Transcripts For MSNBC Velshi 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Velshi 20240709

21st. i'm ali velshi. the bipartisan infrastructure bill has been signed into law by president biden and congressional democrats are optimistic about passing the build back better spending package before the end of the year. after passing the house entirely along party lines on friday, the transformative legislation is now headed to the senate for review this week, but it still has a difficult road ahead. its passage in the senate is not guaranteed. it will need all 50 democratic votes, and if it does pass, it might come out looking very different, based on the mercurial moods of joe manchin and kyrsten sinema, but at least it's moving. however, another crucial piece of the biden agenda, the agenda of anyone who cherishes democracy, by the way, has largely stalled, and i think it's voting rights. "the washington post" reports that kyrsten sinema, quote, remains firmly opposed to changing federal election laws on a partisan basis, signaling that a planned last-ditch voting rights push that party leaders and activists are planning for in the closely-divided senate in the coming months, is largely expected to fail. and that may dash any hopes of getting federal voter protections on the books, at a time when that constitutional right is more endangered than ever. across the country, we're seeing overt and covert efforts to roll back access to the ballot box and to undermine elections. and now those anti-democratic efforts have a new focus. state election officials. here's the short version of what's going on. loyalists of the failed former president who have embraced his lies about the 2020 election being stolen appear to have been trying to gain access to voter systems from the inside. they're doing that in order to conduct rogue, highly partisan so-called audits to search for and prove non-existent voter fraud. and in the process, they risk actually come pricing the very voting systems that they are falsely saying are compromised. the whole operation is seating yet more unfounded doubt about our elections. "the washington post" reports, quote, federal and state investigators are examining an attempt to reach an ohio county's election network that bears striking similarities to an incident in colorado earlier this year, when government officials helped an outsider gain access to the county voting system in an effort to find voter fraud. now, the information from both of these instances was distributed at a cyber forum that was held by this guy, the foam pillow salesman, the trump loyalist, mike lindell, who has spent millions of dollars trying to promote false claims about the 2020 election. the election claims are false, but they are ceding doubt in our political system. they are the trojan horse is basically inside the walled gates of our election system right now. and it's going to pose a yet bigger problem in elections to come. joining me now is the secretary of state of colorado, jenna griswald, who has faced this a few months ago, took it to court and is trying to solve this. secretary griswald, thank you for being with us so early from colorado. this is a major problem, so we've seen legislative attempts, we've seen mike lindell and the pillow guy, but now we're seeing these attempts at compromising the elections from inside county election offices like you have in colorado. >> that's right, ali. thank you for having me on. this is a tremendous concern for the nation. i think many states need to prepare themselves. so what happened in colorado is an elected clerk, elected to uphold democracy and execute elections, ended up turning off cameras to voting equipment, allowing an unauthorized person access, and then passwords and server images to voting equipment was leaked online. so i took quick action, we decertified the voting equipment. i asked a judge to bar that clerk. and we just had great elections. but this is coming, as you mentioned, with this newest insider threat being reported out of ohio. >> you -- the republican clerk in mesa county, tina peters, falsely accused you of organizing a raid on her office, and ended up actually threatening you about it, or sending you a threatening message on facebook. >> that's right. there's a lot of misinformation out there, and forces, extremists who want to undermine elections are using disinformation to set the table. you know, the same lies, the same conspiracies that have been fueling this voter suppression across the nation are now leading to these insider threats, and i think it's noteworthy to say that mike lindell appears to be connected to both the insider threats in colorado and ohio and along the same lines, we're seeing extremists like steve bannon encouraging election deniers to take over local election positions. we're seeing in every swing state where there's a secretary of state race, someone who is spreading the big lie, running to oversee elections. so we need to stop the misinformation and really take notice of what's happening. and that's an attempted takeover of elections across the nation. >> so we are seeing in various states, including in michigan, where there is a democratic secretary of state, in arizona, secretaries of state taking these matters into their own hands and trying to solve them, identifying them and solve them, as you've tried to do. again, i worry, i'm pleased that there are people like you doing it, but democracy needs to not just depend on the fact that you are doing the right thing. what infrastructural support do you need and do other states need to ensure that this doesn't happen. is this federal legislation that gets involved and you say you can't just go rogue in your county and decide to filled with the machines? >> that would be a big help. i think states need to look at their election infrastructure right now and recognize that more insider threats are likely come. at this point, over 500 candidates are running at the state level on the republican ticket, who say 2020 was stolen. but to your point, this is part of a coordinated effort to undermine democracy and strip americans of their freedom to vote. and we desperately need to u.s. senate to pass protections to make sure that americans have access to the ballot box, that we're pushing back on those who are trying to destroy democracy from within, and that we are cementing the confidence in elections to make sure that we have democracy for decades to come. and hopefully centuries to come. >> i want to be clear about a point i made. tina peters herself didn't send you a threatening message, someone else did relating to that matter of the raid on the office. your point about democracy is the most important point. is this partisan or are these people who are doing this in ohio and colorado, are they falling for this big lie? are they conspiracy theory believers? because i do know that in your state and in other states where this is happening, there are republicans who have stood up to these conspiracy theorists and these big lie perpetrators and said, that's not democracy. if you don't like the democrats won an election, that's cool. democracy allows you to not like that. but this is a step too far. people who are actually in charge of running our elections, which are generally safe and free of fraud, are now the perpetrators of fraud themselves. >> well, i think it's both. we are seeing republicans stand up and do the right thing. i actually asked a judge to appoint my predecessor, a republican secretary of state, to oversee mesa's election, just a couple of weeks ago. to be but to be extremely clear, the lies are being fueled by extreme republican elected officials, along the lines of ted cruz, president trump. this is coming from the very top of the republican party and they are creating basically a litmus test. either you're with the former president in stating that the election was stolen from him or you will be primaried. money will be spent against you. they're going to try to make you lose. so we are seeing a lack of courage from many republican officials and candidates who are perpetrating these lies, spreading the big lie. and there's real ramifications. the insurrection. 500 bills to take away americans' freedoms. countless death threats against election officials. so we need to push on every elected official to uphold democracy, believe in democracy, and for those who don't, well, i sure hope they are held accountable at the blot box, because in 2022, democracy is on the ballot. >> that is entirely right. and i thank you again. it's very early for you out there, but the fight for democracy does not sleep. jenna griswald, secretary of state of colorado. joining me now is democratic congressman jamal bowman, he represents new york's 16th congressional district. he's a member of the house committee on education and labor. congressman, it's always a pleasure to see you so early in the morning. liz, you got a calm extra hours of sleep, because we're in the same time zone. but i want to start with what secretary griswald was just say. we have fires on every front when it comes to securing democracy, on the right to vote, on the spreading of the big lie, on the january 6th stuff. and now as secretary griswald was talking about, we know that in september, there were incidents in colorado, now in ohio, we're hearing about them in michigan, where there are election officials who are perpetrating nonsense, who are fiddling with machines, who are inserting hard drives and taking out information, both to prove nonexistent fraud and to continue to undermine our faith in our elections. and secretary griswald said she would love federal legislation to help out in the fight that she's having. >> absolutely. and the house has already passed hr-1 and hr-4, which is the john lewis voting rights act. and it's been sitting in the senate for several months. so my hope is we pass build back better as quickly as possible in the senate and pivot directly to voting rights. i mean, this is -- our democracy is hanging by a thread. if january 6th wasn't a clear example of that, i don't know what is. it's being undermined from multiple angles. you mentioned how the republican party is now trump party pushing the big lie. they are mobilizing and organizing across the country to push that lie and suppress the vote in states the country. we need everyone who cares about our democracy and our economy and the future of our country needs to be engaged and involved in what's happening, not just with voting rights, but with all aspects of our nation, because right now, we see lies pushed in education, with critical race theory, we see lies pushed in many other areas. and we have to push back. so, it's legislation, it's also protecting the ballot box in terms of security, from a security standpoint. and it's also just getting engaged and involved in democracy, because we need everyone to be in the game. >> you talk about -- you're right. we're in the era of lies right now, including about education. but that education lie, critical race theory, yesterday on the show, we were talking to nicole hanna jones about the 1619 project, that has been changed and morphed by republicans into something that it's not. so 1619 project just says, hey, let's actually learn about the history that actually existed, that we don't learn in schools. critical race theory is meant for law students and university students. but it is being used effectively as a cudgel. what do democrats do to fight back. saying, i don't want this nonsense being taught in school. how do you fight that back with your constituents? >> well, we need to raise the level of our voices. and we need boots on the ground and we need to be engaged in every single school district in this country, telling the truth. and the truth is, we want an accurate teaching of history. if we teach history accurately from multiple perspectives, it helps to strengthen and improve our democracy. one of the things i love about the build back better act, is not just investments in housing, largest investments in history, and investment in climate, largest investment in climates, largest investments in history, but also the investments in our children, early childhood education, universal child care, universal pre-k, keeping 50% of children out of poverty. when we invest in our children, that's how we protect and sustain our democracy and our economy and have better health and economic outcomes going forward. so it's all intertwined and the good thing about the build back better act is, it's a holistic bill and it helps us to put our kids on the