Transcripts For MSNBC The 11th Hour With Brian Williams 2024

Transcripts For MSNBC The 11th Hour With Brian Williams 20240709

>> i do apologize for the fact that the united states, the last administration pulled out of the paris accord and put it in sort of behind the eight ball. >> president pointed to his economic plan as proof to this country's commitment to addressing the climate emergency. that plan would also -- democrats in congress had hoped to vote on both that proposal and the 1.2 trillion dollar infrastructure bill sometime this week. it's been a moving deadline, today those hopes ran into an all too familiar roadblock. perhaps you'll recognize this next -- >> how can i am good conscious vote for a bill that proposes massive expansions to social programs, like when vital programs like social security and medicare face insolvency. there is more of the realty -- framework or release what i see or shell games, budget gimmicks that make the real cause of the so-called 1.7 trillion dollar bill estimated to be almost twice that amount. >> also tonight, an explosive washington post report, an astounding book length piece of journalism in the sunday paper about the january 6th attack on the capitol. it has uncovered new information that could potentially impact the house committee investigation into one six. among the red many revelations there was this concerning the former president, and we quote, for 187 minutes, trump resisted entreaties to intervene from advisers, allies, and his elder daughter, as well as lawmakers under attack. fast forward to today and the former presidents currently trying to keep lawbreakers from getting any had their hands on any documents related to january six. this past weekend national or caves indicated trump wants -- will access to that material will be the subject of a court hearing later this week. house investigators six -- subpoena john eastman. so we've said that before, he's the lawyer, the reported architect of the scheme to overturn the election. we are also following the legal challenges to that near total ban on abortions in the state of texas. today, the supreme court heard arguments concerning to such challenges, from abortion providers in texas, and from our own federal justice department. we'll have a full report on those, legal arguments, and how the justices responded later on in this broadcast. as the latest covid's covid surge retreats in the u.s., the cdc states starts meeting tomorrow to talk about guidelines for giving the pfizer vaccine for starters, to children aged 5 to 11. today, the white house said it will be ready for the cdc's expected decision. >> we expect that several million doses are already in root, at the sites around the country. we are planning on some vaccinations towards the end of this week, about the program for kids ages 5 to 11 really hitting full strength the week of november 8th. >> we should also note, white house press secretary, jen psaki, has tested positive for covid and is quarantining. she credits being vaccinated for the fact that she's only having mild symptoms. today, the official number of confirmed covid cases in our country topped 46 million. around the world, it's now estimated that this virus has taken over 5 million lives, and under two years. but experts say the actual global death toll is likely much higher, sadly. with that, let's bring in our starting line to start this new week, on a monday night. philip rucker, pulitzer prize-winning senior washington correspondent, coerce author with -- i alone can fix it. donald j trump's catastrophic final year. ashley parker, pulitzer prize-winning bureau chief, also with the washington post. and larry sabato, who is the veteran director of the university of virginia senator politics, that mean he is considered the foremost expert on virginia electoral politics. good evening, and welcome to all. professor, i am to two got to begin with you, as happy as we are to have you at this late hours. i don't know how you have any words left, i've watched you on cable all day. the washington post puts this virginia election this way, biden sinking popularity has emerged as a key factor. making the state look, once again, more like a battleground in a democratic stronghold. interviews with nearly two dozen voters found a profound sense of frustration that people have been seen benefits of democratic control trickle into their lives or their wallets. larry, do you buy into that? and can you blame any moderate virginia voters who may be on the fence, who also turned into cable news today and saw how the democrats are behaving. >> well, i can't blame anybody, i try not to blame anybody, but certainly for their opinions. this has been a disaster for terry mcauliffe. a slowly unfolding disaster stretching over months. it's not just the presidents fault falling ratings, though they're much more than we ever expected to be. after i'd less than a year than he took office. i think far worse has been the -- of the democrats in both houses, congress, to get their act together. after nine months to reach some kind of compromise, however inadequate it may be. and passed one or two, preferably both, of the big goals they have before congress. why is it exactly that democratic voters want to turn out after it's been approximately, you are getting close to a year, and nothing's been delivered. this is true especially for minority voters, for black voters, i found it also to be true with young voters. the turnout among the young is going to be low quite low, and even lower than it usually is, which lacks at least community leaders in many of the black communities saying that there's been very little interest in this election. >> so, larry, while i have you, you sense the youngkin surge and do you credit his campaign with tapping into this kind of parents rights movement, which is trumpism adjacent. >> yeah, that's very important to stress. this is a direct connection to trump. and i think it's one of the reasons why he has been so relatively well behaved, towards youngkin. he certainly hasn't been well behaved in the statements he's made about this campaign, it usually isn't, but anyway -- the puzzle that i think most of us have been trying to solve is how and why he has been able, youngkin has been able, to key trump on board. making statement after statement, positive, positive, pot of, seven or eight of them now during the course of this campaign for youngkin. and at the same time, hearing youngkin say, and hearing other people say, that youngkin does not want him to come to the state and doesn't ever want to be pictured next to him. this is unusual behavior for donald trump and maybe after the election we can find out what's secret sauce youngkin has used, because no doubt a lot of republicans will want to buy some of that secret sauce next year. >> ashley parker, over to you. on think all of journalism pause to tour tip their hats to the staff of the washington post when the story dropped on the one six red flags. it's kind of impossible to explain to a civilian audience just how much work goes into a piece of that length. again, a book length examination of it from start to finish. though some would argue, the finish is a chapter yet to be written. explain to our audiences, especially the people who have not had the chance or inclination to read it as of yet, what we learned about the former president and what he was doing or more importantly, not doing during the siege of the capital. >> so, just to give you a little more background before that answer that question. because of the size of the scope, -- this project was much of resorting. it was more than 75 washington post journalist, we spoke with over 230 sources, and looked at over thousands of documents. so these are findings, depending on context, from that effort. and what we found, as phil rucker masterfully wrote -- before the january 6th attacks, during, and after. then for 187 minutes. that is from when then trump orders his supporters to march on the capitol, his speech on january six down on the national mall. day to when he -- 197 minutes later sent that video telling them to go home. we document how he did nothing. but that's not quite right, because they're not doing anything, and not saying anything, and not calling off his supporters, he was doing more damage than he could possibly imagine. during that period, that is when the police officer end up dying. when another protester has a cardiac episode and dies. when ashley babbitt, the protester breaks through and into the speaker lobby and his shot and dies. when police officers are beaten with their own weapons. when lawmakers are fleeing and hiding and cowering and racing through the capitol while his own vice president, his own supporters are chanting to hang mike pence, and donald trump is doing nothing what but watching tv, he's talking about the crowd size, posting about the crowd size. boasting -- he's talking about how the crowd could've position better. -- he allowed so many devastating things to happen that day. >> phil rucker, continuing in this vein i want to play for you something we heard from a d.c. security official tonight, named darnell horn a harvard. about the red flags. then >> we started seeing a lot of concerning information surrounding the events that were planned. information from particular actors that we hadn't seen before, specifically looking at what we call teepees, tactics techniques and procedures. that indicated that they would -- interpersonal violence and possibly smuggling weapons into the district. >> so, philip, he was with the district of columbia department of homeland security. he speaks from experience, what were some of the other red flags that looking back on them, are glaring now? >> brian, there were so many red flags, there was a wealth of chatter on social media sites and other online forums, among trump supporters about gathering in washington on january six. just as then president trump had urged him to do, but importantly, to do so armed. to bring their weapons. to prepare for violence. there were threats made against the lives of sitting members of congress, including senator mitt romney. the utah republican who was the chief foil to trump all of those years. there were other plots that intelligence officials were gathering and piecing together, based on their review of this kind of cyber communication going on, online. and interestingly, our reporting found that as president trump was contesting the election results, and as he was taking to twitter and using the megaphone of his office to claim the election was rigged, to tell people to show up in force on january six, that was a galvanizing effect on his supporters. it created more chatter online about coming to washington on the sixth, more chatter about being armed about the violence, about the threats to lawmakers. and so what happened in the run up to january six was not a failure of intelligence, because our intelligence agencies, the fbi, they saw all of this, they detected all of this, they started