Transcripts For MSNBC Morning Joe 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Morning Joe 20240709

now as of yesterday passing the law, the white house needs to change that. the white house's aides tell me a lot of travel and sell tg first bill. thank all of you for waking up way too early with us. a jam packed "morning joe" starts right now. >> america's most beloved politician has as message. >> don't be a turkey. >> gobble, gobble. >> there is some good news. it looks like we have not one but two vaccines. we expect to have 40 million doses of pfizer and moderna vaccines. >> we would not have a vaccine if it were not for me because fda is not able to do what i forced them to do. >> the president is at a task force meeting several months ago. >> oh, quiet down. >> we would say thanks to donald trump, without him we would not have the vaccine. >> why not name the vaccine the trump? this is trump's vaccine. >> i just raised the stakes. >> trump vaccine are the world's greatest vaccine and i mean that in every sense of the word. one bite and you will know what i am talking about. >> warning do not bite vaccines. >> just ask his lunatic lawyer. >> whether you agree or disagree. hey, what's that running down his face? >> we struck oil. this has been this week in covid history. good morning and welcome to "morning joe." we have got a lot to get to today. cloing arguments in the kyle rittenhouse's trial. steve bannon surrenders, we'll show you how it went down. george clooney has some choice words on what happened on the set of "rust," it's all about gun safety and the stakes he he -- mistakes he believes were made and words that were made up. the bipartisan infrastructure bill is officially law. president biden signed a bill in the white house surrounded by 800 guests included governors and local leaders and lawmakers from both sides of the isle. >> i know you are tired of the bickering in washington, frustrated by the negativity and you want us to use and focus on your needs and concerns and the conversations are taken place at your kitchen table. the bill are proof that despite the signage, democrats and republicans can come together and deliver results. >> we can do this. we can deliver real results for real people. let's remember that we can come together most of all, let's remember what we got done for the american people when we do come together. i believe 50 years from now, we'll look back and say that's the moment america begins to win the competition in 21st century. with confidence and vision and faith, let's believe in possibilities and let's believe in one another and let's believe in america. >> rob portman stressed the financial benefits, he says the bill will help lower spiking prices. >> these long-term investments are going to help. inflation of course is causing demand and out rips supplies. we are not funding stimulus on the demand sides. ports and rails and bridges will help on the supply side. that's why economists say this bill is counter inflationary which is so important right now. as american families are facing higher prices on everything from gas to groceries. >> willie, again that's a guy who served in the house and senate. he's always been focused and obsessed on deficits and debts and inflationary pressure. you have him talking about counter inflationary aspect of this bill. something you didn't expect to hear from a republican yesterday that's for sure. >> yeah, he also ran the office of management and budget under bush xliii, this is a man who knows number and he's also a man who's not running for reelection. he did give a nod to president trump. 19 republican senators voted on this bill. that's not nothing. 13 republicans voted in the house. that was bipartisan bill and for as much as we heard from democrats who don't think this goes far enough, 1 opinion $2 trillion is one of the biggest pieces of legislation in the history. a big achievement for president biden but also for those who drives over these crappy roads. if we can take a look at that piece for it is better for america. >> america's infrastructure is lousy, it has been crumbling for years. you can get every senator out there regardless of how they voted. joe biden talking ant how critical it's so upgrade our infrastructure. this bill does it. i am excited that we actually do have the possibility of getting investments into these bridges and roads and water and broad band and airports. it's going to be extraordinary important that they make sure the money gets to the right places and that it's unefficiently not waste fraud and abuse all along the way. >> that's the next challenge. that's something the white house is going to obsess over. one other thing, politically you have some republicans and some trumpists in the house are very angry. that's one part of the story. you also though have a lot of progressives that had been telling joe biden for nine months, ten months stop talking about bipartisanship, don't bother with bipartisanship. you are from a different error, old man. there are not bipartisan bills that's passed anymore. >> joe biden got the last word on that. a $1.2 trillion bill that was passed. the likes of which we don't see in the washington much. and he did it yesterday. >> yes, he absolutely did. 19 republicans in this day and age is a big, big number to pass a piece of legislation comfortably flu the senate and get those 13 in the house who you say are targeted by donald trump. they're going to prime those people for daring to vote for infrastructure. let's bring in the host of "way too early," jonathan lemire, and our arthur of the early 202 newsletter. jackie alleghaney. >> what was it like at the white house yesterday? >> certainly a moment of triumph as you said. this is something, basically the president campaigned on this premise that he cambridge the divide on republicans and democrats on at least some issue. to show that democracy can still deliver and it would be competitive with hypocrisy like china. it took a long time to get there. there were a lot of twists and turns. we know it's the way to have. it got done and with some gop report. americans will see the den fit pretty soon. this is not going to be immediately shovel ready. some we'll see benefits soon and some will be over a few years. these are things that americans need. it's only part one, there are still a lot of work to be done for that reconciliation piece. reporters watching manchin's reaction. we needed 24/7 manchin's camp to get his reactions of all his twists and turns ahead. the white house could not have scripted it better than what they got there. republicans saying no, what the country needs right now or is government investment that's not going to be a problem. it's a big win for the white house. the president hits the road today to new hampshire and tomorrow michigan. as work continues on the hill for the build back better bill. >> jackie, more on part one. the white house is making sure they celebrated that when and everybody saw it. it looked like a party there. america can work in a bipartisan way, believe it or not even after all we have been through. talk more of what yesterday sill symbolized and also now does part two gets more aggressive. what are the plans moving forward. >> you are right. if we are looking at this, president biden got what he campaigned on and exactly what he's been agitating for a year now since the american rescue plan. everything he has claimed that he has good at and why the entirety of his presidential campaign. 19 republicans signed onto this piece of legislation and are already campaigning on it. we have susan collins tauting the $245 million that maine is going to get. you had mitch mcconnell toting the same. >> he's one of the republicans that sported this bill. president biden could not ask for more there. this next path ahead is definitely going to be more tenuous and brings back some of the skittism that we have seen propped up in the democratic party that joe biden has struggled with. this build back better bill, the one that was supposed to be in tandem but was left behind. house progressives have been asking for more paid family leave, they have been warned by chuck schumer in a conference call that this could be left booipd if there is not enough room in this package. it's already cut in half. those negotiations are taken place in the senate right now. we'll we'll get our score at the end of the week and the census is going to take it from there. >> former president trump continues to be angry will senate minority leader mitch mcconnell. >> mitch has been going around kentucky talking about what a great bill this is for people in kentucky. >> you know he's been doing that? >> it's a great bill for the people of kentucky. the new front over the new reporting from abc's jonathan carl which alleges senate minority leader took steps to block trump from attending joe biden's inauguration. >> the final final act of the trump show. >> mcconnell wanted to get a letter together from the top four congressional letter informing trump that he had been disinvited. >> this decision was mine alone. mitch mcconnell had nothing to do with it. mcconnell unsuccessfully tried getting a letter signed by others from me, not to go. okay, you get the point. >> i am reading this and he's like a five-year-old. i know we knew this but i guess we have not read his words -- it's so interesting you said that it reminded you of a fifth grader. i was listening to that and thinking oh my god this sounds like a five-year-old. >> and so let's step back for a second, willwillie. let's talk about what everybody has been asking. >> you see trump at war with people at the republican party. i understand. the guy still lost to joe biden by millions of votes. you look at the wall street journal tallies and fox news tallies. so, he lost by millions of votes when he was the incumbent. as we get further away, he picks more fights with more republicans. he goes more extreme and he goes to the most extreme elements of the republican party we saw yesterday. i am supporting the georgia congresswoman from northern georgia and getting angry at kevin mccarthy for being mean to her. it starts narrow and it gets narrow and narrow, just to outrage the war. declare war against the democrats. people see these polls, oh my god, 60% and 75% of republicans still support donald trump. it's lower than the 92% or 93% it was just a year ago. >> yeah, if he runs, he'll be a formidable and he may beat joe biden the second time around. he gets smaller and smaller each passing day. there is a phenomenon happening there in the republican party where he's backing candidates, state level and national levels who are so extreme but declare fuelty to him. >> they look like crazy people because a lot of them are. he's bringing these people into the fold not because of any policies or any ideas but because donald trump is our god and he's our future and he's the man and i pledge allegiance to him. oh, that sounds good. >> now they'll be running in important races. >> if i were in georgia republican, i would do everything i could to keep donald trump out of the state. >> he caused them two senate races last year. >> the republican party and the majority of the united states and now he's talking about possibly supporting stacey abrams because of brian kemp did not salute him the right way because the secretary of the state diplomat lie about election recounts or rig the election for them when trump called up to ask for a certain number of votes. now, we heard from walker and all of these other republican nominees are people ma tha trump wants to be republican nominee. again, donald trump here we are with republicans at this extraordinary position to dominate all races in 2022, you got the donald trump stepping into the fray and supporting one terrible candidate after another. republicans in washington are getting more worried that this guy is going to screw up their chance. >> for all the talks of democrats. there is l of it. republicans are as you pointed out not immune to their own. >> the big issue is finding decent candidates. republicans struggle to settle on candidates. the party's front runner in pennsylvania, shawn parnell. he choked his estranged wife and hit one of -- >> in georgia, the party's nominee, herschel walker, advertisement assault about his ex-wife threatening him with a gun. as the candidates fall over each other to indulge former president trump, election, conspiracy theory. >> if you are running in a gerrymander house district, you can be a whacko on the right and left. >> that changes on the senate side. when you look at pennsylvania that's going to be up for grabs and maybe it's surely trending. stronger republicans over the last six to eight years. even in that case you get enough flawed candidates. we have seen this time and again. we saw it in delaware a decade ago. we saw it of course with the candidate that mckaskill beat when she was running for election. and suddenly, red states turned blue. >> that's one of the key dynamics to watch here is the influence trump has in hand picking and throwing his weight around and behind someone to get the nomination who are not palable to the general public. >> you know it's a different set of qualifications to be a republican no, ma'am fee and - >> they do run the risk of ended up qualified candidates sitting on the sideline. we made a lot of and rightly so of the play book youngkin used in virginia. she didn't denounce trump entirely but he kept it at arm's length. >> that worked for virginia. >> and he also has the benefit of running against a democratic opponent. >> but, that play book may work in some districts. republicans need to do well to embrace it if they want to win. trump can blow it up. he was ill withing to sit on the sideline with race. >> he intends to play more active roles in 2022. wanting to prove that he's major force of the party as he looks and sets the stage for his own run in 2024. he'll be harder to keep. >> well, we are seeing the impact of donald trump across the country and especially the state of wieming. republican leaders voted to no longer recognize liz cheney as a member of the republican party. >> this is the second action. in february, members voted to impeach trump and his enrollment. this latest move does not strip cheney of any real power. a spokesperson for congresswoman cheney called the quote "laughable." the congresswoman is not a conservative republican. >> just to review why she's being stripped of her name inside the republican party because she voted to impeach the president or his role and driving people to the capitol on january 6th and there to sit in this select committee to refew what happened on january 6th. now running out of the party symbolically anyway. >> it's sad. a guy who's been conservative my entire life, like liz cheney. >> acu rating was 935. it was just awesome triable. >> it does not matter what your views are. on issues, it's just how much you worship a former reality tv host? >> a guy who actually had the largest deficits in america history, the largest national debt in american history. >> the biggest budget through his time there. if all the thung things we fought again. donald trump swifts through. they knew he didn't get a balance budget, or about pushing back against illegal regimes. they knew how he was with russia and how he was with russia and even after the did the very thing that the radical left did in 1960s, trashing the cia and our intel community when he's in helsinki talking to lieutenant putan. >> it does not matter with him, it had nothing to do with ideology and how much are you willing to descend into this personality colt? >> clearly -- it mattered. if actually believes mattered, willie. then there will be so many other people conservatively. the people who are voting against will probably be the one who'll believing the part. >> yeah, we are talking about liz cheney is the last name. all of that comes with not being conservative enough. it's not about being activity activity, it's about pledging allegiance to donald trump. donald trump endorszed one of them, an attorney from wyoming who says this is the right move. >> that's the litmus test in wyoming and a lot of places. >> adam kinzinger is not going to run for reelection and anthony gonzales. he does not believe it's worth it for him to run again. >> we'll see if liz cheney hangs on. jurors are set to begin deliberations today. we'll go over the dramatic closing arguments. plus, the judge presiding over the trial of the men accused of murdering ahmaud arbery. one of the attorneys argued that the presence of civil rights figures made for an unfair add jeer and also ahead point. >> hh. >> you are watching "morning joe," we'll be right back. re wag joe," we'll be right back. bipolar depression. it made me feel like i was trapped in a fog. this is art inspired by real stories of 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an ambulance driving through the crowd. this is a disaster. there were about 100 lawsuits filed against live nation and travis scott himself. i don't understand what the explanation here. >> well, there is no good explanation. you have an ambulance going out and you got somebody up on stage who had been charged twice with inciting crowds. >> it says things like come in and come closer, make the ground shake. >> this is again, he's already had to go before authorities twice. because this is what he does. and so he sees ambulances and he keeps going and people running up to the stage and screaming stop the show, he keeps going. people in crowd are chatting stop the show, he keeps going. 10 people are dead. i have really seen some -- despicable justification for his actions. >> police in fire. how are they not in control of what goes on in the city. is travis scott the king of houston? >> i don't understand why police didn't pull the plug and why travis scott did not do what we see one performer do after another performer do through the years. it did not happen. >> and little kids. willie. >> a nine-year-old just died after he was trampled and been in a coma and just died. it's an awful tragedy. let's turn now to kenosha, wisconsin. the jury has begin cloing deliberations today. >> he's guilty of all counts. >> reporter: kyle rittenhouse's fate is about to be in the hands of jury. he was a wannabe soldier looking for trouble. >> when the defendant provokes the accident, he loses his rights against self-defense. the defense is zeroing in on joseph rosenbaum. >> he was causing trouble and he was a rioter and my client had to deal with him alone. >> reporter: it was a rush of judgment. >> kyle is a 17-year-old kid out there trying to help the community. >> reporter: the judge dismissed the six count against rittenhouse. he now faces five felony counts including intentional homicides. the shooting survivor says rittenhouse created the carnage himself. >> he fashioned himself and he didn't do anything medically for anybody. >> when you hear your son referred to as a vigilante, what does it mean? >> it troubles me. >> was your son looking for trouble? >> no, he never looks for trouble. he wants to help people. >> as a mother, do you want him to go down there with a rifle? >> i didn't want him to go anywhere near kenosha whatsoever. >> joining us now charles coleman. good to see you this morning. you were watching along yesterday. the case from prosecutor is this. if you incite the incident, you waive your rights to self-defense. a lot of attorneys say no, self-defense is self-defense. >> good morning willie, what we are seeing is a tale of two competing narratives. from my experience when i will tell you is that provocation is not something that will immediately exempt you from being able to use the self-defense statue. you should not be able to start something and ultimately say no, no, i was defending myself but that's not necessary consistent with the law. that's why prosecutors try to hammer at home. once they understood they're going to get that provocation from the judge which is something that the jury can consider but it does not automatically mean that kyle rittenhouse and his defense team is unable to plea self defense. >> jury will be back in the jury room in a couple of hours to begin their deliberations. >> it was the one thing that prosecutors say hope they could get him on or if not the other charges against him. the judge dismisses the charge on a technicality of a badly written state law about how old you have to be have own guns. >> i do think it's a technicality. i don't want viewers to make too much of what this dismissal means. if rittenhouse was convicted of that charge, that's a misdemeanor charge where at the most he would have spent nine months in jail. what i can tell you more than likely given what we have seen and everything unfolded, if that was the only thing rittenhouse was convicted of, he's not going to spend any time in jail. if he's convicted of that crime and along with other crimes, that time is going to run concurrent. the dismissal of this charge does not make a difference of kyle rittenhouse. in georgia, the trial of three white men accused of killing ahmaud arbery. >> a mistrial because of black pastor is in attendance. >> jessie jackson, we all know he's an icon and a civil rights movement. he's the personification. >> i find that objection from the court standpoint, i have said it over and over and over in this trial that i am attempting to ensure that in this courtroom that the defendants receive a fair trial. and i will continue to do that. >> i mean, okay, charles, coleman, i will let you take it away. your thoughts. >> sure, mika, this case and these remarks really reminds me of one of the most important decisions in our country. >> i know many viewers may think of that why. it was held that the black man had no right upon which the white man was due to respect. when i thought about what it meant for the attorney for mr. bryant to say jessie jackson should not be able to be here in a trial when arbery is deceased because he didn't have in the eyes of the defendant the right to be able to go into a house and look at all of the fingerprints of dred scott are over this mindset. i think that the judge was right in what he had to say but the judge did not go far enough. we have to be close on what these things are. they are not problematic, these things are racist, if we continue to move forward and move beyond these things, we have to call it what they are which is un-american. >> well, thank you. >> and you got an tern who obviously trying to end a message to a jury that he thinks are racially insensitive because this is no other reasons why anybody would keep bringing that up and he talked about kentucky fried chicken and white masks in the back of the courtroom. i have never seen anything like this before where you have people coming into a courthouse of a child who's gun downed and parents are asking for pastors. >> there will be 200 pastors outside the courthouse with reverend al. they'll have a wall of prayers. that's the sort of thing. it's safe to say it comes from the first batch of church, brunswick and 200 white pastors around holding hands. you would hear this guy or some other, oh, that's wonderful people. for some reason, black pastors really offend this defense attorney and again you just wonder what the tragedy is. if it's him or he's trying to play to a jury that he's hoping that is racist? >> one of the things that's apparent in the course of this trial is that this attorney has decided to put down the dog whistle and pick up the bull horn. he's being clear about what it is he wants to appeal to and the lowest nature of someone on that jury who'll hopefully pick up whatever it's he's putting down and we can only hope that justice is going to prevail. >> charles coleman, we appreciate your analysis and looking forward to more. thank you very much. coming up, insane and infuriating. what actor george clooney is saying in defense of alec baldwin after the tragic shooting of "rust." actually not in defense of al al baldwin. plus, steve bannon surrenders and daniel goldman is joining us next with a big announcement. 