Transcripts For MSNBC Yasmin Vossoughian Reports 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Yasmin Vossoughian Reports 20240709

welcome back. we have a lot of ground to cover. president biden wrapping up a news conference a short time ago claiming success at the end of the g20 summit. >> the united states and the european union have agreed to negotiate the world's first trade ageemt based on how much carbon is in a product and remove a point of significant tension with the friends with the european union and rejects the false idea we kanltd grow an economy and support american work ores while tackling climate crisis at the same time. >> tuesday the house democrats vote on the bills that could define biden's legacy. >> i'm more optimistic than some who think it won't happen. >> look. you know. we have 50 people that we have got to get on board. this is not easy stuff. we are trying to put together a piece of legislation. >> this is not half a loaf. this is a feast of good policies. some of which my party is talking about or politicians on both sides of the aisle have been talking about since i've been alive. >> down to the wire in the virginia governor's race. we are covering the last-minute activity alec baldwin speaks publicly for the first time since the deadly shooting on his set. >> she was my family. she have my friend. arriving to shoot i took her to dinner with director joel. and the trial of kyle rittenhouse following a police shooting. there's already controversy of what those who died can be called in court. we begin with president biden wrapping up in rome. before heading to scotland for the summit in glascow. joining me from rome from kelly o'connell. the president was talking about the supply chain and ending on a very emotional note, his relationship with the pope. >> reporter: this is a conference with world leaders in many ways about the nuts and bolts of complex economic issues and took questions from five reporters. you are right. he was asked about the meeting with the pope and significance to an american president who's kalt lick, the second in the history, meeting with the pope. before the g20 began. there are two heads of state and discussed issues about the global community. but it really became very emotional for the president talking about the personal relationship he ease had with francis, especially related to the death of his son beau and the personal exchanges they have had over the years that have been largely private, not known to the public. so when the president asked a public policy question about the fact that the pope said hess a good catholic and an issue raised by conservative bishops in the united states because the public policy view about the right of seeking abortion services in conflict with the church teaching that he should not receive communion the pope said he should. the pope saying that joe biden is a good catholic, the president responded not about that issue but getting emotional and much more about the personal relationship, affection and solace he takes from the relationship with pope francis and it was the longest answer. quiet moments. those that watch him professionally knew this is likely to be the last question to take and how he chose to end the conference. there will be another conference we expect at the end of the climate summit and not the climate we expected with the president on international relations and the issues back home. he took those questions. addressed the poll numbers back in the united states. said he expressed confidence the agenda will be passed and many shades of yoebd in that news conference. >> he said god willing this week. kelly o'donnell, thank you there's questions about domestic political concerns. >> the polls will go up and down and up and down. now they're low. look. this is -- look at every other president. the same thing happened. i didn't run to determine how well i will do in the polls but to make sure that i follow through on doing what i said i will do and i would make sure we are in a position to deal with climate change, mover in a direction that's significantly improved american workers and that i would make sure to deal with the crisis that was caused by covid. >> i want to bring in sam stein now, white house editor for politico. nbc news poll numbers show 43% of americans approve. 42, excuse me. the fact that the virginia race is so close, not necessarily a steal for democrats. also the fact that his domestic political agenda isn't passed and how can the world trust you with the domestic issues at play? how do you feel that the president handled the issue? >> most politicians say poll numbers don't matter. people inside the white house are worried about the poll numbers privately. there's sauce in the idea that they see a runway to go back up. but much of this if not the vast majority of this really is tied to the handling of the pandemic and the pass ablg of the two domestic initiatives. if he can get the pandemic under control and moving in the right direction now frees up an economic rebound and confidence about the direction of the country and rebound on him in terms of rating. if he does get the agenda passed then the numbers that you see which are -- one of the things contributing to the numbers is democrats do not feel confident about the way that the presidency is going. if he gets the bills passed it stands to reason that democrats feel better about the course of the presidency so the things are in his control. it's just a matter of checking boxes. getting the policies in place. >> but the poll also shows nine months into the presidency 71% of americans say the country is headed in the wrong direction. with infrastructure and build back be thor they address climate change and yushsal pre-k and help. supply chain issues. are these things that americans see overnight? the fact that things are more expensive and christmas gifts may not arrive on time. is there enough of a turn around to go up in time for the crucial midterms? >> that's the million-dollar question. what can be done in the immediate term to get the poll numbers back up? and to make people feel better about the day-to-day lives. right? will this infrastructure bill manifest itself in that short period of time? probably not. will the spending bill? maybe. what we talk about here is opening up supply chains to deal with supply chains so people can get -- working parents specifically can be confident that the kid's not shuttling back and forth or taking off from work and manifest itself and impact his approval rating but they have to pass the bill first and open supply chains. they have been working on the issues for months. then perhaps the time november 2022 things will be in a bet every place. >> obviously the president goes into the cop26 climate summit. what needs to happen? >> the assumption is that there's international agreements to roll out. some commitments to reduction of gases. whether he referenced dealing with carbon specific deals on the international level which is historic first but if you talk about sort of domestically he needs to come back home and say we have it all teed up and need to pass this bill to putt $550 billion over the course of 10 years into climate infrastructure. that's a huge investment. now we need to act. i think that's the play to make here which is weird because the original idea is pass the bill first and then say i have the commitments. now it shows the sincerity and let's make an international frame work. >> all right. thank you for joining us. >> happy halloween. >> happy halloween. president biden expressed can have the build back better