Transcripts For MSNBC Alex Witt Reports 20240709 : compareme

Transcripts For MSNBC Alex Witt Reports 20240709

>> horror and heart break. the film industry reeling from what many are calling an unfathomable mistake with new details release overnight. >> alec baldwin seen in anguish thursday after firing a prop gun on the set of rust, an independent western, killing cinematographer helena hupins and injuring director joe souza. >> we need help immediately. >> reporter: another crew member and assistant director on the film grabbed a prop gun off the cart handed it to baldwin and called "gold gun" unaware it was loaded with live rounds. huchins took a lethal shot to the chest and souza what was standing halloween her was injured. hannah gutierrez reed, the armorer appeared on a podcast last month revealing she's brand-new to the role following in her esteemed father's footsteps. >> i'm still learning. but yeah dad has taught me everything. i think loading blanks was like the scariest thing to me. >> reporter: a safety bulletin for the industry says live ammunition is never to be use except for the very rare condition with conditions such as notifications shall be made on call sheet which did not appear to be the case for the movie "rust"? >> it was in live round, where did it come from? how did it get into the ground. >> reporter: the prop gun blamed for the deadly shot misfired on set before prompting some crew members to walk off the work site. rust movie initials writing they were not made aware of official complaints involving prop safety or concern on set but added they will be conducting an internal review of their procedures. meanwhile the famed actor is cooperating with police and is in touch with hutchins' husband who now speaking out. writing her legacy is too meaningful to encapsulate in words. our loss is enormous. -- abc showed the rookie announcing its changing its policy to no longer allow live weapons on the show adding any risk is too much. alex. >> absolutely. okay. great set up. we will be talking about this a lot over the next three hours. thank you so much. let's bring in brian carpenter. he heads up dark 30 film services. he's also a veteran private military film contractor working in the film industry as an armorer. you are also a trainer, stunt performer, and producer. armorer? what is that? >> we handle firearms on set, make sure that we know that they are implemented safely and are there during any time that a weapon is on set being fired. >> okay. you may have heard my colleague emily describe the word -- use the word unfathomable to describe what happened. given the job that you do, is it unfathomable that this kind of thing could have resulted in death, in this kind of injury? i mean, personally, i don't understand how live guns are even used on a set. i didn't think guns were live on movie sets, right? everything else can be fake. >> right. right. that's aer jo misconception that a lot of people have. as i have said before a lot of times you will go on set and weapons are handled as props, and they should never be handled as props. any of these firearms that are firing blanks are real firearms. they are, you know, the real thing. some of them, if they are modern, have been converted mechanically to be able to fire blanks. and some of the older ones that are used in period pieces require no conver. they are simply loaded with blanks and mechanically discharged through a mechanism. to have the misconception that these firearms are props or not real weapons is incorrect entirely. i think that is one of the things that has led to a lot of people not handling them correctly. >> also, a lot of people not understanding how this could happen. explain the me the difference between a blank and a bullet, for example. >> sure. absolutely. a blanc round, especially movie blanks, and this is an example of one right here, which would be very similar to the one used in a period piece, caliber-wise, size-wise, et cetera it has a crimp at the top. the brass is mashed in. inside it is powder. that powder allows the cartridge to open up at the end and explode, giving a muzzle blast, fire, noise, report, and simulation of a gun going off. but it has no projectile. a projectile is the actual piece of lead that is in the end of it. and it actually leaves the barrel on a real firearm that's being used in real world scenarios. a blank doesn't have a projectile in it. whereas a real round has the powder and a projectile. >> all right. so is it your understanding with your experience that a blank can kill someone? would it matter where they are hit on the body? i mean we know bullets can. we don't have to address that. but can a blank do that? would there be a reason to have a live bullet in this gun if, indeed, it's proven there was one? how would that even happen? >> that's a very good question. and it requires just getting into it a little bit technically. but a blank round, again, fires no projectile out. if you buy them, which they do -- they are made by only a few people in the united states, and they are loaded with a particular kind of powder that burns quickly so it eliminates even the powder going downrange and striking someone in the face. you obviously operate with minimum safe distances. again, i did back to the point that also no projectile leaving the barrel. so having said that, once you get a minimum safe distance, which for what we call a full flash round is around 21 feet. depending on the circumstance and the environment, and are you inside, outside, et cetera once you are past that minimum safe distance and you are never aiming at someone, you are always aiming off just as an extra level of safety, then you are okay fire the blanks. now you asked the direct question, which is a good question, can blanks kill. yes, people have been killed with blanks before. the reason is, it still produces concussion. in order for a concussive blast, custom is shock waves, so to speak, to kill someone it has to be very close quarters. i think there was an actor unfortunately years ago that was playing russian roulette on set and put the weapon to his head, fired blank and it kill him. that's an example of a blank killing. you would have to be within a foot. >> i believe that was brandon lee that that happened to in the mid '80s. brian, there is a lot we still need to discuss. thank you for getting us started with your expertise. i appreciate you. also, there are clearly unanswered questions. the santa fe sheriff's office is trying to find out if there is footage of the shooting we will have an official joining me this the next hour. we move on to politics now. a live look at richmond, virginia where in just a matter of hours democrats are bringing out the big guns. former president barack obama stumping today for terry mcauliffe as the race for governor tightens. live report from richmond coming up on that. from washington, democrats are inching closer to a deal on the multiple trillion dollar spending bill. we have clearer picture of what is in and out of that final package. but this morning a progressive leader in the house is saying it is not over yet. >> some of the things that you had on the chopping block i don't think are actually gone. so we are still working very hard to make sure that there is some form of medicare expansion. tax increases for the wealthiest and biggest corporations to pay their fair share. that is still very much on the table. not, perhaps, in the way we had originally envisioned but very much on the table in terms of paying for all of this. i think, you know, i still feel very hopeful. >> more on that in just a moment. first, new developments in the legal battle against the strict eborgs law in texas. the supreme court deciding to leave the law in place for now but will hear arguments in the case in november. also new today, facebook under fire. thousands of pages of internal documents show the company knew the platform pushed users towards far right conspiracies and details the platform played in fuelling the insurrection on capitol hill not acting forcefully enough against election misinformation and the stop the steal movement in those weeks leading up to january 6th. just a couple of hours, former president barack obama will be campaigning for democrat terry mcauliffe in west virginia ahead of the gubernatorial election, just ten days away. a new report shows that race is a dead heat. let's go to richmond, virginia. gary, welcome to you. it is a pretty big deal, president obama out on the campaign trail. how about the voters and those who plan to answer the those rallies? are they excited. >> alex, they are. former president obama knows just how close this race is, 46-46, according to the latest monmouth poll. he says he is doing everything in his power to help get the election of terry mcauliffe here as the next governor of west virginia. it is not just him. we have seen vice president kamala harris. we are seeing president joe biden coming tuesday to northern virginia to campaign for terry mcauliffe. on the republican side you are not seeing this as much. he is starting a 50-stop bus tour. glen junk kin is going the make 50 stops. but you are not going the see national republican figures as you are on the democratic side. here in richmond, people are excited. voters are exited. they are exited to see of course terry mcauliffe, and really excited to see barack obama. here's what one woman had to tell me about his presence at today's event. >> whenever i hear him speak i get so inspired, right. it's like he speaks to people's souls. he can see you. right? and he comes from humble beginnings. i feel like that's why he can relate to so many people. i am hoping that obama can help ignite that spark bus i know that there are some people that are still on the fence even when they align to democratic values and principles, they are still on the fence, unfortunately. i am hoping that obama will help to catapult them into voting for mcauliffe. >> it is that connection, that personal relationship that obama really finds important when he's talking about political allies. but it's also something that he has used in the past. we have seen this week in an ad released for terry mcauliffe, he said, i know terry. he used that same idea in a 2020 election saying i know joe, and joe knows you. that sense of personal relationship connects with voters over the next ten days. >> thank you. meantime, democrats are setting next week as a target for a vote on spending bills. let's go to josh letterman. he has more on that for us from wilmington, delaware. josh, welcome. the who white house -- is it confident the congress can move his economic agenda forward? >> publicly it is possible all the way. we heard the vice president kamala harris saying they are confident they will make a deal. and nancy pelosi said they are 90% of the way toward resolving all of the lingering issues. 