Transcripts For MSNBC The Beat With Ari Melber 20240709 : co

Transcripts For MSNBC The Beat With Ari Melber 20240709

able to or willing to comply with ten days' worth of isolation. this was a way to tell people, make sure to isolate in the first five days. >> we want to get people back out if they're feeling well, but to also have them be masked. >> there's plenty of room for debate, because a lot of people don't like long forced quarantines to begin with, or feeling like you can't go work if you want to. on the other hand, we've seen the labor unions and others saying the rollout wasn't clear and wasn't fair to the safety concerns of their membership. so it is a big debate. after five days, you can leave isolation with a mask. there is not currently a testing requirement, and that may be because testing is in short supply in the united states. and omicron is, as many were saying, it is less severe than other variants of covid, including delta. hospitalizations are rising overall with the caseload. but fewer people are being rushed to the hospital now than at the height of the delta variant. that speaks to both the problem and the ray of hope as vaccinations take hold, and the variant may not be as damaging. we're joined now by dr. ebony hilton from the university of virginia. thanks for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> what does it mean when we see the data that covid is breaking case records, but this variant is less damaging? >> right. whenever i hear the phrase mild, it really unnerves me. what does mild mean, right? we know with asymptomatic persons, there's data that shows 50% of them will drop long covid. it's literally, your organs no longer properly function. to call it mild is to belittle the thing that many americans are suffering through day to day. >> you're speaking to the fact that not dying from something doesn't make it great. you know, you can have a car accident, thank goodness nobody was killed. yet someone could be hurt or affected in a way that impacts the rest of their life. as for the parts of it that do seem less severe, which doesn't mean don't take precaution, oxford is saying we need to up our language distinctions. this isn't the same type of covid as delta. the disease appears to be less severe, average length of stay in the hospital is three days. it's not the same disease we were seeing a year ago, they say. >> it may not be the same disease, but we know that 62% of americans are fully vaccinated. only 18% of us have been boosted. and we have to see who is accounting for more of our cases. at this point, 200,000 children were diagnosed with covid-19 over christmas week. 1 out of every 10 united states children has been infected with covid-19. 1 in 10. and those children, if you look at new york city, hospitalizations are up for kids, up 400% over the last couple of weeks. this is not benign. we know those children are largely unvaccinated. so to say it's mild because i don't end up in the hospital and having to need oxygen, it's unfair. these children are showing us, it may not be a mild thing at all. and yesterday, we had 2,600 americans die. that's one american every 32 seconds. so when we have this soaring of cases, of which we had 412,000 cases yesterday, we had that large amount that surpasses winter of last year, why are we rolling back safety precautions? why are we taking down the guards that help keep us safe? why, if it's so important for those persons now to say you need to be at home for five days, then wear a mask for five days? cdc, why have you not told the nation that every american should be wearing a mask at all times, because we're having these cases that are mounting. the resources we have in our hospital, it's about to break. we need to act now and not tomorrow. >> you're hitting the cdc, as others have. it's a tough job, and here they are getting criticized for that policy shift. we'll see what the data bears out on that. dr. hilton, thanks for kicking us off tonight. >> thank you. >> we turn now to breaking news. just moments ago, within the last news hour here, we got a verdict in the ghislaine maxwell trial, guilty on 5 of the 6 counts in that sex trafficking case. she was indicted for effectively being the point person who helped jeffrey epstein commit years of alleged abuse. his trial never occurred, he died under suspicious circumstances while incarcerated. she was acquitted on one count on enticing a minor to travel and engage in sexual acts. each of these counts, it's a devastating legal outcome for her. she would face decades in prison, and also awaits another trial on a separate perjury count. i'm joined by melissa murray, what does this verdict mean? >> we all recognize this was as much about jeffrey epstein as it was about ghislaine maxwell. a lot of the energy was being channeled into this trial for ghislaine maxwell. for many of the victims and for those who have watched this case with great interest, this is a real vindication and accountability for what was alleged to have happen, and what the jury believed did happen. >> what do you see in the way that the government approached this case? because there were many problems in the handling of jeffrey epstein, as someone who had many public allegations against him for many years. at the same time, there seems to be an effort by some prosecutors, however late in the game, to go after this stuff and to go after in this case ms. maxwell, accused of heinous acts, not as heinous as him, legally, but the prosecutors looking at that very, very aggressively, rather than saying that's just a side person or an accomplice. >> i think they made clear they were taking this seriously. jeffrey epstein had a number of charges levied against him. he pleaded guilty to prosecution charges in florida. he had a southern district charge leveled against them, but of course he died while that was pending. this makes clear that they're going to prosecute these kinds of questions, especially in high-profile matters like this one, to the hilt. they were dogged, 30 witnesses over the course of the trial, it was very clear that the judge wanted to make sure that this trial was completed. that the looming crisis of the covid risk would not complicate the administration of justice in this case. and they got the verdict, and i think the prosecution earns a well deserved round of applause for seeing this through under such difficult circumstances. >> what is the message to other individuals who look at this kind of case, we heard testimony from some of the women here about, i should say testimony and others gave public interviews, and referenced the fear of coming forward? >> i think they made clear that, you know, this is a case that was building over decades. these women were testifying about abuses that happened to them when they were teenagers. many of them are in their 30s and 40s. so a long time coming to achieve justice, but they were staunch and stalwart that justice needed to be done, and what happened should not have happened to them. and it's a lesson, justice may take time, but it can come when it's necessary, and when, again, there is a will to do justice and see justice done. >> yeah. it's a big story here. and as i mentioned, it's a slower news time for the holidays. the government is closed, in many ways. but the courts go on. the jury decided when they decided, and that was today. always good to have you here to break it down. happy holidays to you. >> happy holidays to you. we have a lot more coming up, including harry reid's legacy. a special guest from inside the obama world of the democratic party. later, i want to share a special report on the evidence of a documented double standard on how police treat different protests. and later, sharon stone on "the beat," talking film, politics, and maybe even some very special musical moments. stay with us. us i grow all my own vegetables shingles doesn't care. we've still got the best moves you've ever seen good for you, but shingles doesn't care. because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. but, no matter how healthy you feel, your immune system declines as you age increasing your risk for getting shingles. so, what can protect you? 