Transcripts For MSNBC Deadline White House 20240709 : compar

Transcripts For MSNBC Deadline White House 20240709

streaming in. from "the washington post" report on the run-up on the january 6th insurrection, quote, he invited the fbi, the department of homeland security, military intelligence services and other agencies to see the information in real time. as his team collected it, he took another extreme step. he asked the city's health department to convene a call of d.c. area hospitals and urged them to prepare for a mask casualty event. empty your emergency rooms, he said and stock up your blood banks. yet, those warnings, in large part, are completely unheeded. on the morning of january 6th, he began to see the red flags he was trying to shine the light on bear out. quote, harvin pulled onto the baltimore-washington parkway to head downtown from suburban maryland and was surprised to find him in heavy traffic. then he noticed the car in front of him had an out-of-state license plate. so did the one around that. he was surrounded. every car in front of him had flags, bumper stickers or other pro-trump paraphernalia. harvin called into the city's homeland center to report what he was seeing. quote, this is going to be twice as big as anything we thought he told one of his deputies. it was the second such call to come in within minutes, another employee reported a similar scene on the highways headed into the city from virginia, from every direction, trump supporters were converging on the nation's capitol. now, as the investigation by the january 6th select committee begins to make swift headway with hundreds of cooperating witnesses and thousands of documents already proud, darnell harvin joins us to discuss what needs to be done to prevent the next coup, which may already in in motion ahead of 202004. the former chief of homeland security and intelligence for washington, d.c. now a senior policy researchers for rand focusing on homeland security, domestic terrorism and information sharing. welcome to our program. it's such a pleasure to get to talk to you. >> thank you for having me. >> so we have covered your warnings for months. you are more than a canary in the coal mine. ump pressient. you were looking into a crystal ball. how did you know when so many other agencies were clearly and tragically caught flat-footed? >> i think the question is more how did they not know? there was a large amount of information that was coming in as has been previously reported and to be quite honest with you, you didn't need to be an intelligence officer or agent to be able analyze and see what was coming. however. we did our job. we collected that information. we analyzed as much as we could and when we got to the point that we had just an overwhelming amount of information that we couldn't do anything with, we reached out to partners across the country, convened a meeting of over 300 fusion centres, over 300 vehicles from the nation and enlisted their assistance with helping us cull through some of this disturbing information we were finding. and looking for anything clear, credible threats. >> what made you so concerned that it would become more than a protest, that it would become violent and a mass casualty event the likes of which area hospitalized needed to empty ought your ers and stock up on blood? what threat of intelligence made you fear that? >> that's a great question. so it's a few things. the first thing was the finality of this opportunity to stop what these supporters saw the flawed or stolen election. after the election results were certified, there would be no other opportunity to do so. so that was a significant date in and oft. the other things were the individual that were coming to join in the, what we thought, what we hoped would be a peaceful protest and these individuals historically do not come to d.c., so we're unfamiliar with them. our militia and people who have been known to be tied to violent extremism. and so, when you combine those elements along with the third element, which i think your viewers should really understand is extremely concerning, which is the rise and maturation of the conspiracy theory movement. so i think when we look back, the history books will see, pardon me, the history books will see january 6th as really a coming together of the conspiracy theory movement, maturation and main streaming conspiracy theorists as well as our militia. so when they are of like mind and directed towards one goal, it becomes a very dangerous situation. that's exactly what we saw in the weeks leading up to january 6th. and what we share with our partners. >> you know, are you surprised that the reaction to the threat once realize has been so hardened along partisan lines? these were law enforcement official who's protected the democratic and republican lawmakers inside that building. they were brutalized by donald trump supporters. they've described the combat as misevil. yet, one of the two parties killed an independent commission to investigate when the two parties constantly describes the select committee's work as a witch hunt and donald trump's former advisers, a few of them are stonewalling, obstructing, refusing to participate into an investigation into a deadly attack on the seat of government? >> well, i don't get really into politics, so i'm not surprised if anything happens in washington, d.c. but i will tell you that the january 6th is just a point on a time line. we can trace it back to 20, 30 years earlier and instances with eric rudolph or timothy mcvey and it continues to this day. there are many people who do not come to d.c. who wish they had. so the small, really the small sample size of who resaw january 6th does not represent the entire movement of individuals that are radicalized and have the potential to mobilize towards violence. in regards to the -- >> sorry. keep going. >> in regards to the po lit sization, of not only january 6th but also things like covid restrictions are what's preventing the country from healing. and so, we see that as really an ongoing threat that becomes a wedge issue that allows extremists to continue to clutch on to something, to have a grievance with other americans about. >> yeah, i was bursting with and so rudely interrupted to ask you. is what should we be prepared for? what are you worried about as we near this 21-year anniversary? and you are right, it's just a point on a time line. it wasn't the end of anything. i think a lot of people worry it was the beginning. so as we head into the final weeks before the one-year anniversary, what are you looking at? what are you worried about? >> so we're looking at is continued polarization of things such as elections. that's extremely concerning. i think you will continue to see, for instance, not only election officials as well as elected officials as well as the institutions that support our democracy. we're going to see that necessarily in d.c. but you may see that in states. you may see that in counties. and so, as the threat has kind of receded from the nation's capitol as a lot of these nefarious actors have withdrawn to the darkest corners of the internet where we can't really see who they're doing, there is a chance for a lone wolf, what we call a lone wolf actor who is not leaving any trace or bread crum trails for law enforcement to track. they're blending into society. they're not individuals who would be necessarily reported to law enforcement. i really want to stress and emphasize the fact that our current domestic intelligence posture is based on a post-9/11 countering apocalyptic you know jihadi violence scenario. that really doesn't hold well against the domestic extremism and domestic terrorism threat we face today. these individuals look like you and i. they're not necessarily going to be reported. they're not doing anything that brings any suspicion to them. so it's really difficult to kind of predict where the next threat is going to happen or the next threat is coming from, rather. but we are concerned about violence around elections. election officials and institutions. politically, particularly because the political 55, the polarization environment that existed pre-january 6th that helped facilitate january 6th still exists. >> you have shared your insights with the january 6th committee. is that right? >> yes, i have. >> so i know that they're doing both what you describe, trying to pull the threat forward to protect from future attack not just in washington but as are you articulating in other spots around the country that don't benefit from folks like yourself protecting them or it's more spread out. i want to try to understand some of what they're piecing together with your assistance. this is from "the washington post" reporting on the hours and minutes before the january 6th attack. mid-way through trump's speech act 12:45 p.m., capitol police officers along with agents from the fbi and bureau of atf were dispatched to investigate reports of a pipe bomb, with a timer found outside the rnc headquarters and suspicious packages that the supreme court near the democratic national headquarters, all offices close to the capitol. one official darnell harvin said the bomb squads were responding to the suspicious package near the rnc building. the two flashed back to their tabletop exercise on december 30th how analysts had imagined a scenario in which improvised explosive devices could be used to distract officers from the capitol. is this really happening? it's clear your warnings before the i vent and the reaction on the day of it, that this was not an intelligence failure w. that stipulated, unless you disagree, how did everything else fall apart? >> well, i agree with you, that it wasn't wasn't intelligence failure. there is a nuance here that is important for your viewers to understand. the intelligence was there. it was sound. it was shared. the issue when it comes from intelligence, there is an operational consideration that needs to be accounted for. we thought thousands if not tens of thousands of people who were extremely upset with the election results and saying some horrific things online. unfortunately, those things do not cross the line of violence. so, they're protected under the first amendment. so what officials have to do is look through the intelligence and prepare for what could be a worst case scenario. in this particular case, in my particular unit, we prepare for the worst case scenario by going through a series of what we call red team exercises that mentally prepares us, that prepares us operationally for the worst case scenario. i don't know what other agency did or do to prepare for large events such as this, had they done something similar, they may have come to