Transcripts For MSNBC MTP Daily 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC MTP Daily 20240709

it lasted just over two hours. this is a video from russian tv at the start of that videoconference according to a senior administration official. president biden planned to warn putin of very real costs if russia did take action against the ukraine. what those costs will be and whether it will deter from vladimir putin is still uncertain. u.s. intelligence suggests that the kremlin is planning a multi-front offensive that could involve as many as 175,000 troops and it could begin as early as next month. today's meeting clearly has the attention of not tonal president himself but the entire administration. the white house said the president spoke to ukrainian president zelensky ahead of today's conference as well as other nato leaders. defense secretary tony blinken also spoke with president zelensky. look, it would not be hyperbole to call today one of the most consequential of president biden's 10 1/2 months in office so far. this is about avoiding war, folks. it's what the u.s. can and will do to protect our european allies and whether china will take its cues from russia depending on how the u.s. responds or doesn't. so let's get started here. joined by our chief white house kronlts kristen washington welker, richard engel, and jerry kasprov. kristen, let's start with you, the basics here. the call has wrapped up. there are a lot of sources saying some of the threats that president biden reiterated to putin about making moves on ukraine, including sanctions on the pipeline, the infamous pipeline and making it impossible for putin to do banking around the world, do we know how it was received and do we know anything else? >> reporter: well, we know that president putin has been quite defensive in the face of the accusations by the united states and its nato allies that russia is building up troops on the ukrainian boarder for the purpose of invade, so we anticipate the president's words would be met with a tone of defensiveness, there's no doubt about that, chuck. we're still waiting for the official readout. it's worth noting what we have so far is from russia. the administration has not yet put out a readout and did not allow u.s. cameras into the room. and so as we awaiting for that, here's what we know about what likely happened during the call. president biden did issue some type of threat that there would be real costs, economic costs as you just laid out. and based on conversations here, the administration is not taking the possibility of military action off the table. john kirby, the dod press secretary was asked about this yesterday, didn't dispute it was a potential possibility, but wouldn't engage on that question and said, look, let's just let this call play out before we talk about those types of possibilities. of course, military action always a last resort, and that is how this administration is viewing it as well. but, chuck, this is a key test for this president. it comes after, of course, the messy withdrawal from afghanistan which opened up president biden to a lot of criticism, that he mishandled that foreign policy matter, and so the pressure is on in this instance, and you do have some republicans saying, look, he hasn't been tough enough on putin, and the fact that the withdrawal from afghanistan was rushed sent a message to russia that it could be emboldened in this situation. so that is the backdrop against which this critical call has taken place, chuck. >> kristen, what do they -- i know that president biden believes that putin is just ultimately extraordinarily transactional, meaning he is somebody you can deal with. what do they -- what is their theory of the case that gets putin to back down? >> reporter: well, i think their theory is this initial threat and, of course, the threat coming from nato allies and partners as well, the idea of essentially trying to choke him out in that regard, but will he respond to it? of course, everyone remembering 2014 when russia invaded crimea and that crisis in which, of course, mr. biden was the vice president during that crisis, and it did go on for quite some time. i think that's the current thinking. but, again, chuck, all options on the table at this point as they watch this unfold. >> let me check in with richard engel in kiev. richard, what does the zelensky government expect, and how certain is the ukrainian government that an invasion is coming? >> reporter: well, i don't think the ukrainian government is certain at all, and ukrainians don't know what to believe. they're guessing like the world is guessing what putin's intentions are. we were in a similar scenario to this in the spring when there were tens of thousands of russian troops on the ukrainian border. ukrainians thought maybe russia was going to invade, and then ultimately russia didn't. now with -- in light of new events, ukrainians are looking back and ukrainian officials are openly talking about this and saying, welsh maybe this spring was a dress rehearsal to work out the kinks for now or for what could be coming. to elaborate on your point earlier about putin being transactional, he's made it quite clear what he wants in all of this. he wants at the very least ukraine not to join nato. he also doesn't want nato to deploy sophisticated weapons systems to this country. and he says, in fact, that it is ukraine that is trying to provoke this crisis. and i spoke today to a government adviser here, a former defense minister, who says it is absolutely ridiculous that they're doing this and he does not want ukraine to give in to russia's threats. it's nato who determines who joins or doesn't join nato, and just because russia is now massing troops and threatening to invade doesn't mean the united states should crumble and not allow ukraine to join nato, which it definitely wants. >> richard, what's the worst-case scenario if russian troops come over the border? what kind of troops are they expecting? >> reporter: what they're hoping for is weaponry, aircraft missiles. they also want u.s. troops to be sent here now as advisers, as tripwire troops. there are training forces that come and go from the uk, from the united states, but they number in the dozens. what officials in this country would like is hundreds of foreign trainers, particularly americans to come, not under the nato umbrella. they want them to come flying their own flags, and they want them to be stationed near the border so that if russian troops do cross over, they will run into those troops, even if they're in a small number, not enough numbers to confront physically the advancing russian troops b tow send a signal that the united states or the uk are now in active conflict with russia. that's what they would like in the short term before it gets too -- what they hope -- a day they hope will never come where you have open conflict. if it's open conflict and nearly 200,000 troops cross the border, they're going to need a lot more than just a few advisers, and we're talking about perhaps the largest conflict on european soil since world war ii. >> let me bring in gary casperov here. the question is putin chicken little or not? does he actually want to invade ukraine or is he simply seeing what he can extract? >> reporter: i believe as a dictator, it's a matter of price. if he believes he can get away with it, he will. today on 4/7 russian television, prop began gamma clean, talks about ukraine as a failed state and denies they've risen. it's exactly that point. putin wants ukraine to basically give up its sovereign rights to decide what kind of alliance this country wants to join. and speaking about the conflict, i have to disagree with roy was said a moment ago. there is conflict. a small part of ukraine has been occupied by russian troops. a few days ago medvedev who is in putin's pocket now, ahead of putin's party, pompously gave pardon badges to two gang leaders and russia keeps giving russian passports to the population in these regions, and, again, if you follow what has been said on russian television, it's already decided. that's the minimum russia will do. 175,000 troops or so on the ukrainian borders, look, it's not if he decides to invade it. it's what can we do to prevent it? biden owes us an explanation of what he said in geneva. we were told he looked in putin's eyes and warned him against hacking and such and now we're six months later and we're talking economic sanctions. bizarre. >> garry, let me ask you this. is there a financial sanction? is there a financial pain point for putin that can work, or is he only going to -- is he really only going to respond to something strong? >> reporter: oh, of course, there's always a price. hundreds of billions of dollars of stolen money from my country has been pledged all even the