90% of a deal is not a deal as we have seen from the deadlines that have been missed so far. this is a rubic's cube. there are disagreements what they should spend the money on and to pay for it. once you start messing with one side of the equation you have to mess with the other side of the equation. in the midst, democrats are having to make difficult choices about some of the priorities you can see on the screen right now that are not going to make it in this bill because of the smaller size. including free community college, a major priority for democrats. it will not be in there, from what we understand. the expanded medicare likely to go and the paid medical leave shrinking from 12 weeks to four weeks. white house press secretary january psaki reacted to these things getting pared town. >> the president's belief as you heard him say last night is that compromise is not a dirty word and that we will get nothing if we do not have 50 votes. the alternative not a larger package. the alternative is nothing. his objective is to continue to press forward, to bring the parties together, to get a historic package done. >> there's a lot of frustration, though, that democrats are poresed if spend all of the time talking about what is not going to be in the bill instead of calling attention to what will be in the bill given that democrats are in control of both chambers of the congress and the white house need to show that they can deliver on their responsibility for three reasons. number one, that election in virginia coming up in two weeks that gary was just talking about. two, these major world summits that president biden is heading to in rome and glasgow in the next two weeks where he wants to show he has something to deliver. and three, the midterm elections right around the corner next year. >> yep. lot of stuff on the docket. thank you josh letterman, for that. joining me now is arizona congressman ruben gallego, a democratic member of the house armed services and natural resources committee. also the bold pac chairman. welcome back to the broadcast. good the see you, congressman. let's start with the negotiations of the president's build back better agenda. the white house signaling its possible shift to the plan to hike taxes on the wealthy and corporations. as your fellow arizonan, senator sinema is opposed to this, she does not want to tax the rich or corporations despite the overwhelming public support across the nation to do so. what are your thoughts on that? how would the less funding through those potential taxes affect democrats' ability to pay for this bill. we hear all time, it's paid for. it's paid for. without that, is it paid for? >> well, look, if we don't hike the taxes we are going to have to either diminish the programs -- the money is not the issue. it's the programs you are cutting. when we say we are cutting money, we are cutting funding to child tax credit that helps children get out of poverty. or is it are we going to taxes to middle class families so they can pay for child care. extremely expensive right now if you have a child. the expenses have gone up. kiersten is a friend of mine but i am disi pointed. during the last recession that was caused by the pandemic it was working class families that went off and worked, put their lives at risk, stocked our shelves, cleaned our hospitals, you know w the nurses, with the doctors and everything like that. the rich got richer and the poor got poorer during the pandemic. it is time to help them build up and lift up the people affected by the pandemic is by taxing the rich and giving money to the programs that could help the middle class. i think senator sinema is missing a really key point. you know, as someone who -- i have known her for a long time, who has been on front lines in helping the middle class and working class of maesh, i think she is selling them short. now, can we find another way to do it? i'm fine with finding another way to do it. that's -- if we find other methods to actually fund these ms practice, let's do it. but i am going to be disappointed if at the end of the day we don't get funding for these programs, we don't have child tax credits, we don't have seniors with dental and vision and hearing because we were afraid to tax billionaires and corporations that basically made a killing in the middle of the pandemic. >> look, you mentioned that you are friendly with senator sinema, you worked with her for a long time. have you spoken with her about this? can you figure out what her angle is? multiple lawmakers with whom i have spoken the last couple of weeks on the show say they haven't heard anything from her, they have no idea where she's coming from. >> look, the issue isn't that she's not talking to me or not talking to other politicians. the issue is she's had the talking to her constituents. i think that's something she has answer for. i am just a middling member of congress. she doesn't have to come to me to tell me what her thoughts are. we have a duty to speak with our constituents. right now, the transformational moment that we have, where we can lift millions of americans out of poverty, not just poverty, but generational poverty, she's to the talking to her constituents. i think that's the bigger issue into well, that's true. hoyer announced they are shooting for a vote sometimes next week on the bipartisan infrastructure bill as well as the social spending bill. are you really that close to the finish line? >> i mean, i hope so. i mean, i am a life long cub fan. so you are kind of -- i am kind of an on theist in -- an optimistic person by nature. i can't say yes or no at this point. hopefully, it's possible. but i also don't want to russia bill if it's not actually going to do anything to change the lives of americans. right. >> yeah. >> i do think we need to land the plane and quickly, because americans hate process below the outcomes, we shouldn't just rush something in order to say we got something done. >> oklahoma's senator wants the defense secretary lloyd austin to suspend the pentagon's covid-19 mandate saying it was happen had hazardly implemened. >> the reason it is politically motivated is because republicans politicized the mandate. for you to join the military you have to have almost 15 to 17 vaccines to begin with. when thifs the marine corps i got vaccinated all the time. i have a small pox scar because the marine corps decided to give me smallpox vaccine. there is no smallpox in the united states. do you think i was happy and i have a score now because of it? do you know why i did it? i did it for my country, to kept my marines safe so i wouldn't be a liable. i did it because they told me in order for you to be able to deploy you need to have this vaccine. it is irresponsible for these politicians to try to say this is politicized. no. the right is politicizing this. vaccinations are important in the military because it keeps us safe and makes us ready to fight. and if y'all don't remember, in history, some of the largest amounts of deaths wasn't from war. it was from disease. especially in the trenches and in the barrack asks things of that nature. so i am very disappointed in hoff. he is usually professional. this is an absolute political move on his part. there really is no -- there shouldn't be opposition from people in the military. we are giving an order, take your shot. if you don't want to take your shot, leave the military. lots of people want to take your spot. >> duly noted. arizona congressman ruben gallego. next, political strategists weighing in on the blowback this week for senator kyrsten sinema over the president's spending bill. we'll be right back. 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>> this is still a historic bill. it is a historic bill that will deliver for hard-working families. you heard jen psaki say from the podium yesterday that this is a compromise. and it is better than not having anything at all. it will still make significant progress on child care, on early education, on climate. it will be the second largest climate bill that we have seen. and you have also seen the administration say they are going to take steps to ensure that priorities are passed f. they are in this bill, excellent. they want to move forward to get as much done as possible in a reconciliation bill given we have a very tight margin and can't pass all of the sweeping pieces of legislation that we want to. but the administration will find ways to implement their agenda through executive action and other ways. and so i think it is important to know that this is one major step towards hard-working families, and this administration isn't done delivering for the american people. >> yeah, and again as you put it, this is what compromise looks like. let's talk about the five military veterans on senator sinema's advisory board who resigned this week slamming the arizona democratic writing in a letter you have become one of the principle obstacles to progress. answering to donors rather than your own people. we shouldn't have buy representation from you and your failure to stand by your people and see their urgent needs is alarming. she's not listening to her constituents. what do you think? >> i think any time the perception is out there that you are paying more attention to k screen than main street, that is a big problem. we have seen really for the better part of a decade now there is a very serious anti-washington anti-beltway mindset amongst the american electorate and if you are tied to closely to that, whichever party, whichever side you are on that's going to be a problem for you come re-election time. i think the senator would be better taking a page from senator mark kelly from arizona who i think has done a masterful job in a very, very contested election. it is going to be one of the most fought-after ball grounds come up. he is keeping true to his constituency and still being impactful in washington. while sinema is enjoying campaign donations never go full d.c., don't forget where you came from, the people back home, that's what matters. at the end of the day whatever is written in d.c., beltway pup li indications guess what, your constituents, the people in enconfusics, in scottsdale, that's what you have got to keep your eye on. washington is a lot of times a lot of noise and distraction and rhetorical chus thumping and theatrics. people back home don't like that so much. >> yeah. right now you have got notice of, voting rights, police reform, gun control awful it stalled in congress. democrats control the senate, the house and the white house. does it concern you that it is going to hurt the party in the next year in the mid terms. what is the message that even though they control all branches of government the departments are not getting things done? >> well, democrats will get things done with this massive reconciliation bill and infrastructure, mind you. republicans were trying to pass infrastructure all four years of the trump administration and didn't deliver that message will be clear in the mid terms n. terms of vitaing rights and the other key issues that we can't get over because of the slim majority that democrats have, i don't think it worries me. it worries the white house of the it worries this administration. you heard president biden for first time kinds of lean in on how doing nothing on voting rights isn't an option. and he's open to potential filibuster reform. you heard jen psaki say that as well, that they need to do something on voting rights. we continue to see voter suppression bills happen all across the country. redistricting is happening right now. and the justice department doesn't have every tool in order to combat these discriminatories masks. yes, it is a problem. it is a current-day problem in our country. and