right track. so push back with the true and be loud and proud about the truth in every corner of this country with boots on the ground, and again, elected and non-elected officials need to be engaged. >> the election was just over a year ago, and already there are conversations about whether biden runs again, whether kamala harris runs if he doesn't run, and what shape the democratic party should take in the next election. there are conversations about moderates having pushed the agenda too far. now we are hearing that joe biden and his aides are telling people that he will run again. how does all of that sit with you? >> progressives and moderates need to stop fighting and work together. and progressives are trying to work with moderates and even our more conservative colleagues. we want to work together, we need to work together for the sake of our country and the future of our democracy. enough of the blame game, enough of the infighting, enough of the working in silos. let's come together collaboratively to support whoever runs for president, because guess what? if we lose control of the house and the senate and the white house, god only knows what's going to happen, because as you know, many of my republican colleagues are not only just pushing the big lie, they're pushing violence in certain parts of our country. we cannot normalize violence, we cannot normalize lies, and we have to regain public confidence and public trust, and it's up to us as democrats to regain that public confidence and trust. >> democratic representative jamal bowman of new york, good to see you. thank you. well, a country united at least about the supreme court. the majority of americans believe the high court is too politically motivated. . uh, yeah. but first, a reality check on inflation, supply chain and wage growth with white house economic adviser heather boushey and carlos gutierrez. and. and right after the break, we'll hold big oil accountable. e a mountain of toys to fulfill many wishes must be carried across all roads and all bridges. it's not magic that makes more holiday deliveries to homes in the us than anyone else, it's the hardworking people of the united states postal service. 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[music: "i swear"] jaycee tried gain flings for the first time the other day... and forgot where she was. you can always spot a first time gain flings user. ♪ ♪ kevin, where are you? kevin?!?!? hey, what's going on? i'm right here! i was busy cashbacking for the holidays with chase freedom unlimited. you know i can't believe you lost another kevin. it's a holiday tradition! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. - mom! mom, what are you doing? - these sheets were so soft, so i decided to make a pair of pajamas out of them. - but you realize you can go straight to their website. they have pajamas there. - i guess that would have been a little easier. officials in california are investigating another potential oil spill off the coast of huntington beach. a sheen was spotted on the water near the pipeline that was ruptured back in october by the anchor of a cargo ship. 26,000 gallons of oil spilled into the ocean. now, accidental oil spills are danger inherent to offshore drilling. offshore drilling is a lot of things. it's extremely lucrative and extremely dangerous to the environment. but it continues unabated and we're about to see a lot more of it. last week, 80 million acres of the gulf of mexico were placed on the auction block, just like rare antiques or a coveted piece of art. except the buyers won't handle their sacred assets with care. quite the opposite, actually. fossil fuel companies like exxonmobil, bp, chevron, and shell have leased the rights to drill in the gulf of mexico. totaling 2,700 square miles for a combined $192 million. it is one of the largest oil and gas leases in american history. now, i know, some of you must be scratching your heads, because last week started with this headline. nearly 200 countries have made an unprecedented and historic pledge at the cop-26 climate summit to speed up the end of fossil fuel subsidies and reduce the use of coal. yet just days later, the united states, under president biden, oversees a move that goes entirely in the opposite direction. the sort of move that works against the u.s.' own stated emission goals. now, scientists say the world needs to be well on its way to cutting greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2030 or risk climate changety. the latest round of oil and gas leases means that companies can produce oil well beyond that deadline. the white house says there wasn't much that president biden could do. his hands were tied. when biden first took office, he put a stop to new oil and gas drilling, with an executive order that paused permits and ordered a review of programs that are related to fossil fuel development. but 13 republican states filed a lawsuit citing biden's pause citing undue harm to the lucrative energy industry. and when a federal judge sided with those states, the bidding began. in his ruling, the judge wrote, quote, millions and possibly billions of dollars are at stake, end quote. he's right. he left out the part about the future of humankind being at stake, too. this is the kind of thing that makes it so hard for governments to get ahead of the climate crisis. money is pumped into and out of the fossil fuel industry even faster than the industry pumps co2 into the environment. and some of that money, by the way, is in your 401(k). at this month's cop-26 climate summit, a weeks-long gathering of nations to discover solutions to the climate catastrophe, you know who had the biggest showing? fossil fuel. the grimy influence of the dirty energy trade seeps deep into our politics and into our daily lives. i get it. i'm an economicing reporter. oil drilling is wildly profitable. it keeps gasoline prices at bay. coal is disgusting, but it's cheap and abundant. and at a time when america is living in this world of heightened inflation, drilling off the gulf of mexico probably sounds enticing to many. and it seems that many consumers and voters prefer feel of more dollars in their wallet than cleaner air in their lungs. but we're going to have to decide that some things, like an earth that can continue to sustain human life, are actually more important than cheap and convenient, but filthy and deadly energy. and until we make that decision, wildfires will burn hotter, hurricanes will hit harder, and glaciers will melt faster. americans need to vote. at the ballot box and with our wallets to embrace clean energy. until and unless we do, this planet will continue to burn. , s planet will continue to burn out there. we need a plan! i have a plan— right now at t-mobile, customers on magenta max can get the new iphone 13 pro— and t-mobile will pay for it! it has the most advanced iphone camera ever! i'm talking new customers! i'm talking about existing customers like ronald! the new iphone on t-mobile— let's do it! new and existing t-mobile and sprint customers can upgrade to the iphone 13 pro on us. on our most popular max plan. do we have a plan for the second half? 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wait i'm out of time? americans are split on a lot of issues, but the majority of the country is united in one opinion of the supreme court. and the americans' view of the nation's highest political body is not exactly positive. a new quinnipiac poll reveals that 61% of the country believes that the supreme court is may have theed mainly by politics compared to 32% who believe it's motivated by the law. now, that 61% is up about 6 percentage points compared to two years ago. now, a lot has happened in that short amount of time. three justices were nominated and confirmed by the twice-impeached ex-president, giving the court a 6-3 conservative majority. this as the court is set to rule on a number of very high-profile cases, ranging from abortion access to gun rights, starting as soon as tomorrow. but here's the thing. a politicized supreme court isn't a new thing. you may have grown up with this idea that generally speaking, the courts are right and fair. but there are actually plenty of examples of the supreme court being on the wrong side of history. take plessey versus ferguson, for example, a landmark decision that essentially upheld the segregation that was based on race. states could legally offer separate facilities like train seats and bathrooms to black and white people provided the facilities were identical, which, by the way, they weren't. of course, we look back at plessey versus ferguson now and can plainly see it was a perversion of justice. but it's fair to say to say that it was not made in a vacuum, it was driven by the racial politics of the time. and although public sentiments often change, supreme court rulings don't always change with them, or as fast as sentiment does. and outdated rulings have long-lasting impact. plessey versus ferguson was decided in 1896. it stood until it was overturned by brown versus board of education in 1954. more than half a century later. however, jim crow remained the de facto law of the land of the south until the civil rights act of 1964, which was a congressional legislative fix, not a judicial one. it wasn't until now, by the way, in 2021, that plessey versus ferguson is coming full circle. homer plessey, whose arrest for refusing to leave a whites-only train car ended up before the supreme court and he's about to be posthumously pardoned by the governor of louisiana. now with a supreme court made up of mostly trump appointee, there is concern that we're on a wave of rolling back constitutional rights and could do generations of damage before they are reversed. joining me now is a senior editor and legal correspondent for slate. dahlia, thank you for being with us. i need to ask you, a lot of americans think the courts are politicized. what's the solution? well, the solution is that the court is politicized. it's always been politicized, as you said. the court and politics have ebbed and flowed, hand in hand, for years. the problem is, court needs to behave as though it's not politicized, treating it like a football during the trump years, americans have completely lost confidence in the court and the other thing that's changed is that you have this 6-3 super majority that's been in place for a year, and they are rating, racing at lightning speed to make huge changes and that's unsettled. the solution to this is for the court to behave like a court and not to behave. >> so that's interesting. you are making a very reasoned argument that everything is political, everyone has a political view, but being appointed to the supreme court, and not like you're a partisan of a political party. you did write in october about biden's supreme court commission. you said you don't like any of the solutions that they suggest. if you survey all the legal wreckage and ask what can be done about it, the commission's interim report has an answer. nothing. it will take more testimony and write more drafts, but even the modest ideas that were on the table, what was said about its work, the imposing of term limits on supreme court justices appear on closer examination to now be disfavored. the committee material is so deeply shot through with its anxiety about further politicizing the court, that it opts to leave the court as is. are you suggesting that's right that they see it that way or that they're just scared to propose big solutions. >> there were way too many insides who had a vested interest in the court continuing to be legitimate. and let's be clear, i think all of us have a vested interest in the court continuing to be legitimate. you just mentioned brown v. board. you mentioned roe v. wade. the court has an absolutely essential role, especially as elections get politicized. we need to have a functioning court that americans have confidence in. my concern was that the commission is so worried about making the court look bad that they threw away almost any important, salient, groundbreaking reform idea and they dressed it up in these sort of oh, no, we don't want people to think that the court isn't legitimate. so there are things we have to do and things that the court isn't even considering doing, the reform commission, and those are the kind of things that have to happen before we get enmeshed in another election crisis. >> except none of them are going to happen before some very, very big cases that are coming to the supreme court, including a mississippi case that directly challenges roe v. wade. what happens then? what happens if this conservative court doesn't heed your warnings, doesn't heed public opinion, and does away with roe v. wade? what happens? >> well, you know, the court, from the framing, this is in the federalist papers, has no power. it has no army. it has no budget. it has neither sword no purse. so if its public legitimacy disintegrated, it doesn't have a backup plan. it doesn't have a way to enforce its will on the country. so what happens then is if the court does what we think it's going to do, both dismantling roe v. wade and really increasing gun rights, the american public is going to have a catastrophic lack of faith in the court and we're back into the era of, you know, this has happened before, the court has no power. and that is terrifying. >> dahlia, always a pleasure to get your analysis on these important matters. i appreciate your time this morning. dahlia lithwick is a senior editor and legal correspondent for slate. coming up, the fallout from a gun scare inside one of the world's busiest airports. one o world's busiest airports knows everyone's unique. that's why they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. 