Transcripts For MSNBC Velshi 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Velshi 20240709

democratic party and dare i say optimism about the success of the bill. here is what the illinois congressman told my colleague alex witt yesterday about the prospects of the bill. >> i think a lot of it has actually been if you will preconference or negotiated in advance before it got sent to the senate and so i'm very hopeful the vast majority of it will remain. maybe there might be some revisions but the bulk will come back in tact to the house for final passage. >> hold that thought for a minute because we'll talk about what happens if it doesn't come back in tact to the house but the speaker of the house, nancy pelosi appears equally confident in an interview with the "new york times", she said quote, they may want to hone or sharpen this or that and that's a negotiation but 90 some percent of that bill is what it is end quote. the white house is likely feeling extra urgency as president biden's approval is on a downward slope. we want to talk about that. i've been talking about it for awhile but joining me is heather a member of the white house counsel of economic advisors all of these problems that are my musings are actually heather's problem. heather, you're the perfect person to have a conversation with about this. what do you do, what is the president doing about these issues of wage inflation, which are not necessarily a bad thing for people earning them, just a bad thing if you're spending money about supply chains and oil prices and about all of this stuff making thanksgiving and other things cost more right now? >> well, those are a lot of questions ali. these are questions we get up each and every day and are working on and thinking about and so is the president. so certainly, we all knew recovering from a historic pandemic wouldn't be easy. there might be bumps along the road. what we've seen, of course, there have been kinks in the supply chain, in the global supply chain, not just in the united states but around the world and we're seeing the effects on that in prices and clogs on the system. here is the thing, the president has worked very hard with his staff and with people around the country to unclog supply chains so for example, worked really hard with the ports out on the west costa make it easier for goods to flow through those ports. they are now having more stuff flow through the ports than before. we have truckers working 24/7 to move goods and as a result, there is a lot of retailers saying we are fully stocked and ready for the holiday season. so this is good news. it means that consumers will be able to see stuff on shelves, and it shows that, you know, that the administration is really focused on making sure goods are there and this is a way to keep prices in check. now certainly, one of the things that we're all concerned about is gas prices and then the president recently has taken steps to ensure the federal trade commission is doing their job to ensure that those prices that you see at the gas pump are fair. we've seen some indications that the data that there might be a gap between the prices folks are paying and the prices they're charging you at the pump. we want to make sure the prices are competitive and fair so the president has taken steps in that direction, as well. >> let's talk about the build back better bill. obviously, the cbo score we talk about for people that don't know what that is, that's the government's measure of what the revenues and expenses will be, what the net effect will be. it came back in a way that was satisfactory to the moderates who had been holding out on this bill. what's your sense about the prospects of the bill moving forward? i know you don't get too involved in the politics of it but we know what it costs. are we likely to see the passage of the bill in the senate by the end of the year? >> friday was a historic day. the house passed significant legislation that will improve the economy for working people all across the united states while making our economy more competitive. and if we care about, you know, the kind of economy we'll see in the years to come and keeping costs low and helping families, this is exactly the legislation we need to pass and of course, as the president has promised all along, the bill is fully paid for and it does not raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 a year. so one of the really important things that this legislation does is ensures that businesses will pay a minimum tax and that those at the top of the income ladder won't be able to avoid their taxes because we're going to give the irs the revenue and the support they need to enforce the laws on the books. but here is the thing, we've already seen that when the president has a plan and puts it in action, it is good for the economy. president came into office and said i'm going to, you know, do what we can about covid, get shots in arms and get the vaccine out there and make sure the economy is whole in the meantime and we've seen the success of that. the united states is an unemployment rate of 4.6%. this time last year forecasters said we wouldn't hit the rate for another two years. and so build back better is another step in the president's economic agenda that will support families and support jobs and going to keep costs low. >> let me address the last point, going to keep costs low. before you were in government we had conversations about this. here is the issue, there are absolutely going to be economically good things that come out of the bill and build back better but people like betty who i use as an example paying more for thanksgiving or people paying more at the gas pump or see inflation, they sometime -- it's hard sometimes to put those things together hey, this government has done things to make life better economically but i'm paying more for stuff. will they offset each other? do you think a year from now people will be satisfied the inflation issue is waning and they feel more optimistic about the economy? >> we're not the only country facing inflation. this is a global problem because it was a global pandemic. supply chains have been challenged around the world and we do believe as we work the kinks out and get covid under control and let me remind everyone, that's the most important thing, getting the shots in arms, getting everyone vaccinated, making sure we don't have these outbreaks. that is core to the economic recovery. so as we do that, then, you know, prices and what you see at the gas pump will start to get back to normal. we're doing that while americans still have access to jobs and so the united states has done better than other countries in making sure that we see growth in jobs and that's what people are able to afford that thanksgiving dinner because they can have their families together because we've done so much on getting the vaccine out and because folks are employed so they have money to spend. i remain optimistic we'll be able to get this under control as we get the virus under control. >> good to see you again. thank you for taking time to join us this morning. heather is a member of the white house counsel of economic advisors. >> here with me is ayanna pressley of massachusetts. two weeks ago she was one of six who voted no on the partisan infrastructure bill, bipartisan infrastructure package but did vote for the build back better bill when it finally came up for a vote this past friday. congressman, good morning and good to see you again. >> good morning, good to be with you. >> let's talk about this build back better bill. you were -- you and some of your progressive colleagues were annoyed at the idea you thought they should have been passed at the same time, didn't happen but you finally got a bill that everybody can live with passed by the house. are you concerned most of what is in it will be back for passage and will be fine and the speaker of the house said she thought it would be fine. are there any deal breakers for you or do you think it will go through the senate the way you want it to? >> first, i want to acknowledge i support the investments in the bipartisan infrastructure package and build back better. the point here is that we needed legislation that meets the moment and meeting the moment means leaving no worker, no family, no community behind in order to truly build back better. we can and should be investing in our crumbling infrastructure and crumbling roads as well as investing in our crumbling housing stock and that's what will happen now with the build back better act. our unprecedented investments, we should not take our foot off the gas here. i'm confident the president will secure the votes necessary to pass this but again, we're going to keep the pressure up because these investments are historic and sorely needed and long over due. investments like home and community based services to address a wait list that is thousands long for services for the disabled and the elderly, expansion of medicare to include hearing, lowering of prescription drug costs. investments in universal prek, in child care and also ensuring that we're supporting that work force. what we've done with child care here is for most families, they won't be paying more than 7% of their income for child care, which isbility a the stabilization of our families and our work force. but we have to take care of those child care workers to 30% of them are women of color and one in six of them live in poverty. that