Transcripts For MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes 20240709 : com

Transcripts For MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes 20240709

right now. >> good evening from new york, i'm chris hayes, tonight i'm going to play for you a recording of a death threat that was recently called into a republican member of congress. and what precipitated that that threat is that the fact of this member voted for a bill road for bridges, stuff like that, the bipartisan bill, that's the whole reason for the death threat. let's take a step, back think back to about a year and a half ago march of 2020. the once in the century pandemic had just, did we just shut everything down, school, travel, businesses. it hit number happened before. everyone was kind of confused and scared, and the economy was catering americans, they were losing their job by the million, and respond to this crisis, members of crisis came together. the republican controlled senate, and the democratic-controlled house, passed in broad bipartisan fashion, a 2.2 trillion dollar rescue package called the cares act. at the, time everyone knew the package was necessary for the good of the country. everyone also knew it was almost certainly benefiting donald trump become the president who was up for reelection. he would be able to go out on the campaign trail and say i got to that rescue money, i find the. law it would probably benefit the economy which is the single most important factor for an incumbent president. i mean, trump even wanted to put his signature on the 1200 dollar checks that went out to millions of americans. that was not a lot because the president is not authorized to sign u.s. treasury checks, but instead, the treasury department had his name printed on the bottom left of the check. like where your grandma writes happy birthday. less than a month later, congress voted to authorize, nearly half a trillion for covid testing both of which were imported and again, democrats overwhelmingly, supporting the rescue package, i mean huge bipartisan majority, that would help americans. again, even though they knew in concrete political, terms they were very likely to benefit the republican president who debuted not just as a political president, but annexed it stench a threat to american democracy i get that they had just impeached, and they stuck to that and when they did the right thing. now, fast forward to this year the biden administration infrastructure, deal in august the illegally passed the, bill more than a dozen republicans including senate minority mitch mcconnell voted for it, now a lot of that was a really cynical move. i think a lot of those republicans solved the vote as an opportunity to stymied the broader biden and democratic agenda by breaking off in peace, and hoping that no further parts would pass. but the actual contents of the bill, it's pretty non controversial as this stuff goes. i mean some people even call it a glorified hideaway bill. it provides funding for things like roads, bridges, railways, rural high-speed internet. in fact, it's roughly the contours of the kind of deal that donald trump campaigned on, but was never able to get. then i, mean in your, effort infrastructure would, the trump administration but never got, anywhere in fact in may of 2019, he walked away from a two trillion dollar infrastructure deal because his -- were heard about the russian investigation. so now we have a bipartisan infrastructure package. the kind of thing trumpy said would deliver and couldn't. and it has passed in the house last week with 13 republicans voting yes. again this is under normal circumstances, a relatively non cart of -- yet the attack dogs are out for those 13 republicans, it started even before the vote. >> everyone needs to wake up right now, call your representative, call everyone you, can vote no to them, and every republican to help biden pass biden's agenda, when he doesn't even know what he's doing that republican is a traitor to our party traitor to their voter and traitor to our donors. >> trader, trader, trader. after after 13 republicans voted for the bill he put up a list for his here are the republicans who just voted to help biden screw america, now donald trump is also going out and i had to say. as often of the case, he's being mercifully explicit about with the profit. is. doesn't know what's in it it is clearly a political problem, he is mad at those republicans, to victory. >> i say with the heavy heart, no thank you goes in the house and said for the democrats non infrastructure bill also known as a democratic presidential reelection, bill it's only 11% with infrastructure, 11% of that. bill a bunch of it is crap. just like throwing money out of the window. but you gave biden a victory as his poll numbers were falling off a cliff. >> i say with the heavy heart, like he's announcing an illness in some ways. the former president made those comments to the national republican dinner in florida monday night, and some of the republicans that he's talking, about the once it voted for the infrastructure, but we're in the. room one of them is this woman, congresswoman nicole of new york. she is from a sweden district, that covers our beloved staten island, and part of brooklyn, and she defeated incumbent democratic max rhodes last year earlier this week congresswoman defended her vote, by throwing it back to donald trump. look president trump laid the groundwork for this infrastructure to pass and he also wanted one trillion in spending into americas infrastructure. and it's important for economic growth right and we lose trillion over the next decade if we did not put in this investment upgrade and modernize our infrastructure. so, i am happy, i'm appreciative to president trump for being one of the first to really talk about these infrastructure. >> nice try. nice try. this is basically donald trump's bill, donald trump gets a vote on. that he gets the way. in the congresswomen give donald trump the -- and the new york post said that molina talks appeared visibly shaken as trump railed about the infrastructure during the dinner. and let me tell you something, visible shaken is not an incredible reaction. because the central fact about this is that donald trump was with his associated right wing propaganda, set his sights on you, then you immediately have a security problem. it's just, a law gravity. true congresswoman, and doctor anthony fauci, who is in the decade for details, and never had a security detail. i never went to the media. it was true for the congressman of ohio. when the ten also polls to impeach donald trump. he is retiring even though he is. young in, part because of the threats that he faced. he recounted an eye-opening moment this year when he and his family were greeted at the cleveland airport by two uniformed police officers, part of extra security precautions taken after the impeachment. and, now it's true the, 13 republican to donald trump called out the other night, who have just voted for roads and bridges broadband and clean water. now that means that they are traitors in margaret ill are screened awards, and for one of the 13, a death rate >> -- trader, that's what you are you're pisa, trader. i hope you die i hope everyone in your family dies. you piece of, you voted for them as -- biden. you're stupid or that he. is he can't even complete -- you dumb. trader piece of, you piece of trash. i hope your family dies, i hope everyone in your staff does. that was that on a common. that threat of violence. that was put as a, which but you know what happens when you're on the receiving end of. that over our politics in the trump. air and it exerts the kind of gravitational pull. and he is rendering the countries functionally own governor. if one, party views their job as passing substantive laws seeing what is necessary, doing deals doing things that are good for the country. even if the political consequences might help your enemy, politically, as the democrats did during the covid crisis. and then the other party sees it as a betrayal, if they do anything that hands the other side victory, and if they do so, they will face the angry mob they will face the rage of the same people who were going to the capitol and saying hang mike pence. >> but that is what we have on our hands right now. olivia beavers the reporter for politico congress reporter, joins me. now and david jolly for the former member of congress. >> i think that trump is being forthright and honest when he says where he doesn't like about it is planning a victory but, the threats and the backlash are going to have a role, don't you think? in the calculation of all of these members. >> chris, members of the congress take threats fairly routinely, but i think it's clear that we're seeing in the escalation of, that and to your very point on the infrastructure bill, you know. notwithstanding that the jokes around infrastructure, of the last four, years congress fairly routinely passes infrastructure bill about every five or six years, it's the way the authorization process works. and i share that because the threats around this infrastructure bill are of reflection of the change in leadership voices within the gop. now it is easy to focus in on the people who love those messages but the infrastructure votes are relatively low information votes, unless, they are electrified by voices of leadership within the republican party. the margaret ill or, green the madison cawthorn, the donald trump. when you love those three together, to electrify their base and to suggest that somehow, this is an inflection point upon with the entire republic will survive or fall. and therefore threats like this might be justified. >> olivia beavers, you report on both caucuses and congress. i wonder about these calls now, whipping up these calls to take committee assignments and chairman schiff's away. the members of the leadership's who voted for this bill for the infraction of voting for pieces of infer structure legislation. >> you are definitely hearing that from the very close member who ties themselves to current. are they going to lose their committee assignments? they are most likely not. that would be outrageous. and that is the kind of things that i've heard on capitol hill, but the fact that you are even having people pushback because they are outnumbered, that these purple districts voting for their district, voting for -- and i caught up with don bacon to, day he was saying that he went through different constituent meetings and he heard resounding, basically, praise for the vote that he. took that he was voting for this and that, in captured attentive of the marjorie taylor greene to get his phone number out of the office and that