i know that the administration understands that. i think that's why they are now open to some sort of filibuster reform. >> that brings me to my question to you, curt. 15 seconds. is the president's entire agenda dependent upon, give the explanation so mucheer has given us, filibuster reform? >> i think that in order get some stuff done and some very important things done, like voting rights, yeah, we are going to have do stuff on filibuster reform. at the end of the day if you pass ever public piece of your policy agenda, it doesn't matter. we have got to move the ball forward on that item more than any other item or it won't matter what you pass because our voters won't be able to turn out and participate. >> point well taken. thank you so much, both of you. coming up next, you will hear from the trans activist who organized the netflix walkout over the dave chappelle especially. and long-lasting gain scent beads. try spring daydream, now part of our irresistible scent collection. tums vs. mozzarella stick when heartburn hits, fight back fast with tums chewy bites. fast heartburn relief in every bite. crunchy outside, chewy inside. ♪ tums, tums, tums, tums ♪ tums chewy bites if you're 55 and up, t- mobile has plans built just for you. whether you need a single line or lines for family members, you'll get great value on america's most reliable 5g network. like 2 lines of unlimited for just $27.50 a line. only at t-mobile. i didn't have to shout out for help. because you didn't have another dvt. not today. one blood clot puts you at risk of having another, so we chose xarelto®, to help keep you protected. xarelto® is proven to treat and reduce the risk of dvt or pe blood clots from happening again. almost 98% of people did not have another dvt or pe. don't stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor, as this may increase risk of blood clots. while taking, a spinal injection increases risk of blood clots, which may cause paralysis. you may bruise more easily or take longer to stop bleeding. xarelto® can cause serious and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. it may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. get help right away for unexpected bleeding or unusual bruising. don't take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures and any kidney or liver problems. help protect yourself from another dvt or pe. ask your doctor about xarelto®. to learn more about cost, visit or call 1-888-xarelto the controversy surrounding comedian dave chapel's special the closer growing this weekend. more than 100 netflix apply yoes walked out of their offices in protest because they say his special is harmful to the transgender community and because of how their employer handled it. we reached out to netflix and dave chapel and are awaiting their response to the walkout. joining me, the activist and organizer of the netflix walkout. before we talk about the protest, i want to talk about the special that marked all of this, eric, you write for dave chapel the punchlines are irdes, his special goes too far. you have been writing about chapel's comedy for years. give us a sense of why you feel this went too far. was it different than his typical comedy? >> it feels like over his last few netflix comedies specials he has been inserting more and more jokes that are tough on gay people and tough on transgender people. and in this last special, it seems as if he kind of decided to let fly with all of the opinions that he thought would be controversial for people who typically, you know, really enjoy his comedy and look up to him. and i think he knew that some of the stuff would be challenging for some of the people who say they are fans. and i think for him, that challenge of winning those people over, making them half, is part of the challenge, is part of why he's doing what he's doing. but rooted at the heart of they jokes is this idea for example, with transgender women -- at the heart of several of his jokes is the idea that transgender women are not women. that's denying a basic ruth that transgender people have been trying to communicate about their existens for a very long time. as i said before, people of color wouldn't feel great if people came to them and said systemic racism doesn't exist. he seems to be doing a version of that with transgender and gay people in relation the their civil rights struggles and their identity issues. >> i can see, you know, exactly what you are saying to that point. ashley, time for you to weigh in on this. netflix's co-ceo said they are keeping the special up because it doesn't cause, quote, real-world harm. is chapel's special adversely affecting you. >> i wouldn't say myself personally, but definitely transpeople who experience socioeconomic disparity because of societal perception of who we are. and their decision as to whether we deserve to occupy space and opportunity. just to be clear, the netflix employment resource group has also not necessarily pushed for the removal of the special. but going forward, they want to be included in a lot of the decision-making conversations around what content -- on the platform. to be clear, this conversation is about equity in entertainment. and we see that there is a lack of equity with trans-content versus content such as dave chapel's. we know that netflix paid him $23.6 million for the sticks and stones special in 2019. for the closer, he was paid 24.1 million making transpoebic content during one of the most deadliest year force the trans community. it incense advertises media that marginalizes and i think ultimately it is because more people respond and have knee jerk reaction to content such as this. and so what the netflix employment resource group is asking for is for them to -- to responsibly pour just as much equity into the communities who are harmed by content such as this so that they can offset the harmful representation of trans people in media. when you look at disclosure, that was directed by sam fader, a trans director and executive produced by laverne cox. not only did they not pour money into that, they purchased the rights for less than the cost that it took to make the film. so you see that lack of equity. we just demand better. >> you are outlining it pretty clear. do you think the national exposure from the walkout, segments like this -- i mean it is a lot of talk through the film industry. do you expect things to change is this do you think thing will get better? i mean, you are saying exactly what you want. >> absolutely. i think what is going to happen -- this is what i predict. i predict that there is going to be another entertainment company or media group that's going to step up to the challenge, if netflix doesn't. because netflix has positioned themselves to be this diverse, equitable and inclusive company. but if that is so, we should see those values reflected in the top line budgetary priorities. so i think that at a time where traditional media and streaming services are competing with one another, if netflix does not answer the call to do better and to be intentional about creating equity for trans and non-binary people, someone else definitely will. >> guys, unfortunately i am out of time. eric i will make it up to you. you are a frequent guest on the show, i appreciate having you. ashley, i appreciate meeting you. final approval for a coronavirus vaccine for kyung children may come as early as next week. some parents are worried about getting their youngsters inoculated. we will explain why the officials say the benefits of the shots for outweigh the risks. sks. ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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>> i think you bring up a great point. without getting everybody vaccinated or the good majority of americans vaccinated we are going to have a hard time controlling this pandemic and extending it worldwide the same goes for the globe getting the rest of the world vaccinated. the important part is here making sure those have gotten vaccinated since it has been almost ten months ago, like in my case, those start to wear off. those are what is authorized to get their booster shoots. six mountains after pfizer and moderna, or two months after the johnson & johnson shot. pfizer and mrna, there are categories who can get it. for johnson & johnson, anybody who got it two months or more ago they can get it. it is going to protect them from all types of illnesses at least to the 95% level that we have seen. and to keep it from pushing it out to other people, basically not spreading the coronavirus. until we get unvaccinated to get vaccinated in the first case, that's still a long haul, an uphill battle to get the pandemic under control. >> it brings me to this. in terms of mandates how far can they go if you have people who are not willing to comply and they would rather lose their jobs before getting vaccinated. >> i think they can go a long ways. i am going historically off of what happened in the past with public health issues. i am dating myself a little bit but back in the day when we get small pox vaccines, back in the day where we would show up at school and get vaccinated during school time itself they did that for a variety of reasons, trying to get rid of small pox, trying to control polio, the other illnesses that are out there. we did that through vaccinations. i think what you are going to see is if we can hold with these mandates people, they are going lose their job because they don't want to get vaccinated, don't agree with the mandates. but there are not going to be other jobs for them to move to. eventual they have to make the decision, yes, let me get the vaccine. what i have said, other experts have said, if you are getting treated for cancer, that's your decision, because that cancer only affecting you. if you are getting vaccinated it is not just effecting you, it affects those around you, those you work with, and your community. >> good point. quickly n the national institutes of health steady a person who got the johnson & johnson saw significant increase in antibodies after a booster of another brand. would you urge a johnson & johnson recipient to look for a pfizer or a moderna instead of johnson & johnson? >> experts are saying the best booster shot is the one that's available to you. what the data is showing is particularly for johnson & johnson is getting one of the mrna vaccines mrna vaccines, pfizer or moderna, seems better than getting another johnson & johnson vaccine. if you're at a high risk or myocarditis, especially men, maybe getting a johnson & johnson is better for you. those are individual decisions. the data is showing that if you got johnson & johnson, getting that mrna vaccine, pfizer or moderna seems to be able to help you a little bit more. >> points well taken thank you so much. they're small and powerful and in short supply. how that scarcity is creating a potential economic nightmare here in the u.s. and just being sustainable isn't enough. our future depends on regeneration. that's why we're working to not only protect our planet, but restore, renew, and replenish it. so we can all live better tomorrow. ♪♪ (burke) i've seen this movie before. (woman) you have? (burke) sure, this is the part where all is lost and the hero searches for hope. then, a mysterious figure reminds her that she has the farmers home policy perk, guaranteed replacement cost. and that her home will be rebuilt, regardless of her limits or if the cost of materials has gone up. (woman) that's really something. (burke) get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. wait, i didn't ruin the ending, did i? (woman) yeah, y-you did. