Transcripts For MSNBC Way Too Early With Jonathan Lemire 202

Transcripts For MSNBC Way Too Early With Jonathan Lemire 20240709

tested positive. plus, the first case of omicron reported in the united states. the question is what will president biden announce when he updates us on the fight against covid later today? and lockout. major league baseball shuts down for the first time in decades after owners and the players union failed to reach an agreement with four months left before the season. the question is opening day in jeopardy? it's "way too early" for this. ♪♪ good morning, kind of. welcome to "way too early," the show that is going to be clear about this. games better not be lost. i'm jonathan lemire on this thursday, december 2nd. we're going to start with the news. >> the inevitable has happened. the first case of the omicron variant of covid-19 has been dedeathed in california. the cdc announces the patient returned from south africa last week and developed symptoms a few days later. the person then tested positive for covid, and genome sequencing confirmed it was the omicron variant. the individual who was fully vaccinated is showing mild symptoms and is recovering in isolation. so far everyone who has had close contact with patient has tested negative. on the heels of that first omicron case, dr. fauci encouraged americans once again to get vaccinated and receive a booster shot as soon as they're eligible. >> people say, well, if this we're going to have a booster-specific vaccine, should we wait? if you're eligibility, namely six months with a double mrna dose or two months with the j&j, get boochtbosted now. we may not need a variant boost. the mistake people may make is in waiting to get one. if you're eligible to get boosted, get boosted right now. >> as we get more people vaccinated not only in this country, but globally, we will see a situation where viruss will not have the opportunity that they have right now. the more protection you get with vaccines, the less likelihood a virus has to do that, the less likely a virus has to mutate, the less likely you're going to get a variant. there's no doubt this will end, i promise you that. this will end. >> this afternoon the president will update the country on the plans to fight the pandemic through the winter. the president will travel to walter reed military center to keep us updated on those arriving in the u.s. and how the changing season will affect the pandemic response. his plan will include boosters for all adults and keeping schools open, stronger travel practices and a treatment pill to prevent hospitalization and deaths. joining us now to talk about this, my former colleague and friend, sig miller. we've run through some of the basics we expect the president to say later today. give us more of the details. what more can we expect to hear from president biden later today in fight wag is obviously a key moment in the pandemic? >> the big thing we're looking forward to today is the president launching a new campaign. if you're a senior and on medicare, you'll get a personalized message from the medicare senior member. you could get mailers and phone calls and invited to town halls, public television ads encouraging people to get a booster essentially because the president thinks the way to get it done is to get people the additional layer of protection. they struggle to get more and more people not vaccinated to get the shots. this is why they believe it's their most effective push. the other big announcement is the white house is moving to make covid-19 at home testing, those rapid tests you can do at home or at school, reimbursable by private insurance. that will affect about 150 million people. if you're not on medicare or medicaid that will be one thing. the at-home tests will be more readily available. >> you mentioned the push for booster. there's a huge part of the population that's not gotten any shots or refuses to get vaccinated. two questions for you. first on that, what is the plan if anything to get those americans to get their first shots, and, secondly w we know there's going to be a structured proetd kol on international trarchlt is there any discussion in the white house, people you've talked to, about mandating vaccines for dough mess thick travel. whether that beplanes, trains, or any form of transportation? >> first off, when it comes to your question, the white house has two different buckets. there's the newly eligible, the younger americans, roughly 289 million between the ages of 5 and 11. those vaccines were made avail to then. the white house said it's time. they move the dial. when it comes to the 43 million-plus who have been eligible for a year and the vaccines have been widely available for seven or eight months and they haven't got an shot yet t white house is putting all of its eggs in those mandates. the president will appeal to private businesses to impose those mandates on their employers even while the osha mandate that the president supported is hello up in litigation. whether that will work, it remains to be seen. that's why they're making so much of their travel, that station made it -- we've talked about it a lot. a lot of folks in the media from the white house's standpoint, they're focused on what -- the white house askeden this last night on a briefing cause. one official said it was a -- it had to do with what's achievable. that is a step they felt they bridged too far and might get caught up in litigation. >> the a.p. zeke miller. we appreciate your insight. come back soon. now the fact that president trump tested positive for covid three days before his first presidential debate with joe biden. the nbc news has since confirmed that story with three sources. two of the sources categorize the initial test as a, quote, false positive and after a subsequent test taken hours later, they say it came back negative. the candidates were supposed to test negative within 72 hours of that first one, but as meadows write in is his pine. savannah guthrie asked trump about his first positive test, and he flat out lied. >> your first positive test was thursday, october 1st. when was your last negative test? >> i test quite a bitz, and i can tell you before the debate, which i thought it was a very good debate and i held fantastically, i few r was great. >> did you techt before? >> i don't know. >> he turned up positive before meeting gold star families. they're ones who lost loved ones in the service of our country and the president suggested they might be to blame. he held a white house event and later attempts raply. and from a rare trip he steps back from air force one and spoke without a mask. one of those reporters got covid. he later called the story fake news. meanwhile the u.s. supreme court is determining what to do with the most significant chance to abortion righting this three. the landmark 1973 roe v. wade decision. >> reporter: hundreds gathered outside the court, both sides vividly demonstrating what's at stake. mississippi would ban virtually all abortions after 15 weeks of pregnant circumstance at odds with nearly 50 years of supreme court rulings. >> life is so pregnant, and these babies have a chance now that 48 years ago, they didn't have. >> reporter: the courts rule on it. mississippi's law is a direct challenge to roe. >> it has such a profound effect on our health and our lives and our future. >> reporter: the more liberal judges warn overturning roe would understood mind undermine public confidence. >> there's the public perception that the constitution and its reading are just political acts. >> if it really is an issue about choice, why is 15 weeks not enough time? >> but several of the court's conservatives appeared willing to vote for opponents. abortion rights have been the law of the land for almost 50 years. >> if we think that the prior precedents are seriously wrong, why then doesn't the history of this court's practice with respect to those cases tell us that the right answer is actually a return to the position of neutrality? >> reporter: if the supreme court did overturn row, it wouldn't ban abortion. 24 states are likely to might illegal. some have created bends to go into effect if roe is overturned. >> this could be a defining issue in next year's midterm elections. still ahead, a fourth person has died as a result of the high school shooting in michigan. we'll have the latest on that and what we're learning about the teenaged gunman. plus the biden administration sents moscow a warning about severe consequences. there's so much more. the christmas tree is lit up. not at 12:00 a.m. though. t at 1h new vicks convenience pack. dayquil severe for you... and daily vicks super c for me. vicks super c is a daily supplement with vitamin c and b vitamins to help energize and replenish. dayquil severe is a max strength daytime, coughing, power through your day, medicine. new from vicks. ♪ my songs know what you did in the dark ♪ ♪ so light 'em up, up, up light 'em up, up, up ♪ ♪ light 'em up, up, up ♪ ♪ i'm on fire ♪ ♪ so light 'em up, up, up light 'em... ♪ my retirement plan with voya keeps me moving forward. ♪ i'm on fire ♪ they guide me with achievable steps that give me confidence. plus the biden plus the biden sn't just helo retirement... ...they're with me all the way through it. voya. be confident to and through retirement. mo plus the biden sir. plus the biden cts different. with two rapiddry layers. for strong protection, that's always discreet. question your protection. administration sents moscow a administration sents moscow a a fourth student has died following his injuries from a shooting. 