started a threat. so basically republicans are sort of eating their own right now, even though they were just a few minutes ago, will not a few minutes, ago but a few days ago, sitting back and watching democrats go after one another. so the tables have really turned. >> there's also the question, david, about what the majority, the house majority under these conditions would look like and what it would do. with functionally trump calling the, shot i mean the senate is not quite that and that is because i think that mcconnell has a certain kind of stature and in the relationship there are fewer members that have been there for a longer. time and the, house it won't be that. a majority, house majority would be a donald trump run house effectively, do you agree? >> yes, the house is no longer a serious institution on the republicans control. we saw during the obama administration, in fact, i was a bit of a casually district within the republican causes. the republicans impose obama on the administration. they oppose obama on health care. and when ida's in of us say, okay well or what are we going to do for republicans, they shut us, down and said no we are not gonna talk about how our agenda is, we're going to talk about obamas. you will see that under republican control with mccartney become speaker during a biden era. but you will also see them play off more on the culture wars and on the grievance politics of the conspiracy theories on the anti-truth campaign related to january six and whatever it might be, because it's angry populist threat it will elevate them it's the only thing that will keep them there if they don't have a policy agenda, which they. don't >> we've played that members of congress again called forth some stuff to get offered some messages and i said this many times on the show that being an angry jerk to an elected representative is kind of what your writers in american, and it's almost literally the definition of a free country you know you can get up in a meeting, you can yell at them that's fine. that's democracy. but it does strike me that there is an air of menace that hangs over all of this. post january six, that is just qualitatively different. and as somebody who covers it i wonder if you feel that way as well? i do, and just to remind you i was there on january 6th and i think there was this fence around capitol hill and the country about words matter. and that was sort of the reckoning that people were having leaving the capital. both sides saying we need to tone it down, we need to tone it down. you are not really hearing that anymore. we're seeing that approach again where people can throw attacks across the aisle that can be very dangerous thing. i know there are a number of them left to had security guards in and out to secure themselves because of an attack that donald trump launched against them. now liz cheney also a security guards after january 6th impeachment vote. the temperature is up right now, and the fact that this is a vote about infrastructure for someone doing it for their district, and a colleague of their own party decided to defend their followers to attack them. this is part of a new escalating cycle of these threats that we are seeing. >> yeah that azriel distinct, olivia beavers, and -- thank you both. don't go anywhere, my interview with the former attorney general of the united states air colder on the doj charge of steve bannon in contempt, the legal battle over and where he has seen it all. eric holder which joins me next. s me next striking out in this last attempt to block white house documents are being turned over to the white house elect committee, on the january 6th attack, today donald trump got a -- temporary injunction stopping the release. there were slated to come out on friday. the three judge panel will hear arguments from both sides on november 30th, so either they will -- trump's claim executive privilege even though he is not executive. he is a former president. executive privilege has traditionally been exercised by the sitting president. for example, back in 2012, republicans tried to tie a failed sting operation to the obama administration, they worked on a huge scandal you may not remember. and they would not stop talking about it. >> we have new allegations of cover ups in the fast and furious scandals, the shotgun trafficking program that put dangerous firearms into the hands of mexico's most dangerous drug cartel. newly-obtained wiretaps show that senior staff at the -- new about and approved fast and furious traffic. a big reward on the table for proof that the president, or one of his aides knew about the failed gun operation while it was underway. >> this is about justice has the -- people can believe in. >> and and going after obama, eric holder the republican-led house began -- and the department turned over more than 7000 pages related to this. fast and furious. when republicans committed another -- saying they were not generating in the course of the conduct a bow, and president obama absard it executive privilege over his presidency and eric holder became the first sitting cabinet member should be held in criminal contempt by congress. just a few months later, the independent watchdog investigating the matter -- basically clearing eric holder. that did not satisfy house republicans, so when they got their guy in the white house, they worked out a deal with the trump justice department to turn those documents over and you know what they found, neither do i. it's really unclear what's got -- about one thing is for sure we have not heard a peep out of republicans about the fast and furious. fasting furious gone. joining me now, eric holder, he is the chair of the democratic redistricting committee. mr. holder, i want to start on this question of executive privilege. just your understanding of the law as it appears you are a reason that it is really interesting to talk to you, it's obviously, you know, congressional majorities can have all sorts of different people saying all sorts of different things like daryl fisas or the select committee. there is some real important principles here that are larger than parties and from your perspective what do you think about the implications of this by an ex president? >> well it's unprecedented. the notion is that an ex president can invoke executive privilege and especially with a bunch of people who do not why, it is simply inconsistent with the law. the privilege has always been with the person who sit whom we will move. -- goes with the office not with the person. it's really interesting that although, an ex president should have the ability to make this determination. when he was president, he decided he wanted to turn over the documents in spite of the fact that the former president, president obama, had invoked the privilege. so there have been inconsistent with what they themselves did, what trump himself did when he was president. >> you know the department of justice obviously now has a referral on the contempt of steve bannon, it's basically thumbed his nose that the committee. i know that you are not going to offer opinions to the current attorney general, but i guess i want to ask at an abstract level at the processes here? it's very important to dot eyes and crossed he's being, what does this process look like, what other wheels going on inside that office just sort of any broad sense? >> while the u.s. attorney's office in washington d.c., career folks that the -- make determinations about whether or not there is the basis for charges. i'm sure it will be reviewed. prosecutors and lawyers at the main justice will all weigh in, but ultimately this will be a decision made by the attorney general. they will look at the law, my hope would be that people understand that this is different. this is not fast and furious with some kind of political dispute, this is about people who are trying to stop the transfer of power in our government. people who are attacking our democracy, this is fundamentally different than any of the other criminal contempt that might have come out of documents or document issues. >> yeah it's a great point and i think one of the reasons that we -- if you have 7000 documents turned over right accommodations are made, this is also the idea of no screw you i'm not showing up. that is a different category of reaction to a congressional -- . >> i think that's an important point, i testified nine times in connection with bannon knowing that it was a tangle in court that i was going to perform. but out of respect for the institution, out of respect for congress, i thought that i had to go. we're doing things that were think as attorney general that i couldn't refuse to go -- i needed a subpoena request a subpoena. [inaudible] as i said on nine occasions. >> -- so a lot of talk about something that you spent a lot of time thinking about, which is redistricting. you run a nonprofit center on this, it is something you have been talking about a lot. we -- walked some of the stuff that's happening. what is your broad top line about the maps that we are seeing come out of states -- republican and democrat, but specifically a few republican maps that look progressive like north carolina. in terms of where this sort of battle, or fara presentation thing. >> yeah, the republicans are being unbelievably -- they are trying to cement what they did in 2011, in 2021 to the redistributing process. if you look at -- where trump got about 49.9% of the vote they are trying to give themselves 78% of the congressional seats in that state. they say it is a competitive effort, that competitive defense just happens to be where the former head of the congressional black caucus recites, so they will make his speech when you speak just below 50% of the vote and it is there when you just have competitive districts from 11 to 1, where because of the people and -- . it's people of color. they have increased the number of majority white districts in texas. so what you see in texas and north carolina, where they are trying to do in georgia, in ohio, it's consistent. they are simply trying to pick their voters, trying to maximize their power grab which is brought to congressional and it is important. >> so the proposal issue for this and the national legislation so rightly modified whose name is escaping me at the moment, but has passed out, and is still about the senate to three times right. as national standards for independent commission for redistricting that you take it out of the environment, but i guess my question is when you see state level independent commissions may essentially overwhelmed by the state legislature. you have women in utah that's been overrun, if not one in ohio that's been around, and iowa, do you think a national solution would hold against the tide of this aggressive movement in the republican party? >> well certainly with the federal elections we can hope that the conference has the sole responsibility to, congressional determination and think a strong federal law mandating how iffy districts should be drawn is something that is absolutely necessary. we can't because we are seeing republican legislator in spite of the fact that people are voting for -- red states and blue states. this is not a good way to do the redistricting and try to undercut what the people decided. so i think a strong federal law would be something that could push back against, and what they are willing to do. >> all right, our attorney general eric holder, it's always a pleasure to talk, to thank you very much. >> good to see you. >> coming up will republican start standardizing donald trump's election playbook in just refused to concede. what's happening in new jersey, including some late breaking news ahead. news ahead - if you want a rockstar team like ours, you need grammarly business. 