world, you know, stretching to san francisco. financial operators know exactly where the money is. but so far as of now, putin treated the sanction as a mosquito bite. the fact that he talks about it means it could be done but has not been done. it means he had to take the threat seriously. i'm not sure that he's taking it seriously when biden just says it's not about drawing gridlines but punishing putin across so many red lines. he always lies. he wanted the treaty for the simple reason he believed he could go away with that. putin could continue his aggressive policies, which is now with a price tag on it. >> it sounds like you're concerned the united states is going to waiting for to act until putin acts. if you could get in that room with president biden, what action would you take right now to see what would be preventive, that could be preventive here. >> reporter: you're asking me? >> yeah. >> reporter: first of all, i think conversation should not last more than five minutes. that's a message of strength. five minutes, here's what needs to happen, thank you very much, good-bye. two hours, that's putin's victory. that means they negotiated. that reminds me very much what's hanning. again, it's not about what we would do. putin already crossed over the red lines. something had to be done prior to the meeting. you have to show you're serious. yeah, it doesn't have much credibility in putin's eyes. whatever. go after one oligarch, you know, do something with the russian pipelines. do something to show putin you are serious. so far i don't think putin takes biden seriously. >> garry, what is the cost -- i mean can russia afford essentially this invasion? do they have the resources, or could this backfire on him? >> reporter: look. understand what you're asking me. it's the side of putin's dictatorship. there will be bullies. for a second think about ukraine, tens of hundreds of thousands killed during this invague. it will be a full-scale war. i don't want to think about it, but unfortunately we all now believe it's serious, and the fact that it's reached the point whether they're seriously debating if putin crosses the border, that already tells us that something was wrong. we've missed so many milestones in putin's rise from authoritarian leader to dictator with threatening the world. >> kristen welker, i know they've heard some of this criticism, and, you know, garry kasparov is not alone, is the white house concerned that biden has been too passive with putin? >> reporter: i believe they believe there have been missteps when it comes to foreign policy whether it's afghanistan or president putin. they haven't outright acknowledged, for example, in their meeting earlier that the president wasn't tough enough. but i think the point stands, here we go again. and what message is this sending to other potential foreign adversaries who are watching this quite closely? how does china, for example, view this as the administration is trying to prevent china from invading taiwan? of course, we know the government boycotted the olympics in china. i think it's a fascinating point that a two-hour conversation does potentially allow for negotiation. if you know biden, he typically has longer conversations, and he campaigned on his promise of diplomacy, that he knows how to engage with these foreign leaders. we'll have to see what came out of this meeting, chuck. >> richard, last question for you. is it the united states that's more hesitant or nato and the european nations that are more hesitant to confront russia on this? >> i think neither of those alliances want to confront russia militarily. this is not new. there has been war in this country since 2014, and what e we're seeing is a continuation of 2014. not far from me was a rev lugs, a revolt that threw out the pro-russian president. since then -- by the way, that was under the obama administration. that was when hillary clinton had that as her job. it was one of the reasons he was so much against hillary clinton when she ran for president and was supporting donald trump. it goes back to that revolution in 2014. since then, what has russia did or putin done? he's taken crimea. he's allowed two breakaway regions to form request russia and now potentially phase three, either connecting those areas that have already broken away or have been taken away or a full-skas invasion or nothing, it's just a bluff >> i wassen to wrap up. kristen welker, we just got word. we got the official readout. what is the official white house statement on this call? we're showing you the situation room there. you have the president and blink ken in the situation room. what is the official readout? >> this is from the white house, chuck. i'll read it verbatim. president joseph r. bind held a secure video call today with president vladimir putin on the u.s.\russia agenda. president biden voiced the deep concerns of the united states and our european allies about russia's escalation of forces surrounding ukraine and made clear that the u.s. and our allies would respond with strong economic and other measures in the event of military escalation. president biden reiterated his support for ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity and called for de-escalation and a return to diplomacy. the two presidents said they would team up. they discussed the u.s./russia dialogue on strategic stability, a separate dialogue on ransomware and joint work on regional issues such as iran. chuck, worth noting there, we are clearly going to follow up on what the quote, unquote other measures are that president biden threatened and also what this timeline looks like for a followup, how quickly is that going to happen. those are key questions coming out of that readout, chuck. >> garry kasparov, i'll give you the last word. >> reporter: one correction. >> the issue with hillary clinton had to go back to 2011. fair enough. garry, the last question i want to get you to react to, the readout that said the u.s. plans to respond if there's escalation. so meaning we're not responding now, but we're saying we will if he escalates. what do you make of that decision? >> reporter: not enough. again, if he escalates, you know, it brings us much closer to a repeated war. you know, it's important to show putin that biden is serious about stopping putin's aggressive policies. they had a dialogue about ransomware? what about biden addressing the hacking attacks? is russia paying any price for interfering with america's infrastructure? cooperation in the middle east is anything but bringing peace into the region. >> kristen welker, richard enger, and garry kasparov, i appreciate all three of you getting us started on what we'll see if we have averted a military conflict. thank you all. in fact, i want to bring in senator ben cardin. he's a democrat from maryland, longtime member on the senate foreign relations committee, a one-time chair himself. senator cardin, look, we've gotten the basics of what happened today and the conference. you know where garry kasparov is. he's where a lot of folks are who think we should be tougher on russia than we have been. waiting for russia to de-escalate, is that the right call? >> chuck, good to be with you. the situation couldn't be more serious. we recognize russia is accumulating a military force on the border. we have to make it clear it will be the strongest response if russia does, in fact, carry that out. that could be done by the united states, but we need the support of our allies. i think you're going to find the strongest possible message to mr. putin that if he dares do this, there will be not only a u.s. but international response. look from a military point of view, we know russia has the edge when it comes to ukraine, but we know there will be a heavy price to pay to encourage that into ukraine. >> senator, i don't mean to be cynical on, this but we've been punishing vladimir putin for a decade, an it has done -- it has so scared him that he has done what he's done. he's taken crimea. he's threatening -- you know, he's been doing cyber attacks on the united states. he got involved in our election. not a single thing he's done has curtailed his behavior. why do we think this will? >> we have to have a short-term and long-term strategy here. you're absolutely correct. we have imposed sanction on crimea. russia still has crimea. we need to have a longer-term strategy to make it clear there will be a heavy price that russia will pay. we can do that, but it's much more effective that we have our european allies working with us on this. yesterday we had a chance to talk in a closed session about what that looks like. this afternoon you'll see on the foreign relations committee an open hearing in which you'll find democrats and republicans that we want to see strong resolve against marco rubio's encouragement. if