Transcripts For MSNBC Yasmin Vossoughian Reports 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Yasmin Vossoughian Reports 20240709

>> in a moment i'm going to talk to new jersey congresswoman bonnie watson coleman of the breaking news of a vote as early as tuesday on the big bills in the house. new information today on what donald trump is trying to shield from the prying eyes of the january 6th committee. this as some of his supporters appear ready to prove the capitol hill riot was just a warm-up act. >> this is tyranny. when do we get to use the guns? no, and that's not a joke, i'm not saying it like that, i mean literally, where's the line? how many elections are they going to steal before we kill these people? >> so -- enough. no, hold on. stop, hold on. now i'm going to denounce that and i'll tell you why, because you're playing into all their plans, and they're trying to make you do this. then the virginia governor's race. could fear over a book really decide this election? >> as a parent, it's tough to catch everything. so when my son showed me his reading assignment, my heart sunk. it was some of the most explicit material you can imagine. i met with lawmakers. they couldn't believe what i was showing them. their faces turned bright red with embarrassment. >> the youngkin scare strategy. a victorious follow-up with a mother who joined a lawsuit to protect her nonbinary child, targeted along with others over long hair. tristan's mom, danielle miller, joins me this hour. we begin with breaking news from capitol hill. sources telling nbc news the house plans to vote on both the bipartisan infrastructure bill and the $1.75 trillion reconciliation bill on tuesday. the timeline, however, could still be fluid given the ongoing revisions and changes to the "build back better" bill happening amongst democrats. these new details are coming after speaker nancy pelosi once again had to delay a vote on infrastructure this week over progressive opposition, effectively killing the original deadline of october 31st. progressive leaderleaders in ant to vote on the bills in tandem to prevent walk-aways from reconciliation. congresswoman, it is great to see you. thank you for joining us this afternoon. >> thank you for having me. thank you very much. >> okay. let's get to this breaking news. possible tuesday vote. we have heard of these deadlines before. it seems like yet another possible self-imposed deadline come this tuesday. what are your expectations? will the vote happen? >> i think we're very close. and there is a very good possibility that we'll take this on and vote both of these bills on tuesday. there have been a lot of eyes on these bills, so we know basically what's there. we know that the speaker and other negotiators are still talking about things like paid leave, which are vitally important. disappointingly are not in this package. but this is an awesome bill. it is a bill that's going to change families, change our economy, protect our climate, and protect our children, and give them a leg up. you know, it does wonderful things for the elderly too, from expanding medicare for hearing, making sure the care economy is available, accessible, and it does great things on the education front. you know, with pell grants and making sure that hbcus and other minority-serving institutions are in play and are used as resources. and workforce development programs being supported in this initiative. so i am very excited about the possibility of voting early in the week. >> a couple of things. the fact that you brought up paid family leave. as a mother who was really lucky to have four months of leave, i know how incredibly crucial it is, not only for the bonding for the child, but for recovery as a mom who just gave birth. it's incredibly disappointing to know that this may be out of the reconciliation bill. is there any possibility this thing could get in? and what is -- how big of a possibility, i should say? >> i don't know how big of a possibility. i know that it is vitally important to the speaker, who has been just magnificent in all these negotiations. i am certain that we're trying very hard to get something in there that recognizes exactly what you said, what mothers need, the ability to bond and to feel and then be able to come back into the workplace. so there is a possibility. i don't know the probability of it. but if for some reason it doesn't happen at this moment, we will continue to work very hard for that issue. >> you have actually talked about the importance of child care and how the u.s. funded universal child care during world war ii, to allow more women to work. the government began subsidizing child care for the first and only time in the nation's history, an estimated 550,000 to 600,000 children received care through these facilities, which cost parents 50 to 75 cents per child per day. how can this translate to today, what happened then? >> you know, when we look at these two bills that are being considered, i refer to them as our fdr moment. because they will be just so transformative in the kind of resources and uplifting and prosperity achieving that they represent. early childhood care is vitally important. it's important to our children as well as to our mothers, in particular, who want to get back to work. women have suffered tremendously under this pandemic, in the workforce. we need to do everything we can to make sure that they are able to get back into the workforce and in very good early child care. at the same time, we need to make sure we are continuing our child tax credit. because it takes children out of poverty. it takes some of the stress and worry out of the family. so i think that what we see in this "build back better" agenda that president biden has been supporting and officiating recognizes families across the spectrum. recognizes incomes across the spectrum. recognizes the importance of chewing gum and walking at the same time. that's what this is all about, from the climate to the individual to the family to the community to the fair economy to haeltd care. i think this is a wonderful opportunity and i'll be happy to cast my vote on behalf of these initiatives. >> whenever that vote may be. congresswoman bonnie watson coleman, thanks so much, it's great to see you. >> thank you for having me. >> i want to bring in susan dell persio, nbc political analyst. this idea of timing. the three of us have talked about this before. the self-imposed deadlines the democrats put on these votes. it was december 31st, before that i believe it was september 27th or something like that. it keeps getting pushed. now we're hearing there may be a vote on tuesday. nancy pelosi pushed for a vote before the president would land in europe. that obviously didn't happen. you're not necessarily getting the commitments that you expected to get, asking joe manchin over and over again on the record if he was ready to cast a vote. he said, well, i got to see what's in the legislation, i got to actually see it. not even really necessarily getting the commitment from him that folks want. what do you make of this? what do you make of the timeline that's in place once again? >> i think they need to stop worrying about timelines or actually adhere to them. like you said, they keep moving the ball down -- kicking the can down the road. time is legislation's worst enemy. they need to come to a deal. it also isn't just joe manchin. the progressive caucus also wants to get a firm commitment, at least verbally, from joe manchin and kyrsten sinema, as they rightly should. because there has been a lot of last-minute things put together. we even talked about, for example, maybe paid family leave gets put in, maybe that gets joe manchin upset, i don't know. but i think that what we're seeing is, democrat leadership is trying to push their conference in a way that they are not willing to go. they are not blindly following leadership. they are doing what they believe is in their conference's best interests and their own constituents. >> i've been trying to dig into this, i have yet to find an answer. if you don't have one, just be clear on it, right? but do you have any understanding as to why joe manchin is against paid family leave? have you at all heard why it is that's not something he supports? >> yasmin, all i can point to is the fact that he is a 74-year-old man who likely has not spent a lot of time caring for children, right? i feel like that is the only thing i can come up with. it's explicitly frustrating to see folks like sinema -- excuse me, like senator gillibrand, senator murray, on the floor trying to pressure this, trying to get to an agreement, and see him reject proposal after proposal with no alternative to offer. and so no, yasmin, i have no understanding of why he so is anti- any type of provision that will help women, help families who need to care not only for children, but maybe their elders. so i think the reality is that he just has not had that life experience, and thus that lack of proximity or lack of awareness is prompting his unreasonable stance on this. >> you know, it doesn't -- it's not that take away from obviously the progress that will be made with the passage of this $1.75 trillion reconciliation bill. i think just for a lot of folks, when of course the news broke at the end of the week that it was likely paid family leave would not necessarily be part of the bill, and it did seem like democrats were kind of putting their hands up and saying, maybe not this time, maybe that time. that being left out was pretty shocking to folks. i think more so than other things. considering the advocacy that has been out there for new moms and new parents all around. and the fact that we are behind so many third world countries, even, when it comes to -- in line, i should say, our family leave policy. >> yasmin, i think that's right. especially when you have policies like this that democrats have run on consistently for years. saying, once we get in control, we will deliver this. once we get power, we will provide this. to see it fall by the wayside is frustrating. i think the other thing that we've heard from senators leading on this is that they're not going to stop. knowing that tuesday is now the new deadline, for better or worse that means committees have to put their pens down tomorrow sometime on sunday. so that is going to be i think a day to watch. what actually comes out in the text of the legislation, what is included, and what is on the cutting floor? i think that on top of that, like you say, yasmin, that doesn't detract from all of the good things in this bill. democrats should absolutely be heralding the real-world tianjin benefits people are going to see. $300 from the child tax credits. parents not having to pay tuition for pre-k for 3 and 4-year-olds. families being able to offer their elders long-term care and support is critical and democrats need to name that repeatedly. >> january 6th, we've got to talk about this "washington post" reporting when it came to john eastman, this email to a pence aide, saying the siege is because you and your boss -- referring to the vice president -- did not do what was