a similar conclusions that we did, it would be a very violent day and we need to prepare for the worst. >> what is your understanding as the investigation and the sort of public facing protests around the national guard response are really thrust into public view? what is your understanding of why the national guard didn't respond more quickly? >> there is two aspects of the national guard's response. the first was that the national guard was requested in advance by the mayor of d.c. and that's based on the information in intelligence that she got from our agency as well as from sister agencies. so that intelligence was acted upon. so that intelligence turned into an operational readiness or capacity to respond to violence. however, it was not nearly on the federal side, so the locals requested national guard troops and were approved for that and the federal government as the investigation is showing numerous documents have shown declined i believe on numerous occasions to request or activate the national guard. and so that's one of the big considerations that has to be looked that's. if you recall over the summer of 2020, we had a large amount of armed police officers, federal police officers that sent unto the district of colombia during civil unrest that we experienced in the after math of the murder of george floyd. these individuals were not invited to the district of colombia by the local government. we didn't know who they were, what agency they were operating under and many of them were unmarked. around we saw that as a security risk, because a lot of our militia that we were concerned with look identical to some of these federal law officers that we weren't coordinating with and had no idea. so if you fast forward to january 6th, that's in the back of our minds and so the request for national guard is natural because in the district of colombia, we know our national guard. they're local volunteers. they come from the national capitol region. they're familiar with our law enforcement posture with our city and our residents. and so, i don't know why the federal government didn't request it. that's something that's still being looked at. but i'm curious to find out the answer. i will say that without any clear specific or what we call credible threats, you know, we can't, law enforcement can't go and start knocking on people's doors because they say hateful things on the internet. once again, that's protected under our constitution that's free speech. that doesn't mean the security posture of the capitol does not take into account the vast amount of intelligence and information that was being shared that was suggested that people will be coming with weapons and they'd be coming with bad intent to enter the capitol and do harm to the institution as well as the individuals that were working inside the capitol and that would be congress. >> now, harvin, we have covered your warnings. we have covered your clarity about what was to come and it is a privilege and a pleasure to get to talk to you one-on-one. thank you so much for spending some time with us today. >> thank you. up next for us, a tragic story and a cautionary tale on the addictive grip of qonon. how one woman from georgia was radicalized in less than six months with dangerous disinformation. six months with dangerous disinformation highway. all they need is a bike and a full tank of gas. their only friend? 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>> as of this afternoon, it became number one on apple podcasts. >> congratulations. >> thank you so much. >> you told me this story in the makeup room over many, many weeks. i kind of waited to see you in the days that we were both in there to hear what happened next. you have to tell how this started. how this story, how you sought to sort of report out this story. >> yeah, i think a lot of people are surprised i went to high school? georgia. i was born overseas. when we moved to the u.s., i grew up in georgia. three day after tf insurrection when the entire country was consumed what was happening in d.c., i got a message from an old high school friend of mine, somebody i knew very well, played soccer with. he reached out to me on facebook saying you probably heard the news, my sister-in-law rosanne was radicalized in the span under six months. she died in the capitol wednesday, would you be willing to hear her story? it stopped me first in my tracks. my friend used the word radicalized. i wasn't expecting someone to use it in the context of america. >> how we deal with radicalized people. >> exactly. for him to use that word to describe what was happening on january the 6th was for me eye opening. immediately i said, yes, i spoke to him and saw him after 20 years, met the family. they gave us incredible act says. we spoke to our (, our friends. we a had access to her diaries and family group chats. we were able to begin to composite this radicalization that happened in the span of just six months. >> so how did it happen? >> it began according to family what web able to understand by her meeting someone in her recovery that ultimately introduced her to the qanon world which she became obsessed with. when i say obsessed with, i'm not talking about somebody who believed in conspiracies,b who would spend the entire night watching video after video after video beginning to share them with her friends and family, so much to the.that her family, which was seeing this in real time was pushing back a little bit and saying, like, hey, this is kind of crazy stuff. they knew she had a sobriety problem and historically had struggled. they didn't want to alienate her, push her back. they knew she suffered with suicidal thoughts. at one point as long as she wasn't talking about hurt heing herself it was something we didn't think was going to be so harm. it was something they struggled with for such a long time. she withdrew, she wasn't the loving, caring aunt always present around christmas opening present. they realized it was something problematic. it morphs to becoming an ar department supporter of donald trump and ultimately thinking the only way you will protect this conspiracy theory is to somehow dessertfy the election to overthrow the election and keep donald trump in power because he's the one that is fighting the good fight on our behalf. >> do they know she had gone to washington on january 6th? >> they find out at the very end. it's not something she talked about very openly. in fact, the sister finds out really a day or two before that she had gone up there. they tried to tell her, don't go, don't go. she promised them if she went she was just going to go to the rally, not march onto the capitol. this is a big part of this mystery. how did she end up going from where the trump speech was into the march up to january 6th into the capitol on the steps on january 6th. it's a part of the unanswered questions we set out to answer in the podcast series. >> i have one more question for you. there is a new one every week? >> every thursday and sunday. i'll be back all week. >> so how did having this connection to someone who died there change how you've covered events over the last 11 months? >> it's a very good question. it's made it personal for me. when i covered radialism, i say it's at a nexus of disinformation destitution and demagoguery. people have information on social media bombarded 24/7. what was new in america was the presence of a demagogue, somebody to manipulate this say hey, follow me, i acan fix it. if i shoot somebody on fifth avenue, my supporters will still love me. that's what was so dangerous. i had seen that overseas with the leaders of terrorist organizations and religious figureles. to see this now happen in a community which i knew to be very special community, it was pain. and it was one of the things speaking to this family saying, look, people will view her as a trump supporter. you know she was way more than that you seen the trajectory of her life. they're trying to figure out where the system let her down. because eighth process of over years that she started to have the destitution, that she was being bombarded with disinformation, that she was being promised a way out if she believed and subscribed to this conspiracy theory and donald trump was going to be the person to save her life or save this country and give her a sense of purpose. it's been a personal experience for me and justin is obviously the brother-in-law in this. at the same time with the hope of trying to get the family 106 some answers to how she died, not in the span offics months, but the final moments on the steps of the capitol. >> number one podcast in america. american radical is out now. thank you so much for spending some time with us to talk about it. t it >> d is the first approved medication to reduce inflammation on and below the surface of the intestine in uc. you, getting on that flight? 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♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ . if you are watching this show today with somebody else in the room. consider this, statistically speaking, at least one of you or perhaps both of you have found the pandemic has made it harder to maintain your own mental health. the fact is this. covid accelerated what was already a crisis in this country. so for a lot of us, sports were an answer, a coping mechanism, after all, camaraderie, community teamwork, it kneels medicinal at times like this. up lifting. we are commonly in the past, sports have been an escape from those feelings from anxiety or depression. this year, something changed in a very healthy way. you could almost call it a movement the way prominent athletes across nearly every professional sport have come forward with great courage, great honesty about their own struggles, reminding us, as the saying goes, that it is okay to not be okay. the athletes in 2021 have shown people nothing else, it's that depression, opening sight, suicidal thoughts and other battles people are fighting, it can happen to anyone, even the people who experienced the most success in their respective professions from grand slam winner naomi osaki wrote about her anxiety after pulling out of the french open to those decorative gymnasts of all time simone biles doing so at the olympics and chan giannis culminating to him getting a therapist. those are three examples, the philadelphia eagles all pro tackle lane johnson missed three games to focus on his mental health. listen to how he explains his own situation. >> this is something i've dealt with for a long time and, you know, there is obviously medications that help with this. but a lot of it you can't mask everything. >> how come you never said anything during that? >> because