Transcripts For MSNBC Meet the Press Film Festival 20240709

Transcripts For MSNBC Meet the Press Film Festival 20240709

this is the actual zoning map. you can zoom in, and you'll see that's us right here. that entire area is zoned business commercial. that's it. this is the little piece that this fight is over. how is 0.003 acres a legitimate business commercial piece of property? it's not. the sons of the confederate veterans want to use that piece of property to keep maurice's hateful legacy living onto perpetuity. >> in orangeburg the battle to remove a confederate flag that flies next to an ice cream shop continues tonight. >> they took their concerns to the city in hopes that zoning where that flag sits could be challenged. >> what's up, man? >> have jurisdiction over this in a public way and clear the record, right? i was contacted by camp 842. the issues that were being presented were at the very foundation of what our american constitution is made up of. and the constitution is very important to me being an attorney and being an american. >> good evening, ladies and gentlemen, we'll now call the board of zoning and appeals meeting to order. >> this particular area was zoned b1 general commercial. the moment that maurice bessen jr subdivided that property into two separate parcels, each parcel is then required to comply with you all's zoning ordinance. this property is intended to be used and it has been used for well over ten years as a historical marker, zero commercial use. and i would ask that you find that this piece of property flag included does violate the city of orangeburg's zoning ordinances. >> i can't keep up with that. >> with all due respect, that was a beautiful argument that was made, but this is not the forum to handle a piece of property that has been deeded to a private entity with no problems. there are being some raised, but uniquely they're being raised schematically all across the united states of america. this is first amendment speech. it would behoove the leadership of this group to not overturn a well-founded decision by the zoning that falls in accordance with the law. thank you. >> i'm the zoning administrator. the current use is flying the confederate flag and maintaining the monument, the city of orangeburg does not locate the flags by zoning or any other regulation. therefore the property is in compliance. >> all in favor of upholding the motion of our zoning administrator let it be known by showing of your right hand. any opposed? so the zoning board has agreed upon the decision that the zoning administrator made. thank you. this meeting is adjourned. >> we lost for an issue that is this contentious. i would be hesitant to rule against the sons of the confederate veterans. >> pass the word. >> already have. i already have. >> love you, brother. >> love you, too, man. >> they went to the path of less resistance. >> i think they got it wrong personally, but we'll deal with it. >> a confederate flag flying beside a south carolina ice cream parlor is igniting new concerns. >> the creamery received this racially charged letter. >> his business has been vandalized multiple times. his employees have been harassed and a riot nearly started outside his shop. >> keep that flag flying! ♪♪ >> this peg is where that property line is, and that peg there when you stand out here for a moment they're hollering take it down or leave it alone or, you know, f-you. my wife is worried the sons of the confederacy is going to burn our house down. it's aggravating to me she's going through all this suffering. >> so i guess you know in this big old world it's not perfect these days, is it? >> no, ma'am. >> but she tells you that jesus what? >> loves you. >> like so much. i was in the doctor's office one day and a lady said to me i heard you people beat up black people. that's the kind of rumors that went around. she said some of her grandchildren with her. i said you bring those babies to my bible study wednesday night and you're going to know what we're about. you need to have what? faith. it's so stressful and so sad because i want to please everybody. i want to love everybody. and sometimes i often wonder, god, why did you bring me to this place? why did you bring me to this town? why? >> -- affection, reverence and undying devotion for the cause which it stands. >> thank you. you may all be seated. for those of you who have not heard or do not know we did have a wonderful big treat in orangeburg. our flag will continue to fly. i hope it will continue to fly forever. >> can't pay a lot of attention to what you see in the news media. don't read any modern books because they're -- they're extremely slanted. but if you read the original accounts, you'll find the real reasons that both sides fought. ♪ i wish i was in the land of cotton old times there are not ♪ ♪ forgotten look away, look away ♪ >> second coming of the klan used the bible. and some groups now carry a swastika and a battle flag. it got misappropriated, but that does not mean that it wasn't honorable when those men from 1861 to 1865 carried it. >> this heritage, this symbol of the south is part of dixie. >> segregation has been over for a while, and something like that to still be appearing in a small town like this, it's still creating division. >> why take it down? the blacks ought to be proud of that flag that they fought under just like the whites. >> it needs to come down along with all these other statues and symbols of supremacy. they need to come down. >> good. how are you? right. i can remember maurice barbecue. they portrayed an image of prejudice and making racial slurs toward us. i wouldn't dare go in there. when it changed to the creamery we were glad because we wanted a positive image there. the owner told us that he was trying to get the flag down. we all decided to bring it down, but he didn't have the proper paperwork. there's nothing we can do. you know, that's outside of our scope of authority. >> i think that most people in orangeburg want to move forward. not everybody's willing to ruffle some feathers to try to make it happen. 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i don't know. but when you pair that with what was going on, it makes you a little nervous. i've had conversations with people, they see the fight that we're in with the sons of confederate veterans over the zoning, and they literally are like, wait, isn't orangeburg like 60% to 70% black? why is bringing down that flag even the topic of discussion? it should have been down. and you just have to let them know that white supremacy has its roots everywhere. orangeburg is no different. ♪♪ you know, orangeburg is home to one of the worst things that ever happened in terms of civil rights in south carolina. students were protesting for the integration of the local bowling alley. hearing violence the governor sent in the south carolina highway patrol. one night the patrol broke out in gunfire killing three students and injuring 28 others. it was 50 years ago, but that's not something that people in town have forgotten. >> it's kind of like the shadows of a dark era are constantly on you. and i think some people just don't want to think about the confederacy or think about what it means or what it meant. >> you would have this expectation that when you do have black leaders in a city that on issues like this they will be very bold, they would be very outspoken. and a lot of times they aren't. not everybody in government or in politics is comfortable with what comes with bucking a system that's been in place for 400 years. as long as there are confederate monuments everywhere, white supremacy will always be here. >> the community, the city council, the city administrator, none of them are helping to get this thing going. i think i've got someone coming in to get the thing down, but i don't know if i'll ever get to the bottom of it. it sucks. >> the controversy over a confederate flag continues tonight. >> justin and i have tried to exhaust all reasonable avenues, and it's just not working. >> tommy daris is now threatening to remove the flag and confederate marker himself. >> maurice bessen jr planned it just so he could shove that flag up everybody's ass in the city of orangeburg for eternity. >> he said he sent the sons of confederacy want their flag they need to come get it from the property. >> is the city going to be okay with that? no, so they better get the asses onboard. >> i'm just getting it ready for pickup. >> no days go by without something happening. okay, since we were here last you can see where he's been digging around the monument. he's undoubtedly trying to cause so much chaos that somebody will overreact. i just don't understand. i just don't understand. >> i want people to know that our ancestors were good people. most of them didn't have slaves. i've told people all along that was the best thing that ever happened to folks that came over. they would not be driving bmws today had their ancestors remained in africa because they would have been eaten by other tribes or eaten by lions and tigers. i know that ain't politically correct to say, but it's true. ♪♪ >> my father had a grocery store in washington, d.c. in 1969 i was about 12, my father was working his store and they were expecting him to arrive. about 10:00 at night we get a phone call, the store burned to the ground. i'll never forget this. my father stood in front of the store and cried. my father was a huge man. and in the meantime i saw black people lining up over here, and it was like, you know, dad, these guys are -- all these people are lining up. so the first one walked to my dad and said i owe you money and i'd like to pay you. my father said, man, i have no idea how much you owe me, it all burned in the store. and she said i think it's $12 and something cents. she paid and within minutes the line grew and the people paid my dad money, and we left. and my father never had a racist bone in his body. i want people to know i'm not no racist bastard standing holding that flag. what happens when you block heartburn with one prilosec otc in the morning? 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[a vulture squawks.] there he is. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ this morning new details over a dispute over the confederate flag flying near an orangeburg restaurant is unfolding before a circuit court judge. >> we are continuing here at an appellate hearing today. i'm standing before martin luther king, jr. quote which says injustice anywhere is an injustice everywhere, and i feel that, too, on my heart. there's a real assault on our traditions, our history and particularly the confederacy. >> anybody here for jury duty? >> when i ride by there and i see that flag i think about the fact that as a kid i used to ride by there and be afraid. >> this is not a challenge to a flag and flagpole. we're challenging the underlying use of the property. and now as a man i get to ride by there and think i can play a role to make it go away. that's a pretty dope dream. >> so the judge, she's going to review it. >> she's going to look at the record and then she's going to reach her decision. >> so now we're going to have to wait. >> sometimes i wonder if old maurice wasn't up there chuckling. look at buzz. he's catching hell down there. he's doing all right. . >> the sons of confederate veterans have staunch feelings about the fact their ancestors fought in the civil war for the confederacy. but if you were to give half of those members the original documents of south carolina seceding from the union, most of them probably either haven't read it, refuse to read it because they know what it says or read it and say, yeah, but that's not why my ancestor fought. >> i -- i'm not going to say slavery was not in any way, shape, or form involved in the decisions about secession. but those men did not leave their families and their homes and their warm bed to go to fight so somebody can own a slave. the declaration of the immediate clause which induzed and justified the secession of south carolina from the federal union. a geographical line had been drawn across the union and all the states north of that line have united in the election of a man to the high office of the president of the united states whose opinions and purposes are hostile to slavery. the slaveholding states will no longer have the power of self-government, and the federal government will have to become their enemy. if you're wanting to come with me and say that its sole purpose was slavery, so be it if that's your desire. but if we agree to disagree that would be all right, you know, because i admit it that slavery played a part in it. slavery was a factor, but there was other things involved. >> if you stand for an institution that supported slavery and you don't denounce that and you choose to ignore it, i think that implicitly means that somewhere in you, you are okay with it. >> new developments tonight, a circuit court judge agrees at the confederate flag in front of the creamery does not violate the city orangeburg's creamery. he closed that shop and is now selling it. >> here's my closed down little store. it is all gone. it's just it's not comfortable to be here. >> i think people couldn't differentiate between this property being someone else and this property being a creamery. >> i think it's sad because nothing that plants there is going to be successful as long as that is not solved. >> i do feel like i've been pushed out, but we knew exactly what happened when they put that flag up when the people were killed in charleston. we knew exactly what was going on, and that wasn't our heart. >> now it's closed and it's over, i'm fairly relieved. at the end of the day getting my family away from here and moving back to familiar people and places is just a plus plus. shop closed. shop is closed. >> our success in orangeburg has inspired other people to stand up. >> everybody else is taking them down, and we're putting them up. >> yeah. >> today we're raising the first confederate battle flag on i-95 in south carolina. >> when a liberal called on a lib tard comes down the road and sees a battle flag, that's what we want because they don't have anything to do with our heritage. they can have their heritage, we want to keep ours. >> you worry that there will be a day when a confederate flag does not fly in orangeburg? >> yeah. how can you help not to worry about it? i don't dwell on it, but there are times when i can foresee and i worry about there may not be a confederate flag flying in the city of orangeburg or the majority of the united states. >> anger, frustration pouring into the streets of america. >> people coming up in every single state in the country standing together to say this is not acceptable anymore. black lives matter. >> african american ahmaud arbery is seen running. george floyd repeatedly cried, my neck hurts, i can't breathe. >> breanna taylor, shot eight times and killed by police. >> here in south carolina and all across the nation community members have been challenging their local and state governments to take down confederate statues. >> today at noon city council members in orangeburg will vote on a resolution to remove a confederate statue. >> during the protest outside city hall members want the statue removed. >> when people say it's our heritage, it's not my heritage. when i think of confederate anything i'm in fear. it's been one of those things where you can't talk about it or you don't say anything about it, but we're now in a time when we have the voice. we are here today because, of course, the mayor and city council are meeting on the resolution in regards to the statue. >> we just hope that the city will remove the statue from downtown square along with renaming. we live in this community. >> where do you live? >> i live in orangeburg. >> our goal is to remove the racist street names in orangeburg. and we've called the mayor's office and the city council members. >> i'm excited to see what's going on in orangeburg. we're seeing people who want change, and they're not asking for change anymore. they're demanding it. as we continue we've got to do a much better job collectively of being willing to fight the fight when it ain't the popular thing to do. and if we can keep doing that, keep pushing for change and we can keep standing up to people who stand behind institutions of bigotry and hate and slavery under the guise of heritage, we will get there. and i look forward to the day i jump in my car and come to orangeburg that confederate flag is no longer flying there. ♪♪ ♪♪ with downy infusions, let the scent set the mood. ♪ feel the difference with downy. alright. y'all know when they say your home is a reflection of you? well helene found herself in a lamp. no joke. i got a fancy grown up lamp to make me feel like a fancy grown up. mhm. adulting ain't easy. ooh! check this one out. waffles loves her dog bed. we can hardly get her out of it. she's kind of a diva. yes, waffles! living your best life. [woof] i'm telling y'all there's no place like wayfair to make your home totally you. ooh! i want that. 