15-year-old ethan crumbly was charged as an adult yesterday after a shooting at oxford. he's charged with the following -- in an update the oakland county sheriff said two teenagers remain in critical condition. the sheriff reflected on national gun laws, which he says are not being enforced properly. >> we have a whole lot of gun laws meant to hold criminals accountable when they hold a gun, carry illegally. they're not utilized today. we see this across the nation. we catch somebody illegally with a gun and it's pled down to a miss dimoner, and they're out. others, three or four times. i believe the sure evident way to hold people accountable is to punish them. that's not happening in many communities across america today. the u.s. is warning russia, and it's urging moscow to pull back troops from the ukrainian border. antony blinken said the invasion could impact others. blinken expressed concerns that it resembled moscow strategy and seized peninsula. his comments come as he's to meet with the russian leader today. democrats and voting rights activist stacey abrams is once again running for governor of georgia. >> opportunity and success in georgia shouldn't be daefrmed by your zip code, back code. but if our georgia is going to move to its next and greatest chapter, we're going to need leadership. >> abrams will likely go toe to toe again with republican brian kemp who she accused of engaging in voter suppression in 2018. former president trump weighed in. trump wrote this, the maga base will just not vote for governor keep p after what he did with respect to election integrity and two horribly run elections. but some good republican will run and some good republican will get my vote. that's what scares. there's no thought into looking into the elections going forward. still ahead, it's the end of baseball, at least for now. what it means for the league and the players who are locked out. sports is next. o are locked out sports is next e is helping people love what they love again. just one pill a day. 24 hours. zero heartburn. because life starts when heartburn stops. take the challenge at prilosecotc dot com. people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible... ...with rybelsus®. 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(♪ ♪) you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. nyquil severe gives you powerful relief for your worst cold and flu symptoms, on sunday night and every night. nyquil severe. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, best sleep with a cold, medicine. [music: sung by craig robinson] ♪ i'm a ganiac, ganiac, check my drawers ♪ [sfx: sniffs] ♪ and my clothes smell so much fresher than before ♪ try gain flings and you'll be a gainiac too! the only detergent with oxiboost and febreze. major league baseball has shut down for the first time in more than a quarter of a century. a pair of meetings left the league and the players association at an imparks with the first work stoppage that canceled the world series in 1995. the collective bargaining agreement ended just before midnight and created a lockdown early this morning. in a letter explaining the lockout to fans, commissioner rob manfred said -- this defensive lockout was necessary because the players association for major league baseball would threaten the ability of most teams to be competitive. the lockout was called, quote, a dramatic measure regardless of timing. team officials and players cannot communicate in any way. it's baseball's fourth-ever lockout to go along with five strikes. the winter meetings have also been canceled. they went on an unprecedented spending spree. clubs went on a spending record of $1.4 billion and nouns amouno 27. the people i've talked to say they're far apart right now, but there is a hope, though they're not close. that by dog this now, it may force some urgency. december 1st, no need to panic. january 1st, worry. if there's no deal by february 1st with spring training on the horizon, that's the problem, the time to get concerned. let's hope it doesn't happen. the head of the women's professional tour announced all tournaments will be suspended in china. it's because a high-ranking tennis player dropped out of view. she posted something last month that was quickly taken down. a statement from the wta chairman reads in part, quote, unfortunately the leadership in china has not addressed this very serious issue in a credible way. while we now know where she is, i have serious doubts that she is free. he also says it could extend beyond 2022. still ahead, major league baseball is not the only thing considering shutdown. on capitol hill, the federal government is set to lapse and lawmakers are struggling to pass a stopgap measure. great. we'll go over the major sticking points with nbc's leigh ann caldwell. before we go to break, why are you awake? email me at way too early at with or tweet me @john with or tweet me @john le mer. tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection-site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala. find your nunormal with nucala. are you one of the millions of americans who experience occasional bloating, gas or abdominal discomfort? taking align every day can help. align contains a quality probiotic developed by gastroenterologists. it adds more good bacteria to your gut to naturally help soothe your occasional bloating, gas and abdominal discomfort. support your digestive health with align, the #1 doctor recommended probiotic. try align today. and try new align fast acting biotic gummies. helps soothe occasional digestive upsets in as little as 7 days. welcome back to "way too early". it's just before 5:30 on the east coast, 2:30 out west. giant than lemaire. we're just two days away from a government shutdown, and a group of republicans is threatening to delay a deal unless biden's vaccine mandate is removed. it's the best way to fight the vaccine or testing requirement being pushed by the administration. democrats are calling the move reckless and saying it would set a dangerous precedent. >> congress needs to man up, stand up, and fight for the america people. that means don't fund a government that's tie rannicly forcing people to get a vaccine they don't want to get. >> "the new york times" reported ronald marshal of kansas is willing to ride out the shutdown. quote, think the folks back home want to know how hard we're fighting for them. that the jobs back home are as important as keeping the government open. he wrote to misch mcconnelled on wednesday, asking him to use all procedural tools at your disposal. despite the pressure, both leaders say a shutdown is simply not an option. >> we won't shut down. i think we'll get there. nobody should be concerned about a government shutdown. >> let me be clear again, if a handful of senate republicans choose obstruction, there will be a republican manufactured shutdown caused by republican dysfunction once again in their caucus. i hope republicans will not take the country down that road. we urge republican colleagues to work was. >> republican senator mike braun of indiana is pitching a different plan to colleague, all 50 republicans l support i. if a small group continue os its opposition, the government may shut down over the weekend to allow time to move the bill through the senate. joining us now, nbc capitolhill news correspondent leigh ann caldwell. good morning. thank you for being here. they're meeting with a lot of frustration and confusion. if a group of republicans continue its opposition, how long will the shutdown last, >> that's the thing, jonathan. they can't continue the shutdown. they can just slow down the process. the way things work in the senate, is you need the consent of 100 senators in order to expedite everything. remember, the shutdown would start tomorrow night. and so what they need is for things to move very quickly. two senators want to use all of the senate procedure time to extend the process, so this effectively would be a shutdown over the weekend, maybe a day or two into next week, and the ultimate result would be they will not defund it because they're still in the minority. it won't pass the house of ref actives. for now profit really. that's what most senate republicans agree on anyway. i'm told the conversation was spirited, frustrating, and really a little bit went off the rails that it's a horrible idea and that republicans will be blamed, and the headlines are already not that great including the vaccine mandate, so why draw the attention back to republicans and cause an unnecessary shutdown, but they were unable to convince their colleagues. jon? >> let's underscore. these are republicans trying to shut down the government because they don't want americans to be protected by vaccines. we also just played that clip from senate minority leader mitch mcconnell. he said it again. he said it before. he's not in support of a shutdown. what does that say about his role a with a group on caucus if members of his caucus can so quickly divide them. >> senator mike lee also pops up in these. he thinks this vaccine main date is constitutional and he's not backing down. yesterday mitch mcconnell didn't say anything among his colleagues how to move forward. he just ate his lunch, which is usually packed. i don't know if he's going to be able to rein in and get all senators on board. he knows a shutdown is bad, and he knows it's not good for the republican party or the country. a lot of time they don't have the approval. we