necessary to allow this to be aired in a public way so that the american people can see for themselves what happened. eastman wrote this to pence aide greg jacob, referring to trump's claims of voter fraud. susan, what do you think of this? >> well -- the subpoenas have been written, from my understanding. and it's important that we hear more about this. eastman tried to wiggle out of some of this talk, saying it was just theoretical, it wasn't -- you know, i wasn't really seriously proposing it. my guess is because he's worried about losing his law license over something like this. but the fact that it's in writing, and i keep thinking that this is just scratching the surface of what we will see. >> right. >> there are a lot of people who have a lot of documents, a lot of emails, a lot of texts who are going to share it with the january 6th commission. because they're not going to jail or paying huge fees or fines for donald trump. so this will all come out. but it is devastating for eastman, because that argument he tried to have go by just fell flat on its face. >> now we're learning as well, the things that the former president are trying to hide from the january 6th committee, including calls to the vice president, between the president and the vice president, statements on alleged voter fraud, presidential calendar for that day, for january 6th. literally what he was doing on an hour to hour, minute to minute basis. the call that he made related to election certification. some of which we already know, of course, some of the calls that he made to georgia secretary of state raffensperger. the draft of the executive order on election integrity. what do you make of this new revelation we're hearing as to what the former president is trying to keep from the committee? >> it shows he's trying to cover his tracks. when i say cover his tracks, i'm referring to anything that would implicate him in terms of plan can go and executing what we saw go down january 6th at the capitol and the attack. i think as susan rightly named, all of this is going to be damning to him. that's why he's asking for almost half of the documents and materials from the archives to be with held. so expect him to fight this tooth and nail. this is what is his last-ditch effort to hide his fingerprints on what happened on january 6th, hide who he was talking to, hide what advice he was giving, hide what he was thinking in those hours that we were watching this attack unfold on the capitol building, when he did nothing, when we know his vice president was being hunted, and all the people on the capitol hill that day, their lives were being threatened. >> juanita, susan, thank you both, great to see you. overseas, a busy day on the world stage for the president, wrapping up a few hours ago, the president sat down with european allies to discuss the iran nuclear deal and the complicated path ahead. we find nbc's mike memoli joining us once again from rome. we haven't heard a lot directly from the president today, as much as we heard from him yesterday. talk us through some of the talks he's had today and any breakthroughs that may have come from those conversations. >> reporter: the first has a direct link to the conversation you were just having about the president's agenda back at home. specifically the reconciliation plan. and it's the new global minimum tax that the g20 leaders, as well as more than 130 countries around the world, have agreed to move forward with. this is a minimum tax of 15% that would be placed on the profits of corporations. the idea here, and this has been an idea pushed by president biden for some time, is to do two things. one is to prevent corporations from really being able to shield their profits in countries with low tax rates, a race to the bottom as the administration tends to put it. the second thing is to allow countries to use some of that revenue generated by the new tax to invest in social safety net programs. that's exactly what president biden is trying to do at home. that was a big breakthrough the g20 leaders signed off on today. as it relates to an important national security measure on the sidelines of the summit, president biden sitting down to talk strategy with the german chancellor, french president, and the british prime minister as it relates to what they can do to get iran back to the table as the u.s. tries to cobble back together the iran nuclear deal, four years after president trump took the united states out of it. we saw the president coming forward after with the leaders indicating his optimism that iran will come back to the table. a national security official did say earlier this week they do feel that there have been signs of progress in separate talks ongoing with the iranians. but similarly to what we heard from the french president yesterday, they want to see that sort of optimism borne out by tangible results. indication that the u.s. in this standoff, would u.s. lift sanctions first, or would iran come back to the table it? appears the u.s. is being more explicit trying to get iran back to the table by promoting the idea of lifting these sanctions. >> another important question. this shows how incredible of a correspondent mike memoli is. i asked and you are delivering. what is on the menu this evening? >> reporter: yasmin, i have to confess most of my spare thoughts to the extent i have time in italy is about food. this was an assignment i took very seriously. this is what's on the menu tonight at the g20. salmon marinaded with herbs and fennel ris sose toe, pumpkin, white truffle. that makes it sing. sea bass with roasted artichoke. artichoke, a very roman ingredient. joe biden is thinking dessert. tangerine cream dessert. i've been to an italian restaurant with the president before in hi years covering him, his taste is simple, he usually orders chicken parm, side of spaghetti, chocolate chip rice cream for dessert. i think even he will enjoy this menu tonight, a little more refined than what he's used to. >> hopefully not too highbrow for the president. the way that you delivered it, i felt like i was sitting being told the specials at the italian restaurant. really makes you sing, right? from provence, an italian potato. mike memoli, go get some food. thank you, mike, good to see you. >> i'm going now. thank you. still ahead, how a pulitzer prize-winning book is impacting the tight virginia race in virginia. mom power. when danielle miller's nonbanary child was punished for the length of their hair, she called aclu. the update on the legal battle against one texas school district accused of discrimination. >> a school district has turned their back against our children and against my sweet kid. and it's heartbreaking. ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ introducing fidelity income planning. we look at what you've saved, what you'll need, and help you build a flexible plan for cash flow that lasts, even when you're not working, so you can go from saving... to living. ♪ let's go ♪ what do we want for dinner? so you can go from saving... to living. burger... i want a sugar cookie... wait... i want a bucket of chicken... i want... ♪♪ it's the easiest because it's the cheesiest. kraft. for the win win. ♪ i like it, i love it, i want some more of it♪ ♪i try so hard, i can't rise above it♪ ♪don't know what it is 'bout that little gal's lovin'♪ ♪but i like it, i love it♪ applebee's. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. sweet pillows of softness! this is soft! applebee's. holy charmin! excuse me! roll it back everybody! charmin ultra soft is so cushiony soft, you'll want more! but it's so absorbent, you can use less. enjoy the go with charmin. 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what is it that he thinks resonates with virginia voters? >> i think education has really been this perfect storm over the past year and a half, really, as with covid, kids having to be taught at home virtually. a lot of parents thought they were too slow to go back into schools. parents have struggled with trying to work their own jobs and get child care and different things. and so there's been an uptick, and we're seeing protests at school board meetings, now mask mandates, what is being taught. that's not happening just in virginia, it's happening across the country. but loudoun county which is in the exsubs of washington, d.c. is a hotbed of activity. that's a key county i'm going to be watching on election night to see, it's one that has gone democrats' way for the past few election cycles, but even if youngkin can keep it close there -- we do see this issue rising up. in polling it's a higher issue than covid. >> so do you think it's actually working with voters, his message? >> i think that it is -- has made the race tight. but virginia, of course, a state where biden won by 10 points last time. his approval rating though, now, in the state is down in the low 40s. we consistently see that in the recent polling. 42%, 43%. that's a big dip. so i think it's a sag in approval numbers, lack of action from congress, and really youngkin has been able to energize the base with this issue, absolutely. whether it can win back those suburban moms, we will see. they certainly think that this has been their key issue, of course, this is what they have honed in on. and then that very ad talks about the legislation that mcauliffe vetoed. that's what he was talking about in the debate where he -- even democrats have admitted that this was -- he did not word it very well when he said that parents shouldn't be telling schools what they're taught. and that has been played ad nauseam on television. we've heard from democrats, that doesn't test well in focus groups. republicans have been able to pick that comment out and sort of make it emblematic of all of these education issues. it's not just about books, it's not just about critical race theory, which is not being taught in virginia, but it is an anger issue. oftentimes what we see in politics is the angry side is the most motivated side to come out. >> let's talk about some of the polling that we are seeing right now. pretty neck and neck from reliable polls. "washington post"/char school, youngkin 49, mccaul lin 48. a fox news school, youngkin in the lead. real clear politics, 48/47, youngkin in the lead. how much do you expect this to change in the coming days? >> i think we'll get the best answer tuesday of next week. this is going to be an incredibly tight race in matter which direction it goes. i think there's not that much of a difference between a very tight youngkin win and a very tight mcauliffe win. either way is going to be super instructive to the parties. the challenges in the final days as jessica was mentioning, republicans have the enthusiasm and the momentum on their side. democrats have a much larger universe of voters to poll from and turn out, but their challenge is getting people to turn out, convincing voters to get as motivated against youngkin as youngkin is trying to get his voters motivated against mcauliffe and the democrats. it's going to come down to that enthusiasm. >> who's winning the suburban female vote at this point? >> i think