Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 2

Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240709

and so you will eventually get to see it. >> if it was ever ridden down or typed out, it will come back. >> yes. >> that's exactly right. >> thank you rachel. well several deeply reported techs have documented donald trump's rage. we have had angry presidents before but we have never had a rage-aholic like donald trump. we can only imagine how high his rage is speaking tonight. now that a federal judge who he appointed has dismissed donald trump's frivolous lawsuit to block the treasury from handing over donald trump's tax returns to the -- richard neil. donald trump's rage at the judge he appointed, and who he believed he owned is accompanied tonight by his rage at the news. that his longtime accountant, at the mazars accounting firm, donald bender, has been granted immunity to testify to the grand jury in mental ton investigating donald trump's businesses. the washington post, says mr. bender, quote, could serve as a human roadmap. through donald trump's tax returns. in all of that rage, it comes on top of the more than 24 hours of rage donald trump has been experiencing about his last white house chief of staff, mark meadows, texas. revealing that fox hosts and congressional republicans were all trying to tell him what to do. when the capital was being attacked on january six. because they were all, as their tech show, absolutely certain that the most ignorant and president in history was sitting in the white house with absolutely no idea what to do. that is what their tech's show about what they thought about donald trump on january six. and how livid is donald trump tonight? about the public revelation that the cowardly donald trump jr. on january six finally says what donald trump jr. may have been trying to say for his whole life. but because he is donald trump jr., he was not allowed to say it to his father. he was a lot to say it to a guy working for his father, mark meadows. he has to lead now. that is what donald trump jr. told mark meadows about his father when the capital was being attacked. he has to lead now. that is a cry from the deepest part of donald trump jr.'s shallow heart. the hopeless cry from a cowardly son to a cowardly father who has never known how to lead. donald trump has never known how to lead anyone, not his children pull, not this company which is now under criminal investigation with one officer of the company already indicted. and certainly not his country. if donald trump were still allowed to use twitter, he would no doubt be filling twitter tonight with a hateful nickname for the federal judge, trevor macfarlane, in the district court in washington d.c. who dismissed donald trump's lawsuit. trying to prevent the treasury from following the law. and giving his tax returns back. judgment said that donald trump, quote, is wrong on the law. a long line of supreme court cases require great deference to facially valid congressional inquiries. even the special solicitude according to former presidents does not alter the outcome. the court will therefore dismiss this case. judge mick vowed then, begin his opinion at the beginning. the beginning of taxation. congress first levied an income tax in 1862 at the height of a civil war. under that law, the public could access and inspect any tax returns. judge mike fallon reviewed the law that involves only him to review. and the chairman of the finance committee to request copies of any tax returns from the irs. donald trump tried to help the law found unconstitutional in its face. and claimed that the judge falsely claimed that chairman neill was abusing his power just so he could make donald trump's tax returns public. in the final line of judge macfarlane 45 page decision, he said, it may not be right or wise to publish the returns. but it is the chairman's right to do so. congress has granted him this extraordinary power and courts are loathe to second guess congressional motives or duly enacted statutes. the court will not do so here and thus must dismiss this case. chairman neill and his staff will not be able to enlist the help of donald trump's accountants to provide a room map through donald trump's tax returns since donald trump's accountant is already doing that under oath with immunity to a grand jury in manhattan. donald bender testified to that grungy, and prosecutors recently interviewed rosemary, a former managing director at george bank who oversaw hundreds of millions of dollars in loans to donald trump. the washington post reports, quote, the appearances by bender and what vrablic, suggests prosecutors are seeking information about trump's finances from a small circle of outside was -- wander and vrablic were never trump's employees, but they knew more about the companies enters more than the employees. did he talked about donald trump's tax returns including donald trump's in frivolous lawsuit against our first guest tonight. tim o'brien, who donald trump sued for liable when he reported, in his book, that donald trump was had lied about his wealth. tim o'brien, of course, won that lawsuit. and joining us now is tim o'brien, he is the author of the book trump nation. and neal katyal, former acting u.s. solicitor general. an msnbc legal contributor. and tim, i just want to begin with you tonight on this development. this news about who we now know who is talking to the ground jury. this is the accountant vendor under oath with immunity to the country in manhattan. the same accountant who was under oath in your case. >> that is right, we deposed donald bender, and we deposed him because we wanted to find out what he knew about the kind of guy donald trump is and the trump organization. as preparing his tax returns. trump routinely floated the statement of financial condition, fomc. that he would give to reporters. he didn't actually provided to me until we litigated. but even his own account it would say that we cannot sign off on this document because it doesn't support the accounting principles. in other words, we are still living holding our noses and looking the other way. bender was the lead representative for trump's accounting firm. he worked directly with allen weisselberg and trump preparing a number of financial documents was that trump used to get loans and recorded on taxes. and i think that the really important thing here is that they are pursuing criminal charges against trump. they need to prove intent. there is more in benders possession possibly and indefinitely in his knowledge. about whether or not trump directed him to do things. they go beyond just the financial documents themselves. if bender is a material witness who can show that donald trump was told, he might be breaking the law, and went ahead and did it anyway and directed them to do that to keep their jobs, that is an important moment in this whole case. donald bender is a very important witness. >> neil katyal, let's consist or when -- this is at the district court level. donald trump can appeal it. surely will appeal. it but it is another one of those federal judges. and in this case a trump appointee, who is crushing every single argument made by donald trump and his lawyers. >> absolutely lawrence. and trump is getting used to that. i think he loses to every single case he. fought as to, someday election, what have been there in december and january. but now all these tax return cases, which he lost already unanimously in the supreme court before, and today's decision i think is really important. it's a trump appointed judge. judge macfarlane, former trump doj official. that said basically, trump, read the law. the law is really clear. congress can get these tax returns. and the law is really clear in the supreme court that we do not accept someone, even a former presidents innuendo about the motivations for the houses representatives and trying to get this information. so it is an important win for the house, but in another way it's unremarkable because trump continues to insist that the law must silence his opponents and hide his misdeeds. and he continues to lose. and trump's only remaining strategy here is to delay and it seems that the course have had enough of it. and that is about the decision today is about. and it comes out a really bad time for trump because he was saying, lawrence, it is not just the text that have come out from fox news hosts that are saying to him, stop this on january six. which, for themselves are powerful and compelling. it's pretty hard to argue that before january six, it was some sort of liberal delusion when you are on record as the fox news hosts are, texting pleased to the president saying please make it stop. but second, it is also coming emerging from his own family. it is not just fox news. it's donald jr., sounding like roman on succession. some sort of cry for. help to just plead and say make it stop. what these two things together really do signal just what water donald trump is in right now. >> tim, you know donald, trump he gets this opinion today from a judge who he appointed. saying, not only do you have to follow this extremely clear law which has never been questioned in the past that your tax returns to have to be handed over to the chair of the means committee. but on the final page, it also says that he can basically do whatever he wants with them, including making them public. >> and donald trump is going out of his mind because he assumes that every judge he appointed is in his pocket. donald trump rules like an old 19th century were boss or a monster. he thinks all of these people. him and he got them their jobs and therefore he has to defer to him. he thinks the same way about the supreme court by the way. and i think he thinks he could come in for a very rude shock after the appeal these last to rulings on his tax returns. and they go to the court. and the court affirms the lower courts rulings. well he is so unsophisticated and bug-ish that he is routinely surprised that members of the bar and members of the court do not do his bidding. and the common thread, making the ruling last thursday from the d.c. circuit, saying that the january six committee was a lot to get his tax returns, and the ruling today saying that the house was in means of getting his tax returns, it's that the congress has a long-standing invalid right to check the presidency to scrutinize the presidency. and to release it for -- and what they are doing right now and seeking these returns are well within their power. and they serve a good public purpose. and in good rulings, was there not only president but history. and i think that this is weighing on these judges. we are at this precipice right now. and all we have is the rule of law. the institutions, to guard us from this abyss. >> neil katyal, animal brian, thank you very much for starting us off tonight, really appreciate. it >> thank you. >> thank you. and coming up, while republicans are texting mark meadows during the attack on the capitol. congressman jason crow was speaking about what weapon he might be able to use to protect his colleagues if the attackers entered the house of chamber. congressman jason crow, will join us next. ll join us next ment this pure... ...demands a lotion this pure. new gold bond pure moisture lotion. 