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ family is just very important. she's my sister and we depend on each other a lot. she's the rock of the family. she's the person who holds everything together. it's a battle, you know. i'm going to be there. keytruda and chemotherapy meant treating my cancer with two different types of medicine. in a clinical trial, keytruda and chemotherapy was proven to help people live longer than chemotherapy alone. keytruda is used to treat more patients with advanced lung cancer than any other immunotherapy. keytruda may be used with certain chemotherapies as your first treatment if you have advanced nonsquamous non-small cell lung cancer and you do not have an abnormal “egfr” or “alk” gene. keytruda helps your immune system fight cancer, but can also cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body. this can happen during or after treatment and may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, diarrhea, severe stomach pain or tenderness, severe nausea or vomiting, headache, light sensitivity, eye problems, irregular heartbeat, extreme tiredness, constipation, dizziness or fainting, changes in appetite, thirst, or urine, confusion or memory problems, muscle pain or weakness, fever, rash, itching, or flushing. these are not all the possible side effects. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions including immune system problems, or if you've had an organ transplant, had or plan to have a stem cell transplant or have had radiation to your chest area or a nervous system condition. it feels good to be here for them. living longer is possible. it's tru. keytruda from merck. ask your doctor about keytruda. right now there is a global chip shortage, parts found in everything from computers, toys, vape pens to cars. it's a result of the massive supply chain disruptions due to the pandemic. let's go to msnbc's scott cohn who's outside the largest chip manufacturer, that's intel in santa clara, california. how long, scott, is this shortage expected to last, and what does it mean for consumers? >> reporter: yeah, alex, this is yet another dimension of that supply chain crisis, and like just about everything else, there's a wide range of guesses as to how long it's going to last, but easily well into next year. this company, intel, just announced this week they're going to boost their investment in manufacturing capacity to upwards of $28 billion. that's nearly double the previous estimates, but it takes some time to build all of that out. and in the meantime, we know we've been hearing about the impact of the chip shortage on cars, but it doesn't matter if you're in the market for a car, not in the market for a car, a computer, or whatever, it's a fair bet that this shortage is going to affect you. >> the other day actually had issues, they can't get semiconductors to go into their vapes. wouldn't have thought it, right? it's impacting everything. whatever room you're sitting in, look around, like you have semiconductors within your field of vision, i guarantee it. no matter what room you are. they're everywhere. >> reporter: imagine just the number of chips involved in bringing you this report and you watching it as to number well into the hundreds if not more. here's some other numbers to consider, the demand for computer chips for semiconductors is just going through the roof. globally in october, $47.2 billion in sales. that's up 30% from a year ago. meantime, the u.s. share of the chip industry is falling pretty much precipitously. 37% back in 1990. it is expected to fall to about 10% by the end of this decade, and if you think about the potential ripple effect here, just in terms of a car, about 1,500 chips go into a typical car. if even one is stuck on a container ship off the coast of california, they're not going to build that car. that's kind of what we're dealing with and why this is, as i said, yet another dimension in this growing supply chain crisis. alex. >> i just got scared looking around the studio here thinking oh, my goodness, all the chips. all right, thank you so much. a search warrant affidavit in that movie set shooting reveals new details and raising more questions, some new information coming your way next. knows everyone's unique. that's why they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. 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Rookie , Husband , Words , Legacy , Loss , Touch , Hutchins , Abc , Making Transpoebic Content , Risk , Weapons , Show , Policy , Three , Veteran Private Military Film Contractor Working , Brian Carpenter , Film Industry , Film Services , Producer , Stunt Performer , Trainer , 30 , Firearms , Weapon , Emily , Kind , Word , Job , Death , Injury , People , Everything , Guns , Jo Misconception , Props , Any , Times , Firing Blanks , The Real Thing , Blanks , Ones , Pieces , Mechanism , Conver , Things , Misconception , Example , Bullet , Period Piece , Difference , Caliber Wise , Powder , Top , Brass , Muzzle Blast , Cartridge , Crimp , Et Cetera , Size Wise , The End , Barrel , Projectile , Piece , Report , Firearm , Noise , Fire , Lead , End , Simulation , World , Doesn T , Blank , Experience , Scenarios , Understanding , Someone , Reason , Body , Bullets , Hit , Gun If , Question , Point , Distances , Face , Flash Round , Safe Distance , Feet , Circumstance , 21 , Safe , Level , Safety , Distance , Environment , Outside , Order , Yes , Concussion , Shock Waves , Concussive Blast , Head , Quarters , Russian Roulette , Killing , Expertise , Foot , Brandon Lee , Mid 80s , 80 , Shooting , Look , Richmond , Politics , Questions , Footage , Office , Official , Sheriff , Santa Fe , Barack Obama , Democrats , Deal , Matter , Race , Governor , West Virginia , Terry Mcauliffe , Washington , House , Package , Dollar Spending Bill , Leader , Picture , Chopping Block , Corporations , Form , Share , Tax , Medicare , Expansion , Way , Wall , Terms , Table , Developments , First , Battle , Law , Pages , Thousands , Arguments , Place , Under Fire , Supreme Court , Eborgs Law In Texas , Facebook , Election , Platform , Company , Conspiracies , Movement , Stop , Users , Insurrection , Documents , Misinformation , Capitol Hill , Campaigning , January 6th , 6 , Ten , President , Voters , Let S Go , Heat , Rallies , Gary , Campaign Trail , Help , Power , Poll , Monmouth , 46 , Joe Biden , Kamala Harris , Northern Virginia , Side , Stops , Figures , Bus Tour , Glen Junk Kin , Republican , 50 , Woman , Course , Presence , Event , Bus , Souls , Humble Beginnings , Values , Fence , Voting , Principles , Something , Relationship , Connection , Allies , Ad , Idea , Sense , Saying , Terry , 2020 , Vote , White House , Josh Letterman , Spending Bills , Target , Delaware , Wilmington , Call Congress , Agenda , Nancy Pelosi , 90 , Money , Equation , Deadlines , Disagreements , Rubic S Cube , Bill , Priorities , Community College , Screen , Priority , Size , Midst , Choices , Leave , White House Press Secretary , January Psaki , Four , 12 , Compromise , Nothing , Alternative , Votes , Town , Belief , Parties , Objective , Frustration , Control , Attention , Calling , Chambers , Poresed , Reasons , Rome , World Summits , Responsibility , Number One , Glasgow , Two , Ruben Gallego , Stuff , Arizona , Services , Elections , Yep , Corner , Docket , Natural Resources Committee , Taxes 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Campaign , Xochtl , Say , Working Families , Jen Psaki , On Climate , Climate Bill , Progress , Podium , Administration , Steps , Excellent , Ways , Reconciliation Bill , Executive Action , Legislation , Margin , Talk , Step , Veterans , Let , Five , Writing , Democratic , Letter , Obstacles , Donors , Advisory Board , Representation , Needs , Failure , Problem , Perception , Main Street , Whichever Party , Electorate , Page , Mindset , Ball Grounds , Mark Kelly , Go Full D C , Constituency , Campaign Donations , Whatever , Home , Matters , Eye , Indications , In Scottsdale , D C , Enconfusics , Beltway Pup Li , Lot , Voting Rights , Distraction , Notice , Gun Control , Theatrics , Police Reform , Chus Thumping , Message , Party , Senate , Departments , Infrastructure , Government , Issues , Majority , Didn T , Mid Terms N Of Vitaing Rights , Filibuster Reform , Kinds , Lean , Voting Rights Isn T An Option , Department Doesn T , Voter Suppression Bills , Redistricting , Justice , Tool 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Version , Racism , Color , Struggles , Doesn T Cause , Co Ceo , Ashley , Real World Harm , Decision , Disparity , Opportunity , Removal , Netflix Employment Resource Group , Space , Forward , Equity , Lack , Conversation , Conversations , Entertainment , Closer , Dave Chapel S , Sticks And Stones , 2019 , 23 6 Million , 3 6 Million , Media , It Incense , 24 1 Million , Knee Jerk Reaction , Communities , Disclosure , Executive , Laverne Cox , Sam Fader , Segments , Exposure , Entertainment Company , Media Group , Netflix Doesn T , Top Line , Call , Guest , Someone Else , Guys , Parents , Approval , Youngsters , Benefits , Officials , Ideas , Risks , Shots , Sks , Protein , Dark , Flexibility , Thirty , Pharmacy , Energy , Health , Sugar , Nutrients , Abbot Sonic , Excited Yell , Sighs Wearily , Prime Members , Medication , Meds , Prices , Low , Amazon , Voice , Freedom , Voices , Attack , Living , Act , Freedom To Vote Act , Darling , I Don T Know , Babe , Babe Girl , Double Crunch Shrimp , Good , Steak EntrÉe , Neighborhood , Applebee S , Eatin , Pfizer , Whether , Fda , 11 , Boosters , Health Conditions , Dose , Cdc , 65 , 91 , Moderna , Booster Shot , Area , Senior , Correspondent , Dr , Doc , Nbc News , John Torrez , 70 Million , Booster Shots , Everybody , Rest , Same , Globe , Anybody , Mrna , Booster Shoots , Mountains , Categories , Six , Illnesses , Types , 95 , Mandates , Haul , Uphill Battle , Jobs , Bit , Public Health , Control Polio , Small Pox , School , Variety , Cancer , Booster , Brand , Antibodies , Increase , Quickly N The National Institutes Of Health , Data , Showing , Recipient , Men , Myocarditis , Points , Decisions , Supply , Nightmare , Scarcity , Sustainable Isn T Enough , Planet , Regeneration , Restore , Burke , Farmers Home Policy Perk , Figure , Hope , Hero , Materials , Limits , Ending , Farmers Policy Perks , Y You , Farmers , Bum , Pa Dum , Family , Sister , The Rock , Chemotherapy , Keytruda , Medicine , Clinical Trial , Immune System , Treatment , Lung Cancer , Chemotherapies , Gene , Patients , Immunotherapy , Alk , Egfr , Nonsquamous Non Small Cell Lung Cancer , Parts , Fight Cancer , Shortness , Chest Pain , Stomach Pain , Breath , Tenderness , Nausea , Diarrhea , Cough , Irregular Heartbeat , Constipation , Eye Problems , Memory Problems , Headache , Muscle Pain , Light Sensitivity , Fever , Rash , Dizziness , Itching , Urine , Confusion , Appetite , Vomiting , Fainting , Weakness , Thirst , Extreme Tiredness , Flushing , Organ Transplant , Stem Cell Transplant , Immune System Problems , Side Effects , Chest Area , Radiation , Nervous System , Tru , Merck , Cars , Let S Go To Msnbc , Computers , Chip Shortage , Result , Supply Chain Disruptions , Toys , Vape Pens , Shortage , Intel , Scott Cohn , Dimension , Supply Chain Crisis , Consumers , Alex , Chip Manufacturer , California , Santa Clara , Guesses , Manufacturing , Range , Investment , Capacity , Everything Else , Car , Market , Impact , Estimates , 8 Billion , 28 Billion , Semiconductors , Computer , Fair , Bet , Room , Wouldn T , Vapes , Impacting Everything , Field , Chips , Everywhere , Hundreds , Computer Chips , Numbers , Demand , Roof , Sales , 7 2 Billion , 47 2 Billion , Chip Industry , Ripple Effect , Back , 37 , 10 , 1990 , Container Ship , 1500 , Right , Goodness , Studio , Search Warrant Affidavit , Movie Set Shooting , Thinking Oh , Car Insurance , Information , Ferry Horn Honks , Unique , Flea Medication , Floor , Chuckles , Vacuum , Pay , Liberty , Yell , Liberty Tums Vs , Thinking , Business , Counts , Scene , Food , Biology , Teaching , Partner , Customer Support , 5g , Lab , Trade Offs , Super Emma , Skin , Cape , Detergent , Hypoallergenic , Tide Hygienic , Enamel , Toothpaste , State , Repair Toothpaste , Basis , Pronamel , Pronamel Repair , Xfinity Rewards , Halloween Horror Nights , Perks , Chance , Inside Scoop On Halloween Kills , Xfinity Rewards Members , Universal Parks Resorts , Hollywood , Orlando , Rewards , Stream , Q A , App , Thanks , Jamie Lee Curtis ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC Alex Witt Reports 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Alex Witt Reports 20240709

