Transcripts For MSNBC Alex Witt Reports 20240709 : compareme

Transcripts For MSNBC Alex Witt Reports 20240709

ar-15 and killing two people at a racial justice protest last summer and now they say the decision could have serious consequences. >> this could set a precedent that enables if not emboldens people to begin to come to protests because they do not like protesters or the reason they are protesting and decide that they are going to enact vigilante justice in their own way. >> nbc's liz mclaughlin is joining me from outside the courthouse kenosha. we're hearing from ritenhouse about that verdict. what is he saying? >> reporter: the nation watched his reaction in the courtroom after that jury deliberated for more than 24 hours over four days when the not guilty verdict was red but behind the scenes, a fox nation film crew was with the defense team embedded. tucker carlson tweeted a promotional trailer for a program that showed kyle rittenhouse's verdict as he was leaving. >> how do you feel, man? >> the jury reached the correct verdict. self-defense and not illegal. i'm glad that everything went well. it's been a rough journey but we made it through it. we made it through the hard part. >> reporter: one of rittenhouse's defense attorney says that he did not approve of the film crew being there. it wasn't his call. cited fund-raising as the reason that they were there to pay for attorneys and experts. he said that it was a distraction even that he threw the crew out of the room at times and he felt it was inappropriate for any network to have that crew in a murder trial. kyle rittenhouse is said to leave kenosha today with 24-hour a day security detail. >> i do appreciate you bringing it to us. we'll see you later. right now i'm joined by melissa murray, law professor at new york university. what do you think of having that crew there and hearing directly from kyle so soon after that verdict? >> it certainly is unorthodox but i think there was a lot of things that were unorthodox about this trial and i think a lot of questions that are left. i think the fact that a fox news crew was there right at the moment that he was leaving the courthouse and able to get this footage for him shows that he has really become a poster boy for some of these conserative causes. the interest expansive self-defense laws and a more robust second amendment. >> it was shocking news for people across the country especially the families of the victims. is there another path for them to pursue justice. is a civil case possible. you heard kyle say we made it through the hard part. is there another part to come? >> certainly there can be civil trials. for example, the victims' families can file suit. we saw this famously in the o.j. simpson trial. he was acquitted of the murder of ron goldman and nicole brown simpson but he was, of course, assessed with a damages verdict in a civil suit. the standard of proof in a civil case is considerably lower so perhaps easier for the victims' families to prevail in those circumstances. again, it is another trial situation. another situation where this will be put before a jury and they will have to determine whether kyle rittenhouse is responsible for something. the. >> the lead defense attorney asked whether this case may set a new precedent. take a listen. >> i don't think it's that kind of case. you know, when you want to talk about implications and precedent and things like that, is it ever going to happen again? you know, is there ever going to be just a total unrest in kenosha or some other city and that's going to happen? you know, i just don't see that. it was a case about self-defense. >> is that ever going to happen again? how interesting. do you think this case was precedent setting or not? >> well, i think those remarks are delusional at best. what we have here is a situation where we have a proliferation of laws that make it permission to open carry guns. we have an emboldened right that is interested in expanding the scope of the second amendment. there's a case pending that would make it easier to carry guns in public and then we have not only that but this very toxic culture that is about racial injustice in our country right now on both sides. and then we have these self-defense laws and these circumstances where people are carrying guns. they are legally permitted to do so, and they're legally permitted to defend themselves when other people see the guns as threats and try to remove them. so it is a toxic, potent mix. this circumstance is not last situation we'll see like this one. >> i know you heard some argue that the rittenhouse is not about racism because the victims were white. do you agree with that analysis? >> again, i think that's delusional. it is true that these four white victims -- you saw the impact of race laced throughout this trial. certainly the circumstances that gave rise to this trial were infected with questions of racial justice and injustice, the protests in kenosha were about issues of race at the bottom. a man, 17 years old, was given the benefit of being a youth, understood as a youth. there is evidence showing that when african-american boys of the same age are presented in similar circumstance, they aren't viewed as children. they are viewed as being older than they are. so this is a situation, i think, where you could look at kyle rittenhouse, you could see his youth and inexperience and the jury gave him the benefit of the doubt under these circumstances. >> we have another reporter here in another case that we're watching. the defendants are claiming self-defense. let's go to stephanie following this trial for us in brunswick, georgia. stephanie, welcome. what's the latest from there? >> reporter: good afternoon to you. both sides are preparing for closing arguments on monday. on friday it was supposed to be a procedural day but we did see a significant moment when the defense attorney once against asked for a mistrial on the grounds that there were dozens black ministers here outside the courthouse and he felt that they were somehow influencing the jury. we saw travis mcmichael take the stand last week in his own defense describing that interchange between himself and ahmaud arbery. at boint he broke down as he described how he, alongside his father, gregory, and another man back in february of 2020 tried to stop arbery because they thought he was burglaryizing a moment under construction in their neighborhood. the defendants counseled to pursue arbery he came back at him and tried to grab his gun and that's when travis mcmichael said he opened fire in self-defense but during some heated cross examination, the prosecutor was able to uncover some pretty strong inconsistencies in travis mcmichael's testimony. take a listen. >> did he threaten in any way? >> no. >> did he verbally threaten you? >> did not. >> didn't pull out a gun. >> he did not pull out a gun. >> turned around and ran away. you never told the police that you said to mr. arbery, you're under arrest, correct? >> i did not. >> you never told mr. arbery that he was under arrest for fill in the blank. >> i didn't have time. i was trying to get him to stop. >> reporter: during cross examination it was revealed that mcmichael said when that shooting happened that arbery tried to reach for his gun but he could not remember if arbery was trying to reach for his gun but we heard on the stand that mcmichael believed that arbery was trying to reach for his gun. again, closing arguments are set to begin on monday and if convicted, alex, all three of these defendants could face life behind bars. >> absolutely extraordinarily. so much hangs in the balance. thank you so much for that. melissa, back to you, with the jury in the arbery trial sent home not sequestered before hearing closing arguments as soon as monday. like rittenhouse these men charged in the arbery trial are claiming self-defense. do you think the jury's decision could be influenced because there's been so much publicity with the rittenhouse verdict. >> well, i think this is likely but i think the real question here comes back to some of the same questions we talked about with the kyle rittenhouse trial is what the jury is going to think is reasonable as self-defense in a culture where public carry of guns is permitted and here you also have the added layer of a citizens arrest law which dates from the post-civil war period that allows private individuals to determine that there are others who violated the laws in their midst and to take steps in lieu of the state to detain them. that's what happened here. you have this toxic