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at a pile of ballot. this evening, political reporting ciattarelli now plans and conceding the race tomorrow. though we will see. look, he clearly lost the race. he lost it last week. the margin is not small. yesterday, voting rights were marked alliances where they made a mark about it and crystallized it all. >> on last tuesday, terry mcauliffe lost a gubernatorial election. the margin right now is 1.9%. he conceded the next. morning in new jersey, the republican candidate for governor lost by nearly 3%, he is still not conceding. think about that. all the pressure in the republic parties in their candidate never concede, never accept the results when they lose a election. and that will lead to trouble in 2022 and 2024. >> it is not a fluke, it is a new strategy. the new jersey republican jack ciattarelli is not an ideological candidate, he was never made to win, and yet he's trying to hold. and he did not concede immediately. he took this from the donald trump handbook. he was trying to undercut the democracy. >> charles stile, covering new jersey politics for years, he joins me. now charles, good to have you. on you've covered a lot of races in new jersey through the years. is this abnormal, to wait this long, when the result is this clear? >> in 1997, it comes to mind when one lost by 25,000 votes. it was so close that the state police and troopers were gone to his headquarters on the assumption that he would be the next governor. but he conceded that. night the race was also pretty close in 2009. but that was a three candidate race with the independent drawing about 6% of the votes. this is something of an outlier. we tried some waikiki races in 1991 where the consultant and to reporters, spend money to suppress the black vote. i think you probably remember that. >> i do remember that. >> and then we have 1981, tom cain. he won that race by 1700 votes but it was marred by reports of the ballot security task force. that the patrol officers were terrorizing blacks from voting. other than, that this, in terms of being close, it's just something of a little bit of an outlier. these are their own stand-alone case. >> ciattarelli is an interesting figure here, it is interesting that his lawyer is taking pain to distance himself when he did not run as a sort of big maga guy. obviously, this is the state that trump laws, and to put the pressure on him was fully not to concede. and it seems like, harry's, eight days later, and he hasn't. >> this is indicative. it is kind of like a micro aggression of the first campaign he ran. he had to play footsie with the kool-aid drinking trump base and now he knew that he couldn't really jump in and he is really, by instinct, he is not an idealogue. he is a businessman. he is a classic interest of central new jersey republican. he had to deal with. that and i think in the state, when he put out on election night saying, in the video that came out, said that if you have some evidence or a legality i want you to reported to a hotline. but i don't want to to run around believing every crack pot thing that you hear on the internet. we need to count the votes. he sent needle threading's, >> that is a perfect embodiment. i see where that's coming from. charles stile, thanks. >> glad to be with you. >> thank you. next, the virginia school board members think it isn't just enough to stand, but taking it one step further, throwing the books in the fire, after this. fire, after this. ♪ ♪ 'tis the season to break tradition in a cadillac. don't just put on a light show—be the light show. make your nights anything but silent. and ride in a sleigh that really slays. because in a cadillac, tradition is yours to define. so visit a cadillac showroom, and start celebrating today. ♪ ♪ back in march of this year, the right started to lose their minds among duster suits. they announced that they would stop publishing six books because of the bigoted, or stereotypical imagery that was obtained in the book. >> and the cancel culture. going after dr. seuss tonight. if you get up into dr. seuss, it might happen to. you dr. seuss one from being a beloved kids all, to an image of hitler, in one day. at what point are you knowledgeable to own? it >> i do not like to pent -- cancel book, i do not like how it looks, i do not like it here nor there, i do not like it anywhere. >> i do not like to cancel books. cancel books are -- he even tweeted himself reading the green exam, which is a great book, and good job, kevin. but that wasn't even one of the discontinued books. dr. seuss and the counsel could picture spiel did not quite stick. it did though embody a rising backlash among the republican conservative base to the scrutiny of the bigotry and racism often was woven into the american production. so while it cold itself in the language of we believe in free expression, it was never actually about that. so it only took about six months from that, to get to the point where we now have republicans deciding, well, actually books are a problem. they went from liberals trying to censor the books to, burning books. a nearly decade old story of a mother who was very upset, full mind you she never mentioned that her son was a senior in high school that he was in advanced placement english class, and my, god was a mortifying for your mom to say that the book give him nightmares. not the most recent iteration, is playing in virginia. two parents wonder before the school board on monday, to raise concern, about the book's not being writing class, but just available through a high school vigil robbery. books, like comey by your, name and 33 snow fish. about three homeless teens trying to escape sexual abuse, prostitution, and drug addiction. they voted to remove all books, with explicit material. two people, wanted to go even further. >> i would like to make a motion to do a library audit on all the schools from k through 12. i'd like to make a friendly amendment to that motion if you accept it. we keep those books so that we can have them in the back so that the parents can see that we are doing something about. it do except? that >> i hear you but i think that i don't want even see them. i think they should be thrown in a fire. as a christian who is super involved in youth ministry, right? i am not even okay for those books staying in the library overnight. if we can go clean the books out tonight, i would go do it. >> i'm sure we have hundreds of people out there who would like to see those books before we burn them. just so we can identify within our community that we are eradicating this bad stuff. >> wow. points for honesty. you did hear that correctly. one of the two men in spots slovenia, county. rabbi, and kirk twig. we're advocating on burning books. that is one tiny school board in virginia, but this sort of move now to audit libraries to take books out of circulation, out of the country, republican officials will help campaigning on the removal of books from school. and i have to say, again, at the very least it is clarifying about what this was all about from the very beginning. >> y beginning. >> i understand the prices are ♪ ♪ for deb, living with constipation with belly pain was the same old story for years. trying this. doing that. spending countless days right here. still came the belly pain, discomfort, and bloating. awful feelings she kept sugar-coating. finally, with the help of her doctor, it came to be. that her symptoms were all signs of ibs-c. and that's why she said yess to adding linzess. linzess is not a laxative. it helps you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. and is proven to help relieve overall abdominal symptoms belly pain,discomfort, and bloating. do not give linzess to children less than six and it should not be given to children six to less than 18, it may harm them. do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with 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average lost the month. up 28.2 cents so far this year. >> politician smell, not fumes, but opportunity for republicans calling to appeal for the 4.2 federal gas tax. this was imposed in 1990. three >> we need to find some way to help the driving public. >> they coordinated attack on high gas prices and the presidents response -- >> it is now time to can bush. he now said that the high cost of gasoline doesn't bother him. yesterday he suggested that we put there in our tires to save on gas. >> my friends, let's do that. but do you think that's enough to break our dependence on middle eastern oil? >> it is hard to remember now. but actually the gas prices were the central defining issue of the presidential race back in the summer of 2008. in fact, the mccain campaign was even giving an away target, is labeled, obama's energy plan as a gag. now, of course, it all became a complete non-issue when oil prices fell through the floor, because it was a once in the chance financial crisis it really is the center of a huge american politics, even right now. wouldn't it be great, if it wasn't? if the price of gas just really didn't matter anymore? well that is a promise that the big push promises. because electric vehicles are just more efficient, and better for the planet for carbon emission. as ryan points out for a new piece in the, week is that it will free us from the tyranny of gas prices, as a political contribution. and ryan cooper joins me now. ryan, it's a great piece, and i have to say, as someone who spends a lot of time thinking about, this you have never occurred to me in quite the way that i've ever heard. it it was fundamentally alter american politics to not have the price of gas be a central