is unconscionable they are taking care of our babies putting them on a pathway to a successful life but can't take care of their own. so in paid leave, you know, at some point all of us need to care for a loved one or we will need to be cared for and so those four weeks of paid leave, medicare expansion, including hearing, lowering the cost of prescription drugs, historic investments in housing, my legislation of that is included in there. down payment for equity, which will make it great strides in closing the racial wealth gap by growing black homeownership. i'm not seeing ground. you know me. we will keep fighting to make sure these historic investments we fought for that are wildly popular because they are so sorely needed to meet the moment and to meet the needs of the people of every worker, of every family and every community. >> they are wildly popular. >> the bill will pass. >> yes, they are. >> they are wildly popular amongst democrats and republicans but the views you expressed are not necessarily shared by republicans in the senate, which means you need every democrat in the senate and joe mansion if he were here with us wouldn't agree with what you just said about paid family leave and the way the government may invest in people that -- how do you explain this to somebody like joe mansion because he's the guy you need. you need kyrsten sinema and joe mansion on this. >> joe mansion needs to hear from and speak with his constituents. his constituents who are in dire need of lower cost and prescription drugs, constituents like mine, mother who i spoke with who has three children living with diabetes, she's been rationing insulin and her 16-year-old daughter died because of it. joe mansion needs to talk to his constituents and listen to them and then make sure that we pass legislation that meets their needs when it comes to housing investments, when it comes to child care, universal prek, climate, you know, people being displaced because of extreme weather events and the threat to us that is the climate crisis. these investments and thank you for using the word investments because i've been very disappointed in the frame of this social spending. these are investments and they are sorely needed, these policies are popular. this is what the people are demanding, this is what they need. we need to pass this bill. >> yeah, it is overwhelmingly popular in america, the provisions of the bill. congressman, don't go anywhere. after a quick break, i want to talk about an issue extremely important to both of us, transgender rights, safety and equality. >> for the rest of you, if you don't like your congressional district, no problem. lines are being redrawn all over the nation and republicans are using this redistricting frenzy to gain the upper hand. and then barely two days after kyle rittenhouse walked free far right republicans are trying to profit from it, even rittenhouse's defense lawyer is calling it disgusting and with midterms under a year away, both sides of the aisle are getting ready and whether democrats learn from past congressional losses. we'll get real talk from two lawmakers that lost their house seats in 2020. lawmakers that lost their house seats in 2020. wealth plan across your full financial picture. a plan with tax-smart investing strategies designed to help you keep more of what you earn. this is the planning effect. ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? 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the more acceptance there is, the more push back there is, as well. >> well, first, i just want to acknowledge that the cruelty is a threat that we have to confront and root out wherever it exists and i think congressional intent matters and so i was proud to be a co-sponsor of a congressional resolution commemorating november 20th as trans day, a remembrance participated yesterday doing that, remembering those who we've lost to violence and brutality. you know, you speak so often about policy being my love language. one of the things i'm proudest of having done in this space is i successfully passed an amendment to the violence against women act to establish the first ever grant program dedicated to supporting our lgbtq plus including transwomen of color and dating violence. now we're focused on remembrance and acknowledgement of these beautiful lives we were robbed of but it is about action original intent matters. i want to give a shoutout to the quality caucus that does extraordinary work focused on the community day in and out but transphobia like white sup preliminary see is a threat we must confront and root out wherever it exists and i want to say rest in peace and power to two of my constituents who were robbed up. >> thank you for the work you're doing on this. congresswoman ayanna pressley is a democrat of massachusetts. shakespeare asked what is in the name and now i ask what is in a congressional district in the alarming story behind the republican redistricting apocalypse is next. stay with us. redistricting apocalypse is next stay with us has your moderate to severe eczema or atopic dermatitis under control? 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updated populations. in theory it's a good idea. in practice, political parties redistrict to help them win more seats. this year republicans are taking the opportunity to redraw maps to their utmost advantage to a manipulative and democracy crushing degree that deliberately splits up communities of color. paul writes quote this is not ordinary partisan jockeying. it's been taken to an entirely new level. its goal is not merely to give republican an advantage in close elections, it's goal is to make elections irrelevant so no matter what the voters want, republicans always stay in power. the new redistricting map in texas gives only one of the state's 38 districts a chance to be competitive. the rest will be landslide victories for republicans. no matter what the demographic in texas looks like. in georgia republicans are looking to control nine out of 13 districts this way. they've hatched a new plan to block two well-known black democratic congresswomen from winning reelection. republicans in ohio are jamming a new map through that would promise victories for their party in a whopping 13 out of 15 districts. this is not good news for democracy but it's really bad news for the voters. the fairytale creatures that got bumped to a different district. paul joins me now, an opinion writer for "the washington post" and author of an op ed, paul, you point out, thank you for being here. you point out that framing this discussion in terms of harder than advantage was probably the first mistakes. it frames it as a game people in power are supposed to win. the concept of redistricting was supposed to be inherently democratic to make sure districts keep up with their population change. >> yeah, and that's almost inevitable given the way we talk about politics as though it's always a game and who is up and down and obviously that gets exacerbated when we have things as close as they are now and republicans only need to flip five districts to take control of the house of representatives but this is really much more about the sort of essence of democracy, whether or not people get to choose their elected representatives. and the texas case is a great one because you have a state that's rapidly changing and becoming more purple, could move to blue in a short while and they're going to have 38 congressional districts and there is only going to be one competitive district. every other district is going to be basically decided before the election ever takes place. what republicans are trying to do there is basically lock in the gain so they'll have control of 24 of the 38 districts basically in perpetuity and it's also combined importantly with gerrymandering that takes place in states. republicans have often managed to lock in their control in the state house and then the state house, that's where the district lines for congress are drawn and so then they lock in their control at the congressional level, too. and the net result is that voters have almost no say. you mentioned ohio. that's a great case, too. twice ohio voters passed constitutional amendments meant to limit partisan jerry bandering but super majorities in the state house managed to find loopholes that enable them to on a short term basis for four years instead of ten years draw these incredibly partisan maps. so they just passed a new state legislative map that will basically make it so they have super majorities in the state house in perpetuity so if a democratic governor gets elected, he won't be able to stop them and just yesterday, governor mike dewine signed into law congressional maps that would likely give control of 13 out of the 15 congressional districts and this isn't a state that is, you know, leans republican but pretty close. the democrats average 46% of the vote in recent presidential elections. there are almost no competitive elections in ohio. there is no reason for people to care. there is no way for them to hold their -- >> which is where this hurts democracy, right? if you know nothing ever changes, you're likely to have active participation in the political process diminishes. democrats won't run a candidate because there is no point. the other side wins by 70% or 80% or whatever the case is. this attack on democracy gets the least ink. it's not the same as the big lie and legislative anti voting things and not the same as what i was talking to jena griswold of colorado earlier today, the internal threats of democracy through voting machines but this has the greatest long term effect. >> yeah, absolutely and it works for republicans especially because they want to tamp down people's expectations what government can do for them. democrats that are more likely to want to have government do a lot of things and be more abreast sieve about -- aggressive about solving problems, government is not going to accomplish anything in their lives and republicans can keep their hold on power and have government serve the interest they want to serve, which often are the ones that have the most influence like business interest. it's a real danger to kind of fundamental presets of what we think the government is supposed to be, how democracy is supposed to work and it's being attacked at all levels from congress in the white house all the way down to, you know, your local city counsel. >> paul, good to see you. thank you for the very enlightening op ed you've written. thank you, sir. coming up, republicans capitalizing on kyle rittenhouse's not guilty verdict and even his lawyer thinks it's ridiculous. r thinks it's ridiculous ♪day to night to morning,♪ ♪keep with me in the moment♪ ♪i'd let you had i known it, why don't you say so?