Transcripts For MSNBC Katy Tur Reports 20240709 : comparemel

Transcripts For MSNBC Katy Tur Reports 20240709

to combat the surge fueled by the omicron variant. nbc news has just confirmed at least one case of omicron in all 50 states, all of them. that plan includes expanded testing to address scenes like this throughout the country, people waiting for hours in line to get tested. the spike in cases forced the nhl to announce this morning its players will not participate in the winter olympics in beijing. the league says it will need that time to make up the 50 games recently postponed because of covid. but potentially encouraging news from south africa, where omicron originated. there are signs new infections may have peaked. we'll ask our medical expert what that could mean for the united states. joining me is josh lederman from the white house, nbc news correspondent steve patterson from los angeles international airport, nbc news producer gary grumbach in washington, dc and the co-director for the center for vaccine development at texas children's hospital, dr. peter hotez. gentlemen, really good to see you. josh, let's start with you at the white house. they're unveiling this plan to try and combat the spread by getting more tests in the hands of people but also they're trying to help out hospitals that are going to be overwhelmed or are having issues themselves with covid infections among their staff members by sending members of the military to help out at these hospitals. does the white house feel like they're in a good position right now to get the american public what it needs? >> they feel like they're in the best position they could be, given the fact that this new variant really kind of crept up on them, both president biden and vice president harris conceding they did not anticipate seeing a variant quite as infectious as omicron has turned out to be. so they're trying to find any tool that they can come up with, in addition to the ones they already had in mind such as ppe that the white house has been stockpiling for a winter surge, as well as new tools like this 500 million tests they'll be sending out, and like this new drug that the fda today is authorizing. it's called paxlovid, which could potentially reduce infection by 90% if you take it at home. the white house is hoping this will help the u.s. deal with this as it moves into a situation where americans are going to increasingly have to get used to do fact that this is going to be with us for quite some time, that's not going to be a quick end at this point to the pandemic. that's something we expect to hear government officials discussing when they hold this white house covid task force briefing any moment now. it's probably going to be the last one that we'll see this year. and it's coming as the administration is really facing all of these questions about why did they wait so long to get this home testing program up and running. is it really any good if it's not going to be until sometime earlier next year? we don't even know when exactly these tests will be able to go out the door to americans across the country. and what's going to happen next? are we going to provide tests to people once a week? you know, we're already hearing from public health officials that we need really to get tested regularly if we're going to have a variant this infectious and still get on with our lives. those are the key questions the white house is facing as they insist they're using every tool in their toolkit, including sending the military, including getting testing sites up and running and sending tests to anyone around the country who requests it. >> this new pfizer pill to treat covid, dr. hotez, what will this mean? >> right now unfortunately we don't have the medicine available in large quantities. it's going to be a while before we can scale up production unless there's some type of intervention from the white house, possibly through the defense production act. so we'll see if there's any mention that have today. it's good news, it's released for emergency use authorization. it's an impressive medication, an impressive drug in terms of its ability to reduce severe illness by 90%. it would be given to people with moderate and mild infection to prevent them from further deterioration. so it's important to point out this is not for preexposure to the medicine. so it's not like a medicine you can take before you visit somebody or after you've been exposed. only for those with mild and moderate symptoms. and it's basically right now being excluded from people with severe illness because the thinking is it may not have a big impact. the other consideration, it has to be given very early on in the course of the illness because during the virus replication phase, because that's how the medicine works, interfering with virus replication. so it's an exciting development. but for right now, in terms of its indication, it's more of a backstop for our overall strategy against covid as opposed to a primary approach, which is still heavily reliant on the vaccinations and masking. >> there's also news, dr. hotez, about the antibody treatments, monoclonal antibody treatments currently being used at hospitals. the two most popular ones don't seem to be as effective at battling this variant. that's pretty concerning, because the one that is the most effective, we're hearing hospitals are running out of pretty quickly. >> yeah, no, when we saw the mutations in the spike protein, many of us thought that was the first thing that would not be effective, is those monoclonal antibodies, because they only recognize very specific elements of the spike protein or the receptor binding domain. those are the parts that are being heavily mutated in the omicron variant. so you're right, both the regeneron and the lilly monoclonal antibodies don't seem to be very effective. that leaves the glaxo smithkline monoclonal antibodies. two of the three monoclonal antibodies are ineffective and we're seeing breakthrough infections even after boosting although those are not severe illnesses. this is going to be the big challenge, i think, that and keeping our health care workers in the workforce, because of those breakthrough infections. >> what about this news out of south africa that they saw a big spike and a month later they're seeing a big decrease in infections? do we take from that that we'll see the same thing here, a big spike in infection that will rapidly decrease in the next month? or is that too much of a stretch at this point? >> at this point we're experiencing the first part, a big spike in infection, over 100% rise in the last week or so. we're also seeing this in texas and in houston. the rise is clearly -- we're reproducing what's occurred both in south africa and in the uk. how quickly it goes down, you can't always extrapolate. i'll tell you why, katy. sometimes we've seen big waves go up and down here in the u.s. whereas in the uk it goes up, goes down halfway, then it lingers on for months. so it's hard to really count on that. it's a hope. it would be great, because if you think about it, the timing would be really great because it would decline around the time the kids are ready to go back to schools and go back to colleges. i wouldn't -- we can't take that to the bank, we can't count on it. >> it would be helpful, so let's cross our fingers. steve, you're at los angeles international airport. what are you seeing down there? i hear the number of travelers is not going down, despite the transmissibility of this variant. >> katy, i know you know how busy l.a.x. is and frankly how much of a headache it can be. omicron doing absolutely nothing to disrupt holiday travel. 3.5 million travelers expected between now and early january. 