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getting out of politics? >> merrick garland is upholding the rule of law. if bannon is going to flout his nose at a congressional subpoena and say it does not apply to me then he needs to be charged and put in jail so that he recognizes that he's not above the law that the rule of law still controls this democratic country and that's going to be both the message to him and all of his followers. >> yeah, you know jonathan lemire, the good thing is gret breathtaking. donald trump surrounds himself with lifelong grifters. this guy is grifted in and out of the griftest fear of donald trump, probably four or five times. >> it's crazy here we are and he's somehow, he's just gotten a grifter's dream. he's in the middle of the fight again. it's lyndon against the state that he promised to destroy. >> that's a good one. >> bannon was defrauding trump's supporters about trying to raise money to build the wall for mexico. we all remember that mexico was supposed to pay for it and that did not happen. they turn to those who's wearing red hats. trump found it in his heart, you are right, this is summon who's moving in and out of the president's orbit. he was the ahead of breitbart for a long time. he along with kellyanne conway were sort of drive driving -- h out of the white house pretty quick. >> he likes to put it media of enemy of the state. he always likes to put it -- but he has with his podcast and media would be the empire and wonderinged his way back into trump's good graces after election day. >> so certainly he has people around him and he's easy to play maga. a role that many trump's circle is not willing to do. >> he's will to do this and make himself the center of this and always asked for it. it remains to be seen whether others are doing it. >> jackie, you have been covering this one. steve bannon talking to his audience and afterwards came back to his hotel and addressed the audience saying he's happy to take his slings and arrow and everybody go out and fight. so many people were watching with steve bannon. did they have teeth? >> the answer in this case is yes. what is the future of this committee and how much does it rest on what happens to bannon here? >> i think privately there is a bit of concern about it as lemire eloquently say that -- if this trial results in that. i talked to a bunch of lawmakers last night who were back on the hill for on the panel and they said that this is what comes, the use of the law does not diminish the effectiveness of the law. just because people like steve bannon are going to continue to weaponize this investigation. that does not mean the 35 others who have been subpoenaed by the committee are not so fearful. republican lawyer said to me, people in trump's orbit pretends to think that subpoenas don't matter. they'll continue their investigation and issue subpoenas and pete aguilar told me who's on the show later, if the use of subpoenas resulting in less than information. they have been providing information out of that 35 and 150 people have voluntarily cooperated with the committee and providing information and learning new things everyday. steve bannon will continue the circus and will deter everyone at this point. >> it's the top of the power, daniel goldman, before you go, we have an announcement that you are going to make exclusive legislative right here on "morning joe" about your political future. what's going on? >> your lead in about steve bannon was perfect. i was on the front line and i have been on the front line fighting for the rule of law and today i am announcing i am going to run for attorney general of new york to get back on the front lines and fact these important battles to preserve our democratic values and preserve the rule of law and represent the people of new york as the people's lawyer. >> so -- daniel, what would be some of your top goals in office? is there a direction that you want to take the aj. >> we need one standard of justice and everybody needs to play by the same rules. there are bigger fights that we late to new yorkers and to the nation, voting rights are being restrict around the country. reproductive rights. >> civil rights and criminal justice reforchl and holding the well any and, it's an incredibly powerful office where someone with independents and experience. it's really important to help those leaders. i would like to be the person to help and make sure that everybody is playing by the same rules. >> dan, i don't want to flow you a curveball. >> go for it. >> i am going throw you a curveball. >> can you talk about voting right sns. >> i find it interesting when somebody commentators were talking about jim crow, 2.0 for georgia and jim crow 2.0 for texas. >> they would be describing systems that some new yorkers would go hey, i would trade what i have to do to vote in new york state or get on a ballot new york state for that. >> as you know as a new yorker, voting lines are horrific. not only the city but across the state. it's impossible a lot of the vote counts, it takes forever. it's impossible to get on ballots almost. . it's something that reverend al talked about all along. talked about all along is there something and i am curious, you brought it up. is there something you can do as attorney general to knock down some of these walls for voter access and candidate access in the state. it's so adequate and this goes back during political bosses ruled the city. >> there is some truths to that. we need to separate what's going on around the country with voter up suppression law and install elect ld officials as tlg king maker who can turn the will of the american people. >> oh yeah. >> that's different than what you are describing. >> as attorney general, there is a large puppet that i would like to use to revamp the system. as we have seen through covid that absentee ballots worked very well. anybody can get it. it's important. >> you are riepgt, it's difficult to get on the ballot. new york should be the leader as one of the largest and most significant states in the country. i would certainly want to use the puppet so we can lead on that as well as other issues are playing our country and democracy. >> will, the two completely celebrate thing and i agree with what daniel just said, willny, you have access to the poll which is what i am talking about. then you have what's happening after the vote. >> which i have said time and time again ils the greatest danger in freeing elections, you have state and legislatures, we'll take the power away from local officials. we'll take the power away from the secretary of state which is always done that. i don't crust them anymore. >> that really is. that's not something for dan jell. that's for the united states congress. that's something that must be answered before the next election. we'll have a serious problem. >> that's the distinct. >> there are people put in place in takes across the country who are will to enforce those laws. >> part-time, we can flip it the way we want to. >> began, i want to ask you congratulations first on jump ento the race. >> your focus was a statewide proserious condition. and new york city. >> this is a complaint that you will hear from judges who don't police chief they have enough discretion. police officer say it's revolver door. >> attorney general james had been grappling with this. it he's saying they need to be teached. what's your view of that law that was passed a couple of days ago. does it need to be changed? >> the most important part of that law. people should not remain in jail simply because they want pay bills. >> we need to work with district attorney attorneys to see how we -- you wrote a really important point there. we'll have minor thefts and go into this jail and get ragt out and do it all over again. >> we do need to tweak that system. part of my platform will be broader criminal justice reform so that people with addiction rather than just sickling through the system actually get the drug treatment they need when they first enter the system. that'll help more than any bail law. if people can get mental health treatment and educational resources, we can keep them out of the system al l together. >> i don't think to this point the data notwithstanding some an an -- >> daniel, goldman, thank you very much, thank you for making the announcement on our show. >> gluk to you. >> thank you very much. >> it's 7 minutes past the top of the hour. >> we got a lot to get to. we want to pring you up to date with the latest on the shooting on the set of rust. actor george clooney addressed that incident. clooney called out the kmek executives and the crew of the film. the first director who handed baldwin the gun. >> i don't know the guy at all. i have been onsets for 40 years and the person that hands you the gun, you did the proper, you should be armed. >> every single time i am handed a gun. i look at it and i open it in and show it to crew. >> every single take. you handle it back to the armour when you are done. >> you would not have higher for the armor, someone with experience. >> many with ma many guns? >> maybe they were not using that guns to do practice. they have live ammos. that's insane. >> that's in figure rating. clooney went onto say he had not spoken to alec baldwin sis the shooting. >> the first assistant did not check the weapon and had previous complaints here. he also checks as you heard, he checks the gun himself. anyone who does gun face-to-face for hunting. >> i have. you are responsible for that bun. >> in it's not, point it to the dpround ground. >> it has to be done. >> so that does raise some questions for the procedures put in place for the actor himself. and also he said and i thought this is interesting. he never heard the term called gun. what does it mean? cold gun. is that something that's used in sets across america? >> george clooney never heard of that. that's not supposed to be the end of all b all that a gun is safe. >> you have to check it. you capt point it at people. that's the thing he finds it frustrating. >> when i am around a gun and olding a gun. >> i got a brothers who are hunters. we have guns in our life. they are pointed to the ground and you check and check and also click it through. >> there are chings you do. >> there are things you do. >> it's. >> we talked about this before. >> you are anybody that surrounds guns, when you are handled a gun. >> your hole life. >> your aware of it. >> this again is so basic. this is this the kwef linsanity of saying when are you driving the car? >> you got to get the keys. >> when you are handled a gun, talk to anybody who's been around guns their entire life. when you handle a gun, you always assume that it's loaded. you always check the gun. >> you make sure that it's not loaded. >> and en then, even then willie, everyone then when you know it's not loaded, you should never point a gun at somebody. >> in it does not matter whether it's kwot or cold. >> it's fascinating where george cooney says -- >> even a you know and i am obsess sif about it. >> mika's brother and family and everybody i ever known. they are obsessive about it. >> just kind of say oh, somebody shotted cold gun. >> and still aim at people. again, it does not makes sense. >> of course. >> anybody has been around a gun? >> i just can't say that enough. >> it's so utter worldly. it really is. what happened here -- >> i was just wondering though. are people in hollywood really this reckless around guns, right? >> george clooney actually just answered that question. he's been around guns for 40 years and nothing like this had ever happened before. he never hurt anybody else had anything like this happened before. >> it suggests that the way that mika's pamly and those guns and the way i handle guns, the way everybody that i have gone grown up with. my favorite life handles gun. >> in it's the way it's handled. >> that's the first rule, you don't point the june at someone else. it's the first rule, you just don't do it. i talked to a bunch of people, actor and actresses, you do not believe as george clooney placed out the protocol. they go through it because it's so important. you will look at every chamber and you tell everybody it's not life or loaded. it's an entire several minutes of work you begin to do the scene. and to hear it from george clooney gives it new gaf ri. he's done it all. we heard dwayne johnson. we are not going to use real guns in my rue vee anymore. we are not dpoing to take the risk. >> this was clearly when you talk to people and out liar and maybe clooney says maybe it was a small budget film and it didn't have many people in place. >> terrible. >> you can help reckless irresponsible with that many guns onset for a western? >> and solve live ammo there? it's again is just beyond, i will say i do hope for people that are looking at this story, you know we all understand that a lot of people temperatured a lot of guns over the past year and a half. >> one of things that worried me is first time gun owners are getting those guns are engaging in gun safety. >> took classes. >> and and i am speaking if you are one of those people in the past couple of years that are new gun roaners, you got to go to the range. put the muscle memory. >> the muscle memory is the first thing you do. what's thigh this is so against shocking to me. >> i checked that gun is not loaded. >> i continue care. it just does not matter. you are anded the june and the nirs thing you do is you check it. >> you don't trust anybody. >> in this case -- >> i am hoping that people may have temperature purchased the gun in the last couple of years and seen what happened on this so take this as a warning to go to the range and be very safe for yourself self and family and everybody around. >> still ahead on "morning joe," former governor chris christie joins us with his new book that's sure to set "donald trump on edge." >> "russia is facing condemnation" after a sis - >> phil mickelson has some tips. >> oh boy. >> on thursday's show. we'll be joined by actor and writer by the show, jason sudeikis. >> i can't wait. 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morning. a lot of good news, a lot of jobs being created. so i guess i would like to start to ask and i have been talking to folks inside the white house about this, i have been trying to get my arms around with what's going on with the labor shortage. can you explain to me why we are seeing so many jobs openings before this legislation? >> first of all, u.s. for having me yesterday. it was a good day for the president and the country. >> it's something i have been grappling with. there is a few things that, one we are still living win northwest covid times. it's still very much with us. we have still have people dying and getting in fenged. that's the large cloud that moves over us. with covid, people are having trouble with adds aid kate of childhood child care. >> finding sbood child care for their children as they move forward, too here. >> preman democratic they were in a job and they did not full fulfilled in that job. for many reasons they decided to look for a career change or moving forward. there is a lot of different pieces of this and quite honestly a study came out where he had that there are more and more people looking procedureship now. we are seeing it growing master than any period in our history. there is a a lot going on. the president laid out a plan to move our economy forward. >> we had incredible jobs growth since the president took office. unemployment rate 3.6 dlaers. >> we still have work to do. >> i mentioned if you mentioned the number of people retiring as well. >> thank you. i thorgt. i nou there was something else. >> a lot of people. people are identifying with it. during the pandemic, a lot of people are working at home. >> wait a second, it's time for me to kind of relax now and move forward. a lot of people made that decision. >> so what is then and how is the current state sort of the labor shortage plays out in terms of we see wages going up and companies answer to interrogratory pay much larger amounts of money per hour just to get people to show up. this is causing companies more and having about impact. i am wonder what you think that does with the overall economy and with this infrastructure package and the number of jobs that'll be coming into the system. are they fillable? >> first of all, i think people are getting paid higher wages is a good thing. >> me too. >> i think that's quite honestly is a good sign for workers in america to get higher wages. that's going to create millions of jobs. it was going to create jobs skurntly and congress long-term jobs. a lot of people right now that are looking for career changes. one of the changes was the president created engineering jobs and architecture jobs and industry we have so many opportunities with the 1.2 deliver dollars bipartisan infrastructure bill to really think about making sure those jobs are available to people. we have have an equity problem for our community for a long time. communities of colors that have not had the ability to pay good playing jobs. the president insists this money is being spent in cities across america. all the people benefited from these announcements. >> you heard all the other e elected officials speak as well. everyone agrees it's a good thing to do. the second piece is the president's push to get the build back better bill reconciliation package. that's a big count p opportunity as well to investigate in community college and child care and education. there is a lot of good things. i don't believe these bills are going to add for inflation. >> good morning mr. secretary, let's bring it down to the ground level of small business in this country. it's the end of september, there were 10.4 million jobs and 4.4 million quit their job in the month of december. >> if you talk to small business, i just can't get people to take the job. i am out running plates and busting table and doing everything i have to do to keep this thing afloat. a lot of my employees that i had before are going to work in an amazon warehouse or something like that. what do you think these business owners should do? >> when do they start coming back to the business and whag changes to the economy we see right now? >> the biggest thing is covid-19. making sure that we are getting people vaccinated and tested. >> we have to get beyond the sly russ. >> we have to continue to move forward so we can get out of the time that we are living right now. that's one way. >> i think a lot of people are deciding what's good for their future and family. >> i know and the maces where you do have amazon actuaries or ups factories, they're hiring a lot of people with the holidays coming and they are taking the job markets for other industries. this has happened the last 10 years. we have to work to make sure that what we are you evering opportunities set for people and jobs training. we need to make sure people have to go back to work. >> there is very few people in america sitting on the couch says wait a minute, i don't want to go back to work. the biggest way back is defeating the virus. >> i mean moving beyond the virus. i don't think we can defeat the virus. the virus defeated a lot of families in this world. >> even a place like new york city, vaccination rates are incredibly highway, any small businesses or coffee shops, they say i am not sure what it looks like to get past tg virus. >> we would have to liver with this virus in a way that we continue our lives. >> what happened to their businesses and what changes? >> they feel like man, i don't know if anybody is goming back to work in my restaurant. >> i think a lot of people are basing that decision. people are coming back to work on is that industry going to be allowed me the opportunity to put food on the table and raise a family. i think again a lot of the cities are not fully open yet and a lot of these restaurants are not at capacity. a lot of these businesses have not recovered full employment. full customer base yet. what we are doing here, the president biden lay out a plan in january to get people vaccinated. >> he gave me a mandate basically the department of labor to do everything we can. >> we are averaging about 640,000 jobs per month. >> we had a good month last month. we'll continue see people going back with the economy. >> we are wrking very close and staying on top of this issue and i am talking to small businesses and traveling around the country and spending a lot of time to help them get back strong. >> thank you for being on. this is an ongoing story, we appreciate you filling us in on what's going on. >> let's bring in our yamiche alcindor and eugene robinson. >> if you want to see a portray of factualism and aimlessness, look at the collection of politicians that could legitimately call itself the grandal party. today's republicans agree wholeheartedly on one thing, ambition for power. the thanks to trump the president lost. >> now the gop is stuck with him and be holden to his mood swim obsessions and. sewing the gop is some kind of unstoppable jugger knots is wrong. it's more like a group of hostages and hostage takers. >> united only in a quest for power, not knowing or caring why. eugene, what do you make of and even our guests we have on toda republicans. we do have liz cheney who really does want the republican party to represent more but i guess there is ultimately a party still indices array and some say a party that lost its soul. >> yeah, it think it lost its soul a little wild ago. >> either liz cheney and chris christie has been on both sides of the trump's question. i will continue to straddle that. either republicans actually republicans are going to take their party back or they are going to fail at that and we'll be left with this abomination in places of one of our two political parties. what does the political party stands for? >> it stands for -- big lie, it stands for trying to keep team from voting. it stands for a lot of stuff that republican leaders of the past must be spinning in their graves over it. you think back to jacob jarvis and republican alliance of the past and none of them, ronald reagan, he would not be allowed or considered a republican in this party. he would be thought off as a writer. a republican in name only and they probably toss him out of the party the way wyoming republicans "tossed" liz cheney out of the party yesterday. it's incredible. we don't often enough but you step back and you look at him and what happened to the party of lincoln. it's just, that's the major political story of our time in this country and it's ongoing and it's really a tragedy. >> yamiche, it's jonathan here. i want to get you weigh in on this idea. >> we have been talking about how, he's too far to the right, there trump decide in some of these swing districts and trump's support but lose in the election. >> the future is very much on track to win the house next year. thanks to gerrymandering and political head winds and momentum. >> if they win the house with more trump's diciphels are in it. >> it's clear that the goal is to stop anything that president biden is trying to do. >> i think you are right to look at the fact that republicans are redrawing districts as we speak who are sort of more et vaccinating there and voters by scaring them including thinking of all sorts of things. also, fall claims of the 2020 i election and fear frankly works. it worked in virginia ander states. you have democrats klein you hadding pooit. look at infrastructure bill and look at how we'll be impacting people's lives. republicans are sticking to this idea that are cultural wars and that sort of scarying people is the way to go. i think when we think of the state of the republican party, look no purter on the general that there are two things. is he going punish 13 americans, two were brave enough to go to white house. is he going punish them for voting for in frungture. and two, is he going to punish paul goosart, tweeting a photo of him killing representative ocasio-cortez. >> eugene, we'll bring your post. >> democrats know it's coming. there is fwoing to be the sort of goop, idealgical -- >> you can address that and okay, if it's happening in school, damn it, i am going to go in those schools and make sure they are telling both sides of the sport. then you know they're going to talk about defending police. >> as my good friend, you just call it out as a lie and it may note event hurt some of these democrats or swing districts to put it on the table. and the third thing you know they're going to be talking about is the border. it's okay for democrats to say it's a massive border. it's chaotic, we need ort, we need people to come across legally. >> at the same time we need to send people back that don't belong here who are here el legally. >> sepd them back home. open it up for legal refugees who deserving to be. these are three things we know they're going to talk about. democrats should be able to have answers for all three of those starting today. >> this is like an open book test. >> factually. >> you got the question in advance. >> so you know, democrats need to get in their opponent faces. tall them out when they are lying. >> don't let somebody lie about what's going on. >> come on, euless, texas go into the school and let's see. backing up and trying in some way is not going to get it. >> you are absolutely right, they know what's coming. if you can't develop some sort of plan then you are going to wish. >> yeah, jean, thank you so much. by the way, mika, if republicans are interested. which we are saying this and obviously we were deeply concerned about donald trump from the second he stepped into the office. >> but, you know with at the present time on saying if thump were to talk about the economy, he would won. >> another crazy conspiracy theory. >> all he had to do is talk about economy and my and he would have won. >> little more saying. this is something with republicans i don't understand. >> you don't have to listen and i don't care. instead of talking about the crazy stuff and nod comes up to you and says they are communists. you don't have to go there. if you just talk about inflation or talk about the apply chain or talk about cost going up, gas prices going up. definites are going up. >> debt are going up. >> you can do that and still win the general election. >> i know. i know. maybe it's not as exciting for you. maybe issues don't matter. >> but, if you talk like a activity activity, a real activity activity, not the bis we have been fielging the last years. if you talked about regulation and free trade, if you talk about a strong military, that's enough. you don't need bait yourself. you can win without lying. >> anyway, if you do that, after you win and i know what you speak. free to do whatever the hell you want to do in congress. you can keep talking about that. you can win by being a small government conservative and leave all the crazy up to donald trump. >> coming up -- >> let those who have ears to hear here. >> anyone in work who wants a shot can get a shot. a booster that is. the city offers all adults the chance to reup their lefrl of protection against kai russ. >> we'll bring you details ahead. something weulated to the conversation we just had. i had a great talk with francis sellers at "the washington post" and their washington post live series to discuss how companies can champion age diversity in workplace and harenest the economic potential of one of the fastest growing segments in this country. i offer this message through the concept of my 50 over 50 list to all the younger women out there. all the younger women out there. >> make a few mistakes and take some time off. if you have a kid with you and you need to take five years ahead. go ahead. you are no longer at the mercy of a ticking clock. >> you have got 40, 50, 60 years to fulfill your dreams and to reach your goals and try new things and that i would that or whatever. i don't know how you feelt in your forz r 30s and 30s tchlt i was always rushing. >> i was always hyper ventilating. if i heard this. back then? i would have had a much more adventure road. >> the runway is long. it will be discussed of all the women on this list. discussed o women on this list ica's working. lower costs of healthcare premiums and the price of prescription drugs. pay less for electric bills by moving to clean energy. and do it all by making the ultra-wealthy pay their fair share of taxes. it'd be a win for the everyday american family. right when they could really use one. congress, let's get this done. no one can deliver your mom's homemade short ribs. for starters, your mom doesn't have a restaurant. if she did, it would be impossible to get in. she'd become famous overnight. she'd get talked into franchising everything. and at that point, they wouldn't really taste like your mom's short ribs. no one can deliver your mom's homemade short ribs. 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cameras to home security monitored by the pros. *laughs* learn more about home security or get our self-monitored solution starting at just $10 per month. if you compton show, you lose the game. can you tell the people there is no such thing as a curve and that's not a real thing. >> i believe it's a real thing and that's why i am not playing next week. i don't know if it will carry into golf or not. >> phil, your chance to analyze eli's swing. >> one word describing it is cute. >> it's a cute little swing. >> the club is a little -- >> cute? >> the club is behind him and low. his arms are not in front of him. they get a little too flat. he has to use all of his athleticism to square the face. it's a pretty good golf swing. >> like i said is cute. i could be better. >> man, cute? >> cute is never what you want to hear. >> phil just won another tournament by the way on sunday. 