they do, they have to pay a heavy price, and it's got to be continuing. >> are you implying, for instance, on the nordstream pipeline that they're holding us back as much as they want to? >> i think the nordstream pipeline is to our advantage and it hurts russia, and that needs to be on the table, no question about it. >> right, but are the europeans -- you're saying the reason we're essentially -- what biden's equivocating here, is it just germany or mostly europe pushing back on this. >> it's primarily germany. i think if russia were to incur -- if mr. putin were to go into ukraine, we would have germany's support in denying nordstream too. >> what do we have to ensure to make sure china takes away with this standoff with russia over ukraine? >> it deals with respecting international norms, and if a country can get away with it, if russia can get away with it, it looks like china can do things. it certainly puts taiwan at a greater risk. all of that is being watched upon by china, international committee, and authoritarian regimes. we have to stand strong. more than strong, we have to be resolute that this cannot take place without very, very, very serious consequences. >> do you have a problem with ukraine joining nato, and should we be aggressively helping them do that? >> that's a decision theny toe alliance should make and should make it independent of russia's view on that. ukraine's an independent country and needs to be able to make their own decisions without the intimidation of russia. >> you did not answer -- you deflected that question. do you think it's a good idea. >> i don't think they're ready at this particular if in moment. we have certain arrangements that have been machld i hope one day that can become a reality. i want to see ukraine fully integrated into europe and the defense mechanisms of europe. i think absolutely that's an issue that needs to be on the table, but the challenge right now is that has to be made by nato and ukraine, not by russia's saying that can't happen. we cannot let russia dictate our decision on nato or ukraine's decisions. >> can you make a case to the america people that we might have to send troops to protect ukraine or is that a bridge too far? >> troops are a last resort, and you can't interject troops unless you have a game plan that comes after that. you have to know where we are on that. i don't think that's being contemplated at this point. i think what's being contemplated is the strongest possible at a cost to russia and mr. putin if he dares to go further into ukraine. we always must have the ability to back up our national security by the use of our military, but it should always be of last resort. >> i want to ask you about the decision of the diplomatic boycott of beijing when it comes to the olympics. you know,like, okay, it makes it seem like we're punishing china. does it seem like it's been done at a fair price? >> you look at the olympics scheduled to take place in two months. >> right. >> we need to recognize that we have to be very clear about china's treatment on human rights of its own citizens, not just the uighurs. there's so many in russia -- in china that are paying a very heavy price baufs of the current regime in china. they have violated international norms, and there should be a price to pay. we have to might clear we will high light china's violation of the rights and stand up for the people being persecuted, uighurs and others. >> senator, my interview with you reminds me of how serious it is the issues you have to discuss in the united states senate. i'm not going to get into it with you now, but it makes the whole debt scene absurd by the hour. >> i concur. >> democrat from maryland, thanks for your time and perspective. i appreciate it. >> thanks, chuck. before we go to break, i want to make note of breaking news of of france. one of the killers of journalist khashoggi was arrested as he was boarding a flight to saudi arabia. an intelligence report concluded that the saudi arabia priest, mbs as he's known, approved of the killing. we're going to look at the laundry list congress must tackle before the end of the year. we're going to sneak in a quick break. more mtp daily right after this. . safe drivers can save using snapshot? 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>> reporter: oh, that's absolutely fair. i mean there's a big difference now than a couple months ago when they were working up till "the 11th hour." the difference is mcconnell has been involved in the negotiations. before there were no communications between schumer and mcconnell. now mcconnell is a key player talking with schumer and pelosi about this, and they came up with this plan, and they had to make sure they're going to have the votes to do it. we expect that mcconnell is going to find the ten republicans to allow for this one-time rule change. you know, some republicans say this is precedent-setting and this opens the door to a lot of other rule changes. i started to ask democrats about that because there are rule changes that democrats actually want for things that they want like voting rights, and if this does, in fact, open the door for that, that's not a question they're willing to answer right now, but we could be sure that this is probably going to come back to them, chuck. >> well, i still don't understand for the life of me why democrats haven't come up with a plan to eliminate this scenario from ever happening to the country again. it's beyond irresponsible. it's a waste of your time. it's a waste of our time. unless they actually didn't raise the debt limit. but it's an absurd thing they have anyway. it can be gotten rid of. maybe take the hostage away. up next, what we heard today from the white house's covid task force as america nationwide understands what omicron means for them. you're watching "meet the press daily." them you're watching "meet the press daily. you have to deal with family. 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more than 1,300 a day. overall cases nationwide have spiked 26ch in the last two weeks to 120,000 new cases every day. again, this is all driven larmly by delta. children account for one-fifth of last week's new cases. and there's a new advisory this morning on the youth mental health crisis which says the pandemic among other challenges has had a, quote, devastating impact on young people. that's a lot to get into. my next guest, msnbc contributor dr. redlener. every day it appears to be more transmissible but less severe. dr. osterholm last week hypothesized -- and he was hypothesizing -- the two variants that won't overwhelm delta or vice versa, but that they'll circulate together. he think that's a more likely scenario. if omicron can overtake delta, that might actually be good news, right? >> yeah, chuck, it might. first of all, the omicron appearance reminds us how much we need to be concerned about the possibility of new mutations and new variants cropping up everywhere where there are low vaccination rates. the fact that we might have or will have both the omicron and delta circulating si simultaneously, i eenl not sure i would call that necessarily good news, but the fact of the matter is we still don't know where omicron is going in terms of severity. we do know it's going to be a lot more rapidly spreading than is the delta, but so far with not enough numbers yet to say for sure that's going to have a less of a fatality rate and less hospitalization associated with it. just a lot to be seen. the other thing is we're going to find out really pretty soon, probably in a matter of days, chuck, whether or not the omicron is any -- is particularly resistant to the vaccines that are currently available. i don't think that will be the case, but that's more news to come shortly. >> what would you need to know in your mind if omicron would overtake delta and suddenly become the dominant strain? >> well, first of all, if omicron does become the dominant strain, i think we probably will be changing our minds about whether it's more or less severe because we just -- we don't have enough numbers yet. if it overtakes delta, we'll have plenty of numbers, and we'll get a very good and immediate understanding of how severe this is going to be. at the end of the day, what we're really looking at, chuck, is this disease going to be relatively mild compared to what delta has been, and if not, we're going to have to keep an eye on it. but in the meantime we also have new oral medications that might have benefit if, in fact, omicron does become more severe as it takes over from delta. >> in some ways, i think we've been overcoming omicron and undercovering delta. that's not to say omicron is not an important story. i'm curious if we should start to expect -- if we're indeed in an endemic, have we -- are we not witnessing a