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>> unfortunately, no. the flag is still there. the monument in town is still there, and no one has purchased the property. so tommy is still looking for a buyer. >> so tell me how you decided to do this? you're from the -- you're from the area, and i think that probably gave you a little bit more credibility to get people to talk. how important was that? >> i think it made all the difference. being from orangeburg i just knew the landscape of the town, and there was just so much more credibility that i had reaching out to everyone involved. they were much more willing to speak with me. and, you know, i also really care about the issue because this is my hometown, and i really cared about how the town and the people in it were portrayed. >> i loved how much you didn't feel the need to include a narrator. in fact, correct me if i'm wrong, i think we only hear your voice once in the entire documentary towards the end there, correct? >> that's right, yeah. i just -- i feel like the power of documentary you can take people into different communities and just introduce them to people where they're at, so i didn't feel there was a need to editoralize because i think audiences can draw their own conclusions from seeing things as they are. >> how did you get the trust from the sons of the confederacy? look, i do think it helped you were from there, but not every journalist could have gotten that sit down. not every journalist could have handed them the original secession papers and gotten them to read it. >> right. yeah, i was very nervous when we filmed that to be honest. and ultimately i have no idea if buzz and the sons of confederate veterans were going to want to participate, but i just felt like when i was starting the project i had to reach out and find out. and so, you know, i sent off some facebook messages and really had no idea if i'd hear back. and a couple days later i got a phone call. and buzz was, you know, very cautious, and i was very cautious. but over the course of filming it was a three-year process, and i was really upfront about what i was trying to do, upfront that i was filming with tommy and the ice cream shop. and i think buzz just felt like he wanted -- he knew i was going to make the film, and he wanted to -- he'd rather be able to present himself himself than have me, you know, draw my own conclusions. >> has he seen your finished project? has everybody seen your finished project? >> yes, everybody has seen it. >> can i confess to having a few ideas that i'm curious as to why the shop owners didn't try this. so idea number one is did they think about putting up like six surrounding flagpoles, giant american flags to basically make it impossible for you to see the confederate flag? >> yeah, tommy actually really wanted to do that, and that was part of my he was starting to dig up the monument because he wanted to build something around it, but then he doesn't own that land. it's not his land, so there was very quickly a stop work order from the city, and i think he just ultimately felt like he was going at it in every issue and wasn't succeeding and eventually just decided i don't want to be here anymore and, you know, closed the ice cream shop and left town. >> did he think about filing a civil lawsuit against the sons of the confederacy? and essentially because he could make a claim that their mere presence, the flag's presence hurt his business, and therefore they were actively hurting his business, and they should be financially liable. has he thought about pursuing that? did he? >> i mean, maybe you're going to give him the idea when he sees that, but i think ultimately he bought the property with the flag there, so they probably could have come back and said you knew this was here, you purchased the restaurant anyway. but, ultimately, i do think i mean this was really straining for tommy and his family. and i think ultimately they're just -- they're exhausted from this fight and really just want to try and rebuild and move on as best they can. >> well, in the final idea, selling it to some activists to create a civil rights museum on hate. >> and there's been talk of that in the town. there are people interested in doing that. it's about figuring out how to make it happen and who has the money to be able to support something like tat. orangeburg is, you know -- really has an activist history at heart. and i was really excited because in the film we are able to kind of touch on that with this new group of younger residents that want to see change. but we'll see. that would be great. i think everyone would be excited, and that could be a really good option. >> final question, what do you hope to do next after what i think is a tremendous success in telling this story? >> well, i'm actually working on another south carolina film. i filmed with the jamie harrison for senate campaign last year. so i'm working that. >> that'll be interesting. emily herald, the film again "meltdown in dixie," just a wonderful portrayal, i think, of the debate on a local level. thanks very much. >> thank you. >> all right, folks, up next is "golden age karate." you're watching the "meet the press" film festival on msnbc. press" film festival on msnbc. when i'm in a match, time slows down. imagine thinking five, ten moves ahead how slanted his shoulders are, what way his elbow is facing right now, and i put all those together and then just time it perfectly. when i first started martial arts i was 6 years old. the first time i went into the dojo i did like a little straight up high kick, and then the instructor was like, yup, this is definitely for you. >> he was already jumping off of everything he could jump off of. so it was not surprising he jumped into martial arts. >> from 6 to about 9 years old i went into a lot of tournaments and i won all of them. >> we had to sit down with him and tell him, jeffrey, you're not batman. when people are being pushed around in school because we'll lose our home if you break somebody nose, okay? and he's like okay, and i get a call from the principal like jeffrey's in the office he's rescuing somebody again. and we have to tell kids parents please tell your children not to call on jeffrey. he's not a super hero. he's in the third grade. >> when i was 10 years old i was inducted into the martial arts hall of fame. >> he was growing really, really fast, doing really well in martial arts. and when he started getting close to getting his black belt, he's like, mom, i'm going to teach other people. and i'm like what do you want to teach? >> my grandma, she lives by herself, and every weekend that i could i would be over there. >> he would probably live there if he let him. every weekend he's like can i go over to grammys, and we find out later she's making a grilled cheese, she's got the fruit snacks. and we're like, oh, that's why you're always at grammy's. >> my grandma feels like she's very lonely, and maybe others feel that way, too. where could i go? and i was like, oh, the nursing home. so i started working with seniors because i felt like they weren't getting a lot of love and attention. my first class, i took it easy with them, didn't expect them to do as well as they did, honestly. one of my students, she was doing push-ups like going all the way down and coming up. and i was like if you don't mind me asking, how old are you. and she was like i'm 95 years old, sweetie. i was like, huh. we're doing stretching and exercises, get their arms working and get their stomachs working. we do sit-ups. it's just giving them the physical strength they need. also it gives my students confidence to step out the house. >> one of his students said i have dementia, but i write my karate class on my door. i think it's a big deal to keep not only their bodies active but their minds active. >> one of my students, she had diabetes and she was taking medication like four times a day. that was before she started, and then after she said now i'm only on one pill because my doctor said i should keep doing this karate class. and she also walks like 7 miles a day. she said it's motivated her to do better. >> and the favorite part of class typically is at the end of class he lets them beat him up. and some of them really vocal and excited are like it's my turn, can i kick him? and i'm like sure. >> he came down into karate classes. he's amazing as a student and listens really well. his smile is huge and we posted pictures of him, too, and he was like i look like a big tank. and i was like yes, you do, big pa, yes, you do. the most important value is respect your elders. i think it's a good thing because you're never too old or too young to learn something new. >> when i see those seniors run up to him i'm like, okay, i did something right. >> just the excitement they get when they start class. they're like hurry-up, hurry-up, i'm ready, rhyme ready. they're so hype and just amazing to know i'm impacting their lives like that. the transformation is just like, you see them grow in ways you wouldn't expect. it just makes me feel good just making other people feel better makes me feel like 30 times better. >> that's it for this year's special presentation of the meet the press film festival. we'll be back next year with more of the best in class documentary shorts. thanks for watching. don't just put on a light show—be the light show. make your nights anything but silent. and ride in a sleigh that really slays. because in a cadillac, tradition is yours to define. so visit a cadillac showroom, and start celebrating today. ♪ ♪ ordinary tissues burn when theo blows. so puffs plus lotion rescued his and start cnose.ating today. with up to 50% more lotion, puffs bring soothing relief. a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. america's #1 lotion tissue. i've been telling everyone... the secret to great teeth is having healthy gums. crest advanced gum restore. detoxifies below the gumline... and restores by helping heal gums in as little as 7 days. crest. the #1 toothpaste brand in america. ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? 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(gasps) ♪ did it work? only pay for what you need ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ spider-man no way home in theaters december 17th one of the worst things about a cold sore ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ is how it can make you feel. but, when used at the first sign, abreva can get you back to being you in just 2 and a half days. be kinder to yourself and tougher on your cold sores. >> it was 2021 who said, hold my beer. in the closing moments of 2020, the ball dropped over a sparsely populated times square, the we'res nation hoped for better times, dreams that were quickly dampened. 2021 was six days old when a mob of trump supporters stormed the u.s. capitol, hoping to overturn the election. the images, captured in speaker pelosies office, indellible portraits of a deadly uprising, failing to stop lawmakers from satisfying the adults. >> joseph biden received 306 votes. >> it looked more like a war zone, insurrection to inauguration. at the scaled down ceremony, president biden was sworn in as america's 46th president. >> i do solemnly swear. >> kamala harris became the first woman vp. >> the out-going president refused to stick around for the festivities, but could not escape another impeachment. >> the president of the united states incited this ircurrecollection. >> he became the first american president to be impeached twice. later acquitted by the senate. >> it was a dramatic start to a year dominated by covid. >> the pandemic has taken 400,000 lives in the u.s. >> as the country emerged from a deadly winter, vaccines became more available, to the most vulnerable to adults then to kids. >> despite the welcomed shot in the arm, more died from covid this year than last, as the delta variant surged, and the hospital treated mostly unvaccinated patients. >> mask mandates sparked rage. >> at school board meetings. >> let the parents make the decision, let the kids breathe. >> i would rather wear t i don't want to get covid. >> the way all of us were students this year k vocabularies expanded, break through cases, and by year's end, omicron. >> as the pandemic raged so did nature's fury. >> a deadly ice storm paralyzed texas, leaving millions without power, wildfires in the west, and hurricane ida, a path of destruction, and a rare december tornadoes in kentucky and surrounding state, one twister cutting a path, 200 miles long. >> it was a year of fatal tragedies. the condo building in surf side, florida. >> who thinks a building is going to collapse on you. >> the 12 story tower, partially collapsed killing nearly a hundred people while many slept. >> tragedy in a movie set, when actor alec baldwin was handed a weapon with a real round, killing the cinematographer. >> as to count one, unintention ail murder, derek chauvin was found guilty. the verdict celebrated outside of the courtroom and beyond. >> three white men were convicted of killing ahmaud arbury. >> kyle rittenhouse found not guilty after shooting three men during protests last year. >> the year already filled with partisan tensions and pointed debateses, on issues like abortion and transgender rights. political harmony, not totally elusive. >> capitol hill lawmakers passed a bill, and voted to make juneteenth a national holiday. >> it ended with republicans flipping the governor seat in virginia. oversea, america ended a 20-year war in afghanistan. pulling the last remaining u.s. troops out of the country. the taliban regained control and desperate afghans tried to flee. the chaotic days, a suicide bomber killed 13 service members, president biden stood by his decision. >> after 20 years of war in afghanistan, i refuse to send another generation of america's sons and daughters to fight a war that should have ended long ago. >> in october, world leaders gathered in person in roam roam for the g-20 conference, notably missing, queen elizabeth, forced to bow out over health concerns. it was a tough year for them. meghan markle and prince harry and oprah. >> about how dark your baby would be, what it would mean or look like? >> parts of that conversation i am never going to share. >> the royals said good bye to the queen's husband of 70 year, prince philip that died at the age of 99. one of many notable death this year. secretary of state colin powell, the sound of music's christopher plumber. ♪♪ >> so many more. >> this is jeopardy! it was the year that jeopardy struggled to find a permanent host. >> welcome to the second of of the three semi final matches. >> brittany was freed from her conservatorship. >> that our friends reunited. movie blockbusters made their long awaited return. along with broadway and adell. ♪♪ >> the olympic flame, belatedly burned one year later than planned, the 2020 games in 2021. biles traded high scores for high praise when she withdrew for mental health. >> that is what i did. >> tiger woods started swinging again after a serious car crash in california. and billionaires raced to space. even captain kirk took a trip to the final frontier. >> i am so filled with emotion over what happened. extraordinary. >> inspiring reminder of what the future holds. >> i did it america! >> we reflect on a year dominated by vaccines and hopes 2022 offers a shot at something even better. >> what a year, you can't talk about 2021, without mentioning the fight against covid, and the distribution of covid vaccine, the shots created, evaluated and authorized in months, a first for vaccine development. millions lined up to get shots and lined up again for a booster. it wasn't without controversy. take a look back. >> this morning, a grim new national record. 4,000 covid deaths reported in a single day. hospitals are facing a crisis of epic proportions. >> one hundred million shots, we are on day one. >> johnson's vaccine will become the third to go into american arms. >> get vaccinated. the vaccine that is available to you, get that vaccine. >> all adults will be eligible to get a vaccine no later than may 1. >> people getting vaccinated are able to enjoy live music in the same space that served as a field hospital a few short months ago. >> the battle against the coronavirus. the death toll topped 3 million. more than 570 american lives lost to the, american lives 0 american lives 0 american lives 0 american lives lost to the. >> some are turning down american shipments due to lack of demand. >> our goal by july 4th is to have 70% of adult americans with at least one shot. >> pfizer's emergency use authorization clears the way for 17 million children to immediately get vaccinated. kids 12 to 15 years old, middle and high school students qualify. >> if you get the shot, you can ditch the mask. nearly everywhere. >> america is on the pandemic rebound. new covid cases at the lowest level. >> this year will be a big summer. >> the delta variant, first found in india, could be the dominant strain in the u.s. >> 53% of the country is partially vaccinated. some states barely hitting a third of the population. >> short of the president's goal of 70%. >> a year ago, the covid icu at lexington was pushed to the brink, now. it is feeling like deja vu. >> more daily covid cases than last summer's peak. >> the plan is for every adult to get a booster, eight months after your second shot. >> a moving new memorial, reminding us of the devastation of the pandemic. 670,000 white flags are planted along the national mall. each one, a life lost to the coronavirus. >> thursday by the fda, late today, booster shots for adults fully vaccinated with moderna and johnson & johnson could be days away. >> they all reached the same conclusion. >> i didn't have much of a choice, forced to put something into my body. >> i felt, what they have done is basically held for ransom your health insurance, your benefit, your livelihood, your career in some cases. >> authorizing pfizer's vaccine for 5 to 11 year-olds. >> the fda signed off on pfizer and moderna vaccine booster. >> president biden is set to speak about the omicron variant. the seriousness of the threat. >> what it is about the variant that worries you? >> the rapid rise in infections. we have seen it in a population where we thought that it people had a lot of immunity. the fact that the virus is spreading so easily, it is highly transmissible. it may well be able to get around the cdc protection. >> the first test of the omicron variant appeared in san francisco. >> 800,000 deaths in this country. in 2021, some kind of normal. commuting to the office, spending time with loved ones over the living with the impact of the pandemic and likely will longer. what to expect from coronavirus. this year much like last year, we have events, and concerts to say it is a return to normal see. delta was identified. we know that is spread, and the increased hpthz, what can we expect in the upcoming year? >> it looks like delta going into the third. now, omicron, it is one of those things i think we will be it for at least a bit. get to more of a near normal. near normal by now. the delta and omicron put us on our back feet, we have the teals to them both variants off. >> do we need another round o boosters, are we ever getting rid of the masks. if you look at asian countries, they use masks all the time. if someone is sick. not to spread it thankfully, they are wearing a mask. i don't think, we are wearing it all the time. getting sick of it there will be continuing outbreak, you will see mask recommendations coming back temporary. >> boosters? >> in 2022, we won't necessarily get another booster, what i have done, yes, you are correct, we don't want to they will look at the shots, saying, they are holding up well. and the point of view of hospitalizations and dying, the important part. >> thank you, happy new year. >> the trauma will impact people who live there, their family, the first responders, those down there trying to help. it is very, very real. >> those devastating scenes from the recent tornado destruction in kentucky are one more example of weather extremes. many are connected to climate change. 2021 is a make or break year for climate action. in the u.s., it felt more broken than not. unprecedented weather across the nation. nba's al roker with a look. >> reporter: another blistering year of weather extremes, from drought and hurricanes, almost no skate escaping unscathed. this year seemed to pick up where 2020 left off, with one major exception. four years after withdrawing from the paris climate agreement, newly elected president joe biden, bringing the u.s. back into the fold. >> we can no longer delay or do the bare minimum for climate change. >> to stop the earth from warming past 1.5 degrees celsuous. . scientists saying it would be. catastrophic. texas a breakdown in the polar vortex crippled the power grid, leaving them without water for 10 days. we were collecting and melting snow. >> what unfolded in texas, exposing one of the most fragile, crumbling, ill-fitted infrastructure. a once in a millennium heat wave, resulting in the highest recorded in the region. parts of canada, swelling up over 100. 