i felt i had my stuff temporarily under control. i was ashamed to be honest in this league in the nfl where it's gladiator-type sports. >> you need to talk about it. >> yeah, man, i was living in hell for a long time. >> wow. joining us now is janelle hill contributing writer for the atlantic and host of janelle hill on spotify and nba superstar renee montgomery, owner and vice president of the team. if we can turn to both of you on break news stories, political stories, sports stories, covid, intersection of all those things. we've never sat down and put this at the center of it. the example, the opportunity, in sharing their struggles. it's so powerful especially now. janelle, we talked about naomi osaki at the time and what that was like. the truth is, while most people don't ever have the experience of that greatness on the tennis court, a lot of people could relate to what she talks about. how sit received sort of in sports? >> first of all, thank you for having me. let me take this opportunity to say that you have now cleared up a long-standing rumor if you will. me and renee montgomery are sharing this green room. it's not the same person. >> i love this. i love this. we have to make this a thing. i love seeing both of you. >> i love her! >> yeah. >> yes, i appreciate it, though, now america knows, renee montgomery and i are actually different people. but anyway, getting back to your very serious question here, you know, i think in sports a lot of athletes felt the need not just in tennis but in other sports and other athletes look at naomi osaka as a great example and courage to speak about their own mental issues. for her to be at that point in her career and pull out of a major tournament and to shed a light on even if you are at the top of your sport, the amount of pressure, the stakes, having to deal with that all the time, the media scrutiny, a lot of people have just sort of conditioned themselves to believe that this is just the price you have to pay in order to be a big-time professional athlete and what i loved about naomi is that she took an ownership an empowerment and she really showed that just because you entertain people for a living, that doesn't give them the right or doesn't give them the space to necessarily, you know, sort of compromise mentally who you are. and so i think by doing this, that she really gave a lot of athletes a great sense of dignity, of ownership, so that they would not feel low but empowered to take moves to strengthen their mental health. because they talked for so long that it's okay or rather that they should do everything possible to be the very best at what they do and if that comes with sacrificing their mental health, so be it. she showed that there is a different way to go about things. >> you know, i love seeing both of you in one shot. you know, renee, some of what we lack as a country is the language of mental health, the language of how to say, yeah, i'm dressed and i came to work, but i'm not okay. some of what these athletes have given us is, you know, it's okay to not be okay. now talk about relief. it would seem some of what we put on athletes is the idealism, the perfection and that's just in their sport, but are we putting too much on them asking them to be our guides and nar nar raters of our public health? >> athletes, i agree with everything janelle said, having us here together. i feel comfortable have been janelle here. but it's interesting because athletes in 2020, that space was claimed. nobody asked athletes to become leaders in 2020. nobody had a me, asking hey can you help lead us through this? it just happened because that's a part of what athletes learn to do at a young age. you learn to lead, take charge when things aren't going well. you try to find a solution to a problem. there are a lot of problems in 2020. so athletes just started to do that. however, to your point, athletes aren't required to do that. >> all right. >> athletes don't have to do that. there are some that don't want top speak out about things that may not be comfortable talking in the political space. i had to become comfortable talking in the political space so that's not something that athletes are required to do. i think that it's if they do do it, that's great. because athletes are people that have been around and i'm talking about women basketball players. most of us graduate from a university. most of us have an education. also, a lot of us have toured the world. we seen other cultures. we've seen what it's like in different places. so we are a little bit qualified to talk about different things even including politics, because we've seen how life is in other countries, other than just our own, so when we started to talk about what athletes can do or should do, i always like to like wait a minute, pump your brakes a little bit. whatever athletes decide to do is their choice. i think when you see what's going on in the mental health space, spaces carved out with the naomi osaka, she is making it okay for to you understand there is a few type of superstar. we use to think of superstars as unbreakable, know motion, you can't get to them. that's not the new age superstar. you can look different ways and have mental struggles. you cannot be okay and still be a superstar. >> even more some when you look at, it's fair. we do. we put so much on athletes on both of you to explain some of the most screwed up things in politics. but i'm guilty of that. i guess and simone, we've all talked about, simone, her olympics were in some ways the most important and the most enduring and most lasting. you know, her sport and what is asked of her body is so exceedingly difficult, that she knew if her mind wasn't just right, it would endanger her. i don't know that there is applicable universal lesson for anyone else's body other than hers and her talent. but this universality of sort of knowing your limits and knowing your own state seems like something that no one should ever forget and just another gift that this extraordinary woman who finds herself. i think the "time's" athlete of the year this month is so deserving of our respect and yet she gets caught up in all of the toxic politic% of this moment. how do we sort of spare her from the bad stuff and make sure she knows how much we appreciate the good stuff, janelle? >> well, it can be difficult. because you know i'm guilty of this, too. there could be 300 people saying that they like something that i did. but i'll maybe focus in on the one person who didn't and i think sometimes what happens is when you don't take these breaks, when you don't do self care, when you don't sort of practice really giving yourself credit and props is that the toxic stuff you find more of a lane and a home in your head than anything else. what i love about simone is that even though she's the greatest female gymnast ever, even though you know she has become just this international superstar, she did say enough was enough and we now have to remember at this olympics beyond just the grueling difficult element of how she performed. we forget that she also was one of larry nassar's victims. and she was the only one of his victims competing at the olympics. so she came into the olympics with a different kind of mental strain than the other olympians that were there. because on top of being a survivor, she also is somebody who is the face of their sport and so when she made that decision to do that at the prime and the height of her career in what is considered to be you know sort of the most important, the super bowl for her, if you will, for her to do that at that point and say, you know what, i don't have it. i'm not going to pretend i do. this is where i draw the line. i thought it was not only courageous but it is an example i think for other athletes to know that it's okay that you have a limit. it's okay that you've reached the end. you don't constantly have to sacrifice yourself for other people to make other people comfortable to entertain other people and i think that's the most important message that i see from what she did. >> renee, i saw you nodded. what do you think? >> yeah. i agree. i think it's you know athletes are taught to endure a lot. so that's almost, that was almost the sign of a good athlete, how much can you take? how much you can handle? if the world is falling down around you and you are saying it's strong. they're like, wow, that person is tough, mentally tough. but you start to look at sports and realize that some of the way that it's conducted could be considered a little bit toxic. when you start to see athletes take a stand and say they're not okay. even speak out about mental health. even while i was playing, that was not a thing. i just retired. so this is a new thing that's happening where athletes are taking care of themselves and their mentals and they're being first. athletes aren't exempt to depression. they're not exempt to opening sight. athletes were for a long time hid it or covered it up or found a way to not lean into it. it doesn't mean it's not there. so i love people can express themself himself. i talk about it in the workplace with myself, i'm an athlete through and through. so when i write my e-mails, it doesn't matter, we're a team, i try to bring my authentic self to the table. when you are an athlete, sometimes you can't necessarily do that. people want you to stay in a certain lane that may not be your lane. you one day may be bubbly. the next day you may not be okay. that's okay. sometimes people have a problem when you change and you see it with even music artists. when they grow and their music changes, people are like, what? we don't want this no music? what is this certified loverboy? we want old drake. no, people mature and change. so you have to allow athlete that same grace. >> i need both of you to stick around a. quick break for us. we'll all be right back. k for us we'll all be right back. you get hungry for more and then you're just like, “wow, i'm learning about my family.” yeah, yep. which one, what'd you find? lorraine banks, look, county of macomb, michigan? look at grandma... hey grandma! unbelievable. everybody deserves to know who they are and where they came from. this whole journey has been such a huge gift for our family. ♪ feel stuck with credit card debt? move to sofi and feel what it's like to get your money right. ♪ move your high-interest debt to a sofi personal loan. you could save with low rates and no fees. earn $10 just for viewing your rate and get your money right. ♪ at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. 