issue of concern. >> absolutely. it is kind of weird when you think about how much people pay for things like, housing, medical care, all of that sort of thing. these are much greater expenses than the price of gas but when you consider the way that the gas is purchased, it is a very obvious see comparable price where people go to the pump and they know that they are paying for the same thing and they can easily remember what they are doing and they are doing it regularly. you can see how the gyration of that price can really have a tremendous political effect. and once we move towards electric vehicles which, at this point, as far as i can tell are totally unstoppable to learn later, no matter what kind of climate policy has passed, that just won't be a thing anymore. you won't pay for it in that way. and so the politics of it will be totally changed. >> the second thing here is not just that we saw the montage that this is a bipartisan issue, it's a great issue for the party out of power, because basically, the incumbent party can't legally do anything about it and so it's the perfect issue to just beat up on them about. but genuinely, the politics produced by it or not good, because the politics of it, are we need to be oil, and what we have to do to get cheap oil tends to be pretty terrible too. so it's not just like if it's volatile, but it actually kind of pushes policy makers into the direction of bad policy. >> yes, i don't think it's fair to say that bush invaded iraq simply to get the oil. but you can't look at america half century of imperialism in the middle east and say that that has nothing to do with oil. obviously it does. oil underpins with saudi arabia, it's the reason why they have written a top poll democratic government of muhammad in iraq,. and it definitely was a contributing factor to contributing to iraq, and just the general need to dominate the entire region, despite the fact that it didn't actually work out in accounting terms. and i think that it would make for a much more healthy international environment even if we are having some conflict with china and so forth. if the sort of compulsive need to have 103 dollar gallon gasoline, so that people with hummers aren't upset at the president, you know, the people who are somehow convinced that the president has a big lever on his desk that gas prices go up and gas prices go, down this would be a. for the human society in general. not just america and one step further, i thought after, piece this was gentle the promise of renewal. right, now europe, this isn't about its home heating and natural gas, is there going to be begging the russians -- it's the same issue there. like if your home heating bill is going, up that takes a rebound out of peoples paycheck, again, it puts you in a situation to be dependent on all sorts of awful sir companies, or regimes, when you are dependent on fossil fuels and their fluctuations this way. >> yes, absolutely. the new york vote a very interesting piece about this where they described the thinking and how the higher price of natural gas, which is still a key energy source for europe, is really kind of taking the wind on their sales of climate policies in many countries, in europe. but, they quoted some folks from spain, who are saying, this makes no sense. what are you talking about, the price of gas going, up so we need to deepen our dependent on gas and sold on the transition to solar and geothermal. no. get rid of it. so that we don't have to go begging to vladimir putin every time the price goes up. >> ryan cooper, the pieces in the, week thank you very. much that is all in for tonight, veterans day, i have the veterans out there are having a good healthy happy and safe veterans day with people that you. love the rachel maddow show, starts right now, good evening rachel. >> good evening, chris thank you my friend, much appreciated. thank you at-home for joining me this, hour he stood six foot two. he was a handsome guy. standup athlete. a good student as well. but he was also a solid multi sports athlete. he played baseball, tennis, he was particularly a very good swimmer. he graduated from high school in 1960, went to college with a history major in, college graduated in 1964. and then in 1965 he enlisted in the united states army. now, if you are doing the math, him enlisting in 1965, that was way before the draft for vietnam. the driver vietnam didn't start until years later, in late 1969. he won in from the spring of 1967 to the spring of 1968. in april of 1968 he earned the silver star, and there was an attack on his battalion command post. he exposed himself to enemy fire, to pull his injured colleagues to safety to give them first aid. he earned the silver star that day, april 1968. it was a thursday in april. and that thursday that he earned the silver star that he went through that hell, he was actually only a few days away from going home, only a few days away from the end of his tour. but four days after that battle for which he earned the silver

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Birthday , Covid Testing Both , Majority , Concrete Political , Infrastructure , Thing , Deal , Democracy , Administration , It Stench A Threat , Vote , It , Biden , Move , Opportunity , Mitch Mcconnell , People , Things , Agenda , Parts , Hideaway Bill , Contents , Peace , Funding , Kind , Contours , Internet , Effort Infrastructure Would , Railways , Infrastructure Deal , Anywhere , May , May Of 2019 , 2019 , Two , Republicans , Trumpy , Couldn T , Infrastructure Package , Investigation , Russian , 13 , Representative , Circumstances , Attack Dogs , Non Cart , Voter , Traitor , Party Traitor , You , Biden Pass , Trader , Biden Screw America , Donors , List , Case , Doesn T , Profit , Victory , Problem , Heart , Money , Bunch , 11 , Crap , Window , 11 , Dinner , Illness , Comments , Poll Numbers , Cliff , Ways , Florida Monday Night , Nicole , Part , Some , Talking , Room One , Sweden District , Brooklyn , Staten Island , Beloved , One , Congresswoman , Democratic Max Rhodes Last , Look , Spending , Groundwork , Investment Upgrade , Growth , Try , First , Way , Trump , Congresswomen , Molina Talks , New York Post , Something , Reaction , Security Problem , Propaganda , Wing , Sights , Ohio , Anthony Fauci , Congressman , Polls , Details , Security Detail , Law Gravity , Media , Ten , Threats , Police Officers , Young In , Cleveland Airport , Uniformed , Security , Night , Impeachment , Precautions , Water , Margaret Ill , Death Rate , Awards , Pisa , Trader Piece , Staff , Common , Family , Trash , Violence , American Politics , Countries , A , Receiving End , Gravitational Pull , Governor , Consequences , Deals , Laws , Enemy , Anything , Side , Betrayal , Angry Mob , Rage , Covid Crisis , Reporter , Hands , Capitol , Politico , Olivia Beavers , Mike Pence , David Jolly , Wall , Backlash , Calculation , Role , Don T You , Point , Infrastructure Bill , Escalation , Jokes , Four , Five , Messages , Leadership , Infrastructure Votes , Change , Reflection , Authorization Process Works , Votes , Voices , Information , Margaret Ill Or , Madison Cawthorn , Three , Base , Calls , Republic , Inflection Point , Caucuses , Voting , Committee Assignments , Schiff , Infraction , Pieces , Away , Structure Legislation , Pushback , Capitol Hill , Don Bacon To , Districts , District , Meetings , Resounding , Praise , U S Attorney Office , Phone Number , Marjorie Taylor Greene , House Majority , Another , Question , Tables , Stature , Conditions , House It Won T , Run House , Longer , Relationship , Yes , Obama , Institution , In , Health Care , Causes , Say , Ida , Talk , Control , Obamas , Speaker , Mccartney , Campaign , Grievance , Culture Wars , Conspiracy Theories , Don T , Times , Show , Policy Agenda , Jerk , Writers , Meeting , Fine , Definition , Strike , Somebody , Air , Sides , Capital , Fence , Words , Reckoning , 6 , January 6th , Security Guards , Aisle , Number , Approach , Attacks , Attack , Impeachment Vote , Temperature , Liz Cheney 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Processes , Level , Nose , Referral , Opinions , Sense , Process , Wheels , Eyes , Being , Dot , Whether , Charges , Career Folks , Determinations , Basis , Washington D C , Decision , Hope , Prosecutors , Lawyers , Weigh In , Government , Power , Transfer , Dispute , Issues , Document , Accommodations , Reasons , Any , Screw , Idea , Congressional , Category , Tangle , Connection , Nine , Respect , Court , Subpoena , Occasions , Subpoena Request , Inaudible , Center , States , Sort , North Carolina , Terms , Top Line , Maps , Look Progressive , Redistributing Process , Fara , 2021 , 2011 , State , Head , Defense , Effort , Seats , Congressional Black Caucus , 49 9 , 78 , Speech , 1 , 50 , Color , Texas , Power Grab , Voters , Proposal Issue , Georgia , Legislation , Redistricting , Commission , Commissions , State Legislature , State Level , Standards , Environment , Utah , Movement , Tide , Women , Overrun , Solution , Iowa , Elections , Responsibility , Conference , Congressional 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Races , Now Charles , Charles Stile , State Police , Result , 1997 , 25000 , Headquarters , Troopers , Assumption , Waikiki Races , Outlier , Drawing , 2009 , Reporters , Consultant , 1991 , Tom Cain , Reports , Ballot Security Task Force , 1981 , 1700 , Patrol Officers , This , Bit , Blacks , Pain , Figure , Big Maga Guy , He Hasn T , Harry S , Eight , Drinking Trump Base , Kool Aid , Micro Aggression , He Couldn T , Footsie , Businessman , Interest , Idealogue , Instinct , Central New Jersey , Saying , Video , Legality , Evidence , Needle Threading S , Hotline , Embodiment , Thanks , Isn T , Fire , Tradition , Ride , Season , Tis , Sleigh , Cadillac , Back , Cadillac Showroom , Minds , Duster Suits , Book , Dr , Imagery , Seuss Tonight , Culture , Bigoted , Seuss One , Image , Kids , Hitler , Pent , Wasn T , Counsel , Exam , Stick , Spiel , Kevin , Racism , Scrutiny , Production , Bigotry , Itself , Expression , Language , Story , Burning Books , Liberals , High School , Son , God , 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Fallout , Senator Kennedy , Maze Factor , Inflation Figures , Fate , President Carter , Figures , Hand , Average , Politician Smell , Fumes , 28 2 , 3 7 , Presidents , Response , Driving Public , Gas Tax , 1990 , 4 2 , Bush , Cost , Tires , Issue , Oil , Friends , Dependence , Summer , Middle Eastern , 2008 , Non Issue , Oil Prices , Energy Plan , Chance , Gag , Away Target , Floor , Once , Mccain , Wouldn T , Piece , Promise , Promises , Planet , Vehicles , Big Push , Carbon Emission , Contribution , Ryan Cooper , Tyranny , Housing , Care , Expenses , Pump , Effect , Gyration , Electric Vehicles Which , Politics , Climate Policy , Montage , Incumbent , Policy Makers , Policy , Imperialism , Direction , Iraq , Poll , Nothing , Saudi Arabia , Muhammad , General , Accounting Terms , Region , Healthy International Environment , Conflict , Need , China , 103 Dollar , 103 , Lever , Hummers Aren T , Desk , Human Society , Upset , Europe , Home Heating , Natural Gas , Renewal , Russians , Home Heating Bill , Regimes , Rebound , Sir , Fossil Fuels , Situation , Companies , Peoples Paycheck , Energy Source , Fluctuations , Climate Policies , Wind , Sales , Spain , Transition , Vladimir Putin , Veterans Day , Veterans , Friend , Rachel Maddow Show , Rachel , Student , Home , Solid Multi Sports Athlete , Standup Athlete , College , Swimmer , Tennis , Baseball , 1964 , 1965 , 1960 , Driver , Math , Draft , Vietnam Didn T Start , Vietnam , United States Army , Spring , Battalion Command Post , Silver Star , 1967 , 1968 , 1969 , April Of 1968 , Colleagues , Enemy Fire , Aid , April 1968 , Silver , Tour , Hell , The End ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes 20240709

