Transcripts For MSNBC Jose Diaz-Balart Reports 20240709 : co

Transcripts For MSNBC Jose Diaz-Balart Reports 20240709

path forward. all of this as we're learning new details about president biden's three and a half hour virtual summit with the leader of china. meanwhile, just 90 minutes -- 90 miles off the coast of florida, the cuban government quashed planned demonstrations by dissidents asking for freedom. at any moment, the judge presiding over the kyle rittenhouse trial will randomly select the final group of jurors who will begin deliberating today. rittenhouse faces five felony charges, including first-degree attempted homicide and homicide. joining me now from wisconsin is gabe gutierrez and kristin gibbons feden. gabe, what are we expecting to happen this morning with the jury? >> reporter: hey, there, jose. good morning. as you mentioned, the judge will randomly select those 12 jurors out of the 18 that have been hearing the case so far. remember, we started this process with 20 jurors. two of them have been dismissed thus far. so we're now left with 18. ten women, eight men, one black man among that jury pool. and there's a wooden lottery tumbler i saw yesterday inside the courtroom that the judge has indicated that they'll use in just a few minutes to select those 12 jurors. the judge has also said that the six who are not selected, they don't get dismissed entirely, they'll be held in a separate room inside this courthouse while deliberations begin. but jose, this is -- it was a dramatic day yesterday of closing arguments. the prosecution's rebuttal, actually, wrapped up just before 7:00 eastern time. a very long day. so the judge decided to give the jurors the night to get some rest and come back here tomorrow and come back the following day. so we're expecting the jury to begin deliberations very shortly in this highly anticipated case, jose. >> and kristin, how much is both the defense and prosecution's case hanging in the balance of which jurors are selected today? >> well, as you know, there is some racial tension here. and i think that that's going to really be interesting if the one black juror gets called. there might be some sensitivity. as you know, all jurors will bring their common experiences with them to deliberations. additionally, there are women on the jury, and you know, when kyle rittenhouse did explode, yes, there is mixed reviews as to whether or not it was realistic. his mother was in the room. and so i think some of the females or the parents of the jury are going to be empathetic to the mom's point of view, as well. and then, of course, parents, right? if there are parents on the jury, keep in mind, he is 18 now, but at that time, he was a 17-year-old boy. he presents as a child. and so, they're also going to be taking with them those common experiences and humanize and empathize kyle rittenhouse, as well. >> gabe, paint the picture of what's going on outside the courtroom? we were talking just in the first seconds of this broadcast that the national guard has been called out? >> reporter: well, not called out exactly, but has been authorized by the wisconsin governor. that happened several days ago. and about 500 national guard members have been authorized, if local law enforcement ends up needing their help and calling them in. you'll have to remember, jose, when this case initially broke, this was last summer, august of 2020, following the police shooting of jacob blake, tensions were very raw, emotions were very high, there were riots, businesses broken into and buildings burned to the ground. we're not seeing that kind of tension here. there's a lot of local attention on this case, but i don't get the sense that there is the raw emotion now that there was back then. still, local authorities did get a lot of criticism back then for seemingly not being prepared for the violence that happened. but right now, 500 or so national guard troops authorized. local law enforcement is taking this very seriously. and i was inside the courthouse yesterday, jose, extremely, extremely tight security inside this courthouse as this city braces for a possible verdict. >> thank you very much for being with me this morning. now to washington, where president biden is about to hit the road again to sell the landmark infrastructure deal one day after he signed it into law. next hour, the president will travel to woodstock, new hampshire, where he will be visiting a bridge that has been on the state's red list of bridges in poor condition since 2013. this trip comes as house democrats wait for the congressional budget office to release its complete cost estimate for a huge bill aimed at reshaping the social safety net and fighting climate change. with me now, nbc capitol hill correspondent ali vitali and mike memoli. thank you for being with me. mike, the president's got this celebration, a huge bipartisan win yesterday, but low approval ratings complicate efforts to sell his agenda. >> reporter: yeah, jose. there's no doubt this white house is facing quite a few political head winds, but you saw in that grand ceremony on the south lawn yesterday, i was outside on a brisk washington afternoon, an effort to try to turn those winds back into their favor. you saw the president expend so much political capital on those difficult negotiations within the democratic party, with republicans on the infrastructure plan, and finally, a chance to celebrate that. and it was interesting watching this ceremony, you heard sort of the makings of the case going forward. you had house speaker nancy pelosi, vice president harris talking about really what an historic accomplishment this is in their view, linking it to the transcontinental railroad under president lincoln. the interstate highway system. but in the president's remarks, he spoke in more muted tones, directly to the american people, about saying, we see you. this was an opportunity for him to say, government understands the pressures that americans are facing and this is what happened yesterday, an example of what happens when government actually works for the american people. and now the president hitting the road to try to reinforce that message. i know ali remembers this day very well from our road warrior days. i was with then candidate joe biden when he left new hampshire in a hurry, even before the polls closed on primary day, so that's the last time he was in new hampshire. today, he's going back to a state that is still very important politically. it's going to be one of the real targets in the midterms, especially in the senate race there, to try to show what this project, what the funding from this infrastructure bill will do for the american people. he's also going to go to michigan tomorrow to try to make that case. but you also heard yesterday in that signing ceremony, a number of the speakers say that they're not done yet. that the infrastructure bill was just phase one and there's still a lot of emphasis as ali will pick up on trying to get now the next piece of the president's agenda through. >> and let's pick up on this. as house democrats wait for the cbo analysis on the reconciliation bill, i want to remind everyone what president biden has said about the cost of that bill. >> it's fully paid for. 17 nobel prize winners in economics have said it will lower the inflationary pressure on the economy. and over the next ten years, it will not add to the deficit at all. it will actually reduce the deficit according to the economists. >> the president and democrats have said this over and over again, but what happens if the cbo comes back and says there will be a cost? >> reporter: and there are some whispers that that may be what happens here. but as one of the front line democrats who i'm going to be watching over the course of the next year said this morning on "morning joe," that's something that democrats will have to deal with. check out abigail spanberger this morning. >> it's important that it be fully paid for. but let's be clear, if it's not, we have to absolutely understand that and understand what the long-term impact on our nation's debt is or isn't. and then we're faced with a secondary decision into the future about whether or not the investments we're making in our community and our education system and those long-term benefits are in fact are worth or invaluable from a long-term standpoint. >> look, jose, before they left for recess, house moderates made a deal with house democrats saying they needed to vote for this deal, they just needed to wait on the congressional budget office score. there was some room for negotiation in that statement, but nevertheless, if for some reason house moderates decide to torpedo this agreement on the build back better act, there are going to be some very angry progressives in this building. that's certainly something we'll be keeping an eye out for. but right now, at least at this point, it looks like things are moving ahead, even if it's not as quickly as some in democratic leadership would have liked. house speaker nancy pelosi told her leadership team yesterday that her caucus would not be leaving town for thanksgiving break until they passed the build back better act. that's probably going to come towards the end of the week. we just heard from the number two house democrats, steny hoyer who said, they're probably going to start debating this bill on wednesday. that means that this skews towards later in the week, because that's when we're expecting the congressional budget office score to come out. that could mean that democrats vote on this friday, maybe saturday. a little bit of a working weekend before they get to thanksgiving. that, at least, will take care of the house's business on this. that's nothing to say, though, jose, about where the senate still has yet to go on this. they're going through parliamentary scrubs, making sure that this meets all manner of procedural requirements for democrats actually do this through the partisan reconciliation process. all of that means that it has to impact the budgetary bottom line in some way. they're going through that process right now and have been, even as lawmakers were out of washington, but i will say that one of the members of our team just caught up with senator joe manchin, he's still saying that he has concerns about inflation, which you were talking about, that's something that democrats from the white house and in congress are going to have to continue to push back against. they argue that this bill could help the country build back in often is way that they could combat that. manchin, when he was asked that just a few minutes ago, seemed to smirk and throw some doubt on that, saying that he hadn't seen that yet. but there are some policy differences about what the house is likely to pass and what the senate is actually going to be able to pass through its own process, things like immigration, paid leave, for some reasons or another, whether it's parliamentary or political, those things may not end up in the senate bill. even if the house does its work, still a long way to go on this. >> ali vitali and mike memoli, thank you both very much for being with me this morning. and we have breaking news this morning. american journalist danny fenster is back on u.s. soil after being imprisoned for six months in myanmar. he arrived in new york city earlier this morning, a military court in myanmar had just sentenced fenster to 11 years in prison after being convicted on several charges. the military released fenster yesterday after negotiations with former u.n. ambassador bill richardson. fenster spoke to reporters just in the last hour. >> so i'm going to take time to celebrate and spend time with my family and continue concentrating on all the other -- not just journalists and prisoners in myanmar and everyone else, just a lot of citizens, doctors, teachers, that are in prison right now. and other breaking news, the judge in the kyle rittenhouse trial is collecting jurors. let's listen in. >> you must consider each one separately, your verdict for the crime charged on one count must not affect your verdict on any other. as i indicated, i think, yesterday that you must return only one verdict for each count of the information. if you need to communicate with me while you are in deliberation, please send a note through the bailiff which is signed by the presiding juror whom you've elected. in the event that you have questions, i will talk with the attorneys before answering, so it may take some time. you should consider -- you should continue your deliberations while you await an answer. i will answer any questions in writing or orally here in open court. when you've agreed upon your verdict, have it signed and dated by the presiding juror as to each count and all of you return with the verdict to the court. bailiffs? do you solemnly swear that you'll keep all persons sworn on this jury together in some private and convenient place and that you will not speak to them or commit anyone else to speak to them during the state of their deliberations or the verdicts on which they've agreed, so help you god? >> i do. >> all right, folks, you can retire to consider your verdicts. >> all done and now the jurors are being told to