seasonal endemic pattern, which means cases rise in the south in the summer and in the north in the winter? i mean this now feels like two years in a row of this. is this -- are you starting to think that weather patterns here and all this, that's going to go together and just like with the flu, this is what the endemic will feel like? >> i think it's too soon to call it an endemic. i think it's still a raging pandemic, chuck. we're talking between a thousand and 2,000 deaths every single day, a rise in hospitalizations. we are seeing surge after surge, and sometimes it's in the midwest, sometimes in the northeast, and, of course, we had lots of problems in the south just a couple of months ago. the other thing is we also have these weird political differentiations where the red states t red counties have had a lot more undervaccination and a lot more cases and a lot more hospitals being overwhelmed. i think it's a bit early to say we're in the endemic phase now because we're not. we're in a raging pandemic, and a lot remains to be seen where this is going to go over the next six, eight, 12 months now. >> i want to close with your expertise being a pediatrician and what you're seeing now, you know. early on the idea was, hey, young folks can handle it better. i'm curious, what are some of the long-term risks? they may avoid severe disease. what are the long-term risks withkys who have gotten covid since we still have many who can't get vaccinated yet? >> right. but also let me mention, chuck, we've had over 700 deaths in children since the pandemic began. of course, that's a fraction of what we've seen with adults, but i do think we are worried that children can get long-term diseases. we had the mis-c -- mis-c that we've seen in children that represented long-term inflammatory problems in kidneys and hearts and so on of children, and i don't think we say we're out of the woods as far as children are concerned. we've already seen places where hospitalizations of children have been occurring rapidly, and we really need to keep an eye on it. like all the other issues with covid, we have to waiting for and see right now. >> in some cases we don't know the long term because we have to live the long term to find that out. dr. redlener, as always, appreciate your expertise. thank you. up next, we're going to get some firsthand stories of remaining survives from pearl harbor. today, believe it or not, marks the 80th anniversary of the attack that became a major turning point and at least our role in history. you're watching "meet the press daily." you're watching "meet the press daily. now, she uses a capful of therabreath healthy smile oral rinse to give her the healthy, sparkly smile she always wanted. 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>> oh, yeah, especially when i get up in the morning to go to the bathroom, you think about world war ii and what happened there. those guys burning. i don't know how it affects you, but it affects me. >> when i look at all those names i can see the ship sitting there at 45 degrees, smoke and that's what i remember. >> it was the result of that surprise attack that triggered the united states to get into world war ii. japan attacked because they were attempting to expand their rule to greater territory while at the same time, you know, there was adolf hitler in europe, the united states got involved at the time an admiral in japan said he feared this attack would awaken the sleeping giant, meaning the united states, and it did just that. four years later, world war ii came to an end, chuck. >> yeah, we didn't start it. but the united states certainly finished it. kerry sanders at pearl harbor for us, kerry, thank you. thank you all for being with us this hour on this day that still lives in infamy. we'll be back tomorrow with more "meet the press daily." firefighter maggie gronewald knows how to handle dry weather... ...and dry, cracked skin. new gold bond advanced healing ointment. restore healthy skin, with no sticky feeling. gold bond. champion your skin. ♪ ♪ with noamazing...eling. jerry, you've got to see this. seen it. trust me, after 15 walks gets a little old. 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[ echoing ] some of us were born for this. to protect people. to help them save. with a home and auto bundle from progressive. ahh. i was born for this. and now it's prime time. cut. jamie, what are you doing? you're not even in this one. i thought it was thursday. sorry. -it is. -i thought -- i thought it was last thursday. good to be with you. i'm katy tur. as we come on the air with an estimated 95,000 troops on the border of ukraine, the president told vladimir putin in a video call today that any invasion of it neighbor would trigger the u.s. and european alies to drop the hammer and cripple russia's economy. on the table, cutting off russia from international banking. with president biden in the situation room and putin at his home in sochi, the president began the meeting with a smile as you can see from these images. but make no mistake,

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Transcripts For MSNBC MTP Daily 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC MTP Daily 20240709

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it lasted just over two hours. this is a video from russian tv at the start of that videoconference according to a senior administration official. president biden planned to warn putin of very real costs if russia did take action against the ukraine. what those costs will be and whether it will deter from vladimir putin is still uncertain. u.s. intelligence suggests that the kremlin is planning a multi-front offensive that could involve as many as 175,000 troops and it could begin as early as next month. today's meeting clearly has the attention of not tonal president himself but the entire administration. the white house said the president spoke to ukrainian president zelensky ahead of today's conference as well as other nato leaders. defense secretary tony blinken also spoke with president zelensky. look, it would not be hyperbole to call today one of the most consequential of president biden's 10 1/2 months in office so far. this is about avoiding war, folks. it's what the u.s. can and will do to protect our european allies and whether china will take its cues from russia depending on how the u.s. responds or doesn't. so let's get started here. joined by our chief white house kronlts kristen washington welker, richard engel, and jerry kasprov. kristen, let's start with you, the basics here. the call has wrapped up. there are a lot of sources saying some of the threats that president biden reiterated to putin about making moves on ukraine, including sanctions on the pipeline, the infamous pipeline and making it impossible for putin to do banking around the world, do we know how it was received and do we know anything else? >> reporter: well, we know that president putin has been quite defensive in the face of the accusations by the united states and its nato allies that russia is building up troops on the ukrainian boarder for the purpose of invade, so we anticipate the president's words would be met with a tone of defensiveness, there's no doubt about that, chuck. we're still waiting for the official readout. it's worth noting what we have so far is from russia. the administration has not yet put out a readout and did not allow u.s. cameras into the room. and so as we awaiting for that, here's what we know about what likely happened during the call. president biden did issue some type of threat that there would be real costs, economic costs as you just laid out. and based on conversations here, the administration is not taking the possibility of military action off the table. john kirby, the dod press secretary was asked about this yesterday, didn't dispute it was a potential possibility, but wouldn't engage on that question and said, look, let's just let this call play out before we talk about those types of possibilities. of course, military action always a last resort, and that is how this administration is viewing it as well. but, chuck, this is a key test for this president. it comes after, of course, the messy withdrawal from afghanistan which opened up president biden to a lot of criticism, that he mishandled that foreign policy matter, and so the pressure is on in this instance, and you do have some republicans saying, look, he hasn't been tough enough on putin, and the fact that the withdrawal from afghanistan was rushed sent a message to russia that it could be emboldened in this situation. so that is the backdrop against which this critical call has taken place, chuck. >> kristen, what do they -- i know that president biden believes that putin is just ultimately extraordinarily transactional, meaning he is somebody you