mcauliffe is still ahead, but youngkin doesn't have to win it, he just has to make it close in some key areas. >> got it. grace, jessica, thank you both, appreciate it. tuesday is election night right here on msnbc and in virginia, of course. rachel maddow, joy reid, nicolle wallace, and steve kornacki, studying, cramming for this, his office is next door, going to break down live results of key races, including the close virginia governor's race. watch team coverage on tuesday beginning 5:00 eastern, stream the kornacki cam nonstop at book counting in texas, breaking barriers in australia after the break. republicans have been trying to rewrite the history of january 6th. they were just tourists. no, no, patriots. tucker carlson is promoting a documentary that claims it was all a false flag operation. what on earth is going on? my thoughts on that and much more tonight at 8:00 item eastern on msnbc. bipolar depression. it made me feel like i was trapped in a fog. this is art inspired by real stories of people living with bipolar depression. i just couldn't find my way out of it. the lows of bipolar depression can take you to a dark place... ...and be hard to manage. latuda could make a real difference in your symptoms. latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms and in clinical studies, had no substantial impact on weight. this is where i want to be. latuda is not for everyone. call your doctor about unusual mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. elderly dementia patients on latuda have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, as these may be life threatening... ...or uncontrollable muscle movements, as these may be permanent. these are not all the serious side effects. now i'm back where i belong. ask your doctor about latuda and pay as little as $0 for your first prescription. this is... and pay as little as $0 ♪ ♪ this is iowa. we just haven't been properly introduced. say hello to the place where rolling hills meets low bills. where our fields, inside and out, are always growing. and where the fun is just getting started. this is iowa. so, when are you coming to see us? ♪ ♪ welcome back. my head scratcher of the week. i guess before they burn the books they have to count them. so a texas republican lawmaker has drawn up a list of 850 books on subjects ranging from racism to sexuality that could, quote, make students feel discomfort. he's demanding that school districts across the state report whether any are in their classrooms or in their libraries. 850 books. that is a heck of a lot of books. if i had to stack 850 books right now, it would be a really high stack. i'm saying that's a lot of books. so i'm sure some school libraries barely have a total of 850 books. state representative matt kraus wants to know how much money each district spent on these books which includes "the confessions of nat turner," "the cider house rules." he did not respond to questions about the letter, how he chose the books on the list, and whether he had read any of them. let's talk about my "high five." an australian soccer player breaking barriers. adelaide united midfielder josh caballo has come out, the only professional soccer player out and playing. he revealed his sexuality in an emotional video shared by his club. >> growing up, i always felt the need to hide myself. because i was ashamed. ashamed i would never be able to do what i love and be gay. you know, hiding who i truly am to pursue a dream i always wished for as a kid -- i'm tired. trying to perform at the best of your ability and to live this double life -- it's exhausting. it's something that i don't want anyone to experience. >> caballo says the experience of coming out has been incredible and made him wonder why he held on so long. won't be his first or last but josh gets my "high five" of the week. ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ there is something i want to ask you. um... to unveil them to the world. the new iphone 13 pro is here, and when you get the new iphone at t-mobile, trade-in value is 'locked in' forever. we can always have a new iphone, forever? 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it's true jen. this prebiotic oat formula moisturizes to help prevent dry skin. impressive. aveeno® healthy. it's our nature.™ new daily moisture for face. next week will mark one year since joe biden was elected president. his young presidency spoiled by a divided country, a divided congress, and division in his own party as he has failed so far to bring democrats together on his biggest agenda item, infrastructure plan that went from groundbreaking to a lot of compromise. >> we have a deal. none of us got all that we wanted. >> we have a historic framework. no one got everything they wanted, including me. >> this also draws into question the future of the agenda and the party. joining me is jonathan allen, politics reporter for nbc news digital and best-selling author. great to see you again. let's talk through some of these series you've been bouncing around about the future of the democratic party. i can't help but wonder, as we've had been talking about, you got democrats with control of the white house, obviously, of the senate as well and house. but they haven't passed this deal, reconciliation as well, because of the division within their own party. your predictions on this if they're able to get this thing across the finish line and what that means for the future of this party. >> yasmin, we've been talking about this for months now, you and i, at various times and on various nbc-related networks. you know, i mean, what we're looking at here is a party that really needs to demonstrate that it can govern. you know, number one. and number two, what it does to get what people want. all of the democrats agree in basic principle, right? $1.7 trillion over ten years for climate change, for child care and elder care and the various other things that are in that bill, $1.2 trillion over five years for infrastructure. they have a basic agreement they can at least do that, and still we saw this past week that it wasn't enough. the trust between the two factions, a small number of moderates and, you know, slightly larger of progressives just isn't there to get it across the finish line yet. >> here's the thing, though. if they're able to do it and bring this to fruition, wouldn't that show they can get it across the finish line? this is a president that can -- campaigned as a guy that can reach across the aisle as a guy who spent 40 years in congress, that he has friends in congress and he can say, help me out, buddy, let's get this thing done. you got to give the president credit. he has been very much a part of the negotiating when it comes to build back better, more so than we've seen with other presidents in the past, making it clear that this is hard negotiating from the white house as well. >> i think the president has done what he can. earlier in the process he took criticism for not making decisions about the shrink of the build back better plan, but he did the best he could to bring it to the precipice of fruition, and members of congress are still balking and at some point they may decide their collective interest is more than their individual interest. so the story on this is not totally rigged. every minute in politics that once a party is divided and the other party is unified, the one that's divided has a much more difficult messaging challenge. and so for the last several months we've been talking about this. it's not that all the democrats are divided. the vast majority of them would vote for both of these bills no matter what was in them at this point. it really is a small faction of moderates and a slightly larger faction of progressives. >> nobody should've been surprised the influence manchin and sinema would have had in these negotiations. >> the democrats can only afford to lose three votes in the house and no votes in the united states senate. if you looked at the results of the last election last november, you know, about a year ago, anybody who watched congress before would have said, joe manchin is going to be in a seat, the pivotal vote. it wasn't clear at that moment that kyrsten sinema would emerge as sort of the second part of that, but somebody else was always going to emerge as a figure like manchin just because the incentive there, because of the amount of leverage you have with just a single senate vote. any single one of them could say this is my red line, and we've seen that with the two of them. but i think that was evident as soon as election results were called. >> jonathan allen, thank you, as always. good to see you. >> take care, yasmin. breaking news in the fight against coronavirus. a tough new statement from the new york city fire department commissioner on the city's covid vaccine mandate, which took effect this past friday. i quote, the excessive sick leave by a group of our firefighters because of their anger at the vaccine mandate for all city employees is unacceptable, contrary to their oaths to serve and it may endanger the lives of new yorkers. we will of course keep an eye on this as it develops. that wraps up the hour for me, everybody. i'm yasmin vossoughian. thank you for watching. reverend al sharpton and "politicsnation" is up next after a very quick break. got a couple of bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. what do you say we see what this bird can do? woooooooooooooo... we are not getting you a helicopter. looks like we're walking, kid. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ (sfx: video game vehicle noises, horns beeping,) (engines revving, cars hitting one another.) (sfx: continued vehicle calamity.) just think, he'll be driving for real soon. every new chevy equinox comes standard with chevy safety assist, including automatic emergency braking. find new peace of mind. find new roads. chevrolet. - oh...oh. - what's going on? - oh, darn! - let me help. lift and push and push! there... it's up there. hey joshie... wrinkles send the wrong message. help prevent them with downy wrinkleguard. feel the difference with downy. centrum multigummies aren't just great tasting... they're power-packed vitamins... that help unleash your energy. loaded with b vitamins... ...and other key essential nutrients...'s a tasty way to conquer your day. try centrum multi gummies. now with a new look. good evening, and welcome to "politicsnation." tonight's lead, holding the line. right now i'm invested in things working out with the president's infrastructure plan, not because it's my number one priority, but because in order for democrats to keep their majority next year, victories are needed. yet the disconnect between house progressives, senate moderates, and the white house meant yet another vote was punted this weekend. progressives balking again at a vote on the physical spending bill until it's linked to the social spending bill. a scaled-back version of which was unveiled thursday by the white house responding to the cuts demanded by senators kyrsten sinema and joe manchin. i met with senator manchin this week. though infrastructure was not the main topic.