bill to pass. democrats are eyeing a tuesday vote on infrastructure and the build back better legislation. for that to happen lawmakers have to finish the revisions on the $2.75 trillion spending bill today. it seems negotiations are still under way. sources tell nbc news that a group of democrats including bernie sanders have an effort to add prescription drug provisions in the bill. lawmakers did not express full supporter for the framework right now. >> all i will tell you is we have a very strong bill. there has to be a framework to be agreed upon in the senate that we know will be implemented before the members of the house vote. yes, i do. >> joining me is deputy whip of the progressive caucus. congressman, thank you for being here. what have you heard about the progress of the 11th hour negotiations, including with the progressive caucus and the more moderate senators? are you confident the vote will happen tuesday? >> i'm hopeful and i hope we make progress to pass the build back better bill and then have a great and immediate impact for american families seeing the impact of child choir that person mites more people to get back in the workforce. when they see the educational opportunities, continuing to get the child tax credit every month this plan. so many ways to continue to recover from the trump facilitated pandemic. >> a tweet a few days ago you write agreeing to the infrastructure bill and implementing legislative language would build building back little. are you concerned about them not supports the vote? >> in europe the president gave a thumb's up on commitments from the senators. yes. i wanted to be sure that i vote for an agreement. not just an aspiration. i have been concerned that neither of those senators and a few members in the house clear what they were willing to agree to. if we can come to a final vote in the house on tuesday or thereafter this week, i would just want to be sure it will be adopted in the senate and not agreeing to something and then see the negotiations start all over again to drive it found further. the other issue that's pending, i have the companion bill in the house to the prescription drug bill which is a much better approach on this, i'm glad he is still focused on this. you can tell that there's negotiation in progress. so i still -- i have not made a final commitment but it's important on prescription drugs that we get measure than nominal negotiation. the bill that we began with was weak. it excluded two thirds of drugs. now some who are very closely aligned with the pharmaceutical industry want to narrow it further. you can get to the point in terms of the cap on the prices will be and how the negotiation occurs that you actually blunt future reform. i have been pub pushing for reform for years. i want to be a step forward. on insulin and drugs across the board. >> are you at all worried that things left out of this framework, for example, paid family and elder care, to hurt democrats ahead of the midterms? >> i'm concerned it affects families. but i'm also a realist and there are so many good things in this bill, so many opportunities to help families. the problem i think in terms of public per seps democrats control both branches of government but by only a few votes and we have to adjust and try to get as much progress while we can get it. we push on that. i hope it's resolved this week and move forward to build back better and not weak. >> all right. thank you for your time today. >> thank you. a first comments of alec baldwin since the shooting. the strange roadside interview with his wife. >> you know what? no details. >> do me a favor. i'm going to answer a question. ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ with chase security features, guidance and convenience, banking feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. (announcer) looking for a better way to lose weight and feel good? how about the one with a 98% success rate and a more affordable weight-loss solution? that's golo. there are no monthly fees and it's guaranteed to work or you don't pay. no stimulants, no starving, just results, results you'll keep for life. with over 2 million satisfied customers, golo is the new way to lose weight. go to and get your life back... -with golo. -golo! alec baldwin is speaking for the first time since the fatal shooting of cinematographer halyna hutchins in new mexico. the actor answering questions from paparazzi and saying he can't discuss specifics. he said he's cooperating with police. nbc's emily ekada has the details. >> reporter: baldwin breaking silence. >> what do you want to know? >> reporter: speaking to media for the first time since firing a deadly shot on the film "rust." >> i have been ordered by the sheriff's department. >> reporter: baldwin talking with investigators. >> i talk to the cops every day. >> reporter: along with the husband of the late cinematographer hall yeah hutchins. >> he is in shock return the encount ired emotionally charged. >> no details. >> i'm going to remember. >> halyna. if you're spending this time under know her name. >> she was my friend. she was my friend. >> reporter: this month authorities say bad win fired live ammo on set. moments earlier the assistant director called cold gun meaning it was safe to use. baldwin defending the production. >> we were a well-oiled crew shooting the film. >> reporter: crew members on the ground say otherwise. walking off the set over safety concerns but the productions writing we were not made aware of any official complaints. >> so what has to happen now is, we have to realize that when it does go wrong and it's a horrible thing new measures have to take place. still to come, full court press in the commonwealth with two days until the election day. campaign canvassers pushing voters to the polls. the key demonstrate graphic -- demographic to focus on. at t-mobile for business, unconventional thinking means we see things differently, so you can focus on what matters most. whether it's ensuring food arrives as fresh as when it departs... being first on the scene when every second counts... or teaching biology without a lab. we are the leader in 5g and a partner who delivers exceptional customer support and 5g included in every plan. so, you get it all, without trade-offs. unconventional thinking, it's better for business. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ got a couple of bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. what do you say we see what this bird can do? 