228 people dying in washington state and oregon alone. >> electricity went off. it is getting warmer and warmer. >> kicking off heat ace the hottest summer on record for the united states. the boot leg fire, burning 413,000 acres, the dixie fire, the second largest to scorch california. >> i didn't know where i was. whose house was what. it was a waste land. >> grateful to be alive. we got each other. >> the 2021 hurricane season, not as prolific as the record shattering 2020, was overachieving. seven hurricane, four of which, category 3 or higher. catagory 4, hurricane ida. recovering from last year. >> we are looking at imminent landfall of this storm. >> flattening entire communities, leaving many without power. some outages, for months. a path of destruction in the northeast. dumping 10 minutes of rain. several new york city, taking a direct hit from the tropical storm. subways turning into from water foup, and basement apartments were submerged, trapping evidence. >> the bone dre west, in the second. >> hitting as agriculture the hardest. >> there will be less drinking water in the 21st century. >> the bipartisan infrastructure bill was signed into law in november. included are historic numbers for climate resilience, and capping orphaned gas and oil wells. >> they can come together and deliver results. >> this should be were the sfr ends. tornadoes tearing through kentucky and neighboring states and leveling towns, communities left in ruins, it will be okay. >> stretching frathe west coast to the great lakes, minnesota recording the first ever tornado in the month of december. as 2021 comes to a close, a country weary from a prolonged pandemic is praised to be another year of firsts. >> thank you. we are just starting to look back at 2021. a near six days in. the capitol riots reverterate months later, and space frontiers . we hit the bike trails every weekend shinges doesn't care. i grow all my own vegetables shingles doesn't care. we've still got the best moves you've ever seen good for you, but shingles doesn't care. because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. but, no matter how healthy you feel, your immune system declines as you age increasing your risk for getting shingles. so, what can protect you? shingrix protects. you can protect yourself from shingles with a vaccine proven to be over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your pharmacist or doctor about shingrix. shingles doesn't care. but you should. every day in business brings something new. so get the flexibility of the new mobile service designed for your small business. introducing comcast business mobile. you get the most reliable network with nationwide 5g included. and you can get unlimited data for just $30 per line per month when you get four lines or mix and match data options. available now for comcast business internet customers with no line-activation fees or term contract required. see if you can save by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. frontiers.. >> this year we witnessed cubans pushed to the brink, rose up and demanded that communist government change, people until a few short years ago, weren't allowed to own cell phones, they wanted a new vig for their country, and wanted to be the authors of what they future looked like. we listened, and we told their story. >> welcome back to the nbc news now special, looking back at 2021. >> the most consequential, january 6th, it will live on in the american consciousness for years. frank thorpe looks at the deadly insurrection. >> a day designed by the founders to be forgettable, seered in our memory. it started when congress met to certify the election. >> outside the white house, pushing the vice president to overturn the election returns. if mike pence does the right thing, we win the election. >> the crowd, fuelled by repeated lies from the president of the united states and others that the election was stolen, marching to the capitol. for the next four hours, a shocking siege. lawmakers, narrowly escaping, officer goodman, drawing rioters away from senators close by. >> a rioter killed by police. bipartisan pleas, asking mr. trump to tell his supporters to stand down. >> go home, are you very special. >> for what purpose- -- vice president pence defied his boss's demands. joseph biden received 306. >> democrats quickly voted to impeach president trump for inciting an insurrection. making him the only president of the united states to be impeached twice. >> federal troop its lining the halls for the first time since the civil wall. >> as president trump refused to attend, joe biden became the 46th president of the united states. >> as mr. biden went to work, congress turned to accountability. in the impeachment trial, mr. trump was acquitted. including mitch mcconnell choosing not to convict a former president. >> we have no power to convict a private citizen. >> the rioters facing justice almost immediately. scrubbing social media. 700 arrests over 150 guilty pleas and dozens of convictions. by the summer, as fences came down, and physical damage was repaired, invisible scars remained. >> i got to sit down and reflect on what happened. i felt sad, anger, just, a lot of emotions. going through my mind. i am still trying to process it. >> every time i walked in here, i thought, that is where this happened. it is hard to get it out of your mind, it was a traumatic experience for a lot of people. >> some democrats finding it harder and harder to work across the aisle. >> before working with a republican, we check to see if they voted to certify the results or not. >> if you didn't know it was january 6th, you would think it was a tourist visit. >> capitol police lacked the training needed to respond. federal agencies failed to warn of intelligence, and a delay in the national guard being deployed. >> we remember a haunting words, does anyone have a plan? the answer, sadly, was no. >> and in the house, the creegg of a select commit, two republicans placed on the committee by nancy pelosi. >> the people who did this must be ahead accountable. >> pelosy has broken this institution. >> the committee issuing 50 subpoenas, and to charge trump staff. hoping to find answers into a day nobody thought could happen, brought american democracy to the brink. >> turning now to the new president. ever since joe biden took it oath of office? january, he had to face challenges, covid, afghanistan, climate change. >> with all of that on the agenda, was he able to keep the things that got him elected in the first place. >> every first year of a president marked with campaign promises kept and unfulfilled. he knew that coronavirus would largely define the beginning of his term. >> to heal we must remember. >> honoring the hundreds of thousands dead on the eve of his inauguration. this is democracy's day. a day of history and hope. >> biden/harris administration, a massive effort to get americans vaccinated. >> we can reduce suffering in this country. >> leading to the first legislative victory, 1.9 trillion covid relief bill. as 100 days in office, marked 100 million vaccine shots. >> many refused to roll up their sleeves. even as new variants brought spikes and surges. >> it is a political issue, which is a sad commentary. >> mandates for government workers. >> it is about having a choice to get it. >> rules of enforcement. covid deaths topped 800,000 and normal never quite returned. >> do not wait. get your booster if it is time for to you do so. >> over sea, high stakes challenges on the world stage. the u.s. rejoined the paris agreement. >> the united states is determined to reengage with europe. >> a face to face summit with valdimir putin. >> it was afghanistan, moving front and center, after he promised to remove the troops by the 20th anniversary of september 11th. underestimating how quick the tlan will take control. a deadly evacuation. >> the buck stops with me. i do not regret my decision to end the war in afghanistan. >> we meet with the eyes of history upon us. the clay mate, a key part of the domestic agend arevoking a permit to the pipeline, and halting drilling in the alaska. >> repealing the ban on transgender personnel in the armed forces. >> transgender personnel, if qualified in any other way, can serve in the united states military. >> on capitol hill, after infighting, a skated back, $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill is signed into law. >> america is moving again. your life will change for the better. >> while the second half of the president's second half of the agenda, a plan is now in limbo with no clear path forward. another with other things stalled in congress. >> voting rights. >> police reform. >> no justice in this house. >> creating a path way to citizenship. >> a promise of protection for immigrant family, nothing has changed. >> making roev. wade the law of the land. >> abortion needs to be legal. >> the president will now take the country into a new year. change, and challenges, ahead of the critical 2022 mid term elections. etch monica alba, nbc news, the white house. >> how they got their grove back in 2021. a look at the pop culture moments that we can't stop talking about. first, billionaires in space. m.f.t.s we have discovered this is going main stream. like back in the early 19 nift, when katie couric asked, what is internet. they are here to stay with great value. (burke) with farmers auto multi-policy discount, the more policies you have with us, the more you could save on your auto insurance. (man) hey, hon! (wife) hi, honey! (man) like what? (burke) well, you'd get a discount for insuring your jet skis... and ...home and more. you could save up to forty-five percent. (man) that's a whole lot of discounts. (burke) well, we offer coverage for a whole lot of things, and you could save a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. (kid) sup, dad! (burke) seventeen-car garage you got there? ♪we are farmers♪ ♪bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum♪ i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! (sighs wearily) here i'll take that! (excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. welcome back to our "nbc news now" special, "good-bye 2021, a year to remember and forget" as we look back on the past year. it was a landmark time for space exploration with small steps and giant leaps made on many fronts, and we're not just talking about the billionaires' space race. here's nbc's tom costello with more. >> ten, nine, eight -- >> -- seven, six, five, four -- >> -- three, two, one -- >> -- emission. >> fire. >> fire. >> reporter: from new mexico to texas to florida, put 2021 down as the year the private space race came roaring off the pad. >> for the next generation of dreamers, if we can do this, just imagine what you can do. >> reporter: billionaires richard branson, jeff bezos, and elon musk bringing commercial space travel one rocket ride closer for all of us back here on earth. on his first trip bezos brought along 82-year-old wally funk, one of the original female "mercury" astronauts who never flew. then captain kirk himself, 90-year-old william shatner choked up with emotion after landing back on earth. >> what you have given me is the most profound experience i can ask. >> reporter: on september 15th it was the four civilian astronauts on board a spacex rocket who made history on a three-day orbit around the world. >> we can see the entire perimeter of the earth, which is so beautiful. >> reporter: the trip, part of a fund-raiser for st. jude children's hospital where crew member hayley arceneaux was treated for cancer as a child. but with prices starting at $250,000 per seat, space tourism is still way out of reach for most of us earthlings. >> it's important to you that this becomes accessible to everybody. >> that's why we started it. i think ultimately -- ultimately the price will come down to a level where an awful lot of people will be able to do it. >> reporter: but bezos and musk aren't content with joyrides around the earth. musk's spacex has won a nasa contract for its starship to carry astronauts to the surface of the moon. that same system could eventually fly on to mars. and jeff bezos planning to build a commercial space station called orbital reef, a sort of floating business park. while the commercial space race is hot and at full throttle, the u.s. is not alone. china is putting astronauts in space, already building its own space station, with plans to put humans on the moon as soon as 2030. and then there's mars, the ultimate goal. this year nasa pulled off yet another first. after landing a rover on the surface, it flew a helicopter, a drone, really, over the martian surface. here's nasa's animation, and here's the actual chopper flight, so far from earth it had to fly itself, making 500 calculations per second. >> we have done it. this is the first time i've been able to say we've done it. >> reporter: it's a vast universe holding billions of galaxies and hundreds of billions of planets. so what are the chances that we're not alone, that life exists on at least one of those planets? the problem, we humans love sci-fi, and we tend to think of aliens as the characters we see on tv and in the movies. >> e.t. phone home. >> our understanding of life doesn't mean that we understand all the options or all the possibilities of the various life forms that may be out there. >> absolutely true. yes, just because we understand our own life doesn't mean that we know what to predict of how life might form in another -- different environment. >> reporter: but have aliens already visited us? >> there's a whole fleet of them. >> reporter: what about the ufo sightings from credible sources like navy pilots? astrophysicist adam frank is a sympathetic skeptic. >> why do ufos always look like exactly what we'd expect them to look like from all the movies we've watched, right? as i like to say, if it sounds like a science fiction story, it is. >> reporter: frank believes life probably does exist beyond earth, but he hasn't seen compelling evidence that they visited earth yet. if there is intelligent life out there, experts say it is probably many light years away, and each light year is at least a 37,000-year journey. so we're talking 100,000 years to get there or maybe even further, so you'd better pack an overnight bag. tom costello, nbc news in washington. coming up, pop goes the year from britney to simone, "squid game" to the royals. the moments that stunned, shocked, and captivated us in 2021. and speaking of the royals -- >> one of the most memorable stories for me over the past year was really the death of prince philip. this was a huge historical figure, a man who stood alongside the queen for more than 70 years, a front row seat to so many historic events. i remember his grandchildren paying tribute to him, us getting to know the man through them, prince harry calling him the master of the barbecue -- that line will always stick with me -- and prince william saying that he was really the heart of this royal family. this was a covid funeral, and for a man who -- for a family, really, that is so tied to ceremony and pageantry, it was so simple, behind palace walls, staying true to the essence of a man, a man who said he didn't want a fuss. every day in business brings something new. so get the flexibility of the new mobile service designed for your small business. introducing comcast business mobile. you get the most reliable network with nationwide 5g included. and you can get unlimited data for just $30 per line per month when you get four lines or mix and match data options. available now for comcast business internet customers with no line-activation fees or term contract required. see if you can save by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. one of the most important stories i covered this year was the movement to free britney spears. my coverage began in june at the courthouse. we all heard as britney described for the very first time in stunning detail what she endured under that 13-year conservatorship. a legal domino effect, that culminated in a celebration, a free brittany. we knew she was under the control of her father, earning millions. what is going on here? what does it is a about pop culture? what does it is a about the media? >> 2021 was a big year in pop culture, from the breakout shows in music, to britney. >> good to have you both with us. let's start with the break-outs in tv and music. two of the shows that come to mind, ted lasso and the squid game. not alike at all. what was the appeal? why was it so appealing? >> i think it came out of no where for most of us. this a concept that is dark. you have to explain to someone, it is like the systematic -- a plot like you have never seen before. reflective of a weird time we are living n. >> it really does. >> flip side. you have ted lasso. >> the two shows, ted lasso is the nice guy show. where people live. and win sports ball games. technical term. >> a huge year, second season, won a bunch of emmys, jason sudakis. >> i guess you can't talk about music without talking about adelle, taylor swift, relationships and crying. >> can we talk about adele. her last album was five years ago. the ramp up. the emotional preparation we all have to do, buying tissues, she has this amazing audience on tv, and audience. she is the first audience to have sold a million albums. the first one of this year. it just came out in november. now, she has a vegas residency. she will make as much money as she will make from the album itself. >> a ten minute version of a wrong she wrote 10 years ago, if you are a swifty, i am. >> all too well, the ten minute version. she is xwoep for throwing easter eggs, screaming all over the place about who the song is b how they did her dirty. i am like dion warwick. >> moments that did shock us, move us. the first one, simone biles at the olympic. >> this is a first. the world, the u.s., in particular, hugely, high expectations for simone biles. nobody felt them more than her. this is someone poised to win it all step back and say, i have to do something for myself. all you want for me, i can't live up to that. i will do what is right for me. she is the most decorated medalist there is. winning athlete of the year from time magazine. knowing when you need to be the best at taking care of yourself. >> such an important moment to discuss the important of mental health. the next question for you, this interview with harry and meghan markle and oprah. what they had been going through. the conversations around it can't be overstated. >> they opened up about their mental health. megan spoke about contemplating suicide, while living in london. they opened up about having babies, drops bombs about the royal family. how they treated them. >> they were fascinated by the royals, 17 million people watched that interview. when you love them, hate them, or fascinated by them. people were into that story and wanted to know more. this is the first time we got a look behind the curtain. what is going on there. >> britney spears in that conservatorship for ten years, and the new york times documentary. a huge moment. >> 13 years in the making. she spent her 30s being ruled by these adults who may or may not have been taking advantage of her, taking her money. it is all still coming out. we get to see what being an adult looks like for britney spears. she has no intention to touring again. she is engaged. maybe a wedding for britney spears, happy, smooth sailing for her. >> and behind the curtain with her, what she wants on her social media. >> the fans drove this moment. they refused to believe that it was all that we saw on instagram and facebook. they were vocal about it. the ability to show and pay taengs how documentaries and the power of television, streaming, can drive people to act in a spectacular way. britney said what a tribute, that the fans fought for her. >> thank you for joining us. a fun segment to close out the year. >> before we go, a look back at some of the most powerful pictures of the past few months. a gallery of images, highs, and lows and significant moments of 2021. that does it for our special. "good bye 2021, a year to remember and forget." we hope you your family and loved ones had a wonderful holiday. happy new year! . ♪♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. there is no place like home y'all! ♪♪ and these people know that there is no place like wayfair. i never thought i'd buy a pink velvet sofa, but when i saw it, i was like 'ah'. and then i sat on it, and i was like 'ooh'. ooh! stylish and napable. okay now. i can relate to this one. i'm a working mom with three boys. [ yelling ] wayfair is my therapy. amen, kim! yup! i'm hiding from my kids, as we speak. (vo) subaru and our retailers believe in giving back. that's why, in difficult times, we provided one hundred and fifty million meals to feeding america. and now through the subaru share the love event, we're helping even more. by the end of this year, subaru will have donated over two hundred and twenty five million dollars to charity. this is what it means to be more than a car company. this is what it means to be subaru. superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance. ow! i'm ok! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ only in theaters december 17th. i texted him and he was not answering. i arrived at the office and i could see smlg was really wrong. i called somebody, he said steve had been shot. >> steve pit was unforgettable. he was the first to die that week, hunted down by