200,000 on those busiest days. so new year's day, the day after christmas. take a look, mitigation happening right behind me. you can see this is where a pop-up vaccination site has just sprung up here, probably about five minutes ago. you can already see the line now backing all the way up to the coffee bean. they have a waiting area for people that have just gotten the shots. then the shots happening all the way to my left. these shots come in any flavor you want. johnson & johnson, moderna, pfizer, juvenile pfizer. no excuses is the strategy from the county health department, putting this on in combination with the local pharmacy here, trying to get as many shots as possible as people come in. that's the mitigation strategy. l.a. county significantly jumping up in number of cases, 3,200 a day, that's quite a spike from what we've seen in weeks previous. omicron contributing but not contributing necessarily to the hospitalizations and deaths as of yet, although as we've seen in several spikes, now three or four times, there's always a lag when it comes to number of infections followed by the hospitalizations and then deaths. the county health department of course preparing for that, as is california and the mitigation strategy, again, is to cut it off where people are coming in. that's why they're setting up here today, katy. >> what about, gary, what's going on in washington, dc? i hear there's new masking mandates, there's also an effort to get people easier access to testing. >> hey there, katy. yeah, there's been a 350% increase in positive cases over the past two weeks here in dc. 4,000 cases that are positive here in dc over the past four days alone. so dc health is really scrambling to respond to this. part of what they're doing is increasing their testing capabilities. we're here at a testing site, this is a pcr testing site in the columbia heights section of dc. this is pcr testing which means they're not going to get the results, people in this line, for two to three days. with the holidays coming, people want the results faster. dc health is starting this thing called test yourself express, which they're having eight libraries across the city of washington, dc with a thousand take-home rapid tests they're giving out. there's hundreds of people in line, far more than the supply they have in the libraries themselves. so there's lots of frustration from people about all of this. they believe that, one, the mask mandate should never have been lifted in the first place, but two, they believe that the officials here in washington, both federally and locally, should have seen this coming. here is what some folks had to say. >> there should be more available, and this should already be anticipated. i mean, if i can expect it, i'm sure they can anticipate the quantities needed for different regions. >> why is this -- why are we at this point, why wasn't this pre-thought-through, that this inevitably was going to happen, that they should have had tests in surplus a long time ago? >> in a sign that dc health is really trying to scramble to come up with answers here, they've just announced this morning a vaccination requirement for most indoor places in dc starting in january. if you want to go to a restaurant, a gym, a bar, you're going to need to be vaccinated starting in mid-january. >> we have that in new york city, and it's frankly wonderful to go into a restaurant and know that everybody around you has been vaccinated, or to go into a gym and know everybody around you has been vaccinated. dr. hotez, there's a writer in "the atlantic" today, a johns hopkins associate professor, who writes this is the beginning of the end with this variant because people frankly aren't responding to it the way we responded to other variants. there is a bit of, we're all going to get it, we have no choice, we'll be as cautious as we can, we've been vaccinated, there's no convincing the ones who will not be vaccinated, so society is going to begin the ending of this by starting to live their life among the virus. what do you think of that? >> i would say that's a fairly high risk strategy, katy. in some ways we may be somewhat lucky in that the omicron variant may turn out to be less virulent, cause less severe disease than previous ones. what if that wasn't the case, what if not only it had the escape mutations but also produced far more severe disease, and that would cause tremendous instability. so here's what we need to do. we need to vaccinate the world. the alpha variant arose out of an unvaccinated population in the uk last year. delta rose out of an unvaccinated population in india earlier this year. so what did we think was going to happen if we allowed the entire african continent to go unvaccinated or 6% vaccinated? so this was both predicted and predictable. and until there's a global commitment, until the biden administration, for instance, decides to come up with a plan to vaccinate the world, which they haven't, until the biden administration decides they want to exert some leadership, which they so far haven't, we're going to continue to have this problem. so we're doing what we can at our texas children's center for vaccine development. we're hoping our vaccine will be released for emergency use any day now in india. the indian government has made an advance purchase of 300 million doses. if that happens, our texas children's center for vaccine development will be doing more to vaccinate the world than the entirety of the united states government. and it's not that we're so wonderful, it's just that the u.s. government and the other g7 countries are not stepping up, and that's what's got to happen. >> that is saying something right there. dr. hotez, that is saying something indeed. everybody, thank you so much for joining us to start us off on this 2:00 p.m. hour. tens of billions of dollars in covid relief money has been stolen. the secret service says nearly $100 billion, money meant to help small businesses and the unemployed, instead went into the pockets of fraudsters. joining me now is nbc news' ken dilanian. ken, how did this happen, and do officials believe that they're going to be able to get all that money back? >> no. every american should be outraged about this, katy, because it didn't have to happen. some government officials i've spoken to sort of brush it off by saying, well, we had a choice between speed and efficiency and we chose speed. in other words, they felt like they had to get the money out fast in a pandemic, so they couldn't do all the security checks. but experts say that's just a cop-out. private companies like amazon managed to sell millions of items a week online while keeping fraud to a minimum. what happened with covid relief was that the government didn't take basic steps to verify that the people applying for the money qualified for it or that they were who they said they were. for example, criminals purchased stolen personal information in bulk on the dark web and used it to apply for unemployment benefits. people set up fake companies to apply for ppp loans. the government failed to use available data tools to verify identities. a company called i.d. me that now does a video call with every unemployment applicant to make sure their faces match their driver's licenses. that company has contracts with a lot of states now but the horse is out of the barn, katy. >> remarkable, especially since congress is debating how much money it can spend to get to people who need it with the child tax credit, paid family leave, among other things. ken, thank you so much. ahead, with hospitals on the brink and staff past the point of exhaustion, a doctor on the front lines pleads with residents in her state to get vaccinated, get boosted, and mask up. then, that was fast, in the words of our own pete williams. what a court just said about michael flynn's attempts to avoid a subpoena by the january 6th committee. joe manchin dials into a meeting with senate democrats. but did anyone change his mind? 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>> it's not going to move him, katy, at all. listen, manchin has been holding firm on this for a long time. he's been talking about he prefers this penn-wharton budget model that comes out of the university of pennsylvania which gives a little bit more grim of an estimate. i mean, and the cbo, the congressional budget office at the behest of republicans has come up with a budgetary score that assumes all of these programs in the bill are extended into perpetuity. here is how i would put it, katy. i actually think there is a deal to be had here between manchin and biden. but as we wrote this morning in punchbowl news a.m., is that deal going to be good enough for progressives? because progressives look at this and say, we have a democratic house, a democratic senate, and a democratic president, why are we playing to the lowest common denominator here, joe manchin? and the answer to that is, it's because they have 50 votes in the senate and joe manchin is one of those 50 votes. so do i think there is a deal? i do, i mean, i think that biden and manchin can probably work something out. it's going to really anger the progressive wing of the party. >> what about schumer's pledge to hold a vote on the floor, is it a good strategy of pressure against joe manchin or would it potentially