route 1 it's smaller. if you take all that traffic and put it on route 1 move five yards and stop for a minute and move five yards and stop for a minute and we were doing that for about 20 miles. it took a long, long time even after you got off the interstate. >> what a mess. as a former governor, i guess you know just how complicated this probably was for the people in charge. >> yep. >> well, you rushed to get here, or rushed you took the slow route to get to town. and now i think you're comparing progress on voting rights to the stretch of your trip last night. how would you frame it? >> yeah, i would say that our progress has been in the direction of a solution but as slow as my commute. we started to work in earnest really on this last spring when we negotiated a group of nine of us negotiated the freedom to vote act. the other bill is the john lewis act, which restores the preclearance provisions of the voting rights act. we have these two bills by september we had negotiated 50 out of 50 democrats on board. we spent september, october, november looking for republicans to join us to offer amendments, to present us with counteroffers. we would bring these bills up for a vote. the only republican willing to vote for even one of the bills, the lewis act, to proceed to debate it, was lisa murkowski. i think we demonstrated after a lot of effort we're not going to get republican help on these bills. what we have all dems are co-sponsors of both bills. we know there is not going to be republican support and we feel a burden on our shoulders as we're approaching the anniversary of january 6th. here was this effort to undermine our democracy and disenfranchise 80 million people who voted for joe biden and kamala harris. the right response is to protect people's rights to vote and also to protect the system, the electoral system from the kind of attacks on it that donald trump and the big lie about fraud or people stealing the election. so, we are having these discussions on both the substance of the bills and what we might do to accomplish the passage of the bills even though there is no republican support. it is kind of like my commute yesterday, it has been a long time. we're making progress. but the urgency of the moment on these voting issues is something that many of my colleagues feel very palpably and so do i. >> how does senator manchin, you were in talks with him yesterday. how does he justify a senate filibuster rule above voting right. famously leader bird the rule is less important than adjusting to future circumstance. >> the first thing i'll say is you mentioned at the top senators manchin and sinema we're having discussions and not the only senators with concerns. they state their concerns publicly and other senators state concerns privately. we first had to get everybody on the bill and now we have to get everybody comfortable with the way to make the bill pass. but the question about senator manchin, he's a traditionlist as was senator bird. one of the things interesting in this discussion is we had involved former democratic parliamentarian who used to work with senator bird and filibuster and senate rules and you don't want to casually change any rule. but the senate has changed rules frequently over its history. what we're looking at is not only changes in rules, but could we restore the filibuster to what it was during most of the senate? a talking filibuster and when everybody would stop talking you would have a simple majority passage vote. we got rid of that recently and that's one of the possibilities we're discussing. >> well, senator kaine, thank you for your endurance and thanks for the progress report or lack of progress report on voting rights. to be continued. >> absolutely. thanks, andrea. >> you bet. that does it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." follow us online and on twitter and chuck todd with "mtp daily" starts right after this. when you have xfinity, you have entertainment built in. which is kind of nice. ah, what is happening. binge-watching is in the bag, when you find all your apps, all in one place. find live sports faster just by using your voice... sports on now. touchdown irish! 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