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>> horror and heart break. the film industry reeling from what many are calling an unfathomable mistake with new details release overnight. >> alec baldwin seen in anguish thursday after firing a prop gun on the set of rust, an independent western, killing cinematographer helena hupins and injuring director joe souza. >> we need help immediately. >> reporter: another crew member and assistant director on the film grabbed a prop gun off the cart handed it to baldwin and called "gold gun" unaware it was loaded with live rounds. huchins took a lethal shot to the chest and souza what was standing halloween her was injured. hannah gutierrez reed, the armorer appeared on a podcast last month revealing she's brand-new to the role following in her esteemed father's footsteps. >> i'm still learning. but yeah dad has taught me everything. i think loading blanks was like the scariest thing to me. >> reporter: a safety bulletin for the industry says live ammunition is never to be use except for the very rare condition with conditions such as notifications shall be made on call sheet which did not appear to be the case for the movie "rust"? >> it was in live round, where did it come from? how did it get into the ground. >> reporter: the prop gun blamed for the deadly shot misfired on set before prompting some crew members to walk off the work site. rust movie initials writing they were not made aware of official complaints involving prop safety or concern on set but added they will be conducting an internal review of their procedures. meanwhile the famed actor is cooperating with police and is in touch with hutchins' husband who now speaking out. writing her legacy is too meaningful to encapsulate in words. our loss is enormous. -- abc showed the rookie announcing its changing its policy to no longer allow live weapons on the show adding any risk is too much. alex. >> absolutely. okay. great set up. we will be talking about this a lot over the next three hours. thank you so much. let's bring in brian carpenter. he heads up dark 30 film services. he's also a veteran private military film contractor working in the film industry as an armorer. you are also a trainer, stunt performer, and producer. armorer? what is that? >> we handle firearms on set, make sure that we know that they are implemented safely and are there during any time that a weapon is on set being fired. >> okay. you may have heard my colleague emily describe the word -- use the word unfathomable to describe what happened. given the job that you do, is it unfathomable that this kind of thing could have resulted in death, in this kind of injury? i mean, personally, i don't understand how live guns are even used on a set. i didn't think guns were live on movie sets, right? everything else can be fake. >> right. right. that's aer jo misconception that a lot of people have. as i have said before a lot of times you will go on set and weapons are handled as props, and they should never be handled as props. any of these firearms that are firing blanks are real firearms. they are, you know, the real thing. some of them, if they are modern, have been converted mechanically to be able to fire blanks. and some of the older ones that are used in period pieces require no conver. they are simply loaded with blanks and mechanically discharged through a mechanism. to have the misconception that these firearms are props or not real weapons is incorrect entirely. i think that is one of the things that has led to a lot of people not handling them correctly. >> also, a lot of people not understanding how this could happen. explain the me the difference between a blank and a bullet, for example. >> sure. absolutely. a blanc round, especially movie blanks, and this is an example of one right here, which would be very similar to the one used in a period piece, caliber-wise, size-wise, et cetera it has a crimp at the top. the brass is mashed in. inside it is powder. that powder allows the cartridge to open up at the end and explode, giving a muzzle blast, fire, noise, report, and simulation of a gun going off. but it has no projectile. a projectile is the actual piece of lead that is in the end of it. and it actually leaves the barrel on a real firearm that's being used in real world scenarios. a blank doesn't have a projectile in it. whereas a real round has the powder and a projectile. >> all right. so is it your understanding with your experience that a blank can kill someone? would it matter where they are hit on the body? i mean we know bullets can. we don't have to address that. but can a blank do that? would there be a reason to have a live bullet in this gun if, indeed, it's proven there was one? how would that even happen? >> that's a very good question. and it requires just getting into it a little bit technically. but a blank round, again, fires no projectile out. if you buy them, which they do -- they are made by only a few people in the united states, and they are loaded with a particular kind of powder that burns quickly so it eliminates even the powder going downrange and striking someone in the face. you obviously operate with minimum safe distances. again, i did back to the point that also no projectile leaving the barrel. so having said that, once you get a minimum safe distance, which for what we call a full flash round is around 21 feet. depending on the circumstance and the environment, and are you inside, outside, et cetera once you are past that minimum safe distance and you are never aiming at someone, you are always aiming off just as an extra level of safety, then you are okay fire the blanks. now you asked the direct question, which is a good question, can blanks kill. yes, people have been killed with blanks before. the reason is, it still produces concussion. in order for a concussive blast, custom is shock waves, so to speak, to kill someone it has to be very close quarters. i think there was an actor unfortunately years ago that was playing russian roulette on set and put the weapon to his head, fired blank and it kill him. that's an example of a blank killing. you would have to be within a foot. >> i believe that was brandon lee that that happened to in the mid '80s. brian, there is a lot we still need to discuss. thank you for getting us started with your expertise. i appreciate you. also, there are clearly unanswered questions. the santa fe sheriff's office is trying to find out if there is footage of the shooting we will have an official joining me this the next hour. we move on to politics now. a live look at richmond, virginia where in just a matter of hours democrats are bringing out the big guns. former president barack obama stumping today for terry mcauliffe as the race for governor tightens. live report from richmond coming up on that. from washington, democrats are inching closer to a deal on the multiple trillion dollar spending bill. we have clearer picture of what is in and out of that final package. but this morning a progressive leader in the house is saying it is not over yet. >> some of the things that you had on the chopping block i don't think are actually gone. so we are still working very hard to make sure that there is some form of medicare expansion. tax increases for the wealthiest and biggest corporations to pay their fair share. that is still very much on the table. not, perhaps, in the way we had originally envisioned but very much on the table in terms of paying for all of this. i think, you know, i still feel very hopeful. >> more on that in just a moment. first, new developments in the legal battle against the strict eborgs law in texas. the supreme court deciding to leave the law in place for now but will hear arguments in the case in november. also new today, facebook under fire. thousands of pages of internal documents show the company knew the platform pushed users towards far right conspiracies and details the platform played in fuelling the insurrection on capitol hill not acting forcefully enough against election misinformation and the stop the steal movement in those weeks leading up to january 6th. just a couple of hours, former president barack obama will be campaigning for democrat terry mcauliffe in west virginia ahead of the gubernatorial election, just ten days away. a new report shows that race is a dead heat. let's go to richmond, virginia. gary, welcome to you. it is a pretty big deal, president obama out on the campaign trail. how about the voters and those who plan to answer the those rallies? are they excited. >> alex, they are. former president obama knows just how close this race is, 46-46, according to the latest monmouth poll. he says he is doing everything in his power to help get the election of terry mcauliffe here as the next governor of west virginia. it is not just him. we have seen vice president kamala harris. we are seeing president joe biden coming tuesday to northern virginia to campaign for terry mcauliffe. on the republican side you are not seeing this as much. he is starting a 50-stop bus tour. glen junk kin is going the make 50 stops. but you are not going the see national republican figures as you are on the democratic side. here in richmond, people are excited. voters are exited. they are exited to see of course terry mcauliffe, and really excited to see barack obama. here's what one woman had to tell me about his presence at today's event. >> whenever i hear him speak i get so inspired, right. it's like he speaks to people's souls. he can see you. right? and he comes from humble beginnings. i feel like that's why he can relate to so many people. i am hoping that obama can help ignite that spark bus i know that there are some people that are still on the fence even when they align to democratic values and principles, they are still on the fence, unfortunately. i am hoping that obama will help to catapult them into voting for mcauliffe. >> it is that connection, that personal relationship that obama really finds important when he's talking about political allies. but it's also something that he has used in the past. we have seen this week in an ad released for terry mcauliffe, he said, i know terry. he used that same idea in a 2020 election saying i know joe, and joe knows you. that sense of personal relationship connects with voters over the next ten days. >> thank you. meantime, democrats are setting next week as a target for a vote on spending bills. let's go to josh letterman. he has more on that for us from wilmington, delaware. josh, welcome. the who white house -- is it confident the congress can move his economic agenda forward? >> publicly it is possible all the way. we heard the vice president kamala harris saying they are confident they will make a deal. and nancy pelosi said they are 90% of the way toward resolving all of the lingering issues. 