go back and begin the process. kristin gibbons, tell us what exactly is happening right now. >> right now, the jury is going to begin to consider. they have been sitting through this trial. reports say that they have been listening meticulously. now it is their time to really, really go through the evidence, go through each charge, determine whether or not the prosecution met its burden on pursuing beyond a reasonable doubt the homicide of two victims, mr. rosenbaum as well as mr. huber. and they're also going to determine whether or not there was an attempted homicide. if more grosskreutz. so they have a lot to do. they're also going to have to see whether or not kyle rittenhouse's defense, which was put on, accurately depicted a self-defense. and whether or not the prosecution disproved it beyond a reasonable doubt. so this is their time to really go through the evidence. i anticipate that they're going to have a lot of questions. there's a lot of legal complexities and keep in mind that there are lesser included charges here. even on the first-degree, reckless homicide, or the first-degree intentional homicide for mr. huber, there are going to be lesser included. so if they don't find that the intention was to kill, they can say whether or not kyle rittenhouse was reckless. but then again, their inquiry does not stop there, because they have to really determine whether or not that self-defense was met. >> gabe gutierrez outside the courtroom, how are things there? >> hi, there, jose. we can tell you, we just got some information from a pool reporter, who was inside the courtroom. in terms of the alternates who were just led out of the room, the six alternates include three men and three women. the one person of color who was on the jury remains on the jury. so doing the math, going into this, there were 18 jurors, ten women, eight men. so now, i'm doing a little math, jose, we have seven women remaining on the jury as well as five men. the one person of color is still on the jury. so jose, you just saw right there a few moments ago, kyle rittenhouse selecting himself, the names out of that lottery tumbler. and this is setting up a dramatic conclusion, potentially, to this case. a highly anticipated, closely watched case. about two weeks of testimony, 31 witnesses. it is now about to be in the hands of that jury, jose. >> gabe gutierrez from kenosha, thank you very much. and we're seeing the images right now inside the courtroom. the jury has been instructed to begin their deliberations. let's listen in. >> i feel badly about that, because i had a jury some years ago that was in a similar situation and the extra jurors were -- all they had to watch was daytime tv, and i'm afraid i can't even arrange that for you. but i don't know, maybe there was something about some movies or something, wasn't there? i hope they appeal that. >> i don't know. becky's gone this morning. >> well, anyway, we'll see what we can do to give you some kind of entertainment. but in the meantime, please adhere to those rules and you will be -- we're not going to sequester anybody or anything at this particular point, so -- and i hope that they have a comfortable place arranged. i understand they do. so any questions? yes, ma'am. >> are we allowed to get our belongings? >> yes, in fact, i'm having the bailiff escort you out there now. and while you're there, you're not to have any conversation with the other jurors, okay? anything else? okay, fine. thank you very much. and give those to the jurors, yes. >> there you saw it, the final instructions to the jury, those that will be deciding the fate of rittenhouse as well as those that are on standby. they will be on standby throughout the duration of this process. but there you see everybody standing up, which seems to indicate that the judge is wrapping things up. >> all right, anything else now before -- you'll -- i've -- well -- i think, stay within ten minutes from here, in case there's questions or something. okay. thank you. >> and it looks like they're wrapping it up. this part of it, anyway. it's now in the hands of that jury that will begin deliberations in the carl rittenhouse case. we see the prosecution there getting closer to the judge. i don't know if he has something to say. let's listen in for a sec. no? no audio, so. whatever they have to do, they've already done. and this is just the wrapping up moments now, as the jury begins their deliberations in this case. now, back to capitol hill, or at this hour, alejandro may mayorkas is testifying on the biden administration's border and immigration policies, this as democrats look to use their nearly $2 trillion social spending bill to make changes to advance immigration reform for the first time in decades. they hope to include a path to citizenship or green cards for millions of undocumented immigrants, but the senate parliamentarian rejected those plans, because they do not need the budget rules for the bill. with me now is a leader in this effort, california democratic senator, alex padilla. he sits on the judiciary, homeland security, and budget committee. senator, always a pleasure to see you. let's talk about president biden and the democrats. big celebration yesterday, a big victory on infrastructure. the focus now turns to the reconciliation bill. can democrats get this bill done before the end of the year, or will it likely drag into the next year? >> good to be back with you, jose. i am highly confident that this will get -- the build back better is really part two of the historic investment in all aspects of our infrastructure that we're talking about. so, yes, yesterday was a worthy celebration of part one, money for transportation, for public transit, for the electrical grid, for broadband, include ing many of the initiatives that i've championed since aarrived in the senate. now comes an important part two. what does investment mean in health care, in housing, in climate change. and yes, in immigration reform policy, which is long overdue. >> i know this is a particular passion point for you, senator. what could or should immigration play a part in this build back better? >> look, i think it's integral. it's a policy separate and apart that they're trying to shove in the budget reconciliation process, securely for millions and millions of undocumented immigrants that have been living in the united states. adults, on average, for 18 years, working, paying taxes, raising families and contributing to the economic success of sur country is nothing other than fairness. let me tell you why it's so integral to the build back better agenda. we want to talk about the role of essential workers during the pandemic and maybe some of the supply chain issues that we've had of late. how many immigrants, undocumented are working in those essential jobs in food processing plants, in transportation sectors, et cetera. what about child care? so many caregivers across the country that are immigrants, documented and undocumented. and if you want to look at something as simple as our nation's food supply, think of all the immigrants working in the fields in agriculture, in meat processing plants, et cetera. so buttressing our workforce through humane treatment of immigrants is essential to the build back better agenda in all aspects. >> and senator, i know that you've often spoken about plan "a," plan "b," plan "c," however many letters are required to get this done. but i'm just wondering, is there not a plan to try to do, for example, what the senate tried to do in 2013, right? which is get together and present a policy proposal that would in writing deal with immigration separate from anything else? why is that not possible? >> that's a great question, jose. and i wish some of my republican colleagues would answer that question publicly. trust me, we are utilizing this budget reconciliation process, not as our first choice, but our only choice. the dozens of bipartisan convenings that we've had since the beginning of the year have been fruitless. too many of my republican colleagues saying behind closed doors, oh, we need immigrants, our economy depends on immigrants, but are unwilling to speak publicly, let alone vote for a comprehensive, balanced immigration reform, such as was done in 2013. it's sad, it's unfortunate, but democrats aren't giving up, which is we're pursuing this budget reconciliation process as a means to get done what is long overdue. >> and senator, meanwhile, there is no doubt a humanitarian crisis at the border, right? we have been seeing it for some time now. what do you want to hear from secretary mayorkas as he testifies before the judiciary committee today? >> i think two things that immediately come to mind. number one, as we're working to quickly restore the capacity for the very departments and agencies that are in charge of securing the border and treating immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers with the fairness and the humanity that they deserve, number one. but number two, how we can't let maybe a temporary situation at the border distract from the fairness that millions of immigrants and their families that have been in the united states for years and years and years deserve. so they're both important, but let's not let one get in the way of progress for the other populations. >> so i want to underline what you have said here and you have said it for some time now. for example, this proposal that would be in the build back better would immigrants who have been here since 2011. so you're so right to point out that these are two totally different things. >> exactly. people who have been here for a decade or more. and in many, many cases working not just working and paying taxes, but working in jobs that the federal government deems essential. they've been essential since before the pandemic, especially essential because of the covid-19 pandemic. that's a very different group of people than somebody who might have appeared at the southern border two minutes ago seeking asylum. they need to be treated fairly and humanely as well, but we cannot let that scenario hold up progress and justice for millions of immigrants. >> senator alex padilla, it's always a pleasure to speak with you. thank you for being with me this morning. >> thank you, jose. still ahead, president biden speaks with the leader of china for more than three hours. we'll bring you details on what was said, next. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. no one can deliver your mom's homemade short ribs. for starters, your mom doesn't have a restaurant. if she did, it would be impossible to get 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it's great seeing you this morning. the top issue on a lot of american's minds right now is that massive supply chain disruption. were those concerns reflected in this phone call with the chinese leader? david, can you hear me? i don't know that david can hear me yet? david, can you hear me? no. all right, let's try to reestablish communication with david ignatius. we're just going to try to bore in a little bit more on this three and a half hour meeting between president biden and the leader of china. one of the key questions there has to be, what is the united states' position vis-a-vis taiwan? it was said during the readout of this conversation, this three and a half hour conversation, that the chinese leader warned president biden that the u.s. is playing with fire on taiwan. we're going to try to get some information on that. i don't know if we've reestablished communication with david ignatius. we have not. let's do something. let's take a quick break, reestablish communication with david ignatius and we'll continue this conversation at the other side of the break. ntcoinue this conversation at the other side of the break. ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ so you have diabetes, here are some easy rules... no sugar. no pizza. no foods you love. stressed? no stress. exercise. but no days off. easy, no? no, no, no, no with freestyle libre 2, you can take the mystery out of your diabetes. now you know. sir? you know what you want to order? yes. freestyle libre 2. try it for free. no, he's not in his room. ♪♪ ♪♪ dad, why didn't you answer your phone? ♪♪ your mother loved this park. ♪♪ she did. ♪♪ this morning, pfizer announced a deal with a u.n.