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>> it is hazy. at this point. i'm still trying to figure it out. you asked about trends. the trajectory faves youngkin. it goes from like mcall i have up two to five to one. the kind of representable nonpartisan pollsters, the polls at a tie or mcauliffe and then youngkin by eight. i don't think anyone agrees with that but a point where this is a race that certainly shouldn't be surprised by the candidates to win it is that close. >> is that because youngkin is focused on schools and the controversy over books and in a recent ad not naming "beloved" but it's that book. is that resonating with people in virginia? >> it's hard to say. if he makes up ground in the state. i think youngkin is controlled the their ty of this race to focus on the issues he wants to focus on. ed gillespie seemed to dominate the issues too and lost by a lot but the environment four years ago is good for the democrats and this time it's good for republicans even in a democratic leaning state and history is such that the president's party struggles. and this is a race that's often won by the nonpresidential party and that's come together to help youngkin at the end. >> turnout in virginia is high. did you expect that? what's driving that? do you think it will continue into tuesday? >> the early vote is pretty hard to analyze this time because prior to the pandemic in 2020, virginia changed its absentee and early votes laws to be easier to vote. of course well timed for the pandemic. democrats did great in early vote and the mail-in vote. republicans won election day. this time 1.1 million votes is cast so far. but the turnout is like it was in 2013 and 2017 for the governor's race you expect in the general neighborhood of 2.5 million to 3 million votes in this race and we have more than half the vote out and the trend is that republicans do better on election day democrats favor the early vote. is there enough democratic volts and democrats left to help them not be blown out in the election day? >> very quick. when will we know the results? >> i think late tuesday night unless it's really close and worry about the mail-ins. this time some places are going to be reporting early and mail-in votes. it might be a different pattern. >> thank you so much. we'll break down live results of the key races across the country including virginia. watch the team coverage tuesday starting at 5:00 p.m. eastern. still ahead, victim versus looter. which one would you call a loaded term? the ruling that set the tone for the rittenhouse trial. voiceover: riders. wanderers on the road of life. the journey is why they ride. when the road is all you need, there is no destination. uh, i-i'm actually just going to get an iced coffee. well, she may have a destination this one time, but usually -- no, i-i usually have a destination. yeah, but most of the time, her destination is freedom. nope, just the coffee shop. announcer: no matter why you ride, progressive has you covered with protection starting at $79 a year. voiceover: 'cause she's a biker... please don't follow me in. [music: "i swear"] jaycee tried gain flings for the first time the other day... voiceover: 'cause she's a biker... and forgot where she was. you can always spot a first time gain flings user. ♪ at heinz, every ketchup starts with our same tomatoes. but not every tomato ends in the same kind of heinz ketchup. because a bit of magic unfolds when there's a ketchup for everyone. kyle rittenhouse's trial doesn't begin until tomorrow but arguments are spilling into public view. last week the judge ruled that the men shot by rittenhouse in the protest last summer may be called arsonists, rioters, even looters but not victims. a term he called loaded. the ruling drew swift condemnation from the prosecution and foreshadows the proceedings ahead. joining us is a reporter. dennis, how unusual is this ruling? how do you think it will play into the case? >> it is unusual. i don't think many people have heard of this. however, this particular judge has a longstanding policy regarding using the word victim to describe people who have been injured or killed in homicide cases, for example. the flip side of this that putt it in contrast is saying you might be able to call the folks injured and killed riot everies, looters or arsonists if the evidence shows that's what they were. >> it appears the lawyers zero in on the self defense. what more do we know about how both will go about making the cases? >> it's not clear there's much evidence to show what we would call victims in the case involved in any looting or rioting or arson before they were shot. there is some video evidence to show that they confronted rittenhouse and you might argue that you don't want to confront someone with a semiautomatic rifle but a far cry from arguing that these three people sort of asking for it or in any way a part of their own demise or injure. >> how contentious do you expect the proceedings to get? >> fairly contentious and seems like the prosecution obviously has experience with the judge and seem to know how to deal with him and knew the limits and that he had this policy of calling people victims. so it is not like any of this is new for them. some cases seeing things get contentious you might wonder if they put on a show and whether this is for the people in the world than the courtroom. >> the trump white house tried to publicly sympathize with rittenhouse and law enforcement officer thanked him and offered him water. will that play in the trial? >> so far the judge sort of limited what the jury can know about what happened up -- leading up to the actual moments of confrontation and not clear there's background on rittenhouse allowed. we'll see how it plays out. obviously the prosecution wants to paint him as someone bent on causing problems that night, someone with a history of sort of wanting to confront people. but it seems like the judge isn't going to go there. >> will we hear from rittenhouse? will he testify? >> you know, who knows? but, you know, if history is an indication i doubt it. >> all right. thank you for your time. why the former president made an appearance at the world series. new details about the documents trump is trying to block from the january 6 commission. after the break. the break. ♪ ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ everything you've seen me do was made possible by what you don't see. cause when you're not looking, i go to work. ♪♪ strength isn't a given. it's grown. it's earned and tested. ♪♪ we all have the strength to see what's possible. it's up to us to unlock it. tonal. be your strongest. ♪ my name is monique, i'm 41, and i'm a federal contract investigator. as a single parent, i would run from football games to work and trying to balance it all. so, what do you see when you look at yourself? 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"the new york times" writes, quote, senator kirsten gillibrand targeted the chief objector to the program, senator joe manchin. she hit the phones friday and fired off a flurry of texts saying she would be willing to meet him in d.c. or anywhere in the country to make the case for the benefits. yet, manchin refused to relent. gillibrand says it's not over until it's over but can anything make manchin change his mind? joining me now to discuss, alana beverly, former obama white house aide and host of the our mayors podcast. and senior adviser for the lincoln project, former gop communications director, and resident scholar at the uva center for politics. so, alana, first, i want to look at the issue of paid family leave from a global view. because the u.s. is just one of seven countries without national paid maternity leave. we are showing everybody a map of -- of the other countries. some of 'em are hard to see. is this a missed opportunity if this stays out? >> well, it's certainly disheartening. i know, eight out of ten women are not provided some form of family medical leave by their employers and it's also an equity issue if you think about it this has disproportionate effect on women of color, black and brown women. according to mom -- moms rising, african-american moms just earn 52 cents on the dollar for what white fathers earn. and so, we are often living on the margins and can't afford to take off and this paid leave would be so critically, critically important. you know, we shouldn't have to choose between taking care of ourselves or an ailing parent or a newborn child. choosing between all of those -- those responsibilities and an income. so, not only does this make the united states out of step with other developed nations, it also is an -- a step back away from equity and making sure that -- that both women of color and