building up, but it was a failure to act and a failure to imagine that these threats could actually be real, and that the violence being talked about online could actually happen the day, the afternoon of the sixth at the capitol. >> professor, i have nowhere near of your portfolio, i covered virginia politics a long time ago when the governors were named the lyles and wilder, so a long time ago. i am guessing, like most political types, you have a favorite county, community, region, or precinct of the commonwealth. give us a viewers guide to election night, one that you are going to be watching tomorrow evening. >> well, brian, given the fact that youngkin is clearly very, very competitive, he'll either lose by a couple points or win by a couple points. he's the one who's going to show real progress compared to other republican candidates. so, obviously you started in northern virginia which is the third of the vote, as long as you define it broadly. lab county is a big county, a suburban ex or county in northern virginia, where the republicans are concentrated their fire. and there are cultural warrior issues during that campaign. if youngkin has really made a lot of progress, while the democrats will probably still carry loud and, if they don't carry by a big margin it's indicative of other suburbs going in the other direction. to mention to others that i think are very significant, virginia beach, which is virginia's largest city, traditionally has been more republican but in recent election it's split its vote to close to 50 50. my suspicion is it's going to go fairly handily to youngkin, but how handily. it really matters since youngkin has to make up ten points. biden won virginia by ten points. so he has to do a lot better than biden's opponent, president trump did in 2020. and finally, i'll mentioned that the richmond area, chair chester field county, like virginia beach it's a giant suburban locality -- and, it used to be 70% plus republican. now, it can even go democratic by a few hundred votes. it usually goes republican 51 52%. but if youngkin is really running up the score there, again, it's an indicator of what may be happening in key suburban conservative localities throughout the state. >> thank you for that professor. ashley, as we continue to balance these two topics, back to you. and a question about that day, the 187 minutes you spoke of, does the -- did the atmosphere of daily chaos in that white house, in that west wing, just further compound the chaos on this day when it really counted? >> well, in some ways as we reported, there were so very few people left around that president trump at that moment. now part of the reason there were so few people left was because of that chaos you mentioned, but he was surrounded at this point by the most insular and loyal set of these, who were not the sorts of people we might have seen earlier in the administration, for whatever the motivation, who would've served as guardrails. so, there's very few people, we report that his daughter ivanka, and -- she was. she was coming in and out of the oval trying to finally get him to put out a statement, to call off his supporters, just when they -- then she put -- you had people trying to reach the president former's aides, from kellyanne conway, alyssa -- who was a top communications person. please grisly pleaded with him, but there was just so few people there, there were so few avenues in. there is not that many people in that inner circle. and at this point the president's behavior are hardened, it may be shocking to realize again as we've reported in this piece and others and ourselves reported previously, that he was watching tv. taking it all in. talking about crowd size, sort of proud that his supporters, fighting for him. but by four years into his presidency, that was simply how he behaved. and, it should have not been that surprising on that day. >> phil rucker, current president is overseas, talking to worry leaders, talking about the environment. back here at home senator manchin is talking to cameras. is there any reporting on what may be a vote in either or both houses of congress? >> you know, brian, i'm not sure exactly when that vote is gonna happen. but what i heard from manchin today is much less certainty about a deal than we -- then there seem to be late last week when president biden departed for his overseas trip. and so it seems like we're going to have several days worth at least, of negotiating. continuing. in order to secure the vote of joe manchin, who of course has been one of the two democratic holdouts for months now. contributing, as larry sabato just pointed out earlier, to some of the drag that terry mcauliffe is facing in the virginia gubernatorial race. so biden's overseas, he of course wanted to be at that by climate summit with a deliverable, an action item, with a bill that was going to be coming to his desk ready to sign. that is of course more complicated in reality tonight, that he might have anticipated it would be when he set a vote on that trip. but there is still some time, and it of course seems likely that this eventually that the democrats will get on the same page and at least get something into law. >> cannot thank these guests, who make up our starting line enough, for joining us on this critical monday night. philip rucker, ashley parker, larry sabato, our thanks for starting us off. coming up for us, the other big race everybody will be watching tomorrow. the battle for the garden state, can democratic incumbent phil murphy of new jersey hold off the republican challenger, he is standing by to talk with us live. and later, if you feared we would go without comment from joe manchin, fear not. he spoke further muddy it up any progress being made on the presidents agenda. our two political guest may have some thoughts, all of it as the 11th hour is just getting underway, on this monday night in view of the sunset in the u.s. capital. nset in the u.s. capital with xfinity home, you can keep your home and everything in it more protected. i can wrangle all my deliveries. thanks, hoss! and i help walk the dog from wherever. *door unlocks* ♪ ♪ well, i can bust curfew-breakers in an instant. well, you all have xfinity home, with cameras to home security monitored by the pros. *laughs* learn more about home security or get our self-monitored solution starting at just $10 per month. ever wonder how san francisco became the greenest big city in america? just ask the employee owners of recology. we built the recycling system from the ground up, helping san francisco become the first city in the country to have a universal recycling and composting program for residents and businesses. but it all starts with you. let's keep making a differene together. after nine days of early voting in new jersey, voters get one last chance when polls open just over six hours from now. new polling out today, has incumbent governor phil murphy, leading his republican challenger by 8% and points. here is how political sums up the score tonight, quote, for democrats the hope is that last year suburban swing against trump extends to the gubernatorial race. republicans meanwhile are hoping biden's thinking approval numbers will depress democratic turnout in deep plume new jersey and the or some voters back to the gop. so, back with us tonight the incumbent democratic governor of new jersey, phil murphy, just a no we did extend an invitation to the governor's republican challenger jack generally. but his campaign said he was unable to join us. so, let's talk about one of the political vagary's of my home state, new jersey has not awarded a incumbent democratic governor a second term in 44 years. can you break that trend? >> i sure hope so, brian. it's good to be back with you. coming at you from middle town, by the way. listen, i hope so, but we're not taking anything for granted. we're running like we're ten points from be behind from day one. and we're continuing to do that, i just came from the big rally, i got a full day tomorrow. but you're absolutely right, brendan byrne is the last democrat to win reelection, 44 years ago, we're trying to break that tomorrow. >> terry mcauliffe has been quite candid with his frustration over so-called national democrats, or washington democrats, and you heard perhaps, professor sabato talk about the lack of deliverables, even true blue democrats feel they haven't profited yet from democrats being control of white house, senate. are you feeling that kind of suppression i? maine, democrats in congress right now can't agree that it's monday >> i'm not sure about suppression, i'm sure we're not immune to it, brian. but here is the more striking thing. there is a big debate in washington and congress about these bills, whether it's hard infrastructure or what i would refer to as sherman infrastructure. and it feels abstract to me. the fact of the matter is, we're literally doing almost all of what they're debating in washington, in new jersey already. and it's working. we know it's working. so we're proving that this stuff, when you expand childcare, pre-k, fully fund k through 12, make college more affordable, housing more affordable, aggressive climate clean energy agenda, that stuff works. and it's not abstract in new jersey, we're living it. so that's the thing that really strikes me the most, in the sense that that debate in washington feels distant from the reality where, we know these programs work. and make a difference in peoples life. >> your opponent, the republican business guy, former state legislator has been going after you hard, a kind of carpet bombing campaign by television. the one spot running nonstop is some version of you saying, to an audience if taxes are your issue we're not your state. what's your come back to the? >> well, my comeback is first of all take that comment is taken out of touch context. we inherited eight affordability mess, when i became governor four years ago. and my opponent was part of the reason. he rubberstamp chris christie's agenda, we've been digging out of that, and we've been making great progress. we are the number one state in the america in racing families, we were just ranked on saturday as the safe estate to live in america. we're making enormous amount of progress, in public education, how if systems in the united states, great quality if of life, and affordability. again, it was a mess, and it's got a lot better. if you are working family right now, relative to the day i put my hand on the bible, you are paying less on income tax, you're paying left for health care, for college, for childcare, transit fees. we're making progress. >> are you surprised to the degree -- at the degree to which trumpism has been on the ballot along with the two of you? >> i am surprised, brian. you know the state well, republicans over the course of history have won the governor seat in new jersey. but they have tended to be reasonable, moderate republicans. one of my mentors, tom kaine senior, christy todd whitman, to pick two examples. i am surprised that my opponent has gone deep right, he spoke at a stop to steal rally, he wants to loosen gun laws. he's waffling on masks and vest the vaccinations. he's not going to protect women's health, stuff that a reasonable moderate republicans in this state in the past would not have been in that position. but he is deep in that right, trump school of thought and policy. >> and the waning minutes of election eve, our thanks cove to governor phil murphy of the state of new jersey. on the eve of what will be the huge day for him as governor. thank you very much for finding the time for taking our questions tonight. coming up for us, the other -- we're talking about -- could indeed 22 and beyond. 