90% of a deal is not a deal as we have seen from the deadlines that have been missed so far. this is a rubic's cube. there are disagreements what they should spend the money on and to pay for it. once you start messing with one side of the equation you have to mess with the other side of the equation. in the midst, democrats are having to make difficult choices about some of the priorities you can see on the screen right now that are not going to make it in this bill because of the smaller size. including free community college, a major priority for democrats. it will not be in there, from what we understand. the expanded medicare likely to go and the paid medical leave shrinking from 12 weeks to four weeks. white house press secretary january psaki reacted to these things getting pared town. >> the president's belief as you heard him say last night is that compromise is not a dirty word and that we will get nothing if we do not have 50 votes. the alternative not a larger package. the alternative is nothing. his objective is to continue to press forward, to bring the parties together, to get a historic package done. >> there's a lot of frustration, though, that democrats are poresed if spend all of the time talking about what is not going to be in the bill instead of calling attention to what will be in the bill given that democrats are in control of both chambers of the congress and the white house need to show that they can deliver on their responsibility for three reasons. number one, that election in virginia coming up in two weeks that gary was just talking about. two, these major world summits that president biden is heading to in rome and glasgow in the next two weeks where he wants to show he has something to deliver. and three, the midterm elections right around the corner next year. >> yep. lot of stuff on the docket. thank you josh letterman, for that. joining me now is arizona congressman ruben gallego, a democratic member of the house armed services and natural resources committee. also the bold pac chairman. welcome back to the broadcast. good the see you, congressman. let's start with the negotiations of the president's build back better agenda. the white house signaling its possible shift to the plan to hike taxes on the wealthy and corporations. as your fellow arizonan, senator sinema is opposed to this, she does not want to tax the rich or corporations despite the overwhelming public support across the nation to do so. what are your thoughts on that? how would the less funding through those potential taxes affect democrats' ability to pay for this bill. we hear all time, it's paid for. it's paid for. without that, is it paid for? >> well, look, if we don't hike the taxes we are going to have to either diminish the programs -- the money is not the issue. it's the programs you are cutting. when we say we are cutting money, we are cutting funding to child tax credit that helps children get out of poverty. or is it are we going to taxes to middle class families so they can pay for child care. extremely expensive right now if you have a child. the expenses have gone up. kiersten is a friend of mine but i am disi pointed. during the last recession that was caused by the pandemic it was working class families that went off and worked, put their lives at risk, stocked our shelves, cleaned our hospitals, you know w the nurses, with the doctors and everything like that. the rich got richer and the poor got poorer during the pandemic. it is time to help them build up and lift up the people affected by the pandemic is by taxing the rich and giving money to the programs that could help the middle class. i think senator sinema is missing a really key point. you know, as someone who -- i have known her for a long time, who has been on front lines in helping the middle class and working class of maesh, i think she is selling them short. now, can we find another way to do it? i'm fine with finding another way to do it. that's -- if we find other methods to actually fund these ms practice, let's do it. but i am going to be disappointed if at the end of the day we don't get funding for these programs, we don't have child tax credits, we don't have seniors with dental and vision and hearing because we were afraid to tax billionaires and corporations that basically made a killing in the middle of the pandemic. >> look, you mentioned that you are friendly with senator sinema, you worked with her for a long time. have you spoken with her about this? can you figure out what her angle is? multiple lawmakers with whom i have spoken the last couple of weeks on the show say they haven't heard anything from her, they have no idea where she's coming from. >> look, the issue isn't that she's not talking to me or not talking to other politicians. the issue is she's had the talking to her constituents. i think that's something she has answer for. i am just a middling member of congress. she doesn't have to come to me to tell me what her thoughts are. we have a duty to speak with our constituents. right now, the transformational moment that we have, where we can lift millions of americans out of poverty, not just poverty, but generational poverty, she's to the talking to her constituents. i think that's the bigger issue into well, that's true. hoyer announced they are shooting for a vote sometimes next week on the bipartisan infrastructure bill as well as the social spending bill. are you really that close to the finish line? >> i mean, i hope so. i mean, i am a life long cub fan. so you are kind of -- i am kind of an on theist in -- an optimistic person by nature. i can't say yes or no at this point. hopefully, it's possible. but i also don't want to russia bill if it's not actually going to do anything to change the lives of americans. right. >> yeah. >> i do think we need to land the plane and quickly, because americans hate process below the outcomes, we shouldn't just rush something in order to say we got something done. >> oklahoma's senator wants the defense secretary lloyd austin to suspend the pentagon's covid-19 mandate saying it was happen had hazardly implemened. >> the reason it is politically motivated is because republicans politicized the mandate. for you to join the military you have to have almost 15 to 17 vaccines to begin with. when thifs the marine corps i got vaccinated all the time. i have a small pox scar because the marine corps decided to give me smallpox vaccine. there is no smallpox in the united states. do you think i was happy and i have a score now because of it? do you know why i did it? i did it for my country, to kept my marines safe so i wouldn't be a liable. i did it because they told me in order for you to be able to deploy you need to have this vaccine. it is irresponsible for these politicians to try to say this is politicized. no. the right is politicizing this. vaccinations are important in the military because it keeps us safe and makes us ready to fight. and if y'all don't remember, in history, some of the largest amounts of deaths wasn't from war. it was from disease. especially in the trenches and in the barrack asks things of that nature. so i am very disappointed in hoff. he is usually professional. this is an absolute political move on his part. there really is no -- there shouldn't be opposition from people in the military. we are giving an order, take your shot. if you don't want to take your shot, leave the military. lots of people want to take your spot. >> duly noted. arizona congressman ruben gallego. next, political strategists weighing in on the blowback this week for senator kyrsten sinema over the president's spending bill. we'll be right back. 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>> this is still a historic bill. it is a historic bill that will deliver for hard-working families. you heard jen psaki say from the podium yesterday that this is a compromise. and it is better than not having anything at all. it will still make significant progress on child care, on early education, on climate. it will be the second largest climate bill that we have seen. and you have also seen the administration say they are going to take steps to ensure that priorities are passed f. they are in this bill, excellent. they want to move forward to get as much done as possible in a reconciliation bill given we have a very tight margin and can't pass all of the sweeping pieces of legislation that we want to. but the administration will find ways to implement their agenda through executive action and other ways. and so i think it is important to know that this is one major step towards hard-working families, and this administration isn't done delivering for the american people. >> yeah, and again as you put it, this is what compromise looks like. let's talk about the five military veterans on senator sinema's advisory board who resigned this week slamming the arizona democratic writing in a letter you have become one of the principle obstacles to progress. answering to donors rather than your own people. we shouldn't have buy representation from you and your failure to stand by your people and see their urgent needs is alarming. she's not listening to her constituents. what do you think? >> i think any time the perception is out there that you are paying more attention to k screen than main street, that is a big problem. we have seen really for the better part of a decade now there is a very serious anti-washington anti-beltway mindset amongst the american electorate and if you are tied to closely to that, whichever party, whichever side you are on that's going to be a problem for you come re-election time. i think the senator would be better taking a page from senator mark kelly from arizona who i think has done a masterful job in a very, very contested election. it is going to be one of the most fought-after ball grounds come up. he is keeping true to his constituency and still being impactful in washington. while sinema is enjoying campaign donations never go full d.c., don't forget where you came from, the people back home, that's what matters. at the end of the day whatever is written in d.c., beltway pup li indications guess what, your constituents, the people in enconfusics, in scottsdale, that's what you have got to keep your