men and women get the type of -- of need -- of their needs met when it comes to helping others and their family, and being part of this workforce. >> we'll go back to that equity question. but, you no, tara, this is a universally liked policy when you look at the polling. i mean, even 74% of republicans are for it so if it indeed doesn't make it into the bill, is this an opportunity for maybe lawmakers to come together? republicans and democrats to maybe pass some kind of stand-alone version? >> if only in an ideal world, where our government actually worked well and bipartisanship wasn't a dirty word. um, you know, the interesting thing about this is there was actually some bipartisan support for targeted paid family leave in 2019. um, and guess who co-sponsored it? joe manchin. he co-sponsored a targeted paid family leave bill with his republican colleague from west virginia, capito. and they were -- so he was open to it. i think the -- the questions here are always in the details, right? when you have a policy that's popular, just because it's popular politically doesn't mean that it's good policy and that's been the -- the -- the challenge with paid family leave. how are you going to pay for this? now, it's universally recognized that some type of paid leave is important, not only for lower-income workers, just the world we live in now after the pandemic. the having to pay -- having to take care of loved ones. i think that most people recognize there have to be some type of policy prescription here but how do you pay for that? what does that look like? um, joe manchin makes the point that you have social safety net programs, like medicare and medicaid and social security that are going to be insolvent. they are barreling toward insolvency right now. we cannot saddle our kids and grandkids with another federal program that we don't know how to pay for. that's the way it's being presented right now. and that's a fair point. i know people don't like to hear that. but that's a fair point which is why this issue needs to be debated in a stand-alone bill. um, you know, whether that happens or not remains to be seen even though republicans recognize this is a popular political policy for them, as well. >> alana, building off of that, i mean, certainly, the -- the -- the expansion of social programs, one of the concerns of manchin. but also, he has other objections according to "the washington post." we are going to outline some of them. at times, the senator from west virginia said a paid leave program could invite fraud. in some conversations, with lawmakers and advocate, he asked about work environments and other instances, manchin raised the potential impact on small businesses which needed workers to remain on the job. alana, what do you make of those arguments? >> i think they're specious because, look, you need to actually be employed in order to obtain the leave, in the first place. the paid family leave. so, the idea that people would -- that there should be a work requirement -- it's already baked into the process. the idea that there would be rampant fraud, i -- i wonder where -- i'd like to know what the facts are, where he gets those -- that evidence from. but the -- the argument that is most appalling to me is that we need to -- we can't have paid family leave because we need to keep workers on the job. if you are going to keep women in the labor force, if you are going to keep workers in the labor force when confronted with these -- these choices if you will of whether or not to care for their loved ones or earn an income, you are going to lose people from the workforce. that's why we have seen the hemorrhaging of women from the workforce during -- during the pandemic and through covid-19. so, i -- i think that those arguments are specious. and i just want to respond to or pull on the thread that you guys were already speaking about. in 2019, yes, this bill was introduced for paid family leave but it had numerous holes in it in terms of how to pay for it and as is addressed in the build back better plan, would be corporate taxes on the wealthy. and so, i think that -- we -- we -- we do need to think about how a -- um -- a stand-alone bill might work. but don't -- but i wouldn't assume that what we have already put forward, the democrats have already put forward -- i wouldn't -- i wouldn't assume that won't -- that won't fly. i wouldn't assume that it won't work. >> well, yeah. they didn't have the votes, alana, for that pay for. but tara, i only have about 30 seconds left. you and alana both have mentioned the impact here on low-income workers. can you break down why they would be disproportionately impacted? >> well, because these are the types of jobs where you have, you know, they are easily replaceable, first of all. you know, when you are looking at, let's say, fast-food workers or minimum-waged jobs. employers will go to automation. they will look at other ways or they just won't hire women if -- if they, you know, are worried about them not working. there are unintended consequences when you start mandating paid family leave in certain areas that actually impact lower-income families, as opposed to upper-income, which are actually out in california. there is an example where more women who are paid better actually take advantage of this. so, there is a lot to be worked out in the policy prescription that you just can't throw into a big reconciliation bill which is part of the democrats' problem here because it's not simple enough for them to sell politically. and so, therefore, it's dragging them down in the politics of it all. so, they need to really pass infrastructure and get the win. >> all right. we have got to leave it there for right now. tara, alana beverly, good to see you both. that wraps it up for this hour. i'm lindsey reiser in for yasmin vossoughian. now, i turn it over to reverend al sharpton and "politicsnation." good evening and welcome to "politicsnation." tonight's lead. what have you done for me lately? right now, america seems to have already lost patience nine months out from his inauguration. the latest national poll from nbc news reaffirms the decline in president biden's approval numbers. just 42% of americans approve of the president's performance. a seven-point drop since august. and for reference, the second lowest of any presidency at this point in their tenure since the mid-19 zps70s. the lowest of course being donald trump but biden's declining numbers may be part of the reason virginia's race for