can deal with. what do they -- what is their theory of the case that gets putin to back down? >> reporter: well, i think their theory is this initial threat and, of course, the threat coming from nato allies and partners as well, the idea of essentially trying to choke him out in that regard, but will he respond to it? of course, everyone remembering 2014 when russia invaded crimea and that crisis in which, of course, mr. biden was the vice president during that crisis, and it did go on for quite some time. i think that's the current thinking. but, again, chuck, all options on the table at this point as they watch this unfold. >> let me check in with richard engel in kiev. richard, what does the zelensky government expect, and how certain is the ukrainian government that an invasion is coming? >> reporter: well, i don't think the ukrainian government is certain at all, and ukrainians don't know what to believe. they're guessing like the world is guessing what putin's intentions are. we were in a similar scenario to this in the spring when there were tens of thousands of russian troops on the ukrainian border. ukrainians thought maybe russia was going to invade, and then ultimately russia didn't. now with -- in light of new events, ukrainians are looking back and ukrainian officials are openly talking about this and saying, welsh maybe this spring was a dress rehearsal to work out the kinks for now or for what could be coming. to elaborate on your point earlier about putin being transactional, he's made it quite clear what he wants in all of this. he wants at the very least ukraine not to join nato. he also doesn't want nato to deploy sophisticated weapons systems to this country. and he says, in fact, that it is ukraine that is trying to provoke this crisis. and i spoke today to a government adviser here, a former defense minister, who says it is absolutely ridiculous that they're doing this and he does not want ukraine to give in to russia's threats. it's nato who determines who joins or doesn't join nato, and just because russia is now massing troops and threatening to invade doesn't mean the united states should crumble and not allow ukraine to join nato, which it definitely wants. >> richard, what's the worst-case scenario if russian troops come over the border? what kind of troops are they expecting? >> reporter: what they're hoping for is weaponry, aircraft missiles. they also want u.s. troops to be sent here now as advisers, as tripwire troops. there are training forces that come and go from the uk, from the united states, but they number in the dozens. what officials in this country would like is hundreds of foreign trainers, particularly americans to come, not under the nato umbrella. they want them to come flying their own flags, and they want them to be stationed near the border so that if russian troops do cross over, they will run into those troops, even if they're in a small number, not enough numbers to confront physically the advancing russian troops b tow send a signal that the united states or the uk are now in active conflict with russia. that's what they would like in the short term before it gets too -- what they hope -- a day they hope will never come where you have open conflict. if it's open conflict and nearly 200,000 troops cross the border, they're going to need a lot more than just a few advisers, and we're talking about perhaps the largest conflict on european soil since world war ii. >> let me bring in gary casperov here. the question is putin chicken little or not? does he actually want to invade ukraine or is he simply seeing what he can extract? >> reporter: i believe as a dictator, it's a matter of price. if he believes he can get away with it, he will. today on 4/7 russian television, prop began gamma clean, talks about ukraine as a failed state and denies they've risen. it's exactly that point. putin wants ukraine to basically give up its sovereign rights to decide what kind of alliance this country wants to join. and speaking about the conflict, i have to disagree with roy was said a moment ago. there is conflict. a small part of ukraine has been occupied by russian troops. a few days ago medvedev who is in putin's pocket now, ahead of putin's party, pompously gave pardon badges to two gang leaders and russia keeps giving russian passports to the population in these regions, and, again, if you follow what has been said on russian television, it's already decided. that's the minimum russia will do. 175,000 troops or so on the ukrainian borders, look, it's not if he decides to invade it. it's what can we do to prevent it? biden owes us an explanation of what he said in geneva. we were told he looked in putin's eyes and warned him against hacking and such and now we're six months later and we're talking economic sanctions. bizarre. >> garry, let me ask you this. is there a financial sanction? is there a financial pain point for putin that can work, or is he only going to -- is he really only going to respond to something strong? >> reporter: oh, of course, there's always a price. hundreds of billions of dollars of stolen money from my country has been pledged all even the world, you know, stretching to san francisco. financial operators know exactly where the money is. but so far as of now, putin treated the sanction as a mosquito bite. the fact that he talks about it means it could be done but has not been done. it means he had to take the threat seriously. i'm not sure that he's taking it seriously when biden just says it's not about drawing gridlines but punishing putin across so many red lines. he always lies. he wanted the treaty for the simple reason he believed he could go away with that. putin could continue his aggressive policies, which is now with a price tag on it. >> it sounds like you're concerned the united states is going to waiting for to act until putin acts. if you could get in that room with president biden, what action would you take right now to see what would be preventive, that could be preventive here. >> reporter: you're asking me? >> yeah. >> reporter: first of all, i think conversation should not last more than five minutes. that's a message of strength. five minutes, here's what needs to happen, thank you very much, good-bye. two hours, that's putin's victory. that means they negotiated. that reminds me very much what's hanning. again, it's not about what we would do. putin already crossed over the red lines. something had to be done prior to the meeting. you have to show you're serious. yeah, it doesn't have much credibility in putin's eyes. whatever. go after one oligarch, you know, do something with the russian pipelines. do something to show putin you are serious. so far i don't think putin takes biden seriously. >> garry, what is the cost -- i mean can russia afford essentially this invasion? do they have the resources, or could this backfire on him? >> reporter: look. understand what you're asking me. it's the side of putin's dictatorship. there will be bullies. for a second think about ukraine, tens of hundreds of thousands killed during this invague. it will be a full-scale war. i don't want to think about it, but unfortunately we all now believe it's serious, and the fact that it's reached the point whether they're seriously debating if putin crosses the border, that already tells us that something was wrong. we've missed so many milestones in putin's rise from authoritarian leader to dictator with threatening the world. >> kristen welker, i know they've heard some of this criticism, and, you know, garry kasparov is not alone, is the white house concerned that biden has been too passive with putin? >> reporter: i believe they believe there have been missteps when it comes to foreign policy whether it's afghanistan or president putin. they haven't outright acknowledged, for example, in their meeting earlier that the president wasn't tough enough. but i think the point stands, here we go again. and what message is this sending to other potential foreign adversaries who are watching this quite closely? how does china, for example, view this as the administration is trying to prevent china from invading taiwan? of course, we know the government boycotted the olympics in china. i think it's a fascinating point that a two-hour conversation does potentially allow for negotiation. if you know biden, he typically has longer conversations, and he campaigned on his promise of diplomacy, that he knows how to engage with these foreign leaders. we'll have to see what came out of this meeting, chuck. >> richard, last question for you. is it the united states that's more hesitant or nato and the european nations that are more hesitant to confront russia on this? >> i think neither of those alliances want to confront russia militarily. this is not new. there has been war in this country since 2014, and what e we're seeing is a continuation of 2014. not far from me was a rev lugs, a revolt that threw out the pro-russian president. since then -- by the way, that was under the obama administration. that was when hillary clinton had that as her job. it was one of the reasons he was so much against hillary clinton when she ran for president and was supporting donald trump. it goes back to that revolution in 2014. since then, what has russia did or putin done? he's taken crimea. he's allowed two breakaway regions to form request russia and now potentially phase three, either connecting those areas that have already broken away or have been taken away or a full-skas invasion or nothing, it's just a bluff >> i wassen to wrap up. kristen welker, we just got word. we got the official readout. what is the official white house statement on this call? we're showing you the situation room there. you have the president and blink ken in the situation room. what is the official readout? >> this is from the white house, chuck. i'll read it verbatim. president joseph r. bind held a secure video call today with president vladimir putin on the u.s.