22 and beyond ♪ 'cause it's the only thing i wanna do. ♪ turns out everyone does sound better in the shower. and it turns out the general is a quality insurance company that's been saving people money for nearly 60 years. ♪ 'cause it's the only thing i wanna do ♪ shaq: (singing in background) can't unhear that. for a great low rate, and nearly 60 years of quality coverage - make the right call and go with the general. virginians pushing virginians pushing back back on on this this culture, culture, this culture that this culture that wants us wants us to to sell shelf hope, hope that tells our that tells our children we have children they have to to accept low accept low standards. standards. this this culture that culture the tells tells us us that that we in we in fact fact can't can't dream big dream big dreams, dreams, no. no. this this is a moment for is a moment for virginians to virginians to push push back on this back on this left liberal left, progressive agenda. liberal, progressive take our agenda. take our commonwealth back. commonwealth back. what's >> what bothers me to my core is what this man is me doing, he's dividing parents against parents. parents against school boards, he's using your children as political pawns in his campaign. it is a racist dog whistle. folks, we are better than that. we will not have that hatred in the commonwealth of virginia. candidates for virginia governor making a final push on election eve, this race between terry mcauliffe and glenn youngkin is widely seen as a referendum on the biden presidency, and a harbinger of things to come in the mid term perhaps. it's a great night to have back with us jason johnson -- contributor to the grill, professor of politics and journalism at morgan state. and michael steele, former chairman of the national committee former, lieutenant are of the -- who also happens to be the host of the michael steele podcast. michael i'd, like to begin with you, what do you make of how these two candidates have ran their campaigns? has mcauliffe committed any malpractice or has he just fallen victim to the current sway of things? now i think last fallen victim had been more and over calculation. maybe some would say miscalculation. to nationalize this election in a way that you did not see. in new jersey, you just spoke to the governor of new jersey, very different tone, very different contexts. they're around the issues that are a little bit closer to home. and i think mcauliffe tried to do that but then stepped on it with that education piece, if you will. it made the statement in the debate about how parent should and be involved, it was going on in their kids -- now context is everything, but voters didn't hear contacts. what they heard with the words. and the response to it was also most immediate. and they couldn't clean it up. and that is the more telling thing in youngkin. very, very, carefully and, navigated off of that national dialogue in such a way that he turned it and made it local. he made it personal. he made it about the school boards. about parents and their kids. and that is why that momentum as shifted. and that is why you see youngkin in the position that you see right now. >> so, jason, let's talk a little modern era about what happened upon a photo this evening, three democratic presidential pan -- at the environmental summit, in scotland. two of the men in this picture we're phil democratic candidate. one was victorious but think about it. a true blue democrat would say that the guy in the center of the picture, lost the u.s. supreme court. they would say that down the right lost to the first major public case of disinformation in the modern era. could not believe he was being taken down by it. and didn't effectively fight back. the guy on the far left, the only one of the three to get elected president as a democrat, is just hanging on. down 11 points popularity. his democratic candidate for virginia has down below a five point lead in 30 days. so you have put all that together, jason. is this the republicans best chance to win in the commonwealth of virginia? >> it is pretty much it. brian, there are still operating off of all census information. we've had a lot of problematic issues with this recent sentences. when the new information comes out it will be even harder for republicans to win statewide in the state of virginia. youngkin is riding a wave of being an individually rich guy and still being able to sort of hide the overreach system of these education issues to make himself competitive in this race. but i think when we look at biden, the important thing to take into consideration is that joe biden has accomplished thing. he has the vaccine rollout, he passed massive bills to sort of secure peoples employment and funding and everything else. he has done some good things. he ended the war in afghanistan. we haven't even given him credit for that, that ended just about two months ago. but the problem is, joe biden has not been as aggressive on the things that the public cares about. the democrats that voted him into office, he hasn't been as aggressive, of police reform. he hasn't been as aggressive on voting rights. he appears to be letting joe manchin and kyrsten sinema run the whole country. that is where people are frustrated. remember, it is a year ago tomorrow that the guy beat donald trump. he dropped 11 points in a couple of years. can it be improved? yes it can. but i do think it's sort of drags down every other democrat running across the country right now, because when they look to their leader in the white house, he doesn't appear to be handling things as successfully or aggressively as he seems to run. >> so michael, to hypotheticals. a, if congress had passed both the bills. if they were signed done and dusted and people started feeling deliverables, with this respeak different? if donald trump had come to richmond or virginia beach or fairfax county and then his usual to our outdoor rift on behalf of the candidate. would this rates be different right now? >> yes to both of those. in fact, that was kind of the environment that mr. mcauliffe was hoping for. it to be on this, he was hoping that the democrats in the house and senate would get at least one of these legislative packages done. particularly the one where you had 19 republicans signed off on the roads and bridges infrastructure bill. and the fact that they could not do that created the drag. and then on the other side, there were hopes and prayers and all kinds of efforts made to sort of encourage trump to sort of get into the race if you will. but trump showed an incredible amount of resistance to that, and i think a lot of folks would like to know what's the secret sauce was. i think the good professor from virginia, laid that out in the earlier segment. and there's truth to that. and it is amazing discipline that trump did not inject himself. but here it is, commenced a morning, he will. and when he does, he will take credit for this, for youngkin's victory in a very big way. which still doesn't solve the longer terms republicans will have going into next year. that trump will again misread the fact that he was not in the race and that he was issued the heisman by youngkin. -- that was the crutch of the win. not anything that he did or say by his tour three endorsements. >> both of these gentlemen thankfully are going to stay with us, i'm going to fit a break in coming up. the democratic senator from west virginia has a message for house democrats as he grabs the opportunity to throw another wrench into his party's spending plan. spending plan. ♪ look good feel good play good. gillette proglide, five blades and a pivoting flexball to get virtually every hair on the first stroke. look good, game good. gillette. for the sake of the country are hard to vote and pass -- the bipartisan infrastructure bill. voting this bill hostage is not going to work in getting my support for reconciliation bill. >> the daily televised agonizing of janitor joe manchin the monday edition when he casting fresh doubt on the future of the presidents economic agenda, but the liberal democrats over in the -- are sounding optimistic tonight. >> i just have to believe what the president says, and the president says right up to the senators vote that he is confident he's going to deliver the human vote for this. i'm going to trust the president, we are all going to trust the president. we are going to do the job we need to do which is to pass those bills through the halls. whatever senator manchin says is -- >> likely for us our guests jason johnson and michael steele, remain. jason, i'm kind of surprised knowing your look for mentioned that you don't have more mentioned swag behind you there. absent that. i have never asked do directly in forthright what's his gain do you think >> it's changed, brian. my? initial assumption is that a lot of his resistance is so he can have, sort of a john mccain moment. that he will be able to come forward and he will be the reason that build back better, that voting rights, or the reason that some really key piece of legislation gets passed. because he doesn't really have much of a political future in west virginia, he doesn't have any national future. so i think this is about prestige and legacy. but the way in which he has drag things out, and his obstructionism, and his sort of waffling back and forth, i don't really know what his game plan is. when i have seen now, and what we see today, is if you look back at that memo that was sort of leaked. he's pretty much gotten on build back better exactly what he would be happy with months ago, so he's got the bill that he wants, but he still wants the progressive caucus in the house to vote for infrastructure even though they have no reason to trust him. and so, that's what's strange. i don't understand why a politician, with as much experience as joe manchin has, seems to be this dense when it comes to national issues. when you claim i want to job requirement for paid leave, while obviously you would have to have a paid a job requirement for paid leave, he says things like that. but i don't think he has much of a plan, brian. i think is a lot more in common with kristen sinema than people want to believe -- >> michael steele, in my view he's just a boy from west virginia standing in front of a nation asking them to love him. do you think he's still