-backed group to allow other drug companies to manufacture its covid-19 anti-viral pill. the move could make the treatment more globally accessible and affordable, particularly to lower income countries. according to pfizer, the drug reduces covid hospitalizations and deaths by up to 90% among high-risk patients. joining me now is dr. nahid bhadelia, an nbc news medical contributor. dr. bedelia, it's a great pleasure to see you. talk to us about this drug and the impact it could have now that it's apparently going to be available for other countries to have at a much more economical way. >> that's right, jose. what's happened is pfizer has put this into something called a medicines patent pool, which allows other companies to make generic versions of this that are cheaper and can provide medications up to 50 percent of the world. the reason this is particularly helpful for resource-limited settings is monoclonal antibodies are really hard to deliver in settings where you may not have access to clinics. where you have to have that cold chain. so having a pill like this that can reduce hospitalizations, can reduce the burden of diseases on many limit resources settings, it's not a replacement for vaccines. you have 5% of low-income countries, populations currently vaccinated because you actually have to get sick and be able to access this bill to have those benefits be seen. so what i would love to see is see this move be copied by vaccine manufacturers, as well, so we can give prevention as well as treatment, as part of a global pandemic response. >> and so what is this pill -- it's interesting, so just to get a better understanding of of it, what exactly does this pill do? how does do it and when does it need to be taken? and this is very much related to that first question, jose. the pfizer nil particular, for example, what it does is it stops the ability of the virus to continue to form an infection in the body, right? it's a one-step earlier than merck's drug that actually stops replication and it stops a particular enzyme in the body, it inhibits it and keeps the body getting ready to replicate itself. it need to be given very early. the maximum response they saw in the randomized control trial is they need to get it three five days after symptom onset. that needs to be linked to you being tested. and so for us to recognize both marry and globally the benefit of this bill, people need to have access to testing. and it's even more abysmal globally, this access to testings than it is here in the u.s. >> that's a very good point. let's talk about the vaccination that you were just mentioning a few minutes ago. we're also following the latest on boosters here in the u.s. four states and new york city are approving boosters for all adults before federal regulators do so. here's what dr. fauci had to say last night on cnbc. >> as long as you get a safety signal that you don't have any red flags of safety, i have always been, right from the beginning, always yielding to safety to make sure than one who feels that you should get no ambiguity, get the confusion out of the way. anybody 18 or older should get the booster shot. >> what do you think of that, dr. bhadelia? >> i think in september when we were looking at this data and when the manufacturers brought this booster applications to the fda, the question was, are we seeing attrition protection against severe disease in elderly because they're older. you see that in many flu vaccines, you see antibodies go down in patients who are older faster than the rest of the population. and new data has come up in the last two months, jose. including data even last week from the uk who say if you can get these boosters to all age group to restore efficacy against symptomatic disease from 62% and 94%. and there was a randomized controlled trial for pfizer that shows benefits. again, most of the benefits in people over 40 or people over 50 as the uk reports. but there does seem to benefit. and the second question that's come up is, look, we're uphill in this potential winter surge. and, yes, you know, the benefit is greatest against -- in people who are older or have medical conditions or immune compromised. maybe getting transmission down in this winter surge with this booster is maybe a good strategy for these next few months. the important part of this, though, is that states, as they open up eligibility, need to know that the greatest benefits are for people who are older. and you want to make sure that that population is able to get their boosters and that there's not, you know, sort of a blockage in the ability to access them, because that's where you'll see the greatest amount of protection. and the last point, of course, is both things can be true. boosters can help at home. and they can hurt, of course, the effort for global vaccine equity. so we have to keep an eye on that, as well. >> dr. bhadelia, thank you for being with me this morning. appreciate it. >> thank you. still ahead, a debris field of space junk is threatening the space station and the seven astronauts onboard. and the u.s. is outraged over where the junk came from. details, next. 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i see a rocket behind you, by the way. a lot of them! >> reporter: yeah, i'm at the rocket garden here at the kennedy space center visitor complex. obviously, it is the talk of the town here, both among the civilians and those who work in nasa, because the real concern is with this debris cloud. so russia fired a missile and blew up an old satellite that was orbiting, which created this cloud of debris. imagine this is a piece of the debris and it is going to hit the actual space station, but it's traveling at almost ten times the speed of firing a bullet. so the real concern is, if something like this or even something as small as a dime hit, that it's hitting faster than a speeding bullet. space maybe infinite, but this morning, a debris field threatens the space station. >> we were recently informed of a satellite breakup and need to have you guys start reviewing the safe haven procedure. >> reporter: that call from ground control to the space station coming after russia fired a missile at one of its own satellites, destroying it, launching hundreds of thousands of pieces of dangerous debris into orbit. and triggering a full-throated condemnation from the u.s. government. >> it was dangerous, it was reckless, it was irresponsible. >> reporter: the space station circles the earth every 90 minutes, moving at more than 17,000 miles per hour. if it collides with even the smallest piece of debris, it would have the impact of almost 10 times the force of a bullet. nasa says the seven astronauts onboard retreated to their docked capsules monday, in case an emergency escape was needed. but later, all onboard resumed normal operations. those seven astronauts including four americans, one german, and two russian cosmonauts. nasa astronaut mark vandehei calmly signing off to mission control in houston. >> thanks for a crazy but well-coordinated day. it was certainly a great way to bond as a crew, starting off our very first workday in space. >> reporter: the three other americans, raja kari, kala marin, and tom marshburne and german astronaut arrived just last week on spacex's crewed three flight. >> the u.s. state department warning that the u.s. will work with allies to respond to russia's action. u.s. space demand is now tracking the debris and says it could remain in orbit for years, possibly decades. >> what the russians did today with these 1,500 pieces of trackable, orbital debris poses a risk not only those astronauts, not only to those kos cosmonauts, but to satellites and the interests of all nations. >> reporter: russia has now confirmed it did launch that missile, did blow up that satellite, but they're pushing back, saying that that cloud of debris poses no threat to anybody on the international space station, including the two cosmonaus who were onboard, jose. >> the greatest, kerry sanders, thank you. good to see you, buddy. and a programming note, my colleague andrea mitchell will interview nasa administrator bill nelson today at noon right heres on msnbc. the cuban government used heavy-handed tactics, to say the least, to stifle protests across the island yesterday. police vehicles, you can see them throughout the island patrolling the streets. there were still acts of dissent, many of them. like this simple clap by an activist dressed in all white, broadcast to the world. and there were solidarity protests for the freedom of cuba. across the globe, including here in u.s., places like miami and las vegas. take a look at that, mexico city, argentina, chile. joining me now is jay conn carnella, cuban american actor and activist who was in las vegas for the protest. i want to talk about the power of this moment. with so many protests around the globe, how do you see that power? this moment with so many protests around the globe. how do you see that power? >> first off, thank you for having me. thank you for shining a light on this. i know it means a lot to you as well as myself and so many other people that we know. i think this is so powerful what we are doing so the people of cuba can know that we are listening. people don't realize that these videos that are circulating the internet in some way, shape or form, they do end up getting to the people of cuba. what the people of cuba need is courage. what we need to do to continue to give them strength is us go out to the streets. >> what does it mean that the cuban government since july 11th has been doing everything, and i mean everything, to stifle what was going to happen on the 15th of november. they were successful for the most part. what going forward do the people of cuba have to be able to ask for freedom? >> you know, it's so important to realize what a victory july 11th was for the cuban people and what a victory the 15th of november was for the cuban people. when you sit back and you realize that the people, the 200,000 plus people who took to the streets on july 11th are people who were born in the system. they are people who have no idea what freedom is. they only know the communist regime. so the communist regime has a major problem on their hands. the fact that over 200,000 people who have been indoctrined to idolize castro. they are talking about the illegitimate communist party. the fact that the regime has done everything to stifle the people of cuba and three months later they are out on the street again protesting for their freedom is a major problem for the communist regime and a huge victory for the cuban people. i really believe they are going to continue to hit the streets, they are going to continue to get locked up, but they're not going to stop. they are sick and tired of that regime and it needs to come to an end. >> thank you. coming up, we're live in a place where residents face the highest cancer risk in the nation. highest cancer risk in the nation is struggling to manage your type 2 diabetes knocking you out of your zone? 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(whines) ♪♪ ♪ ohh ohh ♪ this week the epa administrator is touring the south to talk to communities of color who are disproportionately affected by environmental disasters. today he's visiting st. john the baptist parish in southern louisiana, the area nearly 60% black and known as cancer alley. morgan, this is a group of people who are essentially forgotten. how can we have an area in our country literally called cancer alley? >> reporter: jose, the residents here are asking the exact same thing. more importantly, they're asking why nothing has been done about it. we're in the stretch between new orleans and baton rouge, louisiana, which is dubbed cancer alley because it has the highest death rate to cancer in the entire country. the residents here say it's due to the chemical plants in the area that release chemicals that the epa designated back in 2010 as a likely carcinogen. mr. robert taylor was born and bred in this area. his mother died of cancer. his daughter has a rare disease. his wife has cancer. if you walk down this block, you can't find anyone inside these homes who has not been affected by cancer. take a listen. >> we're welcoming the new administrator. we're elated that he's coming. we're grateful that he's showing an interest in our lives, but we need to see some action. >> what do you say to regain and reinstill the trust in those communities? >> these communities have a right to be frustrated. they have a right to be angry and they have a right not to trust us. but i'm here presenting myself as a willing partner to help solve some of these ills, and together we can do it. but they should keep close watch on us. >> reporter: just as a point of context, the entire stretch of cancer alley is about 80% black. also important to note that administrator michael reagan is the first black man to have ever been appointed to this role. he says this is an issue that hits home. it's affecting communities that look just like his family, which is why he's doing this listening tour. then he heads off to houston to assure people in places just like this that this time, he says things will be different. that wraps up the hour for me. i'm jose diaz balart. reach me on twitter and instagram at jd balart. thank you for the privilege of your time. chris jansing picks up right now. good tuesday morning. i'm chris jansing in for craig melvin. our attention trained right now on two courtrooms. first, the future of kyle rittenhouse is now in the hand of the jury. in just the last hour, 12 jurors were selected from that brown tumbler and sent off to deliberate this case. in just moments we'll break down everything the juror is weighing. jury selection is under way in a new york courtroom in the case of ghislaine maxwell, a jeffrey epstein confidant. we're also on white house watch this hour, because about 15 minutes from now president biden will leave for new hampshire to tout the freshly signed bipartisan infrastructure law. later in the hour, i'll talk to not one, but two mayors of major american cities who were at the signing yesterday. dayton ohio mayor, nan w