backfire? >> schumer is saying it's time to put your money where your mouth is, as our good friends in fish sometimes put it. listen, a lot of people think -- i've talked to a lot of democratic senators in the last 12 to 18 hours, let's say, and a lot of people say holding that vote will allow them to move on, to close the door on this chapter and end the hope that this bbb, as currently constructed, will pass the senate, because it will not, then they can move on to get a deal. and i think, to be honest with you, this serves everyone's political interests, katy. it allows manchin to be against this bill. it allows senate democrats to be on the record for the bill. it allows both sides to kind of show where they are. there's this fantastical idea, which is basically a dream, that under pressure manchin will come to the floor and vote for this thing. he's not. he would actually win -- he would get political points in a state where donald trump won by 40 points for voting against this or at least that's what he believes and his staff believes. those are the political dynamics. but i just want to add this one fine point at the end, which is, we thought 2021 was a huge legislative year, and it was. the american rescue plan, infrastructure, all of these big things, bbb which hasn't passed. but we're going to get into 2022 now, an election year, and whatever the bbb becomes will take a couple of weeks at least, more likely eight weeks, to get done. and then there's other priorities, there's a government funding fight in there, there's this big bill to combat china. this is going to be a busy at least first quarter, probably first half of 2022 on the legislative front. >> that's if everybody doesn't get covid and they have to shut down. >> right. >> mitch mcconnell was on fox news making a plea for joe manchin. let's play that. >> i admire what joe manchin did. i don't expect them to give up, i think they'll keep coming back to him. i've suggested a good solution to his problem would be to come across the aisle and join us, where he would be treated with respect. >> he's offering him a high profile chairmanship as well. then again, he would be one of many among the republicans. what do you think joe manchin would do here, is there any chance he would move across the aisle? >> manchin has said repeatedly to us and others that he's not going to become a republican. he believes he's a socially and fiscally -- a fiscally conservative and socially understanding, as he says, democrat. i don't see him becoming a republican. but remember what mcconnell's incentives are here, if joe manchin becomes a republican, mitch mcconnell is the majority leader again. and there's no question that joe manchin fits in closer with republicans than he does with republicans. manchin has said no. i don't really see what he would get by becoming a republican at this point besides making mitch mcconnell majority leader which i'm not sure he wants to do. but this is a guy, joe manchin, who meets with mitch mcconnell all the time. he's close with a lot of republicans. but he's said no, and what i always say about manchin is take the guy at his word because he usually follows what he says pretty closely. >> jake sherman, nobody i enjoy talking politics with than you, my friend. >> thank you, katy. dan kildee is chief democratic whip. sir, i enjoy talking about politics with you too, i knew you were going to razz me about that, i could feel it. jake sherman was saying he thinks there is potentially a deal to be made, not the deal that progressives in the house want it to be. what could it look like from your understanding? >> well, you know, i know we're frustrated, of course, with the fact that we've been given signals by senator manchin that he was willing to negotiate a smaller version of this. but so far he's become quite expert in describing what he does not like and what we need to focus our attention on in a 50/50 senate where any one senator can kill any deal is what he's for. that's where a deal can be had. if he's for investing in early childhood education, which he has said he's for, and we can pay for it, let's go do that. if he's for, for example, allowing the united states government negotiating prescription drug prices so a person facing diabetes, maybe in west virginia, doesn't have to spend a third of their income to stay alive but could pay only $35 a month for that precious in inseoul -- insulin. the root word of "progressive" is "progress." and we need to pose that question to the senator. if he's willing to join us, let's take what we can get and move forward with that, knowing it will be good for a lot of americans and a whole lot of west virginians. >> you have a majority in the house right now, but a slim majority. are you confident that the progressives, i know you say you're a progressive, but the more progressive wing of the party, is going to go for that? i mean, they were holding out on the first bill because they wanted to put leverage and pressure on the second bill. they only voted for that first bill because they were assured the second bill would go through. it didn't go through. are they going to feel burned? are they going to want to frankenstein build back better, to get some of it through? >> what i know about progressives and really all democrats in the house is that while we may be irritated with senator manchin and frustrated with this, we're not going to take it out on the american people. if we have a chance to deliver on lower prescription drug prices, on early childhood education, on reducing premium costs for people when they purchase health care, if we have a chance to lower costs for american families, even if it's not everything we want, we'll take that moment and we'll go forward with it, knowing that we will live to fight another day for the other priorities. we're not going to take it out on the american people because we're frustrated with one senator. >> as the whip, the man in charge of literally whipping the votes, not literally whipping the votes, but whipping the votes, you are confident if there was just a standalone bill, the child tax credit or other things that did not include any of the climate change provisions which frankly there is a lot of support for among the american public, there were a lot of big promises made and a lot of campaigns on climate change, are you confident that would still go through? >> i don't want to try to put together how we'll organize a deal. but i would say this, each of these elements are a really high priority for the democrats in congress. and we could pass them as individual bills. we feel like because it's part of a broad agenda and it fits well together, we prefer to do as much as we can in a unified fashion, because it does make sense to do it that way particularly when we're trying to deal with fairness in the tax code and using some of the resources that come from that to lower the cost of prescription drugs, to pay for early childhood education, to do the kind of things we want to do on climate. it's better to pull these together. yes, we could take some of this and run it as individual bills. the problem is when we get to the senate, because of their really stupid rules that they have over there, i'm just going to say it, the filibuster is ridiculous. because of that, it's more difficult to move a whole series of individual bills because we can't use reconciliation over and over and over again. >> filibuster is potentially up for discussion, according to senate majority leader chuck schumer. we'll see, though, if joe manchin and kyrsten sinema have anything to say about that. congressman dan kildee, good to see you, happy holidays. >> thanks, katy. coming up, the kim potter has entered day three of deliberations. we'll go live to minneapolis. but first, a fast court decision for michael flynn and his bid to try and avoid the january 6th committee. n brand, even when your clothes look clean, there's extra dirt you can't see. watch this. that was in these clothes... ugh. but the clothes washed in tide- so much cleaner. if it's got to be clean it's got to be tide hygienic clean. no surprises in these clothes! couple more surprises. i've spent centuries evolving with the world. that's the nature of being the economy. observing investors choose assets to balance risk and reward. with one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. agile and liquid. a proven protector. an ever-evolving enabler of bold decisions. an asset more relevant than ever before. gold. your strategic advantage. 