see this over and over again with joe money chen at senator mike lee chld i don't see how they get out of this. >> i do want to understand score there's no agreement how to keep the government open, if the short-term spending bill should go to january or february or march. while this is happening and a short-term shutdown is likely, the leaders still have not agreed on what date and the dynamics and framework of how to keep this government open. so there's too many little criseses happening at the same time, jon. >> none of that sounds good at all, leigh ann. nbc's leanne called well. as always, we appreciate it. still ahead, despite woes about rising inflation and the threat of the pandemic, we'll get a live report from cnbc when weather returned. when you really need to sleep you reach for the really good stuff. new zzzquil ultra helps you sleep better and longer when you need it most. it's non habit forming and powered by the makers of nyquil. new zzzquil ultra. when you really really need to sleep. and the fact is, thousands of people are trapped paying too much for wireless. but when you switch to t-mobile they will pay off your phone so you can keep your current number and your phone! switch to t-mobile and we'll pay off your phone. now up to a thousand bucks. bye mom. my helpers abound, i'll need you today. our sleigh is now ready, let's get on our way. a mountain of toys to fulfill many wishes. must be carried across all roads and all bridges. and when everyone is smiling and having their fun i can turn my sleigh north because my job here is done. it's not magic that makes more holiday deliveries to homes in the us than anyone else, it's the hardworking people of the united states postal service. [music: "i swear"] jaycee tried gain flings for the first time the other day... it's the hardworking people of the and forgot where she was. you can always spot a first time gain flings user. ♪ time now for business, and for that, let's bring in new friend of the show, cnbc's jewel you a na tatelbaum. always great to see you. wall street's roller-coaster ride as we kick off a new trading month. what's dragging the markets down. >> well, jonathan, yesterday was really a day of two halves. we started out strong with u.s. markets and european markets trading higher, but late in the day, u.s. markets take a turn for the worst. it seems it was driven by the confirmation of the first detected case of omicron in the united states. because european markets closed before the news broke out, we saw a strong european session yesterday, but they're catching up a little bit to the wall street trade yesterday. on the flip side u.s. futures are higher, pointing to a rebound on wall street. >> so the adp national numbers are out, and according to that report, over 500,000 jobs were added to the report. what does that say about the state of the economy right now? >> well, this report came in showing a stronger picture than economists had been expecting. 534,000 new private payrolls added in the month of november. in terms of the breakdown, interestingly big business led job creation by company size. hospitality and leshoure led to gains. now they're going to be turning their attention to the initial jobs claims report tomorrow afternoon for the month of november. now, the big question right now is to what extent if any the new variant will impact the labor market recovery. that, of course, too early to say, but something that investors are going to be keeping in mind over the coming weeks as more jobs data comes out. >> juliana, let's turn to the silver screen. it took "red notice" three weeks. apparently it's the most watched movie of all time on the streaming service. i admit, i haven't watched it yet. netflix is usually pretty cagey about releasing numbers. do you have any idea. >> you and i are almost in the minority. 50% of all netflix subscribers in the world have watched this film. that means 328 million viewing hours have been logged, which tops a previous record held by sandra bullock's "bird box." it has a stacked lineup, ryan reynolds and others. i always check rotten tomatoes. "red notice" a huge divergence what they're saying. it's instreeging, i have to say. >> 35%. it sounds like we have weekend plans. we appreciate it as always. still ahead t house rules committee will consider a recommendation to charge former doj fishlg jeffrey clark with contempt of congress today. a member of that committee joins me. you don't want to miss that. "way too early" is coming right back. " is coming right back zero heartburn. because life starts when heartburn stops. take the challenge at prilosecotc dot com. ♪ ♪ (man) still asleep. (woman vo) so, where to next? (vo) reflect on the past, celebrate the future. with the season of audi. o man, that's a whole lot of wrinkly at least my shoes look good! reflect on the past, celebrate the future. looking good start with bounce wrinkleguard, the megasheet designed to prevent wrinkles in the dryer. xfinity rewards are our way of thanking you just for being with us. enjoy rewards like movie night specials, xfinity mobile benefits, and the chance to win tickets to see watch what happens live. hey, it's me. plus, get holiday gifts for everyone on your list with great deals on fan favorites from today. join over a million members by signing up for free on the xfinity app. our thanks. your rewards. the january 6th select committee voted last night to formally charge official jeffrey clark with contempt of congress. after a ruling clarks will appear this saturday for another. trump may, too, find himself on the committee's witness list >> i want to note that around 8:00 last evening, mr. clark's attorney sent a letter to the committee, another in a long series of long letters, stating that mr. clark now intends to assert his fifth amendment privilege against incriminating himself in this process. this is, in my view, a last-ditch attempt to delay the select committee's proceedings, however, a fifth amendment privilege assertion is a weighty one. we have just learned that mr. clark has agreed to appear again to continue his deposition. however, we will proceed tonight with considering the contempt request as this is just the first step of the contempt process. >> he has recently suggested that he wants to debate members of this committee. this committee's investigation into the violent assault on our capitol on january 6th is not a game. any communication mrs. trump has with this committee will be under oath. and if he persists lying then, he'll be under the laws of this great nation and subject to penalties for every false word he speaks. >> the rules committee will consider the contempt charge today, but the full house vote awaits the outcome of saturday's deposition. joining us now, a member of the committee, congresswoman deborah ross. we're so glad to see you this morning. tell us what happens next. we know the committee is waying the fallout deposition from clark. that's going to be saturday. if he shows up this weekend and takes the fifth amendment for every question, let's say, would that change the recommendation to charge him with contempt? what can happen? >> well, the rules committee simply says of the process about bringing things before the house. it would be up to the january 6th commission to decide how it wants to proceed. when it comes to the rules committee, it's all about getting things ready for the house floor. we have a member of the january 6th commission on the committee, congressman raskin, and so he informs us about what happens. the great thing is we have generally had bipartisan presentation to the rules committee about what might happen and why they want to bring this to the full house floor. congresswoman cheney came when we sent it to the floor for steve bannon, she helped lay that out. we also, of course, have chairman thompson who co-chairs with cheney. we will have plenty of information when we make our dlipgs in the rules committee, and i understand we'll be doing that in the morning. >> congresswoman, while we have you, you co-sponsored a bill that would require federal judges to disclose their stock holdings and give that information. it passed the house yesterday by a near you nan news bill. what kind of support does it seem to have in the senate? >> the bill is by part sand by count. congressman issa and i spoke about it on the floor. we worked very closely on it on the floor and we have senator cg the charge on the other side. this is about justice and transparency and ethics of the judiciary. the wall street journal did an incredible and chilling report on wednesday about the facts that judges are trading stocks litigant during cases. this has happened more than 60 times. there are many, many cases failure to have litigants know what judges' financial instances are in a case. some are very sad cases. we have agreed federal judges need to be held as the same standard as members of congress and the executive branch in terms of disclosing in realtime their holdings so the process can be fair and transparent. we are not asking judges to do anything that members of congress and executive branch do not do. it has bipartisan and bicameral support. we are looking forward to have this enacted into law. kudos to the wall street journal for bringing this to light. >> congresswoman, you will have a busy month, we would love to have you more to talk about it. >> we asked you why are you awake? >> we are up celebrating our son's first acceptance college letter. dan, what you got there? >> scott says 7 hours of sleep is important to me. even if that 7 hours of sleep starts at 7:00 p.m. >> i have not sure i have gotten 7 hours of sleep. we can't underscore how damaing a lot of work stop would be would cause the season game. we are still in a pandemic. up next, a look at axios' one big thing. we'll hear from the white house covid coordinator about omicron and the new elected mayber of atlanta, andre dickens will join the show, "morning joe" is a few minutes away. joe" is a few minutes away occasional nerve acs in your hands or feet? try nervivenerve relief from the world's #1 selling nerve care company. nervive contains alpha lipoic acid to relieve occasional nerve aches, weakness and discomfort. try nervivenerve relief. nyquil severe gives you powerful relief for your worst cold and flu symptoms, on sunday night and every night. nyquil severe. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, best sleep with a cold, medicine. [music: sung by craig robinson] ♪ i'm a ganiac, ganiac, check my drawers ♪ [sfx: sniffs] ♪ and my clothes smell so much fresher than before ♪ try gain flings and you'll be a gainiac too! the only detergent with oxiboost and febreze. joining us now to look at axios' one big thing, alayna treene. good morning. what is the one big thing? >> the potential shutdown moves through congress. they have until friday to figure it out. there is a good possibility that the government shuts down. it really is an issue here of a block of 15 republicans threatening the shutdown. it's over biden's vaccine mandates and wanting to defund the vaccine mandate portion. and, it's not going to happen in this bill. we know at the end of the day short term that congress -- the question whether it will shutdown over the weekend interim. republican leaders is scrambling to work with republicans to get some sort of deal. three different options talking to lawmakers and to republican senate aides is basically one option is they have this vote tomorrow. it's supposed to be unanimous consent vote, speed up the process of funding bill and keeping the government open. one senator objects to it. there could be a sit down and they expect much from my sources and it only goes through the weekend. another option is they put forward an amendment vote on the vaccine mandate issue and trying to defund it and that may be enough for some of these republican senators and if they can get that then it may avoid a shutdown but as of now they have to agree for that to happen or leaders could the third option, we keep some sort of other deals that would allow them to move forward with that unanimous consent vote. right now it's still unclear what's going to happen and there is a possibility that the government could shutdown. >> we have been talking about all morning about the supreme court and the oral arguments with mississippi abortion case but there are some strategists who are arguing against overturning roe v. wade even though it's a conservative party for a long time. tell us why. >> it's really interesting, jonathan. a lot of republicans want some sort of curtailing to abortion rights. it's pretty remarkable to see what happens at the supreme court yesterday and see that there is a possibility that abortion rates are ruled back in some sense by the courts. but, at the same time from a political perspective, it could backfire in certain areas particularly, with voters and female voters and different high income areas across the country, that's always been a target that republicans have struggled with and it could be an area that really republicans struggle with now with this abortion issue. some republicans trying to warn that while it could be a success in some cases, it can also backfire. >> this decision may not come down as late as june which will be put before the midterms and certainly be a huge issue going into november. thank you for being here and a big congratulations for making this year's forbes' 30 under 30. thanks to all of you for wake up way too early with us this morning. a jam packed "morning show" starts now. this week in covid history, it's december 2020. despite the pandemic, mall owners are doing all they can to keep santa safe. >> dr. fauci is warning christmas celebration may create a bigger coronavirus surge. they figured out that christmas is bigger than maynard, better cancelling. >> we'll have a christmas uprising and fill our churches on christmas. if you dare to open your gifts with your family, it's over. >> if death is inevitable. maybe we should pause before we destroy the living in the name of trying to eliminate it. >> what the [ bleep ] did he just say? >> meanwhile, it's

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Travel Practices , Hospitalization , Adults , Deaths , Treatment , Some , More , Friend , Basics , Details , Sig Miller , Thing , Campaign , Fight Wag , Senior Member , Phone Calls , Message , Mailers , Senior , On Medicare , Medicare , Town Halls , Way , Booster , Television , Shots , White House , Push , Layer , Announcement , At Home Testing , Reimbursable By , Tests , Home , School , 150 Million , Part , Anything , Population , Questions , W , Mess Thick Travel , Discussion , Trains , Proetd Kol On International Trarchlt , Beplanes , Transportation , Form , Buckets , First Off , 289 Million , It S Time , Ages , Avail , Dial , 5 , 43 Million , 11 , Wall , Haven T , Eggs , Shot , Eight , Seven , Mandates , Litigation , Mandate , Businesses , Employers , Osha , Station , Travel , Lot , Folks , Media , Standpoint , Official , Briefing Cause , What , President , Step , Fact , Insight , A P Zeke Miller , Nbc News , Sources , Story , Three , Quote , Positive , Candidates , 72 , Savannah Guthrie , Trump , Pine , Meadows , Bitz , October 1st , Thursday October 1st , 1 , I Don T Know , Service , Families , Ones , Gold Star , Loved Ones , Event , Trip , Raply , Air Force One , Abortion , Chance , Reporters , U S Supreme Court , Spoke , Story Fake News , Reporter , Roe V Wade Decision , Hundreds Gathered Outside , 1973 , Court , Mississippi , Abortions , Stake , Circumstance , Odds , 15 , 50 , Life , Babies , Rulings , 48 , Law , Courts , Challenge , Effect , Roe , Health , Judges , Perception , Confidence , Overturning Roe , Mind , Issue , Constitution , Choice , Reading , Acts , Abortion Rights , Several , Conservatives , Opponents , Law Of The Land , Cases , Respect , Return , Answer , History , Practice , Precedents , Position , Neutrality , States , If The Supreme Court , Row , It Wouldn T Ban Abortion , 24 , Elections , Result , Bends , High School Shooting , Sents Moscow , Warning , Latest , Gunman , Learning , Michigan , Consequences , Christmas Tree , 00 , 12 , Daily Vicks , Supplement , Vitamin C , B Vitamins , Super C , Pack , Dayquil , Medicine , Coughing , Em Up , Strength , Up Light , Power , In The Dark , Songs , Steps , Retirement Plan , Up , I M On Fire So Light , Biden Sn T Just Helo Retirement , Voya , Retirement , Layers , Sir , Mo Plus , Administration Sents Moscow A Aa , Student , Adult , Shooting , Injuries , Oxford , Ethan Crumbly , Teenagers , Update , Following , Condition , Oakland County Sheriff , Criminals , Gun Laws , Sheriff , National Gun Laws , Gun , Nation , Miss , Dimoner , Others , Times , Communities , Antony Blinken , Troops , Border , Urging , Invasion , Russia , Strategy , Concerns , Peninsula , Resembled Moscow , Democrats , Comments , Leader , Voting Rights , Georgia , Success , Stacey Abrams , Governor , Back Code , Zip Code , Georgia Shouldn T , Republican , Leadership , Brian Kemp , Toe To , Voter Suppression , Chapter , 2018 , 2018 Former , Election , Integrity , Maga Base , Governor Keep P , Speed , Thought , Scares , Players , Baseball , Sports , League , End , O , Type 2 Diabetes , Everywhere , Zero Heartburn , Prilosecotc Dot Com , Zero , Stop Rybelsus , Blood Sugar , Diabetes , Ways , 3 , Sulfonylurea , Majority , Sugar , A1c , Food , Lost , 7 , 8 , Family , Type 1 Diabetes , Help , Isn T , Don T Take Rybelsus , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Side Effects , Vision Problems , Changes , Lump , Reaction , Stomach Pain , Blood Sugar Risk , Neck , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Provider , Kidney Problems , Nausea , Dehydration , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , 10 , 0 , Cold , Nighttime , Sleep , Head , Flu , Relief , Stuffy , Aching , Sniffling , Sneezing , Sunday Night , Music , Ganiac , Craig Robinson , Check My Drawers , Gainiac , Flings , Clothes , Sfx , Detergent , Try Gain , Oxiboost , Febreze , Meetings , Pair , Work Stoppage , Collective Bargaining Agreement , Imparks , Players Association , World Series , 1995 , Letter , Rob Manfred , Lockdown , Fans , Teams , Ability , Team Officials , Timing , Spending Record , Clubs , Winter Meetings , Strikes , Spending Spree , Five , Amouno 27 , 4 Billion , 1 4 Billion , Hope , Dog , 27 , Deal , Problem , Urgency , December 1st , January 1st , Spring Training On The Horizon , February 1st , Tournaments , Doesn T , Women S Professional Tour , View , Something , Statement , Tennis Player , Chairman , China , Wta , Doubts , 2022 , Shutdown , Government , Lawmakers , Stopgap Measure , Points , Capitol Hill , Leigh Ann Caldwell , Me John Le Mer , Infections , Doctor , Headache , Breathing , Reactions , Infection , Tongue , Trouble , Shingles , Don T Stop Steroids , Nunormal , Back Pain , Fatigue , Nucala , Gas , Discomfort , Bloating , Millions , Probiotic , Gut , Bacteria , Gastroenterologists , Biotic Gummies , Upsets , Try Align , Group , Government Shutdown , Vaccine Mandate , Giant , East Coast , Out West , Lemaire , 30 , Contempt Of Congress , Don T , Testing , Requirement , Precedent , Stand Up , The New York Times , Ronald Marshal Of Kansas , Rannicly , Jobs , Fighting , Misch Mcconnelled , Option , Leaders , Pressure , Disposal , Tools , Senate , Nobody , Obstruction , Handful , Dysfunction , Caucus , Colleagues , Mike Braun , Road , Indiana , Opposition , Os , Republicans L , Bill , Confusion , Frustration , Shutdown Last , Process , Senators , Things , Consent , 100 , Everything , House , Minority , Ref Actives , Conversation , Frustrating , Bit , Idea , Rails , Headlines , Attention , Underscore , Let , Jon , Mitch Mcconnell , Clip , Mike Lee , Members , Support , Say , Role , Lunch , Didn T , Say Anything , Senator , Joe Money Chen , Approval , Chld , Spending Bill , Score , Dynamics , Framework , Criseses , None , Leigh Ann , Woes , Inflation , Leanne , Report , Threat , Weather , Cnbc , Zzzquil Ultra , Stuff , Thousands , Makers , Habit , Nyquil , T Mobile , Phone , Sleigh , Bucks , Helpers , Number , Bye Mom , A Thousand Bucks , A Thousand , Roads , Job , Toys , Wishes , Mountain , Bridges , Fun , Homes , Anyone , Holiday Deliveries , United States Postal Service , Jaycee , I Swear , Gain , Roller Coaster Ride , Business , User , Wall Street , The Show , Cnbc S Jewel You A Na Tatelbaum , Markets , Trading Month , Halves , Confirmation , Turn , Worst , Side , Futures , Session , Rebound , Wall Street Trade Yesterday , Numbers , State , Economy , Adp , 500000 , Terms , Big Business Led Job Creation , Economists , Breakdown , Payrolls , Picture , 534000 , Jobs Claims , Gains , Led , Hospitality , Leshoure , Course , Investors , Labor Market Recovery , Jobs Data , The Big Question , Extent , Red Notice , Movie , Silver Screen , Juliana , Netflix , World , Record , Film , Subscribers , Bird Box , Sandra Bullock , 328 Million , Lineup , Ryan Reynolds , Rotten Tomatoes , Weekend Plans , Instreeging , 35 , Congressman Raskin , Jeffrey Clark , Recommendation , House Rules Committee , Doj Fishlg , Heartburn , Woman Vo , Vo , Man , O Man , Wrinkles , Wrinkly , Shoes , Bounce Wrinkleguard , Audi , Megasheet , Rewards , Xfinity , Dryer , Movie Night Specials , Xfinity Mobile Benefits , Deals , Thanks , App , List , Tickets , Fan Favorites , A Million , January 6th Select Committee Voted Last Night , 6 , January 6th , Another , Trump May , Saturday , Witness List , Ruling Clarks , Mr , Letters , Series , Fifth Amendment , Attorney , Proceedings , Privilege , Fifth Amendment Privilege Assertion , Deposition , Contempt Request , Contempt Process , Game , Investigation , Capitol , Assault , Communication Mrs , Oath , Laws , Full House , Contempt Charge Today , Subject , Penalties , Word , Deborah Ross , What Happens Next , Outcome , Contempt , Amendment , Waying The Fallout Deposition , January 6th Commission , House Floor , Floor , Congresswoman Cheney , Presentation , Have Chairman Thompson , Steve Bannon , Information , Dlipgs , News Bill , Stock Holdings , Near You Nan , Part Sand , Senator Cg , Congressman Issa , Charge , Justice , Transparency , Ethics , Judiciary , Incredible , Wall Street Journal , Trading , Facts , Many , Instances , Failure , Litigants , 60 , Executive Branch , Standard , Holdings , Bicameral , Kudos , Son S First Acceptance College Letter , Dan , Scott , Work Stop , Season Game , A Look At Axios , Up Next , Morning Joe , Covid Coordinator , Atlanta , Mayber , Andre Dickens , Nervivenerve Relief , Nerve , Nervive , Hands , Nerve Care Company , Feet , Weakness , Nerve Aches , Alpha Lipoic Acid , Shutdown Moves , Alayna Treene , Possibility , Republicans , Block , Vaccine Mandates , Vaccine Mandate Portion , Scrambling , Weekend Interim , Sort , Options , Aides , Funding Bill , Sit Down , Weekend , Amendment Vote , Vaccine Mandate Issue , Vote , Strategists , Arguments , Conservative Party , Supreme Court Yesterday , Areas , Voters , Perspective , Rates , Sense , Abortion Issue , Area , High Income , Target , Decision , Congratulations , Midterms , Forbes 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Transcripts For MSNBC Way Too Early With Jonathan Lemire 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Way Too Early With Jonathan Lemire 20240709

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tested positive. plus, the first case of omicron reported in the united states. the question is what will president biden announce when he updates us on the fight against covid later today? and lockout. major league baseball shuts down for the first time in decades after owners and the players union failed to reach an agreement with four months left before the season. the question is opening day in jeopardy? it's "way too early" for this. ♪♪ good morning, kind of. welcome to "way too early," the show that is going to be clear about this. games better not be lost. i'm jonathan lemire on this thursday, december 2nd. we're going to start with the news. >> the inevitable has happened. the first case of the omicron variant of covid-19 has been dedeathed in california. the cdc announces the patient returned from south africa last week and developed symptoms a few days later. the person then tested positive for covid, and genome sequencing confirmed it was the omicron variant. the individual who was fully vaccinated is showing mild symptoms and is recovering in isolation. so far everyone who has had close contact with patient has tested negative. on the heels of that first omicron case, dr. fauci encouraged americans once again to get vaccinated and receive a booster shot as soon as they're eligible. >> people say, well, if this we're going to have a booster-specific vaccine, should we wait? if you're eligibility, namely six months with a double mrna dose or two months with the j&j, get boochtbosted now. we may not need a variant boost. the mistake people may make is in waiting to get one. if you're eligible to get boosted, get boosted right now. >> as we get more people vaccinated not only in this country, but globally, we will see a situation where viruss will not have the opportunity that they have right now. the more protection you get with vaccines, the less likelihood a virus has to do that, the less likely a virus has to mutate, the less likely you're going to get a variant. there's no doubt this will end, i promise you that. this will end. >> this afternoon the president will update the country on the plans to fight the pandemic through the winter. the president will travel to walter reed military center to keep us updated on those arriving in the u.s. and how the changing season will affect the pandemic response. his plan will include boosters for all adults and keeping schools open, stronger travel practices and a treatment pill to prevent hospitalization and deaths. joining us now to talk about this, my former colleague and friend, sig miller. we've run through some of the basics we expect the president to say later today. give us more of the details. what more can we expect to hear from president biden later today in fight wag is obviously a key moment in the pandemic? >> the big thing we're looking forward to today is the president launching a new campaign. if you're a senior and on medicare, you'll get a personalized message from the medicare senior member. you could get mailers and phone calls and invited to town halls, public television ads encouraging people to get a booster essentially because the president thinks the way to get it done is to get people the additional layer of protection. they struggle to get more and more people not vaccinated to get the shots. this is why they believe it's their most effective push. the other big announcement is the white house is moving to make covid-19 at home testing, those rapid tests you can do at home or at school, reimbursable by private insurance. that will affect about 150 million people. if you're not on medicare or medicaid that will be one thing. the at-home tests will be more readily available. >> you mentioned the push for booster. there's a huge part of the population that's not gotten any shots or refuses to get vaccinated. two questions for you. first on that, what is the plan if anything to get those americans to get their first shots, and, secondly w we know there's going to be a structured proetd kol on international trarchlt is there any discussion in the white house, people you've talked to, about mandating vaccines for dough mess thick travel. whether that beplanes, trains, or any form of transportation? >> first off, when it comes to your question, the white house has two different buckets. there's the newly eligible, the younger americans, roughly 289 million between the ages of 5 and 11. those vaccines were made avail to then. the white house said it's time. they move the dial. when it comes to the 43 million-plus who have been eligible for a year and the vaccines have been widely available for seven or eight months and they haven't got an shot yet t white house is putting all of its eggs in those mandates. the president will appeal to private businesses to impose those mandates on their employers even while the osha mandate that the president supported is hello up in litigation. whether that will work, it remains to be seen. that's why they're making so much of their travel, that station made it -- we've talked about it a lot. a lot of folks in the media from the white house's standpoint, they're focused on what -- the white house askeden this last night on a briefing cause. one official said it was a -- it had to do with what's achievable. that is a step they felt they bridged