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Chains , Spending Bill , Kid , Parents , Bill , Work , Approval Rating , Bet , Cop26 Climate Summit , November 2022 , Cop26 , 2022 , Agreements , Assumption , Gases , Reduction , Deals , Level , Climate Infrastructure , Investment , 550 Billion , 50 Billion , 10 , Play , Commitments , First , Act , Sincerity , Build , Frame , Vote , Lawmakers , Revisions , 75 Trillion , 2 75 Trillion , Negotiations , Group , Effort , Add Prescription Drug Provisions , Sources , Bernie Sanders , Framework , Wall , Supporter , Senate , Members , Deputy Whip , Progressive Caucus , Progress , Senators , Congressman , 11th Hour , 11 , Impact , Workforce , Child , Families , Opportunities , Choir , Child Tax Credit , Plan , Trump , Building , Language , Tweet , Thumb , Little , Europe , House , Aspiration , Yes , Agreement , Something , Prescription Drug Bill , Companion Bill , Better , Negotiation , Commitment , Prescription Drugs , Approach , Drugs , Pharmaceutical Industry , Prices , Cap , Step , Reform , 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Nonpresidential Party , Absentee , Laws , 2020 , Cast , 2013 , 2017 , 1 Million , Trend , Neighborhood , 3 Million , 2 5 Million , Volts , Ins , Places , Pattern , Races , Team , Coverage , Eastern , 00 , Ruling , Tone , Victim Versus Looter , Rittenhouse Trial , Voiceover , Wanderers , On The Road Of Life , Riders , Destination , Road , Coffee , Journey , I , Uh , Biker , Freedom , Protection , Progressive , Nope , Coffee Shop , Music , I Swear , 9 , 79 , Flings , Gain , User , Jaycee , Ketchup , Tomatoes , Everyone , Magic , Bit , Heinz Ketchup , Judge , Arguments , Men , Kyle Rittenhouse S Trial Doesn T Begin , Spilling , Victims , Looters , Rioters , Condemnation , Arsonists , Case , Proceedings , Prosecution , Dennis , Policy , Victim , Word , Homicide , Cases , It , Riot Everies , Flip Side , Contrast , Folks , Putt , Evidence , Lawyers , Self Defense , Zero , Both , Looting , Arson , Rioting , Rittenhouse , Video Evidence , Semiautomatic Rifle , Part , Demise , Far Cry , Three , 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Transcripts For MSNBC Yasmin Vossoughian Reports 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Yasmin Vossoughian Reports 20240709

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welcome back. we have a lot of ground to cover. president biden wrapping up a news conference a short time ago claiming success at the end of the g20 summit. >> the united states and the european union have agreed to negotiate the world's first trade ageemt based on how much carbon is in a product and remove a point of significant tension with the friends with the european union and rejects the false idea we kanltd grow an economy and support american work ores while tackling climate crisis at the same time. >> tuesday the house democrats vote on the bills that could define biden's legacy. >> i'm more optimistic than some who think it won't happen. >> look. you know. we have 50 people that we have got to get on board. this is not easy stuff. we are trying to put together a piece of legislation. >> this is not half a loaf. this is a feast of good policies. some of which my party is talking about or politicians on both sides of the aisle have been talking about since i've been alive. >> down to the wire in the virginia governor's race. we are covering the last-minute activity alec baldwin speaks publicly for the first time since the deadly shooting on his set. >> she was my family. she have my friend. arriving to shoot i took her to dinner with director joel. and the trial of kyle rittenhouse following a police shooting. there's already controversy of what those who died can be called in court. we begin with president biden wrapping up in rome. before heading to scotland for the summit in glascow. joining me from rome from kelly o'connell. the president was talking about the supply chain and ending on a very emotional note, his relationship with the pope. >> reporter: this is a conference with world leaders in many ways about the nuts and bolts of complex economic issues and took questions from five reporters. you are right. he was asked about the meeting with the pope and significance to an american president who's kalt lick, the second in the history, meeting with the pope. before the g20 began. there are two heads of state and discussed issues about the global community. but it really became very emotional for the president talking about the personal relationship he ease had with francis, especially related to the death of his son beau and the personal exchanges they have had over the years that have been largely private, not known to the public. so when the president asked a public policy question about the fact that the pope said hess a good catholic and an issue raised by conservative bishops in the united states because the public policy view about the right of seeking abortion services in conflict with the church teaching that he should not receive communion the pope said he should. the pope saying that joe biden is a good catholic, the president responded not about that issue but getting emotional and much more about the personal relationship, affection and solace he takes from the relationship with pope francis and it was the longest answer. quiet moments. those that watch him professionally knew this is likely to be the last question to take and how he chose to end the conference. there will be another conference we expect at the end of the climate summit and not the climate we expected with the president on international relations and the issues back home. he took those questions. addressed the poll numbers back in the united states. said he expressed confidence the agenda will be passed and many shades of yoebd in that news conference. >> he said god willing this week. kelly o'donnell, thank you there's questions about domestic political concerns. >> the polls will go up and down and up and down. now they're low. look. this is -- look at every other president. the same thing happened. i didn't run to determine how well i will do in the polls but to make sure that i follow through on doing what i said i will do and i would make sure we are in a position to deal with climate change, mover in a direction that's significantly improved american workers and that i would make sure to deal with the crisis that was caused by covid. >> i want to bring in sam stein now, white house editor for politico. nbc news poll numbers show 43% of americans approve. 42, excuse me. the fact that the virginia race is so close, not necessarily a steal for democrats. also the fact that his domestic political agenda isn't passed and how can the world trust you with the domestic issues at play? how do you feel that the president handled the issue? >> most politicians say poll numbers don't matter. people inside the white house are worried about the poll numbers privately. there's sauce in the idea that they see a runway to go back up. but much of this if not the vast majority of this really is tied to the handling of the pandemic and the pass ablg of the two domestic initiatives. if he can get the pandemic under control and moving in the right direction now frees up an economic rebound and confidence about the direction of the country and rebound on him in terms of rating. if he does get the agenda passed then the numbers that you see which are -- one of the things contributing to the numbers is democrats do not feel confident about the way that the presidency is going. if he gets the bills passed it stands to reason that democrats feel better about the course of the presidency so the things are in his control. it's just a matter of checking boxes. getting the policies in place. >> but the poll also shows nine months into the presidency 71% of americans say the country is headed in the wrong direction. with infrastructure and build back be thor they address climate change and yushsal pre-k and help. supply chain issues. are these things that americans see overnight? the fact that things are more expensive and christmas gifts may not arrive on time. is there enough of a turn around to go up in time for the crucial midterms? >> that's the million-dollar question. what can be done in the immediate term to get the poll numbers back up? and to make people feel better about the day-to-day lives. right? will this infrastructure bill manifest itself in that short period of time? probably not. will the spending bill? maybe. what we talk about here is opening up supply chains to deal with supply chains so people can get -- working parents specifically can be confident that the kid's not shuttling back and forth or taking off from work and manifest itself and impact his approval rating but