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>> reporter: that's very much an open question, katy. during those open -- excuse me, during those closing arguments and throughout the trial, the prosecution has been underscoring the difference between a gun and a taser, saying, in accusing kim potter of acting recklessly and with negligence, when she mistook the two and shot daunte wright. she said in closing arguments you will be able to feel the two and get a sense of the differences between those different devices. perhaps the jury wanted to do what the prosecution suggested they should do during these deliberations. it's been more than 19 hours that the jury has been tucked away in deliberations. we're 20 hours away from when we even got that question about what they should do if they can't come to an agreement and also that question on the gun that you posed. they've been pretty silent. they started a half hour early this morning and we just have not heard anything since. so we don't know what's going on, we don't know what they're thinking and what they're doing, what's the sticking points there. we're getting some hints from the questions we got almost 24 hours ago at this point. >> we're coming up on christmas, we'll see what happens with that. shaq, thank you very much. ahead, new focus on a 25-year-old mystery. the dna technology that might finally unmask the killer of jonbenet ramsey. first, the surge in covid-19 cases is overwhelming hospitals across the country. a doctor on the front lines joins me next. superpowers from a spider bite? 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>> well, i think unfortunately the relationship with our public health community is in tatters at this point. really what it comes down to is trust. and it comes down to just patient by patient, with doctors and the people they trust trying to talk us through. the fact that we actually trust these vaccines, i think we'll find they're the safest, most effective vaccines humans have ever created. and having that trust and knowing that we ourselves get the vaccines, our kids get these vaccines, and the fact that the science that underpins these vaccines, those principles are the same scientific principles we're using when medications are developed for your chemotherapy for cancer, or when you come in with a gallbladder that needs surgery or when i take care of someone in the icu, it's the same scientific principles. you have to trust me when you come into the hospital. we will do everything we can to save your life. >> how do you feel about -- >> please just trust me now, please trust the science now. >> i mean, yeah, i would say that, i would scream it at the top of my lungs too. what do you think about mandates? we've seen some success with mandates here in new york city. there are some people that just refuse to take the shots, that had to end up quitting city services or quitting some hospitals in the city. the vast majority got the shot when they were forced to. how do you feel about mandates? >> it's so difficult. i feel -- what i feel is that we have 3% of our population whose immune systems don't work properly through a disease they have or medications we give them. 6.5% of our population is under the age of 5 and can't be vaccinated. the only way to protect everyone is if every one of us who can get the vaccine gets the vaccine. that's the way to do it. that's how to protect everyone. and that's what we all need to do together in order to get through this pandemic. >> doctor are you thank you so much for joining us. we do wish you luck. i know it's exhausting out there. thank god for what you're doing. >> i just so appreciate the opportunity to speak with you and thank you so much. >> of course. good luck out there. up next, police in colorado turn to new technology to solve a 25-year-old mystery. who killed jonbenet ramsey? were delayed when the new kid totaled his truck. timber... fortunately, they were covered by progressive, so it was a happy ending... for almost everyone. with downy infusions, let the scent set the mood. feel the difference with downy. growing up in a little red house, on the edge of a forest in norway, there were three things my family encouraged: kindness, honesty and hard work. over time, i've come to add a fourth: be curious. be curious about the world around us, and then go. go with an open heart, and you will find inspiration anew. viking. exploring the world in comfort. new advanced dna testing could help solve the 25-year investigation into one of the most famous unsolved crimes in recent history. the killing of jonbenet ramsey the 6-year-old girl who was strangled and left with a ransom note her parents found inside their boulder, colorado, home. national correspondent miguel has the latest in this case. >> investigators say they're using new dna technology to push this case forward. the question now, will it help them solve it? new focus on the jonbenet ramsey case. one of america's most notorious unsolved murders as officials now turn to advance dna. >> we have a kidnapping. hurry, please. >> explain to me what's going on, okay? >> there, we have a, there's a note and our daughter's gone. >> reporter: the 6-year-old beauty contest winner taken overnight from her bed just after christmas in 1996. this bizarre ransom note, we have your daughter found inside the family home in boulder, colorado. jonbenet's body found hours later wrapped in a blanket in their basement. >> all i can do is just scream. >> reporter: suspicion from the police and the media fell on her parents, john and patsy ramsey and on her older brother, burke. >> i did not have anything to do with it. i loved that child with my whole of my heart and soul. >> reporter: in 2008, two years after patsy ramsey died of cancer, armed with evolving dna technology, investigators concluded an unknown male outside the family was responsible. the boulder county district attorney apologizing saying the suspicions about the ramseys in this case created an ongoing living hell for the ramsey family. investigators have analyzed nearly 1,000 dna samples, but no arrests have ever been made. now, detectives are hoping genetic dna testing, which led to the capture of the golden state killer in 2018, may finally bring closure to the family and friends of jonbenet. her father, john ramsey, telling nbc news, we know there are a number of items found at the scene that have never been tested for dna evidence. time will tell if they're really spending time and resources to find the killer of our daughter. a quarter century of dead end leads and the memory of a little girl taken from her family on christmas. with this new dna technology, investigators have now given a new timeline for when they expect an update on this case. back to you. >> miguel, thank you very much. in moments the white house covid task force will hold a briefing. we'll bring it to you live. also ahead, you tested positive for covid. now what? 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Transcripts For MSNBC Katy Tur Reports 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Katy Tur Reports 20240709

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to combat the surge fueled by the omicron variant. nbc news has just confirmed at least one case of omicron in all 50 states, all of them. that plan includes expanded testing to address scenes like this throughout the country, people waiting for hours in line to get tested. the spike in cases forced the nhl to announce this morning its players will not participate in the winter olympics in beijing. the league says it will need that time to make up the 50 games recently postponed because of covid. but potentially encouraging news from south africa, where omicron originated. there are signs new infections may have peaked. we'll ask our medical expert what that could mean for the united states. joining me is josh lederman from the white house, nbc news correspondent steve patterson from los angeles international airport, nbc news producer gary grumbach in washington, dc and the co-director for the center for vaccine development at texas children's hospital, dr. peter hotez. gentlemen, really good to see you. josh, let's start with you at the white house. they're unveiling this plan to try and combat the spread by getting more tests in the hands of people but also they're trying to help out hospitals that are going to be overwhelmed or are having issues themselves with covid infections among their staff members by sending members of the military to help out at these