a net positive to the democratic party? or sure they take the bull by the horns, take him across the aisle, to his buddy mitch mcconnell? michael you're muted. >> i was gonna say brian, i love you man, you just give me in that right moment. can you -- can we just break this down. joe manchin does not want to vote for a progressive legislative package. period. you can rework this and dress it up and dancer around as much as you want, that's the two professor johnson's point, the rub. that's at the end of the day with this is. and so, it doesn't matter how you reconfigure the pieces on this particular chessboard, you're going to wind up playing it to the same corner. because he's not given his constituencies back home, given everything that jason just said, about current and future endeavors etc. there is no incentive for him to do so. and therefore, he wasn't. and i think a lot of it is fundamental to him, he's a conservative west virginia, from west virginia senator. so, i don't think -- i think the strategy now is play this thing out. because democrats have to ask themselves one question, why do you plan to do come this wednesday morning and you've lost the state of virginia? and what are you gonna do on the first wednesday of november, 2022, when you watch nancy pelosi begin the process of turning over the gavel and mitch mcconnell possibly assuming the control that he's but defector all had in the senate, in january of 2003? >> well, you ask good questions. ladies and gentlemen, the professor and the chairman. jason johnson and michael steele, our thanks as always, two friends of the show, we'll do this again. coming up, what we heard coming from inside the supreme court today, as justice heard arguments on that texas abortion law. on that texa abortion law as we mentioned, the supreme court will sue soon decide whether the texas law banning abortions after six weeks can stand or can it be challenged in federal court. our report tonight, from our nbc news justice correspondent, pete williams. >> opponents of abortion rallied outside the supreme court in support of sba, the texas law that bans abortion after detective doctors can detect a fetal heartbeat. that's about six weeks of pregnancy, before most women know they're pregnant. >> there is no question that a heartbeat signify's life. and that that beating heart in a womb is the life of a human child. >> the supreme court has long said state officials cannot ban abortion, that early in the pregnancy. so the texas legislator handed off enforcement to private individuals, allowing anyone -- or anybody who helps out. the state said the abortion provider should have to wait until they're sued before challenging the law. but taxes ran into a wave of skepticism from even some of the courts conservatives, including amy coleman barrett and bright kavanaugh, who voted against temporarily -- justice barrett said she doubted making the challengers wait to be sued would give them a fair shot and defending their rights. >> i'm wondering if in a defensive posture in state court, the constitutional defense can be fully aired. >> and some members of the courts worry that's other states could copy the texas model, and limb -- >> we would be like, open for business, there's nothing this upper import can do about it. guns, same sex marriage, religious rights, whatever you don't like, go ahead. >> justice kavanaugh said the state could allow private lawsuits against the guns and wanted to ban. >> say everyone who sells ar-15 is liable for 1 million dollars to any citizen. >> today's case was not about abortion itself, the court will take that up a month from today when it here is mississippi's challenge to roe v. wade. >> our thanks to pete williams for that. and coming up, police officers compelled to get the vaccine. some would rather walk off the job instead, even though they compel us to do any number of things. el us to do any number o things well, would ya look at that! it was an accident. i was— speaking of accidents, we accidentally left you off the insurance policy during enrollment, and you're not covered. not even a little bit? mm-mmm. no insurance. no. when employees can't enter and manage their own benefits enrollment information, it can be a real pain. not even— nope! with paycom, employees enter and manage their own hr data in a single, easy-to-use software. visit and schedule a demo today. clerk: hello, how can i? sore throat pain? ♪honey lemon♪ try vicks vapocool drops. in honey lemon chill. for fast-acting sore throat relief. wooo vaporize sore throat pain with vicks vapocool drops. last thing before we go tonight, 9000 new york city municipal employees are on unpaid leave tonight. many of them stayed home part of a massive stick out. it's all because of vaccine mandates. they reportedly include several thousand fdny firefighters department of sanitation employees. and a couple of dozen and wipe these refused to comply with the mandate. and it occurred to our friends over at the daily show, that when the shoe was on the other foot, one police needed the citizens to comply with the order with our summer of public protests, while the subject wasn't vaccine, the folks on fox news ordered us all to comply. >> the nypd, marching against vaccine mandates today new york city. -- >> protesters chanting do not comply. >> comply, just don't fight, don't resist. >> don't do it, comply. >> comply with lawful orders and you will not die. >> you should not resist, you should comply. >> comply with the commands. >> let it go -- >> comply. >> we have this entire new generation that doesn't want to comply with -- >> do not resist. don't resist. >> listen, comply, do what they. say >> comply. you should say yes officer, no officer, okay officer -- >> if you comply you will go home safety your family at night. that needs to be the message, not -- >> comply, that is the best way to live. >> we want everyone to be safe. do not resist. >> let's keep everyone safe. >> comply now, and complain later. >> we just wanted to be in compliance, our friends over at the daily show with trevor noah will take us off the air tonight. that is our broadcast for this monday night as we start a new week with our thanks for being here with us on behalf of our like colleagues at the network of nbc news. good night. tonight on all in. you endorsed youngkin? >> and i didn't uncle. i did i endorsed him strongly. >> the slow motion coup in progress and the last two investigations ongoing are tomorrow's vote in virginia is anything but normal. then, -- >> on december 17th the fbi gets a tipster call that warrants them that there's chatter on these extremists site that's pro donald trump. and they are saying let's kill these cops around congress on january. six >> blockbusters washington post -- tonight my exclusive interview with the d.c. homeland security official those warning of violence interactions were nerd. plus the texas law establishing a bounty to stop abortion, gets a hearing in the supreme court. >> that was something that until this law came along, no state dreamed of doing. >> and as joe

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Results , Failure , Sixth , Up To , Fbi , Governors , Lyles , Politics , Afternoon , Portfolio , Commonwealth , County , Community , Viewers , Region , Types , Precinct , The One , Couple Points , Win , Election Night , Candidates , Lab County , Third , Ex , Progress , Issues , Fire , Warrior , Virginia Beach , City , Others , Direction , Suburbs , Carry , Margin , Points , Suspicion , Ten , 50 , Opponent , Chair Chester Field County , Area , Richmond , 2020 , Votes , Locality , 70 , 51 , Score , Indicator , Localities , 52 , Chaos , Back To You , Topics , Atmosphere , Daily , West Wing , Ways , Reason , Point , Sorts , Set , Ivanka , Motivation , Guardrails , Former , Aides , Oval , Kellyanne Conway , Communications , Person , Avenues , Alyssa , Inner Circle , Presidency , Fighting , Four , Senator Manchin , Environment , Cameras , Leaders , Either , Gonna , Certainty , Deal , Order , Trip , Negotiating , Continuing , Drag , Holdouts , Overseas , Contributing , Virginia Gubernatorial 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Pre K , 12 , Life , State Legislator , Carpet Bombing , Difference , Business Guy , Television , Taxes , Version , Issue , Spot , Comeback , Part , Out Of Touch Context , Take That , Affordability Mess , Chris Christie S , He Rubberstamp , Education , Families , Systems , Estate , Family , Mess , Quality , College , Hand , Affordability , Income Tax , Health Care , Relative , Bible , Degree , Trumpism , Ballot , Transit Fees , State Well , Seat , History , Christy Todd Whitman , Tom Kaine , Examples , Gun Laws , Mentors , Stop , Waffling , Right , Masks , Women S Health , Policy , Cove , Trump School Of Thought , Questions , Eve , The Other , Beyond , 22 , Everyone , General , Shower , Insurance , Company , Low Rate , Shaq , Unhear , 60 , Virginians , The General , Culture , Standards , Back , Dream Big Dreams , Shelf Hope , Push , Man , School Boards , Progressive Agenda , Core , Dividing , Progressive Take , Liberal , Folks , Final Push , Dog Whistle , Pawns , Hatred , Jason Johnson , Night , Biden Presidency , Harbinger , Referendum , Michael Steele , Contributor , Morgan State , Committee Former , Host , Grill , Podcast , Michael I D , Victim , Campaigns , Sway , Malpractice , Calculation , Miscalculation , Contexts , Tone , Bit , Kids , Education Piece , Parent , Contacts , Response , Momentum , Navigated , Dialogue , Photo , Candidate , Picture , Summit , Pan , Men , Scotland , Three , Case , Guy , True Blue , Center , Disinformation , Didn T , Left , Lead , Five , 30 , Census , Riding A Wave , Overreach System , Sentences , Peoples , Consideration , Employment , Vaccine Rollout , We Haven T , War In Afghanistan , Problem , Funding , Public , Everything Else , Voting Rights , He Hasn T , Kyrsten Sinema , Guy Beat , Police Reform , Couple , Drags , Running , Feeling Deliverables , Hypotheticals , Done And Dusted , Behalf , Rates , Respeak , Fairfax County , Rift , House , Mr , Packages , Roads , The Other Side , 19 , Resistance , Kinds , Efforts , Prayers , 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Transcripts For MSNBC The 11th Hour With Brian Williams 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The 11th Hour With Brian Williams 20240709