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right now. >> good evening from new york, i'm chris hayes, tonight i'm going to play for you a recording of a death threat that was recently called into a republican member of congress. and what precipitated that that threat is that the fact of this member voted for a bill road for bridges, stuff like that, the bipartisan bill, that's the whole reason for the death threat. let's take a step, back think back to about a year and a half ago march of 2020. the once in the century pandemic had just, did we just shut everything down, school, travel, businesses. it hit number happened before. everyone was kind of confused and scared, and the economy was catering americans, they were losing their job by the million, and respond to this crisis, members of crisis came together. the republican controlled senate, and the democratic-controlled house, passed in broad bipartisan fashion, a 2.2 trillion dollar rescue package called the cares act. at the, time everyone knew the package was necessary for the good of the country. everyone also knew it was almost certainly benefiting donald trump become the president who was up for reelection. he would be able to go out on the campaign trail and say i got to that rescue money, i find the. law it would probably benefit the economy which is the single most important factor for an incumbent president. i mean, trump even wanted to put his signature on the 1200 dollar checks that went out to millions of americans. that was not a lot because the president is not authorized to sign u.s. treasury checks, but instead, the treasury department had his name printed on the bottom left of the check. like where your grandma writes happy birthday. less than a month later, congress voted to authorize, nearly half a trillion for covid testing both of which were imported and again, democrats overwhelmingly, supporting the rescue package, i mean huge bipartisan majority, that would help americans. again, even though they knew in concrete political, terms they were very likely to benefit the republican president who debuted not just as a political president, but annexed it stench a threat to american democracy i get that they had just impeached, and they stuck to that and when they did the right thing. now, fast forward to this year the biden administration infrastructure, deal in august the illegally passed the, bill more than a dozen republicans including senate minority mitch mcconnell voted for it, now a lot of that was a really cynical move. i think a lot of those republicans solved the vote as an opportunity to stymied the broader biden and democratic agenda by breaking off in peace, and hoping that no further parts would pass. but the actual contents of the bill, it's pretty non controversial as this stuff goes. i mean some people even call it a glorified hideaway bill. it provides funding for things like roads, bridges, railways, rural high-speed internet. in fact, it's roughly the contours of the kind of deal that donald trump campaigned on, but was never able to get. then i, mean in your, effort infrastructure would, the trump administration but never got, anywhere in fact in may of 2019, he walked away from a two trillion dollar infrastructure deal because his -- were heard about the russian investigation. so now we have a bipartisan infrastructure package. the kind of thing trumpy said would deliver and couldn't. and it has passed in the house last week with 13 republicans voting yes. again this is under normal circumstances, a relatively non cart of -- yet the attack dogs are out for those 13 republicans, it started even before the vote. >> everyone needs to wake up right now, call your representative, call everyone you, can vote no to them, and every republican to help biden pass biden's agenda, when he doesn't even know what he's doing that republican is a traitor to our party traitor to their voter and traitor to our donors. >> trader, trader, trader. after after 13 republicans voted for the bill he put up a list for his here are the republicans who just voted to help biden screw america, now donald trump is also going out and i had to say. as often of the case, he's being mercifully explicit about with the profit. is. doesn't know what's in it it is clearly a political problem, he is mad at those republicans, to victory. >> i say with the heavy heart, no thank you goes in the house and said for the democrats non infrastructure bill also known as a democratic presidential reelection, bill it's only 11% with infrastructure, 11% of that. bill a bunch of it is crap. just like throwing money out of the window. but you gave biden a victory as his poll numbers were falling off a cliff. >> i say with the heavy heart, like he's announcing an illness in some ways. the former president made those comments to the national republican dinner in florida monday night, and some of the republicans that he's talking, about the once it voted for the infrastructure, but we're in the. room one of them is this woman, congresswoman nicole of new york. she is from a sweden district, that covers our beloved staten island, and part of brooklyn, and she defeated incumbent democratic max rhodes last year earlier this week congresswoman defended her vote, by throwing it back to donald trump. look president trump laid the groundwork for this infrastructure to pass and he also wanted one trillion in spending into americas infrastructure. and it's important for economic growth right and we lose trillion over the next decade if we did not put in this investment upgrade and modernize our infrastructure. so, i am happy, i'm appreciative to president trump for being one of the first to really talk about these infrastructure. >> nice try. nice try. this is basically donald trump's bill, donald trump gets a vote on. that he gets the way. in the congresswomen give donald trump the -- and the new york post said that molina talks appeared visibly shaken as trump railed about the infrastructure during the dinner. and let me tell you something, visible shaken is not an incredible reaction. because the central fact about this is that donald trump was with his associated right wing propaganda, set his sights on you, then you immediately have a security problem. it's just, a law gravity. true congresswoman, and doctor anthony fauci, who is in the decade for details, and never had a security detail. i never went to the media. it was true for the congressman of ohio. when the ten also polls to impeach donald trump. he is retiring even though he is. young in, part because of the threats that he faced. he recounted an eye-opening moment this year when he and his family were greeted at the cleveland airport by two uniformed police officers, part of extra security precautions taken after the impeachment. and, now it's true the, 13 republican to donald trump called out the other night, who have just voted for roads and bridges broadband and clean water. now that means that they are traitors in margaret ill are screened awards, and for one of the 13, a death rate >> -- trader, that's what you are you're pisa, trader. i hope you die i hope everyone in your family dies. you piece of, you voted for them as -- biden. you're stupid or that he. is he can't even complete -- you dumb. trader piece of, you piece of trash. i hope your family dies, i hope everyone in your staff does. that was that on a common. that threat of violence. that was put as a, which but you know what happens when you're on the receiving end of. that over our politics in the trump. air and it exerts the kind of gravitational pull. and he is rendering the countries functionally own governor. if one, party views their job as passing substantive laws seeing what is necessary, doing deals doing things that are good for the country. even if the political consequences might help your enemy, politically, as the democrats did during the covid crisis. and then the other party sees it as a betrayal, if they do anything that hands the other side victory, and if they do so, they will face the angry mob they will face the rage of the same people who were going to the capitol and saying hang mike pence. >> but that is what we have on our hands right now. olivia beavers the reporter for politico congress reporter, joins me. now and david jolly for the former member of congress. >> i think that trump is being forthright and honest when he says where he doesn't like about it is planning a victory but, the threats and the backlash are going to have a role, don't you think? in the calculation of all of these members. >> chris, members of the congress take threats fairly routinely, but i think it's clear that we're seeing in the escalation of, that and to your very point on the infrastructure bill, you know. notwithstanding that the jokes around infrastructure, of the last four, years congress fairly routinely passes infrastructure bill about every five or six years, it's the way the authorization process works. and i share that because the threats around this infrastructure bill are of reflection of the change in leadership voices within the gop. now it is easy to focus in on the people who love those messages but the infrastructure votes are relatively low information votes, unless, they are electrified by voices of leadership within the republican party. the margaret ill or, green the madison cawthorn, the donald trump. when you love those three together, to electrify their base and to suggest that somehow, this is an inflection point upon with the entire republic will survive or fall. and therefore threats like this might be justified. >> olivia beavers, you report on both