51 years old still out there winning winning tournaments on tour. but, joe, we've talked about this a number of times, whether it's tom brady sitting there or phil mickelson, huge names to sit and watch not just football analysis but that group of guys watching games, there's no better way to do it. >> yeah, i golfed when i was young a little bit, 9 or 10, my brother would drive me around the golf course. i have been playing off and on but i'm no good. but i have the baseball swing and it's sort of an outside-in baseball swing. they said you need to -- i took one lesson in my life a couple years ago because i decided, hey, maybe i should learn how to swing the right way instead of just doing a baseball swing and grinding when i hit it. and it's like zudage. eli has that sort of outside-in baseball swing but i love how phil devalues him as a golfer by calling it a, quote, cute baseball swing. >> very cute. >> but i thought eli's swing was absolutely perfect until phil commented on it. i'm like you, grew up playing baseball. just let it rip, baby. >> willie, have you thought about the boston marathon? >> i thought you were doing that for us? i think we should all do individually. >> i think i'm going to. >> i think you should. >> i am inspired by what you did in new york city and i want to take that whole parkinson's research for the michael j. fox foundation, take it to next level because you raised so much money. now i'm feeling competitive. >> willie, you're over $500,000 in individual donations, no corporate sponsorships, no nothing. like you are man of the people, and you're getting these small -- small contributions. >> i sort of said, you know, closed it up a week after the race on sunday. i said thank you, all. i think it was at like 530,000 and it just keeps going. i think it's like 575 this morning. i have to check. and like you say, no corporate gifts. it was more than 5,500 donors and 70% were $100 or less. a lot of $5 or $10. incredibly inspiring and most had a story about parkinson's like mika or i do that someone in their family had parkinson's or they themselves have it. this is all i could give you and i hope it helps, and boy, did it. pushing $600,000 in small donations. >> in just just collecting charity money, he's like the bernie sanders of parkinson's research. very exciting. >> very inspiring. another story we're following, new york city health officials say all adults can get a covid booster if they want one. the city's commissioner issued an advisory reminding providers not to deny anyone who wants the added protection. the fda and cdc have yet to authorize boosters for all adults, so that could come as early as next week. the u.n. climate summit officially wrapped up over the weekend with countries striking a deal after a last-minute compromise and coal. the deal brings an end to two long weeks of grueling negotiations in glasgow among almost 200 countries, imagine. delegates struggle to resolve major sticking points such as fossil fuel subsidies and financial support to low-income countries. when it comes to the threat posed by climate change, our next guest says it's a matter of miseducation. joining us now, award-winning frontline investigative journalist katie worth. the author of the new book "miseducation: how climate change is taught in america." are we being miseducated? what do you mean, katie? >> yes, i was interested in what kids are learning about climate change in school so i traveled around the country, i talked to dozens of students, teachers, administrators, parents and what i found is there's a lot of tension over this issue, pretty much every classroom that i went into had some point of tension, teachers disagreeing with other teachers over how to teach it, whether to teach it, and students pushing back or angry that they weren't learning it. and overall what i found was that there's a significant divide, some kids are getting a really robust education about this phenomenon that will shape their lives and other kids are either learning nothing about it or they're learning it's debatable, it's not happening. they're getting climate denial talking points. >> wow, what a great way to look at where this is going. so tell us some examples of where you went, what grade levels were you looking at here, and maybe some specific anecdotes within that. >> yes, i went to many states in the country and, you know, i found kind of all over the board there was tension, both in red states and in blue states. i went to one school in oklahoma where i talked to five kids whose families all had immigrated from the marshall islands, which is a nation that kind of famously is endangered by climate change and four of the five said i was the first adult to ever say the words climate change on school grounds to them. and they're mad about it, this is a real thing. why are we not learning about this? and it's endangering my homeland. i went to my hometown, which is chico, california, northern california, and talked to a teacher there that was -- told me that she realized one year she was teaching a climate -- a climate unit to her sixth grade students, and she realized they were leaving her class and going to their history class where their history teacher was showing them youtube videos saying climate change was a hoax. so she then confronted the teacher and said, hey, we have to be careful when one adult that they trust tells them one thing and the other -- another adult they trust says, hey, don't worry about that. and he said, well, i just want them to know both sides. >> what an important piece of the puzzle. the new book is "miseducation: how climate change is taught in america." katie worth, thank you so much. congratulations on the book. and coming up -- congresswoman abigail spanberger was at the white house bill signing yesterday. just a week earlier she said about biden, "nobody elected him to be fdr. they elected him to be normal and stop the chaos." >> by the way, she comes from one of those districts that will determine who is going to be the next speaker of the house. plus, former new jersey governor chris christie joins us with his guide to saving the republican party. we're back live in three minutes. ♪♪♪ ♪♪it's a most unusual day♪♪ ♪♪feel like throwing my worries away♪♪ ♪♪as an old native-born californian would say♪♪ ♪♪it's a most unusual day♪♪ ♪♪it's a most unusual sky♪♪ ♪♪not a sign of a cloud passing by♪♪ ♪♪if my heart won't behave in the usual way♪♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. 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(jackie) talk to your doctor about's time to treat td. td is not ok. visit imagine having someone else do your books for you. as your quickbooks live bookkeeper, i'll categorize expenses, reconcile accounts, and close your books. cool. - yep. know where your business stands. intuit quickbooks live bookkeeping. it is the top of the hour and look at that, joe. >> that's exciting. >> look what they're setting sclup. >> i can't believe it. >> there it is. >> comcast commerce tree is starting to go up. good little boys across the world will come and be whipped into a commercial frenzy and run in to the nbc store -- >> guess what, there will be nothing on the shelves! >> for "morning joe" but a lot of stuff for willie geist, sunday's "today" show. >> you got to get the merchandise sorted. >> all of the "morning joe" merch stuck in a container in long beach. but that's okay, we're going to get it. >> we're looking at a six-month wait right now. >> that comcast commerce tree though, it does more than just teach children -- >> it's inspirational. >> it's inspirational. it teaches them about market share. >> money. >> importance of broadband when they sit down with santa, talking about the entire comcast package -- >> and santa at the mall. there's a shortage. >> there is. so a lot really to be looking forward to as the comcast commerce trade rings in the new season, and you can expect to see holiday bells and lights from the top of those satellite dishes because that's just what mika does, christmastime for her penthouse condo. a lot to look at, willie. >> you know what the kids love to do, they come to see the tree and get the picture, and if you look up every so often, it's not scheduled, mika will lean over the balcony and wave with a white glove down to the children who have come to see the tree and are hastily funneled into the nbc experience store to buy merchandise. >> and talking about what happened before when mika leaned out her penthouse condo and threw coins down at the children. >> dangerous. >> from 53 stories high, it was a public nuisance to say the least. so the police came up and said, man, if you have a white glove, just wave it to the children. >> jonathan lemire's still with us. >> we learned a lot that day. >> we did, yes. >> they were silver dollars, i mean, big, willie. they were big. >> stop it! >> if you look under the condo, man, you can still see dents in the pavement. >> like susan b. anthonys, just right down from the top! >> it was bad. it was bad. >> okay. let's get to the news now, big political win for president biden yesterday as he signed the bipartisan infrastructure bill into law, calling it an historic investment. nbc news chief white house correspondent peter alexander has the details. >> reporter: president biden touting his biggest legislative victory to date. >> despite the cynics, democrats and republicans can come together and deliver results. we can do this! >> signing into law that trillion dollar infrastructure bill surrounded by democrats and a small number of republicans. the largest federal investment in infrastructure in more than a decade will provide good-paying jobs, the white house says, directing $110 billion to upgrade roads and bridges, $65 billion to improve high-speed internet and $15 billion to replace lead pipes in the country's drinking water system. >> my message to the american people is this -- america's moving again and your life is going to change for the better. >> reporter: still, the celebration may be short lived. the latest poll shows the president's approval rating continuing to drop, even after the infrastructure bill was passed. with democrats still divided whether to spend another $1.75 trillion on his social program and climate plan, and as americans paychecks are stretched. inflation soaring to a 31-year high, prices surging across the board, including glass jumping 50%, beef costing 20% more. tyson foods saying it's raised its beef, pork and chicken prices because of escalating expenses. kianna cook in maryland is struggling to pay the spiking costs. >> chuck roast can feed my niece and her kids, and it's about like this, $35, $25. just absolutely outrageous. >> reporter: the mosser family in pennsylvania also feeling the pinch. >> spending $100 a week in gas is very taxing. >> things i would normally spend $1.50 to $2, i'm spending $3.75 on. >> following major election losses in her state earlier this month, our next guest issued some sharp criticism of president biden's agenda, reflecting on the president's role in those defeats, democratic congresswoman abigail spanberger of virginia told "the new york times," quote, we were so willing to take seriously a global pandemic, but we're not so willing to say, yeah, inflation is a problem and supply chain is a problem, and we don't have enough workers in our workforce. nobody elected him to be fdr. they elected him to be normal and stop the chaos. days later the president had this response to her comments -- >> abigail is a friend. we had a long talk. we joked, she said i have a picture of roosevelt hanging in my office, her office, okay. i don't want to pretend to be anybody but joe biden. that's who i am. what i'm trying to do is do the things i ran on to do. >> and congresswoman spanberger joins us now. we appreciate you being on this morning. >> thank you. >> let's develop on that point because i'll start with just one of several issues that are facing this country that i feel like the white house could be much more vocal on, and that is the supply chain issue. what do you see happening on that front to help sort of untangle the mess from the government's perspective? >> from the government's perspective, thank you so much for having me on and particularly to discuss this important issue because across my district, i'm hearing about supply chain issues and i have been for quite some time. notably the bipartisan infrastructure investment and jobs act, which is what the president signed into law yesterday, will take meaningful steps to address issues related to supply chain challenges. it invests in our ports and rail and airports, which is a longer-term investment but also invests to ensure we bring more truck drivers into the workforce, provide funding for recruiting and training of truck drivers. notably in the intro they talked about the cost of meat prices. the bipartisan infrastructure bill includes a piece of legislation i had previously introduced with the republican colleague from florida that would address some of the challenges that our livestock producers are facing in terms of their ability to move their livestock ultimately bound for the grocery stores across the country. so we're taking steps forward from a federal perspective, but certainly it's not enough and we have to be listening to people and recognizing that the challenges related to the supply chain, inability to know where they're going to get their turkey for thanksgiving and real concerns about what will map during the holiday season, that's top of mind for a lot of people. >> yeah. >> and, joe, we were talking the other day about a supply chain czar. it's that big of an issue. perhaps it needs some sort of direction. >> right. you look at the bottom of the government, they're uniquely situated to do something but they need to do something very aggressively about it so you condition the just talk about it, appoint somebody and walk away from the issue. congresswoman, your district is so critically important because districts like you determine who will run the house, whether kevin mccarthy will be the next speaker of the house or not. and gina and i were just talking about how it's like an open-book test for democrats. they know what's coming. it will be inflation and competence when you look at afghanistan but also it'ses going to be about this ideological goop, where everything is thrown in and called critical race theory, it's going to be about defunding the police. it's going to be about chaos at the border. i heard you talking about these things before. what are you doing in your district to let people know that you understand there is chaos at the border, it needs to be fixed. there are problems, you know, with police and crime right now and it needs to be fixed and as far as critical race theory goes, however it's defined, there are parents in virginia and across america concerned about some things their kids are talking about. >> i think it boils down in the most simplistic of terms to really just listening to people. there continues to be significant and substantial unease in our country. we were on a good path in terms of our trajectory from covid and then the delta variant hit, and we see the challenges in our withdrawal from afghanistan. for parents such as myself, i have three school-age children, the past year and a half has been so difficult. in districts like mine where schools closed, that means parents are sitting in the parking lot of mcdonald's food lines and disconnected. we had extraordinary work done by our school boards and superintendents, particularly rural communities in order to get kids back to school safely at the height of the pandemic because they had no other option. so first and foremost in my district, i'm recognizing the hardship people have felt over the past year and a half and continued hardship that so many people, especially small business owners who are struggling to find another workers, are facing. and so from a legislative perspective, where i can move legislation forward, introduce legislation to get workers back to the workforce, to try to incentivize new truck drivers to join that workforce, the list goes on and on, i'm doing that. first and foremost it comes down to recognizing these concerns are very real, they're pervasive throughout certainly the community i represent but arguably the rest of the country, and we should be looking for and planning for a very bright future. but part of doing that planning is recognizing truthfully and earnestly where we are now. >> good morning, congresswoman. i'm curious what you thought as you watched glenn youngkin win the governor's race in your state, what democrats should take away from terry mcauliffe's loss there. when you look at it it looks like plus 11 for youngkin in your district. i'm sure that raised alarm bells for you and your staff. what should democrats be thinking now post virginia, post virginia governor's race, about how they run? >> i think they should rise that we need to run everywhere. what we saw in central virginia, my district, which is -- you know, if you're a democrat running a statewide race, there's parts of my district that don't get a lot of attention. i give all of my districts attention because it's my district, but i think some of the takeaway lessons should be we have to show up everywhere, we have to listen to the on-the-ground concerns and we have to have a message that is responsive to what people are talking about. listen first, respond second. but when it comes down to it, our policies are good. our policies are responsible for the problems and challenges that the american people are facing. but if we're talking past people, we're not listening to those concerns. we can't even make that argument. >> congresswoman, good morning, it's jonathan lemire. great to see you again. yesterday you were there for a bipartisan signing for the legislation bill, but that's just part one of what the president wants to do with the build back better act. you guys will have a long week in congress aiming to get a vote by the weekend. but there's been some reporting in the last day that senior white house officials are telling members of congress to be prepared to brace yourself for the congressional budget office score, cbo score, is going to be higher, it's going to be disappointing. it will show they will not entirely be paid for. what is your take on that, and would that at all make you question your support? >> i think this boils down to why there's a group of individuals, myself included, who wanted to know the full scope of the scale in terms of what the cbo score is, what the bill is going to cost before we ultimately take a vote. it's about ensuring we as legislators are making responsible, informed decisions. i think for many people that's not necessarily going to be a deal breaker. there's so much in this bill that's incredibly value, our efforts to fight climate change, investing in the refundable tax child credit in the future, which has been reformative for so many families, especially central virginia, and the cost of prescription drugs and health care were driving forces behind what our desire to get accomplished was when we arrived in -- at the u.s. capitol. but notably, we have to know what it is we will ultimately be passing. we've been talking about a bill that's fully paid for. it's important that it be fully paid for. but let's be clear, if it's not, we have to absolutely understand that and understand what the long-term impact on our nation's debt is or isn't. and then we're faced with a secondary decision into the future about whether or not the investments that we're making in our society, in our community, in our education system, in those long-term benefits are in fact worth and valuable from a long-term standpoint, whether those investments are worthy of, you know, ultimately making that choice, voting to make those investments. but it's a decision we have to make eyes wide open in terms of the impact. so i look forward, we've seen some of the cbo information has come out. we're expecting more information by the end of the week. and, you know, i think every legislator should want to have eyes wide open to what it is that's going to be potentially coming to the house floor for votes. >> congresswoman abigail spanberger of virginia, thank you so much for being on the show this morning. we appreciate it. still ahead on "morning joe" -- wyoming's gop tries to punish liz cheney by declaring her no longer a republican. she is, of course. but perhaps more importantly she's also a constitutionalist. we'll ask former governor chris christie about his party's downward spiral. plus, one charge kyle rittenhouse won't be facing in his trial in wisconsin. the latest details on that are ahead. and breaking news on the economy, with brand-new numbers from the labor department. what they say about the all-important holiday shopping season. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. vo: the damage it's causing is undeniable... climate change. and with the build back better act, congress can tackle it head on. with tax credits for clean energy companies that create millions of new jobs... ...and ramp up new technology and clean energy manufacturing. it means families pay less for utilities... ...and america becomes the global leader in clean energy it's time to build back 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>> clearly, yes. >> if it mattered -- if actually believes mattered, willie, then there would be so many other people, the people voting against her would probably be the ones who would be leaving the party. >> yeah, we're talking about liz cheney. liz cheney, the last name, all that comes with that, not being conservative enough. as you said, joe, it's not about being conservative. it's pledging allegiance to donald trump. she has four challenges, trump endorsed one, an attorney from wyoming. this is the right move. she's disloyal to trump. she cannot run. she cannot serve. that's the litmus test in wyoming. and people who voted for impeachment are getting a big challenge. kinzinger not running for re-election, anthony gonzalez, former ohio state football star doesn't believe it's worth it for him to run again. they're falling by the wayside. we will see if liz cheney hangs on. coming up -- chris christie is standing by. he's on a push to rescue republicans in part from themselves. that conversation is straight ahead on "morning joe." ♪♪ >> man: what's my safelite story? 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>> no, kyle never looks for trouble. he's a caring young man and he likes to help people. >> reporter: as a mother, do you want him to go down there with an ar-15 rifle? >> i didn't want him going anywhere near kenosha whatsoever. >> gabe gutierrez reporting from kenosha. joining us now, prosecutor charles coleman. you were watching along yesterday and watched the closing arguments. the case from the prosecutor is this, if you insight the incident, you waive your right to self-defense. a lot of analysts and a lot of former prosecutors and defense attorneys say no, self-dense is self-dense. how do you see it? >> good morning, willie. i think in this case what we are seeing in terms of these closing arguments and what is currently before the jury is a tale of two competing narratives. from my experience as a former prosecutor, what i will tell you is that provocation is not something that will immediately exempt you from being able to use a self-defense statute. i understand why the prosecution tried to hammer that home to the jury today -- i'm sorry, yesterday, in closing arguments and want the jury to sort of it look at it in that way, that you should not be able to start something and ultimately say no, no, no, i was defending myself, but that's not necessarily consistent with the law. but that's why prosecutors tried to hammer it home. once they understood they were going to get that provocation instruction from the judge, which is something the jury can consider but it does not automatically mean that kyle rittenhouse and his defense team is unable to plead self-defense as a means of securing an acquittal. >> jury will be back in that jury room in just a couple of hours to begin their deliberations. what did you make of the judge dismissing that gun charge yesterday? it was the one thing that prosecutors had hoped they could get him on, if not the other charges against him. the judge dismisses the charge on a technicality, they say badly written state law about how old you have to be to have certain kinds of guns. what did you read into that ruling? >> i do think it is a technicality and law is antiquated and poorly drafted. but, willie, i don't want viewers to make too much of what this dismissal means. at the end of the day if kyle rittenhouse was only convicted of that charge, that's a misdemeanor charge where at the most he would spend nine months in jail. but i can tell you more than likely given what we've seen from the trial and what we know about the judge and everything that unfolded, if that was the only thing kyle rittenhouse had been convicted of, he was not going to spend any time in jail. if he was convicted of that crime, along with the other more serious crimes with which he had been charged, that time was going to run concurrent. ultimately the dismissal of this charge does not make a huge difference in terms of kyle rittenhouse's guilt. >> thank you very much. coming up -- a new reading on the economy is coming out moments from now. we will break 2k0u7b october's resale numbers. 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>> joe, it all depends on how you define transitory. is it going to be here permanently? it certainly doesn't seen that way at the heart of this. this is a supply chain issue and they're working to solve the supply chain issues but that is going to take time. that is not going to happen overnight. when you think about demand, people are willing to spend, that's not going to change overnight. the third thing that can happen, we can see the fed raise rates and stop buying bonds. and while that's in the plans this summer, it's not happening immediately. so in the immediate future, no, prices are not going down. >> stephanie, tell me what your thoughts are on that supply chain problem that's ongoing. of course, it's been with us since -- since covid started. it was extraordinary how long -- i had a friend who was trying to get a door, a door to put in his house and a couple of fix-up things, nine-month wait. and that was in 2020. it's continued into 2021. mika and i watched bill whitaker's great report on "60 minutes" about the supply chain problem. it just seemed like something that the federal government would be perfect for, you know. put somebody -- i don't know if it's bloomberg, i don't know who it is, put somebody in charge and say, nobody's talking to each other, everybody's blaming everybody else, go in there, organize it, fix it, go. what do businesses tell you, what are you hearing on the street? >> listen, walmart just had their earnings this morning and their inventory is actually up. so for the big behemoth retailers, they figured out their own supply and trying to solve. for that the administration is taking this on, they're making changes at ports but it's certainly not happening soon enough. joe, you also have to pay attention to regulations. there are all sorts of outdated regulations that hold up supply chain issues regarding cargo ships, how we get things via water, on land, regulations around truckers. yes, now they're saying maybe we will lower the eligibility for truckers, lower the age. so they're doing things but not doing things fast enough. i would say yes, the federal government should take this on. but remember it's a global supply chain issue. the problems are not just happening here, they're happening around the world. and a lot of what we use and buy is made on the other side of the world. >> stephanie ruhle, thank you. we'll be handing off coverage right to you at 9:00 eastern time right here on msnbc. thank you very much. >> thank you. coming up -- why donald trump called chris christie while both men were hospitalized with coronavirus -- >> i'm sure it's because he's worried about chris! he's known chris a long time. he's like hey, how are you doing, chris, right? >> no, that wasn't really it. >> really? >> the former governor of new jersey joins us next. we'll talk about it. keep it here on "morning joe." at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. subway has so much new i ran out of time in the last ad... so i'll take it from here. sorry steph. spokesperson refresh! refresh wait, what? subway® just upped their bread game with the help of some world-class bakers. lookin' at you nance. gotta refresh to be fresh. how many people are in this ad? that means freshly baked new artisan italian and hearty multigrain. hmm, that would go good with... seriously? i didn't even get to finish. ug-'s new erc... collaboration tools made it easy for romeo and i to find the right home together. - 'cause we can see each other's favorites all in one place. - and go back and forth with comments. oh romeo, romeo, i love our new home. -, to each their home. as someone who resembles someone else, i appreciate that liberty mutual i love our new home. knows everyone's unique. that's why they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. oh, yeah. that's the spot. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ here comes the interception. oh... -shawn? 