too far and might get caught up in litigation. >> the a.p. zeke miller. we appreciate your insight. come back soon. now the fact that president trump tested positive for covid three days before his first presidential debate with joe biden. the nbc news has since confirmed that story with three sources. two of the sources categorize the initial test as a, quote, false positive and after a subsequent test taken hours later, they say it came back negative. the candidates were supposed to test negative within 72 hours of that first one, but as meadows write in is his pine. savannah guthrie asked trump about his first positive test, and he flat out lied. >> your first positive test was thursday, october 1st. when was your last negative test? >> i test quite a bitz, and i can tell you before the debate, which i thought it was a very good debate and i held fantastically, i few r was great. >> did you techt before? >> i don't know. >> he turned up positive before meeting gold star families. they're ones who lost loved ones in the service of our country and the president suggested they might be to blame. he held a white house event and later attempts raply. and from a rare trip he steps back from air force one and spoke without a mask. one of those reporters got covid. he later called the story fake news. meanwhile the u.s. supreme court is determining what to do with the most significant chance to abortion righting this three. the landmark 1973 roe v. wade decision. >> reporter: hundreds gathered outside the court, both sides vividly demonstrating what's at stake. mississippi would ban virtually all abortions after 15 weeks of pregnant circumstance at odds with nearly 50 years of supreme court rulings. >> life is so pregnant, and these babies have a chance now that 48 years ago, they didn't have. >> reporter: the courts rule on it. mississippi's law is a direct challenge to roe. >> it has such a profound effect on our health and our lives and our future. >> reporter: the more liberal judges warn overturning roe would understood mind undermine public confidence. >> there's the public perception that the constitution and its reading are just political acts. >> if it really is an issue about choice, why is 15 weeks not enough time? >> but several of the court's conservatives appeared willing to vote for opponents. abortion rights have been the law of the land for almost 50 years. >> if we think that the prior precedents are seriously wrong, why then doesn't the history of this court's practice with respect to those cases tell us that the right answer is actually a return to the position of neutrality? >> reporter: if the supreme court did overturn row, it wouldn't ban abortion. 24 states are likely to might illegal. some have created bends to go into effect if roe is overturned. >> this could be a defining issue in next year's midterm elections. still ahead, a fourth person has died as a result of the high school shooting in michigan. we'll have the latest on that and what we're learning about the teenaged gunman. plus the biden administration sents moscow a warning about severe consequences. there's so much more. the christmas tree is lit up. not at 12:00 a.m. though. t at 1h new vicks convenience pack. dayquil severe for you... and daily vicks super c for me. vicks super c is a daily supplement with vitamin c and b vitamins to help energize and replenish. dayquil severe is a max strength daytime, coughing, power through your day, medicine. new from vicks. ♪ my songs know what you did in the dark ♪ ♪ so light 'em up, up, up light 'em up, up, up ♪ ♪ light 'em up, up, up ♪ ♪ i'm on fire ♪ ♪ so light 'em up, up, up light 'em... ♪ my retirement plan with voya keeps me moving forward. ♪ i'm on fire ♪ they guide me with achievable steps that give me confidence. plus the biden plus the biden sn't just helo retirement... ...they're with me all the way through it. voya. be confident to and through retirement. mo plus the biden sir. plus the biden cts different. with two rapiddry layers. for strong protection, that's always discreet. question your protection. administration sents moscow a administration sents moscow a a fourth student has died following his injuries from a shooting. 15-year-old ethan crumbly was charged as an adult yesterday after a shooting at oxford. he's charged with the following -- in an update the oakland county sheriff said two teenagers remain in critical condition. the sheriff reflected on national gun laws, which he says are not being enforced properly. >> we have a whole lot of gun laws meant to hold criminals accountable when they hold a gun, carry illegally. they're not utilized today. we see this across the nation. we catch somebody illegally with a gun and it's pled down to a miss dimoner, and they're out. others, three or four times. i believe the sure evident way to hold people accountable is to punish them. that's not happening in many communities across america today. the u.s. is warning russia, and it's urging moscow to pull back troops from the ukrainian border. antony blinken said the invasion could impact others. blinken expressed concerns that it resembled moscow strategy and seized peninsula. his comments come as he's to meet with the russian leader today. democrats and voting rights activist stacey abrams is once again running for governor of georgia. >> opportunity and success in georgia shouldn't be daefrmed by your zip code, back code. but if our georgia is going to move to its next and greatest chapter, we're going to need leadership. >> abrams will likely go toe to toe again with republican brian kemp who she accused of engaging in voter suppression in 2018. former president trump weighed in. trump wrote this, the maga base will just not vote for governor keep p after what he did with respect to election integrity and two horribly run elections. but some good republican will run and some good republican will get my vote. that's what scares. there's no thought into looking into the elections going forward. still ahead, it's the end of baseball, at least for now. what it means for the league and the players who are locked out. sports is next. o are locked out sports is next e is helping people love what they love again. just one pill a day. 24 hours. zero heartburn. because life starts when heartburn stops. take the challenge at prilosecotc dot com. people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible... ...with rybelsus®. 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[music: sung by craig robinson] ♪ i'm a ganiac, ganiac, check my drawers ♪ [sfx: sniffs] ♪ and my clothes smell so much fresher than before ♪ try gain flings and you'll be a gainiac too! the only detergent with oxiboost and febreze. major league baseball has shut down for the first time in more than a quarter of a century. a pair of meetings left the league and the players association at an imparks with the first work stoppage that canceled the world series in 1995. the collective bargaining agreement ended just before midnight and created a lockdown early this morning. in a letter explaining the lockout to fans, commissioner rob manfred said -- this defensive lockout was necessary because the players association for major league baseball would threaten the ability of most teams to be competitive. the lockout was called, quote, a dramatic measure regardless of timing. team officials and players cannot communicate in any way. it's baseball's fourth-ever lockout to go along with five strikes. the winter meetings have also been canceled. they went on an unprecedented spending spree. clubs went on a spending record of $1.4 billion and nouns amouno 27. the people i've talked to say they're far apart right now, but there is a hope, though they're not close. that by dog this now, it may force some urgency. december 1st, no need to panic. january 1st, worry. if there's no deal by february 1st with spring training on the horizon, that's the problem, the time to get concerned. let's hope it doesn't happen. the head of the women's professional tour announced all tournaments will be suspended in china. it's because a high-ranking tennis player dropped out of view. she posted something last month that was quickly taken down. a statement from the wta chairman reads in part, quote, unfortunately the leadership in china has not addressed this very serious issue in a credible way. while we now know where she is, i have serious doubts that she is free. he also says it could extend beyond 2022. still ahead, major league baseball is not the only thing considering shutdown. on capitol hill, the federal government is set to lapse and lawmakers are struggling to pass a stopgap measure. great. we'll go over the major sticking points with nbc's leigh ann caldwell. before we go to break, why are you awake? email me at way too early at with or tweet me @john with or tweet me @john le mer. tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection-site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala. find your nunormal with nucala. are you one of the millions of americans who experience occasional bloating, gas or abdominal discomfort? taking align every day can help. align contains a quality probiotic developed by gastroenterologists. it adds more good bacteria to your gut to naturally help soothe your occasional bloating, gas and abdominal discomfort. support your digestive health with align, the #1 doctor recommended probiotic. try align today. and try new align fast acting biotic gummies. helps soothe occasional digestive upsets in as little as 7 days. welcome back to "way too