brew where we basically empower private citizens to act on behalf of the state and doing so in circumstances where they are lawfully armed and there are questions about what happens when someone tries to disarm them if that's what happened here. >> but what we just heard from travis mcmichael, he said that he didn't have time to tell them he was under arrest. if you're making a citizen's arrest, that's part of it. what do you make of what we heard? >> the choice to take a stand would have been a difficult one for defense counsel because i think it left open some real holes in their defense. he had not aformed arbery that he was making a citizen arrest. so i think, again, these were difficulties and this was a very risky strategy to take the stand. most defendants don't it. we saw it with kyle rittenhouse and we saw it here. >> do you think in closing arguments we'll hear the prosecution say from ahmaud arbery's perspective he saw three men coming after him armed not knowing what they were doing. if they did not tell him they were abiding by georgia lawmaking a citizen arrest, does that need to be included in the closing arguments? >> i would hope that the prosecution tried to make that clear here that there is a broader social context in which an african-american man like ahmaud might have viewed these three individuals who said they were acting in pursuit of citizen arrest may have seen them as a threat. there's a long history of private vigilante violence in georgia and elsewhere in the south and to understand that that might have been part of the perceived risk that this individual had in mind when he took these telephones i think would be important from the victim's perspective. >> appreciate your legal expertise. we'll see you soon again no doubt. perspectives on both the trials from our reverend al sharpton coming your way in the next hour. one big step and two more to go. the big test facing president biden to make build back better better. >> the nays are 213. the build back bigger bill is passed. for your full financial picture. with the right balance of risk and reward. so you can enjoy more of...this. this is the planning effect. oh, man that is wrinkly. so you can enjoy more of...this. like, not even just a little wrinkly, that's a whole lot of wrinkly. there are wrinkles on top of wrinkles! how do you even let your clothes get that wrinkled? 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>> reporter: in a perfect world for democrats, this bill would head to the senate where all 50 senate democrats would coalesce around it and send that bill for passage to president biden's desk but that's not the world we live in. was that celebration from house democrats on the floor that you played there at the top, was that premature? well, you could say so because build back better has a long road ahead in the senate before it could become law. let's take a listen to what house speaker nancy pelosi said after the house passed the bill yesterday. take a listen. >> this is 90% of the bill was written together. there was some differences at the end and we'll deal with those as we go forward. we'll see what we need to, shall weoncile our differences but a at the end day we'll have great bill. >> reporter: reconcile differences is a good way to put it. there's enough issues to prevent it from getting over the finish line. you start with paid family leave, a key provision in the house passed bill now. president biden ran on that. senate democrats, many of them, for it but senator joe manchin made it clear he's not for that provision and, in fact, he's not for investing in additional social programs before funding existing ones like social security, for example. his state a big benefactor of that one. there's funding for hearing aids but not vision. you have democrats working on immigration provisions and have gone back and forth a few times already and you have the finance committee looking at ways to add additional revenue because right now the budget office, the congressional budget office, this nonpartisan score keeper said the bill would have 360 billion to the deficit something that some are opposed. this is a long process. i'll grab my sleeping bag in the month of december because it will be a long couple weeks to see if we can get this done. >> thank you very much, julie. appreciate all that. a leading pandemic researcher has been predicting what he calls a pretty bad winter wave of cases again but perhaps there's some new hope today that that won't happen after a break. tonight, i'll be eating a club sandwich with fries and a side of mayonnaise. 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>> reporter: well, alex, santa clara county has a lot of experience and a lot of it not good with covid-19. remember, this is where some of the first covid deaths in the nation were recorded back in early 2020. they had a very rough winter surge last year and so they've done well with vaccinations upwards of 90% and yet cases are still trying to plateau or even tick up a little bit. they average now about 173 new cases per day and that's cause for concern so getting people in for boosters and getting youngsters in for their first shots, officials say that timing is crucial. >> we're not out of the woods and we are concerned because holidays are coming up, people tend to travel more, people tend to gather with larger groups, have gatherings at their homes and elsewhere, and so we just want to be extra careful so telling people that now is the time to get a booster so that you're really fully protected. >> reporter: really the point here, alex is they want to stay vigilant. fortunately hospitalizations are not surging as they were last year and they are trying to keep it that way. >> are the numbers in california living up to the expectations given that the state opened up booster eligibility early? >> reporter: it is early yet and really the rate of boosters among californians actualy lags the national rate by half a percentage point so we're looking at over 16% here in california fully vaccinated people getting boosted and 16.6 nationwide. it's early yet. the hope is now that with this new cdc guidance opening up boosters to everyone that people will get the message and will get out and get their shots. >> green light on all that. okay. scott, thank you so much from mountain view. a big win for progressive democrats passing the build back better act after months of public debate and negotiation. there are the cheers and it includes free universal pre-k and caps the cost of day care at 7% of income. it expands child tax credit for a year and allows for four weeks of paid family leave, extends obamacare subsiies and provides $55 billion to combat climate change and increases the deduction for state and local taxes. however, these progressive wins could be short lived when the bbb arrives in the senate. joining me now senator tina smith. she's a member of the agriculture, banking, health and indiana affairs committee. senator, big welcome to you. thank you for joining me. a lot of provisions go right up your alley with committee assignments. are you ready to vote for it today? >> thanks, alex. great to be with you. this is a big deal if you think about what we've accomplished. we have a bill here that tackles climate change that will lower costs for middle class americans for energy and child care and prescription drugs and health care and we pay for it by asking the biggest corporations and wealthiest to pay their fair share. this bill is now going to come to the senate. as we know, there is going to be additional work and negotiations that happen in the senate but i'm enthusiastic about this. i'm enthusiastic about supporting the bill when it gets through the senate and we have to get it done. it's urgently important. >> what do you think the likelihood is that any republican senators would vote for it? have you spoken with any who are considering supporting it? >> think about this, the likelihood we have any republican support for this bill is nearing zero. that's despite the fact that the provisions in this bill are broadly supported by the american people. i mean, it's the same reason that we are not seeing any republican support for the voting rights bill that we also need and want to pass this year. i mean, this is -- chalk this up to divisiveness of washington, d.c. but i chalk it up to how out of touch republicans are with constituents in my state who want to see prescription drug prices come down and who know that climate change is really and we have to take action to address it. >> so with zero