Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 2

Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240709

it for us for tonight. i will see you again tomorrow. now it's time for the last word with lawrence o'donnell. >> good evening rachel. i've been reading the mark meadows, so-called lawsuit. which it is not actually. it is really just legal vandalism. it is an attempt to completely throw the federal courts in washington into chaos. and so far, this is kind of a big crisis period i think for the federal courts in washington, they are falling for it. this is the kind of thing that used to be dismissed without a single paragraph. just one sentence. we the house would make a motion to have it dismissed, it would be dismissed. now they all want to be all over homes, right these beautiful poised paragraphs, take several weeks doing it, and in the process they are playing, the mark meadows was game. which is nothing but delay. and the courts are not actively participating in the delay with the style of their deliberations and these kinds of absolutely ridiculous frivolous lawsuits. >> i feel like the federal courts, the court system in general, it's pretty well wired to handle lawsuits that are brought just for the purpose of either nonsense or craziness will or delay or some other improper persons. with people who bring stuff to the court because the voices tell them to what or people who write petitions to the court on toilet paper and sending it was in in a flaming bag. courts are sort of wire to handle these things because they get a lot of crazy things thrown their way. but if you think the art of the delaying lawsuit in the trump administration has activated something in judges where they want to engage in these things -- >> no, it's the 21st century judiciary. and it started to happen in the late 20th century, in the past where would've been a sentence it became 16 pages. it is not necessary. they don't need to write these things. and they don't need to take the several weeks that they do to write them. they're justification for writing it is, they are going to be appealed. therefore, i want to lay out everything for the appeals court and kind of trap the appeals court into their own thinking. which does not work. just rule on it. throw it out to the appeals court as fast as possible so that we can get moving here. when you know the game is delay. what >> i want you to be the editor for the district courts. i am ready for it. for you to be in there saying, red pencil, no, no, no, no. last word is all you need. >> and these decisions can be made alive, on the bench. as soon as the lawyers stop talking. you don't have to take this ridiculous thing into your chambers and read it again we for realizing there is nothing there. what >> i'm all for it. i would quit my job and become a court reporter. a, because it would be easy because everything would be shorter. and also i would love to see it happen. >> if you look at the speed at when the judiciary used to handle these things, during my lifetime. never mind before my lifetime, when it was even faster. there is no real legitimate explanation about why the things i used to take days, now take months. the things that used to take months, not take years. what >> judges are watching right now, i am sure. perhaps they will take it to heart. but i think you should stay on it. because this is an excellent array. >> i'm going to harangue about it a little bit later in the hour. this is really what -- they have got me on this. >> this is a new thing to be mad about. this has never occurred to me before. >> it is a failure of the judiciary. they do not know how to handle the trump moment. when >> you have convinced me. go on. let me get out of your way. >> all right, i'll do my show that. thank you rachel. what george jay was trick will injure, the third is the latest trump teen lawyer to file a completely frivolous lawsuit. this one right here. this is the most frivolous lawsuit filed by the trump team since rudy giuliani was sweating her die on national television. what attorney would -- is a lifetime republican who served on the reagan and bush justice department in 1980's and 1990s, with at one point william as the attorney general, a lifetime republican has signed his name to a document that reports to be a lawsuit filed on behalf of donald trump's white house chief of staff mark meadows. against house speaker nancy pelosi. and all the members of the house committee investigating the january 6th attack on the capital. it is an attempt to block the committee's subpoenas for testimonies which mark meadows is now defying. harvard's constitutional law, tribe said today that meadows has no conceivable basis for this frivolous suit. it's obvious motive is to try getting trump back on his good side after outraging the former president with this tell-all book. mark meadows book, is not doing well in the amazon bestseller list. donald trump is reportedly outraged about the book, much to mark meadows surprise. who was wrongly believed that his book was filled with enough flaunting praise of donald trump. so now, mark meadows has chosen a publicly combative stance with the committee even though he has already handed over a significant amount of valuable information to the committee, including a task of mark meadows saying, i love it. what saying, i love it. when he was presented with a criminal plan to steal the presidential election after joe biden won the presidential election. i love it. that's what he said. to that criminal plot. the republican vice chair of the committee told cnn, when asked about the lawsuit, quote, we look forward to litigating. that list cheney also said that the committee has received a number of extremely interesting, non-privileged documents from mr. meadows. these include text messages and emails from his private cell and private email account. he's produced these documents, they are not privileged. they include documents that are directly related to what president trump should have been doing on january 6th during the attack, and now he is refusing to appear to answer questions about those non privileged documents we. those he had already turned over to the committee. before the frivolous lawsuit was filed, committee chairman, benny thompson out lied some of what mark meadows has already supplied to the committee. including, quote, a november 7th 2020 email discussing the appointment of alternate slates of electors as part of a direct and collateral attack. after the election, a january 5th 2021, email regarding a 38-page powerpoint briefing titled, election fraud, foreign interference and options for january six. what that was to be provided, on the hill, and among others a january 5th 2021 email about having the national guard on standby. well chairman thompson also details techs messages that the committee received from mark meadows, including a november six 2020 text message with a member of congress. apparently about appointing alternate electors in certain states as part of a plan was that the member acknowledged would be highly controversial and to which mr. meadows apparently said we i love it. an early january 2021 text message exchange between mr. meadows and an organizer of the january 6th rally on the lips, and text messages about the need for the former president to issue a public statement that could've stopped the january 6th attack on the capitol. what congressman, a member of the committee, said this today about steve bannon and jeffrey clark, and mark meadows refusing to testify to the committee. >> if we weren't receiving information that is helpful to the investigation then that could be a speed bump. but we continue to gather information each and every day. over 270 interviews that we have conducted. we continue to gleam information from witnesses, each and every day. and to connect the investigative dots that are necessary. it is a small group of individuals who are stonewalling the investigation that we are having. and for every one of them, there is dozens more who are talking to us. why re leading off our discussion tonight is ted lieu, eddie s. glaude jr.. they both serve does house impeachment senators on the second trial of donald trump. let me begin with you, i fear now that the federal judiciary is being played in this game. giving steve bannon a july 18th trial date for a trial that should take an hour. there is nothing to the trial. did you get the subpoena? yes i did. did you show up? no i didn't. the judiciary is playing the trump lawyers game, the late game with them. >> thank you lawrence for your question. i agree with you. which is why i believe that we need to execute it contempt power of the house representative. this power has been upheld by the supreme court in the past. it would authorize that the house of representatives need to find witnesses that disobeyed congressional subpoenas. or put them into confinement. so on that, i know people are starting to take it seriously. i think that that is how we get around with these delays from the federal judiciary. >> eddie s. glaude jr., there's been a lot of talk about the perceived legitimacy of the supreme court. word to overturn itself by overturning roe v. wade. there has been no discussion about the perceived legitimacy of the federal district court in washington d.c.. and the circuit court of appeal in washington d.c.. and the system that steve bannon, roger stone, jeffrey clark, mark meadows are all playing because they know that that judicial system will give them all of the delay, the months of delay, possibly the years of delay, that they are looking for. >> lawrence, we saw this before. we saw the