\russia agenda. president biden voiced the deep concerns of the united states and our european allies about russia's escalation of forces surrounding ukraine and made clear that the u.s. and our allies would respond with strong economic and other measures in the event of military escalation. president biden reiterated his support for ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity and called for de-escalation and a return to diplomacy. the two presidents said they would team up. they discussed the u.s./russia dialogue on strategic stability, a separate dialogue on ransomware and joint work on regional issues such as iran. chuck, worth noting there, we are clearly going to follow up on what the quote, unquote other measures are that president biden threatened and also what this timeline looks like for a followup, how quickly is that going to happen. those are key questions coming out of that readout, chuck. >> garry kasparov, i'll give you the last word. >> reporter: one correction. >> the issue with hillary clinton had to go back to 2011. fair enough. garry, the last question i want to get you to react to, the readout that said the u.s. plans to respond if there's escalation. so meaning we're not responding now, but we're saying we will if he escalates. what do you make of that decision? >> reporter: not enough. again, if he escalates, you know, it brings us much closer to a repeated war. you know, it's important to show putin that biden is serious about stopping putin's aggressive policies. they had a dialogue about ransomware? what about biden addressing the hacking attacks? is russia paying any price for interfering with america's infrastructure? cooperation in the middle east is anything but bringing peace into the region. >> kristen welker, richard enger, and garry kasparov, i appreciate all three of you getting us started on what we'll see if we have averted a military conflict. thank you all. in fact, i want to bring in senator ben cardin. he's a democrat from maryland, longtime member on the senate foreign relations committee, a one-time chair himself. senator cardin, look, we've gotten the basics of what happened today and the conference. you know where garry kasparov is. he's where a lot of folks are who think we should be tougher on russia than we have been. waiting for russia to de-escalate, is that the right call? >> chuck, good to be with you. the situation couldn't be more serious. we recognize russia is accumulating a military force on the border. we have to make it clear it will be the strongest response if russia does, in fact, carry that out. that could be done by the united states, but we need the support of our allies. i think you're going to find the strongest possible message to mr. putin that if he dares do this, there will be not only a u.s. but international response. look from a military point of view, we know russia has the edge when it comes to ukraine, but we know there will be a heavy price to pay to encourage that into ukraine. >> senator, i don't mean to be cynical on, this but we've been punishing vladimir putin for a decade, an it has done -- it has so scared him that he has done what he's done. he's taken crimea. he's threatening -- you know, he's been doing cyber attacks on the united states. he got involved in our election. not a single thing he's done has curtailed his behavior. why do we think this will? >> we have to have a short-term and long-term strategy here. you're absolutely correct. we have imposed sanction on crimea. russia still has crimea. we need to have a longer-term strategy to make it clear there will be a heavy price that russia will pay. we can do that, but it's much more effective that we have our european allies working with us on this. yesterday we had a chance to talk in a closed session about what that looks like. this afternoon you'll see on the foreign relations committee an open hearing in which you'll find democrats and republicans that we want to see strong resolve against marco rubio's encouragement. if they do, they have to pay a heavy price, and it's got to be continuing. >> are you implying, for instance, on the nordstream pipeline that they're holding us back as much as they want to? >> i think the nordstream pipeline is to our advantage and it hurts russia, and that needs to be on the table, no question about it. >> right, but are the europeans -- you're saying the reason we're essentially -- what biden's equivocating here, is it just germany or mostly europe pushing back on this. >> it's primarily germany. i think if russia were to incur -- if mr. putin were to go into ukraine, we would have germany's support in denying nordstream too. >> what do we have to ensure to make sure china takes away with this standoff with russia over ukraine? >> it deals with respecting international norms, and if a country can get away with it, if russia can get away with it, it looks like china can do things. it certainly puts taiwan at a greater risk. all of that is being watched upon by china, international committee, and authoritarian regimes. we have to stand strong. more than strong, we have to be resolute that this cannot take place without very, very, very serious consequences. >> do you have a problem with ukraine joining nato, and should we be aggressively helping them do that? >> that's a decision theny toe alliance should make and should make it independent of russia's view on that. ukraine's an independent country and needs to be able to make their own decisions without the intimidation of russia. >> you did not answer -- you deflected that question. do you think it's a good idea. >> i don't think they're ready at this particular if in moment. we have certain arrangements that have been machld i hope one day that can become a reality. i want to see ukraine fully integrated into europe and the defense mechanisms of europe. i think absolutely that's an issue that needs to be on the table, but the challenge right now is that has to be made by nato and ukraine, not by russia's saying that can't happen. we cannot let russia dictate our decision on nato or ukraine's decisions. >> can you make a case to the america people that we might have to send troops to protect ukraine or is that a bridge too far? >> troops are a last resort, and you can't interject troops unless you have a game plan that comes after that. you have to know where we are on that. i don't think that's being contemplated at this point. i think what's being contemplated is the strongest possible at a cost to russia and mr. putin if he dares to go further into ukraine. we always must have the ability to back up our national security by the use of our military, but it should always be of last resort. >> i want to ask you about the decision of the diplomatic boycott of beijing when it comes to the olympics. you know,like, okay, it makes it seem like we're punishing china. does it seem like it's been done at a fair price? >> you look at the olympics scheduled to take place in two months. >> right. >> we need to recognize that we have to be very clear about china's treatment on human rights of its own citizens, not just the uighurs. there's so many in russia -- in china that are paying a very heavy price baufs of the current regime in china. they have violated international norms, and there should be a price to pay. we have to might clear we will high light china's violation of the rights and stand up for the people being persecuted, uighurs and others. >> senator, my interview with you reminds me of how serious it is the issues you have to discuss in the united states senate. i'm not going to get into it with you now, but it makes the whole debt scene absurd by the hour. >> i concur. >> democrat from maryland, thanks for your time and perspective. i appreciate it. >> thanks, chuck. before we go to break, i want to make note of breaking news of of france. one of the killers of journalist khashoggi was arrested as he was boarding a flight to saudi arabia. an intelligence report concluded that the saudi arabia priest, mbs as he's known, approved of the killing. we're going to look at the laundry list congress must tackle before the end of the year. we're going to sneak in a quick break. more mtp daily right after this. . safe drivers can save using snapshot? -what's snapshot? -what the commercial was about. -i tune commercials out. -me too. they're always like blah, blah blah. tell me about it. i'm going to a silent retreat next weekend. my niece got kicked out of one of those. -for talking? -grand larceny. how about we get back to the savings? 