early". it's just before 5:30 on the east coast, 2:30 out west. giant than lemaire. we're just two days away from a government shutdown, and a group of republicans is threatening to delay a deal unless biden's vaccine mandate is removed. it's the best way to fight the vaccine or testing requirement being pushed by the administration. democrats are calling the move reckless and saying it would set a dangerous precedent. >> congress needs to man up, stand up, and fight for the america people. that means don't fund a government that's tie rannicly forcing people to get a vaccine they don't want to get. >> "the new york times" reported ronald marshal of kansas is willing to ride out the shutdown. quote, think the folks back home want to know how hard we're fighting for them. that the jobs back home are as important as keeping the government open. he wrote to misch mcconnelled on wednesday, asking him to use all procedural tools at your disposal. despite the pressure, both leaders say a shutdown is simply not an option. >> we won't shut down. i think we'll get there. nobody should be concerned about a government shutdown. >> let me be clear again, if a handful of senate republicans choose obstruction, there will be a republican manufactured shutdown caused by republican dysfunction once again in their caucus. i hope republicans will not take the country down that road. we urge republican colleagues to work was. >> republican senator mike braun of indiana is pitching a different plan to colleague, all 50 republicans l support i. if a small group continue os its opposition, the government may shut down over the weekend to allow time to move the bill through the senate. joining us now, nbc capitolhill news correspondent leigh ann caldwell. good morning. thank you for being here. they're meeting with a lot of frustration and confusion. if a group of republicans continue its opposition, how long will the shutdown last, >> that's the thing, jonathan. they can't continue the shutdown. they can just slow down the process. the way things work in the senate, is you need the consent of 100 senators in order to expedite everything. remember, the shutdown would start tomorrow night. and so what they need is for things to move very quickly. two senators want to use all of the senate procedure time to extend the process, so this effectively would be a shutdown over the weekend, maybe a day or two into next week, and the ultimate result would be they will not defund it because they're still in the minority. it won't pass the house of ref actives. for now profit really. that's what most senate republicans agree on anyway. i'm told the conversation was spirited, frustrating, and really a little bit went off the rails that it's a horrible idea and that republicans will be blamed, and the headlines are already not that great including the vaccine mandate, so why draw the attention back to republicans and cause an unnecessary shutdown, but they were unable to convince their colleagues. jon? >> let's underscore. these are republicans trying to shut down the government because they don't want americans to be protected by vaccines. we also just played that clip from senate minority leader mitch mcconnell. he said it again. he said it before. he's not in support of a shutdown. what does that say about his role a with a group on caucus if members of his caucus can so quickly divide them. >> senator mike lee also pops up in these. he thinks this vaccine main date is constitutional and he's not backing down. yesterday mitch mcconnell didn't say anything among his colleagues how to move forward. he just ate his lunch, which is usually packed. i don't know if he's going to be able to rein in and get all senators on board. he knows a shutdown is bad, and he knows it's not good for the republican party or the country. a lot of time they don't have the approval. we see this over and over again with joe money chen at senator mike lee chld i don't see how they get out of this. >> i do want to understand score there's no agreement how to keep the government open, if the short-term spending bill should go to january or february or march. while this is happening and a short-term shutdown is likely, the leaders still have not agreed on what date and the dynamics and framework of how to keep this government open. so there's too many little criseses happening at the same time, jon. >> none of that sounds good at all, leigh ann. nbc's leanne called well. as always, we appreciate it. still ahead, despite woes about rising inflation and the threat of the pandemic, we'll get a live report from cnbc when weather returned. when you really need to sleep you reach for the really good stuff. new zzzquil ultra helps you sleep better and longer when you need it most. it's non habit forming and powered by the makers of nyquil. new zzzquil ultra. when you really really need to sleep. and the fact is, thousands of people are trapped paying too much for wireless. but when you switch to t-mobile they will pay off your phone so you can keep your current number and your phone! switch to t-mobile and we'll pay off your phone. now up to a thousand bucks. bye mom. my helpers abound, i'll need you today. our sleigh is now ready, let's get on our way. a mountain of toys to fulfill many wishes. must be carried across all roads and all bridges. and when everyone is smiling and having their fun i can turn my sleigh north because my job here is done. it's not magic that makes more holiday deliveries to homes in the us than anyone else, it's the hardworking people of the united states postal service. [music: "i swear"] jaycee tried gain flings for the first time the other day... it's the hardworking people of the and forgot where she was. you can always spot a first time gain flings user. ♪ time now for business, and for that, let's bring in new friend of the show, cnbc's jewel you a na tatelbaum. always great to see you. wall street's roller-coaster ride as we kick off a new trading month. what's dragging the markets down. >> well, jonathan, yesterday was really a day of two halves. we started out strong with u.s. markets and european markets trading higher, but late in the day, u.s. markets take a turn for the worst. it seems it was driven by the confirmation of the first detected case of omicron in the united states. because european markets closed before the news broke out, we saw a strong european session yesterday, but they're catching up a little bit to the wall street trade yesterday. on the flip side u.s. futures are higher, pointing to a rebound on wall street. >> so the adp national numbers are out, and according to that report, over 500,000 jobs were added to the report. what does that say about the state of the economy right now? >> well, this report came in showing a stronger picture than economists had been expecting. 534,000 new private payrolls added in the month of november. in terms of the breakdown, interestingly big business led job creation by company size. hospitality and leshoure led to gains. now they're going to be turning their attention to the initial jobs claims report tomorrow afternoon for the month of november. now, the big question right now is to what extent if any the new variant will impact the labor market recovery. that, of course, too early to say, but something that investors are going to be keeping in mind over the coming weeks as more jobs data comes out. >> juliana, let's turn to the silver screen. it took "red notice" three weeks. apparently it's the most watched movie of all time on the streaming service. i admit, i haven't watched it yet. netflix is usually pretty cagey about releasing numbers. do you have any idea. >> you and i are almost in the minority. 50% of all netflix subscribers in the world have watched this film. that means 328 million viewing hours have been logged, which tops a previous record held by sandra bullock's "bird box." it has a stacked lineup, ryan reynolds and others. i always check rotten tomatoes. "red notice" a huge divergence what they're saying. it's instreeging, i have to say. >> 35%. it sounds like we have weekend plans. we appreciate it as always. still ahead t house rules committee will consider a recommendation to charge former doj fishlg jeffrey clark with contempt of congress today. a member of that committee joins me. you don't want to miss that. "way too early" is coming right back. " is coming right back zero heartburn. because life starts when heartburn stops. take the challenge at prilosecotc dot com. ♪ ♪ (man) still asleep. (woman vo) so, where to next? (vo) reflect on the past, celebrate the future. with the season of audi. o man, that's a whole lot of wrinkly at least my shoes look good! reflect on the past, celebrate the future. looking good start with bounce wrinkleguard, the megasheet designed to prevent wrinkles in the dryer. xfinity rewards are our way of thanking you just for being with us. enjoy rewards like movie night specials, xfinity mobile benefits, and the chance to win tickets to see watch what happens live. hey, it's me. plus, get holiday gifts for everyone on your list with great deals on fan favorites from today. join over a million members by signing up for free on the xfinity app. our thanks. your rewards. the january 6th select committee voted last night to formally charge official jeffrey clark with contempt of congress. after a ruling clarks will appear this saturday for another. trump may, too, find himself on the committee's witness list >> i want to note that around 8:00 last evening, mr. clark's attorney sent a letter to the