24-hour hydration. no parabens, dyes, or fragrances. gold bond. champion your skin. no one can deliver your mom's homemade short ribs. that's why instacart helps deliver the ingredients. and you add the love. ♪ ♪ ♪ downy's been taking you back, since way back. with freshness and softness you never forget. feel the difference with downy. i've got moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months, after just 2 doses. skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you 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contempt of congress. >> if you're making excuses to avoid cooperating with our investigation, you're making excuses to hide the truth from the american people about what happened on january 6th. you're making excuses as part of the cover-up. there was a steady stream of communication between certain members of congress and mr. meadows about matters central to our investigation. we have questions about those communications. we will pursue those questions and we won't let the facts be buried by a cover-up. >> the vice chair of the committee, liz cheney, outlined possible crimes committed by donald trump. >> mr. meadows testimony will bear on another fundamental question before this committee. and that is whether donald g trump, through action or inaction, corruptly sought to obstruct or impede congress's official proceeding to count electoral votes. this committee is entitled to mr. meadows testimony and it will inform our legislative judgments. congresswoman cheney revealed more of the attacks from republican members of congress sent to mark meadows during the attack on the capitol. >> here are a few others from republican members. quote, it is really bad up here on the hill. another one, the president needs to stop this asap. another one, fix this now. but we can know hours past with no action by the president to defend the congress of the united states from and assault while we were trying to count electoral votes. >> that was at the rules committee meeting this morning. while republicans were sending those text to donald trump, and donald trump was doing nothing, our next guest, the highly trained former army ranger and combat veteran was protecting and reassuring his colleagues in the house chamber. and planning to use his pen as a weapon, if the attackers made it into the house chamber. joining us now is democratic congressman, jason crow, of colorado. he's a member of the house armed services committee. thank you very much for joining us congressman crow. i know the full on the meadows contempt is coming up on the floor very soon. we appreciate your time joining us right now. what have you been feeling as you've been reading those checks that were sent to mark meadows by your republican colleagues, while you were on the floor they're trying to think about how to protect the lives of your colleagues? gues >> i, thanks for having me, lawrence. well, i've been angry and frankly, i hope america is angry, too. as there was some of descending on the capitol, not just attacking their representatives, attacking capitol police, attacking the staff and journalist. brutally beating metropolitan and capitol police. undermining their vote. actually trying to overturn the votes of the american people. on the other end of it, the utter disregard by mark meadows and others. people ignoring pleas for help. people should be really upset about that. people should be angry. and if they're not, they're probably not paying attention in the way that they should be. >> let's listen to what chairman thompson said today about who the republican members are who are sending those checks. their names have not yet been revealed and he didn't reveal. this is what he said. >> there won't be any surprises as to who they are. they've been very public were there with their defense of what happened on january six. and, obviously, it was at their belief that the election was fraudulently stolen. >> congressman crow, one of the things that's clear in these texts to mark meadows is that the people sending them believed that donald trump could control the attackers of the capital and that they would follow his orders to stop what they were doing. they also seemed to believe that donald trump left to his own devices, would do absolutely nothing. >> yes, i think that's right. think about it this week, lawrence. after 9:11, the u.s. capital was under attack. the pentagon was attacked. the twin towers were attacked. there was a mass evacuation of the federal leadership from washington d.c.. from the capital, from the white house, the pentagon. we moved our command structure. we moved our elected leaders out of washington d.c.. so, fast forward to january six of this year, and the capital came under attack. by an insurrectionist mob. and just a couple of miles away at the white house, there was zero effort to move donald trump. that tells a lot as to who was directing and controlling that mob, and where the threat was directed. and we're the threat was emanating from. it freaks speaks volumes, frankly. >> we have another communication to mark meadows -- involving mark meadows -- before january six. saying that the national guard was ready and that the national guard would be ready to protect the pro trump people, and that there would be reinforcement for the national guard. so, they were thinking in the white house, about the national guard before january six. but when the attack happened, no one was lifting a finger about the national guard or anything else. o anything else. >> yes, but are we surprised by the fact that they would be willing to use them military for their political purposes? or at least try to? i don't think they would've been successful, because i think the senior senior commanders of our military that i have great faith and confidence in, would not have allowed that to happen. but if you start with the assumption that donald trump and his key enablers and the people that were supporting him and helping with this effort together, like mark meadows and others -- if you start with the assumption that they do not care about american democracy, they do not care about the right to vote, they care about nothing other than their own power and staying in power. and they would be willing to do anything and use anybody and anything to accomplish that. so, if you use that assumption, that will actually lead you to where you need to be and what you need to know about donald trump and his enablers in almost every instance. >> congressman jason crow, i know you have to go to the house floor now to vote on the mark meadows contempt of congress. thank you very much for joining us tonight during this breaking news situation. really appreciated. >> thanks, lawrence. >> the steve schmidt will join us next and how republicans are feeling one member of congress calls the moral test of our time. o man, that's a whole lot of wrinkly at least my shoes look good! looking good start with bounce wrinkleguard, the megasheet designed to prevent wrinkles in the dryer. this is the sound of nature breathing. and this is the sound of better breathing. fasenra is a different kind of asthma medication. it's not a steroid or inhaler. fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. it's one maintenance dose every 8 weeks. it helps prevent asthma attacks, improve breathing, and lower use of oral steroids. nearly 7 out of 10 adults with asthma may have elevated eosinophils. fasenra is designed to 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failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a build-up of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding . . . . . . or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv . . . . . . keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. them knew that would happen on january six was an assault on our constitution. they knew it at the time. yet now, they are defending the indefensible. whether we tell the truth, get to the truth and defend ourselves against it ever happening again, it's the moral test of our time. how we address january six is the moral test of our generation. >> joining us now is steve schmidt, former republican strategist and the cofounder of the lincoln project. and steve, on the house floor, they are very soon going to begin the vote on contempt of congress against mark meadows. what have we learned in the last 24 hours with the revelation of these text messages about what republican members in the house were really thinking while the capital was being attacked? and what they are saying today and what they are seeing with their votes today in effect to try and defend mark meadows? >> good evening lawrence. first off, the members of congress along with the fox news host what, they are saying at its course is that they have really unfathomable sustained contempt for their viewers, for their voters. they think that they are worthless. they are unworthy of the truth. they lied to them with abandonment and cynicism. and you just look at it through this prism. they have killed hundreds of thousands of people with the lies about a pandemic, about a disease that can be controlled. that even if you get it was the vaccine can prevent you from dying from it. you look at the disproportionate number of deaths throughout the country. you look at the lives will austin our democracy. and we know that