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[cheering] that was awesome. and, the hits won't quit, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. all that entertainment built in. xfinity. a way better way to watch. how not to be a hero: because that's the last thing they need you to be. you don't have to save the day. you just have to navigate the world so that a foster child isn't doing it solo. you just have to stand up for a kid who isn't fluent in bureaucracy, or maybe not in their own emotions. so show up, however you can, for the foster kids who need it most— at the main reason i'm here is because there's a guy from searchlight, nevada -- [ cheers and applause ] -- who has been fighting on behalf of nevada for most of his life. and is now fighting for working families all across america. and that's your senate majority leader, harry reid. [ cheers and applause ] >> then-president obama discussing the now late harry reid, who passed away tuesday at the age of 82. he rose from humble origins, also an amateur boxer, who boxed his way into the political scene. taking up the leadership of the senate democratic caucus. he sometimes used that bully pulpit to stop republican onslaughts, reid pushed through what at the time was considered potentially controversial stimulus spending after the financial crisis. he passed a type of wall street reform that is in law and is debated to this day. and he, along with president obama, was key to ever making obama care law. he had a pretty low-key style in public, and he was considered effective. >> he comes across as soft-spoken. he was like, well, you know. [ laughter ] even when he's in front of a big crowd, he's like, well, you know. [ laughter ] okay. okay. we're trying here. trying hard. you know, i mean, that's just how harry is. but anybody who knows harry knows he's made of strong stuff. this is one tough guy. >> strong stuff, said barack obama. and in their friendship and political alliance, you could also see a kind of a different model for political strength. a type of strength that works through results, not through bluster and yelling. are there lessons for democrats in the current biden era, with a lot of controversies. you follow the news, i bet you've noticed, centered on the united states senate and its sometimes weird and antiquated rules. harry reid cut deals, and found ways to get results. he did everything he had to do to get his caucus together on obama care, at a time when it was not as popular as it proves in today's polling. he worked with moderates, including someone who was sort of the manchin of his day, ben nelson, who was also a dem in a red state. but reid would get onboard with progressives like bernie sanders. when republicans obstructed obama nominees, reid said, fine, i'll call your bluff, i have the power, i'll change the rules. that ended a type of filibuster, not all of them. now, a current democrat, schumer, says this. >> he saw what was happening on the senate. there was a group of people in the hard right, they decided to tie it in a knot. and he said that shouldn't happen. his views evolved, and he was a strong advocate of changing the rules of the senate. which i hope we carry forward with us in the next few weeks. >> that was chuck schumer last night on msnbc, as the news was breaking, talking about leaning more into the reid playbook if they can get the votes. and reid did publicly back biden's efforts to spend more and go big. he said, if we have the will, we have the opportunity to improve the lives of millions of families and build some more prosperous for generations to come. as we reflect on this history, this man, this set of contributions to america, as well as what it means for what chuck schumer just said last night, we are joined by david plouffe, former adviser to president obama, who was in the white house during some of those key times. thanks for being here. >> of course, ari. good to be here. >> your thoughts? >> well, i think it's evident by the clip you showed, and the letter that barack obama released last night, barack obama loved harry. as did i. he was an amazing guy to be in the foxhole with. he knew where his votes were and were they weren't. he was passionate, a fighter. and i spent a lot of time on air force one during the re-election, and he probably cared more about it than barack obama did. and he was savvy, tough, he knew how to find compromise, when not to. you could trust him. his word was bond. but in a way, mcconnell is the same way. he very rarely gets over his skis. he knows when he can deliver, when he can't. and that's what made harry reid an effective leader. he had an amazing passion for the underdog, for people who needed a little assistance to build a better life. >> yeah. and he saw himself certainly as a populist, and trying to work those levers of power for people. and his old boss did release, different in a way that bluster has been working recently, this was pretty old school. i'll read from it, as we remember senator reid, i wouldn't have been president had it not been for your encouragement or support. and i wouldn't have gotten most of what i got done without your skill and determination. i'll mention for viewers, folks may have heard about this, david, this was something that harry reid's wife, now widow, had gathered letters. we think about the expression, when do we talk about people, when do you get your flowers? she got some of the letters so she could read it to him before he passed. tell us a little more about what, in that first person, second person letter, what president obama was saying. >> those weren't just kind words, ari. to someone in their last days. those are words that i've heard barack obama mention ad nauseam. when barack obama was gingerly thinking about running for president, harry reid sat him down and said you ought to really think about it. i remember talking to him after that, it really took him aback. he didn't expect harry reid to say at that young in his senate career that he ought to think about running for president. and whether it was the affordable care act or other things, barack obama could trust harry reid, and harry reid could trust barack obama. and i can't tell you how many conversations i would have with harry reid, he would talk for five or seven seconds, then hang up. he was not for long conversations. he was someone about results. and i think history will show that he delivered results for this country, unlike many people who have been in that building in washington. >> what does it mean what chuck schumer said last night, if anything? >> it's encouraging. i think there are so many issues. but we're down to two, really. what elements of the build back better agenda can get passed? i still think there's a very good opportunity to pass good chunks of it, with joe manchin's support. the thing i think harry reid would be most focused on is saving our democracy. that's when we need the manchins and the sinemas, not just them, a few other democrats, with us. right now, you would probably short democracy. if the republicans do take over in 2022, and i hope they don't, at that point it's too late. democrats have to act right now to save this republic and save democracy. i think that's what harry reid would be focused on. and what chuck schumer said last night was great. it is the big thing in front of us. if we slip into the spring without protecting our democracy, we will probably regret that for the rest of time. >> yeah. david, thank you very much. i hope people are listening. we now have our shortest break of the hour, just 60 seconds. when we return, basically approaching the anniversary of the insurrection, i have a special report on accountability for the maga rioters, and confronting the double standard in policing. we're back in 60 seconds. as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ the january 6th riot anniversary is on the way. right now, a special report on the double standard in policing in america. on january 6th, we saw federal law enforcement, then overseen by the trump administration, completely caught off-guard by the violent protesters. reporters showing there was not enough fortification, not enough of a show of force. contrast this to the black lives matter protest in l.a. police in riot gear, some looked like they were ready for war, and they were striking protesters who were reportedly standing with hands up. >> [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> that's how some officers were dealing, as you saw, peaceful protesters in the light of day, who were nowhere near the vice president or congress. and these people who breached federal property, and threatened officers and worse. here's officers pouring water in their eyes to reduce the impact that the tear gas that the same officers themselves dispersed. this is what it looks like, an officer going out of their way to assist people on the scene. a total contrast to police actions at many blm protests where peaceful protesters were tear gassed, then they were fleeing. they weren't on any trespassed property, they weren't rendered any aid. these are facts. now, this report tonight is not trying to proclaim what the ideal tactic is in every policing situation. this report is showing the facts of an american reality. but let's be clear. these are facts that many would rather ignore or minimize or lie about. this is america, this is the double standard that many would rather not face. on the left, the police rendering aid to people in a crowd while they were still actively breaking the law and trespassing, breaching the capitol at a crime scene that included a killing. on the right, police treating black and brown people, and other blm supporters, who by most accounts were not breaking any law, certainly not trespassing. i got to tell you, this is where words can fail us. this double standard, it can make even simple