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>> reporter: hey, ali. good morning to you. it is one of the busiest travel weeks of the year, and at one of the busiest airports in the world. an accidental discharge of a firearm sent passengers scrambling. fortunately, things are back to normal this morning, but they are still looking for the man who set off that gun. thanksgiving travel off to a chaotic start at atlanta's hartsfield-jackson international airport. >> you guys, i'm in the airport. and i don't know what's happening. everybody's running. >> reporter: security was inspecting a passenger's bag containing a loaded firearm. the passenger lunged for the weapon, accidentally discharging it before fleeing the airport. sending hundreds running, scrambling, and ducking down for cover. >> get down! >> reporter: panic outside, too. with crowds waiting for updates. the faa issued a ground stop. dozens of flights were delayed. atlanta's airport routinely leads the nation in gun confiscations. a record 450 firearms this year alone. all of this playing out with millions on the move ahead of a busy holiday travel week. >> it's going to feel like that old thanksgiving, where you either sat in traffic or were in line at the airport. >> the tsa screening more than 2.2 million people friday. the biggest volume of passengers since the start of the pandemic. airports in california and florida look more like 2019, with long lines and wait times. this year, aaa estimates roughly 53 million thanksgiving travelers, at least 4 million plan to fly. >> try to get out early, avoid the rush. >> tsa officials say they're prepared to handle the surge, even with monday's looming deadline requiring vaccines for employees. government sources tell nbc news they estimate the vaccination rate amongst screening officers to be around 90%. >> yeah, to the point, we are going to be staffed enough to handle the surge, and i expect to have no impact whatsoever with respect to the vaccine on throughput on times going through the tsa screening checkpoints. >> reporter: atlanta's airport was back to normal operations by saturday afternoon. and people who were at the airport at the time of the incident had to be rescreened. we've also learned that three people sustained nonlife-threatening injuries. ali? >> kathy, thank you for that. coming up, my friend betty is back for the holidays and it looks like she isn't feeling particularly thankful this thanksgiving. maybe it's the hugely expensive turkey or it could be the missing wine. but we've got the perfect person to help us understand how to turn supply change and wage-driven inflation around. carlos gutierrez joins us next. d carlos gutierrez joins us next -t boosters keep your laundry smelling fresh way longer than detergent alone. if you want laundry to smell fresh for weeks, make sure you have downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters. tonight, i'll be eating a club sandwich with fries and a side of mayonnaise. 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how far we have to go. if you've started shopping for thanksgiving dinner, you'll notice that you're dishing out more money for your holiday meal than ever before. just about every component of the traditional holiday feast will be more expensive than in years past. it's inflation. and there are several reasons for it. a kinked supply chain, labor shortages, high transportation prices, even climate change all mean higher costs are getting passed on to you or our friend betty. betty is hosting her family for thanksgiving this year, but she's a busy woman who waited until the last minute to go food shopping. she budgeted for what she expected to spend based on last year, but it wasn't enough. and here's why. first, the centerpiece of thanksgiving meals, the turkey. the average price of a 16-pound turkey was just under $13 in 2019. this year, the same 16-pound bird will cost betty $21.76. turkey is more expensive this year largely because the price of corn is up, upon which most commercial turkeys feed. because turkey's got to eat, too. all right, next, betty moves on to the sides. the packaged dinner rolls are pricier, because just about all of the ingredients used by commercial bakers have increased. panned cranberry sauce or pumpkin puree will wallop the wallet, because domestic steel cans are trying to catch up, and the humble sweet potato are not so sweet this year. some farms who are paying driver who in short supply twice as much or more to haul the crop from their farm to your market. well, annoyed by the increasing grocery tab, betty heads to the baking aisle, because little bobby who's a tad high maintenance will be ornery if he doesn't get his slice of apple pie, except the store is out of sugar. little does betty know that sugar cane factories in the south were shut down by hurricane ida back in august and they still haven't recovered their output. betty wonders if little bobby would notice if his pie was missing a key ingredient. she stopped to fill up her gas tank. after being cooped occupy last year, a lot of people have decided to get out of dodge for the holiday. when betty finally gets to the pump, she's not pleased with the price, because the national average price of gas is $3.41 a gallon, up from $2.12 a year ago. well, as betty leaves the gas station, she gets a call from her brother in california, whose flight is already delayed because of a tsa worker shortage at the airport. he was supposed to bring her a bottle of betty's favorite napa valley pino noir, which pairs perfectly with that holiday turkey. alas, betty will have to buy her own wine, because as you recall, betty likes wine. all right, betty's thanksgiving is officially ruined, but hanukkah just around the corner. it starts on november 28th. maybe she'll have better luck then. november 28th maybe she'll have better luck then firefighter maggie gronewald knows how to handle dry weather... ...and dry, cracked skin. new gold bond advanced healing ointment. 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your position but back then, companies like kellogg dealt with supply chain differently. we were just in time as we were. it was a lot more long-term planning what supplies they needed and things like that. what changed? why do we have the supply chain problem today? >> well, you know, back then we were trying to be just in time at the beginning of the effort but even supply chains were beginning to diverdiversify. a simple product on the shelf could be made with material and ingredients from five or six different companies. it's a fragile supply chain. when covid hit, that supply chain just if you have one chain out of whack then that impacts the whole supply chain so supply chains were impacted but consumers weren't spending as much because they were quarantined and staying indoors. we remember back then we had some shortages of the toilet paper and some items. what's happening today, the u.s. has been one of the first economies to open. so consumers have built up a pretty high savings rate, higher than normal and there is penalty -- pent up demand. they want to spend what they saved but the supply chains are barely getting ready. the increase in demand, that's what we weren't ready for. the goods are arriving but they're stuck in long beach because we don't have enough truck drivers to bring them in so it's been this combination of effects that have just really become a perfect storm at the same time, we're seeing people rethinking their lives during covid. some people quit their jobs and want to start something new, start their own business. above 55 years of age we're seeing more retirements than normal. that could be a factor of the stock market doing well and thinking maybe i can retire now. all these things have come together and that's impacted inflation and inflation is something that once it gets started, you can't turn it off like a light switch. >> as you said, these will problems that will work themselves out in someway. we'll eventually get the stuff we need. it's a slower process with wage. we're getting people into the work force with getting truckers. we had a trucker shortage for a long time in america. it's a growing industry and fewer people do it. is this inflation a temporary matter? will some of it last for longer and frankly, as a former government official what can the government do about supply and wage related causes of inflation. >> you know, that's the big question. i worry a little bit when i hear some economists say it's going to be temporary and that to me sounds like it will be like winter. it comes and it goes. one day it isn't here anymore. inflation tends to feed on itself. so people learn that they might as well buy something now because the prices are going to go up. that causes shortages and that causes price increases. so inflation just doesn't go away. and i believe it's going to be here for awhile and just one way to think about it if inflation is 6%, that doesn't mean that prices are going to go down 6%. we're going to start at a whole new level which is 6% higher. so yes, it may be temporary, it may be transition but how long is the transition and how long will we see a tail of inflation? i think longer than some people expect. some people think it will go away. it's not. it's going to be dribbling for awhile. >> let me ask you about the one part not as easy to remedy and that's oil prices. oil prices are up 59% in the last year. now, obviously, they plummeted last year because people were not driving or traveling on planes but they are up. house delivered natural gas is up 28%, gasoline up 50%. that's real. that's a tax on people. they're paying more money for something, a product they're not getting more of. >> yeah, this is also a factor of supply and demand. yo u recall when oil demand was at an all time low. one day the prices were negative so people weren't driving, not taking planes. they're still not taking planes. so oil producers dramatically reduced their production. because you can't continue to produce when you're selling at low prices or not selling enough. inventory is very low and the big question is does oil production ramp up even though people know, manufacturers know, producers know prices will eventually settle down and no one wants to get caught with an excess of inventory so it's a vicious cycle. there isn't as much oil production as there usually is. >> secretary, good to talk to you. we'll schedule that for another day. former u.s. secretary -- >> look forward to that. >> under george w. bush, chairman and ceo of the kellogg company. carlos gutierrez. heather boushey joins us next and massachusetts congresswoman ayanna pressley joins us. another hour of "velshi" begins right now. good morning, it is 9:00 a.m. in the east. i'm ali velshi. on monday biden signed into law a trillion dollars infrastructure bill and on friday his second signature spending package, the build back better cleared a major hurdle by passing the house and saturday, yesterday he turned 79 and according to brand-new reporting by "the washington post" began reassuring political allies he will be running for reelection in 2024. we'll have much more on that later on this hour. but democrats emerged from the house floor calling the president's agenda historic and transformative and joe mansion remains a wild card there is a sense of unity within the