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President , Yasmin Vossoughian , Democrats , U S , World Leaders , G20 Summit , Bill , Agenda , Votes , Progressive Side , Finish Line , Vote , Bonnie Watson Coleman , News , Donald J Trump , Eyes , Big Bills In The House , Information Today , New Jersey , Some , Tyranny , Supporters , January 6th Committee , Capitol Hill , Warm Up Act , January 6th , 6 , People , Line , Elections , Joke , Guns , Race , Virginia , Book , Plans , Governor , Hold On , Stop , Everything , Election , Heart , Son , Parent , Reading Assignment , Material , Lawmakers , Faces , Red , Embarrassment , Child , Mother , Tristan S Mom , Breaking News , Hair , Danielle Miller , Others , Lawsuit , Youngkin Scare Strategy , Timeline , Reconciliation Bill On Tuesday , Nbc News , Infrastructure Bill , House , Sources , 1 75 Trillion , 75 Trillion , Nancy Pelosi , Changes , Infrastructure , Opposition , Details , Revisions , Bills , Progressive Leaderleaders , Ant , October 31st , Walk Aways , 31 , Reconciliation , Deadlines , Expectations , Lot , Possibility , Speaker , Both , Things , Leave , Negotiators , Package , Disappointingly , Families , Children , Economy , Climate , Hearing , Elderly , Leg Up , Expanding Medicare , Care Economy , Education Front , Pell Grants , Hbcus , Resources , Workforce Development Programs , Play , Initiative , Institutions , Family Leave , Fact , Voting , Couple , Four , Thing , Reconciliation Bill , Mom , Recovery , Bonding , Birth , Negotiations , Something , Mothers , Ability , Workplace , Bond , Child Care , Issue , Doesn T , Importance , Probability , Reason , Women , History , Government , Nation , World War Ii , 550000 , Care , Facilities , 600000 , 50 , 75 , Kind , Fdr , Two , Childhood , Particular , Prosperity , Workforce , Pandemic , Family , Child Tax Credit , Stress , Poverty , Joe Biden , Spectrum , Officiating , Incomes , Community , Walking , About , Individual , Chewing Gum , Opportunity , Behalf , Initiatives , Haeltd Care , Idea , Timing , Dell Persio , Political Analyst , Three , December 31st , September 27th , 27 , Joe Manchin , Commitments , Record , Europe , Legislation , Folks , Place , Commitment , Deal , Timelines , Isn T , Enemy , Ball Down , Road , Progressive Caucus , Kyrsten Sinema , Way , Leadership , Conference , I Don T Know , Upset , Example , Answer , Interests , Constituents , One , It , Wall , Understanding , Man , Murray , Floor , Senator Gillibrand , 74 , Agreement , Type , Proposal , Provision , Alternative , Lack , Life Experience , Reality , Stance , Elders , Awareness , Proximity , Course , Progress , Passage , The End , Part , Saying , Parents , Countries , Advocacy , Moms , Third World , Control , Policies , Family Leave Policy , Senators , Committees , Power , Worse , Wayside , Cutting Floor , Text , Pens , Top , Tax Credits , Tuition , Pre K , Tianjin , 3 , 00 , 300 , John Eastman , Support , Email , Washington Post , 4 , Vice President , Aide , Pence , Boss , Siege , Voter Fraud , Greg Jacob , Claims , Subpoenas , Susan , Talk , It Wasn T , Guess , Law License , Documents , Writing , Emails , Texts , Surface , Fees , January 6th Commission , Fines , Argument , Calls , Face , Well , Statements , Learning , Flat , Basis , Call , Election Certification , Georgia Secretary Of State , Calendar , Tracks , Committee , Election Integrity , Executive Order , Revelation , Draft , Raffensperger , Plan , Anything , Attack , Capitol , Terms , Go Down January 6th , Half , Materials , Fingerprints , Archives , Advice , Tooth And Nail , Nothing , Lives , Capitol Building , World , Iran Nuclear Deal , Overseas , Stage , Allies , Path , Juanita , Sat , We Haven T , Talks , Mike Memoli , Rome , Tax , Leaders , Reporter , Home , Breakthroughs , Reconciliation Plan , First , Conversations , Conversation , Link , Corporations , Profits , 15 , 130 , Revenue , Tax Rates , Social Safety Net Programs , Bottom , Administration , Sidelines , Breakthrough , Security , Summit , Strategy , Measure , German , Iran , Table , Chancellor , Prime Minister , French , British , Feel , Optimism , Say , Similarly , Signs , Iranians , National Security , Sort , Results , Standoff , Indication , Lift Sanctions First , Table It , Sanctions , Question , Correspondent , Menu , Food , Thoughts , Most , Assignment , Extent , Italy , Sose Toe , Ingredient , Artichoke , Fennel , Herbs , Sea Bass , Roasted Artichoke , Salmon Marinaded , Side , Dessert , Italian Restaurant , Taste , Cream Dessert , Chocolate Chip Rice Cream , Chicken Parm , Spaghetti , Him , Being , More , Specials , Mike , Italian , Potato , Provence , Pulitzer Prize , School District , Danielle Miller S Nonbanary Child , Mom Power , Discrimination , Length , Update , Battle Against One Texas School District , Aclu , Kid , Back , Ideas , Experience , Dark , Flexibility , Cash Flow , Income Planning , Saving , Sugar Cookie , Chicken , Dinner , Burger , Bucket , Cheesiest , Let S Go , Win , Kraft , Bout , Little Gal S Lovin , Everybody , Applebee S , Soft , It Back , Softness , Good , Pillows , Neighborhood , Charmin , Ultra Soft , Holy Charmin , Eatin , Go , Walk In Bath , My Name Is Ken , Kohler , Opening , Finger Snaps , Huh , 25 , 60 , Seat , Neck , Expert , Bathing , Competitors , Shoulders , Bath Fills , Drains , Hydrotherapy , Jets , Deep Soaking , Exclusive Bubblemassage , Peace Of Mind , Bath , Installer , Plumbing Brand , Independence , Kohler America , Yes , Info , Visit Kohlerwalkinbath Com , Fifteen Hundred , Fifteen Hundred Dollars , Show , Fox News School , Story , Suspension , Texas , Gender Identity , Kids , Stepped In , Help , Ruling , Court , Ears , Favor , Success , Feeling , Thanks , Hi , Fear , Punishment , Education , Well Being , Media Fanfare , Media , Restraining Order , Fighting , Student , Tristan Didn T , You Got It , Cool , You Couldn T Ask , Adults , Students , Arms , Rest , School , Trauma , Attitude , Teachers , Environment , Victory , Message , Sports , School Sports , Love , Situation , Heaviness , Terry Mcauliffe , Campaign , Glenn Youngkin , Force , Parties , Sfx , Stai N Remover , Lifesaver , Wire , Landscape , Roll , Rings , Outcome , Paper Towels , Scent Booster , Blegh , Pharmacy , Downy , Refills , Prime , Meds , Amazon , Shipping , Strength , Strength Isn T A Given , Prilosec Otc , Challenge , Heartburn , Strongest , Tonal , 24 , Money , Life , Student Loan Debt , Move , Zero Heartburn , Prilosecotc Dot Com , Zero , Rates , 500 , Enamel , State , Repair Toothpaste , Pronamel , Toothpaste , Pronamel Repair , Fairfax , Candidate Youngkin , Stumping , Heat , Implications , Voters , Number , Polls , Republicans , Vote Counts , Opponent , Cast , Referendum , View , Schools , Presidency , Grace Panetta , I Don T Think Critical Race Theory , Glenn Youngkin On November 2nd , November 2nd , 2 , Ad , Bit , Cook Political Report , Jessica Cheller , Business Insider , Woman , School System , Beloved , Reporting , The New York Times , Slavery , Husband , Toni Morrison , White House , Activists , High School , Campaign Committee , Taking , Senior , Advanced Placement English , Book Matters , Winning , Vunlt , Reading , Notice , Vaccine , Covid , Mask Policies , Reading Material , Relation , Storm , Jobs , Country , Loudoun County , Mandates , Protests , Uptick , School Board Meetings , Exsubs , Washington D C , County , Hotbed , Activity , Election Night , Polling , Points , 10 , Approval Rating , Big Dip , Sag , 42 , 43 , 40 , Congress , Approval Numbers , Action , Base , Debate , Word , Comment , Groups , Make , Ad Nauseam On Television , Focus , Doesn T Test , Books , Politics , Anger Issue , Education Issues , Race Theory , Lead , Let , Char School , Youngkin 49 , Mccaul , Lin 48 , 49 , 48 , Matter , Real Clear Politics , 48 47 , Difference , Enthusiasm , Mcauliffe Win , Jessica , Challenges , Momentum , Mentioning , Universe , Point , Youngkin Doesn T , Areas , Cramming , Msnbc , Rachel Maddow , Steve Kornacki , Nicolle Wallace , Joy Reid , Races , Office , Team , Virginia Governor , Kornacki Cam Nonstop , 5 , Break , Book Counting , Barriers , Australia , Documentary , Tourists , Flag , Operation , Earth , Patriots , Tucker Carlson , 8 , Bipolar Depression , Latuda , Depression , Lows , Stories , Fog , Art , Symptoms , Everyone , Studies , Weight , Impact , Confusion , Death , Doctor , Risk , Mood Changes , Behaviors , Antidepressants , Muscles , Teens , Stroke , Life Threatening , Fever , Dementia Patients , Side Effects , Pay , Prescription , Movements , Muscle , 0 , , Haven T , Rolling Hills , Iowa , Fields , Inside And Out , Fun , Lawmaker , List , Scratcher , Head , 850 , Sexuality , Racism , School Districts , Report , Heck , Discomfort , Classrooms , Quote , Subjects , Libraries , Matt Kraus , School Libraries , Stack , Total , District , Questions , Letter , The Confessions Of Nat Turner , The List , The Cider House Rules , Josh Caballo , Any , Soccer Player Breaking Barriers , Adelaide United , Soccer Player Out And Playing , Five , Club , Video , Hiding , Best , Dream , Anyone , Caballo , Last , Won T , High Five , Iphone , Forever , Locked In , Trade In Value Is , Iphone 13 Pro , Um , T Mobile , 13 , Don T , Daughter , Couldn T , Wash , Stains , Water , Bargain Detergent , Tide , Order , Class , Eat , Subway , Sandwich , App , All American Clubtm , Turkey Cali Fresh , Bmt , Baja Steak Jack , Trevor Lawrence , New , Ted , On The Road , Big , Jacket , Bike , Grand Babies , Gloria , Weekend , Doctors , Coverage , Blue , Benefit , Card , Medicare , Blue Cross Shield , No Matter What , Parkinson S , Passion , Benefitofblue Com Traveling , Weren T , Weren T True , Don T Take Nuplazid , Hallucinations , Delusions , Medicine , Disease , Heart Rhythm , Heart Rhythms , Ingredients , Psychosis , Drugs , Medicines , Healthcare Provider , Legs , Nuplazid , Swelling , Don T Wait , Skin , Moisturizer , Daily , Scientist , Prebiotic Oat Formula , Aveeno , True Jen , Nature Tm , Daily Moisture , Party , Infrastructure Plan , Division , Compromise , Agenda Item , None , Framework , Jonathan Allen , Series , Author , Wonder , Nbc News Digital , Senate , Times , Predictions , Networks , Number One , Principle , Climate Change , 7 Trillion , 1 7 Trillion , Ten , 1 2 Trillion , 2 Trillion , Progressives , Moderates , Wasn T Enough , Factions , Trust , Wouldn T , Guy , Aisle , Fruition , Negotiating , Friends , Buddy , Credit , Presidents , Process , Criticism , Decisions , Build , Shrink , Interest , Members , Of Fruition , Messaging Challenge , The One , Faction , Majority , Influence Manchin , Nobody , Anybody , Senator Manchin , Figure , Somebody Else , Election Results , Red Line , Amount , Incentive , Leverage , Statement , Commissioner , Fight , City , Effect , Take Care , Coronavirus , Covid Vaccine Mandate , New York City Fire Department , Firefighters , Sick Leave , Group , Anger , Oaths , City Employees , Politicsnation , Eye , New Yorkers , Reverend Al Sharpton , Liberty Mutual , Limu , Bogeys , Six , Bird , Car Insurance , Helicopter , Looks , Woooooooooooooo , Another , Video Game Vehicle Noises , Cars , Vehicle Calamity , Engines Revving , Horns Beeping , Assist , Safety , Driving , Chevy Equinox , Chevy , Find New Roads , Including Automatic Emergency Braking , Push , What S Going On , Lift , Wrinkles , Hey Joshie , Downy Wrinkleguard , Oh , Aren T , Tasting , Vitamins , B Vitamins , Energy , Essential Nutrients , Centrum Multigummies , Look , Evening , Priority , Victories , Disconnect , House Progressives , Spending , Version , Cuts , Topic ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC Yasmin Vossoughian Reports 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Yasmin Vossoughian Reports 20240709