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(carolers) ♪better♪ (kate) this year, holiday better, with verizon. because everyone deserves better. we're back with janelle hill and renee montgomery. something you were both talking, the whole idea of playing through the pain. it doesn't work on the field. it doesn't work in life. janelle, just share one thing that's sort of gotten you through the year and gives you hope going into the new year? >> my husband. that would be one thing. i got married in 2019. i was able to sneak in a wedding before the pandemic started. and i was really fortunate because usually i'd be traveling all the time and he would be traveling for work. so we were sometimes like two ships passing in the night when we were engaged. but having this time together, further strengthening our relationship has really been amazing. because so many of my friend during the pandemic, they talked about the loneliness that they felt, being isolated and not having, missing that contact with people. i was, you know, it was beneficial for me, because i had my person right with me in the house. i think having him there and us being able to share and learn so much about each other more than we already knew was really a real blessing. so i thank helping me survive this. >> and you're a newlywed. renee, what's the thing that got you through and the thing that you're looking forward to in the new year? >> well, i'm a newlywed as well, got married in 2020. we recently -- yeah, we recently announced so i will say the same as jemele. serena grace got me through it, not just my wife but the community. i think a lot of times, even jemele, it's crazy jemele is sitting right here because we didn't make this up. jemele was just on my podcast, montgomery and company, because she helped shift and mold that and so i think community really got me through, even in atlanta. i'm not from atlanta, but you would never know it by how the city treats me, by how the city embraces me, so all of my tribe, you know, i have to shout out black women because there's a lot of black women that just came to me and asked me, what you need? do you need any help? what you trying to do? i don't even know some of them, but they just wanted to help so i have to give a huge shoutout to everybody that reached out, that just wanted to help and lend a hand and make sure i'm good when i opted out and the different things i'm doing so got to be my tribe that got me through. >> i have to say, you both give me so much inspiration and strength and renee, we talked a lot leading up to the election, jemele, we call on you for every crazy thing happens in politics, but i'm grateful for both of you for being part of this show and part of our conversations and for your candor. you both really moved me today. thank you so much for spending time with us. quick break for us. we'll be right back. me with us quick break for us we'll be right back. the guest bedroom slash music studio. the daybed slash dog bed. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪♪ we're making the fagioli! find yours ♪ ♪the vrbo app. ♪ ♪ this looks great. awesome. alright. thank you! what... what recipe did you use? 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zicam is the #1 cold shortening brand! highly recommend it! zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. it shortens colds! zicam. zinc that cold! before we all disconnect, hopefully, for a day or two to enjoy the holidays, just one parting thought. this holiday season, there are more than 800,000 empty chairs at dinner tables spread all across our country. the agonizing toll of the pandemic. each and every one of those tables belonging to a family dealing with an excruciating loss, unimaginable to those of us who have never had to bury a child or parent or best friend. this holiday season, we owe those families our attention and our support. 800,000. think about how many people, how many families that's affected. it's more than the population of seattle by tens of thousands. if you laid out a line of post-it notes, each with a name of a victim of covid, that line would stretch from d.c. to baltimore. if you read those in tribute, the tribute would last for 18 days. in lieu of that, let's do something simpler. if you know someone robbed of a loved one by covid, check on them this weekend for us. send them a text. give them a call. see how they're doing. and in order to protect other families down the line from today forward, get vaccinated. get boosted. wear your mask when you need to. keep your guard up for the sake of your family this holiday season. we'll make it through this, but we've still got a little bit more fighting to do first. thank you so much for letting us into your homes during these extraordinary times. we are so grateful. see you next time. ateful see you next time. throughout history i've observed markets shaped by the intentional and unforeseeable. for investors who can navigate this landscape, leveraging gold, a strategic and sustainable asset... the path is gilded with the potential for rich returns. mm. 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Eric Rudolph , 20 , 30 , Violence , Movement , Small , Potential , Resaw , Sample Size , Regards , Lit Sization , Wedge Issue , Healing , Extremists , Restrictions , Something , Grievance , 21 , Lot , It Wasn T , The End , Beginning , Anniversary , Officials , Elections , Polarization , Instance , Institutions , Kind , Counties , States , Democracy , Internet , Actor , Chance , Actors , Doing , Corners , Lone Wolf , Law Enforcement , Trace , Bread , Trails , Society , Fact , Posture , Violence Scenario , 9 11 , Suspicion , Election Officials , Polarization Environment , Insights , 55 , Spots , Yes , Don T , Folks , Piecing , Spread Out , Reports , Police Officers , Agents , Pipe Bomb , Bureau , Mid Way Through Trump , Speech Act , Atf , 45 , 12 , Headquarters , Timer , Offices , Supreme Court , Packages , Package , Bomb Squads , Rnc , Scenario , Devices , Tabletop Exercise , Analysts , Rnc Building , December 30th , Officers , Failure W , Everything , Nuance , Wasn T Intelligence 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Transcripts For MSNBC Deadline White House 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Deadline White House 20240709

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streaming in. from "the washington post" report on the run-up on the january 6th insurrection, quote, he invited the fbi, the department of homeland security, military intelligence services and other agencies to see the information in real time. as his team collected it, he took another extreme step. he asked the city's health department to convene a call of d.c. area hospitals and urged them to prepare for a mask casualty event. empty your emergency rooms, he said and stock up your blood banks. yet, those warnings, in large part, are completely unheeded. on the morning of january 6th, he began to see the red flags he was trying to shine the light on bear out. quote, harvin pulled onto the baltimore-washington parkway to head downtown from suburban maryland and was surprised to find him in heavy traffic. then he noticed the car in front of him had an out-of-state license plate. so did the one around that. he was surrounded. every car in front of him had flags, bumper stickers or other pro-trump paraphernalia. harvin called into the city's homeland center to report what he was seeing. quote, this is going to be twice as big as anything we thought he told one of his deputies. it was the second such call to come in within minutes, another employee reported a similar scene on the highways headed into the city from virginia, from every direction, trump supporters were converging on the nation's capitol. now, as the investigation by the january 6th select committee begins to make swift headway with hundreds of cooperating witnesses and thousands of documents already proud, darnell harvin joins us to discuss what needs to be done to prevent the next coup, which may already in in motion ahead of 202004. the former chief of homeland security and intelligence for washington, d.c. now a senior policy researchers for rand focusing on homeland security, domestic terrorism and information sharing. welcome to our program. it's such a pleasure to get to talk to you. >> thank you for having me. >> so we have covered your warnings for months. you are more than a canary in the coal mine. ump pressient. you were looking into a crystal ball. how did you know when so many other agencies were clearly and tragically caught flat-footed? >> i think the question is more how did they not know? there was a large amount of information that was coming in as has been previously reported and to be quite honest with you, you didn't need to be an intelligence officer or agent to be able analyze and see what was coming. however. we did our job. we collected that information. we analyzed as much as we could and when we got to the point that we had just an overwhelming amount of information that we couldn't do anything with, we reached out to partners across the country, convened a meeting of over 300 fusion centres, over 300 vehicles from the nation and enlisted their assistance with helping us cull through some of this disturbing information we were finding. and looking for anything clear, credible threats. >> what made you so concerned that it would become more than a protest, that it would become violent and a mass casualty event the likes of which area hospitalized needed to empty ought your ers and stock up on blood? what threat of intelligence made you fear that? >> that's a great question. so it's a few things. the first thing was the finality of this opportunity to stop what these supporters saw the flawed or stolen election. after the election results were certified, there would be no other opportunity to do so. so that was a significant date in and oft. the other things were the individual that were coming to join in the, what we thought, what we hoped would be a peaceful protest and these individuals historically do not come to d.c., so we're unfamiliar with them. our militia and people who have been known to be tied to violent extremism. and so, when you combine those elements along with the third element, which i think your viewers should really understand is extremely concerning, which is the rise and maturation of the conspiracy theory movement. so i think when we look back, the history books will see, pardon me, the history books will see january 6th as really a coming together of the conspiracy theory movement, maturation and main streaming conspiracy theorists as well as our militia. so when they are of like mind and directed towards one goal, it becomes a very dangerous situation. that's exactly what we saw in the weeks leading up to january 6th. and what we share with our partners. >> you know, are you surprised