terms pretty orwellian. law enforcement is supposed to be a factual term, nothing more than that. but look at a member of the capitol police in riot gear who appears to be escorting a lawbreaker down the steps, and releasing the vast majority of these people, not arresting them. the people inside the capitol were breaking the law. they were in an active trespass zone, and they other broke other laws that protect federal buildings. if a person is helping walk them out in the middle of that law-breaking, can we accurately call that law enforcement? they're not enforcing the law in that moment. it's broader than any picture that goes viral or any single moment. the recent blm protests in washington were peaceful, but 289 people were arrested in one day. 427 over four days. you see there, they made just 41 arrests amidst the capitol breach. if you take the larger account of arrests beyond the capitol, it jumps to 68. but 41 of them in that criminal mob at the capitol. those are some numbers that may not go as viral as some of the pictures and videos. but they're that larger factual context. this is america. this white man there, leisurely sitting at the desk of the elected speaker of the house of representatives of the united states, he had the time to gloat and pose compared to how police instantly arrested the woman on the right. she committed no visible crime. she was protesting a shooting of alton sterling in 2016. police took her away on a charge of obstructing a highway. it is a selective embrace, very specifically, of some americans, even as they're literally part of a mob attacking officers and breaking laws. some officers going forward to take a selfie in the middle of an active crime scene, in the middle of the trespassing of these individuals. a contrast to the all too routine personal escalation of officers against blm protesters, shoved to the ground. escalation. we can't read anybody's minds, but we can report what they do. at a recent protest at mcconnell's office, they knew how to make instant arrests, dragging away protesters, some, by the way, in wheelchairs. what a different way that people are treated, based on whether those individuals were deemed by law enforcement as somehow sympathetic to police or deemed enemies of the state, because they're black, brown, or doing activism that may back black or brown people or criticizing part of the government or policing. these facts are not new, nor are the double standards. some of the documentation is new. we have more cameras, and networks to share the videos that document these very old, enduring facts of america. and some of those videos may have helped change minds in 2020. documents always matter, i want you to know that. yet we also need to be clear about the old truths. from my reporting, it seems like black americans know these truths. it's especially dangerous for them not to. it seems like most white americans know these truths. it seems like the riots knew these truths, these facts, very well. it seems like they took this double standard as a given. it's unacceptable. what happened is, even amidst everything we know, a low point for american democracy. there are some who have wrongly said, this just isn't who we are. let me tell you something, it's who we are today, and tomorrow, unless and until we do something about it. if you are sitting through all of this and thinking, nothing ever changes, or it only gets worse, i would tell you from reporting on this and observing it, i understand exactly how you feel. a lot is changing even as it feels like too many things are not. we do return to the question, a question for all of us, from the government down to our citizens. you've seen the facts. they're not new. what are we going to do about it? do about it ♪♪ in wash-scent booster ♪♪ downy unstopables the republican governor of florida facing a fresh wave of criticism as covid continues to slam his state. florida has record breaking numbers. over 40,000 new cases today in just that state. the mayor of orange county says desantis has been m.i.a. where is the governor? also saying that local officials are being burdened with trying to figure out testing. this mayor is not alone. there is other local coverage, people in florida who have been living through desantis' approach to covid for years now. and a democrat trying to replace desantis as governor, saying the crisis has not been addressed, it's time to increase testing and to end a burden that is better dealt with by policies that are available. and democrats say, unused by this very political republican governor. that's just a quick update out of florida. coming up next, sharon stone is here on politics, movies, and what she's learned with a life on the public stage. that's next. discount, the more u have with us, the more you could save on your auto insurance. 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"the new york times" in 1994. sharon stone is one of the top two female stars in hollywood, along with julia roberts, who plays victims in need of rescue by men, while ms. stone is at her best while playing strong, capable women. do you remember what that article was headlined? >> i don't. >> "the ultimate question, can sharon stone act?" why was there this enduing public and critical questioning of your talent? >> i think misogyny is strong, and it's still incredibly strong. when you portray strength, it's easier to say there's something wrong with you. and if you're strong and smart and if you have boundaries, there must be something wrong with you. it couldn't possibly that you're just a self-possessed female who has both feet on the ground. >> how do you think that plays out in the way we deal with people in power in government and in reality? >> we see this very strongly, even with liz cheney, who, let's say, i don't agree with all of her views. but i certainly agree with her right and ability to have them. and i thought she had them quite well. but we're trying to, i don't know how to explain it. it's almost like mccarthyism all over again. there's such an insistence that we have a common opinion about this, and a common opinion about that. if you don't, see you later. i feel that every time we do that, it's against what this country is about. that is not democracy. >> and in the book, you write about the difference between the critical reception of the times, which in many cases just doesn't endure very well. it doesn't look all that great in the rear view. >> not in the rear view, and right out the window. >> so you have this great line i want to read. you say, a critic sees movies for free, and tells you what they think. an audience tells you how a movie makes you feel. >> yes. >> we look to the wisdom of lyrics sometimes around here. and you write songs yourself. >> oh. >> what do you got? you got something? >> i know how much you like rap. if you could give me a little beat box me in, i have a little rap here for you. >> you have a rap. i don't know how to beat box, and i wouldn't claim to. but this is, like -- ♪♪ ♪ i'm on the air with ari heart beating a ferrari ♪ ♪ i could have been a-zooming but i wanted to be in the rooming ♪ ♪ who would want to miss that ♪ >> how can i say this in the most professional way possible. there are many people who dreamed to have this experience with you. i'm happy you're sharing it with us. >> you know -- [ laughter ] >> how many songs have you written? >> me, a couple hundred songs. >> the line i was thinking of that echoes from your book is, if you know method man from wu tang, with regard to critics. he says, "f" a rap critic. he talk about it while i live it. >> that's really it. it's like people say to me, you know, when was the last time you watched whatever? and i'm like, i don't really watch them. i live them. >> right. >> i was there. it's like i don't need to go back and look at it. because i was actually on the inside of it. >> yet in your world and ours, prestige still matters to most people. it's still factored in. and the critics and the awards figure in somehow. it seemed meaningful to you when you got by many accounts the well deserved golden globe for "casino". >> i was so "casino". >> i was so shocked. >> you looked a little surprise. when is the last time you seen the awards? >> i never saw it. >> the winner is sharon stone for "casino." >> and no one is more surprised than me. it's -- okay, it's a miracle. [ laughter ] thank you to the foreign press associates and for your support to me tonight and for the 19 years i've been waiting for this moment. i have to thank touching me with his incredible genius and making room for the breath and annoying moments of my uncontrollable passion for this part. >> what did it mean to you? >> a lot. [ laughter ] it's so touching to see that. it meant everything to me. i mean, i -- that's so touching. oh my god. that's so funny. >> what makes you tearful about it now? >> look, i'm a kid from nowhere. you know? i grew up in a farming community. i mean, there were 87 kids in my school class, you know what i mean? it was really