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>> in a moment i'm going to talk to new jersey congresswoman bonnie watson coleman of the breaking news of a vote as early as tuesday on the big bills in the house. new information today on what donald trump is trying to shield from the prying eyes of the january 6th committee. this as some of his supporters appear ready to prove the capitol hill riot was just a warm-up act. >> this is tyranny. when do we get to use the guns? no, and that's not a joke, i'm not saying it like that, i mean literally, where's the line? how many elections are they going to steal before we kill these people? >> so -- enough. no, hold on. stop, hold on. now i'm going to denounce that and i'll tell you why, because you're playing into all their plans, and they're trying to make you do this. then the virginia governor's race. could fear over a book really decide this election? >> as a parent, it's tough to catch everything. so when my son showed me his reading assignment, my heart sunk. it was some of the most explicit material you can imagine. i met with lawmakers. they couldn't believe what i was showing them. their faces turned bright red with embarrassment. >> the youngkin scare strategy. a victorious follow-up with a mother who joined a lawsuit to protect her nonbinary child, targeted along with others over long hair. tristan's mom, danielle miller, joins me this hour. we begin with breaking news from capitol hill. sources telling nbc news the house plans to vote on both the bipartisan infrastructure bill and the $1.75 trillion reconciliation bill on tuesday. the timeline, however, could still be fluid given the ongoing revisions and changes to the "build back better" bill happening amongst democrats. these new details are coming after speaker nancy pelosi once again had to delay a vote on infrastructure this week over progressive opposition, effectively killing the original deadline of october 31st. progressive leaderleaders in ant to vote on the bills in tandem to prevent walk-aways from reconciliation. congresswoman, it is great to see you. thank you for joining us this afternoon. >> thank you for having me. thank you very much. >> okay. let's get to this breaking news. possible tuesday vote. we have heard of these deadlines before. it seems like yet another possible self-imposed deadline come this tuesday. what are your expectations? will the vote happen? >> i think we're very close. and there is a very good possibility that we'll take this on and vote both of these bills on tuesday. there have been a lot of eyes on these bills, so we know basically what's there. we know that the speaker and other negotiators are still talking about things like paid leave, which are vitally important. disappointingly are not in this package. but this is an awesome bill. it is a bill that's going to change families, change our economy, protect our climate, and protect our children, and give them a leg up. you know, it does wonderful things for the elderly too, from expanding medicare for hearing, making sure the care economy is available, accessible, and it does great things on the education front. you know, with pell grants and making sure that hbcus and other minority-serving institutions are in play and are used as resources. and workforce development programs being supported in this initiative. so i am very excited about the possibility of voting early in the week. >> a couple of things. the fact that you brought up paid family leave. as a mother who was really lucky to have four months of leave, i know how incredibly crucial it is, not only for the bonding for the child, but for recovery as a mom who just gave birth. it's incredibly disappointing to know that this may be out of the reconciliation bill. is there any possibility this thing could get in? and what is -- how big of a possibility, i should say? >> i don't know how big of a possibility. i know that it is vitally important to the speaker, who has been just magnificent in all these negotiations. i am certain that we're trying very hard to get something in there that recognizes exactly what you said, what mothers need, the ability to bond and to feel and then be able to come back into the workplace. so there is a possibility. i don't know the probability of it. but if for some reason it doesn't happen at this moment, we will continue to work very hard for that issue. >> you have actually talked about the importance of child care and how the u.s. funded universal child care during world war ii, to allow more women to work. the government began subsidizing child care for the first and only time in the nation's history, an estimated 550,000 to 600,000 children received care through these facilities, which cost parents 50 to 75 cents per child per day. how can this translate to today, what happened then? >> you know, when we look at these two bills that are being considered, i refer to them as our fdr moment. because they will be just so transformative in the kind of resources and uplifting and prosperity achieving that they represent. early childhood care is vitally important. it's important to our children as well as to our mothers, in particular, who want to get back to work. women have suffered tremendously under this pandemic, in the workforce. we need to do everything we can to make sure that they are able to get back into the workforce and in very good early child care. at the same time, we need to make sure we are continuing our child tax credit. because it takes children out of poverty. it takes some of the stress and worry out of the family. so i think that what we see in this "build back better" agenda that president biden has been supporting and officiating recognizes families across the spectrum. recognizes incomes across the spectrum. recognizes the importance of chewing gum and walking at the same time. that's what this is all about, from the climate to the individual to the family to the community to the fair economy to haeltd care. i think this is a wonderful opportunity and i'll be happy to cast my vote on behalf of these initiatives. >> whenever that vote may be. congresswoman bonnie watson coleman, thanks so much, it's great to see you. >> thank you for having me. >> i want to bring in susan dell persio, nbc political analyst. this idea of timing. the three of us have talked about this before. the self-imposed deadlines the democrats put on these votes. it was december 31st, before that i believe it was september 27th or something like that. it keeps getting pushed. now we're hearing there may be a vote on tuesday. nancy pelosi pushed for a vote before the president would land in europe. that obviously didn't happen. you're not necessarily getting the commitments that you expected to get, asking joe manchin over and over again on the record if he was ready to cast a vote. he said, well, i got to see what's in the legislation, i got to actually see it. not even really necessarily getting the commitment from him that folks want. what do you make of this? what do you make of the timeline that's in place once again? >> i think they need to stop worrying about timelines or actually adhere to them. like you said, they keep moving the ball down -- kicking the can down the road. time is legislation's worst enemy. they need to come to a deal. it also isn't just joe manchin. the progressive caucus also wants to get a firm commitment, at least verbally, from joe manchin and kyrsten sinema, as they rightly should. because there has been a lot of last-minute things put together. we even talked about, for example, maybe paid family leave gets put in, maybe that gets joe manchin upset, i don't know. but i think that what we're seeing is, democrat leadership is trying to push their conference in a way that they are not willing to go. they are not blindly following leadership. they are doing what they believe is in their conference's best interests and their own constituents. >> i've been trying to dig into this, i have yet to find an answer. if you don't have one, just be clear on it, right? but do you have any understanding as to why joe manchin is against paid family leave? have you at all heard why it is that's not something he supports? >> yasmin, all i can point to is the fact that he is a 74-year-old man who likely has not spent a lot of time caring for children, right? i feel like that is the only thing i can come up with. it's explicitly frustrating to see folks like sinema -- excuse me, like senator gillibrand, senator murray, on the floor trying to pressure this, trying to get to an agreement, and see him reject proposal after proposal with no alternative to offer. and so no, yasmin, i have no understanding of why he so is anti- any type of provision that will help women, help families who need to care not only for children, but maybe their elders. so i think the reality is that he just has not had that life experience, and thus that lack of proximity or lack of awareness is prompting his unreasonable stance on this. >> you know, it doesn't -- it's not that take away from obviously the progress that will be made with the passage of this $1.75 trillion reconciliation bill. i think just for a lot of folks, when of course the news broke at the end of the week that it was likely paid family leave would not necessarily be part of the bill, and it did seem like democrats were kind of putting their hands up and saying, maybe not this time, maybe that time. that being left out was pretty shocking to folks. i think more so than other things. considering the advocacy that has been out there for new moms and new parents all around. and the fact that we are behind so many third world countries, even, when it comes to -- in line, i should say, our family leave policy. >> yasmin, i think that's right. especially when you have policies like this that democrats have run on consistently for years. saying, once we get in control, we