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Joe Biden , Bill , Birthday , Spending , Infrastructure Deal , Allies , Re Election , Big Hurdle On Friday , 79 , 1 Trillion , Trillion , Some , Democrats , Republican , Kyle Rittenhouse , Supporters , Latest , Path , Client , Attorney , Biden Agenda , Disgusting , Two , Three , One , Man , Ceo , Breaches , County Election Systems , Big Election Lie , Foam Pillow , Donald Trump , Supreme Court , Strip Americans , Velshi , Rule Of Law , 25 , Sunday November The 25 , House , Build , Law , Ali Velshi , Infrastructure Bill , Spending Package , 21 , U S Senate , Legislation , Review , Passage , Road , 50 , Democracy , Way , Piece , Agenda , Anyone , Votes , Moods , Kyrsten Sinema , Joe Manchin , Election , Voting Rights , End Quote , Washington Post , Signaling , Laws , Basis , Party Leaders , Right , Protections , Voter , Activists , Books , Hopes , Country , Elections , Ballot Box , Efforts , Focus , Lies , Loyalists , President , State Election Officials , Version , Voter Systems , Access , Order , What S Going On , The Inside , 2020 , Voter Fraud , Rogue , Voting Systems , Process , Audits , State , Ohio County , Doubt , Investigators , Operation , Election Network , Attempt , Seating , Similarities , Both , Effort , Information , Colorado , Government Officials , Incident , County Voting System , Outsider Gain , Instances , Forum , Foam Pillow Salesman , Guy , Millions , Claims , Mike Lindell , Problem , Election Claims , System , Election System , Gates , Trojan Horse , Walled , Jenna Griswald , Secretary Griswald , Attempts , Election Offices , Inside County , Clerk , States , Nation , Concern , Voting Equipment , Passwords , Server , Cameras , Person Access , Judge , Action , Insider Threat , It , Office , Tina Peters , Raid , Message , Mesa County , Facebook , Lot , Extremists , Table , Misinformation , Conspiracies , Forces , Disinformation , Insider , Threats , Voter Suppression , Insider Threats , Someone , Lines , Swing State , Big Lie , Secretary Of State Race , Positions , Election Deniers , Steve Bannon , Takeover , Notice , Michigan , Secretaries , Hands , Arizona , People , Thing , Fact , Doesn T , Help , County , Election Infrastructure , Machines , Point , Level , Candidates , Part , Ticket , 500 , Freedom , Confidence , Matter , Conspiracy Theory Believers , Republicans , Happening , Perpetrators , Conspiracy Theorists , Cool , Fraud , Step , Charge , Do The Right Thing , Predecessor , Couple , Mesa , Officials , Litmus Test , Trump , Ted Cruz , Money , Lack , Courage , Primaried , Bills , Election Officials , Official , Freedoms , Death Threats , Ramifications , Insurrection , Who Don T , Fight , Ballot , Blot Box , 2022 , Jamal Bowman , House Committee On Education And Labor , Secretary Of State Colorado , Member , New York S 16th Congressional District , 16 , Sleep , Pleasure , Congressman , Liz , Time Zone , Vote , Spreading , January 6th Stuff , Incidents , January 6th , 6 , Faith , Drives , Fiddling , Perpetrating Nonsense , Hr 1 , Voting Rights Act , Hr 4 , John Lewis , 4 , 1 , Thread , Hope , Hanging , Pivot , January 6th Wasn T A Clear , Party , Example , Being , Lie , Organizing , Angles , Everyone , Economy , Education , Race Theory , Areas , Aspects , Security , Terms , Security Standpoint , Game , Show , Education Lie , Project , Critical Race Theory , Nicole Hanna Jones , 1619 , Something , History , Schools , University Students , Law Students , Let , Constituents , Cudgel , Back , School , Nonsense , Saying , Truth , Ground , School District , Voices , Things , Investments , Act , Housing , Perspectives , Teaching , Children , Investment , Climate , Climates , Childhood , Child Care , Pre K , Poverty , Health , Intertwined , Outcomes , Corner , Boots , Track , Kids , True , Kamala Harris , Conversations , Doesn T Run , Moderates , Progressives , Fighting , Hearing , Sit , Aides , Colleagues , Blame Game , Sake , Infighting , Many , Control , Working , White House , Silos , God , Violence , Trust , Parts , U S , Majority , United , Inflation , Supply Chain , Heather Boushey , High Court , Reality Check , Growth , Uh , Carlos Gutierrez , Break , Mountain , Wishes , Toys , Big Oil Accountable , Ea , Subaru , Roads , Homes , Bridges , Vo , Retailers , Holiday Deliveries , United States Postal Service , Times , Meals , Love Event , Feeding America , That S Why , One Hundred And Fifty Million , Car Company , Charity , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million Dollars , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million , Movements , Sleep Number , Smart Bed , Event , 360 , Pressure Points , Delivery , Temperature Balancing , Base , Music , Ends Monday , I Swear , Time , Gain , Flings , User , Kevin , Jaycee , More , Holidays , Holiday Tradition , Big Time , Cashbacking , Chase Freedom Unlimited , Mom , Little , Pajamas , Website , Pair , Sheets , Oil Spill , Water , California , Sheen , Coast , Huntington Beach , Oil , Offshore Drilling , Oil Spills , Ocean , Pipeline , Anchor , Danger , Cargo Ship , 26000 , Environment , Gulf Of Mexico , 80 Million , Art , Buyers , Fossil Fuel , Antiques , Care , Auction Block , Opposite , Assets , Rights , Chevron , Shell , Exxonmobil , Bp , 92 Million , 2700 , 192 Million , Gas , Countries , Headline , Heads , Pledge , American History , Cop 26 Climate Summit , 26 , 200 , Move , Coal , Use , Fossil Fuel Subsidies , World , Sort , Greenhouse Gas Emissions , Direction , Emission Goals , Risk Climate Changety , Scientists , 2030 , Companies , Wasn T , Stop , Leases , Round , Biden First , Programs , Drilling , Lawsuit , Executive Order , Permits , Pause , Harm , Fossil Fuel Development , 13 , Stake , Billions , Humankind Being , Ruling , Bidding , Energy Industry , Fossil Fuel Industry , Kind , Governments , Climate Crisis , Solutions , Nations , Gathering , Co2 , 401 , Politics , Influence , Showing , Climate Catastrophe , Dirty Energy Trade Seeps , Reporter , Lives , Gasoline Prices , Oil Drilling , Economicing , Consumers , Voters , Wallet , Feel , Lungs , Energy , Earth , Human Life , Hurricanes , Wildfires , Decision , Planet , Plan , Wallets , Glaciers , Customers , T Mobile , Iphone , Camera , Ronald , Iphone On , Magenta Max , Ray , Pro , Vacations , Diabetes , Half , Gonna Get Creamed , Everything , Glucose Levels , No , Libre 2 , 2 , Mystery , A1c , Visit , Gordon Ramsay , Call , Cold , Tide , Jerseys , Teams , Nfl , 150 , Subway , Refresh , Fast Food Game , Fine , All American Club , Say , Steak , Cheese , Seasoning , Parmesan , Mvp , Vinaigrette , Logo , Foot , Issues , Opinion , View , The Americans , Body , Quinnipiac Poll , Theed , 61 , 32 , Court , Points , Justices , Ex President , Amount , 3 , Idea , Cases , A Politicized Supreme Court Isn T , Number , Abortion Access To Gun Rights , Courts , Side , Landmark Decision , Segregation , Examples , Take Plessey Versus Ferguson , Course , They Weren T , Race , Train Seats , Facilities , Plessey Versus Ferguson , The Way , Bathrooms , Which , Vacuum , Rulings , Justice , Sentiments , Perversion , Change , Impact , Sentiment , Fast , Brown Versus Board Of Education , 1896 , 1954 , South , Fix , Jim Crow , Law Of The Land , De Facto , Civil Rights Act Of 1964 , 1964 , Homer Plessey , Train Car , It Wasn T , Arrest , Plessey , Full Circle , 2021 , Governor , Louisiana , Senior Editor , Generations , Appointee , Wave , Damage , Solution , Dahlia , Slate , Correspondent , Hand In , Super Majority , Football , Place , Changes , Lightning Speed , Rating , Argument , Any , Partisan , October About Biden S Supreme Court Commission , Commission , Report , Ideas , Testimony , Drafts , Wreckage , Answer , Nothing , Committee Material , Work , Examination , Term Limits , Anxiety , Disfavored , Interest , Roe V Wade , Insides , Functioning Court , Role , Isn T Legitimate , Important , Groundbreaking Reform Idea , Salient , Oh , None , Reform Commission , Isn T , Election Crisis , Doing , Case , Doesn T Heed , Conservative Court Doesn T , Warnings , Including A Mississippi , Power , Legitimacy , Papers , Framing , Army , Budget , Purse , Sword , It Doesn T , Gun Rights , Backup Plan , The American , Will , Dismantling , Public , Analysis , Airports , Coming Up , Matters , Gun Scare , One O World , Dahlia Lithwick , Flea Medication , Car Insurance , Floor , Unique , Chuckles , Yell , Ferry Horn Honks , Copd , Pay , Liberty Trelegy , Liberty , Spot , Coughing , High , Trelegy , Stand , On By , Breeze Driftin , Feelin Good , Medicines , Ways , Won T , Inhaler , Lung Function , Rescue Inhaler , Flare Ups , Copd Medicine , Doctor , Risk , High Blood Pressure , Breathing Problems , Breathing , Chest Pain , Pneumonia , Thrush , Osteoporosis , Swelling , Tongue , Problems Urinating , Mouth , Heart Condition , Pad , Discreet , Vision Changes , Pain , Trelegy Com , Eye , Bladder Leak Pads , Protection , Bipolar Depression , Layers , Fog , Symptoms , Latuda , Depression , Lows , Stories , Difference , Mood Changes , Studies , Weight , Behaviors , Thoughts , Adults , Fever , Dementia Patients , Confusion , Life Threatening , Antidepressants , Death , Muscles , Muscle , Teens , Stroke , Side Effects , Prescription , 0 , , Wall , Gun , Tsa , Scene , Atlanta , Hartsfield Jackson International Airport , Calm , Airport , Story , Security Screening Area , Chaos , Warrans , Nbc , Kathy Park , Kathy , Discharge , Firearm Sent Passengers Scrambling , Don T Know What S Happening , You Guys , Passenger , Everybody , Firearm , Running , Bag , Weapon , Sending Hundreds Running , Ground Stop , Scrambling , Crowds , Flights , Ducking , Cover , Updates , Panic Outside , Dozens , Faa , Thanksgiving , Record , Playing , Gun Confiscations , Busy Holiday Travel , 450 , Line , Passengers , Start , Traffic , Pandemic , Volume , Florida , 2019 , 2 Million , Surge , Rush , Aaa , 53 Million , 4 Million , Government Sources , Screening Officers , Vaccines , Vaccination Rate , Employees , 90 , Vaccine , Screening Checkpoints , Respect , Throughput , Rescreened , Friend , Injuries , Turkey , Wine , Next , Supply Change , Person , Laundry , Scent Boosters , Boosters , Detergent , D , Downy Unstopables , Fries , Mayonnaise , Rings , Club Sandwich , Little Judgy , Don T You , Stain Remover , Lifesaver , Roll , Oouf , Paper Towels , Dog , Buttercup , Innovation , Whines , Palo Alto Networks , Cloud , Prisma , Cloud Environment End , Organizations , Cloud Security Right , Cyber Security , Code , Prisma Cloud , Retinol , Spots , Range , Wrinkles , Radiance , Appearance , Scientific Research , 15 , Carbon , Emissions , Make Progress , Carbon Emissions Intensity , Operations , Executives , Human , Dinner , Shopping , Component , Kinked Supply Chain , Transportation Prices , Labor Shortages , Holiday Meal , Holiday Feast , Reasons , Betty , Family , Woman , Costs , Food Shopping , Price , Centerpiece , First , It Wasn T Enough , Turkeys , Corn , 1 76 , 21 76 , 21 76 Turkey , Ingredients , Sides , Dinner Rolls , Bakers , Pumpkin Puree , Cranberry Sauce , Supply , Driver , Cans , Crop , Humble Sweet Potato , Little Bobby , Store , Slice , Market , Apple Pie , Tad High Maintenance , Grocery Tab , Baking Aisle , Betty Heads , Haven T , Sugar Cane Factories , Pie , Sugar , Output , Hurricane Ida , Shut Down , Holiday , Ingredient , Pump , Gas Tank , Dodge , Cooped Occupy , Gas Station , Brother , Gallon , Worker Shortage , Flight , 12 , 3 41 , 41 , 2 12 , Bottle , Alas , Holiday Turkey , Favorite Napa Valley Pino Noir , Luck , Hanukkah , Betty S Thanksgiving , November 28th , 28 , Skin , Maggie Gronewald , Weather , Injectable Cabenuva , Bond , Feeling , Hiv , Ointment , Restore Healthy , Hiv Pills Aren T On My Mind , Hiv Treatment , Injections , Healthcare Provider , Me Undetectable , Liver Problems , Reactions , Reaction , Treatment Appointments , Breastfeeding , Mental Health Concerns , Injection Site Reactions , Pregnancy , Tiredness , Tradition , Season , Tis , Cadillac , Ride , Cadillac Showroom , Sleigh , Anything , Heartburn , Challengeelebrating , Prilosec Otc , Life , Small Business , Challenge , Flexibility , Service , Comcast Business Mobile , Zero Heartburn , Prilosecotc Dot Com , 24 , Zero , Contract , Network , Internet , Business , Data , Term , Match Data Options , Mix , Fees , Nationwide 5g , 30 , Four , 5 , Possibilities , Comcast Business , Households , Conversation , Cost , News , Dinner Table , Government , Wage , Pressures , Perspective , Bottlenecks , Sector , Public Sector , Secretary , Commerce , Workers , Kellogg Company , Skills , Empath , Kellogg , High Tech Stuff , Position , Planning , Supply Chain Problem , Product , Supply Chains , Beginning , Shelf , Material , Diverdiversify , Six , Five , Chain , Consumers Weren T , Whack , Covid Hit , Shortages , Economies , Toilet Paper , Items , Demand , Penalty , Savings Rate , Goods , Truck Drivers , Increase , Combination , Long Beach , We Weren T Ready For , Effects , Storm , Jobs , Factor , Retirements , Stock Market , 55 , Will Problems , Stuff , Trucker Shortage , Truckers , Light Switch , Work Force , Someway , Government Official , Causes , Winter , Big Question , Economists , Prices , Price Increases , Doesn T Go Away , Transition , Tail , Oil Prices , Awhile , Dribbling , 59 , Planes , Natural Gas , Tax , Oil Demand , All Time Low , Production , Weren T Driving , Inventory , Oil Production Ramp , Wants , Excess , Producers , Manufacturers , Oil Production , George W Bush , There Isn T , Vicious Cycle , Massachusetts , Ayanna Pressley , On Monday Biden , Package , Hurdle , East , 00 , 9 , Reelection , 2024 , Unity , Sense , Card , Joe Mansion ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC Velshi 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Velshi 20240709