hospitals. does the white house feel like they're in a good position right now to get the american public what it needs? >> they feel like they're in the best position they could be, given the fact that this new variant really kind of crept up on them, both president biden and vice president harris conceding they did not anticipate seeing a variant quite as infectious as omicron has turned out to be. so they're trying to find any tool that they can come up with, in addition to the ones they already had in mind such as ppe that the white house has been stockpiling for a winter surge, as well as new tools like this 500 million tests they'll be sending out, and like this new drug that the fda today is authorizing. it's called paxlovid, which could potentially reduce infection by 90% if you take it at home. the white house is hoping this will help the u.s. deal with this as it moves into a situation where americans are going to increasingly have to get used to do fact that this is going to be with us for quite some time, that's not going to be a quick end at this point to the pandemic. that's something we expect to hear government officials discussing when they hold this white house covid task force briefing any moment now. it's probably going to be the last one that we'll see this year. and it's coming as the administration is really facing all of these questions about why did they wait so long to get this home testing program up and running. is it really any good if it's not going to be until sometime earlier next year? we don't even know when exactly these tests will be able to go out the door to americans across the country. and what's going to happen next? are we going to provide tests to people once a week? you know, we're already hearing from public health officials that we need really to get tested regularly if we're going to have a variant this infectious and still get on with our lives. those are the key questions the white house is facing as they insist they're using every tool in their toolkit, including sending the military, including getting testing sites up and running and sending tests to anyone around the country who requests it. >> this new pfizer pill to treat covid, dr. hotez, what will this mean? >> right now unfortunately we don't have the medicine available in large quantities. it's going to be a while before we can scale up production unless there's some type of intervention from the white house, possibly through the defense production act. so we'll see if there's any mention that have today. it's good news, it's released for emergency use authorization. it's an impressive medication, an impressive drug in terms of its ability to reduce severe illness by 90%. it would be given to people with moderate and mild infection to prevent them from further deterioration. so it's important to point out this is not for preexposure to the medicine. so it's not like a medicine you can take before you visit somebody or after you've been exposed. only for those with mild and moderate symptoms. and it's basically right now being excluded from people with severe illness because the thinking is it may not have a big impact. the other consideration, it has to be given very early on in the course of the illness because during the virus replication phase, because that's how the medicine works, interfering with virus replication. so it's an exciting development. but for right now, in terms of its indication, it's more of a backstop for our overall strategy against covid as opposed to a primary approach, which is still heavily reliant on the vaccinations and masking. >> there's also news, dr. hotez, about the antibody treatments, monoclonal antibody treatments currently being used at hospitals. the two most popular ones don't seem to be as effective at battling this variant. that's pretty concerning, because the one that is the most effective, we're hearing hospitals are running out of pretty quickly. >> yeah, no, when we saw the mutations in the spike protein, many of us thought that was the first thing that would not be effective, is those monoclonal antibodies, because they only recognize very specific elements of the spike protein or the receptor binding domain. those are the parts that are being heavily mutated in the omicron variant. so you're right, both the regeneron and the lilly monoclonal antibodies don't seem to be very effective. that leaves the glaxo smithkline monoclonal antibodies. two of the three monoclonal antibodies are ineffective and we're seeing breakthrough infections even after boosting although those are not severe illnesses. this is going to be the big challenge, i think, that and keeping our health care workers in the workforce, because of those breakthrough infections. >> what about this news out of south africa that they saw a big spike and a month later they're seeing a big decrease in infections? do we take from that that we'll see the same thing here, a big spike in infection that will rapidly decrease in the next month? or is that too much of a stretch at this point? >> at this point we're experiencing the first part, a big spike in infection, over 100% rise in the last week or so. we're also seeing this in texas and in houston. the rise is clearly -- we're reproducing what's occurred both in south africa and in the uk. how quickly it goes down, you can't always extrapolate. i'll tell you why, katy. sometimes we've seen big waves go up and down here in the u.s. whereas in the uk it goes up, goes down halfway, then it lingers on for months. so it's hard to really count on that. it's a hope. it would be great, because if you think about it, the timing would be really great because it would decline around the time the kids are ready to go back to schools and go back to colleges. i wouldn't -- we can't take that to the bank, we can't count on it. >> it would be helpful, so let's cross our fingers. steve, you're at los angeles international airport. what are you seeing down there? i hear the number of travelers is not going down, despite the transmissibility of this variant. >> katy, i know you know how busy l.a.x. is and frankly how much of a headache it can be. omicron doing absolutely nothing to disrupt holiday travel. 3.5 million travelers expected between now and early january. 200,000 on those busiest days. so new year's day, the day after christmas. take a look, mitigation happening right behind me. you can see this is where a pop-up vaccination site has just sprung up here, probably about five minutes ago. you can already see the line now backing all the way up to the coffee bean. they have a waiting area for people that have just gotten the shots. then the shots happening all the way to my left. these shots come in any flavor you want. johnson & johnson, moderna, pfizer, juvenile pfizer. no excuses is the strategy from the county health department, putting this on in combination with the local pharmacy here, trying to get as many shots as possible as people come in. that's the mitigation strategy. l.a. county significantly jumping up in number of cases, 3,200 a day, that's quite a spike from what we've seen in weeks previous. omicron contributing but not contributing necessarily to the hospitalizations and deaths as of yet, although as we've seen in several spikes, now three or four times, there's always a lag when it comes to number of infections followed by the hospitalizations and then deaths. the county health department of course preparing for that, as is california and the mitigation strategy, again, is to cut it off where people are coming in. that's why they're setting up here today, katy. >> what about, gary, what's going on in washington, dc? i hear there's new masking mandates, there's also an effort to get people easier access to testing. >> hey there, katy. yeah, there's been a 350% increase in positive cases over the past two weeks here in dc. 4,000 cases that are positive here in dc over the past four days alone. so dc health is really scrambling to respond to this. part of what they're doing is increasing their testing capabilities. we're here at a testing site, this is a pcr testing site in the columbia heights section of dc. this is pcr testing which means they're not going to get the results, people in this line, for two to three days. with the holidays coming, people want the results faster. dc health is starting this thing called test yourself express, which they're having eight libraries across the city of washington, dc with a thousand take-home rapid tests they're giving out. there's hundreds of people in