will deliver this. once we get power, we will provide this. to see it fall by the wayside is frustrating. i think the other thing that we've heard from senators leading on this is that they're not going to stop. knowing that tuesday is now the new deadline, for better or worse that means committees have to put their pens down tomorrow sometime on sunday. so that is going to be i think a day to watch. what actually comes out in the text of the legislation, what is included, and what is on the cutting floor? i think that on top of that, like you say, yasmin, that doesn't detract from all of the good things in this bill. democrats should absolutely be heralding the real-world tianjin benefits people are going to see. $300 from the child tax credits. parents not having to pay tuition for pre-k for 3 and 4-year-olds. families being able to offer their elders long-term care and support is critical and democrats need to name that repeatedly. >> january 6th, we've got to talk about this "washington post" reporting when it came to john eastman, this email to a pence aide, saying the siege is because you and your boss -- referring to the vice president -- did not do what was necessary to allow this to be aired in a public way so that the american people can see for themselves what happened. eastman wrote this to pence aide greg jacob, referring to trump's claims of voter fraud. susan, what do you think of this? >> well -- the subpoenas have been written, from my understanding. and it's important that we hear more about this. eastman tried to wiggle out of some of this talk, saying it was just theoretical, it wasn't -- you know, i wasn't really seriously proposing it. my guess is because he's worried about losing his law license over something like this. but the fact that it's in writing, and i keep thinking that this is just scratching the surface of what we will see. >> right. >> there are a lot of people who have a lot of documents, a lot of emails, a lot of texts who are going to share it with the january 6th commission. because they're not going to jail or paying huge fees or fines for donald trump. so this will all come out. but it is devastating for eastman, because that argument he tried to have go by just fell flat on its face. >> now we're learning as well, the things that the former president are trying to hide from the january 6th committee, including calls to the vice president, between the president and the vice president, statements on alleged voter fraud, presidential calendar for that day, for january 6th. literally what he was doing on an hour to hour, minute to minute basis. the call that he made related to election certification. some of which we already know, of course, some of the calls that he made to georgia secretary of state raffensperger. the draft of the executive order on election integrity. what do you make of this new revelation we're hearing as to what the former president is trying to keep from the committee? >> it shows he's trying to cover his tracks. when i say cover his tracks, i'm referring to anything that would implicate him in terms of plan can go and executing what we saw go down january 6th at the capitol and the attack. i think as susan rightly named, all of this is going to be damning to him. that's why he's asking for almost half of the documents and materials from the archives to be with held. so expect him to fight this tooth and nail. this is what is his last-ditch effort to hide his fingerprints on what happened on january 6th, hide who he was talking to, hide what advice he was giving, hide what he was thinking in those hours that we were watching this attack unfold on the capitol building, when he did nothing, when we know his vice president was being hunted, and all the people on the capitol hill that day, their lives were being threatened. >> juanita, susan, thank you both, great to see you. overseas, a busy day on the world stage for the president, wrapping up a few hours ago, the president sat down with european allies to discuss the iran nuclear deal and the complicated path ahead. we find nbc's mike memoli joining us once again from rome. we haven't heard a lot directly from the president today, as much as we heard from him yesterday. talk us through some of the talks he's had today and any breakthroughs that may have come from those conversations. >> reporter: the first has a direct link to the conversation you were just having about the president's agenda back at home. specifically the reconciliation plan. and it's the new global minimum tax that the g20 leaders, as well as more than 130 countries around the world, have agreed to move forward with. this is a minimum tax of 15% that would be placed on the profits of corporations. the idea here, and this has been an idea pushed by president biden for some time, is to do two things. one is to prevent corporations from really being able to shield their profits in countries with low tax rates, a race to the bottom as the administration tends to put it. the second thing is to allow countries to use some of that revenue generated by the new tax to invest in social safety net programs. that's exactly what president biden is trying to do at home. that was a big breakthrough the g20 leaders signed off on today. as it relates to an important national security measure on the sidelines of the summit, president biden sitting down to talk strategy with the german chancellor, french president, and the british prime minister as it relates to what they can do to get iran back to the table as the u.s. tries to cobble back together the iran nuclear deal, four years after president trump took the united states out of it. we saw the president coming forward after with the leaders indicating his optimism that iran will come back to the table. a national security official did say earlier this week they do feel that there have been signs of progress in separate talks ongoing with the iranians. but similarly to what we heard from the french president yesterday, they want to see that sort of optimism borne out by tangible results. indication that the u.s. in this standoff, would u.s. lift sanctions first, or would iran come back to the table it? appears the u.s. is being more explicit trying to get iran back to the table by promoting the idea of lifting these sanctions. >> another important question. this shows how incredible of a correspondent mike memoli is. i asked and you are delivering. what is on the menu this evening? >> reporter: yasmin, i have to confess most of my spare thoughts to the extent i have time in italy is about food. this was an assignment i took very seriously. this is what's on the menu tonight at the g20. salmon marinaded with herbs and fennel ris sose toe, pumpkin, white truffle. that makes it sing. sea bass with roasted artichoke. artichoke, a very roman ingredient. joe biden is thinking dessert. tangerine cream dessert. i've been to an italian restaurant with the president before in hi years covering him, his taste is simple, he usually orders chicken parm, side of spaghetti, chocolate chip rice cream for dessert. i think even he will enjoy this menu tonight, a little more refined than what he's used to. >> hopefully not too highbrow for the president. the way that you delivered it, i felt like i was sitting being told the specials at the italian restaurant. really makes you sing, right? from provence, an italian potato. mike memoli, go get some food. thank you, mike, good to see you. >> i'm going now. thank you. still ahead, how a pulitzer prize-winning book is impacting the tight virginia race in virginia. mom power. when danielle miller's nonbanary child was punished for the length of their hair, she called aclu. the update on the legal battle against one texas school district accused of discrimination. >> a school district has turned their back against our children and against my sweet kid. and it's heartbreaking. ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ introducing fidelity income planning. we look at what you've saved, what you'll need, and help you build a flexible plan for cash flow that lasts, even when you're not working, so you can go from saving... to living. ♪ let's go ♪ what do we want for dinner? so you can go from saving... to living. burger... i want a sugar cookie... wait... i want a bucket of chicken... i want... ♪♪ it's the easiest because it's the cheesiest. kraft. for the win win. ♪ i like it, i love it, i want some more of it♪ ♪i try so hard, i can't rise above it♪ ♪don't know what it is 'bout that little gal's lovin'♪ ♪but i like it, i love it♪ applebee's. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. sweet pillows of softness! this is soft! applebee's. holy charmin! excuse me! roll it back everybody! charmin ultra soft is so cushiony soft, you'll want more! but it's so absorbent, you can use less. enjoy the go with charmin. 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what is it that he thinks resonates with virginia voters? >> i think education has really been this perfect storm over the past year and a half, really, as with covid, kids having to be taught at home virtually. a lot of parents thought they were too slow to go back into schools. parents have struggled with trying to work their own jobs and get child care and different things. and so there's been an uptick, and we're seeing protests at school board meetings, now mask mandates, what is being taught. that's not happening just in virginia, it's happening across the country. but loudoun county which is in the exsubs of washington, d.c. is a hotbed of activity. that's a key county i'm going to be watching on election night to see, it's one that has gone democrats' way for the past few election cycles, but even if youngkin can keep it close there -- we do see this issue rising up. in polling it's a higher issue than covid. >> so do you think it's actually working with voters, his message? >> i think that it is -- has made the race tight. but virginia, of course, a state where biden won by 10 points last time. his approval rating though, now, in the state is down in the low 40s. we consistently see that in the recent polling. 