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21st. i'm ali velshi. the bipartisan infrastructure bill has been signed into law by president biden and congressional democrats are optimistic about passing the build back better spending package before the end of the year. after passing the house entirely along party lines on friday, the transformative legislation is now headed to the senate for review this week, but it still has a difficult road ahead. its passage in the senate is not guaranteed. it will need all 50 democratic votes, and if it does pass, it might come out looking very different, based on the mercurial moods of joe manchin and kyrsten sinema, but at least it's moving. however, another crucial piece of the biden agenda, the agenda of anyone who cherishes democracy, by the way, has largely stalled, and i think it's voting rights. "the washington post" reports that kyrsten sinema, quote, remains firmly opposed to changing federal election laws on a partisan basis, signaling that a planned last-ditch voting rights push that party leaders and activists are planning for in the closely-divided senate in the coming months, is largely expected to fail. and that may dash any hopes of getting federal voter protections on the books, at a time when that constitutional right is more endangered than ever. across the country, we're seeing overt and covert efforts to roll back access to the ballot box and to undermine elections. and now those anti-democratic efforts have a new focus. state election officials. here's the short version of what's going on. loyalists of the failed former president who have embraced his lies about the 2020 election being stolen appear to have been trying to gain access to voter systems from the inside. they're doing that in order to conduct rogue, highly partisan so-called audits to search for and prove non-existent voter fraud. and in the process, they risk actually come pricing the very voting systems that they are falsely saying are compromised. the whole operation is seating yet more unfounded doubt about our elections. "the washington post" reports, quote, federal and state investigators are examining an attempt to reach an ohio county's election network that bears striking similarities to an incident in colorado earlier this year, when government officials helped an outsider gain access to the county voting system in an effort to find voter fraud. now, the information from both of these instances was distributed at a cyber forum that was held by this guy, the foam pillow salesman, the trump loyalist, mike lindell, who has spent millions of dollars trying to promote false claims about the 2020 election. the election claims are false, but they are ceding doubt in our political system. they are the trojan horse is basically inside the walled gates of our election system right now. and it's going to pose a yet bigger problem in elections to come. joining me now is the secretary of state of colorado, jenna griswald, who has faced this a few months ago, took it to court and is trying to solve this. secretary griswald, thank you for being with us so early from colorado. this is a major problem, so we've seen legislative attempts, we've seen mike lindell and the pillow guy, but now we're seeing these attempts at compromising the elections from inside county election offices like you have in colorado. >> that's right, ali. thank you for having me on. this is a tremendous concern for the nation. i think many states need to prepare themselves. so what happened in colorado is an elected clerk, elected to uphold democracy and execute elections, ended up turning off cameras to voting equipment, allowing an unauthorized person access, and then passwords and server images to voting equipment was leaked online. so i took quick action, we decertified the voting equipment. i asked a judge to bar that clerk. and we just had great elections. but this is coming, as you mentioned, with this newest insider threat being reported out of ohio. >> you -- the republican clerk in mesa county, tina peters, falsely accused you of organizing a raid on her office, and ended up actually threatening you about it, or sending you a threatening message on facebook. >> that's right. there's a lot of misinformation out there, and forces, extremists who want to undermine elections are using disinformation to set the table. you know, the same lies, the same conspiracies that have been fueling this voter suppression across the nation are now leading to these insider threats, and i think it's noteworthy to say that mike lindell appears to be connected to both the insider threats in colorado and ohio and along the same lines, we're seeing extremists like steve bannon encouraging election deniers to take over local election positions. we're seeing in every swing state where there's a secretary of state race, someone who is spreading the big lie, running to oversee elections. so we need to stop the misinformation and really take notice of what's happening. and that's an attempted takeover of elections across the nation. >> so we are seeing in various states, including in michigan, where there is a democratic secretary of state, in arizona, secretaries of state taking these matters into their own hands and trying to solve them, identifying them and solve them, as you've tried to do. again, i worry, i'm pleased that there are people like you doing it, but democracy needs to not just depend on the fact that you are doing the right thing. what infrastructural support do you need and do other states need to ensure that this doesn't happen. is this federal legislation that gets involved and you say you can't just go rogue in your county and decide to filled with the machines? >> that would be a big help. i think states need to look at their election infrastructure right now and recognize that more insider threats are likely come. at this point, over 500 candidates are running at the state level on the republican ticket, who say 2020 was stolen. but to your point, this is part of a coordinated effort to undermine democracy and strip americans of their freedom to vote. and we desperately need to u.s. senate to pass protections to make sure that americans have access to the ballot box, that we're pushing back on those who are trying to destroy democracy from within, and that we are cementing the confidence in elections to make sure that we have democracy for decades to come. and hopefully centuries to come. >> i want to be clear about a point i made. tina peters herself didn't send you a threatening message, someone else did relating to that matter of the raid on the office. your point about democracy is the most important point. is this partisan or are these people who are doing this in ohio and colorado, are they falling for this big lie? are they conspiracy theory believers? because i do know that in your state and in other states where this is happening, there are republicans who have stood up to these conspiracy theorists and these big lie perpetrators and said, that's not democracy. if you don't like the democrats won an election, that's cool. democracy allows you to not like that. but this is a step too far. people who are actually in charge of running our elections, which are generally safe and free of fraud, are now the perpetrators of fraud themselves. >> well, i think it's both. we are seeing republicans stand up and do the right thing. i actually asked a judge to appoint my predecessor, a republican secretary of state, to oversee mesa's election, just a couple of weeks ago. to be but to be extremely clear, the lies are being fueled by extreme republican elected officials, along the lines of ted cruz, president trump. this is coming from the very top of the republican party and they are creating basically a litmus test. either you're with the former president in stating that the election was stolen from him or you will be primaried. money will be spent against you. they're going to try to make you lose. so we are seeing a lack of courage from many republican officials and candidates who are perpetrating these lies, spreading the big lie. and there's real ramifications. the insurrection. 500 bills to take away americans' freedoms. countless death threats against election officials. so we need to push on every elected official to uphold democracy, believe in democracy, and for those who don't, well, i sure hope they are held accountable at the blot box, because in 2022, democracy is on the ballot. >> that is entirely right. and i thank you again. it's very early for you out there, but the fight for democracy does not sleep. jenna griswald, secretary of state of colorado. joining me now is democratic congressman jamal bowman, he represents new york's 16th congressional district. he's a member of the house committee on education and labor. congressman, it's always a pleasure to see you so early in the morning. liz, you got a calm extra hours of sleep, because we're in the same time zone. but i want to start with what secretary griswald was just say. we have fires on every front when it comes to securing democracy, on the right to vote, on the spreading of the big lie, on the january 6th stuff. and now as secretary griswald was talking about, we know that in september, there were incidents in colorado, now in ohio, we're hearing about them in michigan, where there are election officials who are perpetrating nonsense, who are fiddling with machines, who are inserting hard drives and taking out information, both to prove nonexistent fraud and to continue to undermine our faith in our elections. and secretary griswald said she would love federal legislation to help out in the fight that she's having. >> absolutely. and the house has already passed hr-1 and hr-4, which is the john lewis voting rights act. and it's been sitting in the senate for several months. so my hope is we pass build back better as quickly as possible in the senate and pivot directly to voting rights. i mean, this is -- our democracy is hanging by a thread. if january 6th wasn't a clear example of that, i don't know what is. it's being undermined from multiple angles. you mentioned how the republican party is now trump party pushing the big lie. they are mobilizing and organizing across the country to push that lie and suppress the vote in states the country. we need everyone who cares about our democracy and our economy and the future of our country needs to be engaged and involved in what's happening, not just with voting rights, but with all aspects of our nation, because right now, we see lies pushed in education, with critical race theory, we see lies pushed in many other areas. and we have to push back. so, it's legislation, it's also protecting the ballot box in terms of security, from a security standpoint. and it's also just getting engaged and involved in democracy, because we need everyone to be in the game. >> you talk about -- you're right. we're in the era of lies right now, including about education. but that education lie, critical race theory, yesterday on the show, we were talking to nicole hanna jones about the 1619 project, that has been changed and morphed by republicans into something that it's not. so 1619 project just says, hey, let's actually learn about the history that actually existed, that we don't learn in schools. critical race theory is meant for law students and university students. but it is being used effectively as a cudgel. what do democrats do to fight back. saying, i don't want this nonsense being taught in school. how do you fight that back with your