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>> i do apologize for the fact that the united states, the last administration pulled out of the paris accord and put it in sort of behind the eight ball. >> president pointed to his economic plan as proof to this country's commitment to addressing the climate emergency. that plan would also -- democrats in congress had hoped to vote on both that proposal and the 1.2 trillion dollar infrastructure bill sometime this week. it's been a moving deadline, today those hopes ran into an all too familiar roadblock. perhaps you'll recognize this next -- >> how can i am good conscious vote for a bill that proposes massive expansions to social programs, like when vital programs like social security and medicare face insolvency. there is more of the realty -- framework or release what i see or shell games, budget gimmicks that make the real cause of the so-called 1.7 trillion dollar bill estimated to be almost twice that amount. >> also tonight, an explosive washington post report, an astounding book length piece of journalism in the sunday paper about the january 6th attack on the capitol. it has uncovered new information that could potentially impact the house committee investigation into one six. among the red many revelations there was this concerning the former president, and we quote, for 187 minutes, trump resisted entreaties to intervene from advisers, allies, and his elder daughter, as well as lawmakers under attack. fast forward to today and the former presidents currently trying to keep lawbreakers from getting any had their hands on any documents related to january six. this past weekend national or caves indicated trump wants -- will access to that material will be the subject of a court hearing later this week. house investigators six -- subpoena john eastman. so we've said that before, he's the lawyer, the reported architect of the scheme to overturn the election. we are also following the legal challenges to that near total ban on abortions in the state of texas. today, the supreme court heard arguments concerning to such challenges, from abortion providers in texas, and from our own federal justice department. we'll have a full report on those, legal arguments, and how the justices responded later on in this broadcast. as the latest covid's covid surge retreats in the u.s., the cdc states starts meeting tomorrow to talk about guidelines for giving the pfizer vaccine for starters, to children aged 5 to 11. today, the white house said it will be ready for the cdc's expected decision. >> we expect that several million doses are already in root, at the sites around the country. we are planning on some vaccinations towards the end of this week, about the program for kids ages 5 to 11 really hitting full strength the week of november 8th. >> we should also note, white house press secretary, jen psaki, has tested positive for covid and is quarantining. she credits being vaccinated for the fact that she's only having mild symptoms. today, the official number of confirmed covid cases in our country topped 46 million. around the world, it's now estimated that this virus has taken over 5 million lives, and under two years. but experts say the actual global death toll is likely much higher, sadly. with that, let's bring in our starting line to start this new week, on a monday night. philip rucker, pulitzer prize-winning senior washington correspondent, coerce author with -- i alone can fix it. donald j trump's catastrophic final year. ashley parker, pulitzer prize-winning bureau chief, also with the washington post. and larry sabato, who is the veteran director of the university of virginia senator politics, that mean he is considered the foremost expert on virginia electoral politics. good evening, and welcome to all. professor, i am to two got to begin with you, as happy as we are to have you at this late hours. i don't know how you have any words left, i've watched you on cable all day. the washington post puts this virginia election this way, biden sinking popularity has emerged as a key factor. making the state look, once again, more like a battleground in a democratic stronghold. interviews with nearly two dozen voters found a profound sense of frustration that people have been seen benefits of democratic control trickle into their lives or their wallets. larry, do you buy into that? and can you blame any moderate virginia voters who may be on the fence, who also turned into cable news today and saw how the democrats are behaving. >> well, i can't blame anybody, i try not to blame anybody, but certainly for their opinions. this has been a disaster for terry mcauliffe. a slowly unfolding disaster stretching over months. it's not just the presidents fault falling ratings, though they're much more than we ever expected to be. after i'd less than a year than he took office. i think far worse has been the -- of the democrats in both houses, congress, to get their act together. after nine months to reach some kind of compromise, however inadequate it may be. and passed one or two, preferably both, of the big goals they have before congress. why is it exactly that democratic voters want to turn out after it's been approximately, you are getting close to a year, and nothing's been delivered. this is true especially for minority voters, for black voters, i found it also to be true with young voters. the turnout among the young is going to be low quite low, and even lower than it usually is, which lacks at least community leaders in many of the black communities saying that there's been very little interest in this election. >> so, larry, while i have you, you sense the youngkin surge and do you credit his campaign with tapping into this kind of parents rights movement, which is trumpism adjacent. >> yeah, that's very important to stress. this is a direct connection to trump. and i think it's one of the reasons why he has been so relatively well behaved, towards youngkin. he certainly hasn't been well behaved in the statements he's made about this campaign, it usually isn't, but anyway -- the puzzle that i think most of us have been trying to solve is how and why he has been able, youngkin has been able, to key trump on board. making statement after statement, positive, positive, pot of, seven or eight of them now during the course of this campaign for youngkin. and at the same time, hearing youngkin say, and hearing other people say, that youngkin does not want him to come to the state and doesn't ever want to be pictured next to him. this is unusual behavior for donald trump and maybe after the election we can find out what's secret sauce youngkin has used, because no doubt a lot of republicans will want to buy some of that secret sauce next year. >> ashley parker, over to you. on think all of journalism pause to tour tip their hats to the staff of the washington post when the story dropped on the one six red flags. it's kind of impossible to explain to a civilian audience just how much work goes into a piece of that length. again, a book length examination of it from start to finish. though some would argue, the finish is a chapter yet to be written. explain to our audiences, especially the people who have not had the chance or inclination to read it as of yet, what we learned about the former president and what he was doing or more importantly, not doing during the siege of the capital. >> so, just to give you a little more background before that answer that question. because of the size of the scope, -- this project was much of resorting. it was more than 75 washington post journalist, we spoke with over 230 sources, and looked at over thousands of documents. so these are findings, depending on context, from that effort. and what we found, as phil rucker masterfully wrote -- before the january 6th attacks, during, and after. then for 187 minutes. that is from when then trump orders his supporters to march on the capitol, his speech on january six down on the national mall. day to when he -- 197 minutes later sent that video telling them to go home. we document how he did nothing. but that's not quite right, because they're not doing anything, and not saying anything, and not calling off his supporters, he was doing more damage than he could possibly imagine. during that period, that is when the police officer end up dying. when another protester has a cardiac episode and dies. when ashley babbitt, the protester breaks through and into the speaker lobby and his shot and dies. when police officers are beaten with their own weapons. when lawmakers are fleeing and hiding and cowering and racing through the capitol while his own vice president, his own supporters are chanting to hang mike pence, and donald trump is doing nothing what but watching tv, he's talking about the crowd size, posting about the crowd size. boasting -- he's talking about how the crowd could've position better. -- he allowed so many devastating things to happen that day. >> phil rucker, continuing in this vein i want to play for you something we heard from a d.c. security official tonight, named darnell horn a harvard. about the red flags. then >> we started seeing a lot of concerning information surrounding the events that were planned. information from particular actors that we hadn't seen before, specifically looking at what we call teepees, tactics techniques and procedures. that indicated that they would -- interpersonal violence and possibly smuggling weapons into the district. >> so, philip, he was with the district of columbia department of homeland security. he speaks from experience, what were some of the other red flags that looking back on them, are glaring now? >> brian, there were so many red flags, there was a wealth of chatter on social media sites and other online forums, among trump supporters about gathering in washington on january six. just as then president trump had urged him to do, but importantly, to do so armed. to bring their weapons. to prepare for violence. there were threats made against the lives of sitting members of congress, including senator mitt romney. the utah republican who was the chief foil to trump all of those years. there were other plots that intelligence officials were gathering and piecing together, based on their review of this kind of cyber communication going on, online. and interestingly, our reporting found that as president trump was contesting the election results, and as he was taking to twitter and using the megaphone of his office to claim the election was rigged, to tell people to show up in force on january six, that was a galvanizing effect on his supporters. it created more chatter online about coming to washington on the sixth, more chatter about being armed about the violence, about the threats to lawmakers. and so what happened in the run up to january six was not a failure of intelligence, because our intelligence agencies, the fbi, they saw all of this, they detected all of this, they started building up, but it was a failure to act and a failure to imagine that these threats could actually be real, and that the violence being talked about online could actually happen the day, the afternoon of the sixth at the capitol. >> professor, i have nowhere near of your portfolio, i covered virginia politics a long time ago when the governors were named the lyles and wilder, so a long time ago. i am guessing, like most political types, you have a favorite county, community, region, or precinct of the commonwealth. give us a viewers guide to election night, one that you are going to be watching tomorrow evening. >> well, brian, given the fact that youngkin is clearly very, very competitive, he'll either lose by a couple points or win by a couple points. he's the one who's