testimony after the mueller report came out. and the run up the clock. they kept taking a knee until the term expired and the voters went to the poll in 2020 not knowing that his testimony would be of such. we should find them $10,000 a day until they can in. and for mark meadows, the judge should hold him in contempt immediately once we refer to them. and they should throw his own book at him for the privileges that he waved in his book. we can't do enough, and adam schiff legislation, by the way, protecting our democracy act, we will vote on that tomorrow. and that creates effect track to get to the court on the subpoenas. >> and congressman ted lieu, i mentioned this before in the discussion this week. some of the biggest prosecutions in america legal history. the defenses never cooperated. they have to build a case without getting the criminals themselves to tell their story. and that has been done and there are ways to do that. and this committee can do that. so as much as we can talk about the frustration of this delay game that is being played, the fact is that it is possible to conduct an investigation about what mark meadows did without mark meadows testimony. i want donald trump, without donald trump's testimony. >> that is absolutely correct. both representative eric swalwell, and i both agree that the january six committee is doing an excellent job. and they are, essentially, building that case without these witnesses. they already have hundreds of interviews and witnesses who are cooperating. they have received thousands and thousands of documents, including, 6000 from mark meadows himself that he gave voluntarily. the american people need to ask why does mark meadows all of a sudden stop cooperating. what is he now trying to hide from american people? i think he suddenly realized, that a lot of these documents he produced are very incriminating. >> congressman eric swalwell, i love it. i love it is what he said. he is responding to the description of a criminal conspiracy to steal the election on january six. what was being described to him was against the law and was a crime. and he said, i love it. >> where have we heard that before, lawrence? if i can give you stolen information on hillary clinton, would you like to receive it, donald trump junior says if it's true i love it. these guys love crime when it comes to elections. and i would love to see them all held accountable. and it's not just a legal obligation that mark meadows has. because his lawsuit will go nowhere. he will be held in contempt, and i believe the department of justice will also seek's indictment. it's a patriotic obligation. if you truly have nothing to do with the insurrection, the tree -- act that took place on january six, you would help your country. you would do what mark meadows, john eastman, and so many others are doing. and that is acting like a guilty person. >> congressman ted lieu, the trump gang led by donald trump has been an attack. it's been a relentless attack on what we thought were reliable washington institutions. the new institution that i see under attack tonight by the trump gang, and the attack is succeeding, is the federal judiciary. especially the federal judiciary central in washington d.c.. we never knew before that if you got a congressional subpoena, you could possibly sue the speaker of the house for being part of issuing a congressional subpoena. and then by yourself, possibly several months, mark meadows will buy himself a frivolous lawsuit litigation here. because the federal courts in washington d.c. have fallen into the trap of this game. and they are, in effect, delegitimized themselves as enforces of this kind of process. >> that is absolutely correct. representative eric swalwell mentioned the case earlier. i just want to know that we want a lot of those cases. but it took two years. so donald trump and his enablers have figured out that they could use this delay tactic. there is no other way to say this. congressional subpoenas are rendered meaningless if we can't support them. because it takes years to do so. and again that is why i think we have to go back and rely on a hearing contempt. that is one reason why they executed this in the first place. and we have to enforce our own subpoenas, and not rely on the court to take years and years to -- >> congressman eric swalwell, what we are learning in what has been revealed all readily is that he was obviously using personal cellphones and personal email accounts while working in the white house. and using those personal accounts for governing communication. actual governing communication. and other words, he was violating the federal records act. he was doing with the republicans accused hillary clinton of doing. i am sure that he was one of many in that white house who were doing exactly what they used to say was completely outrageous. and that has been exposed in what he has already handed over. >> they are always projecting, lawrence. and when they said that there was a number of blind spots in their investigation because of the apps that were being used, encrypted devices, it was because they were concealing conversations. what i just want to put one fine point on what this means to everyday americans, to your viewers. because a lawyer called me earlier today. someone who practices in federal courts. and he was so upset. he said to me, lawrence, i go to court every day. i tell the truth. i try to prevent -- present myself with integrity. and what is it worth? if people like mark meadows can blow off subpoenas. that is the trickle down effect. the collateral effect, that if people start to believe that law and order doesn't matter anymore, then as a democracy, as a country, we are lost. >> congressman eric swalwell and ted lieu, thank you both very much for starting and leading off our discussion tonight. >> thank you. >> coming up, we will have more on the legal vandalism of the trump gang of lawyers who are now attacking the committee. investigating the attack on the capitol. and how governing institutions must defend against that legal vandalism. vandalism. riasis. now, there's skyrizi. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months after just two doses. skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to 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sure that the florida recount would give the presidency to the candidate who came in second in the votes cast by american voters. today, george we the third scientists name to what harvard constitutional law, professor lawrence called a frivolous lawsuit. saying that the house of representatives does not have the lawful authority. that's the phrase this lawyer used. the lawful authority to issue subpoenas to mark meadows. if george the third had written that in an exam when he was at the school of law in the 1970s, he may never have graduated from law school. tonight, george the third personifies the dangerous decline and fall of the republican party of the reagan era which seemed to be grounded in some principles. and seemed to presage -- pledge allegiance to the constitution. into what is now a chaos called in support of all things trump. a relentless opposition to anything in the constitution that donald trump does not like on any given day. the documents that george the third filed in federal court today, to try and deny the legitimacy of the house subpoenas to his client, mark meadows, is not really a lawsuit. it is an act of legal vandalism. this is a brick thrown through the window of the courtroom. its objective is to cause chaos in federal courts with another completely frivolous lawsuit. and this act of legal vandalism, presents the federal courts in washington d.c. with a challenge to their legitimacy. unlike any in their history. as soon as the house move to dismiss the stack of papers, the judge should dismiss it immediately without comment. instead, we know. we know right now. that the judges who will be involved with this all suit will take weeks upon weeks, upon weeks to write paragraphs after paragraph one. only one sentence dismissing the case is what this document deserves. the federal courts are being played by the trump gang of lawyers. and george was the third, is the latest to collect his paycheck to enter the trump gang. but he will not be the last. joining us now from princeton university, and secretary of state of public affairs in the obama administration. both are msnbc contributors. and professor eddie s. glaude jr., i want to talk to people about this who are not lawyers, because this is not about the law now. this document filed today has nothing to do with american jurisprudence in american law. this has to do, i believe, with creating as much chaos in the congressional subpoena process. and in the federal courts and demonstrating the federal courts inability to actually enforce the subpoenas because of their own judicial self imposed delayed imposed by the judges. this is the trump method to create this chaos in washington to say to people, nothing works, you can't make anything work, give up, it's not worth trying to pursue. the honest answer to really important questions. >> you know, lawrence, i think you're absolutely right. and you're absolutely right about the fact that i'm not a lawyer. so the first thing that came to mind as i have read this was that this is just the latest act in the theater of the absurd. i was reminded of samuel beckons, that famous line, nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes. it's awful. and so here we see this example of these illiberal forces using democratic process season to undermine democratic processes. and the institutions with