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>> yes, look, joe, we got a standing ovation at the end of that speech. i think look, what this is all about is for republicans to be a successful national party and successful contrasting counterweight to the democrats and joe biden and kamala harris. and to do that, you know, elections have to be about tomorrow, not about yesterday. voters don't want to hear about yesterday, they want to hear about what you're going to do that's different than the people who are in and what your vision is going to lead them to in terms of their own hopes and dreams and aspirations. and that's the message of the book and that's what i think we have to do as a party. to do that, we've got to be a party of truth. we've got to confront the truth about what happened in 2020 and to be able to move on from it. >> isn't that what glenn youngkin did? isn't that why he won in virginia? he was talking about grocery prices and talking about cutting sales tax on rising grocery prices. he was talking about getting parents more involved. he was talking about the future. is that a roadmap you're talking about in your book? >> it is, and it's a roadmap for the way republicans have always been successful, talking about kitchen-table issues that matter to the american people like the grocery tax in virginia, like jack shig relle in new jersey, who came very close to winning in my home state, talking about property taxes and income taxes. these are things people care about and want to hear about. quite frankly, terry mcauliffe lost in virginia after spending a ton of time talking about the past and that's not what voters are looking for. >> i think that was the democrats' notice the biggest takeaway from that race, don't talk about the past. don't talk about donald trump. talk about issues that matter in front of them. you know, chris, i've always found, it's so ironic, throughout 2020 i would see flags that would be flying that would say blank your feelings trump 2020. yet looking back, there are people with hurt feelings about losing a presidential campaign. the biggest tantrum in u.s. history. i'm not just talking donald. i'm talking about a large segment of the entire party is throwing a temper tantrum because they lost an election. guess what, that happens in american politics. you win some and you lose some. that's what makes the country so great, the fact that people lose elections buy into democracy and part of that peaceful transition. >> yeah, nobody likes to lose, joe. nobody likes to lose. on the other hand when you deal yourself into this game, which you have to understand you have to live with the results of what a hand are. and we lost in 2020. and that's not as if that comes as an enormous shock. we lost the house in 2018, we lost the senate and white house in 2020. the trend was moving in that direction for a whole variety of reasons. at the end of the day, that's the first time that's happened to the republican party since herbert hoover between 1930 and 1932. and the point of my book is to say, avenue that, democrats held the white house for the next 28 of 36 years. i don't believe our country can survive that kind of drought. i don't think it's good for the country. we need to start thinking about how to stop republican violence and take on joe biden and kamala harris directly on issues, on policy. if we do that, we'll win a lot of elections in 2022 at the governors level and in washington. >> think of it as violence between friends. my wife is here. she has a question for you. friend-on-friend violence. >> i've got a couple of questions. >> hi, mika, how are you today? >> great. >> good. me, too. >> so, i think it's a little convenient to not talk about the past, actually. and i'm just wondering do you accept that donald trump embraced anti-democratic values that damaged democracy? >> what i accepted, mika, he has not accepted the results of the election and that undercuts our democracy. there's no doubt, i say that very clearly and plainly in the book. i said that on election night 2020. i didn't wait for weeks afterwards. on election night on abc, in 2020 i said the election was indefensible, if you didn't have evidence to support the allegation that the election was false. maybe that's the old prosecutor in me, but that's the way i feel about it and i've said it consistently since. >> i am just asking, chris, before the election, if you embraced democratic values that damaged our country, perhaps to get rival from a foreign leader, just one. >> mika, we could go through the entire history. >> yes, we could. >> we could. >> yeah, we could. >> in the end, what matters the american people made a decision in 2020 who they wanted the next president to be. and they selected joe biden. what we have to do as a party is look at ourselves and say how do we move forward from here. because this country will not succeed without a vital two-party system. and what we're doing right now, when were look backwards at these things continue to have grievance and vengeance politics in portions of our party is not going to be productive to have that two-party system be vital. and for me, as a republican, to put republicans back in office so those values can be put forward. >> i know, but, chris, it's important to actually be able to a question about whether or not something was wrong during the trump presidency. you seem to be conveniently drawing a line at the election. there are a lot of things happened in those four years that you could comment about but you're not. >> and i did, mika, i did in realtime. when i disagreed with trump during those four years i said it privately and as a person on tv on abc as a commentator. that's what you do with a friend that you've had for 20 years. you tell the truth. at least i do. i detailed that in the book. and when i spoke about it both privately and publicly. so, this is nothing new for me. and it's nothing personal. it's business. and it's about talking about how we run our country. and when you disagree, even if the person is a friend or ally of yours you have an obligation agency a public figure to step forward and say it. that's what i've done. and that's what this book continues to do. but more than that, it lays out a plan for the future. >> so what do you think of liz cheney looking toward the future who is essentially standing alone, especially speaking out against donald trump and the work that he did to damage our democracy. should more elected republican leaders be standing with her? >> republican elected officials should tell the truth. that's what i do in this book. and the truth is the most important currency in politics. as far as liz goes, i've always had great respect for liz. i still have great respect for liz. she's smart, she's tough, she's conservative. and she has stood for a lot of the values over the years that i've stood for and agree with. so, i'm definitely a liz cheney fan, always have been. and she is standing up to do what she thinks is right. everybody in our party should be doing that. doesn't mean they have to agree with liz. it means they have to stand up and believe what they believe is right and be held accountable for that. >> good morning, governor. it's good to see you. >> willie, how are you? >> since late february. i'm doing well, my new jersey native. let's go back to late february 2016, you surprised a lot of people when you stemmed on a stage in ft. worth texas, behind donald trump and offered your endorsement. you said you were proud to do it. you had basically taken out marco rubio before that. when you look back since then, are you proud to endorse him? >> yeah, i think a lot of things happened during the trump presidency through a policy perspective, willie. and then there were things that i didn't agree with the way he approached the job. and i spoke out about those things. but elections are choices. i was explaining about the ambassador when asking me about the system, in america, you don't necessarily get to vote for who you want to vote for, you get to vote for who's left. i do not endorse donald trump and having him beat hillary clinton. i didn't want hillary clinton to be president, i think it was good for the country. and i think i helped him be a better candidate and i think i helped him be a better president. >> knowing what you know now, 5 1/2 years later, you still believe donald trump is a better president than hillary clinton would have been? >> yes. >> wow. >> because i profoundly disagree with hillary clinton on policy, willie. i profoundly disagree with what joe biden and kamala harris are doing right now for the country. >> with the policy, governor. >> well, i can't take out the policy, willie. i can't take out the policy. >> well, what about questioning the results of the election -- >> well -- >> leading an insurrection to the united states capitol, you're okay with that? >> no, i went on record, willie, as i told you and just said to mika and to joe that i thought that was absolutely wrong. and i went on record that night saying it was wrong. on election night. and i've stayed consistent throughout. and in the book, we detail my efforts to try to make sure that then president trump would stand up and stop the violence on capitol hill. he didn't take my calls. and so, i said what i needed to say on abc about that. and january 6th was an awful day for america. but i also think a resilient day for our democracy. because by 4:00 a.m. the next morning, those men and women of congress were back on the floor of the house and senate and they were voting to certify the election that was lawfully won by joe biden. that shows despite the violence they had suffered that day and the violence that may be threatened against them in the future for that vote, they voted to do the right thing. that's pretty resilient democracy. and i'm proud of it and i said that at the time as well. >> governor christie, good morning, it's jonathan lemire. you blame president trump for what happened on january 6th, not just for his speech that day, but the claims leading up to it, the lies about the election results but yet you have not ruled out supporting him again if he's the gop nominee in 2024, why is that? >> jonathan, what i said in response to that question, i'm not going to sit here and talk about who i might or might not support in 2024. but what i have said, it is unacceptable not to accept the results of that election. i said that very clearly and again this morning a number of times. and i want to be clear about january 6th. i think those people who talk about the speech that day, and say that was inciting a riot, to me, you're missing the point. it's everything that we said beforehand. that the election had been stolen that got people as angry as they got to go and go to the capitol that day. and so, that is the responsibility of the person who was doing that, making those statements. and that was donald trump. >> hey, really quickly, we're over, but just a five-second answer here -- are you confident that the republican party is going to move beyond trump? are you confident that they're going to move back to the republican party that you grew up with? >> i think it will be a different republican party, joe. than the one you and i grew up with. but i think it will move on beyond some of the vendetta and grievance politics

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, We Saw Yesterday , Angry , Kevin Mccarthy , Polls , 93 , 92 , 75 , 60 , Phenomenon , Formidable , Joe Biden The Second Time Around , Backing Candidates , State Level , Levels , Fuelty , Policies , Allegiance , God , Ideas , Fold , Sounds Good , New York State , Races , Secretary , Diplomat , Majority , Brian Kemp , Stacey Abrams , Election , Tha Trump , Election Recounts , Nominees , Walker , Nominee , Position , 2022 , Candidate , Stepping , Fray , Candidates , Chance , Talks , Runner , The Party , Pennsylvania , Wife , Shawn Parnell , Herschel Walker , Somebody Shotted Cold Gun , Ex Wife , Assault , Advertisement , Other , Gerrymander House District , Whacko , Side , Changes , Left , Grabs , Case , Delaware A Decade Ago , Six , Eight , Mckaskill Beat , Someone , Trump , Weight , Red States , Influence , Nomination , Hand Picking , Dynamics , Blue , Risk , Fee , Qualifications , No , General Public , Sideline , Book Youngkin , Virginia , Play Book , Opponent , Benefit , Length , Arm , Race , Districts , Stage , Force , Roles , 2022 Wanting , Impact , Congresswoman Cheney , Run , Wieming , 2024 , Action , Member , Members , Power , Congresswoman , Quote , Move , Spokesperson , Enrollment , Name , Role , Capitol On January 6th , 6 , January 6th , Committee , Sad , Refew , Conservative , Acu Rating , 935 , Issues , Triable , Views , Reality Tv Host , Budget , Debt , American History , Balance Budget , Regimes , Russia , Thing , Intel Community , Helsinki Talking , Trashing , Cia , Lieutenant , 1960 , Personality , Ideology , Colt , Putan , Voting , Activity , Endorszed , Litmus Test , Wyoming , Adam Kinzinger , Anthony Gonzales , Judge , Men , Plus , Jurors , Closing Arguments , Rights , Attorneys , Presence , Add Jeer , Murdering Ahmaud Arbery , Hh , Wag Joe , Bipolar Depression , Fog , The Way , Depression , Latuda , Stories , Lows , Symptoms , Art , Difference , Everyone , Doctor , Thoughts , Behaviors , Mood Changes , Studies , Adults , Children , Muscles , Fever , Dementia Patients , Movements , Muscle , Confusion , Life Threatening , Antidepressants , Teens , Death , Stroke , Side Effects , Prescription , Pay , Mount Everest , Tv , Dreaming , Earth , 0 , , Jimmy Cliff , Wind , Gusts , Coins Clinking , Jar , Suitcase Closing , Ding , Didn T , Phone , Dad , Mother , Businesses , Gift , Comcast Business , Park , Network , Deal , Internet , Business , Savings Sale , Gig Speeds , Prepaid Card , Bundles , Voice , 4 99 , 64 99 , 500 , 00 , Savings , Price Guarantee , 2 , Staff , Disaster , Level , Backstage , Failure , Ambulance Driving , Crowd , Video , Travis Scott , Astros World Tragedy , Red Flag , Blairing , Ambulance , Concert , Dancing , Angles , Yeah , Song , Version , Person , Audience , Care , Lighting , Stage Managers , Nation , Explanation , Lawsuits , 100 , Somebody , Crowds , Ground Shake , Compton Show , Ambulances , Authorities , Stop , Police , Actions , Justification , Fire , Control , 10 , In The City , Houston , King , Kids , Performer , Coma , Jury , Tragedy , Cloing Deliberations Today , Kenosha , Wisconsin , Reporter , Counts , Hands , Fate , Soldier , Self Defense , Trouble , Defense , Defendant , On Joseph Rosenbaum , Zeroing , Accident , Client , Rioter , Rush , Count , Community , Kid , Judgment , Rittenhouse , 17 , Shooting Survivor , Felony Counts , Homicides , Anybody , Anything , Son , Carnage , Vigilante , Anywhere , Rifle , Incident , Prosecutor , Charles Coleman , Experience , Provocation , Tale , Narratives , Self Defense Statue , Home , Prosecutors , Couple , Defense Team , Deliberations , Jury Room , Charges , Charge , Hope , Technicality , State Law , Guns , Viewers , Dismissal , Jail , Most , Misdemeanor Charge , Given , Crimes , Crime , Concurrent , Killing , Three , Jessie Jackson , Pastor , Attendance , Civil Rights Movement , Icon , Court , Personification , Objection , Standpoint , Courtroom , Defendants , Mika , Remarks , Coleman , Decisions , Mr , Attorney , Arbery , Bryant , Mindset , Eyes , Fingerprints , Dred Scott , Racist , Tern , Back , Reasons , Masks , Kentucky Fried Chicken , Child , Courthouse , Pastors , Parents , Prayers , Al Baldwin , 200 , Sort , Safe , Church , Batch , Holding Hands , Brunswick , Defense Attorney , Reason , Dog Whistle , Bull Horn , Nature , Justice , Coming Up , Analysis , Shooting , Alec Baldwin , Daniel Goldman , Announcement , Moment Hritis , Inflammation , Arthritis , Strength , Kick Pain , Gods , Aspercreme , Object , Births , Legends , Blue Skies , Hometown Fields , Grand Wagoneer , Asthma Attacks , Nunormal , Nucala , Spirit , Infections , Shingles , Breathing , Breathing Problems , Help , Add On Injection , Asthma , Infection , Mouth , Swelling , Tongue , Don T Stop Steroids , Feel , Credit Card Debt , Back Pain , Headache , Fatigue , Personal Loan , Sofi , Rates , Rate , Fees , Ally , Latest , Pete Williams , Offense , Cameras , Site , Social Media , Fbi , Hispanics , Questioning , Documents , U S Capitol , Biden Regime , Contempt Of Congress , House Committee Riot , Hearing , Plea , Misdemeanor , Hell , Nancy Pelosi , 15 , Manner , Blanket Association Privilege , First , Saying , Time , 2016 , Lyndon , Goal , Podcast , Language , Everything Crashing Down , Lead Council , Impeachment , Big Talk , Merrick Garland , Quaking , Boots , Fringes , Center , Lunatic , Raving , Fact , Above The Law , States , Followers , Matter , Reality , Following , Values , Rule Of Law , Prominents , Landscape , Politics , Subpoena , Nose , Times , Grifters , Grifted , Fear , Griftest , Fight , Middle , Grifter S Dream , Defrauding Trump , Mexico , Heart , Supporters , Red Hats , Drive Driving , Orbit , Breitbart , Kellyanne Conway , It Media , Enemy Of The State , Media , Empire , Election Day , Circle , Graces , Maga , Will , Hotel , Slings , Arrow , Concern , Bit , Answer , Teeth , Bunch , Trial Results , Use , Effectiveness , Panel , Last Night , Investigation , Orbit Pretends , 35 , Subpoenas , Don T Matter , Information , Pete Aguilar , Learning , 150 , Top , Circus , What S Going On , Lead , Attorney General , New York , Front Line , Fighting , Lines , Battles , Office , Direction , Goals , Aj , Rules , Criminal Justice , Reproductive Rights , Voting Rights , Reforchl , Independents , Commentators , Curveball , Jim Crow , Dan Jell , 2 0 , Ballot , Systems , Texas , City , Vote Counts , Voting Lines , New Yorker , Ballots , Reverend , Walls , Access , Voter Access , Truths , Bosses , Officials , King Maker , Voter , Up Suppression , Oh Yeah , Ld , Tlg , The System , Puppet , Covid , Absentee Ballots , Riepgt , Leader , Poll , Willny , Freeing Elections , Vote , Legislatures , Danger , Secretary Of State , United States Congress , Distinct , Congratulations , Laws , Ento , Complaint , Judges , Statewide Proserious , Discretion , Police Chief , Focus , Revolver Door , Police Officer , James , View , Teached , Pay Bills , District Attorney , Reform , Platform , Addiction , Thefts , Mental Health , Treatment , Bail Law , Drug , Resources , The System Al L , Data , Show , Gluk , 7 , Film , Crew , Kmek Executives , Director , Onsets , Baldwin The Gun , 40 , Armour , Many , Armor , Figure Rating , Practice , Say , Ammos , Sis , Anyone , Complaints , Assistant , Hunting , Gun Face To , The Shooting , Weapon , Bun , Dpround Ground , Called Gun , Questions , Cold Gun , Procedures , End , Point It , Sets , B , Brothers , Olding A Gun , Hunters , Ground , Chings , Hole Life , Kwef Linsanity , Car , Keys , Cold , Kwot , George Cooney , Family , Brother , Sif , Enough , Worldly , Question , Pamly , My Favorite Life Handles Gun , Rule , Actresses , Someone Else , Protocol , Chamber , Scene , Dwayne Johnson , Gaf Ri , Liar , My Rue Vee , Ammo , Western , Terrible , Gun Owners , Classes , Gun Roaners , Muscle Memory , Range , Thigh , Nirs , Don T Trust , Temperature , Chris Christie , Yourself , Book , Russia Is Facing Condemnation , Donald Trump On Edge , Phil Mickelson , Actor , Oh Boy , Tips , On Thursday , Writer , The Show , Jason Sudeikis , Baby Got Back , Sir , Unlimited Cashback Match , Up Light , Em Up , Discover , In The Dark , Songs , Oh Oohohh In The Dark , Up , I M On Fire Oh , I M On Fire So Light , Applebee S , Cheetos Boneless Wings , Gaming Sounds , Driving , Safety , Assist , Chevy Equinox , Chevy , Find New Roads , Including Automatic Emergency Braking , Peace Of Mind , Firm , Car Accident , Barnes , Car Hit My Motorcycle , Yocase , Worth Iption , Insurance Wasn T Fair , Firm Injury Attorneys , Best , Result , Call , Worth , Atat T Bararnefirmrm , R , Attneysys Wk Hahard , Inry , Mit Bebe Sprisised , You U , Eight Hundred , Eight Million , Jobs , Law Yesterday , Labor Shortage , Arms , Win Northwest Covid Times , Cloud , Moves , Aid , Fenged , Child Care , Childhood , Preman , Finding Sbood , Job , Career Change , Study , Procedureship , Economy , Plan , Jobs Growth , Unemployment Rate , Dlaers , 3 6 , Pandemic , Second , It S Time , Something Else , Wages , State , Terms , Companies , Amounts , Infrastructure Package , Sign , Workers , Jobs Skurntly , Career Changes , Engineering Jobs , Long Term , Industry , Opportunities , Equity Problem , Architecture , 1 2 , Ability , Cities , Colors , Playing Jobs , Communities , Announcements , E , Education , Bill Reconciliation Package , Count P Opportunity , Community College , Small Business , Ground Level , September , Plates , 10 4 Million , 4 Million , Table , Employees , Amazon Warehouse , Business Owners , Whag , Sly Russ , Maces , Factories , Holidays , Actuaries , Ups , Markets , Industries , Virus , Couch , Vaccination Rates , Lives , Liver , Coffee Shops , Highway , Restaurant , Goming , Opportunity , Restaurants , Food , Customer Base , Employment , Capacity , Biden Lay , Mandate , Department Of Labor , 640000 , Yamiche Alcindor , Collection , Of Factualism , Eugene Robinson , Aimlessness , Politicians , Holden , Kind , Mood Swim Obsessions , Lost , Group , Quest , Hostage Takers , Hostages , Liz Cheney Out , Soul , Array , Indices , Party , Parties , Abomination , Stuff , Team , Big Lie , Graves , Alliance , Jacob Jarvis , Ronald Reagan , Republican In Name Only , None , Lincoln , Idea , Swing Districts , Right , Support , Momentum , Winds , Gerrymandering , Track , Diciphels , Voters , Et Vaccinating , Thinking , Sorts , Claims , 2020 , Wars , Scarying , Democrats Klein , Hadding Pooit , Americans , General , Purter , Paul Goosart , Photo , Frungture , Ocasio Cortez , Idealgical , Post , Fwoing , Goop , School , Schools , It , Friend , Lie , Event , Sport , Swing , Ort , Refugees , Answers , Sepd Them , Advance , Book Test , Come On , Somebody Lie , Euless , Wish , Jean , Thump , Communists , Don T Care , Cost , Gas Prices , Definites , Apply Chain , Regulation , Free Trade , Bis , Military , Lying , Government , Ears , Shot , Protection , Booster , Lefrl , Kai Russ , Talk , Conversation , Age Diversity , The Washington Post , Francis Sellers , List , Workplace , Concept , Segments , Potential , Women , Mercy , Ticking Clock , Forz R 30s , 30s Tchlt , Hyper Ventilating , 30 , Adventure Road , Runway , Costs , Price , Healthcare Premiums , Energy , O Women , Prescription Drugs , List Ica S Working , Share , Done , Taxes , Mom , Short Ribs , Doesn T , Starters , Franchising Everything , Instacart , Ingredients , Stabbing Pains , Electric Shocks , Pulsing , Sharp , Rash , Nightmare , Events , Weekend Getaways , Burning Sensation , Chickenpox , Pharmacist , Interception , Aww , Charles , Dinner , Hi , Season , Deliveries , Shawn , Walgreens , Xfinity , Wherever , Curfew Breakers , Instant , Xfinity Home , Dog , Hoss , Unlocks , Pros , Security , Solution , Home Security , Game , Curve , Little , Club , Golf , Eli , Golf Swing , Flat , Athleticism , The Club , Tournament , Cute , 51 , Names , Tour , Football Analysis , Tournaments , Tom Brady , Baseball Swing , Golf Course , Games , Guys , Good , 9 , In My Life , Cute Baseball Swing , Golfer , Zudage , Baby , It A , It Rip , Baseball , Parkinson S , Research , Boston Marathon , Michael J Fox Foundation , Donations , Sponsorships , 00000 , 500000 , Contributions , Gifts , Donors , 575 , 70 , 5500 , 530000 , 5 , Charity Money , Boy , 600000 , Health Officials , Commissioner , Covid Booster , Providers , Advisory , Parkinson S Research , Bernie Sanders , Boosters , U N Climate Summit , Cdc , Countries , Weekend , Compromise , Coal , Delegates , Threat , Guest , Climate Change , Points , Fossil Fuel Subsidies , Katie Worth , Miseducation , Author , Students , Teachers , Dozens , Tension , Classroom , Administrators , Talking Points , Climate Denial , Wow , Examples , Anecdotes , Grade Levels , Board , Blue States , Both , Oklahoma , Famously , Marshall Islands , Adult , Homeland , Hometown , Climate Change On School Grounds , Climate , Teacher , Sixth Grade , Chico , California , Northern California , Class , History Teacher , Videos , Hoax , Puzzle , Congresswoman Spanberger , Nobody , Bill Signing Yesterday , Chaos , Speaker , Guide , New Jersey , Fdr , Worries , Sky , Wish List Event , Sanctuary , Body Movements , Progress , Jackie , Tardive Dyskinesia , Austedo , Td Movements , Medications , Twitching , Jerking , Feelings , Patients , Mood , Attention , Throat , Insomnia , Sleepiness , Huntington S Disease , Problems Thinking , Liver Problems , Restlessness , Heartbeat , Reserpine , Parkinson S Disease , Tetrabenazine , Sweating , Fast , Valbenazine , Books , Expenses , Td , Bookkeeper , Accounts , Intuit Quickbooks , Visit Askforaustedo Com , Business Stands , Live Bookkeeping , Yep , Store , Boys , Comcast Commerce Tree , Frenzy , Nbc , Setting Sclup , Merchandise , Shelves , Sunday , Container , Long Beach , Market Share , Shortage , Importance , Broadband , Mall , Santa , Lights , Holiday Bells , Satellite Dishes , Comcast Commerce Trade Rings , Tree , Picture , Penthouse Condo , Christmastime , Glove , Wave , Balcony , Condo , Penthouse , Coins , Nuisance , Dangerous , 53 , Least , Dents , Pavement , Susan B Anthonys , Investment , Big Political Win , Peter Alexander , Biden Yesterday , Nbc News , Details , Victory , Cynics , Biden Touting , 110 Billion , 10 Billion , Drinking Water System , Pipes , 5 Billion , 65 Billion , 15 Billion , Approval Rating , Program , Better , Celebration , Drop , 1 75 Trillion , 75 Trillion , More , Paychecks , Tyson Foods , Glass , High , 20 , 31 , Chicken Prices , Beef , Pork , Chuck Roast , Niece , Kianna Cook , Maryland , Spending , Pinch , Mosser , 25 , 1 50 , 50 , Defeats , Agenda , Election Losses , 3 75 , 75 , Supply Chain , The New York Times , Workforce , Comments , Response , Roosevelt , Perspective , Supply Chain Issue , Mess , Vocal On , Untangle , District , Jobs Act , Supply Chain Challenges , Rail , Truck Drivers , Meat Prices , Training , Funding , Recruiting , Intro , Colleague , Livestock Producers , Challenges , Florida , Grocery Stores , Livestock , Inability , Holiday Season , Mind , Supply Chain Czar , Bottom , Plus 11 , 98 , 78 , 76 , Twenty Six Million , 95 , 1200 , 11 , 1 7 , 16 , 12 , 2021 , 2018 , 1930 , 36 , 1932 , 28 , February 2016 , 5 1 2 , 4 ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC Morning Joe 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Morning Joe 20240709