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U S , Yes , Janis , Kenosha , Kinds , Limits , Weapons , Wisconsin , Scary , Stephanie Ruhle , Jurors , Courtroom , Kyle Rittenhouse Trial , Breaking News Coverage , Jose Diaz Balart , 10 , 00 , Joe Biden , Carl Rittenhouse Case , Charges , New Hampshire , Standby , Troops , City , National Guard , Eastern , Pacific , 7 , Democrats , Alex Padilla , Reconciliation Bill , Infrastructure Deal , Achievement , Challenge , Capitol Hill , Government , Leader , Details , Wall , Summit , Coast , Cuban , Path Forward , Florida , China , 90 , Three , Judge , Freedom , Demonstrations , Dissidents , Group , Homicide , Degree , Felony Charges , Five , Jury , Reporter , Gabe Gutierrez , Kristin Gibbons Feden , Budget Reconciliation Process , Men , Women , Two , Black Man , Jury Pool , 18 , 20 , Ten , Eight , One , 12 , Six , Lottery Tumbler , Prosecution , Deliberations , Room , Courthouse , Eastern Time , Closing Arguments , Tension , Case , Defense , Jose , Balance , Kristin , Experiences , The One Black Juror , Sensitivity , Parents , Mother , Reviews , Females , Rittenhouse , Mom , Course , Mind , Child , Boy , Point Of View , 17 , Guard , What S Going On , Picture , Help , Members , Law Enforcement , Governor , 500 , Tensions , Police Shooting , August , Emotions , 2020 , August Of 2020 , Lot , Sense , Kind , Buildings , Ground , Attention , Businesses , Riots , Violence , Authorities , Emotion , Criticism , Courthouse Yesterday , Verdict , Security , City Braces , President , Road , Law , Washington , Woodstock , Will Travel , Bill , Condition , State , White House , Bridge , Red List , Trip , Bridges , Congressional Budget Office , Cost Estimate , Safety Net And Fighting Climate Change , 2013 , Correspondent Ali Vitali , Celebration , Mike Memoli , Nbc , Agenda , Winds , Head , Efforts , Grand Ceremony , South Lawn Yesterday , Win , Approval Ratings , No Doubt , Effort , Negotiations , Infrastructure Plan , Chance , Capital , Favor , Republicans , Expend , Brisk Washington Afternoon , It , Nancy Pelosi , Ceremony , Makings , Harris , View , Accomplishment , People , Americans , Pressures , Railroad , Tones , Saying , Remarks , Opportunity , Interstate Highway System , Lincoln , Example , Message , Road Warrior , Senate , Hurry , Polls , Targets , Midterms , Race , Infrastructure Bill , Speakers , Number , Signing Ceremony , Project , Funding , Michigan , Piece , House Democrats , Emphasis , Analysis , Agenda Through , Everyone , Cost , Winners , Pressure , Economics , Nobel Prize , Economy , Deficit , Economists , Whispers , Front Line , Something , Impact , Nation , Morning Joe , Isn T , Debt , Fact , Benefits , Community , Investments , Education System , Decision , Deal , Standpoint , Recess , Build , Reason , Eye , Score , Act , Statement , Building , Progressives , Negotiation , House Moderates , Agreement , Things , Point , Team , House Speaker , Caucus , Leadership , Town , End , Who , Skews , Bill On Wednesday , Steny Hoyer , Nothing , Least , Business , Bit , Care , Reconciliation Process , Bottom Line , Requirements , Manner , Scrubs , Way , Joe Manchin , Lawmakers , Inflation , Country Build , Doubt , Congress , He Hadn T , Immigration , House , Another , Policy , Leave , Reasons , Work , Danny Fenster , New York City , News , Military Court , Soil , Myanmar , 11 , Prison , Bill Richardson , Reporters , Military , U N , Released Fenster , Family , Other , Journalists , Prisoners , Doctors , Breaking News , Citizens , Teachers , Everyone Else , Count , Crime , Information , Questions , Bailiff , Note , Presiding Juror , Deliberation , Answering , Event , Attorneys , Open Court , Answer , Writing , Persons , Juror , Presiding , Court , Bailiffs , Right , Place , Anyone , Verdicts , God , Kristin Gibbons , Listening , Trial , Mr , Charge , Evidence , Victims , Beyond A Reasonable Doubt , Rosenbaum , Grosskreutz , Huber , Self Defense , Intention , Complexities , Inquiry , Met , Alternates , Hi , Pool Reporter , Terms , Person , Color , Math , Seven , Conclusion , Testimony , Names , Witnesses , 31 , Hands , Images , Situation , Don T Know , Tv , Wasn T , I Don T Know , Movies , Becky , Anybody , Rules , Anything , Entertainment , Belongings , Escort , Ma Am , Conversation , Anything Else , Fine , Instructions , Fate , Wrapping , Everybody , Standing Up , Part , Audio , Sec , Alejandro May Mayorkas , Border , Changes , Immigration Reform , Biden Administration , Spending , Time , Policies , Path , 2 Trillion , Trillion , Immigrants , Millions , Senator , Plans , Citizenship , Parliamentarian , Judiciary , Budget Rules , Cards , California , Big Celebration Yesterday , Infrastructure , Pleasure , Budget Committee , Focus , Let S Talk , Homeland Security , Aspects , Investment , Transportation , Electrical Grid , Money , Public Transit , Many , Initiatives , Housing , Immigration Reform Policy , Health Care , Broadband , Ing , Aarrived , Passion Point , Adults , Role , Fairness , Taxes , Families , Sur Country , Success , Average , Pandemic , Jobs , Supply Chain Issues , Food Processing Plants , Essential Workers , Country , Child Care , Caregivers , Undocumented , Transportation Sectors , Et Cetera , Treatment , Essential , Meat Processing Plants , Workforce , Fields , Food Supply , Agriculture , Plan , Letters , Done , B , C , Policy Proposal , Writing Deal , Question , Colleagues , Republican , Trust Me , Beginning , Choice , Convenings , Dozens , Behind Closed Doors , Democrats Aren T Giving Up , Comprehensive , Crisis , Means , Secretary Mayorkas , Departments , Judiciary Committee Today , Capacity , Number One , Asylum Seekers , Agencies , Refugees , Humanity , Progress , Populations , Important , Proposal , 2011 , Cases , More , Covid , 19 , Somebody , Scenario Hold Up Progress , Asylum , Justice , Doesn T , Short Ribs , Msnbc , Jose Diaz Balart Reports , Restaurant , Starters , Franchising Everything , Wrinkly , Ingredients , Instacart , Man , Wrinkles , Clothes , Wrinkled , Bs , Shoes , No Onlike , Manhood , Guy , Direction , Dryer , Bounce Wrinkleguard , Megasheet , Urologist , Buildup , Adult , Bend , Erection , Xiaflex , Scar Tissue , Peyronie S Disease Or Pd , Fda , Side Effects , Treatment Area , Any , Stretching , Don T , Exercises , Urethra , Collagenase , Injury , Penile Fracture , Doctor , Symptoms , Reactions , Back Pain Reactions , Blood Thinners , Activity , Bleeding Condition , Anaphylaxis , Treatment Cycle , 4 , Risk , Bleeding , Bruising , Site , Recording Artist , Elodia , 1 , 10 Million , Internet , Students , Comcast , Tools , Emmanuel , Projectup , Billion , 1 Billion , 30 , World , Nations , Breakthroughs , Relationship , Topics , Range , Xi Jinping , David Ignatius , Contributor , Human Rights Record , Taiwan , Associate Editor , Seeing , The Middle East , Washington Post , Issue , Supply Chain Disruption , Minds , Phone Call , Concerns , Communication , Meeting , Readout , Position Vis , Break , Playing With Fire , Side , Ntcoinue , Ideas , Experience , Dark , Flexibility , Diabetes , Pizza , Stress , Foods , Sugar , Mystery , Exercise , Sir , Easy , 2 , Libre 2 , Phone , Didn T , Park , Dad , Is Pfizer , Pill , Drug , Countries , Move , Drug Companies , Dr , Patients , Deaths , Covid Hospitalizations , Nahid Bhadelia , Bedelia , That S Right , Companies , Medications , Medicines Patent Pool , Versions , 50 , Settings , Antibodies , Hospitalizations , Clinics , Cold Chain , Diseases , Vaccines , Limit Resources Settings , Burden , Replacement , 5 , Response , Well , Vaccine Manufacturers , Prevention , Understanding , Ability , Body , Infection , Pfizer Nil Particular , Virus , Replication , Control Trial , Enzyme , Benefit , Access , Both , Needs , Testing , Boosters , States , Vaccination , Talk , Latest , Regulators , Let , Four , Safety , Safety Signal , Flags , Fauci , Cnbc , Confusion , Ambiguity , Booster Shot , Disease , Data , Flu Vaccines , Booster Applications , Elderly , Attrition Protection , Manufacturers , Population , Age Group , Rest , Efficacy , Uk , Randomized Controlled Trial , Reports , Most , 40 , 94 , 62 , Winter Surge , Against , Conditions , Transmission , Immune , Booster , Strategy , Eligibility , Protection , Blockage , Home , Amount , Vaccine Equity , Space Station , Debris Field , Space Junk , Astronauts , Asthma , Eosinophils , Nucala , Junk , Add On Injection , U Diaz Balart Reports , Swelling , Infections , Breathing , Breathing Problems , Mouth , Tongue , Trouble , Face , Shingles , Don T Stop Steroids , Nunormal , Injection Site Reactions , Headache , Back Pain , Fatigue , Bipolar Depression , Stories , Fog , Art , Latuda , Depression , Lows , Difference , Weight , Mood Changes , Children , Studies , Antidepressants , Thoughts , Behaviors , Death , Stroke , Dementia Patients , Movements , Life Threatening , Muscles , Muscle , Teens , Fever , Prescription , Pay , 0 , , Bank , Kids Playing , Cody , Wallet , Left , Blocks , Checking Account , Overdraft Fee , Gotta , 24 , Cash , Pnc Bank , Making A Difference , Migrants , Borders , Headlines , Check , Forces , Tear Gas , Water Cannons , Poland , 44 , Sanctions , Stones , Coronavirus , Belarus , European Union , Europe , 2 Million , Lockdown , Netherlands , Attempt , Spike , Unvaccinated , Austria , Debris , Kerry Sanders , Kennedy Space Center , Story , International Space Station , Restaurants , Scare Yesterday , Bars , Rocket , Danger , Rocket Garden , Satellite , Missile , Concern , Russia , Interview Nasa , Civilians , Talk Of The Town , Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex , Debris Cloud , Bullet , Times , Cloud Of Debris , Orbiting , Speed , Firing , Space , Satellite Breakup , Hitting , Speeding Bullet , Dime Hit , Satellites , Ground Control , Call , Safe Haven Procedure , Orbit , Pieces , Condemnation , Thousands , Launching Hundreds , Earth , It Collides , Force , 17000 , Operations , German , Emergency Escape , Mark Vandehei , Mission Control , Cosmonauts , Thanks , Crew , Houston , Crazy , Bond , Workday , Astronaut , Kala Marin , Tom Marshburne , Raja Kari , Action , Spacex , Flight , Allies , Warning , Demand , U S State Department , Orbital Debris , Trackable , Russians , 1500 , Interests , Back , Cloud , Threat , Blow , Kos Cosmonauts , Buddy , Andrea Mitchell , Cosmonaus , Programming Note , The Greatest , Protests , Island , Bill Nelson , Tactics , Police Vehicles , Streets , Dissent , Clap , Globe , Activist , White , Look , Solidarity , Mexico City , Chile , Las Vegas , Miami , Argentina , Power , Protest , Jay Conn Carnella , Cuban American Actor , First Off , Light , Videos , Courage , Need , Shape , Form , Everything , Strength , 15th Of November , 15 , July 11th , Victory July 11th , System , Idea , 200000 , Regime , Problem , Indoctrined , Communist Party , Idolize Castro , The Street , Don T Take Ozempic , Cancer Risk , A1c , Residents , Coming Up , Type 2 Diabetes , Zone , Oh , Cv Risk , Game , Heart Disease , Type 1 Diabetes , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Events , Heart Attack , Reuse , Pens , Share , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Reaction , Lump , Needles , Stomach Pain , Stop Ozempic , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Pancreatitis , Blood Sugar Risk , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Sulfonylurea , Insulin , Nausea , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Vomiting , Provider , Narrator , Fried Foods , Health Care Provider , Taste , Crunch , 3 , 25 , Food , Multitasking Oven , Technology , Meals , Results , Air , Odors , Cleanup , Oil , Functions , Airfryer Toaster Oven , Cuisinart , 98 , Broils , Toasts , Convection Bakes , Stop Taking Xarelto , Dvt , Blood Clots , Pe , Blood Clot , Injection , Bruise , Paralysis , Procedures , Medicines , Fatal Bleeding , Kidney , Artificial Heart Valve , Don T Take Xarelto , Liver Problems , 888 , 1 888 Xarelto , Cold , Nighttime , Flu , Sleep , Coughing , On Sunday Night , Relief , Aching , Sniffling , Stuffy , Sneezing , Medicine , Dog , Buttercup , Communities , Epa Administrator , South , Whines , Area , Southern Louisiana , Cancer Alley , Disasters , Parish , He S Visiting St , Morgan , John The Baptist , 60 , Thing , Cancer , Stretch , Death Rate , New Orleans , Baton Rouge , Plants , Chemicals , Epa , 2010 , Robert Taylor , Block , Daughter , Wife , Carcinogen , Michael Reagan , Listen , Homes , Interest , Lives , Trust , Some , Partner , Ills , Black , Context , 80 , Hits , Listening Tour , Places , Diaz Balart , Instagram , Reach Me On Twitter , Privilege , Chris Jansing , Courtrooms , Hand , Tuesday Morning , First , Craig Melvin , Jury Selection , Brown Tumbler , Ghislaine Maxwell , Confidant , Jeffrey Epstein , Mayors , Infrastructure Law , Mayor , Cities , Nan W , Dayton Ohio ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC Jose Diaz-Balart Reports 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Jose Diaz-Balart Reports 20240709