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City Orangeburg , Town , African American , Lot , Black , Divide , Census , Minority , 2010 , 60 , Something , Everybody , Whites , Blacks , History , What S Going On , Vicinity , Property , Government , Law , Speech , Showdown , Uses , Creamery We Sat , U S , Area , In , Zoning Map , Fight , Piece , Business Commercial , 0 003 , Sons , Veterans , Business Commercial Piece , Maurice S Hateful Legacy Living Onto Perpetuity , Battle Flag , New York City , Zoning , Concerns , Ice Cream Shop , In Orangeburg The Battle , Hopes , Shape , Man , Record , Issues , Camp , Jurisdiction , 842 , Constitution , Foundation , American Constitution , Attorney , Appeals , Board , Ladies And Gentlemen , Maurice Bessen Jr , B1 General Commercial , Parcel , Parcels , Zoning Ordinance , Jr Subdivided , Two , Marker , Commercial Use , Ten , Zero , Argument , Forum , Respect , Zoning Ordinances , Problems , Amendment , Entity , Schematically , Decision , Group , Leadership , Accordance , Flag , Monument , Zoning Administrator , Flags , Use , Showing , Compliance , Hand , Regulation , Favor , Motion , Issue , Meeting , Zoning Board , Path , Word , Love You , Resistance , Creamery , South Carolina Ice Cream Parlor , Times , Business , Shop , Riot , Letter , Employees , Peg , Property Line , House , Confederacy , Wife , Suffering , F You , It Wasn T Without Controversy , Doctor , Old World , Lady , Ma Am , Jesus , One , People , Kind , Rumors , Grandchildren , Babies , Place , Love Everybody , Faith , God , Cause , Devotion , Reverence , Undying , Affection , Wonderful Big Treat In Orangeburg , Ti Don T , Books , Attention , News Media , Land , Accounts , Reasons , Sides , Groups , Klan , Second Coming , The Bible , Men , Wasn T , Swastika , Misappropriated , 1865 , 1861 , Part , Heritage , South , Dixie , Symbol , Segregation , Division , Statues , Supremacy , Symbols , Image , Maurice Barbecue , Owner , Slurs , Prejudice , Nothing , Orangeburg , Authority , Paperwork , Scope , Coughing , Feathers , High , Trelegy , Stand , Copd , On By , Copd Medicine , Breeze Driftin , Feelin Good , Power , Ways , Medicines , Flare Ups , Breathing Problems , Inhaler , Rescue Inhaler , Lung Function , Won T , Three , Risk , High Blood Pressure , Swelling , Vision Changes , Breathing , Chest Pain , Pain , Heart Condition , Osteoporosis , Pneumonia , Thrush , Eye , Mouth , Tongue , Problems Urinating , Now Subaru , Love , Vo , Retailers , Trelegy Com , Fourteen , Donor , Aspca , Meals On Wheels , National Park Foundation , Love Event , Charity , Share , Two Hundred And Fifty , Two Hundred And Fifty Dollars , Band Plays , Allstate , Sfx , Radio , Things , Everyone , Life , Back , Bit Wrong , Protection , Hands , Auto Rate , Level , Element , Circuit Court , World , Everybody Else , Somebody , N , Everything , Conduct , Behavior , Door , Zoning Challenge , Dog , Barking , Pickup Truck , I Don T Know , Driveway , Conversations , Sons Of Confederate Veterans , Isn T Orangeburg , Discussion , Topic , Wait , 70 , Everywhere , White Supremacy , Roots , Home , Students , South Carolina , Governor , Rights , Integration , Terms , Bowling Alley , Hearing Violence , South Carolina Highway Patrol , Others , Gunfire Killing , Patrol , 28 , 50 , Shadows , Leaders , Expectation , System , Politics , 400 , Monuments , Community , City Council , City Administrator , Thing , Someone , None , Down , Bottom , Tommy Daris , Controversy , Avenues , Justin , Of Orangeburg For Eternity , City , Ass , Asses , Pickup , Digging , Chaos , Ancestors , Most , Slaves , Folks , Bmws , Ain T , Tribes , Tigers , Lions , Africa , Father , Grocery Store , Store , Washington D C , 1969 , 10 , 00 , 12 , Phone Call , Front , Ground , Money , Dad , Guys , Idea , 2 , Line , Body , Dad Money , Bone , Heartburn , Heartburn Doesn T , Prilosec Otc , Stomach Acid , Pill , So Don T Fight Heartburn , Excess Acid Production , Protein , Sugar , Energy , Excited Yell , Sighs Wearily , Thirty , Health , Nutrients , Relief , Robitussin Honey , Mind , Cough , Gryeah , Trash , Limu , Whistles , Insurance , Doug , Limu Emu , Robitussin Elderberry , Sec , Pay , Vulture Squawks , Liberty , Details , Judge , Hearing Today , Dispute , Orangeburg Restaurant , Heart , Injustice , Assault , Traditions , Anywhere , Quote , Jr , Martin Luther King , Fact , Kid , Jury Duty , Anybody , Flagpole , Challenge , Pretty Dope Dream , Role , Buzz , Old Maurice Wasn T Up There Chuckling , Feelings , It , Members , Half , Haven T , Documents , Seceding , Civil War , The Union , Ancestor , Say , Slavery , Secession , Decisions , Families , Slave , Homes , Bed , Union , Declaration , Clause , Election , States , Purposes , Office Of The President United States , Opinions , Slaveholding , Self Government , Enemy , Purpose , Desire , Factor , Institution , Somewhere , Developments , Sad , Plants , Feel , Charleston , Family , Places , Shop Closed , Success , Confederate Battle Flag On I 95 In South Carolina , 95 , Liberal , Road , A Lib Tard , Anything , Flying , I Don T Dwell On It , Majority , Country , State , Lives , Anger , Streets , Matter , Frustration , Running , Ahmaud Arbery , George Floyd , Police , Breathe , Neck , Breanna Taylor , Eight , Wall , Nation Community Members , Governments , City Council Members , Statue , Resolution , Protest , City Hall , Fear , The Voice , Course , Mayor , Regards , Downtown Square , Goal , Renaming , What S Going On In Orangeburg , Street Names , Change , Job , Institutions , Hate , Bigotry , Guise , Car , Scent , Infusions , Mood , Well Helene , Difference , Lamp , Downy , Reflection , Joke , Yes , Waffles , Adulting Ain T , Dog Bed , Diva , Mhm , Wayfair , Woof , That S Why , Meals , Feeding America , One Hundred And Fifty Million , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million Dollars , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million , Car Company , Birds Flyin , Driftin , What S Next , Save , Meltdown In Dixie , Film , Happiest , Endings , Updates , No One , Buyer , Credibility , Landscape , Being , Hometown , Documentary , The End , Voice , Narrator , Need , Communities , Journalist , Conclusions , Audiences , Trust , Sit , Secession Papers , Project , Messages , Facebook , Process , Ideas , Flagpoles , Giant American Flags , Owners , Number One , Six , Work Order , Wasn T Succeeding , Lawsuit , Claim , Presence , Restaurant , Activists , Talk , Civil Rights Museum On Hate , Activist , Tat , Question , Residents , Option , Story , Jamie Harrison , Senate , Thanks , Right , Debate , Portrayal , Emily Herald , Press , Match , Golden Age Karate , Film Festival On Msnbc , Meet The Press , Moves , Shoulders , Elbow , Five , Time , Martial Arts , Little , Instructor , Yup , High Kick , Dojo , 6 , Tournaments , 9 , Jeffrey , School , Somebody Nose , Batman , Office , Kids , Like Jeffrey S , Children , Call , Super Hero , Grade , Mom , Hall Of Fame , Black Belt , Grandma , Grammys , Grilled Cheese , Fruit Snacks , Grammy S , Seniors , First Class , Nursing Home , Going All The Way Down , Push Ups , Didn T , Me Asking , Arms , Sit Ups , Strength , Stomachs Working , Sweetie , Exercises , Huh , Class , Minds , Karate , Deal , Dementia , Bodies , Medication , Karate Class , Diabetes , 7 , Four , Some , Turn , Sure , Pictures , Student , Karate Classes , Smile , Tank , Value , Elders , Big Pa , Him , Excitement , I M Ready , Transformation , 30 , More , Presentation Of The Meet Press Film Festival , Watching , Best In Class Documentary Shorts , Show , Ride , Tradition , Cadillac , Sleigh , Tissues , Cadillac Showroom , Theo Blows , Lotion , Puffs , Lotion Tissue , Nose , Start Cnose Ating , 1 , Secret , Teeth , Gums , Heal , Crest , Brand , Gumline , Crest Advanced , Gum Restore , Detoxifies , Car Insurance , Spider Bite , Help , Liberty Mutual , Superpowers , Gasps , Theaters , Sore , Spider Man , December 17th One , December 17th , 17 , Abreva , Cold Sores , Sign , 2021 , Beer , Ball , 2020 , Nation , Mob Of Trump , Times Square , We Res , Images , Speaker , Supporters , U S Capitol , Adults , Joseph Biden , Lawmakers , Portraits , Uprising , Pelosies Office , Indellible , 306 , Inauguration , Insurrection , Votes , War Zone , Scaled Down Ceremony , President , Kamala Harris , America S 46th President , Woman Vp , 46 , Festivities , Impeachment , Ircurrecollection , Covid , Pandemic , Vaccines , Winter , 400000 , Hospital , Arm , Delta Variant Surged , Mask , Parents , Patients , Rage , School Board Meetings , Vocabularies , Kids Breathe , Way , Cases , Omicron , Ice Storm Paralyzed Texas , Fury , Nature , Millions , West , Wildfires , A Path Of Destruction , Hurricane Ida , Tornadoes , Twister Cutting , Kentucky , 200 , Building , Florida , Tragedies , Condo Building , Surf Side , Many , Alec Baldwin , Tragedy , Movie Set , Story Tower , A Hundred , Round , Unintention , Cinematographer , Weapon , Courtroom , Beyond , Verdict , Derek Chauvin , Killing , Kyle Rittenhouse , Ahmaud Arbury , Abortion , Debateses , Tensions , Bill , Capitol Hill , Harmony , Republicans , Holiday , Seat , Virginia , Troops , War In Afghanistan , Oversea , Taliban , 20 , Afghans , Suicide Bomber , 13 , Generation , War , World Leaders , Sons And Daughters , Health Concerns , Person In Roam , G 20 , Queen Elizabeth , Prince , Meghan Markle , Oprah , Queen , Royals , Parts , Conversation , Bye , Baby , Husband , Philip , Secretary Of State , Death , Age , Colin Powell , The Sound Of Music , Christopher Plumber , 99 , Conservatorship , Brittany , Second , Host , Semi Final Matches , Return , Movie Blockbusters , Friends , Olympic Flame , Adell , Broadway , Belatedly , Mental Health , Simone Biles , Games , Scores , Billionaires , Trip , Captain Kirk , Car Crash , California , Tiger Woods , Emotion , Frontier , Holds , Reminder , 2022 , Vaccine , Shots , First For Vaccine Development , Distribution , Booster , Deaths , Take A Look , 4000 , Epic Proportions , Day One , Hospitals , Crisis , Johnson , One Hundred Million , Third , Space , Music , Field Hospital , Battle , May 1 , American Lives 0 , Death Toll , 3 Million , 570 , Demand , July 4th , Shipments , 0 , 4 , One Shot , Authorizing Pfizer , Emergency Use Authorization , 15 , 17 Million , Shot , High School , Rebound , Summer , Strain , 53 , India , 53 , Population , Covid Icu At Lexington , Plan , Brink , Adult , Deja Vu , Peak , Devastation , Moving New Memorial , 670000 , Booster Shots , Fda , Moderna , National Mall , Choice , Conclusion , Ransom , Health Insurance , Livelihood , Career , Benefit , Signed Off On Pfizer , 5 , 11 , Variant , Vaccine Booster , Threat , Seriousness , It People , Rise , Infections , Immunity , Virus , Cdc Protection , Test , San Francisco , 800000 , Living , Commuting , Likely , Ones , Impact , Events , Concerts , Delta , Spread , Hpthz , Bit , Variants , O Boosters , Back Feet , Teals , Masks , Countries , Asian , Sick , Outbreak , Boosters , Mask Recommendations , Happy New Year , Hospitalizations , Saying , Dying , Point Of View , Responders , Trauma , Climate Change , Weather Extremes , Tornado Destruction , Scenes , Example , Make , Climate Action , Weather , Look , Reporter , Hurricanes , Drought , Skate , Al Roker , Nba , Delay , Paris , Exception , Left , Fold , Climate Agreement , Earth , Minimum , 1 5 , Texas , Breakdown , Scientists , Power Grid , Catastrophic , Polar Vortex , Water , Melting , Snow , Crumbling , Fragile , Highest , Infrastructure , Region , Heat Wave , Canada , 100 , Electricity , Washington State , Heat Ace , Oregon , 228 , Boot Leg Fire , Dixie Fire , 413000 , Waste Land , Grateful , Each Other , Hurricane Season , Scorch California , Hurricane , Which , Overachieving , Catagory 4 , 3 , Seven , Storm , Landfall , Outages , Northeast , Rain , Dumping , Path Of Destruction , Hit , Subways , Basement Apartments , Water Foup , Trapping Evidence , Bone Dre West , Drinking Water , Hardest , Agriculture , 21 , Infrastructure Bill , Climate Resilience , Oil , Gas , Numbers , Results , Wells , Sfr Ends , Towns , Leveling , Ruins , Tornado , Close , West Coast , Minnesota , Stretching Frathe , Great Lakes , Firsts , Capitol Riots Reverterate , Space Frontiers , Shingles , Doesn T Care , Shinges , Bike , Vegetables , Shingrix , Immune System Declines , 90 , Fainting , Reactions , Dose , Ingredients , Guillain BarrÉ Syndrome , Muscle Pain , Stomach , Side Effects , Injection Site , Fever , Redness , Headache , Shivering , Tiredness , Pharmacist , Shingles Doesn T Care , Data , Small Business , Flexibility , Network , Service , Comcast Business Mobile , Nationwide 5g , Contract , Lines , Internet , Term , Possibilities , Match Data Options , Mix , Customers , Fees , Comcast Business , Rose Up , Frontiers , Cubans , Weren T , Cell Phones , Vig , Nbc News , Authors , Consequential , Consciousness , January 6th , Frank Thorpe , Congress , Founders , Memory , Seered , White House , Mike Pence , Vice President , Election Returns , Crowd , Lies , Drawing Rioters , Goodman , Siege , Mr , Rioter , Senators , Bipartisan Pleas , Trump , Go Home , Democrats , Demands , Boss , 306 Democrats , President Of The United States , Halls , Accountability , Impeachment Trial , Mitch Mcconnell , Justice , Rioters , Citizen , Scrubbing Social Media , Convictions , Scars , Fences , Pleas , Dozens , Damage , 150 , 700 , Emotions , Experience , Aisle , Republican , Agencies , Training , Capitol Police , Tourist Visit , Intelligence , Answer , Guard , Words , Anyone , In The House , Committee , Nancy Pelosi , Creegg , Committee Issuing 50 Subpoenas , Pelosy , Nobody , Staff , Brought American Democracy , Challenges , Oath Of Office , Agenda , Afghanistan , Campaign , Promises , Unfulfilled , Beginning , Hundreds Of Thousands , Administration , Democracy , Hope , Eve , Effort , Relief Bill , Victory , 1 9 Trillion , Spikes , Sleeves , Surges , 100 Million , Commentary , Government Workers , Mandates , Rules , Enforcement , Agreement , Sea , The World Stage , High Stakes , Summit , Center , Face To , Europe , Valdimir Putin , Tlan Will Take Control , September 11th , 20th Anniversary , Evacuation , Eyes , Pipeline , Clay Mate , Agend Arevoking A Permit , Personnel , Transgender Personnel , Drilling , Ban , Alaska , Armed Forces , Infighting , United States Military , 2 Trillion , 1 2 Trillion , Better , Limbo , Another , Voting Rights , Police Reform , Citizenship , Promise , Immigrant , Law Of The Land , Making Roev , Wade , Elections , Mid Term , Etch Monica Alba , Pop Culture , First , Grove , Mfts , Stream , Nift , Katie Couric , 19 , Discount , Burke , Auto Insurance , Policies , Farmers , Coverage , Discounts , Jet Skis , Honey , Hon , Boat , Forty Five , Bum , Sup , Garage , Pa Dum , Farmers Policy Perks , Seventeen , Special , Nbc News Now , Space Race , Fronts , Steps , Leaps , Space Exploration , Tom Costello , Nine , Fire , Emission , New Mexico , Richard Branson , Dreamers , Pad , Female , Jeff Bezos , Elon Musk , Wally Funk , Mercury , Space Travel One Rocket Ride , Trip Bezos , 82 , William Shatner , September 15th , Astronauts , Perimeter , Board A Spacex , Orbit , Rocket , Jude Children S Hospital , Hayley Arceneaux , Space Tourism , Child , Per Seat , Reach , Prices , Cancer , Crew , Earthlings , Fund Raiser For St , 250000 , 50000 , Price , Surface , Musk Aren T , Moon , Starship , Joyrides , Nasa , Mars , Space Station , Plans , Sort , China , Floating Business Park , Orbital Reef , Full Throttle , Humans , Rover , Helicopter , 2030 , Calculations , Drone , Animation , Chopper Flight , 500 , Billions , Planets , Chances , Problem , Hundreds , Universe , Galaxies , Tv , Aliens , Understanding , Life Doesn T , Characters , Phone Home , Sci Fi , The Movies , E T , Doesn T , Options , Environment , Adam Frank , Fleet , Sightings , Ufo , Skeptic , Navy Pilots , Sources , Ufos , Science Fiction Story , He Hasn T , Movies , Journey , Evidence , Experts , 37000 , 100000 , Britney Spears , Pop , Squid Game , Bag , Coming Up , In Washington , Simone , Stories , Figure , Tribute , Front Row Seat , Royal Family , Prince William , Barbecue , Master , Who , Covid Funeral , Ceremony , Essence , Pageantry , Fuss , Palace Walls , Courthouse , Movement , Detail , Domino Effect , Celebration , Control , Media , Shows , Break Outs , Lasso , Concept , Where , Appeal , Ted , Systematic , Reflective , Flip Side , Plot , Ted Lasso , Guy Show , Season , Win Sports Ball Games , Technical Term , Won A Bunch Of Emmys , Jason Sudakis , Album , Relationships , Adelle , Taylor Swift , Audience , Albums , Ramp Up , Preparation , A Million , Residency , Version , She , Swifty , All Over The Place , Xwoep , B , Song , Easter Eggs , Move , Shock , Dion Warwick , Particular , Expectations , Medalist , Step , Care , Best , Athlete , Time Magazine , Interview , Harry , Suicide , Bombs , Megan , London , Hate Them , Curtain , New York Times , Making , Advantage , Intention , Looks , Wedding , Fans , Social Media , Instagram , Smooth Sailing , We Saw , Documentaries , Vocal , Act , Taengs , Television , Streaming , Ability , Fun Segment , Highs , Lows , Gallery , Loved Ones , Pedialyte , Powder Packs , Velvet Sofa , Ah , Ooh , Napable , Yelling , Therapy , Working Mom , Boys , Amen , Kim , Smlg , Steve Pit , Hunted Down ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC Meet The Press Film Festival 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Meet the Press Film Festival 20240709