42%, 43%. that's a big dip. so i think it's a sag in approval numbers, lack of action from congress, and really youngkin has been able to energize the base with this issue, absolutely. whether it can win back those suburban moms, we will see. they certainly think that this has been their key issue, of course, this is what they have honed in on. and then that very ad talks about the legislation that mcauliffe vetoed. that's what he was talking about in the debate where he -- even democrats have admitted that this was -- he did not word it very well when he said that parents shouldn't be telling schools what they're taught. and that has been played ad nauseam on television. we've heard from democrats, that doesn't test well in focus groups. republicans have been able to pick that comment out and sort of make it emblematic of all of these education issues. it's not just about books, it's not just about critical race theory, which is not being taught in virginia, but it is an anger issue. oftentimes what we see in politics is the angry side is the most motivated side to come out. >> let's talk about some of the polling that we are seeing right now. pretty neck and neck from reliable polls. "washington post"/char school, youngkin 49, mccaul lin 48. a fox news school, youngkin in the lead. real clear politics, 48/47, youngkin in the lead. how much do you expect this to change in the coming days? >> i think we'll get the best answer tuesday of next week. this is going to be an incredibly tight race in matter which direction it goes. i think there's not that much of a difference between a very tight youngkin win and a very tight mcauliffe win. either way is going to be super instructive to the parties. the challenges in the final days as jessica was mentioning, republicans have the enthusiasm and the momentum on their side. democrats have a much larger universe of voters to poll from and turn out, but their challenge is getting people to turn out, convincing voters to get as motivated against youngkin as youngkin is trying to get his voters motivated against mcauliffe and the democrats. it's going to come down to that enthusiasm. >> who's winning the suburban female vote at this point? >> i think mcauliffe is still ahead, but youngkin doesn't have to win it, he just has to make it close in some key areas. >> got it. grace, jessica, thank you both, appreciate it. tuesday is election night right here on msnbc and in virginia, of course. rachel maddow, joy reid, nicolle wallace, and steve kornacki, studying, cramming for this, his office is next door, going to break down live results of key races, including the close virginia governor's race. watch team coverage on tuesday beginning 5:00 eastern, stream the kornacki cam nonstop at book counting in texas, breaking barriers in australia after the break. republicans have been trying to rewrite the history of january 6th. they were just tourists. no, no, patriots. tucker carlson is promoting a documentary that claims it was all a false flag operation. what on earth is going on? my thoughts on that and much more tonight at 8:00 item eastern on msnbc. bipolar depression. it made me feel like i was trapped in a fog. this is art inspired by real stories of people living with bipolar depression. i just couldn't find my way out of it. the lows of bipolar depression can take you to a dark place... ...and be hard to manage. latuda could make a real difference in your symptoms. latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms and in clinical studies, had no substantial impact on weight. this is where i want to be. latuda is not for everyone. call your doctor about unusual mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. elderly dementia patients on latuda have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, as these may be life threatening... ...or uncontrollable muscle movements, as these may be permanent. these are not all the serious side effects. now i'm back where i belong. ask your doctor about latuda and pay as little as $0 for your first prescription. this is... and pay as little as $0 ♪ ♪ this is iowa. we just haven't been properly introduced. say hello to the place where rolling hills meets low bills. where our fields, inside and out, are always growing. and where the fun is just getting started. this is iowa. so, when are you coming to see us? ♪ ♪ welcome back. my head scratcher of the week. i guess before they burn the books they have to count them. so a texas republican lawmaker has drawn up a list of 850 books on subjects ranging from racism to sexuality that could, quote, make students feel discomfort. he's demanding that school districts across the state report whether any are in their classrooms or in their libraries. 850 books. that is a heck of a lot of books. if i had to stack 850 books right now, it would be a really high stack. i'm saying that's a lot of books. so i'm sure some school libraries barely have a total of 850 books. state representative matt kraus wants to know how much money each district spent on these books which includes "the confessions of nat turner," "the cider house rules." he did not respond to questions about the letter, how he chose the books on the list, and whether he had read any of them. let's talk about my "high five." an australian soccer player breaking barriers. adelaide united midfielder josh caballo has come out, the only professional soccer player out and playing. he revealed his sexuality in an emotional video shared by his club. >> growing up, i always felt the need to hide myself. because i was ashamed. ashamed i would never be able to do what i love and be gay. you know, hiding who i truly am to pursue a dream i always wished for as a kid -- i'm tired. trying to perform at the best of your ability and to live this double life -- it's exhausting. it's something that i don't want anyone to experience. >> caballo says the experience of coming out has been incredible and made him wonder why he held on so long. won't be his first or last but josh gets my "high five" of the week. ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ there is something i want to ask you. um... to unveil them to the world. the new iphone 13 pro is here, and when you get the new iphone at t-mobile, trade-in value is 'locked in' forever. we can always have a new iphone, forever? 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it's true jen. this prebiotic oat formula moisturizes to help prevent dry skin. impressive. aveeno® healthy. it's our nature.™ new daily moisture for face. next week will mark one year since joe biden was elected president. his young presidency spoiled by a divided country, a divided congress, and division in his own party as he has failed so far to bring democrats together on his biggest agenda item, infrastructure plan that went from groundbreaking to a lot of compromise. >> we have a deal. none of us got all that we wanted. >> we have a historic framework. no one got everything they wanted, including me. >> this also draws into question the future of the agenda and the party. joining me is jonathan allen, politics reporter for nbc news digital and best-selling author. great to see you again. let's talk through some of these series you've been bouncing around about the future of the democratic party. i can't help but wonder, as we've had been talking about, you got democrats with control of the white house, obviously, of the senate as well and house. but they haven't passed this deal, reconciliation as well, because of the division within their own party. your predictions on this if they're able to get this thing across the finish line and what that means for the future of this party. >> yasmin, we've been talking about this for months now, you and i, at various times and on various nbc-related networks. you know, i mean, what we're looking at here is a party that really needs to demonstrate that it can govern. you know, number one. and number two, what it does to get what people want. all of the democrats agree in basic principle, right? $1.7 trillion over ten years for climate change, for child care and elder care and the various other things that are in that bill, $1.2 trillion over five years for infrastructure. they have a basic agreement they can at least do that, and still we saw this past week that it wasn't enough. the trust between the two factions, a small number of moderates and, you know, slightly larger of progressives just isn't there to get it across the finish line yet. >> here's the thing, though. if they're able to do it and bring this to fruition, wouldn't that show they can get it across the finish line? this is a president that can -- campaigned as a guy that can reach across the aisle as a guy who spent 40 years in congress, that he has friends in congress and he can say, help me out, buddy, let's get this thing done. you got to give the president credit. he has been very much a part of the negotiating when it comes to build back better, more so than we've seen with other presidents in the past, making it clear that this is hard negotiating from the white house as well. >> i think the president has done what he can. earlier in the process he took criticism for not making decisions about the shrink of the build back better plan, but he did the best he could to bring it to the precipice of fruition, and members of congress are still balking and at some point they may decide their collective interest is more than their individual interest. so the story on this is not totally rigged. every minute in politics that once a party is divided and the other party is unified, the one that's divided has a much more difficult messaging challenge. and so for the last several months we've been talking about this. it's not that all the democrats are divided. the vast majority of them would vote for both of these bills no matter what was in them at this point. it really is a small faction of moderates and a slightly larger faction of progressives. >> nobody should've been surprised the influence manchin and sinema would have had in these negotiations. >> the democrats can only afford to lose three votes in the house and no votes in the united states senate. if you looked at the results of the last election last november, you know, about a year ago, anybody who watched congress before would have said, joe manchin is going to be in a seat, the pivotal vote. it wasn't clear at that moment that kyrsten sinema would emerge as sort of the second part of that, but somebody else was always going to emerge as a figure like manchin just because the incentive there, because of the amount of leverage you have with just a single senate vote. any single one of them could say this is my red line, and we've seen that with the two of them. but i think that was evident as soon as election results were called. >> jonathan allen, thank you, as always. good to see you. >> take care, yasmin. breaking news in the fight against coronavirus. a tough new statement from the new york city fire department commissioner on the city's covid vaccine mandate, which took effect this past friday. i quote, the excessive sick leave by a group of our firefighters because of their anger at the vaccine mandate for all city employees is unacceptable, contrary to their oaths to serve and it may endanger the lives of new yorkers. we will of course keep an eye on this as it develops. that wraps up the hour for me, everybody. i'm yasmin vossoughian. thank you for watching. reverend al sharpton and "politicsnation" is up next after a very quick break. got a couple of bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. what do you say we see what this bird can do? 