going to show real progress compared to other republican candidates. so, obviously you started in northern virginia which is the third of the vote, as long as you define it broadly. lab county is a big county, a suburban ex or county in northern virginia, where the republicans are concentrated their fire. and there are cultural warrior issues during that campaign. if youngkin has really made a lot of progress, while the democrats will probably still carry loud and, if they don't carry by a big margin it's indicative of other suburbs going in the other direction. to mention to others that i think are very significant, virginia beach, which is virginia's largest city, traditionally has been more republican but in recent election it's split its vote to close to 50 50. my suspicion is it's going to go fairly handily to youngkin, but how handily. it really matters since youngkin has to make up ten points. biden won virginia by ten points. so he has to do a lot better than biden's opponent, president trump did in 2020. and finally, i'll mentioned that the richmond area, chair chester field county, like virginia beach it's a giant suburban locality -- and, it used to be 70% plus republican. now, it can even go democratic by a few hundred votes. it usually goes republican 51 52%. but if youngkin is really running up the score there, again, it's an indicator of what may be happening in key suburban conservative localities throughout the state. >> thank you for that professor. ashley, as we continue to balance these two topics, back to you. and a question about that day, the 187 minutes you spoke of, does the -- did the atmosphere of daily chaos in that white house, in that west wing, just further compound the chaos on this day when it really counted? >> well, in some ways as we reported, there were so very few people left around that president trump at that moment. now part of the reason there were so few people left was because of that chaos you mentioned, but he was surrounded at this point by the most insular and loyal set of these, who were not the sorts of people we might have seen earlier in the administration, for whatever the motivation, who would've served as guardrails. so, there's very few people, we report that his daughter ivanka, and -- she was. she was coming in and out of the oval trying to finally get him to put out a statement, to call off his supporters, just when they -- then she put -- you had people trying to reach the president former's aides, from kellyanne conway, alyssa -- who was a top communications person. please grisly pleaded with him, but there was just so few people there, there were so few avenues in. there is not that many people in that inner circle. and at this point the president's behavior are hardened, it may be shocking to realize again as we've reported in this piece and others and ourselves reported previously, that he was watching tv. taking it all in. talking about crowd size, sort of proud that his supporters, fighting for him. but by four years into his presidency, that was simply how he behaved. and, it should have not been that surprising on that day. >> phil rucker, current president is overseas, talking to worry leaders, talking about the environment. back here at home senator manchin is talking to cameras. is there any reporting on what may be a vote in either or both houses of congress? >> you know, brian, i'm not sure exactly when that vote is gonna happen. but what i heard from manchin today is much less certainty about a deal than we -- then there seem to be late last week when president biden departed for his overseas trip. and so it seems like we're going to have several days worth at least, of negotiating. continuing. in order to secure the vote of joe manchin, who of course has been one of the two democratic holdouts for months now. contributing, as larry sabato just pointed out earlier, to some of the drag that terry mcauliffe is facing in the virginia gubernatorial race. so biden's overseas, he of course wanted to be at that by climate summit with a deliverable, an action item, with a bill that was going to be coming to his desk ready to sign. that is of course more complicated in reality tonight, that he might have anticipated it would be when he set a vote on that trip. but there is still some time, and it of course seems likely that this eventually that the democrats will get on the same page and at least get something into law. >> cannot thank these guests, who make up our starting line enough, for joining us on this critical monday night. philip rucker, ashley parker, larry sabato, our thanks for starting us off. coming up for us, the other big race everybody will be watching tomorrow. the battle for the garden state, can democratic incumbent phil murphy of new jersey hold off the republican challenger, he is standing by to talk with us live. and later, if you feared we would go without comment from joe manchin, fear not. he spoke further muddy it up any progress being made on the presidents agenda. our two political guest may have some thoughts, all of it as the 11th hour is just getting underway, on this monday night in view of the sunset in the u.s. capital. nset in the u.s. capital with xfinity home, you can keep your home and everything in it more protected. i can wrangle all my deliveries. thanks, hoss! and i help walk the dog from wherever. *door unlocks* ♪ ♪ well, i can bust curfew-breakers in an instant. well, you all have xfinity home, with cameras to home security monitored by the pros. *laughs* learn more about home security or get our self-monitored solution starting at just $10 per month. ever wonder how san francisco became the greenest big city in america? just ask the employee owners of recology. we built the recycling system from the ground up, helping san francisco become the first city in the country to have a universal recycling and composting program for residents and businesses. but it all starts with you. let's keep making a differene together. after nine days of early voting in new jersey, voters get one last chance when polls open just over six hours from now. new polling out today, has incumbent governor phil murphy, leading his republican challenger by 8% and points. here is how political sums up the score tonight, quote, for democrats the hope is that last year suburban swing against trump extends to the gubernatorial race. republicans meanwhile are hoping biden's thinking approval numbers will depress democratic turnout in deep plume new jersey and the or some voters back to the gop. so, back with us tonight the incumbent democratic governor of new jersey, phil murphy, just a no we did extend an invitation to the governor's republican challenger jack generally. but his campaign said he was unable to join us. so, let's talk about one of the political vagary's of my home state, new jersey has not awarded a incumbent democratic governor a second term in 44 years. can you break that trend? >> i sure hope so, brian. it's good to be back with you. coming at you from middle town, by the way. listen, i hope so, but we're not taking anything for granted. we're running like we're ten points from be behind from day one. and we're continuing to do that, i just came from the big rally, i got a full day tomorrow. but you're absolutely right, brendan byrne is the last democrat to win reelection, 44 years ago, we're trying to break that tomorrow. >> terry mcauliffe has been quite candid with his frustration over so-called national democrats, or washington democrats, and you heard perhaps, professor sabato talk about the lack of deliverables, even true blue democrats feel they haven't profited yet from democrats being control of white house, senate. are you feeling that kind of suppression i? maine, democrats in congress right now can't agree that it's monday >> i'm not sure about suppression, i'm sure we're not immune to it, brian. but here is the more striking thing. there is a big debate in washington and congress about these bills, whether it's hard infrastructure or what i would refer to as sherman infrastructure. and it feels abstract to me. the fact of the matter is, we're literally doing almost all of what they're debating in washington, in new jersey already. and it's working. we know it's working. so we're proving that this stuff, when you expand childcare, pre-k, fully fund k through 12, make college more affordable, housing more affordable, aggressive climate clean energy agenda, that stuff works. and it's not abstract in new jersey, we're living it. so that's the thing that really strikes me the most, in the sense that that debate in washington feels distant from the reality where, we know these programs work. and make a difference in peoples life. >> your opponent, the republican business guy, former state legislator has been going after you hard, a kind of carpet bombing campaign by television. the one spot running nonstop is some version of you saying, to an audience if taxes are your issue we're not your state. what's your come back to the? >> well, my comeback is first of all take that comment is taken out of touch context. we inherited eight affordability mess, when i became governor four years ago. and my opponent was part of the reason. he rubberstamp chris christie's agenda, we've been digging out of that, and we've been making great progress. we are the number one state in the america in racing families, we were just ranked on saturday as the safe estate to live in america. we're making enormous amount of progress, in public education, how if systems in the united states, great quality if of life, and affordability. again, it was a mess, and it's got a lot better. if you are working family right now, relative to the day i put my hand on the bible, you are paying less on income tax, you're paying left for health care, for college, for childcare, transit fees. we're making progress. >> are you surprised to the degree -- at the degree to which trumpism has been on the ballot along with the two of you? >> i am surprised, brian. you know the state well, republicans over the course of history have won the governor seat in new jersey. but they have tended to be reasonable, moderate republicans. one of my mentors, tom kaine senior, christy todd whitman, to pick two examples. i am surprised that my opponent has gone deep right, he spoke at a stop to steal rally, he wants to loosen gun laws. he's waffling on masks and vest the vaccinations. he's not going to protect women's health, stuff that a reasonable moderate republicans in this state in the past would not have been in that position. but he is deep in that right, trump school of thought and policy. >> and the waning minutes of election eve, our thanks cove to governor phil murphy of the state of new jersey. on the eve of what will be the huge day for him as governor. thank you very much for finding the time for taking our questions tonight. coming up for us, the other -- we're talking about -- could indeed 22 and beyond. 