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now as of yesterday passing the law, the white house needs to change that. the white house's aides tell me a lot of travel and sell tg first bill. thank all of you for waking up way too early with us. a jam packed "morning joe" starts right now. >> america's most beloved politician has as message. >> don't be a turkey. >> gobble, gobble. >> there is some good news. it looks like we have not one but two vaccines. we expect to have 40 million doses of pfizer and moderna vaccines. >> we would not have a vaccine if it were not for me because fda is not able to do what i forced them to do. >> the president is at a task force meeting several months ago. >> oh, quiet down. >> we would say thanks to donald trump, without him we would not have the vaccine. >> why not name the vaccine the trump? this is trump's vaccine. >> i just raised the stakes. >> trump vaccine are the world's greatest vaccine and i mean that in every sense of the word. one bite and you will know what i am talking about. >> warning do not bite vaccines. >> just ask his lunatic lawyer. >> whether you agree or disagree. hey, what's that running down his face? >> we struck oil. this has been this week in covid history. good morning and welcome to "morning joe." we have got a lot to get to today. cloing arguments in the kyle rittenhouse's trial. steve bannon surrenders, we'll show you how it went down. george clooney has some choice words on what happened on the set of "rust," it's all about gun safety and the stakes he he -- mistakes he believes were made and words that were made up. the bipartisan infrastructure bill is officially law. president biden signed a bill in the white house surrounded by 800 guests included governors and local leaders and lawmakers from both sides of the isle. >> i know you are tired of the bickering in washington, frustrated by the negativity and you want us to use and focus on your needs and concerns and the conversations are taken place at your kitchen table. the bill are proof that despite the signage, democrats and republicans can come together and deliver results. >> we can do this. we can deliver real results for real people. let's remember that we can come together most of all, let's remember what we got done for the american people when we do come together. i believe 50 years from now, we'll look back and say that's the moment america begins to win the competition in 21st century. with confidence and vision and faith, let's believe in possibilities and let's believe in one another and let's believe in america. >> rob portman stressed the financial benefits, he says the bill will help lower spiking prices. >> these long-term investments are going to help. inflation of course is causing demand and out rips supplies. we are not funding stimulus on the demand sides. ports and rails and bridges will help on the supply side. that's why economists say this bill is counter inflationary which is so important right now. as american families are facing higher prices on everything from gas to groceries. >> willie, again that's a guy who served in the house and senate. he's always been focused and obsessed on deficits and debts and inflationary pressure. you have him talking about counter inflationary aspect of this bill. something you didn't expect to hear from a republican yesterday that's for sure. >> yeah, he also ran the office of management and budget under bush xliii, this is a man who knows number and he's also a man who's not running for reelection. he did give a nod to president trump. 19 republican senators voted on this bill. that's not nothing. 13 republicans voted in the house. that was bipartisan bill and for as much as we heard from democrats who don't think this goes far enough, 1 opinion $2 trillion is one of the biggest pieces of legislation in the history. a big achievement for president biden but also for those who drives over these crappy roads. if we can take a look at that piece for it is better for america. >> america's infrastructure is lousy, it has been crumbling for years. you can get every senator out there regardless of how they voted. joe biden talking ant how critical it's so upgrade our infrastructure. this bill does it. i am excited that we actually do have the possibility of getting investments into these bridges and roads and water and broad band and airports. it's going to be extraordinary important that they make sure the money gets to the right places and that it's unefficiently not waste fraud and abuse all along the way. >> that's the next challenge. that's something the white house is going to obsess over. one other thing, politically you have some republicans and some trumpists in the house are very angry. that's one part of the story. you also though have a lot of progressives that had been telling joe biden for nine months, ten months stop talking about bipartisanship, don't bother with bipartisanship. you are from a different error, old man. there are not bipartisan bills that's passed anymore. >> joe biden got the last word on that. a $1.2 trillion bill that was passed. the likes of which we don't see in the washington much. and he did it yesterday. >> yes, he absolutely did. 19 republicans in this day and age is a big, big number to pass a piece of legislation comfortably flu the senate and get those 13 in the house who you say are targeted by donald trump. they're going to prime those people for daring to vote for infrastructure. let's bring in the host of "way too early," jonathan lemire, and our arthur of the early 202 newsletter. jackie alleghaney. >> what was it like at the white house yesterday? >> certainly a moment of triumph as you said. this is something, basically the president campaigned on this premise that he cambridge the divide on republicans and democrats on at least some issue. to show that democracy can still deliver and it would be competitive with hypocrisy like china. it took a long time to get there. there were a lot of twists and turns. we know it's the way to have. it got done and with some gop report. americans will see the den fit pretty soon. this is not going to be immediately shovel ready. some we'll see benefits soon and some will be over a few years. these are things that americans need. it's only part one, there are still a lot of work to be done for that reconciliation piece. reporters watching manchin's reaction. we needed 24/7 manchin's camp to get his reactions of all his twists and turns ahead. the white house could not have scripted it better than what they got there. republicans saying no, what the country needs right now or is government investment that's not going to be a problem. it's a big win for the white house. the president hits the road today to new hampshire and tomorrow michigan. as work continues on the hill for the build back better bill. >> jackie, more on part one. the white house is making sure they celebrated that when and everybody saw it. it looked like a party there. america can work in a bipartisan way, believe it or not even after all we have been through. talk more of what yesterday sill symbolized and also now does part two gets more aggressive. what are the plans moving forward. >> you are right. if we are looking at this, president biden got what he campaigned on and exactly what he's been agitating for a year now since the american rescue plan. everything he has claimed that he has good at and why the entirety of his presidential campaign. 19 republicans signed onto this piece of legislation and are already campaigning on it. we have susan collins tauting the $245 million that maine is going to get. you had mitch mcconnell toting the same. >> he's one of the republicans that sported this bill. president biden could not ask for more there. this next path ahead is definitely going to be more tenuous and brings back some of the skittism that we have seen propped up in the democratic party that joe biden has struggled with. this build back better bill, the one that was supposed to be in tandem but was left behind. house progressives have been asking for more paid family leave, they have been warned by chuck schumer in a conference call that this could be left booipd if there is not enough room in this package. it's already cut in half. those negotiations are taken place in the senate right now. we'll we'll get our score at the end of the week and the census is going to take it from there. >> former president trump continues to be angry will senate minority leader mitch mcconnell. >> mitch has been going around kentucky talking about what a great bill this is for people in kentucky. >> you know he's been doing that? >> it's a great bill for the people of kentucky. the new front over the new reporting from abc's jonathan carl which alleges senate minority leader took steps to block trump from attending joe biden's inauguration. >> the final final act of the trump show. >> mcconnell wanted to get a letter together from the top four congressional letter informing trump that he had been disinvited. >> this decision was mine alone. mitch mcconnell had nothing to do with it. mcconnell unsuccessfully tried getting a letter signed by others from me, not to go. okay, you get the point. >> i am reading this and he's like a five-year-old. i know we knew this but i guess we have not read his words -- it's so interesting you said that it reminded you of a fifth grader. i was listening to that and thinking oh my god this sounds like a five-year-old. >> and so let's step back for a second, willwillie. let's talk about what everybody has been asking. >> you see trump at war with people at the republican party. i understand. the guy still lost to joe biden by millions of votes. you look at the wall street journal tallies and fox news tallies. so, he lost by millions of votes when he was the incumbent. as we get further away, he picks more fights with more republicans. he goes more extreme and he goes to the most extreme elements of the republican party we saw yesterday. i am supporting the georgia congresswoman from northern georgia and getting angry at kevin mccarthy for being mean to her. it starts narrow and it gets narrow and narrow, just to outrage the war. declare war against the democrats. people see these polls, oh my god, 60% and 75% of republicans still support donald trump. it's lower than the 92% or 93% it was just a year ago. >> yeah, if he runs, he'll be a formidable and he may beat joe biden the second time around. he gets smaller and smaller each passing day. there is a phenomenon happening there in the republican party where he's backing candidates, state level and national levels who are so extreme but declare fuelty to him. >> they look like crazy people because a lot of them are. he's bringing these people into the fold not because of any policies or any ideas but because donald trump is our god and he's our future and he's the man and i pledge allegiance to him. oh, that sounds good. >> now they'll be running in important races. >> if i were in georgia republican, i would do everything i could to keep donald trump out of the state. >> he caused them two senate races last year. >> the republican party and the majority of the united states and now he's talking about possibly supporting stacey abrams because of brian kemp did not salute him the right way because the secretary of the state diplomat lie about election recounts or rig the election for them when trump called up to ask for a certain number of votes. now, we heard from walker and all of these other republican nominees are people ma tha trump wants to be republican nominee. again, donald trump here we are with republicans at this extraordinary position to dominate all races in 2022, you got the donald trump stepping into the fray and supporting one terrible candidate after another. republicans in washington are getting more worried that this guy is going to screw up their chance. >> for all the talks of democrats. there is l of it. republicans are as you pointed out not immune to their own. >> the big issue is finding decent candidates. republicans struggle to settle on candidates. the party's front runner in pennsylvania, shawn parnell. he choked his estranged wife and hit one of -- >> in georgia, the party's nominee, herschel walker, advertisement assault about his ex-wife threatening him with a gun. as the candidates fall over each other to indulge former president trump, election, conspiracy theory. >> if you are running in a gerrymander house district, you can be a whacko on the right and left. >> that changes on the senate side. when you look at pennsylvania that's going to be up for grabs and maybe it's surely trending. stronger republicans over the last six to eight years. even in that case you get enough flawed candidates. we have seen this time and again. we saw it in delaware a decade ago. we saw it of course with the candidate that mckaskill beat when she was running for election. and suddenly, red states turned blue. >> that's one of the key dynamics to watch here is the influence trump has in hand picking and throwing his weight around and behind someone to get the nomination who are not palable to the general public. >> you know it's a different set of qualifications to be a republican no, ma'am fee and - >> they do run the risk of ended up qualified candidates sitting on the sideline. we made a lot of and rightly so of the play book youngkin used in virginia. she didn't denounce trump entirely but he kept it at arm's length. >> that worked for virginia. >> and he also has the benefit of running against a democratic opponent. >> but, that play book may work in some districts. republicans need to do well to embrace it if they want to win. trump can blow it up. he was ill withing to sit on the sideline with race. >> he intends to play more active roles in 2022. wanting to prove that he's major force of the party as he looks and sets the stage for his own run in 2024. he'll be harder to keep. >> well, we are seeing the impact of donald trump across the country and especially the state of wieming. republican leaders voted to no longer recognize liz cheney as a member of the republican party. >> this is the second action. in february, members voted to impeach trump and his enrollment. this latest move does not strip cheney of any real power. a spokesperson for congresswoman cheney called the quote "laughable." the congresswoman is not a conservative republican. >> just to review why she's being stripped of her name inside the republican party because she voted to impeach the president or his role and driving people to the capitol on january 6th and there to sit in this select committee to refew what happened on january 6th. now running out of the party symbolically anyway. >> it's sad. a guy who's been conservative my entire life, like liz cheney. >> acu rating was 935. it was just awesome triable. >> it does not matter what your views are. on issues, it's just how much you worship a former reality tv host? >> a guy who actually had the largest deficits in america history, the largest national debt in american history. >> the biggest budget through his time there. if all the thung things we fought again. donald trump swifts through. they knew he didn't get a balance budget, or about pushing back against illegal regimes. they knew how he was with russia and how he was with russia and even after the did the very thing that the radical left did in 1960s, trashing the cia and our intel community when he's in helsinki talking to lieutenant putan. >> it does not matter with him, it had nothing to do with ideology and how much are you willing to descend into this personality colt? >> clearly -- it mattered. if actually believes mattered, willie. then there will be so many other people conservatively. the people who are voting against will probably be the one who'll believing the part. >> yeah, we are talking about liz cheney is the last name. all of that comes with not being conservative enough. it's not about being activity activity, it's about pledging allegiance to donald trump. donald trump endorszed one of them, an attorney from wyoming who says this is the right move. >> that's the litmus test in wyoming and a lot of places. >> adam kinzinger is not going to run for reelection and anthony gonzales. he does not believe it's worth it for him to run again. >> we'll see if liz cheney hangs on. jurors are set to begin deliberations today. we'll go over the dramatic closing arguments. plus, the judge presiding over the trial of the men accused of murdering ahmaud arbery. one of the attorneys argued that the presence of civil rights figures made for an unfair add jeer and also ahead point. >> hh. >> you are watching "morning joe," we'll be right back. re wag joe," we'll be right back. bipolar depression. it made me feel like i was trapped in a fog. this is art inspired by real stories of 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an ambulance driving through the crowd. this is a disaster. there were about 100 lawsuits filed against live nation and travis scott himself. i don't understand what the explanation here. >> well, there is no good explanation. you have an ambulance going out and you got somebody up on stage who had been charged twice with inciting crowds. >> it says things like come in and come closer, make the ground shake. >> this is again, he's already had to go before authorities twice. because this is what he does. and so he sees ambulances and he keeps going and people running up to the stage and screaming stop the show, he keeps going. people in crowd are chatting stop the show, he keeps going. 10 people are dead. i have really seen some -- despicable justification for his actions. >> police in fire. how are they not in control of what goes on in the city. is travis scott the king of houston? >> i don't understand why police didn't pull the plug and why travis scott did not do what we see one performer do after another performer do through the years. it did not happen. >> and little kids. willie. >> a nine-year-old just died after he was trampled and been in a coma and just died. it's an awful tragedy. let's turn now to kenosha, wisconsin. the jury has begin cloing deliberations today. >> he's guilty of all counts. >> reporter: kyle rittenhouse's fate is about to be in the hands of jury. he was a wannabe soldier looking for trouble. >> when the defendant provokes the accident, he loses his rights against self-defense. the defense is zeroing in on joseph rosenbaum. >> he was causing trouble and he was a rioter and my client had to deal with him alone. >> reporter: it was a rush of judgment. >> kyle is a 17-year-old kid out there trying to help the community. >> reporter: the judge dismissed the six count against rittenhouse. he now faces five felony counts including intentional homicides. the shooting survivor says rittenhouse created the carnage himself. >> he fashioned himself and he didn't do anything medically for anybody. >> when you hear your son referred to as a vigilante, what does it mean? >> it troubles me. >> was your son looking for trouble? >> no, he never looks for trouble. he wants to help people. >> as a mother, do you want him to go down there with a rifle? >> i didn't want him to go anywhere near kenosha whatsoever. >> joining us now charles coleman. good to see you this morning. you were watching along yesterday. the case from prosecutor is this. if you incite the incident, you waive your rights to self-defense. a lot of attorneys say no, self-defense is self-defense. >> good morning willie, what we are seeing is a tale of two competing narratives. from my experience when i will tell you is that provocation is not something that will immediately exempt you from being able to use the self-defense statue. you should not be able to start something and ultimately say no, no, i was defending myself but that's not necessary consistent with the law. that's why prosecutors try to hammer at home. once they understood they're going to get that provocation from the judge which is something that the jury can consider but it does not automatically mean that kyle rittenhouse and his defense team is unable to plea self defense. >> jury will be back in the jury room in a couple of hours to begin their deliberations. >> it was the one thing that prosecutors say hope they could get him on or if not the other charges against him. the judge dismisses the charge on a technicality of a badly written state law about how old you have to be have own guns. >> i do think it's a technicality. i don't want viewers to make too much of what this dismissal means. if rittenhouse was convicted of that charge, that's a misdemeanor charge where at the most he would have spent nine months in jail. what i can tell you more than likely given what we have seen and everything unfolded, if that was the only thing rittenhouse was convicted of, he's not going to spend any time in jail. if he's convicted of that crime and along with other crimes, that time is going to run concurrent. the dismissal of this charge does not make a difference of kyle rittenhouse. in georgia, the trial of three white men accused of killing ahmaud arbery. >> a mistrial because of black pastor is in attendance. >> jessie jackson, we all know he's an icon and a civil rights movement. he's the personification. >> i find that objection from the court standpoint, i have said it over and over and over in this trial that i am attempting to ensure that in this courtroom that the defendants receive a fair trial. and i will continue to do that. >> i mean, okay, charles, coleman, i will let you take it away. your thoughts. >> sure, mika, this case and these remarks really reminds me of one of the most important decisions in our country. >> i know many viewers may think of that why. it was held that the black man had no right upon which the white man was due to respect. when i thought about what it meant for the attorney for mr. bryant to say jessie jackson should not be able to be here in a trial when arbery is deceased because he didn't have in the eyes of the defendant the right to be able to go into a house and look at all of the fingerprints of dred scott are over this mindset. i think that the judge was right in what he had to say but the judge did not go far enough. we have to be close on what these things are. they are not problematic, these things are racist, if we continue to move forward and move beyond these things, we have to call it what they are which is un-american. >> well, thank you. >> and you got an tern who obviously trying to end a message to a jury that he thinks are racially insensitive because this is no other reasons why anybody would keep bringing that up and he talked about kentucky fried chicken and white masks in the back of the courtroom. i have never seen anything like this before where you have people coming into a courthouse of a child who's gun downed and parents are asking for pastors. >> there will be 200 pastors outside the courthouse with reverend al. they'll have a wall of prayers. that's the sort of thing. it's safe to say it comes from the first batch of church, brunswick and 200 white pastors around holding hands. you would hear this guy or some other, oh, that's wonderful people. for some reason, black pastors really offend this defense attorney and again you just wonder what the tragedy is. if it's him or he's trying to play to a jury that he's hoping that is racist? >> one of the things that's apparent in the course of this trial is that this attorney has decided to put down the dog whistle and pick up the bull horn. he's being clear about what it is he wants to appeal to and the lowest nature of someone on that jury who'll hopefully pick up whatever it's he's putting down and we can only hope that justice is going to prevail. >> charles coleman, we appreciate your analysis and looking forward to more. thank you very much. coming up, insane and infuriating. what actor george clooney is saying in defense of alec baldwin after the tragic shooting of "rust." actually not in defense of al al baldwin. plus, steve bannon surrenders and daniel goldman is joining us next with a big announcement. 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move to sofi and feel what it's like to get your money right. ♪ move your high-interest debt to a sofi personal loan. you could save with low rates and no fees. earn $10 just for viewing your rate and get your money right. ♪ trump's ally, steve bannon appeared before a judge yesterday. bannon vowed to go on the offense of president biden and democrats as he fights the charges. pete williams has the latest. >> reporter: bannon turned himself into the fbi. his is court clears the path. one of those cameras was him live streaming on his social media site. >> we got the hispanics on our side, we are taking down the biden regime. >> reporter: two counts charged in contempt of congress for refusing to produce documents or show up for questioning by the house committee riot at the u.s. capitol. during a brief hearing he was formally advised of the charges release and enter a plea on thursday. bannon says he'll fight the charges which he calls politically motivated. >> this is a misdemeanor from hell from nancy pelosi and joe biden. >> he refused to cooperate. 