brian kilmeade or ingram or sean hannity, scores members of congress, they knew exactly what they were looking at in realtime. they knew that they were watching and who incited a mob that storm the capital of the united states in an active trying to destruct the counting of electoral votes. they knew that this was trump incited. that he alone could stop it. that it had raged out of control. and in its last year, fundamentally, it has been spent. the first moment of the presidency. it was trying to tell us that we saw something that we didn't see. and of course we all saw it. we saw that barack obama's crowd size was bigger. and we saw a play out that this murderous mob came to do violent elements, extremist elements, malicious crowd roars, and the assorted list goes on. so at the end, what we find out through this for certain is that the people on fox news they don't believe a word of what they say, of what they preach, what they sell for billions of dollars. the cynicism is completely exposed. i suppose, there are some people in the country that look at the money in the law and say, goodness, it's a miracle. at the end of the day this stuff speaks for itself. >> steve, one thing i am struck by in all of the texts. this is universal. in every one of the text that have been read from a republican member of congress to mark meadows was to the fox host. to donald trump's own son to mark meadows. every one of those people on january six, during the attack, they all are convinced of one thing. donald trump has no idea what to do. therefore, i must try to tell him what to do through mark meadows. in other words, every one of them knew that donald trump was unfit to serve as commander in chief while the capitol was being attacked. >> for sure that is true. you have to think about this like an iceberg. most of it is below the waterline, it's invisible. the part that you see is not the majority of the math so we are going to find out before this is over, who in fact was the first person that actually spoke to trump. what did they say to? trump what is it that trump thought was happening. did trump say to those people that he thought it should go on. that there should be more people who came to the capital? who knows what trump said to any of these people. we are going to find out what we know for sure is that early on in his email was that went out sometime after we saw the images of donald trump jr. and kimberly guilford smiling, as this was going on in its early stages after they had given the speech, after ted cruz had incited the crowd, and the crowd was on the march. when did it turn to panic? what was the moment? were they saying to one another? when did the smiles get wiped off their face? the white house photographer was there taking pictures all throughout. where are those images? we haven't seen that stuff yet. but it is all there to be seen. and so, is this committee playing out? i think it's going to be absolutely riveting. we just got a little peek at what this committee has been doing as work. the speculation has been that they are not focused. i think that that's fair because a lot of congressional investigations are. but this one seems to be the type that is. i think it should be very impactful about shaping events in the battlefield of the next election as this plays out in the first couple of quarters of 2022. >> chairman thompson joined us here last night and he said that he expects the televised hearings, the televised version of the hearings to be one in the first quarter of next year. somewhere in those first three months. so let's say, by march, we will be seeing this carefully structured televised hearings with the committee. >> he has. i think that i would like to see these committee hearings play out primetime. where the maximum number of the american people can see. it were people who aren't riveted to politics 24/7 can look and understand what is at stake here. with regard to the future of american democracy wait what is at stake to regard to the truth. the cynicism of the people that have been lying to them. so, this is going to be an enormously important event in this country. it is going to frame a very important decision as we are five years out, from celebrating the 250 anniversary up the birth of this country. well so yes what it is a profoundly important moment in this committee is really going in the shape to have a discussion for many months to come as we enter into 2022. the dialogue is going to be different than it has been over the course of 2021 because of this committee. >> well steve schmidt, thank you very much for joining us tonight. we always appreciate it. >> thank you for having me lawrence. >> coming up, a grim anniversary became even more green today. one school children in connecticut have to stay home because of threats to their schools. connecticut senator chris murphy joins us next. murphy joins us next your skin from within? dupixent helps keep you one step ahead of eczema with clearer skin and less itch. hide my skin? not me. don't use if you're allergic to dupixent. serious allergic reactions can occur, including anaphylaxis, which is severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, or a parasitic infection. if you take asthma medicines, don't change or stop them without talking to your doctor. ask your doctor about dupixent. ♪ it wasn't me by shaggy ♪ you're never responsible w for unauthorized your doctor. purchases on your discover card. superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance. ow! i'm ok! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ only in theaters december 17th. for people living with h-i-v, 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presidency. >> >> every time i think about those kid to get me mad. >> today, president joe biden said this >> for me and for barack at the sandy hook elementary school was one of the saddest days that we were in office. those eight years. we came close to legislation. but we came up short, it was so frustrating. and it is still frustrating now, for you and for me and so many others. there are three common sense bills to reduce gun violence that the senate should pass now, right away and long overdue. and our policies is frustrating it can be frustrating particularly frustrating now. but we cannot give up hope, we cannot stop. >> joining us now is democratic senator chris murphy, and senator murphy thank you very much for joining us on this very difficult day. it's a difficult day for you and your state. can you tell us anything more about the threat situation in connecticut schools today? >> the threats are not exclusive to sandy hook school. there have been threats throughout the skate that have caused many of our secondary elementary schools. listen, it's not surprising unfortunately when you have a high-profile mass shooting like the one we saw an oxford. you have copy cats and when the highest levels of the federal government do nothing to substantially condemn or stop these acts, it sends a explicit message of endorsement. other young men whose brains are breaking and contemplating these kind of actions. or at least contemplating making a prank call. so, i think that it is perfectly explainable. because of the action from congress. listen, sandy hook as a community that is resilient. in many ways it has bounce back. but in many ways it will never be the same. this is obviously a really difficult day for the community. even without these threats, and then to have kids at home continually worried about their safety. it's just layers of trauma on top of trauma that this country should find unacceptable. >> what is this day like in connecticut and in newtown? this grim anniversary day once every year. >> i become many very close with the families. i tried to reach out the night before. i know a lot of them would like to stay quiet on the 14th. i would tell, you for me, it doesn't get easier. it doesn't get easier. in part because every year that passes without action is another year that i know a whole new generation of kids are going to face this reality. and you don't have to have a shooting at your school to be affected. my two kids, seventh grader and a fourth grade, or go through active shooter drills. what no one expects to have a shooting on their campus. so in connecticut, this is a day that i think is tougher not easier overtime. those families will relive the nightmare every day. but this is certainly a time and a day where it is particularly acute. and it's a day for all of us to just remind ourselves that this is in nowhere else but the united states of america. our cause is so righteous. and i appreciate joe biden's words today to keep us at work [inaudible] . >> the method used to raise the debt ceiling and pasta through the united states senate, appeared to outsiders to be a change in senate rules which technically it isn't. but it certainly appears as though to get the debt ceiling passed, an accommodation was reached to allow the democrats to do that with only 50 votes. in fact, it was just a reversal to the way it used to be done back in the 1990s. and in other times, there would never ever be an exception to the motion to proceed to the debt ceiling vote. and so that is what they got out of the way. but to people out there who think that voting rights are the most important thing a country is facing, to other people out there who think the same thing about gun safety laws where, they are always being told, sorry we don't have 60 votes, what do you say to them on a day like today? when they are watching the sun event. when they're watching the senate part the sea. so that the debt ceiling can go through. but never can consider doing that on the issue of a gun safety ruling. >> i don't know if i can say it was, but what we have seen today is that the senate is going to change the rule for something that is important. and 50 democratic senators are willing to change the rule for something important. now in this case, the important thing was the full faith and credit of the united states government. but, my lord, what is more important than the safety of our kids? i want america to pay our bills. but ask those parents in sandy hook, whether they would trade a temporary debt default for another ten minutes with their dead first graders. nothing is more important than the safety of our