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>> reporter: oh, that's absolutely fair. i mean there's a big difference now than a couple months ago when they were working up till "the 11th hour." the difference is mcconnell has been involved in the negotiations. before there were no communications between schumer and mcconnell. now mcconnell is a key player talking with schumer and pelosi about this, and they came up with this plan, and they had to make sure they're going to have the votes to do it. we expect that mcconnell is going to find the ten republicans to allow for this one-time rule change. you know, some republicans say this is precedent-setting and this opens the door to a lot of other rule changes. i started to ask democrats about that because there are rule changes that democrats actually want for things that they want like voting rights, and if this does, in fact, open the door for that, that's not a question they're willing to answer right now, but we could be sure that this is probably going to come back to them, chuck. >> well, i still don't understand for the life of me why democrats haven't come up with a plan to eliminate this scenario from ever happening to the country again. it's beyond irresponsible. it's a waste of your time. it's a waste of our time. unless they actually didn't raise the debt limit. but it's an absurd thing they have anyway. it can be gotten rid of. maybe take the hostage away. up next, what we heard today from the white house's covid task force as america nationwide understands what omicron means for them. you're watching "meet the press daily." them you're watching "meet the press daily. you have to deal with family. 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more than 1,300 a day. overall cases nationwide have spiked 26ch in the last two weeks to 120,000 new cases every day. again, this is all driven larmly by delta. children account for one-fifth of last week's new cases. and there's a new advisory this morning on the youth mental health crisis which says the pandemic among other challenges has had a, quote, devastating impact on young people. that's a lot to get into. my next guest, msnbc contributor dr. redlener. every day it appears to be more transmissible but less severe. dr. osterholm last week hypothesized -- and he was hypothesizing -- the two variants that won't overwhelm delta or vice versa, but that they'll circulate together. he think that's a more likely scenario. if omicron can overtake delta, that might actually be good news, right? >> yeah, chuck, it might. first of all, the omicron appearance reminds us how much we need to be concerned about the possibility of new mutations and new variants cropping up everywhere where there are low vaccination rates. the fact that we might have or will have both the omicron and delta circulating si simultaneously, i eenl not sure i would call that necessarily good news, but the fact of the matter is we still don't know where omicron is going in terms of severity. we do know it's going to be a lot more rapidly spreading than is the delta, but so far with not enough numbers yet to say for sure that's going to have a less of a fatality rate and less hospitalization associated with it. just a lot to be seen. the other thing is we're going to find out really pretty soon, probably in a matter of days, chuck, whether or not the omicron is any -- is particularly resistant to the vaccines that are currently available. i don't think that will be the case, but that's more news to come shortly. >> what would you need to know in your mind if omicron would overtake delta and suddenly become the dominant strain? >> well, first of all, if omicron does become the dominant strain, i think we probably will be changing our minds about whether it's more or less severe because we just -- we don't have enough numbers yet. if it overtakes delta, we'll have plenty of numbers, and we'll get a very good and immediate understanding of how severe this is going to be. at the end of the day, what we're really looking at, chuck, is this disease going to be relatively mild compared to what delta has been, and if not, we're going to have to keep an eye on it. but in the meantime we also have new oral medications that might have benefit if, in fact, omicron does become more severe as it takes over from delta. >> in some ways, i think we've been overcoming omicron and undercovering delta. that's not to say omicron is not an important story. i'm curious if we should start to expect -- if we're indeed in an endemic, have we -- are we not witnessing a seasonal endemic pattern, which means cases rise in the south in the summer and in the north in the winter? i mean this now feels like two years in a row of this. is this -- are you starting to think that weather patterns here and all this, that's going to go together and just like with the flu, this is what the endemic will feel like? >> i think it's too soon to call it an endemic. i think it's still a raging pandemic, chuck. we're talking between a thousand and 2,000 deaths every single day, a rise in hospitalizations. we are seeing surge after surge, and sometimes it's in the midwest, sometimes in the northeast, and, of course, we had lots of problems in the south just a couple of months ago. the other thing is we also have these weird political differentiations where the red states t red counties have had a lot more undervaccination and a lot more cases and a lot more hospitals being overwhelmed. i think it's a bit early to say we're in the endemic phase now because we're not. we're in a raging pandemic, and a lot remains to be seen where this is going to go over the next six, eight, 12 months now. >> i want to close with your expertise being a pediatrician and what you're seeing now, you know. early on the idea was, hey, young folks can handle it better. i'm curious, what are some of the long-term risks? they may avoid severe disease. what are the long-term risks withkys who have gotten covid since we still have many who can't get vaccinated yet? >> right. but also let me mention, chuck, we've had over 700 deaths in children since the pandemic began. of course, that's a fraction of what we've seen with adults, but i do think we are worried that children can get long-term diseases. we had the mis-c -- mis-c that we've seen in children that represented long-term inflammatory problems in kidneys and hearts and so on of children, and i don't think we say we're out of the woods as far as children are concerned. we've already seen places where hospitalizations of children have been occurring rapidly, and we really need to keep an eye on it. like all the other issues with covid, we have to waiting for and see right now. >> in some cases we don't know the long term because we have to live the long term to find that out. dr. redlener, as always, appreciate your expertise. thank you. up next, we're going to get some firsthand stories of remaining survives from pearl harbor. today, believe it or not, marks the 80th anniversary of the attack that became a major turning point and at least our role in history. you're watching "meet the press daily." you're watching "meet the press daily. now, she uses a capful of therabreath healthy smile oral rinse to give her the healthy, sparkly smile she always wanted. 