caucuses and congress. i wonder about these calls now, whipping up these calls to take committee assignments and chairman schiff's away. the members of the leadership's who voted for this bill for the infraction of voting for pieces of infer structure legislation. >> you are definitely hearing that from the very close member who ties themselves to current. are they going to lose their committee assignments? they are most likely not. that would be outrageous. and that is the kind of things that i've heard on capitol hill, but the fact that you are even having people pushback because they are outnumbered, that these purple districts voting for their district, voting for -- and i caught up with don bacon to, day he was saying that he went through different constituent meetings and he heard resounding, basically, praise for the vote that he. took that he was voting for this and that, in captured attentive of the marjorie taylor greene to get his phone number out of the office and that started a threat. so basically republicans are sort of eating their own right now, even though they were just a few minutes ago, will not a few minutes, ago but a few days ago, sitting back and watching democrats go after one another. so the tables have really turned. >> there's also the question, david, about what the majority, the house majority under these conditions would look like and what it would do. with functionally trump calling the, shot i mean the senate is not quite that and that is because i think that mcconnell has a certain kind of stature and in the relationship there are fewer members that have been there for a longer. time and the, house it won't be that. a majority, house majority would be a donald trump run house effectively, do you agree? >> yes, the house is no longer a serious institution on the republicans control. we saw during the obama administration, in fact, i was a bit of a casually district within the republican causes. the republicans impose obama on the administration. they oppose obama on health care. and when ida's in of us say, okay well or what are we going to do for republicans, they shut us, down and said no we are not gonna talk about how our agenda is, we're going to talk about obamas. you will see that under republican control with mccartney become speaker during a biden era. but you will also see them play off more on the culture wars and on the grievance politics of the conspiracy theories on the anti-truth campaign related to january six and whatever it might be, because it's angry populist threat it will elevate them it's the only thing that will keep them there if they don't have a policy agenda, which they. don't >> we've played that members of congress again called forth some stuff to get offered some messages and i said this many times on the show that being an angry jerk to an elected representative is kind of what your writers in american, and it's almost literally the definition of a free country you know you can get up in a meeting, you can yell at them that's fine. that's democracy. but it does strike me that there is an air of menace that hangs over all of this. post january six, that is just qualitatively different. and as somebody who covers it i wonder if you feel that way as well? i do, and just to remind you i was there on january 6th and i think there was this fence around capitol hill and the country about words matter. and that was sort of the reckoning that people were having leaving the capital. both sides saying we need to tone it down, we need to tone it down. you are not really hearing that anymore. we're seeing that approach again where people can throw attacks across the aisle that can be very dangerous thing. i know there are a number of them left to had security guards in and out to secure themselves because of an attack that donald trump launched against them. now liz cheney also a security guards after january 6th impeachment vote. the temperature is up right now, and the fact that this is a vote about infrastructure for someone doing it for their district, and a colleague of their own party decided to defend their followers to attack them. this is part of a new escalating cycle of these threats that we are seeing. >> yeah that azriel distinct, olivia beavers, and -- thank you both. don't go anywhere, my interview with the former attorney general of the united states air colder on the doj charge of steve bannon in contempt, the legal battle over and where he has seen it all. eric holder which joins me next. s me next striking out in this last attempt to block white house documents are being turned over to the white house elect committee, on the january 6th attack, today donald trump got a -- temporary injunction stopping the release. there were slated to come out on friday. the three judge panel will hear arguments from both sides on november 30th, so either they will -- trump's claim executive privilege even though he is not executive. he is a former president. executive privilege has traditionally been exercised by the sitting president. for example, back in 2012, republicans tried to tie a failed sting operation to the obama administration, they worked on a huge scandal you may not remember. and they would not stop talking about it. >> we have new allegations of cover ups in the fast and furious scandals, the shotgun trafficking program that put dangerous firearms into the hands of mexico's most dangerous drug cartel. newly-obtained wiretaps show that senior staff at the -- new about and approved fast and furious traffic. a big reward on the table for proof that the president, or one of his aides knew about the failed gun operation while it was underway. >> this is about justice has the -- people can believe in. >> and and going after obama, eric holder the republican-led house began -- and the department turned over more than 7000 pages related to this. fast and furious. when republicans committed another -- saying they were not generating in the course of the conduct a bow, and president obama absard it executive privilege over his presidency and eric holder became the first sitting cabinet member should be held in criminal contempt by congress. just a few months later, the independent watchdog investigating the matter -- basically clearing eric holder. that did not satisfy house republicans, so when they got their guy in the white house, they worked out a deal with the trump justice department to turn those documents over and you know what they found, neither do i. it's really unclear what's got -- about one thing is for sure we have not heard a peep out of republicans about the fast and furious. fasting furious gone. joining me now, eric holder, he is the chair of the democratic redistricting committee. mr. holder, i want to start on this question of executive privilege. just your understanding of the law as it appears you are a reason that it is really interesting to talk to you, it's obviously, you know, congressional majorities can have all sorts of different people saying all sorts of different things like daryl fisas or the select committee. there is some real important principles here that are larger than parties and from your perspective what do you think about the implications of this by an ex president? >> well it's unprecedented. the notion is that an ex president can invoke executive privilege and especially with a bunch of people who do not why, it is simply inconsistent with the law. the privilege has always been with the person who sit whom we will move. -- goes with the office not with the person. it's really interesting that although, an ex president should have the ability to make this determination. when he was president, he decided he wanted to turn over the documents in spite of the fact that the former president, president obama, had invoked the privilege. so there have been inconsistent with what they themselves did, what trump himself did when he was president. >> you know the department of justice obviously now has a referral on the contempt of steve bannon, it's basically thumbed his nose that the committee. i know that you are not going to offer opinions to the current attorney general, but i guess i want to ask at an abstract level at the processes here? it's very important to dot eyes and crossed he's being, what does this process look like, what other wheels going on inside that office just sort of any broad sense? >> while the u.s. attorney's office in washington d.c., career folks that the -- make determinations about whether or not there is the basis for charges. i'm sure it will be reviewed. prosecutors and lawyers at the main justice will all weigh in, but ultimately this will be a decision made by the attorney general. they will look at the law, my hope would be that people understand that this is different. this is not fast and furious with some kind of political dispute, this is about people who are trying to stop the transfer of power in our government. people who are attacking our democracy, this is fundamentally different than any of the other criminal contempt that might have come out of documents or document issues. >> yeah it's a great point and i think one of the reasons that we -- if you have 7000 documents turned over right accommodations are made, this is also the idea of no screw you i'm not showing up. that is a different category of reaction to a congressional -- . >> i think that's an important point, i testified nine times in connection with bannon knowing that it was a tangle in court that i was going to perform. but out of respect for the institution, out of respect for congress, i thought that i had to go. we're doing things that were think as attorney general that i couldn't refuse to go -- i needed a subpoena request a subpoena. [inaudible] as i said on nine occasions. >> -- so a lot of talk about something that you spent a lot of time thinking about, which is redistricting. you run a nonprofit center on this, it is something you have been talking about a lot. we -- walked some of the stuff that's happening. what is your broad top line about the maps that we are seeing come out of states -- republican and democrat, but specifically a few republican maps that look progressive like north carolina. in terms of where this sort of battle, or fara presentation thing. >> yeah, the republicans are being unbelievably -- they are trying to cement what they did in 2011, in 2021 to the redistributing process. if you look at -- where trump got about 49.9% of the vote they are trying to give themselves 78% of the congressional seats in that state. they say it is a competitive effort, that competitive defense just happens to be where the former head of the congressional black caucus recites, so they will make his speech when you speak just below 