committee, another in a long series of long letters, stating that mr. clark now intends to assert his fifth amendment privilege against incriminating himself in this process. this is, in my view, a last-ditch attempt to delay the select committee's proceedings, however, a fifth amendment privilege assertion is a weighty one. we have just learned that mr. clark has agreed to appear again to continue his deposition. however, we will proceed tonight with considering the contempt request as this is just the first step of the contempt process. >> he has recently suggested that he wants to debate members of this committee. this committee's investigation into the violent assault on our capitol on january 6th is not a game. any communication mrs. trump has with this committee will be under oath. and if he persists lying then, he'll be under the laws of this great nation and subject to penalties for every false word he speaks. >> the rules committee will consider the contempt charge today, but the full house vote awaits the outcome of saturday's deposition. joining us now, a member of the committee, congresswoman deborah ross. we're so glad to see you this morning. tell us what happens next. we know the committee is waying the fallout deposition from clark. that's going to be saturday. if he shows up this weekend and takes the fifth amendment for every question, let's say, would that change the recommendation to charge him with contempt? what can happen? >> well, the rules committee simply says of the process about bringing things before the house. it would be up to the january 6th commission to decide how it wants to proceed. when it comes to the rules committee, it's all about getting things ready for the house floor. we have a member of the january 6th commission on the committee, congressman raskin, and so he informs us about what happens. the great thing is we have generally had bipartisan presentation to the rules committee about what might happen and why they want to bring this to the full house floor. congresswoman cheney came when we sent it to the floor for steve bannon, she helped lay that out. we also, of course, have chairman thompson who co-chairs with cheney. we will have plenty of information when we make our dlipgs in the rules committee, and i understand we'll be doing that in the morning. >> congresswoman, while we have you, you co-sponsored a bill that would require federal judges to disclose their stock holdings and give that information. it passed the house yesterday by a near you nan news bill. what kind of support does it seem to have in the senate? >> the bill is by part sand by count. congressman issa and i spoke about it on the floor. we worked very closely on it on the floor and we have senator cg the charge on the other side. this is about justice and transparency and ethics of the judiciary. the wall street journal did an incredible and chilling report on wednesday about the facts that judges are trading stocks litigant during cases. this has happened more than 60 times. there are many, many cases failure to have litigants know what judges' financial instances are in a case. some are very sad cases. we have agreed federal judges need to be held as the same standard as members of congress and the executive branch in terms of disclosing in realtime their holdings so the process can be fair and transparent. we are not asking judges to do anything that members of congress and executive branch do not do. it has bipartisan and bicameral support. we are looking forward to have this enacted into law. kudos to the wall street journal for bringing this to light. >> congresswoman, you will have a busy month, we would love to have you more to talk about it. >> we asked you why are you awake? >> we are up celebrating our son's first acceptance college letter. dan, what you got there? >> scott says 7 hours of sleep is important to me. even if that 7 hours of sleep starts at 7:00 p.m. >> i have not sure i have gotten 7 hours of sleep. we can't underscore how damaing a lot of work stop would be would cause the season game. we are still in a pandemic. up next, a look at axios' one big thing. we'll hear from the white house covid coordinator about omicron and the new elected mayber of atlanta, andre dickens will join the show, "morning joe" is a few minutes away. joe" is a few minutes away occasional nerve acs in your hands or feet? try nervivenerve relief from the world's #1 selling nerve care company. nervive contains alpha lipoic acid to relieve occasional nerve aches, weakness and discomfort. try nervivenerve relief. nyquil severe gives you powerful relief for your worst cold and flu symptoms, on sunday night and every night. nyquil severe. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, best sleep with a cold, medicine. [music: sung by craig robinson] ♪ i'm a ganiac, ganiac, check my drawers ♪ [sfx: sniffs] ♪ and my clothes smell so much fresher than before ♪ try gain flings and you'll be a gainiac too! the only detergent with oxiboost and febreze. joining us now to look at axios' one big thing, alayna treene. good morning. what is the one big thing? >> the potential shutdown moves through congress. they have until friday to figure it out. there is a good possibility that the government shuts down. it really is an issue here of a block of 15 republicans threatening the shutdown. it's over biden's vaccine mandates and wanting to defund the vaccine mandate portion. and, it's not going to happen in this bill. we know at the end of the day short term that congress -- the question whether it will shutdown over the weekend interim. republican leaders is scrambling to work with republicans to get some sort of deal. three different options talking to lawmakers and to republican senate aides is basically one option is they have this vote tomorrow. it's supposed to be unanimous consent vote, speed up the process of funding bill and keeping the government open. one senator objects to it. there could be a sit down and they expect much from my sources and it only goes through the weekend. another option is they put forward an amendment vote on the vaccine mandate issue and trying to defund it and that may be enough for some of these republican senators and if they can get that then it may avoid a shutdown but as of now they have to agree for that to happen or leaders could the third option, we keep some sort of other deals that would allow them to move forward with that unanimous consent vote. right now it's still unclear what's going to happen and there is a possibility that the government could shutdown. >> we have been talking about all morning about the supreme court and the oral arguments with mississippi abortion case but there are some strategists who are arguing against overturning roe v. wade even though it's a conservative party for a long time. tell us why. >> it's really interesting, jonathan. a lot of republicans want some sort of curtailing to abortion rights. it's pretty remarkable to see what happens at the supreme court yesterday and see that there is a possibility that abortion rates are ruled back in some sense by the courts. but, at the same time from a political perspective, it could backfire in certain areas particularly, with voters and female voters and different high income areas across the country, that's always been a target that republicans have struggled with and it could be an area that really republicans struggle with now with this abortion issue. some republicans trying to warn that while it could be a success in some cases, it can also backfire. >> this decision may not come down as late as june which will be put before the midterms and certainly be a huge issue going into november. thank you for being here and a big congratulations for making this year's forbes' 30 under 30. thanks to all of you for wake up way too early with us this morning. a jam packed "morning show" starts now. this week in covid history, it's december 2020. despite the pandemic, mall owners are doing all they can to keep santa safe. >> dr. fauci is warning christmas celebration may create a bigger coronavirus surge. they figured out that christmas is bigger than maynard, better cancelling. >> we'll have a christmas uprising and fill our churches on christmas. if you dare to open your gifts with your family, it's over. >> if death is inevitable. maybe we should pause before we destroy the living in the name of trying to eliminate it. >> what the [ bleep ] did he just say? >> meanwhile, it's

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Congressman Issa , Charge , Justice , Transparency , Ethics , Judiciary , Incredible , Wall Street Journal , Trading , Facts , Many , Instances , Failure , Litigants , 60 , Executive Branch , Standard , Holdings , Bicameral , Kudos , Son S First Acceptance College Letter , Dan , Scott , Work Stop , Season Game , A Look At Axios , Up Next , Morning Joe , Covid Coordinator , Atlanta , Mayber , Andre Dickens , Nervivenerve Relief , Nerve , Nervive , Hands , Nerve Care Company , Feet , Weakness , Nerve Aches , Alpha Lipoic Acid , Shutdown Moves , Alayna Treene , Possibility , Republicans , Block , Vaccine Mandates , Vaccine Mandate Portion , Scrambling , Weekend Interim , Sort , Options , Aides , Funding Bill , Sit Down , Weekend , Amendment Vote , Vaccine Mandate Issue , Vote , Strategists , Arguments , Conservative Party , Supreme Court Yesterday , Areas , Voters , Perspective , Rates , Sense , Abortion Issue , Area , High Income , Target , Decision , Congratulations , Midterms , Forbes 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