22 and beyond ♪ 'cause it's the only thing i wanna do. ♪ turns out everyone does sound better in the shower. and it turns out the general is a quality insurance company that's been saving people money for nearly 60 years. ♪ 'cause it's the only thing i wanna do ♪ shaq: (singing in background) can't unhear that. for a great low rate, and nearly 60 years of quality coverage - make the right call and go with the general. virginians pushing virginians pushing back back on on this this culture, culture, this culture that this culture that wants us wants us to to sell shelf hope, hope that tells our that tells our children we have children they have to to accept low accept low standards. standards. this this culture that culture the tells tells us us that that we in we in fact fact can't can't dream big dream big dreams, dreams, no. no. this this is a moment for is a moment for virginians to virginians to push push back on this back on this left liberal left, progressive agenda. liberal, progressive take our agenda. take our commonwealth back. commonwealth back. what's >> what bothers me to my core is what this man is me doing, he's dividing parents against parents. parents against school boards, he's using your children as political pawns in his campaign. it is a racist dog whistle. folks, we are better than that. we will not have that hatred in the commonwealth of virginia. candidates for virginia governor making a final push on election eve, this race between terry mcauliffe and glenn youngkin is widely seen as a referendum on the biden presidency, and a harbinger of things to come in the mid term perhaps. it's a great night to have back with us jason johnson -- contributor to the grill, professor of politics and journalism at morgan state. and michael steele, former chairman of the national committee former, lieutenant are of the -- who also happens to be the host of the michael steele podcast. michael i'd, like to begin with you, what do you make of how these two candidates have ran their campaigns? has mcauliffe committed any malpractice or has he just fallen victim to the current sway of things? now i think last fallen victim had been more and over calculation. maybe some would say miscalculation. to nationalize this election in a way that you did not see. in new jersey, you just spoke to the governor of new jersey, very different tone, very different contexts. they're around the issues that are a little bit closer to home. and i think mcauliffe tried to do that but then stepped on it with that education piece, if you will. it made the statement in the debate about how parent should and be involved, it was going on in their kids -- now context is everything, but voters didn't hear contacts. what they heard with the words. and the response to it was also most immediate. and they couldn't clean it up. and that is the more telling thing in youngkin. very, very, carefully and, navigated off of that national dialogue in such a way that he turned it and made it local. he made it personal. he made it about the school boards. about parents and their kids. and that is why that momentum as shifted. and that is why you see youngkin in the position that you see right now. >> so, jason, let's talk a little modern era about what happened upon a photo this evening, three democratic presidential pan -- at the environmental summit, in scotland. two of the men in this picture we're phil democratic candidate. one was victorious but think about it. a true blue democrat would say that the guy in the center of the picture, lost the u.s. supreme court. they would say that down the right lost to the first major public case of disinformation in the modern era. could not believe he was being taken down by it. and didn't effectively fight back. the guy on the far left, the only one of the three to get elected president as a democrat, is just hanging on. down 11 points popularity. his democratic candidate for virginia has down below a five point lead in 30 days. so you have put all that together, jason. is this the republicans best chance to win in the commonwealth of virginia? >> it is pretty much it. brian, there are still operating off of all census information. we've had a lot of problematic issues with this recent sentences. when the new information comes out it will be even harder for republicans to win statewide in the state of virginia. youngkin is riding a wave of being an individually rich guy and still being able to sort of hide the overreach system of these education issues to make himself competitive in this race. but i think when we look at biden, the important thing to take into consideration is that joe biden has accomplished thing. he has the vaccine rollout, he passed massive bills to sort of secure peoples employment and funding and everything else. he has done some good things. he ended the war in afghanistan. we haven't even given him credit for that, that ended just about two months ago. but the problem is, joe biden has not been as aggressive on the things that the public cares about. the democrats that voted him into office, he hasn't been as aggressive, of police reform. he hasn't been as aggressive on voting rights. he appears to be letting joe manchin and kyrsten sinema run the whole country. that is where people are frustrated. remember, it is a year ago tomorrow that the guy beat donald trump. he dropped 11 points in a couple of years. can it be improved? yes it can. but i do think it's sort of drags down every other democrat running across the country right now, because when they look to their leader in the white house, he doesn't appear to be handling things as successfully or aggressively as he seems to run. >> so michael, to hypotheticals. a, if congress had passed both the bills. if they were signed done and dusted and people started feeling deliverables, with this respeak different? if donald trump had come to richmond or virginia beach or fairfax county and then his usual to our outdoor rift on behalf of the candidate. would this rates be different right now? >> yes to both of those. in fact, that was kind of the environment that mr. mcauliffe was hoping for. it to be on this, he was hoping that the democrats in the house and senate would get at least one of these legislative packages done. particularly the one where you had 19 republicans signed off on the roads and bridges infrastructure bill. and the fact that they could not do that created the drag. and then on the other side, there were hopes and prayers and all kinds of efforts made to sort of encourage trump to sort of get into the race if you will. but trump showed an incredible amount of resistance to that, and i think a lot of folks would like to know what's the secret sauce was. i think the good professor from virginia, laid that out in the earlier segment. and there's truth to that. and it is amazing discipline that trump did not inject himself. but here it is, commenced a morning, he will. and when he does, he will take credit for this, for youngkin's victory in a very big way. which still doesn't solve the longer terms republicans will have going into next year. that trump will again misread the fact that he was not in the race and that he was issued the heisman by youngkin. -- that was the crutch of the win. not anything that he did or say by his tour three endorsements. >> both of these gentlemen thankfully are going to stay with us, i'm going to fit a break in coming up. the democratic senator from west virginia has a message for house democrats as he grabs the opportunity to throw another wrench into his party's spending plan. spending plan. ♪ look good feel good play good. gillette proglide, five blades and a pivoting flexball to get virtually every hair on the first stroke. look good, game good. gillette. for the sake of the country are hard to vote and pass -- the bipartisan infrastructure bill. voting this bill hostage is not going to work in getting my support for reconciliation bill. >> the daily televised agonizing of janitor joe manchin the monday edition when he casting fresh doubt on the future of the presidents economic agenda, but the liberal democrats over in the -- are sounding optimistic tonight. >> i just have to believe what the president says, and the president says right up to the senators vote that he is confident he's going to deliver the human vote for this. i'm going to trust the president, we are all going to trust the president. we are going to do the job we need to do which is to pass those bills through the halls. whatever senator manchin says is -- >> likely for us our guests jason johnson and michael steele, remain. jason, i'm kind of surprised knowing your look for mentioned that you don't have more mentioned swag behind you there. absent that. i have never asked do directly in forthright what's his gain do you think >> it's changed, brian. my? initial assumption is that a lot of his resistance is so he can have, sort of a john mccain moment. that he will be able to come forward and he will be the reason that build back better, that voting rights, or the reason that some really key piece of legislation gets passed. because he doesn't really have much of a political future in west virginia, he doesn't have any national future. so i think this is about prestige and legacy. but the way in which he has drag things out, and his obstructionism, and his sort of waffling back and forth, i don't really know what his game plan is. when i have seen now, and what we see today, is if you look back at that memo that was sort of leaked. he's pretty much gotten on build back better exactly what he would be happy with months ago, so he's got the bill that he wants, but he still wants the progressive caucus in the house to vote for infrastructure even though they have no reason to trust him. and so, that's what's strange. i don't understand why a politician, with as much experience as joe manchin has, seems to be this dense when it comes to national issues. when you claim i want to job requirement for paid leave, while obviously you would have to have a paid a job requirement for paid leave, he says things like that. but i don't think he has much of a plan, brian. i think is a lot more in common with kristen sinema than people want to believe -- >> michael steele, in my view he's just a boy from west virginia standing in front of a nation asking them to love him. do you think he's still a net positive to the democratic party? or sure they take the bull by the horns, take him across the aisle, to his buddy mitch mcconnell? michael you're muted. >> i was gonna say brian, i love you man, you just give me in that right moment. can you -- can we just break this down. joe manchin does not want to vote for a progressive legislative package. period. you can rework this and dress it up and dancer around as much as you want, that's the two professor johnson's point, the rub. that's at the end of the day with this is. and so, it doesn't matter how you reconfigure the pieces on this particular chessboard, you're going to wind up playing it to the same corner. because he's not given his constituencies back home, given everything that jason just said, about current