line, far more than the supply they have in the libraries themselves. so there's lots of frustration from people about all of this. they believe that, one, the mask mandate should never have been lifted in the first place, but two, they believe that the officials here in washington, both federally and locally, should have seen this coming. here is what some folks had to say. >> there should be more available, and this should already be anticipated. i mean, if i can expect it, i'm sure they can anticipate the quantities needed for different regions. >> why is this -- why are we at this point, why wasn't this pre-thought-through, that this inevitably was going to happen, that they should have had tests in surplus a long time ago? >> in a sign that dc health is really trying to scramble to come up with answers here, they've just announced this morning a vaccination requirement for most indoor places in dc starting in january. if you want to go to a restaurant, a gym, a bar, you're going to need to be vaccinated starting in mid-january. >> we have that in new york city, and it's frankly wonderful to go into a restaurant and know that everybody around you has been vaccinated, or to go into a gym and know everybody around you has been vaccinated. dr. hotez, there's a writer in "the atlantic" today, a johns hopkins associate professor, who writes this is the beginning of the end with this variant because people frankly aren't responding to it the way we responded to other variants. there is a bit of, we're all going to get it, we have no choice, we'll be as cautious as we can, we've been vaccinated, there's no convincing the ones who will not be vaccinated, so society is going to begin the ending of this by starting to live their life among the virus. what do you think of that? >> i would say that's a fairly high risk strategy, katy. in some ways we may be somewhat lucky in that the omicron variant may turn out to be less virulent, cause less severe disease than previous ones. what if that wasn't the case, what if not only it had the escape mutations but also produced far more severe disease, and that would cause tremendous instability. so here's what we need to do. we need to vaccinate the world. the alpha variant arose out of an unvaccinated population in the uk last year. delta rose out of an unvaccinated population in india earlier this year. so what did we think was going to happen if we allowed the entire african continent to go unvaccinated or 6% vaccinated? so this was both predicted and predictable. and until there's a global commitment, until the biden administration, for instance, decides to come up with a plan to vaccinate the world, which they haven't, until the biden administration decides they want to exert some leadership, which they so far haven't, we're going to continue to have this problem. so we're doing what we can at our texas children's center for vaccine development. we're hoping our vaccine will be released for emergency use any day now in india. the indian government has made an advance purchase of 300 million doses. if that happens, our texas children's center for vaccine development will be doing more to vaccinate the world than the entirety of the united states government. and it's not that we're so wonderful, it's just that the u.s. government and the other g7 countries are not stepping up, and that's what's got to happen. >> that is saying something right there. dr. hotez, that is saying something indeed. everybody, thank you so much for joining us to start us off on this 2:00 p.m. hour. tens of billions of dollars in covid relief money has been stolen. the secret service says nearly $100 billion, money meant to help small businesses and the unemployed, instead went into the pockets of fraudsters. joining me now is nbc news' ken dilanian. ken, how did this happen, and do officials believe that they're going to be able to get all that money back? >> no. every american should be outraged about this, katy, because it didn't have to happen. some government officials i've spoken to sort of brush it off by saying, well, we had a choice between speed and efficiency and we chose speed. in other words, they felt like they had to get the money out fast in a pandemic, so they couldn't do all the security checks. but experts say that's just a cop-out. private companies like amazon managed to sell millions of items a week online while keeping fraud to a minimum. what happened with covid relief was that the government didn't take basic steps to verify that the people applying for the money qualified for it or that they were who they said they were. for example, criminals purchased stolen personal information in bulk on the dark web and used it to apply for unemployment benefits. people set up fake companies to apply for ppp loans. the government failed to use available data tools to verify identities. a company called i.d. me that now does a video call with every unemployment applicant to make sure their faces match their driver's licenses. that company has contracts with a lot of states now but the horse is out of the barn, katy. >> remarkable, especially since congress is debating how much money it can spend to get to people who need it with the child tax credit, paid family leave, among other things. ken, thank you so much. ahead, with hospitals on the brink and staff past the point of exhaustion, a doctor on the front lines pleads with residents in her state to get vaccinated, get boosted, and mask up. then, that was fast, in the words of our own pete williams. what a court just said about michael flynn's attempts to avoid a subpoena by the january 6th committee. joe manchin dials into a meeting with senate democrats. but did anyone change his mind? 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>> it's not going to move him, katy, at all. listen, manchin has been holding firm on this for a long time. he's been talking about he prefers this penn-wharton budget model that comes out of the university of pennsylvania which gives a little bit more grim of an estimate. i mean, and the cbo, the congressional budget office at the behest of republicans has come up with a budgetary score that assumes all of these programs in the bill are extended into perpetuity. here is how i would put it, katy. i actually think there is a deal to be had here between manchin and biden. but as we wrote this morning in punchbowl news a.m., is that deal going to be good enough for progressives? because progressives look at this and say, we have a democratic house, a democratic senate, and a democratic president, why are we playing to the lowest common denominator here, joe manchin? and the answer to that is, it's because they have 50 votes in the senate and joe manchin is one of those 50 votes. so do i think there is a deal? i do, i mean, i think that biden and manchin can probably work something out. it's going to really anger the progressive wing of the party. >> what about schumer's pledge to hold a vote on the floor, is it a good strategy of pressure against joe manchin or would it potentially backfire? >> schumer is saying it's time to put your money where your mouth is, as our good friends in fish sometimes put it. listen, a lot of people think -- i've talked to a lot of democratic senators in the last 12 to 18 hours, let's say, and a lot of people say holding that vote will allow them to move on, to close the door on this chapter and end the hope that this bbb, as currently constructed, will pass the senate, because it will not, then they can move on to get a deal. and i think, to be honest with you, this serves everyone's political interests, katy. it allows manchin to be against this bill. it allows senate democrats to be on the record for the bill. it allows both sides to kind of show where they are. there's this fantastical idea, which is basically a dream, that under pressure manchin will come to the floor and vote for this thing. he's not. he would actually win -- he would get political points in a state where donald trump won by 40 points for voting against this or at least that's what he believes and his staff believes. those are the political dynamics. but i just want to add this one fine point at the end, which is, we thought 2021 was a huge legislative year, and it was. the american rescue plan, infrastructure, all of these big things, bbb which hasn't passed. but we're going to get into 2022 now, an election year, and whatever the bbb becomes will take a couple of weeks at least, more likely eight weeks, to get done. and then there's other priorities, there's