that the reaction to the threat once realize has been so hardened along partisan lines? these were law enforcement official who's protected the democratic and republican lawmakers inside that building. they were brutalized by donald trump supporters. they've described the combat as misevil. yet, one of the two parties killed an independent commission to investigate when the two parties constantly describes the select committee's work as a witch hunt and donald trump's former advisers, a few of them are stonewalling, obstructing, refusing to participate into an investigation into a deadly attack on the seat of government? >> well, i don't get really into politics, so i'm not surprised if anything happens in washington, d.c. but i will tell you that the january 6th is just a point on a time line. we can trace it back to 20, 30 years earlier and instances with eric rudolph or timothy mcvey and it continues to this day. there are many people who do not come to d.c. who wish they had. so the small, really the small sample size of who resaw january 6th does not represent the entire movement of individuals that are radicalized and have the potential to mobilize towards violence. in regards to the -- >> sorry. keep going. >> in regards to the po lit sization, of not only january 6th but also things like covid restrictions are what's preventing the country from healing. and so, we see that as really an ongoing threat that becomes a wedge issue that allows extremists to continue to clutch on to something, to have a grievance with other americans about. >> yeah, i was bursting with and so rudely interrupted to ask you. is what should we be prepared for? what are you worried about as we near this 21-year anniversary? and you are right, it's just a point on a time line. it wasn't the end of anything. i think a lot of people worry it was the beginning. so as we head into the final weeks before the one-year anniversary, what are you looking at? what are you worried about? >> so we're looking at is continued polarization of things such as elections. that's extremely concerning. i think you will continue to see, for instance, not only election officials as well as elected officials as well as the institutions that support our democracy. we're going to see that necessarily in d.c. but you may see that in states. you may see that in counties. and so, as the threat has kind of receded from the nation's capitol as a lot of these nefarious actors have withdrawn to the darkest corners of the internet where we can't really see who they're doing, there is a chance for a lone wolf, what we call a lone wolf actor who is not leaving any trace or bread crum trails for law enforcement to track. they're blending into society. they're not individuals who would be necessarily reported to law enforcement. i really want to stress and emphasize the fact that our current domestic intelligence posture is based on a post-9/11 countering apocalyptic you know jihadi violence scenario. that really doesn't hold well against the domestic extremism and domestic terrorism threat we face today. these individuals look like you and i. they're not necessarily going to be reported. they're not doing anything that brings any suspicion to them. so it's really difficult to kind of predict where the next threat is going to happen or the next threat is coming from, rather. but we are concerned about violence around elections. election officials and institutions. politically, particularly because the political 55, the polarization environment that existed pre-january 6th that helped facilitate january 6th still exists. >> you have shared your insights with the january 6th committee. is that right? >> yes, i have. >> so i know that they're doing both what you describe, trying to pull the threat forward to protect from future attack not just in washington but as are you articulating in other spots around the country that don't benefit from folks like yourself protecting them or it's more spread out. i want to try to understand some of what they're piecing together with your assistance. this is from "the washington post" reporting on the hours and minutes before the january 6th attack. mid-way through trump's speech act 12:45 p.m., capitol police officers along with agents from the fbi and bureau of atf were dispatched to investigate reports of a pipe bomb, with a timer found outside the rnc headquarters and suspicious packages that the supreme court near the democratic national headquarters, all offices close to the capitol. one official darnell harvin said the bomb squads were responding to the suspicious package near the rnc building. the two flashed back to their tabletop exercise on december 30th how analysts had imagined a scenario in which improvised explosive devices could be used to distract officers from the capitol. is this really happening? it's clear your warnings before the i vent and the reaction on the day of it, that this was not an intelligence failure w. that stipulated, unless you disagree, how did everything else fall apart? >> well, i agree with you, that it wasn't wasn't intelligence failure. there is a nuance here that is important for your viewers to understand. the intelligence was there. it was sound. it was shared. the issue when it comes from intelligence, there is an operational consideration that needs to be accounted for. we thought thousands if not tens of thousands of people who were extremely upset with the election results and saying some horrific things online. unfortunately, those things do not cross the line of violence. so, they're protected under the first amendment. so what officials have to do is look through the intelligence and prepare for what could be a worst case scenario. in this particular case, in my particular unit, we prepare for the worst case scenario by going through a series of what we call red team exercises that mentally prepares us, that prepares us operationally for the worst case scenario. i don't know what other agency did or do to prepare for large events such as this, had they done something similar, they may have come to a similar conclusions that we did, it would be a very violent day and we need to prepare for the worst. >> what is your understanding as the investigation and the sort of public facing protests around the national guard response are really thrust into public view? what is your understanding of why the national guard didn't respond more quickly? >> there is two aspects of the national guard's response. the first was that the national guard was requested in advance by the mayor of d.c. and that's based on the information in intelligence that she got from our agency as well as from sister agencies. so that intelligence was acted upon. so that intelligence turned into an operational readiness or capacity to respond to violence. however, it was not nearly on the federal side, so the locals requested national guard troops and were approved for that and the federal government as the investigation is showing numerous documents have shown declined i believe on numerous occasions to request or activate the national guard. and so that's one of the big considerations that has to be looked that's. if you recall over the summer of 2020, we had a large amount of armed police officers, federal police officers that sent unto the district of colombia during civil unrest that we experienced in the after math of the murder of george floyd. these individuals were not invited to the district of colombia by the local government. we didn't know who they were, what agency they were operating under and many of them were unmarked. around we saw that as a security risk, because a lot of our militia that we were concerned with look identical to some of these federal law officers that we weren't coordinating with and had no idea. so if you fast forward to january 6th, that's in the back of our minds and so the request for national guard is natural because in the district of colombia, we know our national guard. they're local volunteers. they come from the national capitol region. they're familiar with our law enforcement posture with our city and our residents. and so, i don't know why the federal government didn't request it. that's something that's still being looked at. but i'm curious to find out the answer. i will say that without any clear specific or what we call credible threats, you know, we can't, law enforcement can't go and start knocking on people's doors because they say hateful things on the internet. once again, that's protected under our constitution that's free speech. that doesn't mean the security posture of the capitol does not take into account the vast amount of intelligence and information that was being shared that was suggested that people will be coming with weapons and they'd be coming with bad intent to enter the capitol and do harm to the institution as well as the individuals that were working inside the capitol and that would be congress. >> now, harvin, we have covered your warnings. we have covered your clarity about what was to come and it is a privilege and a pleasure to get to talk to you one-on-one. thank you so much for spending some time with us today. >> thank you. up next for us, a tragic story and a cautionary tale on the addictive grip of qonon. how one woman from georgia was radicalized in less than six months with dangerous disinformation. six months with dangerous disinformation highway. all they need is a bike and a full tank of gas. their only friend? 