constituents? >> well, we need to raise the level of our voices. and we need boots on the ground and we need to be engaged in every single school district in this country, telling the truth. and the truth is, we want an accurate teaching of history. if we teach history accurately from multiple perspectives, it helps to strengthen and improve our democracy. one of the things i love about the build back better act, is not just investments in housing, largest investments in history, and investment in climate, largest investment in climates, largest investments in history, but also the investments in our children, early childhood education, universal child care, universal pre-k, keeping 50% of children out of poverty. when we invest in our children, that's how we protect and sustain our democracy and our economy and have better health and economic outcomes going forward. so it's all intertwined and the good thing about the build back better act is, it's a holistic bill and it helps us to put our kids on the right track. so push back with the true and be loud and proud about the truth in every corner of this country with boots on the ground, and again, elected and non-elected officials need to be engaged. >> the election was just over a year ago, and already there are conversations about whether biden runs again, whether kamala harris runs if he doesn't run, and what shape the democratic party should take in the next election. there are conversations about moderates having pushed the agenda too far. now we are hearing that joe biden and his aides are telling people that he will run again. how does all of that sit with you? >> progressives and moderates need to stop fighting and work together. and progressives are trying to work with moderates and even our more conservative colleagues. we want to work together, we need to work together for the sake of our country and the future of our democracy. enough of the blame game, enough of the infighting, enough of the working in silos. let's come together collaboratively to support whoever runs for president, because guess what? if we lose control of the house and the senate and the white house, god only knows what's going to happen, because as you know, many of my republican colleagues are not only just pushing the big lie, they're pushing violence in certain parts of our country. we cannot normalize violence, we cannot normalize lies, and we have to regain public confidence and public trust, and it's up to us as democrats to regain that public confidence and trust. >> democratic representative jamal bowman of new york, good to see you. thank you. well, a country united at least about the supreme court. the majority of americans believe the high court is too politically motivated. . uh, yeah. but first, a reality check on inflation, supply chain and wage growth with white house economic adviser heather boushey and carlos gutierrez. and. and right after the break, we'll hold big oil accountable. e a mountain of toys to fulfill many wishes must be carried across all roads and all bridges. it's not magic that makes more holiday deliveries to homes in the us than anyone else, it's the hardworking people of the united states postal service. 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[music: "i swear"] jaycee tried gain flings for the first time the other day... and forgot where she was. you can always spot a first time gain flings user. ♪ ♪ kevin, where are you? kevin?!?!? hey, what's going on? i'm right here! i was busy cashbacking for the holidays with chase freedom unlimited. you know i can't believe you lost another kevin. it's a holiday tradition! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. - mom! mom, what are you doing? - these sheets were so soft, so i decided to make a pair of pajamas out of them. - but you realize you can go straight to their website. they have pajamas there. - i guess that would have been a little easier. officials in california are investigating another potential oil spill off the coast of huntington beach. a sheen was spotted on the water near the pipeline that was ruptured back in october by the anchor of a cargo ship. 26,000 gallons of oil spilled into the ocean. now, accidental oil spills are danger inherent to offshore drilling. offshore drilling is a lot of things. it's extremely lucrative and extremely dangerous to the environment. but it continues unabated and we're about to see a lot more of it. last week, 80 million acres of the gulf of mexico were placed on the auction block, just like rare antiques or a coveted piece of art. except the buyers won't handle their sacred assets with care. quite the opposite, actually. fossil fuel companies like exxonmobil, bp, chevron, and shell have leased the rights to drill in the gulf of mexico. totaling 2,700 square miles for a combined $192 million. it is one of the largest oil and gas leases in american history. now, i know, some of you must be scratching your heads, because last week started with this headline. nearly 200 countries have made an unprecedented and historic pledge at the cop-26 climate summit to speed up the end of fossil fuel subsidies and reduce the use of coal. yet just days later, the united states, under president biden, oversees a move that goes entirely in the opposite direction. the sort of move that works against the u.s.' own stated emission goals. now, scientists say the world needs to be well on its way to cutting greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2030 or risk climate changety. the latest round of oil and gas leases means that companies can produce oil well beyond that deadline. the white house says there wasn't much that president biden could do. his hands were tied. when biden first took office, he put a stop to new oil and gas drilling, with an executive order that paused permits and ordered a review of programs that are related to fossil fuel development. but 13 republican states filed a lawsuit citing biden's pause citing undue harm to the lucrative energy industry. and when a federal judge sided with those states, the bidding began. in his ruling, the judge wrote, quote, millions and possibly billions of dollars are at stake, end quote. he's right. he left out the part about the future of humankind being at stake, too. this is the kind of thing that makes it so hard for governments to get ahead of the climate crisis. money is pumped into and out of the fossil fuel industry even faster than the industry pumps co2 into the environment. and some of that money, by the way, is in your 401(k). at this month's cop-26 climate summit, a weeks-long gathering of nations to discover solutions to the climate catastrophe, you know who had the biggest showing? fossil fuel. the grimy influence of the dirty energy trade seeps deep into our politics and into our daily lives. i get it. i'm an economicing reporter. oil drilling is wildly profitable. it keeps gasoline prices at bay. coal is disgusting, but it's cheap and abundant. and at a time when america is living in this world of heightened inflation, drilling off the gulf of mexico probably sounds enticing to many. and it seems that many consumers and voters prefer feel of more dollars in their wallet than cleaner air in their lungs. but we're going to have to decide that some things, like an earth that can continue to sustain human life, are actually more important than cheap and convenient, but filthy and deadly energy. and until we make that decision, wildfires will burn hotter, hurricanes will hit harder, and glaciers will melt faster. americans need to vote. at the ballot box and with our wallets to embrace clean energy. until and unless we do, this planet will continue to burn. , s planet will continue to burn out there. we need a plan! i have a plan— right now at t-mobile, customers on magenta max can get the new iphone 13 pro— and t-mobile will pay for it! it has the most advanced iphone camera ever! i'm talking new customers! i'm talking about existing customers like ronald! the new iphone on t-mobile— let's do it! new and existing t-mobile and sprint customers can upgrade to the iphone 13 pro on us. on our most popular max plan. do we have a plan for the second half? 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wait i'm out of time? americans are split on a lot of issues, but the majority of the country is united in one opinion of the supreme court. and the americans' view of the nation's highest political body is not exactly positive. a new quinnipiac poll reveals that 61% of the country believes that the supreme court is may have theed mainly by politics compared to 32% who believe it's motivated by the law. now, that 61% is up about 6 percentage points compared to two years ago. now, a lot has happened in that short amount of time. three justices were nominated and confirmed by the twice-impeached ex-president, giving the court a 6-3 conservative majority. this as the court is set to rule on a number of very high-profile cases, ranging from abortion access to gun rights, starting as soon as tomorrow. but here's the thing. a politicized supreme court isn't a new thing. you may have grown up with this idea that generally speaking, the courts are right and fair. but there are actually plenty of examples of the supreme court being on the wrong side of history. take plessey versus ferguson, for example, a landmark decision that essentially upheld the segregation that was based on race. states could legally offer separate facilities like train seats and bathrooms to black and white people provided the facilities were identical, which, by the way, they weren't. of course, we look back at plessey versus ferguson now and can plainly see it was a perversion of justice. but it's fair to say to say that it was not made in a vacuum, it was driven by the racial politics of the time. and although public sentiments often change, supreme court rulings don't always change with them, or as fast as sentiment does. and outdated rulings have long-lasting impact. plessey versus ferguson was decided in 1896. it stood until it was overturned by brown versus board of education in 1954. more than half a century later. however, jim crow remained the de facto law of the land of the south until the civil rights act of 1964, which was a congressional legislative fix, not a judicial one. it wasn't until now, by the way, in 2021, that plessey versus ferguson is coming full circle. homer plessey, whose arrest for refusing to leave a whites-only train car ended up before the supreme court and he's about to be posthumously pardoned by the governor of louisiana. now with a supreme court made up of mostly trump appointee, there is concern that we're on a wave of rolling back constitutional rights and could do generations of damage before they are reversed. joining me now is a senior editor and legal correspondent for slate. dahlia, thank you for being with us. i need to ask you, a lot of americans think the courts are politicized. what's the solution? well, the solution is that the court is politicized. it's always been politicized, as you said. the court and politics have ebbed and flowed, hand in hand, for years. the problem is, court needs to behave as though it's not politicized, treating it like a football during the trump years, americans have completely lost confidence in the court and the other thing that's changed is that you have this 6-3 super majority that's been in place for a year, and they are rating, racing at lightning speed to make huge changes and that's unsettled. the solution to this is for the court to behave like a court and not to behave. >> so that's interesting. you are making a very reasoned argument that everything is political, everyone has a political view, but being appointed to the supreme court, and not like you're a partisan of a political party. you did write in october about biden's supreme court commission. you said you don't like any of the solutions that they suggest. if you survey all the legal wreckage and ask what can be done about it, the commission's interim report has an answer. nothing. it will take more testimony and write more drafts, but even the modest ideas that were on the table, what was said about its work, the imposing of term limits on supreme court justices appear on closer examination to now be disfavored. the committee material is so deeply shot through with its anxiety about further politicizing the court, that it opts to leave the court as is. are you suggesting that's right that they see it that way or that they're just scared to propose big solutions. >> there were way too many insides who had a vested interest in the court continuing