children. so yes, this is a day to be reminded that there are moments when 50 democratic senators, and maybe even a few republicans are willing to change the rule to do something important. and senator roy gave one of the most powerful speeches behind closed today, behind the doors today, and maybe some of our colleagues listen to. it and have an open mind to how we proceed on the rules of the senate moving forward. >> senator chris murphy, thank you very much for joining us on what i know is a very difficult day for you. we really appreciate it. >> thank you lawrence. >> thank you. i coming up, california in the way -- are going to go after guns using the same legal tools that texas is now using against abortion rights. that is next. that is next with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you 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if and when they just completely overturn roe v. wade and then there by making the texas law. that doesn't get them out of it. because the decisions rhetoric you basically can have these anti-provisions. it wasn't an abortion specific ruling. chief justice said this is going to be for any constitutional right. so they cannot get themselves out of this without overturning roe v. wade. the only way to get themselves out of it is by returning this treacherous decision and dangerous decision from the supreme court writer a few days ago. >> so neil, this california will go forward with this. these cases will eventually presumably ripe into the supreme court. what might take a couple of years. >> correct. they take 2 to 3 years to get to the supreme court. but given what the justices said. i don't think that there's a way out of this box without overturning this horrible decision. [inaudible] >> no cocktail, thank you so much for joining us tonight, we really appreciate it. >> thank you. >> and the house is voting right now on the contempt of congress resolution against mark meadows. the 11th hour will bring you the results of that vote, that is tonight's last word. the 11th hour starts now. >> good evening, once again. i'm chris jansing. day 329 of the biden administration. and a pivotal day for the house committee investigating the capitol instruction. the full house is now voting on whether to hold former schweit trump white house chief of staff and one time congressman, mark meadows, in criminal contempt of congress. his case would then go to the biden justice department, which will decide whether to prosecute. we're keeping a close eye on these numbers. you will remember that when a similar vote was taken in the case of a steve bannon, nine republicans voted along with the democrats. also, taking a little longer tonight, there is a lot of folks who are voting for members of congress who are not there. we're keeping our eyes very closely on what's happening. but as you know, mark meadows has refused to cooperate with the investigation after initially engaging with the committee. and after, he turned off after over thousands of pages of records. last night, the january six committee revealed just a few of those records. mostly text messages between mark meadows and unnamed republicans on the hill, as well as trump's family and fox news host. all asking meadows to urge the former president to tell the mob attacking the capitol to stand down. tonight, the committee made public another text message. it was sent november 4th, the day after the 2020 election and before all the votes were counted. from a lawmaker to mark meadows. this is how it reads. quote, here's an aggressive strategy. why can't the states of georgia, north carolina, pennsylvania and other republican controlled state houses declare this is b as, for conflicts and elections not cold that night. and just in their own electors to vote? and have it go to the supreme court. >> one of the two republicans on the january six committee, vice chair, let's shade, referred to those tax drink the house debris prior to tonight's contempt vote. rior to tonigh>> some of those , madam speaker, came from members in the chamber right now. members who understood that a violent assault was under way at the capitol. members who pleaded with the chief of staff to get the president to take action. i read a number of these last night at our hearing. i will read them all today. but i will read a few of them. mark, one member said, he needs to stop this now. in all caps, tell him to go home. potus has to come out from the until the protesters to dissipate. someone is going to get killed. >> now, as for the fox news host who pleaded with meadows to convince trump to stop the violence at the capitol, here's what the january six committee said sean hannity rock to mark meadows and then what he said on here that night. >>

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Macfarlane , Washington D C , District Court , Nickname , Supreme Court , Line , Cases , Judgment , Deference , Case , Opinion , Mick , Solicitude , Inquiries , Outcome , Congress Of The United States , Income Tax , Mike Fallon , Beginning , Taxation , Height , Civil War , 1862 , Chairman , Finance Committee , Irs , Copies , Neill , Power , Face , Tax Returns Public , Returns , Courts , Page Decision , Loathe , 45 , Help , Staff , Statutes , Motives , Oath , Prosecutors , Accountants , Grungy , Manhattan , Room Map , Loans , Rosemary , Who , Hundreds , Millions , Appearances , Vrablic , Washington Post Reports , George Bank , Information , Finances , Circle , Outside , Wander , Employees , Guest , Tim O Brien , Companies , Course , Book , Wealth , Contributor , Acting , Author , Former , Development , U S Solicitor General , Neal Katyal , The Book Trump Nation , Msnbc , Accountant Vendor , Ground Jury , We Deposed Donald Bender , Kind , Statement , Guy Donald Trump , Condition , Trump Organization , Fomc , Account , Document , Reporters , Principles , Way , Words , Number , Documents , Lead , Noses , Representative , Accounting Firm , Allen Weisselberg , Taxes , Charges , Benders , Possession , Knowledge , Material Witness , Jobs , Let , Witness , Level , Lawrence , Judges , Argument , Lawyers , Case A Trump Appointee , Decision , Tax Return Cases , Trump Appointed Judge , Someday Election , Someone , Innuendo , Former Trump Doj , House , Representatives , Houses , Win , Motivations , Opponents , Saying , Strategy , Misdeeds , Text , Fox News , Compelling , Which , Family , Record , It S Donald Jr , It Stop , Delusion , Make It Stop , Signal , Sort , Roman On Succession , Two , Water , Committee , Chair , Page , Mind , Pocket , Them Public , Boss , 19th Century , 19 , Shock , Monster , Rulings , Ish , Lower Courts Rulings , House Armed Services Committee , Ruling , Thread , Circuit , Bidding , Bar , Making The Ruling Last Thursday , Presidency , Right , Purpose , It , U S , Institutions , Rule Of Law , Precipice , Abyss , Animal Brian , Attack , Capitol , Congressman Jason Crow , Colleagues , Attackers , Weapon , Chamber , Coming Up , Bond , Pure , Lotion , Hydration , Moisture , Fragrances , Parabens , Dyes , Next , Ll , Skin , Instacart , Ingredients , Mom , Short Ribs , Love , Downy , Freshness , Softness , Infections , Difference , Ability , Risk , Plaque Psoriasis , Doses , Moderate , Skyrizi , 90 , 3 , 4 , 2 , Doctor , Infection , Treatment , Symptoms , Vaccine , Tuberculosis , Dermatologist , Chills , Coughs , Muscle Aches , Fever , Sweats , Something , Small Business , Service , Flexibility , Network , Comcast Business Mobile , Nationwide 5g , 5 , Contract , Lines , Business , Data , Customers , Fees , Mix , Match Data Options , Internet , Term , 0 , Four , 30 , Possibilities , Comcast Business , House Select Committee Investigating The January 6th , January 6th , 6 , Vote , Truth , On The House Floor Tonight , Contempt Of Congress , Holding Mark Meadows , Communication , Cover Up , Stream , Excuses , Congresswoman Cheney , Meadows , Questions , Communications , Facts , Question , Crimes , Meadows Testimony , Action , Votes , Donald G Trump , Corruptly , Proceeding , Inaction , Judgments , More , Attacks , Others , The Hill , Assault , In The House Chamber , Army , Ranger , Veteran , Combat , Member , Congressman , Pen , Planning , House Chamber , Colorado , Floor , Meadows Contempt , Lives , Gues I , Capitol Police , Descending , End , Journalist , Chairman Thompson , Disregard , Pleas , Attention , Won T , Names , Checks , Surprises , Election , Defense , Belief , Texts , Left , Devices , Orders , Pentagon , Twin Towers , 11 , 9 , Leadership , Leaders , Evacuation , Command Structure , The Pentagon , Fast Forward , Couple , Effort , Insurrectionist Mob , Zero , Threat , Guard , Mob , It Freaks , Volumes , Thinking , Reinforcement , National Guard , Fact , Anything , Military , No One , Purposes , Finger , Anything Else , Assumption , Enablers , Faith , Commanders , In , Confidence , Staying , American Democracy , Instance , Anybody , Steve Schmidt , Thanks , House Floor , Breaking News Situation , Mark Meadows Contempt Of Congress , Test , Wrinkly , O Man , Shoes , Bounce Wrinkleguard , Fasenra , Sound , Breathing , Megasheet , Nature Breathing , Wrinkles , Dryer , Asthma , Eosinophils , Asthma Attacks , Add On Treatment , Asthma Medication , Use , Steroid , Steroids , Maintenance Dose , Inhaler , 8 , Adults , Reactions , Rescue Medication , Conditions , Swelling , 7 , 10 , Headache , Don T , Sore Throat , Trouble , Mouth , Tongue , Liberty , Liberty Mutual , Sanctuary , Car Insurance , Customization , Throwback , Dj , Wish List Event , Lincoln , Psoriasis , Cosentyx , Crohn S Disease , Biktarvy , Isn T Gonna Fit , Zach , Stereotype , My Name , Sure , Side Effects , Amount , Lab Test , Pill , Cure , Virus , Liver Problems , Kidney Problems , Medicines , Breastfeeding , Kidney Failure , 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March , Three , Committee Hearings Play Out Primetime , Stake , The Future Of American Democracy Wait What , Aren T Riveted , 24 7 , Event , Birth , 250 , Five , Discussion , Dialogue , Shape , 2021 , School Children , Anniversary , Chris Murphy , Threats , Schools , Home , Newtown Connecticut , Itch , Eczema , Step , Dupixent , Anaphylaxis , Eye Problems , Vision Changes , Asthma Medicines , Eye Pain , Don T Change , W , It Wasn T Me By Shaggy , Purchases , Discover Card , Pay , Superpowers , Spider Bite , World , Theaters , December 