potential republicans voting, that means the big focus goes on senator manchin and to get some on board it may lose paid leave, salt deduction, immigration reform. how do you feel about that? >> we have the narrowest of margins. that's the work that we're going to have to do over the next couple of weeks to get this done. i think, for example, that senator manchin has made it clear that he doesn't support paid family and medical leave. i just think joe is wrong about that. i think that as the only major industrialized country in the world that doesn't offer paid family and medical leave that this is a huge gap in making our country work for people. i'm very concerned about the salt deduction. at a time when we want to make our tax fair and address income inequality this isn't the time to give big tax breaks to wealthy individuals so we have to work all that out. i'm sure we're going to get it worked out. >> could there be some sort of a carve out for low and middle income folks relative to s.a.l.t. justify keeping it in with that provision? >> well, so this is, i think, a really good point. i know there's negotiations happening right now to try to figure out how to find the sweet spot to make this work. my colleague, senator sanders and senator menendez are working on this. i've been in touch with senator sanders and feel optimistic we'll find a path forward. >> what about cbo estimates. this is a 367 billion deficit. so how do democrats get this over the hump? >> well, so on the pay force here we're talking about how we pay for this which we do pay for this. there's been a lot of conversation about irs enforcement, for example. as you say, the congressional budget office is estimating how much revenue we can gain by basically going after tax cheats. everyone disagrees with the cbo score. some of the economists that have worked for republicans and democrats note that the congressional budget office is underestimating what we can get when we go after tax evasion which understand is hundreds of billions of dollars a year and mostly the highest income earners that are not paying what they owe in taxes and as a result everybody else ends up holding the bag. i think we're going to work that out. >> when you add build back better, add that to the infrastructure law now, pretty big numbers we're talking about. how do you go about setting this to taxpayers in rural areas as well as republican districts overall? >> well, just yesterday i was meeting with a large group of farmers from minnesota and talking about the infrastructure bill and i am here to tell you they are excited about thinking that finally after decades of seeing roads and bridges in rural parts of our state that have not been maintained that need to be improved that we're finally going to get to that. are they excited about advances in broad band? absolutely. they are excited about those parts of the bill. i think that there's a lot of support for the infrastructure bill across several minnesota and small towns. >> i'm sure you heard the president say he plans to continue negotiating with the senate holdouts. what do you think is going on behind the scenes this weekend? >> well, i suspect that there are some ongoing conversations going on on exactly the issues that we're talking about. having been in conversation with senator manchin over the last couple of days, my strong view is that everybody is trying to find a path forward and having been involved in negotiations myself many, many times including this negotiation, you can always tell when people are trying to get to yes or whether they're trying to find an excuse to say no and i have the strong feeling that democrats in the senate want to get to yes. >> okay. we hope you are correct. democratic senator from minnesota tina smith, thank you so much for your time. is it political creativity or perhaps chichanery? 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what's your alternative? what do you have to say other than no, no, no to every policy that's actually going to help the american people out because for the last couple of years now all that we see from republicans is obstruction. all we see from republicans are rhetorical theatrics and these desperate attempts to try to paint very popular ideas as something else. i don't think the american people are buying it. >> i'm guessing -- your thoughts? >> my goodness. beyond unhinged. to be honest, let's look at the last time we heard a floor speech from a member of congress that was almost that long. it was nancy pelosi really having a passionate conversation about immigration and about dreamers and the republican party their leadership are going on about making up stuff and didn't take the opportunity to say, okay, you are trying to pass pre-k and lower prescription drugs we disagree with how you're doing it but we believe in these things that are popular for everyone's base. these aren't partisan ideas. they are actually going to improve people in his base. this is the ad campaign next year. i also think democrats have an ad campaign that says we are the party for these things and republicans are not and just listen and clapped for their leader to be this unhinged. >> all right. let's switch gears here. talking about gop lawmakers really falling over each other to offer jobs to kyle rittenhouse. congressman matt gates offering rittenhouse an internshipoffice. what would he bring to these offices? he says rittenhouse wants to, first of all, be a nurse. >> yeah. gosh, we have these people, these characters who were censored for putting up the video of him murdering one of his colleagues, i guess maybe that would be a good fit for kyle rittenhouse. i don't know. it just shows that republicans are just interested in stunts and cheap tricks and theatrics. not in actually doing the work that will make this country better. i expect kyle rittenhouse to be the next big conservative celeb. he'll have his book deal and a show on fox nation and maybe the keynote speaker at the next conference and maybe donald trump will bring him out on the trail in 2022. if your mascot is somebody who was just tried for the murdering of three people, if that's the face you want to put on your party going forward, then, okay, go ahead. i think that you are just writing the narrative for the democratic party and the rationale for why we are the party that's responsible. we are interested in getting stuff done and not play into these ridiculous, insane stunts and it's dangerous to elevate someone and elevate the idea of violence, to elevate the idea that the proper way to express your disagreements in political discourse is to show up with an ar-15 and see what happens. everyone should watch what happens right now and understand the idea that the republican party is a pro-life party is 100% bs. >> how about this, republicans are hinting at retribution after the democrats with kevin mccarthy delivering a threat that the seats may be not safe next year. what did you make of that? >> i feel like we walked about this last time i was on here. we're talking about a congress member who said that they would invite violence on their fellow colleague. no one draws the line there, i don't know where we're going to draw the line. i think it's a very reasonable conversation that democrats are having when you make threats like that when you say that you will actually enact violence on the president of the united states and your fellow colleague and democrats hold us accountable if someone in our party actually does something like this. i think it's a really telling what the republican party is trying to let the american people know that they are willing to play these petty games and actually not be this party that is actually for, you know, having common discord and being able to disagree on ideology but we are going to be able to work together with some common decency and respect. we also know based on their actions and ways in which they gaslight the american people and ways in which they uplift people like rittenhouse and uplift so many different people in their party that they're not in this for doing what's right. they just want to continue to maintain power. >> interesting assessment from you both. always a pleasure, guys. thank you so much. it is a whole lot of money and there's a lot of concern that the build back better plan could make inflation climb higher but the unemployment rate is falling. retail sales are surging. are we missing part of the picture? we'll get some answers to that next. with downy infusions, let the scent set the mood. feel the difference with downy. here comes