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>> as of this afternoon, it became number one on apple podcasts. >> congratulations. >> thank you so much. >> you told me this story in the makeup room over many, many weeks. i kind of waited to see you in the days that we were both in there to hear what happened next. you have to tell how this started. how this story, how you sought to sort of report out this story. >> yeah, i think a lot of people are surprised i went to high school? georgia. i was born overseas. when we moved to the u.s., i grew up in georgia. three day after tf insurrection when the entire country was consumed what was happening in d.c., i got a message from an old high school friend of mine, somebody i knew very well, played soccer with. he reached out to me on facebook saying you probably heard the news, my sister-in-law rosanne was radicalized in the span under six months. she died in the capitol wednesday, would you be willing to hear her story? it stopped me first in my tracks. my friend used the word radicalized. i wasn't expecting someone to use it in the context of america. >> how we deal with radicalized people. >> exactly. for him to use that word to describe what was happening on january the 6th was for me eye opening. immediately i said, yes, i spoke to him and saw him after 20 years, met the family. they gave us incredible act says. we spoke to our (, our friends. we a had access to her diaries and family group chats. we were able to begin to composite this radicalization that happened in the span of just six months. >> so how did it happen? >> it began according to family what web able to understand by her meeting someone in her recovery that ultimately introduced her to the qanon world which she became obsessed with. when i say obsessed with, i'm not talking about somebody who believed in conspiracies,b who would spend the entire night watching video after video after video beginning to share them with her friends and family, so much to the.that her family, which was seeing this in real time was pushing back a little bit and saying, like, hey, this is kind of crazy stuff. they knew she had a sobriety problem and historically had struggled. they didn't want to alienate her, push her back. they knew she suffered with suicidal thoughts. at one point as long as she wasn't talking about hurt heing herself it was something we didn't think was going to be so harm. it was something they struggled with for such a long time. she withdrew, she wasn't the loving, caring aunt always present around christmas opening present. they realized it was something problematic. it morphs to becoming an ar department supporter of donald trump and ultimately thinking the only way you will protect this conspiracy theory is to somehow dessertfy the election to overthrow the election and keep donald trump in power because he's the one that is fighting the good fight on our behalf. >> do they know she had gone to washington on january 6th? >> they find out at the very end. it's not something she talked about very openly. in fact, the sister finds out really a day or two before that she had gone up there. they tried to tell her, don't go, don't go. she promised them if she went she was just going to go to the rally, not march onto the capitol. this is a big part of this mystery. how did she end up going from where the trump speech was into the march up to january 6th into the capitol on the steps on january 6th. it's a part of the unanswered questions we set out to answer in the podcast series. >> i have one more question for you. there is a new one every week? >> every thursday and sunday. i'll be back all week. >> so how did having this connection to someone who died there change how you've covered events over the last 11 months? >> it's a very good question. it's made it personal for me. when i covered radialism, i say it's at a nexus of disinformation destitution and demagoguery. people have information on social media bombarded 24/7. what was new in america was the presence of a demagogue, somebody to manipulate this say hey, follow me, i acan fix it. if i shoot somebody on fifth avenue, my supporters will still love me. that's what was so dangerous. i had seen that overseas with the leaders of terrorist organizations and religious figureles. to see this now happen in a community which i knew to be very special community, it was pain. and it was one of the things speaking to this family saying, look, people will view her as a trump supporter. you know she was way more than that you seen the trajectory of her life. they're trying to figure out where the system let her down. because eighth process of over years that she started to have the destitution, that she was being bombarded with disinformation, that she was being promised a way out if she believed and subscribed to this conspiracy theory and donald trump was going to be the person to save her life or save this country and give her a sense of purpose. it's been a personal experience for me and justin is obviously the brother-in-law in this. at the same time with the hope of trying to get the family 106 some answers to how she died, not in the span offics months, but the final moments on the steps of the capitol. >> number one podcast in america. american radical is out now. thank you so much for spending some time with us to talk about it. t it >> d is the first approved medication to reduce inflammation on and below the surface of the intestine in uc. you, getting on that flight? 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♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ . if you are watching this show today with somebody else in the room. consider this, statistically speaking, at least one of you or perhaps both of you have found the pandemic has made it harder to maintain your own mental health. the fact is this. covid accelerated what was already a crisis in this country. so for a lot of us, sports were an answer, a coping mechanism, after all, camaraderie, community teamwork, it kneels medicinal at times like this. up lifting. we are commonly in the past, sports have been an escape from those feelings from anxiety or depression. this year, something changed in a very healthy way. you could almost call it a movement the way prominent athletes across nearly every professional sport have come forward with great courage, great honesty about their own struggles, reminding us, as the saying goes, that it is okay to not be okay. the athletes in 2021 have shown people nothing else, it's that depression, opening sight, suicidal thoughts and other battles people are fighting, it can happen to anyone, even the people who experienced the most success in their respective professions from grand slam winner naomi osaki wrote about her anxiety after pulling out of the french open to those decorative gymnasts of all time simone biles doing so at the olympics and chan giannis culminating to him getting a therapist. those are three examples, the philadelphia eagles all pro tackle lane johnson missed three games to focus on his mental health. listen to how he explains his own situation. >> this is something i've dealt with for a long time and, you know, there is obviously medications that help with this. but a lot of it you can't mask everything. >> how come you never said anything during that? >> because i felt i had my stuff temporarily under control. i was ashamed to be honest in this league in the nfl where it's gladiator-type sports. >> you need to talk about it. >> yeah, man, i was living in hell for a long time. >> wow. joining us now is janelle hill contributing writer for the atlantic and host of janelle hill on spotify and nba superstar renee montgomery, owner and vice president of the team. if we can turn to both of you on break news stories, political stories, sports stories, covid, intersection of all those things. we've never sat down and put this at the center of it. the example, the opportunity, in sharing their struggles. it's so powerful especially now. janelle, we talked about naomi osaki at the time and what that was like. the truth is, while most people don't ever have the experience of that greatness on the tennis court, a lot of people could relate to what she talks about. how sit received sort of in sports? >> first of all, thank you for having me. let me take this opportunity to say that you have now cleared up a long-standing rumor if you will. me and renee montgomery are sharing this green room. it's not the same person. >> i love this. i love this. we have to make this a thing. i love seeing both of you. >> i love her! >> yeah. >> yes, i appreciate it, though, now america knows, renee montgomery and i are actually different people. but anyway, getting back to your very serious question here, you know, i think in sports a lot of athletes felt the need not just in tennis but in other sports and other athletes look at naomi osaka as a great example and courage to speak about their own mental issues. for her to be at that point in her career and pull out of a major tournament and to shed a light on even if you are at the top of your sport, the amount of pressure, the stakes, having to deal with that all the time, the media scrutiny, a lot of people have just sort of conditioned themselves to believe that this is just the price you have to pay in order to be a big-time professional athlete and what i loved about naomi is that she took an ownership an empowerment and she really showed that just because you entertain people for a living, that doesn't give them the right or doesn't give them the space to necessarily, you know, sort of compromise mentally who you are. and so i think by doing this, that she really gave a lot of athletes a great sense of dignity, of ownership, so that they would not feel low but empowered to take moves to strengthen their mental health. because they talked for so long that it's okay or rather that they should do everything possible to be the very best at what they do and if that comes with sacrificing their mental health, so be it. she showed that there is a different way to go about things. >> you know, i love seeing both of you in one shot. you know, renee, some of what we lack as a country is the language of mental health, the language of how to say, yeah, i'm dressed and i came to work, but i'm not okay. some of what these athletes have given us is, you know, it's okay to not be okay. now talk about relief. it would seem some of what we put on athletes is the idealism, the perfection and that's just in their sport, but are we putting too much on them asking them to be our guides and nar nar raters of our public health? >> athletes, i agree with everything janelle said, having us here together. i feel comfortable have been janelle here. but it's interesting because athletes in 2020, that space was claimed. nobody asked athletes to become leaders in 2020. nobody had a me, asking hey can you help lead us through this? it just happened because that's a part of what athletes learn to do at a young age. you learn to lead, take charge when things aren't going well. you try to find a solution to a problem. there are a lot of problems in 2020. so athletes just started to do that. however, to your point, athletes aren't required to do that. >> all right. >> athletes don't have to do that. there are some that don't want top speak out about things that may not be comfortable talking in the political space. i had to become comfortable talking in the political space so that's not something that athletes are required to do. i think that it's if they do do it, that's great. because athletes are people that have been around and i'm talking about women basketball players. most of us graduate from a university. most of us have an education. also, a lot of us have toured the world. we seen other cultures. we've seen what it's like in different places. so we are a little bit qualified to talk about different things even including politics, because we've seen how life