17th , 17 , Research , Can , Buildup , Sex , Run , Smoking , Marathon , Nicorette , Downy Unstopables , Laundry , Clothes , Scent Boosters , Smelling Laundry , Waaaay , Detergent , Washing Machine , Load , Cap , Trees , Me And You , Green Red , Owner , Future , Investor , What A Wonderful World Rich Life , At Vanguard , Beauty , Both , Crepe Corrector Lotion , Vanguard , 20 , Nine , Parents , School , Sandy Hook Elementary School , Town , Students , Letter , Levels , School Community , Stress , Anonymous , Calls , Raise , Oaks , Emotion , Newtown General Of School , State , Tragedy , Michigan , Mass Murder , Kid , Joe Biden , Office , Legislation , Eight , United States Senate , Bills , Gun Violence , Now , Common Sense , Senator , Policies , Democratic , Hope , Situation , Elementary Schools , Many , Sandy Hook School , Skate , Government , Mass Shooting , Acts , Copy Cats , Oxford , Men , Actions , Message , Prank Call , Endorsement , Brains , Community , Sandy Hook , Ways , Same , Kids , Safety , Trauma , Top , Doesn T , Families , 14 , Shooting , Grader , Reality , Overtime , Fourth Grade , Campus , Shooter Drills , Nightmare , Debt Ceiling , Pasta , Cause , Outsiders , Method , Inaudible , Accommodation , Change , Isn T , Senate Rules , 50 , Debt Ceiling Vote , Times , Reversal , Motion , Exception , 1990 , Gun Safety Laws , Voting Rights , Facing , Gun Safety Ruling , Sea , Issue , Sun , 60 , Rule , Senators , Credit , Lord , United States Government , Graders , Debt Default , Ten , Roy , Rules , Speeches , Doors , Guns , California S , Tools , Abortion Rights , Turn , Hang On , Tex , Ooo , Ray , Vacations , Diabetes , No , Glucose Levels , Mystery , A1c , Libre 2 , Cough Sneeze , Sneezing , Dissolves , Visit Freestylelibre Us , Cold Relief , Alka Seltzer Plus , Plop Fizz , Alka Seltzer , Fast Sinus Relief , Google , Super Poligrip , Food Particles , Pieces , Game , Snacking , Seal , Mike S Denture , Mood , Infusions , Liberty Xfinity , Sing 2 , Sing , Movie , Tunes , Tickets , Sing Karaoke , Fandango , 1 , A Million , , Xfinity , Rewards , States , Gavin Newsom , Abortion Services , Service Providers , Texas Law , Women , Bill , Attorney General , Legislature , Citizens , Assault Weapon , Injunctive Relief , Attorneys Fees , Costs , Damages , Ghost , Gun Kit , 0000 , 10000 , Tierney General , Parts , New York , Reason , Industry , Team , Gun Distributors , Gun Manufacturers , Liability , Individuals , Hearts , Carnage , Prayers , Acting Solicitor General , Announcement , On Msnbc , Licensing , Officials , Move , Bottom Line , Vigilante Provision , Anti Provisions , Chief Justice , Abortion , Example , John Roberts , Donations , Corporations , Finance Campaign Laws , Campaigns , Vigilantes , On And , Force , Consequences , Aren T , Front , Roe V Wade , Kind Of Law Applied , Decisions , Rhetoric , Making The Texas Law , It Wasn T An Abortion , Writer , Justices , Given , Box , Correct , 11th Hour , Voting , Cocktail , Results , House Committee Investigating The Capitol Instruction , Administration , Chris Jansing , 329 , Schweit , Whether , Numbers , Eye , Biden Justice Department , Steve Bannon , Folks , Eyes , Records , Few , Pages , Last Night , Text Message , The Committee Made Public , November 4th , 2020 , Lawmaker , Georgia , Pennsylvania , North Carolina , State Houses , Elections , Electors , B , Conflicts , Contempt Vote , Tax , Some , Debris , Madam Speaker , Rior , Hearing , Caps , Protesters , Him , Potus ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240709

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and so you will eventually get to see it. >> if it was ever ridden down or typed out, it will come back. >> yes. >> that's exactly right. >> thank you rachel. well several deeply reported techs have documented donald trump's rage. we have had angry presidents before but we have never had a rage-aholic like donald trump. we can only imagine how high his rage is speaking tonight. now that a federal judge who he appointed has dismissed donald trump's frivolous lawsuit to block the treasury from handing over donald trump's tax returns to the -- richard neil. donald trump's rage at the judge he appointed, and who he believed he owned is accompanied tonight by his rage at the news. that his longtime accountant, at the mazars accounting firm, donald bender, has been granted immunity to testify to the grand jury in mental ton investigating donald trump's businesses. the washington post, says mr. bender, quote, could serve as a human roadmap. through donald trump's tax returns. in all of that rage, it comes on top of the more than 24 hours of rage donald trump has been experiencing about his last white house chief of staff, mark meadows, texas. revealing that fox hosts and congressional republicans were all trying to tell him what to do. when the capital was being attacked on january six. because they were all, as their tech show, absolutely certain that the most ignorant and president in history was sitting in the white house with absolutely no idea what to do. that is what their tech's show about what they thought about donald trump on january six. and how livid is donald trump tonight? about the public revelation that the cowardly donald trump jr. on january six finally says what donald trump jr. may have been trying to say for his whole life. but because he is donald trump jr., he was not allowed to say it to his father. he was a lot to say it to a guy working for his father, mark meadows. he has to lead now. that is what donald trump jr. told mark meadows about his father when the capital was being attacked. he has to lead now. that is a cry from the deepest part of donald trump jr.'s shallow heart. the hopeless cry from a cowardly son to a cowardly father who has never known how to lead. donald trump has never known how to lead anyone, not his children pull, not this company which is now under criminal investigation with one officer of the company already indicted. and certainly not his country. if donald trump were still allowed to use twitter, he would no doubt be filling twitter tonight with a hateful nickname for the federal judge, trevor macfarlane, in the district court in washington d.c. who dismissed donald trump's lawsuit. trying to prevent the treasury from following the law. and giving his tax returns back. judgment said that donald trump, quote, is wrong on the law. a long line of supreme court cases require great deference to facially valid congressional inquiries. even the special solicitude according to former presidents does not alter the outcome. the court will therefore dismiss this case. judge mick vowed then, begin his opinion at the beginning. the beginning of taxation. congress first levied an income tax in 1862 at the height of a civil war. under that law, the public could access and inspect any tax returns. judge mike fallon reviewed the law that involves only him to review. and the chairman of the finance committee to request copies of any tax returns from the irs. donald trump tried to help the law found unconstitutional in its face. and claimed that the judge falsely claimed that chairman neill was abusing his power just so he could make donald trump's tax returns public. in the final line of judge macfarlane 45 page decision, he said, it may not be right or wise to publish the returns. but it is the chairman's right to do so. congress has granted him this extraordinary power and courts are loathe to second guess congressional motives or duly enacted statutes. the court will not do so here and thus must dismiss this case. chairman neill and his staff will not be able to enlist the help of donald trump's accountants to provide a room map through donald trump's tax returns since donald trump's accountant is already doing that under oath with immunity to a grand jury in manhattan. donald bender testified to that grungy, and prosecutors recently interviewed rosemary, a former managing director at george bank who oversaw hundreds of millions of dollars in loans to donald trump. the washington post reports, quote, the appearances by bender and what vrablic, suggests prosecutors are seeking information about trump's finances from a small circle of outside was -- wander and vrablic were never trump's employees, but they knew more about the companies enters more than the employees. did he talked about donald trump's tax returns including donald trump's in frivolous lawsuit against our first guest tonight. tim o'brien, who donald trump sued for liable when he reported, in his book, that donald trump was had lied about his wealth. tim o'brien, of course, won that lawsuit. and joining us now is tim o'brien, he is the author of the book trump nation. and neal katyal, former acting u.s. solicitor general. an msnbc legal contributor. and tim, i just want to begin with you tonight on this development. this news about who we now know who is talking to the ground jury. this is the accountant vendor under oath with immunity to the country in manhattan. the same accountant who was under oath in your case. >> that is right, we deposed donald bender, and we deposed him because we wanted to find out what he knew about the kind of guy donald trump is and the trump organization. as preparing his tax returns. trump routinely floated the statement of financial condition, fomc. that he would give to reporters. he didn't actually provided to me until we litigated. but even his own account it would say that we cannot sign off on this document because it doesn't support the accounting principles. in other words, we are still living holding our noses and looking the other way. bender was the lead representative for trump's accounting firm. he worked directly with allen weisselberg and trump preparing a number of financial documents was that trump used to get loans and recorded on taxes. and i think that the really important thing here is that they are pursuing criminal charges against trump. they need to prove intent. there is more in benders possession possibly and indefinitely in his knowledge. about whether or not trump directed him to do things. they go beyond just the financial documents themselves. if bender is a material witness who can show that donald trump was told, he might be breaking the law, and went ahead and did it anyway and directed them to do that to keep their jobs, that is an important moment