one stop town. and i had a very big dream that grew up from watching black and white movies on tv that had three channels on "good days" and bunny ears on the top. i'm not the person people pick. i'm the dark of darkest horses, you know? and so i went and i told vera wang my friend -- thank you, ari, thank you. i said make me a dress that makes me look like i just jumped out of the swimming pool and came over. i don't want to look like a big loser in a big puffy dress. >> you were projecting ahead and the industry makes you dress for what is going to happen. you were projecting to the moment you thought you would be the digfied loser. >> and i wouldn't have to go through the horrible feeling and like la, la, la, so when i won i was like my god, so i was already behind. so i got up and i started up the stairs and i kind of didn't know what was going on and tom hanks grabbed me by the arms and went, you deserve this. and they want a good show. don't cry. and i went oh. >> he said don't cry? >> yeah. >> why? >> because they want a good show. you deserve this. go get it. i was like oh, okay. >> but you still took the shot once you were up there and said it was over due. >> yeah, because it was funny. it was just funny. like, it was funny. i remember steve martin was sitting in the front and really laughing and i thought, oh, that's good. >> yeah. >> at least people are laughing. >> at least people are laughing. that is just part of the discussion that i had as you saw outside there with sharon stone. you can go on youtube and see the rest. search melber and sharon stone. there was more. the entire interview was there. we love to share the special sitdowns. when we come back, i have one more thing that's about the point of life. hi tng that's abo point of life. americans who experience occasional bloating, gas or abdominal discomfort? taking align can help. align contains a quality probiotic to naturally help soothe digestive upsets 24/7. try align, the pros in digestive health. and join the align healthy gut team up and learn what millions of align users already know. how great a healthy gut can feel. sign up at also try align dualbiotics gummies to help support digestive health. what does the future of strength look like? ♪ ♪ it's a personal trainer that assesses your strength and adds weight as you progress. it's dynamic weight that adjusts for you in real time for a more efficient workout. c'mom and it's a roster of coaches that motivate you to get stronger, faster. the future is strength you can feel and results you can see. and you can only experience it... (sigh) ...on tonal. we hit the bike trails every weekend (sigh) shinges doesn't care. i grow all my own vegetables shingles doesn't care. we've still got the best moves you've ever seen good for you, but shingles doesn't care. because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. but, no matter how healthy you feel, your immune system declines as you age increasing your risk for getting shingles. so, what can protect you? shingrix protects. you can protect yourself from shingles with a vaccine proven to be over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your pharmacist or doctor about shingrix. shingles doesn't care. but you should. aleve-x. it's fast, powerful long-lasting relief with a revolutionary, rollerball design. because with the right pain reliever... life opens up. aleve it... and see what's possible. most bladder leak pads were similar. until always discreet invented a pad that protects differently. with two rapiddry layers. for strong protection, that's always discreet. question your protection. try always discreet. one of my favorite supplements is qunol turmeric. turmeric helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. unlike regular turmeric supplements qunol's superior absorption helps me get the full benefits of turmeric. the brand i trust is qunol. we have something else to share tonight about the purpose of life. i want to show you a little bit about a conversation with had with the creator and producer of "community" and co-created "rick and morty" an amazing cartoon that got a renewal. we previously taped an interview and i'll explain in a moment why i'm showing you this but first, let me show you some highlights here as he explains his passions and the darker parts of the internet. what is the point of life? >> you are a taste bud on god's tongue. >> this is exactly what i thought it would be like. >> i thought it would be like -- our job is to create new content and we have to do that not by writing television as we perceive television. they have changed everything entirely, fundamentally. rick is right. i think about half the time. >> oh my god. >> welcome to the club, pal. >> smiling at my own writing. sorry. you can edit that out. why am i even here? i could have put that above i got to get on ari melber. there is so much stuff to prove my mom wrong. >> a well adjusted person that is proud of the work they do. >> tom cruise is the answer. you're wrong. >> success means? >> you've done it wrong enough. i really believe that. >> on that note, very inspire . >> very sarcastic, ari. duly noted. poor interview. worst guest you've had. got it. >> that's what dan hamon is like and a lot of fast intellectual tennis there. when we posted this, we got such an overwhelming reaction of people loving him and finding him interesting and the long version over 20 minutes wasn't long enough. people wanted the full unedited thing. we heard you. we've released it. you can watch the entire unedited interview with dan harmon that runs over an hour. search melber and harmon. there is a full version or a shorter one but his fans said give it to us uncut. you can catch up with me online @arimelber on instagram or twitdtwitter or tiktok wheree hanging out more and link with me at or the tiktok or if the web isn't your thing, that's fine. see you tomorrow. "the reidout" starts now with tiffany cross in for joy. >> hi, ari, we have a busy show to get to. we'll see you tomorrow, my friend. thank you and have a good evening. thank you to everyone at home for tuning in. i'm tiffany cross in for joy reid. remembering a great american fighter. harry reid the long-time senate democratic leader died tuesday at age of 82 after a

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Transcripts For MSNBC The Beat With Ari Melber 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The Beat With Ari Melber 20240709

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able to or willing to comply with ten days' worth of isolation. this was a way to tell people, make sure to isolate in the first five days. >> we want to get people back out if they're feeling well, but to also have them be masked. >> there's plenty of room for debate, because a lot of people don't like long forced quarantines to begin with, or feeling like you can't go work if you want to. on the other hand, we've seen the labor unions and others saying the rollout wasn't clear and wasn't fair to the safety concerns of their membership. so it is a big debate. after five days, you can leave isolation with a mask. there is not currently a testing requirement, and that may be because testing is in short supply in the united states. and omicron is, as many were saying, it is less severe than other variants of covid, including delta. hospitalizations are rising overall with the caseload. but fewer people are being rushed to the hospital now than at the height of the delta variant. that speaks to both the problem and the ray of hope as vaccinations take hold, and the variant may not be as damaging. we're joined now by dr. ebony hilton from the university of virginia. thanks for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> what does it mean when we see the data that covid is breaking case records, but this variant is less damaging? >> right. whenever i hear the phrase mild, it really unnerves me. what does mild mean, right? we know with asymptomatic persons, there's data that shows 50% of them will drop long covid. it's literally, your organs no longer properly function. to call it mild is to belittle the thing that many americans are suffering through day to day. >> you're speaking to the fact that not dying from something doesn't make it great. you know, you can have a car accident, thank goodness nobody was killed. yet someone could be hurt or affected in a way that impacts the rest of their life. as for the parts of it that do seem less severe, which doesn't mean don't take precaution, oxford is saying we need to up our language distinctions. this isn't the same type of covid as delta. the disease appears to be less severe, average length of stay in the hospital is three days. it's not the same disease we were seeing a year ago, they say. >> it may not be the same disease, but we know that 62% of americans are fully vaccinated. only 18% of us have been boosted. and we have to see who is accounting for more of our cases. at this point, 200,000 children were diagnosed with covid-19 over christmas week. 1 out of every 10 united states children has been infected with covid-19. 