50% of the vote and it is there when you just have competitive districts from 11 to 1, where because of the people and -- . it's people of color. they have increased the number of majority white districts in texas. so what you see in texas and north carolina, where they are trying to do in georgia, in ohio, it's consistent. they are simply trying to pick their voters, trying to maximize their power grab which is brought to congressional and it is important. >> so the proposal issue for this and the national legislation so rightly modified whose name is escaping me at the moment, but has passed out, and is still about the senate to three times right. as national standards for independent commission for redistricting that you take it out of the environment, but i guess my question is when you see state level independent commissions may essentially overwhelmed by the state legislature. you have women in utah that's been overrun, if not one in ohio that's been around, and iowa, do you think a national solution would hold against the tide of this aggressive movement in the republican party? >> well certainly with the federal elections we can hope that the conference has the sole responsibility to, congressional determination and think a strong federal law mandating how iffy districts should be drawn is something that is absolutely necessary. we can't because we are seeing republican legislator in spite of the fact that people are voting for -- red states and blue states. this is not a good way to do the redistricting and try to undercut what the people decided. so i think a strong federal law would be something that could push back against, and what they are willing to do. >> all right, our attorney general eric holder, it's always a pleasure to talk, to thank you very much. >> good to see you. >> coming up will republican start standardizing donald trump's election playbook in just refused to concede. what's happening in new jersey, including some late breaking news ahead. news ahead - if you want a rockstar team like ours, you need grammarly business. 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at a pile of ballot. this evening, political reporting ciattarelli now plans and conceding the race tomorrow. though we will see. look, he clearly lost the race. he lost it last week. the margin is not small. yesterday, voting rights were marked alliances where they made a mark about it and crystallized it all. >> on last tuesday, terry mcauliffe lost a gubernatorial election. the margin right now is 1.9%. he conceded the next. morning in new jersey, the republican candidate for governor lost by nearly 3%, he is still not conceding. think about that. all the pressure in the republic parties in their candidate never concede, never accept the results when they lose a election. and that will lead to trouble in 2022 and 2024. >> it is not a fluke, it is a new strategy. the new jersey republican jack ciattarelli is not an ideological candidate, he was never made to win, and yet he's trying to hold. and he did not concede immediately. he took this from the donald trump handbook. he was trying to undercut the democracy. >> charles stile, covering new jersey politics for years, he joins me. now charles, good to have you. on you've covered a lot of races in new jersey through the years. is this abnormal, to wait this long, when the result is this clear? >> in 1997, it comes to mind when one lost by 25,000 votes. it was so close that the state police and troopers were gone to his headquarters on the assumption that he would be the next governor. but he conceded that. night the race was also pretty close in 2009. but that was a three candidate race with the independent drawing about 6% of the votes. this is something of an outlier. we tried some waikiki races in 1991 where the consultant and to reporters, spend money to suppress the black vote. i think you probably remember that. >> i do remember that. >> and then we have 1981, tom cain. he won that race by 1700 votes but it was marred by reports of the ballot security task force. that the patrol officers were terrorizing blacks from voting. other than, that this, in terms of being close, it's just something of a little bit of an outlier. these are their own stand-alone case. >> ciattarelli is an interesting figure here, it is interesting that his lawyer is taking pain to distance himself when he did not run as a sort of big maga guy. obviously, this is the state that trump laws, and to put the pressure on him was fully not to concede. and it seems like, harry's, eight days later, and he hasn't. >> this is indicative. it is kind of like a micro aggression of the first campaign he ran. he had to play footsie with the kool-aid drinking trump base and now he knew that he couldn't really jump in and he is really, by instinct, he is not an idealogue. he is a businessman. he is a classic interest of central new jersey republican. he had to deal with. that and i think in the state, when he put out on election night saying, in the video that came out, said that if you have some evidence or a legality i want you to reported to a hotline. but i don't want to to run around believing every crack pot thing that you hear on the internet. we need to count the votes. he sent needle threading's, >> that is a perfect embodiment. i see where that's coming from. charles stile, thanks. >> glad to be with you. >> thank you. next, the virginia school board members think it isn't just enough to stand, but taking it one step further, throwing the books in the fire, after this. fire, after this. ♪ ♪ 'tis the season to break tradition in a cadillac. don't just put on a light show—be the light show. make your nights anything but silent. and ride in a sleigh that really slays. because in a cadillac, tradition is yours to define. so visit a cadillac showroom, and start celebrating today. ♪ ♪ back in march of this year, the right started to lose their minds among duster suits. they announced that they would stop publishing six books because of the bigoted, or stereotypical imagery that was obtained in the book. >> and the cancel culture. going after dr. seuss tonight. if you get up into dr. seuss, it might happen to. you dr. seuss one from being a beloved kids all, to an image of hitler, in one day. at what point are you knowledgeable to own? it >> i do not like to pent -- cancel book, i do not like how it looks, i do not like it here nor there, i do not like it anywhere. >> i do not like to cancel books. cancel books are -- he even tweeted himself reading the green exam, which is a great book, and good job, kevin. but that wasn't even one of the discontinued books. dr. seuss and the counsel could picture spiel did not quite stick. it did though embody a rising backlash among the republican conservative base to the scrutiny of the bigotry and racism often was woven into the american production. so while it cold itself in the language of we believe in free expression, it was never actually about that. so it only took about six months from that, to get to the point where we now have republicans deciding, well, actually books are a problem. they went from liberals trying to censor the books to, burning books. a nearly decade old story of a mother who was very upset, full mind you she never mentioned that her son was a senior in high school that he was in advanced placement english class, and my, god was a mortifying for your mom to say that the book give him nightmares. not the most recent iteration, is playing in virginia. two parents wonder before the school board on monday, to raise concern, about the book's not being writing class, but just available through a high school vigil robbery. books, like comey by your, name and 33 snow fish. about three homeless teens trying to escape sexual abuse, prostitution, and drug addiction. they voted to remove all books, with explicit material. two people, wanted to go even further. >> i would like to make a motion to do a library audit on all the schools from k through 12. i'd like to make a friendly amendment to that motion if you accept it. we keep those books so that we can have them in the back so that the parents can see that we are doing something about. it do except? that >> i hear you but i think that i don't want even see them. i think they should be thrown in a fire. as a christian who is super involved in youth ministry, right? i am not even okay for those books staying in the library overnight. if we can go clean the books out tonight, i would go do it. >> i'm sure we have hundreds of people out there who would like to see those books before we burn them. just so we can identify within our community that we are eradicating this bad stuff. >> wow. points for honesty. you did hear that correctly. one of the two men in spots slovenia, county. rabbi, and kirk twig. we're advocating on burning books. that is one tiny school board in virginia, but this sort of move now to audit libraries to take books out of circulation, out of the country, republican officials will help campaigning on the removal of books from school. and i have to say, again, at the very least it is clarifying about what this was all about from the very beginning. >> y beginning. >> i understand the prices are ♪ ♪ for deb, living with constipation with belly pain was the same old story for years. trying this. doing that. spending countless days right here. still came the belly pain, discomfort, and bloating. awful feelings she kept sugar-coating. finally, with the help of her doctor, it came to be. that her symptoms were all signs of ibs-c. and that's why she said yess to adding linzess. linzess is not a laxative. it helps you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. and is proven to help relieve overall abdominal symptoms belly pain,discomfort, and bloating. do not give linzess to children less than six and it should not be given to children six to less than 18, it may harm them. do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with 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average lost the month. up 28.2 cents so far this year. >> politician smell, not fumes, but opportunity for republicans calling to appeal for the 4.2 federal gas tax. this was imposed in 1990. three >> we need to find some way to help the driving public. >> they coordinated attack on high gas prices and the presidents response -- >> it is now time to can bush. he now said that the high cost of gasoline doesn't bother him. yesterday he suggested that we put there in our tires to save on gas. >> my friends, let's do that. but do you think that's enough to break our dependence on middle eastern oil? >> it is hard to remember now. but actually the gas prices were the central defining issue of the presidential race back in the