♪ ♪didn't even notice, no punches left to roll with♪ ♪you got to keep me focused, you want it, say so♪ ♪day to night to morning,♪ ♪keep with me in the moment♪ new cheetos boneless wings exclusively at applebee's for a limited time. ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. 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(♪ ♪) you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. kyle rittenhouse's attorney is slamming republican members of congress after the 18-year-old was acquitted in the shooting deaths of two men during protests in kenosha, wisconsin last year. rittenhouse was flooded with praise and job offers from far right republican lawmakers who are problematic and controversial in their own right. florida congressman matt gaetz said this week that rittenhouse would make for a good intern while congressman censured aske follows if rittenhouse should receive a congressional medal of honor. then there was the north carolina congressman madison who had this message. >> rittenhouse is not guilty, my friends. you have a right to defend yourself. be armed, be dangerous and be moral. >> even rittenhouse's attorney sees how morally bankrupt these guys are. he blasted the republicans saying they want to trade on his democracy raising money on it and have republican congressman saying come work for me. let's bring in jonathan. does the moral compass of some of these republicans even surprise you anymore? >> good morning, ali. no, no, it doesn't surprise me at all, which is really sad for that party and for the american people. their moral compass has gone with the wind embracing violence against their own colleagues and rooting for barbaric behavior. we'll talk about it senior advisor tara and i'll discuss the rittenhouse verdict and the trial of ahmaud arbery's killers with al sharpton and talk at the top of the show, ali, with ro khanna what is next for the build back better plan and look how the plan could benefit the elderly and those with disabiliies as we highlight family caregivers month. that and more coming up in minutes on the sunday show. ali, one more thing, we'll have a little turkey message from the vice president of the united states. >> wow. all right. well, i was already going to watch but now i'll watch harder than before. jonathan, look forward to the show about 20 minutes from now. jonathan is host of msnbc's "the sunday show." catch him right after velshi. a major loss in virginia and close call in new jersey and 435 congressional seats up for grabs this year should have democrats thinking strategy and fast. yea thinking strategy and fast bipolar depression. it made me feel like i was trapped in a fog. this is art inspired by real stories of people living with bipolar depression. i just couldn't find my way out of it. the lows of bipolar depression can take you to a dark place... ...and be hard to manage. latuda could make a real difference in your symptoms. latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms and in clinical studies, had no substantial impact on weight. this is where i want to be. latuda is not for everyone. call your doctor about unusual mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. elderly dementia patients on latuda have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, as these may be life threatening... ...or uncontrollable muscle movements, as these may be permanent. these are not all the serious side effects. now i'm back where i belong. ask your doctor about latuda and pay as little as $0 for your first prescription. if you're washing with the bargain brand, even when your clothes look clean, there's extra dirt you can't see. watch this. that was in these clothes...ugh. but the clothes washed in tide- so much cleaner! if it's got to be clean, it's got to be tide hygienic clean no surprises in these clothes! couple more surprises. there's a different way to treat hiv. it's once-monthly injectable cabenuva. cabenuva is the only once-a-month, complete hiv treatment for adults who are undetectable. cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. it's two injections, given by a healthcare provider once a month. hiv pills aren't on my mind. i love being able to pick up and go. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems,...and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. with once-a-month cabenuva, i'm good to go. ask your doctor about once-monthly cabenuva. 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because this conversation between base and a broader audience is one that is active within the democratic party now. what should it represent itself as being in the next election in order to prevail? >> i don't think that there is any doubt, ali, that we the democrats are the party that is working for all americans for the majority of working class americans who right now are struggling. we need to acknowledge the fact yes, prices increased but president biden is on it. we are the party making sure that women get back to work and we lower the cost of child care, that we are lowering the cost of prescription drug prices. this is what is affecting everyday americans. working class americans aren'tm ali. this is their only day off and need to go to the grocery store and get ready for the week ahead and make sure their kids are taken care of. we need to come to them and be present. most people here in south florida the working class floridians, they don't know what build back better means. that message is completely lost on them. but when i was knocking on doors just recently for a special election talking to this dad who was exhausted who had no time to go out and vote, when i asked him if he was receiing the child tax credit, his face changed and relaxed and said i am getting that and that has been helpful. so we need to talk about jobs, economy and combat the negative messaging from republicans. >> stand by the two of you. i want to continue to this conversation after a quick break. debbie powell and max rose will be with me right after this. po be with me right after this. ston get the new iphone 13 pro— and t-mobile will pay for it! it has the most advanced iphone camera ever! i'm talking new customers! i'm talking about existing customers like ronald! the new iphone on t-mobile— let's do it! new and existing t-mobile and sprint customers can upgrade to the iphone 13 pro on us. on our most popular max plan. do we have a plan for the second half? 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( ♪♪ ) what a pain in the... alice? if it's "let's wrap this up" season, it's walgreens season. progressives and moderates need to stop fighting and work together and progressives are trying to work with moderates and even on more conservative colleagues. we want to work together. we need to work together for the sake of our country and the future of our democracy. so enough of the blame game, enough of the infighting. enough of the working in silos. let's come together collaboratively to support whoever runs for president, because guess what, if we lose control of the house and the senate and the white house, god only knows what's going to happen. >> that was new york representative jamaal bowman. the question came up because there is -- there are questions and discussions about whether joe biden will run again in 2024. new reporting that suggests that he and his aides are telling people he will. i want to continue the conversation about what the democratic party should do in terms of direction for the midterm elections and 2024. back with me are former democratic congressman max rose of new york and congresswoman debbie mucarsel-powell of florida. welcome back to both of you. max, the conversation about joe biden running again, is joe biden running again helpful or harmful to the cause that you are both discussing today? >> yeah, you know, i think the premise of this is crazy. so often this conversation begins from the questions of the democratic party's future, electoral viability. and the truth of the matter is that while polls are going up and down and this and that, and we should not focus on the day to day, what i do know right now is that the american people care deeply about getting out of this pandemic, they care