in this whole case. donald bender is a very important witness. >> neil katyal, let's consist or when -- this is at the district court level. donald trump can appeal it. surely will appeal. it but it is another one of those federal judges. and in this case a trump appointee, who is crushing every single argument made by donald trump and his lawyers. >> absolutely lawrence. and trump is getting used to that. i think he loses to every single case he. fought as to, someday election, what have been there in december and january. but now all these tax return cases, which he lost already unanimously in the supreme court before, and today's decision i think is really important. it's a trump appointed judge. judge macfarlane, former trump doj official. that said basically, trump, read the law. the law is really clear. congress can get these tax returns. and the law is really clear in the supreme court that we do not accept someone, even a former presidents innuendo about the motivations for the houses representatives and trying to get this information. so it is an important win for the house, but in another way it's unremarkable because trump continues to insist that the law must silence his opponents and hide his misdeeds. and he continues to lose. and trump's only remaining strategy here is to delay and it seems that the course have had enough of it. and that is about the decision today is about. and it comes out a really bad time for trump because he was saying, lawrence, it is not just the text that have come out from fox news hosts that are saying to him, stop this on january six. which, for themselves are powerful and compelling. it's pretty hard to argue that before january six, it was some sort of liberal delusion when you are on record as the fox news hosts are, texting pleased to the president saying please make it stop. but second, it is also coming emerging from his own family. it is not just fox news. it's donald jr., sounding like roman on succession. some sort of cry for. help to just plead and say make it stop. what these two things together really do signal just what water donald trump is in right now. >> tim, you know donald, trump he gets this opinion today from a judge who he appointed. saying, not only do you have to follow this extremely clear law which has never been questioned in the past that your tax returns to have to be handed over to the chair of the means committee. but on the final page, it also says that he can basically do whatever he wants with them, including making them public. >> and donald trump is going out of his mind because he assumes that every judge he appointed is in his pocket. donald trump rules like an old 19th century were boss or a monster. he thinks all of these people. him and he got them their jobs and therefore he has to defer to him. he thinks the same way about the supreme court by the way. and i think he thinks he could come in for a very rude shock after the appeal these last to rulings on his tax returns. and they go to the court. and the court affirms the lower courts rulings. well he is so unsophisticated and bug-ish that he is routinely surprised that members of the bar and members of the court do not do his bidding. and the common thread, making the ruling last thursday from the d.c. circuit, saying that the january six committee was a lot to get his tax returns, and the ruling today saying that the house was in means of getting his tax returns, it's that the congress has a long-standing invalid right to check the presidency to scrutinize the presidency. and to release it for -- and what they are doing right now and seeking these returns are well within their power. and they serve a good public purpose. and in good rulings, was there not only president but history. and i think that this is weighing on these judges. we are at this precipice right now. and all we have is the rule of law. the institutions, to guard us from this abyss. >> neil katyal, animal brian, thank you very much for starting us off tonight, really appreciate. it >> thank you. >> thank you. and coming up, while republicans are texting mark meadows during the attack on the capitol. congressman jason crow was speaking about what weapon he might be able to use to protect his colleagues if the attackers entered the house of chamber. congressman jason crow, will join us next. ll join us next ment this pure... ...demands a lotion this pure. new gold bond pure moisture lotion. 24-hour hydration. no parabens, dyes, or fragrances. gold bond. champion your skin. no one can deliver your mom's homemade short ribs. that's why instacart helps deliver the ingredients. and you add the love. ♪ ♪ ♪ downy's been taking you back, since way back. with freshness and softness you never forget. feel the difference with downy. i've got moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months, after just 2 doses. skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you 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contempt of congress. >> if you're making excuses to avoid cooperating with our investigation, you're making excuses to hide the truth from the american people about what happened on january 6th. you're making excuses as part of the cover-up. there was a steady stream of communication between certain members of congress and mr. meadows about matters central to our investigation. we have questions about those communications. we will pursue those questions and we won't let the facts be buried by a cover-up. >> the vice chair of the committee, liz cheney, outlined possible crimes committed by donald trump. >> mr. meadows testimony will bear on another fundamental question before this committee. and that is whether donald g trump, through action or inaction, corruptly sought to obstruct or impede congress's official proceeding to count electoral votes. this committee is entitled to mr. meadows testimony and it will inform our legislative judgments. congresswoman cheney revealed more of the attacks from republican members of congress sent to mark meadows during the attack on the capitol. >> here are a few others from republican members. quote, it is really bad up here on the hill. another one, the president needs to stop this asap. another one, fix this now. but we can know hours past with no action by the president to defend the congress of the united states from and assault while we were trying to count electoral votes. >> that was at the rules committee meeting this morning. while republicans were sending those text to donald trump, and donald trump was doing nothing, our next guest, the highly trained former army ranger and combat veteran was protecting and reassuring his colleagues in the house chamber. and planning to use his pen as a weapon, if the attackers made it into the house chamber. joining us now is democratic congressman, jason crow, of colorado. he's a member of the house armed services committee. thank you very much for joining us congressman crow. i know the full on the meadows contempt is coming up on the floor very soon. we appreciate your time joining us right now. what have you been feeling as you've been reading those checks that were sent to mark meadows by your republican colleagues, while you were on the floor they're trying to think about how to protect the lives of your colleagues? gues >> i, thanks for having me, lawrence. well, i've been angry and frankly, i hope america is angry, too. as there was some of descending on the capitol, not just attacking their representatives, attacking capitol police, attacking the staff and journalist. brutally beating metropolitan and capitol police. undermining their vote. actually trying to overturn the votes of the american people. on the other end of it, the utter disregard by mark meadows and others. people ignoring pleas for help. people should be really upset about that. people should be angry. and if they're not, they're probably not paying attention in the way that they should be. >> let's listen to what chairman thompson said today about who the republican members are who are sending those checks. their names have not yet been revealed and he didn't reveal. this is what he said. >> there won't be any surprises as to who they are. they've been very public were there with their defense of what happened on january six. and, obviously, it was at their belief that the election was fraudulently stolen. >> congressman crow, one of the things that's clear in these texts to mark meadows is that the people sending them believed that donald trump could control the attackers of the capital and that they would follow his orders to stop what they were doing. they also seemed to believe that donald trump left to his own devices, would do absolutely nothing. >> yes, i think that's right. think about it this week, lawrence. after 9:11, the u.s. capital was under attack. the pentagon was attacked. the twin towers were attacked. there was a mass evacuation of the federal leadership from washington d.c.. from the capital, from the white house, the pentagon. we moved our command structure. we moved our elected leaders out of washington d.c.. so, fast forward to january six of this year, and the capital came under attack. by an insurrectionist mob. and just a couple of miles away at the white house, there was zero effort to move donald trump. that tells a lot as to who was directing and controlling that mob, and where the threat was directed. and we're the threat was emanating from. it freaks speaks volumes, frankly. >> we have another communication to mark meadows -- involving mark meadows -- before january six. saying that the national guard was ready and that the national guard would be ready to protect the pro trump people, and that there would be reinforcement for the national guard. so, they were thinking in the white house, about the national guard before january six. but when the attack happened, no one was lifting a finger about the national guard or anything else. o anything else. >> yes, but are we surprised by the fact that they would be willing to use them military for their political purposes? or at least try to? i don't think they would've been successful, because i think the senior senior commanders of our military that i have great faith and confidence in, would not have allowed that to happen. but if you start with the assumption that donald trump