eye on. washington is a lot of times a lot of noise and distraction and rhetorical chus thumping and theatrics. people back home don't like that so much. >> yeah. right now you have got notice of, voting rights, police reform, gun control awful it stalled in congress. democrats control the senate, the house and the white house. does it concern you that it is going to hurt the party in the next year in the mid terms. what is the message that even though they control all branches of government the departments are not getting things done? >> well, democrats will get things done with this massive reconciliation bill and infrastructure, mind you. republicans were trying to pass infrastructure all four years of the trump administration and didn't deliver that message will be clear in the mid terms n. terms of vitaing rights and the other key issues that we can't get over because of the slim majority that democrats have, i don't think it worries me. it worries the white house of the it worries this administration. you heard president biden for first time kinds of lean in on how doing nothing on voting rights isn't an option. and he's open to potential filibuster reform. you heard jen psaki say that as well, that they need to do something on voting rights. we continue to see voter suppression bills happen all across the country. redistricting is happening right now. and the justice department doesn't have every tool in order to combat these discriminatories masks. yes, it is a problem. it is a current-day problem in our country. and i know that the administration understands that. i think that's why they are now open to some sort of filibuster reform. >> that brings me to my question to you, curt. 15 seconds. is the president's entire agenda dependent upon, give the explanation so mucheer has given us, filibuster reform? >> i think that in order get some stuff done and some very important things done, like voting rights, yeah, we are going to have do stuff on filibuster reform. at the end of the day if you pass ever public piece of your policy agenda, it doesn't matter. we have got to move the ball forward on that item more than any other item or it won't matter what you pass because our voters won't be able to turn out and participate. >> point well taken. thank you so much, both of you. coming up next, you will hear from the trans activist who organized the netflix walkout over the dave chappelle especially. and long-lasting gain scent beads. try spring daydream, now part of our irresistible scent collection. tums vs. mozzarella stick when heartburn hits, fight back fast with tums chewy bites. fast heartburn relief in every bite. crunchy outside, chewy inside. ♪ tums, tums, tums, tums ♪ tums chewy bites if you're 55 and up, t- mobile has plans built just for you. whether you need a single line or lines for family members, you'll get great value on america's most reliable 5g network. like 2 lines of unlimited for just $27.50 a line. only at t-mobile. i didn't have to shout out for help. because you didn't have another dvt. not today. one blood clot puts you at risk of having another, so we chose xarelto®, to help keep you protected. xarelto® is proven to treat and reduce the risk of dvt or pe blood clots from happening again. almost 98% of people did not have another dvt or pe. don't stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor, as this may increase risk of blood clots. while taking, a spinal injection increases risk of blood clots, which may cause paralysis. you may bruise more easily or take longer to stop bleeding. xarelto® can cause serious and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. it may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. get help right away for unexpected bleeding or unusual bruising. don't take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures and any kidney or liver problems. help protect yourself from another dvt or pe. ask your doctor about xarelto®. to learn more about cost, visit or call 1-888-xarelto the controversy surrounding comedian dave chapel's special the closer growing this weekend. more than 100 netflix apply yoes walked out of their offices in protest because they say his special is harmful to the transgender community and because of how their employer handled it. we reached out to netflix and dave chapel and are awaiting their response to the walkout. joining me, the activist and organizer of the netflix walkout. before we talk about the protest, i want to talk about the special that marked all of this, eric, you write for dave chapel the punchlines are irdes, his special goes too far. you have been writing about chapel's comedy for years. give us a sense of why you feel this went too far. was it different than his typical comedy? >> it feels like over his last few netflix comedies specials he has been inserting more and more jokes that are tough on gay people and tough on transgender people. and in this last special, it seems as if he kind of decided to let fly with all of the opinions that he thought would be controversial for people who typically, you know, really enjoy his comedy and look up to him. and i think he knew that some of the stuff would be challenging for some of the people who say they are fans. and i think for him, that challenge of winning those people over, making them half, is part of the challenge, is part of why he's doing what he's doing. but rooted at the heart of they jokes is this idea for example, with transgender women -- at the heart of several of his jokes is the idea that transgender women are not women. that's denying a basic ruth that transgender people have been trying to communicate about their existens for a very long time. as i said before, people of color wouldn't feel great if people came to them and said systemic racism doesn't exist. he seems to be doing a version of that with transgender and gay people in relation the their civil rights struggles and their identity issues. >> i can see, you know, exactly what you are saying to that point. ashley, time for you to weigh in on this. netflix's co-ceo said they are keeping the special up because it doesn't cause, quote, real-world harm. is chapel's special adversely affecting you. >> i wouldn't say myself personally, but definitely transpeople who experience socioeconomic disparity because of societal perception of who we are. and their decision as to whether we deserve to occupy space and opportunity. just to be clear, the netflix employment resource group has also not necessarily pushed for the removal of the special. but going forward, they want to be included in a lot of the decision-making conversations around what content -- on the platform. to be clear, this conversation is about equity in entertainment. and we see that there is a lack of equity with trans-content versus content such as dave chapel's. we know that netflix paid him $23.6 million for the sticks and stones special in 2019. for the closer, he was paid 24.1 million making transpoebic content during one of the most deadliest year force the trans community. it incense advertises media that marginalizes and i think ultimately it is because more people respond and have knee jerk reaction to content such as this. and so what the netflix employment resource group is asking for is for them to -- to responsibly pour just as much equity into the communities who are harmed by content such as this so that they can offset the harmful representation of trans people in media. when you look at disclosure, that was directed by sam fader, a trans director and executive produced by laverne cox. not only did they not pour money into that, they purchased the rights for less than the cost that it took to make the film. so you see that lack of equity. we just demand better. >> you are outlining it pretty clear. do you think the national exposure from the walkout, segments like this -- i mean it is a lot of talk through the film industry. do you expect things to change is this do you think thing will get better? i mean, you are saying exactly what you want. >> absolutely. i think what is going to happen -- this is what i predict. i predict that there is going to be another entertainment company or media group that's going to step up to the challenge, if netflix doesn't. because netflix has positioned themselves to be this diverse, equitable and inclusive company. but if that is so, we should see those values reflected in the top line budgetary priorities. so i think that at a time where traditional media and streaming services are competing with one another, if netflix does not answer the call to do better and to be intentional about creating equity for trans and non-binary people, someone else definitely will. >> guys, unfortunately i am out of time. eric i will make it up to you. you are a frequent guest on the show, i appreciate having you. ashley, i appreciate meeting you. final approval for a coronavirus vaccine for kyung children may come as early as next week. some parents are worried about getting their youngsters inoculated. we will explain why the officials say the benefits of the shots for outweigh the risks. sks. ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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>> i think you bring up a great point. without getting everybody vaccinated or the good majority of americans vaccinated we are going to have a hard time controlling this pandemic and extending it worldwide the same goes for the globe getting the rest of the world vaccinated. the important part is here making sure those have gotten vaccinated since it has been almost ten months ago, like in my case, those start to wear off. those are what is authorized to get their booster shoots. six mountains after pfizer and moderna, or two months after the johnson & johnson shot. pfizer and mrna, there are categories who can get it. for johnson & johnson, anybody who got it two months or more ago they can get it. it is going to protect them from all types of illnesses at least to the 95% level that we have seen. and to keep it from pushing it out to other people, basically not spreading the coronavirus. until we get unvaccinated to get vaccinated in the first case, that's still a long haul, an uphill battle to get the pandemic under control. >> it brings me to this. in terms of mandates how far can they go if you have people who are not willing to comply and they would rather lose their jobs before getting vaccinated. >> i think they can go a long ways. i am going historically off of what happened in the past with public health issues. i am dating myself a little bit but back in the day when we get small pox vaccines, back in the day where we would show up at school and get vaccinated during school time itself they did that for a variety of reasons, trying to get rid of small pox, trying to control polio, the other illnesses that are out there. we did that through vaccinations. i think what you are going to see is if we can hold with these mandates people, they are going lose their job because they don't want to get vaccinated, don't agree with the mandates. but there are not going to be other jobs for them to move to. eventual they have to make the decision, yes, let me get the vaccine. what i have said, other experts have said, if you are getting treated for cancer, that's your decision, because that cancer only affecting