15 others have been subpoenaed. >> if they are willing to talk to the committee about non-privilege manner rather than just making a blanket association privilege. first, joe, your thoughts on steve bannon and how he's handled this. >> well -- i think you heard the old saying when somebody tells you they are believed in the first time. >> yeah. >> steve bannon in 2016 called himself a -- when he was pressed what he meant, he said lyndon wanted to destroy the state. bannon says that's my goal, too. lyndon wanted to destroy the state and that's my goal, too. well, here we are five years later and it's going to be very important for us as americans. if you love america regardless of your political party. conservative, liberal or republican party. you will want to know what he was doing on january 6th. >> and the days leading up. >> to quote, "bring everything crashing down," sort of like the language he was using. >> listen to his podcast, he says it all out loud. >> daniel goldman. he serves as lead council for the first impeachment of donald trump. a lot of big talk there from steve bannon. >> again, the guy who's always wanting to destroy the state and bragged about it. yesterday he's yelling about the misdemeanor from hell actually, i am not so sure merrick garland or any justice quaking in their boots. >> no, they're not. it goes to a larger point. for one thing for bannon being on the fringes for so long. another thing for him to be at the center of the republican party right now. that's where he is and that's what is so scary. when he starts preaching about bringing down the state. you can think it's just a raving of a lunatic. the reality is he has incredible following and he feels he's above the law as do all of his followers and the former president. the fact the matter is the only way to save our states so to speak is to fight for the rule of law and fight for our democratic values and we need to eradicate people like steve bannon from prominents. they should not be at the center of the political landscape. >> what do you mean? getting out of politics? >> merrick garland is upholding the rule of law. if bannon is going to flout his nose at a congressional subpoena and say it does not apply to me then he needs to be charged and put in jail so that he recognizes that he's not above the law that the rule of law still controls this democratic country and that's going to be both the message to him and all of his followers. >> yeah, you know jonathan lemire, the good thing is gret breathtaking. donald trump surrounds himself with lifelong grifters. this guy is grifted in and out of the griftest fear of donald trump, probably four or five times. >> it's crazy here we are and he's somehow, he's just gotten a grifter's dream. he's in the middle of the fight again. it's lyndon against the state that he promised to destroy. >> that's a good one. >> bannon was defrauding trump's supporters about trying to raise money to build the wall for mexico. we all remember that mexico was supposed to pay for it and that did not happen. they turn to those who's wearing red hats. trump found it in his heart, you are right, this is summon who's moving in and out of the president's orbit. he was the ahead of breitbart for a long time. he along with kellyanne conway were sort of drive driving -- h out of the white house pretty quick. >> he likes to put it media of enemy of the state. he always likes to put it -- but he has with his podcast and media would be the empire and wonderinged his way back into trump's good graces after election day. >> so certainly he has people around him and he's easy to play maga. a role that many trump's circle is not willing to do. >> he's will to do this and make himself the center of this and always asked for it. it remains to be seen whether others are doing it. >> jackie, you have been covering this one. steve bannon talking to his audience and afterwards came back to his hotel and addressed the audience saying he's happy to take his slings and arrow and everybody go out and fight. so many people were watching with steve bannon. did they have teeth? >> the answer in this case is yes. what is the future of this committee and how much does it rest on what happens to bannon here? >> i think privately there is a bit of concern about it as lemire eloquently say that -- if this trial results in that. i talked to a bunch of lawmakers last night who were back on the hill for on the panel and they said that this is what comes, the use of the law does not diminish the effectiveness of the law. just because people like steve bannon are going to continue to weaponize this investigation. that does not mean the 35 others who have been subpoenaed by the committee are not so fearful. republican lawyer said to me, people in trump's orbit pretends to think that subpoenas don't matter. they'll continue their investigation and issue subpoenas and pete aguilar told me who's on the show later, if the use of subpoenas resulting in less than information. they have been providing information out of that 35 and 150 people have voluntarily cooperated with the committee and providing information and learning new things everyday. steve bannon will continue the circus and will deter everyone at this point. >> it's the top of the power, daniel goldman, before you go, we have an announcement that you are going to make exclusive legislative right here on "morning joe" about your political future. what's going on? >> your lead in about steve bannon was perfect. i was on the front line and i have been on the front line fighting for the rule of law and today i am announcing i am going to run for attorney general of new york to get back on the front lines and fact these important battles to preserve our democratic values and preserve the rule of law and represent the people of new york as the people's lawyer. >> so -- daniel, what would be some of your top goals in office? is there a direction that you want to take the aj. >> we need one standard of justice and everybody needs to play by the same rules. there are bigger fights that we late to new yorkers and to the nation, voting rights are being restrict around the country. reproductive rights. >> civil rights and criminal justice reforchl and holding the well any and, it's an incredibly powerful office where someone with independents and experience. it's really important to help those leaders. i would like to be the person to help and make sure that everybody is playing by the same rules. >> dan, i don't want to flow you a curveball. >> go for it. >> i am going throw you a curveball. >> can you talk about voting right sns. >> i find it interesting when somebody commentators were talking about jim crow, 2.0 for georgia and jim crow 2.0 for texas. >> they would be describing systems that some new yorkers would go hey, i would trade what i have to do to vote in new york state or get on a ballot new york state for that. >> as you know as a new yorker, voting lines are horrific. not only the city but across the state. it's impossible a lot of the vote counts, it takes forever. it's impossible to get on ballots almost. . it's something that reverend al talked about all along. talked about all along is there something and i am curious, you brought it up. is there something you can do as attorney general to knock down some of these walls for voter access and candidate access in the state. it's so adequate and this goes back during political bosses ruled the city. >> there is some truths to that. we need to separate what's going on around the country with voter up suppression law and install elect ld officials as tlg king maker who can turn the will of the american people. >> oh yeah. >> that's different than what you are describing. >> as attorney general, there is a large puppet that i would like to use to revamp the system. as we have seen through covid that absentee ballots worked very well. anybody can get it. it's important. >> you are riepgt, it's difficult to get on the ballot. new york should be the leader as one of the largest and most significant states in the country. i would certainly want to use the puppet so we can lead on that as well as other issues are playing our country and democracy. >> will, the two completely celebrate thing and i agree with what daniel just said, willny, you have access to the poll which is what i am talking about. then you have what's happening after the vote. >> which i have said time and time again ils the greatest danger in freeing elections, you have state and legislatures, we'll take the power away from local officials. we'll take the power away from the secretary of state which is always done that. i don't crust them anymore. >> that really is. that's not something for dan jell. that's for the united states congress. that's something that must be answered before the next election. we'll have a serious problem. >> that's the distinct. >> there are people put in place in takes across the country who are will to enforce those laws. >> part-time, we can flip it the way we want to. >> began, i want to ask you congratulations first on jump ento the race. >> your focus was a statewide proserious condition. and new york city. >> this is a complaint that you will hear from judges who don't police chief they have enough discretion. police officer say it's revolver door. >> attorney general james had been grappling with this. it he's saying they need to be teached. what's your view of that law that was passed a couple of days ago. does it need to be changed? >> the most important part of that law. people should not remain in jail simply because they want pay bills. >> we need to work with district attorney attorneys to see how we -- you wrote a really important point there. we'll have minor thefts and go into this jail and get ragt out and do it all over again. >> we do need to tweak that system. part of my platform will be broader criminal justice reform so that people with addiction rather than just sickling through the system actually get the drug treatment they need when they first enter the system. that'll help more than any bail law. if people can get mental health treatment and educational resources, we can keep them out of the system al l together. >> i don't think to this point the data notwithstanding some an an -- >> daniel, goldman, thank you very much, thank you for making the announcement on our show. >> gluk to you. >> thank you very much. >> it's 7 minutes past the top of the hour. >> we got a lot to get to. we want to pring you up to date with the latest on the shooting on the set of rust. actor george clooney addressed that incident. clooney called out the kmek executives and the crew of the film. the first director who handed baldwin the gun. >> i don't know the guy at all. i have been onsets for 40 years and the person that hands you the gun, you did the proper, you should be armed. >> every single time i am handed a gun. i look at it and i open it in and show it to crew. >> every single take. you handle it back to the armour when you are done. >> you would not have higher for the armor, someone with experience. >> many with ma many guns? >> maybe they were not using that guns to do practice. they have live ammos. that's insane. >> that's in figure rating. clooney went onto say he had not spoken to alec baldwin sis the shooting. >> the first assistant did not check the weapon and had previous complaints here. he also checks as you heard, he checks the gun himself. anyone who does gun face-to-face for hunting. >> i have. you are responsible for that bun. >> in it's not, point it to the dpround ground. >> it has to be done. >> so that does raise some questions for the procedures put in place for the actor himself. and also he said and i thought this is interesting. he never heard the term called gun. what does it mean? cold gun. is that something that's used in sets across america? >> george clooney never heard of that. that's not supposed to be the end of all b all that a gun is safe. >> you have to check it. you capt point it at people. that's the thing he finds it frustrating. >> when i am around a gun and olding a gun. >> i got a brothers who are hunters. we have guns in our life. they are pointed to the ground and you check and check and also click it through. >> there are chings you do. >> there are things you do. >> it's. >> we talked about this before. >> you are anybody that surrounds guns, when you are handled a gun. >> your hole life. >> your aware of it. >> this again is so basic. this is this the kwef linsanity of saying when are you driving the car? >> you got to get the keys. >> when you are handled a gun, talk to anybody who's been around guns their entire life. when you handle a gun, you always assume that it's loaded. you always check the gun. >> you make sure that it's not loaded. >> and en then, even then willie, everyone then when you know it's not loaded, you should never point a gun at somebody. >> in it does not matter whether it's kwot or cold. >> it's fascinating where george cooney says -- >> even a you know and i am obsess sif about it. >> mika's brother and family and everybody i ever known. they are obsessive about it. >> just kind of say oh, somebody shotted cold gun. >> and still aim at people. again, it does not makes sense. >> of course. >> anybody has been around a gun? >> i just can't say that enough. >> it's so utter worldly. it really is. what happened here -- >> i was just wondering though. are people in hollywood really this reckless around guns, right? >> george clooney actually just answered that question. he's been around guns for 40 years and nothing like this had ever happened before. he never hurt anybody else had anything like this happened before. >> it suggests that the way that mika's pamly and those guns and the way i handle guns, the way everybody that i have gone grown up with. my favorite life handles gun. >> in it's the way it's handled. >> that's the first rule, you don't point the june at someone else. it's the first rule, you just don't do it. i talked to a bunch of people, actor and actresses, you do not believe as george clooney placed out the protocol. they go through it because it's so important. you will look at every chamber and you tell everybody it's not life or loaded. it's an entire several minutes of work you begin to do the scene. and to hear it from george clooney gives it new gaf ri. he's done it all. we heard dwayne johnson. we are not going to use real guns in my rue vee anymore. we are not dpoing to take the risk. >> this was clearly when you talk to people and out liar and maybe clooney says maybe it was a small budget film and it didn't have many people in place. >> terrible. >> you can help reckless irresponsible with that many guns onset for a western? >> and solve live ammo there? it's again is just beyond, i will say i do hope for people that are looking at this story, you know we all understand that a lot of people temperatured a lot of guns over the past year and a half. >> one of things that worried me is first time gun owners are getting those guns are engaging in gun safety. >> took classes. >> and and i am speaking if you are one of those people in the past couple of years that are new gun roaners, you got to go to the range. put the muscle memory. >> the muscle memory is the first thing you do. what's thigh this is so against shocking to me. >> i checked that gun is not loaded. >> i continue care. it just does not matter. you are anded the june and the nirs thing you do is you check it. >> you don't trust anybody. >> in this case -- >> i am hoping that people may have temperature purchased the gun in the last couple of years and seen what happened on this so take this as a warning to go to the range and be very safe for yourself self and family and everybody around. >> still ahead on "morning joe," former governor chris christie joins us with his new book that's sure to set "donald trump on edge." >> "russia is facing condemnation" after a sis - >> phil mickelson has some tips. >> oh boy. >> on thursday's show. we'll be joined by actor and writer by the show, jason sudeikis. >> i can't wait. 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morning. a lot of good news, a lot of jobs being created. so i guess i would like to start to ask and i have been talking to folks inside the white house about this, i have been trying to get my arms around with what's going on with the labor shortage. can you explain to me why we are seeing so many jobs openings before this legislation? >> first of all, u.s. for having me yesterday. it was a good day for the president and the country. >> it's something i have been grappling with. there is a few things that, one we are still living win northwest covid times. it's still very much with us. we have still have people dying and getting in fenged. that's the large cloud that moves over us. with covid, people are having trouble with adds aid kate of childhood child care. >> finding sbood child care for their children as they move forward, too here. >> preman democratic they were in a job and they did not full fulfilled in that job. for many reasons they decided to look for a career change or moving forward. there is a lot of different pieces of this and quite honestly a study came out where he had that there are more and more people looking procedureship now. we are seeing it growing master than any period in our history. there is a a lot going on. the president laid out a plan to move our economy forward. >> we had incredible jobs growth since the president took office. unemployment rate 3.6 dlaers. >> we still have work to do. >> i mentioned if you mentioned the number of people retiring as well. >> thank you. i thorgt. i nou there was something else. >> a lot of people. people are identifying with it. during the pandemic, a lot of people are working at home. >> wait a second, it's time for me to kind of relax now and move forward. a lot of people made that decision. >> so what is then and how is the current state sort of the labor shortage plays out in terms of we see wages going up and companies answer to interrogratory pay much larger amounts of money per hour just to get people to show up. this is causing companies more and having about impact. i am wonder what you think that does with the overall economy and with this infrastructure package and the number of jobs that'll be coming into the system. are they fillable? >> first of all, i think people are getting paid higher wages is a good thing. >> me too. >> i think that's quite honestly is a good sign for workers in america to get higher wages. that's going to create millions of jobs. it was going to create jobs skurntly and congress long-term jobs. a lot of people right now that are looking for career changes. one of the changes was the president created engineering jobs and architecture jobs and industry we have so many opportunities with the 1.2 deliver dollars bipartisan infrastructure bill to really think about making sure those jobs are available to people. we have have an equity problem for our community for a long time. communities of colors that have not had the ability to pay good playing jobs. the president insists this money is being spent in cities across america. all the people benefited from these announcements. >> you heard all the other e elected officials speak as well. everyone agrees it's a good thing to do. the second piece is the president's push to get the build back better bill reconciliation package. that's a big count p opportunity as well to investigate in community college and child care and education. there is a lot of good things. i don't believe these bills are going to add for inflation. >> good morning mr. secretary, let's bring it down to the ground level of small business in this country. it's the end of september, there were 10.4 million jobs and 4.4 million quit their job in the month of december. >> if you talk to small business, i just can't get people to take the job. i am out running plates and busting table and doing everything i have to do to keep this thing afloat. a lot of my employees that i had before are going to work in an amazon warehouse or something like that. what do you think these business owners should do? >> when do they start coming back to the business and whag changes to the economy we see right now? >> the biggest thing is covid-19. making sure that we are getting people vaccinated and tested. >> we have to get beyond the sly russ. >> we have to continue to move forward so we can get out of the time that we are living right now. that's one way. >> i think a lot of people are deciding what's good for their future and family. >> i know and the maces where you do have amazon actuaries or ups factories, they're hiring a lot of people with the holidays coming and they are taking the job markets for other industries. this has happened the last 10 years. we have to work to make sure that what we are you evering opportunities set for people and jobs training. we need to make sure people have to go back to work. >> there is very few people in america sitting on the couch says wait a minute, i don't want to go back to work. the biggest way back is defeating the virus. >> i mean moving beyond the virus. i don't think we can defeat the virus. the virus defeated a lot of families in this world. >> even a place like new york city, vaccination rates are incredibly highway, any small businesses or coffee shops, they say i am not sure what it looks like to get past tg virus. >> we would have to liver with this virus in a way that we continue our lives. >> what happened to their businesses and what changes? >> they feel like man, i don't know if anybody is goming back to work in my restaurant. >> i think a lot of people are basing that decision. people are coming back to work on is that industry going to be allowed me the opportunity to put food on the table and raise a family. i think again a lot of the cities are not fully open yet and a lot of these restaurants are not at capacity. a lot of these businesses have not recovered full employment. full customer base yet. what we are doing here, the president biden lay out a plan in january to get people vaccinated. >> he gave me a mandate basically the department of labor to do everything we can. >> we are averaging about 640,000 jobs per month. >> we had a good month last month. we'll continue see people going back with the economy. >> we are wrking very close and staying on top of this issue and i am talking to small businesses and traveling around the country and spending a lot of time to help them get back strong. >> thank you for being on. this is an ongoing story, we appreciate you filling us in on what's going on. >> let's bring in our yamiche alcindor and eugene robinson. >> if you want to see a portray of factualism and aimlessness, look at the collection of politicians that could legitimately call itself the grandal party. today's republicans agree wholeheartedly on one thing, ambition for power. the thanks to trump the president lost. >> now the gop is stuck with him and be holden to his mood swim obsessions and. sewing the gop is some kind of unstoppable jugger knots is wrong. it's more like a group of hostages and hostage takers. >> united only in a quest for power, not knowing or caring why. eugene, what do you make of and even our guests we have on toda republicans. we do have liz cheney who really does want the republican party to represent more but i guess there is ultimately a party still indices array and some say a party that lost its soul. >> yeah, it think it lost its soul a little wild ago. >> either liz cheney and chris christie has been on both sides of the trump's question. i will continue to straddle that. either republicans actually republicans are going to take their party back or they are going to fail at that and we'll be left with this abomination in places of one of our two political parties. what does the political party stands for? >> it stands for -- big lie, it stands for trying to keep team from voting. it stands for a lot of stuff that republican leaders of the past must be spinning in their graves over it. you think back to jacob jarvis and republican alliance of the past and none of them, ronald reagan, he would not be allowed or considered a republican in this party. he would be thought off as a writer. a republican in name only and they probably toss him out of the party the way wyoming republicans "tossed" liz cheney out of the party yesterday. it's incredible. we don't often enough but you step back and you look at him and what happened to the party of lincoln. it's just, that's the major political story of our time in this country and it's ongoing and it's really a tragedy. >> yamiche, it's jonathan here. i want to get you weigh in on this idea. >> we have been talking about how, he's too far to the right, there trump decide in some of these swing districts and trump's support but lose in the election. >> the future is very much on track to win the house next year. thanks to gerrymandering and political head winds and momentum. >> if they win the house with more trump's diciphels are in it. >> it's clear that the goal is to stop anything that president biden is trying to do. >> i think you are right to look at the fact that republicans are redrawing districts as we speak who are sort of more et vaccinating there and voters by scaring them including thinking of all sorts of things. also, fall claims of the 2020 i election and fear frankly works. it worked in virginia ander states. you have democrats klein you hadding pooit. look at infrastructure bill and look at how we'll be impacting people's lives. republicans are sticking to this idea that are cultural wars and that sort of scarying people is the way to go. i think when we think of the state of the republican party, look no purter on the general that there are two things. is he going punish 13 americans, two were brave enough to go to white house. is he going punish them for voting for in frungture. and two, is he going to punish paul goosart, tweeting a photo of him killing representative ocasio-cortez. >> eugene, we'll bring your post. >> democrats know it's coming. there is fwoing to be the sort of goop, idealgical -- >> you can address that and okay, if it's happening in school, damn it, i am going to go in those schools and make sure they are telling both sides of the sport. then you know they're going to talk about defending police. >> as my good friend, you just call it out as a lie and it may note event hurt some of these democrats or swing districts to put it on the table. and the third thing you know they're going to be talking about is the border. it's okay for democrats to say it's a massive border. it's chaotic, we need ort, we need people to come across legally. >> at the same time we need to send people back that don't belong here who are here el legally. >> sepd them back home. open it up for legal refugees who deserving to be. these are three things we know they're going to talk about. democrats should be able to have answers for all three of those starting today. >> this is like an open book test. >> factually. >> you got the question in advance. >> so you know, democrats need to get in their opponent faces. tall them out when they are lying. >> don't let somebody lie about what's going on. >> come on, euless, texas go into the school and let's see. backing up and trying in some way is not going to get it. >> you are absolutely right, they know what's coming. if you can't develop some sort of plan then you are going to wish. >> yeah, jean, thank you so much. by the way, mika, if republicans are interested. which we are saying this and obviously we were deeply concerned about donald trump from the second he stepped into the office. >> but, you know with at the present time on saying if thump were to talk about the economy, he would won. >> another crazy conspiracy theory. >> all he had to do is talk about economy and my and he would have won. >> little more saying. this is something with republicans i don't understand. >> you don't have to listen and i don't care. instead of talking about the crazy stuff and nod comes up to you and says they are communists. you don't have to go there. if you just talk about inflation or talk about the apply chain or talk about cost going up, gas prices going up. definites are going up. >> debt are going up. >> you can do that and still win the general election. >> i know. i know. maybe it's not as exciting for you. maybe issues don't matter. >> but, if you talk like a activity activity, a real activity activity, not the bis we have been fielging the last years. if you talked about regulation and free trade, if you talk about a strong military, that's enough. you don't need bait yourself. you can win without lying. >> anyway, if you do that, after you win and i know what you speak. free to do whatever the hell you want to do in congress. you can keep talking about that. you can win by being a small government conservative and leave all the crazy up to donald trump. >> coming up -- >> let those who have ears to hear here. >> anyone in work who wants a shot can get a shot. a booster that is. the city offers all adults the chance to reup their lefrl of protection against kai russ. >> we'll bring you details ahead. something weulated to the conversation we just had. i had a great talk with francis sellers at "the washington post" and their washington post live series to discuss how companies can champion age diversity in workplace and harenest the economic potential of one of the fastest growing segments in this country. i offer this message through the concept of my 50 over 50 list to all the younger women out there. all the younger women out there. >> make a few mistakes and take some time off. if you have a kid with you and you need to take five years ahead. go ahead. you are no longer at the mercy of a ticking clock. >> you have got 40, 50, 60 years to fulfill your dreams and to reach your goals and try new things and that i would that or whatever. i don't know how you feelt in your forz r 30s and 30s tchlt i was always rushing. >> i was always hyper ventilating. if i heard this. back then? i would have had a much more adventure road. >> the runway is long. it will be discussed of all the women on this list. discussed o women on this list ica's working. lower costs of healthcare premiums and the price of prescription drugs. pay less for electric bills by moving to clean energy. and do it all by making the ultra-wealthy pay their fair share of taxes. it'd be a win for the everyday american family. right when they could really use one. congress, let's get this done. no one can deliver your mom's homemade short ribs. for starters, your mom doesn't have a restaurant. if she did, it would be impossible to get in. she'd become famous overnight. she'd get talked into franchising everything. and at that point, they wouldn't really taste like your mom's short ribs. no one can deliver your mom's homemade short ribs. that's why instacart helps deliver the ingredients. like pulsing, electric shocks, sharp, stabbing pains, or an intense burning sensation. what is this nightmare? it's how some people describe... shingles. a painful, blistering rash that could interrupt your life for weeks. forget social events and weekend getaways. if you've had chickenpox, the virus that causes shingles is already inside of you. if you're 50 years or older ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles. ♪♪ hi mr. charles. we made you dinner. aww, thank you. ♪♪ here comes the interception. oh... -shawn? yes. thank you. you're welcome. have a great day. if it's “that will leave a mark season,” it's walgreens season. with xfinity home, you can keep your home if it's “that will leave a mark season,” and everything in it more protected. i can wrangle all my deliveries. thanks, hoss! and i help walk the dog from wherever. *door unlocks* ♪ ♪ well, i can bust curfew-breakers in an instant. well, you all have xfinity home, with cameras to home security monitored by the pros. *laughs* learn more about home security or get our self-monitored solution starting at just $10 per month. if you compton show, you lose the game. can you tell the people there is no such thing as a curve and that's not a real thing. >> i believe it's a real thing and that's why i am not playing next week. i don't know if it will carry into golf or not. >> phil, your chance to analyze eli's swing. >> one word describing it is cute. >> it's a cute little swing. >> the club is a little -- >> cute? >> the club is behind him and low. his arms are not in front of him. they get a little too flat. he has to use all of his athleticism to square the face. it's a pretty good golf swing. >> like i said is cute. i could be better. >> man, cute? >> cute is never what you want to hear. >> phil just won another tournament by the way on sunday. 