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path forward. all of this as we're learning new details about president biden's three and a half hour virtual summit with the leader of china. meanwhile, just 90 minutes -- 90 miles off the coast of florida, the cuban government quashed planned demonstrations by dissidents asking for freedom. at any moment, the judge presiding over the kyle rittenhouse trial will randomly select the final group of jurors who will begin deliberating today. rittenhouse faces five felony charges, including first-degree attempted homicide and homicide. joining me now from wisconsin is gabe gutierrez and kristin gibbons feden. gabe, what are we expecting to happen this morning with the jury? >> reporter: hey, there, jose. good morning. as you mentioned, the judge will randomly select those 12 jurors out of the 18 that have been hearing the case so far. remember, we started this process with 20 jurors. two of them have been dismissed thus far. so we're now left with 18. ten women, eight men, one black man among that jury pool. and there's a wooden lottery tumbler i saw yesterday inside the courtroom that the judge has indicated that they'll use in just a few minutes to select those 12 jurors. the judge has also said that the six who are not selected, they don't get dismissed entirely, they'll be held in a separate room inside this courthouse while deliberations begin. but jose, this is -- it was a dramatic day yesterday of closing arguments. the prosecution's rebuttal, actually, wrapped up just before 7:00 eastern time. a very long day. so the judge decided to give the jurors the night to get some rest and come back here tomorrow and come back the following day. so we're expecting the jury to begin deliberations very shortly in this highly anticipated case, jose. >> and kristin, how much is both the defense and prosecution's case hanging in the balance of which jurors are selected today? >> well, as you know, there is some racial tension here. and i think that that's going to really be interesting if the one black juror gets called. there might be some sensitivity. as you know, all jurors will bring their common experiences with them to deliberations. additionally, there are women on the jury, and you know, when kyle rittenhouse did explode, yes, there is mixed reviews as to whether or not it was realistic. his mother was in the room. and so i think some of the females or the parents of the jury are going to be empathetic to the mom's point of view, as well. and then, of course, parents, right? if there are parents on the jury, keep in mind, he is 18 now, but at that time, he was a 17-year-old boy. he presents as a child. and so, they're also going to be taking with them those common experiences and humanize and empathize kyle rittenhouse, as well. >> gabe, paint the picture of what's going on outside the courtroom? we were talking just in the first seconds of this broadcast that the national guard has been called out? >> reporter: well, not called out exactly, but has been authorized by the wisconsin governor. that happened several days ago. and about 500 national guard members have been authorized, if local law enforcement ends up needing their help and calling them in. you'll have to remember, jose, when this case initially broke, this was last summer, august of 2020, following the police shooting of jacob blake, tensions were very raw, emotions were very high, there were riots, businesses broken into and buildings burned to the ground. we're not seeing that kind of tension here. there's a lot of local attention on this case, but i don't get the sense that there is the raw emotion now that there was back then. still, local authorities did get a lot of criticism back then for seemingly not being prepared for the violence that happened. but right now, 500 or so national guard troops authorized. local law enforcement is taking this very seriously. and i was inside the courthouse yesterday, jose, extremely, extremely tight security inside this courthouse as this city braces for a possible verdict. >> thank you very much for being with me this morning. now to washington, where president biden is about to hit the road again to sell the landmark infrastructure deal one day after he signed it into law. next hour, the president will travel to woodstock, new hampshire, where he will be visiting a bridge that has been on the state's red list of bridges in poor condition since 2013. this trip comes as house democrats wait for the congressional budget office to release its complete cost estimate for a huge bill aimed at reshaping the social safety net and fighting climate change. with me now, nbc capitol hill correspondent ali vitali and mike memoli. thank you for being with me. mike, the president's got this celebration, a huge bipartisan win yesterday, but low approval ratings complicate efforts to sell his agenda. >> reporter: yeah, jose. there's no doubt this white house is facing quite a few political head winds, but you saw in that grand ceremony on the south lawn yesterday, i was outside on a brisk washington afternoon, an effort to try to turn those winds back into their favor. you saw the president expend so much political capital on those difficult negotiations within the democratic party, with republicans on the infrastructure plan, and finally, a chance to celebrate that. and it was interesting watching this ceremony, you heard sort of the makings of the case going forward. you had house speaker nancy pelosi, vice president harris talking about really what an historic accomplishment this is in their view, linking it to the transcontinental railroad under president lincoln. the interstate highway system. but in the president's remarks, he spoke in more muted tones, directly to the american people, about saying, we see you. this was an opportunity for him to say, government understands the pressures that americans are facing and this is what happened yesterday, an example of what happens when government actually works for the american people. and now the president hitting the road to try to reinforce that message. i know ali remembers this day very well from our road warrior days. i was with then candidate joe biden when he left new hampshire in a hurry, even before the polls closed on primary day, so that's the last time he was in new hampshire. today, he's going back to a state that is still very important politically. it's going to be one of the real targets in the midterms, especially in the senate race there, to try to show what this project, what the funding from this infrastructure bill will do for the american people. he's also going to go to michigan tomorrow to try to make that case. but you also heard yesterday in that signing ceremony, a number of the speakers say that they're not done yet. that the infrastructure bill was just phase one and there's still a lot of emphasis as ali will pick up on trying to get now the next piece of the president's agenda through. >> and let's pick up on this. as house democrats wait for the cbo analysis on the reconciliation bill, i want to remind everyone what president biden has said about the cost of that bill. >> it's fully paid for. 17 nobel prize winners in economics have said it will lower the inflationary pressure on the economy. and over the next ten years, it will not add to the deficit at all. it will actually reduce the deficit according to the economists. >> the president and democrats have said this over and over again, but what happens if the cbo comes back and says there will be a cost? >> reporter: and there are some whispers that that may be what happens here. but as one of the front line democrats who i'm going to be watching over the course of the next year said this morning on "morning joe," that's something that democrats will have to deal with. check out abigail spanberger this morning. >> it's important that it be fully paid for. but let's be clear, if it's not, we have to absolutely understand that and understand what the long-term impact on our nation's debt is or isn't. and then we're faced with a secondary decision into the future about whether or not the investments we're making in our community and our education system and those long-term benefits are in fact are worth or invaluable from a long-term standpoint. >> look, jose, before they left for recess, house moderates made a deal with house democrats saying they needed to vote for this deal, they just needed to wait on the congressional budget office score. there was some room for negotiation in that statement, but nevertheless, if for some reason house moderates decide to torpedo this agreement on the build back better act, there are going to be some very angry progressives in this building. that's certainly something we'll be keeping an eye out for. but right now, at least at this point, it looks like things are moving ahead, even if it's not as quickly as some in democratic leadership would have liked. house speaker nancy pelosi told her leadership team yesterday that her caucus would not be leaving town for thanksgiving break until they passed the build back better act. that's probably going to come towards the end of the week. we just heard from the number two house democrats, steny hoyer who said, they're probably going to start debating this bill on wednesday. that means that this skews towards later in the week, because that's when we're expecting the congressional budget office score to come out. that could mean that democrats vote on this friday, maybe saturday. a little bit of a working weekend before they get to thanksgiving. that, at least, will take care of the house's business on this. that's nothing to say, though, jose, about where the senate still has yet to go on this. they're going through parliamentary scrubs, making sure that this meets all manner of procedural requirements for democrats actually do this through the partisan reconciliation process. all of that means that it has to impact the budgetary bottom line in some way. they're going through that process right now and have been, even as lawmakers were out of washington, but i will say that one of the members of our team just caught up with senator joe manchin, he's still saying that he has concerns about inflation, which you were talking about, that's something that democrats from the white house and in congress are going to have to continue to push back against. they argue that this bill could help the country build back in often is way that they could combat that. manchin, when he was asked that just a few minutes ago, seemed to smirk and throw some doubt on that, saying that he hadn't seen that yet. but there are some policy differences about what the house is likely to pass and what the senate is actually going to be able to pass through its own process, things like immigration, paid leave, for some reasons or another, whether it's parliamentary or political, those things may not end up in the senate bill. even if the house does its work, still a long way to go on this. >> ali vitali and mike memoli, thank you both very much for being with me this morning. and we have breaking news this morning. american journalist danny fenster is back on u.s. soil after being imprisoned for six months in myanmar. he arrived in new york city earlier this morning, a military court in myanmar had just sentenced fenster to 11 years in prison after being convicted on several charges. the military released fenster yesterday after negotiations with former u.n. ambassador bill richardson. fenster spoke to reporters just in the last hour. >> so i'm going to take time to celebrate and spend time with my family and continue concentrating on all the other -- not just journalists and prisoners in myanmar and everyone else, just a lot of citizens, doctors, teachers, that are in prison right now. and other breaking news, the judge in the kyle rittenhouse trial is collecting jurors. let's listen in. >> you must consider each one separately, your verdict for the crime charged on one count must not affect your verdict on any other. as i indicated, i think, yesterday that you must return only one verdict for each count of the information. if you need to communicate with me while you are in deliberation, please send a note through the bailiff which is signed by the presiding juror whom you've elected. in the event that you have questions, i will talk with the attorneys before answering, so it may take some time. you should consider -- you should continue your deliberations while you await an answer. i will answer any questions in writing or orally here in open court. when you've agreed upon your verdict, have it signed and dated by the presiding juror as to each count and all of you return with the verdict to the court. bailiffs? do you solemnly swear that you'll keep all persons sworn on this jury together in some private and convenient place and that you will not speak to them or commit anyone else to speak to them during the state of their deliberations or the verdicts on which they've agreed, so help you god? >> i do. >> all right, folks, you can retire to consider your verdicts. >> all done and now the jurors are being told to go back and begin the process. kristin gibbons, tell us what exactly is happening right now. >> right now, the jury is going to begin to consider. they have been sitting through this trial. reports say that they have been listening meticulously. now it is their time to really, really go through the evidence, go through