they have to pass the bill first and open supply chains. they have been working on the issues for months. then perhaps the time november 2022 things will be in a bet every place. >> obviously the president goes into the cop26 climate summit. what needs to happen? >> the assumption is that there's international agreements to roll out. some commitments to reduction of gases. whether he referenced dealing with carbon specific deals on the international level which is historic first but if you talk about sort of domestically he needs to come back home and say we have it all teed up and need to pass this bill to putt $550 billion over the course of 10 years into climate infrastructure. that's a huge investment. now we need to act. i think that's the play to make here which is weird because the original idea is pass the bill first and then say i have the commitments. now it shows the sincerity and let's make an international frame work. >> all right. thank you for joining us. >> happy halloween. >> happy halloween. president biden expressed can have the build back better bill to pass. democrats are eyeing a tuesday vote on infrastructure and the build back better legislation. for that to happen lawmakers have to finish the revisions on the $2.75 trillion spending bill today. it seems negotiations are still under way. sources tell nbc news that a group of democrats including bernie sanders have an effort to add prescription drug provisions in the bill. lawmakers did not express full supporter for the framework right now. >> all i will tell you is we have a very strong bill. there has to be a framework to be agreed upon in the senate that we know will be implemented before the members of the house vote. yes, i do. >> joining me is deputy whip of the progressive caucus. congressman, thank you for being here. what have you heard about the progress of the 11th hour negotiations, including with the progressive caucus and the more moderate senators? are you confident the vote will happen tuesday? >> i'm hopeful and i hope we make progress to pass the build back better bill and then have a great and immediate impact for american families seeing the impact of child choir that person mites more people to get back in the workforce. when they see the educational opportunities, continuing to get the child tax credit every month this plan. so many ways to continue to recover from the trump facilitated pandemic. >> a tweet a few days ago you write agreeing to the infrastructure bill and implementing legislative language would build building back little. are you concerned about them not supports the vote? >> in europe the president gave a thumb's up on commitments from the senators. yes. i wanted to be sure that i vote for an agreement. not just an aspiration. i have been concerned that neither of those senators and a few members in the house clear what they were willing to agree to. if we can come to a final vote in the house on tuesday or thereafter this week, i would just want to be sure it will be adopted in the senate and not agreeing to something and then see the negotiations start all over again to drive it found further. the other issue that's pending, i have the companion bill in the house to the prescription drug bill which is a much better approach on this, i'm glad he is still focused on this. you can tell that there's negotiation in progress. so i still -- i have not made a final commitment but it's important on prescription drugs that we get measure than nominal negotiation. the bill that we began with was weak. it excluded two thirds of drugs. now some who are very closely aligned with the pharmaceutical industry want to narrow it further. you can get to the point in terms of the cap on the prices will be and how the negotiation occurs that you actually blunt future reform. i have been pub pushing for reform for years. i want to be a step forward. on insulin and drugs across the board. >> are you at all worried that things left out of this framework, for example, paid family and elder care, to hurt democrats ahead of the midterms? >> i'm concerned it affects families. but i'm also a realist and there are so many good things in this bill, so many opportunities to help families. the problem i think in terms of public per seps democrats control both branches of government but by only a few votes and we have to adjust and try to get as much progress while we can get it. we push on that. i hope it's resolved this week and move forward to build back better and not weak. >> all right. thank you for your time today. >> thank you. a first comments of alec baldwin since the shooting. the strange roadside interview with his wife. >> you know what? no details. >> do me a favor. i'm going to answer a question. ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ with chase security features, guidance and convenience, banking feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. (announcer) looking for a better way to lose weight and feel good? how about the one with a 98% success rate and a more affordable weight-loss solution? that's golo. there are no monthly fees and it's guaranteed to work or you don't pay. no stimulants, no starving, just results, results you'll keep for life. with over 2 million satisfied customers, golo is the new way to lose weight. go to and get your life back... -with golo. -golo! alec baldwin is speaking for the first time since the fatal shooting of cinematographer halyna hutchins in new mexico. the actor answering questions from paparazzi and saying he can't discuss specifics. he said he's cooperating with police. nbc's emily ekada has the details. >> reporter: baldwin breaking silence. >> what do you want to know? >> reporter: speaking to media for the first time since firing a deadly shot on the film "rust." >> i have been ordered by the sheriff's department. >> reporter: baldwin talking with investigators. >> i talk to the cops every day. >> reporter: along with the husband of the late cinematographer hall yeah hutchins. >> he is in shock return the encount ired emotionally charged. >> no details. >> i'm going to remember. >> halyna. if you're spending this time under know her name. >> she was my friend. she was my friend. >> reporter: this month authorities say bad win fired live ammo on set. moments earlier the assistant director called cold gun meaning it was safe to use. baldwin defending the production. >> we were a well-oiled crew shooting the film. >> reporter: crew members on the ground say otherwise. walking off the set over safety concerns but the productions writing we were not made aware of any official complaints. >> so what has to happen now is, we have to realize that when it does go wrong and it's a horrible thing new measures have to take place. still to come, full court press in the commonwealth with two days until the election day. campaign canvassers pushing voters to the polls. the key demonstrate graphic -- demographic to focus on. at t-mobile for business, unconventional thinking means we see things differently, so you can focus on what matters most. whether it's ensuring food arrives as fresh as when it departs... being first on the scene when every second counts... or teaching biology without a lab. we are the leader in 5g and a partner who delivers exceptional customer support and 5g included in every plan. so, you get it all, without trade-offs. unconventional thinking, it's better for business. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ got a couple of bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. what do you say we see what this bird can do? 