the interception. oh... -shawn? yes. thank you. you're welcome. have a great day. if it's “that will leave a mark season,” it's walgreens season. president biden's domestic agenda finally cleared its first major hurdle in the house. $1.6 trillion bill includes everything from education to health care to fighting climate change, but what effect on the overall economy? joining me author and founder of the progress network. welcome back. good to see you again. with the house having passed a sweeping build back better yesterday, now heads to the senate, some economists argue this legislation is going to help curb inflation. how do you see it? >> i'm not sure this particular bill has much impact on inflation, period. a lot of spending over a whole bunch of years. secondly things like universal pre-k and four weeks of family leave, not inflation triggers or price triggers. i supposeds 500 billion or so spread out over a bunch of years for clean energy and solar could over time reduce inflation if it reduces cost of electricity, and energy comp assumption for people. that's certainly an input into in inflation numbers. cost of fuel and energy, but on the whole, i'm sure the white house will do its best to spin this as a, like a counterinflation package. >> uh-huh. >> i just don't think this is really that relevant to the issue of inflation which is largely short term in my view and not structural anyway. >> okay. build off that, and look at a little good news here, because this is according to reuters. you have rating agencies saying biden's spending plans are not going to add to inflationary pressure, and the fact the unemployment rate is falling. retail sales surging. two-thirds of americans feeling they're situation is okay to good. what's your take on that? >> yeah. i mean, the big thing is whether people, like there's a lot of ptsd about inflation from the 20th century. any hint of it and a collective, oh, my god, the inflation demon has been reawakened. waiting for it. it hasn't manifested itself in 20 years and now it's about to re-appear, and -- and ruin the system. right? kind of the fear trigger of inflation. i'm on, on this camp i think actually the federal reserve is largely correct, which is inflation we're seeing is a by-product of 19 months of covid, a lot of pent-up demand. you know, people biking on pelotons and sweat pants. weren't traveling. weren't buying stuff. holiday sales last year eh, okay. a lot of people who want a lot of stuff and a global supply chain wasn't ready to supply it. do people believe it? feeling, fear of inflation and reality of inflation. right now the feeling is absolutely more powerful than the reality. >> and get out of our sweat pants, latest government data showing retail purchases increased 1.7% in october. biggest monthly gain since march. what do those numbers tell you and what they signal for the holiday season? >> right. that's back to that reality of a lot of people are buying a lot of stuff. we had a supply chain, a covid-era supply chain that just wasn't set up for that kind of demand and it's going to be a problem for christmas. people are already seeing this. you want to buy a game consol, a tv, a sofa, i don't think a lot of people buy sofas and wrap them under a christmas tree but point, there's a lot of "stuff" people will have a hard time buying in the next two months inclued christmas, but there will be demand for that stuff and that's the world we're in for the holidays. >> thank you for the heads up on all that. appreciate it. >> thank you. no sofas under the christmas tree. >> okay. it's big, bold, but what's going to happen to the build back better bill in the senate? we're discussing that, next. we're discussing that, next. don't settle for silver. #1 for diabetic dry skin #1 for psoriasis symptom relief and #1 for eczema symptom relief. gold bond. champion your skin. ♪♪ this... is the planning effect. this is how it feels to know you have a wealth plan that covers everything that's important to you. this is what it's like to have a dedicated fidelity advisor looking at your full financial picture. making sure you have the right balance of risk and reward. and helping you plan for future generations. this is "the planning effect" from fidelity. ♪♪ hi mr. charles. we made you dinner. aww, thank you. ♪♪ bipolar depression. it made me feel like i was trapped in a fog. this is art inspired by real stories of people living with bipolar depression. i just couldn't find my way out of it. the lows of bipolar depression can take you to a dark place... ...and be hard to manage. latuda could make a real difference in your symptoms. latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms and in clinical studies, had no substantial impact on weight. this is where i want to be. latuda is not for everyone. call your doctor about unusual mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. elderly dementia patients on latuda have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, as these may be life threatening... ...or uncontrollable muscle movements, as these may be permanent. these are not all the serious side effects. now i'm back where i belong. ask your doctor about latuda and pay as little as $0 for your first prescription. it's another day. and pay as little as $0 and anything could happen. it could be the day you welcome 1,200 guests and all their devices. or it could be the day there's a cyberthreat. only comcast business' secure network solutions give you the power of sd-wan and advanced security integrated on our activecore platform so you can control your network from anywhere, anytime. it's network management redefined. every day in business is a big day. we'll keep you ready for what's next. comcast business powering possibilities. and a very good day to all of you from msnbc world headquarter here's in new york. welcome, everyone, to "alex witt reports." new reaction this hour to president biden's build back better act and the ongoing negotiations to move it through the senate. >> having been in conversation with senator manchin and senator sinema over the last couple days, my strong view is that everybody is trying to find a path forward. you can always tell when people are trying to get to "yes" or whether to trying to find an excuse to say "no." i have a strong feeling democrats in the senate want to get to "yes." >> $1.6 trillion act includes

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Friend , Thanksgiving , New York , Msnbc , Everyone , Kyle Rittenhouse , Alex Witt Reports , Jury , Decision , Protests , Men , Face , Wisconsin , Courthouse Kenosha , Government , Charges , Killing , Portland , Brooklyn , Oregon , Two , Arbery Trial , Defendant , Ending , Crossing State Lines , 18 , People , Precedent , Justice , Consequences , Ar 15 , 15 , Way , Reason , Vigilante Justice , Protesters , Nbc , Liz Mclaughlin , Reporter , Verdict , Nation , Reaction , Courtroom , Ritenhouse , Fox Nation Film Crew , Trailer , Defense Team , Tucker Carlson , Behind The Scenes , Four , 24 , Program , Self Defense , It , Part , One , Everything , Journey , Defense Attorney , Rittenhouse , Film Crew , Attorneys , Experts , It Wasn T , Call , Fund Raising , Crew , Progress Network , Times , Murder Trial , Distraction , Room , Security Detail , Leave Kenosha , Us , Hearing , Law Professor , Melissa Murray , New York University , Lot , Questions , Fact , Things , Fox News , Some , Courthouse , 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Transcripts For MSNBC Alex Witt Reports 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Alex Witt Reports 20240709