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Deadlines , Expectations , Lot , Possibility , Speaker , Both , Things , Leave , Negotiators , Package , Disappointingly , Families , Children , Economy , Climate , Hearing , Elderly , Leg Up , Expanding Medicare , Care Economy , Education Front , Pell Grants , Hbcus , Resources , Workforce Development Programs , Play , Initiative , Institutions , Family Leave , Fact , Voting , Couple , Four , Thing , Reconciliation Bill , Mom , Recovery , Bonding , Birth , Negotiations , Something , Mothers , Ability , Workplace , Bond , Child Care , Issue , Doesn T , Importance , Probability , Reason , Women , History , Government , Nation , World War Ii , 550000 , Care , Facilities , 600000 , 50 , 75 , Kind , Fdr , Two , Childhood , Particular , Prosperity , Workforce , Pandemic , Family , Child Tax Credit , Stress , Poverty , Joe Biden , Spectrum , Officiating , Incomes , Community , Walking , About , Individual , Chewing Gum , Opportunity , Behalf , Initiatives , Haeltd Care , Idea , Timing , Dell Persio , Political Analyst , Three , December 31st , September 27th , 27 , Joe Manchin , Commitments , Record , Europe , Legislation , Folks , Place , Commitment , Deal , Timelines , Isn T , Enemy , Ball Down , Road , Progressive Caucus , Kyrsten Sinema , Way , Leadership , Conference , I Don T Know , Upset , Example , Answer , Interests , Constituents , One , It , Wall , Understanding , Man , Murray , Floor , Senator Gillibrand , 74 , Agreement , Type , Proposal , Provision , Alternative , Lack , Life Experience , Reality , Stance , Elders , Awareness , Proximity , Course , Progress , Passage , The End , Part , Saying , Parents , Countries , Advocacy , Moms , Third World , Control , Policies , Family Leave Policy , Senators , Committees , Power , Worse , Wayside , Cutting Floor , Text , Pens , Top , Tax Credits , Tuition , Pre K , Tianjin , 3 , 00 , 300 , John Eastman , Support , Email , Washington Post , 4 , Vice President , Aide , Pence , Boss , Siege , Voter Fraud , Greg Jacob , Claims , Subpoenas , Susan , Talk , It Wasn T , Guess , Law License , Documents , Writing , Emails , Texts , Surface , Fees , January 6th Commission , Fines , Argument , Calls , Face , Well , Statements , Learning , Flat , Basis , Call , Election Certification , Georgia Secretary Of State , Calendar , Tracks , Committee , Election Integrity , Executive Order , Revelation , Draft , Raffensperger , Plan , Anything , Attack , Capitol , Terms , Go Down January 6th , Half , Materials , Fingerprints , Archives , Advice , Tooth And Nail , Nothing , Lives , Capitol Building , World , Iran Nuclear Deal , Overseas , Stage , Allies , Path , Juanita , Sat , We Haven T , Talks , Mike Memoli , Rome , Tax , Leaders , Reporter , Home , Breakthroughs , Reconciliation Plan , First , Conversations , Conversation , Link , Corporations , Profits , 15 , 130 , Revenue , Tax Rates , Social Safety Net Programs , Bottom , Administration , Sidelines , Breakthrough , Security , Summit , Strategy , Measure , German , Iran , Table , Chancellor , Prime Minister , French , British , Feel , Optimism , Say , Similarly , Signs , Iranians , National Security , Sort , Results , Standoff , Indication , Lift Sanctions First , Table It , Sanctions , Question , Correspondent , Menu , Food , Thoughts , Most , Assignment , Extent , Italy , Sose Toe , Ingredient , Artichoke , Fennel , Herbs , Sea Bass , Roasted Artichoke , Salmon Marinaded , Side , Dessert , Italian Restaurant , Taste , Cream Dessert , Chocolate Chip Rice Cream , Chicken Parm , Spaghetti , Him , Being , More , Specials , Mike , Italian , Potato , Provence , Pulitzer Prize , School District , Danielle Miller S Nonbanary Child , Mom Power , Discrimination , Length , Update , Battle Against One Texas School District , Aclu , Kid , Back , Ideas , Experience , Dark , Flexibility , Cash Flow , Income Planning , Saving , Sugar Cookie , Chicken , Dinner , Burger , Bucket , Cheesiest , Let S Go , Win , Kraft , Bout , Little Gal S Lovin , Everybody , Applebee S , Soft , It Back , Softness , Good , Pillows , Neighborhood , Charmin , Ultra Soft , Holy Charmin , Eatin , Go , Walk In Bath , My Name Is Ken , Kohler , Opening , Finger Snaps , Huh , 25 , 60 , Seat , Neck , Expert , Bathing , Competitors , Shoulders , Bath Fills , Drains , Hydrotherapy , Jets , Deep Soaking , Exclusive Bubblemassage , Peace Of Mind , Bath , Installer , Plumbing Brand , Independence , Kohler America , Yes , Info , Visit Kohlerwalkinbath Com , Fifteen Hundred , Fifteen Hundred Dollars , Show , Fox News School , Story , Suspension , Texas , Gender Identity , Kids , Stepped In , Help , Ruling , Court , Ears , Favor , Success , Feeling , Thanks , Hi , Fear , Punishment , Education , Well Being , Media Fanfare , Media , Restraining Order , Fighting , Student , Tristan Didn T , You Got It , Cool , You Couldn T Ask , Adults , Students , Arms , Rest , School , Trauma , Attitude , Teachers , Environment , Victory , Message , Sports , School Sports , Love , Situation , Heaviness , Terry Mcauliffe , Campaign , Glenn Youngkin , Force , Parties , Sfx , Stai N Remover , Lifesaver , Wire , Landscape , Roll , Rings , Outcome , Paper Towels , Scent Booster , Blegh , Pharmacy , Downy , Refills , Prime , Meds , Amazon , Shipping , Strength , Strength Isn T A Given , Prilosec Otc , Challenge , Heartburn , Strongest , Tonal , 24 , Money , Life , Student Loan Debt , Move , Zero Heartburn , Prilosecotc Dot Com , Zero , Rates , 500 , Enamel , State , Repair Toothpaste , Pronamel , Toothpaste , Pronamel Repair , Fairfax , Candidate Youngkin , Stumping , Heat , Implications , Voters , Number , Polls , Republicans , Vote Counts , Opponent , Cast , Referendum , View , Schools , Presidency , Grace Panetta , I Don T Think Critical Race Theory , Glenn Youngkin On November 2nd , November 2nd , 2 , Ad , Bit , Cook Political Report , Jessica Cheller , Business Insider , Woman , School System , Beloved , Reporting , The New York Times , Slavery , Husband , Toni Morrison , White House , Activists , High School , Campaign Committee , Taking , Senior , Advanced Placement English , Book Matters , Winning , Vunlt , Reading , Notice , Vaccine , Covid , Mask Policies , Reading Material , Relation , Storm , Jobs , Country , Loudoun County , Mandates , Protests , Uptick , School Board Meetings , Exsubs , Washington D C , County , Hotbed , Activity , Election Night , Polling , Points , 10 , Approval Rating , Big Dip , Sag , 42 , 43 , 40 , Congress , Approval Numbers , Action , Base , Debate , Word , Comment , Groups , Make , Ad Nauseam On Television , Focus , Doesn T Test , Books , Politics , Anger Issue , Education Issues , Race Theory , Lead , Let , Char School , Youngkin 49 , Mccaul , Lin 48 , 49 , 48 , Matter , Real Clear Politics , 48 47 , Difference , Enthusiasm , Mcauliffe Win , Jessica , Challenges , Momentum , Mentioning , Universe , Point , Youngkin Doesn T , Areas , Cramming , Msnbc , Rachel Maddow , Steve Kornacki , Nicolle Wallace , Joy Reid , Races , Office , Team , Virginia Governor , Kornacki Cam Nonstop , 5 , Break , Book Counting , Barriers , Australia , Documentary , Tourists , Flag , Operation , Earth , Patriots , Tucker Carlson , 8 , Bipolar Depression , Latuda , Depression , Lows , Stories , Fog , Art , Symptoms , Everyone , Studies , Weight , Impact , Confusion , Death , Doctor , Risk , Mood Changes , Behaviors , Antidepressants , Muscles , Teens , Stroke , Life Threatening , Fever , Dementia Patients , Side Effects , Pay , Prescription , Movements , Muscle , 0 , , Haven T , Rolling Hills , Iowa , Fields , Inside And Out , Fun , Lawmaker , List , Scratcher , Head , 850 , Sexuality , Racism , School Districts , Report , Heck , Discomfort , Classrooms , Quote , Subjects , Libraries , Matt Kraus , School Libraries , Stack , Total , District , Questions , Letter , The Confessions Of Nat Turner , The List , The Cider House Rules , Josh Caballo , Any , Soccer Player Breaking Barriers , Adelaide United , Soccer Player Out And Playing , Five , Club , Video , Hiding , Best , Dream , Anyone , Caballo , Last , Won T , High Five , Iphone , Forever , Locked In , Trade In Value Is , Iphone 13 Pro , Um , T Mobile , 13 , Don T , Daughter , Couldn T , Wash , Stains , Water , Bargain Detergent , Tide , Order , Class , Eat , Subway , Sandwich , App , All American Clubtm , Turkey Cali Fresh , Bmt , Baja Steak Jack , Trevor Lawrence , New , Ted , On The Road , Big , Jacket , Bike , Grand Babies , Gloria , Weekend , Doctors , Coverage , Blue , Benefit , Card , Medicare , Blue Cross Shield , No Matter What , Parkinson S , Passion , Benefitofblue Com Traveling , Weren T , Weren T True , Don T Take Nuplazid , Hallucinations , Delusions , Medicine , Disease , Heart Rhythm , Heart Rhythms , Ingredients , Psychosis , Drugs , Medicines , Healthcare Provider , Legs , Nuplazid , Swelling , Don T Wait , Skin , Moisturizer , Daily , Scientist , Prebiotic Oat Formula , Aveeno , True Jen , Nature Tm , Daily Moisture , Party , Infrastructure Plan , Division , Compromise , Agenda Item , None , Framework , Jonathan Allen , Series , Author , Wonder , Nbc News Digital , Senate , Times , Predictions , Networks , Number One , Principle , Climate Change , 7 Trillion , 1 7 Trillion , Ten , 1 2 Trillion , 2 Trillion , Progressives , Moderates , Wasn T Enough , Factions , Trust , Wouldn T , Guy , Aisle , Fruition , Negotiating , Friends , Buddy , Credit , Presidents , Process , Criticism , Decisions , Build , Shrink , Interest , Members , Of Fruition , Messaging Challenge , The One , Faction , Majority , Influence Manchin , Nobody , Anybody , Senator Manchin , Figure , Somebody Else , Election Results , Red Line , Amount , Incentive , Leverage , Statement , Commissioner , Fight , City , Effect , Take Care , Coronavirus , Covid Vaccine Mandate , New York City Fire Department , Firefighters , Sick Leave , Group , Anger , Oaths , City Employees , Politicsnation , Eye , New Yorkers , Reverend Al Sharpton , Liberty Mutual , Limu , Bogeys , Six , Bird , Car Insurance , Helicopter , Looks , Woooooooooooooo , Another , Video Game Vehicle Noises , Cars , Vehicle Calamity , Engines Revving , Horns Beeping , Assist , Safety , Driving , Chevy Equinox , Chevy , Find New Roads , Including Automatic Emergency Braking , Push , What S Going On , Lift , Wrinkles , Hey Joshie , Downy Wrinkleguard , Oh , Aren T , Tasting , Vitamins , B Vitamins , Energy , Essential Nutrients , Centrum Multigummies , Look , Evening , Priority , Victories , Disconnect , House Progressives , Spending , Version , Cuts , Topic ,

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