deeply about the skyrocketing costs of the things that they care about. and they care very deeply that the future of this country, most importantly the future for their children is better than what they had experienced themselves. and when it comes to all three of those things, the democratic party has the record, we are right now getting those things done that speak to these concerns. but what we can't do any longer, i think, is try to explain away what the american people are pissed off about. we can't in the face of inflation tell them, well, i'm sorry this inflation, it is related to things out of our control, it is not our fault. the american people aren't stupid. they understand that, but they do want us to show a fierce sense of urgency and then speak simply and cogently. we have to ignore the twitteratti and focus on everything from the union halls to barbershops to working to the kitchen table. and actions speak to the american people. and when we do that, we're going to win. more importantly than winning, we're going to help people who need it. >> debbie, do you agree the conversation about who runs for president and how that goes is far removed from the concerns of your constituents and what they actually need to see happening? >> yeah. absolutely. i mean, the only people concerned with that are the republicans that are trying to divide us. they're trying to divide the democratic party, democrats in washington, d.c. and trying to create drama where there is none right now. we have seen that already. we have passed the infrastructure bill, we passed the build back better bill and the house democratic caucus did that. so what we need to do, though, one thing that i think is crucial, i completely agree with max, we need to be talking to americans on the work that we're doing and meet them where they're at. but we have to focus on passing the freedom to vote act. we are not going to have fair and free elections when we have close to 400 bills, anti-voting bills, voter suppression bills passed all over the country by republicans, and state legislatures. we need to make sure that we have fair and free elections. they are right now controlling the message, we can't allow republicans to dictate the brand of the democratic party. that's exactly what they did here in florida. having a d next to your name became toxic. so those are issues that we have to focus on. freedom to vote act, make sure we take away these voter suppression laws that republicans are setting up in order to win in 2022. our message won't matter if we don't have fair and free elections. i'm extremely concerned that we are on a dangerous road of losing our democracy, ali, and people need to pay attention. democrats in washington, d.c. need to pay attention to what's happening. it doesn't matter what bills are passed if we don't protect our democracy. >> max, what is your best guess as to how this all goes? because you -- we talked about inflation for three different segments on this show. it is what americans are concerned about, some of it is not in the -- under the control of the government or the administration or the democratic party. that's how people make the decisions in the country, notwithstanding debbie's valid points about the actual threat to democracy, pocketbook issues do tend to win. >> well, look, i think that if you look at this period in 2019, okay, the impeachment trial hadn't yet concluded, we never heard of covid, george floyd at that point was alive, things can change dramatically in politics. we are all very much aware of that. what i do know is this, is that if you look at what has happened over the course of the last year, whether it has been covid relief that was absolutely unprecedented, whether it is a seismic infrastructure bill, whether it is for the first time what we're on the precipice of doing, universal pre-k, universal child care, lowering the cost of affordable drugs, now what we have to do, though, is get out of our heads, stop and be extraordinarily simple and extraordinarily bold and speak to the pain and the sense of urgency that the american people are feeling. and when we do that, when it comes to both small things as well as large, i certainly think we're going to keep on winning elections, but we're into the in this to win elections. that's not what this is about. we're in this to help people. that's what the democratic party is about. that's what separates the democratic party from the republican party, which each and every day seeks to divide us, seeks to inject hatred into our politics and seeks to ultimately try to vilify the democratic party as something that it is not. we have to ignore that madness and focus on the people. >> we'll leave it there. thank you, both, for your great input into this. debbie mucarsel-powell and max rose. that does it for me. "the sunday show" is up next. rose that does it for me. "the sunday show" is up next after getting the job done in the house, can democrats get the president's social spending bill through the senate? we'll hear from both chambers as congressman ro khanna and debbie stabenow join me live. plus, fears the rittenhouse verdict could unleash a new wave of vigilanteism and why some republicans seem fine with that. and in my byline, the vice president talks turkey. >> if you have time to do a wet brine, that's fine. a pot of water, couple bay leaves, little sugar, couple

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, Flow , Truckers , 24 7 , Administration , News , Consumers , Holiday Season , Shelves , All The Way , One , Gas Pump , Steps , Job , Gas Prices , Check , Federal Trade Commission , Folks , Indications , Pump , Gap , Data , Government , Why Don T , Score , Talk , Direction , Measure , Let , Cbo , Moderates , Effect , Expenses , Revenues , Anti Lgbtq Legislation , Economy , Politics , Friday , Families , Keeping , Kind , Businesses , Taxes , Tax , Anyone , 00000 , 400000 , Plan , Support , Irs , Top , Income Ladder Won T , Laws , Books , Revenue , Covid , Shots , Vaccine , Arms , Office , Action , Step , Unemployment Rate , Rate , Forecasters , Two , 4 6 , Point , Jobs , Issue , Costs , Conversations , Inflation , More , Life , Inflation Issue , Other , Control , Everyone , Core , Recovery , Outbreaks , Working Class Americans Aren Tm Ali , Countries , Dinner , Growth , Virus , Massachusetts , Vote , Infrastructure Package , Six , Colleagues , Idea , Didn T , Everybody , Most , Investments , First , Deal Breakers , Worker , Investing , Community , Order , Crumbling Infrastructure , Violence Against Women Act , , Roads , Foot , Crumbling Housing Stock , Services , Pressure , Gas , Home , Hearing , Elderly , Prescription Drug Costs , Thousands , Expansion , Wait List , Medicare , Disabled , Child Care , Work Force , Income , Stabilization , Universal Prek , Isbility , 7 , Color , Women , Care , Child Care Workers , Babies , Poverty , Pathway , 30 , Cost , Need , Loved One , Four , Prescription Drugs , Down Payment , Housing , Legislation , Equity , Wealth Gap , Strides , Fighting , Ground , Growing Black Homeownership , Georgia Republicans , Yes , Needs , Mansion , Family Leave , Constituents , Somebody , Guy , Kyrsten Sinema , Diabetes , Children , Mother , Rationing Insulin , Daughter , Three , 16 , Threat , Climate Crisis , Events , Weather , Frame , Word , Policies , Both , Rest , Break , Safety , Provisions , Transgender Rights , Equality , Anywhere , Don T Go , It , District , Republicans , Lines , Nation , No Problem , Redistricting Frenzy , Hand , Lawmakers , Rittenhouse , Sides , Losses , House Seats , Midterms , Defense Lawyer , Aisle , Seats , Planning Effect , Investing Strategies , Wealth , Picture , Limu Emu , Doug , 2020 , Help , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Superpowers , Spider Bite , Gasps , Subaru , Pay , Spider Man , Vo , Theaters December 17th , 17 , December 17th , Fourteen , Love , Donor , Aspca , Now Subaru , Meals On Wheels , Love Event , Share , Charity , National Park Foundation , Two Hundred And Fifty Dollars , Two Hundred And Fifty , Aww , Mr , Charles , Hi , Season , Pain , Let S Wrap This Up , Alice , Walgreens , Society , Understanding , America Marked Transgender Awareness Week , Tv , Dana , Celebrities , Gender Identity , Diversity , Trirs Elected , Movies , Ten , Rachel Lavine , Seat , Official , Wake , Dr , Others , Remembrance , Danger , Star Officer , History , Hardships , Record , Individuals , 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, Congress , State House , Gerrymandering , Loopholes , Majorities , Basis , Amendments , Jerry Bandering , State Legislative Map , Isn T A State , Mike Dewine , Law Congressional , Reason , 46 , Changes , Participation , Process , Nothing , Candidate , Same , Side , Attack , Voting , Ink , Big Lie , Jena Griswold , 80 , 70 , Term , Threats , Voting Machines , Colorado , Solving Problems , Expectations , Sieve , Abreast , Influence , Business Interest , Interest , Anything , Ones , Hold , Presets , City Counsel , Levels , Sir , Verdict , Kyle Rittenhouse , Coming Up , Lawyer , R , Punches , Cheetos Boneless Wings , Applebee S , Everything , Ray , No , Vacations , Libre 2 , 2 , Glucose Levels , A1c , Mystery , Visit Freestylelibre Us , Food , Announcer , Fried Foods , Results , Meals , Air Fryer , Oil , Taste , Technology , Crunch , Toaster Oven , Ultra Hot Air , 98 , Broils , Cleanup , Multitasking Oven , Toasts , Odors , Functions , Air Fryer Toaster Oven , Cuisinart , Convection Bakes , Seven , Stop Rybelsus , Everywhere , Type 