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>> oh, yeah, especially when i get up in the morning to go to the bathroom, you think about world war ii and what happened there. those guys burning. i don't know how it affects you, but it affects me. >> when i look at all those names i can see the ship sitting there at 45 degrees, smoke and that's what i remember. >> it was the result of that surprise attack that triggered the united states to get into world war ii. japan attacked because they were attempting to expand their rule to greater territory while at the same time, you know, there was adolf hitler in europe, the united states got involved at the time an admiral in japan said he feared this attack would awaken the sleeping giant, meaning the united states, and it did just that. four years later, world war ii came to an end, chuck. >> yeah, we didn't start it. but the united states certainly finished it. kerry sanders at pearl harbor for us, kerry, thank you. thank you all for being with us this hour on this day that still lives in infamy. we'll be back tomorrow with more "meet the press daily." firefighter maggie gronewald knows how to handle dry weather... ...and dry, cracked skin. new gold bond advanced healing ointment. restore healthy skin, with no sticky feeling. gold bond. champion your skin. ♪ ♪ with noamazing...eling. jerry, you've got to see this. seen it. trust me, after 15 walks gets a little old. 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[ echoing ] some of us were born for this. to protect people. to help them save. with a home and auto bundle from progressive. ahh. i was born for this. and now it's prime time. cut. jamie, what are you doing? you're not even in this one. i thought it was thursday. sorry. -it is. -i thought -- i thought it was last thursday. good to be with you. i'm katy tur. as we come on the air with an estimated 95,000 troops on the border of ukraine, the president told vladimir putin in a video call today that any invasion of it neighbor would trigger the u.s. and european alies to drop the hammer and cripple russia's economy. on the table, cutting off russia from international banking. with president biden in the situation room and putin at his home in sochi, the president began the meeting with a smile as you can see from these images. but make no mistake,

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Tow , Troops B , 200000 , World War Ii , Chicken Little , Soil , Gary Casperov , Price , Matter , Dictator , State , Prop , Russian Television , Gamma Clean , 4 7 , Rights , Alliance , Part , Roy , Party , Pompously , Regions , Gang Leaders , Passports , Population , Pardon Badges , Television , Ukrainian Borders , Explanation , Geneva , Garry Kasparov , Sanction , Eyes , Hacking , Bizarre , Six , Something , Pain Point , Money , Operators , San Francisco , Billions , Now , Mosquito Bite , Lines , Drawing Gridlines , Reason , Policies , Treaty , Price Tag , Preventive , Acts , Conversation , Strength , Five , Victory , Good Bye , Hanning , Whatever , Oligarch , Credibility , Cost , Pipelines , Resources , Him , Side , Think , Invague , Dictatorship , Bullies , Tens Of Hundreds Thousands , Rise , Leader , Milestones , Missteps , Example , Foreign Policy , Democrats Haven T , Here We Go Again , Point Stands , Wasn T Tough Enough , Sending , Adversaries , Olympics , Taiwan , Diplomacy , Negotiation , Promise , Last Question , Nations , Alliances , Russia Militarily , Rev Lugs , Continuation , Hillary Clinton , Reasons , Job , Obama , Revolution , Donald Trump , Crimea , Breakaway , Request , Areas , Three , Word , Statement , Bluff , Nothing , Situation Room , Joseph R Bind , Blink Ken , Video Call , Escalation , Forces , Concerns , Russia Agenda , Support , Measures , Military Escalation , Event , Sovereignty , Presidents , Dialogue , Integrity , Stability , Issues , Worth , Ransomware , Work , Quote , Iran , Questions , Followup , Timeline Looks , Issue , One Correction , Plans , 2011 , Decision , Hacking Attacks , Cooperation , Infrastructure , Middle East , Anything , Region , Peace , Richard Enger , Democrat , Senator Cardin , Military Conflict , Look , Maryland , Senate Foreign Relations Committee , To De Escalate , Response , Military Force , Edge , Attacks , Thing , Election , Behavior , Will , Strategy , Chance , Session , Committee , Resolve , Hearing , Relations , Encouragement , Marco Rubio , Europeans , Needs , Advantage , Germany , Equivocating , Nordstream Too , Norms , Standoff , Risk , Things , Regimes , International Committee , Problem , Consequences , Cannot , Decisions , Toe Alliance , View , Intimidation , Decision Theny , Arrangements , Machld , Reality , Challenge , Defense Mechanisms , People , Game Plan , Bridge , Interject , Ability , Use , Security , Boycott , Beijing , Uighurs , Regime , Human Rights , Treatment , Citizens , Baufs , Violation , Senator , Interview , Others , United States Senate , Perspective , Thanks , Debt Scene , Khashoggi , Breaking News , Killers , Flight , France , Note , Saudi Arabia , Laundry List Congress , Report , Intelligence , Killing , Priest , Mbs , Snapshot , Commercial , Break , Mtp , Drivers , What , Commercials , Blah , Talking , Larceny , Niece , Silent Retreat , Laundry , Savings , Scent Boosters , Clothes , Detergent , Downy Unstopables , Zzzquil Ultra , Doing , Makers , Habit , Nyquil , Debt Limit , Capitol Hill , Debts , Machinations , Bill , Vote , Carry , Shenanigans , Fixing Med , Problems , Debt , Headache , Debt Ceiling , Heartburn , Any , Politics , All A Serious Process , Rules , Oath Of Office , Laws , Shadows , Leigh Ann Caldwell , Embarrassing , Chuck Fr , Leigh Ann , None , Sense , Clown Show , Someone , Dick Durbin , Team , Reconciliation Bill , Authority , Rule , Majority , Order , Clocher , Changes , Update , Steps , Hopefully December 15th , 15 , December 15th , Writ , Difference , Hostage , It Hostage , Schumer , Communications , Player , Negotiations , Now Mcconnell , The 11th Hour , 11 , Rule Change , Votes , Ten , Door , Rule Changes , Voting Rights , Life , Waste , Up Next , Covid Task Force , America Nationwide , Turkey , Family , Aunt , Data , Mom Vo , Single , Team Up , Friends , Low , Chloe , Dad Vo , 25 , 5 , 2 , 1 , Vo , Grandpa , Fire Alarm , Phone , Switch , Ear Buds , Fire Alarm Blares , 200 , 00 , Time , Beat , Feet , Water , Nice , Pre Treaters , Tide Pods , Tide , Reform , Justice , Chesa Boudin , Safety , Being , Public Safety , Both , Didn T Support The Newsom , Impact , Communities , Color , Son , A Million , Cases , Crime , Turmoil , Da S Office , Increase , Failure , Streets Of San Francisco , Management , Recall , Omicron Pandemic , News , Hospitalizations , Much , Countries , Death , Optimism , Spike , Foe , Delta Variant , 1300 , Children , Larmly , 120000 , 26 , Pandemic , Advisory , Mental Health Crisis , Challenges , Guest , Youth , Msnbc , Redlener , Transmissible , Variants , Hypothesizing , Won T Overwhelm Delta Or , Osterholm , Omicron , Vice Versa , Appearance , Mutations , Everywhere , Si , Vaccination Rates , Terms , Severity , Don T Know , Hospitalization , Fatality Rate , Vaccines , Mind , Strain , Minds , Understanding , It Overtakes Delta , Disease , Eye , Medications , Benefit , Story , Undercovering Delta , Ways , Overcoming Omicron , Endemic , South , Pattern , This , Summer , North , Weather Patterns , Winter , Row , Flu , Surge , Deaths , Northeast , Midwest , Lots , 2000 , A Thousand , Differentiations , Counties , Hospitals , Undervaccination , Bit , Red States T , Expertise , Phase , Pediatrician , 12 , Eight , Risks , Withkys , Long Term , Gotten Covid , 700 , Diseases , Fraction , Adults , Mis , Out Of The Woods , Hearts , Kidneys , Places , Covid , Term , Pearl Harbor , Stories , Attack , 80th Anniversary , Smile , Therabreath , Healthy , Turning Point , History , Role , Capful , 80 , Mouthwash , Res , Target , Gentle Music , Crowd Cheering , Walmart , I Ll Be Home For Christmas , Mistletoe , Snow , Kids , Home , Shriners Hospitals For Children , Tree , Screen , Care , Families , Holidays , Donations , 9 , 19 , Gift , Home For Christmas , Love , Reminder , Rescue Blanket , 63 , Love Light , Child , Loveshriners Org , Rock Music Man , Chances , Man , Livelihood , Truck , Safelite , Expert Service , Friend , Service , Windshield , Girl , Singers , Safelite Repair , Books , Bookkeeper , Expenses , Accounts , Intuit Quickbooks , Business Stands , Live Bookkeeping , Yep , Jill Biden , Involvement , Base , Aerial Forces , Japanese , Hawaii , 1941 , Memorial , Survivors , Anniversary , Washington D C , 100 , Hit , Oil , Surface , Arizona , Kerry Sanders , Ship , Ships , Uss Arizona , Oil Tanks , Boilers , Droplet , Blood , Veterans , 30 , Surprise Attack , Footage , Black And White , U S Fleet , Fire , News Reels , Hand , Breath , Rope , Flames , Seamen , 900 , Horror , Pain , Smell , Soldiers , Who , Guys , Bathroom , Guys Burning , Smoke , Names , 45 , Result , Admiral , Territory , Adolf Hitler , End , Sleeping Giant , Four , Maggie Gronewald , Weather , Infamy , Bond , Skin , Ointment , Feeling , Jerry , Restore Healthy , Noamazing Eling , Old , Walks , Thud , Trust Me , Ding , Planning Effect , Fidelity , Advisor , Wealth , Picture , Reward , Balance , Everything , Generations , Prime Time , Auto , Bundle , Progressive , Ahh , Cut , Jamie , Air , Katy Tur , 95000 , It Neighbor , Hammer , Economy , Alies , Images , Mistake , International Banking , Sochi ,

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