a government funding fight in there, there's this big bill to combat china. this is going to be a busy at least first quarter, probably first half of 2022 on the legislative front. >> that's if everybody doesn't get covid and they have to shut down. >> right. >> mitch mcconnell was on fox news making a plea for joe manchin. let's play that. >> i admire what joe manchin did. i don't expect them to give up, i think they'll keep coming back to him. i've suggested a good solution to his problem would be to come across the aisle and join us, where he would be treated with respect. >> he's offering him a high profile chairmanship as well. then again, he would be one of many among the republicans. what do you think joe manchin would do here, is there any chance he would move across the aisle? >> manchin has said repeatedly to us and others that he's not going to become a republican. he believes he's a socially and fiscally -- a fiscally conservative and socially understanding, as he says, democrat. i don't see him becoming a republican. but remember what mcconnell's incentives are here, if joe manchin becomes a republican, mitch mcconnell is the majority leader again. and there's no question that joe manchin fits in closer with republicans than he does with republicans. manchin has said no. i don't really see what he would get by becoming a republican at this point besides making mitch mcconnell majority leader which i'm not sure he wants to do. but this is a guy, joe manchin, who meets with mitch mcconnell all the time. he's close with a lot of republicans. but he's said no, and what i always say about manchin is take the guy at his word because he usually follows what he says pretty closely. >> jake sherman, nobody i enjoy talking politics with than you, my friend. >> thank you, katy. dan kildee is chief democratic whip. sir, i enjoy talking about politics with you too, i knew you were going to razz me about that, i could feel it. jake sherman was saying he thinks there is potentially a deal to be made, not the deal that progressives in the house want it to be. what could it look like from your understanding? >> well, you know, i know we're frustrated, of course, with the fact that we've been given signals by senator manchin that he was willing to negotiate a smaller version of this. but so far he's become quite expert in describing what he does not like and what we need to focus our attention on in a 50/50 senate where any one senator can kill any deal is what he's for. that's where a deal can be had. if he's for investing in early childhood education, which he has said he's for, and we can pay for it, let's go do that. if he's for, for example, allowing the united states government negotiating prescription drug prices so a person facing diabetes, maybe in west virginia, doesn't have to spend a third of their income to stay alive but could pay only $35 a month for that precious in inseoul -- insulin. the root word of "progressive" is "progress." and we need to pose that question to the senator. if he's willing to join us, let's take what we can get and move forward with that, knowing it will be good for a lot of americans and a whole lot of west virginians. >> you have a majority in the house right now, but a slim majority. are you confident that the progressives, i know you say you're a progressive, but the more progressive wing of the party, is going to go for that? i mean, they were holding out on the first bill because they wanted to put leverage and pressure on the second bill. they only voted for that first bill because they were assured the second bill would go through. it didn't go through. are they going to feel burned? are they going to want to frankenstein build back better, to get some of it through? >> what i know about progressives and really all democrats in the house is that while we may be irritated with senator manchin and frustrated with this, we're not going to take it out on the american people. if we have a chance to deliver on lower prescription drug prices, on early childhood education, on reducing premium costs for people when they purchase health care, if we have a chance to lower costs for american families, even if it's not everything we want, we'll take that moment and we'll go forward with it, knowing that we will live to fight another day for the other priorities. we're not going to take it out on the american people because we're frustrated with one senator. >> as the whip, the man in charge of literally whipping the votes, not literally whipping the votes, but whipping the votes, you are confident if there was just a standalone bill, the child tax credit or other things that did not include any of the climate change provisions which frankly there is a lot of support for among the american public, there were a lot of big promises made and a lot of campaigns on climate change, are you confident that would still go through? >> i don't want to try to put together how we'll organize a deal. but i would say this, each of these elements are a really high priority for the democrats in congress. and we could pass them as individual bills. we feel like because it's part of a broad agenda and it fits well together, we prefer to do as much as we can in a unified fashion, because it does make sense to do it that way particularly when we're trying to deal with fairness in the tax code and using some of the resources that come from that to lower the cost of prescription drugs, to pay for early childhood education, to do the kind of things we want to do on climate. it's better to pull these together. yes, we could take some of this and run it as individual bills. the problem is when we get to the senate, because of their really stupid rules that they have over there, i'm just going to say it, the filibuster is ridiculous. because of that, it's more difficult to move a whole series of individual bills because we can't use reconciliation over and over and over again. >> filibuster is potentially up for discussion, according to senate majority leader chuck schumer. we'll see, though, if joe manchin and kyrsten sinema have anything to say about that. congressman dan kildee, good to see you, happy holidays. >> thanks, katy. coming up, the kim potter has entered day three of deliberations. we'll go live to minneapolis. but first, a fast court decision for michael flynn and his bid to try and avoid the january 6th committee. n brand, even when your clothes look clean, there's extra dirt you can't see. watch this. that was in these clothes... ugh. but the clothes washed in tide- so much cleaner. if it's got to be clean it's got to be tide hygienic clean. no surprises in these clothes! couple more surprises. i've spent centuries evolving with the world. that's the nature of being the economy. observing investors choose assets to balance risk and reward. with one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. agile and liquid. a proven protector. an ever-evolving enabler of bold decisions. an asset more relevant than ever before. gold. your strategic advantage. 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>> reporter: that's very much an open question, katy. during those open -- excuse me, during those closing arguments and throughout the trial, the prosecution has been underscoring the difference between a gun and a taser, saying, in accusing kim potter of acting recklessly and with negligence, when she mistook the two and shot daunte wright. she said in closing arguments you will be able to feel the two and get a sense of the differences between those different devices. perhaps the jury wanted to do what the prosecution suggested they should do during these deliberations. it's been more than 19 hours that the jury has been tucked away in deliberations. we're 20 hours away from when we even got that question about what they should do if they can't come to an agreement and also that question on the gun that you posed. they've been pretty silent. they started a half hour early this morning and we just have not heard anything since. so we don't know what's going on, we don't know what they're thinking and what they're doing, what's the sticking points there. we're getting some hints from the questions we got almost 24 hours ago at this point. >> we're coming up on christmas, we'll see what happens with that. shaq, thank you very much. ahead, new focus on a 25-year-old mystery. the dna technology that might finally unmask the killer of jonbenet ramsey. first, the surge in covid-19 cases is overwhelming hospitals across the country. a doctor on the front lines joins me next. superpowers from a spider bite? 