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this is the actual zoning map. you can zoom in, and you'll see that's us right here. that entire area is zoned business commercial. that's it. this is the little piece that this fight is over. how is 0.003 acres a legitimate business commercial piece of property? it's not. the sons of the confederate veterans want to use that piece of property to keep maurice's hateful legacy living onto perpetuity. >> in orangeburg the battle to remove a confederate flag that flies next to an ice cream shop continues tonight. >> they took their concerns to the city in hopes that zoning where that flag sits could be challenged. >> what's up, man? >> have jurisdiction over this in a public way and clear the record, right? i was contacted by camp 842. the issues that were being presented were at the very foundation of what our american constitution is made up of. and the constitution is very important to me being an attorney and being an american. >> good evening, ladies and gentlemen, we'll now call the board of zoning and appeals meeting to order. >> this particular area was zoned b1 general commercial. the moment that maurice bessen jr subdivided that property into two separate parcels, each parcel is then required to comply with you all's zoning ordinance. this property is intended to be used and it has been used for well over ten years as a historical marker, zero commercial use. and i would ask that you find that this piece of property flag included does violate the city of orangeburg's zoning ordinances. >> i can't keep up with that. >> with all due respect, that was a beautiful argument that was made, but this is not the forum to handle a piece of property that has been deeded to a private entity with no problems. there are being some raised, but uniquely they're being raised schematically all across the united states of america. this is first amendment speech. it would behoove the leadership of this group to not overturn a well-founded decision by the zoning that falls in accordance with the law. thank you. >> i'm the zoning administrator. the current use is flying the confederate flag and maintaining the monument, the city of orangeburg does not locate the flags by zoning or any other regulation. therefore the property is in compliance. >> all in favor of upholding the motion of our zoning administrator let it be known by showing of your right hand. any opposed? so the zoning board has agreed upon the decision that the zoning administrator made. thank you. this meeting is adjourned. >> we lost for an issue that is this contentious. i would be hesitant to rule against the sons of the confederate veterans. >> pass the word. >> already have. i already have. >> love you, brother. >> love you, too, man. >> they went to the path of less resistance. >> i think they got it wrong personally, but we'll deal with it. >> a confederate flag flying beside a south carolina ice cream parlor is igniting new concerns. >> the creamery received this racially charged letter. >> his business has been vandalized multiple times. his employees have been harassed and a riot nearly started outside his shop. >> keep that flag flying! ♪♪ >> this peg is where that property line is, and that peg there when you stand out here for a moment they're hollering take it down or leave it alone or, you know, f-you. my wife is worried the sons of the confederacy is going to burn our house down. it's aggravating to me she's going through all this suffering. >> so i guess you know in this big old world it's not perfect these days, is it? >> no, ma'am. >> but she tells you that jesus what? >> loves you. >> like so much. i was in the doctor's office one day and a lady said to me i heard you people beat up black people. that's the kind of rumors that went around. she said some of her grandchildren with her. i said you bring those babies to my bible study wednesday night and you're going to know what we're about. you need to have what? faith. it's so stressful and so sad because i want to please everybody. i want to love everybody. and sometimes i often wonder, god, why did you bring me to this place? why did you bring me to this town? why? >> -- affection, reverence and undying devotion for the cause which it stands. >> thank you. you may all be seated. for those of you who have not heard or do not know we did have a wonderful big treat in orangeburg. our flag will continue to fly. i hope it will continue to fly forever. >> can't pay a lot of attention to what you see in the news media. don't read any modern books because they're -- they're extremely slanted. but if you read the original accounts, you'll find the real reasons that both sides fought. ♪ i wish i was in the land of cotton old times there are not ♪ ♪ forgotten look away, look away ♪ >> second coming of the klan used the bible. and some groups now carry a swastika and a battle flag. it got misappropriated, but that does not mean that it wasn't honorable when those men from 1861 to 1865 carried it. >> this heritage, this symbol of the south is part of dixie. >> segregation has been over for a while, and something like that to still be appearing in a small town like this, it's still creating division. >> why take it down? the blacks ought to be proud of that flag that they fought under just like the whites. >> it needs to come down along with all these other statues and symbols of supremacy. they need to come down. >> good. how are you? right. i can remember maurice barbecue. they portrayed an image of prejudice and making racial slurs toward us. i wouldn't dare go in there. when it changed to the creamery we were glad because we wanted a positive image there. the owner told us that he was trying to get the flag down. we all decided to bring it down, but he didn't have the proper paperwork. there's nothing we can do. you know, that's outside of our scope of authority. >> i think that most people in orangeburg want to move forward. not everybody's willing to ruffle some feathers to try to make it happen. 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i don't know. but when you pair that with what was going on, it makes you a little nervous. i've had conversations with people, they see the fight that we're in with the sons of confederate veterans over the zoning, and they literally are like, wait, isn't orangeburg like 60% to 70% black? why is bringing down that flag even the topic of discussion? it should have been down. and you just have to let them know that white supremacy has its roots everywhere. orangeburg is no different. ♪♪ you know, orangeburg is home to one of the worst things that ever happened in terms of civil rights in south carolina. students were protesting for the integration of the local bowling alley. hearing violence the governor sent in the south carolina highway patrol. one night the patrol broke out in gunfire killing three students and injuring 28 others. it was 50 years ago, but that's not something that people in town have forgotten. >> it's kind of like the shadows of a dark era are constantly on you. and i think some people just don't want to think about the confederacy or think about what it means or what it meant. >> you would have this expectation that when you do have black leaders in a city that on issues like this they will be very bold, they would be very outspoken. and a lot of times they aren't. not everybody in government or in politics is comfortable with what comes with bucking a system that's been in place for 400 years. as long as there are confederate monuments everywhere, white supremacy will always be here. >> the community, the city council, the city administrator, none of them are helping to get this thing going. i think i've got someone coming in to get the thing down, but i don't know if i'll ever get to the bottom of it. it sucks. >> the controversy over a confederate flag continues tonight. >> justin and i have tried to exhaust all reasonable avenues, and it's just not working. >> tommy daris is now threatening to remove the flag and confederate marker himself. >> maurice bessen jr planned it just so he could shove that flag up everybody's ass in the city of orangeburg for eternity. >> he said he sent the sons of confederacy want their flag they need to come get it from the property. >> is the city going to be okay with that? no, so they better get the asses onboard. >> i'm just getting it ready for pickup. >> no days go by without something happening. okay, since we were here last you can see where he's been digging around the monument. he's undoubtedly trying to cause so much chaos that somebody will overreact. i just don't understand. i just don't understand. >> i want people to know that our ancestors were good people. most of them didn't have slaves. i've told people all along that was the best thing that ever happened to folks that came over. they would not be driving bmws today had their ancestors remained in africa because they would have been eaten by other tribes or eaten by lions and tigers. i know that ain't politically correct to say, but it's true. ♪♪ >> my father had a grocery store in washington, d.c. in 1969 i was about 12, my father was working his store and they were expecting him to arrive. about 10:00 at night we get a phone call, the store burned to the ground. i'll never forget this. my father stood in front of the store and cried. my father was a huge man. and in the meantime i saw black people lining up over here, and it was like, you know, dad, these guys are -- all these people are lining up. so the first one walked to my dad and said i owe you money and i'd like to pay you. my father said, man, i have no idea how much you owe me, it all burned in the store. and she said i think it's $12 and something cents. she paid and within minutes the line grew and the people paid my dad money, and we left. and my father never had a racist bone in his body. i want people to know i'm not no racist bastard standing holding that flag. what happens when you block heartburn with one prilosec otc in the morning? 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[a vulture squawks.] there he is. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ this morning new details over a dispute over the confederate flag flying near an orangeburg restaurant is unfolding before a circuit court judge. >> we are continuing here at an appellate hearing today. i'm standing before martin luther king, jr. quote which says injustice anywhere is an injustice everywhere, and i feel that, too, on my heart. there's a real assault on our traditions, our history and particularly the confederacy. >> anybody here for jury duty? >> when i ride by there and i see that flag i think about the fact that as a kid i used to ride by there and be afraid. >> this is not a challenge to a flag and flagpole. we're challenging the underlying use of the property. and now as a man i get to ride by there and think i can play a role to make it go away. that's a pretty dope dream. >> so the judge, she's going to review it. >> she's going to look at the record and then she's going to reach her decision. >> so now we're going to have to wait. >> sometimes i wonder if old maurice wasn't up there chuckling. look at buzz. he's catching hell down there. he's doing all right. . >> the sons of confederate veterans have staunch feelings about the fact their ancestors fought in the civil war for the confederacy. but if you were to give half of those members the original documents of south carolina seceding from the union, most of them probably either haven't read it, refuse to read it because they know what it says or read it and say, yeah, but that's not why my ancestor fought. >> i -- i'm not going to say slavery was not in any way, shape, or form involved in the decisions about secession. but those men did not leave their families and their homes and their warm bed to go to fight so somebody can own a slave. the declaration of the immediate clause which induzed and justified the secession of south carolina from the federal union. a geographical line had been drawn across the union and all the states north of that line have united in the election of a man to the high office of the president of the united states whose opinions and purposes are hostile to slavery. the slaveholding states will no longer have the power of self-government, and the federal government will have to become their enemy. if you're wanting to come with me and say that its sole purpose was slavery, so be it if that's your desire. but if we agree to disagree that would be all right, you know, because i admit it that slavery played a part in it. slavery was a factor, but there was other things involved. >> if you stand for an institution that supported slavery and you don't denounce that and you choose to ignore it, i think that implicitly means that somewhere in you, you are okay with it. >> new developments tonight, a circuit court judge agrees at the confederate flag in front of the creamery does not violate the city orangeburg's creamery. he closed that shop and is now selling it. >> here's my closed down little store. it is all gone. it's just it's not comfortable to be here. >> i think people couldn't differentiate between this property being someone else and this property being a creamery. >> i think it's sad because nothing that plants there is going to be successful as long as that is not solved. >> i do feel like i've been pushed out, but we knew exactly what happened when they put that flag up when the people were killed in charleston. we knew exactly what was going on, and that wasn't our heart. >> now it's closed and it's over, i'm fairly relieved. at the end of the day getting my family away from here and moving back to familiar people and places is just a plus plus. shop closed. shop is closed. >> our success in orangeburg has inspired other people to stand up. >> everybody else is taking them down, and we're putting them up. >> yeah. >> today we're raising the first confederate battle flag on i-95 in south carolina. >> when a liberal called on a lib tard comes down the road and sees a battle flag, that's what we want because they don't have anything to do with our heritage. they can have their heritage, we want to keep ours. >> you worry that there will be a day when a confederate flag does not fly in orangeburg? >> yeah. how can you help not to worry about it? i don't dwell on it, but there are times when i can foresee and i worry about there may not be a confederate flag flying in the city of orangeburg or the majority of the united states. >> anger, frustration pouring into the streets of america. >> people coming up in every single state in the country standing together to say this is not acceptable anymore. black lives matter. >> african american ahmaud arbery is seen running. george floyd repeatedly cried, my neck hurts, i can't breathe. >> breanna taylor, shot eight times and killed by police. >> here in south carolina and all across the nation community members have been challenging their local and state governments to take down confederate statues. >> today at noon city council members in orangeburg will vote on a resolution to remove a confederate statue. >> during the protest outside city hall members want the statue removed. >> when people say it's our heritage, it's not my heritage. when i think of confederate anything i'm in fear. it's been one of those things where you can't talk about it or you don't say anything about it, but we're now in a time when we have the voice. we are here today because, of course, the mayor and city council are meeting on the resolution in regards to the statue. >> we just hope that the city will remove the statue from downtown square along with renaming. we live in this community. >> where do you live? >> i live in orangeburg. >> our goal is to remove the racist street names in orangeburg. and we've called the mayor's office and the city council members. >> i'm excited to see what's going on in orangeburg. we're seeing people who want change, and they're not asking for change anymore. they're demanding it. as we continue we've got to do a much better job collectively of being willing to fight the fight when it ain't the popular thing to do. and if we can keep doing that, keep pushing for change and we can keep standing up to people who stand behind institutions of bigotry and hate and slavery under the guise of heritage, we will get there. and i look forward to the day i jump in my car and come to orangeburg that confederate flag is no longer flying there. ♪♪ ♪♪ with downy infusions, let the scent set the mood. ♪ feel the difference with downy. alright. y'all know when they say your home is a reflection of you? well helene found herself in a lamp. no joke. i got a fancy grown up lamp to make me feel like a fancy grown up. mhm. adulting ain't easy. ooh! check this one out. waffles loves her dog bed. we can hardly get her out of it. she's kind of a diva. yes, waffles! living your best life. [woof] i'm telling y'all there's no place like wayfair to make your home totally you. ooh! i want that. (vo) subaru and our retailers believe in giving back. that's why, in difficult times, we provided one hundred and fifty million meals to feeding america. and now through the subaru share the love event, we're helping even more. by the end of this year, subaru will have donated over two hundred and twenty five million dollars to charity. this is what it means to be more than a car company. this is what it means to be subaru. trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ (coughing) ♪ breeze driftin' on by ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ copd may have gotten you here, but you decide what's next. start a new day with trelegy. ♪ ...feelin' good ♪ no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. take a stand and start a new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy. and save at welcome back. you just watched "meltdown in dixie." tremendous film and not the happiest of endings here. let's start from right there. any updates since you made the film on that flag? >> unfortunately, no. the flag is still there. the monument in town is still there, and no one has purchased the property. so tommy is still looking for a buyer. >> so tell me how you decided to do this? you're from the -- you're from the area, and i think that probably gave you a little bit more credibility to get people to talk. how important was that? >> i think it made all the difference. being from orangeburg i just knew the landscape of the town, and there was just so much more credibility that i had reaching out to everyone involved. they were much more willing to speak with me. and, you know, i also really care about the issue because this is my hometown, and i really cared about how the town and the people in it were portrayed. >> i loved how much you didn't feel the need to include a narrator. in fact, correct me if i'm wrong, i think we only hear