people who inhabit them don't quite know what to do. and so this is part of, i think, this ongoing effort that trumpism, the republican party seemed to represent. to really just show what the foundation of our democratic policy. to undermined it all. and so i think we need to respond to it, at the level and the skill of which it presents. i think you are absolutely right. on every level. with regards to this lawrence. >> so, rick, the republican party who was working in the 1980s. the republican party, the bottle republican party, for decades they were harping on trying to stop frivolous lawsuits. this was american corporate culture saying, look. people are suing us for our products that are killing people. they are suing us for product liability, all sorts of things. these are frivolous. american businesses shouldn't be getting sued. so republican policy said that we've got to shut down frivolous lawsuits. and now, frivolous lawsuits have now become the business of the republican party. in order to shut down fair inquiry in washington. >> and of course, the republican party, lawrence was the law and order party. by the way, you don't have to be a lawyer to know the law that is what the framers thought and for one reason why this lawsuit is frivolous is because the investigative power of congress is inherent in the legislative process. that is the most simple idea in article one that lays out with the congress does. and in fact as lawrence tribe said the speech clause actually says up the judicial branch cannot even get involved when congress is investigating. so as you say, a judge should just dismiss this out of hand. because it doesn't pass the left test. but as eddie said, and as congressman said, i think we saw this, this is undermining the rule of law. this is a stress test for the most basic rules of law in our society. and what the trump gang is doing this in this kind of frivolous way to undermined it. and as congressman eric swalwell, said they think that all of you guys are in this conspiracy to follow things that don't matter. to do these frivolous lawsuits. and it's undermining that the most basic principle, that no man is above the law. that we are nations of law and not of men. that is what they are trying to undermine. >> i also think that there is an attempt here to get people in the country to give up. if you have been sitting there thinking that we really have to investigate what happened on january six, and then you see all of this process stuff thrown at the committee and dragged into federal court and federal judges, letting it drag on and on, and saying that the steve bannon trial, which requires less than a day, and requires less than a day of preparation will be july 18th. this is an attempt to get the american public as an audience with a vested interest in this outcome. to just give up on. >> absolutely. to solve this, it is also about the midterms in june. there is this feeling that they are going to take over the house of representatives, at least historically that's what they believe will happen. and so this kind of roper dope is trying to get us to delay, it's so that you can have this transition, the shift. again, i think we need to sound the alarm, lawrence. this is just the latest assault on the policy. if we don't understand it as such, we are in some ways complicit in what they are trying to do. >> and rick stengel, all of this has been a stress test for the institution of washington d.c., and it seems that we are in, another one now. that we didn't know about. a few years ago, we didn't know that you could just get a congressional subpoena and just kind of laugh at it. throw it away. >> well, one of the lessons of the four years administrations and you talked about it night after night all of these norms that we accepted in washington turned out to be -- so violate them at every adventure despite, the coup in 2024 has started already. they are trying to have state legislators be able to overturn the rule of voters, even these frivolous lawsuits are in effect trying to overturn what our constitutional principles and things that voters have voted for. we are in a democratic emergency as eddie said, and the fact that you are highlighting it is that people need to do something about it as well. >> yes, and lawyers can be sanctioned for frivolous lawsuits, as some of the lawyers have in the opening states. but the federal judiciary in washington d.c., i believe, we'll never do that. they will never meet this moment in the way that they should. professor rick stengel and eddie s. glaude jr., thank you. coming up, the professor goes to missouri and says what that state will be getting in the new biden infrastructure law. and to remind voters, which racing president accomplished exactly nothing on infrastructure, that's next. frastructure, that's next. nvestments is different than other money managers. 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it's going to be infrastructure decade now. no more talking. action. >> president biden went to kansas city missouri today where he toured the facilities of the kansas city area transit authority and explain how his new infrastructure law will support kansas city's acquisition of more electric buses. >> electric buses, you add into the state it's a win win win for manufacturing here in america, creating good union jobs, they are good for the environment, and they are making them free for all writers. >> the new biden infrastructure law will help kansas city continue to provide free bus service and help transition kansas city's bus fleet to electric buses. today the white house launched a new website to provide information about the infrastructure law to governors, mayors, tribal leaders, business owners, union members, and anyone, any of you out there who want to know how the multi-year infrastructure spending is being implemented. every republican member of the missouri congressional -- voted against the biden infrastructure bill except for one. retiring republican senator -- voted for the biden infrastructure bill. missouri's junior senator josh hawley and all of missouri's republican house members voted against the bill. joining us now is lukas coons a former u.s. marine captain who served two tours of duty in afghanistan, is now a democratic candidate for senate in missouri. running for that senate seat that will be vacated by retiring republican senator roy blunt. thank you very much for joining us, we really appreciate it. >> hey, thanks for having me. it's great to be back, i really enjoy it. >> well it sounds like one thing you and senator ones agree on is the need for this infrastructure law that joe biden was explaining to your state today. >> yeah, we absolutely need to invest here in america. it has been one of the themes in my campaign, we have talked about it before, but i have been overseas, i have been in iraq and afghanistan. i watch to spend 6.4 trillion dollars there was -- everyone squabble over every single nickel that we are talking about spending here it was pretty painful for me. most of us joined the service to serve the we grew up in and we went overseas watch to spend all this money over there and when we came home, those communities we signed up to serve or worse off. so i'm grateful that we are finally investing here in our own country. >> let's listen to more of what president biden said today about what's in the infrastructure bill. >> parts of the most significant investment in roads and bridges in america in 70 years. fixing many of those 3500 bridges, nearly 10,000 miles of kansas and missouri and pork induction. the roads cost missouri and kansas drivers more than $500 per person per year. >> is the message getting through to voters in your experience campaigning now,? >> well i mean i sure here at the message about the car. i have blown two tires on this campaign, and it has not been cheap. but for me i think the thing we really need to be cognizant of is that this is a truly, needs to be mission started, not mission accomplished. because when i go around the state, the thing i hear the most skepticism. it's justified skepticism, because for a couple decades now the people of missouri -- i mean this is a show me state you have to show us when you do something -- for a couple decades now what we have seen this every time we have been told all bunch of money is being spent for our country, it gets captured by people at the top, it gets captured by monopolies and it never comes down. the investment is not felt by every day people. we saw that with wall street, we saw with the wars overseas, we see that over and over again. so my biggest concern and something i share and people talk about all the time when you go around the stay is, we have to make sure that capturing the top does not happen and the investment is actually felt by every day people, the people who the serve, it the people who are owed it. union members are very excited about the jobs. i'm thrilled about getting those good jobs here. we need to make sure that investment continues and it comes all the way down, or frankly nobody is ever going to trust anything again. >> lucas kunce candidate for senate and missouri, thank you again for joining us tonight, we always appreciate it. >> thanks for having. me >> thank you. and coming up, classes in session with -- join us next i always want to listen to katie -- you will to. that's next. to. that's next. a cold is not just a cold. unlike other cold medicines, coricidin provides powerful cold relief without raising your blood pressure be there for life's best moments with coricidin. now in sugar free liquid. this is the sound of nature breathing. and this is the sound of better breathing. fasenra is a different kind of asthma medication. it's not a steroid or inhaler. fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. it's one maintenance dose every 8 weeks. it helps prevent asthma attacks, improve breathing, and lower use of oral steroids. nearly 7 out of 10 adults with asthma may have elevated eosinophils. fasenra is designed to target and remove them. fasenra is not a rescue medication or for other eosinophilic conditions. fasenra may cause allergic reactions. get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth, and tongue, or trouble breathing. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. this is the sound of fasenra. ask your doctor about fasenra. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom ♪ ♪ for me and you ♪ ♪ and i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ a rich life is about more than just money. that's why at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner so you can build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. my retirement plan with voya keeps me moving forward... vanguard. even after paying for this. love you, sweetheart they guide me with achievable steps that give me confidence. this is my granddaughter...she's cute like her grandpa. voya doesn't just help me get to retirement... ...they're with me all the way through it. come on, grandpa! later. got grandpa things to do. aw, grandpas are the best! well planned. well invested. well protected. voya. be confident to and through retirement. ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit do i need to pretreat my laundry? nope! with tide pods, you don't need to worry. now you know. the pre-treaters are built in. tide pods dissolve even when the water is freezing. nice! if it's got to be clean, it's got to be tide. our next guest congressman katie katie porter used instagram to explain president biden's build back better bill which is passing in the senate. in a way that only former professor katie porter can. >> you will see a theme here, we are just taking care of -- we have talked about it already with firefighters, we talked about making sure that we are giving teacher training, the workers are not getting abused in the workplace, raising the pay of childcare workers, here we are talking about raising the pay of home care workers. the build back better act really is about work. it's about our economy. it is every bit as much of an investment an hour khanna me, as the infrastructure act is. so we are -- these things really work together to create a firm foundation for our economy. >> joining us now is congressman katie porter she's a member of the house oversight committee and the deputy chair of the house progressive caucus. thank you very much for joining us tonight. so the build back better bill which has passed, it is now pending in the senate, the committees are doing their work on it. we don't know exactly when the senate will be ready to move on it, why -- the point you are making in that video is you are reminding us about where this legislation began as two parts of the same biden infrastructure approach. >> absolutely. this is president biden's agenda to make sure that we have a strong stable global competitive economy. to do that, we have to make investments. those investments are in all of the things that help us create jobs, make workers able to go to work, and make sure that we are able to compete for the next generation of jobs. that means everything from investing in roads and bridges, cybersecurity, to investing in green energy jobs, to the people who do that work investing in things like early childhood education, bringing down the price of prescription drugs, so i think that -- we tried to build a concept the building blocks like those child blocks with the letters on them to help people see that all of these things but together are what we'll build that strong stable globally competitive economy. not just next year, not just for president biden's term, but for decades to come. >> so, joe manchin said some things that the wall street journal conference journal about this. he said he is worried about inflation. he did not say that he is not going to vote for the bill, but he said this about -- listen to what he said about waiting to see exactly what's in it. let's listen to what he said. >> we haven't seen the final take on it. so for me to speak on, to say yes i can or no, i can't say this or that until i see the legislation. >> that seems to be the way he has been approaching this all along. so do you have any notion in the house about when the senate will be moving on this? >> well, i can only stare hope soon. because literally i get up every day and ask myself that same thing. when will the senate deliver for the american people? you know, i will say that i think the work that we did in the house, putting together this bill, i educating the american public about it is really building towards the pressure and leverage and momentum that the senate needs to act on this bill. so we have learned a lot about senator manchin that he doesn't, know he's waiting for the proletariat, he's waiting for the bird bath, he's waiting for the -- the day is going to come when this bill is going to come to the floor, and i very much hope that we see -- not only senator manchin and others focus, but republican step up and vote for this. like i said, every american benefits from having that strong stable globally competitive economy. as you know, lawrence, i represent a district equal numbers of democrats and republicans. everybody is going to benefit from the stronger foundation for our economy going forward. >> we just had candidate lucas kunce running for senate in missouri talking about when we passed bills for why ended up being hundreds of billions of dollars of spending, immediate spending in afghanistan, infrastructure spending by the way in afghanistan and iraq, it was never question. no one was asking cbo to study anything about it, no one was worried about what it might mean for inflation anywhere in the world, what might be in for defense spending or inflation in this country, none of that. it flew through with no attention to detail whatsoever, as defense spending bills generally still do. >> look, i think we have to start holding ourselves to account for every dollar that we spend. there is no exception to the need for oversight, for count ability, for careful studying, for careful and thoughtful use of our taxpayer dollars. just because those dollars are going into defense, or national security, all of those dollars our tax dollars that families are paying, and what they are asking the government to do with that money is to protect our country, protect our society, and protect our economy. so i absolutely think we ought to be holding ourselves to the same standard, whether that dollars going out the door for national security, or whether it's going out the door for public health. that is really what i'm trying to do with putting a lot of emphasis on oversight, i think our government can and must help solve problems and must help keep americans safe from everything from coronavirus, to national security risks. with that belief that government can help us, comes the responsibility to make sure that the end of the day those dollars are really being used. >> congresswoman katie porter thank you very much for joining us again tonight. >> thank you. >> thank you. tonight's last word is next. ght's last word is next. ♪ it wasn't me by shaggy ♪ you're never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your discover card. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ever notice how stiff clothes can feel rough on your skin? 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, Seat , Lukas Coons , Roy Blunt , Ones , Campaign , Themes , Iraq , Everyone , Nickel , 6 4 Trillion Dollars , 6 4 Trillion , Communities , Most , Service , Investment , Bridges , Roads , Parts , Infrastructure Bill , 70 , 3500 , Drivers , Roads Cost , Pork Induction , 00 , 500 , Campaigning , Car , Tires , Experience , Skepticism , Truly , Bunch , Concern , Monopolies , Wars , Wall Street , Stay , Top , Jobs , Green Energy Jobs , Lucas Kunce , Katie , Classes , Session , Life , Sound , Blood Pressure , Cold Relief , Nature Breathing , Liquid , Cold Medicines , Coricidin , Fasenra , Asthma , Breathing , Add On Treatment , Asthma Medication , Steroid , Inhaler , Eosinophils , Use , Asthma Attacks , Maintenance Dose , Steroids , 10 , 8 , Rescue Medication , Conditions , Trouble , Mouth , Tongue , Face , Swelling , Sore Throat , Wish List Event , Trees , Green Red , Lincoln , Sanctuary , Me And You , What A Wonderful World Rich Life , Owner , Investor , Future , Retirement Plan , 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Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240709