51 years old still out there winning winning tournaments on tour. but, joe, we've talked about this a number of times, whether it's tom brady sitting there or phil mickelson, huge names to sit and watch not just football analysis but that group of guys watching games, there's no better way to do it. >> yeah, i golfed when i was young a little bit, 9 or 10, my brother would drive me around the golf course. i have been playing off and on but i'm no good. but i have the baseball swing and it's sort of an outside-in baseball swing. they said you need to -- i took one lesson in my life a couple years ago because i decided, hey, maybe i should learn how to swing the right way instead of just doing a baseball swing and grinding when i hit it. and it's like zudage. eli has that sort of outside-in baseball swing but i love how phil devalues him as a golfer by calling it a, quote, cute baseball swing. >> very cute. >> but i thought eli's swing was absolutely perfect until phil commented on it. i'm like you, grew up playing baseball. just let it rip, baby. >> willie, have you thought about the boston marathon? >> i thought you were doing that for us? i think we should all do individually. >> i think i'm going to. >> i think you should. >> i am inspired by what you did in new york city and i want to take that whole parkinson's research for the michael j. fox foundation, take it to next level because you raised so much money. now i'm feeling competitive. >> willie, you're over $500,000 in individual donations, no corporate sponsorships, no nothing. like you are man of the people, and you're getting these small -- small contributions. >> i sort of said, you know, closed it up a week after the race on sunday. i said thank you, all. i think it was at like 530,000 and it just keeps going. i think it's like 575 this morning. i have to check. and like you say, no corporate gifts. it was more than 5,500 donors and 70% were $100 or less. a lot of $5 or $10. incredibly inspiring and most had a story about parkinson's like mika or i do that someone in their family had parkinson's or they themselves have it. this is all i could give you and i hope it helps, and boy, did it. pushing $600,000 in small donations. >> in just just collecting charity money, he's like the bernie sanders of parkinson's research. very exciting. >> very inspiring. another story we're following, new york city health officials say all adults can get a covid booster if they want one. the city's commissioner issued an advisory reminding providers not to deny anyone who wants the added protection. the fda and cdc have yet to authorize boosters for all adults, so that could come as early as next week. the u.n. climate summit officially wrapped up over the weekend with countries striking a deal after a last-minute compromise and coal. the deal brings an end to two long weeks of grueling negotiations in glasgow among almost 200 countries, imagine. delegates struggle to resolve major sticking points such as fossil fuel subsidies and financial support to low-income countries. when it comes to the threat posed by climate change, our next guest says it's a matter of miseducation. joining us now, award-winning frontline investigative journalist katie worth. the author of the new book "miseducation: how climate change is taught in america." are we being miseducated? what do you mean, katie? >> yes, i was interested in what kids are learning about climate change in school so i traveled around the country, i talked to dozens of students, teachers, administrators, parents and what i found is there's a lot of tension over this issue, pretty much every classroom that i went into had some point of tension, teachers disagreeing with other teachers over how to teach it, whether to teach it, and students pushing back or angry that they weren't learning it. and overall what i found was that there's a significant divide, some kids are getting a really robust education about this phenomenon that will shape their lives and other kids are either learning nothing about it or they're learning it's debatable, it's not happening. they're getting climate denial talking points. >> wow, what a great way to look at where this is going. so tell us some examples of where you went, what grade levels were you looking at here, and maybe some specific anecdotes within that. >> yes, i went to many states in the country and, you know, i found kind of all over the board there was tension, both in red states and in blue states. i went to one school in oklahoma where i talked to five kids whose families all had immigrated from the marshall islands, which is a nation that kind of famously is endangered by climate change and four of the five said i was the first adult to ever say the words climate change on school grounds to them. and they're mad about it, this is a real thing. why are we not learning about this? and it's endangering my homeland. i went to my hometown, which is chico, california, northern california, and talked to a teacher there that was -- told me that she realized one year she was teaching a climate -- a climate unit to her sixth grade students, and she realized they were leaving her class and going to their history class where their history teacher was showing them youtube videos saying climate change was a hoax. so she then confronted the teacher and said, hey, we have to be careful when one adult that they trust tells them one thing and the other -- another adult they trust says, hey, don't worry about that. and he said, well, i just want them to know both sides. >> what an important piece of the puzzle. the new book is "miseducation: how climate change is taught in america." katie worth, thank you so much. congratulations on the book. and coming up -- congresswoman abigail spanberger was at the white house bill signing yesterday. just a week earlier she said about biden, "nobody elected him to be fdr. they elected him to be normal and stop the chaos." >> by the way, she comes from one of those districts that will determine who is going to be the next speaker of the house. plus, former new jersey governor chris christie joins us with his guide to saving the republican party. we're back live in three minutes. ♪♪♪ ♪♪it's a most unusual day♪♪ ♪♪feel like throwing my worries away♪♪ ♪♪as an old native-born californian would say♪♪ ♪♪it's a most unusual day♪♪ ♪♪it's a most unusual sky♪♪ ♪♪not a sign of a cloud passing by♪♪ ♪♪if my heart won't behave in the usual way♪♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. 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more than just teach children -- >> it's inspirational. >> it's inspirational. it teaches them about market share. >> money. >> importance of broadband when they sit down with santa, talking about the entire comcast package -- >> and santa at the mall. there's a shortage. >> there is. so a lot really to be looking forward to as the comcast commerce trade rings in the new season, and you can expect to see holiday bells and lights from the top of those satellite dishes because that's just what mika does, christmastime for her penthouse condo. a lot to look at, willie. >> you know what the kids love to do, they come to see the tree and get the picture, and if you look up every so often, it's not scheduled, mika will lean over the balcony and wave with a white glove down to the children who have come to see the tree and are hastily funneled into the nbc experience store to buy merchandise. >> and talking about what happened before when mika leaned out her penthouse condo and threw coins down at the children. >> dangerous. >> from 53 stories high, it was a public nuisance to say the least. so the police came up and said, man, if you have a white glove, just wave it to the children. >> jonathan lemire's still with us. >> we learned a lot that day. >> we did, yes. >> they were silver dollars, i mean, big, willie. they were big. >> stop it! >> if you look under the condo, man, you can still see dents in the pavement. >> like susan b. anthonys, just right down from the top! >> it was bad. it was bad. >> okay. let's get to the news now, big political win for president biden yesterday as he signed the bipartisan infrastructure bill into law, calling it an historic investment. nbc news chief white house correspondent peter alexander has the details. >> reporter: president biden touting his biggest legislative victory to date. >> despite the cynics, democrats and republicans can come together and deliver results. we can do this! >> signing into law that trillion dollar infrastructure bill surrounded by democrats and a small number of republicans. the largest federal investment in infrastructure in more than a decade will provide good-paying jobs, the white house says, directing $110 billion to upgrade roads and bridges, $65 billion to improve high-speed internet and $15 billion to replace lead pipes in the country's drinking water system. >> my message to the american people is this -- america's moving again and your life is going to change for the better. >> reporter: still, the celebration may be short lived. the latest poll shows the president's approval rating continuing to drop, even after the infrastructure bill was passed. with democrats still divided whether to spend another $1.75 trillion on his social program and climate plan, and as americans paychecks are stretched. inflation soaring to a 31-year high, prices surging across the board, including glass jumping 50%, beef costing 20% more. tyson foods saying it's raised its beef, pork and chicken prices because of escalating expenses. kianna cook in maryland is struggling to pay the spiking costs. >> chuck roast can feed my niece and her kids, and it's about like this, $35, $25. just absolutely outrageous. >> reporter: the mosser family in pennsylvania also feeling the pinch. >> spending $100 a week in gas is very taxing. >> things i would normally spend $1.50 to $2, i'm spending $3.75 on. >> following major election losses in her state earlier this month, our next guest issued some sharp criticism of president biden's agenda, reflecting on the president's role in those defeats, democratic congresswoman abigail spanberger of virginia told "the new york times," quote, we were so willing to take seriously a global pandemic, but we're not so willing to say, yeah, inflation is a problem and supply chain is a problem, and we don't have enough workers in our workforce. nobody elected him to be fdr. they elected him to be normal and stop the chaos. days later the president had this response to her comments -- >> abigail is a friend. we had a long talk. we joked, she said i have a picture of roosevelt hanging in my office, her office, okay. i don't want to pretend to be anybody but joe biden. that's who i am. what i'm trying to do is do the things i ran on to do. >> and congresswoman spanberger joins us now. we appreciate you being on this morning. >> thank you. >> let's develop on that point because i'll start with just one of several issues that are facing this country that i feel like the white house could be much more vocal on, and that is the supply chain issue. what do you see happening on that front to help sort of untangle the mess from the government's perspective? >> from the government's perspective, thank you so much for having me on and particularly to discuss this important issue because across my district, i'm hearing about supply chain issues and i have been for quite some time. notably the bipartisan infrastructure investment and jobs act, which is what the president signed into law yesterday, will take meaningful steps to address issues related to supply chain challenges. it invests in our ports and rail and airports, which is a longer-term investment but also invests to ensure we bring more truck drivers into the workforce, provide funding for recruiting and training of truck drivers. notably in the intro they talked about the cost of meat prices. the bipartisan infrastructure bill includes a piece of legislation i had previously introduced with the republican colleague from florida that would address some of the challenges that our livestock producers are facing in terms of their ability to move their livestock ultimately bound for the grocery stores across the country. so we're taking steps forward from a federal perspective, but certainly it's not enough and we have to be listening to people and recognizing that the challenges related to the supply chain, inability to know where they're going to get their turkey for thanksgiving and real concerns about what will map during the holiday season, that's top of mind for a lot of people. >> yeah. >> and, joe, we were talking the other day about a supply chain czar. it's that big of an issue. perhaps it needs some sort of direction. >> right. you look at the bottom of the government, they're uniquely situated to do something but they need to do something very aggressively about it so you condition the just talk about it, appoint somebody and walk away from the issue. congresswoman, your district is so critically important because districts like you determine who will run the house, whether kevin mccarthy will be the next speaker of the house or not. and gina and i were just talking about how it's like an open-book test for democrats. they know what's coming. it will be inflation and competence when you look at afghanistan but also it'ses going to be about this ideological goop, where everything is thrown in and called critical race theory, it's going to be about defunding the police. it's going to be about chaos at the border. i heard you talking about these things before. what are you doing in your district to let people know that you understand there is chaos at the border, it needs to be fixed. there are problems, you know, with police and crime right now and it needs to be fixed and as far as critical race theory goes, however it's defined, there are parents in virginia and across america concerned about some things their kids are talking about. >> i think it boils down in the most simplistic of terms to really just listening to people. there continues to be significant and substantial unease in our country. we were on a good path in terms of our trajectory from covid and then the delta variant hit, and we see the challenges in our withdrawal from afghanistan. for parents such as myself, i have three school-age children, the past year and a half has been so difficult. in districts like mine where schools closed, that means parents are sitting in the parking lot of mcdonald's food lines and disconnected. we had extraordinary work done by our school boards and superintendents, particularly rural communities in order to get kids back to school safely at the height of the pandemic because they had no other option. so first and foremost in my district, i'm recognizing the hardship people have felt over the past year and a half and continued hardship that so many people, especially small business owners who are struggling to find another workers, are facing. and so from a legislative perspective, where i can move legislation forward, introduce legislation to get workers back to the workforce, to try to incentivize new truck drivers to join that workforce, the list goes on and on, i'm doing that. first and foremost it comes down to recognizing these concerns are very real, they're pervasive throughout certainly the community i represent but arguably the rest of the country, and we should be looking for and planning for a very bright future. but part of doing that planning is recognizing truthfully and earnestly where we are now. >> good morning, congresswoman. i'm curious what you thought as you watched glenn youngkin win the governor's race in your state, what democrats should take away from terry mcauliffe's loss there. when you look at it it looks like plus 11 for youngkin in your district. i'm sure that raised alarm bells for you and your staff. what should democrats be thinking now post virginia, post virginia governor's race, about how they run? >> i think they should rise that we need to run everywhere. what we saw in central virginia, my district, which is -- you know, if you're a democrat running a statewide race, there's parts of my district that don't get a lot of attention. i give all of my districts attention because it's my district, but i think some of the takeaway lessons should be we have to show up everywhere, we have to listen to the on-the-ground concerns and we have to have a message that is responsive to what people are talking about. listen first, respond second. but when it comes down to it, our policies are good. our policies are responsible for the problems and challenges that the american people are facing. but if we're talking past people, we're not listening to those concerns. we can't even make that argument. >> congresswoman, good morning, it's jonathan lemire. great to see you again. yesterday you were there for a bipartisan signing for the legislation bill, but that's just part one of what the president wants to do with the build back better act. you guys will have a long week in congress aiming to get a vote by the weekend. but there's been some reporting in the last day that senior white house officials are telling members of congress to be prepared to brace yourself for the congressional budget office score, cbo score, is going to be higher, it's going to be disappointing. it will show they will not entirely be paid for. what is your take on that, and would that at all make you question your support? >> i think this boils down to why there's a group of individuals, myself included, who wanted to know the full scope of the scale in terms of what the cbo score is, what the bill is going to cost before we ultimately take a vote. it's about ensuring we as legislators are making responsible, informed decisions. i think for many people that's not necessarily going to be a deal breaker. there's so much in this bill that's incredibly value, our efforts to fight climate change, investing in the refundable tax child credit in the future, which has been reformative for so many families, especially central virginia, and the cost of prescription drugs and health care were driving forces behind what our desire to get accomplished was when we arrived in -- at the u.s. capitol. but notably, we have to know what it is we will ultimately be passing. we've been talking about a bill that's fully paid for. it's important that it be fully paid for. but let's be clear, if it's not, we have to absolutely understand that and understand what the long-term impact on our nation's debt is or isn't. and then we're faced with a secondary decision into the future about whether or not the investments that we're making in our society, in our community, in our education system, in those long-term benefits are in fact worth and valuable from a long-term standpoint, whether those investments are worthy of, you know, ultimately making that choice, voting to make those investments. but it's a decision we have to make eyes wide open in terms of the impact. so i look forward, we've seen some of the cbo information has come out. we're expecting more information by the end of the week. and, you know, i think every legislator should want to have eyes wide open to what it is that's going to be potentially coming to the house floor for votes. >> congresswoman abigail spanberger of virginia, thank you so much for being on the show this morning. we appreciate it. still ahead on "morning joe" -- wyoming's gop tries to punish liz cheney by declaring her no longer a republican. she is, of course. but perhaps more importantly she's also a constitutionalist. we'll ask former governor chris christie about his party's downward spiral. plus, one charge kyle rittenhouse won't be facing in his trial in wisconsin. the latest details on that are ahead. and breaking news on the economy, with brand-new numbers from the labor department. what they say about the all-important holiday shopping season. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. vo: the damage it's causing is undeniable... climate change. and with the build back better act, congress can tackle it head on. with tax credits for clean energy companies that create millions of new jobs... ...and ramp up new technology and clean energy manufacturing. it means families pay less for utilities... ...and america becomes the global leader in clean energy it's time to build back 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♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ bipolar depression. it made me feel like i was trapped in a fog. this is art inspired by real stories of people living with bipolar depression. i just couldn't find my way out of it. the lows of bipolar depression can take you to a dark place... ...and be hard to manage. latuda could make a real difference in your symptoms. latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms and in clinical studies, had no substantial impact on weight. this is where i want to be. latuda is not for everyone. call your doctor about unusual mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. elderly dementia patients on latuda have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, as these may be life threatening... ...or uncontrollable muscle movements, as these may be permanent. these are not all the serious side effects. now i'm back where i belong. ask your doctor about latuda and pay as little as $0 for your first prescription. we're seeing the impact of donald trump across the country, especially in the state of wyoming. republican leaders there have voted now to no longer recognize congresswoman liz cheney as a member of the republican party. this is the second action the state's party has taken over chain yoifr her criticism of former president trump. in february they voted to censure cheney for her vote to impeach trump for his role in the capitol attack. this is symbolic and does not rip cheney of any power. a spokesperson for congresswoman cheney called it laughable for anyone to suggest the congresswoman is not a conservative republican. joe, just to review why she's being stripped of her name inside the republican party in wyoming, it's because she voted to impeach the president for his role in driving people to the capitol on january 6th and there to sit on the select committee to review what happened on january 6th. now being run out of the party, symbolically, anyway. >> well, it's -- it is sad. i say this as a former republican, as a guy who's been a conservative my entire life. like liz cheney, i think liz's lifetime acu rating is around 95, which is what my lifetime acu rating was and it's all just tribal. it doesn't matter what your views are. it's how you worship a former reality tv guy, the guy with the largest debt in national history, the biggest budgets in american history through his time there. all of the things that we fought against, we being small government conservatives, donald trump ripped through. and the thing is, willie, people who voted for him knew he wasn't a conservative. they knew he didn't give a damn about balanced budgets, about pushing back against illegal regimes. they knew how he was about russia. and even though he did the things the radical did in the 1960s, trashing the fbi, trashing the cia, trashing our intel community when he's in helsinki talking to vladimir putin, doesn't matter. it just doesn't matter to them because it's all tribal. nothing to do with believes, nothing to do with ideology. it's all how much are you willing to descend into this personality cult? >> clearly, yes. >> if it mattered -- if actually believes mattered, willie, then there would be so many other people, the people voting against her would probably be the ones who would be leaving the party. >> yeah, we're talking about liz cheney. liz cheney, the last name, all that comes with that, not being conservative enough. as you said, joe, it's not about being conservative. it's pledging allegiance to donald trump. she has four challenges, trump endorsed one, an attorney from wyoming. this is the right move. she's disloyal to trump. she cannot run. she cannot serve. that's the litmus test in wyoming. and people who voted for impeachment are getting a big challenge. kinzinger not running for re-election, anthony gonzalez, former ohio state football star doesn't believe it's worth it for him to run again. they're falling by the wayside. we will see if liz cheney hangs on. coming up -- chris christie is standing by. he's on a push to rescue republicans in part from themselves. that conversation is straight ahead on "morning joe." ♪♪ >> man: what's my safelite story? my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ my songs know what you did in the dark ♪ ♪ so light 'em up, up, up light 'em up, up, up ♪ ♪ light 'em up, up, up ♪ ♪ i'm on fire ♪ ♪ so light 'em up, up, up light 'em up, up, up ♪ ♪ light 'em up, up, up ♪ ♪ i'm on fire ♪ ♪ oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oohohh ♪ ♪ in the dark, dark ♪ new cheetos boneless wings. exclusively at applebee's. bye mom. my helpers abound, i'll need you today. our sleigh is now ready, let's get on our way. a mountain of toys to fulfill many wishes. must be carried across all roads and all bridges. and when everyone is smiling and having their fun i can turn my sleigh north because my job here is done. it's not magic that makes more holiday deliveries to homes in the us than anyone else, it's the hardworking people of the united states postal service. 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>> no, kyle never looks for trouble. he's a caring young man and he likes to help people. >> reporter: as a mother, do you want him to go down there with an ar-15 rifle? >> i didn't want him going anywhere near kenosha whatsoever. >> gabe gutierrez reporting from kenosha. joining us now, prosecutor charles coleman. you were watching along yesterday and watched the closing arguments. the case from the prosecutor is this, if you insight the incident, you waive your right to self-defense. a lot of analysts and a lot of former prosecutors and defense attorneys say no, self-dense is self-dense. how do you see it? >> good morning, willie. i think in this case what we are seeing in terms of these closing arguments and what is currently before the jury is a tale of two competing narratives. from my experience as a former prosecutor, what i will tell you is that provocation is not something that will immediately exempt you from being able to use a self-defense statute. i understand why the prosecution tried to hammer that home to the jury today -- i'm sorry, yesterday, in closing arguments and want the jury to sort of it look at it in that way, that you should not be able to start something and ultimately say no, no, no, i was defending myself, but that's not necessarily consistent with the law. but that's why prosecutors tried to hammer it home. once they understood they were going to get that provocation instruction from the judge, which is something the jury can consider but it does not automatically mean that kyle rittenhouse and his defense team is unable to plead self-defense as a means of securing an acquittal. >> jury will be back in that jury room in just a couple of hours to begin their deliberations. what did you make of the judge dismissing that gun charge yesterday? it was the one thing that prosecutors had hoped they could get him on, if not the other charges against him. the judge dismisses the charge on a technicality, they say badly written state law about how old you have to be to have certain kinds of guns. what did you read into that ruling? >> i do think it is a technicality and law is antiquated and poorly drafted. but, willie, i don't want viewers to make too much of what this dismissal means. at the end of the day if kyle rittenhouse was only convicted of that charge, that's a misdemeanor charge where at the most he would spend nine months in jail. but i can tell you more than likely given what we've seen from the trial and what we know about the judge and everything that unfolded, if that was the only thing kyle rittenhouse had been convicted of, he was not going to spend any time in jail. if he was convicted of that crime, along with the other more serious crimes with which he had been charged, that time was going to run concurrent. ultimately the dismissal of this charge does not make a huge difference in terms of kyle rittenhouse's guilt. >> thank you very much. coming up -- a new reading on the economy is coming out moments from now. we will break 2k0u7b october's resale numbers. 