you. if you are getting vaccinated it is not just effecting you, it affects those around you, those you work with, and your community. >> good point. quickly n the national institutes of health steady a person who got the johnson & johnson saw significant increase in antibodies after a booster of another brand. would you urge a johnson & johnson recipient to look for a pfizer or a moderna instead of johnson & johnson? >> experts are saying the best booster shot is the one that's available to you. what the data is showing is particularly for johnson & johnson is getting one of the mrna vaccines mrna vaccines, pfizer or moderna, seems better than getting another johnson & johnson vaccine. if you're at a high risk or myocarditis, especially men, maybe getting a johnson & johnson is better for you. those are individual decisions. the data is showing that if you got johnson & johnson, getting that mrna vaccine, pfizer or moderna seems to be able to help you a little bit more. >> points well taken thank you so much. they're small and powerful and in short supply. how that scarcity is creating a potential economic nightmare here in the u.s. and just being sustainable isn't enough. our future depends on regeneration. that's why we're working to not only protect our planet, but restore, renew, and replenish it. so we can all live better tomorrow. ♪♪ (burke) i've seen this movie before. (woman) you have? (burke) sure, this is the part where all is lost and the hero searches for hope. then, a mysterious figure reminds her that she has the farmers home policy perk, guaranteed replacement cost. and that her home will be rebuilt, regardless of her limits or if the cost of materials has gone up. (woman) that's really something. (burke) get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. wait, i didn't ruin the ending, did i? (woman) yeah, y-you did. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ family is just very important. she's my sister and we depend on each other a lot. she's the rock of the family. she's the person who holds everything together. it's a battle, you know. i'm going to be there. keytruda and chemotherapy meant treating my cancer with two different types of medicine. in a clinical trial, keytruda and chemotherapy was proven to help people live longer than chemotherapy alone. keytruda is used to treat more patients with advanced lung cancer than any other immunotherapy. keytruda may be used with certain chemotherapies as your first treatment if you have advanced nonsquamous non-small cell lung cancer and you do not have an abnormal “egfr” or “alk” gene. keytruda helps your immune system fight cancer, but can also cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body. this can happen during or after treatment and may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, diarrhea, severe stomach pain or tenderness, severe nausea or vomiting, headache, light sensitivity, eye problems, irregular heartbeat, extreme tiredness, constipation, dizziness or fainting, changes in appetite, thirst, or urine, confusion or memory problems, muscle pain or weakness, fever, rash, itching, or flushing. these are not all the possible side effects. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions including immune system problems, or if you've had an organ transplant, had or plan to have a stem cell transplant or have had radiation to your chest area or a nervous system condition. it feels good to be here for them. living longer is possible. it's tru. keytruda from merck. ask your doctor about keytruda. right now there is a global chip shortage, parts found in everything from computers, toys, vape pens to cars. it's a result of the massive supply chain disruptions due to the pandemic. let's go to msnbc's scott cohn who's outside the largest chip manufacturer, that's intel in santa clara, california. how long, scott, is this shortage expected to last, and what does it mean for consumers? >> reporter: yeah, alex, this is yet another dimension of that supply chain crisis, and like just about everything else, there's a wide range of guesses as to how long it's going to last, but easily well into next year. this company, intel, just announced this week they're going to boost their investment in manufacturing capacity to upwards of $28 billion. that's nearly double the previous estimates, but it takes some time to build all of that out. and in the meantime, we know we've been hearing about the impact of the chip shortage on cars, but it doesn't matter if you're in the market for a car, not in the market for a car, a computer, or whatever, it's a fair bet that this shortage is going to affect you. >> the other day actually had issues, they can't get semiconductors to go into their vapes. wouldn't have thought it, right? it's impacting everything. whatever room you're sitting in, look around, like you have semiconductors within your field of vision, i guarantee it. no matter what room you are. they're everywhere. >> reporter: imagine just the number of chips involved in bringing you this report and you watching it as to number well into the hundreds if not more. here's some other numbers to consider, the demand for computer chips for semiconductors is just going through the roof. globally in october, $47.2 billion in sales. that's up 30% from a year ago. meantime, the u.s. share of the chip industry is falling pretty much precipitously. 37% back in 1990. it is expected to fall to about 10% by the end of this decade, and if you think about the potential ripple effect here, just in terms of a car, about 1,500 chips go into a typical car. if even one is stuck on a container ship off the coast of california, they're not going to build that car. that's kind of what we're dealing with and why this is, as i said, yet another dimension in this growing supply chain crisis. alex. >> i just got scared looking around the studio here thinking oh, my goodness, all the chips. all right, thank you so much. a search warrant affidavit in that movie set shooting reveals new details and raising more questions, some new information coming your way next. knows everyone's unique. that's why they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. 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Campaign , Xochtl , Say , Working Families , Jen Psaki , On Climate , Climate Bill , Progress , Podium , Administration , Steps , Excellent , Ways , Reconciliation Bill , Executive Action , Legislation , Margin , Talk , Step , Veterans , Let , Five , Writing , Democratic , Letter , Obstacles , Donors , Advisory Board , Representation , Needs , Failure , Problem , Perception , Main Street , Whichever Party , Electorate , Page , Mindset , Ball Grounds , Mark Kelly , Go Full D C , Constituency , Campaign Donations , Whatever , Home , Matters , Eye , Indications , In Scottsdale , D C , Enconfusics , Beltway Pup Li , Lot , Voting Rights , Distraction , Notice , Gun Control , Theatrics , Police Reform , Chus Thumping , Message , Party , Senate , Departments , Infrastructure , Government , Issues , Majority , Didn T , Mid Terms N Of Vitaing Rights , Filibuster Reform , Kinds , Lean , Voting Rights Isn T An Option , Department Doesn T , Voter Suppression Bills , Redistricting , Justice , Tool 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Version , Racism , Color , Struggles , Doesn T Cause , Co Ceo , Ashley , Real World Harm , Decision , Disparity , Opportunity , Removal , Netflix Employment Resource Group , Space , Forward , Equity , Lack , Conversation , Conversations , Entertainment , Closer , Dave Chapel S , Sticks And Stones , 2019 , 23 6 Million , 3 6 Million , Media , It Incense , 24 1 Million , Knee Jerk Reaction , Communities , Disclosure , Executive , Laverne Cox , Sam Fader , Segments , Exposure , Entertainment Company , Media Group , Netflix Doesn T , Top Line , Call , Guest , Someone Else , Guys , Parents , Approval , Youngsters , Benefits , Officials , Ideas , Risks , Shots , Sks , Protein , Dark , Flexibility , Thirty , Pharmacy , Energy , Health , Sugar , Nutrients , Abbot Sonic , Excited Yell , Sighs Wearily , Prime Members , Medication , Meds , Prices , Low , Amazon , Voice , Freedom , Voices , Attack , Living , Act , Freedom To Vote Act , Darling , I Don T Know , Babe , Babe Girl , Double Crunch Shrimp , Good , Steak EntrÉe , Neighborhood , Applebee S , Eatin , Pfizer , Whether , Fda , 11 , Boosters , Health Conditions , Dose , Cdc , 65 , 91 , Moderna , Booster Shot , Area , Senior , Correspondent , Dr , Doc , Nbc News , John Torrez , 70 Million , Booster Shots , Everybody , Rest , Same , Globe , Anybody , Mrna , Booster Shoots , Mountains , Categories , Six , Illnesses , Types , 95 , Mandates , Haul , Uphill Battle , Jobs , Bit , Public Health , Control Polio , Small Pox , School , Variety , Cancer , Booster , Brand , Antibodies , Increase , Quickly N The National Institutes Of Health , Data , Showing , Recipient , Men , Myocarditis , Points , Decisions , Supply , Nightmare , Scarcity , Sustainable Isn T Enough , Planet , Regeneration , Restore , Burke , Farmers Home Policy Perk , Figure , Hope , Hero , Materials , Limits , Ending , Farmers Policy Perks , Y You , Farmers , Bum , Pa Dum , Family , Sister , The Rock , Chemotherapy , Keytruda , Medicine , Clinical Trial , Immune System , Treatment , Lung Cancer , Chemotherapies , Gene , Patients , Immunotherapy , Alk , Egfr , Nonsquamous Non Small Cell Lung Cancer , Parts , Fight Cancer , Shortness , Chest Pain , Stomach Pain , Breath , Tenderness , Nausea , Diarrhea , Cough , Irregular Heartbeat , Constipation , Eye Problems , Memory Problems , Headache , Muscle Pain , Light Sensitivity , Fever , Rash , Dizziness , Itching , Urine , Confusion , Appetite , Vomiting , Fainting , Weakness , Thirst , Extreme Tiredness , Flushing , Organ Transplant , Stem Cell Transplant , Immune System Problems , Side Effects , Chest Area , Radiation , Nervous System , Tru , Merck , Cars , Let S Go To Msnbc , Computers , Chip Shortage , Result , Supply Chain Disruptions , Toys , Vape Pens , Shortage , Intel , Scott Cohn , Dimension , Supply Chain Crisis , Consumers , Alex , Chip Manufacturer , California , Santa Clara , Guesses , Manufacturing , Range , Investment , Capacity , Everything Else , Car , Market , Impact , Estimates , 8 Billion , 28 Billion , Semiconductors , Computer , Fair , Bet , Room , Wouldn T , Vapes , Impacting Everything , Field , Chips , Everywhere , Hundreds , Computer Chips , Numbers , Demand , Roof , Sales , 7 2 Billion , 47 2 Billion , Chip Industry , Ripple Effect , Back , 37 , 10 , 1990 , Container Ship , 1500 , Right , Goodness , Studio , Search Warrant Affidavit , Movie Set Shooting , Thinking Oh , Car Insurance , Information , Ferry Horn Honks , Unique , Flea Medication , Floor , Chuckles , Vacuum , Pay , Liberty , Yell , Liberty Tums Vs , Thinking , Business , Counts , Scene , Food , Biology , Teaching , Partner , Customer Support , 5g , Lab , Trade Offs , Super Emma , Skin , Cape , Detergent , Hypoallergenic , Tide Hygienic , Enamel , Toothpaste , State , Repair Toothpaste , Basis , Pronamel , Pronamel Repair , Xfinity Rewards , Halloween Horror Nights , Perks , Chance , Inside Scoop On Halloween Kills , Xfinity Rewards Members , Universal Parks Resorts , Hollywood , Orlando , Rewards , Stream , Q A , App , Thanks , Jamie Lee Curtis ,

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