2 Diabetes , Sulfonylurea , Sugar , Blood Sugar , Pill , Ways , 3 , Type 1 Diabetes , Isn T , Don T Take Rybelsus , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Lost , 8 , 1 , Side Effects , Reaction , Stomach Pain , Lump , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Swelling , Neck , Pancreatitis , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Nausea , Dehydration , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Provider , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , 10 , 0 , Attorney , Members , Protests , Deaths , Men , Praise , Offers , Wisconsin , Kenosha , 18 , Right , South Florida , Intern , Aske , Matt Gaetz , Message , Friends , Congressional Medal Of Honor , Congressman Madison , North Carolina , Democracy Raising Money , Guys , Doesn T , Compass , Gone With The Wind , Advisor , Behavior , Tara , Show , Ro Khanna , Trial , Killers , Al Sharpton , Ahmaud Arbery , The Sunday Show , Family Caregivers Month , Little Turkey , Disabiliies , Jonathan , Host , Loss , Msnbc , Strategy , Call , Yea Thinking Strategy , New Jersey , 435 , Depression , Stories , Fog , Art , Latuda , Symptoms , Way , Lows , Difference , Mood Changes , Thoughts , Antidepressants , Behaviors , Impact , Studies , Weight , Teens , Fever , Dementia Patients , Life Threatening , Movements , Death , Muscles , Muscle , Risk , Stroke , Confusion , Clothes , Bargain Brand , Dirt , Cleaner , Clothes Ugh , Tide Hygienic , Injectable Cabenuva , Surprises , Hiv , Hiv Pills Aren T On My Mind , Hiv Treatment , Injections , Me Undetectable , Liver Problems , Medicines , Ingredients , Treatment Appointments , Injection Site Reactions , Breastfeeding , Mental Health Concerns , Pregnancy , Tiredness , Plans , Music , Coverage , Notice , Aetna , Vision , Emergency Coverage , Over The Counter Allowance , Telehealth , Dental , Aetna Medicare Advantage Plans Annual Enrollment Ends December 7th , December 7th , Grabs , 34 , Debbie Powell , Points , New York , Max Rhodes , Socialism , Nonsense , Wasn T , Lie , Factor , Misinformation , Storm , Testing Ground , Area , Areas , Factors , Electret , Loved Ones , Reality , Lockdown , California , Attacks , Spanish Main Stream Media , Main Stream Media , Messages , Opponent , Staten Island , 2022 , Thanks , Policing , Messaging , Humility , Well , Someone , Injection , Simplicity , Complexity , Stupidity , Malpractice , Wins , Tactics , Affordability , Hatred , Division , Rhetoric , Script , Addition , Subtraction , Barack Obama , Strategies , Base Mobilization , Persuasion , Base , Unifying , Terminology , Rose S , Audience , Doubt , Prescription Drug Prices , Fact , Grocery Store , Day Off , Care Of , Kids , They Don T , Doors , Working Class Floridians , Dad , Child Tax Credit , Max Rose , Customers , Iphone , Pro , T Mobile , Camera , Ronald , Iphone On , Po , Ston Get , Half , Gonna Get Creamed , Reflection , Dove Body Wash , Dove , Dryness , Ceramides , Protein , Buttercup , Dog , Whines , Thirty , Energy , Nutrients , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Health , Progressives , Working , Blame Game , Sake , Infighting , Jamaal Bowman , Silos , Guess What , God , Reporting , Question , Discussions , Aides , Debbie Mucarsel Powell Of Florida , Midterm , Premise , Cause , Truth , Viability , Polls , Skyrocketing Costs , Pandemic , Concerns , Speak , Fault , Face , Cogently , Twitteratti , The Union , Kitchen Table , Winning , Washington D C , Drama , None , House Democratic Caucus , Bills , Passing The Freedom To Vote Act , 400 , State Legislatures , Voter Suppression , Brand , Ad , Toxic , Focus On , Freedom To Vote Act , Voter Suppression Laws , Attention , Guess , Segments , Pocketbook , Decisions , Impeachment Trial Hadn T , George Floyd , Okay , 2019 , Time , Precipice , Drugs , Stop , Pre K , Doing , Heads , Feeling , Madness , Input , Rose , Plus , Chambers , Debbie Stabenow , Vice President , Brine , Couple , Fine , Vigilanteism , Wave , Byline , Pot , Couple Bay Leaves , Talks Turkey ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC Velshi 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Velshi 20240709

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democratic party and dare i say optimism about the success of the bill. here is what the illinois congressman told my colleague alex witt yesterday about the prospects of the bill. >> i think a lot of it has actually been if you will preconference or negotiated in advance before it got sent to the senate and so i'm very hopeful the vast majority of it will remain. maybe there might be some revisions but the bulk will come back in tact to the house for final passage. >> hold that thought for a minute because we'll talk about what happens if it doesn't come back in tact to the house but the speaker of the house, nancy pelosi appears equally confident in an interview with the "new york times", she said quote, they may want to hone or sharpen this or that and that's a negotiation but 90 some percent of that bill is what it is end quote. the white house is likely feeling extra urgency as president biden's approval is on a downward slope. we want to talk about that. i've been talking about it for awhile but joining me is heather a member of the white house counsel of economic advisors all of these problems that are my musings are actually heather's problem. heather, you're the perfect person to have a conversation with about this. what do you do, what is the president doing about these issues of wage inflation, which are not necessarily a bad thing for people earning them, just a bad thing if you're spending money about supply chains and oil prices and about all of this stuff making thanksgiving and other things cost more right now? >> well, those are a lot of questions ali. these are questions we get up each and every day and are working on and thinking about and so is the president. so certainly, we all knew recovering from a historic pandemic wouldn't be easy. there might be bumps along the road. what we've seen, of course, there have been kinks in the supply chain, in the global supply chain, not just in the united states but around the world and we're seeing the effects on that in prices and clogs on the system. here is the thing, the president has worked very hard with his staff and with people around the country to unclog supply chains so for example, worked really hard with the ports out on the west costa make it easier for goods to flow through those ports. they are now having more stuff flow through the ports than before. we have truckers working 24/7 to move goods and as a result, there is a lot of retailers saying we are fully stocked and ready for the holiday season. so this is good news. it means that consumers will be able to see stuff on shelves, and it shows that, you know, that the administration is really focused on making sure goods are there and this is a way to keep prices in check. now certainly, one of the things that we're all concerned about is gas prices and then the president recently has taken steps to ensure the federal trade commission is doing their job to ensure that those prices that you see at the gas pump are fair. we've seen some indications that the data that there might be a gap between the prices folks are paying and the prices they're charging you at the pump. we want to make sure the prices are competitive and fair so the president has taken steps in that direction, as well. >> let's talk about the build back better bill. obviously, the cbo score we talk about for people that don't know what that is, that's the government's measure of what the revenues and expenses will be, what the net effect will be. it came back in a way that was satisfactory to the moderates who had been holding out on this bill. what's your sense about the prospects of the bill moving forward? i know you don't get too involved in the politics of it but we know what it costs. are we likely to see the passage of the bill in the senate by the end of the year? >> friday was a historic day. the house passed significant legislation that will improve the economy for working people all across the united states while making our economy more competitive. and if we care about, you know, the kind of economy we'll see in the years to come and keeping costs low and helping families, this is exactly the legislation we need to pass and of course, as the president has promised all along, the bill is fully paid for and it does not raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 a year. so one of the really important things that this legislation does is ensures that businesses will pay a minimum tax and that those at the top of the income ladder won't be able to avoid their taxes because we're going to give the irs the revenue and the support they need to enforce the laws on the books. but here is the thing, we've already seen that when the president has a plan and puts it in action, it is good for the economy. president came into office and said i'm going to, you know, do what we can about covid, get shots in arms and get the vaccine out there and make sure the economy is whole in the meantime and we've seen the success of that. the united states is an unemployment rate of 4.6%. this time last year forecasters said we wouldn't hit the rate for another two years. and so build back better is another step in the president's economic agenda that will support families and support jobs and going to keep costs low. >> let me address the last point, going to keep costs low. before you were in government