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where's regina? hi, i'm ladonna. i invest in invesco qqq, a fund that gives me access to the nasdaq-100 innovations, like real time cgi. okay... yeah... oh. don't worry i got it! become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq welcome back to "morning joe." we're just getting some breaking news. retail sales numbers crossing right now. joining us now nbc news senior business correspondent, msnbc anchor stephanie ruhle. steph, good morning. how do they look? >> well, they look good. retail sales numbers are out for the month of october. they're up 1.7% from where they were in september, up over 16% from where they were last year. all of this is a complicated story because we've got to talk about inflation. this tells us why americans don't like paying these high prices, they're mad about it, we're actually going out and doing it. we're expecting to have record holiday sales this season and why all of this tells a complicated inflation story, we live in two economic americas. we have a portion of the country we saw household savings balloon to its highest level during the pandemic. these are wealthier americans who can work from home, we didn't have to pay to commute or buy our lunch. chances are we own our homes, have some investments in the stock market. people in this situation saw our household wealth go up and we're in a position now where we might not like these higher prices but we're paying them and keeping demand up here. but then there's a second america that economically vulnerable america, renter's who have to pay the back dated rent during the pandemic. hourly workers excited to see wages go up but when you went $12 to $16 an hour, that increase is wiped out when you have to cover increased costs for everything. for middle america who just have saving accounts, your savings are doing nothing because interest rates are so low and now you're paying so much money to fill your tank with gas. these retail sales numbers shows what a complicated situation we're in. basic inflation is out demand outpaces supply. and we know we've already got supply chain issues, we have shortages. plus we have people who have the money and are willing to spend. they're in a pandemic hangover saying i'm finally out again, i want to go to the movies and dinger. when you have people willing to pay these prices, it's going to keep them high, and that is catastrophic for people who are in a different financial information. >> so stephanie, the word transitory has been tossed around a month or two ago. is the belief on wall street, the belief among business owners that this is not transitory inflation but it is going to be with us for a while over the next year or so? >> joe, it all depends on how you define transitory. is it going to be here permanently? it certainly doesn't seen that way at the heart of this. this is a supply chain issue and they're working to solve the supply chain issues but that is going to take time. that is not going to happen overnight. when you think about demand, people are willing to spend, that's not going to change overnight. the third thing that can happen, we can see the fed raise rates and stop buying bonds. and while that's in the plans this summer, it's not happening immediately. so in the immediate future, no, prices are not going down. >> stephanie, tell me what your thoughts are on that supply chain problem that's ongoing. of course, it's been with us since -- since covid started. it was extraordinary how long -- i had a friend who was trying to get a door, a door to put in his house and a couple of fix-up things, nine-month wait. and that was in 2020. it's continued into 2021. mika and i watched bill whitaker's great report on "60 minutes" about the supply chain problem. it just seemed like something that the federal government would be perfect for, you know. put somebody -- i don't know if it's bloomberg, i don't know who it is, put somebody in charge and say, nobody's talking to each other, everybody's blaming everybody else, go in there, organize it, fix it, go. what do businesses tell you, what are you hearing on the street? >> listen, walmart just had their earnings this morning and their inventory is actually up. so for the big behemoth retailers, they figured out their own supply and trying to solve. for that the administration is taking this on, they're making changes at ports but it's certainly not happening soon enough. joe, you also have to pay attention to regulations. there are all sorts of outdated regulations that hold up supply chain issues regarding cargo ships, how we get things via water, on land, regulations around truckers. yes, now they're saying maybe we will lower the eligibility for truckers, lower the age. so they're doing things but not doing things fast enough. i would say yes, the federal government should take this on. but remember it's a global supply chain issue. the problems are not just happening here, they're happening around the world. and a lot of what we use and buy is made on the other side of the world. >> stephanie ruhle, thank you. we'll be handing off coverage right to you at 9:00 eastern time right here on msnbc. thank you very much. >> thank you. coming up -- why donald trump called chris christie while both men were hospitalized with coronavirus -- >> i'm sure it's because he's worried about chris! he's known chris a long time. he's like hey, how are you doing, chris, right? >> no, that wasn't really it. >> really? >> the former governor of new jersey joins us next. we'll talk about it. keep it here on "morning joe." at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. subway has so much new i ran out of time in the last ad... so i'll take it from here. sorry steph. spokesperson refresh! refresh wait, what? subway® just upped their bread game with the help of some world-class bakers. lookin' at you nance. gotta refresh to be fresh. how many people are in this ad? that means freshly baked new artisan italian and hearty multigrain. hmm, that would go good with... seriously? i didn't even get to finish. ug-'s new erc... collaboration tools made it easy for romeo and i to find the right home together. - 'cause we can see each other's favorites all in one place. - and go back and forth with comments. oh romeo, romeo, i love our new home. -, to each their home. as someone who resembles someone else, i appreciate that liberty mutual i love our new home. knows everyone's unique. that's why they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. oh, yeah. that's the spot. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ here comes the interception. oh... -shawn? yes. thank you. you're welcome. have a great day. if it's “that will leave a mark season,” it's walgreens season. johnny: '76 steelers. ray: '78 team was better. ray: we argue like it'se our job, but medicare advantage? that we agree on. johnny: 98% of the folks who use it give it... johnny/ray: ...high ratings. ray: cause it's got record low premiums...johnny: they check in with me at home, gave you a ride to the doctor. ray: then covid showed up. johnny: but medicare advantage showed up too ray: with that telehealth thing... johnny: food delivery... ray: i bet you like that. it's times like these that show who you can count on. johnny: if you're waiting for me to say i count on you... announcer: medicare advantage. twenty six million seniors count on it. bipolar depression. it made me feel like i was trapped in a fog. this is art inspired by real stories of people living with bipolar depression. i just couldn't find my way out of it. the lows of bipolar depression can take you to a dark place... ...and be hard to manage. latuda could make a real difference in your symptoms. latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms and in clinical studies, had no substantial impact on weight. this is where i want to be. latuda is not for everyone. call your doctor about unusual mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. elderly dementia patients on latuda have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, as these may be life threatening... ...or uncontrollable muscle movements, as these may be permanent. these are not all the serious side effects. now i'm back where i belong. ask your doctor about latuda and pay as little as $0 for your first prescription. we can no longer talk about the past and the pauft elections, no matter -- no matter where you stand on that issue, no matter where you stand, it is over. >> let's bring in right now former republican governor of new jersey chris christie, author of the new book "republican rescue: saving the party from truth deniers, conspiracy theorists and the dangerous policies of joe biden." governor, thank you so much for being with us. you've got a few claps there when you told republicans maybe chasing conspiracy theories the next four years isn't the best pathway to victory. you have been getting a positive response? >> yes, look, joe, we got a standing ovation at the end of that speech. i think look, what this is all about is for republicans to be a successful national party and successful contrasting counterweight to the democrats and joe biden and kamala harris. and to do that, you know, elections have to be about tomorrow, not about yesterday. voters don't want to hear about yesterday, they want to hear about what you're going to do that's different than the people who are in and what your vision is going to lead them to in terms of their own hopes and dreams and aspirations. and that's the message of the book and that's what i think we have to do as a party. to do that, we've got to be a party of truth. we've got to confront the truth about what happened in 2020 and to be able to move on from it. >> isn't that what glenn youngkin did? isn't that why he won in virginia? he was talking about grocery prices and talking about cutting sales tax on rising grocery prices. he was talking about getting parents more involved. he was talking about the future. is that a roadmap you're talking about in your book? >> it is, and it's a roadmap for the way republicans have always been successful, talking about kitchen-table issues that matter to the american people like the grocery tax in virginia, like jack shig relle in new jersey, who came very close to winning in my home state, talking about property taxes and income taxes. these are things people care about and want to hear about. quite frankly, terry mcauliffe lost in virginia after spending a ton of time talking about the past and that's not what voters are looking for. >> i think that was the democrats' notice the biggest takeaway from that race, don't talk about the past. don't talk about donald trump. talk about issues that matter in front of them. you know, chris, i've always found, it's so ironic, throughout 2020 i would see flags that would be flying that would say blank your feelings trump 2020. yet looking back, there are people with hurt feelings about losing a presidential campaign. the biggest tantrum in u.s. history. i'm not just talking donald. i'm talking about a large segment of the entire party is throwing a temper tantrum because they lost an election. guess what, that happens in american politics. you win some and you lose some. that's what makes the country so great, the fact that people lose elections buy into democracy and part of that peaceful transition. >> yeah, nobody likes to lose, joe. nobody likes to lose. on the other hand when you deal yourself into this game, which you have to understand you have to live with the results of what a hand are. and we lost in 2020. and that's not as if that comes as an enormous shock. we lost the house in 2018, we lost the senate and white house in 2020. the trend was moving in that direction for a whole variety of reasons. at the end of the day, that's the first time that's happened to the republican party since herbert hoover between 1930 and 1932. and the point of my book is to say, avenue that, democrats held the white house for the next 28 of 36 years. i don't believe our country can survive that kind of drought. i don't think it's good for the country. we need to start thinking about how to stop republican violence and take on joe biden and kamala harris directly on issues, on policy. if we do that, we'll win a lot of elections in 2022 at the governors level and in washington. >> think of it as violence between friends. my wife is here. she has a question for you. friend-on-friend violence. >> i've got a couple of questions. >> hi, mika, how are you today? >> great. >> good. me, too. >> so, i think it's a little convenient to not talk about the past, actually. and i'm just wondering do you accept that donald trump embraced anti-democratic values that damaged democracy? >> what i accepted, mika, he has not accepted the results of the election and that undercuts our democracy. there's no doubt, i say that very clearly and plainly in the book. i said that on election night 2020. i didn't wait for weeks afterwards. on election night on abc, in 2020 i said the election was indefensible, if you didn't have evidence to support the allegation that the election was false. maybe that's the old prosecutor in me, but that's the way i feel about it and i've said it consistently since. >> i am just asking, chris, before the election, if you embraced democratic values that damaged our country, perhaps to get rival from a foreign leader, just one. >> mika, we could go through the entire history. >> yes, we could. >> we could. >> yeah, we could. >> in the end, what matters the american people made a decision in 2020 who they wanted the next president to be. and they selected joe biden. what we have to do as a party is look at ourselves and say how do we move forward from here. because this country will not succeed without a vital two-party system. and what we're doing right now, when were look backwards at these things continue to have grievance and vengeance politics in portions of our party is not going to be productive to have that two-party system be vital. and for me, as a republican, to put republicans back in office so those values can be put forward. >> i know, but, chris, it's important to actually be able to a question about whether or not something was wrong during the trump presidency. you seem to be conveniently drawing a line at the election. there are a lot of things happened in those four years that you could comment about but you're not. >> and i did, mika, i did in realtime. when i disagreed with trump during those four years i said it privately and as a person on tv on abc as a commentator. that's what you do with a friend that you've had for 20 years. you tell the truth. at least i do. i detailed that in the book. and when i spoke about it both privately and publicly. so, this is nothing new for me. and it's nothing personal. it's business. and it's about talking about how we run our country. and when you disagree, even if the person is a friend or ally of yours you have an obligation agency a public figure to step forward and say it. that's what i've done. and that's what this book continues to do. but more than that, it lays out a plan for the future. >> so what do you think of liz cheney looking toward the future who is essentially standing alone, especially speaking out against donald trump and the work that he did to damage our democracy. should more elected republican leaders be standing with her? >> republican elected officials should tell the truth. that's what i do in this book. and the truth is the most important currency in politics. as far as liz goes, i've always had great respect for liz. i still have great respect for liz. she's smart, she's tough, she's conservative. and she has stood for a lot of the values over the years that i've stood for and agree with. so, i'm definitely a liz cheney fan, always have been. and she is standing up to do what she thinks is right. everybody in our party should be doing that. doesn't mean they have to agree with liz. it means they have to stand up and believe what they believe is right and be held accountable for that. >> good morning, governor. it's good to see you. >> willie, how are you? >> since late february. i'm doing well, my new jersey native. let's go back to late february 2016, you surprised a lot of people when you stemmed on a stage in ft. worth texas, behind donald trump and offered your endorsement. you said you were proud to do it. you had basically taken out marco rubio before that. when you look back since then, are you proud to endorse him? >> yeah, i think a lot of things happened during the trump presidency through a policy perspective, willie. and then there were things that i didn't agree with the way he approached the job. and i spoke out about those things. but elections are choices. i was explaining about the ambassador when asking me about the system, in america, you don't necessarily get to vote for who you want to vote for, you get to vote for who's left. i do not endorse donald trump and having him beat hillary clinton. i didn't want hillary clinton to be president, i think it was good for the country. and i think i helped him be a better candidate and i think i helped him be a better president. >> knowing what you know now, 5 1/2 years later, you still believe donald trump is a better president than hillary clinton would have been? >> yes. >> wow. >> because i profoundly disagree with hillary clinton on policy, willie. i profoundly disagree with what joe biden and kamala harris are doing right now for the country. >> with the policy, governor. >> well, i can't take out the policy, willie. i can't take out the policy. >> well, what about questioning the results of the election -- >> well -- >> leading an insurrection to the united states capitol, you're okay with that? >> no, i went on record, willie, as i told you and just said to mika and to joe that i thought that was absolutely wrong. and i went on record that night saying it was wrong. on election night. and i've stayed consistent throughout. and in the book, we detail my efforts to try to make sure that then president trump would stand up and stop the violence on capitol hill. he didn't take my calls. and so, i said what i needed to say on abc about that. and january 6th was an awful day for america. but i also think a resilient day for our democracy. because by 4:00 a.m. the next morning, those men and women of congress were back on the floor of the house and senate and they were voting to certify the election that was lawfully won by joe biden. that shows despite the violence they had suffered that day and the violence that may be threatened against them in the future for that vote, they voted to do the right thing. that's pretty resilient democracy. and i'm proud of it and i said that at the time as well. >> governor christie, good morning, it's jonathan lemire. you blame president trump for what happened on january 6th, not just for his speech that day, but the claims leading up to it, the lies about the election results but yet you have not ruled out supporting him again if he's the gop nominee in 2024, why is that? >> jonathan, what i said in response to that question, i'm not going to sit here and talk about who i might or might not support in 2024. but what i have said, it is unacceptable not to accept the results of that election. i said that very clearly and again this morning a number of times. and i want to be clear about january 6th. i think those people who talk about the speech that day, and say that was inciting a riot, to me, you're missing the point. it's everything that we said beforehand. that the election had been stolen that got people as angry as they got to go and go to the capitol that day. and so, that is the responsibility of the person who was doing that, making those statements. and that was donald trump. >> hey, really quickly, we're over, but just a five-second answer here -- are you confident that the republican party is going to move beyond trump? are you confident that they're going to move back to the republican party that you grew up with? >> i think it will be a different republican party, joe. than the one you and i grew up with. but i think it will move on beyond some of the vendetta and grievance politics

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Else , Wages , State , Terms , Companies , Amounts , Infrastructure Package , Sign , Workers , Jobs Skurntly , Career Changes , Engineering Jobs , Long Term , Industry , Opportunities , Equity Problem , Architecture , 1 2 , Ability , Cities , Colors , Playing Jobs , Communities , Announcements , E , Education , Bill Reconciliation Package , Count P Opportunity , Community College , Small Business , Ground Level , September , Plates , 10 4 Million , 4 Million , Table , Employees , Amazon Warehouse , Business Owners , Whag , Sly Russ , Maces , Factories , Holidays , Actuaries , Ups , Markets , Industries , Virus , Couch , Vaccination Rates , Lives , Liver , Coffee Shops , Highway , Restaurant , Goming , Opportunity , Restaurants , Food , Customer Base , Employment , Capacity , Biden Lay , Mandate , Department Of Labor , 640000 , Yamiche Alcindor , Collection , Of Factualism , Eugene Robinson , Aimlessness , Politicians , Holden , Kind , Mood Swim Obsessions , Lost , Group , Quest , Hostage Takers , Hostages , Liz Cheney Out , Soul , Array , Indices , Party , Parties , Abomination , Stuff , Team , Big Lie , Graves , Alliance , Jacob Jarvis , Ronald Reagan , Republican In Name Only , None , Lincoln , Idea , Swing Districts , Right , Support , Momentum , Winds , Gerrymandering , Track , Diciphels , Voters , Et Vaccinating , Thinking , Sorts , Claims , 2020 , Wars , Scarying , Democrats Klein , Hadding Pooit , Americans , General , Purter , Paul Goosart , Photo , Frungture , Ocasio Cortez , Idealgical , Post , Fwoing , Goop , School , Schools , It , Friend , Lie , Event , Sport , Swing , Ort , Refugees , Answers , Sepd Them , Advance , Book Test , Come On , Somebody Lie , Euless , Wish , Jean , Thump , Communists , Don T Care , Cost , Gas Prices , Definites , Apply Chain , Regulation , Free Trade , Bis , Military , Lying , Government , Ears , Shot , Protection , Booster , Lefrl , Kai Russ , Talk , Conversation , Age Diversity , The Washington Post , Francis Sellers , List , Workplace , Concept , Segments , Potential , Women , Mercy , Ticking Clock , Forz R 30s , 30s Tchlt , Hyper Ventilating , 30 , Adventure Road , Runway , Costs , Price , Healthcare Premiums , Energy , O Women , Prescription Drugs , List Ica S Working , Share , Done , Taxes , Mom , Short Ribs , Doesn T , Starters , Franchising Everything , Instacart , Ingredients , Stabbing Pains , Electric Shocks , Pulsing , Sharp , Rash , Nightmare , Events , Weekend Getaways , Burning Sensation , Chickenpox , Pharmacist , Interception , Aww , Charles , Dinner , Hi , Season , Deliveries , Shawn , Walgreens , Xfinity , Wherever , Curfew Breakers , Instant , Xfinity Home , Dog , Hoss , Unlocks , Pros , Security , Solution , Home Security , Game , Curve , Little , Club , Golf , Eli , Golf Swing , Flat , Athleticism , The Club , Tournament , Cute , 51 , Names , Tour , Football Analysis , Tournaments , Tom Brady , Baseball Swing , Golf Course , Games , Guys , Good , 9 , In My Life , Cute Baseball Swing , Golfer , Zudage , Baby , It A , It Rip , Baseball , Parkinson S , Research , Boston Marathon , Michael J Fox Foundation , Donations , Sponsorships , 00000 , 500000 , Contributions , Gifts , Donors , 575 , 70 , 5500 , 530000 , 5 , Charity Money , Boy , 600000 , Health Officials , Commissioner , Covid Booster , Providers , Advisory , Parkinson S Research , Bernie Sanders , Boosters , U N Climate Summit , Cdc , Countries , Weekend , Compromise , Coal , Delegates , Threat , Guest , Climate Change , Points , Fossil Fuel Subsidies , Katie Worth , Miseducation , Author , Students , Teachers , Dozens , Tension , Classroom , Administrators , Talking Points , Climate Denial , Wow , Examples , Anecdotes , Grade Levels , Board , Blue States , Both , Oklahoma , Famously , Marshall Islands , Adult , Homeland , Hometown , Climate Change On School Grounds , Climate , Teacher , Sixth Grade , Chico , California , Northern California , Class , History Teacher , Videos , Hoax , Puzzle , Congresswoman Spanberger , Nobody , Bill Signing Yesterday , Chaos , Speaker , Guide , New Jersey , Fdr , Worries , Sky , Wish List Event , Sanctuary , Body Movements , Progress , Jackie , Tardive Dyskinesia , Austedo , Td Movements , Medications , Twitching , Jerking , Feelings , Patients , Mood , Attention , Throat , Insomnia , Sleepiness , Huntington S Disease , Problems Thinking , Liver Problems , Restlessness , Heartbeat , Reserpine , Parkinson S Disease , Tetrabenazine , Sweating , Fast , Valbenazine , Books , Expenses , Td , Bookkeeper , Accounts , Intuit Quickbooks , Visit Askforaustedo Com , Business Stands , Live Bookkeeping , Yep , Store , Boys , Comcast Commerce Tree , Frenzy , Nbc , Setting Sclup , Merchandise , Shelves , Sunday , Container , Long Beach , Market Share , Shortage , Importance , Broadband , Mall , Santa , Lights , Holiday Bells , Satellite Dishes , Comcast Commerce Trade Rings , Tree , Picture , Penthouse Condo , Christmastime , Glove , Wave , Balcony , Condo , Penthouse , Coins , Nuisance , Dangerous , 53 , Least , Dents , Pavement , Susan B Anthonys , Investment , Big Political Win , Peter Alexander , Biden Yesterday , Nbc News , Details , Victory , Cynics , Biden Touting , 110 Billion , 10 Billion , Drinking Water System , Pipes , 5 Billion , 65 Billion , 15 Billion , Approval Rating , Program , Better , Celebration , Drop , 1 75 Trillion , 75 Trillion , More , Paychecks , Tyson Foods , Glass , High , 20 , 31 , Chicken Prices , Beef , Pork , Chuck Roast , Niece , Kianna Cook , Maryland , Spending , Pinch , Mosser , 25 , 1 50 , 50 , Defeats , Agenda , Election Losses , 3 75 , 75 , Supply Chain , The New York Times , Workforce , Comments , Response , Roosevelt , Perspective , Supply Chain Issue , Mess , Vocal On , Untangle , District , Jobs Act , Supply Chain Challenges , Rail , Truck Drivers , Meat Prices , Training , Funding , Recruiting , Intro , Colleague , Livestock Producers , Challenges , Florida , Grocery Stores , Livestock , Inability , Holiday Season , Mind , Supply Chain Czar , Bottom , Plus 11 , 98 , 78 , 76 , Twenty Six Million , 95 , 1200 , 11 , 1 7 , 16 , 12 , 2021 , 2018 , 1930 , 36 , 1932 , 28 , February 2016 , 5 1 2 , 4 ,

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