and future endeavors etc. there is no incentive for him to do so. and therefore, he wasn't. and i think a lot of it is fundamental to him, he's a conservative west virginia, from west virginia senator. so, i don't think -- i think the strategy now is play this thing out. because democrats have to ask themselves one question, why do you plan to do come this wednesday morning and you've lost the state of virginia? and what are you gonna do on the first wednesday of november, 2022, when you watch nancy pelosi begin the process of turning over the gavel and mitch mcconnell possibly assuming the control that he's but defector all had in the senate, in january of 2003? >> well, you ask good questions. ladies and gentlemen, the professor and the chairman. jason johnson and michael steele, our thanks as always, two friends of the show, we'll do this again. coming up, what we heard coming from inside the supreme court today, as justice heard arguments on that texas abortion law. on that texa abortion law as we mentioned, the supreme court will sue soon decide whether the texas law banning abortions after six weeks can stand or can it be challenged in federal court. our report tonight, from our nbc news justice correspondent, pete williams. >> opponents of abortion rallied outside the supreme court in support of sba, the texas law that bans abortion after detective doctors can detect a fetal heartbeat. that's about six weeks of pregnancy, before most women know they're pregnant. >> there is no question that a heartbeat signify's life. and that that beating heart in a womb is the life of a human child. >> the supreme court has long said state officials cannot ban abortion, that early in the pregnancy. so the texas legislator handed off enforcement to private individuals, allowing anyone -- or anybody who helps out. the state said the abortion provider should have to wait until they're sued before challenging the law. but taxes ran into a wave of skepticism from even some of the courts conservatives, including amy coleman barrett and bright kavanaugh, who voted against temporarily -- justice barrett said she doubted making the challengers wait to be sued would give them a fair shot and defending their rights. >> i'm wondering if in a defensive posture in state court, the constitutional defense can be fully aired. >> and some members of the courts worry that's other states could copy the texas model, and limb -- >> we would be like, open for business, there's nothing this upper import can do about it. guns, same sex marriage, religious rights, whatever you don't like, go ahead. >> justice kavanaugh said the state could allow private lawsuits against the guns and wanted to ban. >> say everyone who sells ar-15 is liable for 1 million dollars to any citizen. >> today's case was not about abortion itself, the court will take that up a month from today when it here is mississippi's challenge to roe v. wade. >> our thanks to pete williams for that. and coming up, police officers compelled to get the vaccine. some would rather walk off the job instead, even though they compel us to do any number of things. el us to do any number o things well, would ya look at that! it was an accident. i was— speaking of accidents, we accidentally left you off the insurance policy during enrollment, and you're not covered. not even a little bit? mm-mmm. no insurance. no. when employees can't enter and manage their own benefits enrollment information, it can be a real pain. not even— nope! with paycom, employees enter and manage their own hr data in a single, easy-to-use software. visit and schedule a demo today. clerk: hello, how can i? sore throat pain? ♪honey lemon♪ try vicks vapocool drops. in honey lemon chill. for fast-acting sore throat relief. wooo vaporize sore throat pain with vicks vapocool drops. last thing before we go tonight, 9000 new york city municipal employees are on unpaid leave tonight. many of them stayed home part of a massive stick out. it's all because of vaccine mandates. they reportedly include several thousand fdny firefighters department of sanitation employees. and a couple of dozen and wipe these refused to comply with the mandate. and it occurred to our friends over at the daily show, that when the shoe was on the other foot, one police needed the citizens to comply with the order with our summer of public protests, while the subject wasn't vaccine, the folks on fox news ordered us all to comply. >> the nypd, marching against vaccine mandates today new york city. -- >> protesters chanting do not comply. >> comply, just don't fight, don't resist. >> don't do it, comply. >> comply with lawful orders and you will not die. >> you should not resist, you should comply. >> comply with the commands. >> let it go -- >> comply. >> we have this entire new generation that doesn't want to comply with -- >> do not resist. don't resist. >> listen, comply, do what they. say >> comply. you should say yes officer, no officer, okay officer -- >> if you comply you will go home safety your family at night. that needs to be the message, not -- >> comply, that is the best way to live. >> we want everyone to be safe. do not resist. >> let's keep everyone safe. >> comply now, and complain later. >> we just wanted to be in compliance, our friends over at the daily show with trevor noah will take us off the air tonight. that is our broadcast for this monday night as we start a new week with our thanks for being here with us on behalf of our like colleagues at the network of nbc news. good night. tonight on all in. you endorsed youngkin? >> and i didn't uncle. i did i endorsed him strongly. >> the slow motion coup in progress and the last two investigations ongoing are tomorrow's vote in virginia is anything but normal. then, -- >> on december 17th the fbi gets a tipster call that warrants them that there's chatter on these extremists site that's pro donald trump. and they are saying let's kill these cops around congress on january. six >> blockbusters washington post -- tonight my exclusive interview with the d.c. homeland security official those warning of violence interactions were nerd. plus the texas law establishing a bounty to stop abortion, gets a hearing in the supreme court. >> that was something that until this law came along, no state dreamed of doing. >> and as joe

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Pre K , 12 , Life , State Legislator , Carpet Bombing , Difference , Business Guy , Television , Taxes , Version , Issue , Spot , Comeback , Part , Out Of Touch Context , Take That , Affordability Mess , Chris Christie S , He Rubberstamp , Education , Families , Systems , Estate , Family , Mess , Quality , College , Hand , Affordability , Income Tax , Health Care , Relative , Bible , Degree , Trumpism , Ballot , Transit Fees , State Well , Seat , History , Christy Todd Whitman , Tom Kaine , Examples , Gun Laws , Mentors , Stop , Waffling , Right , Masks , Women S Health , Policy , Cove , Trump School Of Thought , Questions , Eve , The Other , Beyond , 22 , Everyone , General , Shower , Insurance , Company , Low Rate , Shaq , Unhear , 60 , Virginians , The General , Culture , Standards , Back , Dream Big Dreams , Shelf Hope , Push , Man , School Boards , Progressive Agenda , Core , Dividing , Progressive Take , Liberal , Folks , Final Push , Dog Whistle , Pawns , Hatred , Jason Johnson , Night , Biden Presidency , Harbinger , Referendum , Michael Steele , Contributor , Morgan State , Committee Former , Host , Grill , Podcast , Michael I D , Victim , Campaigns , Sway , Malpractice , Calculation , Miscalculation , Contexts , Tone , Bit , Kids , Education Piece , Parent , Contacts , Response , Momentum , Navigated , Dialogue , Photo , Candidate , Picture , Summit , Pan , Men , Scotland , Three , Case , Guy , True Blue , Center , Disinformation , Didn T , Left , Lead , Five , 30 , Census , Riding A Wave , Overreach System , Sentences , Peoples , Consideration , Employment , Vaccine Rollout , We Haven T , War In Afghanistan , Problem , Funding , Public , Everything Else , Voting Rights , He Hasn T , Kyrsten Sinema , Guy Beat , Police Reform , Couple , Drags , Running , Feeling Deliverables , Hypotheticals , Done And Dusted , Behalf , Rates , Respeak , Fairfax County , Rift , House , Mr , Packages , Roads , The Other Side , 19 , Resistance , Kinds , Efforts , Prayers , Discipline , Segment , Truth , Terms Republicans , Victory , Credit , Morning , Crutch , Heisman , West Virginia , Message , House Democrats , Gentlemen , Break , Endorsements , Tour , Spending Plan , Party , Wrench , Gillette Proglide , Hair , Feel , Stroke , Play , Flexball , Blades , Pivoting , Sake , Game Good , Gillette , Support , Reconciliation Bill , Bill Hostage , Agonizing , Job , Human Vote , Senators , Halls , Is , Swag , Assumption , Gain , Legislation , John Mccain , Prestige , Future , Obstructionism , Memo , Build , Game Plan , Progressive Caucus , Politician , Has , Leave , Job Requirement , Kristen Sinema , Nation , Front , Boy , Mitch Mcconnell , Bull , Horns , Aisle , Down , I Love You Man , Dancer , Package , Rub , Professor Johnson , Pieces , Chessboard , Corner , He Wasn T , Conservative , Incentive , Constituencies , Endeavors , Strategy , Turning , Process , Wednesday Of November , Nancy Pelosi , November 2022 , 2022 , Defector , Ladies And Gentlemen , 2003 , January Of 2003 , Show , Abortion Law , Texas Abortion Law , Inside The Supreme Court Today , Texas Law Banning Abortions , Federal Court , Abortion , Texas Law , Opponents , Detective Doctors , Nbc News , Pete Williams , Correspondent , Sba , Heartbeat , Pregnancy , Beating Heart , Human Child , Women , Womb , State Officials , Legislator , Individuals , Ban Abortion , Anyone , Enforcement , Courts , Coleman Barrett , Abortion Provider , Conservatives , Wave , Skepticism , Bright Kavanaugh , Amy , Rights , State Court , Challengers , Posture , Defense , Guns , Import , Limb , Marriage , Open For Business , Texas Model , Court , Lawsuits , Citizen , Ar 15 , Abortion Itself , 1 Million , 1 Million Dollars , 15 , Challenge , Roe V Wade , Mississippi , O , Insurance Policy , Accident , Accidents , Enrollment , Employees , Pain , Single , Schedule A Demo Today , Hr Data , Software , Paycom , Visit Paycom Com , Sore Throat Pain , Clerk , Sore Throat Relief , Honey Lemon Chill , Vicks Vapocool , Wooo Vaporize , Honey Lemon , New York City , 9000 , Firefighters Department , Sanitation Employees , Vaccine Mandates , Because , Stick , Fdny , Friends , Police , Summer , Protests , Mandate , Shoe , Foot , Citizens , Wasn T Vaccine , Don T , Protesters , Fox News , Marching Against Vaccine Mandates , Just Don T Fight , Do It , Nypd , Commands , Generation , Let It Go , Officer , Needs , Home Safety , Listen , Safe , Compliance , Trevor Noah , Colleagues , Network , Coup , Investigations , Motion , Uncle , Extremists Site , Tipster Call , December 17th , 17 , Interview , Cops , Blockbusters , Warning , Violence Interactions , Doing , Bounty , Hearing In The Supreme Court , Nerd ,

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