1 in 10. and those children, if you look at new york city, hospitalizations are up for kids, up 400% over the last couple of weeks. this is not benign. we know those children are largely unvaccinated. so to say it's mild because i don't end up in the hospital and having to need oxygen, it's unfair. these children are showing us, it may not be a mild thing at all. and yesterday, we had 2,600 americans die. that's one american every 32 seconds. so when we have this soaring of cases, of which we had 412,000 cases yesterday, we had that large amount that surpasses winter of last year, why are we rolling back safety precautions? why are we taking down the guards that help keep us safe? why, if it's so important for those persons now to say you need to be at home for five days, then wear a mask for five days? cdc, why have you not told the nation that every american should be wearing a mask at all times, because we're having these cases that are mounting. the resources we have in our hospital, it's about to break. we need to act now and not tomorrow. >> you're hitting the cdc, as others have. it's a tough job, and here they are getting criticized for that policy shift. we'll see what the data bears out on that. dr. hilton, thanks for kicking us off tonight. >> thank you. >> we turn now to breaking news. just moments ago, within the last news hour here, we got a verdict in the ghislaine maxwell trial, guilty on 5 of the 6 counts in that sex trafficking case. she was indicted for effectively being the point person who helped jeffrey epstein commit years of alleged abuse. his trial never occurred, he died under suspicious circumstances while incarcerated. she was acquitted on one count on enticing a minor to travel and engage in sexual acts. each of these counts, it's a devastating legal outcome for her. she would face decades in prison, and also awaits another trial on a separate perjury count. i'm joined by melissa murray, what does this verdict mean? >> we all recognize this was as much about jeffrey epstein as it was about ghislaine maxwell. a lot of the energy was being channeled into this trial for ghislaine maxwell. for many of the victims and for those who have watched this case with great interest, this is a real vindication and accountability for what was alleged to have happen, and what the jury believed did happen. >> what do you see in the way that the government approached this case? because there were many problems in the handling of jeffrey epstein, as someone who had many public allegations against him for many years. at the same time, there seems to be an effort by some prosecutors, however late in the game, to go after this stuff and to go after in this case ms. maxwell, accused of heinous acts, not as heinous as him, legally, but the prosecutors looking at that very, very aggressively, rather than saying that's just a side person or an accomplice. >> i think they made clear they were taking this seriously. jeffrey epstein had a number of charges levied against him. he pleaded guilty to prosecution charges in florida. he had a southern district charge leveled against them, but of course he died while that was pending. this makes clear that they're going to prosecute these kinds of questions, especially in high-profile matters like this one, to the hilt. they were dogged, 30 witnesses over the course of the trial, it was very clear that the judge wanted to make sure that this trial was completed. that the looming crisis of the covid risk would not complicate the administration of justice in this case. and they got the verdict, and i think the prosecution earns a well deserved round of applause for seeing this through under such difficult circumstances. >> what is the message to other individuals who look at this kind of case, we heard testimony from some of the women here about, i should say testimony and others gave public interviews, and referenced the fear of coming forward? >> i think they made clear that, you know, this is a case that was building over decades. these women were testifying about abuses that happened to them when they were teenagers. many of them are in their 30s and 40s. so a long time coming to achieve justice, but they were staunch and stalwart that justice needed to be done, and what happened should not have happened to them. and it's a lesson, justice may take time, but it can come when it's necessary, and when, again, there is a will to do justice and see justice done. >> yeah. it's a big story here. and as i mentioned, it's a slower news time for the holidays. the government is closed, in many ways. but the courts go on. the jury decided when they decided, and that was today. always good to have you here to break it down. happy holidays to you. >> happy holidays to you. we have a lot more coming up, including harry reid's legacy. a special guest from inside the obama world of the democratic party. later, i want to share a special report on the evidence of a documented double standard on how police treat different protests. and later, sharon stone on "the beat," talking film, politics, and maybe even some very special musical moments. stay with us. us i grow all my own vegetables shingles doesn't care. we've still got the best moves you've ever seen good for you, but shingles doesn't care. because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. but, no matter how healthy you feel, your immune system declines as you age increasing your risk for getting shingles. so, what can protect you? shingrix protects. you can protect yourself from shingles with a vaccine proven to be over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your pharmacist or doctor about shingrix. shingles doesn't care. but you should. are you taking a statin drug to reduce cholesterol? it can also deplete your coq10 levels. i recommend considering qunol coq10 along with your statin medication. the brand i trust is qunol. aleve-x. it's fast, powerful long-lasting relief with a revolutionary, rollerball design. because with the right pain reliever... life opens up. aleve it... and see what's possible. medusa lived with a hideous curse. uhh, i mean the whole turning people to stone thing was a bit of a buzz kill, right? 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[cheering] that was awesome. and, the hits won't quit, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. all that entertainment built in. xfinity. a way better way to watch. how not to be a hero: because that's the last thing they need you to be. you don't have to save the day. you just have to navigate the world so that a foster child isn't doing it solo. you just have to stand up for a kid who isn't fluent in bureaucracy, or maybe not in their own emotions. so show up, however you can, for the foster kids who need it most— at the main reason i'm here is because there's a guy from searchlight, nevada -- [ cheers and applause ] -- who has been fighting on behalf of nevada for most of his life. and is now fighting for working families all across america. and that's your senate majority leader, harry reid. [ cheers and applause ] >> then-president obama discussing the now late harry reid, who passed away tuesday at the age of 82. he rose from humble origins, also an amateur boxer, who boxed his way into the political scene. taking up the leadership of the senate democratic caucus. he sometimes used that bully pulpit to stop republican onslaughts, reid pushed through what at the time was considered potentially controversial stimulus spending after the financial crisis. he passed a type of wall street reform that is in law and is debated to this day. and he, along with president obama, was key to ever making obama care law. he had a pretty low-key style in public, and he was considered effective. >> he comes across as soft-spoken. he was like, well, you know. [ laughter ] even when he's in front of a big crowd, he's like, well, you know. [ laughter ] okay. okay. we're trying here. trying hard. you know, i mean, that's just how harry is. but anybody who knows harry knows he's made of strong stuff. this is one tough guy. >> strong stuff, said barack obama. and in their friendship and political alliance, you could also see a kind of a different model for political strength. a type of strength that works through results, not through bluster and yelling. are there lessons for democrats in the current biden era, with a lot of controversies. you follow the news, i bet you've noticed, centered on the united states senate and its sometimes weird and antiquated rules. harry reid cut deals, and found ways to get results. he did everything he had to do to get his caucus together on obama care, at a time when it was not as popular as it proves in today's polling. he worked with moderates, including someone who was sort of the manchin of his day, ben nelson, who was also a dem in a red state. but reid would get onboard with progressives like bernie sanders. when republicans obstructed obama nominees, reid said, fine, i'll call your