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it for us for tonight. i will see you again tomorrow. now it's time for the last word with lawrence o'donnell. >> good evening rachel. i've been reading the mark meadows, so-called lawsuit. which it is not actually. it is really just legal vandalism. it is an attempt to completely throw the federal courts in washington into chaos. and so far, this is kind of a big crisis period i think for the federal courts in washington, they are falling for it. this is the kind of thing that used to be dismissed without a single paragraph. just one sentence. we the house would make a motion to have it dismissed, it would be dismissed. now they all want to be all over homes, right these beautiful poised paragraphs, take several weeks doing it, and in the process they are playing, the mark meadows was game. which is nothing but delay. and the courts are not actively participating in the delay with the style of their deliberations and these kinds of absolutely ridiculous frivolous lawsuits. >> i feel like the federal courts, the court system in general, it's pretty well wired to handle lawsuits that are brought just for the purpose of either nonsense or craziness will or delay or some other improper persons. with people who bring stuff to the court because the voices tell them to what or people who write petitions to the court on toilet paper and sending it was in in a flaming bag. courts are sort of wire to handle these things because they get a lot of crazy things thrown their way. but if you think the art of the delaying lawsuit in the trump administration has activated something in judges where they want to engage in these things -- >> no, it's the 21st century judiciary. and it started to happen in the late 20th century, in the past where would've been a sentence it became 16 pages. it is not necessary. they don't need to write these things. and they don't need to take the several weeks that they do to write them. they're justification for writing it is, they are going to be appealed. therefore, i want to lay out everything for the appeals court and kind of trap the appeals court into their own thinking. which does not work. just rule on it. throw it out to the appeals court as fast as possible so that we can get moving here. when you know the game is delay. what >> i want you to be the editor for the district courts. i am ready for it. for you to be in there saying, red pencil, no, no, no, no. last word is all you need. >> and these decisions can be made alive, on the bench. as soon as the lawyers stop talking. you don't have to take this ridiculous thing into your chambers and read it again we for realizing there is nothing there. what >> i'm all for it. i would quit my job and become a court reporter. a, because it would be easy because everything would be shorter. and also i would love to see it happen. >> if you look at the speed at when the judiciary used to handle these things, during my lifetime. never mind before my lifetime, when it was even faster. there is no real legitimate explanation about why the things i used to take days, now take months. the things that used to take months, not take years. what >> judges are watching right now, i am sure. perhaps they will take it to heart. but i think you should stay on it. because this is an excellent array. >> i'm going to harangue about it a little bit later in the hour. this is really what -- they have got me on this. >> this is a new thing to be mad about. this has never occurred to me before. >> it is a failure of the judiciary. they do not know how to handle the trump moment. when >> you have convinced me. go on. let me get out of your way. >> all right, i'll do my show that. thank you rachel. what george jay was trick will injure, the third is the latest trump teen lawyer to file a completely frivolous lawsuit. this one right here. this is the most frivolous lawsuit filed by the trump team since rudy giuliani was sweating her die on national television. what attorney would -- is a lifetime republican who served on the reagan and bush justice department in 1980's and 1990s, with at one point william as the attorney general, a lifetime republican has signed his name to a document that reports to be a lawsuit filed on behalf of donald trump's white house chief of staff mark meadows. against house speaker nancy pelosi. and all the members of the house committee investigating the january 6th attack on the capital. it is an attempt to block the committee's subpoenas for testimonies which mark meadows is now defying. harvard's constitutional law, tribe said today that meadows has no conceivable basis for this frivolous suit. it's obvious motive is to try getting trump back on his good side after outraging the former president with this tell-all book. mark meadows book, is not doing well in the amazon bestseller list. donald trump is reportedly outraged about the book, much to mark meadows surprise. who was wrongly believed that his book was filled with enough flaunting praise of donald trump. so now, mark meadows has chosen a publicly combative stance with the committee even though he has already handed over a significant amount of valuable information to the committee, including a task of mark meadows saying, i love it. what saying, i love it. when he was presented with a criminal plan to steal the presidential election after joe biden won the presidential election. i love it. that's what he said. to that criminal plot. the republican vice chair of the committee told cnn, when asked about the lawsuit, quote, we look forward to litigating. that list cheney also said that the committee has received a number of extremely interesting, non-privileged documents from mr. meadows. these include text messages and emails from his private cell and private email account. he's produced these documents, they are not privileged. they include documents that are directly related to what president trump should have been doing on january 6th during the attack, and now he is refusing to appear to answer questions about those non privileged documents we. those he had already turned over to the committee. before the frivolous lawsuit was filed, committee chairman, benny thompson out lied some of what mark meadows has already supplied to the committee. including, quote, a november 7th 2020 email discussing the appointment of alternate slates of electors as part of a direct and collateral attack. after the election, a january 5th 2021, email regarding a 38-page powerpoint briefing titled, election fraud, foreign interference and options for january six. what that was to be provided, on the hill, and among others a january 5th 2021 email about having the national guard on standby. well chairman thompson also details techs messages that the committee received from mark meadows, including a november six 2020 text message with a member of congress. apparently about appointing alternate electors in certain states as part of a plan was that the member acknowledged would be highly controversial and to which mr. meadows apparently said we i love it. an early january 2021 text message exchange between mr. meadows and an organizer of the january 6th rally on the lips, and text messages about the need for the former president to issue a public statement that could've stopped the january 6th attack on the capitol. what congressman, a member of the committee, said this today about steve bannon and jeffrey clark, and mark meadows refusing to testify to the committee. >> if we weren't receiving information that is helpful to the investigation then that could be a speed bump. but we continue to gather information each and every day. over 270 interviews that we have conducted. we continue to gleam information from witnesses, each and every day. and to connect the investigative dots that are necessary. it is a small group of individuals who are stonewalling the investigation that we are having. and for every one of them, there is dozens more who are talking to us. why re leading off our discussion tonight is ted lieu, eddie s. glaude jr.. they both serve does house impeachment senators on the second trial of donald trump. let me begin with you, i fear now that the federal judiciary is being played in this game. giving steve bannon a july 18th trial date for a trial that should take an hour. there is nothing to the trial. did you get the subpoena? yes i did. did you show up? no i didn't. the judiciary is playing the trump lawyers game, the late game with them. >> thank you lawrence for your question. i agree with you. which is why i believe that we need to execute it contempt power of the house representative. this power has been upheld by the supreme court in the past. it would authorize that the house of representatives need to find witnesses that disobeyed congressional subpoenas. or put them into confinement. so on that, i know people are starting to take it seriously. i think that that is how we get around with these delays from the federal judiciary. >> eddie s. glaude jr., there's been a lot of talk about the perceived legitimacy of the supreme court. word to overturn itself by overturning roe v. wade. there has been no discussion about the perceived legitimacy of the federal district court in washington d.c.. and the circuit court of appeal in washington d.c.. and the system that steve bannon, roger stone, jeffrey clark, mark meadows are all playing because they know that that judicial system will give them all of the delay, the months of delay, possibly the years of delay, that they are looking for. >> lawrence, we saw this before. we saw the testimony after the mueller report came out. and the run up the clock. they kept taking a knee until the term expired and the voters went to the poll in 2020 not knowing that his testimony would be of such. we should find them $10,000 a day until they can in. and for mark meadows, the judge should hold him in contempt immediately once we refer to them. and they should throw his own book at him for the privileges that he waved in his book. we can't do enough, and adam schiff legislation, by the way, protecting our democracy act, we will vote on that tomorrow. and that creates effect track to get to the court on the subpoenas. >> and congressman ted lieu, i mentioned this before in the discussion this week. some of the biggest prosecutions in america legal history. the defenses never cooperated. they have to build a case without getting the criminals themselves