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>> well, i think unfortunately the relationship with our public health community is in tatters at this point. really what it comes down to is trust. and it comes down to just patient by patient, with doctors and the people they trust trying to talk us through. the fact that we actually trust these vaccines, i think we'll find they're the safest, most effective vaccines humans have ever created. and having that trust and knowing that we ourselves get the vaccines, our kids get these vaccines, and the fact that the science that underpins these vaccines, those principles are the same scientific principles we're using when medications are developed for your chemotherapy for cancer, or when you come in with a gallbladder that needs surgery or when i take care of someone in the icu, it's the same scientific principles. you have to trust me when you come into the hospital. we will do everything we can to save your life. >> how do you feel about -- >> please just trust me now, please trust the science now. >> i mean, yeah, i would say that, i would scream it at the top of my lungs too. what do you think about mandates? we've seen some success with mandates here in new york city. there are some people that just refuse to take the shots, that had to end up quitting city services or quitting some hospitals in the city. the vast majority got the shot when they were forced to. how do you feel about mandates? >> it's so difficult. i feel -- what i feel is that we have 3% of our population whose immune systems don't work properly through a disease they have or medications we give them. 6.5% of our population is under the age of 5 and can't be vaccinated. the only way to protect everyone is if every one of us who can get the vaccine gets the vaccine. that's the way to do it. that's how to protect everyone. and that's what we all need to do together in order to get through this pandemic. >> doctor are you thank you so much for joining us. we do wish you luck. i know it's exhausting out there. thank god for what you're doing. >> i just so appreciate the opportunity to speak with you and thank you so much. >> of course. good luck out there. up next, police in colorado turn to new technology to solve a 25-year-old mystery. who killed jonbenet ramsey? 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new focus on the jonbenet ramsey case. one of america's most notorious unsolved murders as officials now turn to advance dna. >> we have a kidnapping. hurry, please. >> explain to me what's going on, okay? >> there, we have a, there's a note and our daughter's gone. >> reporter: the 6-year-old beauty contest winner taken overnight from her bed just after christmas in 1996. this bizarre ransom note, we have your daughter found inside the family home in boulder, colorado. jonbenet's body found hours later wrapped in a blanket in their basement. >> all i can do is just scream. >> reporter: suspicion from the police and the media fell on her parents, john and patsy ramsey and on her older brother, burke. >> i did not have anything to do with it. i loved that child with my whole of my heart and soul. >> reporter: in 2008, two years after patsy ramsey died of cancer, armed with evolving dna technology, investigators concluded an unknown male outside the family was responsible. the boulder county district attorney apologizing saying the suspicions about the ramseys in this case created an ongoing living hell for the ramsey family. investigators have analyzed nearly 1,000 dna samples, but no arrests have ever been made. now, detectives are hoping genetic dna testing, which led to the capture of the golden state killer in 2018, may finally bring closure to the family and friends of jonbenet. her father, john ramsey, telling nbc news, we know there are a number of items found at the scene that have never been tested for dna evidence. time will tell if they're really spending time and resources to find the killer of our daughter. a quarter century of dead end leads and the memory of a little girl taken from her family on christmas. with this new dna technology, investigators have now given a new timeline for when they expect an update on this case. back to you. >> miguel, thank you very much. in moments the white house covid task force will hold a briefing. we'll bring it to you live. also ahead, you tested positive for covid. now what? 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Filibuster , Kind , Climate , Over And , Series , Thanks , Discussion , Kyrsten Sinema , Kim Potter , Deliberations , Brand , Bid , Dirt , Coming Up , Minneapolis , A Fast Court Decision , Cleaner , Surprises , Economy , Nature , Tide Hygienic , Gold , Decisions , Investors , Reward , Assets , Element , Protector , Portfolios , Enabler , Asset , Advantage , Cold Eeze , Cold , Number One , Tongue , Zinc Lozenge , Ultramelt , 42 , You Re Not Alone , Calhope , Six , Calhope Org , 317 , 833 317 4673 , 833 , 4673 , Restraining Order , Lawsuit , Roadblock , Security , Deposition , Lawyers , Rights , Violation , Law , Justice , Lawsuit Flynn , Judge , Ruling , Correspondent , Flynn , Urgency , Evidence , Reasons , Committee , Steps , View , Set , Documents , November 23rd , 23 , What Flynn , Sort , First Amendment Rights , House Committee Doesn T , Investigation , Views , Authority , Fifth Amendment Rights , House Rules , Lawsuits , Arguments , Goal , Purpose , Delay , Jury , Trial , Same , Gun , Agreement , Request , Consensus , Shaq , Courthouse , Potter , Manslaughter Charges , Charges , Shaquille Brewster In Minneapolis , Reporter , Prosecution , Difference , Acting , Negligence , Taser , Daunte Wright , Differences , Devices , 20 , Hints , 24 , Dna Technology , Mystery , Jonbenet Ramsey , Killer , First , 25 , Help , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Spider Bite , Superpowers , Pay , Gasps , Injectable Cabenuva , Spider Man , Theaters , Hiv Treatment , Hiv , 17 , December 17th , Adults , Medicines , Hiv Pills Aren T On My Mind , Injections , Healthcare Provider , Ingredients , Me Undetectable , Side Effects , Liver Problems , Reactions , Reaction , Depression , Treatment Appointments , Injection Site Reactions , Breastfeeding , Pregnancy , Mental Health Concerns , Tiredness , Fever , O Man , Wrinkly , Shoes , Wrinkles , Dryer , Bounce Wrinkleguard , Megasheet , Workers , Strain , Calls , Heartbreak , Nation , Doctors , Children , Shot , Pulmonologist , Relative , Life Support , Intensive Care Unit , Care , Vaccines , Shelley Schmidt , Spectrum Health , Michigan , Segment , Precautions , Body , Mental Health , Fine , Opportunity , One Of Us , Weight , Communities , Loved Ones , Each Other , Vaccination , Voice , Room , Rope , Standing , Husband , Wife , Facetime , Love , Compassion , Single , Thousands , Patients , Shift , Receiving End , Being , Fathom Being , Take Care Of Yourself , Relationship , Conversation , Community , Trust , Patient , Tatters , Science , Safest , Humans , Medications , Principles , Cancer , Gallbladder , Surgery , Chemotherapy , Icu , Hospital , Mandates , Top , Lungs , Success , City , City Services , 3 , Immune Systems , Age , 6 5 , Wish You Luck , Order , Need , Police , Luck , Technology , Colorado , Up Next , God , Kid , Truck , Timber , Downy , Scent , Mood , Infusions , Family , Little Red House , Work , Kindness , Forest , Honesty , Edge , Fourth , Norway , Inspiration , Heart , Comfort , Viking , Dna Testing , Famous Unsolved Crimes , Girl , Miguel , Ransom Note , Killing , Boulder , History , Investigators , Jonbenet Ramsey Case , Latest , Dna , Murders , Kidnapping , Hurry , Daughter , Beauty Contest , Winner , Note , Bed , Blanket , 1996 , Burke , Media , Suspicion , Patsy Ramsey , Basement , John Ramsey , Child , Whole , Heart And Soul , 2008 , Ramseys , Suspicions , Boulder County , Male , District Attorney , Apologizing , Living Hell , Detectives , Dna Samples , Arrests , Led , Capture , Golden State , 2018 , 1000 , Scene , Friends Of Jonbenet , Dna Evidence , Father , Closure , Memory , Dead End , Briefing , Timeline , Covid Task Force , Planning Effect , Fidelity , Advisor , Healthcare , More , Investing Strategies , Picture , Wealth , Laundry , Scent Boosters , Downy Unstopables , Smelling Laundry , Waaaay , Load , Washing Machine , Cap , T Mobile , Phone , Vo , Device , Small Business Owners Prosper , 000 , Employees , Opportunities , Largest , 5g Network , Facebook , 200 , Skin , 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