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>> it is hazy. at this point. i'm still trying to figure it out. you asked about trends. the trajectory faves youngkin. it goes from like mcall i have up two to five to one. the kind of representable nonpartisan pollsters, the polls at a tie or mcauliffe and then youngkin by eight. i don't think anyone agrees with that but a point where this is a race that certainly shouldn't be surprised by the candidates to win it is that close. >> is that because youngkin is focused on schools and the controversy over books and in a recent ad not naming "beloved" but it's that book. is that resonating with people in virginia? >> it's hard to say. if he makes up ground in the state. i think youngkin is controlled the their ty of this race to focus on the issues he wants to focus on. ed gillespie seemed to dominate the issues too and lost by a lot but the environment four years ago is good for the democrats and this time it's good for republicans even in a democratic leaning state and history is such that the president's party struggles. and this is a race that's often won by the nonpresidential party and that's come together to help youngkin at the end. >> turnout in virginia is high. did you expect that? what's driving that? do you think it will continue into tuesday? >> the early vote is pretty hard to analyze this time because prior to the pandemic in 2020, virginia changed its absentee and early votes laws to be easier to vote. of course well timed for the pandemic. democrats did great in early vote and the mail-in vote. republicans won election day. this time 1.1 million votes is cast so far. but the turnout is like it was in 2013 and 2017 for the governor's race you expect in the general neighborhood of 2.5 million to 3 million votes in this race and we have more than half the vote out and the trend is that republicans do better on election day democrats favor the early vote. is there enough democratic volts and democrats left to help them not be blown out in the election day? >> very quick. when will we know the results? >> i think late tuesday night unless it's really close and worry about the mail-ins. this time some places are going to be reporting early and mail-in votes. it might be a different pattern. >> thank you so much. we'll break down live results of the key races across the country including virginia. watch the team coverage tuesday starting at 5:00 p.m. eastern. still ahead, victim versus looter. which one would you call a loaded term? the ruling that set the tone for the rittenhouse trial. voiceover: riders. wanderers on the road of life. the journey is why they ride. when the road is all you need, there is no destination. uh, i-i'm actually just going to get an iced coffee. well, she may have a destination this one time, but usually -- no, i-i usually have a destination. yeah, but most of the time, her destination is freedom. nope, just the coffee shop. announcer: no matter why you ride, progressive has you covered with protection starting at $79 a year. voiceover: 'cause she's a biker... please don't follow me in. [music: "i swear"] jaycee tried gain flings for the first time the other day... voiceover: 'cause she's a biker... and forgot where she was. you can always spot a first time gain flings user. ♪ at heinz, every ketchup starts with our same tomatoes. but not every tomato ends in the same kind of heinz ketchup. because a bit of magic unfolds when there's a ketchup for everyone. kyle rittenhouse's trial doesn't begin until tomorrow but arguments are spilling into public view. last week the judge ruled that the men shot by rittenhouse in the protest last summer may be called arsonists, rioters, even looters but not victims. a term he called loaded. the ruling drew swift condemnation from the prosecution and foreshadows the proceedings ahead. joining us is a reporter. dennis, how unusual is this ruling? how do you think it will play into the case? >> it is unusual. i don't think many people have heard of this. however, this particular judge has a longstanding policy regarding using the word victim to describe people who have been injured or killed in homicide cases, for example. the flip side of this that putt it in contrast is saying you might be able to call the folks injured and killed riot everies, looters or arsonists if the evidence shows that's what they were. >> it appears the lawyers zero in on the self defense. what more do we know about how both will go about making the cases? >> it's not clear there's much evidence to show what we would call victims in the case involved in any looting or rioting or arson before they were shot. there is some video evidence to show that they confronted rittenhouse and you might argue that you don't want to confront someone with a semiautomatic rifle but a far cry from arguing that these three people sort of asking for it or in any way a part of their own demise or injure. >> how contentious do you expect the proceedings to get? >> fairly contentious and seems like the prosecution obviously has experience with the judge and seem to know how to deal with him and knew the limits and that he had this policy of calling people victims. so it is not like any of this is new for them. some cases seeing things get contentious you might wonder if they put on a show and whether this is for the people in the world than the courtroom. >> the trump white house tried to publicly sympathize with rittenhouse and law enforcement officer thanked him and offered him water. will that play in the trial? >> so far the judge sort of limited what the jury can know about what happened up -- leading up to the actual moments of confrontation and not clear there's background on rittenhouse allowed. we'll see how it plays out. obviously the prosecution wants to paint him as someone bent on causing problems that night, someone with a history of sort of wanting to confront people. but it seems like the judge isn't going to go there. >> will we hear from rittenhouse? will he testify? >> you know, who knows? but, you know, if history is an indication i doubt it. >> all right. thank you for your time. why the former president made an appearance at the world series. new details about the documents trump is trying to block from the january 6 commission. after the break. the break. ♪ ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ everything you've seen me do was made possible by what you don't see. cause when you're not looking, i go to work. ♪♪ strength isn't a given. it's grown. it's earned and tested. ♪♪ we all have the strength to see what's possible. it's up to us to unlock it. tonal. be your strongest. ♪ my name is monique, i'm 41, and i'm a federal contract investigator. as a single parent, i would run from football games to work and trying to balance it all. so, what do you see when you look at yourself? 