we had conversations about this. here is the issue, there are absolutely going to be economically good things that come out of the bill and build back better but people like betty who i use as an example paying more for thanksgiving or people paying more at the gas pump or see inflation, they sometime -- it's hard sometimes to put those things together hey, this government has done things to make life better economically but i'm paying more for stuff. will they offset each other? do you think a year from now people will be satisfied the inflation issue is waning and they feel more optimistic about the economy? >> we're not the only country facing inflation. this is a global problem because it was a global pandemic. supply chains have been challenged around the world and we do believe as we work the kinks out and get covid under control and let me remind everyone, that's the most important thing, getting the shots in arms, getting everyone vaccinated, making sure we don't have these outbreaks. that is core to the economic recovery. so as we do that, then, you know, prices and what you see at the gas pump will start to get back to normal. we're doing that while americans still have access to jobs and so the united states has done better than other countries in making sure that we see growth in jobs and that's what people are able to afford that thanksgiving dinner because they can have their families together because we've done so much on getting the vaccine out and because folks are employed so they have money to spend. i remain optimistic we'll be able to get this under control as we get the virus under control. >> good to see you again. thank you for taking time to join us this morning. heather is a member of the white house counsel of economic advisors. >> here with me is ayanna pressley of massachusetts. two weeks ago she was one of six who voted no on the partisan infrastructure bill, bipartisan infrastructure package but did vote for the build back better bill when it finally came up for a vote this past friday. congressman, good morning and good to see you again. >> good morning, good to be with you. >> let's talk about this build back better bill. you were -- you and some of your progressive colleagues were annoyed at the idea you thought they should have been passed at the same time, didn't happen but you finally got a bill that everybody can live with passed by the house. are you concerned most of what is in it will be back for passage and will be fine and the speaker of the house said she thought it would be fine. are there any deal breakers for you or do you think it will go through the senate the way you want it to? >> first, i want to acknowledge i support the investments in the bipartisan infrastructure package and build back better. the point here is that we needed legislation that meets the moment and meeting the moment means leaving no worker, no family, no community behind in order to truly build back better. we can and should be investing in our crumbling infrastructure and crumbling roads as well as investing in our crumbling housing stock and that's what will happen now with the build back better act. our unprecedented investments, we should not take our foot off the gas here. i'm confident the president will secure the votes necessary to pass this but again, we're going to keep the pressure up because these investments are historic and sorely needed and long over due. investments like home and community based services to address a wait list that is thousands long for services for the disabled and the elderly, expansion of medicare to include hearing, lowering of prescription drug costs. investments in universal prek, in child care and also ensuring that we're supporting that work force. what we've done with child care here is for most families, they won't be paying more than 7% of their income for child care, which isbility a the stabilization of our families and our work force. but we have to take care of those child care workers to 30% of them are women of color and one in six of them live in poverty. that is unconscionable they are taking care of our babies putting them on a pathway to a successful life but can't take care of their own. so in paid leave, you know, at some point all of us need to care for a loved one or we will need to be cared for and so those four weeks of paid leave, medicare expansion, including hearing, lowering the cost of prescription drugs, historic investments in housing, my legislation of that is included in there. down payment for equity, which will make it great strides in closing the racial wealth gap by growing black homeownership. i'm not seeing ground. you know me. we will keep fighting to make sure these historic investments we fought for that are wildly popular because they are so sorely needed to meet the moment and to meet the needs of the people of every worker, of every family and every community. >> they are wildly popular. >> the bill will pass. >> yes, they are. >> they are wildly popular amongst democrats and republicans but the views you expressed are not necessarily shared by republicans in the senate, which means you need every democrat in the senate and joe mansion if he were here with us wouldn't agree with what you just said about paid family leave and the way the government may invest in people that -- how do you explain this to somebody like joe mansion because he's the guy you need. you need kyrsten sinema and joe mansion on this. >> joe mansion needs to hear from and speak with his constituents. his constituents who are in dire need of lower cost and prescription drugs, constituents like mine, mother who i spoke with who has three children living with diabetes, she's been rationing insulin and her 16-year-old daughter died because of it. joe mansion needs to talk to his constituents and listen to them and then make sure that we pass legislation that meets their needs when it comes to housing investments, when it comes to child care, universal prek, climate, you know, people being displaced because of extreme weather events and the threat to us that is the climate crisis. these investments and thank you for using the word investments because i've been very disappointed in the frame of this social spending. these are investments and they are sorely needed, these policies are popular. this is what the people are demanding, this is what they need. we need to pass this bill. >> yeah, it is overwhelmingly popular in america, the provisions of the bill. congressman, don't go anywhere. after a quick break, i want to talk about an issue extremely important to both of us, transgender rights, safety and equality. >> for the rest of you, if you don't like your congressional district, no problem. lines are being redrawn all over the nation and republicans are using this redistricting frenzy to gain the upper hand. and then barely two days after kyle rittenhouse walked free far right republicans are trying to profit from it, even rittenhouse's defense lawyer is calling it disgusting and with midterms under a year away, both sides of the aisle are getting ready and whether democrats learn from past congressional losses. we'll get real talk from two lawmakers that lost their house seats in 2020. lawmakers that lost their house seats in 2020. wealth plan across your full financial picture. a plan with tax-smart investing strategies designed to help you keep more of what you earn. this is the planning effect. ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? 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the more acceptance there is, the more push back there is, as well. >> well, first, i just want to acknowledge that the cruelty is a threat that we have to confront and root out wherever it exists and i think congressional intent matters and so i was proud to be a co-sponsor of a congressional resolution commemorating november 20th as trans day, a remembrance participated yesterday doing that, remembering those who we've lost to violence and brutality. you know, you speak so often about policy being my love language. one of the things i'm proudest of having done in this space is i successfully passed an amendment to the violence against women act to establish the first ever grant program dedicated to supporting our lgbtq plus including transwomen of color and dating violence. now we're focused on remembrance and acknowledgement of these beautiful lives we were robbed of but it is about action original intent matters. i want to give a shoutout to the quality caucus that does extraordinary work focused on the community day in and out but transphobia like white sup preliminary see is a threat we must confront and root out wherever it exists and i want to say rest in peace and power to two of my constituents who were robbed up. >> thank you for the work you're doing on this. congresswoman ayanna pressley is a democrat of massachusetts. shakespeare asked what is in the name and now i ask what is in a congressional district in the alarming story behind the republican redistricting apocalypse is next. stay with us. redistricting apocalypse is next stay with us has your moderate to severe eczema or atopic dermatitis under control? 