to tell their story. and that has been done and there are ways to do that. and this committee can do that. so as much as we can talk about the frustration of this delay game that is being played, the fact is that it is possible to conduct an investigation about what mark meadows did without mark meadows testimony. i want donald trump, without donald trump's testimony. >> that is absolutely correct. both representative eric swalwell, and i both agree that the january six committee is doing an excellent job. and they are, essentially, building that case without these witnesses. they already have hundreds of interviews and witnesses who are cooperating. they have received thousands and thousands of documents, including, 6000 from mark meadows himself that he gave voluntarily. the american people need to ask why does mark meadows all of a sudden stop cooperating. what is he now trying to hide from american people? i think he suddenly realized, that a lot of these documents he produced are very incriminating. >> congressman eric swalwell, i love it. i love it is what he said. he is responding to the description of a criminal conspiracy to steal the election on january six. what was being described to him was against the law and was a crime. and he said, i love it. >> where have we heard that before, lawrence? if i can give you stolen information on hillary clinton, would you like to receive it, donald trump junior says if it's true i love it. these guys love crime when it comes to elections. and i would love to see them all held accountable. and it's not just a legal obligation that mark meadows has. because his lawsuit will go nowhere. he will be held in contempt, and i believe the department of justice will also seek's indictment. it's a patriotic obligation. if you truly have nothing to do with the insurrection, the tree -- act that took place on january six, you would help your country. you would do what mark meadows, john eastman, and so many others are doing. and that is acting like a guilty person. >> congressman ted lieu, the trump gang led by donald trump has been an attack. it's been a relentless attack on what we thought were reliable washington institutions. the new institution that i see under attack tonight by the trump gang, and the attack is succeeding, is the federal judiciary. especially the federal judiciary central in washington d.c.. we never knew before that if you got a congressional subpoena, you could possibly sue the speaker of the house for being part of issuing a congressional subpoena. and then by yourself, possibly several months, mark meadows will buy himself a frivolous lawsuit litigation here. because the federal courts in washington d.c. have fallen into the trap of this game. and they are, in effect, delegitimized themselves as enforces of this kind of process. >> that is absolutely correct. representative eric swalwell mentioned the case earlier. i just want to know that we want a lot of those cases. but it took two years. so donald trump and his enablers have figured out that they could use this delay tactic. there is no other way to say this. congressional subpoenas are rendered meaningless if we can't support them. because it takes years to do so. and again that is why i think we have to go back and rely on a hearing contempt. that is one reason why they executed this in the first place. and we have to enforce our own subpoenas, and not rely on the court to take years and years to -- >> congressman eric swalwell, what we are learning in what has been revealed all readily is that he was obviously using personal cellphones and personal email accounts while working in the white house. and using those personal accounts for governing communication. actual governing communication. and other words, he was violating the federal records act. he was doing with the republicans accused hillary clinton of doing. i am sure that he was one of many in that white house who were doing exactly what they used to say was completely outrageous. and that has been exposed in what he has already handed over. >> they are always projecting, lawrence. and when they said that there was a number of blind spots in their investigation because of the apps that were being used, encrypted devices, it was because they were concealing conversations. what i just want to put one fine point on what this means to everyday americans, to your viewers. because a lawyer called me earlier today. someone who practices in federal courts. and he was so upset. he said to me, lawrence, i go to court every day. i tell the truth. i try to prevent -- present myself with integrity. and what is it worth? if people like mark meadows can blow off subpoenas. that is the trickle down effect. the collateral effect, that if people start to believe that law and order doesn't matter anymore, then as a democracy, as a country, we are lost. >> congressman eric swalwell and ted lieu, thank you both very much for starting and leading off our discussion tonight. >> thank you. >> coming up, we will have more on the legal vandalism of the trump gang of lawyers who are now attacking the committee. investigating the attack on the capitol. and how governing institutions must defend against that legal vandalism. vandalism. riasis. now, there's skyrizi. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months after just two doses. skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to 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sure that the florida recount would give the presidency to the candidate who came in second in the votes cast by american voters. today, george we the third scientists name to what harvard constitutional law, professor lawrence called a frivolous lawsuit. saying that the house of representatives does not have the lawful authority. that's the phrase this lawyer used. the lawful authority to issue subpoenas to mark meadows. if george the third had written that in an exam when he was at the school of law in the 1970s, he may never have graduated from law school. tonight, george the third personifies the dangerous decline and fall of the republican party of the reagan era which seemed to be grounded in some principles. and seemed to presage -- pledge allegiance to the constitution. into what is now a chaos called in support of all things trump. a relentless opposition to anything in the constitution that donald trump does not like on any given day. the documents that george the third filed in federal court today, to try and deny the legitimacy of the house subpoenas to his client, mark meadows, is not really a lawsuit. it is an act of legal vandalism. this is a brick thrown through the window of the courtroom. its objective is to cause chaos in federal courts with another completely frivolous lawsuit. and this act of legal vandalism, presents the federal courts in washington d.c. with a challenge to their legitimacy. unlike any in their history. as soon as the house move to dismiss the stack of papers, the judge should dismiss it immediately without comment. instead, we know. we know right now. that the judges who will be involved with this all suit will take weeks upon weeks, upon weeks to write paragraphs after paragraph one. only one sentence dismissing the case is what this document deserves. the federal courts are being played by the trump gang of lawyers. and george was the third, is the latest to collect his paycheck to enter the trump gang. but he will not be the last. joining us now from princeton university, and secretary of state of public affairs in the obama administration. both are msnbc contributors. and professor eddie s. glaude jr., i want to talk to people about this who are not lawyers, because this is not about the law now. this document filed today has nothing to do with american jurisprudence in american law. this has to do, i believe, with creating as much chaos in the congressional subpoena process. and in the federal courts and demonstrating the federal courts inability to actually enforce the subpoenas because of their own judicial self imposed delayed imposed by the judges. this is the trump method to create this chaos in washington to say to people, nothing works, you can't make anything work, give up, it's not worth trying to pursue. the honest answer to really important questions. >> you know, lawrence, i think you're absolutely right. and you're absolutely right about the fact that i'm not a lawyer. so the first thing that came to mind as i have read this was that this is just the latest act in the theater of the absurd. i was reminded of samuel beckons, that famous line, nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes. it's awful. and so here we see this example of these illiberal forces using democratic process season to undermine democratic processes. and the institutions with people who inhabit them don't quite know what to do. and so this is part of, i think, this ongoing effort that trumpism, the republican party seemed to represent. to really just show what the foundation of our democratic policy. to undermined it all. and so i think we need to respond to it, at the level and the skill of which it presents. i think you are absolutely right. on every level. with regards to this lawrence. >> so, rick, the republican party who was working in the 1980s. the republican party, the bottle republican party, for decades they were harping on trying to stop frivolous lawsuits. this was american corporate culture saying, look. people are suing us for our products that are killing people. they are suing us for product liability, all sorts of things. these are frivolous. american businesses shouldn't be getting sued. so republican policy said