your voice once in the entire documentary towards the end there, correct? >> that's right, yeah. i just -- i feel like the power of documentary you can take people into different communities and just introduce them to people where they're at, so i didn't feel there was a need to editoralize because i think audiences can draw their own conclusions from seeing things as they are. >> how did you get the trust from the sons of the confederacy? look, i do think it helped you were from there, but not every journalist could have gotten that sit down. not every journalist could have handed them the original secession papers and gotten them to read it. >> right. yeah, i was very nervous when we filmed that to be honest. and ultimately i have no idea if buzz and the sons of confederate veterans were going to want to participate, but i just felt like when i was starting the project i had to reach out and find out. and so, you know, i sent off some facebook messages and really had no idea if i'd hear back. and a couple days later i got a phone call. and buzz was, you know, very cautious, and i was very cautious. but over the course of filming it was a three-year process, and i was really upfront about what i was trying to do, upfront that i was filming with tommy and the ice cream shop. and i think buzz just felt like he wanted -- he knew i was going to make the film, and he wanted to -- he'd rather be able to present himself himself than have me, you know, draw my own conclusions. >> has he seen your finished project? has everybody seen your finished project? >> yes, everybody has seen it. >> can i confess to having a few ideas that i'm curious as to why the shop owners didn't try this. so idea number one is did they think about putting up like six surrounding flagpoles, giant american flags to basically make it impossible for you to see the confederate flag? >> yeah, tommy actually really wanted to do that, and that was part of my he was starting to dig up the monument because he wanted to build something around it, but then he doesn't own that land. it's not his land, so there was very quickly a stop work order from the city, and i think he just ultimately felt like he was going at it in every issue and wasn't succeeding and eventually just decided i don't want to be here anymore and, you know, closed the ice cream shop and left town. >> did he think about filing a civil lawsuit against the sons of the confederacy? and essentially because he could make a claim that their mere presence, the flag's presence hurt his business, and therefore they were actively hurting his business, and they should be financially liable. has he thought about pursuing that? did he? >> i mean, maybe you're going to give him the idea when he sees that, but i think ultimately he bought the property with the flag there, so they probably could have come back and said you knew this was here, you purchased the restaurant anyway. but, ultimately, i do think i mean this was really straining for tommy and his family. and i think ultimately they're just -- they're exhausted from this fight and really just want to try and rebuild and move on as best they can. >> well, in the final idea, selling it to some activists to create a civil rights museum on hate. >> and there's been talk of that in the town. there are people interested in doing that. it's about figuring out how to make it happen and who has the money to be able to support something like tat. orangeburg is, you know -- really has an activist history at heart. and i was really excited because in the film we are able to kind of touch on that with this new group of younger residents that want to see change. but we'll see. that would be great. i think everyone would be excited, and that could be a really good option. >> final question, what do you hope to do next after what i think is a tremendous success in telling this story? >> well, i'm actually working on another south carolina film. i filmed with the jamie harrison for senate campaign last year. so i'm working that. >> that'll be interesting. emily herald, the film again "meltdown in dixie," just a wonderful portrayal, i think, of the debate on a local level. thanks very much. >> thank you. >> all right, folks, up next is "golden age karate." you're watching the "meet the press" film festival on msnbc. press" film festival on msnbc. when i'm in a match, time slows down. imagine thinking five, ten moves ahead how slanted his shoulders are, what way his elbow is facing right now, and i put all those together and then just time it perfectly. when i first started martial arts i was 6 years old. the first time i went into the dojo i did like a little straight up high kick, and then the instructor was like, yup, this is definitely for you. >> he was already jumping off of everything he could jump off of. so it was not surprising he jumped into martial arts. >> from 6 to about 9 years old i went into a lot of tournaments and i won all of them. >> we had to sit down with him and tell him, jeffrey, you're not batman. when people are being pushed around in school because we'll lose our home if you break somebody nose, okay? and he's like okay, and i get a call from the principal like jeffrey's in the office he's rescuing somebody again. and we have to tell kids parents please tell your children not to call on jeffrey. he's not a super hero. he's in the third grade. >> when i was 10 years old i was inducted into the martial arts hall of fame. >> he was growing really, really fast, doing really well in martial arts. and when he started getting close to getting his black belt, he's like, mom, i'm going to teach other people. and i'm like what do you want to teach? >> my grandma, she lives by herself, and every weekend that i could i would be over there. >> he would probably live there if he let him. every weekend he's like can i go over to grammys, and we find out later she's making a grilled cheese, she's got the fruit snacks. and we're like, oh, that's why you're always at grammy's. >> my grandma feels like she's very lonely, and maybe others feel that way, too. where could i go? and i was like, oh, the nursing home. so i started working with seniors because i felt like they weren't getting a lot of love and attention. my first class, i took it easy with them, didn't expect them to do as well as they did, honestly. one of my students, she was doing push-ups like going all the way down and coming up. and i was like if you don't mind me asking, how old are you. and she was like i'm 95 years old, sweetie. i was like, huh. we're doing stretching and exercises, get their arms working and get their stomachs working. we do sit-ups. it's just giving them the physical strength they need. also it gives my students confidence to step out the house. >> one of his students said i have dementia, but i write my karate class on my door. i think it's a big deal to keep not only their bodies active but their minds active. >> one of my students, she had diabetes and she was taking medication like four times a day. that was before she started, and then after she said now i'm only on one pill because my doctor said i should keep doing this karate class. and she also walks like 7 miles a day. she said it's motivated her to do better. >> and the favorite part of class typically is at the end of class he lets them beat him up. and some of them really vocal and excited are like it's my turn, can i kick him? and i'm like sure. >> he came down into karate classes. he's amazing as a student and listens really well. his smile is huge and we posted pictures of him, too, and he was like i look like a big tank. and i was like yes, you do, big pa, yes, you do. the most important value is respect your elders. i think it's a good thing because you're never too old or too young to learn something new. >> when i see those seniors run up to him i'm like, okay, i did something right. >> just the excitement they get when they start class. they're like hurry-up, hurry-up, i'm ready, rhyme ready. they're so hype and just amazing to know i'm impacting their lives like that. the transformation is just like, you see them grow in ways you wouldn't expect. it just makes me feel good just making other people feel better makes me feel like 30 times better. >> that's it for this year's special presentation of the meet the press film festival. we'll be back next year with more of the best in class documentary shorts. thanks for watching. don't just put on a light show—be the light show. make your nights anything but silent. and ride in a sleigh that really slays. because in a cadillac, tradition is yours to define. so visit a cadillac showroom, and start celebrating today. ♪ ♪ ordinary tissues burn when theo blows. so puffs plus lotion rescued his and start cnose.ating today. with up to 50% more lotion, puffs bring soothing relief. a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. america's #1 lotion tissue. i've been telling everyone... the secret to great teeth is having healthy gums. crest advanced gum restore. detoxifies below the gumline... and restores by helping heal gums in as little as 7 days. crest. the #1 toothpaste brand in america. ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? 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(gasps) ♪ did it work? only pay for what you need ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ spider-man no way home in theaters december 17th one of the worst things about a cold sore ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ is how it can make you feel. but, when used at the first sign, abreva can get you back to being you in just 2 and a half days. be kinder to yourself and tougher on your cold sores. >> it was 2021 who said, hold my beer. in the closing moments of 2020, the ball dropped over a sparsely populated times square, the we'res nation hoped for better times, dreams that were quickly dampened. 2021 was six days old when a mob of trump supporters stormed the u.s. capitol, hoping to overturn the election. the images, captured in speaker pelosies office, indellible portraits of a deadly uprising, failing to stop lawmakers from satisfying the adults. >> joseph biden received 306 votes. >> it looked more like a war zone, insurrection to inauguration. at the scaled down ceremony, president biden was sworn in as america's 46th president. >> i do solemnly swear. >> kamala harris became the first woman vp. >> the out-going president refused to stick around for the festivities, but could not escape another impeachment. >> the president of the united states incited this ircurrecollection. >> he became the first american president to be impeached twice. later acquitted by the senate. >> it was a dramatic start to a year dominated by covid. >> the pandemic has taken 400,000 lives in the u.s. >> as the country emerged from a deadly winter, vaccines became more available, to the most vulnerable to adults then to kids. >> despite the welcomed shot in the arm, more died from covid this year than last, as the delta variant surged, and the hospital treated mostly unvaccinated patients. >> mask mandates sparked rage. >> at school board meetings. >> let the parents make the decision, let the kids breathe. >> i would rather wear t i don't want to get covid. >> the way all of us were students this year k vocabularies expanded, break through cases, and by year's end, omicron. >> as the pandemic raged so did nature's fury. >> a deadly ice storm paralyzed texas, leaving millions without power, wildfires in the west, and hurricane ida, a path of destruction, and a rare december tornadoes in kentucky and surrounding state, one twister cutting a path, 200 miles long. >> it was a year of fatal tragedies. the condo building in surf side, florida. >> who thinks a building is going to collapse on you. >> the 12 story tower, partially collapsed killing nearly a hundred people while many slept. >> tragedy in a movie set, when actor alec baldwin was handed a weapon with a real round, killing the cinematographer. >> as to count one, unintention ail murder, derek chauvin was found guilty. the verdict celebrated outside of the courtroom and beyond. >> three white men were convicted of killing ahmaud arbury. >> kyle rittenhouse found not guilty after shooting three men during protests last year. >> the year already filled with partisan tensions and pointed debateses, on issues like abortion and transgender rights. political harmony, not totally elusive. >> capitol hill lawmakers passed a bill, and voted to make juneteenth a national holiday. >> it ended with republicans flipping the governor seat in virginia. oversea, america ended a 20-year war in afghanistan. pulling the last remaining u.s. troops out of the country. the taliban regained control and desperate afghans tried to flee. the chaotic days, a suicide bomber killed 13 service members, president biden stood by his decision. >> after 20 years of war in afghanistan, i refuse to send another generation of america's sons and daughters to fight a war that should have ended long ago. >> in october, world leaders gathered in person in roam roam for the g-20 conference, notably missing, queen elizabeth, forced to bow out over health concerns. it was a tough year for them. meghan markle and prince harry and oprah. >> about how dark your baby would be, what it would mean or look like? >> parts of that conversation i am never going to share. >> the royals said good bye to the queen's husband of 70 year, prince philip that died at the age of 99. one of many notable death this year. secretary of state colin powell, the sound of music's christopher plumber. ♪♪ >> so many more. >> this is jeopardy! it was the year that jeopardy struggled to find a permanent host. >> welcome to the second of of the three semi final matches. >> brittany was freed from her conservatorship. >> that our friends reunited. movie blockbusters made their long awaited return. along with broadway and adell. ♪♪ >> the olympic flame, belatedly burned one year later than planned, the 2020 games in 2021. biles traded high scores for high praise when she withdrew for mental health. >> that is what i did. >> tiger woods started swinging again after a serious car crash in california. and billionaires raced to space. even captain kirk took a trip to the final frontier. >> i am so filled with emotion over what happened. extraordinary. >> inspiring reminder of what the future holds. >> i did it america! >> we reflect on a year dominated by vaccines and hopes 2022 offers a shot at something even better. >> what a year, you can't talk about 2021, without mentioning the fight against covid, and the distribution of covid vaccine, the shots created, evaluated and authorized in months, a first for vaccine development. millions lined up to get shots and lined up again for a booster. it wasn't without controversy. take a look back. >> this morning, a grim new national record. 4,000 covid deaths reported in a single day. hospitals are facing a crisis of epic proportions. >> one hundred million shots, we are on day one. >> johnson's vaccine will become the third to go into american arms. >> get vaccinated. the vaccine that is available to you, get that vaccine. >> all adults will be eligible to get a vaccine no later than may 1. >> people getting vaccinated are able to enjoy live music in the same space that served as a field hospital a few short months ago. >> the battle against the coronavirus. the death toll topped 3 million. more than 570 american lives lost to the, american lives 0 american lives 0 american lives 0 american lives lost to the. >> some are turning down american shipments due to lack of demand. >> our goal by july 4th is to have 70% of adult americans with at least one shot. >> pfizer's emergency use authorization clears the way for 17 million children to immediately get vaccinated. kids 12 to 15 years old, middle and high school students qualify. >> if you get the shot, you can ditch the mask. nearly everywhere. >> america is on the pandemic rebound. new covid cases at the lowest level. >> this year will be a big summer. >> the delta variant, first found in india, could be the dominant strain in the u.s. >> 53% of the country is partially vaccinated. some states barely hitting a third of the population. >> short of the president's goal of 70%. >> a year ago, the covid icu at lexington was pushed to the brink, now. it is feeling like deja vu. >> more daily covid cases than last summer's peak. >> the plan is for every adult to get a booster, eight months after your second shot. >> a moving new memorial, reminding us of the devastation of the pandemic. 670,000 white flags are planted along the national mall. each one, a life lost to the coronavirus. >> thursday by the fda, late today, booster shots for adults fully vaccinated with moderna and johnson & johnson could be days away. >> they all reached the same conclusion. >> i didn't have much of a choice, forced to put something into my body. >> i felt, what they have done is basically held for ransom your health insurance, your benefit, your livelihood, your career in some cases. >> authorizing pfizer's vaccine for 5 to 11 year-olds. >> the fda signed off on pfizer and moderna vaccine booster. >> president biden is set to speak about the omicron variant. the seriousness of the threat. >> what it is about the variant that worries you? >> the rapid rise in infections. we have seen it in a population where we thought that it people had a lot of immunity. the fact that the virus is spreading so easily, it is highly transmissible. it may well be able to get around the cdc protection. >> the first test of the omicron variant appeared in san francisco. >> 800,000 deaths in this country. in 2021, some kind of normal. commuting to the office, spending time with loved ones over the living with the impact of the pandemic and likely will longer. what to expect from coronavirus. this year much like last year, we have events, and concerts to say it is a return to normal see. delta was identified. we know that is spread, and the increased hpthz, what can we expect in the upcoming year? >> it looks like delta going into the third. now, omicron, it is one of those things i think we will be it for at least a bit. get to more of a near normal. near normal by now. the delta and omicron put us on our back feet, we have the teals to them both variants off. >> do we need another round o boosters, are we ever getting rid of the masks. if you look at asian countries, they use masks all the time. if someone is sick. not to spread it thankfully, they are wearing a mask. i don't think, we are wearing it all the time. getting sick of it there will be continuing outbreak, you will see mask recommendations coming back temporary. >> boosters? >> in 2022, we won't necessarily get another booster, what i have done, yes, you are correct, we don't want to they will look at the shots, saying, they are holding up well. and the point of view of hospitalizations and dying, the important part. >> thank you, happy new year. >> the trauma will impact people who live there, their family, the first responders, those down there trying to help. it is very, very real. >> those devastating scenes from the recent tornado destruction in kentucky are one more example of weather extremes. many are connected to climate change. 