summer of 2008. in fact, the mccain campaign was even giving an away target, is labeled, obama's energy plan as a gag. now, of course, it all became a complete non-issue when oil prices fell through the floor, because it was a once in the chance financial crisis it really is the center of a huge american politics, even right now. wouldn't it be great, if it wasn't? if the price of gas just really didn't matter anymore? well that is a promise that the big push promises. because electric vehicles are just more efficient, and better for the planet for carbon emission. as ryan points out for a new piece in the, week is that it will free us from the tyranny of gas prices, as a political contribution. and ryan cooper joins me now. ryan, it's a great piece, and i have to say, as someone who spends a lot of time thinking about, this you have never occurred to me in quite the way that i've ever heard. it it was fundamentally alter american politics to not have the price of gas be a central issue of concern. >> absolutely. it is kind of weird when you think about how much people pay for things like, housing, medical care, all of that sort of thing. these are much greater expenses than the price of gas but when you consider the way that the gas is purchased, it is a very obvious see comparable price where people go to the pump and they know that they are paying for the same thing and they can easily remember what they are doing and they are doing it regularly. you can see how the gyration of that price can really have a tremendous political effect. and once we move towards electric vehicles which, at this point, as far as i can tell are totally unstoppable to learn later, no matter what kind of climate policy has passed, that just won't be a thing anymore. you won't pay for it in that way. and so the politics of it will be totally changed. >> the second thing here is not just that we saw the montage that this is a bipartisan issue, it's a great issue for the party out of power, because basically, the incumbent party can't legally do anything about it and so it's the perfect issue to just beat up on them about. but genuinely, the politics produced by it or not good, because the politics of it, are we need to be oil, and what we have to do to get cheap oil tends to be pretty terrible too. so it's not just like if it's volatile, but it actually kind of pushes policy makers into the direction of bad policy. >> yes, i don't think it's fair to say that bush invaded iraq simply to get the oil. but you can't look at america half century of imperialism in the middle east and say that that has nothing to do with oil. obviously it does. oil underpins with saudi arabia, it's the reason why they have written a top poll democratic government of muhammad in iraq,. and it definitely was a contributing factor to contributing to iraq, and just the general need to dominate the entire region, despite the fact that it didn't actually work out in accounting terms. and i think that it would make for a much more healthy international environment even if we are having some conflict with china and so forth. if the sort of compulsive need to have 103 dollar gallon gasoline, so that people with hummers aren't upset at the president, you know, the people who are somehow convinced that the president has a big lever on his desk that gas prices go up and gas prices go, down this would be a. for the human society in general. not just america and one step further, i thought after, piece this was gentle the promise of renewal. right, now europe, this isn't about its home heating and natural gas, is there going to be begging the russians -- it's the same issue there. like if your home heating bill is going, up that takes a rebound out of peoples paycheck, again, it puts you in a situation to be dependent on all sorts of awful sir companies, or regimes, when you are dependent on fossil fuels and their fluctuations this way. >> yes, absolutely. the new york vote a very interesting piece about this where they described the thinking and how the higher price of natural gas, which is still a key energy source for europe, is really kind of taking the wind on their sales of climate policies in many countries, in europe. but, they quoted some folks from spain, who are saying, this makes no sense. what are you talking about, the price of gas going, up so we need to deepen our dependent on gas and sold on the transition to solar and geothermal. no. get rid of it. so that we don't have to go begging to vladimir putin every time the price goes up. >> ryan cooper, the pieces in the, week thank you very. much that is all in for tonight, veterans day, i have the veterans out there are having a good healthy happy and safe veterans day with people that you. love the rachel maddow show, starts right now, good evening rachel. >> good evening, chris thank you my friend, much appreciated. thank you at-home for joining me this, hour he stood six foot two. he was a handsome guy. standup athlete. a good student as well. but he was also a solid multi sports athlete. he played baseball, tennis, he was particularly a very good swimmer. he graduated from high school in 1960, went to college with a history major in, college graduated in 1964. and then in 1965 he enlisted in the united states army. now, if you are doing the math, him enlisting in 1965, that was way before the draft for vietnam. the driver vietnam didn't start until years later, in late 1969. he won in from the spring of 1967 to the spring of 1968. in april of 1968 he earned the silver star, and there was an attack on his battalion command post. he exposed himself to enemy fire, to pull his injured colleagues to safety to give them first aid. he earned the silver star that day, april 1968. it was a thursday in april. and that thursday that he earned the silver star that he went through that hell, he was actually only a few days away from going home, only a few days away from the end of his tour. but four days after that battle for which he earned the silver

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Processes , Level , Nose , Referral , Opinions , Sense , Process , Wheels , Eyes , Being , Dot , Whether , Charges , Career Folks , Determinations , Basis , Washington D C , Decision , Hope , Prosecutors , Lawyers , Weigh In , Government , Power , Transfer , Dispute , Issues , Document , Accommodations , Reasons , Any , Screw , Idea , Congressional , Category , Tangle , Connection , Nine , Respect , Court , Subpoena , Occasions , Subpoena Request , Inaudible , Center , States , Sort , North Carolina , Terms , Top Line , Maps , Look Progressive , Redistributing Process , Fara , 2021 , 2011 , State , Head , Defense , Effort , Seats , Congressional Black Caucus , 49 9 , 78 , Speech , 1 , 50 , Color , Texas , Power Grab , Voters , Proposal Issue , Georgia , Legislation , Redistricting , Commission , Commissions , State Legislature , State Level , Standards , Environment , Utah , Movement , Tide , Women , Overrun , Solution , Iowa , Elections , Responsibility , Conference , Congressional Determination , Legislator , Right , Pleasure , Back Against , Election , Playbook , Breaking News , News Ahead , Grammarly Business , Maya , Rock Stars , Announcer , Team , Bottom Line , Rockstar , Guitar Strumming , Marketing Team , More , Marketing , Work , Fast , Error , Brand , Killer Performance , Revenues , Beat , Microphone Whooshing , Grammarly Com Business , Fermenting , Ingredients , Parenting , Problem Solving , Microp Workingoshing , Oof , At New Chapter Vitamin S , Innovating , Wellness , Everything , Goodness , Chapter , Yogurt , Kombucha , Body , Phil Murphy , Steve Kornacki , Vote Tally , Call , 91 , Jack Ciattarelli , Points , Margin , Lawyer , Opponent , Razor Thin , Recount , Balance , Evening , Accounts , Ballot , Malfeasance , Quote , Pile , Fraud , Political Reporting Ciattarelli , Terry Mcauliffe , Alliances , Voting Rights , Mark , On Last Tuesday , Candidate , Pressure , Next , 1 9 , 3 , Results , Strategy , Fluke , Trouble , 2022 , 2024 , Handbook , Win , 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Mother , Advanced Placement English , Senior , Mind , My , Mortifying , Mom , Concern , Parents , Nightmares , Playing , Class , Writing , Iteration , High School Vigil Robbery , School Board On Monday , Comey , Teens , Prostitution , Snow Fish , Drug Addiction , Sexual Abuse , Material , 33 , Amendment , Motion , Schools , Library Audit , 12 , Christian , Library , Youth Ministry , Community , Honesty , Men , County , Slovenia , Rabbi , Kirk Twig , Advocating On Burning Books , Audit Libraries , Circulation , Officials , Campaigning , Removal , Prices , Belly Pain , Constipation , Deb , Linzess , Doctor , Help , Discomfort , Bloating , Yess , Laxative , Signs , Coating , Feelings , Ibs C , Symptoms , Children , Symptoms Belly Pain , Bowel Movements , Bowel Blockage , 18 , Gas , Side Effect , Stomach Pain , Side Effects , Diarrhea , Stools , Swelling , Area , Ibs C , Gas Prices , Gasoline , Death , Ridiculous , Inflation , Five Bucks , Price , Generation , Dealing , Answer , Constant , Fallout , Senator Kennedy , Maze Factor , Inflation Figures , Fate , President Carter , Figures , Hand , Average , Politician Smell , Fumes , 28 2 , 3 7 , Presidents , Response , Driving Public , Gas Tax , 1990 , 4 2 , Bush , Cost , Tires , Issue , Oil , Friends , Dependence , Summer , Middle Eastern , 2008 , Non Issue , Oil Prices , Energy Plan , Chance , Gag , Away Target , Floor , Once , Mccain , Wouldn T , Piece , Promise , Promises , Planet , Vehicles , Big Push , Carbon Emission , Contribution , Ryan Cooper , Tyranny , Housing , Care , Expenses , Pump , Effect , Gyration , Electric Vehicles Which , Politics , Climate Policy , Montage , Incumbent , Policy Makers , Policy , Imperialism , Direction , Iraq , Poll , Nothing , Saudi Arabia , Muhammad , General , Accounting Terms , Region , Healthy International Environment , Conflict , Need , China , 103 Dollar , 103 , Lever , Hummers Aren T , Desk , Human Society , Upset , Europe , Home Heating , Natural Gas , Renewal , Russians , Home Heating Bill , Regimes , Rebound , Sir , Fossil Fuels , Situation , Companies , Peoples Paycheck , Energy Source , Fluctuations , Climate Policies , Wind , Sales , Spain , Transition , Vladimir Putin , Veterans Day , Veterans , Friend , Rachel Maddow Show , Rachel , Student , Home , Solid Multi Sports Athlete , Standup Athlete , College , Swimmer , Tennis , Baseball , 1964 , 1965 , 1960 , Driver , Math , Draft , Vietnam Didn T Start , Vietnam , United States Army , Spring , Battalion Command Post , Silver Star , 1967 , 1968 , 1969 , April Of 1968 , Colleagues , Enemy Fire , Aid , April 1968 , Silver , Tour , Hell , The End ,

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