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ar-15 and killing two people at a racial justice protest last summer and now they say the decision could have serious consequences. >> this could set a precedent that enables if not emboldens people to begin to come to protests because they do not like protesters or the reason they are protesting and decide that they are going to enact vigilante justice in their own way. >> nbc's liz mclaughlin is joining me from outside the courthouse kenosha. we're hearing from ritenhouse about that verdict. what is he saying? >> reporter: the nation watched his reaction in the courtroom after that jury deliberated for more than 24 hours over four days when the not guilty verdict was red but behind the scenes, a fox nation film crew was with the defense team embedded. tucker carlson tweeted a promotional trailer for a program that showed kyle rittenhouse's verdict as he was leaving. >> how do you feel, man? >> the jury reached the correct verdict. self-defense and not illegal. i'm glad that everything went well. it's been a rough journey but we made it through it. we made it through the hard part. >> reporter: one of rittenhouse's defense attorney says that he did not approve of the film crew being there. it wasn't his call. cited fund-raising as the reason that they were there to pay for attorneys and experts. he said that it was a distraction even that he threw the crew out of the room at times and he felt it was inappropriate for any network to have that crew in a murder trial. kyle rittenhouse is said to leave kenosha today with 24-hour a day security detail. >> i do appreciate you bringing it to us. we'll see you later. right now i'm joined by melissa murray, law professor at new york university. what do you think of having that crew there and hearing directly from kyle so soon after that verdict? >> it certainly is unorthodox but i think there was a lot of things that were unorthodox about this trial and i think a lot of questions that are left. i think the fact that a fox news crew was there right at the moment that he was leaving the courthouse and able to get this footage for him shows that he has really become a poster boy for some of these conserative causes. the interest expansive self-defense laws and a more robust second amendment. >> it was shocking news for people across the country especially the families of the victims. is there another path for them to pursue justice. is a civil case possible. you heard kyle say we made it through the hard part. is there another part to come? >> certainly there can be civil trials. for example, the victims' families can file suit. we saw this famously in the o.j. simpson trial. he was acquitted of the murder of ron goldman and nicole brown simpson but he was, of course, assessed with a damages verdict in a civil suit. the standard of proof in a civil case is considerably lower so perhaps easier for the victims' families to prevail in those circumstances. again, it is another trial situation. another situation where this will be put before a jury and they will have to determine whether kyle rittenhouse is responsible for something. the. >> the lead defense attorney asked whether this case may set a new precedent. take a listen. >> i don't think it's that kind of case. you know, when you want to talk about implications and precedent and things like that, is it ever going to happen again? you know, is there ever going to be just a total unrest in kenosha or some other city and that's going to happen? you know, i just don't see that. it was a case about self-defense. >> is that ever going to happen again? how interesting. do you think this case was precedent setting or not? >> well, i think those remarks are delusional at best. what we have here is a situation where we have a proliferation of laws that make it permission to open carry guns. we have an emboldened right that is interested in expanding the scope of the second amendment. there's a case pending that would make it easier to carry guns in public and then we have not only that but this very toxic culture that is about racial injustice in our country right now on both sides. and then we have these self-defense laws and these circumstances where people are carrying guns. they are legally permitted to do so, and they're legally permitted to defend themselves when other people see the guns as threats and try to remove them. so it is a toxic, potent mix. this circumstance is not last situation we'll see like this one. >> i know you heard some argue that the rittenhouse is not about racism because the victims were white. do you agree with that analysis? >> again, i think that's delusional. it is true that these four white victims -- you saw the impact of race laced throughout this trial. certainly the circumstances that gave rise to this trial were infected with questions of racial justice and injustice, the protests in kenosha were about issues of race at the bottom. a man, 17 years old, was given the benefit of being a youth, understood as a youth. there is evidence showing that when african-american boys of the same age are presented in similar circumstance, they aren't viewed as children. they are viewed as being older than they are. so this is a situation, i think, where you could look at kyle rittenhouse, you could see his youth and inexperience and the jury gave him the benefit of the doubt under these circumstances. >> we have another reporter here in another case that we're watching. the defendants are claiming self-defense. let's go to stephanie following this trial for us in brunswick, georgia. stephanie, welcome. what's the latest from there? >> reporter: good afternoon to you. both sides are preparing for closing arguments on monday. on friday it was supposed to be a procedural day but we did see a significant moment when the defense attorney once against asked for a mistrial on the grounds that there were dozens black ministers here outside the courthouse and he felt that they were somehow influencing the jury. we saw travis mcmichael take the stand last week in his own defense describing that interchange between himself and ahmaud arbery. at boint he broke down as he described how he, alongside his father, gregory, and another man back in february of 2020 tried to stop arbery because they thought he was burglaryizing a moment under construction in their neighborhood. the defendants counseled to pursue arbery he came back at him and tried to grab his gun and that's when travis mcmichael said he opened fire in self-defense but during some heated cross examination, the prosecutor was able to uncover some pretty strong inconsistencies in travis mcmichael's testimony. take a listen. >> did he threaten in any way? >> no. >> did he verbally threaten you? >> did not. >> didn't pull out a gun. >> he did not pull out a gun. >> turned around and ran away. you never told the police that you said to mr. arbery, you're under arrest, correct? >> i did not. >> you never told mr. arbery that he was under arrest for fill in the blank. >> i didn't have time. i was trying to get him to stop. >> reporter: during cross examination it was revealed that mcmichael said when that shooting happened that arbery tried to reach for his gun but he could not remember if arbery was trying to reach for his gun but we heard on the stand that mcmichael believed that arbery was trying to reach for his gun. again, closing arguments are set to begin on monday and if convicted, alex, all three of these defendants could face life behind bars. >> absolutely extraordinarily. so much hangs in the balance. thank you so much for that. melissa, back to you, with the jury in the arbery trial sent home not sequestered before hearing closing arguments as soon as monday. like rittenhouse these men charged in the arbery trial are claiming self-defense. do you think the jury's decision could be influenced because there's been so much publicity with the rittenhouse verdict. >> well, i think this is likely but i think the real question here comes back to some of the same questions we talked about with the kyle rittenhouse trial is what the jury is going to think is reasonable as self-defense in a culture where public carry of guns is permitted and here you also have the added layer of a citizens arrest law which dates from the post-civil war period that allows private individuals to determine that there are others who violated the laws in their midst and to take steps in lieu of the state to detain them. that's what happened here. you have this toxic brew where we basically empower private citizens to act on behalf of the state and doing so in circumstances where they are lawfully armed and there are questions about what happens when someone tries to disarm them if that's what happened here. >> but what we just heard from travis mcmichael, he said that he didn't have time to tell them he was under arrest. if you're making a citizen's arrest, that's part of it. what do you make of what we heard? >> the choice to take a stand would have been a difficult one for defense counsel because i think it left open some real holes in their defense. he had not aformed arbery that he was making a citizen arrest. so i think, again, these were difficulties and this was a very risky strategy to take the stand. most defendants don't it. we saw it with kyle rittenhouse and we saw it here. >> do you think in closing arguments we'll hear the prosecution say from ahmaud arbery's perspective he saw three men coming after him armed not knowing what they were doing. if they did not tell him they were abiding by georgia