is in other countries, other than just our own, so when we started to talk about what athletes can do or should do, i always like to like wait a minute, pump your brakes a little bit. whatever athletes decide to do is their choice. i think when you see what's going on in the mental health space, spaces carved out with the naomi osaka, she is making it okay for to you understand there is a few type of superstar. we use to think of superstars as unbreakable, know motion, you can't get to them. that's not the new age superstar. you can look different ways and have mental struggles. you cannot be okay and still be a superstar. >> even more some when you look at, it's fair. we do. we put so much on athletes on both of you to explain some of the most screwed up things in politics. but i'm guilty of that. i guess and simone, we've all talked about, simone, her olympics were in some ways the most important and the most enduring and most lasting. you know, her sport and what is asked of her body is so exceedingly difficult, that she knew if her mind wasn't just right, it would endanger her. i don't know that there is applicable universal lesson for anyone else's body other than hers and her talent. but this universality of sort of knowing your limits and knowing your own state seems like something that no one should ever forget and just another gift that this extraordinary woman who finds herself. i think the "time's" athlete of the year this month is so deserving of our respect and yet she gets caught up in all of the toxic politic% of this moment. how do we sort of spare her from the bad stuff and make sure she knows how much we appreciate the good stuff, janelle? >> well, it can be difficult. because you know i'm guilty of this, too. there could be 300 people saying that they like something that i did. but i'll maybe focus in on the one person who didn't and i think sometimes what happens is when you don't take these breaks, when you don't do self care, when you don't sort of practice really giving yourself credit and props is that the toxic stuff you find more of a lane and a home in your head than anything else. what i love about simone is that even though she's the greatest female gymnast ever, even though you know she has become just this international superstar, she did say enough was enough and we now have to remember at this olympics beyond just the grueling difficult element of how she performed. we forget that she also was one of larry nassar's victims. and she was the only one of his victims competing at the olympics. so she came into the olympics with a different kind of mental strain than the other olympians that were there. because on top of being a survivor, she also is somebody who is the face of their sport and so when she made that decision to do that at the prime and the height of her career in what is considered to be you know sort of the most important, the super bowl for her, if you will, for her to do that at that point and say, you know what, i don't have it. i'm not going to pretend i do. this is where i draw the line. i thought it was not only courageous but it is an example i think for other athletes to know that it's okay that you have a limit. it's okay that you've reached the end. you don't constantly have to sacrifice yourself for other people to make other people comfortable to entertain other people and i think that's the most important message that i see from what she did. >> renee, i saw you nodded. what do you think? >> yeah. i agree. i think it's you know athletes are taught to endure a lot. so that's almost, that was almost the sign of a good athlete, how much can you take? how much you can handle? if the world is falling down around you and you are saying it's strong. they're like, wow, that person is tough, mentally tough. but you start to look at sports and realize that some of the way that it's conducted could be considered a little bit toxic. when you start to see athletes take a stand and say they're not okay. even speak out about mental health. even while i was playing, that was not a thing. i just retired. so this is a new thing that's happening where athletes are taking care of themselves and their mentals and they're being first. athletes aren't exempt to depression. they're not exempt to opening sight. athletes were for a long time hid it or covered it up or found a way to not lean into it. it doesn't mean it's not there. so i love people can express themself himself. i talk about it in the workplace with myself, i'm an athlete through and through. so when i write my e-mails, it doesn't matter, we're a team, i try to bring my authentic self to the table. when you are an athlete, sometimes you can't necessarily do that. people want you to stay in a certain lane that may not be your lane. you one day may be bubbly. the next day you may not be okay. that's okay. sometimes people have a problem when you change and you see it with even music artists. when they grow and their music changes, people are like, what? we don't want this no music? what is this certified loverboy? we want old drake. no, people mature and change. so you have to allow athlete that same grace. >> i need both of you to stick around a. quick break for us. we'll all be right back. k for us we'll all be right back. you get hungry for more and then you're just like, “wow, i'm learning about my family.” yeah, yep. which one, what'd you find? lorraine banks, look, county of macomb, michigan? look at grandma... hey grandma! unbelievable. everybody deserves to know who they are and where they came from. this whole journey has been such a huge gift for our family. ♪ feel stuck with credit card debt? move to sofi and feel what it's like to get your money right. ♪ move your high-interest debt to a sofi personal loan. you could save with low rates and no fees. earn $10 just for viewing your rate and get your money right. ♪ at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. 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(carolers) ♪better♪ (kate) this year, holiday better, with verizon. because everyone deserves better. we're back with janelle hill and renee montgomery. something you were both talking, the whole idea of playing through the pain. it doesn't work on the field. it doesn't work in life. janelle, just share one thing that's sort of gotten you through the year and gives you hope going into the new year? >> my husband. that would be one thing. i got married in 2019. i was able to sneak in a wedding before the pandemic started. and i was really fortunate because usually i'd be traveling all the time and he would be traveling for work. so we were sometimes like two ships passing in the night when we were engaged. but having this time together, further strengthening our relationship has really been amazing. because so many of my friend during the pandemic, they talked about the loneliness that they felt, being isolated and not having, missing that contact with people. i was, you know, it was beneficial for me, because i had my person right with me in the house. i think having him there and us being able to share and learn so much about each other more than we already knew was really a real blessing. so i thank helping me survive this. >> and you're a newlywed. renee, what's the thing that got you through and the thing that you're looking forward to in the new year? >> well, i'm a newlywed as well, got married in 2020. we recently -- yeah, we recently announced so i will say the same as jemele. serena grace got me through it, not just my wife but the community. i think a lot of times, even jemele, it's crazy jemele is sitting right here because we didn't make this up. jemele was just on my podcast, montgomery and company, because she helped shift and mold that and so i think community really got me through, even in atlanta. i'm not from atlanta, but you would never know it by how the city treats me, by how the city embraces me, so all of my tribe, you know, i have to shout out black women because there's a lot of black women that just came to me and asked me, what you need? do you need any help? what you trying to do? i don't even know some of them, but they just wanted to help so i have to give a huge shoutout to everybody that reached out, that just wanted to help and lend a hand and make sure i'm good when i opted out and the different things i'm doing so got to be my tribe that got me through. >> i have to say, you both give me so much inspiration and strength and renee, we talked a lot leading up to the election, jemele, we call on you for every crazy thing happens in politics, but i'm grateful for both of you for being part of this show and part of our conversations and for your candor. you both really moved me today. thank you so much for spending time with us. quick break for us. we'll be right back. me with us quick break for us we'll be right back. the guest bedroom slash music studio. the daybed slash dog bed. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪♪ we're making the fagioli! find yours ♪ ♪the vrbo app. ♪ ♪ this looks great. awesome. alright. thank you! what... what recipe did you use? 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zicam is the #1 cold shortening brand! highly recommend it! zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. it shortens colds! zicam. zinc that cold! before we all disconnect, hopefully, for a day or two to enjoy the holidays, just one parting thought. this holiday season, there are more than 800,000 empty chairs at dinner tables spread all across our country. the agonizing toll of the pandemic. each and every one of those tables belonging to a family dealing with an excruciating loss, unimaginable to those of us who have never had to bury a child or parent or best friend. this holiday season, we owe those families our attention and our support. 800,000. think about how many people, how many families that's affected. it's more than the population of seattle by tens of thousands. if you laid out a line of post-it notes, each with a name of a victim of covid, that line would stretch from d.c. to baltimore. if you read those in tribute, the tribute would last for 18 days. in lieu of that, let's do something simpler. if you know someone robbed of a loved one by covid, check on them this weekend for us. send them a text. give them a call. see how they're doing. and in order to protect other families down the line from today forward, get vaccinated. get boosted. wear your mask when you need to. keep your guard up for the sake of your family this holiday season. we'll make it through this, but we've still got a little bit more fighting to do first. thank you so much for letting us into your homes during these extraordinary times. we are so grateful. see you next time. ateful see you next time. throughout history i've observed markets shaped by the intentional and unforeseeable. for investors who can navigate this landscape, leveraging gold, a strategic and sustainable asset... the path is gilded with the potential for rich returns. mm. 