bluff, i have the power, i'll change the rules. that ended a type of filibuster, not all of them. now, a current democrat, schumer, says this. >> he saw what was happening on the senate. there was a group of people in the hard right, they decided to tie it in a knot. and he said that shouldn't happen. his views evolved, and he was a strong advocate of changing the rules of the senate. which i hope we carry forward with us in the next few weeks. >> that was chuck schumer last night on msnbc, as the news was breaking, talking about leaning more into the reid playbook if they can get the votes. and reid did publicly back biden's efforts to spend more and go big. he said, if we have the will, we have the opportunity to improve the lives of millions of families and build some more prosperous for generations to come. as we reflect on this history, this man, this set of contributions to america, as well as what it means for what chuck schumer just said last night, we are joined by david plouffe, former adviser to president obama, who was in the white house during some of those key times. thanks for being here. >> of course, ari. good to be here. >> your thoughts? >> well, i think it's evident by the clip you showed, and the letter that barack obama released last night, barack obama loved harry. as did i. he was an amazing guy to be in the foxhole with. he knew where his votes were and were they weren't. he was passionate, a fighter. and i spent a lot of time on air force one during the re-election, and he probably cared more about it than barack obama did. and he was savvy, tough, he knew how to find compromise, when not to. you could trust him. his word was bond. but in a way, mcconnell is the same way. he very rarely gets over his skis. he knows when he can deliver, when he can't. and that's what made harry reid an effective leader. he had an amazing passion for the underdog, for people who needed a little assistance to build a better life. >> yeah. and he saw himself certainly as a populist, and trying to work those levers of power for people. and his old boss did release, different in a way that bluster has been working recently, this was pretty old school. i'll read from it, as we remember senator reid, i wouldn't have been president had it not been for your encouragement or support. and i wouldn't have gotten most of what i got done without your skill and determination. i'll mention for viewers, folks may have heard about this, david, this was something that harry reid's wife, now widow, had gathered letters. we think about the expression, when do we talk about people, when do you get your flowers? she got some of the letters so she could read it to him before he passed. tell us a little more about what, in that first person, second person letter, what president obama was saying. >> those weren't just kind words, ari. to someone in their last days. those are words that i've heard barack obama mention ad nauseam. when barack obama was gingerly thinking about running for president, harry reid sat him down and said you ought to really think about it. i remember talking to him after that, it really took him aback. he didn't expect harry reid to say at that young in his senate career that he ought to think about running for president. and whether it was the affordable care act or other things, barack obama could trust harry reid, and harry reid could trust barack obama. and i can't tell you how many conversations i would have with harry reid, he would talk for five or seven seconds, then hang up. he was not for long conversations. he was someone about results. and i think history will show that he delivered results for this country, unlike many people who have been in that building in washington. >> what does it mean what chuck schumer said last night, if anything? >> it's encouraging. i think there are so many issues. but we're down to two, really. what elements of the build back better agenda can get passed? i still think there's a very good opportunity to pass good chunks of it, with joe manchin's support. the thing i think harry reid would be most focused on is saving our democracy. that's when we need the manchins and the sinemas, not just them, a few other democrats, with us. right now, you would probably short democracy. if the republicans do take over in 2022, and i hope they don't, at that point it's too late. democrats have to act right now to save this republic and save democracy. i think that's what harry reid would be focused on. and what chuck schumer said last night was great. it is the big thing in front of us. if we slip into the spring without protecting our democracy, we will probably regret that for the rest of time. >> yeah. david, thank you very much. i hope people are listening. we now have our shortest break of the hour, just 60 seconds. when we return, basically approaching the anniversary of the insurrection, i have a special report on accountability for the maga rioters, and confronting the double standard in policing. we're back in 60 seconds. as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ the january 6th riot anniversary is on the way. right now, a special report on the double standard in policing in america. on january 6th, we saw federal law enforcement, then overseen by the trump administration, completely caught off-guard by the violent protesters. reporters showing there was not enough fortification, not enough of a show of force. contrast this to the black lives matter protest in l.a. police in riot gear, some looked like they were ready for war, and they were striking protesters who were reportedly standing with hands up. >> [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> that's how some officers were dealing, as you saw, peaceful protesters in the light of day, who were nowhere near the vice president or congress. and these people who breached federal property, and threatened officers and worse. here's officers pouring water in their eyes to reduce the impact that the tear gas that the same officers themselves dispersed. this is what it looks like, an officer going out of their way to assist people on the scene. a total contrast to police actions at many blm protests where peaceful protesters were tear gassed, then they were fleeing. they weren't on any trespassed property, they weren't rendered any aid. these are facts. now, this report tonight is not trying to proclaim what the ideal tactic is in every policing situation. this report is showing the facts of an american reality. but let's be clear. these are facts that many would rather ignore or minimize or lie about. this is america, this is the double standard that many would rather not face. on the left, the police rendering aid to people in a crowd while they were still actively breaking the law and trespassing, breaching the capitol at a crime scene that included a killing. on the right, police treating black and brown people, and other blm supporters, who by most accounts were not breaking any law, certainly not trespassing. i got to tell you, this is where words can fail us. this double standard, it can make even simple terms pretty orwellian. law enforcement is supposed to be a factual term, nothing more than that. but look at a member of the capitol police in riot gear who appears to be escorting a lawbreaker down the steps, and releasing the vast majority of these people, not arresting them. the people inside the capitol were breaking the law. they were in an active trespass zone, and they other broke other laws that protect federal buildings. if a person is helping walk them out in the middle of that law-breaking, can we accurately call that law enforcement? they're not enforcing the law in that moment. it's broader than any picture that goes viral or any single moment. the recent blm protests in washington were peaceful, but 289 people were arrested in one day. 427 over four days. you see there, they made just 41 arrests amidst the capitol breach. if you take the larger account of arrests beyond the capitol, it jumps to 68. but 41 of them in that criminal mob at the capitol. those are some numbers that may not go as viral as some of the pictures and videos. but they're that larger factual context. this is america. this white man there, leisurely sitting at the desk of the elected speaker of the house of representatives of the united states, he had the time to gloat and pose compared to how police instantly arrested the woman on the right. she committed no visible crime. she was protesting a shooting of alton sterling in 2016. police took her away on a charge of obstructing a highway. it is a selective embrace, very specifically, of some americans, even as they're literally part of a mob attacking officers and breaking laws. some officers going forward to take a selfie in the middle of an active crime scene, in the middle of the trespassing of these individuals. a contrast to the all too routine personal escalation of officers against blm protesters, shoved to the ground. escalation. we can't read anybody's minds, but we can report what they