2021 is a make or break year for climate action. in the u.s., it felt more broken than not. unprecedented weather across the nation. nba's al roker with a look. >> reporter: another blistering year of weather extremes, from drought and hurricanes, almost no skate escaping unscathed. this year seemed to pick up where 2020 left off, with one major exception. four years after withdrawing from the paris climate agreement, newly elected president joe biden, bringing the u.s. back into the fold. >> we can no longer delay or do the bare minimum for climate change. >> to stop the earth from warming past 1.5 degrees celsuous. . scientists saying it would be. catastrophic. texas a breakdown in the polar vortex crippled the power grid, leaving them without water for 10 days. we were collecting and melting snow. >> what unfolded in texas, exposing one of the most fragile, crumbling, ill-fitted infrastructure. a once in a millennium heat wave, resulting in the highest recorded in the region. parts of canada, swelling up over 100. 228 people dying in washington state and oregon alone. >> electricity went off. it is getting warmer and warmer. >> kicking off heat ace the hottest summer on record for the united states. the boot leg fire, burning 413,000 acres, the dixie fire, the second largest to scorch california. >> i didn't know where i was. whose house was what. it was a waste land. >> grateful to be alive. we got each other. >> the 2021 hurricane season, not as prolific as the record shattering 2020, was overachieving. seven hurricane, four of which, category 3 or higher. catagory 4, hurricane ida. recovering from last year. >> we are looking at imminent landfall of this storm. >> flattening entire communities, leaving many without power. some outages, for months. a path of destruction in the northeast. dumping 10 minutes of rain. several new york city, taking a direct hit from the tropical storm. subways turning into from water foup, and basement apartments were submerged, trapping evidence. >> the bone dre west, in the second. >> hitting as agriculture the hardest. >> there will be less drinking water in the 21st century. >> the bipartisan infrastructure bill was signed into law in november. included are historic numbers for climate resilience, and capping orphaned gas and oil wells. >> they can come together and deliver results. >> this should be were the sfr ends. tornadoes tearing through kentucky and neighboring states and leveling towns, communities left in ruins, it will be okay. >> stretching frathe west coast to the great lakes, minnesota recording the first ever tornado in the month of december. as 2021 comes to a close, a country weary from a prolonged pandemic is praised to be another year of firsts. >> thank you. we are just starting to look back at 2021. a near six days in. the capitol riots reverterate months later, and space frontiers . we hit the bike trails every weekend shinges doesn't care. i grow all my own vegetables shingles doesn't care. we've still got the best moves you've ever seen good for you, but shingles doesn't care. because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. but, no matter how healthy you feel, your immune system declines as you age increasing your risk for getting shingles. so, what can protect you? shingrix protects. you can protect yourself from shingles with a vaccine proven to be over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your pharmacist or doctor about shingrix. shingles doesn't care. but you should. every day in business brings something new. so get the flexibility of the new mobile service designed for your small business. introducing comcast business mobile. you get the most reliable network with nationwide 5g included. and you can get unlimited data for just $30 per line per month when you get four lines or mix and match data options. available now for comcast business internet customers with no line-activation fees or term contract required. see if you can save by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. frontiers.. >> this year we witnessed cubans pushed to the brink, rose up and demanded that communist government change, people until a few short years ago, weren't allowed to own cell phones, they wanted a new vig for their country, and wanted to be the authors of what they future looked like. we listened, and we told their story. >> welcome back to the nbc news now special, looking back at 2021. >> the most consequential, january 6th, it will live on in the american consciousness for years. frank thorpe looks at the deadly insurrection. >> a day designed by the founders to be forgettable, seered in our memory. it started when congress met to certify the election. >> outside the white house, pushing the vice president to overturn the election returns. if mike pence does the right thing, we win the election. >> the crowd, fuelled by repeated lies from the president of the united states and others that the election was stolen, marching to the capitol. for the next four hours, a shocking siege. lawmakers, narrowly escaping, officer goodman, drawing rioters away from senators close by. >> a rioter killed by police. bipartisan pleas, asking mr. trump to tell his supporters to stand down. >> go home, are you very special. >> for what purpose- -- vice president pence defied his boss's demands. joseph biden received 306. >> democrats quickly voted to impeach president trump for inciting an insurrection. making him the only president of the united states to be impeached twice. >> federal troop its lining the halls for the first time since the civil wall. >> as president trump refused to attend, joe biden became the 46th president of the united states. >> as mr. biden went to work, congress turned to accountability. in the impeachment trial, mr. trump was acquitted. including mitch mcconnell choosing not to convict a former president. >> we have no power to convict a private citizen. >> the rioters facing justice almost immediately. scrubbing social media. 700 arrests over 150 guilty pleas and dozens of convictions. by the summer, as fences came down, and physical damage was repaired, invisible scars remained. >> i got to sit down and reflect on what happened. i felt sad, anger, just, a lot of emotions. going through my mind. i am still trying to process it. >> every time i walked in here, i thought, that is where this happened. it is hard to get it out of your mind, it was a traumatic experience for a lot of people. >> some democrats finding it harder and harder to work across the aisle. >> before working with a republican, we check to see if they voted to certify the results or not. >> if you didn't know it was january 6th, you would think it was a tourist visit. >> capitol police lacked the training needed to respond. federal agencies failed to warn of intelligence, and a delay in the national guard being deployed. >> we remember a haunting words, does anyone have a plan? the answer, sadly, was no. >> and in the house, the creegg of a select commit, two republicans placed on the committee by nancy pelosi. >> the people who did this must be ahead accountable. >> pelosy has broken this institution. >> the committee issuing 50 subpoenas, and to charge trump staff. hoping to find answers into a day nobody thought could happen, brought american democracy to the brink. >> turning now to the new president. ever since joe biden took it oath of office? january, he had to face challenges, covid, afghanistan, climate change. >> with all of that on the agenda, was he able to keep the things that got him elected in the first place. >> every first year of a president marked with campaign promises kept and unfulfilled. he knew that coronavirus would largely define the beginning of his term. >> to heal we must remember. >> honoring the hundreds of thousands dead on the eve of his inauguration. this is democracy's day. a day of history and hope. >> biden/harris administration, a massive effort to get americans vaccinated. >> we can reduce suffering in this country. >> leading to the first legislative victory, 1.9 trillion covid relief bill. as 100 days in office, marked 100 million vaccine shots. >> many refused to roll up their sleeves. even as new variants brought spikes and surges. >> it is a political issue, which is a sad commentary. >> mandates for government workers. >> it is about having a choice to get it. >> rules of enforcement. covid deaths topped 800,000 and normal never quite returned. >> do not wait. get your booster if it is time for to you do so. >> over sea, high stakes challenges on the world stage. the u.s. rejoined the paris agreement. >> the united states is determined to reengage with europe. >> a face to face summit with valdimir putin. >> it was afghanistan, moving front and center, after he promised to remove the troops by the 20th anniversary of september 11th. underestimating how quick the tlan will take control. a deadly evacuation. >> the buck stops with me. i do not regret my decision to end the war in afghanistan. >> we meet with the eyes of history upon us. the clay mate, a key part of the domestic agend arevoking a permit to the pipeline, and halting drilling in the alaska. >> repealing the ban on transgender personnel in the armed forces. >> transgender personnel, if qualified in any other way, can serve in the united states military. >> on capitol hill, after infighting, a skated back, $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill is signed into law. >> america is moving again. your life will change for the better. >> while the second half of the president's second half of the agenda, a plan is now in limbo with no clear path forward. another with other things stalled in congress. >> voting rights. >> police reform. >> no justice in this house. >> creating a path way to citizenship. >> a promise of protection for immigrant family, nothing has changed. >> making roev. wade the law of the land. >> abortion needs to be legal. >> the president will now take the country into a new year. change, and challenges, ahead of the critical 2022 mid term elections. etch monica alba, nbc news, the white house. >> how they got their grove back in 2021. a look at the pop culture moments that we can't stop talking about. first, billionaires in space. m.f.t.s we have discovered this is going main stream. like back in the early 19 nift, when katie couric asked, what is internet. they are here to stay with great value. (burke) with farmers auto multi-policy discount, the more policies you have with us, the more you could save on your auto insurance. (man) hey, hon! (wife) hi, honey! (man) like what? (burke) well, you'd get a discount for insuring your jet skis... and ...home and more. you could save up to forty-five percent. (man) that's a whole lot of discounts. (burke) well, we offer coverage for a whole lot of things, and you could save a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. (kid) sup, dad! (burke) seventeen-car garage you got there? ♪we are farmers♪ ♪bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum♪ i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! (sighs wearily) here i'll take that! (excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. welcome back to our "nbc news now" special, "good-bye 2021, a year to remember and forget" as we look back on the past year. it was a landmark time for space exploration with small steps and giant leaps made on many fronts, and we're not just talking about the billionaires' space race. here's nbc's tom costello with more. >> ten, nine, eight -- >> -- seven, six, five, four -- >> -- three, two, one -- >> -- emission. >> fire. >> fire. >> reporter: from new mexico to texas to florida, put 2021 down as the year the private space race came roaring off the pad. >> for the next generation of dreamers, if we can do this, just imagine what you can do. >> reporter: billionaires richard branson, jeff bezos, and elon musk bringing commercial space travel one rocket ride closer for all of us back here on earth. on his first trip bezos brought along 82-year-old wally funk, one of the original female "mercury" astronauts who never flew. then captain kirk himself, 90-year-old william shatner choked up with emotion after landing back on earth. >> what you have given me is the most profound experience i can ask. >> reporter: on september 15th it was the four civilian astronauts on board a spacex rocket who made history on a three-day orbit around the world. >> we can see the entire perimeter of the earth, which is so beautiful. >> reporter: the trip, part of a fund-raiser for st. jude children's hospital where crew member hayley arceneaux was treated for cancer as a child. but with prices starting at $250,000 per seat, space tourism is still way out of reach for most of us earthlings. >> it's important to you that this becomes accessible to everybody. >> that's why we started it. i think ultimately -- ultimately the price will come down to a level where an awful lot of people will be able to do it. >> reporter: but bezos and musk aren't content with joyrides around the earth. musk's spacex has won a nasa contract for its starship to carry astronauts to the surface of the moon. that same system could eventually fly on to mars. and jeff bezos planning to build a commercial space station called orbital reef, a sort of floating business park. while the commercial space race is hot and at full throttle, the u.s. is not alone. china is putting astronauts in space, already building its own space station, with plans to put humans on the moon as soon as 2030. and then there's mars, the ultimate goal. this year nasa pulled off yet another first. after landing a rover on the surface, it flew a helicopter, a drone, really, over the martian surface. here's nasa's animation, and here's the actual chopper flight, so far from earth it had to fly itself, making 500 calculations per second. >> we have done it. this is the first time i've been able to say we've done it. >> reporter: it's a vast universe holding billions of galaxies and hundreds of billions of planets. so what are the chances that we're not alone, that life exists on at least one of those planets? the problem, we humans love sci-fi, and we tend to think of aliens as the characters we see on tv and in the movies. >> e.t. phone home. >> our understanding of life doesn't mean that we understand all the options or all the possibilities of the various life forms that may be out there. >> absolutely true. yes, just because we understand our own life doesn't mean that we know what to predict of how life might form in another -- different environment. >> reporter: but have aliens already visited us? >> there's a whole fleet of them. >> reporter: what about the ufo sightings from credible sources like navy pilots? astrophysicist adam frank is a sympathetic skeptic. >> why do ufos always look like exactly what we'd expect them to look like from all the movies we've watched, right? as i like to say, if it sounds like a science fiction story, it is. >> reporter: frank believes life probably does exist beyond earth, but he hasn't seen compelling evidence that they visited earth yet. if there is intelligent life out there, experts say it is probably many light years away, and each light year is at least a 37,000-year journey. so we're talking 100,000 years to get there or maybe even further, so you'd better pack an overnight bag. tom costello, nbc news in washington. coming up, pop goes the year from britney to simone, "squid game" to the royals. the moments that stunned, shocked, and captivated us in 2021. and speaking of the royals -- >> one of the most memorable stories for me over the past year was really the death of prince philip. this was a huge historical figure, a man who stood alongside the queen for more than 70 years, a front row seat to so many historic events. i remember his grandchildren paying tribute to him, us getting to know the man through them, prince harry calling him the master of the barbecue -- that line will always stick with me -- and prince william saying that he was really the heart of this royal family. this was a covid funeral, and for a man who -- for a family, really, that is so tied to ceremony and pageantry, it was so simple, behind palace walls, staying true to the essence of a man, a man who said he didn't want a fuss. every day in business brings something new. so get the flexibility of the new mobile service designed for your small business. introducing comcast business mobile. you get the most reliable network with nationwide 5g included. and you can get unlimited data for just $30 per line per month when you get four lines or mix and match data options. available now for comcast business internet customers with no line-activation fees or term contract required. see if you can save by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. one of the most important stories i covered this year was the movement to free britney spears. my coverage began in june at the courthouse. we all heard as britney described for the very first time in stunning detail what she endured under that 13-year conservatorship. a legal domino effect, that culminated in a celebration, a free brittany. we knew she was under the control of her father, earning millions. what is going on here? what does it is a about pop culture? what does it is a about the media? >> 2021 was a big year in pop culture, from the breakout shows in music, to britney. >> good to have you both with us. let's start with the break-outs in tv and music. two of the shows that come to mind, ted lasso and the squid game. not alike at all. what was the appeal? why was it so appealing? >> i think it came out of no where for most of us. this a concept that is dark. you have to explain to someone, it is like the systematic -- a plot like you have never seen before. reflective of a weird time we are living n. >> it really does. >> flip side. you have ted lasso. >> the two shows, ted lasso is the nice guy show. where people live. and win sports ball games. technical term. >> a huge year, second season, won a bunch of emmys, jason sudakis. >> i guess you can't talk about music without talking about adelle, taylor swift, relationships and crying. >> can we talk about adele. her last album was five years ago. the ramp up. the emotional preparation we all have to do, buying tissues, she has this amazing audience on tv, and audience. she is the first audience to have sold a million albums. the first one of this year. it just came out in november. now, she has a vegas residency. she will make as much money as she will make from the album itself. >> a ten minute version of a wrong she wrote 10 years ago, if you are a swifty, i am. >> all too well, the ten minute version. she is xwoep for throwing easter eggs, screaming all over the place about who the song is b how they did her dirty. i am like dion warwick. >> moments that did shock us, move us. the first one, simone biles at the olympic. >> this is a first. the world, the u.s., in particular, hugely, high expectations for simone biles. nobody felt them more than her. this is someone poised to win it all step back and say, i have to do something for myself. all you want for me, i can't live up to that. i will do what is right for me. she is the most decorated medalist there is. winning athlete of the year from time magazine. knowing when you need to be the best at taking care of yourself. >> such an important moment to discuss the important of mental health. the next question for you, this interview with harry and meghan markle and oprah. what they had been going through. the conversations around it can't be overstated. >> they opened up about their mental health. megan spoke about contemplating suicide, while living in london. they opened up about having babies, drops bombs about the royal family. how they treated them. >> they were fascinated by the royals, 17 million people watched that interview. when you love them, hate them, or fascinated by them. people were into that story and wanted to know more. this is the first time we got a look behind the curtain. what is going on there. >> britney spears in that conservatorship for ten years, and the new york times documentary. a huge moment. >> 13 years in the making. she spent her 30s being ruled by these adults who may or may not have been taking advantage of her, taking her money. it is all still coming out. we get to see what being an adult looks like for britney spears. she has no intention to touring again. she is engaged. maybe a wedding for britney spears, happy, smooth sailing for her. >> and behind the curtain with her, what she wants on her social media. >> the fans drove this moment. they refused to believe that it was all that we saw on instagram and facebook. they were vocal about it. the ability to show and pay taengs how documentaries and the power of television, streaming, can drive people to act in a spectacular way. britney said what a tribute, that the fans fought for her. >> thank you for joining us. a fun segment to close out the year. >> before we go, a look back at some of the most powerful pictures of the past few months. a gallery of images, highs, and lows and significant moments of 2021. that does it for our special. 