each charge, determine whether or not the prosecution met its burden on pursuing beyond a reasonable doubt the homicide of two victims, mr. rosenbaum as well as mr. huber. and they're also going to determine whether or not there was an attempted homicide. if more grosskreutz. so they have a lot to do. they're also going to have to see whether or not kyle rittenhouse's defense, which was put on, accurately depicted a self-defense. and whether or not the prosecution disproved it beyond a reasonable doubt. so this is their time to really go through the evidence. i anticipate that they're going to have a lot of questions. there's a lot of legal complexities and keep in mind that there are lesser included charges here. even on the first-degree, reckless homicide, or the first-degree intentional homicide for mr. huber, there are going to be lesser included. so if they don't find that the intention was to kill, they can say whether or not kyle rittenhouse was reckless. but then again, their inquiry does not stop there, because they have to really determine whether or not that self-defense was met. >> gabe gutierrez outside the courtroom, how are things there? >> hi, there, jose. we can tell you, we just got some information from a pool reporter, who was inside the courtroom. in terms of the alternates who were just led out of the room, the six alternates include three men and three women. the one person of color who was on the jury remains on the jury. so doing the math, going into this, there were 18 jurors, ten women, eight men. so now, i'm doing a little math, jose, we have seven women remaining on the jury as well as five men. the one person of color is still on the jury. so jose, you just saw right there a few moments ago, kyle rittenhouse selecting himself, the names out of that lottery tumbler. and this is setting up a dramatic conclusion, potentially, to this case. a highly anticipated, closely watched case. about two weeks of testimony, 31 witnesses. it is now about to be in the hands of that jury, jose. >> gabe gutierrez from kenosha, thank you very much. and we're seeing the images right now inside the courtroom. the jury has been instructed to begin their deliberations. let's listen in. >> i feel badly about that, because i had a jury some years ago that was in a similar situation and the extra jurors were -- all they had to watch was daytime tv, and i'm afraid i can't even arrange that for you. but i don't know, maybe there was something about some movies or something, wasn't there? i hope they appeal that. >> i don't know. becky's gone this morning. >> well, anyway, we'll see what we can do to give you some kind of entertainment. but in the meantime, please adhere to those rules and you will be -- we're not going to sequester anybody or anything at this particular point, so -- and i hope that they have a comfortable place arranged. i understand they do. so any questions? yes, ma'am. >> are we allowed to get our belongings? >> yes, in fact, i'm having the bailiff escort you out there now. and while you're there, you're not to have any conversation with the other jurors, okay? anything else? okay, fine. thank you very much. and give those to the jurors, yes. >> there you saw it, the final instructions to the jury, those that will be deciding the fate of rittenhouse as well as those that are on standby. they will be on standby throughout the duration of this process. but there you see everybody standing up, which seems to indicate that the judge is wrapping things up. >> all right, anything else now before -- you'll -- i've -- well -- i think, stay within ten minutes from here, in case there's questions or something. okay. thank you. >> and it looks like they're wrapping it up. this part of it, anyway. it's now in the hands of that jury that will begin deliberations in the carl rittenhouse case. we see the prosecution there getting closer to the judge. i don't know if he has something to say. let's listen in for a sec. no? no audio, so. whatever they have to do, they've already done. and this is just the wrapping up moments now, as the jury begins their deliberations in this case. now, back to capitol hill, or at this hour, alejandro may mayorkas is testifying on the biden administration's border and immigration policies, this as democrats look to use their nearly $2 trillion social spending bill to make changes to advance immigration reform for the first time in decades. they hope to include a path to citizenship or green cards for millions of undocumented immigrants, but the senate parliamentarian rejected those plans, because they do not need the budget rules for the bill. with me now is a leader in this effort, california democratic senator, alex padilla. he sits on the judiciary, homeland security, and budget committee. senator, always a pleasure to see you. let's talk about president biden and the democrats. big celebration yesterday, a big victory on infrastructure. the focus now turns to the reconciliation bill. can democrats get this bill done before the end of the year, or will it likely drag into the next year? >> good to be back with you, jose. i am highly confident that this will get -- the build back better is really part two of the historic investment in all aspects of our infrastructure that we're talking about. so, yes, yesterday was a worthy celebration of part one, money for transportation, for public transit, for the electrical grid, for broadband, include ing many of the initiatives that i've championed since aarrived in the senate. now comes an important part two. what does investment mean in health care, in housing, in climate change. and yes, in immigration reform policy, which is long overdue. >> i know this is a particular passion point for you, senator. what could or should immigration play a part in this build back better? >> look, i think it's integral. it's a policy separate and apart that they're trying to shove in the budget reconciliation process, securely for millions and millions of undocumented immigrants that have been living in the united states. adults, on average, for 18 years, working, paying taxes, raising families and contributing to the economic success of sur country is nothing other than fairness. let me tell you why it's so integral to the build back better agenda. we want to talk about the role of essential workers during the pandemic and maybe some of the supply chain issues that we've had of late. how many immigrants, undocumented are working in those essential jobs in food processing plants, in transportation sectors, et cetera. what about child care? so many caregivers across the country that are immigrants, documented and undocumented. and if you want to look at something as simple as our nation's food supply, think of all the immigrants working in the fields in agriculture, in meat processing plants, et cetera. so buttressing our workforce through humane treatment of immigrants is essential to the build back better agenda in all aspects. >> and senator, i know that you've often spoken about plan "a," plan "b," plan "c," however many letters are required to get this done. but i'm just wondering, is there not a plan to try to do, for example, what the senate tried to do in 2013, right? which is get together and present a policy proposal that would in writing deal with immigration separate from anything else? why is that not possible? >> that's a great question, jose. and i wish some of my republican colleagues would answer that question publicly. trust me, we are utilizing this budget reconciliation process, not as our first choice, but our only choice. the dozens of bipartisan convenings that we've had since the beginning of the year have been fruitless. too many of my republican colleagues saying behind closed doors, oh, we need immigrants, our economy depends on immigrants, but are unwilling to speak publicly, let alone vote for a comprehensive, balanced immigration reform, such as was done in 2013. it's sad, it's unfortunate, but democrats aren't giving up, which is we're pursuing this budget reconciliation process as a means to get done what is long overdue. >> and senator, meanwhile, there is no doubt a humanitarian crisis at the border, right? we have been seeing it for some time now. what do you want to hear from secretary mayorkas as he testifies before the judiciary committee today? >> i think two things that immediately come to mind. number one, as we're working to quickly restore the capacity for the very departments and agencies that are in charge of securing the border and treating immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers with the fairness and the humanity that they deserve, number one. but number two, how we can't let maybe a temporary situation at the border distract from the fairness that millions of immigrants and their families that have been in the united states for years and years and years deserve. so they're both important, but let's not let one get in the way of progress for the other populations. >> so i want to underline what you have said here and you have said it for some time now. for example, this proposal that would be in the build back better would immigrants who have been here since 2011. so you're so right to point out that these are two totally different things. >> exactly. people who have been here for a decade or more. and in many, many cases working not just working and paying taxes, but working in jobs that the federal government deems essential. they've been essential since before the pandemic, especially essential because of the covid-19 pandemic. that's a very different group of people than somebody who might have appeared at the southern border two minutes ago seeking asylum. they need to be treated fairly and humanely as well, but we cannot let that scenario hold up progress and justice for millions of immigrants. >> senator alex padilla, it's always a pleasure to speak with you. thank you for being with me this morning. >> thank you, jose. still ahead, president biden speaks with the leader of china for more than three hours. we'll bring you details on what was said, next. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. no one can deliver your mom's homemade short ribs. for starters, your mom doesn't have a restaurant. if she did, it would be impossible to get 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it's great seeing you this morning. the top issue on a lot of american's minds right now is that massive supply chain disruption. were those concerns reflected in this phone call with the chinese leader? david, can you hear me? i don't know that david can hear me yet? david, can you hear me? no. all right, let's try to reestablish communication with david ignatius. we're just going to try to bore in a little bit more on this three and a half hour meeting between president biden and the leader of china. one of the key questions there has to be, what is the united states' position vis-a-vis taiwan? it was said during the readout of this conversation, this three and a half hour conversation, that the chinese leader warned president biden that the u.s. is playing with fire on taiwan. we're going to try to get some information on that. i don't know if we've reestablished communication with david ignatius. we have not. let's do something. let's take a quick break, reestablish communication with david ignatius and we'll continue this conversation at the other side of the break. ntcoinue this conversation at the other side of the break. ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ so you have diabetes, here are some easy rules... no sugar. no pizza. no foods you love. stressed? no stress. exercise. but no days off. easy, no? no, no, no, no with freestyle libre 2, you can take the mystery out of your diabetes. now you know. sir? you know what you want to order? yes. freestyle libre 2. try it for free. no, he's not in his room. ♪♪ ♪♪ dad, why didn't you answer your phone? ♪♪ your mother loved this park. ♪♪ she did. ♪♪ this morning, pfizer announced a deal with a u.n.