lawmaking a citizen arrest, does that need to be included in the closing arguments? >> i would hope that the prosecution tried to make that clear here that there is a broader social context in which an african-american man like ahmaud might have viewed these three individuals who said they were acting in pursuit of citizen arrest may have seen them as a threat. there's a long history of private vigilante violence in georgia and elsewhere in the south and to understand that that might have been part of the perceived risk that this individual had in mind when he took these telephones i think would be important from the victim's perspective. >> appreciate your legal expertise. we'll see you soon again no doubt. perspectives on both the trials from our reverend al sharpton coming your way in the next hour. one big step and two more to go. the big test facing president biden to make build back better better. >> the nays are 213. the build back bigger bill is passed. for your full financial picture. with the right balance of risk and reward. so you can enjoy more of...this. this is the planning effect. oh, man that is wrinkly. so you can enjoy more of...this. like, not even just a little wrinkly, that's a whole lot of wrinkly. there are wrinkles on top of wrinkles! how do you even let your clothes get that wrinkled? 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>> reporter: in a perfect world for democrats, this bill would head to the senate where all 50 senate democrats would coalesce around it and send that bill for passage to president biden's desk but that's not the world we live in. was that celebration from house democrats on the floor that you played there at the top, was that premature? well, you could say so because build back better has a long road ahead in the senate before it could become law. let's take a listen to what house speaker nancy pelosi said after the house passed the bill yesterday. take a listen. >> this is 90% of the bill was written together. there was some differences at the end and we'll deal with those as we go forward. we'll see what we need to, shall weoncile our differences but a at the end day we'll have great bill. >> reporter: reconcile differences is a good way to put it. there's enough issues to prevent it from getting over the finish line. you start with paid family leave, a key provision in the house passed bill now. president biden ran on that. senate democrats, many of them, for it but senator joe manchin made it clear he's not for that provision and, in fact, he's not for investing in additional social programs before funding existing ones like social security, for example. his state a big benefactor of that one. there's funding for hearing aids but not vision. you have democrats working on immigration provisions and have gone back and forth a few times already and you have the finance committee looking at ways to add additional revenue because right now the budget office, the congressional budget office, this nonpartisan score keeper said the bill would have 360 billion to the deficit something that some are opposed. this is a long process. i'll grab my sleeping bag in the month of december because it will be a long couple weeks to see if we can get this done. >> thank you very much, julie. appreciate all that. a leading pandemic researcher has been predicting what he calls a pretty bad winter wave of cases again but perhaps there's some new hope today that that won't happen after a break. tonight, i'll be eating a club sandwich with fries and a side of mayonnaise. 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>> reporter: well, alex, santa clara county has a lot of experience and a lot of it not good with covid-19. remember, this is where some of the first covid deaths in the nation were recorded back in early 2020. they had a very rough winter surge last year and so they've done well with vaccinations upwards of 90% and yet cases are still trying to plateau or even tick up a little bit. they average now about 173 new cases per day and that's cause for concern so getting people in for boosters and getting youngsters in for their first shots, officials say that timing is crucial. >> we're not out of the woods and we are concerned because holidays are coming up, people tend to travel more, people tend to gather with larger groups, have gatherings at their homes and elsewhere, and so we just want to be extra careful so telling people that now is the time to get a booster so that you're really fully protected. >> reporter: really the point here, alex is they want to stay vigilant. fortunately hospitalizations are not surging as they were last year and they are trying to keep it that way. >> are the numbers in california living up to the expectations given that the state opened up booster eligibility early? >> reporter: it is early yet and really the rate of boosters among californians actualy lags the national rate by half a percentage point so we're looking at over 16% here in california fully vaccinated people getting boosted and 16.6 nationwide. it's early yet. the hope is now that with this new cdc guidance opening up boosters to everyone that people will get the message and will get out and get their shots. >> green light on all that. okay. scott, thank you so much from mountain view. a big win for progressive democrats passing the build back better act after months of public debate and negotiation. there are the cheers and it includes free universal pre-k and caps the cost of day care at 7% of income. it expands child tax credit for a year and allows for four weeks of paid family leave, extends obamacare subsiies and provides $55 billion to combat climate change and increases the deduction for state and local taxes. however, these progressive wins could be short lived when the bbb arrives in the senate. joining me now senator tina smith. she's a member of the agriculture, banking, health and indiana affairs committee. senator, big welcome to you. thank you for joining me. a lot of provisions go right up your alley with committee assignments. are you ready to vote for it today? >> thanks, alex. great to be with you. this is a big deal if you think about what we've accomplished. we have a bill here that tackles climate change that will lower costs for middle class americans for energy and child care and prescription drugs and health care and we pay for it by asking the biggest corporations and wealthiest to pay their fair share. this bill is now going to come to the senate. as we know, there is going to be additional work and negotiations that happen in the senate but i'm enthusiastic about this. i'm enthusiastic about supporting the bill when it gets through the senate and we have to get it done. it's urgently important. >> what do you think the likelihood is that any republican senators would vote for it? have you spoken with any who are considering supporting it? >> think about this, the likelihood we have any republican support for this bill is nearing zero. that's despite the fact that the provisions in this bill are broadly supported by the american people. i mean, it's the same reason that we are not seeing any republican support for the voting rights bill that we also need and want to pass this year. i mean, this is -- chalk this up to divisiveness of washington, d.c. but i chalk it up to how out of touch republicans are with constituents in my state who want to see prescription drug prices come down and who know that climate change is really and we have to take action to address it. >> so with zero potential republicans voting, that means the big focus goes on senator manchin and to get some on board it may lose paid leave, salt deduction, immigration reform. how do you feel about that? >> we have the narrowest of margins. that's the work that we're going to have to do over the next couple of weeks to get this done. i think, for example, that senator manchin has made it clear that he doesn't support paid family and medical leave. i just think joe is wrong about that. i think that as the only major industrialized country in the world that doesn't offer paid family and medical leave that this is a huge gap in making our country work for people. i'm very concerned about the salt deduction. at a time when we want to make our tax fair and address income inequality this isn't the time to give big tax breaks to wealthy individuals so we have to work all that out. i'm sure we're going to get it worked out. >> could there be some sort of a carve out for low and middle income folks relative to s.a.l.t. justify keeping it in with that provision? >> well, so