do. at a recent protest at mcconnell's office, they knew how to make instant arrests, dragging away protesters, some, by the way, in wheelchairs. what a different way that people are treated, based on whether those individuals were deemed by law enforcement as somehow sympathetic to police or deemed enemies of the state, because they're black, brown, or doing activism that may back black or brown people or criticizing part of the government or policing. these facts are not new, nor are the double standards. some of the documentation is new. we have more cameras, and networks to share the videos that document these very old, enduring facts of america. and some of those videos may have helped change minds in 2020. documents always matter, i want you to know that. yet we also need to be clear about the old truths. from my reporting, it seems like black americans know these truths. it's especially dangerous for them not to. it seems like most white americans know these truths. it seems like the riots knew these truths, these facts, very well. it seems like they took this double standard as a given. it's unacceptable. what happened is, even amidst everything we know, a low point for american democracy. there are some who have wrongly said, this just isn't who we are. let me tell you something, it's who we are today, and tomorrow, unless and until we do something about it. if you are sitting through all of this and thinking, nothing ever changes, or it only gets worse, i would tell you from reporting on this and observing it, i understand exactly how you feel. a lot is changing even as it feels like too many things are not. we do return to the question, a question for all of us, from the government down to our citizens. you've seen the facts. they're not new. what are we going to do about it? do about it ♪♪ in wash-scent booster ♪♪ downy unstopables the republican governor of florida facing a fresh wave of criticism as covid continues to slam his state. florida has record breaking numbers. over 40,000 new cases today in just that state. the mayor of orange county says desantis has been m.i.a. where is the governor? also saying that local officials are being burdened with trying to figure out testing. this mayor is not alone. there is other local coverage, people in florida who have been living through desantis' approach to covid for years now. and a democrat trying to replace desantis as governor, saying the crisis has not been addressed, it's time to increase testing and to end a burden that is better dealt with by policies that are available. and democrats say, unused by this very political republican governor. that's just a quick update out of florida. coming up next, sharon stone is here on politics, movies, and what she's learned with a life on the public stage. that's next. discount, the more u have with us, the more you could save on your auto insurance. 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"the new york times" in 1994. sharon stone is one of the top two female stars in hollywood, along with julia roberts, who plays victims in need of rescue by men, while ms. stone is at her best while playing strong, capable women. do you remember what that article was headlined? >> i don't. >> "the ultimate question, can sharon stone act?" why was there this enduing public and critical questioning of your talent? >> i think misogyny is strong, and it's still incredibly strong. when you portray strength, it's easier to say there's something wrong with you. and if you're strong and smart and if you have boundaries, there must be something wrong with you. it couldn't possibly that you're just a self-possessed female who has both feet on the ground. >> how do you think that plays out in the way we deal with people in power in government and in reality? >> we see this very strongly, even with liz cheney, who, let's say, i don't agree with all of her views. but i certainly agree with her right and ability to have them. and i thought she had them quite well. but we're trying to, i don't know how to explain it. it's almost like mccarthyism all over again. there's such an insistence that we have a common opinion about this, and a common opinion about that. if you don't, see you later. i feel that every time we do that, it's against what this country is about. that is not democracy. >> and in the book, you write about the difference between the critical reception of the times, which in many cases just doesn't endure very well. it doesn't look all that great in the rear view. >> not in the rear view, and right out the window. >> so you have this great line i want to read. you say, a critic sees movies for free, and tells you what they think. an audience tells you how a movie makes you feel. >> yes. >> we look to the wisdom of lyrics sometimes around here. and you write songs yourself. >> oh. >> what do you got? you got something? >> i know how much you like rap. if you could give me a little beat box me in, i have a little rap here for you. >> you have a rap. i don't know how to beat box, and i wouldn't claim to. but this is, like -- ♪♪ ♪ i'm on the air with ari heart beating a ferrari ♪ ♪ i could have been a-zooming but i wanted to be in the rooming ♪ ♪ who would want to miss that ♪ >> how can i say this in the most professional way possible. there are many people who dreamed to have this experience with you. i'm happy you're sharing it with us. >> you know -- [ laughter ] >> how many songs have you written? >> me, a couple hundred songs. >> the line i was thinking of that echoes from your book is, if you know method man from wu tang, with regard to critics. he says, "f" a rap critic. he talk about it while i live it. >> that's really it. it's like people say to me, you know, when was the last time you watched whatever? and i'm like, i don't really watch them. i live them. >> right. >> i was there. it's like i don't need to go back and look at it. because i was actually on the inside of it. >> yet in your world and ours, prestige still matters to most people. it's still factored in. and the critics and the awards figure in somehow. it seemed meaningful to you when you got by many accounts the well deserved golden globe for "casino". >> i was so "casino". >> i was so shocked. >> you looked a little surprise. when is the last time you seen the awards? >> i never saw it. >> the winner is sharon stone for "casino." >> and no one is more surprised than me. it's -- okay, it's a miracle. [ laughter ] thank you to the foreign press associates and for your support to me tonight and for the 19 years i've been waiting for this moment. i have to thank touching me with his incredible genius and making room for the breath and annoying moments of my uncontrollable passion for this part. >> what did it mean to you? >> a lot. [ laughter ] it's so touching to see that. it meant everything to me. i mean, i -- that's so touching. oh my god. that's so funny. >> what makes you tearful about it now? >> look, i'm a kid from nowhere. you know? i grew up in a farming community. i mean, there were 87 kids in my school class, you know what i mean? it was really one stop town. and i had a very big dream that grew up from watching black and white movies on tv that had three channels on "good days" and bunny ears on the top. i'm not the person people pick. i'm the dark of darkest horses, you know? and so i went and i told vera wang my friend -- thank you, ari, thank you. i said make me a dress that makes me look like i just jumped out of the swimming pool and came over. i don't want to look like a big loser in a big puffy dress. >> you were projecting ahead and the industry makes you dress for what is going to happen. you were projecting to the moment you thought you would be the digfied loser. >> and i wouldn't have to go through the horrible feeling and like la, la, la, so when i won i was like my god, so i was already behind. so i got up and i started up the stairs and i kind of didn't know what was going on and tom hanks grabbed me by the arms and went, you deserve this. and they want a good show. don't cry. and i went oh. >> he said don't cry? >> yeah. >> why? >> because they want a good show. you deserve this. go get it. i was like oh, okay. >> but you still took the shot once you were up there and said it was over due. >> yeah, because it was funny. it was just funny. like, it was funny. i remember steve martin was sitting in the front and really laughing and i thought, oh, that's good. >> yeah. >> at least people are laughing. >> at least people are laughing. that is just part of the discussion that i had as you saw outside there with sharon stone. you can go on youtube and see the rest. search melber and sharon stone. there was more. the entire interview was there. we love to share the special sitdowns. when we come back, i have one more thing that's about the point of life. hi tng that's abo point of life. americans who experience occasional bloating, gas or abdominal discomfort? taking align can help. align contains a quality probiotic to naturally help soothe digestive upsets 24/7. try align, the pros in digestive health. and join the align healthy gut team up and learn what millions of align users already know. how great a healthy gut can feel. sign up at also try align dualbiotics gummies to help support digestive health. what does the future of strength look like? ♪ ♪ it's a personal trainer that assesses your strength and adds weight as you progress. it's dynamic weight that adjusts for you in real time for a more efficient workout. c'mom and it's a roster of coaches that motivate you to get stronger, faster. the future is strength you can feel and results you can see. and you can only experience it... 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"the reidout" starts now with tiffany cross in for joy. >> hi, ari, we have a busy show to get to. we'll see you tomorrow, my friend. thank you and have a good evening. thank you to everyone at home for tuning in. i'm tiffany cross in for joy reid. remembering a great american fighter. harry reid the long-time senate democratic leader died tuesday at age of 82 after a