-backed group to allow other drug companies to manufacture its covid-19 anti-viral pill. the move could make the treatment more globally accessible and affordable, particularly to lower income countries. according to pfizer, the drug reduces covid hospitalizations and deaths by up to 90% among high-risk patients. joining me now is dr. nahid bhadelia, an nbc news medical contributor. dr. bedelia, it's a great pleasure to see you. talk to us about this drug and the impact it could have now that it's apparently going to be available for other countries to have at a much more economical way. >> that's right, jose. what's happened is pfizer has put this into something called a medicines patent pool, which allows other companies to make generic versions of this that are cheaper and can provide medications up to 50 percent of the world. the reason this is particularly helpful for resource-limited settings is monoclonal antibodies are really hard to deliver in settings where you may not have access to clinics. where you have to have that cold chain. so having a pill like this that can reduce hospitalizations, can reduce the burden of diseases on many limit resources settings, it's not a replacement for vaccines. you have 5% of low-income countries, populations currently vaccinated because you actually have to get sick and be able to access this bill to have those benefits be seen. so what i would love to see is see this move be copied by vaccine manufacturers, as well, so we can give prevention as well as treatment, as part of a global pandemic response. >> and so what is this pill -- it's interesting, so just to get a better understanding of of it, what exactly does this pill do? how does do it and when does it need to be taken? and this is very much related to that first question, jose. the pfizer nil particular, for example, what it does is it stops the ability of the virus to continue to form an infection in the body, right? it's a one-step earlier than merck's drug that actually stops replication and it stops a particular enzyme in the body, it inhibits it and keeps the body getting ready to replicate itself. it need to be given very early. the maximum response they saw in the randomized control trial is they need to get it three five days after symptom onset. that needs to be linked to you being tested. and so for us to recognize both marry and globally the benefit of this bill, people need to have access to testing. and it's even more abysmal globally, this access to testings than it is here in the u.s. >> that's a very good point. let's talk about the vaccination that you were just mentioning a few minutes ago. we're also following the latest on boosters here in the u.s. four states and new york city are approving boosters for all adults before federal regulators do so. here's what dr. fauci had to say last night on cnbc. >> as long as you get a safety signal that you don't have any red flags of safety, i have always been, right from the beginning, always yielding to safety to make sure than one who feels that you should get no ambiguity, get the confusion out of the way. anybody 18 or older should get the booster shot. >> what do you think of that, dr. bhadelia? >> i think in september when we were looking at this data and when the manufacturers brought this booster applications to the fda, the question was, are we seeing attrition protection against severe disease in elderly because they're older. you see that in many flu vaccines, you see antibodies go down in patients who are older faster than the rest of the population. and new data has come up in the last two months, jose. including data even last week from the uk who say if you can get these boosters to all age group to restore efficacy against symptomatic disease from 62% and 94%. and there was a randomized controlled trial for pfizer that shows benefits. again, most of the benefits in people over 40 or people over 50 as the uk reports. but there does seem to benefit. and the second question that's come up is, look, we're uphill in this potential winter surge. and, yes, you know, the benefit is greatest against -- in people who are older or have medical conditions or immune compromised. maybe getting transmission down in this winter surge with this booster is maybe a good strategy for these next few months. the important part of this, though, is that states, as they open up eligibility, need to know that the greatest benefits are for people who are older. and you want to make sure that that population is able to get their boosters and that there's not, you know, sort of a blockage in the ability to access them, because that's where you'll see the greatest amount of protection. and the last point, of course, is both things can be true. boosters can help at home. and they can hurt, of course, the effort for global vaccine equity. so we have to keep an eye on that, as well. >> dr. bhadelia, thank you for being with me this morning. appreciate it. >> thank you. still ahead, a debris field of space junk is threatening the space station and the seven astronauts onboard. and the u.s. is outraged over where the junk came from. details, next. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. u diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. a. a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. nucala reduces eosinophils, a key cause of severe asthma. nucala is not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala. find your nunormal with nucala. bipolar depression. it made me feel like i was trapped in a fog. this is art inspired by real stories of people living with bipolar depression. i just couldn't find my way out of it. the lows of bipolar depression can take you to a dark place... ...and be hard to manage. latuda could make a real difference in your symptoms. latuda was proven to 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i see a rocket behind you, by the way. a lot of them! >> reporter: yeah, i'm at the rocket garden here at the kennedy space center visitor complex. obviously, it is the talk of the town here, both among the civilians and those who work in nasa, because the real concern is with this debris cloud. so russia fired a missile and blew up an old satellite that was orbiting, which created this cloud of debris. imagine this is a piece of the debris and it is going to hit the actual space station, but it's traveling at almost ten times the speed of firing a bullet. so the real concern is, if something like this or even something as small as a dime hit, that it's hitting faster than a speeding bullet. space maybe infinite, but this morning, a debris field threatens the space station. >> we were recently informed of a satellite breakup and need to have you guys start reviewing the safe haven procedure. >> reporter: that call from ground control to the space station coming after russia fired a missile at one of its own satellites, destroying it, launching hundreds of thousands of pieces of dangerous debris into orbit. and triggering a full-throated condemnation from the u.s. government. >> it was dangerous, it was reckless, it was irresponsible. >> reporter: the space station circles the earth every 90 minutes, moving at more than 17,000 miles per hour. if it collides with even the smallest piece of debris, it would have the impact of almost 10 times the force of a bullet. nasa says the seven astronauts onboard retreated to their docked capsules monday, in case an emergency escape was needed. but later, all onboard resumed normal operations. those seven astronauts including four americans, one german, and two russian cosmonauts. nasa astronaut mark vandehei calmly signing off to mission control in houston. >> thanks for a crazy but well-coordinated day. it was certainly a great way to bond as a crew, starting off our very first workday in space. >> reporter: the three other americans, raja kari, kala marin, and tom marshburne and german astronaut arrived just last week on spacex's crewed three flight. >> the u.s. state department warning that the u.s. will work with allies to respond to russia's action. u.s. space demand is now tracking the debris and says it could remain in orbit for years, possibly decades. >> what the russians did today with these 1,500 pieces of trackable, orbital debris poses a risk not only those astronauts, not only to those kos cosmonauts, but to satellites and the interests of all nations. >> reporter: russia has now confirmed it did launch that missile, did blow up that satellite, but they're pushing back, saying that that cloud of debris poses no threat to anybody on the international space station, including the two cosmonaus who were onboard, jose. >> the greatest, kerry sanders, thank you. good to see you, buddy. and a programming note, my colleague andrea mitchell will interview nasa administrator bill nelson today at noon right heres on msnbc. the cuban government used heavy-handed tactics, to say the least, to stifle protests across the island yesterday. police vehicles, you can see them throughout the island patrolling the streets. there were still acts of dissent, many of them. like this simple clap by an activist dressed in all white, broadcast to the world. and there were solidarity protests for the freedom of cuba. across the globe, including here in u.s., places like miami and las vegas. take a look at that, mexico city, argentina, chile. joining me now is jay conn carnella, cuban american actor and activist who was in las vegas for the protest. i want to talk about the power of this moment. with so many protests around the globe, how do you see that power? this moment with so many protests around the globe. how do you see that power? >> first off, thank you for having me. thank you for shining a light on this. i know it means a lot to you as well as myself and so many other people that we know. i think this is so powerful what we are doing so the people of cuba can know that we are listening. people don't realize that these videos that are circulating the internet in some way, shape or form, they do end up getting to the people of cuba. what the people of cuba need is courage. what we need to do to continue to give them strength is us go out to the streets. >> what does it mean that the cuban government since july 11th has been doing everything, and i mean everything, to stifle what was going to happen on the 15th of november. they were successful for the most part. what going forward do the people of cuba have to be able to ask for freedom? >> you know, it's so important to realize what a victory july 11th was for the cuban people and what a victory the 15th of november was for the cuban people. when you sit back and you realize that the people, the 200,000 plus people who took to the streets on july 11th are people who were born in the system. they are people who have no idea what freedom is. they only know the communist regime. so the communist regime has a major problem on their hands. the fact that over 200,000 people who have been indoctrined to idolize castro. they are talking about the illegitimate communist party. the fact that the regime has done everything to stifle the people of cuba and three months later they are out on the street again protesting for their freedom is a major problem for the communist regime and a huge victory for the cuban people. i really believe they are going to continue to hit the streets, they are going to continue to get locked up, but they're not going to stop. they are sick and tired of that regime and it needs to come to an end. >> thank you. coming up, we're live in a place where residents face the highest cancer risk in the nation. highest cancer risk in the nation is struggling to manage your type 2 diabetes knocking you out of your zone? 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(whines) ♪♪ ♪ ohh ohh ♪ this week the epa administrator is touring the south to talk to communities of color who are disproportionately affected by environmental disasters. today he's visiting st. john the baptist parish in southern louisiana, the area nearly 60% black and known as cancer alley. morgan, this is a group of people who are essentially forgotten. how can we have an area in our country literally called cancer alley? >> reporter: jose, the residents here are asking the exact same thing. more importantly, they're asking why nothing has been done about it. we're in the stretch between new orleans and baton rouge, louisiana, which is dubbed cancer alley because it has the highest death rate to cancer in the entire country. the residents here say it's due to the chemical plants in the area that release chemicals that the epa designated back in 2010 as a likely carcinogen. mr. robert taylor was born and bred in this area. his mother died of cancer. his daughter has a rare disease. his wife has cancer. if you walk down this block, you can't find anyone inside these homes who has not been affected by cancer. take a listen. >> we're welcoming the new administrator. we're elated that he's coming. we're grateful that he's showing an interest in our lives, but we need to see some action. >> what do you say to regain and reinstill the trust in those communities? >> these communities have a right to be frustrated. they have a right to be angry and they have a right not to trust us. but i'm here presenting myself as a willing partner to help solve some of these ills, and together we can do it. but they should keep close watch on us. >> reporter: just as a point of context, the entire stretch of cancer alley is about 80% black. also important to note that administrator michael reagan is the first black man to have ever been appointed to this role. he says this is an issue that hits home. it's affecting communities that look just like his family, which is why he's doing this listening tour. then he heads off to houston to assure people in places just like this that this time, he says things will be different. that wraps up the hour for me. i'm jose diaz balart. reach me on twitter and instagram at jd balart. thank you for the privilege of your time. chris jansing picks up right now. good tuesday morning. i'm chris jansing in for craig melvin. our attention trained right now on two courtrooms. first, the future of kyle rittenhouse is now in the hand of the jury. in just the last hour, 12 jurors were selected from that brown tumbler and sent off to deliberate this case. in just moments we'll break down everything the juror is weighing. jury selection is under way in a new york courtroom in the case of ghislaine maxwell, a jeffrey epstein confidant. we're also on white house watch this hour, because about 15 minutes from now president biden will leave for new hampshire to tout the freshly signed bipartisan infrastructure law. later in the hour, i'll talk to not one, but two mayors of major american cities who were at the signing yesterday. dayton ohio mayor, nan w