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City Orangeburg , Town , African American , Lot , Black , Divide , Census , Minority , 2010 , 60 , Something , Everybody , Whites , Blacks , History , What S Going On , Vicinity , Property , Government , Law , Speech , Showdown , Uses , Creamery We Sat , U S , Area , In , Zoning Map , Fight , Piece , Business Commercial , 0 003 , Sons , Veterans , Business Commercial Piece , Maurice S Hateful Legacy Living Onto Perpetuity , Battle Flag , New York City , Zoning , Concerns , Ice Cream Shop , In Orangeburg The Battle , Hopes , Shape , Man , Record , Issues , Camp , Jurisdiction , 842 , Constitution , Foundation , American Constitution , Attorney , Appeals , Board , Ladies And Gentlemen , Maurice Bessen Jr , B1 General Commercial , Parcel , Parcels , Zoning Ordinance , Jr Subdivided , Two , Marker , Commercial Use , Ten , Zero , Argument , Forum , Respect , Zoning Ordinances , Problems , Amendment , Entity , Schematically , Decision , Group , Leadership , Accordance , Flag , Monument , Zoning Administrator , Flags , Use , Showing , Compliance , Hand , Regulation , Favor , Motion , Issue , Meeting , Zoning Board , Path , Word , Love You , Resistance , Creamery , South Carolina Ice Cream Parlor , Times , Business , Shop , Riot , Letter , Employees , Peg , Property Line , House , Confederacy , Wife , Suffering , F You , It Wasn T Without Controversy , Doctor , Old World , Lady , Ma Am , Jesus , One , People , Kind , Rumors , Grandchildren , Babies , Place , Love Everybody , Faith , God , Cause , Devotion , Reverence , Undying , Affection , Wonderful Big Treat In Orangeburg , Ti Don T , Books , Attention , News Media , Land , Accounts , Reasons , Sides , Groups , Klan , Second Coming , The Bible , Men , Wasn T , Swastika , Misappropriated , 1865 , 1861 , Part , Heritage , South , Dixie , Symbol , Segregation , Division , Statues , Supremacy , Symbols , Image , Maurice Barbecue , Owner , Slurs , Prejudice , Nothing , Orangeburg , Authority , Paperwork , Scope , Coughing , Feathers , High , Trelegy , Stand , Copd , On By , Copd Medicine , Breeze Driftin , Feelin Good , Power , Ways , Medicines , Flare Ups , Breathing Problems , Inhaler , Rescue Inhaler , Lung Function , Won T , Three , Risk , High Blood Pressure , Swelling , Vision Changes , Breathing , Chest Pain , Pain , Heart Condition , Osteoporosis , Pneumonia , Thrush , Eye , Mouth , Tongue , Problems Urinating , Now Subaru , Love , Vo , Retailers , Trelegy Com , Fourteen , Donor , Aspca , Meals On Wheels , National Park Foundation , Love Event , Charity , Share , Two Hundred And Fifty , Two Hundred And Fifty Dollars , Band Plays , Allstate , Sfx , Radio , Things , Everyone , Life , Back , Bit Wrong , Protection , Hands , Auto Rate , Level , Element , Circuit Court , World , Everybody Else , Somebody , N , Everything , Conduct , Behavior , Door , Zoning Challenge , Dog , Barking , Pickup Truck , I Don T Know , Driveway , Conversations , Sons Of Confederate Veterans , Isn T Orangeburg , Discussion , Topic , Wait , 70 , Everywhere , White Supremacy , Roots , Home , Students , South Carolina , Governor , Rights , Integration , Terms , Bowling Alley , Hearing Violence , South Carolina Highway Patrol , Others , Gunfire Killing , Patrol , 28 , 50 , Shadows , Leaders , Expectation , System , Politics , 400 , Monuments , Community , City Council , City Administrator , Thing , Someone , None , Down , Bottom , Tommy Daris , Controversy , Avenues , Justin , Of Orangeburg For Eternity , City , Ass , Asses , Pickup , Digging , Chaos , Ancestors , Most , Slaves , Folks , Bmws , Ain T , Tribes , Tigers , Lions , Africa , Father , Grocery Store , Store , Washington D C , 1969 , 10 , 00 , 12 , Phone Call , Front , Ground , Money , Dad , Guys , Idea , 2 , Line , Body , Dad Money , Bone , Heartburn , Heartburn Doesn T , Prilosec Otc , Stomach Acid , Pill , So Don T Fight Heartburn , Excess Acid Production , Protein , Sugar , Energy , Excited Yell , Sighs Wearily , Thirty , Health , Nutrients , Relief , Robitussin Honey , Mind , Cough , Gryeah , Trash , Limu , Whistles , Insurance , Doug , Limu Emu , Robitussin Elderberry , Sec , Pay , Vulture Squawks , Liberty , Details , Judge , Hearing Today , Dispute , Orangeburg Restaurant , Heart , Injustice , Assault , Traditions , Anywhere , Quote , Jr , Martin Luther King , Fact , Kid , Jury Duty , Anybody , Flagpole , Challenge , Pretty Dope Dream , Role , Buzz , Old Maurice Wasn T Up There Chuckling , Feelings , It , Members , Half , Haven T , Documents , Seceding , Civil War , The Union , Ancestor , Say , Slavery , Secession , Decisions , Families , Slave , Homes , Bed , Union , Declaration , Clause , Election , States , Purposes , Office Of The President United States , Opinions , Slaveholding , Self Government , Enemy , Purpose , Desire , Factor , Institution , Somewhere , Developments , Sad , Plants , Feel , Charleston , Family , Places , Shop Closed , Success , Confederate Battle Flag On I 95 In South Carolina , 95 , Liberal , Road , A Lib Tard , Anything , Flying , I Don T Dwell On It , Majority , Country , State , Lives , Anger , Streets , Matter , Frustration , Running , Ahmaud Arbery , George Floyd , Police , Breathe , Neck , Breanna Taylor , Eight , Wall , Nation Community Members , Governments , City Council Members , Statue , Resolution , Protest , City Hall , Fear , The Voice , Course , Mayor , Regards , Downtown Square , Goal , Renaming , What S Going On In Orangeburg , Street Names , Change , Job , Institutions , Hate , Bigotry , Guise , Car , Scent , Infusions , Mood , Well Helene , Difference , Lamp , Downy , Reflection , Joke , Yes , Waffles , Adulting Ain T , Dog Bed , Diva , Mhm , Wayfair , Woof , That S Why , Meals , Feeding America , One Hundred And Fifty Million , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million Dollars , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million , Car Company , Birds Flyin , Driftin , What S Next , Save , Meltdown In Dixie , Film , Happiest , Endings , Updates , No One , Buyer , Credibility , Landscape , Being , Hometown , Documentary , The End , Voice , Narrator , Need , Communities , Journalist , Conclusions , Audiences , Trust , Sit , Secession Papers , Project , Messages , Facebook , Process , Ideas , Flagpoles , Giant American Flags , Owners , Number One , Six , Work Order , Wasn T Succeeding , Lawsuit , Claim , Presence , Restaurant , Activists , Talk , Civil Rights Museum On Hate , Activist , Tat , Question , Residents , Option , Story , Jamie Harrison , Senate , Thanks , Right , Debate , Portrayal , Emily Herald , Press , Match , Golden Age Karate , Film Festival On Msnbc , Meet The Press , Moves , Shoulders , Elbow , Five , Time , Martial Arts , Little , Instructor , Yup , High Kick , Dojo , 6 , Tournaments , 9 , Jeffrey , School , Somebody Nose , Batman , Office , Kids , Like Jeffrey S , Children , Call , Super Hero , Grade , Mom , Hall Of Fame , Black Belt , Grandma , Grammys , Grilled Cheese , Fruit Snacks , Grammy S , Seniors , First Class , Nursing Home , Going All The Way Down , Push Ups , Didn T , Me Asking , Arms , Sit Ups , Strength , Stomachs Working , Sweetie , Exercises , Huh , Class , Minds , Karate , Deal , Dementia , Bodies , Medication , Karate Class , Diabetes , 7 , Four , Some , Turn , Sure , Pictures , Student , Karate Classes , Smile , Tank , Value , Elders , Big Pa , Him , Excitement , I M Ready , Transformation , 30 , More , Presentation Of The Meet Press Film Festival , Watching , Best In Class Documentary Shorts , Show , Ride , Tradition , Cadillac , Sleigh , Tissues , Cadillac Showroom , Theo Blows , Lotion , Puffs , Lotion Tissue , Nose , Start Cnose Ating , 1 , Secret , Teeth , Gums , Heal , Crest , Brand , Gumline , Crest Advanced , Gum Restore , Detoxifies , Car Insurance , Spider Bite , Help , Liberty Mutual , Superpowers , Gasps , Theaters , Sore , Spider Man , December 17th One , December 17th , 17 , Abreva , Cold Sores , Sign , 2021 , Beer , Ball , 2020 , Nation , Mob Of Trump , Times Square , We Res , Images , Speaker , Supporters , U S Capitol , Adults , Joseph Biden , Lawmakers , Portraits , Uprising , Pelosies Office , Indellible , 306 , Inauguration , Insurrection , Votes , War Zone , Scaled Down Ceremony , President , Kamala Harris , America S 46th President , Woman Vp , 46 , Festivities , Impeachment , Ircurrecollection , Covid , Pandemic , Vaccines , Winter , 400000 , Hospital , Arm , Delta Variant Surged , Mask , Parents , Patients , Rage , School Board Meetings , Vocabularies , Kids Breathe , Way , Cases , Omicron , Ice Storm Paralyzed Texas , Fury , Nature , Millions , West , Wildfires , A Path Of Destruction , Hurricane Ida , Tornadoes , Twister Cutting , Kentucky , 200 , Building , Florida , Tragedies , Condo Building , Surf Side , Many , Alec Baldwin , Tragedy , Movie Set , Story Tower , A Hundred , Round , Unintention , Cinematographer , Weapon , Courtroom , Beyond , Verdict , Derek Chauvin , Killing , Kyle Rittenhouse , Ahmaud Arbury , Abortion , Debateses , Tensions , Bill , Capitol Hill , Harmony , Republicans , Holiday , Seat , Virginia , Troops , War In Afghanistan , Oversea , Taliban , 20 , Afghans , Suicide Bomber , 13 , Generation , War , World Leaders , Sons And Daughters , Health Concerns , Person In Roam , G 20 , Queen Elizabeth , Prince , Meghan Markle , Oprah , Queen , Royals , Parts , Conversation , Bye , Baby , Husband , Philip , Secretary Of State , Death , Age , Colin Powell , The Sound Of Music , Christopher Plumber , 99 , Conservatorship , Brittany , Second , Host , Semi Final Matches , Return , Movie Blockbusters , Friends , Olympic Flame , Adell , Broadway , Belatedly , Mental Health , Simone Biles , Games , Scores , Billionaires , Trip , Captain Kirk , Car Crash , California , Tiger Woods , Emotion , Frontier , Holds , Reminder , 2022 , Vaccine , Shots , First For Vaccine Development , Distribution , Booster , Deaths , Take A Look , 4000 , Epic Proportions , Day One , Hospitals , Crisis , Johnson , One Hundred Million , Third , Space , Music , Field Hospital , Battle , May 1 , American Lives 0 , Death Toll , 3 Million , 570 , Demand , July 4th , Shipments , 0 , 4 , One Shot , Authorizing Pfizer , Emergency Use Authorization , 15 , 17 Million , Shot , High School , Rebound , Summer , Strain , 53 , India , 53 , Population , Covid Icu At Lexington , Plan , Brink , Adult , Deja Vu , Peak , Devastation , Moving New Memorial , 670000 , Booster Shots , Fda , Moderna , National Mall , Choice , Conclusion , Ransom , Health Insurance , Livelihood , Career , Benefit , Signed Off On Pfizer , 5 , 11 , Variant , Vaccine Booster , Threat , Seriousness , It People , Rise , Infections , Immunity , Virus , Cdc Protection , Test , San Francisco , 800000 , Living , Commuting , Likely , Ones , Impact , Events , Concerts , Delta , Spread , Hpthz , Bit , Variants , O Boosters , Back Feet , Teals , Masks , Countries , Asian , Sick , Outbreak , Boosters , Mask Recommendations , Happy New Year , Hospitalizations , Saying , Dying , Point Of View , Responders , Trauma , Climate Change , Weather Extremes , Tornado Destruction , Scenes , Example , Make , Climate Action , Weather , Look , Reporter , Hurricanes , Drought , Skate , Al Roker , Nba , Delay , Paris , Exception , Left , Fold , Climate Agreement , Earth , Minimum , 1 5 , Texas , Breakdown , Scientists , Power Grid , Catastrophic , Polar Vortex , Water , Melting , Snow , Crumbling , Fragile , Highest , Infrastructure , Region , Heat Wave , Canada , 100 , Electricity , Washington State , Heat Ace , Oregon , 228 , Boot Leg Fire , Dixie Fire , 413000 , Waste Land , Grateful , Each Other , Hurricane Season , Scorch California , Hurricane , Which , Overachieving , Catagory 4 , 3 , Seven , Storm , Landfall , Outages , Northeast , Rain , Dumping , Path Of Destruction , Hit , Subways , Basement Apartments , Water Foup , Trapping Evidence , Bone Dre West , Drinking Water , Hardest , Agriculture , 21 , Infrastructure Bill , Climate Resilience , Oil , Gas , Numbers , Results , Wells , Sfr Ends , Towns , Leveling , Ruins , Tornado , Close , West Coast , Minnesota , Stretching Frathe , Great Lakes , Firsts , Capitol Riots Reverterate , Space Frontiers , Shingles , Doesn T Care , Shinges , Bike , Vegetables , Shingrix , Immune System Declines , 90 , Fainting , Reactions , Dose , Ingredients , Guillain BarrÉ Syndrome , Muscle Pain , Stomach , Side Effects , Injection Site , Fever , Redness , Headache , Shivering , Tiredness , Pharmacist , Shingles Doesn T Care , Data , Small Business , Flexibility , Network , Service , Comcast Business Mobile , Nationwide 5g , Contract , Lines , Internet , Term , Possibilities , Match Data Options , Mix , Customers , Fees , Comcast Business , Rose Up , Frontiers , Cubans , Weren T , Cell Phones , Vig , Nbc News , Authors , Consequential , Consciousness , January 6th , Frank Thorpe , Congress , Founders , Memory , Seered , White House , Mike Pence , Vice President , Election Returns , Crowd , Lies , Drawing Rioters , Goodman , Siege , Mr , Rioter , Senators , Bipartisan Pleas , Trump , Go Home , Democrats , Demands , Boss , 306 Democrats , President Of The United States , Halls , Accountability , Impeachment Trial , Mitch Mcconnell , Justice , Rioters , Citizen , Scrubbing Social Media , Convictions , Scars , Fences , Pleas , Dozens , Damage , 150 , 700 , Emotions , Experience , Aisle , Republican , Agencies , Training , Capitol Police , Tourist Visit , Intelligence , Answer , Guard , Words , Anyone , In The House , Committee , Nancy Pelosi , Creegg , Committee Issuing 50 Subpoenas , Pelosy , Nobody , Staff , Brought American Democracy , Challenges , Oath Of Office , Agenda , Afghanistan , Campaign , Promises , Unfulfilled , Beginning , Hundreds Of Thousands , Administration , Democracy , Hope , Eve , Effort , Relief Bill , Victory , 1 9 Trillion , Spikes , Sleeves , Surges , 100 Million , Commentary , Government Workers , Mandates , Rules , Enforcement , Agreement , Sea , The World Stage , High Stakes , Summit , Center , Face To , Europe , Valdimir Putin , Tlan Will Take Control , September 11th , 20th Anniversary , Evacuation , Eyes , Pipeline , Clay Mate , Agend Arevoking A Permit , Personnel , Transgender Personnel , Drilling , Ban , Alaska , Armed Forces , Infighting , United States Military , 2 Trillion , 1 2 Trillion , Better , Limbo , Another , Voting Rights , Police Reform , Citizenship , Promise , Immigrant , Law Of The Land , Making Roev , Wade , Elections , Mid Term , Etch Monica Alba , Pop Culture , First , Grove , Mfts , Stream , Nift , Katie Couric , 19 , Discount , Burke , Auto Insurance , Policies , Farmers , Coverage , Discounts , Jet Skis , Honey , Hon , Boat , Forty Five , Bum , Sup , Garage , Pa Dum , Farmers Policy Perks , Seventeen , Special , Nbc News Now , Space Race , Fronts , Steps , Leaps , Space Exploration , Tom Costello , Nine , Fire , Emission , New Mexico , Richard Branson , Dreamers , Pad , Female , Jeff Bezos , Elon Musk , Wally Funk , Mercury , Space Travel One Rocket Ride , Trip Bezos , 82 , William Shatner , September 15th , Astronauts , Perimeter , Board A Spacex , Orbit , Rocket , Jude Children S Hospital , Hayley Arceneaux , Space Tourism , Child , Per Seat , Reach , Prices , Cancer , Crew , Earthlings , Fund Raiser For St , 250000 , 50000 , Price , Surface , Musk Aren T , Moon , Starship , Joyrides , Nasa , Mars , Space Station , Plans , Sort , China , Floating Business Park , Orbital Reef , Full Throttle , Humans , Rover , Helicopter , 2030 , Calculations , Drone , Animation , Chopper Flight , 500 , Billions , Planets , Chances , Problem , Hundreds , Universe , Galaxies , Tv , Aliens , Understanding , Life Doesn T , Characters , Phone Home , Sci Fi , The Movies , E T , Doesn T , Options , Environment , Adam Frank , Fleet , Sightings , Ufo , Skeptic , Navy Pilots , Sources , Ufos , Science Fiction Story , He Hasn T , Movies , Journey , Evidence , Experts , 37000 , 100000 , Britney Spears , Pop , Squid Game , Bag , Coming Up , In Washington , Simone , Stories , Figure , Tribute , Front Row Seat , Royal Family , Prince William , Barbecue , Master , Who , Covid Funeral , Ceremony , Essence , Pageantry , Fuss , Palace Walls , Courthouse , Movement , Detail , Domino Effect , Celebration , Control , Media , Shows , Break Outs , Lasso , Concept , Where , Appeal , Ted , Systematic , Reflective , Flip Side , Plot , Ted Lasso , Guy Show , Season , Win Sports Ball Games , Technical Term , Won A Bunch Of Emmys , Jason Sudakis , Album , Relationships , Adelle , Taylor Swift , Audience , Albums , Ramp Up , Preparation , A Million , Residency , Version , She , Swifty , All Over The Place , Xwoep , B , Song , Easter Eggs , Move , Shock , Dion Warwick , Particular , Expectations , Medalist , Step , Care , Best , Athlete , Time Magazine , Interview , Harry , Suicide , Bombs , Megan , London , Hate Them , Curtain , New York Times , Making , Advantage , Intention , Looks , Wedding , Fans , Social Media , Instagram , Smooth Sailing , We Saw , Documentaries , Vocal , Act , Taengs , Television , Streaming , Ability , Fun Segment , Highs , Lows , Gallery , Loved Ones , Pedialyte , Powder Packs , Velvet Sofa , Ah , Ooh , Napable , Yelling , Therapy , Working Mom , Boys , Amen , Kim , Smlg , Steve Pit , Hunted Down ,

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