and his key enablers and the people that were supporting him and helping with this effort together, like mark meadows and others -- if you start with the assumption that they do not care about american democracy, they do not care about the right to vote, they care about nothing other than their own power and staying in power. and they would be willing to do anything and use anybody and anything to accomplish that. so, if you use that assumption, that will actually lead you to where you need to be and what you need to know about donald trump and his enablers in almost every instance. >> congressman jason crow, i know you have to go to the house floor now to vote on the mark meadows contempt of congress. thank you very much for joining us tonight during this breaking news situation. really appreciated. >> thanks, lawrence. >> the steve schmidt will join us next and how republicans are feeling one member of congress calls the moral test of our time. o man, that's a whole lot of wrinkly at least my shoes look good! looking good start with bounce wrinkleguard, the megasheet designed to prevent wrinkles in the dryer. this is the sound of nature breathing. and this is the sound of better breathing. fasenra is a different kind of asthma medication. it's not a steroid or inhaler. fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. it's one maintenance dose every 8 weeks. it helps prevent asthma attacks, improve breathing, and lower use of oral steroids. nearly 7 out of 10 adults with asthma may have elevated eosinophils. fasenra is designed to 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failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a build-up of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding . . . . . . or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv . . . . . . keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. them knew that would happen on january six was an assault on our constitution. they knew it at the time. yet now, they are defending the indefensible. whether we tell the truth, get to the truth and defend ourselves against it ever happening again, it's the moral test of our time. how we address january six is the moral test of our generation. >> joining us now is steve schmidt, former republican strategist and the cofounder of the lincoln project. and steve, on the house floor, they are very soon going to begin the vote on contempt of congress against mark meadows. what have we learned in the last 24 hours with the revelation of these text messages about what republican members in the house were really thinking while the capital was being attacked? and what they are saying today and what they are seeing with their votes today in effect to try and defend mark meadows? >> good evening lawrence. first off, the members of congress along with the fox news host what, they are saying at its course is that they have really unfathomable sustained contempt for their viewers, for their voters. they think that they are worthless. they are unworthy of the truth. they lied to them with abandonment and cynicism. and you just look at it through this prism. they have killed hundreds of thousands of people with the lies about a pandemic, about a disease that can be controlled. that even if you get it was the vaccine can prevent you from dying from it. you look at the disproportionate number of deaths throughout the country. you look at the lives will austin our democracy. and we know that brian kilmeade or ingram or sean hannity, scores members of congress, they knew exactly what they were looking at in realtime. they knew that they were watching and who incited a mob that storm the capital of the united states in an active trying to destruct the counting of electoral votes. they knew that this was trump incited. that he alone could stop it. that it had raged out of control. and in its last year, fundamentally, it has been spent. the first moment of the presidency. it was trying to tell us that we saw something that we didn't see. and of course we all saw it. we saw that barack obama's crowd size was bigger. and we saw a play out that this murderous mob came to do violent elements, extremist elements, malicious crowd roars, and the assorted list goes on. so at the end, what we find out through this for certain is that the people on fox news they don't believe a word of what they say, of what they preach, what they sell for billions of dollars. the cynicism is completely exposed. i suppose, there are some people in the country that look at the money in the law and say, goodness, it's a miracle. at the end of the day this stuff speaks for itself. >> steve, one thing i am struck by in all of the texts. this is universal. in every one of the text that have been read from a republican member of congress to mark meadows was to the fox host. to donald trump's own son to mark meadows. every one of those people on january six, during the attack, they all are convinced of one thing. donald trump has no idea what to do. therefore, i must try to tell him what to do through mark meadows. in other words, every one of them knew that donald trump was unfit to serve as commander in chief while the capitol was being attacked. >> for sure that is true. you have to think about this like an iceberg. most of it is below the waterline, it's invisible. the part that you see is not the majority of the math so we are going to find out before this is over, who in fact was the first person that actually spoke to trump. what did they say to? trump what is it that trump thought was happening. did trump say to those people that he thought it should go on. that there should be more people who came to the capital? who knows what trump said to any of these people. we are going to find out what we know for sure is that early on in his email was that went out sometime after we saw the images of donald trump jr. and kimberly guilford smiling, as this was going on in its early stages after they had given the speech, after ted cruz had incited the crowd, and the crowd was on the march. when did it turn to panic? what was the moment? were they saying to one another? when did the smiles get wiped off their face? the white house photographer was there taking pictures all throughout. where are those images? we haven't seen that stuff yet. but it is all there to be seen. and so, is this committee playing out? i think it's going to be absolutely riveting. we just got a little peek at what this committee has been doing as work. the speculation has been that they are not focused. i think that that's fair because a lot of congressional investigations are. but this one seems to be the type that is. i think it should be very impactful about shaping events in the battlefield of the next election as this plays out in the first couple of quarters of 2022. >> chairman thompson joined us here last night and he said that he expects the televised hearings, the televised version of the hearings to be one in the first quarter of next year. somewhere in those first three months. so let's say, by march, we will be seeing this carefully structured televised hearings with the committee. >> he has. i think that i would like to see these committee hearings play out primetime. where the maximum number of the american people can see. it were people who aren't riveted to politics 24/7 can look and understand what is at stake here. with regard to the future of american democracy wait what is at stake to regard to the truth. the cynicism of the people that have been lying to them. so, this is going to be an enormously important event in this country. it is going to frame a very important decision as we are five years out, from celebrating the 250 anniversary up the birth of this country. well so yes what it is a profoundly important moment in this committee is really going in the shape to have a discussion for many months to come as we enter into 2022. the dialogue is going to be different than it has been over the course of 2021 because of this committee. >> well steve schmidt, thank you very much for joining us tonight. we always appreciate it. >> thank you for having me lawrence. >> coming up, a grim anniversary became even more green today. one school children in connecticut have to stay home because of threats to their schools. connecticut senator chris murphy joins us next. murphy joins us next your skin from within? dupixent helps keep you one step ahead of eczema with clearer skin and less itch. hide my skin? not me. don't use if you're allergic to dupixent. serious allergic reactions can occur, including anaphylaxis, which is severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, or a parasitic infection. if you take asthma medicines, don't change or stop them without talking to your doctor. ask your doctor about dupixent. ♪ it wasn't me by shaggy ♪ you're never responsible w for unauthorized your doctor. purchases on your discover card. superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance. ow! i'm ok! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ only in theaters december 17th. for people living with h-i-v, 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presidency. >> >> every time i think about those kid to get me mad. >> today, president joe biden said this >> for me and for barack at the sandy hook elementary school was one of the saddest days that we were in office. those eight years. we came close to legislation. but we came up short, it was so frustrating. and it is still frustrating now, for you and for me and so many others. there are three common sense bills to reduce gun violence that the senate should pass now, right away and long overdue. and our policies is frustrating it can be frustrating particularly frustrating now. but we cannot give up hope, we cannot stop. >> joining us now is democratic senator chris murphy, and senator murphy thank you very much for joining us on this very difficult day. it's a difficult day for you and your state. can you tell us anything more about the threat situation in connecticut schools today? >> the threats are not exclusive to sandy hook school. there have been threats throughout the skate that have caused many of our secondary elementary schools. listen, it's not surprising unfortunately when you have a high-profile mass shooting like the one we saw an oxford. you have copy cats and when the highest levels of the federal government do nothing to substantially condemn or stop these acts, it sends a explicit message of endorsement. other young men whose brains are breaking and contemplating these kind of actions. or at least contemplating making a prank call. so, i think that it is perfectly explainable. because of the action from congress. listen, sandy hook as a community that is resilient. in many ways it has bounce back. but in many ways it will never be the same. this is obviously a really difficult day for the community. even without these threats, and then to have kids at home continually worried about their safety. it's just layers of trauma on top of trauma that this country should find unacceptable. >> what is this day like in connecticut and in newtown? this grim anniversary day once every year. >> i become many very close with the families. i tried to reach out the night before. i know a lot of them would like to stay quiet on the 14th. i would tell, you for me, it doesn't get easier. it doesn't get easier. in part because every year that passes without action is another year that i know a whole new generation of kids are going to face this reality. and you don't have to have a shooting at your school to be affected. my two kids, seventh grader and a fourth grade, or go through active shooter drills. what no one expects to have a shooting on their campus. so in connecticut, this is a day that i think is tougher not easier overtime. those families will relive the nightmare every day. but this is certainly a time and a day where it is particularly acute. and it's a day for all of us to just remind ourselves that this is in nowhere else but the united states of america. our cause is so righteous. and i appreciate joe biden's words today to keep us at work [inaudible] . >> the method used to raise the debt ceiling and pasta through the united states senate, appeared to outsiders to be a change in senate rules which technically it isn't. but it certainly appears as though to get the debt ceiling passed, an accommodation was reached to allow the democrats to do that with only 50 votes. in fact, it was just a reversal to the way it used to be done back in the 1990s. and in other times, there would never ever be an exception to the motion to proceed to the debt ceiling vote. and so that is what they got out of the way. but to people out there who think that voting rights are the most important thing a country is facing, to other people out there who think the same thing about gun safety laws where, they are always being told, sorry we don't have 60 votes, what do you say to them on a day like today? when they are watching the sun event. when they're watching the senate part the sea. so that the debt ceiling can go through. but never can consider doing that on the issue of a gun safety ruling. >> i don't know if i can say it was, but what we have seen today is that the senate is going to change the rule for something that is important. and 50 democratic senators are willing to change the rule for something important. now in this case, the important thing was the full faith and credit of the united states government. but, my lord, what is more important than the safety of our kids? i want america to pay our bills. but ask those parents in sandy hook, whether they would trade a temporary debt default for another ten minutes with their dead first graders. nothing is more important than the safety of our children. so yes, this is a day to be reminded that there are moments when 50 democratic senators, and maybe even a few republicans are willing to change the rule to do something important. and senator roy gave one of the most powerful speeches behind closed today, behind the doors today, and maybe some of our colleagues listen to. it and have an open mind to how we proceed on the rules of the senate moving forward. >> senator chris murphy, thank you very much for joining us on what i know is a very difficult day for you. we really appreciate it. >> thank you lawrence. >> thank you. i coming up, california in the way -- are going to go after guns using the same legal tools that texas is now using against abortion rights. that is next. that is next with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you 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if and when they just completely overturn roe v. wade and then there by making the texas law. that doesn't get them out of it. because the decisions rhetoric you basically can have these anti-provisions. it wasn't an abortion specific ruling. chief justice said this is going to be for any constitutional right. so they cannot get themselves out of this without overturning roe v. wade. the only way to get themselves out of it is by returning this treacherous decision and dangerous decision from the supreme court writer a few days ago. >> so neil, this california will go forward with this. these cases will eventually presumably ripe into the supreme court. what might take a couple of years. >> correct. they take 2 to 3 years to get to the supreme court. but given what the justices said. i don't think that there's a way out of this box without overturning this horrible decision. [inaudible] >> no cocktail, thank you so much for joining us tonight, we really appreciate it. >> thank you. >> and the house is voting right now on the contempt of congress resolution against mark meadows. the 11th hour will bring you the results of that vote, that is tonight's last word. the 11th hour starts now. >> good evening, once again. i'm chris jansing. day 329 of the biden administration. and a pivotal day for the house committee investigating the capitol instruction. the full house is now voting on whether to hold former schweit trump white house chief of staff and one time congressman, mark meadows, in criminal contempt of congress. his case would then go to the biden justice department, which will decide whether to prosecute. we're keeping a close eye on these numbers. you will remember that when a similar vote was taken in the case of a steve bannon, nine republicans voted along with the democrats. also, taking a little longer tonight, there is a lot of folks who are voting for members of congress who are not there. we're keeping our eyes very closely on what's happening. but as you know, mark meadows has refused to cooperate with the investigation after initially engaging with the committee. and after, he turned off after over thousands of pages of records. last night, the january six committee revealed just a few of those records. mostly text messages between mark meadows and unnamed republicans on the hill, as well as trump's family and fox news host. all asking meadows to urge the former president to tell the mob attacking the capitol to stand down. tonight, the committee made public another text message. it was sent november 4th, the day after the 2020 election and before all the votes were counted. from a lawmaker to mark meadows. this is how it reads. quote, here's an aggressive strategy. why can't the states of georgia, north carolina, pennsylvania and other republican controlled state houses declare this is b as, for conflicts and elections not cold that night. and just in their own electors to vote? and have it go to the supreme court. >> one of the two republicans on the january six committee, vice chair, let's shade, referred to those tax drink the house debris prior to tonight's contempt vote. rior to tonigh>> some of those , madam speaker, came from members in the chamber right now. members who understood that a violent assault was under way at the capitol. members who pleaded with the chief of staff to get the president to take action. i read a number of these last night at our hearing. i will read them all today. but i will read a few of them. mark, one member said, he needs to stop this now. in all caps, tell him to go home. potus has to come out from the until the protesters to dissipate. someone is going to get killed. >> now, as for the fox news host who pleaded with meadows to convince trump to stop the violence at the capitol, here's what the january six committee said sean hannity rock to mark meadows and then what he said on here that night. >>

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, U S , Institutions , Rule Of Law , Precipice , Abyss , Animal Brian , Attack , Capitol , Congressman Jason Crow , Colleagues , Attackers , Weapon , Chamber , Coming Up , Bond , Pure , Lotion , Hydration , Moisture , Fragrances , Parabens , Dyes , Next , Ll , Skin , Instacart , Ingredients , Mom , Short Ribs , Love , Downy , Freshness , Softness , Infections , Difference , Ability , Risk , Plaque Psoriasis , Doses , Moderate , Skyrizi , 90 , 3 , 4 , 2 , Doctor , Infection , Treatment , Symptoms , Vaccine , Tuberculosis , Dermatologist , Chills , Coughs , Muscle Aches , Fever , Sweats , Something , Small Business , Service , Flexibility , Network , Comcast Business Mobile , Nationwide 5g , 5 , Contract , Lines , Business , Data , Customers , Fees , Mix , Match Data Options , Internet , Term , 0 , Four , 30 , Possibilities , Comcast Business , House Select Committee Investigating The January 6th , January 6th , 6 , Vote , Truth , On The House Floor Tonight , Contempt Of Congress , 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, United States Government , Graders , Debt Default , Ten , Roy , Rules , Speeches , Doors , Guns , California S , Tools , Abortion Rights , Turn , Hang On , Tex , Ooo , Ray , Vacations , Diabetes , No , Glucose Levels , Mystery , A1c , Libre 2 , Cough Sneeze , Sneezing , Dissolves , Visit Freestylelibre Us , Cold Relief , Alka Seltzer Plus , Plop Fizz , Alka Seltzer , Fast Sinus Relief , Google , Super Poligrip , Food Particles , Pieces , Game , Snacking , Seal , Mike S Denture , Mood , Infusions , Liberty Xfinity , Sing 2 , Sing , Movie , Tunes , Tickets , Sing Karaoke , Fandango , 1 , A Million , , Xfinity , Rewards , States , Gavin Newsom , Abortion Services , Service Providers , Texas Law , Women , Bill , Attorney General , Legislature , Citizens , Assault Weapon , Injunctive Relief , Attorneys Fees , Costs , Damages , Ghost , Gun Kit , 0000 , 10000 , Tierney General , Parts , New York , Reason , Industry , Team , Gun Distributors , Gun Manufacturers , Liability , Individuals , 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