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U S , Yes , Janis , Kenosha , Kinds , Limits , Weapons , Wisconsin , Scary , Stephanie Ruhle , Jurors , Courtroom , Kyle Rittenhouse Trial , Breaking News Coverage , Jose Diaz Balart , 10 , 00 , Joe Biden , Carl Rittenhouse Case , Charges , New Hampshire , Standby , Troops , City , National Guard , Eastern , Pacific , 7 , Democrats , Alex Padilla , Reconciliation Bill , Infrastructure Deal , Achievement , Challenge , Capitol Hill , Government , Leader , Details , Wall , Summit , Coast , Cuban , Path Forward , Florida , China , 90 , Three , Judge , Freedom , Demonstrations , Dissidents , Group , Homicide , Degree , Felony Charges , Five , Jury , Reporter , Gabe Gutierrez , Kristin Gibbons Feden , Budget Reconciliation Process , Men , Women , Two , Black Man , Jury Pool , 18 , 20 , Ten , Eight , One , 12 , Six , Lottery Tumbler , Prosecution , Deliberations , Room , Courthouse , Eastern Time , Closing Arguments , Tension , Case , Defense , Jose , Balance , Kristin , Experiences , The One Black Juror , Sensitivity , Parents , Mother , Reviews , Females , Rittenhouse , Mom , Course , Mind , Child , Boy , Point Of View , 17 , Guard , What S Going On , Picture , Help , Members , Law Enforcement , Governor , 500 , Tensions , Police Shooting , August , Emotions , 2020 , August Of 2020 , Lot , Sense , Kind , Buildings , Ground , Attention , Businesses , Riots , Violence , Authorities , Emotion , Criticism , Courthouse Yesterday , Verdict , Security , City Braces , President , Road , Law , Washington , Woodstock , Will Travel , Bill , Condition , State , White House , Bridge , Red List , Trip , Bridges , Congressional Budget Office , Cost Estimate , Safety Net And Fighting Climate Change , 2013 , Correspondent Ali Vitali , Celebration , Mike Memoli , Nbc , Agenda , Winds , Head , Efforts , Grand Ceremony , South Lawn Yesterday , Win , Approval Ratings , No Doubt , Effort , Negotiations , Infrastructure Plan , Chance , Capital , Favor , Republicans , Expend , Brisk Washington Afternoon , It , Nancy Pelosi , Ceremony , Makings , Harris , View , Accomplishment , People , Americans , Pressures , Railroad , Tones , Saying , Remarks , Opportunity , Interstate Highway System , Lincoln , Example , Message , Road Warrior , Senate , Hurry , Polls , Targets , Midterms , Race , Infrastructure Bill , Speakers , Number , Signing Ceremony , Project , Funding , Michigan , Piece , House Democrats , Emphasis , Analysis , Agenda Through , Everyone , Cost , Winners , Pressure , Economics , Nobel Prize , Economy , Deficit , Economists , Whispers , Front Line , Something , Impact , Nation , Morning Joe , Isn T , Debt , Fact , Benefits , Community , Investments , Education System , Decision , Deal , Standpoint , Recess , Build , Reason , Eye , Score , Act , Statement , Building , Progressives , Negotiation , House Moderates , Agreement , Things , Point , Team , House Speaker , Caucus , Leadership , Town , End , Who , Skews , Bill On Wednesday , Steny Hoyer , Nothing , Least , Business , Bit , Care , Reconciliation Process , Bottom Line , Requirements , Manner , Scrubs , Way , Joe Manchin , Lawmakers , Inflation , Country Build , Doubt , Congress , He Hadn T , Immigration , House , Another , Policy , Leave , Reasons , Work , Danny Fenster , New York City , News , Military Court , Soil , Myanmar , 11 , Prison , Bill Richardson , Reporters , Military , U N , Released Fenster , Family , Other , Journalists , Prisoners , Doctors , Breaking News , Citizens , Teachers , Everyone Else , Count , Crime , Information , Questions , Bailiff , Note , Presiding Juror , Deliberation , Answering , Event , Attorneys , Open Court , Answer , Writing , Persons , Juror , Presiding , Court , Bailiffs , Right , Place , Anyone , Verdicts , God , Kristin Gibbons , Listening , Trial , Mr , Charge , Evidence , Victims , Beyond A Reasonable Doubt , Rosenbaum , Grosskreutz , Huber , Self Defense , Intention , Complexities , Inquiry , Met , Alternates , Hi , Pool Reporter , Terms , Person , Color , Math , Seven , Conclusion , Testimony , Names , Witnesses , 31 , Hands , Images , Situation , Don T Know , Tv , Wasn T , I Don T Know , Movies , Becky , Anybody , Rules , Anything , Entertainment , Belongings , Escort , Ma Am , Conversation , Anything Else , Fine , Instructions , Fate , Wrapping , Everybody , Standing Up , Part , Audio , Sec , Alejandro May Mayorkas , Border , Changes , Immigration Reform , Biden Administration , Spending , Time , Policies , Path , 2 Trillion , Trillion , Immigrants , Millions , Senator , Plans , Citizenship , Parliamentarian , Judiciary , Budget Rules , Cards , California , Big Celebration Yesterday , Infrastructure , Pleasure , Budget Committee , Focus , Let S Talk , Homeland Security , Aspects , Investment , Transportation , Electrical Grid , Money , Public Transit , Many , Initiatives , Housing , Immigration Reform Policy , Health Care , Broadband , Ing , Aarrived , Passion Point , Adults , Role , Fairness , Taxes , Families , Sur Country , Success , Average , Pandemic , Jobs , Supply Chain Issues , Food Processing Plants , Essential Workers , Country , Child Care , Caregivers , Undocumented , Transportation Sectors , Et Cetera , Treatment , Essential , Meat Processing Plants , Workforce , Fields , Food Supply , Agriculture , Plan , Letters , Done , B , C , Policy Proposal , Writing Deal , Question , Colleagues , Republican , Trust Me , Beginning , Choice , Convenings , Dozens , Behind Closed Doors , Democrats Aren T Giving Up , Comprehensive , Crisis , Means , Secretary Mayorkas , Departments , Judiciary Committee Today , Capacity , Number One , Asylum Seekers , Agencies , Refugees , Humanity , Progress , Populations , Important , Proposal , 2011 , Cases , More , Covid , 19 , Somebody , Scenario Hold Up Progress , Asylum , Justice , Doesn T , Short Ribs , Msnbc , Jose Diaz Balart Reports , Restaurant , Starters , Franchising Everything , Wrinkly , Ingredients , Instacart , Man , Wrinkles , Clothes , Wrinkled , Bs , Shoes , No Onlike , Manhood , Guy , Direction , Dryer , Bounce Wrinkleguard , Megasheet , Urologist , Buildup , Adult , Bend , Erection , Xiaflex , Scar Tissue , Peyronie S Disease Or Pd , Fda , Side Effects , Treatment Area , Any , Stretching , Don T , Exercises , Urethra , Collagenase , Injury , Penile Fracture , Doctor , Symptoms , Reactions , Back Pain Reactions , Blood Thinners , Activity , Bleeding Condition , Anaphylaxis , Treatment Cycle , 4 , Risk , Bleeding , Bruising , Site , Recording Artist , Elodia , 1 , 10 Million , Internet , Students , Comcast , Tools , Emmanuel , Projectup , Billion , 1 Billion , 30 , World , Nations , Breakthroughs , Relationship , Topics , Range , Xi Jinping , David Ignatius , Contributor , Human Rights Record , Taiwan , Associate Editor , Seeing , The Middle East , Washington Post , Issue , Supply Chain Disruption , Minds , Phone Call , Concerns , Communication , Meeting , Readout , Position Vis , Break , Playing With Fire , Side , Ntcoinue , Ideas , Experience , Dark , Flexibility , Diabetes , Pizza , Stress , Foods , Sugar , Mystery , Exercise , Sir , Easy , 2 , Libre 2 , Phone , Didn T , Park , Dad , Is Pfizer , Pill , Drug , Countries , Move , Drug Companies , Dr , Patients , Deaths , Covid Hospitalizations , Nahid Bhadelia , Bedelia , That S Right , Companies , Medications , Medicines Patent Pool , Versions , 50 , Settings , Antibodies , Hospitalizations , Clinics , Cold Chain , Diseases , Vaccines , Limit Resources Settings , Burden , Replacement , 5 , Response , Well , Vaccine Manufacturers , Prevention , Understanding , Ability , Body , Infection , Pfizer Nil Particular , Virus , Replication , Control Trial , Enzyme , Benefit , Access , Both , Needs , Testing , Boosters , States , Vaccination , Talk , Latest , Regulators , Let , Four , Safety , Safety Signal , Flags , Fauci , Cnbc , Confusion , Ambiguity , Booster Shot , Disease , Data , Flu Vaccines , Booster Applications , Elderly , Attrition Protection , Manufacturers , Population , Age Group , Rest , Efficacy , Uk , Randomized Controlled Trial , Reports , Most , 40 , 94 , 62 , Winter Surge , Against , Conditions , Transmission , Immune , Booster , Strategy , Eligibility , Protection , Blockage , Home , Amount , Vaccine Equity , Space Station , Debris Field , Space Junk , Astronauts , Asthma , Eosinophils , Nucala , Junk , Add On Injection , U Diaz Balart Reports , Swelling , Infections , Breathing , Breathing Problems , Mouth , Tongue , Trouble , Face , Shingles , Don T Stop Steroids , Nunormal , Injection Site Reactions , Headache , Back Pain , Fatigue , Bipolar Depression , Stories , Fog , Art , Latuda , Depression , Lows , Difference , Weight , Mood Changes , Children , Studies , Antidepressants , Thoughts , Behaviors , Death , Stroke , Dementia Patients , Movements , Life Threatening , Muscles , Muscle , Teens , Fever , Prescription , Pay , 0 , , Bank , Kids Playing , Cody , Wallet , Left , Blocks , Checking Account , Overdraft Fee , Gotta , 24 , Cash , Pnc Bank , Making A Difference , Migrants , Borders , Headlines , Check , Forces , Tear Gas , Water Cannons , Poland , 44 , Sanctions , Stones , Coronavirus , Belarus , European Union , Europe , 2 Million , Lockdown , Netherlands , Attempt , Spike , Unvaccinated , Austria , Debris , Kerry Sanders , Kennedy Space Center , Story , International Space Station , Restaurants , Scare Yesterday , Bars , Rocket , Danger , Rocket Garden , Satellite , Missile , Concern , Russia , Interview Nasa , Civilians , Talk Of The Town , Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex , Debris Cloud , Bullet , Times , Cloud Of Debris , Orbiting , Speed , Firing , Space , Satellite Breakup , Hitting , Speeding Bullet , Dime Hit , Satellites , Ground Control , Call , Safe Haven Procedure , Orbit , Pieces , Condemnation , Thousands , Launching Hundreds , Earth , It Collides , Force , 17000 , Operations , German , Emergency Escape , Mark Vandehei , Mission Control , Cosmonauts , Thanks , Crew , Houston , Crazy , Bond , Workday , Astronaut , Kala Marin , Tom Marshburne , Raja Kari , Action , Spacex , Flight , Allies , Warning , Demand , U S State Department , Orbital Debris , Trackable , Russians , 1500 , Interests , Back , Cloud , Threat , Blow , Kos Cosmonauts , Buddy , Andrea Mitchell , Cosmonaus , Programming Note , The Greatest , Protests , Island , Bill Nelson , Tactics , Police Vehicles , Streets , Dissent , Clap , Globe , Activist , White , Look , Solidarity , Mexico City , Chile , Las Vegas , Miami , Argentina , Power , Protest , Jay Conn Carnella , Cuban American Actor , First Off , Light , Videos , Courage , Need , Shape , Form , Everything , Strength , 15th Of November , 15 , July 11th , Victory July 11th , System , Idea , 200000 , Regime , Problem , Indoctrined , Communist Party , Idolize Castro , The Street , Don T Take Ozempic , Cancer Risk , A1c , Residents , Coming Up , Type 2 Diabetes , Zone , Oh , Cv Risk , Game , Heart Disease , Type 1 Diabetes , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Events , Heart Attack , Reuse , Pens , Share , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Reaction , Lump , Needles , Stomach Pain , Stop Ozempic , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Pancreatitis , Blood Sugar Risk , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Sulfonylurea , Insulin , Nausea , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Vomiting , Provider , Narrator , Fried Foods , Health Care Provider , Taste , Crunch , 3 , 25 , Food , Multitasking Oven , Technology , Meals , Results , Air , Odors , Cleanup , Oil , Functions , Airfryer Toaster Oven , Cuisinart , 98 , Broils , Toasts , Convection Bakes , Stop Taking Xarelto , Dvt , Blood Clots , Pe , Blood Clot , Injection , Bruise , Paralysis , Procedures , Medicines , Fatal Bleeding , Kidney , Artificial Heart Valve , Don T Take Xarelto , Liver Problems , 888 , 1 888 Xarelto , Cold , Nighttime , Flu , Sleep , Coughing , On Sunday Night , Relief , Aching , Sniffling , Stuffy , Sneezing , Medicine , Dog , Buttercup , Communities , Epa Administrator , South , Whines , Area , Southern Louisiana , Cancer Alley , Disasters , Parish , He S Visiting St , Morgan , John The Baptist , 60 , Thing , Cancer , Stretch , Death Rate , New Orleans , Baton Rouge , Plants , Chemicals , Epa , 2010 , Robert Taylor , Block , Daughter , Wife , Carcinogen , Michael Reagan , Listen , Homes , Interest , Lives , Trust , Some , Partner , Ills , Black , Context , 80 , Hits , Listening Tour , Places , Diaz Balart , Instagram , Reach Me On Twitter , Privilege , Chris Jansing , Courtrooms , Hand , Tuesday Morning , First , Craig Melvin , Jury Selection , Brown Tumbler , Ghislaine Maxwell , Confidant , Jeffrey Epstein , Mayors , Infrastructure Law , Mayor , Cities , Nan W , Dayton Ohio ,

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