that we've got to shut down frivolous lawsuits. and now, frivolous lawsuits have now become the business of the republican party. in order to shut down fair inquiry in washington. >> and of course, the republican party, lawrence was the law and order party. by the way, you don't have to be a lawyer to know the law that is what the framers thought and for one reason why this lawsuit is frivolous is because the investigative power of congress is inherent in the legislative process. that is the most simple idea in article one that lays out with the congress does. and in fact as lawrence tribe said the speech clause actually says up the judicial branch cannot even get involved when congress is investigating. so as you say, a judge should just dismiss this out of hand. because it doesn't pass the left test. but as eddie said, and as congressman said, i think we saw this, this is undermining the rule of law. this is a stress test for the most basic rules of law in our society. and what the trump gang is doing this in this kind of frivolous way to undermined it. and as congressman eric swalwell, said they think that all of you guys are in this conspiracy to follow things that don't matter. to do these frivolous lawsuits. and it's undermining that the most basic principle, that no man is above the law. that we are nations of law and not of men. that is what they are trying to undermine. >> i also think that there is an attempt here to get people in the country to give up. if you have been sitting there thinking that we really have to investigate what happened on january six, and then you see all of this process stuff thrown at the committee and dragged into federal court and federal judges, letting it drag on and on, and saying that the steve bannon trial, which requires less than a day, and requires less than a day of preparation will be july 18th. this is an attempt to get the american public as an audience with a vested interest in this outcome. to just give up on. >> absolutely. to solve this, it is also about the midterms in june. there is this feeling that they are going to take over the house of representatives, at least historically that's what they believe will happen. and so this kind of roper dope is trying to get us to delay, it's so that you can have this transition, the shift. again, i think we need to sound the alarm, lawrence. this is just the latest assault on the policy. if we don't understand it as such, we are in some ways complicit in what they are trying to do. >> and rick stengel, all of this has been a stress test for the institution of washington d.c., and it seems that we are in, another one now. that we didn't know about. a few years ago, we didn't know that you could just get a congressional subpoena and just kind of laugh at it. throw it away. >> well, one of the lessons of the four years administrations and you talked about it night after night all of these norms that we accepted in washington turned out to be -- so violate them at every adventure despite, the coup in 2024 has started already. they are trying to have state legislators be able to overturn the rule of voters, even these frivolous lawsuits are in effect trying to overturn what our constitutional principles and things that voters have voted for. we are in a democratic emergency as eddie said, and the fact that you are highlighting it is that people need to do something about it as well. >> yes, and lawyers can be sanctioned for frivolous lawsuits, as some of the lawyers have in the opening states. but the federal judiciary in washington d.c., i believe, we'll never do that. they will never meet this moment in the way that they should. professor rick stengel and eddie s. glaude jr., thank you. coming up, the professor goes to missouri and says what that state will be getting in the new biden infrastructure law. and to remind voters, which racing president accomplished exactly nothing on infrastructure, that's next. frastructure, that's next. nvestments is different than other money managers. 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it's going to be infrastructure decade now. no more talking. action. >> president biden went to kansas city missouri today where he toured the facilities of the kansas city area transit authority and explain how his new infrastructure law will support kansas city's acquisition of more electric buses. >> electric buses, you add into the state it's a win win win for manufacturing here in america, creating good union jobs, they are good for the environment, and they are making them free for all writers. >> the new biden infrastructure law will help kansas city continue to provide free bus service and help transition kansas city's bus fleet to electric buses. today the white house launched a new website to provide information about the infrastructure law to governors, mayors, tribal leaders, business owners, union members, and anyone, any of you out there who want to know how the multi-year infrastructure spending is being implemented. every republican member of the missouri congressional -- voted against the biden infrastructure bill except for one. retiring republican senator -- voted for the biden infrastructure bill. missouri's junior senator josh hawley and all of missouri's republican house members voted against the bill. joining us now is lukas coons a former u.s. marine captain who served two tours of duty in afghanistan, is now a democratic candidate for senate in missouri. running for that senate seat that will be vacated by retiring republican senator roy blunt. thank you very much for joining us, we really appreciate it. >> hey, thanks for having me. it's great to be back, i really enjoy it. >> well it sounds like one thing you and senator ones agree on is the need for this infrastructure law that joe biden was explaining to your state today. >> yeah, we absolutely need to invest here in america. it has been one of the themes in my campaign, we have talked about it before, but i have been overseas, i have been in iraq and afghanistan. i watch to spend 6.4 trillion dollars there was -- everyone squabble over every single nickel that we are talking about spending here it was pretty painful for me. most of us joined the service to serve the we grew up in and we went overseas watch to spend all this money over there and when we came home, those communities we signed up to serve or worse off. so i'm grateful that we are finally investing here in our own country. >> let's listen to more of what president biden said today about what's in the infrastructure bill. >> parts of the most significant investment in roads and bridges in america in 70 years. fixing many of those 3500 bridges, nearly 10,000 miles of kansas and missouri and pork induction. the roads cost missouri and kansas drivers more than $500 per person per year. >> is the message getting through to voters in your experience campaigning now,? >> well i mean i sure here at the message about the car. i have blown two tires on this campaign, and it has not been cheap. but for me i think the thing we really need to be cognizant of is that this is a truly, needs to be mission started, not mission accomplished. because when i go around the state, the thing i hear the most skepticism. it's justified skepticism, because for a couple decades now the people of missouri -- i mean this is a show me state you have to show us when you do something -- for a couple decades now what we have seen this every time we have been told all bunch of money is being spent for our country, it gets captured by people at the top, it gets captured by monopolies and it never comes down. the investment is not felt by every day people. we saw that with wall street, we saw with the wars overseas, we see that over and over again. so my biggest concern and something i share and people talk about all the time when you go around the stay is, we have to make sure that capturing the top does not happen and the investment is actually felt by every day people, the people who the serve, it the people who are owed it. union members are very excited about the jobs. i'm thrilled about getting those good jobs here. we need to make sure that investment continues and it comes all the way down, or frankly nobody is ever going to trust anything again. >> lucas kunce candidate for senate and missouri, thank you again for joining us tonight, we always appreciate it. >> thanks for having. me >> thank you. and coming up, classes in session with -- join us next i always want to listen to katie -- you will to. that's next. to. that's next. a cold is not just a cold. unlike other cold medicines, coricidin provides powerful cold relief without raising your blood pressure be there for life's best moments with coricidin. now in sugar free liquid. this is the sound of nature breathing. and this is the sound of better breathing. fasenra is a different kind of asthma medication. it's not a steroid or inhaler. fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. it's one maintenance dose every 8 weeks. it helps prevent asthma attacks, improve breathing, and lower use of oral steroids. nearly 7 out of 10 adults with asthma may have elevated eosinophils. fasenra is designed to target and remove them. fasenra is not a rescue medication or for other eosinophilic conditions. fasenra may cause allergic reactions. get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth, and tongue, or trouble breathing. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. this is the sound of fasenra. ask your doctor about fasenra. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom ♪ ♪ for me and you ♪ ♪ and i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ a rich life is about more than just money. that's why at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner so you can build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. my retirement plan with voya keeps me moving forward... vanguard. even after paying for this. love you, sweetheart they guide me with achievable steps that give me confidence. this is my granddaughter...she's cute like her grandpa. voya doesn't just help me get to retirement... ...they're with me all the way through it. come on, grandpa! later. got grandpa things to do. aw, grandpas are the best! well planned. well invested. well protected. voya. be confident to and through retirement. ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit do i need to pretreat my laundry? nope! with tide pods, you don't need to worry. now you know. the pre-treaters are built in. tide pods dissolve even when the water is freezing. nice! if it's got to be clean, it's got to be tide. our next guest congressman katie katie porter used instagram to explain president biden's build back better bill which is passing in the senate. in a way that only former professor katie porter can. >> you will see a theme here, we are just taking care of -- we have talked about it already with firefighters, we talked about making sure that we are giving teacher training, the workers are not getting abused in the workplace, raising the pay of childcare workers, here we are talking about raising the pay of home care workers. the build back better act really is about work. it's about our economy. it is every bit as much of an investment an hour khanna me, as the infrastructure act is. so we are -- these things really work together to create a firm foundation for our economy. >> joining us now is congressman katie porter she's a member of the house oversight committee and the deputy chair of the house progressive caucus. thank you very much for joining us tonight. so the build back better bill which has passed, it is now pending in the senate, the committees are doing their work on it. we don't know exactly when the senate will be ready to move on it, why -- the point you are making in that video is you are reminding us about where this legislation began as two parts of the same biden infrastructure approach. >> absolutely. this is president biden's agenda to make sure that we have a strong stable global competitive economy. to do that, we have to make investments. those investments are in all of the things that help us create jobs, make workers able to go to work, and make sure that we are able to compete for the next generation of jobs. that means everything from investing in roads and bridges, cybersecurity, to investing in green energy jobs, to the people who do that work investing in things like early childhood education, bringing down the price of prescription drugs, so i think that -- we tried to build a concept the building blocks like those child blocks with the letters on them to help people see that all of these things but together are what we'll build that strong stable globally competitive economy. not just next year, not just for president biden's term, but for decades to come. >> so, joe manchin said some things that the wall street journal conference journal about this. he said he is worried about inflation. he did not say that he is not going to vote for the bill, but he said this about -- listen to what he said about waiting to see exactly what's in it. let's listen to what he said. >> we haven't seen the final take on it. so for me to speak on, to say yes i can or no, i can't say this or that until i see the legislation. >> that seems to be the way he has been approaching this all along. so do you have any notion in the house about when the senate will be moving on this? >> well, i can only stare hope soon. because literally i get up every day and ask myself that same thing. when will the senate deliver for the american people? you know, i will say that i think the work that we did in the house, putting together this bill, i educating the american public about it is really building towards the pressure and leverage and momentum that the senate needs to act on this bill. so we have learned a lot about senator manchin that he doesn't, know he's waiting for the proletariat, he's waiting for the bird bath, he's waiting for the -- the day is going to come when this bill is going to come to the floor, and i very much hope that we see -- not only senator manchin and others focus, but republican step up and vote for this. like i said, every american benefits from having that strong stable globally competitive economy. as you know, lawrence, i represent a district equal numbers of democrats and republicans. everybody is going to benefit from the stronger foundation for our economy going forward. >> we just had candidate lucas kunce running for senate in missouri talking about when we passed bills for why ended up being hundreds of billions of dollars of spending, immediate spending in afghanistan, infrastructure spending by the way in afghanistan and iraq, it was never question. no one was asking cbo to study anything about it, no one was worried about what it might mean for inflation anywhere in the world, what might be in for defense spending or inflation in this country, none of that. it flew through with no attention to detail whatsoever, as defense spending bills generally still do. >> look, i think we have to start holding ourselves to account for every dollar that we spend. there is no exception to the need for oversight, for count ability, for careful studying, for careful and thoughtful use of our taxpayer dollars. just because those dollars are going into defense, or national security, all of those dollars our tax dollars that families are paying, and what they are asking the government to do with that money is to protect our country, protect our society, and protect our economy. so i absolutely think we ought to be holding ourselves to the same standard, whether that dollars going out the door for national security, or whether it's going out the door for public health. that is really what i'm trying to do with putting a lot of emphasis on oversight, i think our government can and must help solve problems and must help keep americans safe from everything from coronavirus, to national security risks. with that belief that government can help us, comes the responsibility to make sure that the end of the day those dollars are really being used. >> congresswoman katie porter thank you very much for joining us again tonight. >> thank you. >> thank you. tonight's last word is next. ght's last word is next. ♪ it wasn't me by shaggy ♪ you're never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your discover card. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ever notice how stiff clothes can feel rough on your skin? 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, Seat , Lukas Coons , Roy Blunt , Ones , Campaign , Themes , Iraq , Everyone , Nickel , 6 4 Trillion Dollars , 6 4 Trillion , Communities , Most , Service , Investment , Bridges , Roads , Parts , Infrastructure Bill , 70 , 3500 , Drivers , Roads Cost , Pork Induction , 00 , 500 , Campaigning , Car , Tires , Experience , Skepticism , Truly , Bunch , Concern , Monopolies , Wars , Wall Street , Stay , Top , Jobs , Green Energy Jobs , Lucas Kunce , Katie , Classes , Session , Life , Sound , Blood Pressure , Cold Relief , Nature Breathing , Liquid , Cold Medicines , Coricidin , Fasenra , Asthma , Breathing , Add On Treatment , Asthma Medication , Steroid , Inhaler , Eosinophils , Use , Asthma Attacks , Maintenance Dose , Steroids , 10 , 8 , Rescue Medication , Conditions , Trouble , Mouth , Tongue , Face , Swelling , Sore Throat , Wish List Event , Trees , Green Red , Lincoln , Sanctuary , Me And You , What A Wonderful World Rich Life , Owner , Investor , Future , Retirement Plan , Vanguard , Voya , At Vanguard , Granddaughter , Grandpa , Steps , Retirement , Confidence , Sweetheart , Love You , Ray , Grandpas , Well Invested , Vacations , Come On , Best , Aw , Glucose Levels , No , Diabetes , Libre 2 , Mystery , A1c , Visit Freestylelibre Us , Laundry , Congresswoman Katie Porter , Water , Pre Treaters , Tide Pods , Build , Instagram , Theme , Care , Firefighters , Teacher Training , Workers , Economy , Childcare Workers , Home Care Workers , Workplace , Khanna Me , Deputy Chair , House Progressive Caucus , Committees , Point , Video , Agenda , Biden Infrastructure Approach , Education , Investing , Childhood , Generation , Cybersecurity , Stable , Blocks , Concept , Child , Price , Letters , Prescription Drugs , Senator Manchin , Wall Street Journal , Inflation , We Haven T , Notion , Hope , Pressure , Momentum , Leverage , Floor , Proletariat , Bird Bath , Everybody , Vote , Step Up , Numbers , Focus , Benefits , Democrats , Bills , Running , Spending , Cbo , 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Choice , Go To Shipstation Com Try , Children , Kindness , Generosity , High School , Desks , Kids , Schools , Girls , Fund , Partnership , Scholarships , Public School , Malawi , Nbc News , Perils , Graduation Rate , Half , The Boys , 58404 , 458404 Your , 458404 , Factory Workers , Fun , Contributions , Effect A Jobs Program , Delivery Workers , Delivery , Truck Drivers , Manufacture , Meal , Making Desks , Pleasure , Pride , Beam , Malawi Factories , Gift , Contribution , Parents , Classrooms , Desks Dot Msnbc Com , Scholarship Girls , Holiday Gift List , Knowledge , Unicef , Interpreter , Won T , Chance , Wow , 11th Hour , Brian Williams , 11 , 323 , Ticking Clock , Violence ,

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