to be legitimate. and let's be clear, i think all of us have a vested interest in the court continuing to be legitimate. you just mentioned brown v. board. you mentioned roe v. wade. the court has an absolutely essential role, especially as elections get politicized. we need to have a functioning court that americans have confidence in. my concern was that the commission is so worried about making the court look bad that they threw away almost any important, salient, groundbreaking reform idea and they dressed it up in these sort of oh, no, we don't want people to think that the court isn't legitimate. so there are things we have to do and things that the court isn't even considering doing, the reform commission, and those are the kind of things that have to happen before we get enmeshed in another election crisis. >> except none of them are going to happen before some very, very big cases that are coming to the supreme court, including a mississippi case that directly challenges roe v. wade. what happens then? what happens if this conservative court doesn't heed your warnings, doesn't heed public opinion, and does away with roe v. wade? what happens? >> well, you know, the court, from the framing, this is in the federalist papers, has no power. it has no army. it has no budget. it has neither sword no purse. so if its public legitimacy disintegrated, it doesn't have a backup plan. it doesn't have a way to enforce its will on the country. so what happens then is if the court does what we think it's going to do, both dismantling roe v. wade and really increasing gun rights, the american public is going to have a catastrophic lack of faith in the court and we're back into the era of, you know, this has happened before, the court has no power. and that is terrifying. >> dahlia, always a pleasure to get your analysis on these important matters. i appreciate your time this morning. dahlia lithwick is a senior editor and legal correspondent for slate. coming up, the fallout from a gun scare inside one of the world's busiest airports. one o world's busiest airports knows everyone's unique. that's why they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. 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>> reporter: hey, ali. good morning to you. it is one of the busiest travel weeks of the year, and at one of the busiest airports in the world. an accidental discharge of a firearm sent passengers scrambling. fortunately, things are back to normal this morning, but they are still looking for the man who set off that gun. thanksgiving travel off to a chaotic start at atlanta's hartsfield-jackson international airport. >> you guys, i'm in the airport. and i don't know what's happening. everybody's running. >> reporter: security was inspecting a passenger's bag containing a loaded firearm. the passenger lunged for the weapon, accidentally discharging it before fleeing the airport. sending hundreds running, scrambling, and ducking down for cover. >> get down! >> reporter: panic outside, too. with crowds waiting for updates. the faa issued a ground stop. dozens of flights were delayed. atlanta's airport routinely leads the nation in gun confiscations. a record 450 firearms this year alone. all of this playing out with millions on the move ahead of a busy holiday travel week. >> it's going to feel like that old thanksgiving, where you either sat in traffic or were in line at the airport. >> the tsa screening more than 2.2 million people friday. the biggest volume of passengers since the start of the pandemic. airports in california and florida look more like 2019, with long lines and wait times. this year, aaa estimates roughly 53 million thanksgiving travelers, at least 4 million plan to fly. >> try to get out early, avoid the rush. >> tsa officials say they're prepared to handle the surge, even with monday's looming deadline requiring vaccines for employees. government sources tell nbc news they estimate the vaccination rate amongst screening officers to be around 90%. >> yeah, to the point, we are going to be staffed enough to handle the surge, and i expect to have no impact whatsoever with respect to the vaccine on throughput on times going through the tsa screening checkpoints. >> reporter: atlanta's airport was back to normal operations by saturday afternoon. and people who were at the airport at the time of the incident had to be rescreened. we've also learned that three people sustained nonlife-threatening injuries. ali? >> kathy, thank you for that. coming up, my friend betty is back for the holidays and it looks like she isn't feeling particularly thankful this thanksgiving. maybe it's the hugely expensive turkey or it could be the missing wine. but we've got the perfect person to help us understand how to turn supply change and wage-driven inflation around. carlos gutierrez joins us next. d carlos gutierrez joins us next -t boosters keep your laundry smelling fresh way longer than detergent alone. if you want laundry to smell fresh for weeks, make sure you have downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters. tonight, i'll be eating a club sandwich with fries and a side of mayonnaise. 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how far we have to go. if you've started shopping for thanksgiving dinner, you'll notice that you're dishing out more money for your holiday meal than ever before. just about every component of the traditional holiday feast will be more expensive than in years past. it's inflation. and there are several reasons for it. a kinked supply chain, labor shortages, high transportation prices, even climate change all mean higher costs are getting passed on to you or our friend betty. betty is hosting her family for thanksgiving this year, but she's a busy woman who waited until the last minute to go food shopping. she budgeted for what she expected to spend based on last year, but it wasn't enough. and here's why. first, the centerpiece of thanksgiving meals, the turkey. the average price of a 16-pound turkey was just under $13 in 2019. this year, the same 16-pound bird will cost betty $21.76. turkey is more expensive this year largely because the price of corn is up, upon which most commercial turkeys feed. because turkey's got to eat, too. all right, next, betty moves on to the sides. the packaged dinner rolls are pricier, because just about all of the ingredients used by commercial bakers have increased. panned cranberry sauce or pumpkin puree will wallop the wallet, because domestic steel cans are trying to catch up, and the humble sweet potato are not so sweet this year. some farms who are paying driver who in short supply twice as much or more to haul the crop from their farm to your market. well, annoyed by the increasing grocery tab, betty heads to the baking aisle, because little bobby who's a tad high maintenance will be ornery if he doesn't get his slice of apple pie, except the store is out of sugar. little does betty know that sugar cane factories in the south were shut down by hurricane ida back in august and they still haven't recovered their output. betty wonders if little bobby would notice if his pie was missing a key ingredient. she stopped to fill up her gas tank. after being cooped occupy last year, a lot of people have decided to get out of dodge for the holiday. when betty finally gets to the pump, she's not pleased with the price, because the national average price of gas is $3.41 a gallon, up from $2.12 a year ago. well, as betty leaves the gas station, she gets a call from her brother in california, whose flight is already delayed because of a tsa worker shortage at the airport. he was supposed to bring her a bottle of betty's favorite napa valley pino noir, which pairs perfectly with that holiday turkey. alas, betty will have to buy her own wine, because as you recall, betty likes wine. all right, betty's thanksgiving is officially ruined, but hanukkah just around the corner. it starts on november 28th. maybe she'll have better luck then. november 28th maybe she'll have better luck then firefighter maggie gronewald knows how to handle dry weather... ...and dry, cracked skin. new gold bond advanced healing ointment. 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your position but back then, companies like kellogg dealt with supply chain differently. we were just in time as we were. it was a lot more long-term planning what supplies they needed and things like that. what changed? why do we have the supply chain problem today? >> well, you know, back then we were trying to be just in time at the beginning of the effort but even supply chains were beginning to diverdiversify. a simple product on the shelf could be made with material and ingredients from five or six different companies. it's a fragile supply chain. when covid hit, that supply chain just if you have one chain out of whack then that impacts the whole supply chain so supply chains were impacted but consumers weren't spending as much because they were quarantined and staying indoors. we remember back then we had some shortages of the toilet paper and some items. what's happening today, the u.s. has been one of the first economies to open. so consumers have built up a pretty high savings rate, higher than normal and there is penalty -- pent up demand. they want to spend what they saved but the supply chains are barely getting ready. the increase in demand, that's what we weren't ready for. the goods are arriving but they're stuck in long beach because we don't have enough truck drivers to bring them in so it's been this combination of effects that have just really become a perfect storm at the same time, we're seeing people rethinking their lives during covid. some people quit their jobs and want to start something new, start their own business. above 55 years of age we're seeing more retirements than normal. that could be a factor of the stock market doing well and thinking maybe i can retire now. all these things have come together and that's impacted inflation and inflation is something that once it gets started, you can't turn it off like a light switch. >> as you said, these will problems that will work themselves out in someway. we'll eventually get the stuff we need. it's a slower process with wage. we're getting people into the work force with getting truckers. we had a trucker shortage for a long time in america. it's a growing industry and fewer people do it. is this inflation a temporary matter? will some of it last for longer and frankly, as a former government official what can the government do about supply and wage related causes of inflation. >> you know, that's the big question. i worry a little bit when i hear some economists say it's going to be temporary and that to me sounds like it will be like winter. it comes and it goes. one day it isn't here anymore. inflation tends to feed on itself. so people learn that they might as well buy something now because the prices are going to go up. that causes shortages and that causes price increases. so inflation just doesn't go away. and i believe it's going to be here for awhile and just one way to think about it if inflation is 6%, that doesn't mean that prices are going to go down 6%. we're going to start at a whole new level which is 6% higher. so yes, it may be temporary, it may be transition but how long is the transition and how long will we see a tail of inflation? i think longer than some people expect. some people think it will go away. it's not. it's going to be dribbling for awhile. >> let me ask you about the one part not as easy to remedy and that's oil prices. oil prices are up 59% in the last year. now, obviously, they plummeted last year because people were not driving or traveling on planes but they are up. house delivered natural gas is up 28%, gasoline up 50%. that's real. that's a tax on people. they're paying more money for something, a product they're not getting more of. >> yeah, this is also a factor of supply and demand. yo u recall when oil demand was at an all time low. one day the prices were negative so people weren't driving, not taking planes. they're still not taking planes. so oil producers dramatically reduced their production. because you can't continue to produce when you're selling at low prices or not selling enough. inventory is very low and the big question is does oil production ramp up even though people know, manufacturers know, producers know prices will eventually settle down and no one wants to get caught with an excess of inventory so it's a vicious cycle. there isn't as much oil production as there usually is. >> secretary, good to talk to you. we'll schedule that for another day. former u.s. secretary -- >> look forward to that. >> under george w. bush, chairman and ceo of the kellogg company. carlos gutierrez. heather boushey joins us next and massachusetts congresswoman ayanna pressley joins us. another hour of "velshi" begins right now. good morning, it is 9:00 a.m. in the east. i'm ali velshi. on monday biden signed into law a trillion dollars infrastructure bill and on friday his second signature spending package, the build back better cleared a major hurdle by passing the house and saturday, yesterday he turned 79 and according to brand-new reporting by "the washington post" began reassuring political allies he will be running for reelection in 2024. we'll have much more on that later on this hour. but democrats emerged from the house floor calling the president's agenda historic and transformative and joe mansion remains a wild card there is a sense of unity within the