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"the new york times" writes, quote, senator kirsten gillibrand targeted the chief objector to the program, senator joe manchin. she hit the phones friday and fired off a flurry of texts saying she would be willing to meet him in d.c. or anywhere in the country to make the case for the benefits. yet, manchin refused to relent. gillibrand says it's not over until it's over but can anything make manchin change his mind? joining me now to discuss, alana beverly, former obama white house aide and host of the our mayors podcast. and senior adviser for the lincoln project, former gop communications director, and resident scholar at the uva center for politics. so, alana, first, i want to look at the issue of paid family leave from a global view. because the u.s. is just one of seven countries without national paid maternity leave. we are showing everybody a map of -- of the other countries. some of 'em are hard to see. is this a missed opportunity if this stays out? >> well, it's certainly disheartening. i know, eight out of ten women are not provided some form of family medical leave by their employers and it's also an equity issue if you think about it this has disproportionate effect on women of color, black and brown women. according to mom -- moms rising, african-american moms just earn 52 cents on the dollar for what white fathers earn. and so, we are often living on the margins and can't afford to take off and this paid leave would be so critically, critically important. you know, we shouldn't have to choose between taking care of ourselves or an ailing parent or a newborn child. choosing between all of those -- those responsibilities and an income. so, not only does this make the united states out of step with other developed nations, it also is an -- a step back away from equity and making sure that -- that both women of color and men and women get the type of -- of need -- of their needs met when it comes to helping others and their family, and being part of this workforce. >> we'll go back to that equity question. but, you no, tara, this is a universally liked policy when you look at the polling. i mean, even 74% of republicans are for it so if it indeed doesn't make it into the bill, is this an opportunity for maybe lawmakers to come together? republicans and democrats to maybe pass some kind of stand-alone version? >> if only in an ideal world, where our government actually worked well and bipartisanship wasn't a dirty word. um, you know, the interesting thing about this is there was actually some bipartisan support for targeted paid family leave in 2019. um, and guess who co-sponsored it? joe manchin. he co-sponsored a targeted paid family leave bill with his republican colleague from west virginia, capito. and they were -- so he was open to it. i think the -- the questions here are always in the details, right? when you have a policy that's popular, just because it's popular politically doesn't mean that it's good policy and that's been the -- the -- the challenge with paid family leave. how are you going to pay for this? now, it's universally recognized that some type of paid leave is important, not only for lower-income workers, just the world we live in now after the pandemic. the having to pay -- having to take care of loved ones. i think that most people recognize there have to be some type of policy prescription here but how do you pay for that? what does that look like? um, joe manchin makes the point that you have social safety net programs, like medicare and medicaid and social security that are going to be insolvent. they are barreling toward insolvency right now. we cannot saddle our kids and grandkids with another federal program that we don't know how to pay for. that's the way it's being presented right now. and that's a fair point. i know people don't like to hear that. but that's a fair point which is why this issue needs to be debated in a stand-alone bill. um, you know, whether that happens or not remains to be seen even though republicans recognize this is a popular political policy for them, as well. >> alana, building off of that, i mean, certainly, the -- the -- the expansion of social programs, one of the concerns of manchin. but also, he has other objections according to "the washington post." we are going to outline some of them. at times, the senator from west virginia said a paid leave program could invite fraud. in some conversations, with lawmakers and advocate, he asked about work environments and other instances, manchin raised the potential impact on small businesses which needed workers to remain on the job. alana, what do you make of those arguments? >> i think they're specious because, look, you need to actually be employed in order to obtain the leave, in the first place. the paid family leave. so, the idea that people would -- that there should be a work requirement -- it's already baked into the process. the idea that there would be rampant fraud, i -- i wonder where -- i'd like to know what the facts are, where he gets those -- that evidence from. but the -- the argument that is most appalling to me is that we need to -- we can't have paid family leave because we need to keep workers on the job. if you are going to keep women in the labor force, if you are going to keep workers in the labor force when confronted with these -- these choices if you will of whether or not to care for their loved ones or earn an income, you are going to lose people from the workforce. that's why we have seen the hemorrhaging of women from the workforce during -- during the pandemic and through covid-19. so, i -- i think that those arguments are specious. and i just want to respond to or pull on the thread that you guys were already speaking about. in 2019, yes, this bill was introduced for paid family leave but it had numerous holes in it in terms of how to pay for it and as is addressed in the build back better plan, would be corporate taxes on the wealthy. and so, i think that -- we -- we -- we do need to think about how a -- um -- a stand-alone bill might work. but don't -- but i wouldn't assume that what we have already put forward, the democrats have already put forward -- i wouldn't -- i wouldn't assume that won't -- that won't fly. i wouldn't assume that it won't work. >> well, yeah. they didn't have the votes, alana, for that pay for. but tara, i only have about 30 seconds left. you and alana both have mentioned the impact here on low-income workers. can you break down why they would be disproportionately impacted? >> well, because these are the types of jobs where you have, you know, they are easily replaceable, first of all. you know, when you are looking at, let's say, fast-food workers or minimum-waged jobs. employers will go to automation. they will look at other ways or they just won't hire women if -- if they, you know, are worried about them not working. there are unintended consequences when you start mandating paid family leave in certain areas that actually impact lower-income families, as opposed to upper-income, which are actually out in california. there is an example where more women who are paid better actually take advantage of this. so, there is a lot to be worked out in the policy prescription that you just can't throw into a big reconciliation bill which is part of the democrats' problem here because it's not simple enough for them to sell politically. and so, therefore, it's dragging them down in the politics of it all. so, they need to really pass infrastructure and get the win. >> all right. we have got to leave it there for right now. tara, alana beverly, good to see you both. that wraps it up for this hour. i'm lindsey reiser in for yasmin vossoughian. now, i turn it over to reverend al sharpton and "politicsnation." good evening and welcome to "politicsnation." tonight's lead. what have you done for me lately? right now, america seems to have already lost patience nine months out from his inauguration. the latest national poll from nbc news reaffirms the decline in president biden's approval numbers. just 42% of americans approve of the president's performance. a seven-point drop since august. and for reference, the second lowest of any presidency at this point in their tenure since the mid-19 zps70s. the lowest of course being donald trump but biden's declining numbers may be part of the reason virginia's race for

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