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Interviews , Fear , Teenagers , Their 30s And 40s , 40 , Will , Lesson , Stalwart , Ways , Holidays , Courts Go On , Story , President Obama , Harry Reid , World , Guest , Democratic Party , Police , Special Report , Protests , Double Standard , Evidence , Talking Film , Doesn T Care , Moves , Vegetables , Politics , Shingles , Shingrix , Protection , Matter , Immune System Declines , 3 , Vaccine , Everyone , Reactions , Dose , Ingredients , 90 , Fainting , Side Effects , Injection Site , Swelling , Redness , Fever , Shivering , Headache , Stomach , Tiredness , Doctor , Pharmacist , Muscle Pain , Shingles Doesn T Care , Guillain BarrÉ Syndrome , Brand , Qunol , Statin Drug , Levels , Statin Medication , Cholesterol , Qunol Coq10 , Relief , Pain Reliever , Revolutionary , Aleve X , Rollerball Design , Aleve , Buzz Kill , Bit , Curse , Medusa , Uhh , Prime , Sunglasses , Clever Girl , Eugh , Everything , Alice , Scent , Gain , Scent Beads , Fairy Godmother , Question , Payroll , Team , Scent Collection , Owner , Intuit Quickbooks , Preview , Sneaker Drop , Shoe , Inner Voice , Sneaker , Try Spring Daydream , Wall , Entertainment , Binge Watching , Step , Apps , Bag , Place , Xfinity , Nice , Sports , Cost , Voice , Touchdown , Cheering , The Hits Won T Quit , Irish , Peacock Premium , Hero , Foster Child Isn T , Kid , Emotions , Foster Kids , Isn T Fluent In Bureaucracy , Helpfosterchildren Com , Cheers , Reason , Nevada , Guy From Searchlight , United States Senate , Majority Leader , Most , Fighting , Behalf , Working Families , Age , Origins , 82 , Scene , Leadership , Bully Pulpit , Amateur Boxer , Senate Democratic Caucus , Republican , Onslaughts , Law , Stimulus Spending , Wall Street Reform , Public , Obama Care , Style , Laughter , Front , Crowd , Anybody , Guy , Friendship , Alliance , Strength , Results , Bluster , Model , Lessons , Yelling , Rules , News , Deals , Controversies , Caucus , Moderates , Polling , Republicans , Fine , Red State , Progressives , Nominees , Joe Manchin , Dem , Ben Nelson , Bernie Sanders , Power , Bluff , Filibuster , Right , Chuck Schumer , Shouldn T , Group , Knot , He Saw , Advocate , Last Night On Msnbc , Opportunity , Votes , Lives , Families , Efforts , Millions , Playbook , Go Big , Biden , Man , Generations , History , Set , David Plouffe , Contributions , Ari Heart Beating , Thoughts , Clip , White House , Adviser , Letter , Fighter , Weren T , Foxhole , Re Election , Air Force One , Compromise , Word , Tough , Savvy , Bond , Mcconnell , Skis , Passion , Leader , Populist , Underdog , Assistance , Levers , Release , Boss , Support , Old School , Encouragement , Determination , Skill , Letters , Wife , Viewers , Widow , Expression , Flowers , Second Person , What , Words , President , Him Down , Ad Nauseam , Career , Things , Affordable Care Act , Conversations , Country , Building , Washington , Agenda , Build , Chunks , Anything , Elements , Issues , Democracy , Sinemas , Manchins , They Don T , 2022 , On , Save , Republic , Break , Spring , Listening , 60 , Standard , Policing , Insurrection , Anniversary , Maga Rioters , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Customization , Dj , Throwback , Liberty , Liberty The January 6th Riot Anniversary , Law Enforcement , On January 6th , January 6th , Protesters , Show , Reporters , Force , Off Guard , Fortification , Protest , Riot Gear , War , L A , Officers , You Saw , Dealing , Light , Bleep , Vice President , Property , Or Congress , Officer , Tear Gas , Eyes , Impact , Water , Contrast , Tear , Police Actions , Trespassed Property , Blm , They Weren T , Facts , Report , Tactic , Aid , Reality , Policing Situation , Crime Scene , Capitol , Trespassing , Left , Police Rendering Aid , Accounts , Supporters , Killing , Who , Terms , Nothing , Capitol Police , Term , Steps , Member , Majority , Lawbreaker , Middle , Laws , Buildings , Trespass Zone , Law Breaking , Picture , Were Peaceful , Four , 289 , 427 , 41 , Arrests , Account , Criminal Mob , Capitol Breach , 68 , Videos , Numbers , Context , Pictures , Speaker Of The House Representatives , Woman , Desk , Crime , Highway , Shooting , Alton Sterling , 2016 , 2016 Police , Part , Mob Attacking Officers , Selfie , Embrace , Escalation , Blm Protesters , Ground , Minds , Office , Wheelchairs , State , Activism , Enemies , Black , Brown , Standards , Documentation , Cameras , Change Minds , Truths , Reporting , Documents , 2020 , Riots , Just Isn T , American Democracy , Given , Thinking , Changes , Citizens , Unstopables , Governor , Criticism , Wave , Mayor , Officials , Desantis , Orange County , 40000 , Coverage , Burden , It S Time , Approach , Movies , Policies , Update , Discount , Auto Insurance , Burke , The Public Stage , Hon , Honey , Jet Skis , Boat , Bum , Discounts , Sup , Dad , Garage , Farmers Policy Perks , Pa Dum , Forty Five , Seventeen , Generation , Greatest , Tyranny , Narrator , Beach , Threat , Oval , Nuclear War , Preacher , Voting Rights , Enemy Superpower Tear , Gate , Bridge , Alabama , Selma , West Berlin , Freedom , Leaders , Ideals , Call , Continent , Passing The Freedom To Vote Act , Back , The Call , Voting Rights Act , John Lewis , Lifestyle , Extra , Program , Ww Personalpoints , Assessment , Diet Food , Plan , Goals , Arugula , Foods , Points , Cheese , Wine , Ww Personalpoints Program , Ww Com , Offer Ends January 3rd , Hurry , January 3rd , 26 , Cold , Cold Shortening Brand , It Shortens Colds , Love Zicam , Must , Medicine Cabinet , Zifans , Unique Zinc Formula , Security , Control , Colds , Family , Pause Wifi , Peace Of Mind , Xfinity Xfi , Family Safe Browsing , Parents , App , Academy Award , Hi , Memoir , Professional , Actors , Field , Honor , Robert De Niro , Characters , In My Life , Extroverted , Career Opportunities , Instinct , Character , Film , Don T , Actor , Serene , Publicity Persona , Idea , Degree , Fun , Funny , Knee , Movie , Julia Roberts , The New York Times , Stars , Rescue , Need , Hollywood , 1994 , Stone , Article , I Don T , Men , Misogyny , Questioning , Enduing , Talent , Boundaries , Female , It Couldn T , Feet , Ability , Views , Liz Cheney , Let , Opinion , Insistence , Mccarthyism , Book , Difference , Reception , View , Line , It Doesn T , Critic , Window , Songs , Lyrics , Wisdom , Audience , Yes , Rap , Beat Box , On The Air , Ferrari , Rooming , How , Experience , Method Man , Critics , Echoes , Wu Tang , Rap Critic , F , Prestige , Inside , Casino , Awards , Figure , Golden Globe , Winner , Surprise , It S A Miracle , Press , Associates , Breath , Genius , Oh My God , Dream , Nowhere , Farming Community , Town , My School Class , 87 , Days , Channels , Top , Tv , Bunny Ears , Black And White , Friend , Dark , Horses , Vera Wang , Big Puffy Dress , Loser , Swimming Pool , God , Industry , La , Digfied Loser , Stairs , Arms , Didn T Know , Don T Cry , Tom Hanks , Steve Martin , Interview , Discussion , Search Melber , Youtube , Hi Tng , Abo Point , Taking Align , Discomfort , Quality Probiotic , Sitdowns , Gas , Bloating , 24 7 , Health , Pros , Gut , Users , Try Align , Alignprobiotics Com , Weight , Trainer , Dualbiotics , Workout , Roster , Faster , Coaches , C Mom , Tonal , Shinges , Bike , Pad , Discreet , Layers , Bladder Leak Pads , Turmeric , Supplements , Inflammation Support , Qunol Turmeric , Superior Absorption , Joints , Benefits , Cartoon , Conversation , Community , Purpose , Co Created , Producer , Creator , Rick And Morty , Internet , Passions , Renewal , Television , Taste Bud , Tongue , Writing , Rick , The Club , Pal , Answer , Work , Mom Wrong , Ari Melber , Tom Cruise , Success , Inspire , Note , Very Sarcastic , Tennis , Reaction , Dan Hamon , Wasn T Long Enough , Dan Harmon , 20 , Fans , Instagram , Rimelber , Uncut , Link , Web , Tiktok , Tiktok Wheree , Twitdtwitter , The Reidout , Joy , Tiffany Cross , Joy Reid , Tuning , Evening , Democratic Leader ,

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