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State Race , Positions , Election Deniers , Steve Bannon , Takeover , Notice , Michigan , Secretaries , Hands , Arizona , People , Thing , Fact , Doesn T , Help , County , Election Infrastructure , Machines , Point , Level , Candidates , Part , Ticket , 500 , Freedom , Confidence , Matter , Conspiracy Theory Believers , Republicans , Happening , Perpetrators , Conspiracy Theorists , Cool , Fraud , Step , Charge , Do The Right Thing , Predecessor , Couple , Mesa , Officials , Litmus Test , Trump , Ted Cruz , Money , Lack , Courage , Primaried , Bills , Election Officials , Official , Freedoms , Death Threats , Ramifications , Insurrection , Who Don T , Fight , Ballot , Blot Box , 2022 , Jamal Bowman , House Committee On Education And Labor , Secretary Of State Colorado , Member , New York S 16th Congressional District , 16 , Sleep , Pleasure , Congressman , Liz , Time Zone , Vote , Spreading , January 6th Stuff , Incidents , January 6th , 6 , Faith , Drives , Fiddling , Perpetrating Nonsense , Hr 1 , Voting Rights Act , Hr 4 , John Lewis , 4 , 1 , Thread , Hope , Hanging , Pivot , January 6th Wasn T A Clear , Party , Example , Being , Lie , Organizing , Angles , Everyone , Economy , Education , Race Theory , Areas , Aspects , Security , Terms , Security Standpoint , Game , Show , Education Lie , Project , Critical Race Theory , Nicole Hanna Jones , 1619 , Something , History , Schools , University Students , Law Students , Let , Constituents , Cudgel , Back , School , Nonsense , Saying , Truth , Ground , School District , Voices , Things , Investments , Act , Housing , Perspectives , Teaching , Children , Investment , Climate , Climates , Childhood , Child Care , Pre K , Poverty , Health , Intertwined , Outcomes , Corner , Boots , Track , Kids , True , Kamala Harris , Conversations , Doesn T Run , Moderates , Progressives , Fighting , Hearing , Sit , Aides , Colleagues , Blame Game , Sake , Infighting , Many , Control , Working , White House , Silos , God , Violence , Trust , Parts , U S , Majority , United , Inflation , Supply Chain , Heather Boushey , High Court , Reality Check , Growth , Uh , Carlos Gutierrez , Break , Mountain , Wishes , Toys , Big Oil Accountable , Ea , Subaru , Roads , Homes , Bridges , Vo , Retailers , Holiday Deliveries , United States Postal Service , Times , Meals , Love Event , Feeding America , That S Why , One Hundred And Fifty Million , Car Company , Charity , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million Dollars , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million , Movements , Sleep Number , Smart Bed , Event , 360 , Pressure Points , Delivery , Temperature Balancing , Base , Music , Ends Monday , I Swear , Time , Gain , Flings , User , Kevin , Jaycee , More , Holidays , Holiday Tradition , Big Time , Cashbacking , Chase Freedom Unlimited , Mom , Little , Pajamas , Website , Pair , Sheets , Oil Spill , Water , California , Sheen , Coast , Huntington Beach , Oil , Offshore Drilling , Oil Spills , Ocean , Pipeline , Anchor , Danger , Cargo Ship , 26000 , Environment , Gulf Of Mexico , 80 Million , Art , Buyers , Fossil Fuel , Antiques , Care , Auction Block , Opposite , Assets , Rights , Chevron , Shell , Exxonmobil , Bp , 92 Million , 2700 , 192 Million , Gas , Countries , Headline , Heads , Pledge , American History , Cop 26 Climate Summit , 26 , 200 , Move , Coal , Use , Fossil Fuel Subsidies , World , Sort , Greenhouse Gas Emissions , Direction , Emission Goals , Risk Climate Changety , Scientists , 2030 , Companies , Wasn T , Stop , Leases , Round , Biden First , Programs , Drilling , Lawsuit , Executive Order , Permits , Pause , Harm , Fossil Fuel Development , 13 , Stake , Billions , Humankind Being , Ruling , Bidding , Energy Industry , Fossil Fuel Industry , Kind , Governments , Climate Crisis , Solutions , Nations , Gathering , Co2 , 401 , Politics , Influence , Showing , Climate Catastrophe , Dirty Energy Trade Seeps , Reporter , Lives , Gasoline Prices , Oil Drilling , Economicing , Consumers , Voters , Wallet , Feel , Lungs , Energy , Earth , Human Life , Hurricanes , Wildfires , Decision , Planet , Plan , Wallets , Glaciers , Customers , T Mobile , Iphone , Camera , Ronald , Iphone On , Magenta Max , Ray , Pro , Vacations , Diabetes , Half , Gonna Get Creamed , Everything , Glucose Levels , No , Libre 2 , 2 , Mystery , A1c , Visit , Gordon Ramsay , Call , Cold , Tide , Jerseys , Teams , Nfl , 150 , Subway , Refresh , Fast Food Game , Fine , All American Club , Say , Steak , Cheese , Seasoning , Parmesan , Mvp , Vinaigrette , Logo , Foot , Issues , Opinion , View , The Americans , Body , Quinnipiac Poll , Theed , 61 , 32 , Court , Points , Justices , Ex President , Amount , 3 , Idea , Cases , A Politicized Supreme Court Isn T , Number , Abortion Access To Gun Rights , Courts , Side , Landmark Decision , Segregation , Examples , Take Plessey Versus Ferguson , Course , They Weren T , Race , Train Seats , Facilities , Plessey Versus Ferguson , The Way , Bathrooms , Which , Vacuum , Rulings , Justice , Sentiments , Perversion , Change , Impact , Sentiment , Fast , Brown Versus Board Of Education , 1896 , 1954 , South , Fix , Jim Crow , Law Of The Land , De Facto , Civil Rights Act Of 1964 , 1964 , Homer Plessey , Train Car , It Wasn T , Arrest , Plessey , Full Circle , 2021 , Governor , Louisiana , Senior Editor , Generations , Appointee , Wave , Damage , Solution , Dahlia , Slate , Correspondent , Hand In , Super Majority , Football , Place , Changes , Lightning Speed , Rating , Argument , Any , Partisan , October About Biden S Supreme Court Commission , Commission , Report , Ideas , Testimony , Drafts , Wreckage , Answer , Nothing , Committee Material , Work , Examination , Term Limits , Anxiety , Disfavored , Interest , Roe V Wade , Insides , Functioning Court , Role , Isn T Legitimate , Important , Groundbreaking Reform Idea , Salient , Oh , None , Reform Commission , Isn T , Election Crisis , Doing , Case , Doesn T Heed , Conservative Court Doesn T , Warnings , Including A Mississippi , Power , Legitimacy , Papers , Framing , Army , Budget , Purse , Sword , It Doesn T , Gun Rights , Backup Plan , The American , Will , Dismantling , Public , Analysis , Airports , Coming Up , Matters , Gun Scare , One O World , Dahlia Lithwick , Flea Medication , Car Insurance , Floor , Unique , Chuckles , Yell , Ferry Horn Honks , Copd , Pay , Liberty Trelegy , Liberty , Spot , Coughing , High , Trelegy , Stand , On By , Breeze Driftin , Feelin Good , Medicines , Ways , Won T , Inhaler , Lung Function , Rescue Inhaler , Flare Ups , Copd Medicine , Doctor , Risk , High Blood Pressure , Breathing Problems , Breathing , Chest Pain , Pneumonia , Thrush , Osteoporosis , Swelling , Tongue , Problems Urinating , Mouth , Heart Condition , Pad , Discreet , Vision Changes , Pain , Trelegy Com , Eye , Bladder Leak Pads , Protection , Bipolar Depression , Layers , Fog , Symptoms , Latuda , Depression , Lows , Stories , Difference , Mood Changes , Studies , Weight , Behaviors , Thoughts , Adults , Fever , Dementia Patients , Confusion , Life Threatening , Antidepressants , Death , Muscles , Muscle , Teens , Stroke , Side Effects , Prescription , 0 , , Wall , Gun , Tsa , Scene , Atlanta , Hartsfield Jackson International Airport , Calm , Airport , Story , Security Screening Area , Chaos , Warrans , Nbc , Kathy Park , Kathy , Discharge , Firearm Sent Passengers Scrambling , Don T Know What S Happening , You Guys , Passenger , Everybody , Firearm , Running , Bag , Weapon , Sending Hundreds Running , Ground Stop , Scrambling , Crowds , Flights , Ducking , Cover , Updates , Panic Outside , Dozens , Faa , Thanksgiving , Record , Playing , Gun Confiscations , Busy Holiday Travel , 450 , Line , Passengers , Start , Traffic , Pandemic , Volume , Florida , 2019 , 2 Million , Surge , Rush , Aaa , 53 Million , 4 Million , Government Sources , Screening Officers , Vaccines , Vaccination Rate , Employees , 90 , Vaccine , Screening Checkpoints , Respect , Throughput , Rescreened , Friend , Injuries , Turkey , Wine , Next , Supply Change , Person , Laundry , Scent Boosters , Boosters , Detergent , D , Downy Unstopables , Fries , Mayonnaise , Rings , Club Sandwich , Little Judgy , Don T You , Stain Remover , Lifesaver , Roll , Oouf , Paper Towels , Dog , Buttercup , Innovation , Whines , Palo Alto Networks , Cloud , Prisma , Cloud Environment End , Organizations , Cloud Security Right , Cyber Security , Code , Prisma Cloud , Retinol , Spots , Range , Wrinkles , Radiance , Appearance , Scientific Research , 15 , Carbon , Emissions , Make Progress , Carbon Emissions Intensity , Operations , Executives , Human , Dinner , Shopping , Component , Kinked Supply Chain , Transportation Prices , Labor Shortages , Holiday Meal , Holiday Feast , Reasons , Betty , Family , Woman , Costs , Food Shopping , Price , Centerpiece , First , It Wasn T Enough , Turkeys , Corn , 1 76 , 21 76 , 21 76 Turkey , Ingredients , Sides , Dinner Rolls , Bakers , Pumpkin Puree , Cranberry Sauce , Supply , Driver , Cans , Crop , Humble Sweet Potato , Little Bobby , Store , Slice , Market , Apple Pie , Tad High Maintenance , Grocery Tab , Baking Aisle , Betty Heads , Haven T , Sugar Cane Factories , Pie , Sugar , Output , Hurricane Ida , Shut Down , Holiday , Ingredient , Pump , Gas Tank , Dodge , Cooped Occupy , Gas Station , Brother , Gallon , Worker Shortage , Flight , 12 , 3 41 , 41 , 2 12 , Bottle , Alas , Holiday Turkey , Favorite Napa Valley Pino Noir , Luck , Hanukkah , Betty S Thanksgiving , November 28th , 28 , Skin , Maggie Gronewald , Weather , Injectable Cabenuva , Bond , Feeling , Hiv , Ointment , Restore Healthy , Hiv Pills Aren T On My Mind , Hiv Treatment , Injections , Healthcare Provider , Me Undetectable , Liver Problems , Reactions , Reaction , Treatment Appointments , Breastfeeding , Mental Health Concerns , Injection Site Reactions , Pregnancy , Tiredness , Tradition , Season , Tis , Cadillac , Ride , Cadillac Showroom , Sleigh , Anything , Heartburn , Challengeelebrating , Prilosec Otc , Life , Small Business , Challenge , Flexibility , Service , Comcast Business Mobile , Zero Heartburn , Prilosecotc Dot Com , 24 , Zero , Contract , Network , Internet , Business , Data , Term , Match Data Options , Mix , Fees , Nationwide 5g , 30 , Four , 5 , Possibilities , Comcast Business , Households , Conversation , Cost , News , Dinner Table , Government , Wage , Pressures , Perspective , Bottlenecks , Sector , Public Sector , Secretary , Commerce , Workers , Kellogg Company , Skills , Empath , Kellogg , High Tech Stuff , Position , Planning , Supply Chain Problem , Product , Supply Chains , Beginning , Shelf , Material , Diverdiversify , Six , Five , Chain , Consumers Weren T , Whack , Covid Hit , Shortages , Economies , Toilet Paper , Items , Demand , Penalty , Savings Rate , Goods , Truck Drivers , Increase , Combination , Long Beach , We Weren T Ready For , Effects , Storm , Jobs , Factor , Retirements , Stock Market , 55 , Will Problems , Stuff , Trucker Shortage , Truckers , Light Switch , Work Force , Someway , Government Official , Causes , Winter , Big Question , Economists , Prices , Price Increases , Doesn T Go Away , Transition , Tail , Oil Prices , Awhile , Dribbling , 59 , Planes , Natural Gas , Tax , Oil Demand , All Time Low , Production , Weren T Driving , Inventory , Oil Production Ramp , Wants , Excess , Producers , Manufacturers , Oil Production , George W Bush , There Isn T , Vicious Cycle , Massachusetts , Ayanna Pressley , On Monday Biden , Package , Hurdle , East , 00 , 9 , Reelection , 2024 , Unity , Sense , Card , Joe Mansion ,

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