this is, i think, a really good point. i know there's negotiations happening right now to try to figure out how to find the sweet spot to make this work. my colleague, senator sanders and senator menendez are working on this. i've been in touch with senator sanders and feel optimistic we'll find a path forward. >> what about cbo estimates. this is a 367 billion deficit. so how do democrats get this over the hump? >> well, so on the pay force here we're talking about how we pay for this which we do pay for this. there's been a lot of conversation about irs enforcement, for example. as you say, the congressional budget office is estimating how much revenue we can gain by basically going after tax cheats. everyone disagrees with the cbo score. some of the economists that have worked for republicans and democrats note that the congressional budget office is underestimating what we can get when we go after tax evasion which understand is hundreds of billions of dollars a year and mostly the highest income earners that are not paying what they owe in taxes and as a result everybody else ends up holding the bag. i think we're going to work that out. >> when you add build back better, add that to the infrastructure law now, pretty big numbers we're talking about. how do you go about setting this to taxpayers in rural areas as well as republican districts overall? >> well, just yesterday i was meeting with a large group of farmers from minnesota and talking about the infrastructure bill and i am here to tell you they are excited about thinking that finally after decades of seeing roads and bridges in rural parts of our state that have not been maintained that need to be improved that we're finally going to get to that. are they excited about advances in broad band? absolutely. they are excited about those parts of the bill. i think that there's a lot of support for the infrastructure bill across several minnesota and small towns. >> i'm sure you heard the president say he plans to continue negotiating with the senate holdouts. what do you think is going on behind the scenes this weekend? >> well, i suspect that there are some ongoing conversations going on on exactly the issues that we're talking about. having been in conversation with senator manchin over the last couple of days, my strong view is that everybody is trying to find a path forward and having been involved in negotiations myself many, many times including this negotiation, you can always tell when people are trying to get to yes or whether they're trying to find an excuse to say no and i have the strong feeling that democrats in the senate want to get to yes. >> okay. we hope you are correct. democratic senator from minnesota tina smith, thank you so much for your time. is it political creativity or perhaps chichanery? 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what's your alternative? what do you have to say other than no, no, no to every policy that's actually going to help the american people out because for the last couple of years now all that we see from republicans is obstruction. all we see from republicans are rhetorical theatrics and these desperate attempts to try to paint very popular ideas as something else. i don't think the american people are buying it. >> i'm guessing -- your thoughts? >> my goodness. beyond unhinged. to be honest, let's look at the last time we heard a floor speech from a member of congress that was almost that long. it was nancy pelosi really having a passionate conversation about immigration and about dreamers and the republican party their leadership are going on about making up stuff and didn't take the opportunity to say, okay, you are trying to pass pre-k and lower prescription drugs we disagree with how you're doing it but we believe in these things that are popular for everyone's base. these aren't partisan ideas. they are actually going to improve people in his base. this is the ad campaign next year. i also think democrats have an ad campaign that says we are the party for these things and republicans are not and just listen and clapped for their leader to be this unhinged. >> all right. let's switch gears here. talking about gop lawmakers really falling over each other to offer jobs to kyle rittenhouse. congressman matt gates offering rittenhouse an internshipoffice. what would he bring to these offices? he says rittenhouse wants to, first of all, be a nurse. >> yeah. gosh, we have these people, these characters who were censored for putting up the video of him murdering one of his colleagues, i guess maybe that would be a good fit for kyle rittenhouse. i don't know. it just shows that republicans are just interested in stunts and cheap tricks and theatrics. not in actually doing the work that will make this country better. i expect kyle rittenhouse to be the next big conservative celeb. he'll have his book deal and a show on fox nation and maybe the keynote speaker at the next conference and maybe donald trump will bring him out on the trail in 2022. if your mascot is somebody who was just tried for the murdering of three people, if that's the face you want to put on your party going forward, then, okay, go ahead. i think that you are just writing the narrative for the democratic party and the rationale for why we are the party that's responsible. we are interested in getting stuff done and not play into these ridiculous, insane stunts and it's dangerous to elevate someone and elevate the idea of violence, to elevate the idea that the proper way to express your disagreements in political discourse is to show up with an ar-15 and see what happens. everyone should watch what happens right now and understand the idea that the republican party is a pro-life party is 100% bs. >> how about this, republicans are hinting at retribution after the democrats with kevin mccarthy delivering a threat that the seats may be not safe next year. what did you make of that? >> i feel like we walked about this last time i was on here. we're talking about a congress member who said that they would invite violence on their fellow colleague. no one draws the line there, i don't know where we're going to draw the line. i think it's a very reasonable conversation that democrats are having when you make threats like that when you say that you will actually enact violence on the president of the united states and your fellow colleague and democrats hold us accountable if someone in our party actually does something like this. i think it's a really telling what the republican party is trying to let the american people know that they are willing to play these petty games and actually not be this party that is actually for, you know, having common discord and being able to disagree on ideology but we are going to be able to work together with some common decency and respect. we also know based on their actions and ways in which they gaslight the american people and ways in which they uplift people like rittenhouse and uplift so many different people in their party that they're not in this for doing what's right. they just want to continue to maintain power. >> interesting assessment from you both. always a pleasure, guys. thank you so much. it is a whole lot of money and there's a lot of concern that the build back better plan could make inflation climb higher but the unemployment rate is falling. retail sales are surging. are we missing part of the picture? we'll get some answers to that next. with downy infusions, let the scent set the mood. feel the difference with downy. here comes the interception. oh... -shawn? yes. thank you. you're welcome. have a great day. if it's “that will leave a mark season,” it's walgreens season. president biden's domestic agenda finally cleared its first major hurdle in the house. $1.6 trillion bill includes everything from education to health care to fighting climate change, but what effect on the overall economy? joining me author and founder of the progress network. welcome back. good to see you again. with the house having passed a sweeping build back better yesterday, now heads to the senate, some economists argue this legislation is going to help curb inflation. how do you see it? >> i'm not sure this particular bill has much impact on inflation, period. a lot of spending over a whole bunch of years. secondly things like universal pre-k and four weeks of family leave, not inflation triggers or price triggers. i supposeds 500 billion or so spread out over a bunch of years for clean energy and solar could over time reduce inflation if it reduces cost of electricity, and energy comp assumption