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Intelligence , Terrorism , Motion , Policy Researchers , Chief , Rand , Information Sharing , 202004 , Pleasure , Coal Mine , Canary , Ump Pressient , Question , Crystal Ball , Amount , Intelligence Officer , Agent , Point , Partners , Job , Country , U S , Some , Meeting , Assistance , Cull , Finding , Vehicles , 300 , Protest , Threats , Area , Casualty , Event , Thing , Threat , Things , Blood , Ers , Finality , Election , Opportunity , Election Results , Certified , Individuals , Individual , Oft , People , Extremism , Element , Militia , Elements , Conspiracy Theory Movement , Maturation , Rise , History Books , Goal , Conspiracy Theorists , Mind , Reaction , Situation , Realize , Law Enforcement Official , Donald Trump , Lines , Democratic , Building , Lawmakers , Combat , Republican , Misevil , Parties , January 6th Committee , Obstructing , Work , Commission , Few , Advisers , Witch Hunt , Two , Politics , Government , Seat , Time Line , Who , Instances , Wish , Timothy Mcvey , Eric Rudolph , 20 , 30 , Violence , Movement , Small , Potential , Resaw , Sample Size , Regards , Lit Sization , Wedge Issue , Healing , Extremists , Restrictions , Something , Grievance , 21 , Lot , It Wasn T , The End , Beginning , Anniversary , Officials , Elections , Polarization , Instance , Institutions , Kind , Counties , States , Democracy , Internet , Actor , Chance , Actors , Doing , Corners , Lone Wolf , Law Enforcement , Trace , Bread , Trails , Society , Fact , Posture , Violence Scenario , 9 11 , Suspicion , Election Officials , Polarization Environment , Insights , 55 , Spots , Yes , Don T , Folks , Piecing , Spread Out , Reports , Police Officers , Agents , Pipe Bomb , Bureau , Mid Way Through Trump , Speech Act , Atf , 45 , 12 , Headquarters , Timer , Offices , Supreme Court , Packages , Package , Bomb Squads , Rnc , Scenario , Devices , Tabletop Exercise , Analysts , Rnc Building , December 30th , Officers , Failure W , Everything , Nuance , Wasn T Intelligence Failure , Consideration , Issue , Tens , Line , Case Scenario , Case , Amendment , Unit , Agency , Events , Worst Case Scenario , Series , Red Team , Understanding , Worst , Conclusions , Guard , Sort , Public , Response , National Guard Didn T , Protests , First , National Guard , Aspects , Mayor , Advance , Locals , Sister Agencies , Side , Readiness , Capacity , Occasions , Troops , Considerations , Armed Police Officers , Summer , 2020 , Police , Unrest , Math , Murder , George Floyd , Security Risk , Many , Idea , Back , Law , Request , Minds , Weren T Coordinating , Volunteers , Law Enforcement Posture , Residents , Didn T Request , Capitol Region , Answer , Doesn T , Constitution , Speech , Security Posture , Doors , Account , Intent , Institution , Harm , Weapons , Privilege , Clarity , Congress , Woman , Georgia , Tragic Story And A Cautionary Tale , Grip , Qonon , Six , Friends , Friend , Disinformation , Bike , Disinformation Highway , Gas , Tank , Chuckles , Open Road , Jeremy , Protection , Matter , Lack , Progressive , 79 , 9 , Inflammation , Relief , Eye Drops , Burn , Ache , Eyes , Xiidra , Eye , Symptoms , Side Effects , Eye Disease , Signs , Approved Non Steroid Treatment , Dry Eye Disease , Fda , Eye Irritation , Surface , Container , Contacts , Eye Doctor , Taste Sensation , Discomfort , Dry Eye , Vision , Fifteen , Network , Deal , Gift , Business , Businesses , Comcast Business , Prepaid Card , Savings Sale , Bundles , 00 , 500 , Price Guarantee , Gig Speeds , Savings , Voice , Possibilities , 64 99 , 2 , 4 99 , Tragedy , Reasons , A Million , Radicalization , Misinformation , Consequences , Heart , Costs , Cycle , Story , Connection , Theme , Journalism , Piece , Colleague , Rage , Reporter , Death , Georgian , Most , Conspiracy , Qoanon , 34 , Family , Life , Home , Rosanne Boylan Hatd Politics , Opening , Phone , Presents , On Christmas , News , Qanonchild Trafficking Story , Family Equipments , Allally , Gut Feeling , Second , Night Rosanne , Way , Police Line , Crowd , Middle , Podcast , Number One , Podcasts , Congratulations , Apple , Host , Msnbc , Report , Makeup Room , Message , High School , Overseas , Insurrection , Three , Somebody , Mine , Soccer , Sister In Law Rosanne , Someone , Word , Context , Tracks , Capitol Wednesday , Saw , January The 6th , Access , Diaries , Family Group Chats , Incredible Act , Web , Recovery , Qanon , World , B , Video , Conspiracies , Bit , Saying , Stuff , Sobriety Problem , Historically , Thoughts , Wasn T , Hurt Heing , Supporter , Aunt , She Wasn T , Ar Department , Loving , Conspiracy Theory , Fight , Power , Sister , To Washington On January 6th , Behalf , Don T Go , Up To January 6th , Rally , Mystery , Steps , Questions , Podcast Series , Radialism , 11 , Social Media , Demagoguery , Nexus Of Disinformation Destitution , 24 7 , Presence , Demagogue , Follow Me , Fifth Avenue , Community , Leaders , Terrorist Organizations , Figureles , Pain , Trump Supporter , Family Saying , Trajectory , System , Eighth Process , Destitution , Experience , Brother In Law , Justin , Hope , Sense Of Purpose , 106 , American Radical , Infections , Risk , Cancer , Medication , Intestine , Uc , Serious , It D , Flight , Stelara , Treatment , Doctor , Lung Inflammation , Reactions , Infection , Pres , Brain Condition , Skin Growths , Sores , Vaccine , Tb , Remission , Psoriasis , Psoriatic Arthritis , Choices , Janssen , Cost Support Options , Splash , Moderate , Choice , Pill , Otezla , Cream , Skin , Injection , 75 , Prescribing Information , Requirement , Joint Swelling , Diarrhea , Scaliness , Redness , Plaques , Tenderness , Routine Lab Monitoring , Vomiting , Nausea , Thickness , Depression , Feelings , History , Weight Loss , Weight , Medicines , Planning , Headache , Car Insurance , Customization , Throwback , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Dj , Liberty Mutual , Liberty , Both , Mental Health , Pandemic , Show , Room , Sports , Wall , Covid , Community Teamwork , Crisis , Camaraderie , Coping Mechanism , Anxiety , Escape , Up Lifting , Athletes , Sport , Struggles , Courage , Honesty , Sight , Fighting , Anyone , Success , Battles , Nothing , 2021 , Simone Biles , Naomi Osaki , Professions , Gymnasts , French Open , Grand Slam , Olympics , Therapist , Giannis , Examples , Pro Tackle , Games , Lane Johnson , Philadelphia Eagles , Medications , Help , Control , League , Nfl , Janelle Hill , Writer , Hell , Janelle Hill Contributing , Atlantic , On Spotify , Nba , Renee Montgomery , Owner , Intersection , News Stories , Sports Stories , Stories , Vice President , Example , Center , Tennis Court , Truth , Greatness , Sit , Green Room , Rumor , Tennis , Career , Pressure , Issues , Top , Stakes , Tournament , Athlete , Ownership , Order , Price , Empowerment , Media Scrutiny , Space , Compromise , Living , Moves , Sense , Empowered , Dignity , Language , One Shot , Idealism , Perfection , Guides , Nar , Public Health , Nar Raters , Everything Janelle Said , Nobody , Lead , Age , Problem , Athletes Aren T , Solution , Problems , Talking , Education , Women Basketball Players , University , Graduate , Cultures , Places , Countries , Brakes , Mental Health Space , Spaces , Type , What S Going On , Ways , Superstar , Superstars , Know Motion , Body , State , Lesson , Universality , Anyone Else , Talent , Limits , Respect , Politic , Time S , Spare , Breaks , Didn T , Props , Self Care , Practice , Lane , Head , Anything Else , Female Gymnast , Larry Nassar , Victims , Olympians , Strain , Super Bowl , Decision , Face , Survivor , Height , Say , Limit , Sign , Playing , Mentals , Stand , Care , It Doesn T , Workplace , E Mails , Self , Doesn T Matter , Table , Music , Music Changes , Change , Loverboy , Artists , Old Drake , More , Break , Grace , Yep , Everybody , Grandma , Journey , County Of Macomb , Lorraine Banks , Michigan , Unbelievable , Ohhh Cool , Money , Move , Feel , Credit Card Debt , Rates , Rate , Debt , Sofi , Personal Loan , Fees , 0 , 10 , Plan , Future , Investor , Advice , Tools , Vanguard , Iphone , Better , Holiday , Phone Everyone Wants , Kate , Iphone 13 Pro , Verizon , Guy , 13 , Entertainment , Entertainment Subscriptions , Carolers , Apple Arcade , 000 , 1000 , 7 , Husband , It Doesn T Work In Life , The Field , Wedding , Ships , 2019 , Contact , Relationship , Loneliness , In The House , Newlywed , Blessing , Crazy Jemele , Times , Company , Montgomery , Up , Wife , Tribe , Shift , Atlanta , Women , Shoutout , Hand , Strength , Inspiration , Candor , Conversations , Daybed , Panic Room , Basement Slash , Yoga Shanti Slash , The Living Room , Bedroom Slash Music Studio , Slash Classroom , App , Vacation , Family Needs , Fagioli , Vrbo , Deals , Nonna , Epic , Recipe , 5g , Camera , Ones , Aromatherapy Rugs , Appointment , Hi , 5 , Zeposia , Customers , Ulcerative Colitis , Don T Let Uc , At T , Heart Attack , Chest Pain , Stroke , Mini Stroke , S1p Receptor Modulator Approved For Uc , Don T Take Zeposia , Uc Achieve , Breathing Problems , Heartbeat , Heart Rate , Heart Failure , Liver , Sleep , Pacemaker , Maois , Zeposia May , Blood Pressure , Brain Infection , Brain , Swelling , Conditions , Narrowing , Blood Vessels , Macular Edema , Pml , Cold , Birth Control , Medicine Cabinet , Must , 3 , It Shortens Colds , Cold Shortening Brand , Love Zicam , Zifans , Unique Zinc Formula , 1 , Holidays , Holiday Season , Thought , Dinner Tables , Disconnect , Toll , Chairs , 800000 , Families , Best Friend , Tables , Child , Loss , Parent , Attention , Population , Notes , Seattle , Tens Of Thousands , Tribute , Victim , Name , Lieu , Baltimore , 18 , Mask , Text , Forward , Homes , Sake , Ateful , Investors , Unforeseeable , Markets , Landscape , Gold , Asset , Path , Returns , Don T Know , Tongue , Man , Mm , Tight , Uh , Em , Roadside Assistance , You Don T Want , Mom , Tam , Td Ameritrade , Thinkorswim , Trading Platform , Merry Christmas , Dad , Innovation , Interfaces , Perspective , Support , Trading , Trading Experience , Orders , Charts , Level , Style , Trade Desk , You Trade Forever , Therapies , Circle , Peer Counselors , Healthcare , Social Workers , Professionals , Researchers , Mental Illness , Science , Congestion , Lives , Mental Illness To Wellness , Vicks Sinex Saline , Children , Vicks Sinex Children S Saline , Vicks Sinex , Noses , White House , We Love You , Tree , Light Sometng ,

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