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updated populations. in theory it's a good idea. in practice, political parties redistrict to help them win more seats. this year republicans are taking the opportunity to redraw maps to their utmost advantage to a manipulative and democracy crushing degree that deliberately splits up communities of color. paul writes quote this is not ordinary partisan jockeying. it's been taken to an entirely new level. its goal is not merely to give republican an advantage in close elections, it's goal is to make elections irrelevant so no matter what the voters want, republicans always stay in power. the new redistricting map in texas gives only one of the state's 38 districts a chance to be competitive. the rest will be landslide victories for republicans. no matter what the demographic in texas looks like. in georgia republicans are looking to control nine out of 13 districts this way. they've hatched a new plan to block two well-known black democratic congresswomen from winning reelection. republicans in ohio are jamming a new map through that would promise victories for their party in a whopping 13 out of 15 districts. this is not good news for democracy but it's really bad news for the voters. the fairytale creatures that got bumped to a different district. paul joins me now, an opinion writer for "the washington post" and author of an op ed, paul, you point out, thank you for being here. you point out that framing this discussion in terms of harder than advantage was probably the first mistakes. it frames it as a game people in power are supposed to win. the concept of redistricting was supposed to be inherently democratic to make sure districts keep up with their population change. >> yeah, and that's almost inevitable given the way we talk about politics as though it's always a game and who is up and down and obviously that gets exacerbated when we have things as close as they are now and republicans only need to flip five districts to take control of the house of representatives but this is really much more about the sort of essence of democracy, whether or not people get to choose their elected representatives. and the texas case is a great one because you have a state that's rapidly changing and becoming more purple, could move to blue in a short while and they're going to have 38 congressional districts and there is only going to be one competitive district. every other district is going to be basically decided before the election ever takes place. what republicans are trying to do there is basically lock in the gain so they'll have control of 24 of the 38 districts basically in perpetuity and it's also combined importantly with gerrymandering that takes place in states. republicans have often managed to lock in their control in the state house and then the state house, that's where the district lines for congress are drawn and so then they lock in their control at the congressional level, too. and the net result is that voters have almost no say. you mentioned ohio. that's a great case, too. twice ohio voters passed constitutional amendments meant to limit partisan jerry bandering but super majorities in the state house managed to find loopholes that enable them to on a short term basis for four years instead of ten years draw these incredibly partisan maps. so they just passed a new state legislative map that will basically make it so they have super majorities in the state house in perpetuity so if a democratic governor gets elected, he won't be able to stop them and just yesterday, governor mike dewine signed into law congressional maps that would likely give control of 13 out of the 15 congressional districts and this isn't a state that is, you know, leans republican but pretty close. the democrats average 46% of the vote in recent presidential elections. there are almost no competitive elections in ohio. there is no reason for people to care. there is no way for them to hold their -- >> which is where this hurts democracy, right? if you know nothing ever changes, you're likely to have active participation in the political process diminishes. democrats won't run a candidate because there is no point. the other side wins by 70% or 80% or whatever the case is. this attack on democracy gets the least ink. it's not the same as the big lie and legislative anti voting things and not the same as what i was talking to jena griswold of colorado earlier today, the internal threats of democracy through voting machines but this has the greatest long term effect. >> yeah, absolutely and it works for republicans especially because they want to tamp down people's expectations what government can do for them. democrats that are more likely to want to have government do a lot of things and be more abreast sieve about -- aggressive about solving problems, government is not going to accomplish anything in their lives and republicans can keep their hold on power and have government serve the interest they want to serve, which often are the ones that have the most influence like business interest. it's a real danger to kind of fundamental presets of what we think the government is supposed to be, how democracy is supposed to work and it's being attacked at all levels from congress in the white house all the way down to, you know, your local city counsel. >> paul, good to see you. thank you for the very enlightening op ed you've written. thank you, sir. coming up, republicans capitalizing on kyle rittenhouse's not guilty verdict and even his lawyer thinks it's ridiculous. r thinks it's ridiculous ♪day to night to morning,♪ ♪keep with me in the moment♪ ♪i'd let you had i known it, why don't you say so?♪ ♪didn't even notice, no punches left to roll with♪ ♪you got to keep me focused, you want it, say so♪ ♪day to night to morning,♪ ♪keep with me in the moment♪ new cheetos boneless wings exclusively at applebee's for a limited time. ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. 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(♪ ♪) you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. kyle rittenhouse's attorney is slamming republican members of congress after the 18-year-old was acquitted in the shooting deaths of two men during protests in kenosha, wisconsin last year. rittenhouse was flooded with praise and job offers from far right republican lawmakers who are problematic and controversial in their own right. florida congressman matt gaetz said this week that rittenhouse would make for a good intern while congressman censured aske follows if rittenhouse should receive a congressional medal of honor. then there was the north carolina congressman madison who had this message. >> rittenhouse is not guilty, my friends. you have a right to defend yourself. be armed, be dangerous and be moral. >> even rittenhouse's attorney sees how morally bankrupt these guys are. he blasted the republicans saying they want to trade on his democracy raising money on it and have republican congressman saying come work for me. let's bring in jonathan. does the moral compass of some of these republicans even surprise you anymore? >> good morning, ali. no, no, it doesn't surprise me at all, which is really sad for that party and for the american people. their moral compass has gone with the wind embracing violence against their own colleagues and rooting for barbaric behavior. we'll talk about it senior advisor tara and i'll discuss the rittenhouse verdict and the trial of ahmaud arbery's killers with al sharpton and talk at the top of the show, ali, with ro khanna what is next for the build back better plan and look how the plan could benefit the elderly and those with disabiliies as we highlight family caregivers month. that and more coming up in minutes on the sunday show. ali, one more thing, we'll have a little turkey message from the vice president of the united states. >> wow. all right. well, i was already going to watch but now i'll watch harder than before. jonathan, look forward to the show about 20 minutes from now. jonathan is host of msnbc's "the sunday show." catch him right after velshi. a major loss in virginia and close call in new jersey and 435 congressional seats up for grabs this year should have democrats thinking strategy and fast. yea thinking strategy and fast bipolar depression. it made me feel like i was trapped in a fog. this is art inspired by real stories of people living with bipolar depression. i just couldn't find my way out of it. the lows of bipolar depression can take you to a dark place... ...and be hard to manage. latuda could make a real difference in your symptoms. latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms and in clinical studies, had no substantial impact on weight. this is where i want to be. latuda is not for everyone. call your doctor about unusual mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. elderly dementia patients on latuda have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, as these may be life threatening... ...or uncontrollable muscle movements, as these may be permanent. these are not all the serious side effects. now i'm back where i belong. ask your doctor about latuda and pay as little as $0 for your first prescription. if you're washing with the bargain brand, even when your clothes look clean, there's extra dirt you can't see. watch this. that was in these clothes...ugh. but the clothes washed in tide- so much cleaner! if it's got to be clean, it's got to be tide hygienic clean no surprises in these clothes! couple more surprises. there's a different way to treat hiv. it's once-monthly injectable cabenuva. cabenuva is the only once-a-month, complete hiv treatment for adults who are undetectable. cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. it's two injections, given by a healthcare provider once a month. hiv pills aren't on my mind. i love being able to pick up and go. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems,...and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. with once-a-month cabenuva, i'm good to go. ask your doctor about once-monthly cabenuva. 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because this conversation between base and a broader audience is one that is active within the democratic party now. what should it represent itself as being in the next election in order to prevail? >> i don't think that there is any doubt, ali, that we the democrats are the party that is working for all americans for the majority of working class americans who right now are struggling. we need to acknowledge the fact yes, prices increased but president biden is on it. we are the party making sure that women get back to work and we lower the cost of child care, that we are lowering the cost of prescription drug prices. this is what is affecting everyday americans. working class americans aren'tm ali. this is their only day off and need to go to the grocery store and get ready for the week ahead and make sure their kids are taken care of. we need to come to them and be present. most people here in south florida the working class floridians, they don't know what build back better means. that message is completely lost on them. but when i was knocking on doors just recently for a special election talking to this dad who was exhausted who had no time to go out and vote, when i asked him if he was receiing the child tax credit, his face changed and relaxed and said i am getting that and that has been helpful. so we need to talk about jobs, economy and combat the negative messaging from republicans. >> stand by the two of you. i want to continue to this conversation after a quick break. debbie powell and max rose will be with me right after this. po be with me right after this. ston get the new iphone 13 pro— and t-mobile will pay for it! it has the most advanced iphone camera ever! i'm talking new customers! i'm talking about existing customers like ronald! the new iphone on t-mobile— let's do it! new and existing t-mobile and sprint customers can upgrade to the iphone 13 pro on us. on our most popular max plan. do we have a plan for the second half? 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( ♪♪ ) what a pain in the... alice? if it's "let's wrap this up" season, it's walgreens season. progressives and moderates need to stop fighting and work together and progressives are trying to work with moderates and even on more conservative colleagues. we want to work together. we need to work together for the sake of our country and the future of our democracy. so enough of the blame game, enough of the infighting. enough of the working in silos. let's come together collaboratively to support whoever runs for president, because guess what, if we lose control of the house and the senate and the white house, god only knows what's going to happen. >> that was new york representative jamaal bowman. the question came up because there is -- there are questions and discussions about whether joe biden will run again in 2024. new reporting that suggests that he and his aides are telling people he will. i want to continue the conversation about what the democratic party should do in terms of direction for the midterm elections and 2024. back with me are former democratic congressman max rose of new york and congresswoman debbie mucarsel-powell of florida. welcome back to both of you. max, the conversation about joe biden running again, is joe biden running again helpful or harmful to the cause that you are both discussing today? >> yeah, you know, i think the premise of this is crazy. so often this conversation begins from the questions of the democratic party's future, electoral viability. and the truth of the matter is that while polls are going up and down and this and that, and we should not focus on the day to day, what i do know right now is that the american people care deeply about getting out of this pandemic, they care deeply about the skyrocketing costs of the things that they care about. and they care very deeply that the future of this country, most importantly the future for their children is better than what they had experienced themselves. and when it comes to all three of those things, the democratic party has the record, we are right now getting those things done that speak to these concerns. but what we can't do any longer, i think, is try to explain away what the american people are pissed off about. we can't in the face of inflation tell them, well, i'm sorry this inflation, it is related to things out of our control, it is not our fault. the american people aren't stupid. they understand that, but they do want us to show a fierce sense of urgency and then speak simply and cogently. we have to ignore the twitteratti and focus on everything from the union halls to barbershops to working to the kitchen table. and actions speak to the american people. and when we do that, we're going to win. more importantly than winning, we're going to help people who need it. >> debbie, do you agree the conversation about who runs for president and how that goes is far removed from the concerns of your constituents and what they actually need to see happening? >> yeah. absolutely. i mean, the only people concerned with that are the republicans that are trying to divide us. they're trying to divide the democratic party, democrats in washington, d.c. and trying to create drama where there is none right now. we have seen that already. we have passed the infrastructure bill, we passed the build back better bill and the house democratic caucus did that. so what we need to do, though, one thing that i think is crucial, i completely agree with max, we need to be talking to americans on the work that we're doing and meet them where they're at. but we have to focus on passing the freedom to vote act. we are not going to have fair and free elections when we have close to 400 bills, anti-voting bills, voter suppression bills passed all over the country by republicans, and state legislatures. we need to make sure that we have fair and free elections. they are right now controlling the message, we can't allow republicans to dictate the brand of the democratic party. that's exactly what they did here in florida. having a d next to your name became toxic. so those are issues that we have to focus on. freedom to vote act, make sure we take away these voter suppression laws that republicans are setting up in order to win in 2022. our message won't matter if we don't have fair and free elections. i'm extremely concerned that we are on a dangerous road of losing our democracy, ali, and people need to pay attention. democrats in washington, d.c. need to pay attention to what's happening. it doesn't matter what bills are passed if we don't protect our democracy. >> max, what is your best guess as to how this all goes? because you -- we talked about inflation for three different segments on this show. it is what americans are concerned about, some of it is not in the -- under the control of the government or the administration or the democratic party. that's how people make the decisions in the country, notwithstanding debbie's valid points about the actual threat to democracy, pocketbook issues do tend to win. >> well, look, i think that if you look at this period in 2019, okay, the impeachment trial hadn't yet concluded, we never heard of covid, george floyd at that point was alive, things can change dramatically in politics. we are all very much aware of that. what i do know is this, is that if you look at what has happened over the course of the last year, whether it has been covid relief that was absolutely unprecedented, whether it is a seismic infrastructure bill, whether it is for the first time what we're on the precipice of doing, universal pre-k, universal child care, lowering the cost of affordable drugs, now what we have to do, though, is get out of our heads, stop and be extraordinarily simple and extraordinarily bold and speak to the pain and the sense of urgency that the american people are feeling. and when we do that, when it comes to both small things as well as large, i certainly think we're going to keep on winning elections, but we're into the in this to win elections. that's not what this is about. we're in this to help people. that's what the democratic party is about. that's what separates the democratic party from the republican party, which each and every day seeks to divide us, seeks to inject hatred into our politics and seeks to ultimately try to vilify the democratic party as something that it is not. we have to ignore that madness and focus on the people. >> we'll leave it there. thank you, both, for your great input into this. debbie mucarsel-powell and max rose. that does it for me. "the sunday show" is up next. rose that does it for me. "the sunday show" is up next after getting the job done in the house, can democrats get the president's social spending bill through the senate? we'll hear from both chambers as congressman ro khanna and debbie stabenow join me live. plus, fears the rittenhouse verdict could unleash a new wave of vigilanteism and why some republicans seem fine with that. and in my byline, the vice president talks turkey. >> if you have time to do a wet brine, that's fine. a pot of water, couple bay leaves, little sugar, couple

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