for people. that's certainly an input into in inflation numbers. cost of fuel and energy, but on the whole, i'm sure the white house will do its best to spin this as a, like a counterinflation package. >> uh-huh. >> i just don't think this is really that relevant to the issue of inflation which is largely short term in my view and not structural anyway. >> okay. build off that, and look at a little good news here, because this is according to reuters. you have rating agencies saying biden's spending plans are not going to add to inflationary pressure, and the fact the unemployment rate is falling. retail sales surging. two-thirds of americans feeling they're situation is okay to good. what's your take on that? >> yeah. i mean, the big thing is whether people, like there's a lot of ptsd about inflation from the 20th century. any hint of it and a collective, oh, my god, the inflation demon has been reawakened. waiting for it. it hasn't manifested itself in 20 years and now it's about to re-appear, and -- and ruin the system. right? kind of the fear trigger of inflation. i'm on, on this camp i think actually the federal reserve is largely correct, which is inflation we're seeing is a by-product of 19 months of covid, a lot of pent-up demand. you know, people biking on pelotons and sweat pants. weren't traveling. weren't buying stuff. holiday sales last year eh, okay. a lot of people who want a lot of stuff and a global supply chain wasn't ready to supply it. do people believe it? feeling, fear of inflation and reality of inflation. right now the feeling is absolutely more powerful than the reality. >> and get out of our sweat pants, latest government data showing retail purchases increased 1.7% in october. biggest monthly gain since march. what do those numbers tell you and what they signal for the holiday season? >> right. that's back to that reality of a lot of people are buying a lot of stuff. we had a supply chain, a covid-era supply chain that just wasn't set up for that kind of demand and it's going to be a problem for christmas. people are already seeing this. you want to buy a game consol, a tv, a sofa, i don't think a lot of people buy sofas and wrap them under a christmas tree but point, there's a lot of "stuff" people will have a hard time buying in the next two months inclued christmas, but there will be demand for that stuff and that's the world we're in for the holidays. >> thank you for the heads up on all that. appreciate it. >> thank you. no sofas under the christmas tree. >> okay. it's big, bold, but what's going to happen to the build back better bill in the senate? we're discussing that, next. we're discussing that, next. don't settle for silver. #1 for diabetic dry skin #1 for psoriasis symptom relief and #1 for eczema symptom relief. gold bond. champion your skin. ♪♪ this... is the planning effect. this is how it feels to know you have a wealth plan that covers everything that's important to you. this is what it's like to have a dedicated fidelity advisor looking at your full financial picture. making sure you have the right balance of risk and reward. and helping you plan for future generations. this is "the planning effect" from fidelity. ♪♪ hi mr. charles. we made you dinner. aww, thank you. ♪♪ bipolar depression. it made me feel like i was trapped in a fog. this is art inspired by real stories of people living with bipolar depression. i just couldn't find my way out of it. the lows of bipolar depression can take you to a dark place... ...and be hard to manage. latuda could make a real difference in your symptoms. latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms and in clinical studies, had no substantial impact on weight. this is where i want to be. latuda is not for everyone. call your doctor about unusual mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. elderly dementia patients on latuda have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, as these may be life threatening... ...or uncontrollable muscle movements, as these may be permanent. these are not all the serious side effects. now i'm back where i belong. ask your doctor about latuda and pay as little as $0 for your first prescription. it's another day. and pay as little as $0 and anything could happen. it could be the day you welcome 1,200 guests and all their devices. or it could be the day there's a cyberthreat. only comcast business' secure network solutions give you the power of sd-wan and advanced security integrated on our activecore platform so you can control your network from anywhere, anytime. it's network management redefined. every day in business is a big day. we'll keep you ready for what's next. comcast business powering possibilities. and a very good day to all of you from msnbc world headquarter here's in new york. welcome, everyone, to "alex witt reports." new reaction this hour to president biden's build back better act and the ongoing negotiations to move it through the senate. >> having been in conversation with senator manchin and senator sinema over the last couple days, my strong view is that everybody is trying to find a path forward. you can always tell when people are trying to get to "yes" or whether to trying to find an excuse to say "no." i have a strong feeling democrats in the senate want to get to "yes." >> $1.6 trillion act includes

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Feeling , Excuse , Creativity , Help , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Theaters , December 17th Liberty , Gasps , Spider Man , December 17th , Couldn T , Daughter , Wash , Don T , Kids , Stains , Water , Bargain Detergent , Tide , Vapors , Vicks Vaposhower , Vicks Vapobath , Hun , Stuff , Healthier , Baby Steps , Mom , Vaccine , Word , Eating , Jump , Little Out Of Reach , Care , Caring , Victory , Obstacle , Resistance , Rant , Adviser To Dnc , 8 1 2 , Take , Headline , Consultant , Both , Campaigns , Reactions , Warren , Education , Story , Parents , Infrastructure , Committee , Ads , Anything , Place , Quote Unquote Infrastructure , Eight , Idea , Solution , Policy , Obstruction , No , Alternative , Ideas , Thoughts , Theatrics , Attempts , Something Else , Congress , Immigration , Floor Speech , Goodness , Didn T , Leadership , Dreamers , Opportunity , Base , Aren T , Ad Campaign , Other , Lawmakers , Jobs , Gears , Offices , Internshipoffice , Congressman Matt Gates , Characters , Wall , Nurse , Video , Gosh , Stunts , Colleagues , I Don T Know , Cheap Tricks And Theatrics , Book Deal , Show , Celeb , Fox Nation , Somebody , Murdering , Mascot , Keynote Speaker , Trail , Donald Trump , 2022 , Narrative , Rationale , Discourse , Disagreements , Bs , 100 , Seats , Retribution , Line , Colleague , No One , Party , Accountable , President Of The United States , Fellow , Discord , Games , Actions , Decency , Respect , Ideology , Uplift , Assessment , Pleasure , Guys , Unemployment Rate , Retail Sales , Answers , Inflation Climb , Money , Scent , Infusions , Difference , Mood , Downy , Biden S Domestic Agenda , In The House , 1 6 Trillion , 6 Trillion , Effect , Economy , Founder , Fighting Climate Change , Curb Inflation , Inflation , Bunch , Inflation Triggers , Spending , Price Triggers , Electricity , 500 Billion , Inflation Numbers , Counterinflation , Input Into , Fuel , Whole , Package , Energy Comp Assumption , Uh Huh , Issue , Little , Rating Agencies , Reuters , Pressure , Sales , Retail , Thing , Inflation Demon , Collective , Ptsd , Hint , 20th Century , God , It Hasn T Manifested Itself , Reawakened , 20 , Fear , Camp , Trigger , I M On , System , Re Appear , Demand , Reserve , Sweat Pants , By Product , Pelotons , Weren T Buying Stuff , Weren T Traveling , Holiday Sales , Supply Chain Wasn T , Reality , Purchases , Data , 1 7 , Supply Chain , Gain , Sofas , Sofa , Christmas Tree , Game , Problem , Tv , Wasn T Set , Buying , Silver 1 , Don T Settle , Bold , 1 , Skin , Eczema Symptom Relief , Psoriasis Symptom Relief , Bond , Fidelity , Wealth , Advisor , Generations , Aww , Bipolar Depression , Stories , Dinner , Fog , Art , Charles , Hi , Latuda , Depression , Symptoms , Lows , Mood Changes , Behaviors , Weight , Studies , Antidepressants , Dementia Patients , Side Effects , Life Threatening , Movements , Death , Confusion , Muscles , Muscle , Teens , Stroke , Fever , Guests , Prescription , 1200 , 0 , Security , Network Solutions , Devices , Cyberthreat , Anywhere , Activecore Platform , Network Management , Sd Wan , Big Day , Business Powering Possibilities , Msnbc World Headquarter , Trillion Act ,

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